Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 06, 1875, Image 2

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    Jhegtt publican.
(Jionoi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Col. Wm. R. Hartshorn, our mem
ber of the Legislature, had better bo
addressed nt llarrisbiirg by his con
stituents from now until after the ad
journment of the Ijeginluturo. I
Hold. That excellent gentleman Ex--Mayor
John W. Smith, of lioekllnven,
has purchased the "Knllon House" in
that city, and cloned it lor repairs. , It
will bo ojienod on the22d of February,
tinder the proprietorship of J. Schuyler,
Jr., formerly of the Irwin House ; so
Buy the Th-mocrnt.
J ( nn. 8. . Wolf, one of the Demo
cratic member of tho'om
Centre county, died at bin home in
Centra Hall, on Saturday last, llo is
tho third member that has died since
the election, One of the members
from Ducks county and one from Arm
strong county are numbered among
tho dead.
Enterprise. Tho Pittsburgh 1'uxt
announces that in conseqnonoe of the
modifications placed by the post office
authorities upon certain sections of tho
new postal luw concerning newspapers,
it will commence January 1st to pay
tho postage and furnish tho weekly
Post at tho old rates, vlr. : Two dollars
a year, single copies, and in clubs of
tlvo or over, one dollar and (illy cents.
Tho daily Port, nine dollars a year,
jiostage paid by the proprietor. Tho
Post is ono of the best papers published
in the United States.
The Leoislati re. Yesterday was
tho time fixed by tho Constitution for
the Assembling of tho Legislature at
llnrrisburg. SVe have nothing to re
port, further than the result of the
Democratic caucus on Monday after
noon for SjK'akor of tho House. Mr.
Patterson, of Pittsburgh, rocoived 83 ;
Mr. Talley, of Delaware, 18, and Mr.
Gcnsler, of Luzerne, 5. It is rcportod
that Mr. Fattorson was "Wallace's
man." If that is the fact, tho caucus
vote is a pretty true index of the vote
l . N. Senator.
Still Sick. Tho Superintendent of
tho Congressional prayer mooting, ice
President Wilson, is still nnable to pre
side in tho Senate. Tho virtuous and
celebrated salary grabber Mutt. Car
penter, of Wisconsin, has been elected
by his Radical brethren to preside ovor
that refined body until the Vice Presi
dent recovers fully from his Credit
Mobilier attack. The prayer meeting
is also adjourned over for similar rea
sons. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Chaplain
Newman are still abroad, investigating
Foreign Consulates. Colfax should bo
sent back to Washington to help check
tho villiany which seems to run every
department of the govornment.
In Session. In accordance with tho
Act of Assembly regulating tho ques
tion, the County Auditors met nt the
Commissioners' office on Monduy last,
for tho purpose of making the annual
settlement The board as now const!
tilted consists of Messrs. James II.
Hilo of Lumber City, Lewis C. liloom
of Lawrence and Ilcnry Whitehead of
Union. These gentlemen seem to un
derstand their business, and if the "in
fernal corrupt ring" has been gobbling
up the funds of the taxpayers, they
will no doubt develop the fact and ex
ose them, without fear or favor. If
there Is a tithe of the corruption in our
county affairs that there is to be found
at Harrisburg or Washington, let the
"ring" be "busted up."
A Key Note. The editor of the
Philadelphia Prfcwcloscs his JSow Tear'
homliy to its readers as follows :
"Polltleallr, Ilia aeialbllitlaa af tha ;ter for
Paaoerlreaie rt grant nnd Btoaeentou.. To
front Ih of th. VbU pooitleB haabaea Bret ud
nonet Im ralekea. In PcaaeTh.aaia wa wwre drlT.
ea bak in lb. fell eleatioaa, and ia Peaaerleaala
waaawat Iffbi thl.rear la rcfuia tba km ground.
Ae wa oaeeea liororaer, aa tba eleettoa la a m..
aral ona, as tba CeraJneaweelth la a rrree.nta.
lira Htale, and the eri.i. asa af saiiaaal aioataBl,
laa tntarait of tha vholo aomtrv arlll ba aonmo-
truad oa onr laid. Id fait, tha aattta aT l"7
for tko fraaldaaaa will aa fonuhl Is fanaitliaaia
in IS7t aaartlM Uaraniocibia. Oar Mala iU
ka tka baltla af tba oatioa."
J)emocrati can learn a lesson from
this loyal order. U embrace much
more truth than is usually fouid in a
whole column of Radical "blarney."
But the editor of tho Frew will never
live to sue the day that Radicalism will
have a majority on the popular rote in
IxmK olt ma Kihu'ss. The terriblo
Huffurings in Minnesota, Nebraska and
Kansas, from tho drought and grass
hopper ravages of last Summer, has
put thousand misslonaiica in the field
to collect funds for the sufturcFS. At
least nine hundred of this tribe are
thieves and pickpockets and tho money
paid to them will never reach the suf
lerors. We hope therefore that our
readers will not tie imposed upon by
this hitter class. The Mweutive com
mittees of the several aid aocletUw in
those Htatua, have issued an address
warning the public against impostors
of this rharastttr. I AH eontribations
hould he forwarded direct to the Sec
retary, Gen. E. 0, C. Ord, Omaha, If eb.
or to local committee wherever they
are organised in other cities, . I J no. B.
Drake, 116 Clark street, Is the Treas
urer of the Chicago branch, and money
kmatcd may be rajojUed to him.
. II II. . . ai.n
Radical tioeru.-Th Vuv York
Tri&wKe,oomaientingon Uiedieclosuras
relativo to the Froedmen'a Hmik.seys:
"If tho full history nf its operations is
ever brought to light, we believe the
country will U nuxl by the dis
closures of baseness in high places, and
dishonesty rnnnmg ttVrmii nearly
every branch of the Government, tmd
shocked to 'discover how many public
men there are mew enough to b
negro." ,. The editor f (lis Tribune
writes a correctly and aa orthadxjy
as Ht John, and hit rondnstun re
equally a fomnrrhnnlve ftud trnthflil
The Trihuif. doea aay omd txeWIiuf
thing oecasiunatly. noma estny
writer must now and then Mtrfvier into
the editorial chair. ' Hven 'pspGreday
,was mort economical of the truth when
writing .about his party friends than
sJhc nnthor nf the above gospel Item, i
a noiisinxa uxiversa l svf-.
TIiib in just whnt wo art) coining to.
nlthmiih we have not tried the expe-
fingo by mere proclitniiitiim on four
initlionsot slaves in 18(54, only ton years
previous nttomjiUwi to repeal our nulii
rolimtion laws because of (lie grown
ignorance, hb they alleged, ' of many
of the foreigners who emigrated
to tliM country, Hint bcciuuu eu
no ueeiuuo m-
franchuied in five years aAtrw iirtl.' i i
,n, . ., . , ,, ., . I
I ft -
Radicals Wont so fur in 18&4-5 and fl,
rimciit very loiiir. ,Koiim punplOjinny '? "i'k,,died tiiC'lintiirii.'P! tj!i. ipniiuilh tfewm arlie rtno iUlli.Mii.i-Ih-
astonished tlmt thta new -(novo" if ,tittKt.iiKIi Ims l,i htt n.iJI "" 3, M IT T'tr!1''.'' l-'T!.,
Hl.onld M from Uudliif ItnilU-ili. ; wliiek. entUt on an Iti'.h $y iM- 4.WMI ft",1!1' M '
T.,hwrtM, (uni,yj f4 j fcK;-;; :!;lit::r
men, who ronfeneil the riilit ,ifsnf- v -Vi'lu' nnu4" K sflaUmttf ' Klnir Vl fi., i,, J,.,.;!- ,. tn.nstnUtitiiLihen
that in many of their Stato conven- . ,Uyurly, u ho was shot at Jiuw im
tiona they demanded, tlmt no miviitians by Kx-tJovernur Wuiniouth, on
should hu allowed to vote who could t
not road the constitution nnder which I
he lived, thus in eflect disfrtiuchlslng
many native whites. For years theso '
same men labored to muke EDI.' CA
TION a qualification and tost for ex
ercising the right of suffrage. ' Yet,
what did they do within ten years ?
Conferred sutTrago upon millions of
the most IGNORANT men on the
earth. Rut then they were not white.
Liko their philanthropy, their views of
statesmanship aro rery fAin. Ignorance
ono day and education the next ! Why
lo Ronsiblo men follow in tho wuke
; of
,i i
such fools ? Wo arc aware that
are CHiiea Htuiwmon iy many, out wnj
coutinue to niiuimmo them, whenthoy
act fW) outi-agtMmsly iiiconaiHtoiil ? The!
Now York Sun, in allmlii.g to thin t
aiipHtion which uoiv nirilatiiiL' the '
' K
l.nlta f Pati.rra.u- . I
liaim oi iongruwi, my.
"With a ooavlateooT that dtiea him honor, St-a-
ator Morton reeiita the proposition In abolfihuni
voraal auffrfe la lha District af Colombia hut
Iht majority of tba Republican! ia Coofra
aten to ba with Freiidoot (Irmnt, Btnatnr Mor
rill, and tba other leaden of tho party, aoaluoty
la far or of Iba aeaiure, and tha ubilitotioa fur
tba rajeetad iotitutin of direot guvermueot not
roijronaiblo to tbe people governed.
But if aiTeraaJ aatfrajre ia bad for the Diitrlet
of Columbia j If tba people thera, while, black
and nlied, ought not lo be allowed to rota with
oat regard to color, dctoenl or prcvloua t-oaih-tlon
of ferrltude, how about be people of fionth
Carolina, LouUlana, MiaaiMippl, aad the rcM of
the former alava boldlng Staua t be tha Repub
lieaa eneinire of nnireraal luffrage propoao to ex
tend their movamant to theta 8Utea aUu 1 Art
tbe groat amendment! to the Conititation to be
raieittded J And what do they think of their
tremendtiua quarrel with Andrew Job Dion upon
thia very question of unirmal atilfrage, wbioh
hook tha oountry freia I80& till U0 P7'
The result of the recent election has
very materially changed the tone of u
majority of the Itnilicnl parly orgnnn.
The editors of the rhilailoljihia In
quirer, who wore behind none in their
icul for shooting and hanging rebels
dllrilnr the War and ill hoilillir over' ... ..... cv..., v L I i . I '
uunng me nar, hiiu in willing nit cuf A Vork,..ha liecli ad-t
with loyalty, now hogin to see things ( luitlwl to probate.- The irpcrtyt lull
iii'their true lik-ht. Instead of vMliimi i estinialed at from :i,(l()0,(int) to 85.-)
in lliur irtlL llglll. insteaa Ol ixillllfe . i
and banishing the southern lenders, I uu",u:'"- " "'" 1,1 J"1 ,
,.., irt,-i ,.. wi,. , . ,.. 'OW, six sons and twq daiightei-s u:.t
thai journal 0 SpeaKS Out 111 tills ....,,,',
way. Tbe editor says : ,
"Naarlj too ysar. after lha oloaa of thr 8oulb
arn war il mail appear .omawat rldlaaloua,
area to lha avarafta la witnaaa tbo
wbola auatbroua naebinarr of tba National Lt-t
Ulatira aad Eaaentlra Department, of tba gov
araaiaBl pat lata aol.r operation 'ta remove the
political diwblitlo. of John, of Smllbrllla
aoatk C.ralin." Paaaibljr U. ahaardita .
ar alrtka. OongreuaieB but ta the aountry It
appear, aaa of thor. prepoateroa. bit. of none
aenaa for whlok aa poaaibU aianeaaaa b. oferad.
There baa baea aolbinf wiora alreaaeuel lariated
apos thaa that tka Btatea of tba lata Cenfederer
are all laaded aafa and eaug la tbe t'alua, that
ebaolote aotitieal raotoratton baa bM oontotn
naiad, and yet day after day Coagraaa tteelf de
siea the tratb of aay loeb rcatoratioa by voting
wilb aurioa. gravity to reajova tba 'political dia
abllilv' af eonae Boatbara eitlM ar another who
howldered a aiarket at Riehmond as tka wrong
aide of lha trencher. We appeal ta tba latetli
geaea of Congree. la deelara that tbie nonarnee
hall aeaee, for either the war i. erer and tba la ia lb. Ualoa, or il Is net tabbed snd
tbe other not ia the Union. If it i. aat tnlahad
then let there be a aew draft at ooee, let It Ufi.
t.ret, aad tha Soatb brought back. Tbie faree
of reaioviat politiaal diaabtlitiaa ia etale, flat, aa
praS table and diagraaefol ta the hut dt-grae . :
More sound political economy and
true Democracy could not be oouched
in the samo number of lines. Will the
Radical leaders keed the sentiments ex
pressed by this new convert 7 1 ' '" "
OUT AXD .V. - -;
On Monday last, F. P. CoalsVt, Rs.,
of Kartliaus, closed his term of office
as County Commissioner. ' The county
never had a more faithful and vigilant
guardian of its treasury. . Every claim
was closely eximtiiiiied by him, before
he would give his consent to pass It.
lie was always found on the side of the
taxpayer, and but seldom advocated
the side of the claimant. 1 , ..
ConrndW'.Kylor,?'!., Commission
eloct, siwsred, was qnnliliuil nntt ni
Wred utwn the dntics of his' oftlce.
ir. r tJ .. i .mi '.n....i
air. aavivr is one oi me uiu time cin.
, ,
wntiw, wuu tiiw vtutwtMi , m-
riiitiHH MH'ona to no ona wito hah
filled th TMwition. 1 IIo Wit educated
in ttM) hol of economy, mid will no
doubt trutird well tho intiT8t$ of our
comitv sITuirs, Aflur iir. KyWr took
his sent In tlic bimrJ, Jadfra Thompson
was elected President for (lie ensuing
year. Tho board now 1 consists, '(it
Messrs. John D. Thompson ofCurwcns
villo, Clrk Brown of Lawrence town-,
ship anil C..W, aiylcrf (irshain town
ship. The boan, as now constitnlcd,
possesses more. Uian ordinary ability,
nnd Its invnibors aro strict economists.
A CaNTaESiioT BjiTtTpipsitiTWiN
On tho day bpforo Scnittpr. C'ttrped,,
ter was ro-elooted i'nieiidjuiit pn trm.
of the Henat,th t'liea Herald, leart-
ing Itnvliral organ In Sew' York, fteod
its mind in this way;', ',, ,v. , !,
' Thd Vailed State. Senile .bould nara the
eenairr taa .1,0101 nanater uerpenler a,ain in
Ihe ahe I, af preeldln, aawf. 11... aot St far
Tm iSl'ANisu Crows. The throne.
of rtfutiat has (gain boan onibolished
with a kinr,wlM ia tttlod AVnnao XII.
Tha nowsfrom Harlrlr la to th attctft
!. 1.! I - 1 I
un. ... new ,ius ,n-v M.i,,retl;
by tho nny, iuvy, niiuistr- and tha
nation. - Allvnao Is a son of tho ban.
.i1il AUer IsaheH, and was nti exll
id France wWi ))' ntolhcr, ti hen fie:
W Jting, iM h wis nnylc
Uliont he aheddin; of blood, ,. KkwaiU
bis reiiin IM Mcsstnl with peace, hualn
MS )'t be pva'bi kapy.alUT nuinr
raWDlttVOa)a 'i V IIAW JiAtK H jujL,
pasaea '. niao)i,
JtiMiwi nut liil ll a'H4
Uial nonarnaaaMaUos.. uaralopmaau barn Man u. .uuvuuniu, .w.vniHiivi,i. tiu tfuiitn. Ju. '., . res- W. 1 thoen h.ivlu olnime or doii.,n.U will preeeollhem petohea , 10 n po.l to line or traol of Jacob.
Biadaalaea ha waa lanf elected U It, wbleh daatror JJ. XhOlnpsoil, KcpuUil'lUI, ,o( Blltlur, i''Tyi WJ "''i 'vll 0 v 7 ! I " " T Jiroacrlr aulliaiiUwIcd t..r ..lllemrnl will...ut le- Wvrri ihrirra t.t n trart and traot of John
(he reanaanl. of pablb)oae;ev;e )a him. irtbe ale,,l,.,l Tliein wits '11.1 ll.-i.i.i .'! '"",,l ol tile t rtHfirfe-.If lll.l'Hll thelrlaj. IIKOKI1K W. WIHK, ' ' Mrer aamh Ml .iBerror. wealllo nercbee Niapoelt
Seaats baa aot a hatlar sua stsani IU mautwre l,. l". wv I i . "' ' thlldn'' llllilisJ,.J a ttlltl'Ulllt hist Jlllv 1 I MILIS PKbTON,.-. ' llrmee bj lltle lwrw, Ik. aanvh aa derreaa . 4
to nr..ld. sH,lk. sen for ,. WW WWUtp III (hf.. Ijelll,,.,,,, , . ?ACllWr2!l W T ' ' ' k"l.,l.l. Mine., Jan. , . . Ad.r., petche. aorlh U drrv. w..t 4 nerebe north It
Uarpeotar win cleetwl.i 1U. Is e 1 " -.rit.La...i.iMt.. !p .Li' ,''' fVl','-l'l,l' W .1. -Wmiv wTiiA'mit'4 Nirrii'lf """ ''"" "' r-"ci", k..nh si i,re. w..( m
"'iBky(Tibho', wRtMl Im ff, tU iMmmm-., U ttW IW iW 'oiu.'lwV. H ejuni V t""? Wtt&ffu pMl "M"' lM--WaatwUi5aiH
and Is Arnllty of aok'lal and moral Irn- are atilh of;H, aa'l' ts oy.iil' rtheiJ ';! , W.XSivJrfn'h f 1 'Ii?!".' "V.H 'b"' """".. ' ,
.f . , ..; , , li.l.'.l,.'i " ," , ABiloneolbv Irnel. err.rd ander warrant
moralitiod loo Vilo for utterance: add roww of tho ermiiiuia" ir Klnlo ..ttb(jin1i, je. 1 .i-JJmt,,,,, Wiuj w.ti bnii.., ion lair ,rn..wt io' thn na.inBi, .11 t. jM.h Hh, Wi.r, st eomer
tot) tllimoroas to nuwli.)n ,Yrt il ia , I.'.1" "'" ftlt,."w J""!" CS'eW fn if,mt j )(1,ut, 110 'one oil thv . jury inUaliad I. aaid a.ut. will aim net. .( tb. n.. tare ma. , tbaaea hr,lra.hi rf Chrte-
, T9 . 1 'y' "lelty .A" tJKtntlrnwiftw.nniai hrtl. 0001(1 lie riiii ltl lo believe lhiii 1"'. " ' "ssd. tl.. ..,. rW Aadraw Ura atih 4 dq,.M
made the trms keeper la tha Htmntvl ravimr1 are um wfiirrintr witliri ii.l t ' Y ' p' l ie lauv 'W P,l!r witipraient tl,m r.rn.i.rir .uthrn Iratrd for art,- ., no p.r.h.0, t . p,i t Jm.n Widcmam
r.r 1 io 1IIL.dI IimiIoL. I -Tiie 1 I L T -TI l"hhtllellniM,vhemn tlu.Jinmilii lltn1uil,Ii,M0a ft IIKNIIY HlLh,AdtnV. ' th,hrth.anma nsrth 1 Vmi wr.l ut
hy Um RaoVal brethren,! Thd iYsraMI ahirrrnng tNuanoy. TnO 'f!"'"" tul.if ,Mi k BlkJy., , I . rr. 'ir ko.hi trJeaw Y.r.
alsa kicks amiinst tho Ilailiesl iwlieme ernnrt to its ni.l, l.Anlsmhft vl ngnlnl 'jj. Will tin Miflii,kliujulw, niih'i Vf 11 v M " " ym. aid
nitnrtl b "more Ireona." aa tullouii 1 t.."I,n. sunyr tcmiioiii,, Tinnnstr ji,t Turtuimti, Ihltiitlie Wrypooiilu ; bo nju., on the ureaiwof th.Mh-
SS,V"rh; i, ' -Th. unp iti-iKo ttuwri,, -whit 1 f i'i- "'f "( r ""v ""j ' ?rrz
l.drau-r.-..r. rurltho abtliiotoVs of t!hiirli H,.-wfrf 'I'VHUf ikf WVf.fiW i X,t
alrantn.t.hM .- nf ho rnral disliieta that roitimea of , bttl,iiol hyl vl)ttiVeol JiMnjjulus , . ,sl.RAy .,. j. . .! ...
. .i-i... .... ii j , , .. tlitaklmtlahi.esiimrlbrhoui.hro,ifc-l1!!1'1. by ni'HU'U'i coiiim-Uiiuh immeil 11. ,,, , -,.. i 1 ., ., ,
'rwi ivr,ovift;ir .aiphi. I flutes, i, 111 aim r.iuigrMiiiin 1 t.mim- ol l'lnlnJul.lil .1, ,.A ., ui"": '"" ?""Vr iw . ji.i'.e
onoo'fnoeejrtet! ticaitijajjon-aiid aUirt, W. lit . a , ,itul of in,f.,,n, , ..plni.Ual'i.v ,
M fa H'io. Ono gma.1 tmkxxn, bj I ""J i ' A J'Y ,?T'ah 'W;Wiijr. liii .ri-rt'i, vl,',g,(. iirvoi ,i,'n,' , .., ,. : , I. W. IIARMIHI,
...1.1. .i" .. . . ' I flel lied 0 bo to Iheililnd (ho S'ilUi'-itji;. uiu... ,Uik .(,i,.o 11.J liu..r, 1 CuiwrHtillle. Jah, 0. 1;i. It , ,. ... .
1'UiliutT.nnn )ll inn -maaniif tn triin 1
I'rince l.t'li'liiliukti mlra llavviiii
while Knliikini is here visilhii;.
Tin- wife (if llialmii I'mler, ol'
the Sn ml wn li
A Hrin In llinghainptoii, N. Y.,
has manufactured l.llilll cliiLlri'ii's
sleds,' s liir, this season.
The Marriage of Princess Lotiist,
of llelL'iuiii, to Prince i'hilliii, ol'Saxe,
; !.,, N,. l
i . i,; i ,,
A white inarlile monument has
II. wniiui ill I III- I III I J a 1 1 1 I Clllili'll.
at Auburn, New York;' '''' '
tho ?rttli hU.v was a native nf Wvl-
'"orelaiiil county, -this Mate. i... 1 1
. I'our liiiuilrcd nicfi iiiid 'i-hmeti
omil.. - ti irt the Rtirei
wMWf Kn-rrtiVliig'
nting nt HaMiingron were'dis-
charged the tiny tiller Christ inns.'
Indian Agent. Riiiglmiu, of tliu i in.wlioHu Interest they are toiling so
Cheyenno river ugency, accompanied I assiduously ; while tho address issued
by u military luitu, is in pursuit if, tn tho eole of New York, and signed
white men going to the lilack Jlilis. by so uiiiuv of the representative men
-Mr. Wickham, the (nenl Mnrori'j: i'V' fi
of New York citv, was sever,,! yeWf"' .lU h j"K"mal Hoard ol I . nance
ago an oil operator at HouJeville. 1'iv.. I '"'""""'l"1' BmuHcation and has gruul
and the bov. called him -Hill - Wick- i 'u" t ' "'u' 'j'1""'"- ,
nm," '.. ,,, i 4 . Ii'giiro tin) aiieepltiiicd by lueiit
. Hriuiili us iL-Uii'iiiiiiniir l.tie iHLutji ul
AbiH has been iiiIikIiicikI inCou-
Hi' for the reduction '..of tho salary
of tho President to 8i',0(lQ iorunmiiu
ftt xliS exninitiou of lite term nf Gun-
oral (inu.t. . .;xljilliliulI t)huU b(J J-uglai..! will
Tho louiir,ylvaiiiu fUyl.. Co.nn ri,ll l'Vuiwc, Cicriiuuiy, Hw-un,, Italy
ufc HumNbuv iurchaHw, ,0i) tur-1 tl tilliur jmtiuuK of Ktuoc upon
k,yrt tlitrilutod llumi ratuitom. '. thoir nmttlo, uuU .Nuw Votlf .now tlo-j
Ivnmrimf t l.n 1 mtn.l,.l-j -t,i'!,lt'M llittt kIiis will (iiiiiili.tit l.n Hi
IV """ ' "v ...... . .vu win j . y fit-
i tho works I'm-a (1inMUmi .liniii-r. ..
..a.. .r ii. i i i r.r
mi nitMiii'iu in iiu nminruM M
4 l.n u..aaV ..1' L'ma .U . 1 O- I I
IIIU Ml 111 4allf TIll l"a)-l
HliowH an inomtto in f he 1 crain trtHw
foinpmvrl with 1871, timoinrfinfr to;
M77 WinhflH of mn of aM L:
und 70.338 harwlH of tlour
-The notorious Josenhine 'Slaiia-,
uciu rvcnuty ii;cu ci-cu Cbv.v.'I.iiu. i
inncipal and interest, in a suit against j
iir. risK. executrix, on two tn-oniix-
sory notes anioiintiii); to $20.000 giru)i.litioii.
HI iflVUtt ,
I antuln II mil v. who savcif tlm
steamer runnsvlvania, ml for ninnv i
montlis had an action asriiiiiHt tlio""'"1""' ittinotiK the (,'in shops in tlie
company for alvage, was recently
. i.v imi.hi j.nninei ui inn, nr.
eriiitnitirti ny ctiiiun irrtiwei's in rncir
1 '
1 the I
retimis to the DmiartlllMlt of Airrlcul -I
tiitv, will sontcirlmt exceed thnm
. . . .
a half million nales. J he yieli!
acre Is rcportcil less Mian in )S73.
1 ho vYiigvs of the rciwirmcB on
tho J'ouusylvailia railroad WCCU ,
-..l la week from one dollar jiud
oignt cenis 10 ono uoiinr, unu inc.
Ir l.,r I 'hliml .aul.u .a. I.; I.. I Ul'l II II 11 III lUUIIMir III! lllkKBi'H . 1 1 II If IW III AT I 11 l It II If A X I 1 II 1 I If I I f U k' II I
...vt. -j "-r ihuk, iuiWJ n n wiw 'iaJi, j day of January. lNT,ot 1 o'olook, p. in., (he townhip,CJar(ieldooanty, PanmylraaU, bouad-
trip from CanttHl toJtiCllO.- '.i .: i Me 'UHt -With thO Com'Ctltcm, oi HI t'LKAHFIKt D IM : following Real EiUlo, to wit: 4olhe aoatk by land of alrVartand aad
U V' .."Ithorot.hhrotlt tlO tlniliV0 llVtMIKht: tK. . . '! t( ...Jam the Hrtt. title, later.t and .1.1. of the' ln'.We:l.b' ..f H-ml Hurrtyt rth by
l"rf,rr,n,n' "''in' ?-V -Ii". "..... otV Lliout four Uirrels of! UTIQN. ...... ' ?T,,.("Vo
0(m,ni. .,tof,,ml n cullcKe Ihccourl whiey per ,lav., Tho Ml i day V . , , . , , t ! fSliJSSS i " "
'?yo !l!,'1 .Il0 '" nluI M Ciiiliiov wis" hioii-ht hotun.- the 0. ... 1"'."",. ,)r V"""""1 i , . '""J " wr M-ikj. 0..i.
of labor huraucd from nine to teti .; Phu saw tlic detuctiwc Uke the nmicv.
houin. llai-d, is it not? Patriot, .j Wlien the ease came bHoro the gmiid
No nurse girl should hold plus In iil"'. tho bill ehargiiw,' tho d.HecUve
hcrmonth it Is too dangeroSs, -i Ht Sslw"" l,lu1 wi iglwrod. . , .1 ,.:i
much moro convenient and Kitfti 1ol" 'ow' tieVr ilr,lM ejm
make 0 pin fashion of the babjv If (,'" Uonia, aud Knrinug nt tho part
tho Iwhy nries, drive the plas honie liyt tku" T '" Wl1 " ' "l,uJ Nellalor
pattit.g tho child, and if that -won't I her in, true uiainia style, and to
do, give it paregoric. . ., 1 coniplelu iho punwUment. ol Knew, she
.... , j, ,,' . :j 1 was tried, .convicted and scnli'iicud to
ine nun 01 1110 iicilsiwro uiuik
rolihers is oyer. J liclMirL-liii-st throve
ituii iniiv nvm ti i-i mm itju UII
throo iiMthHimmts and wore wiitowetl 0rotui, uul flntliix hit wil in rion
intheaPOpUotowxU-fn yonm and ;.hufKea il Ctti'tJify with Uiiiik itho
nine month lmpriKoninont nml f 200 uithorvi'ull hmtnMiblu Wor.U t-ftino
",,c-; it r. ... M lUU U hli'wn nml in tho ini'h:j M V,'urliiy
' Mrs. Jntni K..Volk,! nitlow oi ' lwt 1'au io tliw nrul, wliidt wtoi
tho. tontii VniMwit'ut of. th J;nfloU Hhtt i(J o hudlj it hatl to hv bmpu..
StuUMi, livoR in ah old liihimiol nutiiv) ttiU-4. -.hi- ihq lucnntiiuix M't'urtnt
sion in urthvillo. Tono.-i J5ho is m Hk-n-1 Uvmuiittwi W wmt tlmt r
dur. lrracuftil old latlv. withinow-whito iult i' IWiiu'h iiijiiriin. lietwoon Imh
huir, but wilb eym Uh bright And atfrp
n ijiim'h an n in m r. -r,M 1.
iir. A. M. Scott, m;cnt of tli( Penii
s'f lrania Hiiilroml ('nnipn'nV, lit lll.ilrs
villo, I'a., (lietl very siincMllynt tlmt
lilaco, on tho lHth Itlt.' llifrlmil' fieen
ui the
nyoni ii. ir .yonit. , . ,., ,,,,,,1,;- lmioh. mid who ,iu the Hilitmionl
a ' w 1.: 1 1 .i 'l!
' U W .fflciUly .tli.U tl,r..ieid.n tv uUno m riKlkal iu .tl.l
next iirHitine. of tbo Dt.snl
ilons, t Usriisliutx, will be i held . on
1 "'"'"y- lstli tlny oi Jmnsn-.unrl
tnnt tliert'lillor tbo BUltetl iiimUiiks oljlias ision lioM i..r, Irml 4iy inr.vt by
thnt ttiorviiUt tha BtntoJ iiieuUiiif
, .. ... . ..... , .. . . . ,
wiw ixwu miu uvuciui'M .bv .iwuun.
UiA nux U'lll I.A luJ.I .n
TnmUiiy ot mub nwotb. r i- t vhbtm rw. v,
U...I ... .... .'.. t I
vwhihy oil. ...ii.. ,-..
towimhin, on the 17th of IWfmW,
tilt) iTlll pi JlcCCnit.PI'.
j .i..i.... .i.,
ulUr a prDtrnttod "nirkfit'K". Jlowua
1.l- lrrrialntnm r '
mtMiiixT or inc
IfiTili find h n
' ' f ,
honored In Illrtir conntv.' ' ' ."
. i .., ,"l..-'i;..i.-
w'Miru Wl lony-tuiou pwrf
sous.. i.enwi(i ou. ,uw juks ,,uiinii.:. j,;.,,, ,t;m,L.,4
WH, xuliist M'U ll'wlicd nml thirty- )
1 . II IT. ,m .H J" t. .. Z T n'l h"l ' l' l',!"' ("'1"" "ft Wj A Nlle. r. ,-br " tM LMIera af Ad- 'Hint. Ilalt.r .h is dr,rej. t U 4-4 ner.
to im'rty ft .t lll , ,ll.ll,t0U " f I. , Hn S lIlvillLr esefl an lliae.tat. af UMOKU IIAUKH. '' f" !k" "V Ud J Vm.
lKllillHt tVt.07U.000 U MT4..1 ,. ' " , Tt. U.a a( Cle.rl.ld. tJlw.rU.ig Count., I'.., lead artk IS aWm t MM peM..a, I.
l-.V.-nr.. - 'olhrrs ti'rtwn 'fwmtinthitf' hns ,am ,,.,,, Ucrj
I ' I IHt-e ivSS a henvr fill lit Klinw"' tho u.,ln.w. ..P ;.l,.,. Arnalonr h,: I ... 1 .11 .... ...... .111 W llao.f Ual. Poller.! (bene, hr Mid traol north
'n Fninon'on 'the' 16th nf leermlier.lpiiymfnt io fht.ikieURitffcd in it.l
In the fltvnf Anuera the -root of ihf
Markot- flnll trtlVfl'-iBH 1'l "llll'lft
ei'teM flf tho Wimr,' timlninny' r.lj, htv nBrt!'b'TlB.W'wf-1 i--. '
sons who wem henenth it were i-itlx-r , tjitijHijr insf Ml.leli WiMH flit-e rilft: 1 I)MISIST1T0H8' Xtll'K'B.-'1
Itillpll (If sererety lnjl(lll, """! r liltHt HltrfH llVllfs ficet'lilflnerl.1 If I 'J NotM.leharel.vniernll.iil Mi. ora.lmln-
"" ' ' ''(' Ji " "A r ' ii' ' rrl "Ml, neetlloss ir ilVf tn (itrtei te tllrit ,,VArt'taitttrin nn lha tatsM a JACOB Willi, nV
I T-At UII cleotloll lolll III the:, T.W.m.l'" O"'"1"' " " 'y",1'";; "" aw4,. late of Uoni. tann.bip, Lle.rl.elrl
ty-tllinl C'ullKrCoHioiIll) (lislriut .Oil the ,"l",r tltrTlliritte m Imt'lT)? llll U0,( Pnr b.,ln( hern Julj ,,d to
2''d tilt tn llll lliu ienii nf rnsnitrslilrw WlM.s't 1irT rnmlltntifrli'. the iir,iler.ltoed, all perroaa In.lrbtrrt t mid
7. .. ' .. , ,
rs. - Wa hara hud aarnritt
on,tH (n.'Shivli, ivhuin J),
ir muntlintH.! u" If'J.I
tha last twa sroeks ( almilar
will, M In riitn.M..... n.Me !' ,1...
art..!' Ih..
onnlry. andalbtdaAg a.-oi was.reV
nnlry, and a lb tlm t .m was.W
aaVMsT at tin,,.nul .lini'irlnrri nt t,
...i,, iJ' hmL. I.i wi.UJ,
ls)' tha tlilevita niis krillisl ,
..-J. ta- i-iiif; -i- H-r t ,'i i
, l lie- .Nm.My .Vr-wnry hjail.l B..'ifi.Je?i,.l ''. Uvvr.lwa linniJirdlitio
plKHllon will,!e., rb.CoiiriT4iliWMMUOOl) i.iliivn nri'..Warud
this seaiioii to liH-orpornto fh' United ij.. Jx, tw.yriii vlly
U h.reuiV. i-autod (laiUlii Hii'io.r-i4,tlieily.;
aid In lL- irfwi-iructlon.ol mar'.njM.ui.iji.-n ll..,,, .. ni..inn i. :...i.T;..
nsls or Ait'liuf . .'li frf il4u',
'.. 7 ! MPWoraisit vr .eiliitalihiliiUl.lilHlwi. , Mn;,.W f.hitljenoiiu-,iU atM J. ",, ikrairs,l.aa I. iba ..nave Iher-rf
na Ww'lr-'r! Vji'tsl'lloh tuifjru er, ..ij i ifjii, ind'iiktji,,,. Vrl. bnilat 4 'rwti ansa' BSiibi !h"'i' f b ""1"
"" " ''f' "'W.H'. 'P'.kV i.-rphiiw their ehnrity mri.h4aTr.'l , ,Jtla.rsdld. .l.n. , iht.V.M-7 1 .,-,, ,,,
I'll 1 1.AIMU.t'M I A , .1 llll. I, lril.Y
tin: nkw ihnstiti'tiox.
Ilisn iiiiloworlliv fuel lliat within
scarcely u mouth old. .Mr. liiitnns
hill pusscil anil the coniuiiKiouers up
pointed under that Act have hud sev
eral meetings in this city their last
meeting whs held during the Inst week
In liei euilier. I regret thill 1 cannot
fully inform your remlei's what this
revisorv liouid Miniose ( ohil'. as the i
.,,,,l,,,.,vi.l, wh,,1'l,.,i,v.i,l,lflu I
. . , . . ii I
,, , , r . V 7 1
generally garrulous, is us reticent upon
ruEAjjos Jnilt.isrn ,. vl . .
' Tl
io sow car opens auspiciously
Jul' the ('miluimiiil.caiinj. Tlio ollitial
u eptanco liy Uiuut ilriUiii) f the iu-
vilittiou r.xteiKlel by lue goye.nnneiil
of tluv 'uitud Stales to take iui't ill
the iilteinutioiuil Exhibitiult huritfivon
viuy grunt ntintc.ijoi1.ti) the genlle
(luu ii are luboi ing so
Ui make the. uvviit u. ituvwsa worthy.
the occasion, us well us of the ptmplo
( our Exhibition so liir as Europe is con-j
ieeiiied; mid I look upon tho action j,
tukuii by Now York lust week as re-!
'mAvhur u, i-h u-ui
; 1 : ' . .
Ibiinruinacv m the luu fetor ol. iiuluHtnal !
vliil.iiy will, nil tlm kih.i Stm.t-
.1 . v...: .
i ii.-f: t.'.itt:.: ut'j
,1 1 ... .v,.. ..1 :i ... . ' '
"Tt '
i rom tlw inri.riiuitioJi
JliaV'O allu'ri'( Uvm ui(U'lliru WllO
iuvo lvcoiitlv ivtunicd to lliiti lit V t
from . KugliuiU. and iVom ll.u l.iml,,,,
will li over 2,ll(lll exliiliitoin from I -
(ircat tin am ill the Aiuericun i.xlu-
bltloll. . i ... , , !
A1k.i,I. tins.,, mllw , an inten.l
- - - . ' "r : .
revenue detective while pi'i'iiinliuliuiiiK
Mowr secinin oi our .city Hcenicn tnu
). I. OIIIIIIIHIllcr mill ucllt tor JIIS Sll-I
Lmmmhi ill ll,.. m..vI I.,,..,, m il.., I' S i
. Sturrla Town.Mp, I, ls;j..Jt
nnrt. i ... .MM t ; , v e '-
i In the hrtiise villi Jat'Carltiet re-wktl lAl'TlOX.
a iir. .lames Jigai anal his wifu Itose.; V , . , .
Ijniuel ivalrl n Scalarlnu llian und wits """" " hrrrb, ramlonod a,r.l..t
lJ'u rnMi,!,n,in an, mi.ldiins l.h tl'a ft.l -
m .tliiw higli -was when JHartnuy i,r d...nb.d Pro,,wi, n. , V... horat.,
n.luct) Wll Stlia'd. , As Uiu dl-tottiverl ! oo..r.. i ro.a IwrM.i .otr. han..l two-
, .,.. u ., .,..,, , .,
1 nan. Hit i'it. iiiing iiu ju urumv, ine,
, ... , . " ,. ... . .
" , ""f ' . .
en 111 1 nit. i. iir iiitiM'i ivn 11 win.' 11 v I'Tiaiir t
u! money which . Iiuit'ei)d to hti lyingj
.ui.iiiiiil ..o; Uiu ilidif.'.! wit" insilfCi'-i
fni-o nu 'iicouuiotliiliini uhluruian who!
IV-jjiuld'thu detective tor-his airiKltl-ulltttl
. betnv ih .Seruioa Cnurl. . Al the Uro-,
imni-SiluiiiuniT hearing Jtusts jieinin snore
iiunrisiyimtuit (or one vcar tar nor..
jjmjr, A. Ji'W (lays njto, IX'Kim rotnrn.
A K W (lays ago, jjegiin roiurn-
tit. ui.f.ll.i.v l.ritt r,i. ncrnftn ll.r.
gj Jj(
j tumit U) JIU JVpn and dtdhttid Ihn
govviiiuH'pfc, Al'CHrlncy-Jt, .likoly . to
hiwimI tho, iVHt of; Imh Ufa in 4 'borry
illili, ftiut lotto, kin thtjst(i,t1 Wv U
tuvurn with iU fit ill in tht? llur. w-.ijl
A i.Ktltl MAeNn I ,y i I
ti...,....iL..i;....;.. 1 w jj'.i i.
i rccunnv viiHttU w nm vwoi tjtsiu
.. . . . i . .. ail
. acv.nv ihhit) mi' tixi nruHV oiusnnttui I
(i v iiiiviB i Dili iiu I'lunvuiuinnvuiinifi t ini, m erw iuuiMr. i utm pwn, i ouv-
.il nis tiuiii'oit, sun vii .in (ii tiKiiatio"
l'iir-tlitwut'ueeJJjuto m-krlfcM to uruncrly
jtleljit nnj riUt tlie nuruuiU ol tiniiif
1 tilacoU in Ins Inimls liy Ins pnrishiutrs,
ol-toi Imon JiclU ll.r. triul hy juryv by
. ....... .... , . . .:.
u.ikv c ,l ilfll UW II.U.IU unr ma un
Willi linvinil CllllK'UlWll BHiUWU lt tins
:,,,, i - :,,, .;,,, l,;,,, ...,,., ,.
'... ,.l . i .1 ; ! i, , . i
t'oli "t Kite ulniivJU 4 wliklr lis .trnn
I'"1"1' i t'lu t t t-a Uwliy wlfv.lcl)e.ollt
, un.l oinilli t 141 Wlmttiver I Ol itWlPV -
" h UweuMi slua tlnvHcsi It
.u..-iiiisseniissiiT.,..) Jw; ""'" '
,. ., 1 1 . ,i,HB niK,'HHiPil. s If- " ' 1
,.,.,.,, .,,,,,, nUMnlr,, w...
'liar, this .iiv oilter' htHn
rilrloffv1 en,r,H' 111 VeWmrilnttrtl
n.ThA r l.i.i.rl.t litilt.
l.uiua cliULivil llll Iinv-.
t trial Let. ul . thu liiuiblu
Btuliic 01 .('.'aurjo! ) uaLiiijrtn yl' .(nul
.aittliicni t.suliw )ial,iiil(il
........... ,.ri.... n'l .. i... I
vi'rniiiir.lif ..'lit
V" f"'"''"" , 'aH.ij ii"'u
i,Uu ; k,;ii M""f tiH' J't. . .t,,,,wiiliiiii!C,
,.l'Nl .(iefi, ,llii,.it iiUt-uui'U gteuilttdiv ph lMk.siMr Mom
A-.iijky. 6f their liitculiiiii isvifeal
'I'he total iiiiiiiIh'I' o dent lis in this
city during the year IH74 is Al!i;i. :
lliirilill the year 187.1 the deaths iiuni
beivd lU.Tilll. The primiuil cuuse ol
death was ronstiniptloii ul tho lungs. I
the uiiiuher of death front tliut disease
auioiiutetl to I, Hit diimig th year 74,
while there were in addition !)Mi deaths
fiiuii iiinamatlon nf tho lungs.
( 'oiisidflrine that tve hare Dr. Javne's
Exneetomnl estulilisliinent l ight in our
iniikt iiml that Schenck's puliiioiiii'
syrup is also miule hem I ivgnrd thisj
death statement n the most Holeuiu!
anil eonvincinir evidence that lmteut1
medicine will not 'cure consumption.1
ininngtiie year 1H74 our citizens
1.1 .lll 'tr.n nr.i ..H..... ..r
.11 . .
' He
M !. v isivo.nin no, ye. .
ikw-ii RicaxiHvti. J lit Is tin avti afte fit
.., , ,i:T r . u i .
our citv. If
we exeei.t the poliliciaiis, Wash and
ne cieun iiih'i
not apply to Phihelel-
, 111,1174 einigiunt passengein wore
liinded in this citv during 1874, and ,
J,ll!) arrivals of fuivign, and W.MHi
const-wise vussels renchvd yur harves
V'oio ine year. . .... .j ( (
, Tlie Iosson by tire iiuioiinteil to J7 I1.
(i08 during the year as against, tSH.iH,-!
JfiU (iir the previous ycur. I
ii l'r. Weevil, whose leg was iucoii-i
venieutly in the way of a pistol bull '
tired at liim by Mr.'llanson, is likely
to go "m line the women censo from t
i..i.i:.,.. i I : . i . . .
i iiiwiiiiv, unit wneiti lilstujH lire UOI I
usodhydonionsinitiye j!,,lnilupon
uniiy piiyMifuu.M who, like WwviLi'
alter lu-crK'tiliiii fur hiiKlHtiiHuilincntHi
UOi'opt un invitulioi! to tiiko a l.xk nt t
llimluilt'ri now luxKliVtm ini'iiit mi-.' It 1
is now ahout an
tinned the shooting
his physician infor
month MitcoJ tm-n-i
of ir. WiX'vil. mid
nm mo Unit nlM'Mw-
hnVL i t
liiiinn.putatuti U, Mi-h. Jlnnsoi. w liko-'
j ly to lnwo thu nt'rvinw oi' hur pliyiioiaii j
tltoi'tluT, iukI tho ooniutiiv !' hur I
JiuUuiul ibr a Un timn. ,
I . . ( '. -
1 'li 1 1 . . '
A JKKrsT iiAiutOAO. It im nii-;
liiHinctMl that thnjtiL'h a niiKiimU'r. i
j vlamhti hi'twocn tho mtwk holt loin of l
t m T.ouiwi,iin. C....1...M :i ii
nml tlw. 1',,,,,,-t it ,,,,;., M.:iM,.,.t !
,J inniiH ar- now luimmi' vc-r
that i 1
'"a(l. tllO luttCI' liavill; withtlruwn .
their onii'iuiu'iils f mi'u! lino of road, i
- . llfitj Alljrlltbf lllrnlS
k) (Cor. of Mark.l a Kranl .traata.)
.. """Unail liarln,
ill unto of thle
llilrl, wnQld rr.ltralltlllv
Htit t-uMio patrotiaice.'7
v. 1. rULLKHrON.
""7r.'l " '"' -'T-
W bAKt K, i
1 aill But k ralnontitila for anr dabu cod-
Irmlcl Iir liim. IIKOHUE IIAI1I, I
Im),., .s..n, 4 .M., lib cbaio. and r.ciioil.
, 7 -- , J 7 .. . ai
no I.. Hi." bin.l. nf Kranrl. CoWrovc. ae Iheaamt
'"" to aadi.,ulj.l to n.y order at any
titata. . t rnu kv,
-t.TJ TIUN.-
All p-vioii. are btireby wnrned atiaat ated-
"'" "r l'0"h.lng any l tbe followlagj
: '...7. L." Z" '"?'"L.V.
Blevo, 1 bed rooia tlovr, I eoeh atova, 4 bade and
bedding, bureau, sink, 0 chain, I dun now aad I
red hriltr, a the intin wa purchaied by me at
BherlfT'i aale, n the Wth day of De Jem her laat,
and 1 Itlt with him an lean, enbjeet to my order.
; K. KLUUIT. ,
l,bilad...phi, Jan. , 1 8)S.-lt J ;
qa i fx i7 n .it n T' r- Tjr"
Alt peraona are hereby oautluned agninel par
cbaiing ur Ul any way meddling with the follow
lnwlng properly, now In the band of T boron 8
WeLi burn, of fleoearln townabtp, rla ; 1 bay
male! I ut of hnrncM, 1 r'd now, 3 Mapa of boea,
and 6 empty eapR. The property wa purchased
by (no at NKurlff'a ale and ia left with eald Wab
barn, tultjaet to my order.
illea Hope, Jan. fl, Wi.-it
All peraona are hereby warded egeintt oar.
chaiing or In any way meddling with the follow
ing property, now In the poaaewton of W. H.
Cuanell, ef kraly townakip: 1 grey aaro. t pair
hedatoedi, 1 eet elialra, 1 Uble, 1 parlor atovaa, I
li t carpenter tool, 1 grind atone, I ntt tea ware.
Tlili propertr wae pun-hascd by n at eon table
ale and U led with hiaa an )aaa, mbject to my
rder,. , . H. 11, AiOORK.
. y,MitMtg. Jwi. i 1WJ.-S4 , ,,
AH perioua are bcreby warned agatbt Me4-
iug with or iurgiiaing any or tne loiiowmg
nnw tn tha poaieanutt ot Henry A
i,.;.k..i. .r u ln..i,in .i.
nr.... en
ten. I mi,
betray,! ujbed.tead
' , ' "
ICT. . .iw.r!
er aua.oliall anl klteliea farailsre, aa taa aaisa
Itektui. la u aliu i. .ubjert lo ear aruer at aur
time. " A. V. A A. H. tlAl'UIIKRTY.
Ktlertenn,Jan. M)li..lS
QAUTION. " '" " '" "
'"" AVl portrtd arrf berfby warneH ngafnH pur-
ebaelag or la auy mamir aiaiMling with tba fbl
ilwrila proi.erl, awe ia Ike ntnaa.r
A.- K. Wearer, af Bred. Cmp.lip. aa the
tl)e rtme
ha. Irn parcka.e.1 hy ra at Sh-rl. aale
...h., ,, jJ. i.., a i
and ta
i raws, lot or
...6, nay, noruMJor, .uw, ..ata. wheat, rje, 1 1
wbeat, rye, I
""S. ' ". I l" al.a, plow, narruw,
'.,.,; ,
. "' '' ; ' "
" . , .1 1 V' , v' ,,, Znh. T .7,1 "
''.".:: : . ikoi Wkaviih.
be iww.rdh.le f.J'"M sad Ihaaal
,1,0J or .ikraenJe wiU preaent thaa. i
,MT 1 r?? ". 'Tr": ? I
a.lale will i.a.a lauia laiiaoulete pairnwnt, and I
Cent hwpMrtnc an lha are af lbs
ude.a.rrio!, i, Cb.e.1 tevqilin., on m a'4011 th.
InH of B.iiiril,.'r, I, A III, ft 1,11 II ' .buot
wna ynnf rttrl. ' Tile owner la Teo,arrtrd to eome
forward, pro re aironart,, pir .hae,on aad lake
bine atar, ar b wii ba of aeaerdlne; lo
law. ,y . . ANTIIiihY M.OAIlVhf...
I WaaKiTt; Jarl. , ISTJ.-St, .
iy swIvw'nA. .'.,7,1 7
1 ' Vi l.arltrr.Wr Wet..f.i nllel'lSf artejea'p
Al U. Mitten nnd J. W, NarrenB. an.ler (he Iris Milton a Harmon, wa. di.roira4 brina-
i yturx 'hmdhii i i.exit
1 1 ;
T't..' i. ; : .r...... .... l .
it ejrllt lliij.ur anrfloa. inodr.S,
na ilka ruemlaatnin I Snd
S.llawih, stark.
thereon tibaK" "ll," "W a,'
H" aad l
( I TMitrlUa, Jaa. , lall.JI ' ! . "''".., eorvejau on warrant .0 v,a
fttw ili'fillsfmfiits.
V. ,
I j ll'M I I
.Ti !
OwIiik lo Ilia iiaiiir, wa llilsh ll pi.llfT la alufoj t
Uiii our nooi.
nt i
1 to both ni
; wbl
I ....
blb will bo nn lo both oa and our
ouiarr. Our .Ii
ok I. Iirgn, eoii.litiiig of
. ' "or v p a a -ar -ar -w -m. -ar
1 H I IN CjT.
Tf A rp ' 1 1 t 1"4J
J.X 1 A ' CC K.iJ 1 3
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
' 1 Wbleh wa Inlaarl rallln si tort far oaah. "'
in-. w . wait a aa I
"P J "IWl WC Mean !
i . , , . i!
u you wUh iu tv.. fr $i is B oo wli,
nu I'w ty Our im Ui ,
from f 10 00 to $20 00
" & e to io oe
" 10 00 lo 20 00
SLIJL ' ' .
- " 4 00 to 00
' 4 00 to 8 00
" 1 00 to 4 60
I (HI tn 1 00
I'ndar oiu
Swi mwl.
" I 25 ta I DO
it , io to a0 I
u 15 to
' 1 00 to 4 &0 '
" ' 7 to I lal
. . . , ;
Mark-t rtrr.1, o,,,
HOWflahel till
tba tw liuyre.
.It-clU M
Alt T i'K
A luretliig or the !.VhoMfri af Hie Lower
Itri.Jtr t'o will la Kstlel mttkm islHw l W U lt..
ler, in I'l Opera Uouaa, n l aeaday eveniug.j
''""fy 12th, lH7i, for tbe olenloa of officer IW,
""""" w. . iuulm,
. Claaraold, I-e. X. . I'raaidfBI.
jfpl ilwtisfnifuts.
Sheriff's Sale.
Tirtu of write Of limri farina.
l faed out of tha Court of Common Pica of
ciearflvld eountr. and lo me dirtetod, there will
la eiuneedlo PUlll.ICHAhK, at the Cort House,
in tun uorvuRii wi iicanmiu, un ii canvpuaj, l.i m
Hlnnio al p-..l. tamer or U, .r,fr Sballa,
w, adow balu Ilia laal Bank tliraaa lijl
lard nt Tun, aonk IS) nurnaa wrl 7t nrrrbc.
f to a pal I Ibaara b. ra.idaa af Iran, of Jaaapb
j Wbiubali. auatii e.H drraa. i nx soroba. to
i J ki i tha bj 'tha. aau, aotk t.rnt jr-ais and
., V, percba. to a
''",,, ' ""' 8hll, """.' "d af
"n," aiiij-tbrM aad ab.iid.trc.t
i '"u"1'"l and foar paral. lo lha pla.a of La-
S,n""S. aimoaiaiaf i..r.jaina acre, ana on. uun
D Aleo a eerteia othrr pleaa af land, I
tsa aitove. koun.lrd as followef to wit 1 1
Beilnning nt a noat ta Ihe aoalhwrrt aerasr of
the alsuve tract ; thenoe bj lend of Lloyd, north
abairnerrbM to a peti thenee hy lands of tha
me, nana miry-mro. aaa nail oear-a aaai
l" perohra to a port in aa old lineilhroea bj
i 1. . m .1 . '
aas ois oerenra ia a ntrea taviiiag an loe rormef ' r - -
traet tliMM bf M trMt . ufre('' No. SI, eaet br Uaarn. .trart. and wet b,
...I IM, taelanin I eo.-M''. '') k M 1.1 la tl.e
r' rr,,u "
raatad ia ihe naina of Joaapb Whltebill. - , ,
, AUo, That eerteia nlcoa of Iraet of land, aita
ate In Ilceator townablp, Clearfield eunnty, and
Plate aforeaaidi, bonndeeJ aad deeeribed a M-
lawat to wit:
Alao. All tboaa all ear t alt aontiguaua tract or
paroel af laad, lying an tba waters of lha Mo
tbannna ereek, la tba eounlrc of Clear He Id and
Centre, in Iba tilateof I'ennaylvaniat -
Ona iraet on the taat aide of atotbannon roek
In Huih townehip, In tba eounty of t'ntre,afor
aaid, beginnlcg at a paal of tract, John Wide-1
man and Jaaob Widemau thaaae by Jobs WiAa
an, north 40 degreea wett V8 perches to n old
fpraca corner, near Moebannon ereek ; thoneeby
traot of Hubert tlleaa, and lead of Johnson and
Hew men, nartb 42 degreea eaat 460 pcrabos to
post aa) the east atifc of Uoshanaon i tbeaee nortb
11 i degrees eaat 13 perehe lo a pest t theaoe by
traet of Jacob Herb, tonlb 49 degrees eart M
perebas la peat; tbaaea by laad of Henry
Crammaad, aouth 40 degreea weal alr perrfaea
to a M-t, aad place ol beginning ; being tba
anna traet af land aurveyed nnder warrant, to
Jaaab Widataaa.aal containing MS aoers aad
U perabe., and ftb allvwaaee ol per eaiP. far
roats. i , t
Una other triel, situate partly In itanh Uwn
shia, Oeetre aawaly, aad partly In Marria awD.
saip, uiravnatti aoanty, aujulittag and 'noni
by traota surveyed en Jacob Wideinaa,
no tert uicnn, vevld Laucft
Osorre llahaker
and Jrese YarnaH, and toatainlng SM aeree,
marawr Km, bamg tho same, tract lurvnyed an
warrant granted t Pater Varnall.
One other Irani lituaN principally tn Rnab
townehip afurraaid, bagiaalag at a vapla eorner
nf Joese Yarnal) i tbante by eMe, north D iaw
gna wat 1'Jii pi-r oboe to a maple, on tbo banb
of Mosbannon ereek ; tbenet down the same 701
nerrbae ta peat ; lbwna ht land of Jacob Rash.
! aouth t dogrerv wast A ptrehai to tba plaan
. Of begiDDiogi auntaiolng 4311 arrra, ami al
'owanee af ria per ent. for roads, ia., keing
line traet earveyad m warrant to Ruaji.:nia
i Oae other Iraet ritual In Uiwrrta townhip,
aToreeatd, beginning at white oak earner of l'e. 1
irr l emairi tncflt-n ry eame, norta 47 crgror
17 Nearer.
"'rV?'?!lLJT?'J i!' i-
ejw runs aaat w a eaeueO OTta,
71 llrirnal Mil I IA Iwrnliaa I., m ... 1 i.
"-jr.c.'r v
w,l,""nnn vm I Brace oy iit-njamin Hr
til,t 1H ,1i;rilM M mi ta a ma.
. BtlM 17 ig.reee V. 1st mkmm i
LttiST, KSL'tW 31 f? I"-""3" - wv
im t. t. ,u ,tb,'t,w,fZA'' - '
"" lUmum, Wisg Hwsssw
"-'" ".rrant t n.ii..
47 eleftewa weel 100,. lo an aid
lnr" ,;".,.,,k Manner! 1 tbeaee hr
aah tbeoa, by .area, af Patrick liar, aufah
"T V.'ili ' -LfrIi fh dVi "Ti
pereh-.ta aid d.n.1 blrh, tbeaoa north
ld.,rel Id perabaa In, a te hank or Uo-
akaaaaa nraaai Uanee k.v lha aaue aorlh 1 da
sreee 0.1 10 pero).oo to aa el, frk,J nrapk. on
bank of ereek I Ihrnae bj Rnktrtllletia north 00
derre rmt H: nerahM la an al.l krmlooh 1 ny rfaoah milaiaaa navah 18 degree.
deceeee wuat 109 brrraeaL ta na .Id whlla aah
thane, lie Iran. .1 HuImI. Al ... I. u.. a.
rrrjrcea ...i U'.J p.rrhce, to aad old cherr tree 1
nn banb al nark : thenee isutb 4e .i.rec! ...I
IHI paroln.,, IA li pUo Ol he,ianln, auhlala-
to, .nrra ana a, (.r.nM.nail ellani be
tn, the .1, IrauU ar pieea. af land and
pctalee, whlflh Jdhp Truoltland oiker.,br Inlrn
Itrra, data ata da nf Oalober. ISel. .ranted and
nonvarod to Jaraoe Nataaa) !. fea,who eold nnd
ennvcred tha aatna lo aaid defeodaat, tba DurbT
Caal Ct.iiiptir; of b Bun or f.,tiniijlvattri.
Which Seacribcrt' lanl. tre" uniilail with'
mlnae af eoat, su Bpaned aad bHa
aoikcd hr .lelendent eompaorf and narlant
railroad Iraeke laid Ibereia, and railroad tracke
wpon enhl, aoaaect,o, wlln lha Trrona
and Claaraeld dlrleiaa o( Ike Vcnoirlrania Oea-.
an. vrearaeia uirieiaa at taa ronn.jirnala ue
IralruSroadl toir-lber with in, poai rare n.
lo.iilr, ,.ll ai'n-. taaerottbig 0M.I to II
dorhpl. . SaM ta.arVtioVir klfii nipfllii) wflh I
aoailMrar, .m.llaeMe tSr ntlnta, Ml.. Aad I
aaid iriaaileea hsriB, araaied Miareaa na. fault,
trams all.ri' lare, a ,t,ba, aad bia;kaailta
hop. .
B.I.eJ, tahek ll M.rk. dad 14 U .old .
Ike fropirl, f Mra llarh, Uaal Oatapaa ot
Patia.rl.auia,., , , (i , (
,, Tnnsa rra -4UI J-Ih, prtnr tnU nl wMfh
ll., ataijll ba jiriiiL off tuujt he naiil at
tka lirSB iff kill., p. '.ufh'MhcV arfasJoairata
anala aa alH lb hppf.add,Uhhrlw lha prohwtr
will Ira Ui4laitr nnl ua aad a.ld aan n th.
a.pon.. aad rl.h of lb. penoB to Khun II nma
atraeh ul, aud wba, la cn.e of defli.rnrr at aueh
,,. .im ,. uJed b.praaanaM,
"!' ,.r,la, tha nnriaerT ia a.i
,a-mXr". , PrJ. rV iaj4vj,,,, ,
re.ui., enen aanae rorMl lae eame. and ta an-lw-
d ne piaenBMnHaOnwrt far
the niriaov 1. atlaallr
" 1 rnerr.
lfpl drrrtisfiucnts.
SherifTs Sale
llr vlrlua of lanilrr rll of fiirf 'iri'i la- )T rlrlua af writ! al fitri ',, luaid
irini d tit of ab Coura-r rumon Vtrai at Claar-! 1) oat offka Caart af OamSMa ftoaa H Claar.
f tla.ill,l.l I la. 4lrcl,J,ll,.r.f,ll l AaM aoaalv, anl to ma dlrsalaa', itaravill kt
.aat. la iwtlla lN.ltaC.lluualLi ha aluoiad to PVHLIC SALE, sa lha Court 11,.,:
.ntovli or Qlritlrll us WnlunSajr, tka l.lih tbt borouab el Claarltl, aa, Ua ;
fn. t Janusia , IhTini li'olock . dj.i atit M- lltb daj of Juaaarj, laTS, ! I a'aloek, ft ai., I
! ota JtnrtW.1 raal antU, to Ut j je,f perwual proroctf, la win r,' !
All lhl e4ln .looa of nd fit Hradyfi All thatrrtais traot'uf illaaU la tleoos-1
art of'
i wtrrunt No. 7T, bun tided tad dporibd fol -
'luwit llrrlimiti it whits oak, corner of Und
, ooiMeri d to Win, Woirdig Ihi-ort alonit tho aui
I rpri uv irtiirp iiivrv ui im iu niuntji i invRoa nil
j by urn iu(h itlt porobvi moro or ! to iIoboi
" "7 " ' J""cura Hum or iwmm
lo llruilook
i nonet miii or tifttnt wum iu paron.
I ai aioraar laia lo a b.iolooli lbaM.lill byaama
i -..ii . i umn iuvoiid u
" " e" wnar.r eau ii,iriy..,tNi narrnii i .u, ort ,
or le.a lo tltouca aortb 60 roe. at
t 2 8-Hl parohf. biora or loaa lo a po.l Ibenoa
Dona . i-ulisMWia wa or lau U Uia IK U.,p.aaaa l-m aaalb aaaalaat-
i -
alloaiaoec,ioorearlraa,IMrrlSualaf thoabota
o ion anil no parcora aioia ar Kaa, ooarajroa , lamlialn. porcbail Uaaoo aoalb thlrlj-too da
aad dtKutlssi lo did frou Jaaub 0. diailb al (raaa aaM aaraalr lra parobaa la Iroowooil;
ila to Jobn Prat, by iktd dalrd April ISib. ISIS, Uaaaa loatb illT-rn dofiata watt ana bandro4
aaJ rraordrd la Ol.aiSald aoaatr la daadbssik I .ail aluiaoo parcbakta; IIKora aortb twuo
KKpa(.W. Aboot als aarai at tka (iraparlr lr.ra a,.lrMi watt l.atr-ia parrbn laaraah;
taken in eittfutioa and lo btiuld I bo uropertt
or J. t. Htnub. , , ' ,
, Artv., ll that ecrtrito Iraet or fetid til ami tit
I'learfiuld ooiinty, l'euaylvaw, bviouw ( m
whit pine thouce nurth 'M drgrtta cttM, partly
In lint or land or (Jtorgo J. Yta and otlion,
nrrba mora or Iom U aloaa ia aautb hMadary
lf tf trnot No, tVIilf ibaatMOMl in tka km ta
bouudurj lino or taid trtut No. ;a it 1. 10 per
cht'B tnura or to atoaaj tbttMa aatk In 1mm
uC land of Adam Yoai VH pareboa taor ar lea im
aalONo; thraot oaal ia lioa of Undf aid Adam
Yoai 4 1-10 pcrrbn to a tiuao t ibi-aoa touta ia
line of Itod ol aaid Yoai IW prrbM to a rtono ia
lino of land or Knutns I.utber, (Ainnorty rg
both) tboaee wart lo lina of laad or aald Latovr
01 0-10 pem bei to ar hit pint and plao of a
ginning, pontainlug fHJ ari wrnr or !.
fiflifd, taken ia rcnl(oa and to bt aold at tho
i proptnj or Henry hlttctiuor. ' " '
Tnna cr Hai k. Tba price ar mm at blcb
pmpeny aoan te airuvk on mail be paul al
tn tiia ' ur iuh other arrBOgfineutu
B1I,'1 he aproi tHl, olherwlta tbe property
ho immediately put up and aold again at
i Mi spco id ri'k of tbe perea lo wbow it
truck f uli "hufia eaan ol daftcieany at
nch re Mir, aball make good the aaiue, aodiu ao
llaaee will the Doed b preiented ia Court fur
ooobrmation anlvai lha munev hi actually pid ta
the Sheriff. , W. K. Ncl'UKHSON. .
0rr.. a. 4 HhonlT.
Clearfield, Pa, boo. 28, 1874. f . . .5
Sheriff's Sale.'
BY flrtueofwrltsof Vtnditio( f,tptta,tul
out of the Court of Common Plcaa of Clenr-
i laU muhK. anil In m AirlA r.r ail!
beeipoted to public lela, at tba Court Mouaa,
ia tha borough of Clearfleld, oa Modey, the
I' ' A eertala treat of land aitualo la tho village of
i Narllla, 1'eou towiahip, Cleerieid aouat.y, I'a.,
rounded ana awn beg aa follow: llegionltig
at eoroerof lot or Jaeob lloughman and the
main alrevt la laid Tillage; tbenee along tatd
nwiaatreet eoutb I fill reet oo the bauk of tbe lit
tle will poud thence by batik of tall pood 00
feet to euraer and lot of J. Doughmna thi'noe by
otof Mid J. aUougfamaa 100 feet mn or kaa to
plaoo of bcciDning,
Belted, taken la execution !
and to beeoldaa tbe prupartyrf loNnoeU'Uary.
i vwriavm it mo im imq iih.U in DeeeaCHI,ClaarnclJoiuntr,l'can.rlania. bound
.,1 o Iba ...aia b land uf UoVarland and
Uilka, ut bj I...J ol Hiuual ll.iertr, aorta.
I br land of I.. i). Wold and aa.t by laad of J. u
Dilln auolalninf clglitr-ftvo :ra, mora orla.a,
j fc.ri, ,o.t ,i,i,-tra ar..of riraradiaad,
I a log bouar, log hara, and a lars. baarins otabard
, tb.reon. B.i.rd. i.w.o la nocaiioa aadio a.
kU aa n... pm,,.n.T of M.itba. tv..
, Al.o Iraal af Urla
loan.hip, Cleertleldeoonty, I'.iin.rlvenia. Ijoond-
ed on the a ulh by land of atea'aTlatid and
Oilles, we.t by lend ol S.umel ll.gerty, north
by lud ot I.. I). W.I.I, aad aart by laad or J. U
lill..n, .ntaining eighty-firaaorea, naa-a or laaa
and baring about liily-flteaorc. of eiearod land,
a log bouw, log bara, aad a largo bearing orchard
!. thn la etaeutloa and to
- 'r".7 ZT" L
dale, n'fearlirld eounty, PeansrUaoia, bo.iaded
... sk. .n,it. k r i . u... .w
h- ih. U u,.i.i i. ....-
nian m aau mtreuca. A l.rr. Irame nunM.
urepran Hotel, ie. bonM. .ubla,
-j ., . :.
ReiieJ, taken ia eaeeuti.a aa4 I. aa aula! y the
friinaej ar n niaa. i-arur. ....
Aiea,aaaru.a traetwr lent eita.ta in JerJow
ttiwusbiptOJearflaldeounty, fennsylvanibawnaV
ed by land of J. H. fattenoa, T. A M. Huiitb, 0.
Krataer, U. Uilligan, John bli Alluter, and U.
H. Taylor, aontaiuing ona hundred aad liity
acres nsnre ar kaa, being part of tract werrauteel
la David Hiatth. 8c4aad, Uken In execution and
to be sold ae tba preeatiy af 8. H. btakersaaa.
garnlsbae af I'eier Meyer.
Aleo, a eerUin traet af Ua.l, eltrntta In Laer
renoe township, ClearboM eeanly, Peaneylvaala,
bounded an tbe north by Vlearleld ereek, aa tata
east by land uf VYilliaaa ttobrym, an tha wee! by
Und of (itorita Uuller and an tbe aeatb by land
of Robert Porter, eontaiaiag twenty aeree. all
cleared aad having a two-atory frame aooea.
frana slab la, 30 by M feet, aad vlber tmpee
stent f thereon. Heised, takoa ia aieeattM and
to ae sold aa the properly of Allen and Mary A.
Lutuadue. ui' . - t. , ;
Also, a eartata traol of Uad aitaate) in fjboat
tawnehiploarlaldeonoty, fnnaiylvaniev.baand
ed M follows ; On the east by laadi of Jut Ho
Cord, on the aawtta by trart of laad In tha name
of W II I law W ilaon, oo tba north by traet wnarnnb
ad In the name of Uuadakar aad an tba wart by
land af K. A. Irvia A Co eoatuaing about two
hundred aeree and being Improved. Heiaad. ta-
rV?.. ,,ta" PV"T
at William UlUigaa and MtakaUiliigan.
Afca, a arrtain traet a( UoJ, sluate ia Vergu
en law aih ip, Clearfield) eounty, PeQaylvania,
bounded by lands of R. Lewis, ft. C, llaoiUton,
Matthe UkMim. Juan V. Head and a tbe re, ,o
Uisrteg two buadmfi aad thirteen aares, mora or
Ism, and haviig seventy acres okarcd, a large
barn, dwelling boose aad bearing orchard thefe
onv Seised, teii en in eaeeatioa and to be aold a
im property oijtiin UampbeiL , .I 'M! t 71 i A-
' Area, a eerUla traat of Uad alinata fa iltmU
dale borough, Clearfield eoanty, Pennsylvania,'
ks,ur,J mm.t lt Ms I u.kk k. .. . i
west by lot, No. Ia7 and naitb by Bear alley, and
aad having a snail frame dwaliieg bouse tttereo
erected, a iied, taken U aecoHliun and lo bn
anawa) aa m no. iaa ia tne plan at
sold as tl
u.LI - th. ..flM.i. u7 tl..k A.k.
Al.. a Jrta!. ix - hal -ta.fc
. aartain lot af laad altaala la tha bor-
W 4 a. .he property of
aawn .1 llanuuala, UearaeM aannIT Faonerlra..; Tlaere la wrIUnn aa trtt whtnlasd. 'Tb. nannl.
nl.,ho.de4.t.b, lot Nfclst, b, Pawl,,., r.Tld.d h, 1? .Tl T!? r't,.! ."a
alia;, aorth br Klh alia, aad reaib bj hlarr
.trcet, and known aa lot Ma. Il, and harm.
' " "aa .
. Alao. a certain town lot ahwhteia OSnnta bor.
ougli, ClearaVdd oaanl.r, PaanlTltMia, konadl
aortb be (vlj, aouih bi band Ke.hart,aaat
bj Mliaabelh alict and w..l br Hum, and
herlna; a fmeae hnaaa and other aatbulldla,.
ILereua. Seined, tahan aa aiaeatnja aa ta bo
loU aa tba proper!, af U. 11, lupharl. ,, , ,
AVw., a eertain trMt of laad .ileal. In beurar
tewubSp, CleaiHeld eoanlr, Penaarlrala, eepn
Bin, at n rprttee atonp on the OrtMla aad Phil-'
ip.hnr, road , Mtanoa br ecu nud aorlh 4. da.
grre. CM It ret.hee I, pojl po,, .,,a nhaae.hrr
Maplalen, (ual Ul, auilo to ilojreel weat 47
parewa. In a epruee , tbona. roath 24 do, rre '
31 neroliaetn purl wilb pinamed aprawa pMnlrrwi
Hi. ire aoatk . a,rean aaat Id pcraae la fl
f neginnlna, noBtaiBia, three aad eiie-hairaeres.
Seued, taken tn execution and to he eld na the
proper!, er Ttmaina Aeheraft 1 ' '"'
Alaa.aetrtala tree! of lent alteaKla IWrator
lann.bip, CleatiaW aanalT, PeBnarrraala, hamnnV:
nl eoalh b. Ibo tumpiko, call b; Uoorge IX M'.r
aa. north by nearer run anl writ b, J. I). Ma.
Uirk, wanMnin, if aad a belT arret end ar.'
I" a larss to. .ury fraenn rarer, huaaa awd
'.tltar ontbuildiiul. tharaos arerted. 1 tieie ta.
kenla eaeratioaasd to be tvldu tho prui.urtr
oIKIia. WUkT.i- I . .., '7T : w
. Alaa.aU thai aarteia W lud aitaate la
Draaiur lawaaha)., (ranrtlnld exaretr, Pwwn.rtra
nta, honnded aouti bj th. kite taanplka, aaat h. ,
tan!, af Morf . D. Uar,.o, nerlh bj S..rr run ,
an! (aaat hr land r J. D. Mrrnttk, eow.lp,,,,
tout and a hnht na aad h.rlr.(nVtv Innvsiorf '
betel and other onlbulbiai Ibamn It. aaat
raea,Ji(r,in e,oeaitoa and m be aold aa tha
KfUfilllu'ilit'i 'T'
I Alee, eartala fra( nf UaJ'illtr.h, fa Ih.Wl I
I, aaooawatC nMaehipQlaaiu I
on'.f, I'MBulVMin,, baaadaa ...... ...
B.Td aon'.
h nablie roada. on the aoulh br UoS ... J....
Monr. and oa fbe wrat bT hH of Samtiel H.f. rlr, I
...alainiot abaiit aae aort aad ale, a tou..
,''bk V'"N esiijad. lakaa hi aawaatkaa
d "N a. Ins ogurl al luaa Uaaarte.
eerUla traol of laad .Ileal In Irad,
tawnhlp, CIanleldeo.i,ly,p.l....anl';ohrt,t"!
Kr.a turniHb.. nbot.. Im Hint .r a..k. . .
In turn.ilke, aboal lea Mia. writ
iraniaion tsa l
a af (.dtlrat. I
aonk 14 dfiat
llttioa b, Iria . .
our,, oajtiBMB, ata annri eheaea
ffraaa Mat v la atene. I Itienoa
leraprbo aorlh t J drrrao, jit 11 1 10 urro!
he t.
nn.l . Ih..... .....k fi.r.l.-u.. ...J 1, I i .
Il.mrl; iiann) naih III dcerte. (e perehe
fa ataaali tb.Bc. aita ait aa
eke. ta), poalj thiaca a.alh It do,raaa wan lr, the I el. reet af llava, aVInrlandi la a Mere
perobea to hemlock an d.,ra.a eaet "taktllla, a.n, Wa ,a rrbaeed he aie aa
ii p.mbM aa phtre of brgraniB,, ennralntaf ' ,h k aTUnlae,1S?l, tho h.aa..e aaa bee
about in, atranaaaM.weaeaaeaH,alaaawli 'ares Ihwa, had heeeonee erl hnanawatleei laiha,
add karia,aUrra (IrjUMuJ h'ea,4"fa haoea, aloee h, Ik. anderalraed. .... .,, , ....
bar, ht aaAlJ,il-fts.tnrt Tc,v"l ,.'"atd , ,t - 4.,..;i JO CLARK.
Ikar-Coo. 1 '' " I ' ' k ' '''PtabVnia, Dea. IS, ISN.-Jnia
aan., an .aee. latent' uw, lata ateanle w IkVl
Ubfaaf lna,hr,, Olaartrtil Mat,,' IW.
till . I, , I, A, I, t, t, 7, It. It And It of
Trr(HV'l adeUtWH., : .. rala.ln(f '!
aaar a earl nad 4 aarnhM, 4oeu.. .11... .
SelMd, lakaa lo aaaeailo. and j, be 7 Th, ,
propirl. tf Jullu. A. Ttri.eT'- . ' , ' " W H
"V ''a' "",J .-l'--v l 1 (
, . Itaai .5 8AUI.-Th. pHa. aa laa at ahkh i
i- 1 fl ' 1 r...... 1. 1 . . . . ... i 1
-, woaau aaw pnaa bi laa si hck i
PrC"V M alraek: a Bail ka aaid etj
-. ..- , enia, wr. aae, arwar nrrnnmaanla
TT.ri . ' ' reJ,atharela.tha penaar. I
r rw w. uaaaauiatel, aal a, end ,.IA aaia ah
'P" '( Ik. ptraat ta .a,". Ih
... w.e, ui man or aesciaaeT at
aataa-MiJilMHata. net la
leant revoa la, aha
' llltHN aHll. naialAAnAnae,l t lnaaaM Hu'ti-.i.. . .
Wl ' -' 4tnA3,.eJ, .i ,1.. Mark' I I V W U'" ' ' I?! "
,1,1 Claarleld. fw.1 Lwta.ja. 11.4.1 ... ...... ,.Jl .a... .. .... .. nv-SlA. -
' "' t . e.,ia(., ftsaf
Iffliil uvrrtirinnt.
SherifTs Sale.
la toDib1n, t'laarAntd eoumv. Faosrvlvauta.
, bountltd
na di'aeriovd aa Inlluwi.lo wit i Uezla
nine tvt whilooak oornor : Ihonoo uonb Mvantwan
dtgroea cut forlx-flvo poruhoi to a pmt Ibtneo
I tail BQV OUOtirM OQ tl
if lit ptrelm. lo Mooaa i
' ibonot loath Iblfty.twu Jukmm out liily ptrobos
ti puf.( uriqi NtUl MttBll-DCI OerroM WUl
j thirty ma-l ua-bll parabdi to pmt ( tbnnao muiIi
SHeao dciraoa .. olo.l; ,.reh. topoati Ihoaoa
. aoiia aanij-Bva Hffgraa. aft.1 inirlv-lour peroll.
. vrrra raat Ybirtr.icht iaribi-l lo wlina .al;t'
thrtioa loath furlj'-laro d.araaa aa.t lortr-ona
- pvrvMv. in viaaraaid i
: ereab Ibioea up tba arark aoalb tan drgnea wrat up tbe erveh orth tbirlj-ooe ilefreetweat
ninet lev, perebea; thfofe by mnie north eev
etecD dpfreea well t.lili;k
wry oo tha rijbt bauk uf (be a reek j lUeeoe sertll
bit tlerre east eae yvtvh to fioat aorlh
ihirty-eijtbt Kreea maul aitteeti parahee to pinei
thence eouth acveatj -five ilrgree et one and
lwre-toarter perehoeto poet; theriee north fnny
lire deKree west three perebeo to puet ; thenoe
north Blly deftrtea Mat iwtete-iwe fieeehea to
peat ; Oteeee n h turiy 4e;rel wm tea tod
oioe-tralb porchfi to peat; Uaaee ennith iltjr
del, reel wet aiae and a half perch ca to a poet;
thence north 41) degree writ 10 pcrebu to poet ;
ibenee fouih furty.lre d(re weat alevea parol)-,
est tbeiiee north Utirty fur an kettle ffrrea
Wert twent-tbree yervhea lo peat: Ihanoe ewtth
ftfij-flra and a half drgreei weat five perehea to
poet ( tbeaee aortb feriv-Ava deirreea wt atae
two percbel to whlu aak aad pleoeef befrinaiaK,
eeaUioIng oe huadnd aad nlaetv.flra'aeree,
aiore ur !, with a large tvu-ator Irane boute,
large bank bara and vlbar ouUiatlUipgti thcreoa
erected. Belted, lobea in exaeatton id ta aVa
auld a the prcpert af Caleb Copeu barer.
Alao, all thai eerUla lot of graand eituate at
New Halem, Clrarlleld couuty, PeanarlTaaia, be.
ginaing at aornvr af 1. Heigh a lot un Brie turn,
pikef ihoaoa by aaid M eoutb ft ft j Ave degreaa
weit twelve poruhti U eornur of Uvigb'a lot and
line uf Jvha 1'ottrrf tbeuoa north alung tbe Put
tar line auTcnty-lvefvet loan alley ; thenoe along
aaid allay eouib thirty. four aad a half drgrees
aMt twenty-fi'ar feet u petl m laa or ii. Uieb
el; thence by fthhrl wrth fifty -Ire' degreea eaet
fourteen perubea to pihat tbaaea along tarn pike
mirib thirty four and a half degree weat ninety
feet U piece uf beginalng. containing aavenly
iwo perehe, aad having a dwelling boaiw, ataltla
and other iaaproveaient thereon. Heiaed, taken
in evecntiun and to be eold ai the properly af
wnt UeMi.
AUct, a eerlan"lat tltuatt M IV Itfroiigb of
Wallaevton, Cle4rfteld euuily, J'ennatlvaaia, and
known aa tut No. IX In tha phn af fe d boruugb,
and having a buttat and eiber aaleeU ling erect
ed t hereon . t4eiied, Ukea In exeeulioa and l b
aula aa tna property of John A. Weitbrouk. j
Aleo. a eertain lot alluate la HoufidaJe bor- f
ouffh, C'l-arSeld eouoty, l'ennaylvanit. known a I
lot No. lfll, mj bat ine a two-atory frame honae I
19 by S4 feet. Situated on tha norihweat aorner
of Piaa alley and Mary itrert, anl aitending
north ta Kik alloy. Helaed, taken im axeaatlan
and ta be Mid aa tba property ot H. Mcltormott.
Alto, all dafandaat'i Interact In the ft. He wing
real eel ate. aitaate im Uradford Uwaabip, CUar
field eonaty, Peaaiylraaia, aatUiaiog aUeat
three neree. ntore ar leu, bounded and decor the d
aa follewa. On ,be aaat by U. 8 we I, weat by the
unufiiR, vinn tty aniee nam H'l ea ine euniB
bllenjania Heseet, aad baring erected thereon
a two-tory plank honor and awall f table, Saiaal,
Uken tn eiA-oTloa and ta be luld hi tbo nroi.ort
of John V. Hedifer. -
Aleo, all lha internet (being an undivided ono.
third) in a eertain I fact af land, eituala ia Brady
to-mnbip, t'lrarlielJ eounty, Penmylrania, bound
ed and dc-KTlbed aa foltowi t Berinalna at a naaft
eorner of trrt No. IVfl; thenee along the eame 1
wum oe nrgrewa een ejf ai pereaee ta a paet
t'D line of tract IM ; ibeneealong traet UHl and
naianrn ui traet Ztrov aouth three fourth degree
wrat ? peitrbet u pet u litre of inutt IT t
tbenee auth 41 de-tree and minutea araat it
perclioe to a httafocb ) theaew nerib tH dr green I
wut Mi perehe to an elia; tboaae Berth it de j
greao weat b7 perehe to pine ooraer of traet 13 j
aucjDM mtang aenie awna aegreei and 90 aiin-
uua wertlll persbea toahiekory t tkeeee nerlb
nrreaee la a amok : Ihanoe nartk naa af ree aa.t
3 aerelie. to a pod, tba plaea ol bexinainf, cun- j
Uining elate bwttdred and alktaaa and if7e .
nih' J P ' warrant
JW. Uein the same tract ar nleoe of lanrt
. ,v, ,.-j ni . . : "
"" fjrl L
1"''' Hi? liL''r
.. ... " 1 ' 1 "'i. m
: " '
i ia eieentma and
Iaad book r J, paaaf .ll. ata. 8eiead.the
j "aaern, ,o .d,
T r Bata -Tha nrlea at (am at wblek
I tka ranarta aball ba atrsek ar ana. ba n.1. ...
tka Mae t eel., or .neb a bar arraanaienar !'
auda ne will ba apprereS. atkaawraa Iba proaerlr
wi'l ba laiMalal, pat a, a.4 aaM afaia at
O. aapaaee and ri.h af tba naraia h wboai ll
wa. .track af, aad wka, In eau el Saiaiaaa; al
aaeb re eale, ebell make (aad tb. aana, end in
aa la.taaoe will lha bead ba wraaanted in Uaart
far reettrmatioa anla.a lha wtoner ia aeraall,
paid to tha Sheriff. w. K. MefHIiKSON,
Ssaairr'a Orrirs, i fiberiff.
ClearScid, fa Oat. IS, IIN. -I ' ', , . . .
WU1H1A8, nea. 0. 4. MlTtR, frealdcnt
Jed,, af iba Caarl af OeaaH Plaae nf
tbe Tw.ali-lflb Jadleial Di.lriel, aaaipoaed af
tha eeaat... at Claarleld, Centra aad Cliaten
aad boa. W.LLna C. Fot.T and Baa. Jnna J,
Kaan, A.eeeial Jedarea af Clearteld aMntj.
kaa. lined their, te ae direeted, far tbe
haldin, af a Ooart af Caaimaa 11m., Orphan.'
Oeart, Cart af Qaarlar eeeeiana, Coart .f Orav
and, ant Oonrt af San at at Jail Dallr.
arjr, al the Coart liana, at Claarleld, tn and for the
aeiratjr af Clearteld, eeaaaaritif aa tba aetoad
MaauUr. Mellth da; of daa lull, snd as
oanttaae one waak. '". ..
N0T1CH 18. therefore, kerebj ilrea, la tba
Coroner, Jaarlso. of tba Peaee, an Caaataelea,
la and far aall Bounty af ClearCeld, ta apwear ta
U.rr proper neraoaa, with their Reoorde, Holla,
inqaiBiuoaB, aiaannattoaa, and elbfr Hevei
braacaa, lad. thoae ani. an which toheiv roee,
ana in rnalwnt, MeaatB te ba dona.
H1VIN naahna aad band
at tneaeaeld.'tklt'lllla I
, da, of beeeeaber, ia tha rear of aa. Lord, ana i
inoneaaa .1,01 haasred aad eaTeate foar.
1 - . I .. . . Mol-HKIIUOII. Sarnlt-
otick."-" '-A -r'-vr i-r,:rrrM
'Ml tl ' ;
srobvjaotiled ati I tl. i
any iwmbar ar tltobaron -tbe pfbliwoad In-
idawrrriea township, nor to asa at aeenpr anr of
tha aasow along tha Hrwr or oreotti tn aaid town
hip, for piling or refit a g timboe or lumber,
w ine eraiiiun and agreement of tba Bqper-
a,alnat all pcr.ona Tiolatio, thia aolloa.
. J. I. M. IIKIUK.
' J. R. PAKIrt, ' 1
-Jf ;K.pMrjw..
''V ."' P0I 1W.'-"' '''
Pabllaheai iiirlyXi,; .Mt laaii
JaM luaed, and aeetaiaa ml UN) pr KJO
nRr.vln,a, dMawiption. at aiure then AUOefuar
omi Vhswera and VeKtlablen, with dire.
Uua. for, Colored Plata, ate. The ajoet
uerfol nnd ,'lcnaat .Owl k,ind in tba
world. - Oolj Ba aralararlbe Jeer. Publi.hed
a lafllak aad Urraean. A '
declS-It ' in - KaeheMwr, Wi
...... i. ,
jrjtwioi.uTioT tfQTK,B.-",V"'
,, Ketlenl'a'le.j'gfTcaaai Ui pe-laeria
keralelaja .ii.i a, beiwnn Ale.M.Ut Wateaa.
klarlla J. Niebole nnd Omar I. Maraett, andar
Mr. name af Walaaa, Miehalt A Co., at Carweae.
mia, Pa., waa dinnlrwt bj mutual eeaeealea
the 1411) daj uf leoember. Tbo hooka, noleaaad
aoHni, are, br axrrnaatnl of lha paiUra. hleeed
ta lha head. oY il. ft. UrnlL at Clearlold, fv
HttlawMat uid Mlleetin. ; t " j - ,( ; f
CjyrjrJTJjHfttttMiaw ftnnl
' . . ; .. .1 !t . U 1 1 . 1 .1 A
in All poeera. nee aarak, aanned a, eatitua - ny
.'uial " IS anr atenner nwddlin, w lib the (of-1
lowle, propertjv anw ea the haada of It. B. Fnt
lertoa, of Lawranaa aownanilp, vine !. knar h,,
t eat. denUa.barneea, and I heifer, M Ik. eeate
balnea U w. and I. h-fl wilb b.n, aobjaea to me
learteta, Don. hi, lift. It '
MKK NOTIOK.-'r,riv
1' " .' ) T'lo il'i'il.l
r.reoei owin, lha aid Ira (prerlon. la Da-
c.uib.r let, 1874) af
' ', KrbUiV'ItJaei ,HP.
.1 - '
111 BAY! COSTS bi IRTTLimi Tlllsia
AoeonKTs umiiiMATm.Y. 1
a ...aea 1 1 1! I
X... 'I.
.1 ill.-' r1,
"tt-i Tt JJ M ? M
.T1A0TION. 1 U fl " " 3 M
aarteoa ... Luat. BuuJ 1.I.J ...
dlint with aa anr of the toll.. In.
a.ta,a here,
kanaaa., ana t
je elnale ire
annl-w, iwaenv.a. ctaah tlal
.rr, ob. black nam, aele eat of doable
P...MW., ewe eioo, owe nrenor a.ein, nna seek
I"i n,i. tree, aaa rjoaaretraa. aa na aaaia ha
'cafe ta taeaadleialdretteiajr order, el aaTtlm
' ' ' " -
rahbaH.a, Bra. tATMlt fl . f . .
vriihtf 0-'i ''lfl..iil:. It
yrltjv'i -."1 N'l .... ! la.
- ... a. , ... 11 rai r .1 i ji
aVInhewl'.etwf eh. aewa
$tw 3,drrriirnifMls.
.u.;;i '
Are mark lag dowa tkelr
Raitacad .ip.aar anil aalliag lar rafel pmy
am lo on i . jaa iu asdasf ar t. be
1 J ..' . . .
Car .uipljlnf tka alliaaaa at ClaarlaM aoaala
Dm. Gofela. . e
Hoot, and 8bom,
' Orawiea.
Wall Papar,
And s.l ether .ad. is laalr Una.
Clearleld, Da-. II, IS74.
5X2 rS32DX3?a STCB SB.
paints, ons, dye stuff
VaNCY 0 00D.
far meeUernal p
Tnneee, Sapparten, aVheol Booka and Station.
" t "J. "d all ether artialae aaaall
t , (.and In a Drag Store.
I T T I ! ' l '
nerlene. In lb. the. ana are aatiaa eat-
,..!. n. .-. . o. nlTKWTCIt.
'.Hsi w. law IN.
laid, Daoambar la, 1ST.. .
.t..-va .-- :l ' I i
H W bare new aa kaad aad alar ha lha aitlaeae
. -".-". ..., n larwa to. ar
FKent. whtoh are wiah Inateaw aal laiaeedleool,
ul "ee Iba hrlee. tw aall tha Hi
' mmrmwm awiajaaorea.
.jOealasanrhe, rlll
. aew aall at ,
' ! kt
I at
r a
1 it
I te.
I 4 It
I 4
I It
1 ia
Z ' .75
! s I td
J, t )9
r" ""Ml
1 ta
ta -
d 15
4 ta
t ta 1
1 it
1 ia
I .
1 it
Vnta marked
.1 1. .
Now ia lha llraa) aal Iht plaea ti
J.rwarUH. Den 14-H. ' - '
Hotlca 1. kareht arlren lint the folhrwln. a.
oonnt hara bee oiaatlned and naeead be aaa. and
reniala lied .f reeorat la thu alee fa. tha la-
IMOtlon of heira. lerateea. arodlterr. and all Mbara
laanmeled, and will ha peawatad Nt UW aaat Owl-bane"
Coart-al Clearlaed eealBl,, ta ha Wtd at aha
Court Hooee, in the horwanjh ad ChaarnWd, aana.
Brewctwwon the Id Hoadaj (hole, the llll dne)
wf Jnnnar,, A. D. lt!k)
Final eeooaat oi Uae'd Irbnrd. adaanlannntnr
af I. C. ISlUMaaa, knat af OhawdwM aaanatf, Aa-
.eeeV .
Pinal wcaaal el Jeeea Uneaaead Duid Dro
lar, eieeaeare of etnaaph, Uaen,4u. nf Iradf lp ,
Partial aataual nf fkearaa adailaiaknv
lor af Adaat Ma.Hr. lata af Oarweaarllva, nWaV
final tacoa-ilof Thaanpaaa and Xajahew Seail,
taatulora nf A. Rend, lata ef liaanaaa
lowneoip, aaoanaea.
Pinal neeaanl nf J. nal J. W. Thonuaaw. aa.
eenler. of lroalkn. eJh-naraHHa. hu.M.....
JlnMhl, daaatuwd. ,, , , ,
Kani.raB-a Orrte. t I A.I.U1, Hafiatw
- btp
I al.
Mill , ,. M KitcUAjjibrsitv ; ,
. 1
-At Tg-r
CnrwannUla, Kor. 14,1814. , ., ... .
a. jaaoL..
a. w. .aaaia. . r. n. ..m o.
' f . K. ARN6LD 4 CO.,
Itanken Wnd Brtkfn,
naaMa.llla, ..Chrawa Ctx, ra.
' r.14J td 4err; ' DlaeMnee ad an-'
derate raaea. Kaetern nnd Para Ira lakaa,e al
ware nn head aad eolteolieea preapll, Bade.
Rejaolderllla, Ilea la, lAJt. l,
jtAAarKT ViXiVlNO.- 1 7 "
Ta aarlenahraad a , I la wwnee It
Caanar ta ...... L. .i u .
nd Ih lit, la IWr-,
eewpain, aaaaaa. teaaeVr ,i,ia( eaM.
e h aaa, faeae hiaa WUh their a
Beat, or kSMeee edd...M. .. n. .1.
Poetic,, Clearlnal tea, will antet B peaap
,, B.,Wa Stalaaa. law, ta, , a.
T'i. "ooee end Le aa lha aaraa. lar
kat aad Pink atraata, aat7K, la ht tana.
The lot cwatnUna nol, .reernd. The
H a nam laakla hat aul.u. naaa
tl.t' rJ?' 1 kaVaMla apwtw
U IV tabaaaibaa, at tha hat ObVm.
Jf"ata VtMT
ramntiav riBtt
rnaahat tf ana aaae
aan.i n eaaJT r BBT aaflraaa.