George B. Goodlandeb, Editor. CLBARK1BLD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORN INO. JAW. JO, 1BTJ. A. T. Stewart, the great New York merchant, baa subscrihoti 110,000 to forward th Centennial. Wo should aay that is coming down handsomely. Who has imitated hi example in amount T Conboiknci K PiRa.-"Cnnaciontioni scruples" are the last thing that aecm to troublo tlio editors of the Lancaster Intelligencer. Colfax, Honry Wilson, and that elans of "Christian statesmen," were always haunted by th same ghost; but when 400 per cent Credit Mobilicr stock was offered them, con science went stono dead. Such is con science. Not Ready. We have not been au thorized to say no, but wo understand that Theodora Tilton, Frank Moult on and several nrnminotit Xw Ynrlr law. ycrs havo so annoyed Henry Ward Boochor, during tho past year, that he has been unable to bring out his second volume of "The Lift of Christ," but If ho can got rid of this pestiferous trio soon, ho will complete it by tho timo the dog days come around. Sad Indekd. Wo aro in receipt of a number of circulars Issued by relief associations in Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota, calling upon tho publio for contributions to alleviate the Buffering and starvation caused by the drought and grasshopper ravages during the past Summer. Tho details are awful. Those who can, should give bountifully. But see that It goes into the proper hands. Scores of irresponsible agents aro abroad collecting funds which will novor reach tho sufferers. Conscientious Business. Tlio con science venders who presides over tho Lancaster Intclligencer,hivu now opened an officer dedicated exclusively to that business. Sub-offices will be opened in Fiko, Sullivan, Columbia and Wost niorcland counties, where the afflicted can apply for remedies. No charge foreonsultation. "GrareConstitutional questions" will be manufactured to order at all those offices. Headquarters, however, will he at Lancaster. Sena tors Clark and iiowlaud and Iiepro son'.atives Bedford and McIIenry, will however bo constiltod, whore a square question ot conscience arisos. Hodern Morality. A snlo of pews took placo in Honry Ward Boochcr's Church last woek, tho proceeds amount ing to lepentgtwo thousand dollar). This is 112,000 more than was ever realised before. Wo presume if some body would get up anothercharge ofadultory against brother Beecher, the proceeds would run up to at least $100,000. Financially, Beecber's church teems to be success, but the "ragged edges" of w.i: .,..:, ,i, ...... i a -. IIUlHIIbJ T. 1. 1. 11 raV... Ill W BHIIUUUU 1 1 1 0 1 religions club house must eventually bring it Into disrepute with all who prefer the old moral code, without the Boechor improvements. Tub Subsidy Business. If the lobby agents at Washington are an index ot the members of the present Congress, things must be in a pretty plight, in deed,' at Washington It cornea out, little by little, what was done' with the Ihreo-quarters of a million dollars bribe money to got a subsidy bill through Congress. Abort, one of the witnesses, told the Investigating Com mittee on Monday that J no. W. Fornoy received $25,000; A. W. Kendall, $5, 600; J. G.Barrett, $7,000; ll. G. Fant, $9,000; Don Piatt, $5,000; and W. B. ' Shaw, $25,000 ; and other patriotic and loyal citizens of lessor note got their little dividends. . The OrnoiAL Count. The Senate and House met in joint convention on Wednesday, the 13th, for the purpose of counting the returns of the late elec tion for State officers. The follwing is the report of the tellers: fob lieutenant governor, John Latta bad 277,195 votes. A. O. Olmstoad had 272,516 votes. roa auditor general. Justus F. Temple had 276,605 votes. Harrison Allen bad 272,521 votes. secretary or internal affairs. Wm. McCandloss had 276,935 votes. K. B. Beath bad 272,310 votes. John Latta, Justus F. Templo and Wm. McCandloss wore declared duly elected to tho respective offices ot Lieutenant Covornor, Auditor General and Secretary of Internal Affairs. Clerical Coxcombs. A Now York clergyman, named Tullmadge, toeing, that Beecber's star Is about setting, Is movine stronirlv to the front. La take his place. Ho is an Imitator of the utter, (tn tne puipn wo mean), and through hired reporters and subsidised newspapers is spreading his name and fame throughout the Unitod States. Ho pays for newspaper puffs, just like small polititions, and contributes liber ally towards having hit sermons re ported and published in the secular press. Although twonty-flve years the junior of Beecher, he is that many years ahead ot him in buflonery and clerical Jugglery, with loss than half the native talent that Becrherposaesrics. Ha is a very last preacher, and i : cheap Radical newspaper called the JVoo York Witnm, Is the ehannol, or gutter through which this coxcomb gots his Wale,' flat and unprofitable theology before the public. We advise Democrats to kick this Radical WiIiwm, containing those God less sermons, ont of doors. There is . enough hypocrisy practiced by the laity andgratuitoUHly spread before the piiuiiv. . ao m towiuvuo luwwwirr t' purchase that iniquitous nm)iouiui manufactured by Bnecher-Tallaiadge theologians and Radical politicians re tailed through the AVv York Wlliut, ' which it only another serpent in our "Domocratic : : Tallmadgo U to the Radical party 'j.nift what ihs olown is to th eir?s. and h' theology is about as boneBcuJ, in a moral point of ' .! ,t . ,T . - i:i M n'w, me joea or nis eowjuiur, ' while the Wilnru takes the pWop of the "nngnuvrter" and does the cutting find slashing. PREACHERS AXD IXDIAXS. Ooii. Gvunt'i attempts nt riigiilating the lnduini semis to Iw as great i lliil lira a. bin efforts nt iiniiin anil poaoti down 8mu)h. ' Tin) Indian flu mm lin. boon Ollod by clergymen, in onlor to Atop tlio cheating which lias Ikwii prac ticed iiHin poor I,o. Tlio following short debate on the subject cniuo oft" in longrau me oilier tiny: r A provision in rcimrd to tho ludi- reached rmmmmmn "avl,,8 Mr. Itandall, Penu'a, slated that the Chairman of tho Board was the Monra. tary and Treasurer of tho Atlantic and I'aciao Itailroad Cnmpanv, and that oortaiii Indian lands would go to that company In certain events. His Inter ests, therefore, were adverse to those of the Indians and of tho Government. (He referred to Clinton B. Fisko). Mm P..I,... .. M l. if, ... ' ttinui, ,M juu., Mllll UD Ulll HOI know anything about the private al fuirs of Gen. risks. Those cominis- aioiien were aniiointod on the reeom- mondation of the various churches of tho country, and he was inclined to believe that they wero irood men. Gen. Fiske stood high as a citixon of Missouri. All tnese men worked with out compensation it was purely a labor of love and charity and Chris tianity on their part, Mr. Itandall Churches aro not al ways right In some of their recom mendations. I am rather inclined to think that it Is a bad year tor Chris tian ministers. Laughter. A provision in regard to Bound Val ley Indian reservation being under consideration. Mr. Luttrell, of California, suuirested that tho reservation should be rented to men who would contract to feed and tnk care of the Indians. Mr. Parker, of Missouri, remarked that would roduco Indiunijo tho con dition ot MHIIS. Air. iiuttroii replied that thoy wero now treated worse tlinn peons. He understood Hint the Bound Valley reservation Indians wero often tied up and whipped like dogs by orders of the agent. Jlr. Starkweather, of Conn. What agent does this ? Mr. Luttrell Tho Hov. L. liuchard. Mr. Htnrk weather Is ho an agent now r Mr. Luttrell Ho is. Mr. Starkweathor When was he niv pointed? Mr. Luttrell Two or throe years ago. Mr. Starkweather What denomina tion does be belong to? Mr. Luttrell llo is a Mothodist.and I am sorry to state it. Laughter. He is a Republican. Mora laughter. He was a Secessionist, but at tho close of tho war he became a Republican, and that was his reward. TnE Great Swindlers. Tho Venan go Speiiator, in alluding to cornirt bankrupts says: "Among tho unso cured creditors of Henry Clews & Co., of Now York, we note tho following in westorn Pennsylvania Bailor 8stIs(S Bank, But lor $ 4,U.V51 Q. 8. Barkor A Co., Now Brifhtos 14.44A.ofi R. B. a H. Hoot!.. Psoplo's SarlSKS Bank, Tldionto ,IM,1 S.U71.IT Produosrs' A Manafaotarsrs' Bank. Ti- Insrills It MM Sand; Laks Sairiniri Bank J,S5.4 Stiaros 8avlsgi Bauk. , 1,170.71 St. PcUriburg tiaviago Bank 1 0,073.70 The establishment of Henry Clews A Co., was lifted into credit by our paternal government at Washington and like the Jay Cooke & Co. concern was a, special pet of Grant and com pany. It is said to be doubtful if the assets can be made to pay tho secured creditors, which leaves an ugly look tor the above victims." Puff after puff of this firm was sent us from 1868 to 1871, with the requost to publish fur the "mutual benofit of both," but we novcr nibbled, always satisfied that their capital, like their professed re ligion, was a littlo "too thin" to lost. This firm, liko Colfax, would rob their country of its treasure and if checked orVtcrfored with, would bavo no hes itation in taking an oath that they never recovered the plunder. Jay Cooke A Co. and Henry Clews k Co. belong to the same congregation of na tional robbers. Thcso "Christian Bank er's" have robbed the noonlo of the United Statos of morn treasure in Ave years, than all the thioves and pick pockets combined have in fifty years. j A Conoressionl Scene. Tho pres ent Subsidy, Credit Mobilier, Sulary Grab Congress will close on tho 4th ot March. If the members are not sick, the people are, and they want them to cave at the earliest day possiblo and disgrace the Nation no longer. The Washington correspondent of the Pitts burgh Leader lately witnessed tho fol lowing scene in tho National Capital : "A prominent Southern Congress man came in upon the floor of the house considerably under tho influence of liquor. Ho walked very unsteadily toward one of the sofas in tho rear portion of the hall. He full heavily upon the sofa, and as ho fell ait over ooat slid off from his arm upon the floor, and out of the overcoat a pockot flask of liquor, that rolled out on tho floor several fcot away, The distin guished momber full at once into a drunken slumber, and for several mo ments he lay there, with tho whiskey flask and overcoat upon the floor be side him. Boon, howovur, a monson gor came along and piekod np the bottle." Tho Radical majority in tho present body Is Just 101. Who's to blame ? Will 11b Rbsiun? In view of his election as United Status Sonator, we have a number of .letters before us in quiring' whether Mr. Wallace will re sign bis seat in tlio State Senato after his promotion? What his views may be on that subject, wi know liot ; but we would esteem It a very expensive movel should he do so. Ha can hold his seat until he itb of March, and previous to that time assist in matur ing morn legislation than any throe ncio members conld bring about. Bo- sidca,the cost of a spsciul election in this district would be not less than f 3,000 one thousand dollars to each county The taxpayers cannot afford such an expensive Senator, who would only hold his seat for three or four weeks at most previous to adjournment. We have no doubt that the legislature will adjourn about the 1st of April, lleuco wo prefer to be without a Sen ator for three or four weeks, ratlicr than to help spend 11,000 in taxes to get him there. Next fall ws can elect s Senator without any additional cost to the taximyera, and this we think far proterablc to fi aptchil election pro gramme, -nl ;i; : , .' : Government Views It seems that Grant's massage relating to tho tauisi aha aBairs, sent into Congress tho othor day, ra written by his Attorney .Gen oral Williams, who a short time ago took 11,600 out of tho United States ITresMirjr to htiy his wife a carriage. MR. WALLACE FOR HEXATOR. The nomination of lion. William A.i Wallace, of 4 It in lioixmjti, for United States Senator, y tlic Pcmncnitie caucus on Tliiiinduy lust, wan not mi expected by ns ; but It is a high trib ulo paid to tho Democracy of tlm wen- tern part of tlio Utrtto, and particularly gratifying to his friends and neighbor in this county. The nominated is unparalleled in the List,, ry of politics in this Sink Tbo vote stood : eWllliaiu A. Wallace ....tin 14 Holster Clymer , Jeremiah I", lilac a Before the result was declared, live of those who had voted for Judge Black changed and cast their ImlhitH for Mr. Wallace, making his vole 10i. Leaving the combined opposition Bluck,T?iickaUw and Clymer only 17 votes out of 123. This is n glori ous victory. To-duy tho iiu-mbem of (lie Senate and House meet In joint convention and cast their ballots for United Suites Senator for six years from tho 4111 of March next. Of courso Mr. Wallace will bo elected. His overwhelming nomluntinn settles that question. True as Gospel. Tho conduct ot General Sheridan, Grantnnd his brother-in-law,' Casey, at Now Orleans, re cently, has startled tho whole country. If their act was a mere piece of politi cal strategy, to make a party point, it wns neither justifiable in that light nor in n moral point ; mid if done with a view of testing tho sense of tho publiu before trying to usurp the whole pow ers of the government, then it is wicked in the extromo and they should be im peached at once. The editor of the New York Sun, who wii Asi(nnt I Secretary of War under Lincoln's ad ministration, in alluding to their con duct, says : (Irani oidera hit Hrcirelsrjr of WtHo Irlsgrsph Is Kb.riil.B : "Xhs Prmiilrnt sod sli cl ai llior ol!hlj apprsrs jour i-ourM." II lbs Republi cans la Ctingren ,hi Ibn Inscniats dtipaloh to .... . cMriit.n oi too next rremdont nelL I'miidnnt bnrird ont or aishl. iVA'U'.S ITEMS. Davy Crocket's heirs claim the town of Austin, Texas. half. The population of Nebraska is now 300,0(10, having doubled in tho last two years. Kansas Inst week forwarded 600, 000 pounds of liitliiilo nicnt to tho eas tern markets. A Hurrishurg man and' his w ife lived two weeks on nothing but bread and whisky. She ate the bread and he drunk the whisky. The .Mexican Congress has offered a reward of $i(I.O(lO to the first mine which shall have produced tlvo hun dred flasks of quicksilver. The Rev. Dr. Harwood, rector of Trinity church, New Raven, received a Christmas present of 2fi,OII0 from one of his lady parishioners. The entire extent of new railroad built in this country in 1874 was l.!23 miles, against 3,883 in 1873 and 7.310 in 1872, tho largest amount ever built in ono year. The Secretary of the Interior has sent to tho House of Representatives a urait. oi a proposed bill lor the salo of a portion of tho Indian reservation in Minnesota. entoiiniul medals are now rendv for distribution : broiiae, fl; silver,l3; gold, 5. They are put up In hand somo morocco cases, nnd are consider ed quito tho patrintio thing for a solum. i. Tho extreme cold weather of Monday a week is reported to be oren- eral throughout tho country, the ther mometer standing at different points in tho w;est at 25 and 30 degrees below aero. Tho Pennsylvania State Graneo has unanimously adopted resolutions in favor ot free liauking and national currency, and directed copies thereof to tm transmitted to tho two Houses of Congress and to both branches of tho Stato J legislature. Tho office of Htnto Librarian has been filled by tho Rov. J. H. Miller, who was appointed by Governor Geary in 1872. i'rccedinir liim Wein Pnrney belli tho olllee for nine years, and for many years before him, through all tne munitions ot party, ny ucv. Dr. je in. Tho present Kint: of Spain lsnr tho titlo of Alfonso All. The King who reigned as Alfonso XI. who was known as tho Avenger, and his king ly power was oxercised from 1324 till bis death, in 1350. So that it was just 525 years between tho two AI- lonsos. The Pennsvlvania Railroad Com pany has effected a lease of tho Fred. erlck and 1'onnsyivama liinc itailroad extending from Frederick, Maryland, to Littlostown, Adams county, Penn sylvania, a -distance ol thirty miles. They will commence oHirating it on tho first of April. On Wednesday night of last week, tho meronry in the thermometers at Helena, Montana Territory, froxo in small quantities, mercury in small phials became congealed, and proof whisky out of doors froso solid in hnlf an hour. Four Chinamen who left town at 4 P. a. on Tuesday were found on Wcdnosdy morning nhout half a milo from town, froon to death, and tho whisky which they had with them In small kegs wns solid. The house of Clews ti. Co. has made a second failure, under tho new firm of January 5, 1874, composed of Henry Clews and .Earnest Zeidler. Mr. Zeidler appears in tbo United States courts as a petitioning debtor in voluntary bankruptcy as a member of tho firm. Ho has filed his schedule showing 1206,672.20 liabilities, of which there is due to preierred credi tors 1144,400.36. His assets are 1177, 000 of which 1160,000 is duo from the bankrupt firm of Clews & Fowler. Kx-Governor Thomas K. Ilrum letto died nt his resldenco In Louis ville, Ky , on the 12th inst., alter an illness of several woeks. Ho was tho Governor of Kentnrky during tho closing years of the war, but has siiieej not WKun an oettvo part in pontics,- Ho was regarded as one of tlio ablest and most prominent lawyers at tho bar, and a short time since acted tem porarily ns Judge of the Federal Court during tho absence of Jndge Billiard. Ho died of rheumatism of tbo heart. At tho unnual luoellnu of the stockholders of tho Heading Ituilmsd Compuny on Monduf, l'mident Mc- (iowan mado his roMiil showing tha workings of that eorptirnllnn for the year. Its passenger travel includes G,G64,8(!!) passengers, yielding in pass ago money I3,0l2,fi10, being an in- aroam on that sotiroe over 1H7H of $.10,021. Tho roeolnts from S.0DR.RI0 tons of merchandise wero 3,3Hn,801, a decreaso of I222.R70 from the amount realised from liko source in 1873. The receipts oh 5,lR2,li!0 tons of cord (being lf)rJ,847 trtirs less than tlio tonago of 1873) wero IB,0;'0,9M, slowing a decrease in receipts from CoallnIS73 of JlSn.lRI, Tho total receipts of the company from all lo gitimoto trade sources wero ft,T2f,?0(i against 15,537,760 the prorous year, tx-lng an Increase of Mfl2.440 roliiioalij is aooonpiirho,! iwonij month. Mors "'"' named the (iCI'llmil I'omnus tho polu an oponrd. Tho Drinooraoo will nrrep sion to the American Exhibition it !.ll,.iJu";'':n'lu!1" "Psbitess psirty will bs I consists of the followinir niembeii. : Dr. ASSOCIATED 1'RESS LETTER.' I'imi aiikiI'IUa, Jan. 18,1875. DEATH ON THE BAIL. before the Cleinlield County Teachers' The Philadelphia & Reading Rail- Instil ulo, on Thursday cwniug, le road Company run their trains right; ccnibur 'list, 1874 : uuo uiu neiiri oi our city, m me of 10 miles an hour. On Saturday, us' lir P it TK,. .,,. .Iii-;,,,, .l,, Broad street, onool the Readingtminsi u1u,lie"';0 uf lb,' kiud, and ixoiuise ran into his carriage, and bo was so'. '" brevity is a commendable qual. severely injunil that bis hdl arm bud: W '."' '""-'"shall have ill least ono to ho amputated. Or. Thomas, aller ," ,u 'y good things have suffering intense agony, died in two! been said liud so many Lriglil and days. ' j sparkling words havo been uttered A 'day or two previous, as a ,y ,''"' loss for a subjeot. To wagon belonging to Kdwanl Hughes, j know how to say u few words on an was crossing Bread was at-1 occu"1)" of t'" kind and loVay llicm tuckitl by n Reading train of cars, utj ", a'""l'l'liniont gicilly to the rate of 20 miles an hour. ,Tb f U1,"J;1 i his has bona gracefully wagon bad four men In It, ullof whom lllu"lmt.l!U W a" oH'"'1 l"ue'1 Rdmired wore tossed in tlio direction of tho dog I an ovomng ngo, unci now il remains star, but didn't quito reach, it. ulthoiigh ; ,or mo l"n" ."lv ongagcmmil with the they each saw stars the instant they I JJ0"'')' o)ei'inlendoiit of Cummoii landed on terra tinnn. The wagon iHuho!'l' H" eounty. A theme up wns smashed to utoms, while the homes wl"i;n ,t0 8l'euk U"1"' le escaped by tho hariufs breaking, and j l10"- ' u.ttv0 l'veled through the l io men sustained iinolher innrv I inn a bad scare. Ills said, that the slinking, up, completely cureil one of a bad case of dyspepsia. 1 1 Is a remedy however that 1 cunnot recommend bo brought into general use. On .Sntmdiiy, at Kdgewater, near Burlington, N. J., Hie carriage of Mr. Alfred Wcigand was struck iiy a loco motive. Mr. Welgiind had an arm torn from his body ; his wife uml inlunt child were, instantly killed ; tho car riage was loll n total wreck, and tho horso was killed. As individuals have no rights which ruilroad companicsaro bound to respect, 1 inciitifin these cases that your readers may act cautiously incrosning railnmds, no matter where' loentcd. THE CENTENNIAL. Since my last letter, John. Wuna miilii'r, Ksq., l'resident of the Centeu niul Biirenu of Revenue, bns receivod a letter from A. T. ritewart of Xew York, enclosing his check for $10,000, in pnymcnt for bis subscription of 1(1(10 NlitllHifl nt' t 'ontiiiit,!.,) utii.l, f.u..... Wm. L. Strong A Co.. I'omemy l'lilinmer, H liittemore l'ect. Post A Co., Kredk Vlstor Achellis, and Hart & Co., all of New Y'ork city, sul scriho each the sum of 85,000. 'Other cstahlislimeiits follow with smaller sub scriptions. 'I ho Imperial (icrmnn Minister Ims mii j Jucobi, Real Privy (!ounccllor and l)i- rector in toe uoyui rriissiau Jlliiiistrv of Coinmerco; i)r. Wedding, Counsel or of .Mining; Jlj-. Iteither. Koyul Bavarian Counsellor; Mr. Yon Nostitx Walwitx, Knvoy Kxtmonlhmry and Minister Plenipotentiary to tbo King of Saxony ; Baron Yon Spitxeuburg. Knvoy hxtraordinary nud Minister PicniMtentiary to the. King of Wur temburg; Dr. Neiilhnit, Counsellor of the (I rami Ducal Hessian Ministry : Mr. Kiiuiiniun, Royal Prussian Coun sellor of Commerce; Dr. Jiruger, Min ister Resident of the llanse Towns; Air. Yon Hollnhoii, Counsellor Justice of the Royal Prussian Supreme Court. In commercial, scientific and pro fessional lite, those gentlemen are among the most eminent in nil Prussia. Tho Spanisli Government has also forwarded the list of Centennial Com niissioners from that country, embrac ing 61 names; hut wero I to succeed in miming tbum without ttvistinir mv writing arm out of lis socket, and the j VK'J' "ru "oun cxllibitcd. The politi compositor completed the job of sotting , cian must havo those Lnlcnis winch them up without setting binisclf boie-, cause liiin to bo versed in nffuirs ol lessly mud, it would so stully twist !tuio,and possessed ot siirowiincss and your proof-reader's pronouncing nppar- j ta;t- Tho business man those which nttis to worry through tho names old Dons, of which Don Auiedriefotti rnsqiiierra is shortest and easiest, that 0t of pity for him I forbear iriviiif? lyour lady readers the names of these threw score Spanish Counts. 72 PEn cent, rrit annum. More than 50 pnwnhrokliigostnhlish. mcnts have been licensed In this city, to practice their "shent Ibr shout" during tho yoar 1875. Whilo (ho legal rate ot Interest in l'cnna. is fixed by law at 6 per cent, per annum, these pawn shops nro niithnrir.ed by an American legislature, to charge 72 per cent, interest per annum. A man takes his neighbors noto to hank, and obtains a loan npnn it for which he pay interest nt tho rate of j of one per rent, a month. A dying husband ncaring tho dtsir-sill of eternity, turns pleadingly to his wife for that nourish ment w jjich will snHtain life yet a little longer; in desjiair sbo taken Ait watch her dead dither's gift to her and hurries to tho pawn shop and obtains a loan of 20 on it. Seven months thereafter she returns to redeem her wnicu, ami ocennso It has gono one day over tho 7th month she must pny 8211.60, or permit it to lie sold. Tho banker' commits a crinionLiiinst tho law, if ho charges more than 6 per cent, iiiicresi x;r annum ; tlio luyored lew may charge fl per cent, a month, with tho jhtoihI of fleshaye, a human life it may be as collateral. The man who said that Republics, are ungrateful, lied under it previous error. Kor a doicn years it has been an annual pas timo of tbo Penna. legislature to "bleed" the pawnbrokers of Philadel phia, consequently for the htavy levy aid upon them by "pinching" hills, generally introduced by n country member, in order to blind them, tho pawnbrokers demanded, and obtained, tho right to "pinch" tho poor. Now that our Legislative balls havo been forever barred against tbo worst "pinchers" that ever made laws for a great commonwealth, 1 somo times wonder whether tho poor of our city aro to ho benefitted thereby in tho re peal of this "shent for shent" law. A III Ll IV A CHINA SIIOK Just how much damage this thick necked bovine would do wero ho per mittedtopniinisciiously skylark among tho Crocker-, call only be estimated from tho destruction caused by bis historical ancestor, when the hostilities of that historic shop were tendered him; but a Texas steer Is a docile animal in a china shop, at least ono was that went ttnliivitod Into the establishment of Wm. Akurs A t'o., nf tbiscity. This'1"110 i with somo exoeplion. he particular steer, with I doxen others, ' ono of tho best Hovoroigns of old wdiile beinrr tlrlwn down Market street, toward the t'nmdnn lerry, saw the re fleetinn of a number of steers In tho plnto-glass -window of the store in nnestlon, - and immediately mado a tlnsh to Interview them ; tho largo rol ler doors In front of tho window wero not stronor, and tho Toxas ranger drop)od into llio oellrtr, where ho rc mniiKHl pcrfbotly quiet nntjl tho next morning, when no was taken out. llnd tho fellow roametl miieh among tlio piles of rhlna h might havo played smash, but he lldn't, and Mr. Akors thinks a stwrlli n china Shop Is a bully sort of fellow, , at ui. riisT. ' Tho 1'irliir Wave which swept across this city, tVoin Omaha, played havoc with hydrants ; tho saddest result Imp ' polling from it was the death of a cur driver who "froae si iff, stark and th ud." wblls driving a enr of tho Market Htreot Uno, on Hxturdny night: on Hearing tho dsptrt, ths conductor sig nalled tho driver to stop, and an heed being paid to it ho went tn the front f thsesr, whors bo Ion nil the driver silting in his sent, with tho rains In his hand, frown 1 denth. r Tbs car bad about four miles to go from its nnstern starting point to tbo depot, and it Is believed that by the time the car rcoch ed tho Market Htrwt iiridiro. tbo driver had becoma tnn benumbed to rise fVnm hh) sent, and the promptness with whlt tl the horses answarad the gong led theiiondiictnr to bollevo all was right, until within a short dis tanro of ti,. d?l"t, when th facts hecamr! Itnown ,; ADDRESS 0I-' REV. V. II. DILI.. The iiillowiiiu aid irons nu tlilivcivil l'P' compliment con. uerreu in an invitation to address an c --. i inuiuenm in ino lurrieu a lew dark ogua, and endeavored to find light uiuong these tempestuous tunes. I bavo caino buck to our own lime, looked lip into tho hcavons, surveyed the starry sky nnd revolving plunets, in hopo of (hiding some constellation bright ouougli to emit showers ot thought but nil in vuin, mid so 1 come to you with a plain and practical sub ject and it Is, "How to Suceood, or the Way to Success:" Tlioro uie many standards of suc cess in tho world. Ono considers the attainment of wo:illl ihe nemo of hu man aspiration ; another, charmed by the breath o! fame, looks on her proud cltudel and if he sees bis iiamo writ ton there thinks tilt work of life ac complished ; another aims at position in sooicty, ieels huppy when bo walks in what he culls the best circles nud is admired and collided by people ol wealth and tustiion. Success is nol confined to uny ono particular held ol activity. Jl is defined to bo llio fa vorable or prosperous termination ol uny tiling attempted. Tho attainment ol n proposed object; prosperous is suo. That person then succeeds who best Bubserves tbo purposes of his be ing in the station iu lilo which he il eal lei I to fill, or reaches the bigliosi grudo of perfection in that depart mem. I consider two things ag os seiitiul to success, brains and applica tion, rather enpucily and application or energy. Ono would not expect a man to succeed if be hud no ability, and bonce I hero must bo hoiiio springs in every man whoso sti earns iuvigo rule ull bis efforts and benr him on ward to tho gosl of his ambition. In tolloct only will not win ; genius sep. mated from industry only dar.r.los lot a brief lime Where great iiilelleul nnd billiunt genius associated with in tense iippticutinn might uchiovo a glo rious destiny without this latter quid il y, tiiey remain in comparutieo ob sanity, nnd incderiito abilities com bined with the more ucuto customs o! the plodder curry oil' llio prim nnd shine with brightest lustro in I he woi Id's great nvenuu of notion nnd duly. All CJMiiiol havo the same abilities, and ure not expected to till (ho same stations in lilo, hut every one can bs a success if ho improves tho liiluuts commuted to his cure mid do'criiiines to bo an. uctirc and useful cilir.on ol llio busy world, Hence, the distribu tion ol qualities essential to nice leuch li i in to know tbo laws ol trade and adapt himself to its over-varying rules, i'hc prolessional niuii in luw, mudicino or elhics, those which cna ble him to master the principles rela ting to hie grout calling. In all those departments failure will result with out application or energy. VYhatovor field ot activity is entered there must be a concentration of ull tho energies upon tbo contemplated object. Dream, ing will not bring success; castle, building will not secure tho longed for price. Many a man with fair alnli tics sponds the golden hours chasing glittering vanities. Ho builds collos sul pyramids of success, and when his eyes ure oponod ho aoos.unly tho crea tion Oi bis own fancy and the ruins of a wasted lilo. Many a one who idly dreams of fnmu or amasses a splendid fortune, finds tho precious moments of life lust forever and ol li era moro worthy than be enjoying Hr. fruits of success. Those who sit down and wail for success are splendid fail ures. "Fortune is a Inr.y (ioddess; sho will r.ofer coino'to them." , The best men of tlio notion nro the hardest Workers; those who novel stop when tho murk of ambition lias boon reached, and they could rest and enjoy leisure, they work on grasping now fields of now duly, enjoying new realms of pleasure until tbo end comes and tho crown and llio shouts of glo ry They do not ask tho boon of for tune they win success; they do not apologise for I heir existence, thoy think for themselves, count ono in the busy world and tho masses of the peo plo yield to them tho homage they have earned. History furnishes us glorions or il lustrious examples to tiro our ambi tion and inspire our hopes. Those have been the host mnnarcha and rulers in all the nations and ages ol mo past, who compreiiondcd the litu alion thomsclvcs, who did nol trust to title, or hereditary jreatnoss; but who mastored tho iirincinlcs of rxov- ernment, of fihunee, and all the inlrl- ento affairs of Htnto, and themselves know lioiT to direct tbo helm and rule tho nation. Russia's proud Emperor was novor moro distinguished than I wnea he assumed tho tiunihlo trnrb of i a peasant, and spont time enough to become a master mechanic. The fruits of his energy wero seen In renewed al legiance throughout tho reulm,increas od activity in every department uf In dustry and a navy that commanded tho respect and admiration of tho world. Ollvor Cromwell bent all his . . . " . i onorglo. to ocbiovo lueoess. His ad-l,"l, ministration was called tho "iron England's lino. The irrent Nanoloon tbs man of englo oyo and during heart, thought no labor torero, no toil useless, so that ho might b. firm ly seated on tho ImperiaT throno of Ernnce, and dofy tho powers of tho world. To-day no name so dear' to tho ardent Frenchman as tho name of him who died on Ht. Helena's 'lonolv Isle. Andrew Jackson, tlio hero ot Now Orlonns, wn ono of tbo grand est cbarctors of tbo age, and became ono of the best of rulers His inde pendence of chsrncter und stcrnnoss of purpose have loft their impress up on tho national life, Abraham Lin coln, a child of hnmblo birth, by his own indomitable will nnd sterling in-, tegrity, curved Ids way to the first place of the nation, snd thereby to tho su mm it nf lame's high tower. And so, did time permit.cuuld I goon snd Inorcnso llio number of names of thoso who bar. been cotially promi nent in gnidingand moulding tlio des tiny of tho world. I desire, however, to mako some practical suggdtloiu to tho profes sional members of this Institute. Tbo remark, of a grncritl olinraotcr which 1 havo mnde, will apply to teacher. Yonr calling, next to iho sncrod pro fession, is tho most responsible in which Von could engiigo. You tuko young lilo at Its fonntnin, and nr. em ployed In tho Important dnty f d veloping its powor.. To joti Is sn trusled the training procr.s. Youoro to wslch the dawning, of mind, the budding, of Intellect until tbo fully awakened facsllles form into matured bring. . Tho rst advieoi can give you is to be thorough ; uiiiku your, solves iiiusiur id your iirol'essioii. The old lieiinuii nilngo Is, ' I'nictieo makes f peileet," mid thi. is tho secreiol your success. I saw sinuotvliera u lU-flnilian of """"l )' ims kiiiu i i wo per-. son, dir.iiutii'u : uno enliirulv Wnorant : ot llm sulijuci uhout which bo is tulk-i ing, and tho other unahlu to under-1 sliind anything hu suys. And so it is with m toucher who iloo not knuw- wliul lie is louelnng. Jl tlio tuuntuiu is puru tho stream will ho pure, mid i so ,f the founluiu of learning bo ll.or. ough the stieuins will drink thereof, nod pour their precious wuters over all tlio thirsty hind. Application is tiro essential thing; you must spend your hours in putionl searching and dilligenl study ; aim to bo tho host. It .is said of Daniel Websler, on n vpi uhii uurnsiuii, inui a young mwyer caino to him mid uuqitirod if thcru , wuu 1'uun. lov any muru luwyont in tliu ii'L'iu proit'smon. Jim irply wai " i'liuro ia ulwayi room up giuiri." And no it in; lliure is 'Hi torn up muirn in tho liulM o! purloeiion il is SO ill llio leiflll lirufesoioll. ino jiiuiureu iiiioiiet'l,.iipii Inlerpro lulion oi glt'Ot questions, thoruu;li knowledge ol llio deup things of tlio law, allied to u iiiello power of con. viucing tlio judgmuiit uud moving tbo will, nro rnyurly sought alter by the uneasy client. Ills so in medicino Thorough skill always commands a ready appreciation, and so in nil pro fessional and mechanical pursuits, there is tint sumo respect for perfection in preference to inferior attainments. The sumo priuciplo prevails in tbo profession of teaching, nnd tho thor ough teacher will uhviiys find nn ex ulled plueoof lubor. fhul uinisluko is nindu by many students in suppos ing llio work of iduuiiliiiu tinished When the" bold III their blinds tile i puinbuiont paper which admits tlicin lo tbo l'liiilo ol ilucholor, or by In in who thinks llio grail success of lilo sceompliKlied when ho curries olf the honors of tbo cluss, un.l delivers I lie vuledictury uddiess. Jt is suid that JumOs llucliuliuu graduated low down iu his class, but ho lived to become i'losidenl of tho I'nitud Ktnles, while llio bunored man of the clans passed his lilo unknown to fumo. It is the earnest laborer that obtains success. What a glorious field yours is in which lo lubor, wheru so muny sacrifices huvo been mado nnd toils endured, where so muny IriniLplis bavo boon achieved, and ono, too. so competent lo crown tho brow with tbo olivo leaf of reward. Itidulirc mo in u brief review of our educational nrivileima. At nntinn I wo arc conspicuous beforo the world fur cTUiioral utluininents in nil the do. nuriinents of knnivluilim. Tha eves nf sll aro directed to ,. in consequence I of our rapid advancement, in all tile i sciences. Tho eeiltl-ul lioilil nf into-, i est is hnin,r mniillv l ml. I l',.m I the old country to tlio new, and very , 0 ..u... ; soon it will nol bu ntcossury lo Irnv. 1 else tho waters iu order lo seo perfect I specimens ol art and fully developed 1 science, oui 10 cam n. cyo around it homo and discovcr-llio gigantic murch of tho .A nierican mind, llero ire havo tho great scholars, inventors, uitists, sculptors, piiiniors, pools, and bistori uns, and tho tborouglifures of ordinary business ure so crowded and managed as mai onicrpnse cnabli us lo read grout moil everywhere. Tbu secret nf'i this is, that tho irensuri-sof knowlcdgol aroo.. to the masse, of tlio Ameri-1 ami people. Jlers tberois ariBlocruer i of illlellect. JCduCUtiol. is not for tho ' favored few, but il. groat privilege. I uro intended fur every citizen. The citirens of Pennsylvania bnvo reason lo bo proud of tboir oxoeileut Com mon .School system. This system spreads it. branches all over tbo Hlhio. In every county thorn is an organiza tion, its lorn plus ot Ifurninif dot th bills and valleys, and thither iroon in j .I... . .l . . f . unuuss counties, nuninors mesons and daughter, oi the people, esgor to mas ter llio first prineiplus of learning. 11 any child grows up now in Ignorance, llio fault will be its own. ft in tho next ion yours there is found a boy or girl in I'eunsylvania that cannot read, our noble old Coniinouwoalih will be roliovod from all responsibility in the mutter. 1 think this is ono of the grandest institution, of tho ago. It is a power that cannot bo resisted. Liks tho noiseless littlo coral that work, silently and assiduously away down in tbo depths of tho ocean, and at lust, build ils niountuin of habita tion, uguiiiBl which llio wind, may hluw und tho waves miiy beat, so the Common system i. noiselessly entering the dwelling of the poor man, und taking hi. children, is fitting them by the slow process of instruction to till positions of honor and trust in our InniJ. In additiou to these, tho mod. est Academy ,cominunding(,'ollego and stately University rise all over our country to invito the lovers of erudi tion to higher bouts at il. fountain. llero then, teachers, enter this field and win the highest success. Success is tho siuudurd. ll is the lest of merit in sll humnn experience, "llow does ho succeed 1" is tbo question ollcn asked of everyone. Take tha scholar, ilo has an ambition to shine in tho lilorary world. Kor this he toils, la bors and studies. Early ho seeks his much-loved books snd ponders tboir psges, anxious to extract therefrom Ihe coveted prixe. hato at night he puur. over mo sumo treasures, doter lutn to futhoin Ihe rieh depths of the, fountain of knofflcdgo,and only eenso. when from the hlirhest piiinsclo of lit. erary fatna ho wins tho shoals and np. plauso ot tho admiring multitude. 'J'he ssmo fueling urgos tho inventor, who uu. conceived sumo groat project "hicb whan fully developed will bless rl"!B " " nonor to ins name. I nl'.. II.. 1.- ... ...I: ... Csrofully ho studies, idans and com poses. So exorlion woarios.nor effort luliguc. him. With hi. oyo steadily tlxod upon tlio accomplishment of his object, und his bruin throbbing with llio plcasurublo excitement of expect ancy, ho works on until tho lost stroke i. niudo, and tho world i. better for living. And so in everything, I success is ihe .lundurd. Ho man lives wh0 "'" " expect it. Ayo, if yon oro 10 lult0, this away from all hu- in ii u cult nlutions, you would blast tho aope. oi minions und leave tho earth withering desolation. Who then of you will earn suecoss f You do nol noed pnlriuun birth, lung linos of an cestry, or tilled numo ; you do not need a colossal fortuns. but a dcler. mined purpose lo conquer ovory (lifts oulty and roach tho Inchest nlaco For. examples of worthy men to sliiniiliite your energies, you noed not go beyond the limits of our own town. Uluarhuld abound, in successful btisi. lies, mon, and has also furnished men fur tho high plsoo. ullhe nation. One of hor citizen, hus grucod the tinbcr naloi iai chair of our noblo Hlute und sat by authority in the hall, of the nutionul Senate, and tho signs ol tho times indicate, tho elevation ol another, not less distinguished, to fill a position in tbo chamber onoo honored by tho presoneo of Webster and Clay. The gauius of our institutions puts these places wi I hi n tho reach of every man, und iruo merit will not fuil to succeed. Tlio world is a great and busy arena, and ull am Invited lo enter the lists. I'p then with tbo standard, unfurl tlio banner to tho brcexo, and let an honorable ambition firs every heart, for i ., . ; i-Llves of (treat roan all ressisd at We ean make our Urea tuhllms, Ami departing leave behind at Fnotprinlt as theaands Of lists - i .' Foolpiinta lost perbaai anoUier - Trarella. o'rr llh-'a tlnrtny rnstn, : '' ftiinte rerlern and thipareeked bretbsr Meetstay lata bean aralo." ., , '" ' ' --iik . i I,,- -They havo hud snow at Nitsi, and in many places hi thenlddleof Proper snow was Ave (bet rleei, , Uv (Ivfrtiormfiits. a LLKGIIKNY 110TIX, 2. (Market hi., hut. Second ,! 'Tbird.i ' I.KAHHIliM), A. .. ! ku prwljinr ,t.f,u puroatge. Prions reduced to iht llmw. ukojkik LlilPOLbT. CJUHQUKII ANN A IIOU.SR, oiiiiwknhvili.H, I'A. kkwion read, porsist,.n. Jl.iin Lhdus vrontUtor of ifclf llotrl, I wsa'sinjiij solicit ihs patronis or ihs .X. plo room! attacked. AU lallroad tra.M .tap jauSU-fu ... . - , , "' idis noDis. Waution.- All per ton l an httrabj waramj agalni! nir j chatlng or in anj manner laetMlinf m itb Ilia M- lowing property, uaw la tba hautla uf Chariot Mitrr, of (liraru lowuifalp. rii i ont brown ftal- Ittn, uuo timtar .M, on t duablo brntfi, two imn 1,cJ 0( batiding. ono vinh, u ib Frt-iielivillo, Jan. 30tb IMi It, j iiimi. r. r. t,iit iiuini, JSl'KAY.- un.loniitnrd, al.oot tbo tnlddlo of llotolior laii. as Cams troopasoliiK on tlio tirsiolMS of tlio A I.I, IIKH lll'I.L CALK, al.cut IS mostbi old. Tho wwot-r Is iiiirated lo sows rstwsrd, ,rovs , ,roM,rt,v, pay sbaisss and laks hlsi swa, or bs wilt lisdiipoHl of sroorilinjt to law. II. LANSIIKIIKV. Woodl.od, Jas.JO, m -3l. ADMIXISTKAT OIlS' .NOTlfK.-l Notlos II bwlT glrrn that hstlsn of Ad-; nilnlslrilloo on lbs ousts of JOHN O. DIXON, lato of Lawronso lowniihifi, t'lrsrflsld punn t.r. Ponniylvania, dro.-asd, bavlng I,sod duly Kriiult'd to tbs umlernKOod, sll ppriotif lu-1 debtor to said silale will pltaae mass liatnsdiato u.mral. unit thu.a liavlm. i.lali..a i! 1 wiil Lrcivnl Ihou, Dmnrrlt aothaaliMtaS fur Hi. alibout data;. J. B. PHAW, CltarScld, Jan. 30 91. A . - ... . .. . RF.I'OHT or tbs r.. million or lbs ( lltST NAIloNAI. HANK or ClfsrSc ld, at tlio 0I...0 of I. ii. In,- on Uocoisbor 31. Is; : Loans nud Diwoonts. tur.oii) V Oi-sr.lrutlk 4,0.14 S I'. 8. Iloodi drpoillod Willi II. 8. Ir. t.i 'n-itro oirenlation.. 00.000 00 Hue fruiu rout-eniing k rrpcrvr sgsnlt lluo from other National llntikr lino frotii Slsle Ilnnks and Hankers... Kuntitiirn nnd Fislnrep Clierka and oilier oanh ltfni..H Ililli nt other Nalinnal ilaitbs. fractional rurrenoy, iurlud'f nickle 6iccic I inrlud's Knld Trvasurj ootur).. Lrjral 1,-n-lrr milei1 II. H. eirlittcalss or deposit for legal tondtr Jd.MII SI 1 4.177 S.'l v,3ti ti i.juo on! l.'i'.'l S3 I 4,270 00 I -las flj 4T Jl ,8li 001 7,400 00 I T.ilsl LISBII.ITIKS. Tsiiilal Hook paid iu , Surplus luud Oilier linillridod profits. Nat'l Bank Bolts outalandiue ..SSU.OSt 90 I ...siin.ono oo ; ... nol ... 4,770 it! ... 110,0110 no . Moo oo ... ."0.SI2 31 , ... 4s,uoo oo : ... . jl 1 1 1 ..i 4,47 77 ! ...t.114.0i2 00. i llividrDilt anpaid 1 Individual ht-poiita I'us to other Xttionsl lisuks.. tfeiuaoii etnincatel of Urnoilt f"' l" i',,t B,nkt and bankori Tolnl.. i Pst,eafa, flnrpu (.v.i., ss, JuZFSZt 5f MT .llT, 2 that the abore lUleinent i true lo Ihe Wet or my knowledge and belief. M. It. DILI,, Cs.hier. iofJsnusry, 75, Milisrillie.1 anil tworn to Is-fore me tlti Iftb day i'rrwi Attett 'Jan. so, i(7.v n si. nAi'l-iliAi ll, .n. r. A. f. 1IOVNTON, H. II. MVI.INU, KICIIAIID JIOSHOP, llirortori,. ,, ,.:P1,nT of the enmiiiion , H,e rot'NTY I JV national hank of oienrMd, at die cii,t nf hopincsi on liseetuhrr ni, IS74i I nssoitscss. Lusn snj dicnulitr Oyerdrnri li4.ISi SI l i .at i ii 76.000 III) 4.400 00 2. SIS IS S.7IU 70 0.17V 80 I. .179 M I.I7S 0.1 J00 1 1 O.U 00 V44 S3 I', ft. boinlH to eet-nre eireulstina Other etuokf, bondu, and tuortitaire... hue fruin rrileeming k teterie a(enle, Due fron Htate llankt and llaukerr. line from other .allunai Itsnk ff"1 """' l,"nl"'r "siureii...,. XZZiTX!. 1,ll nf other .N.ii ilionsl llankt... f'""i'"'"1 earreney.ineliiilisg nicki4t, j lgal-tender iintci... Fi, p,r rruZ' KZ i'wil T.44A 00 Total 270.SS0 00 UlBILITISt. Capital tlm-k palil iu Ruril.s fusd MIH . Oilier uniliviiletl f roSta. National liana AOtea oiitiUuuinc.... Tims eertiArsut or drpotit IluilllAlIu, N.llu.1 n L. niiieiauai aenomt 42,oS0 71 J7..0I 4 Due to otber National hanks... Das to State hanks snd bsokerr. 4,21 00 9,mil 15 Stole of ..e.eleeeio, Cltarldi Co,f, SS i I, t . M. Rtiaw. Casbier ol tbe County National , Dank of Clearfield, do solemnly sosar that tbs slwve etatement is true to the beet or ray kaottl. wise and belieT. W. M SHAW, Cashier. ; Hiiltaorihed and twornto berorsmo thit lirtb day r of Jaauarv, A. l. IS7J. JOHN W. WRIOLKV, N. P. Correet Attn, JAR, I. LKONAHfi. WM. POWKI.I, : . U HBKII. J"S. JO, lS7i. blreeton. I I TRUSTEE'S SALE I VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT " Public or Prlvalc Sale ! Beihg a Portion of the Estate of A. K. Wright, deceased. Tbs undsrtiKBed M1 tail St publio ssle, mi If at sooner disputed or, oa tbo FIRST MONDAY tip JUKE. lend, at lbs CoaH Hoses, la tbe aormji-ht T Clearfield, Pa., all tbo following doaeribad real estate, rtst All that certain Irart ol laud, situate in Deea tur lowntbip, Clrstfisld eouoty, taryeyed snd etrmnted la tbs asms sr Charles Risk, eontala Isg 404 sons asd elloaitea. Alto, that ailjoia Ing traet, warrantcil aud turrsysd la tbe nstae of Hubert llainey, enatalnlng 404 aerea and aJlo. ansa Bola or said Irastt being and lying ia tbs irteeoia eoeii eaeta, aaq a attuuat of valuable timber nd having the, large, miss- or d'ffereot Slnje All all the undivided hair part of Sis acres 1 mere or less, In three Myers I nai less, in thres several p.rtels of bud, I part ot lbs Jottpk Clark and Juha Harrltaa ear eeyt, tituata in Woodward towothip, Clearfield eounly, and aams lantta held la summon eritb Caleb and Ueorge Churehmaa, harieg a large amount of valuable wbite piae asd hemlock with olber timber tberaoB. Alto, another traet containing l&T anres, Mors or Istt, titaate ia Woodward lowMhtp, bctnt tba west end of tbe Thomas stBriloa sarvsy, baring tbsrsoa wblto pine, hemloek snd olber limber, sud being auderlsid with several veina of valna titaate ia Woodward lownh!p. helm tba ! d of tbe Thomas Martina tar.ey, having l Also, another tract of 40 seres, mars at lest, part of tho rlusaa Ward survey, being tba bank ing groand eituale st the mouth ol Morgan Kua and adjoining rent! ot vrunetn Albert 4 tires Woodward towstbip, Clearfield aountv. aad one Alto, aaolber Irani of ISO aerst, mora or leas, I being part or tha Thnmaa Stswsrdton larvsy.j matte la uscalar tawntblri, t'4earneld noaaty, I and Iving wilhls the coal auaanra of tbe Omeala I coal battn. $100,000 00 1 IS.SO0 IX 12.SH4 44 i 04,05. 00 I Aieo, iww purceia o, man suasts ia Istwreiieo " eeB win, rruiiam I'srry, ol Ksttliaot lown townahlf, within oaa mile sr Ihe heroagh, and "'P. wok stovs and tiips, 1 tts-plale valaable as aat lets, ana thereof eoateiolag eight '. pslra bnltteadl, 4 beat anj heddiag. 1 , ........ .... , .-i .. mi eiijuiQiog ' limit of Robert Wrigley nnd others. lewnthip, snntaislag .Itt aerea, beisg part al was. fast No. tJJO, situate wllhia til mlmsof lbs bor ough of Clearfield, eovared with valaable t Sneer and aaderlaid with firselay of Ihs llnott quality. Alto, aU theaa fosr serlala bailding lou tita sU hi Head's addition lo tbs borough of Clear. field, and knowa at bat N0 and ta raid sddltioa. ' Also, all that peroel of ground titaate It rear sf tba Assdrmy lot sad Mossop'a store, port of lot No. In, la general plea of Cttrlsld, hiving a large frame building ihereoe and said hMalta sts snd boawried oa sstt side by aa alley. All tha above described loads are sellable. ' The laadt in Deealar and Woodward towaikipa ars all within Ibaeoal meainret of that tlitutrr, and within reach of railroads, either built a, ae bailding, aad aommead tbsmsslvas ta aurahaters ler seal sad lambor. Tbste lands will ba seld at pritsle sale, II partial detirs lo purchase, Sat If aol told at prlvsts ran will be publicly Mid as Bfuremoatiencl, Ttrms will ha made reasoaahle to aail par-1 cbatcrt. All Inquiries addteited to tho midor Igncd will reeeiva prompt siteation. v '. ,t . A. O. TATH, Trastrs. ' Vjaa'Sall, Pa, Jan. 20, s7.-ld . . JRfPT TIMIiKR hO(i$- The lata ries la Iho streams hu Mated a lot or drift limber and logl tn lodge oa my prenliea, snd spoa evamlnntlsn I find lbs following marht thsreoa I -Oaaes," "II," "W X.""H"sd . Metlcs is girea to tba awssrs tl.reof Ihst saleit tba same is removed Wllhia It days from Ihit date, the lams will he dtip ,lod ol as" cording to law. WM.UhAllAU. L'Msrlleld. Jan. I, ISJi.Jie A""' PMINI8T RATOK8'" NOTKK Nottsa Is heresy given that letlsrs nf idmla. Ulntlea aa tha etlite af JACOB Wtsg, do oeased, lata of Horvis Iswatfalp, Cdtarflald eoualy, Penna., hsrlsg bees duly granted to tba andereigacd, all persons Indebted Is said sstals will pleaoa make Immediate payment, aad Iboet having claimt or demanda will ..i Ateo, HuiRir tree, oi land, sttuals In rikal properly aathantleated rcreetllement wlthoal de. !ay. i i ; UKOHUK W. WIKR. . . MILKS PKI.T0N, ' Hsrdah Mlwet, Jaa. .-at . . A.Urs " pUHLItT M0TICB.-T"", ., Tlia Ul.retl or tlmoa McParlamt. ta a iters at IllibTllle, having heoa pare bleed Vvma.oa lbs ItHh ofOtlobav, I0T4, Iks kaaiatis hat bona stasa lhaa.and kertafter will baeoadaeled Islbtl store by lbs undrrelgsod. ' iOllet f I.AHK, , Vtsltvllla, Ikes, la, tSTt. . JUw Adi'fiiiSfmfnts. QLOSING OUT COST! m Owing U. ihf l'Mi't tltlpk tt Hlry Inaa aliuutoiir lion. . ,, rw AT t ' O PI X, " . whleb trill ha an tvlvHtaga to blh m .ad our rulomtr. Our ttuck ! large, ouniiitliig uf ",rJW " " y -rp1T TTXT S1 J j XT. J. 1 vJT a IN f-a BTVLBS, n irpy tj. p l4i! il. X iT? VV JL i Afill . Cents' Furnishing Goods' M'blsb wp iDlffid trlliiif at (art for sash. ' j tfnnlwart, Queouawars, Tinware, Csatlogi, Plows - a... . ai '.'and Plow Castioss, Mailt, Kpibel, Com Callisa- hc say Just nnnt ve tican: tor, oid.rProom,nd an hm, .u. ir jos wish to snrs from 91 to IS oa a auil, iw is your linis In buy. Our lirft-elsrs B0W 'Ur ! Orrreosn i "Ins1' "u" ; I'ants ''"' v" U'snor Suits : 0r Hblrls i from SIO (IS u 4'.0 00 i SO to 10 00 10 00 lo 0 00 4 00 to S 00 i Oil to I 00 to 00 lo I 2 j to , 10 to li ID I 00 lo S 00 i to 1 Oil I 00 Sll 76 4 mi "s I Hmpendcrs 'ss i-l'sps li 10 li Ueraiailici llio plan,'. Mrk t "treel, onioille Hit Court II .UM-. ' dieM'71 1). BTKWA RT 4 8llN. - - , KltATZER & LYTLE, THE- NEW FIRM lit THK1R colossal -consolidated' , STORE, ' - Hi Art ti iriin inwm t'nir lHtSE STOCK OI' (iOCDs y to tilt it.Wtt CASH "XJIHCKK. 11tl ureal expat.! and talKfla; for rea1y pajr Vnblra tbtai to do It. Thfty will ana'rarvr to be IIEAIMIUARTjERS lor e.tpeilTiiif, the eilivsni of Clsarleld nously "") . t2 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Drett Gooils. ' hoots and Shoes, .' tlroesrtra, Wall Papee, tjooeasware, so . And ail utbar to tbetr liae. X. II-THUMB CA.HII. M. KHATZKIU (I. I.l'TI.K. Cl.-erlleld, lief. IS, 1174. ADM rXISTHATOU'S "NOTlCH.--Mofiss It bsreby liven thstlstMrsof admin istration on Ihs sstateor !llll!l R. ylUHI.KV, late of Wallaretoa, Olearlleld Co., Fa,, deceeted, bavlsg beeo duly graatod to tba andortigned, all pertana Indebted to said sttntssrill pi east make Immediate payment, and shoss having elalms or dsmsads will preseBl tBem propsrly smtbsatisaUd for ssttlemeat wlthoot delay. . , i .DAVID If.ulIlll.KV, . WallatooH Jan. 1J. J4 S Admlntttrator. " lXECUTOlt'S kotick:- ' M.J -Xntles is hereby glrrm Ihntlsrfenrtitamcnt. aryoa tba ettau ot TnHMAS WITIIKBllW, late or Plka two.. Clearfiehl mum pk a.'a bavins beet, dole grmnlrd lothe uaileraiened. all' P"' )il"fJ f'ssss as, l-aisdial., .ad IHoOo having .lain, or ,?.' " '"rrssen t them properly aataenticared ""' """ "'T. T . v .-i n i itr.lliMV, DAVID W1THP.HOW, Saw HiUirt, Jss. IA, I8; Kseoators, poitSALE, J-KASK OK KENT. The flhort Ulioa Shtin.s with .t.u.k aVIHH. J"d f".11 ""'"I step dowa from tbl . " ,n'S railing health, all serooae Indeht. en in nt will .lease ea I and aetlle tMa..!. im. mediately by oasb oraotS, and all persons having emima aralael ana,, by preeoMing them, will lis weeo m tne aama way. y watllag nt twy reeideaee n oiaraei t treat, ooe am west of Allegheny Uoltl. . . J. HHohT. ' Vorawxrly Sf Iho h.betl .Sldie Rbop. CWoald, Jan. IX, ls7..It , r I ul)1 - w - r t A" mtsiti are hereby eearioae.l againtt tneddliog with or punbatiag tbs follo.loe nron. sety parehated hj rat at onattabls't sals and kit --i eriiie, t nana, x tsoies, s rockers, ohsirs, I bureau, I clock, 1 looking glass, I i" e,i,e, a waning nucbines, 3 laba, I cat saw, I doable blued u. lot ditbss aad lie ware, lot potatoes, aa tha tsuie bcltnn as ma and Ii tubjest to Bjy order at any lime. a ..... . "IAAC c-M'-ci.osKr.v. fall Lick, Jaa. U. lsJ4..Jie ' c ACTION. J All penoni an hrrehv warned ...u., v: sstaae sr ia any sray raodsllsg with tba following properly, anw in tbo p,atMloa of Joha Robtoa, ot Cheet lownanln. ait i sorrel bona aad ace bruwa mare, as tbs saiae belongs ta as and Is reft Hh him mt I rata only, rahjeet Is iv onlor alany;Uma.a , I., at. AC-iUTTIK. i netlovar, Jan. 11th, )Sri , . . , IsTitAY. J 'i !.' 'H ?. s',' Csms tretpettlng oa Iht premises of Iks sab terlbor la Lawraaee toaaililn. almat tbe Id or Uerembsr In I, a BLACK HTkKK, sbonl J or I yesrs old. The Conor af laid lleee is rrquettes to corns forward, prove prepette, pay shsrsrS snd tshe Miwsv, of H will bedltpcte,! of aerord lag so law. PKANK WILOII. Uurwenttllla, Jaa. vtSI4..dt t -T- . , r7 . , i ... . EBT,WY .: rr. Oame trsspastlng oa tba premlees of lha andortigned, ia Cheat towaship, oa ae abaat tba laat af September, a DARK UKU Tr "Id. Tbo owner It reauetted ta com rorwsrd. prove property, pay charges aad take him away, or ha will be dlipooee af aeeardlne ta . . ANTHONY MctlAHVEV. Wtelever, Jaa. S, Mi. ' t Tss psrlneraklp tisrelooro slitting between A. U, Alilta, na J, w. llarM, (h, , Slate af Mitena A Harmon, was diiestvMf by ma tnal ooaaaat aa Jsaaary Id, I.Ts. Thehasinaos will ba coallaaed by J. W. Harmon. , , A. It. MtTtriW, ' i. w. Harmon.- Canrcnivllle, Jaa. A, HTJ.-al . . - . c ARPKT M'EAVINO.- Tbs aaaWtlgakl la prepared la weave Ris Ctsrsrt to ardw, la aay style dsahrad. Ilavlag bad aver thirty years areesteelevMri km Pku. adtlphia,hereeii aaabdhmtof aVbsg saAltraetloa la tbosa who may facer him with thalrwwtvhtt. Order, asat, as letters addreeeed tn Wllllagvava - -- vewt.,i we., wiw wuos wiol rrempA , Oil AHLRa at. KKU1 IMaVi wigrwr mattoa, ires, ia, is,4 Sea I IMISffllntuoitj. " ( jJARD! TIME8 :m IIAVi NO KKFECT I IN FRENCHYILLE! I I ma iwiri ihat thr r Mm pwoDi a llttlt hard to ttai, and I am alio aware that tha eowptaiBt of hard tlfcea" if vail alfb uaivaraal. J I W ! "V. 1 former and prov meluilTaly (bat bira tiaiti" i HI nnt atTaAt (hnta who buy laetr goodifrosm at. : io1 all my -hall h inlltau4 lata tba h- j arrt of M)y AVOID HARD TIMES I havo goudi tnonct. 10 nnplj at) th lobabl. ftm "! i in tba lower tan oi too ouuaijr wgiia i am (wrdinr Inw ratoa from nTBamtnoib ttoro la 1'l.SUMtUKO, whrro I oan always bo foaad to wait Hp" a eallara and mpplj Iboa with I rirv RaaiIu nf nil KlnHa ' 8u0t, Cloths, S.tia.lll, Caulmores, llaalloi, lslainos, Linos, Urillinfi, Caliooes, irtmiBlugi, Kiliboos, l.aes, Rttsdjr-mado Clolhlns, Uools and Bhoos, Hats and 1 Caps all of tls boat malarial and aiads to order 1 llmw, Sooaa, Ulosoa, Mulatto, Laooa, ilibbosl, So, j uitncKKibis or all kinds. I Coffee, Tea, 8nKar, Bios, stolsasss, FUb, Salt, I fork, Llnssed Oil, fish Oil, Corbel Oil. rerlumerj, I aini, arniro, itiass, ana a gewtrai aaaorioicnl tf .Stationary. GOOD FLOUR, Of different braudf, alwal on baad, and will b tutlti at the lowcat poutbla fig urea. . II. JiUiss's. M.J. MatMelM, Iluatelter'i and Uoofland'a Bllttra. 600t punndt af Wool wanted for which tha bij; It rut price will be paid. Clorerceed on band est. for tale a ta luwatt Market pnoa. Alan, Agent for Sirattenvillf and Carwanavllle Tlirarbing Macbiai-a. fc-fjuCall and Mrfur jrnurarlTva. Ton will lad errlliinf bfosII kept in a retail tore. L. M. COUDRIKT. Proiiobvilt P.O., Aufutt 12,1674. It K a I) THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I TImp atUnlion of lb eiliwoi of ClrBtId wtd ricinity ii directed lo the fuct that tiwodfcllow 4 8B arc tfa kfenti of M. Nic A Co., and bav itui rveeired btlf dota tar loadi of Floor and Fwd, whieb tUj offrr nt tbt lowert poulblt fig. arc. A large ittxk uf FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, v BUCKWHEAT FLOI'H, BRAN, w(atofja, BbclM Cora, Corn ia tar, A., Ae. PartkBl.r aticittinn fi ealled to M. Nit A Co,' brand of Fauiiljr Fluir, which t ttit ott iu tbt aiarbet. Flour aud Fcd can and will bo 1.1M oh-acf Ibon U u b ebuincd e.Mwhero la Ciearlvtd aountT.x 3rFt(r on Market ttrwt, bait doorlo Hob. Alexander Irria'a iidra, HUODFRLLOW A SOU, Jan 10 if A(fntfforM.NitoACo. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER ' " C O M r A N , OBCKOLA STEAM MILLS, KAsr-rit-rraas I.UMBKR, LATH, AND PICKETS Sairrd t(- Patent RMied Shfngle). r - -1 . It. II. BIIILLUfOrORD, Presidsat, OrSoe Forest Plsee, So. t g. Ilk it, PhU'e. ' ' JOON LAWBDK, General Sap'L, y r Osseota af ills, C-laarfleld eoaaty, Pa. Also TOWN LOTS f ir lata la lbs borosjh of Otceola. Aijio Keep' the LAROKST ASRORTHgN'T of llanola la Uautltld eeanly at their Mammoth Store is Oaesola. . 7 1 Jaa.-74 f70' LE Aft V BIJCk," General Insurance Agent and Real -i 1 k Estate Broker," Rcpreseata tho following relUbb) tmsrtnet Ce'e: North Brill. h A MeeeaaUla las. Ca. tll,lI IM Watbiagtoa Ufa lasoraaoa Oa..MH., . d,oao,.o t-'ira Aseoriatiaa Inasraaoe Ce.HH.. S,.tt.s. Amssoa Fiea lasarsass Ilo. " X.STH.UI lanBis lasnraaos Coe M. V... 1,0000. Waiertow. Sire, toearee dweliiags , 1 and farm buildings only....... . .75,00. York, Pa., Ktoek Iatsranoa Co. llortes lassred agalart death aad thsR. . 1 t P. S Partiss la Ihs eonntrr Seetrlng raaaraass sa tlitlr Uvea or property cea have it pwwmptly atlended to by addretiiag as by letter, or calling ia bsveoa at ear oaVa, we Pis'. Opera Hoan, Room No. 1, ClearS. IS, Fa. , aug2.'T4 " FAIRBANKS' 4 Nt A li E N, illkZ. Ji .-I .1. i or iLb atsasi (tairitaga. Iirrawa, Vssaamias Traaka, Oopyini Prnsiai, Improved Hoary Drawer, As. ' ' ea SAi-s sr , Ui F. BIQLKR k CO., ' I - 'i Dealers Is flardnrarv, moWt:7IWf - Seoand Strsal, Clearlsld. Ps. JJOOK WX. KOU THE SIGN ... ' ' ' -; o tint nm vxtst hook! fVlUVVr STRFtT, ULRARPIKLD. The old Clearfield Kaarlsior Cent llook Co. U dittolved. and a new on. formed by Amnt ba aavd aad O. H. ilerrell, af ClaaifiaM, aud O. hi. Allard, of Kmporium, Cnmeron eoualy, as part nert, and Jss. E Walton, of Clearfield, aa tieacr. al Agent. Tbs new oompaay will carry oa the butiness of aiaBafaetaring, srlllag and abippisl tbe Cent llookl. with all their impvesrmrail, watch are so pcrfeot. All ardors promptly cd. JAS. s. WATSON, inly tsf. IST4. ' ' . (lea l AgeaL .H Q A large And well sniihed Rrlck Dwelling, tils, ste oa Ihs river bank, n tbo boroagh ar Clear, field, ooataining eleven ronme, with good cellar, water la tho kitchen, and art tba aaedara sosn aieneet. Pantries, Rath-room, Cle'het-preetel, la LotsiaV (oatleoret aad two baadroA aad Ibim reel back, with a' twenlf foot alley aa the east iila. Said bailding. with all the apparteaanm. Bill ba told flheap, With pavmentito twit narebe isr. Application esn be "eewae ee ue tigned, or lo A. O. Tate, Esq., wba will give as Beeestsry lafonaation Yo Inn to wha deelrc to is. rpect the propertv, . tllOA. J. MrCtTLLOIlOH. . . May list, Mil, tr. , , .jj ., Lime Jfer Sale! TIIK andaralgned, reotdtog Bear lo depot hal mads eomplsto arrangeWMBIs ertlh Lima lluraera watt of tiia mwwataia,arhrroby he Is cea. bled lu keep eonitajitly on baod alarga aaatity sf ...... i vrkm MH! which bs frn to farmer! and halldere at a trilt above et. TaaeS la Bead of Aba artitle wapld ds well to give tne a call, or add roes me by letter, be. fore MantlaliBf Itrair Urn- r I J ' .. .. uvn SI iitDuntl ftearlrld, Pa., Jons , ISSv. V , THB CIjRARKIRIjD WOOD-CHOPPEW AXEI a -'' ' ? , ( ataaufaclured etpeelally for it " ;-! i,- f .". "i THE CLEARFIELD TRAPS, . sais'st aagTS - v, ... f. (jlBliRR A CO. HATZ K II tie YtLV'''' AfiWHru m cleaHpield cM-m t , I.OIUJ.I.ABD H CelebratedJIraadi of Smoking A Chelxg,Tft)arro!i. ff an oaabM 1 wVolaaaU to oWt larva).' it tba. (anittilav mi nil. ' oat tha eoualy ei. sill prices, .... ... i,i , . KvUI VAjrw Hitiii , Claarls'd. r- 74lf. .u Clsarl' TTOII8R AND LOT VOR SALK AA tha filamsa awA ta lb. Aewat ol Var- kat aad firUt toroMa, Obum Pa., Is Sr e The IMseatatasaearly aaseiaof groaad. Tss la a la raw dtwbbl ftsssa. aaataeaiaf tm terms smd otasr atrormateoe apply Be Ik eh.. ll . l . . iuw it aovta . , ,. i,, f. A. At'iiis.