THE REPUBLICAN. .....jCi.KAttKIULt), PA , iVUUNKHDAY MOIININO, UKO. tl WA. ; Terms cf Subscription, , lr tl in ndvanee.or IrlUiln (lira months ...t3 1 1 paid aflr three and Mum all motilba I 40 IfBuatd after IhecBplralloa of bIk months... I 00 ; BKLIMIOtll N OTIC KM. letliodtat Itplacopal Cltarrha-ReT. A. D. romtu, Pallor. Public Harriot arer Sabbath .1 10, A.M.. and ft P.M. ftabbath School at t A. M. "' "" ' ' Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at T) P. If. Communion Horvloa, flret BaVbath af avery month, at IU A. M. ' ' lrBBbytarlau ChurctiMRev. H. S.Botlki. Bahbath cerrloea morning and evening Hah balk School at I P. M, Prayar Maeliag Wedn.e- day evening. Ht. francli' Church Catholic R.v. P J. BuantnaB Mnea at 10) o'clock A. M., on tha icoond and fourth Sunday! or each tbouib. Lutheran Church. Ree, D. at. Moeaa. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening. Sabbath Behoel at 8 a. la. Prayer aiaallal every VYeilneadey evening. - OKFIUIAI, DIKKCTOKY. : tibb or aokttMia quabvbb bimiokb rauBT. Second Monday of Jauuary.i i . -. -.. Tbird Monday of March., . .' . j. j .1. First Monday of Juao. Fourth Monday of tieptesnbar. t tiaior oldiwi coo ii ata. t Flrat Monday of June.'' ' 4 ' J 1 ' ' Second Monday of November. n' "' rvi.n orrtoaaa. ' 1 1 ' PrtildM Mp Hon. Cbarlrt A. Mayor, of Lock Haven. ' AseiiMHl Urt Mp Hon. John H. Orrli, of Hellefonto. Mm William 0. Point, ClearBeld I Jobn J. Haad, Ourwenevllle. 'rorAoaotflrir.Aaron O. Tata. -.' Acoirfar aaoj r?eeerrl.r A. W. Lao. " JIulrM Anoi-aey-Frenk Fielding. David W. Wise. Shwif William R. Mol'baraon. f.a.ij 4-err..or Samuel P. McCloskoy, Cnr ttensrille. (hoary ftiiuleaion.i F. f. Coutaral, Kert hauai John U. Thumpaon, Oarwtnlrilln , Clark Hrowo, Claarllald. Manure dadi'lore Reuben MePberaoa, Claar llald; Jamoi II. Ulla, Lumbar Oily, Lewla V. Bloom, Clcaraeld. Jry CoBuaieiioaerB John W. Shugart, Jamaa Mltoball, Clear6ed. ... ifenerialeed'ral o Hi icoo)a John A. (Irpaory, Claarflold. A'olariai Hio-Jobn W, Wrlglay, Wo. Ra Uabaagb, Cyrua L. Gordon, Claarlleldl Joalatt Krana, Joaanh H. Irwio.Corwanatllla j J. J. Lln- ala, uaooola HMia iioouaioo uumi, - la, Ui burg. ' No pspor will be itwnwl from thin ofliee noat week. A Grand Idea. ThomibBtantialcit!- aene of BellefoaU are laadlag of la a aaovaeBast to establish a Publie Library and Reading Room. Such aa laatltutloB would call many a young aaan off the street. " i ' lUutllOUS. Sorviwr) fit Ht. An drew's Churth. Clearfield, I'a, Rev. (loo. C. Raf ter. oBelatlna;. oa Sunday, January fid, 1875. Mornlag service (with Oommuioal at 11 o'clock evening aervlee, T o'clock. Hr.f,,m thti HKPi nl.lOAN sllttll flKlltri visit Us subscribers, Chrlstmu and New Year, with all their attendant enjoymeota will have paeaad. Wo wlah all a "Merry Chrialmaa" and a ' Happy New Year. . T.adtf.h. next wst'k tlie Tcnclioni' In stitute will ba held la the Opera Uoaae, and aa . you go to and from tha same, Jail notice those ahow wlndowa of Wm. Reed'e. Tboy are hi the same building, aod oortalaly, very Interesting On IIanu The January number of "Vlck's Ploral Oulde," for 17, la bolore ma, n la a perfeot gem la tha Boral and eed line. All in need of lower! or aeeds, the oomlng aprlng, shoald send for a oopy. Bae advertiaemeot la aa other oolumn. Skttlimknt. Tbo Act of Ancin hff reqolroa the Aadltora of ovary maty to men aanually at tha eouoty aaat, oa tbe Bret jaonuay of January, (tha elk thla year,) to lotlle tha pub. lie accounts. Tha Aadltora of tbia county aro Jamaa U. 11 lie, Lumber City) Lewie C. Bloom, CurweMvllle, and Henry Whitehead, Rocktoa. , O-O lisAOOiNO. There wero twonty Cy- ,k nanncratlo ticket thle fall la Limaatona towaablD. and a few aeon will ba of are aeit yoar. What family IB Clarioa, or any other county aaa beat that I Clarioa iJeaioeral. That's aolbing, Browa. We eleeted a Bloom, ProtboBotary last fall, and forty-ona other! Toted the Democratic ticket, aad aoerly aa maay Read! did the same thing, and tbe Kylere and tha fleer, hart! ware not far behind. TKACHERg'- Inhtituti Tbo Insti tute win open la Ple'a Opera Hoaja, an Hotkey aoil. Ticket! for Orebeilra nail ii cents, aad Parquet U eeata. The aaat! la tba orohoatra are all Bombered, la the parquet they are aot, Thir tv Ira oobU will admit oaa peraoa to tha former, and twaaty-tva ocnU to tbe latter, during the whole term. A diagram of the Hall aaa ba aeeo .t ah.w'a dru atora. where llokcta aaa alee ba procured. ' - " ' ' . " , A Nairow EaoAPP.. The Phillipt- burg Jowneal atalee that the roof at tba opeamg of Whitehead A Jacobs' mlaee, on the Qaaa Raa branoh of the Moalianaon R. S. Ml In an Thursday of hut creek, while the men were at work Inside. A mule and a Car had lost paired aal, and Bar lowly aecaped. The urea made their way eat r tha mine by acoeedlng an air abaft, while the mules arhl were reside werw obliged to resale there antll tba way waa Opcoed agalo, Wblew R took a day or two to aeaampliah. TttT J?- Many mtenr frUAiprri have had enojee to ajotaplala af the dlmoeliy la removing tbe old, hard putty from window framaa, wbea dcalriHic af replaaiog a broken nana with a new one.' Thla dlnVrart? oaa ba oBVjeled readily by simply applying a place of heated asolaL aueb aa a eoldarlng Iroa or other similar Implameat. Wbea keatfdl (but aot red hat), the Icon U pasted llowly over the palty, thereby rendering (be lat ter ao eort that It wlU part from the wood with, out any trouble. i leas I o " 1 ' ANOTtikiSuooTiMU UavKt VToU'iirn that a felon woe oaaeuH waa aimla apoat '"ba Roblneoa ta OarWaaaTilla oa lot Saturday Bight Mr. Boblnaoa waa oa efay1 to hlc boardlo house, aad aa ha paiaei aa alley, a parly Jumped oct hefoik hlla, drew a reselvar end fired, tba the hall aaaaiag tkrougb hie forearea, . Perta nataly, ao hoaoa were broken. Ibo party firing tbe piatol toraed about aad raa up tba alley aod aecaped. : We hava aot Icaraod whether Bay aaa haa beta arrested, or evaa suspected for commit tit .ibi. otttraaj.. ; I ( ; .1 I CI A :; Till' JNtw Houtr.-A rjmirnn- deot or Ibo Clarioa Ihmoirmt, wbo haa made a trip ever the Leo (trade JUilroad, erbloe. -aevoeea Iba weetera aad of ear oeuaty, aayae- Taa road, cowalderln ft rarer. t eoartraetroa, tc gnad ei eept tbe toanel. wblet louka romewbat "ceary." Tba work of arehleg it carried o after Bight. About tbrea hoadrod bet la aomplcted. It la toppored N WIH lajowlrcat leaot ana year te tiloh the Job,. Prom the lameel dowa to Driftwood the road leads along the Bennett Branch t the 01a aeniaooalng tbruugh a vaUey la-tba Allegheny mowatarnb. , The aacnory aarpoacoa aa graaaear, anything I orot aaw."- - t ir -.1.1 f , -.. iii m o m i -,.,; A'TavaitiBL Rii. Th "?Ccntre flail Rtporf saya, "Mr. John B. BUuar, o a ear thee fdaee, aval vjitM aa aocldoat oa Tlnireday morning, iaih,waH4 might harea (rroeca aawck aar terloul (bca it did. He ctaxled aerl thai aaraiag, oa hareebaek ta go to a aolghbor ta aa. alst la belaboring. The bono atamUiag, fell aad threw him, but oaa of all foot romalaed la the stirrup. Tha hone took fright and raa with all hie might, dragglag Mr. B. aeeaa It reda over a rery rang, road, wbea his fool became dlaeagag. tram In terrible hold. If. Bltaor waa badly tba' aot dengaroarly IIoki RAiLEtMD.Thow to project error. Congrrea now ta charter and balld A great aauUa traxeattroad ttraa broca, I.rk 4a aaaha, with branches le Chicago and Loola. Aa Aot reualm the eompawy lo aompleta III T-wd la lb coo yeara, aad carry freight al Iremilla par mile tor ccvaa labdrad aod Iftjf Ilea aad ever, end a, shade blgtarprieee for ahorlar die tea ceo. - ll appeeaiaafaferameBt eommlssloBta aapervle. tbe cipwdllurea la two eeeilraetlea aad oparatiaa af tha road, reaalrlag It r. rodaee . Ita ralH wheacvar the Bet caraiaga airaaaV algbl j eer tent, per anaam apoa th. actual oallay af i capital, end tc praveni i comblaatloa froai per j rcrtlng tha ohlccla of Iba kill. ' ' 1 That aaei i read ME aa UleVwUlda Ida' aUtl lea yeara, wa lore aa ewaba. and whea) Ckerseld artel aot be far Off I ba lla. Wo ar. aa nglaaar, ' f or math af b (irophot, ' bat wi will pot aaraalf aa the mcrda a Ullarlag that U praaaal mode ef mawaglag eaerie eatset cahalgic. aa well aa aWdMfldi or fate bvwagkt aboa. The "riag- br caajhlaalioa hoalaeei mast ba br bea ap. LITTtH PROM NtlMtrit. Patu Citr, Ilao. U UTS. J KniToa Rnron.Kiaw thmr lir i Unm-lbVI , Intl BoatoDlaa ordar for Id to apply oh my aab. aoritlon to tbaHai.uai.tuaN. yl aia Klad to Be- Uoa Iba aotargaioant and olbor ioiraratnanta you hava mado and ara aiaklng on your panar, aa Ihoy ara lniHnlfia 'of f robjrlrf caiirugAtafj not only In your inill Idual eolarprlao, but or iba Iowa and aounly which aupport II, and oav ot. daaao of aueb proaparlty and growth la alwaya gladly raoalvad by Utoaa who, Ilka asyaair, haa laft tkaold boaiM among Uia Nauatalna Ml. aaak titbataalaowbara, hut who atkll ekartak) aoaUiaaaiu of raRnrd akin to filial ktva fbr Ilia plnoet oftbilr nativity,, , ,... . .r. ' " ' - ', t .' . I aotloo from your aapar and olkera that Air. Walkua'a nana Maada aaj, am tha Mat of' thoaa wbo aaptra to tha aoat of Mr. Boott In tha talloj Bttaa Baaalai and, alaoa U U to ba oouv piad by a ban of Mr. Wallaea'a polltlaal pro. allrlllaa. and' aataaodaala, I kuov of no. qu I woald rothav aaa flU U.-. JIa aaitalnly- daaaaTaa tha honor at iba haada of tha parly wbo aw kara tha power to oonfar It. "' , ' . Amid tha revolution In tha pofltloal world which awapt orar thti aouptry daring the paorat yoar, thla Btala waa ona of Ibcaa that hild faato bar voorlnga la tbo watara of Rapnbliaaulaia,and tha Legielalara wblah amla at ,I,iecolo,ai'it monlh, will aaad to tha UnMd Blataa alonaU a luaa, wbo on all o;oatloua etrlotly polltlaal,- will wanecl Ibo vota or rannaylvtnla I now mem- ' bar, wbatbar Ibalba Mr. Wallace or aoolbor. Biooa auoh la to ho the fact, might It hot be a pleeaanl oolnaldanoe If Mr. W.'a former atodint another Claarflaldar ahoutd be that, .man la tha peraon of Jadge Dundy, ef thla plaoe, There la now a very fair praapect of bim eaaeeediag to tha aaat af Mr. Llploo. liaaaatoi Thayor la a prominent candidate, bat the friend! af bandy are quite oonfldent of kUaleetion, . Changing tha auhjeol,' I would add a tow Word! to tha effcot that all the Clearfield people here are wall aod doing well. Oar eounty waa not among thoaa devaatated by tha leeuala aod graaaboppera. Bualaeaa hare It good, and Iba people barn aa abundanoa of all tha good thloga of life, and are able to Bend aid to tboao ten fortunate on our frontier. la Iba weetera oouutlea of Iba Slalo there la great falfarlng la atora for tha poople, ualeaa ralieirad by Iba Bute or tha eoairibaUeae of the benevolent Brary elfort le belag aiadeto furnlah food aad clothing to tboao wbo aro need ing them. The Legislature will make provision for aupplyiog them when It meets, but until tta machinery oan ba brought Into antton, theol ptoi pie are dependent apoa voluntary aid from oth era. Oar towo eeut throe ear loads of provision and elothiog a few daya ago. If Bay Individual or aooiety o your place faeli ' 3 .... --..-v ,- - - a little might bo aparad, after providing I or "Oi poor ya have alwaya with you," It could not be placed whore It would do mora good than la tba banda of K. B. Chandler, Beorteary Relief Boei aly, Omaha, If ebraaka. 1 : 1 B. A. P.-1 Tba writer Ic a aatlra of tbia oouaty, and a staaaab Ropublloaa, hut ho will aol ba witboat tbC RKFVBLtCAI.I " ' 1 : " ' CommunloaM.') " ' PtruLti, Pa., Dfotubtw 1, 1874. Thdttbf MimMmnaiah Woodward, on tbt 14th imt uuhi mmnj Hil baftrU bot4Ji thoM of tbt tonly mfll.etefl rkmiljr. "Mbrl" wai ftrl f rBily Mipccted and balurixl hy all who bttd th Rood fortunt to know her well. Hb lovtKl the Hun day Kbool and BlbU elan, and rejoined heartily in all act I re teaperaaaa ef fort. With all her natural joyoua aeUfity af jiirU, the aoald liatea atteatlrely, aod evea tear--fully, to Ibaearneat talki on religiuo, had In her Uible alaaa. For tba lait two yaara the had bM habUuallj prayerfal, and tot aotna aaoaitlerabla lime before her death, ahe bad entertaiood a hope la Cbrlit, and intended Uanitewitb tba abuMb. 1 tbit.k iba had not aaid iniwb on tbia eubjeot la any peraon exoept her mother and liible olau teach er, till do hog her laat aiibaeaa. Thoaa who fraff much with her, during the laat fear weeki (inoln ding her paaifr), bare na daubi t bar atrqil aecrptanoa of Jeitta aa ber Savior. ! J Tba death-bed aaa vaa aMaaoJiDgly tender. Hba beoaua latiifieiJ that aba waa dying, at about S r. m., and for tba remaining boor of Ufa aba talked of Jleavea and btde farewell to frieoda. Ageka, and again, did aba affectionately kiaa fare well to ber weeping father and mother, aod aend metwafrea of lore U her abtHMit aialar aid two brother!. To ana brother, Who earn la while her fpetch waa alear, the aaid, "Will, I ata dy ing I Coma and kiaa we good-bye 1 I hope you will ha a thrill Ian, aad tauet ma ia Ilea an. "Haa anybody alae eame in. that wants ta bid na good -bye 9" "I tare everybody 1 and want all to ba Cbrlitlana and meet me In Heaven I" "Don't ery, mother, we'll Koa meet again I" - ' "Won't yoa aing aomatbliig F Mary B., eao't yoa ling V' And aa ao oaa of the many preeent oould eommand their Toioa to nag, ahe aatig a few worda beraelf : "Vaa, wa all may meet, meet there, meet there !" Bvery ona that eama in raealrad ft look and word of affection. Ai breath crew abort and an I eertala. aba aaid. "Farewell )" and aaaia, eftar a few momenta, "Jeeui Coma I" Then, at long ai ma raianna; muaoiea wooia ooey ner uuiog wtti, ha moted her ayaa toriagly from ona to another, Mother" radriai the lal apparently intelligent look' anil ahe WmS AT - - LitCTirKR Wo lenrrt thnt among otban, guperio ten deal Oragary baaeeeored Prof. Colllir, of Iba StaU Agriooltanvl College, aba propoaea to dellvar hia aalabratwd Leetura a "Light aad Heat," befora tba Taaebara laatHata. ThU diaoenfraa will be worth tearing, at all an iotaraated ia knowing aomothiof about 'light and baat." '-'luihi a,4l,i .i a.' Rev. J. B. Yowng, af CarwaataTllla, will riaa dallrar a laetura, aot I tied "A Ff Word." Tha alitor of law Oattyabnrg &trp, ia .el lading U the be, aye t "The laetara aa tbii lobjeot, detlrerd by Ret. 3. B. Tonnj" fri1 the M , I. Ohunjk on Friday areaing laat, waa a vary later aitlag one, and ibowed much raaaaroh and aahel. aribip. ' Aftrr Ipaaklng fcMoflj of tba adra&cee which ba" feeently baea rtada In tba aoiawea Oomparatira Pbttolagyv tb leatarar took "ap N few worda," and traced them to tbalr origtn,iban lag many daota ia rard XoiAair' derivation, both quaint and enrlooa, humoroaa aad toilru tire." ' ; ;'" jRANicrs to tiik Front. Tho 0nt young Granger bora la Clintoa put ta an ap paaraooa raoaatly la Vittany Tftlley, wblah ali elted tbaifolowiog revelation tkam one of (be Joj. ly, fun-loTlng etaten of tbe Fatroni i Rtold, That the taembera of th la? (Irange estaad their koarky aongratulatinni to i Brother Rubert Eld red and wife ia their happy pollen ion of a boaaetaf boy I; v ) 'n) Wbo'a naat f Don't all fpeak al onoa ! Ci foa Damoriwf. ..Ill '4 ii Rlk Dmotrni wo gfttho the aewa of ia freatfac la death, on tbe let laat of a man named Jacob Swaneon, of that eountr. near Mantmareari. 11a waa uadcrlhc ialaaaaa of Uqaur.' u' ' ' ' - I u i A nptHiiibl train will lm hid tMlvvtHjit l'Marlimborg, MorrrailalctreeeciBB end Hoacauala, oa Uhriaaaaaa, aaariag tiiia Jlaea tor aterrtedal. al l:aa a. m eaa. retara eesvsaa far uaoeola at 7:h Bi ., reaoblag Uaceola BiM and iloBUdala and 'nalaLl. It aid l.r. taT lloatedalost l:lt aad leave lioaladalaal IlioO, Oeeoolaal 1 1:30. l'hillltiabura at- llrfi. and ar-b rive at Horrleilale at ll tl r. . Retnmint It Tl'lrzr. "VV ' r,,p:H.ur.B , .. l,iii.l. ii:av, unto ii una arnra ( noaiioaia: .1 1:JS r. . Loarlag Uot.,lal. at 1:411 ,. B. It win run 10 Morrlidtle, and mura to lloali.l.le, alopplng at all point!, leaving Morriadale at 3:l. tJ It will tlfB leaf Hootsrlale at 8:48. Oaceola at 8:18 and arrive at Pbllllpsbarg al 1:.1S r1. B. J ' mill.! Aaraaf. ... ' : ' " ; H McElIIATTKN AND IT! iNTIRRSTg. Wo have learned that Iloa. J. W, Ualggla haa j Jaat ecoaummaled a eeie .f laade ao the walereaf j Ibo HcKlbattaa. Clintoa aoaolr amouatina to 148,000 t. ana af Iba projaetod rallroada frusa New York to tbo tew. .Tberaare two railrcada projecteoV-tbe "Coatiaental, wbioa rwat froaa I elrva Agoata ! Bartewiek A lrwkn, Mearnelo: ; New York to Cecaeil BlofcsBd the "Pecneylva- Holt, Woodaido A Holt, Wallacetoa I II. E. V II nia WeaUra." from Wateoatown, Northomber. i llama, William'a Grave. Merrh 11-ly. lead coanty,, nlcaga. HllprovClbylarvey that , i .- a a . -,n ,,, a road from WaltonlowB lo Look Haven, by way.1 Jaat raaalvad, a large Jol of avaaraaplBaivt or AtrUbaltaa, will cava dgoteaa milaaamr tMtamriaBaamaAasiia aa -, ,.t . P. 4 la. roadla.a diaUaae af Ally ilea-.Afiil """'f'.'w' Turn lLtva IIbiivmvii 1 uili,rl.v I .boat I o'cloeb. two i.mae Baebaa. aa aad Xuaray Serleh,aaeeel respectively newt I IS aad II, wm dtowwod aa th. mar, aarly tap-j' paaua Mara'i Brat farm house, i Tba tea oa thai rivar wee too tbia for ear. eaatiag ; ajaeertaassaet 1 aaar vwotwreaoum lada wero anna It. Theee two a,rall fn Ik. ram. broke thtouah. aa. em drowaed. It It a cad eaea, haart two I famlllee, aad adds another I. the 4cag Hit of waralBga agaiaat akallag whea Iba k. la act I Mruialf aale. of li'ltent rrmnininp' untlHimetl la the PoetnAae at Cleerfleld, for ibe week ceding December list, 1V74 ; Ceactdy, Uge I. l Camidy, JohaJ. Ilrake, J. Henry ,teMWi,V.'B, V.T Little, Georee W. LiltUAtlcKialey Faaber.Joha W, MeBride.Joba Urlblty.JohB Nortec, Wm. Uulee,llcll 1 NtaJ, Beaiah T ' Qablgea, Joba (J) A , I ll.rtit,d. . i 1 Al) Hartmaa, A. W, Pennlngloa, J. W. Ilaha, Mary B. Troalmaa, H. A. Joaee, Owes 10 ) ti.i ITaamt,Sarah .. " atta..i.j ae'rirtb, llrV4, ai r!ma,lClfnt.c, Oa aoaaW, Pa., by Raw. Mr. Aaoaa,ajf Tyraac Ma JAHKrl FI.YNN. of Jacmeollra, VlearawM Oo..- to HIM. JEKR11 eflOLKIWKLL, tf the farmer : pbteat Oa Tharedey, De. 0ah, tke.thsraa par en cage, Lalberaborr, Pa., by Rev. K. Hab'. i.a, Mr. P. A. LAR.1lthnd MiM ANNIE LnU.. IBA LAItritin, aota ot itamnargar, veanteia yo, ' . "',L- :t -t A "' Oa Wedceadar.. Ucaaaiaej H. IITeV dUUft WEAVER, yoaagcot aoa af W. W. and Via a- aaaat i, Bam, aged I year apa aroataa. Is for William need'!- LkcaMK Don't fall lo looiLaU J.uaa Houiaact iiyvwoet (ill appeaela al rler l.otwtckaS Si J i The Urgeal dd r aweiirticeoVof Dry Pine Pure, forbe jlotldajiigtyecelved. Chrlslnaas floods, the Oaoal stock la tha towa.,., KtK.II'.iU'Ilil US.'.VA Childroa'i Purs, very cheap. Kid , tllovee, ae shades, for Ladlec and Uanlajutl received. ' '" l(y Ibo ajHia :gcodit lbe(rry 'b,wHt caab pricoa, at , i ,:,W'M. RKRD'B, Honm No. , Opara House. Cloarllald, Pod, HI, wrt- V lit OUlbehiUa OTtuli $10 - Too erlf jt at "I And tli but Md aheftixsl UferooavU A . Aa HllUfiaWIIU 1 Dnt-PrlM Clothlm Blow. ti' A jt 't t' ' Am ' A. I.fthaw'a'eollcetionof Holiday Rood! iMlomlbrV arcallaeleotcd.., Tboy areelugaial . Chrietmaa cornea only onec n year, ho one chould arglecl IU' Pice Haiokoat K.ll.Bh.w a from eight to eleven on Chrisluiaa morning. n -l. i ace I i ii 'A.I. Bbaw's slock of Chrlatmae goo la lurpana aihl,a ta that llnocrerpaeecaud to the otllaols ol' tltla uleec. both tu beauty and puculiar fttocaa. eM ' R. II. Hliaw baa a full Block of Toliaooc cad Cigaro,- which he at salllBg at t bo old price, giving his customer! the advantage ot the advauoa In both, ,lloaelriroroaeli,ataiiiall poo)ltlv; ' Caaiarata. Don't fell to call on Archy (thaw, If you want ta find an elegant Chrietmaa gift for yourfrlenila, , u Dua'r Forobt. A red hot atovc and aubatan. Hal bteahJail la what iakea everybody to Itobioi' before going out ou the early moroiog train. Oyster rjtews and hot oorTae only ao oente. lues, ouiirk rra r, Oppotlte Leonard llcueo. i dec m If. KrerytHor frcah, raw or stewed, la tha Ovate na. at t he west uranou Hestaiirani. ,-i test my preparatlont. t Mao. D. Ri bb. ac, iuiu, i.i Tub Brer l Mr. No 1. Mesa Mackerel, the Area aver ofieied in tbia Market, freab, fat aod dclioloua. Tboy are not No S'a with tbe heads cat- olf.aot' far superior to No. 1's with heade on. 1b ooire for JTeie Mackerel at - ' ., a e ,i (I 1. t . A MlTI-MBLI.'a. Ladloa'Kid Olorea (two bultoas,) only tl and orery pair warraalea, at ' T. A. Fi ara A Co'a. Black aliawls.B stiocialty, Ehawlaofall kloda ! a l.rec wariely at f. A. Fleck Co s. dec WaWrproofi, Dlaek, Itlae aad Oald-mlied, In rarloua ibadaa, at T. A. fleck A Co'a. . .. ,i i i ,rtr- . R-elvad at T. A. Fleck k Co'a tbli day, anew aod aplendld Una of Blank Alpaoaa, tbe beat ia town, at priori that defy eompatilioD. ' N. B.-A nice Una of Dreaa and Dry Oooda, cheap fjr oaah. Xumbcrm'a J-'lannal, jait ra ceired at decitf T. A. Flbi k Co'a. Murlloi in all rarlatiaa, Watarpreofa and Flanwl ttela in all abadci, Canton Flanneli, blaacbao ana anbleaohed, at T. A. Fleek a Co'a. . Calieoei, OlBitbimiand Chinti, lower than av er oBerad in tbia market, at T. A. Flack Co a. It will pay yoa to go to Fleek A C'i and ex amine before yoa bay elaawbare. Kapkina, TaUo Lin em and all klada or White tiooda, at bottom prioea, at ' i -'. i deo2tf FLacaA Co'a. TlakiiAgi, proaounard tbe bait for the money arer olTered ia towa, at Fleck 4 Co'a, H ill not ba nieieW.;. vi .- . - t -..,.-. j. Dargalna worth looking aftaf at Wa era wiling gooda attcauor than aver nfTrred ia Claadrpold.,,, . T. A. Flbcx A Co, , Yoa uo get Oood Kid Ulorea (twrr jjuttoD,) at i. a ctiJiCaf a uo a iur ai -is t A BiAtorioN C-aa, Aotfar radiwtiaa) in Arttfioiai Teeth. ' Prieoi to aait tbaaa panioky tlmaa. 8. cVUHTKB. (SHAW, H. A-S-.. tlar-Ui, Pa Sopl. 10, ,i , - Kbai K. M. M Eaally'i adrartlaemeat ia re. gard to Ufa I nun ranee. aug!3 1. , Call on R. M. M'Knally aad get your life ia enred la the Old Continental Life imuranee Com- pany, of Hartford, Coun t augix-ty . Droonrt fan rHraR. tOwtoa Wiaw caaavaa fall tupply f ffwlonla Baggiaa atxt Plaaform Waroni for aala.- 'Po be aaaw at tba Hhaw Uaaae yard. Call on or add mi him at Claartleld 1'enn (jiylranla. may IS-lf. ' Wood 'ami Willow VTarc of a,ll rjccerlpllsat fot aalaby IT. t. Bigler Co. .', , t .", Ili'a yoar life la the Continental Life lasa ranoc Coaipany, of Uartford, Cobb.. R. If. M'BNALLT, Aront. "- "aaglt-ly ' - to n .. -7 mcAPIIULATIOS. i Bird Cages. : Wood aod Willow Ware. lloasehold Goods. I All htnde of Hardware '"':' ) I Japaaaed Warw.' - -' . j ' Palate, Olle, Vantlshee. '' 1 flaleiaed Plaaler. II'' ai ttl bi 'j Wagoo and Oarrlaga Makort wpprlea.--" ' AH of the abora for aala at tbe mammoth Hard. ware ftore of H. . UlgWr 4 Co., Heoood ctrcct, Clcaraeld, Pa. '" - '" ' " "--lb-- BavdTlmal -HavcUborl Ilao Meneyl Bare Clotaeel Tbe" Morally Waragor" la tha awataB th.-atarbat. .Raw 111 tr It, - -ef -t .f-l . rorcataby - at. w. sssulbw, a am m Calaiaad Plaltar (as aalaby U. Wt 'i C. Hoauar Slate Palais, for paiaUag boosee la sbla aad eataiaVolugH, (arm UaikliaDie, aa, Beaatilaa, darabl. aad Moaoealaal) viraaad ia pur. I,toaoed Uil, ,e .1 . : i!' - myiB'Il : - . It. E. llmi,r.B to,. r1 " .-'-1,1 Bird Ceget a large assortment at II. F. Dig lar A Co.'s. Axbi. BWanty-ava doaea. OlaarWd VTood ehoppere Aaca at-i.n -t : t ,(i , i,a ,t. Il:i7l. t -i ., U. t. UlUbtR dr C'... A full lice of lloasehold Goods, Japaaaed Ware, Ao., tor sole by 11. g. lliglar A Co. ' fcuiitV ra Awn PttrrripV Franrtruf.i-flav ltorh 1 a and Painters' Materials la cororitrte, ia-l J. t. Lewis' fore White f.vad, JvHh M-f of Paints ni.iin J oai A Co'c Vara VTblte Uad; r. R,A tV rA Lead, and a numnif orcnaaprr oranaa or -n-itiie LeaJ ; also, Lidaend Oil, Turi.cntine, VamTrllft of .11 kintls, a lull una oi lira. oca, anu a taiinneoi . rfr. .h.i tn nil. .... a., ..i tn nil . culTO - " H. F. VmUM to."; Ra.B Tuts 1 Peraoaa whoeoBtemplate bcilding Bill do well to call and examine our Block of 'AJ-Tl.talltfT'r. HI fliw', Ihtrt Aol.HM I au, , Bnynloa'! llgMrrtng P-aw, l ' B-IO-73 II. F. BiOLdcT A eo'i; a M. r. nieior m If. F. Bigler A Co. have been making extenalvw additloni to their itork of Harrlwaia the lait frw . . m , ,w M tMajt lf.acc. a. A, .PTT"1 'l'Jll'Tli1 f .in.' JWMerltarWjI'rJ JSJ.'SSU I Ul" ,'iT' , "T. v it.??, a r..,lbBUtlll. faat, with oBlla, ltd aisa.lo,. - ( .' . '. .. . - - " ":"' " I wuh atabla and two atory I "ZTJUM tm lM ; "d,"""V.,.Y'. " ' L. T l ,b,lr . ., , '... i , h , . - . .. , ..,,, hUf,(a and Varnlabel for lala by IL F 4 Bigler A Co. f. FbbbI Faaa !JaaaAm.aatJe maay pvepa- ralioae that wa have br Ceaglaa, Clde, treua, m aay Ibraal ar laag dilHeaJlir, jwat. f Ibem are eeoa! aa Dr. Alarrla' Brraa of Tar. Wild Cherry ,.aad alcfeBOucai. If, yoal ar. ftfllteted, caU t ut i atora and we will gito yea aaample4n,lHarcc 0 1 . II. AT. m M.emr...... U- '. BllMII A,Ca'4.T,l l., ,,jr -.Tifi; r- n , , .,n.H 'dcei forooah. , A HOB A R. KENNAKU. , AaMaaOAaia-a.AI.aarWa1, ollarlcW, fa? larcl iF.JirJ. )'., , flr " ' iBct laaatradaajeaaralaacertataalof agaaj -..i m I'm i- -..f ni i liwwt Carriage Woede, alao a foil ltaa,X Hpsltiga - " 1 " -- ' It, w. mat-aa Tr'.'A.'rj-.ECK.'.st'Co;,::; il!iai ui Iw.w.V Lea b-vi Ha www oa bawd, aal arc dally iweatelcat arlv dltlona lharata.a earga aad weUwalaclad slaaal )aal frcah from tbe mannlaotarere, of '.0 vrjreas QochIb, Dry OnoHs, Bilks, Hate, Reaneta, Ola Lawtaa Caaa, t;bt WarwrfrfK -La Jtr-j' Far (BTa. Hatr trmi. ajaaur rar-' ' 'M-btwf tfutwla, Hbirtai Wo-,llr-jy -grrrarH, fcambelKja'i - Lad lea' (Jaderwaar, Co Si, Oollarip Haad kerchief, CIIII.DHBN'B VNDKHWRAH AND WIIITR ,a aa-f '-''MMIK '' ,y i a i a! l ii i 1 iiijtbo ernvai m i ai m.i twii ti, i ' friiijWTvd ti Pilaaa, Btortlifi, ararary kiaa,an7 eoinrr, TiotujEi, 7 nfnmmji aaa; rancj yuo ai, in aimon MrlbiH tat-Ut. ' " ' fc .1- -a Mdlut! variety. 1 N. B.-WE BUY FOR CAHH AND HELL FOR CASH. dac3tr t Tin Roaflfiir and llpoutlns dead at whwet wailee-eod aa ,aaael reaawwabet Uraae, aad raaaarlag aoairt atd aeeaa paly aaer . doerrV. "a JOHN WAPLJ.. TTOUSR ANaD.liOT lfOn 8ALR! Tba Hneee and lt aa tbe eeraerof Mar bet aad liftk ateaBta, Clcaraeld, Re-la ite., aale. - Thai! at aaa lelac aaar l y aa aara af graaacV -Taa b.aMid IcrtadaaMa fraaaa, aoaaelBiajf aoaa. raoaav . araa eaeeaa ani eiaar utter ateuup appey ta the ea bear! oer, al taa rori umca. aovll P. A.AI'I.!f. t.,.,-ti.y -n ,fi-,;Ty i . Clearfield Markets. 1 CoanaorBB WoaKl.v by K ratter A Lytic, Whole sale aad Ratal! dealer! la Dry Uoode, Uroccrlec Plour, JTacd, etc. Market eueat, Clearfield. Pa a. !,! ,J;l.Oi.aaariai. Pa. Dm. ,ll7t. Apitlei, grlcit.ll. ,l.l.... J....' 9 lcuUetNtH r : Applae, dnoi. 00(3 SO PUllcrT, llMM. UB11 .,, iccaeecaata )UekjfattU.ia.,,..a4a.eJ,..U. .iire., 25 Bier, iTotn, Boarda, M ...Vi!.-kUi, .,.,., 91 ) 0oTB,Bhclla4....v.i4. "'". ''' ' ' -.r -Cora, aar ..,.,,,.4 .,, . ; , J. orn tnrftl, V volt CttOp.fl tWljeeeaVUl..." i' f! I dfi'f n I. oo , - i i .... loroi i" Chickena, drcned, V ra Hi -i.-l Kr'-i f'aa!oed........,M..i., m nu 7 6 r iuar,....f.M,v,r.MV'v""' - Hay...- .'.....,. Hoga, dreaakd..iJ..,.'.tl..,..' llldea, greeew ' Ilams.... ,.. .m Phouldar Pidee..i.....'.M...,,..l'.'..' Lard w.r...,,,.'...'"..i. Mraa Porb.'a) bbU. OaU v Omona .'..-. v'. PotatoeaM...i P..aebee, dried, lb,... ... PlaiU-r, V bbl ....... Ryo;:.' Kaga, -!h-.i,a.J..,,Mrf.. Halt. U eaok.-M..,..M..,.n'i ftliinglea, IK lucb..-.......r Bhinglra, 1 Inch......!)....'.... Timothy coed. ....,.,.,." Tallow ,.M.,.,M.., Wheal Wool v Wood, cord...;.. ... ,.....;.. It H '"l '.'' -e..e 'l,"H lit , ..( 14 ;"'" " -I tt-ifl nj "w a -'tot li "" ' mo ''' i 5 01 ' 1 t III) ... n , '' 1 s u I V-i: 4 Ml 1'ynnwylTaninKalIroad TVRONK CLKARK1KLU UltANCU. Ml .nd after Monday.J(OV. li, tne I I loMaaneerTraiaewlli raa dally (eioapt Su- daya) between ayruao cue v' :: M CLKAHPIMLU MAtt,, : . . -, -'I W. 0. IawHt, Conductor. - LEAVE S0UT1L LEAVE NORTH. Cleereld....I.4t, . l'hillpeberg...t.J, " Oaceola ....ltl, " Tyrone ..", " Tyrone .O0,i., Oaceola....... 10.10," l'hilipabarg.,.10Ji," ClearSeld 11.10," CLEAKF1KLD EXPRESS. W. B, Pli buib, Conductor. LHAVE BOHTII. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield...... 4.I& A. 1'hilipaburg.. (.3-1 1 Oaceola 5.4V ' Tyronc.,,.....,T.10 Interseotion...T-33 k Osoeola .....1 " inlartlon.b. blllpabart...l.M Tyroaa.H .M. " Clearnald,ar.-.S " TYRONE STATION BASTttAIID. A H Petite Etpma, 8:17 llarrlebnrg Aro'm, 1M : :., ,,. -.. Mall Train. ' ' 1-t) WRBTWAnp. Mlled Train, Oiaeia'tl Kxpreaa, PaciAt) Etpreaa,! Way Pereenger,' Mail Train, A M ' 1:1b 4:31 . 8:31 ' r a r Ml AtlantioKxpreea, d:&4 el Pblla'da Etpreaa, 10:ll Paat Lice, 1:18 Tha Hall make! cloac coooeetien' with Atlantic Kinreii eaat al e ll, arriving at Harricburg al 11 05 a. a. and al Philadelohia at 3:10 A. B.l and with Hall wool at 1:41, arriving al Alleonaat 7:31 r. Cl. aad at rittaburgh at 1:40 A. v. Jiiai presc conncola with PaeiDc Eiprcsc eaat at 811 l. m ., arriving at llarrlibarg at 13:08 A. u. aad at Philadelphia at 4:11 r, a.i aad with Paolae Et preaa weal at 8-84 A. ., arriving at Altooaa at 0:00 A. B. and Pitliburgh at 3:60 r. B. Leaving Philadelphia on lb. Piiciilc! Eipress al IMS r. B. or the Melf at 810 A. B.l Bad Plllaburgh oa At laatia Etpreaa at 1:11 p. u. or Peolte Uipreoo at 4:10 a. a makaeloec cunneollua at Avrcnc witB Iraina for Lleartlela. .. PARB KROM CLEARK1KLD, TO Bellcfavitl, Pau..3 05hliadlften lk llavan........ TO )arialla, ..... 1 '0 VTillioiusporUM.,.. 8 10 I.ancailer II1 Huntingdon ' I PHILADELPHIA t 8 Lewiatowa. ... f Ml Altootia...M...M. I 14 MaryavUlo...,,.... d M HAHHISUIIRU... d TS JobaatownM...M. t 80 PITTttEVRB 1 U Cloac eonncotlona made by all trains at Tyroa. and Loci Havmt. t..l I '"'i B. BLAIR, i, vylf-tf..,, ., , , Soparialaiident. ; -:i;l m tlvrrttirmrntji. I 1ST OP JURORS. j f'tn , t,,i ,i rut:t: nr. ;J I . dial of-darora Brawn fbr Jaaaary Term A. l. la?o, aommencing ea ibe aeeood Monday, taa. ntn: I bbabd iCBoaa. Jai VTrltlcy ...rirarllelJ J. . PIcj...-..,,.' : 8. A. Irvln..OuTweae'lle A. J. Cvpbera..OcrCva Goo. Boalieh..... " 0. J. Raarr Beoewrla Levi Ooaa.l. Decatur A it KhefJ....,.FTroieo U. Allemaa...,.Uallck Kd. filler. " 1. B. Hewitt Hnatoa ft. F. Wlea....,...JordaB Wm. M.baflev.l-rJtlli W.J. Holler. ..karthaa. M. KleholCwLawrcae.. Joes. Wean(,..H...J " E. It. gmeal. Bogga O. W. Hora.......Bra,ly A. faata, Jral...r.i - B. , WhUc.ABuraalda W. L. Antac... " Gilbert Hovar...IIOrtlC M. 8. 8aocai....PeaB lV.avaly.....Ulloa t rwavaata jvaoaa J. WaahbarB...Bwarui J. D. ,." , J. M.PnTder..........Bll t. y. Kr.Ur....J " Thea. Beare..Hlloggi Jno. Coolur. " . J. ft. tiearhan.lJradrb'd Henry Hnaeal, '. " - j U-..I....I a, . Elijah Reaaa.Jr.DKalcr KooRb ntraw.urcrgurna H. Paaimor.... " r. UuBsr.....u..Slrerd R. B. Btowart. J. B. hairner..,.Gnsbi.u Elijah Conrad. ...tinlleh ucurBBaacrj... tk. Hordmca.,!' " .,. T. A. Pridoaal " 3. rtnseorans ITusrim Lewi Waarov...alredy Qnint f. Reams.. A. ' Lew tiahmtl. y.., -B.KnarvlefUo.),-" Jn,. Gorman... Llurnslde J. B. Mnrder... " f .A Mirtlarrey.Kartb'a Mall. Rwatl..RLai Hitch Krad..,. H. F. Wallace Jaa. Chapman . Aeaartioa.,.. Wm. Camnball " . :JiM. Jim. C. Ued. A- R. Ilolfea....,J.Bfoim iJ. J. Kramer.. 1 T, J H.A,rama.ClearleldJr. Kylar, Jr.J.Hertle r.U't. Beeh. . H . lAlea. Hoover.,,,., ".t F. I. Thompeon..CarB'lle I u'dwd Ranerty..Penn John, frailty..... .ChaatjH. H. Walter Otreele Jearc Owcnari.DeeatBrlJ. C. Hewdereon. ' " 1 t. aa. Paicrauri. Mas. R. Caldw.ll ...Viha OIU'HAINH! MVSLX 8ALB. i- . i!li ti 'rili n-iiml n .. i ! House and Lot In Clearfield. , . r.t ni-i ' By varluc of an orter.of tli ClearOelil uoontr, It the Cnm a Orpliacaj Conrt of monwearth' of Pena- ayWaaladmt diraevad ta the aadeHigwoai adaira iatralor .f tba eetete af b tat Alaaandef I. Moulhard, tlieaa will baexpoacd lonublio aalc, at the Crturt Ilouae, in Ihl baroogb or Clearfield, an TttBKDAV, rtl'.CRWItfcR tl(h, tnU, at 10 o'elock, A. B-, all that certain IIouBe and Ldt, rliwtte I the ali ertllear laid, traalle. OB. amm!t alrcal, betwaaa Ikutt .eat Pea rib Tha Lot la 60 feci rrontion Leeuat alreol baring boa co, attached. ram. ah(, aearly, flew. Lot In giod conlttlon. tiemg tne proper- IV Hf A. I. mrutbtrd. naneaeed. . . Ji. ,i, m , ' rraawa or BBU..tae4bird at tha Mm. of Bale, tiie belance la ,ttfoiefiial paytacata, la aaa aad two yrara, with nterrst trcim-d by bond and mortgage an the BMBalaa4;-(ii nn: il J ,' ! ! I i, i i, :-.H-AlaMrVAamr. ( kAl,B.-Tha aadaralgaaa npm 4r 1 .ate. aiwcoec iowb pTwpony in w, owruoBa Clearflrld, .Let Kill i feet, with a good two. fy plank Boole tberena areoted,1 with thro. ri.wa et.lffe aa. roar rooma a atatra. A tact arfiag vwom Nad helh nam a aaanad Aoar. noaee nnienoft, eoiupiatf irwn win Good doable biiriin and good Irater. anaaMvAael payaaCBtaaaaat, - i 3aug7l w at. at. MoCULLOUsa... 1 1 AlteaUttB.i.Lurabernieni Tt are now arawatdelirlnir .r llPrl(JVD V T HTKK1,-bUiaklaX iljKlVJNU CAM- HtlOKfl, any other la aea. Wa have lacJn atocCJ a left oeantarr of Oaatboaat aBHa- 'hl. lor tafUaf pararaaaa, wMeb w. ere wrllaaf II UUDO WIV mlWi .w- l.i. I r-Vi JLJL' r nL'l ;i"il n nl '.-' rir oilil e-,i. iba undecaigucd, wtaq ,oaa bo ceeB at tha 'rtbaw flmiaehtt-w largo Urltk TXrelllBi. Jo- iltel ate Freal llraet,: for real, Par fartbat pJ tkalarraall la pf rata aydile4a,:ll "iii epwl' ftearllclj, if,!!'. .J, .Mi. I HiMW Ut Uit4tU . illif Hi Umi il VJr' w in;! , l itii nt nr. im ii-7 ii irl i ' m till aaa Mrt4v watwd waa.MfH-;Faaad agataai . aaad- r parcbeilitf of tba f'llwi0 rhiiad br ma at Pherltr'i iala an-i dung aita or prfpf rty poi jar wi toi aa with Jweea If eaa. nt Dwlim lowaalilBJ Ona WrhdratLafja arrar iLwaa.aami afaatofi doaeia naraeii aaa uaa twe aoraa wagoa,.aa iba earn a be'oiigi ta mL and la aalijeot to mf order el aar time.' ' T (1 tM, A. MKANB. ' fatbaaaliark, Jfoa, 74la. Mt. a-., i I L I -LV. ', .T V.I. ,.l t..a TTr..i g Tj a TTl,()iN. 1 j'-h 'ir- ,'.u-j I wt aareaaaare heaalry aaatioaad trainat war. ohaalag .r cf Bay amy ateeVliiag with Uia WW leg pruparty. a.w t tba banda of W. ll Leariib, vis : lot of okrpef bu tba loor. t doa gbtray,' ta ble eeoa atava,aamirt, alak, I keaa and beddaaa,1 pariar aterre i hog, 1 bat faa, I era, let oC palm loci, lot of applot, at tha faart btleogi u ata. ahd It eabjwtto mr bVder ' 7 ,T" " .mil :,i,r li-i-eaAiTiH r,lrrllt.,e . W.Uartalem. Irtel 1, LllOaw l..,o WANTED.By'tiifj WeiHIold Kt aaldor Caat uehOumpaay, Woad for m. Jo,KioAi,IflaKE.:nAlliLaW,; ii of bwaa'iaaaAUyiMfcivrjaplRlaalaa, ti la- tbjmalioa iaoaueait Iba lobaecoaad 8efr Blare JvafifBH aa vnnwt Mnm na. Wa have printed rtarfa attmaawaf tha) aew FEI BILL, aad will aa tba rewalpt ef twwatr vcceaii, mall a oopy I. aar addraaa mvlS "i CLOSING OUT SALE I CLOSINO OUT BALK : ! , 'i J . ... I'.ll ' .r ' i ; i... Mt 1. ! ,;: ,,, ,M i5 - , loif I ri r I IS . . . - - i , - ' , ,. , o,, :- " " : 3 liKDUCTION 7aY C10T1ITG, : ' , ..' V.' : ... , -S sr.- ;. : .; !.. ...ft, . . W. dealre to aeqaalut our friends anil ' the public that wa are reilociag tir Hock I . to Coat thla day. , ,. .. LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICKS ! LOWER PRICES i -t-l i;- , . CLOTHINO AT COST CIX)TUINO AT COST CLOTH INU AT COST CLOTHINO AT COST O O; B' a ft- n ' o . TVa bar! Joel parebascd a la rye lot of Clethlna, at arleca Icea tbaa maxrafaatorcre mM maha them an. Bat, aa tba paaie atmpeueu in.m to ecu lor oaan, we ioob adrantaxe of it, and no offer 1. Bar aat reBa aa immaaiee eloch af CVothiaf ' ,- -,i tin!; - . . , , , rv 3-' i-iin., ii m"- W., rt w , 3'' In'. ,- .ii r. I-- ..! . .!, AT LOWKR FBICK8 THAN IVKR AT LOWKR flllCKS TAAN EVER ' AT LOWER PRICK8 THAI KVKR ' AT LOrTBR PKICK8 THAN IVRR AT LUWKH PRICES THAU IVRR I g: ""f We Intend to Cloaa thla atooh all out br Iba let day of Jaaaary. fta If yoa want a Barttva, acoa, aa we will and ar. de- term I cod le ataha a roroletion ia tha CMth lBf Batiaaaa. ,, , ., ...... ,. ,' 1-11 , .i : ,' , I . ! , , h ) it ' nil" nil .1 i IN antra Pant! rwelred thlt day, to ba Bold aa low ae !!.!. Hemembcr, Paate wa com laat monla . 1 't.' I J I : ' 'at is m mt imnrri w m ii'I' -AT 1 tl NOW BKINO o it ,,. ,, AT U M NUVT BKINO ll 44 AT Ii 111 KOW lllllNll .t bi AT Is 11 NtiVT BRINtl II M J . Hi! II M ft--,'! ii .)i In. I: (J'e.ij. n.ii Ml h.'fl(! 1:1 lull . ,.. I- i inn, ill .1 1 li h?ili ,'P! ti .1 r.i . 'All I . I 'IIJOLD DRMOCRATtO PRICMfraMhlgh . aotnaartd with tbe at lacs at. wa are prj if now Bclltn( V'ltbin,t 'il If. I 0 ' J -1 (' 1 IU If " , Ll -,. I I-llA ll .ivr t.i IT! ' I'i.if i n ) ) ' I I'HIP' t -ih,-" il ','.f. "fl .,i , : , I ll lir-! ' J-I v:l ' ' it' ; ttKSlbMllEB Till! PLARK. '' ,. ,i Q-iill I'i-i'I T,7', 11, V , H.'l' tmrl 'n!.v,'' i; . g 1 1 - 1ill.T;ICI I MA I , .tl 'l n,i'i i'(1,,i, , H a, . M'l . . "-i.i;. irilM-li. t3l;,u tt-i't-arinvi I, Iiii y. , nil. In i-ilinii l! "ir vrl-,ni v. 'ttiH ''lit ui -r w ,1 i,,-t, M llflLlJWIWTaHINB'lTRLCORHIIR. H'ti lit' i Im.'i "' !!. .i 'i'i W 'ir! . .1 .itf. ,. PfV'f .lull ' I "la.- ,;l'l Hii,ni ,,(! JiiiI 6l "id f.t.'i'.a. ol viti' 'l-ilril rni, i.a,(l!' baj' ,ij-'-i- i.ii-,-, In It.l I, I - i.tiiii ui '1 l- -III: 4 Ii I .-I t,i-"iir-- ' id,; )ru?.i.t- I i. i ' i-.ltn am li'.n i I" ) mm il'HT VI 'll-l - I .1 l-.l- r,,.,!-, KERR CO. i,un tirul A 'I .la t. It-' i 1 . !i,.-.,-,..,r, ,f -Tii'iia) Im t-tcvMiir n -i l l l 'In .'n.ii..- ,r Til; Oi - !. l"'! I .11. 3 Mj 1 I.. . -'tin:-". '..! U 1 Mteac bC'at I1 ' ! r , I IKV to' a-t .,l,irn ,-. v 'lo i-t W 'tT .ii) i- t t ,i ('." t i ,i Cleerartd, Pa, Pm. 1, 1174. .. fiten a-1,11 n- - i !.m. . i .' ,, P.n -"ll i"l '"'i- :i, I 1:1.. .tifmlii .., UU 1ft4, , pi H!"!1' I I 4,114110 S "I ''lll' -r:! il l .'I "i.ii ti. t i 1 II ? ' l il ',,.-1! i . ',.,iil 'lilt,- - a) a) a b n B tfl H a y, r, H 9 a. i a, 3 3 3 S 3.1 3 S EC E ft ill g ,.,., ,. , ,, a. a o B 5 B o b ta a Ol aa H. as "g.s g B & w.i'J Mil.- -3 3ll ej v a c-B. s J 111' I !1S a . o a a o a a 5 3 i9 3 t 5 3 2, 3 si at ai at ai ai ,,.'5r:tJilviii. : i f 1 ll I" n i.; ! i;, i. : 1 1874. DECEMBER.' 1874. REMOVAL. WILLIAM HEED -NOW OF THE KEY8TOIME 8TORE, Will on December lnt, remove to Room No. 2, at the Opera House, where lie will be pleased to gee oil his old and many new patrons. Having leased this room for a term or years, at n reasonable rate, the room being well located and admirably adapted , for my business, and by giving my undi vided attention to business, I hope to merit the attention or cash buy ers throughout the county. .. . . My stock will consist of a thor ough line of DRY GOODS, j. . : i . ' ) in,:.) .;. . ' NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, -Au: I ,. .ti: .j .. . ' '' - -: '' ' '; J''- -.i. I .1,: - ! i ,1. .... , . -, ,:!)... CARPETS, OIT, CIiOTHS, liAIUKS' MlSSIiS' it CUILURK.YS ..SHOES, 1 r and as heretofore will liable class of good. ccp a ro - i Jt is my determination to do a trictlycash busino8s,and no books will bo kept at all. Will start with this determination, and will carry jt through, , ' nil ! i i .! , - i , : i . I.-J. n:' i" - i ii To do a cash business, I must do s one prico business, and goods win be marked nt cash prices. ' .',1 :) t,u. ,'.! ,.- : .' , .., i l I-.- i- ii- .1 1 n i 1 1 ' i : ' r ' . I-.- : ; -ii'. - i . I li'i-. !- ! ..'l-.i-.-t 1 ' t .('. '' In doinjr a cash business I save the expenso of a book-keeper; no loss in selling to poor pay; no lime spent in settling and collect ing; no dunning or being dunned (comforting, is it not T) , ( , ,- -.-.'I -J.IT ! '1, . I i iii-.i t .ii i h' I :: .-. . i :- , , ' ' ; .In..: ,.l: i' !,.::: .' ' i f,' o. ' i i v t - . ! ; ' In marking coods one prico 1 can ' mark them low, and jt will be moro salisfuctory to customer as all will be treated alike. ' 1 inn 7 Mi. 'i I , .-i-h:.. -ill;. I ... "i ".: Inn; It will save an extra alcsman, is not so much time will be con sumed in bartering or "jewing down," as it is called, and persons will know they can bur W aalos- men or clerks ns low as ironi the proprietor. , Hi..- lj I I I' ""I ' . ' A ' 'I'-rt 71 , 1 1 wilt IrV and do business in such way (tint, it will lie satis factory to all. i i w m to vi :. ',1;:! ... i' in '::.ilil,.iil "!-. .1. .:.;'- ! I 1 1 i..:i : -nr-v .j : 1 'i , -J 11 , -1 1 . n 1 - t ;::!. !! nt,.i- I...I I.. ,: A large etock of new roods will be recclTcd next week, which will be told at. prices never offer- cd in tiiii market. , ,i, i !, Hi. In.' ... ..'! I.; I I.. - Uil-t j" i WILLIAMREEjD.' Roam He. 1. Oaar, Hamaa. Bum - - -'-- eh. Poet oaa. 1 ClrarAtld, Ner. t, tar. , asr FOUR; With avai-y lota of unnaowary blaJaa Out tiff Buying nt Flrat Hand a whola fear i rj)oo of Oooda t ona tinatj tl , I i Wntohlng lit Markat, anadialng , , &mnn wnau u ia - r, Manufausturlng ayatMvaioeilly m nd with BualrtdMa Kxpertuia ef Pttur , ttaa Yaare - - v " atealng ' our Sailing ' Prio lupon' ' Mo nay paid Down at Oimm, nd thua aiawj ourajalva from loaeaa and dalaiya; uauai ra oraau Duainaa , . Marking Pro par Namii and Quality I or aooda on lltlMta. and In Plata uroi, so that CHILDREN may Buy Sataly aa OROWN PEOPLB- Roturnlng tha Money whan Partlaa Prafarto Raturn thair Purohaaaa- . . ThorougH AitanUon aU popart- mania ; ' ll ;: I1'" WAJTAMAKEB and ' BBOWX. C IIANOED HANDS JOHN McGAUGHEY Would raapoBtfully nolify tbe nubile generally that ha haa parchaaed J. S. Shower's tlrooery Htoa, la rlhaw'c Row, where he inlenda hceplag a tail ttaa oi ft'r , v! i - ; ii It 6 C K II I K H. HAHS, DRIRD BKKf and LARD. Bl'OARB aod PV RUPS, of all gradea. TEAS, Oreen and Rlach. COPPKR, Roasted and Urcen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, ( jurjrr.u frvitb, :!., i 'T v All kinds ia tbe market. PICK LIB, tajare and barrala. , . , HPICRS, la arery form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, 41,1 KINIM OH TRACKER. SOAPB, . , ' MATOHKIt, DRIKD APPLKA, ' ' "" DRIED PEACnBS,'' V,' DBIKD CHERRlKrl, Coal Oil cud Zaavmp Wsamijt. Aad a aoad aaevrtaeat of tboao thina. aaaally kept ia a grocery itore, which he will etobaage for marketing at tba market antra. Will tell for eaih at cheaply ai aay olbcr one. Pleaae cell and ere hie stock aad judge tor yoareclf. JOHN NcOADOBKT. CU.r4.ld, llay 17, 1174. GROCERIES! NEW, STORE, , ... Opposite Poet Offica. ' ' - t--' , 1 '." l ' j y, v? ; - ft New Goods) New Prices 1 CHOICB LIMR OV TBA. OOLOHOB, JAPAKS,"! Jh .'!! ' .' '--I VI IMPORTED, : ''; ;.. ,' , TOl'HO BTSON. , , "il ENQLIBII BREAKFAST Puretl la Market. .1 fi il"' M7TTKH AMD BCCM Will bo kept and Kdd at nt roel. I'e.b paid far Conntry Pradneo. ... , , . , , .. SKRMAN CHERRIES, , ,r , , V. r TURKEY PRUNES, - ,:. PRE6ERVKD PEARS, ' I PIIILADRLPHU I A MS. at . M y FIH. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Coil, Ar. a ,!.". .- i.ii: .. .... ui a:i.iii' j J.; :,: picmEn. ' ;'".' garret Piaklra and English Piaklea. . ... a .. I. .r- - irt a- ,1 J,n .i-i ,. , FLOUR AND FEBIt. riour, Cart Meal, flat Meal, lo. fobH- "' LYTLE MITCH KI.L ED. W. GRAHAM, '"':: ' DEALER IR SQUARE .TIMBER. 4 UMBER, Hal jaat apeaed, at tne old ataaif, la Graham!! aw, Aeamaiali itoah al .' i -ulC . - "- I v !() JT K l O O D B, af every derertptloa. . .1.1 I'i:.'. ......i l! V. ..,J 1 '! .UK DRY (I0OD8, OltcruKHIKt, i" ' ' HARDWARK, II. ) IB BtMITS AKfy 8IIOE8, , ,. , i.u. IN GREAT' VAHIETY. ; ZZWa-t idm G ' A 3,'IAIi!fi.D ' ii, ,.,,. r hy r, -.,'a,,,.4 , - i .n't. II n-.' ) i;(.u. OATS ' 'M lr t t , -lHtit- ot i -rn rtf.t,- ii.CORX. ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOB ' " HAIfXjT WALL ADVAKCA ,t',pi ,C -lot. , at ,',lf.riio' 1 vi ;, :T;.i,rn;i FLOUR RtetlvAtl lj, th cr loatj, nt) toifj it t mill t J I I ! JdHi A (apply of ROPI aoaateatly aa bead. Spwlal ladamoata .ferett to iboaa gettlBg aal Bqeare Tlmbef lad Lege, al wa deal largely .'" la Inarbarmea'l SappHea; abd are f ra pt red at all time! to parehaea tlm beradlam.r.'" ,.... B lie., W. 43 K A H A M, Market Slraot, CLElltPHtfiDrA1" ' ' " . . et, u, inn.' 1 I ! W ..UP 8AW8 1 w 8 AW8 !, , AW8 I blSXAH'S mtvMTOaVljillU UriilV ' 1 ewcfluM Mwrl. - ' . lr.t ti h-,1.., ;( r mi. I . It.ltX aril ' lrl BoTDtoii'i tigluiag (Jresii-kat Saw. ! M.iiiO,. - '.'-' ' "- ''I'-1 1 '. t T .. II. I,, J -, : I .'I PATRIIT PIRPORATBDA RLOTRIOIAWS, im:1-' t Hi:'. .' ;rri:irH n-i I 1 1 ar aaa h ... t.i,t ertlt,T H. F. DTOLIR CO. OABDI1TAL tx on piuoe. rig n I! H iilll I ' 'u B -.a i "i aa rj . - ! M f . a ITU OTV AaaURZafc ;j ; THE LARGEST' CLOTHINS HOUSE IN Sa'EICfirCSiitli and Jarkct.Streels, r adeIrhia: 5ru tSoofls,. wf rlrj, 4?tr. J. .yt-4J.. tk 'i - NEW 1 rf I I t 1 4 'U FiaOnt. fi:f.i. v f " 1 . q and n! ': :: l GROCERY STORE.- A. G. KRAMER & CO., aad (tu ana door avert af lattaral Hmh, L'learflcld, Pa. I Keep eonatcnltv oa head - t .: i,.IH .', C5) sraAR, COPVKI. TBAS, SODA, COAL OIL ITRTP, SALT, HI'ICKfl, Canaed and Dried Fraita, TtfVeoeo, Clgeri, Caa- A I I 1 V (:'; dlei, Cider Vlaegar, Batter, Kgga, Ac. ALSO, B&XRA BOMB-MADS Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., An of which will be Bald aheap for oath or ia eiebanga for coca try pradaaa. A. U. KRAMER A CO. Cleern.ld, Her. II, UTt.-tf . TOP THIEF!, ; How oftta tbat ery ia mmti iaMr Urp tewM ; m 9mm trr unit el MMUig mm . , T. A. FLECK; 4 CO.,; tmr thair sToodi &r aa irhd. II bati bttttasr lo bay tbaa itMl Uatt. Furalkuloff CDtlrl fcJ m$h, ud mIHbk fbr tb mm, wt r tbu Ud to oE)T gooda at a smaiitr mmrg ta tbaa eaa potiibly bodoao byaauodtriigovaBtboraiall aal part of trout bojiacta Jthr way. Wa hart aa aatirotv HKW pnnbaM of ,f r w v o . ' DUY GOODS and LADliES'DIUSS COODS la rariety aaaarpaaaed aad price ta aall tha ""Wjfl ailtr. ttar,aoak o( , , .. . MILUlffEET G00D8, :i;;t '. I - . v HI 1 1 1 1 Bonnets and . Ladles' Hats, bat aever baea equal! tiled ia tha aounly. . '. ' i- 7 ' "f LAPIR8' AND CHII.UniN'S L'KDKRWEAR el f1'"1' Bciarplete aatottmrat, ' ' .;iil .I. :..- i.;,i J ui-,.. ,i-h.H Indies' Dress Trimmings, 1 -J . b Ht.Jj jnSitt ft. larallUne. t LateU Beyeaa. , Gents' Furnisliinjf (roods, ; ,'( lUrta:"vl4y,llVaBi4 W "(i' W INTER DLOVAVei.iJ rfiw -.1 rtr l TARNS, " ' IIPHTRS Watftpirs,OirTGrSat; aJiet. All art iarittxi la aall a4 aiaauaa our cwia aa4 frim Jm(n bujlag tiMitban. Wo a aita bo vrjr fa aaa baoaaaa oa daa't bua bat baUava tbia ta ba a froa oeBaUy j aad thai avarj oaa baa tha iaaUaitabU rigbt to Ufa, liWrt-, tha paraafk at iiappBaH ad ta txf faoaa vnara uwa aaa ataata ibo lt fooia for t$a ttut mona M vi m. .Mod 1 ua aaaM ofpnu maw la Aa S1 TOltKKKKFKKS. ATTKNTiON I CMithla baMarta aad ta oan1 Mtlltloa fcr Ma aoatnff of mh an aa aar ooaatfaaraaaaa aa. Ha attD a largo trad vitb atty a bird U mtmm qaiok rattnaf at fall nraaia,-! tStarakarpera bing CbMjkmi, Blla, Fgga, ar at bar prodnea, xriU wall to glr aa trial. Hbora urooartaa mn taxa ia aJtiUJatga, ao omb- si l. ant, Korj a co., , Wholeaale Urocara aad .ammtuioa Alar. butt, Na. IM N. Tbird atraal, Pbibtd'a. aprly MARBLK AM STQH YA1D! ,, , t'. 1. .'I...4 ...i II i A-1 I ail O' cU 1 aV dV U JJ U I i:)A8-n ii h t;'A -And Bavlag aagad la tha Marble paalaace, dcelraa la la rem bar frieada aaa) bVe BatWia that tha haa aew aad will keep eoneteatty ba bead a large aad waD cerectod Haakaf IIAUAM AB VERMONT MARBLE, and Ii preparrd r fbraisb ta order TOMBHTONRBVli "..&',", 'ti )irMtitlpjCtApt$OUtS, oi,l.;,i .1.1 at. d.4M(UMRNTS, Carbe aad tasla ear Camotary Uta, dUlaaadiOapa, alea, ,u BUREAU, IABIH akd'Wanh stand ,ffi( Act, aa. W.TardM Reed etraat. BmUUaaV,aV'Deeiat, Clearl.ld, Pa. Iet,ll "tr-j Jab. B. Pabbbbi, Prae'l,. . . Bbbcibbb, tcJ CQNTIISrENnL Uf Insurance Company, .A.j' nut. -.i 1 If'1' i.ii ...." i"""!?"! yr M.e.4 111 AmciAh. . .n4.a.4..AA.A),f taa. Ralte at Acaala ta Liebllitiea. --. Paralahee the very, lalreat Met Policy brrileaaiete)att.rllB s4la af tba Compaay, tbaa aaattoaally redacing tba aaaaal rLmn"- -..'. i -b.a For rates, Ac, 'call Ha af addrtm ' '' II. MrlftALLT'. Ami. ' VlaWyiriaS B, eiroH, Va' f:l W WILLIAM 'lt.;itKlfftT, Jbbtioi 1 arraa Pbaibi tawaVaivaaaa, LIJMBI1 u.lasetloaa ewd. aad: Baaalr or. Artterea ef a.raimial Bad dMde ef BAWJAIR8 ' IIT MUaiCAlV Hr-rrUMBNWI-raai. Wth wew aU aacaad aaad, at tha Maeie Bur., eppadte SaHeh'a cet-aiBeamBtacw aa a oca eaa eaaaramea aaa last, bat la will oai aaaaaU a da. aryH af Orgaa aaat aa etblMUea. Sent Maala aad Maete kVaaka eoarlaally oa hand. ap l4 Ikf FOUTTS. - ssa Combinlnp; all thauaa Btawrlta, waw plaow our Buainejcm oat IK. moot SOLID FOUNDATIONS, and Invito tha oon anrl BiAreiof of ttaa aaiapU of.'t p f Phllradwlphiei, aa wall aa aalal ' ' ' ' now vlaltlng th. olty. , rWn.m bor th. Pour Catrtttscavt Folntai cxflH aUrom ii.a aTDXL OTJAJLaVJTUI i .. i o .. 6aBH uttjbsxdi With tha Largaat, Moat tyltah, Baot T Matte, and Cboepeet A took of MEN'S and llOYS'OLOTWNO.em tartly 'oca. J(jr,0T all to oall onui' AMERICA. rir'T.i WA2TAMAKES, and , B&OW2T. - ' ftit&wm, Slntrirt, t it. JOHN ,WJ VAJLE,1 ! t-"!.-'. ai-'l I'v-V i. l--...tvV, i.-b. MANI'FACTl'RER OP .if .( ( 1 I 'lift 1.1:1 'in, . . ',.., SI lent -Iron , ... ,3Y0T? 0O3 1 & Copper Ware, '"limit i-. r t ,m ',i1t.i . AND DIALER IN ... - -I v. ':'.'( ' ' ''-. '1 1 . -a. it . , SJOVES &: PANNES,, Nrar MarkM fttrnt, I'lnra.ld, 'd, ',!tli ).'. ;r;Ur- I will heap ea haad a full atoek of Cook aad Real lag Sloroa, Reagaa, Aa. Alao, a fall Baa aT TIN 'WARE, I Sheet-lrbn and Copper "Ware. IwiamakaBspao1aHyorAeMirarlg8t.rwa, Ecllpae, Moaarch. aad Viexw Ook, Raagaa, aad Malaal friend, CaMpy and athear Ileal lag Stave. t win Slcbeafe Vlaerara aWOataaei Rage. I t e. tri,-. na.AN'-laUla A Id area. II iitBi.idi..!' .!".' .r v Jon w. WApi.1.; JUONSIDES STORK. G. S. FLEGALV DEALER n-i 'l a': i.'-jdl .-..! .,..'1 ;.. ..! HARDWARE, BTOVBS. i.- '.A ..;.' II EATERS, 1 00 RANGES, nOLMW-WABlV ,,, viOBjiBrr j U -irf.,,,., PCTTT 4G1AS9, ; R0PK8,-.,.!-.. - , ,1 j .n,;l A ,,7i.., 8Tr.P-L ADD KR9, i !!(i",ri rvi ty. . 3oT-f 'iW N?OOL),,aJR WJJtOW, WAKttf ,1 4" rnrr rjrT.-:.M Taa aebratal TaAad. baa-riaeejtag afrtawwd 1 IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS, ! Na belter paaaaa ia tha market. ..IT zs,22CVsxgl... as.; LAMPS, CHANDStlERS, tANTEEITS, -lataip PtBW,afa4fcilvsiVe-.3j;lp LAMP FIXTI'RBS. Ac, . . r .1 4. t " All at nweet prwaa. 1-1474 rr. a. ae lala sKramt, fama-barg;. ra. j " ' TIIE CLEARFIELD " FIRECIiAYJCOi j j. ; CI.KAJt FIELD, fff. atf,H I .!. . -. iiARtiPAcr.aBaa aa- VMU. UUVlii , ltii . FIRE UIXICK, p. :! to'! "''vui:ri Furnare Blocks. 6as tetarts, 4... il? lunik . .1P.- 'iifirni I I.. .. or. I ' Store Linin4iPTlrig TUm,' 4o : , ,..i.n.i. j jjattt-j a.i'iHA CMsWMf-. Wiiataya Cngt, ' mf- fyU'..,. - Mr,iM a bad as ot .Botln... All kindtrfltttKirN Adorxiti. OEfomXEsioNrJ iV- TEEti' ttTfTtir' Mil Apt TO-ORDER, ... 1 ..j.i.ii 4 1 .... Wlib ratBTwwaeV BtacerBteryi ant alaat anterial aad tsllWd erYe,rre caVwarnM all aar taaaafactaraa to bo mbbI la If aot tuBtrler la Arttataa af aat- mwtmr mm t4 iba Worka, aaar Railroatl Dafbot, or at tbo Hariwaia mm. -H. A C... j Alt aider, from a dliuaoe, addnraed ba iba, (leaeral SapatiBtendaat, il racelva prtatBl BU laatiaa. j , . .' ,-c ta. aaatmimrvavaa. VTaBB motiSON,. 1,.9aa'lSaa4.'; Htb.ld, lleraklrk, aV-.Uaa, fc " "" nF.. BICLHil ak COi v.vtsJ 1 afc.L liJ tl BU u a,...'! a.,,;: I' -..ati q-r1 , M l. WmTi. y i . u'j t .Mtl-t ft-.""t OWb-a fll t faW tiaol- a., .rp, d4i. u kU tn brta,KioM nMi a; t i ut rtiv. i m UVOB.BPO&ffljXLtOVi,." CarrlaM-aam Whail biirt i 'bWA. a Bate af ten. aad aalfaad eiamlaa tbaaa, Ttte IE h. aaad at tharirlM, 1: BtaytJ-H .-1-!:JW.Iia'i'-T.j.jV.Ji. "UTt fcafcrst?saoaV A ...-"''(b4liroll'la.i to all Htaaiis faaUtal nf-ia, rM,;t , , Bbbabb, flack, raa--- ' . a.. ,t; "p ,laiatalb (, Tblc EmirMMil rf ' Villj bbe waamataad Aarlag aka area. 1 Ear twd.t' MatleVVek a Irla, OUivrlaM aacpa K. irwta, uarweacrlll.. Baa la I mm aadec. fcotherebari. at.