Sardicart, tlniwf. 8ACEETT " SCHIYYEbT IUUU IB HARDWARE, ud aaufaelaml of Tln.Copper A Sheet Iron H are, ami BUmI, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' Itevlag largely looreaeed w atoek f lt.roV war., . lonu Ihi publlo to eieraiae or Hook and priaaa. Carnanter, Bad p.reoaawko eoatemplat. balld Iflg will do wall to oiomioi oar TOOLS BtJILDIIO HiSDWAHB, whlek li w and of th. keel enuhotare, and will bo told low for wk. NAttS. GLASS, PUTTY, GLUR, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All klaJi of Bench PUnar, Hawt, CbiMli, Bqairaa, 11 am men, liateheU, Plumb and Ltvela, MoKieed Thumb QuagM, Batala, Braeaa A llitta, Wood and Iron Bench Screw, and the bst lloring llaohiaa In tb iwarket. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, A. Atjent$ for BurneU'i Iron Com Shelter, warranted. Alio, agonti for Rlubarda CiOTIIIC FLUB TOPS, which effectually eura Smoky Flue. rrmrs' Imp lament and Oirden Tooli of Trj defcriptloa. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wa warrant la give aatiifaetlon. Portable Hanre$ and Bnrnate. fe.Roofioc. Spontim and Job Work don on reaaonabl term. All order will roeelra prompt attention. Junei, !" BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, t;Haecora to Bojntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Manufacturer of PORTABLE & STATION HY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Poartb Bod PIbo Straota, CI.EARKIKI.n, PA. TTAV1N0 OBgagad la tbo aaBofutara of irat XL abut MACHIMERY.wareipaetfally lofonw tba ttubio tbat wa Bra Bow vraparad t III all ordara ai ebaaply and aa prooiplly ai aaa ba doa Ib any of tba altlaa. Wa wianafattara and daalla Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Baad Blooka, Walar Vhaala, gkaiUag Poll.;., Oiford'l Injortor, Itaaa Oaug.a, 8ta Wktltlaa, Oilora, Tallow Cupr, Oil Copt, Gang. Cooka, Air Cooka, dloba Valrai, Cbaok Valraa, wrought Iroa Plpoa, S'..aia Punpa, Bollar Pood Paaipi, Antl Friotloa Matna, Soap gtoao Paekiag, Obbi Pack ing, and all kind! or WILL WOSKi tnftthar wltb Plowa, Slod Solaa, COOK AND PA RLOR STO VS, and otber CASTINGS of all klnda. VOrdara aoliciud Bad Iliad at tltj prlcal All latun of laqulry wltb rafaranaa lo aaoblnny of oar BaaBfaotan proaiptly aaawarad, by addral Ing Bl at Claarlald, Pa. Jul'Tt tf . BIOLBR, TODNa A RKED. "MEW BTOKK AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW ii SON Ua. juat opened a Niw Srog, on Uaio 8t.,CmniLD, Ft lately occupied by Win. F. JEW IS. Their stock eoniiatsol ajoax ar cd ce no at GkocsaiES of lb beat quality, QtJEENBWARC, Boots and Shoes, aod every arliole neceaaarr for one', comfort. j Call and txamine our atock before pur chaeiDf eltawhere. lis 9, 1806-lf. fERRA I COTTA STANDING VASES, IIANG1NG VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eeaitaatly oa kaad. STOE AD EARTnES-WAEE OP BVBET PKSCEIPTIONI CKOCKS! POT81 CROCKS! Kieher'i Pat.wt Alrllrbt Self . Keallna; r ran awaei BUTTKR CHOCKS, wltb lldl, CRKAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLI - III' n B K CKOtKS, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DIBUKS, STRW POT, A ad a great aiaay etbwr IMaga ka aaaearowa I. bhibuob, u a. bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Ckerry and Third Srreete, VLKARPIELD, PA. aagl Down I Down 11 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURftl TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Pricesf T1TI ar. aow opening op a let f the beat Bad VT oioH naeoBebla Oooda Bad Waraa ev .lered I. tbla market, and at ,rie that remind m af tka good eld daya af ehaap thlaga. Tboaa wbo lak fattk apoa Ihla point, or dee at hi aU - gatioaa aaaarilaou, and b.t cjll ar ovh mtorb, Craae Froat aad Market atraata, W. tk.. .mm fMl .... 4 w... ... .k. Mleaa. Tof.llya.der.tajkd.1,, - .. . . . " ir tat. thl. .art be ;.; d- tt .e- mm aaaBMraio mmm iwhiv. wmw wtmmm. ut MOBBB Wa har. Erarrthtng tiut li Needed ud eoaecd In this Barhet, sad al aricci that actoalth botb old nnd vewnc, ton I ta dI Clearfleld Nursery. "5NC00RA0B HOMB WDU8TRT. rTW aa4wlga, kartaf Mtaklleaa. a Hal X aw, aa Ike 'Ftt., halt way kMwwtt ClaaHeid aad Creertll., U Mfaaej. M fat akek all klada .1 FRUIt TEIa,(ila.dardaad dwarf,) Iterrniea MneWr, ttraaMI VbMa, gl.. bi-bVi awBaaataa 4L..a.BBakwa M a - a. a , aaVaAkmaBBSBkaaawHaw WaWVaWrWrawTa) Awawarwarwawawaj aVaaaBBBBaBJB; aaVarVV SWaBWJBj JJ , aad laaawn, Tlavaa. Ada., Ikawkaa) Oewb Trwaa, QalaM, aad aarl, Market Ikalaat, m, , trden ,rw,Uy ataaadad ta. Adawaa,- 4.0. lUllt. atfN-M-F . Owiwwaetla. Fa gru oodj, (SrBrrrits, (Sir. J. p. araavua..... W. W. nBTTa, WE4YEK A IIKTTN CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering , ot tho old Hand of Q. L. Reed A Co. their lock of foodl, ooaiWtlng of j -nr yl-i-.c y,,,. ! DKY UOUDb, OKOUJliBIES, BOOTS A XIIOKD, HATS A CAPS, ' IIAHUWAHK, giKKNSWAllK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c, 4c, At th nutt rcuuuibU tti fur CASH w m iobute fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OH COUNTRY rROlUiCB. ' 9AilvAHCl BaJ t tltDi tnguffrd la get- Ung ant aqua re timber on the moat advantageous I term. pdtlJ.TiTI rpo TUB FRONT! CRKAT EXCITP.MEKT AT TltS CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTER SALOON 1 Th underalgDed having Juat II tied up new. large and oomfur table roomi on Market atreet, near Third, reapeotfully Informa the publio that ha now drepared lo accommodate thorn with everything tn hia line on abort notieeand at all noura or the day. lie keep on band ERFSII DREAD, R11HK8. ROLLB. PIES, CAKER, all klndi. FRESH OYSltRS IN EVERY STYLE, and a general aaaortment of CONFEOTIONKRIKS, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac, All of which will be delivered to cuatomnrs at their reaiiienoea, when requeited to do o. ICR CRKAM, by the dlah,ierved lu a neatly fur nUhed room. Thankful fur the gvneruua patronage beatowed in th pait, he hope to merit and reeolve a con- llnuenoe of tbo tame from htaoldraito iuri, and other. JOHN STADLKH. Junel8.'7S-tf. JANIEL GOODLANDEIi, LUTIIKRSDURO, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, noSIERT Si GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOE, Tobacco, Orocerlee and Fiab, Kails, Hardwaro, Qaeemwar and Ulitiwire, Men' and Boya Clothing, Drug, Paint, Olla, School Hooka, a large lot of Patent Medicines, Candies, Nut A DrUd Frulti, Cbce and Crack rt Rock and Rile Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, Llntnga, Bindings nd Thread, Khoemaker Twds and 8hoe Finding!. No greater variety of goods In any store tn the county. AR for sal very low for eah or country produce nt the Cheap Corner. . Aug. 27, 167. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Poob towB.blp, Clrarfletd Co., Pa. BURNED OtITt BURNED UP I Tb subscribers bar, at great eipenie, rebuilt neigbborbood nceasalty, in the erection of a flrst etassWoolea Manufactory, with all the Modem improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Cass t meres, Batinetts, Ulaaw kets. Flannels, Ac Plenty of goods oa bead to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom wa ask to eon and examine our stock. Th business of CARDING AND FULLING will roecWa our apccUI attention. Proper arrangcBnent will be made to rceeire and delirer Wool, to suit eustomtn. All work warranted and dose upon tb shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to bwslneas w hep to realise a liberal shar f public patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! W will pay th highest market price for Woo and tell our manufactured goods as low aa similar goods can b bought in the oounty. and whenever k w fail to lender reasonable satisfaction we ean always be found at home ready to mek proper iplaaatioa, cither In person or by letter. JAM KB JOHNSON A BUN 3, prit20tf llower P. 0. LEATHER BUKAST-STRAPS BUPKRSKDKD 1)Y COVER'TM PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the beat Mallea ble Iran, end ti attached to tb i lames by the beat Snap rr invented. It U eaaily and quickly put on, and prevent a th whipping of th horses by tb pule. Iiot liable to get cut f repair. Will last for years. All 4 wo ask ia fair trial, t eunrioo all parlies us ing tfaeai tbat they are ansurpassed ia ralu for the purpose for which tbj are inUndsd. HAOKKTT A BC1IUVVKH. Clearfleld, April Ii, 1074. MARBLE AD STOSE YARD! Mis. S. S. LID DULL, Having engaged la the Marbht ti.ilaeit, deiltee U larorat kar friend, and Iba a.blla tbat aha baa a.w aad will keep .oBitaally o. hand a large and weU eekeUd rtook of ITALIAN AND VHP. MONT 11ARBLB, aad la prepared lo farnlih to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADliH TOMBS, MONHMKNTR, Carba aad PoMa far Coulery Lola, Window Sllla aad Cape, alio, BllBlAU, TABI.I AND WASH STAND TOPS, Aa., Ae. fefA-Yard oa mi atrMl, Bear Ike It, E. Depot, I'leara.ld, ra. Jel.U QXJNSMITHlNa. Q. W.WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. , Shop Third attet, .ear Hlley'l blackemllh j jbop, (, FA. i All klada of HlSee aad Shot O.n ana hand. I Repairing daa. Ib a Inl el..i naanar and at fair 1 prloea. . gilg'JI . Iilvery Mtable. ' . ? ! Tt .'r,14 ke..Uav,t. lf.,th.p.b- lie lavns ne I now laiiy nrenaraMi to aceoaniBO . .. . ..,.. I BeddlM and Hwhn, a. th. .horle.l n.tlTi ,nd ! mm restaaable toraaa. RaaldaBO. oa Loeait atreeL BMwaaa Third aad Foerlb. (1BO. W. OBABUART. lUargald. F.h. d. 1174. Ij'OR AI.B.Tb. andenlgaed ogera for aala a ealaakl. t.wa property la lho boroogh I Clewt.ld. Im Btilsi fMt, with a good two. atoryplaak koM thereon erected, with three rewaa dowa Malra and foar bed moral ap atalra. Almm, MWl.g MB Hd b.tb IM. .. MOO.d floor. a tal.hed a.apl.1. f,.,, , lUU) flMd daahe. poreb aad gMd walw. Price raa- aeui aayaaoai, aaay. Ia.g7l Wal. Mi . MeOULLOUQH. J. H. MIUHUAY tat srprLT ton with ant articlr OF MEHCHANIltHS AT THE VERY LOWKST FltKa COMB AND Ski. (g::tSj.) NEW WASHINGTON. Hi.rrUaitfcus. QLEAIiTIKLD PLANING MILL COMPANY. ' rilllK anilartlynail, auecciaora to HKtTl A X l'OUKl.l.. hava imirband Ilia l l.KAH- HK1.1I I'l.AMMI MILL, and rolillfd It lor ol i .jlniilro bsalwraf. All Ibo naohiuerjr , k" Wt rary to mako it ono of the inoct ooniiilrlo ralabiirUiurBla ol tho kind Ib tbo Stato. Tbay ara bow nrriiarcd to rroalro ordarl for any work io that lina. Thoy will gireapooial , alloution to oil utateriaj. for hoilM building. ( I I ci nnuiwr: wcTurD DOAnr.iwn t L.VVIIH1U, iilii uvnnu I n u , SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, brackets, siovrnnrv, a r, OF ALL 6TVLEH, klwajion hn.. rv fiir ImtiiKn tiii k. i... nu v i Ll'UUEK, ao that riiDi at a litatane may ' onng (n.r mmuor, cxcdudk n mr, ami return homo with (lie manufactured artltlct. The Ci'topniiy will alwaya Imra on hand a rg atock of drjr luuibur, ao aa in be altlo U all an order on tho ahorteit tintlce. Only the belt and mtiet akililul hnmJi will be employee., ao that the 1 I publio tatty rely upon good work. I Luoibcr will be workrd or mid ai low ae II ooa i be purohnaed any whet., and' wnrrantod to give Mti.r.nllnn A ,k. I....ln... -ill I.. J..n. theoaab principle wo ran i.tTurd tonork tur.ui.n j prolir. lifv ttiMtit'i ,,vtijiii Ulii l.UAIUht itAMUl, K.pi.ii, n. .;.d .., .ir ..d tw. inob .an.. .lull, for .bleb a hb.r.1 prie. .ill b. paid.' Th. bu.lur.a will be cue Juried nndvr the naiao of ,h "Clearfield rianlng Mill Co."; M. 0. Brown will ponnnilly oprrlniiud ibe business, Ordt-rs repectfnlly solicited. M. 0. lir.OWN A ItRO ClejrRnld, Pa., Jouunry 8, 18V I. T Ml E LARGEST ASSOUTMli.NT OP ever brought to the iK.unly, are being received at ; the Hardware K.tabii.hnieni of ll. I1'. lutii.KH i A CO., enmpriiing the following Cook Hi "' I SPEAR'S CAI.OHIFIC, ' XUPLK. SITaOCKIIANNA. KF.UUbAIllIt ; EXCKLSKll!. TltlUMI'H. (il)V. rESN UFAIilNft i NATIONAL It A Nil K, C. AC Alio, the fullowing Itculiog rjtovei: RPEA tt'S ANT1 CLINKER. SrEAK'R ANTI DUST, srRAn'sonnicuLAR, SrKAB'S PARLOR COOK. MORS ISO LIfillT, HON TON, OirSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM. RUBY' DAUPHIN EGO, ' - CHESTER F.(!fl, VOLCANO, rjlOENIX, IIFAVY DA It ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVKS, AC, Clearleld. Sept. IS, I SJ J. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALB BY II. F. Itisler & o. IllON D0DBLK-B1I0VKL PLOWS. .WOOD D0UULK-BII0VEL PLOWS. WOOD SINHLK-SIIOVKL FLOWS. IKON CUI.T1VAT0BS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. 00WANDA A IHON DKAM l'l.OWH. riTTSnt'RU 8TKKL PLOWg. HAfPT'8 BKLLKFONTE PLOWS. ROllESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. gr-Hbarea for all ol the above Plowi eon- atantly on band. any2H-7t 0. I. c. If llliltE to boy my PHY (1001)8, UK0- oeriee, tjuoeniware, Ulwiware, Dmgi and Notiona, Conl'eetionerlcr, Ae,, cheap for raib. The aobacriber beg, Irave to inform hia old and aew OBitomen that ba haa ojiened A VA11IETY STOIlli IN OLEN I10PK, PA. And will aell goodi at prloei to anlt the timer. prion toanlt the timer. A liberal reiloclloa Ing at wholesale. liberal reuociion win oe mane 10 cu.iumer. wvj. Call and eiamln. Biy etaek before purcbajilng allewher A liberal ihar. of pulille patroBnge ia aolieited. , 0. J. KF.A11Y. Olea Hope, P.., Juno It, 1871. MITTON & HamOIYS i Xew Saddle nnd Harness MANlJrACTORY, CDRWENSYILLE, PA. TIIK nndcrrigneil, baring Iraeeil rninna for the manufacture of all kinda of SADDLES, 1IAK NKSH, and all tho laleet linprorementa lo lloree Vnrnl.hin llnodi. ar. now nrcnored I. nil all ,jfr, al ,,i..a .ml quality that will luiprl.e all I wbofavortbem-llharall for the ia.peelioni.f their work. Ther are determined topless andtbe.rei nerieno and obaerration in eatern nnd western elllea rnnblesthen to UKt-'V CUMPKTITION in the manufacture of Hold, Silver, Orelile, Itubber Cor red aod U lit Lined Wcuotcd , , . , CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I Alio Fine It 1 1 1 N I) AND ItACINU SADllLlin. Their rent! and etpcnteaa being light, they will aell the aame gradea of work XII per cent, cheaper tba. they oaa ba bought in lb. eailera eitiel. Repairing and .dJajtingHaddlre, llarae,Ae., neatly dnae, al rMronabla prleep, Partle.lar attention paid to ail ordera by nail i or atherwie.. Call ..d aealbeirwork before bayingeleewhere. MITTON A HARMON. Cnrweaivlllr, Pa., Oct. 31, Hid. J J If. iUGI.Kll & CO.S SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' IIARDWARE, MKC1IANIC6' 1IA1IDWARR, ' LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, !.. INO l'TENStI,9. i MILL SUPPLIES, . i IROM NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINtiS, j CALCINED FLASTKILi Ma, It, lltl. j ."7 ."."."..".Trr.r ..'"... TT r. " 1100T AND81IOK MAKING. 1 .a a I dOSEPII II. DKKKtNtl. oa MarhM atreat. la ! Shaw'a Aow, Clearfleld Fa., kaa Jatl raeeleed ! a tea lot ar rraaek Oair gblae aad Klpe, the t heat la Iba Market, aad la aew prepared ta ataa I afaetar. .rerytbtBg ta kia llaa. li. will war-1 rani kia work ta ba ae repr.le.ted. I aae ollleeaa of Clearn.ld aad Tlclalty .1. l.vlt.d t. give kia a nil. Warh doae al abort aotlea. Iili'tn, JOB PaiNTiajn OF EVERY DESCRIF Ilea Beally .teemed al thle o"lc. THE 11KPUI3LICAN. CLKAI5K1ELU, PA H'KIINKHDAY MOKNINtl.JAN. , I:. AN OLD ONq. Too leagh at you tnra tho yellow page Ol tliat queer old eong yoa oiag. And wouder how folk, could ever arc A rharia in Ibaaloiple melody Ufcuch an old-faebiuaed liiing. That jallnw para Wat fair to t low, Thl i.n.lnt ..I.I l.n. u froah and nr-. That aloi.lo alraio waa our dflibt, Un i, , ,ib.ivd olllit br Wight, And tliouxbt tlis luu.ia ot our dajr Ab rndla.l Joy 10 fina and lilar. Jo our youlb, Ioiik, loug aie, A Joyoui group wa luvod lo watt, WboB bopo Wat high, aod lilo war iwrot ; WheB roiuanee .bad Ita goldon light, i"ai.uoi.a,.n ... km, O'tr lima'i unwrioklcj-lrvw. Tli Up ire nuto Ihnt ntij then word i The hnudi ar ttlll liiat nruc tlie cWiK Th loving hrl la ooll. From out (b oirtle, oo by out. Homo dear aoiopnaion tUt-r hm gone Wliil olhcrt lUy lo And hm true Tht lift baa ebord and diirord loo. And all of w are old. : 'Tia But alone wbtn moilo thrill, i The power of thought profound that 0!l Th aoul. Til not all art ! . The old familiar tonsa wo bear f not uP"n lin"JC n Thay tlbrato lo tba heart. And now you know tho rcaaon. M'liy I havo krpl and Irra.ored brrr Tbii iubk ol hyiiina veiirr. Vou laugh at th. uld-la.bioned atmio, It bring, niy childhood liaok ngain, And fills my ayra with t;ar.' VU mud A.m. ni:i:vnm mkvg ixa: 1,;o -law s delay is being ingeiii- The ''litw'a ilolny" in lioina pimly ami vigorously invoked to stavo , , oil' the suit which bus been brought jugainst Parson lliwher by Thotsloivj If"" u"tn';ihe. ''"V Vf j iicw,t.." - e"mv0 imUvr l'm, l')'oi-s and his chiiivh know what they nro about,! i lnt considering 1 1 1 tit all of them inadu , so much ado uliotit "tho evil effects ol ' tho Heochcr sconiltil on the rising gen-1 got rid of it as quickly us possible. It j Honor thy father and mother, pan erulion," they tiro making haste rath-becomes then a "current thing. It ticularly about circus timo, when you er slowly to vindicate the character of, runs, t'tinvncv is tho "rtinninir" from . don't know where to rttiso llftv cents. "the greatest preacher in the world," ' aim tnus stop the. scanilul. II, as .nr. Ueechers Inends persisteiitlv assert.ho is iniiiMent, men who are not lawyers or parsons are very apt to bsk, -wny, 1 1 imvo gained oilier goods. It lias had then, this delay? If yon believe your this wonderful elfect on mo. I have pope infallible, you should accelerate I got rid of n quantity of goods in my rather than lvtunl that speedy trial to hands which I did not want, and I which every accused person is cnti-! have got into my liaiuls a quantity of tied." "lliil,' says lip. Ileocher's par-lgootlH 1 did want. Ah, then, I see at tisans. "he is in tho bauds of his onco what it means : the oiK'i-ittion (in- frienils, and will bo governed by what , ,i.:..i. I..-, o. i.;u :..,....... " T.. 1 tin')' think best for his interest. True, j but pluiu and loss sii'Micioiis peoiilo lire very apt to limn; iiini tlie "iwei y apt to think Unit the "tweed (tactics resorted to liy lirot her Shear-: i until is strong as proof ot holy writ of ' tho guilt of his client, and those sin-1 core liiends of 11 r. Hoooher, who hope . I to sue bin innocence clearly establish - j cd, must be mortitied, liir thev really ciiiunii nun iniicii over which to re- . . , . . . ,. . . retarding tho llnnl issue of this tin- things must be exchanged somehow, j N'ver marry lor wealth, butroineiu whnlosoma case. it woitkous Mr. j The "inn is not going to givo his horse ! bor it is just as easy to lovo a girl wbo Ueecher s ussort ions very materially, for the hut. ..'J'liitt would not do at all. I has a brick house, with a mansard in our opinion. That we do not stand tilotie in this view of the matter, may ! be seen by the following extinct, i wucli wo copy Irom the .New 1 ork ( oorTosjioiKlence 01 .Vt'ire ; l the f7. M'ninliiin, Id the Tilloa-nceoher ea.r, from the proceed. iag. in the Unmklra Citjr Coort, it ia apparent : that Iba oounaol lor Mr. tleeoher are elramln. j every Bane to at 0B0. gelar tbia eaje anil horrr 1 . k. t.i.i r u..i. u -- ,n k. u. Til ' .ki.r 1. ii.. .iihii.h ir ..... . v... ........ ... .. r - Lie, or la the .oret poatliile poeinon aa a vrilaei., ilia I, lien ..,t th. .niy eoe that .ill really bring tha teatimony oath, great quailloa ! lalo eoarl ie tried. All the rrmoreea of Iba j t'""! l:VJ:.JL!""'" ',!!!! 1 butriet Allorney', .he ia .leroted to Mr. lleeeh- j er, are ootobloed to eeeure thle oonlunolioo. Mr. Tiltoa'a eooBael, after a vigoroae atruggla, ob tained an order for th. bearing of tho defea daat'e appeel from th. ruling it Ibeir dilatory motion on Friday Belt, and for the trial of the eaie on the Wadoeeday folio. iog. The .est ef fort of Ibe defcaoe will be to bare tbe trial laid aeide uolil their dilatory aioliua oaa ba eerriwl j lo Bad dreldril by the Court of Appeal.. Meao- while, Mr. lTietriol Attorney Ytinelow, in the I lame inlereet, realty puabea tba caea of AtoiUtoa ta trial wilb all Balta. ' I '. 1 Almost any other man but lleecher would havo "stepped down and out," when Theodore Tilton published his sworn sttitomont until atler the truth Bwortl sitlieiuont until inter 1110 iriiin ( or falsity of tho iVigbtlnl charges j made in thatstalenient had been passed upon liy a legal triluiiial, hut Mr. liewher reuliios forty or lllly thou sand dollar a year from lib "preach ings and teachings," and of course is too thrifty to whistle that sum down tho wind for an indefinite period. "Cheek it through !" has been the motto of il r. lioocher and his friends from tho start, and never wits motto mora tenaciously sluck to. "Doubt 1 1.- .1 1 in 1.... 1 1 1...1 t... linn lie uitiiim-u . now, uwii iniiim 1', rVi . the vindictive follower of the "veiled 'I" B,'Vt "W- That is not prophet " at every iH'rson who did not ! cnP,"1' J!.nt '' ",'7 neoJ Ur abandon bis reasoning lacultios at the ! n,,,p. ' nM ,0, (f",n'1"ru dictation of tho aenlots, when discus-1 wll't ' C'1 ",nro B,"li if th'-y sing tho "great scandal;" ho was tlo- me, V'oro Vll"n Ma are not cultt nounced as an, an ignoramus, vatetl because the carts could not get a hitter of purity and g.Kdness, a snake ,,ie they make docks so in the grass, and n viiier, ami hud those doniiiioeriiitr trontrv the nower. the "holy Arcs" of Sinitlill.'ld would , again burn brightly in Brooklyn, sup-! plying the modern author and artist with materials for an American "Btstk I of Martyrs" more disgusting isgusting than that SO lifltlltlltlllV Worked UII I'V tox. of "irlorious. pious nod immortal litem orv.' W ithout knowing or caring tor Tilton personally, wo havo Kit pro- j bund sympathy for him from the Hint. Never wus man more bitterly assailed by tongue and pen. I ho vo rinluiliii'v of UilliiiLrsirate wns tleiiudod I which wns liiirloil at tiulbrtiinate Til- ton. "Cuckold, free-lover, pimp, pun derer, pintligiite and lunatic" were a few of tbe choice ami classic epithets used by Ileocher's friends, and even the eminent iiarfaiti himself wus the first lo unleash theso foiil-nionthed I these doughty chief's have now changed their tactics, and liy cu ngiy tie vised law points nnd dilatory motions, linpo to accomplish by emit what they billed to clloct by abuse, . Hut Is it honest? Is it manly 7 la it the! course that men who are thoroughly convinced of tho innocence of their client ought, or nro apt to pursue? Is it not rather a "confession of judg- nicni in aiivtiiice r tne nisi resorb oi desperalo men who nro struggling for a "lost cause T 1 ho haien ettrontery of Tweed, whon ho itsked the plunder ed and outrnirod tuX-Pavcrs at N'ew j York "what they were going to do alxiut it?" it paiiilloled by the course which is being adopted by 11 r. lleech er and his lawyers, lint ono fine j inoniing Tweed liuiiid, to bis sorrow, just "what tho people Were going to do ttbout it," nnd now in his island j home thut "I he way of tbo trunsgros I sor ut hard." Tiilio euro, Jlcssiours I Shearman, Tracy, Vt'inslow gnd Ilil, w hat you aro nlsmt I Yon are tread i ing on dangerous ground : you are ; ndopting the very rourso beat ralcula. ted to ttuivint'4 tho wavering thai, vour t'lienl is iruiltv. and If Pni'aoii lleecher has not, one of theso Jays.oc ension to pray to bo saved Irom his friends, be will bo ono of the most lucKy flergyiiieii ol tho century, lil- toil, if ho Ihi wronged, will follow lip the destroyer of his lionie with the ix-rthmcity of r libsMl botinrt. knowing well that : "If yaa do bat Uda lb. heat. ' Tber. aarer yet wai h.raaa power That euold aeadc, If unforglrea, The iialieal walub and rlgll long . Of bin wha IreaaurM au . wrung." il If Mr. Ibsther'a Inwyers tlo ml want thinking men to'bclievo t lint "conscience mnkes. cowards of them all," the qnieknr Ihcy stop their iH'tti- fogging the bolter for decency and and baying curs at Tilton. beck ami jllliml. "Tll0 AMirrBn i, tho latter ! I it Thev wore liilliiwol bu teach them bow most ollcetually to tmvl wi1((llt ni01,,y ,, ,h, f()rlm,r " ' J JVwmS...U cast their fllthy and envenomed jitvo-l, vithout bniins." "verai ciiiinoni Boston imrtuaiils, lin, wltet IheV would wound itost I ZThZ vot, traveled ?" ,TT...rUZ..!r bitterly. I'tiable Hi drown Tilton in : uAl ,)Ver the ('ontinonl " 7.' " '""' - .1 ... i.:.. t: iitii: I over me i.nui nielli. tlnisiasm was mam ostet . and reamhu iiieiiiT. ii ,vi r. Moei'ticr oe 1lltloceni..lctrrap kermene. I they aro doing him a grcsl, an Irropa. ruble wrong; If ho lie guilty, tlx " i "what are jou going to tlo about ll" cirmulerv and cheek uf Tweed will not nml should not hhvo him. Mnik Hint I AX IXS'1'RUMEXT OF ('HAS UK, EX- ! Hero Ih n half sovereign which I j hold in my .mini, naiit Prof. Vnvo, in a lloc.uro nt Oxford. That i u coin a : )iw ol currently. What U it T 1 lii ! (online, pioootil ild with a ir.nrk( "All ImmlH kdnw !" upon it. Whut in llmt mark? The; To Buy Unit "till IiuihU" woi-OHtitrllod I m um of the (jnevn Victoria. Tlnwe would Ik-n niihl way of putting it. The ' rinn tut) jitit upon it tit thu liu tory inoouliar voieo anil iinkuiiwii BOiirco i whore it in nuiilu the Royal .Mint of Imd much more effect on theni than Knchuid. i id thoy put into thin inotttl ; tho pninou'jt voice ever litiil. Ho wait-1 1 anything boniden (old? Yen; thoy jed a inoineiit, and then bIiuiIo or two put a little alloy into it merely for the paler, ho roiieaU-d the viiniin. -I purponeof hardening it, in onlor thut I "All linniU helow !" nain rung ont l : thu murk may not ho eranml by eon- j from somewhere. irtant wear. Hut lit Knglaud nothing j The tironclior Htiirtwl from bin pulpit ti I'liiti gcd fur that. Yon get tho name ' and looked anxlouly around, Inquiring ! quantity returned to you in coin that1 if anybody had Hpokeii. i you bring to tho bank in ingotn ; and, j "All lunula below ! wan tho only ro .thotvlbre, i a pttro piine of gold. ply, at which the entire panic-Btiicken I Whttt on earth was thin little thing in-1 congregation got up, mid a moment: j vented for? If J wore lu Egypt 1 'afterward they all bolted for thodooin. i should ay it was aometliing lo put tho preacher trying bin bent to bo tho . iiniuini ntiimiii n dock or ill nor cam, ! to uho intormitueiitii; but wo know that j huh is not. mo application ol it in great : fill. hi ,.,.,1 nnli,.i.a IM...I JIM.I ivK-xa. 1 IIVII , Illuni lltliv lit, and what floes it do? If I eo a , I !. I .1: 1... . . I (.nit . uiiMvinittiiii uiixiciij n nut 11 eiii t.u ini its tue ivhi, and 111 a noon, tone in. Tliero are two Hhuiln, which un- j ho was entirely left alone, J ttl us , luiHtakitlily indicnte a liomo; the wheels she wits about to holihlo out the parrot '. iiiilicute motion, and the body iiitlicates flew down and alighted on liorHboulilcr. j a capacity to carry weight, and 1 know 'yelled in her ear: I mi iiikmiv u citrt iti tue very nrst. Higut. j What is this coin tiir? I limit watch j tho people who use it 1 And peoploiold woman, yon onn't mean me. I buy it. They give their property for : it, ,u,d as thev don't nee it in the way of ormtiiienl, I watch them closer, and ! I (leroeivo this man who has given cor- turn pmiierty for it is very soon anxious ' tn get rid of it. That is tho next won-! dcrful thing about this little coin. It is hntiglit und then the next stcii is to nirro ill l.atln. Then 1 buy it to run,! not to stny with mo. Jly next step is: i What is that neeessurv tor? When it leaves me what has hapeiieil to me? ished, I find I havo exchangod the i . t i.-.i ,i .. .i - gissls I had for another stit of things, There is ii certain auulitv ill human i nature wliuli tinils lis wav into liuinuu society, and it is this: Wo cannot make" nil our thiinrs for ourselves, j There must be a division of employ-j ments, division of makings. One says: ' - l will mako hats if you will make shoos." Another says: "1 will mako coals. j mini says: "twill InaKO ., i., .,.,.. ..u ,, "Well,' snvs tho hatter lo tho other jiersou with whom he is trading, "Micro j is something reasonable in that. The ' horse cost you a groat length nt tune, nt care, tilentv ol corn, tilentv of hav : ' .1.. ... " ii... i ! .soil nil i uo ui lri.u il lur liiu iiui- WomtiRt have Homo nrincinlti of ox-1 ehit11re,' . . 1 i,i .11111 men ne oiscovors thai I . , . ... ., . . , , . . , , . . i lmK ,lnU llllltg WI11CU I snow IO you I ia fl liml Alwl rrentlitinmi tiiim not uie a.-.. i 1 . . .1. .. 1..... 11 rsi. w nni 1 nil) m oil now hi mo luni ..,ni 1 . . .... I .. , ,,,,- ,m say 10 y oil, wisit you never to lisik Oil tllO Currency as anything elso t ll 1. 11 a tlMll of exchange; and all tbo disonler, and all the utter confusion Oil this subject is that people will not submit to grasp the idea that this thing was invented as a machine for exchanging goojs, und for nothing else nothing else at all. Pieces of pupor are not money, was one of the points of I'rof. Price's lato address. Of credit, ho said, there is nothing in it that is substantial. "Gentlemen," suid tho speuker, "ho is a dealer in credit who goes down your street and goes into ono of your pretty stores and orders a beautiful hut and a prottv coat, and knows perfectly well 1 , , ' , 1 - that ho has riot the nicnns of paying r them. That is a dealer in credit. Tho meaning of the word credit is unintelligible to mo. It only means that a man has taken goods and has not paid for them. Nations grow up by saving. A nation grows greater by saving, and tho wont saving means to turn that extra stock of thing into cnpitul, which means to turn it into tho power of making a larger supply of things next year. This Is the way nations grow rich. Don't put all into l,uul ,n" "'V K"i ,.. inem 1 1,'" ,ro "e aavi KS, ana men ,n''"0 tlniip so saved prodnoo a larger l'"ntity l things next year, and the ' "-'"' -i l'"lml lon kept corresponding puce, toero is more iu uivine. THE VA(IAHOXI) ,SA(IE. All ), mul of aul;v0 ..i.j.,,,,. )l0mV) nnwori,1(, to the namo of Jaci VYilmot, was brought to the polico court. His cli it lies looked as if they miirht havo been bought second band in his youthful prime, for they had nifTcrod mora from tho rubs of tlie world than the proprietor himself. "H hat business?" "None; I'm a traveler." "A viigiilxind, perhaps ?" 1 oil are not lur wrong. purii Olswrvation." "What havo you observed V "A little to commend, much to cen sure, and a great deal to laugh ut." '"Humph! what do you commend? A handsome woman who will stay j , 10m0t eloquent preacher who Kj preM-h. short sermons, a good wr;u.r w, w 1ot .rjie t,w ntuch, nll( , f)K) w, jms mml enough to . j,n( tongue. V hut do you censure T" "A mnn that marries a girl for her fine clothimr. a vouth who studies ' ,. , .: . a -- ---- . medicine while ho has tho use of his hands, and tho people wbo will elect a , rtrnnkarit 10 Otllco. .,,..,.,.,j.,i. i,,..... "1 laugh nt a man who expects lim position to commend thatrtrect which 1.1s pcn,t,al qualifications tlo no merit." ; Ho was diannssed. s. - -' A f...,l,...i,. i.. ,nn r . Covington physician tells of n In him and .ai,l f "iW1 "What little hoy who came t "lloctor. I wnnt some a.. ii .. "nv...... ...:.i ,w nn.. Ml, I 1,1,1,1,1 juat givo it to me." 'W ho tout you buro ?" "Nobi tly aent mo; canto my. soil. I con i ie, you navo u unless von tell mo what you are going to do Witt 1." "Well, lliH'tor, our lirotl' ii p..-....... iv,. irirl bus awnllowi nl a silver tiuarter W,n w",,l(l lo'f "ow hoover had It." gir na awn owed asmir tpianer, w. ,.. , ,ft ,, nf ,,.; ,.. and sho suld if I would givo her some thing that would bring it up I might have it." Thorn are a few sights more itispir- ma- than the anoctafle ol a small Iiov 1)0' shooting along an alleyway with almnt four f.t of a hnll-dotr fiistened Itohistrowacra and floating in the fifycie beliintl him. A woettiMt brt, hD ejcpHMwetl a wish to tlie "amid thu grant! solilurlf of tho eternal mountain Urn." wag killed by tho explosion of A pint of ALL IIAXJJS MU.OW. i man story i unci 01 it iinrrot who i ''" always lived on tmrl ci n liln. ; mil Who esouiH.'U at one lit the Mouth- I'm ports mi( took refuge in it church, i Simhi nllcrwnrd the coiinrciriilltiii n. semblod.niid tho minister begun pivuoli- ( i nig to them in pis earnest hisluon, sny-1 Inif there wits no virtue in thorn thittl every one of them would go to endless m-nlition liitliwn thoyspoodily n-jwutw!. .J nut usIicrtuokothoHcntonoo. iinsnoUo the iiantit liniu hia hilling tilmi nntt, anil (luring tlie Unto Uiu niioi'lnov joint bird kept up his yelling: "All hand, below I ' I rr...M. . 1 IIITIV , OIIH ,,1U OHIill' who was liniie, and could not get out! ... it. . 1 . . . .. I . I " . 1 "j it nnnos ueiow r ( "No, no, Mister Devil I" shrieked tho don't belong here. 1 go to tho other church across the Way." aw.-a . HOME MOVERX HA YLXdS. - Honesty is the best policy, unless you can get about $100,000, and effect a settlement at fifty per cent. Never run in debt when you can avoid it. It Is bcttatr to go snuliliing around m a broadcloth coat than to be in debt br a suit of Kcotch mixed. I Isive thy neighbor as thyself. Ilor-1 row his plow, hoo or horses whenever j you can, but if he wants to borrow yours tell him that you are sorry, but I you wore just going to turn them for j yourself. lie guarded in your convorsslion. I There are times when you inny freely 'oxprcss your opinion on u political candidate, but vou had better wait tin til Inn liiends are over in the next county visiting; Resect ' old ago. If you Imvo a maiden aunt thirty-three yeara old. and sho is passing herself oil' for a girl of twenty-two, there is no excuse tor you to expose her. The more you ro- siwct iter ago aim seen ami noont it, il. .,., ..,,...., ,. root amis silver iiiutou uoor ueil, as ono who has an auburn head and an amiable disposition. lleinonilier thut appearances are of- ton deceiving. Alanv a Iulo, thin I... I.. ...Ill ... . Kn k'uiiie imiv. m vwi. uiv . linn iitu - titan ft blarkHinith. Uocauso you find 1 1 .1 1 1 I nor piaying too piano in uie pariori., ,b, kM p.ri,.t M .ith giring . .. l .1 j 11 IB liu biii iliui nor lliotlier in 1101 ni luo 1111 llr KlUVVTV IU1IIIIII1E III out lui i grocery i a perk ot potatoes. . How an Opk&ator Was Wakkd Pp. Tho Troy Whig relates tho fol lowing: "Wo have board much of the woiKlora ol caiilo telegraphy in out-1 running timo and annihilating space, j Dllt an anecdote relator! to us tho Other The prtportie. of Dr. Walker'. Ylnegsr mi evening by Mr. V. P. Phillips, assist- ar. Aperient, Iliapnorrtie. Carminative, No- ant agent of tbo State Associated Press . "'.'"Vf !"": I''"'"'- Se1V"' .Cv7.?'"' ., , , ... Irritant, godonflo, AlUratire, and AnlBilliiaii. in Isew York, who was on a visit to . this city, surpaasoa aiiythuig wa Iinve i . ) " over heurd. A gcutloiiian ol the Wes- flraiefot ttinamwte prwhim Vhreirar fltner. torn I'llioil Telegraph ofllPC at NO. 145 "oat .onderfol Inrigoraut that ever roilain. llroadway, New York, was gitting in ' "'nf . the cable-room when a telegram from .. .p: . . Phibtdelphia, destined for Paris, camel 0 prnon Ca. lakelbon Ititteva treoHing'to OVOT tbo Wires. This message, like all ! dlrteltona and remain loiignn.rll. prarided Ihclr othem lor Kranco, wua to go over the ! bnM " ?"'r",J0'1 Vf.1."""1 P0'""1 r , , . , v, I other mean., and vital organ, oahle fid Dnxbtiry, Mass. lao opera-1 tor called Dnxhury a few time, and j ' ' - "' - t then said: "Tbat tellow is asleep evi- Jill'.'. Remittent and Intermittent, dently j but tho cable mon are always " ' " Jl""11 " ""' V01'"" i l.n t . . r.i '. 'irera Inreogtmiit Ilia I nlled Statei, aipevially awake I U have to got one of them to then or the Miwi..ippi, Ohio, Mionrl, ininoii, go in and Wake him Up,' So heStCJIied iTeBnaeeee, I'nmb.rl.nd, Arkanrar, Red, Color.. to anot her desk, cal led Plalster Cove, i"-1, J! " r""'1',' r"rl' . . .. '. .. barannah, Roanoke, Janice, and men. nlhere. in rnowlounillunil, ana tanl the lollow- ing message: 'ToC'Ahle Operator, 1UX- bury Please go in and wako up my ''. , ,fc . r,i'.. J OWfl trite love. 1 Ills message PlulSter ('ove bastuliod to send across the (HY un to Valencia, Irolaud, who ill tliril T1 . .. 1 'nnheil It to liontlon : thence it 'aiTtmliMbJii.bA..ii.i:. hurried to Paris, and still onward to the European end of the Kreiich cablo at St. Pierre ; the operator there flashed itack to Duxbury, In less than two minutes by tho clock the message had aecnmplislied its jiMiruoy ol some 8,000 miles, by land and sea, as was evidenced . by tbo clicking of tho iiistmnient on I Fortify th. bT a. ain.t dlaeaa. hv porlMrrg tho Duxbury desk, which ticked, out!" '!'.!'1,,."'1!rk V'"n' "'"" """"' J . , . Iaa take hold of a er.lera tnnt fere-.imed. in a manner a little more petulant: .. , i . ... . ., 'That Is a nice way to do ; go ahead. Your own true love.'" , , , ,, , tt. rBMvwMM... A I. . , """""'"" " press dispatch Irom liiwton states that a doliutlttion frtUll the .Centennial ltlr( Of KiliailCC. Consisting of John , i u i i tt- i elsll, ! roUerick Kralcy. 111. Hitler, N. P. Short ridge, aud Allliurij. Llttlo, of l'luladeltihin, were the guests ot tho Commercial Club, of Iloston, on Hut- unlay evening. Hon. Alexander H. Rice, of MassarhiiMttU, eloquently enitimoni lurl thrt I Vntiiiivilnt t i.IaIiii. lion. tiov. Digler, Mr. r'raloy, 3Ir. Welrtli, rimI iMr. ThoinitH Wulwtor vx lJuingwl tli g. .Ikktltinia i.f 1.A Inlutii,. Trnvelorjtionf4l Kxhilvititw. nnd tho pmim tiont were unanimously adopted as Uillnwo. I'Tlinr M'.. mm niliei.tiu f lt.a. I ton do heartily endorse tbo object of"" Veebaatcal biM.M,.-Pereaaa .aK.gri ia tho Centennial Kxhlbition ; that '"r!"1 JT "'-. Fla-twa, Tya i i, , . . ,, i aetterl, Oold-beauea and Uiaera, genoral appeal I si m ado to our fellow. ;i Hf.,.,. .ut.t to P.r.i,a,. .r th, h...,l. citiicns to aid by their ubscriptions i T. gaard agaluat thia, l.k.. do af Walker1. to tho extent of their several Bl,ii(i,m j Vlii.aar Mittera .ca.ih...iiy. . . . i .. -tho Centennial Hoard of Finance inl , ..t". ','"!. carrying out In a proper manner tho ' ' ,mr.,me which has lWen so. nobly ! A",. ft . . , ,. Tho other mrnintf it iio yomiffl?kin-"u,J ofibshinwhat.iBr , mnn mil m t'tfnn I .a UWnn Mhrmf 1 V'l,., " "7 :'J:1 1 'Vr , juiQ jtuuixNiti. mm sHiw m uib urnuut lho on)y v(x.nIll wut jn th WUH uy the aide of a yoiintr lady aetiiiaint-1 ancf. Ho readied for that oat with oyons slndes, and tier oves niiswei-ed tlvliehtaxi looks. But Inst a he I "d " " ayitaai .1 laadwiaa, 1 Rnt th , H.lerly party Irom tJtTZZ uEtTmln. ,,tlie,pnf, ,1( nJT ., t, ' ;i ,,j ,tmn,.i i, ,i,....,, ,t I - ... . ,7 ir,,. ' , , . '""I y"K Minn antmincneu more ! "'"W'y ' accosted the young lady. "" l your brother?" he'a.skod; I no to " Kotoi ., ..,.,, I... , I.,!.' .... . ,u, " " ? , V I "1" ',,"!. V , ' . . ' . , ! ? " '5 '"lr Uut"7Wi ""' " 'f!p- ,..- ....... , ..,,K.., the aian limfceont In cold prespmttmn. "Not at all," she replied ; "I bad been vaccinated, you know." Tbe acut was I vacated instantly, two young honrla beat aa half a tloien, and the prattle of nice una sirewwi that part ol the j I ear, while a array . hatred old ! nan !)wM nrn them from tbe har.1 ae- comniodntion of tho wood-box. Tk.en i. .till . ....Ik... sZlL. r. .. lu,m.w -gange ratinmils. y Men the locnnilllivo rtlllt OVOT a mail, twn-tli nl. of (h body is left lu aw ' condition C.. I.I . r . ,.i . UiSffl!aufouj. , . ' . , - Jl. i . DlUiirjU Ot Jf,. ' ALaRt I i-i II 1 11 I) XV A II Tj, AU, MknULurrtbf . , Tin and Sheet Iron. Ware. CLKABrilLU, r A. '. nAiiMING. IMl'LEMENTS of nil kiadt fur aalo by , . ' , II. k.-bici.lh' CU. DAIMJOAU WHKEI.IIA WIOWB IV , , '.' , ' t rr Bute ' II. r. ItlGLKK CO QIIi, PAINT, PUTTY, CliASS, Nail,, atf.', fur rala tiy - II. V. JllULtlt CO. JJAUN US8 TlUMiHi:C.S SHUOiS. Flodlnga, for aiUo bg... II. K. BIObElt 4 CO. QUNS,PI8T0LS SWORDCANKS for by H. F. I11UI.KK i t't T C'I'OVKH OK AI.Ij SORTS AND.1""1 J"low t aatinge, uile, rlpiker, Com Culliva O ' t . 'ilon,Cid.r Proaioaad all kindiof Axoa. Bliei, for aal. b, i . II. F. HI0LKK It CD JP.ON ! IRON J IliOX ! IKON ! ' for aol. by ii. r. r.ifii.KU a Cf. JJOIISIJ SHOKS i UOI1SR SHOE NAILS, for lata bj" " II. K niOLKIt ID puLl.KV BLOCKS, ALL 81ZES . And beet Maoargclura, foraale by II. F. BIG I.Kit CO. rpiIIMHLK 8 K KINS AND PJPP. U0XE3, II. F. HKiLEU I CO RODDER CUTTKItSfor aalo by co30-70- II. F. BIGLER A CO. yiNEGAR ISITTKItS. ITRE1.T VKOBTAIII.K FKIirc FROM ALCOHOL. . DR. WALKKRS' ; . " V 1 N V. (' A R B I T TEAS. Dr. J. Wnlkrr'a OaMfoniU Viiifgar ItHter ere a purely Vegetable prepirstmn. mttrtr ehpily1 frnm Ibe native bcrba luuud on tb lewer rsngra of th Sierra Nevada mouiHsint of California, th medloin! pruper'iua of whiuh are cxltnrttd therefrim withnnt the uctrf Atcotjnl, l b ee lion is aim oil dally aaked, "n hitt i) tltn eaunc uf .k 11-1..1 , . n . nr.n . ui , ...bu.h . .. 0"a",,.rJ'' lmt ,hf mX? 0L?i-' ease, aaa m nitifni rveaver uie tirtvun. anoy " . .. . . , " " priaeipir, a pvriroi nrn'ivaior ana jnviiniraiiir ,, . j. . V j j in .-mi. .1 . 111. 11. in, .1,1 ..pmnuB u.n- eeailng the remarknfale qoaliliee ot ViarnaR 111.. TBaa 1. aeeliag the alek of aeary diewe. oia. la hiSr an. They are a gentle Forgatlre aa well ae ! A Tonie, relieving CongretloB or Inflaarmntiw. of the Liver aii'l.Vtieeral Organa, in tiihnu Liie- . I .h ibeir rait inhouri.., ihruoirbont o.r retire eoonlry daring the fiuromer and Anlomn, and r.rk''' ;" '" r anu.u.i heal and drvncoi. ar. iararinhly aeconipinied W ,iv, d., of Ibe .tnmaeh .ml ilrer. and other ahdomlnal risers. In their trrahnrnt ' . Prg'l". eaerling a po.erfnl lodoenee np.ia three- rarloaa ami. 1. .,un,iBi. J. Walker'a Vinegar llitterr, ae tSey .111 vpeedily remove tbe darh-lored eied matter with wbteb the bowel, are loaded, at th e..i. tiiactimaml lag tbe aeerelione of lha lieer, ..d generally r. eloring Mm krallhy .mt the dlgreetlee Dyi)pila or, Jlcailnclie, Pain ii 1111 Uhoulderi, Coogh., Tighlne.l of the Chert, I)iuiie. Pour Krucllona of the Rtnmarti, Had Taile ia the Month, lliliuai Attack., P.I.H.iin 'of the Heart, Inllammatliin or lb. I.n(r, Pain I'k"1 "'.'"I1 ' ,k. Idnryr, anil a hundred 'other paialnl eymptnine, ar. the oirrnrintr ol I Dyip.,la. On. hnttn will prove . heller g,.f. ! aotte ol in merila Ihaa a lenglky adranWrnent. Senifula, or Kini'i Evil. Whit. F.rllin... CI. era, grvilpelae, Swelled NMk.UiU., Serufo. Jlouc, Mcrearial adecliana, Old j : "T. . . '1 . ? Walker'a Viewer liiu.ra have abowa l.elr lui earallr. power, ib the meat obalm.te and ia. Uaolahle oaaee. For Inflammatory and Chronic Hhenmatiin. flont, Billour, Remittent and tntrmttttcnt Fevrra, Diaeaae. of tha Blood, Llrer, Kidocya and the D'aditvr, tbe Ilittcn bat. no equal. Svich llia eaaci ar. eaaaed by Vitiated Blood. varooaaiei, ning-wiiima, rwaiti neael Mww tSna, hitcornrnlietii of lha . . . . 7 ' y mnm , rrr."" ,'r,,'ra '"'''''-i hkooi iucsc in iter. pi, and olber Wonne, .orbing in lke!w'" 10 ' " addrci. me try letter, he - V'n of lo many tbnainodi, arovflvetaall, do- ' ... e.,.i. r.,i.i.,. 'ri. ricd t aingle, at the dnwn of weanhed or the torn f tile, the Tent Bit tare diatilay so eV aided an tnflae that ttaprerwitcnt ia ftion tier ipiinic. . 1 ' Cli... the Vitiated Riond wh,nev.r y,o tod It, iporiti,, banting ihmgh ti .km in PI,.. ,,!!.,., rare,; " ne yn, " U k-""d and eloi.h la ih.w.i,.r alcana, it -hca it I. ri: fedin,. will ten ,..,. .,,U .,,,L.KL Ipr th, .,,i,m win fn,,w. ' ' ',, ' R. II. Mi-DOXALU A CO., ,..'. t f l I I i ,T I, """r:.All ''." rraan,w, c.u. u.Ne I Dealm. BO.1'71 flia. TAH(AIN8 IN MI'SICAIj IX- K,nd hand, m, th."; Faraltai. Store. All ........ I.,.,c.,l ... i.. i tod' f "' "'i 2 "'" OS uhfoltlow. She.1 and gull rt.L. prnftntlr n pUt ftlf '-rilisrdiaiKous. - . . . . . I I r ' ' I1AVK LKKKCT- IN FRENCHVILLE! I aui itna.o tht there ire some pvriota a little hard tn pWaac, and i km a!ao awate thut the ttOBipriiiut nt "liaid time" la well nigh unhcmit. tlul 1 am o sit oat i d new that i run wthTy I he forwer and prove oi'Dt'laiiicly tLat "Imril times" ill nut elli'ut thoao nliu buy tliuir nid fr-m uc, orrt of HOW TO AVON) JIAIII) TIM K bavo guiidi (.'nough tn Hiiiiy all (bp Inlial'i lanls in the va cud uf tho mmoty wglb 1 sell MHI.M.NHl.lWi. wluro 1 citn alnaya be fnonfl ready to wail uiji oilier nd supply tlism with , Dry t(K;l of nil Kinds, fiucb ae Cloth., KolirnllK, raipiiurrra, Muilins,i lk.tlnIn... I. i .... n ll.ilti.. f'.IU..... ' Xrilliuiu.'., Uibboni, I.noe, Ki-u'lj -uinde Clulblog. Jl.wM and Kb"., Itato aari I Cups nil ut u.ouuat iiiidrrntl anil uiadt to imli-T llutt, Ko.-ka, tilovaff, klilbjii., Lucer, lliltli'inr, do. U1I0CKMIIM OP ALL K'M'S. Cuffve, Tea, Sugar, Hire, Mxlnmrr, Pi.b, ttatt, Pork, Linari d Oil, r i'h Oil, Carbon Oil. Itnrdware. OHMBpwaro. Tinwitre. Ca.llinfr, I'biwi Perfumery, Paint, Vamifh, (llsrs, and a gvuiral aaswtUiietil ul tlatiuuery, 4 , 00 OD FL OUR, rdilTtront brand,., nlwuvs uii buml, an I Hill be so 1J at tho luwcit j.imi'H.lB ftt;ri'j. ' J. II. MiCIatu a M.- !teiin, J t ti i lloptUtir'f (tuJ UcuHsikI'm Eillt-i (1000. ptiunds of Wool wnnfed fr which the hl-beat j.rie will ho paiit. C ktverrred on iitnd j and sale at the kwuft iimikct j.noe. t Ali-i, Ant for btrutKitirilir and Cunrensvlile Mabluus. ... 'X-Call and Ktttft.r yitur:ht'a. Vt.u nil! Cud eTTj'tbing vrurfll) kept in a n-tntl it ore. I, M. COIIUUIKT. Frentbvtllc P. 0., Au;'ui-t I.', 1874. u A l TINS!' FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I - ' - " ' . Tbeaiienrlon cl the cttii. n of Clcartleld and ieiiiity ta itrutvd t the (act that Uco'lltllow A Rm arulbe ajtcnti ol' I. iivvc & Co., and l.are iuit roofii-rti a b. If tl'K.n car Inn tie of Flour and Fi-vd. which they -r nt tbe lowest peivlble Eg urea. A Urge atock f KI.OUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, r BUCKWUKAT I'LOLJl,"ilKA., IVtator,. Slu-lletl Citi, Corn lo r:ir, Ae., Ae. IVriivubtr otttafl t ec'ted Tn Jl. Kite A Cu.'a brand f J-"aily Flour, w hub is It.c bt-at tn 1 M. , : t ... . ... ,goin and mouth. IrrrgitUrify tf the leilh uc IWand F-f.l r..n nn I wil U 1 clicnpr ; cea(tju.jr corrected. Tlh cxtrtict-d withut iain than H ran he r.MinM lcwc( tn rhurftHd by titc atn of Klirri an(1 irli6clt4 tct(h ia$tti cwintv. t i , f of tP beat iniitcriBl and narrfcnlcd to rtniler aat 9'Stor us Xiai-kot itroet, ncjtt dour lu Hon-1 tliaattn. airil!fA'T I -W -AkKitiiJcr Iivin's n ni'lcncn. i - . noniiKKM.nT . fins.-" jaiilltf Ajvritf.irM Ni-wCc A10SHANNON LAND AND LUMBER V II M r A .1 T, ' . : OSCEOLA TA.i ill LLP, , . - M A!ll:f Al'Tl'KrlS LXiilRRR, LATH, AM) 'PICKETS ,.u s , :. ,.. ... Swcrtl I'titrit ItMril ffhiiiijlrl. ' - ! B. U.IllLLt,liFOltu( J',.idit, t , Ogloe Foreat Plarn, No. 126 S. 4lb it., PbU'av ' JoilN LAWMin; tlcncral Sup i ," ... j . Oictula Milla, CIirfioIil county, I'. Auo To)J'N LOTd rafale. in la. Urvjgb ortj!.!. , Aiao-Kcep tbo I.A1UIKST ABSORTM ENT T CSidaln L'tcarfleld county .1 llitir Mamawib Store In O.oeula. . , . , . . jam! Ii . , F. O'LEARY BUCK, ; General Insurance Agent and Real , ;" "; Estate roker, ; " w Krpreaont the following reliable Insurance Co'; North Biitiab A Mrcuntil In. Co. f :n,(f10,0iT Waabinjrton Life Inattranee Co 4,0(H,rti.(t 'r AtmHntion Insnratire i'o.. r ' ,a(),W(l Aatiion Ir'iie lonsraDc Ot. a,K7tl,l4 IWnix InMiraiioc Co., M. V 2,HUH,l)lH( Watertonn Kii--, iunurt-a dnt-lliiigi aud fann hflildtrifta only 1 ITS.OIK, Vrk, ., Hiuck InxuTiwce Co. Her ten t a eared againri death and theft. . tf. ii i'arliee ia lie country Herring insuranoe 00 tbeir Uvea or lirotierty enn hnre it promi-ltr attcmlftl to by aliriag a by Irttrr, or cnllttiy 1 attcmlftl w liy mlilreti-inr o by Irttrr, orcal!ttir' la pcr, .., .'a opera U...L Uoem So. I, CloC.ld, J'.. , , . a.gM'14 1 ' "(I.. ' l FAIRBANKS- STANDARD ( ' ' N V A IV K H, bf atf. riimni Dnggage tarrcwr, f rtrehoitW Truck, Crtjtylnf Prtfo. Tmpn.vfil Money Prwer, Ae. i '" ' 1 .. -tjiaj' II. F. B1QLEJ1.&...C0.V- ' l,; Deatr-ra III HarUtril't; -i':r: aafcs1:t r J Scci'uJ Slrfet, Cfcai'k.M, Pa. I OOIC 01 'T TOR THR SIGN " J ' ' , H 41V THH . II Hal CANT HOOK! , .1' MAKUKT STIllilT, . The oklCrwrfaW Rveelilw I'ant It.ok Cm . ta JiMolvcd, and n new an formed by Ainm Ken-, unrd nI U. li. Alui reil, ol (Jioarflrkl, and U. M. i rllin1,ir Etttp-rinm, Cauirrnn r'unty,a att- ntrr, and Jh. It. Watmn, orrirarfMd, s Ornrr 1 nl AtrrntT' The now contnnne nitl bm-tt iln buitne of ntanatartaring, lelling nad sbiiff mttt, .i.mmw. wnu n iiicit HUfiginivun, whii'h ie now mrfi'ft, AH pnl'-ri imm.iillv Ailed Jtil 11, M-U. ' ' .'! Agent.' ? Q It SAL E ! t, : t A UrgP and Wt-tt Unlahrd Mel Tiwrlttrir. ta at aw ilicviVff tMWik, In iheboroogti of Clear. ' " ' . . .Tn"ir!,Tf;,v, rimm r,',wi''' reading, for allii . w.lor in the kllahca, Mid .11 tbe modern coovc- P.iilrire,, CWhca pre-.c. Ac. ' ""j.,,,,,.,. ' .. . , n .. .. ' Let aiiu feet front and two handrrd .nrUhlrly1' HOOk.S (!' iS IA llOt Lit 1 foetkwk, wilb a twenty font alloy aa tba Mat I ' " , . . . aide. Said bnildiag, .ilk .U th. Hprt.aoaaM, . Market St., t'leal dalrl, (at tlie I'oat tlttire.) lUI.e.U cheap, iih paymentaio toil purelia -. 1 1 Ml t onderilgned hcr leara to anooanc, 'a ar. Application oaa L luaJ. t the un.lcr.! X ,b, clll.ena of Cle.r0.ld aad vicinity , that aigaed, or to A. O. Tata, Km,., who will gi.a all , ho haa tiled ap a room and haa jaet releo d aeraiaanr luforiaavioa I. Ihoia who deilrclo ig- ftua, the elly with a l.rg. aawwel reading ' , ..'."'; T1!n.. j HV1Mr.t,,, . ' ' "; 1 p P"T I ' ! LI1T16 lOr bal6 I ' ' '"' ,.ii. . i .,(, '. TTtrt aaacrelgaad, roaiduig near tho depot ba Fipctl, Deeda, MortggMt dndgmmra, Kiamp aiada wnoplot arraJigcuianl, with Lime tlun and Pr.maaaory aotaa t' W kite aad Parakl Burncri .alt or the mnnf.tnin, whrrcliy he Ii cna-' meat Brief, Legal Cnp,Ueo.rd Cap, and Dill Cap, hledtokriaiaantryoa hand a larg. qnanlltr af i Shea., ttualctor ellbor Piano, t'lila or Vlolia . . . , -.... me lv ..Mm ggn, iiiiipuri m 1 1 ire i 'abnveooat. Thusp tnnUttd uf Mm aritcle wtiuMilo' ' . e.irraa.. . . ..i ,i L4KO. PASSlloltlt . CleariluM, t,., June . I eii.a. TUB CllKAItKIKI-Li " ;Wnriri.runDDcaci Avri .w w v t-n-j nnr.i - Mnufetttftl eept.'taily fot - THE TJTJ ., rn hi r. IT II. V. Hllil.KU A CO. jT-rjjvj.-Tj r ivjio i .l.ih A ., ... , , ,. i V . ' . - . lllV CH........ . , ,J v.i-r..vr ielu v.wl ( m( IdOIClIdIdAll!'N Caletirnted Brand. 4f a a ... ... a!. m . f mttMiig:$ inrningjivt.T imri i.tiiRr - r.wki4M.letad.ltrathr.ogb-l ' " ' ", ' ' ' oat the eaaly at wOy prhrek . 1 ha andarelgned ra k. prefwred t. farakb 1 - ' KBATXRIt A ItTTLB. . Fb" "eelluit iaalily of .,. JeS:7l.lf - . . CleaHletd. Pa. I-' - B..,a. Ul JD.. All . .. -1HKAF aUOCERIES! "'JJ. lenod '.. 1 u n V r1 Ignod announce, to hi. old trien.l, , that he haa opened a good line ol I A FIIOVISfONS at the old Marid and p. n,,k The aaderllt Iron, 1 '' a wkk-h he aii.ti 1 .. u, ...... KII1KS A FlinvistONS at thealdM..d akerh ks-sdltM- "k 1 "V"11' .. I.umlie, Clly, Pa..Marca ! T KOXARD liOL'SK,.. ' J J (Niar tli Kmlroad LVuot,) . A ltre 'lii'ttrd. ti ,ul'Mt iitlruDge ia reiiK'-rtfully so. 4 ivn H. II. I: urn, rrop r. chaw iiuusr., r.: .... .. Kj (Cur. f Maii.ul A 1'runl atrrelf.) . Cl.tAlll'IHI.Il, i'A. , . 1 " Tho iiailanignad bailug tnkoa oliarg. af tkla i JIuUI, would rcpoollalivaullaitpalilia patronage, tn , ., R-MiWiON bilAW. WrASIIIXUXOiN UOUSK, T T N K IV WAKIIINUTON. Ikli orwaiHl wtl furBiib.d koaM ba.' l I'A. tohra by tla. an J.raignl. II. fnl. malidawt af toiita able to render iali.f.eli... m il .... MayK, l7, , 0. IV. DAVID, IWk J U N T II II K II O l; M K . ' . . , . Oppoiita U.. Court llouae, tCK it a Vex, pk.xn'a.","" j'.Hn . .JIAldEAL A KKOIt, Prap'.. i t 1' ilti( Ki:iiiitiaVr imi nir:. MUXfOXtS, I'A, , , " ' ' ' 1'. JOIINHTOX A tOSt, ""'U . , iiiialUL. r oyij iiofsr;, " 1 " J .Moia blroij, . .... llll.ll'.--lii:i,il, i't.N.N'A. Tdlle afford.. ilwnv ilpl'lied Kith the beat tW Ulbl kvl, The tl.1 1 pui.iic ia iiivnen lon.ll.. ni.ilol. llOUEIlf LOXSt. THE MANSION HOUSE. , Corner of l-eenndand Market (Streets. ri:Ai:i-ii,i, a. TIlHeld aad eomniodloNs Hotel his. during tbe pist ytiar. been enlarged to double lu former ospaclty for th entertainment of strn. gcra ani Kueats. Tb wbul butUtnc fa.. k. ' rtrurninhed, and th proprietor will spar no i pftins to render bl gussts omfortahe whit "yinr WHO CIUI. and Irrxn the Lariat on th I .ri j.. . nl each trsio. JOHN DOCOIIKRTY aprfi-70 tf Proprietor, - - - , J A JiUKG 11 F. V HOTEL. i 1 Jl (MwrkW Hi., Ut. f-.rr.tJ and T I Tbml.l .i.ivii.rii,!,!). t-A. Tlio inbacribcr baling uceoine prnprictor uf Ibis hotel, would iMpcclJally ek a liberal char f putilir patronngo. P'7I tlBOKUK LEIPOLDT. QU-SQUEUANA I10USK, , tO f'l'HWKNSVILLK, Clrarfletd oottntv, Penn'a. Thli old and wall eatablHUH ilolrl, brautifaMy . eitnsttd on (be Itanks ot the tiuaqucfaaiioe, in tbe lurvupli of Curwcnmllo, I.m been icasvd lor a term ul yrnra by thr undeiiiKned. It hasbern enliif ly Ttmf) ntteV ie wow open to fb pwbite -irnrriil.y and tho tiaicliiit cutnmnnitv in mr. i Ocular. Dlna will lie ViniTi1 to rendr-rgueat j oomtoitsbl while tarrying at this bonsc. Ample 1 '"'"K ''" ff tl aeroiniu'idation of team. : inf' nioderalc. s.-pt. isra.if. ki.i hloom. i ; ' Jifntistrjj. , . . J. m. stewaetT vTd.s., ver Irwin' Iriijj Ptore, WlS!T .. t'Hi:WKN.SVILLII, PA All dentnl c,ioratim.a elllifl1 ih the ortij.rralle bratml , premptly sttrndrd tc and tntiefnctioa gaaienltml. Sproial attention paid Uihm treataueot wl disvau ot tbe natural Utah. ,,,tirtttCtiOT gaaienteed County National Bank, OF t'I.EAHI'llILP, P.. ROOM In Mai'itMr lluil ling, one d..or BL.rth ul C. D. Wate'm'a Drng Store. Pae.eiraTiekrai to and from UlirrHol, Qacono. , town, oiaigow, Loiuion, I'nrie and Copenhagen. Alan, Ilrafu lor tale on (he llal Dunk ol Iruland ('! lui riial Bank ofLonilrin. JAMK8 T. LEONAIID, Prer't. W. M. SHAW, Ca.uier. " " '(IiliN - ; - - - I , ..I t J, I). B'tilrlr. I Edwwil Perka. ' BANKH, G & COLLECTION HOUSE McGlRK & PERKS. ' iSnoccacorj to Ft.ter, Perks, A Co., IMilllpiaburf;. Centre Ooftty. !. AlfllKltK nil the businm of a Banking rVm If wll' oc transnetcd pmniplly and upon tl mtt fit t'ora uie tanna-. -j Baer7-tf DREXEL & CO., - Nh 81 ftoutb Third Htrert, Plilla lclphln Bef.VKCnSi. And Dealers in overnment Securities. Aiiplimtiun by mull will rceeW protrtpt atttn tlnri, and all Intvnnation ebcerfnily furniabd Order MtlicUd- April ll-tl. : The Lightning Tamer. 1 rpUK onderilgned ar the tol.Anta in this X. eonnty fTtho,,North Aweriean UaWaoised LlUHIbilNU ktJUa." Tlisse ar th only af rods now in use, and ar indorsed by all tb ctrntifte men in the eonntry. W hereby notify tbo eitiaon of tbo vounty that w will pat the a. up a better rod. nnd ft,r . I, . w j t .V 7 1 lr" B"l' "," ,'' ('' '?"n" J1"' "T"' '"' '"" - nrrj of oar little cah, Barer I. rerora. EXCOUIUGK Uoi'B XrVBOK.' ' ' fhosc Wiabittn Lifhlnine Hudi orcetod oft i tbdr bniltlitigi oed but aodress ns by letter, or ' oau in erion. i witi pet ta-n. wp niry wnr in tbcoonnty, and warrant then. Tho Kodaand Fixtures ean be toon nt any tin by celling at nurture. 11. F. BlULtH A Ci) Clearfield, Majvh ti, 1 STO-tf ' JOHN ' TR0UTMAn7': T. , IjBALSIiTn " T7,.. 1 -, FUnNITITl(K, ...... 3IATTKKi.SX. Improved "Spring , Beds; Tho irndt-rVtttt-l befrc leave to Infurjn tlte eltl teuK nt CiaaraVtid. and lb nublto goocrally, that , n nne on liautl a line anortincnt of rurnuurc, 1 Mh ai W.itnut. OiniiiKit nrl P....! rhuml.r.r Hait, Pirrnr HnHr-s. Rtvllnin; md Kitcnatcn : n.wr, nan ire acq wtaor liB ay at rat, in r ' frnlcd and Parlor Ckii-i. Cabm Sfatii and Wlnilinr Chans, Ololhea Han, Ftcfi and Kitrn lion LaiMrra, TTut Racks, rrabblng llrnabev, & e iMOULIilNU AND l'K'TI'RB FKAMKft, '; t.rtitVtng (llafe, Chrowo, dyes.wkieh would be 4 cuifaMa fr Uokuat prurrnls. , ; 4 ie10;4 , ,4. t JOUN TKOlTMAIf. .- P" ' r fl l . ...,.,r,.. j -Bibles ana. misoellaneoas Books, ; ' Blank, Aecuast and Pari Hooka af .Tory da- 'enptto( Paper and, French prcitid aadalalnt Pen, and Peneilft Blank. Leral i .oaetantly oa basd. An, hook, or lUtlopery 4elred that , aa; am nave oft Bang, will a. or. ,-1 'iTcn f rum piBP, mam wttviMej or retail to suit nustonicr. I will alio keen ' perl.dlo.l lll.r.lur., iuob ai Mag.tine. N..i paper., am .r. A. tiAUbie 0.r., .o, ClearBrld My t,lS9 tf The uader.igned ar. Bow fall, prearl U Carry oa the boiiaea. of UXOKltTAIilNfJ, '. ', AT UKAFONAReiB RAWS, . . . UJ.tC.prtU.W ,1 Aud.rciprctlartr ,ulll tit, paliwe i Uai.a anjiug .. .,nic. JOIIIT TltnTTVAlt, JAMES U t.F.AVY. Clearfleld, Pa, Fak. it. I;4. ... :. . WU11V.1V111V1 vvuuu-ournoo LiniCf for plnrtetlng purpnacl, Vy' tba targe or email ""'" ' '" "r Ike prerrat at Pie'. h.ig,,, .. Ukmt atreM. P , 1 v u. rt'l I o I'll II - ".' "tCLLWLUU. , I TIN, IITB ROAN LININfl SKItfS- ' d X .aotKMira aad f.r aala k. 1 ,7V'. ji April IB, l' r. - II. F. RtteLER A 00. .