Hardwire, tlwwrr. 8ACKETT A SCEIYUX, BBeLBU in HARDWARE, ad aaaaafaatarert of TIn,Copper ft Sheet Iron Ware, Soeood Street, ClBAiriElD, PA. Rnlli Lrg.li laereeMl nor ttMk af were, wo laelto tb. aablle l iimIm oat ttoen and prlMi. Carpeatore aad pereom wko atoaplate baild lag will do wall Is alanine oar TOOLS BTJILDIVO HAKDWAEI. wklok li n.w aad af the keel anafaelnie, aad will bo Kid low far auk. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All bind, of Banco Planaa, Sawa, ChlMla, Sqaarta, Hammera, Ilntcketa, Ptambl and Laeolt, HortlMd A Tbomk Uooftea, Beaele, Braaoi Bills, Weod aad Iroa Benob Berewa, and tbo baft Boring Nankin la the market. Double and Single Bitt Aim, POCKET CUTLERT, Aa. Agentt for BurneWi Iron Corn Shelter, warraaiea. Alio, agentl for Blobarde' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, which effectually eara Smoky Fluol. Farmer.' Implement! aad Oardta Tooli of teary deterlptloa. A large aariel of COOK STOVES, which wi warrant U gUt aallsfactlon. Porlabte Range nd Fummcta. te9A.Roof.og, Spooling ud Job Work done oa reasonable term. All orders will receive prompt Mention. Jaa U( l7. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SaeeoiMra to Boyatoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaufaetaran of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Coran of Foartb aad Plaa Btraata, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVINQ annagad ia tka Baaafaatara af trat laM MACHINBRY, w. ratpMthllj lafam 'ha pakHa that wa ara aaw praparaA la III all ord.n aa ahoaplj aad aa pramptl; aa aaa ka Aaaa la aaj of tko aitiaa. Wa Baaafkatara aal Aaalla Malay and Ciroolar S&w-Milli Haad Bloaka, Watar Vkaala, IhafUag FalWya, OKord'i IaJattar, BUaa vaagoa, laaaa WklaUaa, Ollon, Tallow Oapa, Oil Cap,, Oaaga Oaoka, Air Ootkt, Oloba Valraa, Ckwk Yalraa, wraagkt Iroa Flpaa, Btaaa Fanpa, Bollar Food Faapa, Aaa Friction Motraa, Soap Btaaa Faoklag, Oaa Faek- lag, and all kiada af MILL WORK, togatkar wltk Flawa, Blai BolM, COOK AND PARLOR STOVSS, aad otkar CASTINGS of all klada. aT-Ordara aollolud aad llUd at mj prlaa. All Mura af laqalry wltk raTaraaaa to aaokiaarj af aar Baaafaatara promptly aaawarad, if addna lag aa at Claarlold, Fa. Janl'74-tf BIQLKR, YOUNG A RBBD. fkTEW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hara juil opanad a Niw Sroti, on Main 8t.,CuiariiLB, Pa. iatolT occupied bj Wm. T. IBWIM. Thair atock oonalaia of CE O) CO XJD SKs Gaociaiia or tho boat quality, Qucensware, Boots and Shoes, and Of ory artiolo aacaaaarT for . odo'i oomfort Call and oxamino oar ttook baloro pnr chaalng al.awhara. Ma; t, 186-tf. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES ' HANGlNQ VASES, " Stnve Lining and Fire Brick, kopt eonttaatly oa kaad. STOE AD EA1THE1.WA1E OF BVBRY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Flahara Patoat Arrtlfkt alf . Malbtg Pratt Canal BIITTFR CROCKS, wltk lldl, CRRAM CROCKS, KILK CROCKS, AFFLB - BUTTIR CROCKS, F1CKLR CROCKS, FLOWRR FOTB, FIB DISHES, 8TIW FOTB, Aad a graat mmrny atkar taint too awBaraai to obuob, ta ao aaa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE -WARE POTTERY, Coratr af Ckarrr and Tblrd Btraata, CLKAiriKLO, rA. aagl Down! Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURftl THI CBIAPUTl A Proclamation against High Prices? WI awaow opoalng up a lot of the boat aad oat aoaaoubla Uooda aad Warta trar offered la tali marie, and at priooa that rtniad oao of tbo food aid daya af oboap Ulaga. Thota who bwk faitii apoa tkia poiat, of data, oar aitt Bwtvaa nntnivti, mmmm mm can. ovm MTomm, Ooraor Froat tmi Harkat Ml, Vkara tkav Ma im. TmI L Ha L ... .l aTN. iinii7na..raiaaawBataraakagaaa Ikll mnrt aa doaa. Wa d. i.l aaaa It aaoMMrr a aaaaiarau aad Itawla. aar ilaok. It la aaoaik far an ao aiaaa IfcaA We hare ETerrtbing that ii Heeded aad aanaaaad la Ikll Barkot, aad at prlaa. Ual doo i , , JOaKP n A11AW A SON. Clearfield Nursery. rENCOUBAQB HOME INDU8TRT. IB aBAaaalaaad. aaalan aaakHaka a Bat aar aa wa nia, aaaat aair way aatwoan aa main ana liiimiu, m a fr.paroA at faa B(,(MaaAardan4 7, Ofapa Tlaaa, ratlaawaaarrtDrT TABBl aVarf.) Iiaiimi Barajaarr, Oinasaaalii, Lawtaa Blank korir, Bwawk.ii,, onl Ban mi Tlaaa. AUo. lWaa Orak Traaa, tJaanaaaMaariraaarlatRtaaaa-k,. Ordaaa frw 4f aw at a at. aaarata, j WaWaBB,tWw ag. rg 611, Hrtc, Jtr. ........... w. Mm. WEA1KII dk RETT) CLEARFIELD, PA., An .faring, at Ika old itaad of 0. L. Hood A Co. tkilr itaab of food,, aoaiiilla of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTH A BII0K9, HATfl A OAFS, BABDWABE, QUEBKSVARB, FLO US, FEED, SALT, fto., Ao., At Ika Boat laaaaaabk) ratao fat CASH ar la aiaaaaga far Sqiiara Timber, Boardi, Shingles, OS COUNTRY FR0DVC1. a-AdraaaM Bada la tasoa engaged la fat tlag aal aqaaia timber en Iba meet adrenlageent terms. adtlJeaTI rjX) TUB FRONT! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TBI CLEARFIELD BAKERY ARD OYSTER SALOON I Th aadortlgDed baring juat fitted up aaw, large and aouifortabla rooma oa hlarktt it root. Bear Third, rotpoetfully iafoma tha publletbat ho aow droparad ta aoeoaiBiodato tbtai with everything in hia lino on abort aotiot and at all houn of tha day. lit keepa on band ERR8H BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES. CAKES, all kind. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, aad a general aeeortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ao., Allofwalet. willbadcliTtrad to eoitomaraat their taaldoaoM, whan reqnoited to do to. ICE CREAM, by tho diib, aarved la a aaatly far alaked rooai. Thaakful for tha gtBtroaa patronage beatowad In -aha paat, ha hope- to aitrit and rooolro a ooa tlnuoaoa of tha aaraa frora hit old euito man, and other. JOHN STAPLER. June 18.7S-tf. JJANIEL GOOD LANDER, LUTHEKBIII KO, FAH Doalar la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaaao, Oraairtal aad Fita, Nalla, Bardwara, Qaaoa.war. aad Ulanwara, M.a', aaa Boy.' Clothing, Urng., Paiata, Olla, School Book., a larga lat af Fataat ModlalaM,' Caadlat, Hata A DrUd Fraila, Ckaaaa and Crank ara, Rael aaa.aioa rowaaa, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, Clarar aad Timothy End, Sala Laatbar, Moraoaoa, Ltalaia, Blading, aad Tbnad, BhaMakorr Toola aad Bkaa Finding.. Ba graatar rartaty af gnala la any .tort la Ik. aoaaty. AR for aala Tory law for aank or ooaatry pmaaaa at Ika vaaap voraar. aag. n, lara. The Bell's Ran Woolen Factory, Pana Uwa.hlp, Okaaraald Oa., Fa, BVIICO OUTI aar nor B U RNED U P I Th tahtartbtri hava, at graat eipoatt, roballt aalahborhood aeooaiity, la tha ereation af a Brrt alaaa Wooloa Maaufaatory, with all tba modern Improramonta attathod, aad ara prepared to make all ainda af Clotht, t'aaaimerei, BatiattU, Blaa. kata, Flaaatta, . Plenty of goodt oa haad ta apply ail oar aM aad a tbouaand aawowttomara, waom w aaa 1 mbm aaa oxamiae oar hook. Tha baaiaoaa of CARD1TI9 AND FULLIH9 will raeoiv aar eapeelal attaatloa. Proper BrraagomtBta will ba mado to reoeir aad delrtar Wool, to aait taatomra. All work warraatod aad doaa apoa tba thorteet aotloo, and by atrial attaa- lioa 10 aatiaaaa wa aept to reanae a iioerai aaart ai pabit patroaaga. lOpOUO POUNDS WOOL WAJCTBDI W will pay tba highest market Brie for Woo aad Nil oar maaafattarod goode aa low aa Imilar gooda aaa bo boaght ia tbo eoaaty, Bad wbonerar wo fall ta roaaor reaaoaabl aatiifaotloa wo aaa alwaya bo found at born ready t make proper ai piaaaiioa, Oltaar ia poreon or oy leuer. lAmao ajuuiiDUAi m turD, aprilJeif Sowar P. 0. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY GOVBftTm rATEUT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK MadoofthaWat Mallaa ble Iron, aad Iaattahd to the UaaMabyUtebeat Snap ever la vented. It ta aaaily and quickly put oa, and proven U tb whipping of tha bora by lb pole, bot liable ta get eat af repair. Will but for yaara. AU wo aak it a fair trial, I aoavtBot all parti aa log tham that they ar aatarpaaaed la valae for lb purpaaa far which Ibay ara iBtondtd. SACKETT A SCHRTVER. CUarlold, April I ft, 1174. MAKBLK A!ID 8T0SE YARD! Xbe. s. b. liddkll, Harlag aagag la Ika Markla kniln.u, datlra. U iafana kar frlaad. aad Ika paklla tkal tka kat aaw aad win kaop aaaataatly aa kaad a larga aad wall MkMtad ataab af ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, aad to praparad la fatal la ardar TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, t ... 1I0NDMBNTS, Oaraa aad Foatt for OoBalary Lola, Wladow BilU aad Capa, alto, BCRBAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, A.., Aa. W.Tard an tt ttraat, aanr Ika R, R. Dapot, viaataaia, ra. . ... . jar,Ti G UNSM1TU1NO. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Skap aa Tklrd rtrart, arar Rllay'l klaakaailUi Jkop, CLEARFIELD, PA. All klad. af RilM aad Bkat Oaatoakand. Rpairlag doaa la . Irat-.lu. Hunar ... nt Mr praaau a:ia'7l L.I very Stable. TB B aadaalgaai kagt Nara u Infra tk. pak lla tkal aa la aaw rally praparad la MMaaa ata all ta Ika wayaf faralaklag HoraM, BagglM, Baddlaa aad Haraaat, an Ika akartoM aotla. aad ablaanrau. Radda Mm. Tklrd aad Foann. OBO. W. BEARBART. Haartala, F.k. 4, lift. TJOB BALBTka aad.ralgaad far JL aaaa a ralaabla lawn nroparty ra tka koraagk arciaartrtd. Lot U.IM faM, wltk a food two- "ory plaak koaaa tkaraaa araatad, wltk Ikraa oa aaa rant aM aaaa. ap Main. Alan, aowtag raaa aad kath aaaa aa naand iaar. J!"... aaaiplala fraa MlUr t. attUr OMd Aaakkiaanh a.4 ga watar. Priaa raa- wwmmtw Haa ymjmmmt aay. J. II. M'MURRAY WaL EltFFLT TftB WITH ANT ARTrciE OF MBRCBANDISB AT THE VERY LOW Raw FRICB. COMB ABB BEB. (Sifcfly:) NEW rWASHINGTON. $tlUaiuou. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL! COMPANY. TIIR undersigned, iBMaiaon to BKKP A POWhLL, hare purtbawd Itio L'LKAH F1KLD PLANING MILL, and refitted It fur do I d( aa extensive bualness. All tha machinery will b added aeeessery to make It on of tho most complete aaiab isbmcataol tho kind lathe 8Uto. Tbey are tow prepared to reealv ordora for aa work In that lino. Tbey will give special attaatloa to all material for hoaa building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARbING, SASn, DOORS, BLINDS, bhjckets, jaovvnura.nt. OF ALL STYLES, aiwayi oa hand. WORKED BOARDS, aad all article 17 for baildiag, will ao oiehaagod for DRY LUMBBR, ao that part-one at a dlatane may krlag tbalr lambor, otobaaga it for, aad return homo with tha manufactured art Idea. Tha Coaspany will alwaya hava oa baud a larga tock of dry lumbar, no ai to bo ablt to III aa order on tba abortett aotlee. Only tbo beat and moat akillful handa will bo employed, ao that tbt publlo may raly upon good work. Lumbar will b worked or told aa low aa It oaa be purehaaad anywhere, and warranted to giro aatlafaotioB. Ai tha bualaeat will bo done upon tba aaab principle wa oaa nfford to work for mall prooia. DRY LUMBE t WANTED! Kipoolallv on and a laJf and two Inch nauel ituff, for wbleh a liberal prioa will b paid. Tha butlnaaa will bo aoaduetod under tha name of tb "Clearfield Planing Hill Co." M. O. Brown will pornnallr lunnrlntend tha baaiaaai. Order, rerpoctfiillt aiilleltod. M. a MOWN A BRO. Cloari.ld, Fa., Janaary I, 1ST4. HIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES I STOVES ! arar broogkl to th. annnly, ara being rrealrod at tk.HardwaraK.tnbli.hia.ntnf H. V. HHJLIvH Al CO., aouprliiog tbo following Cook Slora. i SPEAlt'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, REGULATOR. NOPLK. EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH. . GOV. PENN. KEAD1N0 NATIONAL RANOE, tC. AC. . Alaa, tha following Hooting Storo. t SPEAR'S AKTI CLINKER, SPEAH'S ANTI DUST. . SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, UORNINO LIOHT. BON TON, OirSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' DAUPHIN EDO, CHESTER EDO, VOLCANO, PHOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. Claarlold, 8ept 4, WJ. " FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR BALE BT II. F. Blgler dc Co. IRON D0UBLB-8II0VEL FLOWS. WOOD DOUBLR-SHOVEL FLOWS. WOOD SINGLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. QOWARDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURO BTEKL PLOWS. ' HAUPT'S BKLLEFONTE PLOWS. ' RCDBSON'8 aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. rSkarM fur all al tha abara Plow, ana atanUy aa kaad. Byl8-7I T. A. FLECK & CO., Have aow oa haad. aad an dallf raoelvtng ad dilioBt tbarata, a larga aad well aolotted atock, jnat ireeb from tb maaufaoturera, or Droea Qoedi, Dry Qooda, Bilk a, Ilatt, Boaatta Old Ladiea'Capa, Kbawla, Waterpreora, ka diet' Fur Cepi, Ilatr Goodi, Genti' Fur. aiibing Oooda, Bhlrta, Ultra, II oaa, Overalla, Lumbermen'! Flannel, Lad lea' Underwear, Cuffa, Collar, Haadkareklafa, CHILDREN'S fTNDRRWEAR AND WHITE DRESSES, Perfume rr aad Boana. Balmoral BkirU, away dowa, Stockinga, af very ii, rartaty aad eolorr, Not tone, Trimmiaga and Fancy aaoda, la almott aadlae varmty. N. BT WE BUT FOR CASH AND BULL FOK CASH. dtoztf O. I. c. ItrURRR ta bay ar DRY OOODS, ORO. TV aariaa, Qnaonawara, Olaaawara, Drag, aad notion., Coofaatloaartta, an,, .baa, ror aaaa. Tka tananribar Wga lo.ro to Inform hi. aid and aaw aaatomar. tkal ka aaa aponod A VARIETY STORE I IN OLRN HOPE, PA Aad will wall goad, at nrlm lo rail tko tlaa.a. i liaoral rada.tioa will ko Bad. ta aat.Brt kay. log at wkolcaala. Call aad ai.aln. By Monk Wfora parahtalng alaawbna. A llb.ro! .btra af pablia patroaaga 1. tollcttaa. 0. 1. KEAOY. Sl.a Hop., Pa., Jan. It, 1171. H. F. BIGLER i, CO.'B SPECIALTIES BUILDRRB' BARDWARR, mCHANIOf BARDWARR, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMING UTENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINU8, CALCINED FLA8TER. May II, IIII. TOOT AND SHOE MAKING. 3 J08RPHH.DEIIRINa.aa Mark.t hml la Bkaw't Bow, Cloari.ld. Ft, kaa Jaat roootrad a laa lat af Fraaek Calf Sklat aad Blpa, tka aa ia ina aaraat.aaa t. aawpraaarad tamaa anatara anaytklag la kit II... ha will war anal kia war! ta ka a. r.arta.aud. Tka .itl.aa. af Claarlold aad rblalty an raapMiraiiy laaiiaa ta gira bib a aall. Wark d.a. al abort aallaa.. T:U'tSy JTODSB FOR RENT. Tka aadaralgaad, ana aaa Va aai al tka "naaw uaaaa," aaa a larga Brt.k Dwalllag, I. tat aa Front atraai, far raat. Far fartkw par- imara aaii ia wwaaa ar aaaraaa R. If. SBAW. OlaarSald, Fa., Rar, II, l74. la.. Tin looting and Spontlng awaa al abort aalMa and to Baal raamakla . aaa npairlag anally aaa praaptly aia- mad by kl7. JOBN WAPLB. HITPITTH TP A W awxj j. uwjjivrtii. i CLEARFIELD, 'A IVHDNRSDAY MORNING, JAN. II, UU. Krota tht N. Y. Rt-bIo Puat. "THC NIQHT ArrCR CHRIITMAt." 'Two tht nlglit kfter Cbrlitmti, and allthtough tb bouto Not a ermturo wu alooptuf, oieopllng the mouao. 'i'bo ttoohlngt wart fluni in boat ovtr Ih obolr, For bopfa of St. Nicholai do lungor wero I bar. Tbt eli 1 Wren wert raallaiily toaalng Id bod, for tbo pit and I ha oomljr wart batvy m loatl, While ma otto o In her ktrtbiof, and 1 in my guwn, Had Juat tnado op our nlnda tliut wt would aot lit down. Whr out oa tht Uwa then trnaa noh a ltlr, I iprnng Outa aiy eliair to teo what waa tbt mil iar. Awajr to tht window t wont witk a daah, Flung opoa tho batter, aid tbrtw up tht laih. Tht mooa, on tbo brant of tht Dew -U Han auow, (livo a luilro of nooa-dy to objtou bolow, When what to by long aoslona tyta hotild ap- pear. But a norte and iloigb, both old-faahloBtd and queer t With a little, old driver, ao aoleron and alow, I kuew at a glance It uiuat be Doctor U rough, I draw In my htad, and wu turning around, Wbaa up alalrt tame tht doctor, with tcarcely a tuuod, lit wort a thick ovtrooat, made long ago, And th beard oa bii chin waa white with the now, lit ipoke a few word, and want ttraight to hit work, Ha fait all tha pultaa then turned with a J orb, And laying hia finger aiitl of bla noeo With a nod (f hia brad, to tha chimney he goaa, "A apoonful of oil, ma'am, if you bavo it bandy, No aula and no ralilof i bo pica and ao aandy ; Three tender young atomaoha oannot wall digoat 1 All tha aweeta that tbvy gat f loyi and bouka ara tht beat. Rut I know nty ad rice will not find many trlmd For the cuatoin of Chrialuiaa tba other way tendc. Tha fathers and mot hen, and Santa Olaaa, too, Ara oiceedingly blind. Wi ll, good night to you !" Aad I beard him exclaim, aa be drove out of light, 'Tbea feu ting and oandie make doctor'e billa right." "CouaiN Katb." TILTOX AGAIA'ST liKEVHER. A mlngliig lleply ta Mr. Horchcr'a Pro ttuiiclamaulo. an. Tii.Toa iomht. on 001,0 mo this couart wirn ALL HI. BVItiK.rB-l'HinillNa MB. bkbck- br wtra tiRKixo to coxtravbnb thb bni or jibticb ar ctni!ia iTnATAiiaa. Theodore Tilton hits nddroHsed the following curd to the public concern ing the two triulx, (he 0110 civil and tho other criminal, involving ins con trovorov with tbo llev. Henry Wnnl Bet'hi'r: vir. tii.ton's card. Mr. Bcechcr's iironunciamctito in the Vhrixtian Union of this week . re quires me to reply as follows : I. I have charged the Rev. Henry Ward Heechcr with seduction and adultery. Thcso charges 1 have al ready lirovcd to the lull beliel 01 three- quarters of the people of this nation, llii:iuuiiiu aiiuuffc Miiniiiiiiuiini j iiiv iv gal pmlcietion, who, above all other classes, are the most competent to weigh evidence 1 now wait to re pent and solemnize this proof in a court of law. To this end, two ac tions are pending in the City Court of llmoklyn. lhcno arc, II rut, a civil suit instituted by me against Mr. Beccher: second, a criminal indict ment procured by Mr. Bewhcr against me. Tho first of these causes, nuinely, mine nguinst him, is continually thwarted by hi strange and unexam pled demand for a cutnlnguo of the pnrticulnr (lutes and places at which ho committed bis actH ot adultery. vt not is .tie prncucai cneci 01 tins oe- mand? I he sexiinl intimacy ln-'tweori ! Mr. Beecher and Mrs. Tilton extended (according to their own account of it) from tbo tit 1 1 of 18liH, through the whole of 18o!l, into tho spring of 1870 overlapping three successive years ; ami yet Mr Beecher, while publicly asking for what he calls tho fullest in vestigation, requests mo to dwarf and shrivel my proof of this prolonged criminality to two particular days, namely, (let. 10 and 17, 1H08; a limi tation which his counsel aro willing to enlurgo so as to include an entire au tuinnul month during most of which Mr. Beecher was absent from Brook lyn, sheltered in a sate alibi beyond an opportunity for crime. It is an af front to eliiics and equity, and a mira cle impossible, to limit Mr. Boechor'i fourteen months of adulteries to two days. IKWILUNO TO APrRAR IN A FARCE. Accordingly I give tho public title notice that so far as tho civil case is coneerned(which is not thepnly one con trolled by me) 1 shall go into court on tho first day when 1 am permitted to carry all my evidence with mo, but never while I must leuvo nine-tenths of this evidence outside the door. In other words, to try Mr. Beecher for adultery, with tho adultery careful ly forbidden to bo proved, is a fnreo at which I am not harlequin enough to play in thcso sail days. II. Meanwhile, sinco Mr. Beecher is seeking to buttle my case against him, I challenge him to end this ny-play of strife over a bill of particulars Vy cal ling np his case agianst mo. This ho has power to do at any moment What is this esse? On the 3d of October lost Mr. Bcochor went before a Grand Jury in Brooklyn and by his own oath procured against mo an indictment for libel. This indictment furnishes the host coho to test the real issue between M r. Beecher and me. This real issue in not whether ho shall pay me a hun dred thousand dollars for ruining my homo (though not a penny of this money wonld I accept, ovon if a hun dred Juries should multiply it to a mil lion), hut simply whether tho Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is guilty of se duction and adultery. And whatev er complications may exist in my civil action against Mr. Beecher for dam ages, eliciting his ceaseloss demands for particularH on tho other hand, simpli city itself is not more simple than Mr. Bcechcr's criminal case against mo for libel if I have accused him falsely. In thin criminal case I shall neither troub le him for particulars, nor drive him from the Special Term to tho General, nor drug him to Albany to the Court of Appeals, nor compel him to try his cause with a mere tithe of hia evi dence, nor in any manner impose on him a gossamor's weight of difliculty in bringing mo to justice. Moreover, in the criminal ruse he will he relieved of hia ill-omened fears of civil damages; ho will have tho attack instead of the defence ; hi will be entitled to tho last word to tho jury j awl if I have borno falso witness against him he will be ahlo not only to prove mo guilty, but to send mo to tho tienitontinry. ClURdES OF TRICKERY. 111. I am advised and belie vo that the cunning manager! of Mr. Beech er'i safety are necking to cmtrnvene the ends of justice by the following stratagem, to wit: as soon as Mr. Bcechcr's ronnsel shall have restricted me so as to niako inadmissible my proofs of his fourteen months ofi adultery(thns cutting the very heart's core out of tho civil suit), their plan then is to suddenly withdraw the criminal indictment against me; which Itlidrawnl Is to he explained to the public by Mr. Beechcr'a chief chnmpi. on ami iciiow-siinerer under a charge of seduction, the editor of tho Brtslk- lyn Kaglf, an an act of unexampled magnanimity shown to mo by Mr. Beecher. By this plan of oierations I am to bo prevented from trying Mr. Bcochor in tho civil suit ; Mr. Bvochcr is nt the same time to be savod from tho grim' necessity of trying mo under the crim inal Indiotmcnt and no, by these two devices, Mr. Beecher is to oacapo trial altogether. I respectfully request all fair-minded persons to uniteindeteriiiiningthst Mr. Beecher shall not have the moral sup port of the community, either in thus oompelling mo to' roatriot my proofit of uia auuiicncs 01 inns, ittj and IH70 to two days, nor In his nrheme of first THE imnjurinir atmlnNt mo a erimliml in- iiietment fur timMnry cflwt nd then wiuitirnwing 11 irom Huufwqiioiii mm. Till PARTICULARS. i IV. Touching Mr. BKhw renew- rd domunuH lor impotwihle i-artieulain. ! I licro rwpttot in oubalanco wlit my :iuio I prarwiiUHl Iwfnre tU court j Kininiii njro, in inillliv lilinunonioi I heir ploilge to aupply at a half hour's nolii'o nil the particular which wo pewmwed. Thvy aro thmto: 'That tho Rov. Henry Ward Uoorhcr com tnilU'd actH of adultvrr with Mro. Kliinhoth R. Tilton on tho 10th and 171 It of Octohor, 1H0H, and at intor villa tlirrcuttor till tho goring of 1870 ; that tho nuid actH wero rominittod at VH C'oltiinliia ntroct and 174 Living ton ntrwt, in tho city of Brooklyn that conli'Haion of thiuw acta were mado hy Mrs. Tillon on the 3d of Ju ly, 1870, and at other times; thutaiifi ilttr ronl'eiwiont were made ly Mr. Bcochor on the 80lh of December,' 70, and at other timen; that the coiifoa sioim of Mm. Tilton were made to M rn. Murtlia 11. Rntdrihaw, Mm. Kmma Jl lloulton, Mr. FiiincU I). Mottllon, my nclf and others to my liolhing of a iterien ol Mr. Beechcr'a letter hy which he makes plain confenuion of his guilt to all who can rend and think. THEODORE'S DtMANIW. And reitpoctfiilly suhinit that the Httttenieut of particular, of which the forevninjr is b dicl, and which was lnidliy my counwl before the court and the public many days ago, is suf flcieutly explicit Ui warrunt me in now demanding that Mr. llcecher shall either bo estopx-d by public opinion from imposing unhcurd of rentrictions on my evidunce in tho civil caxo, or clrio tliut he shall forthwith begin his cnmiiml prosecution. Furthermore, 1 ask all just men tojfv-retl through the very persons who 1- .I....I.. .1.-. !. ti 11 1. hud been indicted lor tliut consmracv. join mo in declaring that if Mr. Beech er shall still further clog and hamper tho civil action on tho one bund, and at tho sumo time shall withdraw the criminal prosecution on the otbcr,tlius using both tliono rases only to prevent me f'mm submitting to a jury the gen eral fuct of his Inng-continiied adul tery, Mr. Beecher sliull thou be deemed to liuve confessed judgment and must stand self-acknowledged as guilty bo fore the world. Theodore Tii.ton. Brooklyn, Iec, 25, 1H74. IS IT SOT TIME TO CALL OI'Fl THE 1)011 St One of the lenders of tho Republi can party in South Carolina is llowen. ox-Congressman, and present Sheriff of the county of Charleston. This man s career has hcen inlamotiH Irom ., . 1,0 '"'K'1,"1" Though a New hng- lander, ho was a lieutenant in the Southern army, and was cashiered for the embezzlement of tho funds of his company. Shortly afterwards his su perior officer, who had been instru- mental in procuring his punishment, was mysteriously assassinated. Bow en was arrested for murder, and was i..:...- :.. i .iu.... .....:;.... wncii me cuy icit mm mo nanus 01 the Federal troops and he was libera ted. He immediately became a leader in the party of "great moral ideas," and was elected, in conjunction with his fellow-worthy, Whittcmnrc, to Congress. In Washington he was triml uml rmtvirtfl tt' tlii. finm nt .,,,,.., B1i lanKiH0d in jail until he ivcd 10 K!t(y.u(ivo pnn. L pon returning to Charleston he be- came the prune mover in an organized scheme to hold the city hy ballot-box stuffing, false registration, repeating and violence, and thus amass wealth wrung from the helpless people by force. He caused himself to be elect ed sheritr, and then lorded it over tho municipality like a petty Italian des pot of the Middle Ages. This is not an overdrawn sketch of the man who, thanks to tho moral supiwrt received from the Repnbliban I party of tho country, and the physical support of tho General Government, held in his grasp the control 01 the wealth and liberties of a largo Ameri can city. Two months ago his mas tery was threatened. The citizens had induced a number of negroes to join with them in overthrowing the power of tho ring of which bo was proprietor. Tho county commission ers' otllco waa tho point of atluck. Through that "Boss" llowen had ruled and robbed the people. In tbo elec tion of Novcnilier 8, the citizens' movement wan triumphant. The Con scrvntivca and Independent Republi cans swept the county by nearly three thousand majority. But the desperate usurer would not yield without a struggle, lie went before the State Canvassing Hoard, comKitH-d of his party associ ates, and endeavored to huvo over threo thousand of the Conservative voles cast in Charleston county thrown out. A year ago he would have been successful. But the members of tho Board had heard, from tho North. Fifty thousand Democratic majority in the Empire State, thirty thousand opjiosition majority in Illinois, a Dem ocratic Governor in Massachusetts.and a Democratic House of Representa tive! elect in AVashington, jierstintletl some of thcso (Kililical gamesters that sympathy for or indifference to their deeds of villainy was not going to be so prevalent at tho North as it had been. By a bare majority of ono, in a board of five members, Bowen's de mand was rejected and the returns from Charleston county wero confirm ed. But even this was not tho end. Bowen still had a Republican Legisla ture mado up of field hands anil New England adventurers of tho Whitte moro and Leslie pattern, to whom ho could appeal. And ho has gone be fore it with his scheme to upset tho result of tho Charleston election, and keep himself and his retainers nt the bead of affairs. There is a judge for the circuit in which Chorfoston is situated to bo elected by tho General Assembly now in session. Bowen's candidate is ane- frro named Whipper. Enough nublo egislutors aro to be rmrchasetl to se cure Whippcr's election. Tho new judge, as soon as he qualifies, will issue a writ ol quo warranto and seat the llowen candidates for county commis sioners. Once in possession, they are snfo enough for the next two years. Bowen will still bo lord, with the prop erty, liberty, and livoa of tho hated whites of Charleston at his mercy. It in not impossible that this precious project may bo curried out. Tho leg islature is securely Republican, and thoro aro considers! ions why tho com mercial metropolis of tho Slate should bo controlled by one who Is in sympa thy with tho ring at tho capital. ' This plain, unvarnished talo is told that the Northern people may know how great a peril threatens a city which, whatever may have been its political errors in the past, has been sufficiently scourged with sword, lire, and pestilence to satisfy tho cravings iif its greatest enemies for vengcanco. It is not decent, nor politic that it tie kept nmler tho harrow longer. Itcan ho savod if public sentiment al the North can bo brought to bear unmis takably upon the herd of adventurers who are manufacturing laws for tho State at Columbia. There is little to expect from tho White House, for it will be remembered that its inmato spurned the South Carolina taxpayers from his door and then took Mom to hisboaom. But there are Republi can! la Congress and Ilepublioan edi tors who are very Justly sensitive about tin record of thoir party in re lation to Sonthern carpet-bag misgnv- ernment, and this ia an opportunity for making recompense winch thev cannot well afford to throw away. aV, K. H'orM. 3 77; SUBSIDY CORRUPTION. 'J' ho riX'ttriitiit witnuHA who CArriud llnvo-quurttMTt, of a million of dollar ns loom ohaiitfo to WiVHliiiigton. und prolmlilv ntucli mow that hita nut bevu I ninlV'KtM'd, to help tho l'ucitki Mail job U11(1 ,, ,, tho pixnili-a of virt.mu. .,ti.i,ilorK of Conirr.w, in the "Hick mini" of the hour. Two medical ex pert huve certified for him, as they would do lor any other good patient whoso nervous syHtein was convenient ly disturbed, ho he lias not been brought to the bar ot the House, and now by reason of the vacation, will until the 6th of January to get bis brain composed. Why Mr. Irwin should decline to tell tho committee what common re port says ho long ago told to his per sonal friends, is sonic what strange It in openly staled on the avenues of Washington, that ono of the largest checks was paid over to Wm. H. King, Post master of the House of Repre sentatives when the subsidy wan pro cured, and now Republican member elect to tho Forty-fourth Cougiss. Oilier names are also freely mentioned as having retainers and foes for npin ions. 1 Those statements wero either true or false at the time when thoy were mado, and they atund in that Ksilion now. Tho circumstances have not changed at all, but tlioy are affected to the extent that some, if not all, the incriminated parties, are said to be reaily to swear down any testimony of Irwin's which mny involve them in this corruption. That fuct may have a great deal to do with Irwin's refusal to answer, for he might find himself confronted, as some 01 tne witnesses or tno King burglary trial tlid, with charges prc- hud been indicted for tliut conspiracy They hnvo that way of doing things at the cnpitol of the nation, where Bos Shepherd rules with so much grace and modesty thixiugh three Commissioners and all his own retain ers. Perjury has no terrors for a certain class of patriots in these times. The crime has lost much of its former gravity. The swearing lieforo tho Credit Mobilior committee demonstra ted tho rapacity of Christian states men in that lino, anil that exicrieneo seems to have encouraged others since then, whenever vindication of dam aged character has boon required. Some recent examples of such profi ciency aro appalling to contemplate. It is not denied by Mr. Irwin's friends that he received a share of this money for his own services; but they u til rm with emphasis that tho bulk of it was distributed to "pass the bill, and that assertion is probably true. While a certain number of Senators and Representative honestly voted for this subsidy, some from a policy of aiding American commerce, and oth ers for local or personal reasons, it is obvious that others were captured and I convinced by the seductive arguments I of crisp greenbacks. There aro men in both houses who mny vote for almost any measure without inviting the least distrust, be cause they aro known to be pure, ami no lobbyist would daro approach them with a brilie or oven an iduccnient. They aro perfectly well established in character, some of this limited class are to be found on the atlirmutive side of the subsidy, and others as not vo ting, without exciting the least harsh comment. But it is impossible to rend the list of yeas ill tho riciiate and llousc.witb. out remarking that nearly tho wholo tribe of prolessonal jobbers and fee takers stand recorded, vt itn a single exception, the Credit Mobilier plun derers are all there, and no aro the other traffickers in legislation who did uotsell themselves to Ames, simply be cause no nad no use lor sncn came, after having purchased the leaders of tho Vith tho Speaker at their head One of tho devices of tho most no ted corroptionists in Congress, who demand pay, and shares, and contin gent fees on every job with money fn it, is to cry out tliat their votes are sold by the lobby. That trick has lie- coino stalo, and is now perfectly un derstood. But old and worth lens oh it is, this cry is again raised, and with strong lungs too, in order to fasten the guilt of the siilwuly corruption on Ir win alone, and thus secure a mode of cscajie through tho back door for the rogues who levied tho largest toll. The public is not to be cheated hy this sham, but if Mr. Irwin expects to bo relieved from his present predica ment, ho will speak out as he has done in private, so that the whole country mny hear tho story. Public opinion will soon decide who shared in tho spoils, and lor what considcrtion. While ho maintains an obstinate ai- lonce, ho must expect to suffer, because suspicion is natural in the presence of such conduct, and the huhds ot Ins ac cusers are strengthened in every charge. The knowledge of these transactions is too lamiliar to many to prevent final exposure, and if it is mado without tho aid, or in spite of tho silence of the principal witness, so much tho worse lor him at the end. JV. Y. Sun, MEX WE VO NOT MEET. W A XT, TO Tho man who grunts and gasps as ho gobbles np bis soup, and at every other mouthful seems threatened with a choking fit. The man, who having by an acci dent been thrown onco in your com pany, makes bold to bawl your name out, and to shake your hand profusely when you pass hinj In the street, Tbo man who, pleading old school fellowship, which you have quite for gotten, never meets you without try ing to extort a five ixiund note. The man who volunteers his criti cism on your new pluy or picture, and points out itn worst faults in the pres ence of your wife. Tho man who artflilly provokes you to piny a game of billiards with him, and, though ho feigns to ho a novice, prtHluces his own chalk. The man who can't sit at your table on any set occasion without getting on nis legs lojiropose some siupiu loau. The man who, thinking you ara mu sical, bores yon with his notions on the music of the future, of which you know as little as tho music of tho spheres I J ho man who wears a white lint in tho winter, and smokes a pipe when walking, and accosts you an "old fel low," just as yon aro hoping to make a g(H)d impression on some woll-drosa- co. iaiy menus. Tho man who, knowing that your doctor faces film at the table, turns tho talk soastosethimtnlkingdoctor's shop. '1 ho man who, with a look ol urgent business, when yon aro In a hurry. takes vou hy the button hole to tell yon a had joke. ih man who, sitting just behind yon at the opera, destroys half yonr enjoyment ny Humming all tba airs, 1 no man who makes remarks on your personal adornment, asks yon where you buy your waist-eonls, and what yon paid for your dross-boots. The man who lards his talk with little scraps ot French and German after hin return from a Continental tonr. Tho man who spoils your pleasure in Being a now play by applaudim? in wrong places, and muttering in stage wuii.jiT.ra ma uoromcnu on 1110 pioL nuu, 10 niitsn wnn, tne man who. whon you draw back slightly to ap preciate a picture, coolly cornea and stands in front of you, and then re coding, also treads upon your toes. SaiUafiuj H. F. BIGLER & CO., tBALBSI IB HAItDWAItE, AUo, fttaaaf actor eraef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS or all kledt for tala by II. F, BIGLER k CO. R AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for anlt by H. r. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nail., ttt., for tala ky H. F. BIGLER t CO. ARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Ftadlnga, for tala ky U. F. BIGLEB A CO. G UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For tala ky H. F. BIGLER A CO gTOVKS, OK ALL SORTS AND Sltat, fur aala ky II F. BIQLEH A CO JUON! I RON I IRON ! IRON I For rait by II. F. HIGI.EK A CO. 0nSB SHOES A HORSE SHOE NAILS, for salt by II. F BIGLEH A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad boat Maaafatlara, for salt ky II F 1)10 LEH A CO. rjMIIMULE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for tala ky H. F BIGLER A CO. pODUEIl CUTTERS for salo by nca3070 II. F. BIGLER A CO. VTNEUAIl BITTEItS. PURELY VEGETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. Dtt. WAI.KKR'S CALIFORNIA UNKfiAR BITTERS Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitter are pa rely Vetntnblo iireporatioBa made obieay from the native herb found oa tbo lower raage of tb Sierra Nevada moantaiaa of California, tha medieinat pnperlea of whieb ara eittartod iherefr.m without tbo aa of Alcohol. The que tioB la alnoat dally naked, "Wfaat la tka eaua of the unparalleled eueee of Vikboab Ultra a T" Oar answer la, tbat tbey remove the eanao of dis eao, and the patient reeover hit health. They aro tha graat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a penrot Heaovalor and loviguracor of the yslm. Nerar befor la the bietury ol tb world aaa a medxina been compounded pn. euing tb remarkable qualities of Vmaaaa Bit ran in heal tog tba sink of every diea man I htlr to. Tbey ar a geotle Purgativa a well aa a Tonie, relieving Cougcetioa or loflammatioa of tba Liver and Viaoeral Organs, la Bilious Dia ea. Tha propertle of Dr. Walker'a Viaegar Bit ter ar Aperient, Diapboreti, Carminative, Na trielnus, Lasallia, Diurotie, tiedelire, Countar Irritaat, Badoriaa, Alterative, and AntUBilioaa. Grateful thousand proclaim Viaegar Bitter th most wonderful Invlgaraat Ibat over laitaia ed tha sinking ytm. No perooB em a take the Bitter aoeording to direction mod remain long unwell, provided thair boaea aia not destroyed by mineral poiaoa or other mean, aad vital orgaaa. Bit loo, Remittent and Intermittent Ferer, whieb aro a prevalent la lb valley of our groat riven throughout tbo United States, aepeoially tboao of tba Mluiaaippl, Ohio, atiaeonrt, IIHboI, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Bra 10 a, Rio Urmnde, Pearl, Alabama, Mobil. Havannah, RoaBoko, James, and away others, with their vaat tributaries, throughout oar oatire ouantry daring tbo Hummer and Autuma, aad remarkably ao during seasons of anaaual heal and dryness, are invariably aooompiniod by eg. ten aire derangement of tha fttomaeh and liver, and other abdominal rlseera. In their treatment a purgative, alerting a power -el ludueaou apoa theae varioa organ a, la asaeotially aeeoesary. There I ao eat bar tic for th purnoa equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, a they will epeodily remove tba dark-colored vlsoid matter with which the bowel ara leaded, at tba same time atimulat Ing th accretion of th liver, aod general ly re storing tb health fu net tons of tha digestive organ. Fortify tb body aiaiaat diteaa by purlfjlng all its fluids with Vinenar Bitter. Ne epidemic ww lau ooiu 01 a eyeiem inns toro atmea. Dypneitsta or Indlffeatloa. Headaolie, Pain ta Iba F boulder, Cnugbe, Tlghlaeea of tba Chert, Dtaalaefs, ttour Emotion of tbo Stomach, Bad Taeie in tha Mouth, Bilioa Attacks, Palpitattoa of the Heart, laflammatloa af Iba Lang. Pain in tha reirloB of tha Kidney, aad a hundred other paiatul symptom, ar tba offsprings ot Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a hotter guar antra of Its marlla tbaa a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King' Br II, WblU Bweiliag. Ul ear. Erysipelas, Swelled Nock, tioitro, tparofa lou I o damnations. Memorial affection, Old Hors, Eruption of the kia,Mor Eya,t. la thee, aa im all other aonrtitatloaal disaaaea, Walker'a Viauar Bitter have ahowa thoir araat curat iva power la tbo moat obstinate aad in tractable ease. For Inflammatory aad Chronfo Rheamaiiam. Gout, Bl lions, Remittent and latermitUat Fovera, Diseases of th Blood, Liver, Kidaey aad th Bladder, these Bitten bavo bo equal. Hitch Dl- aaaei are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Person engaged hi Paint and Mfaaral. soeh aa Plumber. Tra- eleert, Uold-beaUn and Miner, as they advance la life, ara eabjoot to paralyel of Iba Rowels. To guard agatuet this, lake a do f Walker's Vinegar Bittart occasionally. For Mia Diseases. Kruatloa. Teller. Rail. Rheum, Bloteh, Hpote, Pimples, Peat h lea, Boila, Carbuncle i. Ring worm, Reald-bead Sore Ky, Krylpaa, Itch, Hcurfs, Diaroloratioaa of lb Hbia, Humors aad Diseaaoe of tho Skia of wbai. ever aamo or aatare, ar II tt rally dag op aad carried out af tha system ia a ahert time by th ne 01 iocs ui tiers. Pta, Tape and ether Worms, turklnt 1b (he ietom of many tboaad, ara effeetnalty (to st royed and removed. No system of mod I etna, a vermifuge, ao antbelmlaliisa will fro tb aystem from worm like the Bitten. For Female CompleiaU, la yoaag or aid. mar ried or iorl, at lb dawn of womaalieod e tb turn of hie, the Toai Hit tore display aa 4- eiaea aa ranaeae inai improvement u soon par- cepiiDie. Cteaaeo th Villa ted Rlood whenever you lad II Impurities baratiag throegh tho akta la Pirn pi, KruntloB, or irei;stmN II whew yon ana it ooatrwoiea aaa Siaggisft la Una Vela c lea as It whea It I foul ; yvar feeling wiB tel yoa wheei. Keep th blood par, and tb health ot tn syatam will follow. . it. Mcdonald a co., Dragglau aad 0a. Agt.. Ran Fraaolaa. Call feraia, and emer af Washier ton and Char Ilea atreua, Mew York. b, all Draggtate aad Dealara. aart'Jd-lai. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL l-STRt;BENTSt-Orgnaa, both aaw aad aaaaad kaad, at Ike Maale 8l.ro, ofpoallt Oakok't Faralaara Here. AR petaeaa latereered ara larl. tod u aall aad aaaalaa a new ttpla af OraM aa aa ethlbitiea. . Sheet Maaat and Mntaa aeka eoatl,.ah.ad. apt-TMf Hij:rfl!ant0us. H ARD TIME8 IIAVB KO RFFECT IN FRENCHVILLEI f am a ware that thor ar earn pereoai a little bar! t plea, anil I am alee awara tbat tb 0ompla.nl vt "ft ara limea ia wan aign aoivereai. Uut I am teeiiaated now I bat I ean entiif; tbo former and prore eoooloiUeiy tbat "bant tinea" will aot efeot thoa wbo buy tbelr gooda from mo, aad all my patron fball be initiate, luto tb aa oral of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES. I bar gooda caoogb to aupply all th luhabl-! taal la th lower aaa of tb aoaaty wgiob I aall I at eiooeding low rate from my mammoth ator la 1 mULeunlllJKU, wner I oan alwaya b toand ready to wait upon eallen and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snob as Cloth, Satlnetti, Cassluier, Uublloa, JJelatM, LtBea, Drillings, (.alieoee, Trimming, Hibbona, Laoo, Raadjomad Clothing, Bool aad Sbooa, Hat aad Cap all of the boat material aad made to order Uo, Doc, filer, allien, Lno, nmoona, wo. GROCERIES or ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, lager, Riee, Molaaeea, Flab, Ball, fork, Unoed Uil, rub on, carooa uu. Hardware, Queen war. Tinware, Caatlngi, Plow aad Plow Coating, Nail, Hplke, Corn Cultlra-; tort, Cider Preea,and all klada of A tea. ! Ferfomery, Paint, Varalab, Ola, and a gen ml aasortmoBi ol Biuoary GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwaya oa hand, and will b tula at tba lowest poeiui Bgure. II. UoClain't Medieiapp, Jay at' Medicine, UoatctUtf'a and Uovfland'a lllttara. 00 Boaada of Wool wanted fur wblab iba blgheat prioo will b paid. Clorvrsoed oa haad aad for aal at lb lowed marki prion. Alao, Jtfcot fur StrattoBrllle aad Carwerille Tbraahing Macbinea. majL-Call aad ec for yoareWr. Von will lad everything nasally kept ia a retail store. L. al. COUDRIKT. Pronebrillo P. 0., Aaaat 12, 1874. It EAD I'll IS I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Th attention of tb cllltena of Clearfield and vicinity la directed to the fact tbat Goodrellow A Sub are the areata of M. Nieeo A Co., and hare jast reoeit-ed a half duiea ear load af Floor aad Feed, which they oiler at tb lowest poesibM ag ar. A larga stock of FLOUR, COHN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAX, Potato, P belled Corn, Cora la oar, ke A. Particular attaatloa 1 celled to M. Nioe A Co.' brood of family Flour, which la iba boat la th market. Flour and Feed oaa aad will bo 00 Id eboaper tbaa it eaa b obtained els where la Clearfield aoonty. rSIor oa Market street, acxt door to Jioa. Alexander Irvin'a residence. GO0DFELL0W A SON, janlttf Agent for M- Nieeo A Co jJOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER iisriiiT, OSCEOLA 6TRAU MILLS, BAaurAereaaa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS Sawrd A Patent Riltxtl Shinglet. B. B. BU1LLIII0F0RO, FrMt4.nl, OBm Faratl Plaaa, Ha. US S. Ill at., Pkll'a. JOHN LAWSHF, Oanaral Sua't., Oaeaala Mill., Claarlall aaaatr, Fa. Auo TOWN LOTS U tala la tka karimah afOaaaala. ua-KB Ik. LAR0R8T ASSORTS! BUT af (Jnodt In CiMrl.ld Mant at tkalr Naaaslt Saara la OMaala. Janl-Ia F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate roker, R.prcaMta tka fallawlaf rallakla Inaaraaaa Ca'u Nartk Brlllak A Marnaatlla laa. Ca. S11,I0.IM WaabinKlna Lift laaaranea Ca, t.aao.toa t,oi,aoa 1,.7S,I4I Fir. A.aoHatinn Innnrnnea Ua. AnaaauB Fira Inanranr. Ca I'kflrnti la.ar.ao. Co., N. Y ,atM,o, Watwtuwa Fira, laairaa IwatllBr aad farai hnildinra onlr.. .... !7t,M! Tort, Pa., Sliiok Iaaarnana Ca. UaraM lataiad agalnH dnath aad tkeft. r. B rartioa ia tb. ooantra deatriai In.araaa. m llielr lira, or prantrtT .aa kara rl prompt!. nu.nora ta a, aadrranlai a. a, Kttor, ar awning ta paraoa at aar oatc, ia I'l. a Opera Huaa Roam No. l.Claarield, Pa. .uj26 I4 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD . NCALEN, Of JLL HIRbt Baggage Barrtw, Warebouaa Tracks, Copying Pre eaa, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. roa a a lb ar H. F. BIGLER & CO., Ikaalera la Hardararn. oh.tt rt tf Saaoad Stnat, CtaarlaM, Fa JOOK OUT FOR THE 8IGN OF TUB niG CANT HOOK! MARRKT 8TRKRT, CLKARFIKLD. Tha aid Claarlald Riaalalar Cant Rook Ca. b 4iaaolr.d, aad a a.w oaa formad kr Awoa Kn nard aad O. B. Il.rr.ll, af Claarlild, and U. Id Allwd, af RmDorinia. C.n.roa eoaatr. aa Bart. nan, aad Jan. B. WaUoa, of OI.arl.ld, a. Ums al Airaat, Tk. n.w ..atpaa, will aarra an tk. ba.lnaa. af ataaafaetnrtaa, Mlliag aad ahippia, tka Cant Hook, wltk all tn.ir inpror.incnla. onirn nro aow p.rta.1. Ail Oram prnmptl, llhnl. JAR. B. WATHON, J.I; lat, lilt. Oaa lAl.nt. F OK SALE) A krr. aad wall Inl.hod Brick Da.lllar. alia. ate aa tka rtr.r kaak, In Ika koToak of Cloar i.ld, eMtatnln, alavaa raoaat, wltk good aaUar, watar Ia tk. kiukaa, aad all Iba niodara ooa ... alanoaa. Paatri.., Batb-rooai, Clobo.-pr..aaa, A Lat .iitT fbal front aod two knndrad and tklrtr faot book, wltk a tw.ataoot alHr an law oaat aid.. Raid b.lld ia r, wltk all Ika avpartaaaaMa. will ka Mid b.aa, wltk parai.nta la aait Parana- Mr. Applioatioa Ma ba Bada to tka aadar algaad, or to A. 0. Tala, Ba., wna lll gir. all naanij lafonaalaea to IkoM wna daatra ta ta apMt U. prwort?. . thus. J. aeuvLLOUuii. Ba, Slat, H7S,tf. , Lime Tor Sale ! ' fVlHB aadaralgaad, raalding aaw tka depot ku X atada MBplaU arraagnaau wltk Llart Baraare aaal af tka aaatain, wkonk, ka la aaa klad ta kaap aoaataatlo aa kaad a larga aaaa lit, ol PURE LIMKI wklak ka offrn lo fana.ra aad balljara at a trlla aboroaaat. Tkoaa la and af tka artickj wwald da wall to giro a a aall, ar addnan ana kj latlar, ka. twrm ouuoung Ui.ir IIBIO. UKO. C. PAFSHORS. Claarlold, Pa., Jaaa 1, I SSI. . TUB CLEARFIELD - , .. . . .'i o ..-.- ,1 WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE I Haaaraalana) wpaatallT far - TIM CLKARFIKLD Til ADS, ,. tngl'TI n. F. BIOLER A CO. JRATZER A LYTLE, . AOENTS in CLIARFIKLD COllNTT FOR - LOOILLABDf) t CUbraledBraadl af Smoking A Chnrlng jebarto. Wt are Mabled to wboLeale la dMler, tkraagb aat the aaaat, al tit, prtMt. a BnTISS a LTT1.R, i'-tf OwarlaM. Fa. flHBAP QROCERIBS!' ' 1 t I'll... .. TWnndwrtlgaad aaaonarea to hit aid Meada p-o F-..-" .oo WW OTO. OT.Or.Oe B foBd I BM) Ol OROCBRIRS A PROVISIONS at tWeM Mend af Blrk a Spanaer, aa, W(M ..i,,, . tMnl r. - w . aFBNOBR. Laaaka. Oil;, Fa., Mere, fl-tr. T .S'liH.l.'iH SHAW HOUSE, ' (Cor. af Harkat A Front atrawtt,) CLRARFIRLU, FA. Tha aad.ralgnad karlng taka okargo af tkll llot.l, wuakl rr.pratfallr wllallpabll. antroango. J.nl 7! 1. B. FULLIRTON. IEO.NARD JJOUSK," J (Natrth. Railroad Dfpol,) CLRARKIKLD, PA. A rbira af aobllo patroaaga la reanMtfallr to- lleitrd. dill'ft 8. B. ROW, Proa'r. WASHINGTON TIOUSE, ' NKW WASIIINtlTON, FA. , Tbla aaw and wall fyralahrd boaar baa boaa tak.a br tba unjaraignad. Ha teala aoaldant af . balag anlo to rud.r Mtlafaetion to IkoM wko aaa faror hiai with a aall. Mar 1, 1171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jyj-ONTOUR HOUSE, Upporlto lb. court UoaM, LOCK HAVEN, PKNN'A. joint " ' HAtSEAL A KROAt, Prop't. B MOCKKRHOaVe MOUnK, , BRLLRFONTB, FA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, ' ' 1 Proprietor. " - , -tr-1 .". oolJS'71 LOYD HOUSE, Mala Strart, P1IIL1FHUUUU, PKNR'A. Tabl. alwn. .ut.Dllaa' witk Ikn et Ik. aaarkrt ' atTurila. Tkatrir.lief path. I.lnrltwl ta.nll. nan,??. . koukkt Ltnii. THE M ANSIOlTlioUSE." Corner of booondand Market Street. CI.RARPII'D, rA. THI9 old aad eomiaodloa UoUl baa.daHag tb paat yar. beea aalarged to double tu former eapaaity for the aUrtatameat af atraa gar aad gaeat. Tb whole baildiag ha beea refuralihed, and tb proprietor will apara a paiaa render his gat eemfortobl wbll lUwtna aL kl errne 'Manttoa Houee ' Omaiaa ran t id from tb Depot oa tho arrival aad denariar of aaeb trala. JOHN DOUGHERTY, pr T If Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Marb.1 St., not. ftorbnd and Third,) ii KAitpmLi), ra. Th. auhwribrr b.rinff booom. nroDrlator af tbia hotel, woold rMpeetfullr aak a libera! ahnra f putilie patroBBge. P'Hl UaOKUS LEIFOLDT. Jfutistrij. J. If. STEWABT, D. D. 8., Ofloa over Irwin' Drag Store. CURWKNSVILLK, PA. All dental operatioL either la the maflhanlaJ or operative branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid ta Ibe treatment of diseases of the aatarml teeth, gums aod month. Irregularity of the teeth ane oesafully corrected. Teeth extracted wilbowl pain by the use of Klber, and art) ft tel teeth faaorlrd if the best material and Warranted to render set is fact ion. aprilSfi'7l:l r. a- ittaoLD. Q. W. 1 BRO LB. . B. ABIOLB F. K.ARNOLD at CO., Baukem and Brokers, Ry Bolder life. aleCeraoaj , Pa, Moaey reoeired aa deposit. Dleonata at mo derate rate. Eastern and Porelga Stchange al wavs an band aad eollretiona promptly mad. ney noma vine, ueo. ia, inri.-ty County National Bank, OF CLEARFIBLD, PA. ROOM la Maaonie Ballding, oaa door aortk af C. D. W.teoa'a Drug Slnra. P.pMae Tieketa la aad from Lirentool, Qaaaa.. towa, Olaagitw, London, Pari, and Copenhagen. Alao, Draft, for mIo on th. Rojal Bank of Ireland Mid Imperial Dank of Loadoa. JAM KB T. LlllnAaU, PrM t. W. M. SHAW, Caabier. lhl:74 . D. ll'Oirk. BdwaH Perk.. BAN ma & COLLECTION HOUSE OF mcgirk & perks. SnepMoors to Foster, Perk, A Co., - 1 PhUlpebwrf , Coatre Caty, Pa. Willi KB all the buiioem of a Baakiag IIb a ' wll' oe traaaacted promptly and apoa tl moat favoraole ttrai marf-tf DREXEL A CO., Ka. a Saath Tklrd atratH, PklladalpkU And Dealers In Government Securities. Applleatioa or mall will roeelre nraBpl atlan tloa. aaa all iBloraaoea aaMnaii, laraianea. Ordora aolieted. April ll-tf. The Lightning Tamer. rpHR and.raignad ara Lb. mm Ag.aU la Ikla I aoanly for Ue "North Aaiariaaa (i.lraaiud LTOHTNINS BODS." Ih.M nra Uaanljufa rod a aow In .... aad ara eaderMd bj nil tha , Miaatila Ben la the eoaatrj. Wa her.br aotife tha altiieal af tka aaaan ' tbat wa wilt pat tbeaa ap n better rod, and fae 1.M atoaa,, tbaa la annrge! a, taa raMtgn ' aaaau wba aaaaall, uaaerM tba eeante aaa arr, af ear Hula cub, sever to retnra. ENCOUR1GE 110 MB LABOR. ThoM wtthlag Llgbmiag Re da aro. tad oa tbelr baildiaga need bataddnM aa bj latter, or aall la perrea. Wa will pal that, ap .njwb.re la theeoaal,, and narraat tbeaa. The Roda aad Fiitaro. ana ba lata at aar tiaia b, aalllag al oeratera. - H. F. RIULKR A CO. . Clearield, Harak M, U7I-H . , 70HN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN . - FURNITURE, MtTTnmsiw, ' .' ' AND',-, ,' Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREBT, NEAR P.O. Tka aadenigned bege loare to referee tb. dti taaa of Clearield, and tba pablae g.amll7, that he hM aa bead a laa aaeeiaaaaal of Faraitere, earn. M Weaaat, Chutaat aad I'ainted Cbajanar Salta, Parlor Builea, Reclining and attention Chair., Lmliea ar.d fleata' Kaa, Ckalra, tko Per forated Dining akd Parlor Chain. Caaa Beauaad Windaor Chaira, Clolbea Rare, Stop and Kitoa lloa Laddari, Hal RMha, 8rahblog Brathet, A. VIOtlLDINU AND PICTURE FRAMES, . Looking Ql.aMa, Ckrottea, Aan wklob wwold ba aaiuM. tor lloliaai praaMlt. , . do.lt 71 JOHN TROVTMAN. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONER f. Market at., ClnaraVald, (at tka enat Otlra.1 rpilB aadoreigaed kega lra u enneaante J. ih.eltlaeaa.f Clearield aad rl.lait,,Uat ka bat Ittad ap a raaa aad kat Jaat r.teraed from tka tit, wltk b large aataaalaf reading aaatler, raaalatlag la part af " Bibles ant) Miaoelk&eooa Books, i Blank, Aeeoant and Pan Seek a of arary da aarlpllon Paper and BwaaUpaa, Fraaak pMBa.4 aad phala I Pana aad Feaetle , Blaak, Legal Ptpera, a..da, MortgagMi Jadgaaeat, Biaaap lion nad Promleaor notet i Wkileaad Pareki' mat Brlaf, Legal Cap, Reo.rd Oan, awl BHI Oap , sheet, Mailt fen either nana, Flaw aa Veelaa eeoatootlr eat band. An, boo ha at atnileaari dMlnd tbat I a. a 7 aat bare aa bead, will ba ar erdend b, Irat aspran, aaf told at whelenle M retail ta aall aalaataert. X will alaa kee, perledlee! lltarntara, aaek at If egettnet, rTawa. paaera, Ae. ' P. A. CAUtlB. . Cl.arleM Ma, f, IISI.tf a 'UNDERTAKING, Tho andoralgaed ar loVftfTTy prwparvd ta aarry aa th buaiaa of - 1 1 ,-,.m , lINDEltTAltlNCJ. ' At BEASOKABLt BATES, ' Aad laanoatlaUr Mliolt tha pabranage. af IboM aeedlag inch MrritM. . JOtlN TROrYntArf, , .vi. - ,., ,AMRS L, LBAVT, :' Clearield, Fn Feb. IS, laid. i f. : : I IMKI . LIMKI a j The aadaralkoaa lo oaa 1 - ' tba pablia ailha.aeellMe,aeiUT of Bellefbnte Wood-Burned lime, ' for nlnatarlan naraaaM. be tbo .lt .aaalll. Can be f.ead tor ifc. .nt n Pi.'e aow baildiag, an Market ataeet. : natl-U . U f. MuCtilXOeaB. . WANTED. By tba Claarlold Kb-' Millar Cant Heel Compear, Weed far ' ll,H CART HOOK BANDLBfl, ' foMlMlltr kardSogar, aplUtealM. tar la -rVraaatlaa laaalra al laa Tekaaaa and Saarar Star! f nanlnfj Af.BB. WAtHOR.