A A, , ETT&SfIIRV O' 17 JHARDWA&E, ud usnufefSlrers of 6 s .tf n.Coppor SMw Iron Ware, fieeoud Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Having IftrKely Increased our stoek of Jlsrd ware, wt Invito lUs publte to ti amine our flock and priors. Cart.enters aod person, who contemplate build ing will do well to eiauioe our TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWARE. which Is new and of the best manufacture, and will ue told low for earn. N A 119. GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCnES, . , . , , HINGES,- . i ; " i :. i SOKEWS All klodi of Bench Plane., Raws, Chtiels, Squares, Hammers, list obeli, numbs and Jjtveli, .Mortised h Thumb Uuages, Uevels, Braces k Ilitts, Wood and Iron ljcnch Screws, and th beat Boring Machine lo tht market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POOKET CUTLERY, Ac Agents for BurneWt Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, wbtcb effectual); euro Smoky Fluei. Frnicri' Iaipienients and Harden Tool of every description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wt warrant to give satisfaction. Portable Mlanget and kVitrnaet. Hoofing, Spouting and Jot Work done on rravoDaoie icraii. aii oruers win receive prom pi Junn, 1873. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Successors to Dojnton t Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Plat Strieti, CI.EARKirxn, PA. H AVI NO engafted In the menufscture of Bret elaaa MACHINERY, we respeetfully Infern the pub lie that we are now prepared te All al orden as ebeaply nd at promptly as eaa be donr In anj of the oitlee. We manufsetar end denl In Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills lTead Block i, Water Wheels, Bharttng Pulleys. Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles Ollen, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupe, Gauge Cooke, All Ooeki, 8 lobe V el roe, Cheek Valree, wrenght Iron Pipee, Bleau Pom pa, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metre, Soap Stone Peeking, Gum Peek log, and all kinds of MILL WORKf together With riowi, Bled Solei, COOK AND PA RLOR STOVES, ' V. ' and other CASTINGS of all kinds. . "Orders eolleited and tiled at any prion All letters of Inquiry with referenee to machinal? of oar manufacture promptly answered, by ad dree ing ai at Clearfield, Pa. Jaot'74-tf BKil.KR, YOUNG A RBED. WBW 6 TO KB AND NEW GOOD? JOS. SHAW d SON Tta?a jut opened Niw Rtoh, od Main St.,CLiirui.D, Fa lately oocupiedbj Wm. F. IRW1.V. Thetr ttock cooiUti of osmtr cd cd m a noctllti of the beat quality, Qorenbware, IlootH and Shoes, ml erery article neoeHar? for ooe'a oomfort. Call and examine our stock before pur ohaalng eluwhere. May 0, 1806-tf. ERRA COTTA STANDING VAsis, HANGING VASES, Sltnve Lining and Fire Brick, knpt eonitantl; oa hand. stoxe aTrt1io-ware OK 1IVKKT BE8CRIPTF0N I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS! I'laher'i Patent Airtight Heir Beating Fruit Canal BIITTKR CROCKS, wllh ltd., CRRAM CRnrKd, MILK CROCKS, AfPLR Rt'TTRR CKOCKH, MI.'KI.K CKOCKH, PLOWRR POTS, PIH DrSIIES, STKW POTS, And a groat many otbar thini loo nnm.rona to n.ntioo, to b. bad at FREO'K, LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Cornar ol Cherry and Third Stmt!. CLEARFIELD, PA., aail Down I Down 1 1 " THE LAST ARRIVAL AMD Of COURSE TUB CIIEACR8TI A Proclamation against High Prices! WI an now opmlng op a tot of th. ttt and noii HaMnalil. Uondi and Wirt .... off.mt ia toll market, and at prie that remind on. of th. (rood old d.yi of ehe.p thlngi. Thoa. who la.k faith apon Ihla point, or dean oar alli gation, aaparflaoaa, aoed bat VJILt. AT OVn STORE, Conn Front and Market itmta, Wh.r. they .an H., feel, hear and kn. for thea nelre.. T. full, nndentand what areebeap good, thli molt be dune. We do not deem H BMmar, to .namerate and Iteaiaa onr Hook. Il ia mo.ik ftr na to atala that Wo have Everything that ii Neoded and onn.nmed In thli market, and at nrleu that atonl.h bolh old and ennne. dM JOHKI'II SHAW SON. Clearfield Nursery. '.INCOURAGK DOME INDUSTRY. rpilR aad.rilga.d, ha.lng .etabllih.d a Rm X reel oa lb. 'Plk., ab.al halfway betw... Weva.ld and C.rw.a.rlll., I. pr.parad to far. na atlkladaarrRUIT TKKKri, (.uadard and warf,) aT.rgra.ai, Shrabbory, Urap. Via.f, Ooob.nHu, La. tea Blaokbarry, Strawberry, - "ierry mi., alio, etaanaa urab Tree., (Jain.., an. ,uf Ha, Kb. bark, t; Ordori rottly btt.ad.1 lo. Addroa., w " y , i OwwrnrlH.. p.,. & J5 FUAVI2Il V IlKTTf CLEARFIELD, PA., Ar off.rtnf , at th. atd itand of 0. L. Ratd a Co. tb.ir itook of godf eonilittog of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 81I0KH, HATS CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKKN8WARK, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., the aoet reaeonable rates for CASH or In etebange for Square Timber. Boards. Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCB. sTAdTanoee made to those engaged la get ting out qnare timber on the most advantageous terms. pdtljanTS rpo THE F 11 ON T ! tiHF.AT EXCITEMENT ,; . ; At TBI ;-, ;.. .; ,' CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND . ... OYSTER SALOON! Tht underfigned harlng just fitted np new, large and comfortable roomi on Market itreet, near Third, reipeetfutly informs the public that he now drepand to aooommodate then with erj thing in his line on short notice and at all hours or the day. lie keeps en band ERESH BREAD, ' ; "i ; j , , Rl'SKSi ROLLS, PI Kit, CAKES, all kinds. FRESH OYSItRS IN EVERY STYLE, and t general .assortment of - CONFECTIONERIES, FRO ITS, NUTS, etc, All of which will be delivered to eastomeri at their reildenees, wben reqnested te do so. ICE CREAM, tj thedlsb.serTedina neatlr far nlsbed room. Thankful for the generous patronage beitowed lo the past, he hopes to merit and reeelre a m tlnnenoe of the same from kit old onito men, and others. j ( . JOHN STADLER. ' , ' ' Jon. Il.7t.tt ' JJANIEL GOODLANDER, HJTHEU8Bt'RO, PA., Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS) : UOSIERT A GLOVKS, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tohaeoo, Groeerlee and Flfh, Nails, Irardware, vuvva.warv aim uiaaiware, Men s and tioji' Cloth leg, Drngir, Paints, Oils, School Books, Urge lot of Patent Medieioea, Candier, Nets A Drlvd Pruiu, CbntM and Craek ers, Hoc a- and Riae Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes. Clorer and Timotbr Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, I.ioinri, Bindinn and inreaa, Dnoenakerr Tools and Shoe Ptndings. No greater varfetj of roods In any store In the ooanijr. ah lor sale very low lor eash or eonntrj pivquee ai toe vammp uorner. Aug. 17, 187a. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, : Peon town.hiy, CloarLId Co., Pa. BURNED OlITI BURN ED U PI Thesubeeribers hare, at ereat exnense. rabullt neighborhood neoMalty, in the ereetlon ef a Iret olaas Woolen Manufactory, with all the modem improvements ettaebed, and are prepared to make it ainaa ei uiotns, lintniera, eatiaetts, Ulan, kets, Flannels, An, Plenty of goods on band te rapply all onr old and a thousand now enstomers. wm) in w iq some ana examine our stoea. The business of CARDING AND FCLLINO will reeelre our eipeelal attention. Proper Arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and lose anon the shortest notice, and br striet attan. tion to dullness we hope to realise a liberal share ii puoue patronage. KMMK) POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will na the hlehest market nriea for Wot. and sell oar manufactured coodi u low as similar goods ean be bought ia the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable sat ief action we ean always be found at homo ready to make proper piavuetiiuu, iiiuvi in peramn or DJ letter. JAM no JUIinBUfl at HUNH, npriI2tf Bower P.O. LE AT ILKA BtttKAST-STKAPS ' SUPERSEDED BY COVERT II PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the best Mallea ble Iron, and Is attached to the Hemes by the best Snsp ever Invented. It Is easily and quickly put on, and prevents the whipping ef the hortea t 1 by thepol-' H liable ' to get out of repair. Will lait for yean. All we ask Is a typr trial, to convince al) parties us ing them that they are umurpasend it value for the purpose for which the are intended. PACKKTT A BCHRYVKR. Clearfield, April 15, 1874. MARBLE AD STOVE YARD! Mas. 8. S. LIDDKLL, Hating engaged ia the Marble' baalaeai, deeirw to Inform har friendi and th. publl. that aba hai now and will keep aoaetanlly oa hand a largo aad wall eoloeud Itoek of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and la prepared lo furnlah to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMBNTS, Carba and P.at f.r Cemetery Lota, Window ' SUIa and Capa, aleo, BtlRRAtt, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ao., Ac VevYard oa Read afreet, aoar tb. R. 1. D.nnL aearleld, Pa. Je;,II QUKSM1TIUNG. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Boon on Third itreet. orar Rtlee'e hlutkamltai abop, C'LRARKI KM), PA. aii tmili or KlBea and Shot Uaaiim band. Renalriog dona ia a firit-alnaa maanar and at hlr prleea. lilS'71 lalvery Ntable. TH R nndenlgned bege Imv. to Inform the pub lic that be ia new folly prepared to aooommo date all In the wayaf rnrniehing lloreeo, Boggiea, Saddlea and llarneaa, oa the ihorteit notiee and an raaaonahn tonal. Reoldoaoa oa Loenet itreet, between Third aad Foarth. 0K0. V. OEARHART. 'Hearnald, Feb. 4, IS74. IOR IIAI.kTh. anderalgnH olfera for X aale a eaionnie town prop.rly In the norongb of Clearfield. Lot Miltl feet, with a good two atery plank howee (hereon eroeted, with three roomi Sown il.lra and fonr bod rooma np italra. Alio, aewlne rnim aori beth one ne hm.i Inar tle.aa alibed eomnle. from oellu ta elllc weoo aowoie aoroa ana gooa water, men ree enneoie ena payment! eaiy. Illang)! WM. M. MeCtll.LOtail.J J. It. M'MUIUtAY WILL SUPn.T TOO WITB ANT ARTTH.F OP MERCHANDISE AT THE VERT LOWEST PRICE. COMM AND SEE. NEW 4WASHINGT0N. we IMiSffUaUttM. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO KFKKCT S I IN FRENCHVILLEI.i I am aware that there are some perions a little hard to pleaee, and I am also aware that the complaint or "hard times" Is well nigh universe!. Rut I am so situated new (bet lean latiify the former and prove ooneluilvely that bard times" will not effect those who buy their goods from me, and all my patrons shell le ieiliated Into the m eret of HOW TO AVOID 1IAKO. TIMES I have goods enough to enpply all the Inhabi tants in the lower end of the county wgich I sell at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store In MUL80NUURO. where I ean alwavs be r..H ready to wait upon sailers and supply then with Dry Goods of all Kinds, ' Such .1 Cloth., R.llnelli, raiilmerei, tlotliaa, Delaln.a, Linen, Drilllnti, Calloo.1, Trimming!, Ribbona, Laea, . Roady-mad. Clothlnjf, Boot! and Sbooa, II at. and Cap. all of th. boat met.rial and made to order Hum, goeks tll.Yei, Miitew, Laoai, Klbboni, A.. ' ' QR0CRR1KS OF ALL KINDS. Cofoo, Tea, Sofar, Flee, Malum, Plih, 6.11, rork, Lineod Oil, JTt.h Oil, Carbon Oil. . Hardware, Queeniware, Tlnwara, Caitinge, Plowa and Plow Caatiagi, Nalli, Spikei, Corn Cnltira ton, Cider Prenei, and all klnda of Ami. Perfumery, Patau, Varnlib, Olail, aad a fenaral aaiortm.nt of Slationory, i GOOD FLOUR, ... , . , Or ditbrent brandi, atwayt on hand, and'Wilt bo old at tb. loweat poutbl. Agnroi, . J. II. MoClaln'a Mediolner, Jarne'l Medlclnei, Hoitctur'a and llootaad'a Bittora. tOOt ponnda of Wool waatod for whiah.th. bigheat prioa will b. paid. CloTereood oa hand and for aale at tk. low.it market prion. Alio, Agent for Strattonrill. and Curwemrill. Thruhing Machinea. k,Call aad om for yoereelrei. Ton will Ind T.rjlbing amallfk.pt ia a reUU itara. . . f ' ' , . I..' M. COI'DIIIET. Fr.nrhrill. P. 0., Allguit 11, 1874. It EAP THIS I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tbe atUntlon of lb. eltlaena of Cl.arfl.ld and viclnitr la diraeted to th. feet that Uoodfellow A Son are tbe agenta of M. Nieoe A Co., and hare jnit reeelved a half doaeo ear loada of Floor and Peed, whioh they oiler at tbo loweat pouibla llg area. - A large itock of FLO UK, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoef, Shelled Coro, Cera In ear, e., a. Parllcul.r altoatloa II nailed to M. Niece A Co.'i brand of K.milj Floor, wblrb ia th. boat ia th. mark.t. t i ' Floor and Feed ean and will bo aold cheeper than it eaa ba obtained li.wher. In Clearfield eounte. 4r-Rtore on Market itreol, next door to Hoa. Alexeader Irria'a reitdenr.. UO0DFKLL0W k BOtf, lanUlf Agent, for M. Niece A Co. JOSHANNOl LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, O8CK0LA STEAM MILLS, aaanrarreaaa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKET8 Rawed it Patent Ribbed Shinglet. H, H. SHILLINOFORD, Preiident, OBca Foraat Plaoo, Mo. IM B. 4tk aL, Phll'a. JOBS LAWSHIl, 0.n.ral gup'L, Oaeoola Mllla, Cl.arfi.ld ee.nlj, Pa. Ate. TOWS LOTS rr aale ia the boroaih oi uieooia. -Keen I of Ooodl in Clearfield eoantjr al their Mameeotb oeur. I. vreowin. Jen.-T. F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker. Represent the fellow lag reliable Insurance Ce's: North British Mercantile Ins. Co. $Jo,0M0O -remington Lite Insnranee to....... 4,et,,00 Fire Association lnauranee Ce... i.00.t A mason Eire Insurance Co 1,07ft, m Phoenii InMranee Uo. W. V... . 2,000,000 Watertown Fire, 1 mures dwel lines and farm build iocs oalv m.OOO Tori, Pa.. Stock Insoranoe Co. Horses insured agalnrt death and theft, P. 8 Pariise in the country deelrtag leeuraaee od their lives or property ean have it promptly attended te by addreeslug M by letter, or calling m person ai ear omce, in rie e opera House, Room No. 1, Clearfield, Pa. aug267 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD OF AM. IIIBII BCaf Barrewa, Warehouee True hi, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. H. F. BIOLEU & CO., Oralera la Hardware, mehJUO.tf Boeond Street, Clearfield, Pa. IOOIC OUT FOR THE 8IGN i e OF TUB IIK4 CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARPIKLD. The old Clearfield Kieeliior Cant Hook Co. la dieaoleed, and a nw oa. formed by Amo. Ken nard and 0. R. Merrill, ef Clearfield, and O. M. Allard, of Kmporinm, Cemeroa oonnt, at part aan, and Jai. 1. Wataon, of Cliarfleld. aa Qeaer- al Agent. Tho new eompnny will earry oa the onitoeia 01 maoofaeiartnc. aeiiina and abinn n. toe oan. noona. wun an tniir improeementi, wnicn nrw now perieei. an .ro.n promptly filled. JA9. C. WATSON, - J. If lat, 114. Geo I Ag.nl. pOR SALE! A large and well-finished Brick Dwelling, file- aie en me river nana, in tne boronga of viear eld, eontaiaiag eleven roomi, wllh good eellar, water in the kitchen, and all the modern conve nience!. Pantries, Bath-room, Clofbee-preseee, Ac. Lot sisty feet front end two hundred and thirty feet hank, with a twenty foot alley en the east side. Haid building, with all tbe appertenanees, will be sold cheep, with payment! te suit purcha ser, Applieetiea aan bw mode lo the under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Ksq., who will give all necessary information to thoee who desire to ta speet tho property. . TUOS.J.McCULLOUQlI. Hay list, tf. Lime Tor Sale I THE and.riign.d, realding near the depot haa mad. complete arrangemeata with Lim. narnara aaM or tbe moanUin, whereby ho la ena bled to keep eoeitantlj oa hand n large q.antily ol PURE LI M EI which he offers to farmers and bnllders at ft trifle above cost. Thoee in need of the article would do well to give me a nail, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating ibeir lime, ur.. v, r Annssurtaj, Clearfield, Pa., June t, lft9. THK CLKAUFIELI) WOOD-CHOPPER8' AXE ! Maanfaetured eipeetally for THK CLEARFIELD TRADE, ' i. f'' ' i .'" ron aai.a ar angS're n. r. bioi.kr a co. KRATZER & I.YTLK, AdKNTS IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY FOR T.OItlL,T,AItn'rS u " CelobraledBraada of Smoking; & Chewlnfr.Tobnccos. V. are Mibl.d I. wholeaale lo dealer, thrnogh. oat lb. oonnly nl .iiy prion. KRATZEIt A I.TTLI, JoS.Td tf ; Clearfield, Pa. nOUBB AND LOT KOH 8ALE! Th. Hoaae aad lt oa tbe Mraar of Mar ket and Fifth atroeta, Clearfield, Pa., la for aale. Tbe lot Matalai nearly aa aero of groaad. The hoaaa tt a largo donbl. fman, noaUlaiag alao rooma. For tonal and ether fa formation apply to tho aabaerlbor, al the P.M Offlc. ' P. A.An,m. , -THB-REPUBLICANT CLEARFIELD, PA WHDNBSDAV MORNING, JAN, IT, I8J. THE LOUISIANA OVTHAOK. Our Stuto LcgiBlnturo look wry do eidtMl action R wcvk an in rolfttion t tho I'roaidiMit in the Ijouiniiina out rage The following prvnmblo ami robolutiona were prtm'tiUid in the lloiiso by (lie aolwt committoo, tt pointed for that pui-iHwe. Tho rono iiitions wuru adopted by a voto at 102 to 85, and wero ullt'rw'anln mnt to the SennU) and thore rvlbrrutl to the Com mittee on Federal Itcliitionn, hero they will alninbcr, hecanae that nun- mittee comimaetl of 5 liadieala and o t 3 DeniocraU : ,, WiiiRiA, Under tlw CwwUtution of the United 'States, tbt wu of the Federal army in the suppression of do mestio violence, ran be invoked only on application of tho Legislature or tho Executive, (when the Legislature cannot be convened) ; and Wiiiar.AS, The first Monday of Jan uary, the day proscribed by tho I'on stitution of Louisiana for the meeting of the (ieneral Assombly of that Com monwealth, at tho time when the Leg islature was convened and in process of organisation, a portion of tbo Fed eral army under tho authority of tbo President of the United State, placed at the disposal of the ao-called Gov ernor of , Louisiana, .forcibly, ejected from thoir scatM persons claiming to be lawfully elected member of the Leg islature; nnd , Whereas, This not of usurpation and lawless power ha received the sanction and appitivnl of President (irant; and 'WntHRAS, It is (he constitutional right and prerogative of the Legisla ture of a tree Stuto to judge the qual ifications of its own members; there lore be it Jtetolvetl, That tho House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, speaking for her people, do solemnly protest against so heinous an ahtinfl of the power committed to tho President. We protest against it as a precedent which substitutes the will ol the Ex ecutive and Federal bayonets for the function of the Legislature in Jeter mining tbo qualilicutinns of its mem bers, endangering personal liberty and imperiling Iree government. r Jirfiolred, That wo commend the for bearance exercised by those whose rights were so nnconetitutionally vio lated we assure them of tho sympa thy felt for thorn by all who are jeal ous of civil liberty upon whioh our government is founded. . Jirtolivd, That copies of tho fore going be forwarded by tho Speaker of mis iiouso to tno J'rcsiUont ot the United State and tho Senators and the Representatives in Congress from this Stato and to tho (inventor of tbo several States. ; The infamy perpetrated by Grant and his "bully, Sheridan, is embraced in the following military epistle, which may bo very locomitig in a despotic government, but should be accounted a great crime in a republic. Read tho inlunioiis document : HrAn's"Mit.iT'r Divis or Mismh ri, 'kw Orleans, January 5, 1H75. 7oh. II'. H'. Belknap, See'y of War: I think the terrorism now existing in J.nmsiuna, .Mississippi, and Arkau sits, could bo entirely removed, nnd confidence and fair-dealing established ny tno arrest nnrt tnul ol the ringlcnd ers of the armed White League, II Congress would pass a bill declaring them namlitti, they could be tried by a military commission. This banditti, who murdered men hero on the Mth of last September, also more recently at Vieksbnrg, Miss., should, In justice to law and order, and peace and pros perity of this Southern part or tho country, bo punished. It is possible that if the President would issue a proclamation declaring them banditti, no further action need bo taken, except mai wnicn woiun devolve on me. P. II. Sheridan, Lieut Gen. U. 8. Army To make this more nalutable.Grant's clerk in the war omce at Washington sent "Phil" tbo following: War Department, ) WasniNOTNN, D. C, January C. Gen. P. 11. Sheridan, New Orleans, I A. : Your telegrams all received. The President and all of us have full eonfl uence, and thoroughly approve your course. vr . v . 1IKLKNAP, Secretary of War. However, as there was so much fuss kicked np about tbe matter, Grant ha sent a little mcssngu te Congress, re pudiating both Kheridan and llelknan. but still allows the political hlood- nounils to control ana plunder louwi ana just as though he had not taken an oath to guarantee every Stato a repub nran lorm oi government. 1 he following address, signed by the representative ot tbe Catholic, Epis copalian, Jewish and . .Methodist churches in New Orleans, was pub lished in the papers or that city in ro- ly to Sheridan s wanton and mahcion bel on the peoplo of Ijouismna. con tained in his recent dispatch to tho secretary oi v ar : To Tna AaaatCA PaorLB I fVJUreoo, General Sheridan, now in command of the Dleiaioa nf tbo Mlmonri, aadw dnto of tb. 4th iaetant, hai aildroeiod a eommuoientioa to W. W. Belknap, Searetory af War, la Meb h. tMireecata th. p.opl. of Loutaiane at largo aa breathing f engeeneo to nil Innfnl authority and approving oi moroem me Crimea nno Wl Aereae, He hoe nivon to that enmoinniatlnn tan pnoneiiy, Wa, the nnderalgnrd, belleea II onr duty to proclaim to the whole American people that theM .bargee ere anmoriied, unfounded, .nd orrono ona, aad aaa ban ao ether elect thea that nf .erring the intereite of eorrapt nolitieiaoa, who nr. nl Ihla momoatmnking moot eatremn elforti to perpetnate their power over Loai.i.nn. Signed), Rlgned (Rlgned) Signed) Signed 1 fn. J. rancna, Areblilihop, New Orlenna.. 4. P. n. Wiuiaa, Biihopof Loulaiaan. Jan. K. Orrnaia, Mioialer, Temple or Sinai. J. C. hir.ua, Kiel bop M. n. v., nnin, C. Doll. Roator St Jneepb'i Church, aad many nthere. Naw Oai.aiai, Jaauary I, lift, On Monday weok, says the Wil liamaport Bulletin, a paragraph ap peared in theno columns statinir that Mr. L. Vandling, of Sunbury, bad novel er lasicn an ajipie or taken a drink of cider in his life, and it was intimated that it was doubtful whether a paral lel rase could be found. The case has been found already, however. 1 Mr. W. r. Khorwln, or hlmira, writes to in form bs that hi wifo "ha never tost ed of an applo in her life, nor ran she drink eider. . She cannot stay in the room where there ia an apple without making her deathly sick for hours af terwards." The Kmplro State, there fore, is not behind tho Koystono 011 tho applo question. Mrs. Shnrwin Ways she would like to shako hands witii mo gentleman at riiinlmry. Kv idently she is not a danchter of moth. er Kve. Additional details of the bitrninir of the Uospalrick on! v me reuse 1 1 horror of that disas'tor. The fire seems to havo spread with such rapidi ty that the vessel was burned from end to end before a half hour had olatcd after th flames had boon dis covered. Of course tho live hundred jwoplo on board for there was nearly thai ntimlsr were readily' panic stricken ; and it will atriko the reader as being an awful thing that only two boats, carrying thirty persons each, got away from tho ship. These staid by tho hnming vessel from. tho mid night of Nov. 17 until tho 19th, when tho wreck sunk. , Put of theso sixty persons only three lived to tell l, tale of their woe and nnrTcring. , ioTkTIUlmfim f ti! InTtwpoHso to Hcnatn, (ion. (irttnt ti'lU that ImmIv ninny things which they did not in quire about, and very little which in to the point concerning the aiibjeot mutter of thoir roaolution. Ho opena with a etupi-mloua fulao hood, ill leelriii(t, that, tho Itnpuhli cann ot' Ijouiniann wore cheated out of tho election of 1872 by ''glariiiK frauds' and forgeries." The country kniin that tho laet were proeiaely the other way. "tJov. Warinotli.-wlni ia an au thority which cannot ho uuciitioiied, awerted tlint it wua tho mrmt liouent election, ao fur an t lie canting and coun ting of tho ballot were concerned, tlml hail taken place in Louiniitna since ita roconnt ruction. Tho Hiilmo uueiit "frauda and formriea" by which t..ii i i, i ... , 1 ,T"Sl ,i 1 i J ' 'be lemalatr "0 were placed in ltower wcreoommittcd ail or election wan over. The board which pretended to count in Kellogg and thone Republican Icgixlu tora bad none of tho legal reftrne in their powterwion, but only ex fntrte afll daviu etitting bow fetniu pentona vo ted, or wotilil have voted, if they had voted ut all. Having bated Kellogg's election on glaring fraud and forgeries, (irant then tiiuuda Ida recognition of the va lidity of Kellogg'a government on tho extra judicial decree or ordcrnfjuilgo Durell, which a committee of the Sen ate;, wherein tho Republican hud a minority, pronounced utterly void, i This illegal decree having been re ported to (irant, bo ays be lined the army and navy to execute il. And thin was tbo beginning of thd1 usurpa tion which (iraut, to pleuso his brother-in-law Casey, has ever since main tained at the point of tho bayonet in this unfortunate Stnte. lint, as if unmindful of what he had just, rtuid, (inml. goes back on himself, by asNirting in his message that "the election was a gignntic fraud." He say that tho election machinery was in tbe hands of the opponents of the Republicans in 1KT2, and that this wn equal to 20,(1110 votes. Ho. docs Dot protend that Kellogg got these 20,000 lltia lint 1,1, ll.Mibu I. a nm.l.t 4. votes, but ho thinks that he ought to havo got them ; and he seem to feel sure that if he could only havo con trived to got the 20,0(10, ho would havo beaten 11 ( Knery; and so ho rectified i no error oi 111020,0110 ny using 1110 army and the navy to put Kellogg and his followers in the Stuto llouso.where the people, in his judgment, ought to hnve placed them, but did not. This is the substanco of whut Grant sets forth about Kellogg's right to the office of Governor of Louisiana. Wc do not believe that this kind of inter forcneo with Stale elections is exactly tho business which tho people put Presidents ir.Ui tho White House to perforin, and wc think Grant will find this out before long. Having rested Kellogg's authority to rule Louisiana on this absurd foun dation, (irant then seines tho bloody shirt and wave it in tbo eye of the nation a a justification for his uso of tho sword to uphold the Kollogg-l a sey crime. His recital of the so-called "outrages" is as a thrice-told tale. He begins with the uproar at Colfax "in April, 1873, which all tbe people, in cluding the Senate, know just as much about us ho does, and upon which the voters, both of Louisiana and the wholo country, panned judgment nt tho polls in November last. Grant, pr rather Attorney-General Williams lor tno latter doulitless wrote this Ir relevant and H'ttifiiirging message waxes warm over this CoTfitx story, as if it really had something to -do with tbe questions put to tho President hy the Senate. The Senate wanted to know why Sheridan had broken up me legislature oi ijnnisiuha in J anna ry, 1875, and Grant, in reply, tells them about a bloody row at Colfax nearly two years before. Iho rrostdent then jumps over nearly a year and a halt which wo assume to bo pretty good evidence that not too much blood had been spill in the mcantimo and comes down to a small outbroak in 1874, at the littlo and flourishing town of Coushatta," where six eariwt-baggers, tie says, got killed. To kill them was a great crimo, for which their mnr durura ought lo bo puniaLud. . But wo venture to say that when all the facts appear, it will turn nut that they would not hnvo been killed had thov siaycti wnere mey neiongetl, or atten dod to their own business where they wore. I ho Attorney -(loncral s scnvonirtirs having bcon able to rake np no more outrages, Grant dismisses tho rest of the cose under the general assertion that "mnnv murders hnvo boon com mlttcd, but fails to tell us when and where. Sufiioe it to say that who! her this sweeping statement is based on facts, or springs from tho imagination ol tho Attorney (ieneral, tho whole passed away long before the events took place about which the Semite had inquired In their resolution. (irant now comes tlown to the well remembered affair of September lost, when Penn (McKnery being absent) claimed to be the acting Govornor of I'Ouiamna, by virtue of his election as Ijicutonnht-Govcmor on the same tick ei witn Mcr-nery in mis. renns claim to have been thus elected rested on tho most solid grounds, and tboro- mro ho was really entitled to act a Governor of tho Stato in the absence of McKnery. lie mado a foolish at tempt to assort his claim, and most thoroughly frightened Kellogg, the usurper, who telegraphed to Grant for help, (irant, who is always ready to jump into a row in Louisiana on tbo slightest provocation, issued a procla mation, nnu 01 course called out tho troops. Tho military came to the front, and there was a collision, and some of tho combatants on each side got killed. Jhus far Grant trivcs u nothinir fresh, nnd nothing which tho Somite had called for. Ho onuht to bo aware of what ovcryhrKy else fully under stands, mat ail the matters lie tints nets forth were pronounced upon at tho bnllot-hoxos in autumn, and the case decided against him by majorities wnicn nnvo no parallels in this coun try. This part of tho messago is an insult to those who, after a full discus sion of tho points at issue, recorded their Irrevocable condemnation of him and his Cabinet, and the whole line of bis policy in resiioct to Ijonisiana. The President claims that tho Re publicans of ljonislnna in the election of Noecmbor carried tho SUito. All fair-minded men will pronounce this a gross falsehood. Wo venture to leave this question to be determined by tho report of tho committoo of tho Honso, which has just returned from New Orleans, anil a majority wherocrf arc leaders in tho Republican party. Grant then gives bis view concern ing tbo reoent outrage by Sheridan in Now Orleans, but he prisluces nothing with which wo were not already ao quainted. This xirlion of tbo mes sage touches tho only subject about which ho ought to snid anything. It is meagre in lis stntement of fuels, and extremely feoblo in its argument! of a vory bad case. Tho people will not take Grant' version of tho mat tor. They fully understand it, and havo arrived at a very different con clusion in regard to tho noccssity of imiTMuruneo ny mo military with a leg- nmtiMv nuvr mo tho manner nf (llirV (Jromwell and Nanolcon Ilnnanartn. of wlioin (irant is vory faint and i iH . i w,..uill,ltl,IU rujtjf. The Prosiilrnt winds np by laying all tbo hlamo f(ir tbo Ixtuiainns oom pliMilions upon Conrrross boratiso It did ntiV toll bim wlmtbo ouglit to do about tho affairs of that Htato. i. I'rny, why should CtiBttTras tell him Any thinif In particular bont the sffaim !'' "d TlConaUttttion point out his duties hi such mallei's. the sum tota) whoreuf ft, that a Presi dent should , let tbe business of tbo Htatue alone, and attend to his own and if Grant will only heed II moni tion he will find himsulf a great deal better off one yoar hence than he is likely to, if he keep on in his present eonrso. ., ,' , . , , ,, Tho concluding portion of this most lame and impotent message satisfy us that Grant is getting frightened. It. opens in s boisterous tone, and taper olf with a piteous wnih. vy, y. N.it. ! n i BOTTOM FACTS.-.'' The people should not lose sight of tho main met wbtcb undorlio all the disenssiou Uion. tbe subjeot of the muiinry intortorrmce hy the President in the organisation of the Lonisiana I n.Iul.,!!...,. rM...c.. I....... .....I I: .1 . .1 ..r,Hiiiiv. Aineiu uavtn, onuiujtaueu beyond the possibility of ronlrodic 1lon, area follows: . . The people of Louisiana, Laving been (plundered of millions of dollars by eormpt and reckless rnfers, in 1872, elected by a combination of Republi can and Domocrnts known, as the Fu sion party, State government political, cally opposed to the national Admin istration. At tho request of his brother-in-law, tbo notorious Casey, and the carpet-baggers, (ion. (irant used Fed eral bayonets to overthrow this gov ernment and install In it plaoe polili friends of the President, who had nev er even protended that they had been elected by tbe people. . The pretence upon which (irant based his usurpa tion was a midnight order issued by a drunken Judge, which has boon pro nounced illegal and and void by a Jto publican committee of tho United Stutea Sutiate, nnd the Judge himself has been compiled lo resign to, avoid impeachment for this very act. 1 1. The Kellogg government having been kept in existence for two years by tho unlawful uso of the military (tower of the United States, during which timo it plundered the peoplo without morev, un election was held 1 (n fimem her hurt and a House of Rep- I ..... . rosoniauves naving a largo conserva tive minority was elected. There is no doubt of this ; the. records of the urnrmnl r.ln.,ti,.n f.ffi....iH, .U i 1. Lond all question. But tho eloction returns w were afterward fraudulently altered by creatures of Rtdlogg in or der to change tho political complexion of the House, and, theso frauds failing to effect the end derired, Federal ! troops were nnlawftilly employed by onlem from Washington to break up tire session of the legislature, for tho purpose of keeping in office, a set of! It: .1.: ... L L-.. I minimum uiiuvca wnu nan oeon repu diated by the peoplo at the polls. The act was simply tho enforcement nf the will of President Grant by an illegal use nf Unitod States troops. These are tbo simple facts in the cafe, which tho people should continu ally boar in mind. . If Grant can, un der the Constitution, do what he ha done, in Louisiana, he can do the same in any other State upon equally fraud ulent pretexts ; if he has the powtir .to control the organisation of a legis lature in Ijouisiana ho has an equal right to send troops into tbo legisla ture of any State where the people have eloeted an oiqiosition majority, and bundle out of their seats any mem bers who do not choose to aekhowl. edge Hint his will is superior to the Constitution and the Inws. .Moreover, the people should dis tinctly understand that thoee mem bers of Congress who uphold Grant in thus Iratnllng upon the guaranteed liberties of a State, and in so doing maintain that he has a right to sup press with tbe army the legislature of any Mate 11 toe poiiues ol its mem. bers do not suit hiin.jV. V. Sim. VOW TP RAY DON'T. Don't tell tbe littlo one, who may be Btigniiy wiinui, mat "me uincK man will come ont of the dark cellar and carry it off if It does not mind." Don't create a needless fear, to go with the child through all tho stage ot its ex- istenco. Don't tell tho littlo five-year-old Jim my "the school ma am will cut off bis ears," "pull out his teeth," tie him on." or any of tho horrible stories that are commonly presented to tho childish imagination. Think yoa the little one will believe anything yoa tell him after no bos become acquainted wilji the gentle teacher who has not the least idea of patting those terrible threats into elocution 7 Don't tell tho children they must not drink tea because it will make them black, whilo yon continue the nso of it daily. Yonr example is more to them than precept ; while your face is as fair as a June morning, they will scarcely credit the oft-told talo. Either give op drinking tho pleasant bovenurx. or give your children a better reason for lis non-use. Don't tell the sick one that the med. fcino is not bad to take, whon yoa can hardly keep yonr own stomach from turning "insido out" at tho smell of it. Better by far tell him the simnle trtith. that it is disagreeable, but necessary for his health, that you desire him in tako it at once. Ten to ono he will swallow it with half tho trouble of coaximr and worn- of words: and Lv yoti better for a firm, decided manner. Don t teach the children bv example to tell white lies to each other and to their neighbors. Guard liiwaod bridlo your tongue If you desire to have the .. coming generation truthf ul. i'rutbfuU neas is one nf the foundation stones of heaven. Remember the old, old book says, "no liar" shall entor within the gates of tho beautiful city. There is no distinction between white litis and those of a darker hue. 'I'nE Ktort or A Heal Skin Cloak. Uho latest American tonrist in Kn rope took a notion to buy a seal-skin ciiiaK tor nis wtie. un nor.nng in ow York it occurred to bim that it would bd a fine piece of acting to avoid pay ing the duty on it.. Accordingly be ankt'd a female acquaintance on board to put it on nnd wear it ashore as her own. bho was only too bannv to ao- commodato. Hhe wore it ashore ac cordingly, but she omittod to moot the gentleman afterward, and so the wifo ui pruniuioiu manuiaoinrer ot ctpnng fiold will have (o go without her seal skin tins winter. It is sad vory... A Clerical DirrERENCE. Notinanv years ago there lived a sweep in n cer tain Nomrrsclshiro vlllago, who had niuH'iiievous ooys, una day tbe boys insulted tho parish clergyman, and tho anrrrv divine went to tbe fltth. or, whom be accosted witlu . , . , ' "What do you mUmd to do with thnno boys of yours, John f" ." .' " ' ' '"tyeii, sir," replied tbo sweep, with a wiekod twinkle of tho eye, "there's the oldest of 'em's a flno, sharp boy, I'm gwyno to make a sweep o' ho.-. But tbe youngest is a dull, stupid sort o' lad. 1 don't mtlly know what I oao lo wi; ho, "copt I wake a parson o'm" I I Simple Plak o Ventilation The following simple method of ventilating ordinary slocplnff and dwelling rooms is recommentlud by H in ton in iu "Phrsiuloirv for Practical Una- A plrt-s of wood, three Inches high and ""'K ' oroauui oi ure ln,l0.w. be- prepared. - Let the innnn i mi now raised, the alln of wwt plscrw) nn tbo sill, nnd the suh H rar closely upon It. If the slip has boon wHI fittod, iIm m will he no rtrnf, in conseatience of Its dlmlaecmmit nf ik sash at 1U k.woi iart , but the Up of ,""rr"" iu owenap tne Bottom of tho minor ont and botwoon tliq bars perpendicular curreut of sJrmnd en Uas draft will eMeraadlMVwtbe room. MBncamatoHmaAac u r J!' , LEARFIELD PLANING, MILL C O M P A N Y. HX unJnralgned, leceoaeora to BEKD A P0WKLL. bora nnrehaaod the CLKAR- FlBl KLD PLANINU MILL, and refitted H for doing aa eatenelr. baiin.aa. AU th. auehiaery no ai moot complete ctabiiibmeate ol th. kind la tb. State. The. ar. aow pr.pand to reoelre ordara for aay work ia that Una. I he; will gte.epialal atl.ntlon to all atatariala for aouoa baildtag. FLOORING, WEATHER ' BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, b r rtmo 'a lj WUifl 170, Of ALL BTYLKH, nlwnjre on nsnd. , j WOKKPD BOARBfl, and all articles necessa ry fr tralldioe;, will be embanked for DHY Ll'MBKR, so that persons nt m dlstnnee may brief their lumber, each en re It for, and return home with tbe manuhtcturcd srilclri, ' The Company will always havo on hand a larje slock of dry lumber, so as U be able to fill an order oa the shortest not ice. Only the best and most skillful hands, will be employed ao that (bo public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or sold as low as It ta he nurehneed Anywhere, and warranted te giro satisfaotien. As the bus) sees will be done upon the eesh principle we ean Afford te work for small prufli. i, . DRY LUMBR i WANTED! ; B pee tally one and e-tatf and two Inch panel luff, fer which a liberal price will be paid. . Tho buxiotss will be conducted under tbe aame of tbo "Clearfield Planing Mill Co." M. (I. Brown will pertonatly ennerinlend tho bailaoef. ' Onleri ie.p.t folly aolieitod. M. a II ROW 5 t UR0. Clearfield, Pa., January , 1(74. ; LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES! STOVES! r.r brought to the county, Ire being reeeirod at the Hardware Eilabliahmeot of H. K WliLkiM 4k CO., eompriiing tbo foltowlog Cook Stove : "PEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUtiQUEHANRA, REGULATOR, NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH, , GOV. PENS. READING KATIONAL RANGE. AC. AC. , Ale., the following Heating Stoves t SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. ' SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, M0RMNO LIGHT, BON TON, GIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM,"'- RUBY' " , - ' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGG,' ' " VOLCANO, : . . PBOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC, Chtarteld. Sept. IS, Hit. FARMING v IMPLEMENTS r0R SALE BT II. F. Blgler A Co. I ROM DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE 8H0VEL PLOWS.", WOOD SIXULB-SBOVBL PLOWS.' 1 ' 1 IRON CULTIVATORS. . . ' r WOOD CULTIVATORS. O0WANDA A.IR0W BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBl'ga STEEL PLOWS. ' HAD PI'S BBLLErONTI PLOWS. t ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. M-Skare. for alt ot tba above Plowa ana. InaUy on band. . my2-7S T. A. FLECK & CO., Havo anw aa band, aad oew dalle ceMtetow o. ditiowa tb.r.t.. a larre and well eeleeted eioeh. jnat freak from Ik. manafnotarm, of Dreoe Oooda, Dry floedi, BITto, Hala, Hoaaa te VI. badlea' Cap, beanie, Weterproofi, La- oieo- rur topi, ueir -Mooei, weair rar ai.hlng dooda, nhlrta. Ulovoa, lloea, Overalli, Lnmberaaoa'a Pinnae!, '.' Ladlee Uaderwuar, Colfi, . ' 1 Conira.Uandb.rchlifii, CIIIRBREN S UNDERWEAR AND WRITE DRESSES, -P.rfnm.ry and Soana, Balmoral Skirta. Hit down, Blocking!, af every eiee, rarloty aad ootutr. noiioaa, iTimmiuaaae renoy uoooli almoat aoi..a vamly. , . , N. E.-WE BUY JOE CABU AND SELL FOR CASH. decJU O. 1. c. TTTHERE to bay my DRY HOODS, RO- V T oer lea, (taoenawan, Ulamwara, Drag. N.llonj, Carnlleairwa, Aa, cheep for eaab. Tba inbaarrbac nwga man la infirm hie .Id aad a.w ...tom.ri that b. aa. apiaad A VARIETY BT0RE , I OI.EII ROPE, FA. Aod will toll gooda al arloaa to nil the Umen. A iiom-m roaaeooa wtu be ataa. ing at wbolnial. :. , aauMomon bay. C.1I aad etamlea mv rtoek before parekaalag el lew here. A liberal altar ef public palraaace la 4iefUd. 0. i. KRAUT." dire Hop, Pa., Jena It, UI1. JJ F. BIGLER S CCS j -SPECIALTIES- I " , '-; V- '. BUILDERS' HARDWARB, MECnAKlOr HARDWARE, ., . j. LOMBERMirs BARDWARE, FARaTINO UTI.N8ILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IR0II BAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARRIBBES, FAINTEKS' FINDINOS, CALCINED PLASTER, May 11, 11)1. . . CHEAP GROCERIES! LUhtllER CITV. PA. Th. aedrelrned aaaoaaM. to hi. old aad patroai that ha kaa opened a good lino ol UROCKHIKS A PROVISIONS al lb. .Id atond of Rlrk A Sjienner, ror which he aeUalti a Hberal palnaagv, ff. W. SPEMCBH, ammnov citr, ra., Harnk le.tf. , , 8AVV8I 8AW8I 8AW8! DMIAN CB0M 0UT. MILL, DRAO AND - CIRCCLAB HAWS. Boyntot's Ug&tuiog Oron-oot Bw. - 'ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED I ELECTRIC SAWS, Fot.ar. if 1 ' i tit,t " . a. t. mm t co. '. .'... ..'L ... rrtlamous. H. F. BIGLER & CO, 31 Ait d Wake , Also, Menufeoturetsof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all ' ktndi for lata by II . P. BIGLER A CO, W HEJiLDAIiROWS "RAILROAD it for lale t. jr H. P. BIGLER 4 CO. Qlh, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS , . I. Nalli, au for aula by . u 1 H. f. BIGLER A CO. ' JJAUNKSS TKIM1I1NGS & SHOE 4 , ' rtadlnge, for anln by ' H P. BIGLER A CO. ' QTJNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES ' lot aal. by . H. r. BIGLER A CO gTOVKS, OF ALL SORTS AND " Slaea, for tal by - H. F. BIGLER A CO , JRON1 "'IRON! IRON l" IRON I for aale by r: " " u:r: iiiolek a co: IIORSR SHOES A HORSP. SHOE AA NAILS, for alio by - H. F HfOl.KU A CO pULLEV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad boat ataaafaetara, fr lata by II P. 810 LEB C(. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE x . .... . BOXES, for aale by . H. F lirOLEIl A TO RODDER CUTTEIW-for snlo by SCB30.7D H. F. I1IOI.ER A CO. Y'lNRflAR BITTRKH. PliRRLV VRflRTABfdK. FREK mOM ALCOHOL. PR WAl.KKR'H CALIFORNIA V I N E (i A H BITTKR8 Dr. J. Walker's California Vlnrgar Hitters are a purelj Veuhle pfvpsretion, tnaie ulilefl frcn the Dative her bp found oa th lower rae. of tbe fiterre. Nevada Mountains of t'sliforuia, tbo medicine, propvr'lee of birb are eitraeted tberelrei without the ue of Aleohol. Thequs- tiua li almost daiie asked, "Whet Is ttie mum of tbe unparalleled luenwi of Vivensu BirTKPhf Oar answer te, that tby reuiorp the raie of dis ease, sod ibo pativnt reevere his health. They are tbe jrreett btwod purirlor and Itfe (tiring prtarlptt, a perffwt Heuovator and inrirator of Ike iTitcm, Never before ta the hiftnry of tbe world bas a Mwlielne hern oonpeunded pue eeeeiu the reaierkeblB qusliliee of ViKsnsu HtT tbm In healtnit tbe sink ef rrj dlsrane man is bHr to. Tbey are a irnlle Purj-tire as weH a a Tonto. rellovtei UoniteiHiqii or InAafnraatirB of tbe Lirer aad Werwrel Orcaus, (n Bilious hil The properties of Dr. WalVer'i Vinegar Bit ters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu-trit-TOue, laaiatire, IHurrttc, gtilaliro, Cnuoter (rrltaat, SuiloriBe, Alteratlre, aad Aml.B.lious. Oratoful thousands proelaiai ViH-rar Kilter the Moot womerful UtTimraat that ovr sustain- ed the stnkias sjsteei. , eaa tako thena Bitlera aoeonlinr to wireeeione mnn rvmniu long unwell, prorliled tbeir koaM ate no deetreyod by mineral poiana or ataor mean, and vital orgnae. Billoaa, rUalu.nl and lat.rmlltonl Fevere, whioh are a prevalent In tbo .alleya of onr great river, throughout the Vnited Statel, elpecially thoM af tko Mliiiaeippi, Ohio, Minourl, llllnoii. Teoouoea, Cumberlamd, Arknneaa, Red, Cotorw do, Braiofe Mie llrnnde. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roinoke, Jamea, aod many olbera, with tbclr van tributarlee, throughout onr entire country doriog tho Summer end Autumn, nnd remarkably ao daring eeaeool of an. rail beat and dryneaa, are Invariably accompanied by i. tonalv. derangement, ef tbo .lomach nnd liver, aad ather abdominal riioera. Intbeir trontmenl a purgaliv., alerting a powerrhl io9urnoe apon theea varloaa organ., la ..aentlally neoeianry. There ia nn eatbartie fnr the purpoae eoual to Dr. J. Waller'. Vinegar Hllteri, ai they will ereedll, remov. th. dark eolored viae id matter with whioh the boweli are loaded, at the aame time atimulat. lag tbe amrotloai nf the liver, and generally re torlng the beallbj funclioai of the dicritivi taaa. " Fortify the body ngalnet diieaie hy purlfing all ill Soldi nllh Vinegar Biltera. No epiitoaai. ean taha bold of a lyilam thua fore aimrtl. . Dyipapeia ar ladigeetioa, Headnobe, Para la tba Sb.ald.ea, Coagha, Tigbtae.1 of tba Cbect, Diiaineta, Sew Krnctionn af tbe Slomaek, Dud Tail, ia lb. hteulk, ililiou. Altooha, Palpitation of tbo Haart, lalammatloa e( th. Lang., Pnln in Ik. region af th. Kldn.ye.ead a baadrrd 'v paiaXul aymplom am ta. arrpriaga al Dyipapiia. On. bull la will prove n better gunr eoto. of ita mavita tana a leaglhy adveetlMnaenl. Scrofula, ar King'i Evil, Whit. Sw.lllngi, V. cm., Ery.inolaa, Hoelled Neok, Qoltre, Sereftt. tone InaammeUona, Neroarial aflloo., Old Korea, ErnpUeaa of the Skia, Sere Byri, .te. In oveen, aa in all nlhef woaillt.tlonal dieeaaee, Walher'a Vlaegnr Bitter kave ihowu their great oral ire power. In ihe mort obetiaate and la traetahle cnaei. Foe laaaamatory nnd Chronic Rheamutlem. float, Bllioaii, Remiltcntand Inlnrnltleal Kevera, Dieoaoaa of th. Blood, Liver, kidnev. aad the Bladder, tail. Bitten have a. Co ml ' Sack Ilia, aaaea are aaamd br Vitiated Blond. Mecbaalral Dleaiiei. Pcnona engaged la Palnta aad Mlaerali, rack aa Plumoera, Typ.. eeture, Uold-bentora bud Mlnera, na they advance In life, ar rabjeex t. parelyile nf the Bowele. To gaard agniaal thin, uha a doe. af H alter Vlavgar Bitlera aneiiionnlly. Pot Skta Dieeaaei, Eruption!, Teller, Salt Rkenm, Beotebea, Spota, Pimple., Puilulee, Iloila, Carbaneloe, Ring worm!, Scald head Bora Ryee, Eryilpelna, 1Mb. Scnrfe. Diaeoloraileae nf ia. Skin, Humeri aad Dimaaaa .f lb. Shia of what. ever aame or aalare, are literally dug up and carried awl of tb. eyiteta la a ebon lime by the ei wn niiiere. Pla, Ten. and other Worm., lattice In tbe yitem .f a. many thnaaaade, ar. egrrtanlly de stroyed aad taneured. Ma ayitem nf medleiie. an vermilugea, aa enthelminlitei will free tb. yit.m from wormi Ilk. thee. Bitten. For Female Comnleinte. in vuui. a. aM. ried er .Ingle, nt Ihe dewn of womenhood or the turn of lite, thoee T,.nl. Bitten ditplay an de cided a ialuoao that Improvement II conn per coplinle. ' Cleaaaath Vitiated MA v.... - j Ito impwrltlei baratiag tkraagh the ikla In Plm plaa, krnptleai, or Sera, i aleaoaa It weea yoa nd It obitrnoted aed .I...I.U I. ..... . emaoM II whea It ia foal your feeling! will tell yoa whoa. Kern the blood pan, and lb. heel lb ef Ik. nyatam Will fellow. . R. it, Mcdonald a co., Drngglrto aad 8.a. Agfa., Sea Fraeel.cn, Oetl forala, and eoraar .f Waihlagtoa aad Charleoa ItreeU, New Torb. (.Id hy all Drugglete aad DealaM i . aevt 71 1U ARGAIN8 IN MUSICAL IN- BTRtlMENTSI Orreal. both new .nd ITS bN eooad bead, at taa Manna Stor, napoelt. UaUek'a Farallarr Slara. . AU normal lament! d ar iavi- end to aall aad elnmln. a aew Myle ef Organ aaw a eiMklHe. Sheet Mail, aad Marie Boob ewaereaiiyaa uue. nplld-Tttf "''11 Li J' '!""'''' SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. ef Marhoa A front itreeU,) CLEAKPIELD, FA. Tho uaderilgued having taken obargb af tfala Hotel, would reiMMtfolly eoliell nnblie patroaage Janl'75 . U. R. FULLEKTON? IKO.NARD HOUHB- J , (Near the Rellmad Unpet,) VIJlAOriEbll, fA. ' A .hero af public palroaago la rail ipeotfully a a W, Prop r. 4;16't4 . B. HO 7-ASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WARH1NUTON, PA. Thla new and well fnrniabed hoaia boa beoa tahen by the underilgned. H. f..li acafldial of being abl. to render intlifaelloB to tboaa wbo mar r.viir kin. allk - ..11 - May a, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop,. M" NTOUR HOOVE, ii Opposite tbo Court House, "' ' LOCK HAVKN, PK.NN'A. jeU7I HAI HEAL A KR0M, Pr-p's. UKI.LKPONTH, PA., 11 ; ' D. JOHNSTON 4 IONS, HaTI Prophet re. T 0Y1 J1UU8K, j: r. J J Maiu Straet. PHILIlUUHU, PKNN'A. ' Tahle altrari supplied tsiia tlte best tbe Market affurdi. Tue tl-vulinj puJi Is iavMed toeall. butI73. KUiiiiHT LOVU. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of hoeood and Market Strctl, CLEARFILM, PA. THIS old aad tommodloaa Hotel bai. daring tb. pait year, been aalarged te doable lla lorm.r oapaolly for the muruinmenl of .tree ger. and goeata. Tb. whol. building kaa beea refurniibod, and th. proprietor will apare no palna lo render bit goeite aomfortabla wblU laviae with him. Arii. 'Maniloa Ilonao" Omnlbna raaa lo end from tho Depot oa the arrival aad dopartere ofoeebtrelo. JOHN DOL'OHKhTY, " Proprtotor SusquehannXh17use, Ct'RWENSVILLE, PA. NEWTON READ, Puoraiaroa. ' Havia become proprietor of thla Motel, I would r protfully aolirit tbe patronage ef tba pnhlie. Ilooao Uaiantly and eonvenl.ntly elt uelrd ; newly relltted and refurnl.hed ; good aam ple rem. attached. All railroad train! Hon al thla bouiie. Jen2u.7o gfn.istrj. J. M. BTEWABT, D. D. S., 53 OBe near Irwtn'i Drug Stare, CURWEN8VILI.B. PA. All d.ntal oparetlonl. either In tbe mechanlonl or operative branch, promptly attended to aad aatlalaotioa guaraateed. Spoeiel attentioa paid to tbo treatment of dieeeiee af tbe aataral tooth, gumi aod month. Irregwlurity f th. te.lh ann eeiirullyeorrected. Teeth ex I reeled wllboutpaln by the uee of Klber, and nrtiBoial loetb Inaertod of tbe beat material and warranted to render eat iifaction. apriU'JI:ly Dantis. p. aa.r.n. a. w. aaaoi.a. J. a. innoi. F.K. ARNOLD ft. CO., Itnnkorn and Broken, Reynold.vlllc, Jeaemoa Co Pa, Money rac.ived aa depoalt. Dlieonnta nt mo -derate ratea. Eaetera and Foreign Bxebeng. nl wave no hand and eolleeliona promptly made. ReynoLlaville, Deo. I, ISfd.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIHLD, PA. ' K00M in Meionie Building, nne door north of C. D. Walmn'a Drug Store. 1'iiiege Ticarta to and from Liverpool, Qneena. bown, till. gnw, London, Peril nnd Copenhegea. Aleo, Draft! for .ale on the RovaJ Banh of Irel.n.- nnd Imperlnl fienh of London. JAMfcH T. LKONAHD, Prae't. W. M. SnAVt', Caihier. tl.-l:T J. D. M'Oirh. Edward PeTkaT BANKING t COLLECTION HOUSE - OF McGirk & perks. Successors to TotUt, Perks, k Co Phlllpobure;, Uentrw County, Pa. Wit EH a. all tbe builneei ef e banking Betj wilt eo traneaeted protapllT and upon tl tneit faronwte tarasa. esarT-tf DREXEL & CO., . SI KoHth Third fltl-cwt, Fhlladelphla BmJ9rKEH89 And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by nail will roeetre prompt attea tion, and all fuforuatios, ebeerfuily furmished Orders solietfd. April U-tf. The Lightning Tamer. THE aad.rilga.d ar. tk. aula Ageeta (a Ikla enonty fortko"Nortk Amerlcaa Oalvaaiied LlllHTNINO RODS." Thea ar the only aaf. rod i wow ia ace. aad er eadoraed by all lb. ecientifle men ia tb. eoeatry. W. hereby notify the ciUieal af tb. annnly ibat w. will put tb.m up a batter rod, aad fer lei. moboy, thaa ta aharged by th. foroiga ag.au wbo aaanally travora. tba ..unty aad arry of r HtU. eaak, aaver to rabira. .EXCOUKAGE HOME LABOR. Thoa. wiihlag Llgbulng Rode .reeled .a tb.ir bnildinga aeod bat addraaa aa by letter, at call ia per.oa. Wa will pat them ap aaywher. la tbecouaty, and warrant Ibnm. The Rodi aad Fiatnraa .an ba loco at aay lima by .ailing nl oar Here. H. F. RIOLER A CO. Olearteld, hi err b 1. lStA.tl JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IS : FURNITURE, M ATTItFLSSFJH, AND ' Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The underelgnnd beg. leave to laferm tb. dtl aaaa of Clearlcld, and tho pablle gonernlly, that ba bu on hand a fine aaaertmeat f Furniture, cm-h aa Walnut. Cheelnat and Painted Chamber Holtri, Parlor Soileo, Reclining and Eitemioi vnein, i.aoter ana uenta Keiy I'eetra, lae rrr. foraled Dining nad Parlor Chaira, Cana Heatiaad windmr uaairi, Clothe. Hare, stim nnd Kitin. .ion Ladder., lint Racha, SorabbLng Brueheo, da MOULDINO AND PICTURE FRAMES, Looking Glome, Cbromoa, Ac, wkiek would to eoitabie for Uetieey pmeente. dealO 71 JOHN THOl'TMAN. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATJOSER F. Market Ut., CEcarfleld, (at tho poet OtBte.) rpilB dersl(rned bef e leave teaaaouarete 1 thoeUiseaevf Claarleld and Tieraiiy, list he bas Itted up room aad has jeit returned from the!.; wltb largo aaeaatef roadisg atter, coasUtlag In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Pass Boob of every de eeriptloa Paper and Bavelopot. Ireaeh prK and plain l Pent aad Peaeils Biaab. Uel Ptepers, leeds, Mortaffat Jadfaeat, Xaestp tioa aod Preaalesort aolee i WbiU and Pankj sent Brief, Lf al Cap. Record Cap, and Bill Cap. Sheet, Mnslefor eltbsr Pleue, Plule or VlelU eooeuatlp oa band. Aay boofea or suttaasry desired tbat I tuaj aet bare oa baud, will be er ordered bj Irst e sprees, aad told at aheleseie or reull to suit easters. I will also keep 4 periodical literature, saeb as M afstiees, Tttwt. pepers, o. p. a, ttAULl. CIsarAeld Map T, IMLtf EHTAKING. Tbe anoVrs.ffBfd are aow fblle prepared te arrv a be busiaees of FNDntTAidlltl, AT REAB9NARLE RATES, And reipeetlatly aollelt tbo patronage af thee needing inch eervleee. . . , , JOHN TEOt'TMAN, JAMES L. LEAVY. Clenrteld, Pa., Feb. IS, 174. IMEI LIMKI Tb aadariiawed I. ow arenaied an teealeb tbe public wiUi na .iMll.at ,aalit, f . Bellefonts Wotjd-Bunied Lime, fnr plaatoriag enrneeeo, by eke targe r amaN ' oeaotily. ua a feud tor tk proMtl at Pie', aew building, Market atraci, -""L . H"LLOl!OH. WA KTKD -By the Olearneld Be". Mlator Oaal BooAl Oaaapaay, Wood far , l,l CANT BOOK HANDLES, ' afbart aaaHty bard Soger, ,ih te ana." tar I. IWmallo. Inquire at the I. boon nad Berne Sue 'f 0""t'l1 ALEX. WATSON.