Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 23, 1874, Image 2

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    . .ait WW. I .-tf
She gepublian.
Gioboi B. Qoodundih, Editor.
No Papmi. In kccordanca with our
usual oostom, no paper vill b issued
lVom this oflloe next week.
A Hhahp Smaf. Weather wm from
15 to 20 degrees below Zero, t
Concord, New littniiwhiro, and other
northeastern cities, on Tuesday wocK,
Snobbery-. A Washington dispatch
states that it is estimated that the wife
of Lieutenant Colonel F. D. Grant will
secure the repntation of being the most
olocantly dressed lady in w ashington
society this winter. Her wardrobe Is
said to be extensive and elegant, and
made in the advanced French style
whatever that may mean. "
Oh, Stunt ! The investigation now
going on in Congress in relation to tho
Paoino Mail subsidy, promises to bring
another lot of Credit Mobiliera to the
front Almdy Parsons, Radical Con
gressman, from the Clovcland (Ohio)
district acknowledges having received
$4,000 as agent, not as Congressman
A distinction without a difference.
(ioma In. The Elk Democtat says
Col. Curtis feels so terribly sore over
his ignominious defeat by Dr. Egbert
that ho has served formal notice upon
the latter that he will contest his scat
in Congress. The notice contains seventy-throe
counts, which, if sustained.
will set aside about 600 votes in the
district. Well, let him "pitch in," Con
gress will handlo him as roughly as
' the people did at the election. With
the majority ho had in his district he
should bo ashamed to open his month,
Col., emiin-ato back to Warren and
keep quiet. ' -
ExcsisDinui.r Disinterested. The
Bt. Mary's Qatctte has becamo totally
reconciled on tho Senatorial question,
The editor, in his Inst issue, flings
off in this ways "It is but very little
difference to as who is United States
Sonator.". How vory easily satisfied,
Tho Elk Democrat does not seem to be
awaro that an election of this kind
pending in this State but has declared
most emphatically for the reflection ot
Mr. Stockton, in New Jersey. Ho
a good man, and we hope the Democrat
will havo influence enough In the
"Jerseys" to keep him at Washington
six years longer.. The editor of tho
Democrat is also opposed to Frcling-
hnyscn, but silent as to Cameron.
However, we take it for granted that
be does not love him. -
Jtjst Liki Tnm.-v-A pretty piece ol
official scandal was developed in Con-
gross, on Friday last, by Mr. Bock, of
Kentucky, and Mr. Speer, of lluiiting
don.wVtilr an appropriation to Post
Office Department was being discussed.
It appears that the scoundrel Shepperd.
who with one of the Cookca has been
govorning, and almost stolon the Dis
trict of Columbia, purchased a prop
erty five years ago for 113,000, and
bas been renting it to the Department
for $4,200 a year. It will be observed
that "the govomniont" has paid him
already 121,000 for his house, that cost
but $13,000, and the bill before the
House had in it a clause appropriating
$4,200. Is it any wonder there is
deficiency of nine; miUiont of dollars,
when our Post Office money ia given
away In this manner?
Oeodlandar Hill laborf nader tba kallaolnalloi
tkathebaa beoaeoMotalltbedayierbieliro. We'll
let klm labor a litUo white longer. HeJeaU
Well, tho "assistant" will never be
troubled in that way in his ftber mo
ments, nor the "editor" while in search
of volunteer candidates for Congress,
Jndge and Senator. Nor will we ever
get a sore eye while coquetting with
the Modoo Chiefs fur tbe purpose ot
defoating tho Democratic nominees.
We prefer to remain at home, under
such circumstances, rather than run
the risk of a sore eye. Thai spark
from the locomotivo on the night that
the "editor" met the Modoo Chairman
at the Shaw ITouse, In this place, was
a bad spark. It would not have hit
him in the eye had he remained In his
office, writing an editorial defending
our nominees for Congress, Judge and
Sonator. - :
No InvsimnATioit It is settled
now that the people are to have no
light thrown upon tbe great wrongs
perpetrated by the present Congress,
during this session. - On Monday a
week, Congressman Beck, of Kentucky,
introduced a resolution lookintr to a
general investigation of the corruptions
in the District , of Columbia, but: the
Itadical members, to the number of
138, voted against an investigation, and
71 Domocrata and only 16 Radicals
voted for it. The people must now
wait until the Democratic Congress
meets on the 4th of December, 1875.
Then crimes will be developed which
will startle Democrats and Radicals
alike. Tho leaders of the party in
power havo deported themselves in the
past ton years as though there wore
no God to fear, a Dell to shun, or a
Democratic party In existence to ex
pose their crimes to the people. f
A Kinui.r Rxciption. The first
King (except the poor imitators, Lin
coln and Grant,) who ever entered the
White House, was received by the
Presidrnt on Thursday last, and they
lid have a "big timo of it." A grand
reception wa given in honor of Hit'
Majesty, the King of tho Hawaiian
Inlands, Vhe 1s making a pilgrimage
to Washington for the purpose of look
ing into public aflairs. The guests in
Vitod bp oard Included jewmbert of
the 3"preiae Court, auBibors of the
Cabinet foreign Tnmseters, in
Hill court iTtirme, members f both
bouses of ConirrC, nl ofloers of the
strayr and nawy jn Vorrn. Maay of
the geatitAVetv were aooo',nP,lI kl
Jadita. - Quito trmber of tinM
of "big rtngs- hive promised td t4-1
the ,VtiTtd States In 1876, during the
Contannl.l., .Those who, .wish to get
light of King ot aa SmpMotv
on the look out about that time.
Snch has been the caption for Kadi-
eal leaders duriug the past two weeks, of
when alluding toautnrcasoiiileeoiyl
tart" of tho VifkVrg negsaos anil in
scalawags in tlu( wik-ked aty'iupt to
scat their Sheriff. Tb dinicujty-fc'oms
to havo originuied lathis ay : JjwV
lall tho tax-payors nominated Ormsby
for Sheriff, and tho "colored ureinron
and carpet baggers nominated "a col
ored gentleman,'', named. Crosby, who
electod, because Icksuurg con
tains about throe loafers to one tax
payer.- A'1 taxpayers .gavonj
satisfied that their 'candidate was tie-'
featod., Whontlio Jimo arrived for
Crosby to Die his bond (820,000) and
qualify, ha could goi nobody to sign1
bis bond except tho fellows who nover
had nor never woald have any prop
erty. Tho Radical Court refused to
accept tho sureties. ' "Mr. Ormsby then
name forward, and tendered it , bond
dnly executed and signed by gentle
men who possessed $75,000 worth ol
property. The KadicnK'ourt hesitated
to accept. In tho meantime, Crosby
assumed tho duties without, filing a
bond, and issued his proclamation call
ing npou the taxpayers to pay their
taxes to Inra and bis deputies (tho
Sheriff in that City, like tho Treasurer
in this county, is the tax collector).
This the taxpayers refused to do, and
had the bondloss Shorift arrested and
naked him toenmply with the low. This
incensed the "colored brethren," who
set about getting np a rebellion for the
purpose of keeping Crosby in office un
til ho wonld get somo money gathered
up from tho taxpayers. Tho first inti
mation of trouble was tho advance
of large bodies of. armed negroes
from the surrounding country march.
ing upon the city. Tho taxpayers im
mediately responded, and met tho
"colored warriors some distance from
tho city, and a regular fight was the
result. The negroes lost seventy-flvo
killed and the same nuinhor wounded,
after which they fled in all directions.
Tho taxpayors' association lost two
killed and five woundod.
These troubles will no doubt continue
in tho South just as long as the nogro
element is encouraged in its lawless,
ncss by the "appropriate legislation"
of Congress. Congross last week ap
pointed a commilto of three mem
bers (Mr. Specr of Huntingdon being
tho Democratic mombor) to procoed to
Vicksburg and investigate tho bloody
The inquest chosen by the Coroner
of Now York to inquire into tho death
Of two burglars, rendered the follow -
ing Verdict on Thursday last. Ipon
entering the offico Coroner Jones asked:
"Gontlomen of the jury, have you
agreed on your vordict ?'
Ex-Mayor Booth answered, "Wo
have," and handed the following docu
ment to the Coroner, who rend it aloud :
"We tad that the man known ai William Moah
er and the aaaa known aa Joeeph Douglae, name
to their daatbt from the ofeeta of son and plate
hot woanda. on the morning af the Ulh af
comber, ISM, an tba premraei of Judge Cfaarlea
H. Van Brant, at Bay Ridge, L. I., between the
heara of 11 aodSe'elook. That eald wennda
were ladietad by traanaa, Srad by the ban da af
I. Holmee Vaa Brant. William Scott, Albert Vaa
Brant, and Herman Frank, in oelf-dcfenea. Aa.)
we, tbe jnrora, farther find that the killing af the
deeeaaed hi tba BManer set forth waa aerfeeUy
Jnetiftabla, and wa commend tbe act af their de
fending their Uvea aad property la euoh a aour
ageoua manner and nndar auok trying eireum-
- Coroner Jones, after tho verdict, said :
"Gentlemen, I fully concur with yon
in your conclnsions. In fact, I cannot
see how you could havo found other
wise. I return to yon the thanks of
the oountry for the able and efficient
manner In which yon hare discharged
your duties.'' '
Douglas's dying declaration was that
be and Moshor had abducted Charley
Ross, but failed to toll where ho could
be found. Ho said, "Mosher knows,"
but Mosher was killed instantly. ' The
shooting of those two burglars In Now
York, and the confession of the former,
hasagain brought Charley Ross to the
snrfaoe. Tbe detectives and newspa
pers are full of reports, surmises, and
theories. Tho deeply grieved family
have their wounds freshly opened by
the lata terrible affair at Bay ltidge
and its consequences. The public sym.
pathy with the family of Mr. Ross is
unabated. It is a sad ease. We trust
yet consolation will come out of it, and
joy will once mora take up its abode
in that household. . . ' " ;
A Shabby Claim. The Radical or
gans, and other backers of tho . State
administration, are glorifying .-, each
other, because something ovor : twelve
hundred thonsnnd dollars of the State
debt has been canceled, as per his Ex
cellency's Proclamation. . Tbe sum fell
considerably abort of tho promise of!
the campaign pronunetamuntoe, but
the Republican papers do not tail to
claim It as a financial achievement.
When it ia remembered that tho money
in tho sinking fund is tiio accretion of
taxes which cannot be diverted from
that fund, and "that the-provision for
the disposition of these taxes was modo
by a Democratic administration and
confirmed by constitutional sanction,
it rjotracta somewhat from ine dnanclal
merit of the agents, who pay the debt
ot the statd because they cannot do
otherwise. , jtlov.. llartranft and his
administration are entitled to as much
credit fin? the transit uf Venus as they
are lbr' tho ' paymonts made on the
State debt. : ' " V ', :'',;,
LabobLost. Those journalists who
seemingly make it a, special duty to
enlighten the voters.of this Senatorial
district, and tho State generally, who
Senator Wallncols1'noc5""hot trouble
themselves any farther in that line of
their calling, so far as the voters of.
this Senatorial district are concomrd,
lie seems to be pretty well known lip
here, although Dauphin,' Lancaster and
Chester, and the voters in some other
big counties in tho Ksst, may know
nothing at all about him. , That is their
fault, not his. His majority In 1MJ,
was, 1,90$; in 18C8, it was 2,688;, )n
1871, il was ,7H nudjn, l874,,it .went
up to e,l&,lwith every scalawag in
the district abusing him,'1 If he should
live to run again, E!s majority would
no doebt be about 4,000, to muVa the
thing etnert, , Those,: thsrotbro, Who
bare wndertatiMi to exlucato the peo
ple fti ctler to let them know some-
Oiuig atout Xi 'VTallace'.'V'ah ltftl a
lesson, tuo, Iron those fin-tirus. ' ' ' 3
ASoonljrVei. The Pittsburgh Pott
mmarkt; Thoy want a p. nitentiary In
vv awiunu-uMi. - Alt . is wuj fVbCfsHuxry to
wall in the city and appoint the munla
tMid the thing is finished and fllied. - l
wabi be as iy mMivr to psrdop ,out
the fe hoe eat mta ftWvWd by fu.
Tlimw editors In the eastern portion
the State, who have assumed the
duty of fleeting judge Blank, Mr. Cly-
wilr. Uurktfew ,4 the Senate,
mm ut jtjio same time llbvlihg Scmttor
Wallac, urd nuwtm'VTiiwaimsiilora
hie outiddo aiuistumto. tliujluw Vori
Tribune, and the Herald and S'un of tho
same city, and tho Baltimore Omette,
are also taking a band at that unbe
coming gumo. IJiil, as no members
from these cities will hold seats in our
Legislature, they will have but few
votes to deal out on the Senatorship.
Their whole effort is gamo, and that of
tjho,, bluff kind.
It is gratifying to us to know tliat
not ft ' single newspaper ' which ad
vocates the election of Mr, Wallace
has ever said aught against his rivals.
Wo give tho following articles, taken
from tho Titusvillo Courier and tho
FitUibugh Tost, the two mott indueii
tiul Democrat io journals in the HUito,
upou this question. The Courier says :
Wc regret tbe Tjeeeaelty ef hints vretertlat
eiainat Iba bitter stteite wbloh (tie eocieiee of
Ilea. Vim. A. Wallaee are per.laleatly aching
upon that gentleman. Il U uot enough that lfccy
eaeall bin in en anonyuicna pamphlet dialrlbated
throughout tbe olete. Tbe iaiaaouieta Jonrnni-
lem of Tautineny la chartered to blacken bii good
DM!. . Tlin inetuliere ef the I'enneylvaoia l.ogla
hriare are regerdrd at toa littla acquainted with
Mr. Wallaaa'a reoard lo be left free eo ebooea a
Seaator, but titty mutt bave direct InetruoUoB
from tbe New Yurh papere. It il a quaatlon wheth
er the people of I'onnaylvnnia will ever be able
te diaeharge the debt of gratuade wbiab they awa
ta thoee ineorruplible eheete ol New York tbat
bare taken npou tbeir ahouldi'ra tbe burden of
reepoaaibiltly fur tbe ehoioe of a new I'nited
Stelae Sweater from tblt State. A euere of Uila
abligetioa perbapa ihoald b awcrdod toaaarlata
ondeeoript KefiubliDan hireling a natira for
hie ervicee la tradueiaa Mr. Wallaoe.
If It baa eome lo Ibie, tbal a man, who hae
given the baet energies of bialiletatbe lao.
relic part j who year after roar bar aooepted and
performed an eodloea amount of druJgerjr : who
baa eyitemitrd aampeignt, and with oibauetloio
patienee bae hiohod alter the ten tboueand dntaile
af oaiapaign work ; wbuea Tolee, in Iba darkeet
lioure la mo blitory or our pertjr, nai alware
uttered wordi of good oneer; wbe, when the bat
Ue hai rased moat nereely, bae alwaya bean an
Ajax In the front ranka of tbe llomoeretia boeta i
who, in dvfeat, baa alwaya been tbe laat to leare
tbe Seld, taking aara to oorer the retreat ; whoee
lifeloag davotton to Uemoeratie principles ia
everywhere known t wboan brilliant Uleata and
dignified deportment ooinuiaQd the reapeot of
even hia political opponent ; if aueh a man la to
be art opus by hired tibelera. and an attempt la
lo be made to blacken hia reputaUun, wa caU upon
all good lemocrat to be true to tbeir own honor,
and nut for on moment to rufTer the Inlereata of
turn a triad and faitbfal servant to eauer any
detriment- If, after all bia oervieea to tho Demo
cratic party, William A. Wallace, la the hour of
her victory, U to bo atruck down and even Demo
erata are tode thla,we aek ta he preatrated by the
lama blew. Wa appeal to all good Demoorata
to remember tbe emiueat arrvloe of Mr. Wallace
in bebelf of tbeiraauae. Weeiklhemto remem
ber how many tlmea he bee atood almoat alone
at the helm of tba party la Ihia State. We
have nor nbeadoned Ulth thai Iba eene of the
Keyalone Drmocraey will rally around hint and
carry him triampbantly through tba prevent
itreirgie. i. j
The editor evidently is a business
Democrat, judging from tho tono of Ids
article. The editor of the Post means
business, too, and also goes to tho
foundation of the question in this way
i The Lancaaler ftltH.Ver Mr. Wal
h - .
Una kindle deemed auftVient. The eamo Journal
alea givae eerrcaey lo the report that a eambiaa-
lioa oxlate between ino Aiu-gaeny nan ranauej-
phin delegation aa to Speaker and Clerk. Vt e can
apeak for thia county and declare what we know,
in BMortlng that no aueh undemanding eaiata.
Allegheny county baa decided en herehoioe for
Sneakar. and eeneeta Iter elaima to be beard with
oat regard lo clerk or any oilier office. Mr. Fat-
toreoabee moeita and qualiBcatloae fbrrpeuker,
which we are euatdant will be reoogoiaed by tba
Dcmooraey of the State when it aeeembloe ae a
LAgiaiatam. Tbe atienpi w trigniea oouairy
mem ben into o.tnnaition to Mr. Wallace or Patter-
eeo oa the ground of bergalaa between Filtekargk
and Philadelphia ia aa weak aa il ii falee and an-
worthy. The only abnaa webeve noticed in regard
to eenJiJalea eonea from the Kail. No 1) em oe rat
io paper in the W eel hal aongbl la depreciate tho
menu ol any geniiemaa aaeaou vnumowvm -tbeLaaee.
whuliveeintheKaakaad there may aa
wollbeaiilaiannderalending about Ihia Banator
oneilion Bret aa laat. We do ioaial aad claim that
tba Weal shall be reoognleed. It was there that
the Leglalallve and fjongraaalonal gina were
mxte ana tue rtere nokcl jaraa, mr. ocou,
whaM nlene iB (o be niied IU lAaTOve, m wv...
era man, and hia aaeceeeor aboald be from the came
eectioB. W hen Cameron a place oemee le oa nitea
the haet wUl demand il and It will beeeooMod,
but orrbena not te either of the eeadidatea now in
theteld, if their friaada Inlietupen aonllnnuga
bitter paraonal ernaade againal tbe almoat aooai-
mona cboioeof the Weatern half of tbe State. There
muat be more magnanimity exhibited tl tney ex
pect la win.
Wo do not dcsiirncdly use tho word
"nigger" In any slang sense, but It
comes-so aptly just now In this con
nection that the only excuse for the
word is In its apriropriatcncss. The
late exposure of tho "Procdman's Sav
intrs and Trust Company," its utter
bankruptcy, tho almost total loss of
the runds piacea in ii dv me ucposi
tora. tho hopelessness of the crash,
canscs us really to pity those "wards
of tho nation "who have been so wrct-
odly cheated. ' ' '."
Tho Radicals have used up tho "nig
ger," that Is what we wished to say,
in tho plainest Saxon, In the trust and
confldenco gnmo. '' '
Tho poor negroes, believing that the
Radical party was their real friends,
put their money in this Institution on
the faith of tho honesty of tho snp
jKiiters of the lamented Lincoln, and
now, when the depositors want it back
again, tho cash, like Iincoln, have both
gone out of sight
It Is a shame.'1" It Is a disgrnco that
the Radicals should cheat the poor,
ignorant, confiding, loyal nogro, the
voter of their ticket at the polls, the
political capital of tho Radicals in all
tho Southern provinces. Cheat tho
poor darkey out of the vory Inst storage
of cash which had escaped tho plun
dering propensities of tho Radicals,
that party of "great moral ideas."
Cheat rob. and steal from tho liifrcer
Wcll.Stich is thomalign influence which
taints everything tho Radical party
tonchos, that tho Prcedman's Savings
Bank bos irone at last, ana the Mack
onsh, like all other cash, is now in the
possession of tho friends tf the party
which made Lincoln "thoOovonimcnt,
canonired him as "The Sainted," and
baptised him with tho political name
oi "jionoe.. tvnar. a anamc,
! An Kxckllknt Law. On Monday
of last week, Mr. Bock. of Kentucky,
introduced and had Passed . by the
Jlouso of Representatives, a law" pro
hibilitia Senators and members of Con
gress from appearing as counsel for
claimants against tho government-
1 his act will certainly moot with pop
ular flavor and It is to be hoped tho
nenate win pass it without ueiay. ' Mr.
Berk had fortified himself with the
facts in several eases in which both
Sonator Conklin and (ieneral Butler
appear in an unfavorable position. By
the rooom or the court iieia in i an-
andaiirttrl It Is shown'Hia' Senator
Onkiin wan counsel firtlie'New York
Contrur Railroad , prttsecnted' a Surt
against the (vOrermnent, and obtained
a verdict of rvret $1)00,000 from jadgo
who-according to Mr. Reck, was ap
pomtcd through bis (Mr. Cntiklia's)
influence" In the ease of fleneral But
ler, Mr. 'Beck has obtained 'official
onrtlt Of the ! record in a Washinirtoii
umrt in what are known as th i'ar
ragnt prise oases. Oenerul Butler ob
tainert the fmssnge of the law lor the
pavfrnnit ol theclatms. anu as attorney,
tlrewwrViut $50,000 m theaitiM aa foes.
I "A SAn MistAKt.i-Tho narlof. Dm-
T(tflNfntirks: Those small bofloir
hmlltlcSnns who legged' fiir Hnrry
WiiitrJ Tnx'aiil) they exiwrtca "tow
made' "whiskey storehseper, revenue
olUcers, etc, are just now bcirlnnlng to
rralix that they were "enumeraling
tlicir poiiltry before the process f in.
puliation had been f omplete. ' ' ": u '
i M'liBnrJ Ijoc ATsn. Iii Ntw ftaven,
Co'hri, tho Mwlkal ,Cfi)legfj is on the
rojid to tho cemetery j flio WvSntty
College f)) the tt& to (be alnwhousi,
and tliejdtw ttclvjol on the mad to the
Vhii.aiiki.viua, Deo. 21, 1874.
" Mtrro tlmni twqnly fofetgn- aiation
haVtl aiyepleil tire invltttior) of the
Prudent, f th United Btut to visit
jthis country, and: iro-opurultt in our
liitei'iiittionul; Exhibition) This fact
alone dnoii4nit'ii positiv vueeoss
so far as a complete representation of
foreign industries is concerned. Cor
rtMiMindinir as I do with so largo a
number of jnurnulista in all parts of
of our country, It nocessary that i
should soenro tho most reliable inform
ation, and from the facta already in
my hands, 1 do not hesitate to express
tho oninion that tho iBtorruttional fea
ture of the Exhibition will be very at
tractive. This is based upon the rep
resentation of foreiim irovemnonts, and
letters received from Americans travel
ing abroad. ' It is however eotisidorod
very necessary that more extendod
information should bo given either
by means of the Tress abroad, or ty
the scndltiir ovor practical men of ox-
uericiico. who will explain the great
advantages of such an Kxhiliitiou to
fnn-lL'n manufactures; ' Hut in roality
the crreat success of our nations! colo-
bration will bo in bringing together all
iif our own eilisons, North and Noutli,
East anil West, to unito in a proper
testimonial to our forefathers, through
whoso sacrifices we have become free
antl independent citisens. So far it
has Doeen estimated thai we snail navo
not less than thirty thousand visitors
to our Exhibition : these parties will
bring with them means sufficient to
extend their visit to all sections of the
United Stntos. and to study all the ad
vnntaerrai offered for investmonU of
capital and lalior, estimatinir the ex
pendituro of each at only 1100, tho
aggregate will amount to a very large
sum, which however will bo only tho
preliminary to wuat win eventually
bo secured through tho results of the
Exhibition. There can be no question
but the great iron and coal producing
regions of Pennsylvania will be largely
visited, and necessary statistics should
bo furnished as to tbe available re
sources ; this will apply especially to
.1 ci I :.. fit l!t..
mo nouin wncru uirciiing win tviuuij
lie lound tor investment.
The case of the Cntholic priest, J
W. Ordeman, who recently violnted
his vow of celcbaoy by marrying the
oriranist of the church, is to bo heard
in Artww rwju, on natnnlay j he is
under indietment for tho alleged lar
cony of a largo sum of money belong
ing to tho church of which he was
2U,uuu snares oi Aiiuuia anu
mond Air Line Railroad Co. preferred
stock, sold here at public auction at 7
cents per share ; tho par VBlue was
$100 per share ; and $2,000,000 bonds
of tho some compuny-sold for 10 por
cent; they wore ti per cent, gold in
terest bonds.
A clerk in tho banking bonus of A
J. Drcxel Co. named Robert Sliibl
27 years of aire, has been held In $20,.
000 bail to answer the charge of de
frnudinir that firm of $25,000. Stahl
hod entered Into a tub ma partnership
with an nnportor ot wines and liquors,
and in tins business the alistractcd
fluids woro used. Stahl's real estate
has boon transferred to his sureties who
aro bound to make good his defalcation
A public mooting is to be held at the
(Jliaiuberof Commerce, to take actions
in the matter oi raising limns lor me
erection of a irrand Centennial hotel
Haifa million dollars will be raised for
this purpose.
Nearly 300 men have been discharg
ed from tho Navy l ard in this city,
the majority of whom resided in New
Jersey. . Their appointment was made
with the viow of aiding in the promo
tion of Mr. Robeson from a seat in tho
Cuhinet to a scat in tbe Senato; hav
ing failed, the Naval Secretary reduces
the oxpenscs about $H00 per day by
nincnartcinK mem.
jay cook a co.
This case la a second edition -of.
Jamil veer Jarndyee, in Bleak House
Since the selection of the Trustee, Mr.
Edwin M. Ijewis, President of the
Farmers' and Mechanics Bank in this
city, nearly $1,100,OUO in cash have
boen collected. A dividend of i por
cent in cash was declared in May last,
and it really looked as though the
creditors would get a few cents on the
dollar, but that sum was too much for
lawyers Graball, Floocera, Pluckem,
and Lovyhard not to have a whack at;
so up to tho first day of October, the
sura ot t-H6,nia.i3 nao neon cxiicnueu
in collecting and retaining $750,555.38,
, Kven this three-quarters of a mill
ion is too groat a sum lor the legal
gentlemen to let pass their hands, and
Judgo Cadwaladur, sitting in bank
ruptcy, has had enough of injunctions
presented to mm to keep the case in
chancery until tho year 1900 at least,
With an admitted indebtedness
amounting to ten million dollars, and
presumable liabilities exceeding $16,-
uou.dirii more, anu, witu a soore oi law
yom on the full scent after the remain
ing $750,000, the creditors aro fortun-
nte if thoy get two cents oa tho dollar
ol tliuir claims.! And yet the jay
Cooke I'ocific Railroad has the effront
ery to appeal to Congress for such
htilp as will enable it to"bankruptnro"
other pooplu just as badly.
' III view of tho high price of beef
and mntton, it may not bo out or place
In these letters, to observe that in
(treat Britain z7,WHi,non rahhlts are
annually bred lbr food. They aro
worth 12 cents a pound, which is 83
per cent, less tbsn nocf. The value of
the rabbit supply in that eonntry, fbr
1N73. is estimated at 7,rJ7,i""i.
Wo have In this city a niimlwr of
Madairoscar rabbit, which weigh from
10 to 1 4 pounds each ; they arc as tamo
as pigs or chickens, and cross readily
with tho ordinary Kngliah tame rab
bit, and 1 therefore mako the sugges-
tion that farmer's boys go into the
business of raising rabbits, believing
that it will prove Tar more remunera
tive than gathering chestnuts or wal
nuts. i .
' The labor of raising thorn will be
amply reliant by , tbe pleasure and
profit resulting tlicmfrom. Hucksters
am askine: as 75 cunts a piece for irflod
Wild rabbits, and 100 fine, flit bares
would, easily net the lads $50, and
what country lad is there who if he
undertakes it cannot raise that number
overy yearf . w. h
i ; i i :. na ibom, . , , ,,,! I
' Some time In November a prelimin
ary meeting of pig Iron producers was
neld In tho rooms ot the American
Iron and Htfol Association In this city.
It was- then determined to hare a
meeting of all the Trig Iron producers
in the United States moot here in IV
comber, and In response to tbe invitu
tion, representatives from 40 establish-
moms Weto present: ' ' ',' "' ',' "
The demand for iron bcimr far ' be.
Iiind tho supply, an agreement was
entered into lo decrease the production
one-half the capacity of each establish
ment, and to maintain such decrease
during allof the year 1875. It Was re
solved, however, tbat this combination
should not be binding unless two-thirds
m tho pig iron producers in the rmin
lrt snbscribed to the pTOKslllon, by
affixing their signature thereto.
The currency question was disrtissrxl,
and by a formal vote of those piweicnt
the 8-U5 Convertible Bond bill of Judge
Kelley received an emphatic endorse
meiit, by thrw-ftmrths of all pTcsent
voting lot a resolution MkhigCmigress
to enact t into a law. ' ,
, lnjrlng the evening a complimentary
bntirrnet was given. : In response to a
toast, Franklin Jf. Gowen, Km., Presl-1
dent of the Philadelphia and Reading
11.11. .mm,.ut IL., 1.1'L. 1
iMNiiwi.rniwii.vii time a ue inm III-
letet"- w this wwrttry was too wineh
scattered ; oi'nltl7 nd '-VK'tai
were Mwpil.ito ft)f JvBntaje
proilucors. The American Iron ti-ade
might learn a vaiusnie lesson irom tlio
lirilisli lrou and Stool . Association
which oimrntvs a a unit for tbe benefit
of all."- .. .' .
Mr. (iowru need not havo aone so
far as Great Britain for an exemplar
'or the Industries of this country. The
Heading Iron and Coal Company,
with its 00,000 acres or coal lands, is
ample evidence of the power of "Organ
isation and Association." If, upon
this subject, there are any doubting
Thomas's these doubts will be effect
ually removed by their having to pay
IH.&0 per ton for coal before this time
next year.
, . ( CHARM I BOSS. ;
f have just' been informed by Mr.
Ross that in AutrustlastCtnt. Wallintr
struck upon the trail of Hosier and
Douglass and has been following It np
ever since. Mosior is tbe man who
stole tho child, but it is doubtful if
Douglass was his companion on that
occasion. 1 hero were two others con
cerned with Mosier in the abduction
of Charlie, and those two men still
have the child. " '
Mr. Ross is of opinion that the boy
is alive, and for the reason that dipt.
ailing, ehiol ot the New York de
tectives, says that Mosior and his con
federates knew that he, Walling, was
on their trail and that their apprehon
sion was only a question of tune and
that the murder oi the boy would have
sealed their deatn warrant.
'J bo l'inkerton detective agency
pooh-poohed tho theory of the New
York and Philade)ihia detectives in
reference to Mosier, which to my mind
shows that the l'inkerton agency has
been groping in the dark from the
Douglass in his dying moments said
"Mosirr knoiri where Charli Km is."
Had the boy been in Mosior s posses
sion Douglas would bave said "Mosier
bos him," his dying statement bears
out Capt. Walling's assertion tbat four
men were concerned in the aooucuon.
Tho Now York Republic, the admin
istration journal, which was started a
few months since, suspended publica
tion last Monday. Tho Buffalo Courier
says its founders believed that the peo
ple wore inilirisoluhly wedded to the
lienublican nartv and would in due
time be ripe for the acceptance of the
"third term." Tho cloctions of the 3d
of November woro a political apo
calypse to these men and all who
thoutrht with them. It has taken a
few weeks for the revelation to inter
pret Itself to tbeir minds, but tho pro
cess is now complete. They see that
there is no support lor a urant organ,
pure and simple, in New York city,
and they wisely resolved, to abandon
the field.
In writing the brief obituary of the
Republic, let us do it justice. In its
columns admirable editorial work was
done and trrcat nows-rrathcrlnircnerfrv
manifested. Its seal and ingenuity in
manipulating southern news, and in
otherwise manuiactunng party senti
mcnt, would have made its fortune a
few years ago. But the "outrage
mill" is no longer a paying business.
Tbe tide of popular sentiment has
turned. There is no more a son in
which Grant on-ans can flourish.
Henceforth tho administration bae no
newspapers outside of Washington
with the possible exception of the (Vm-
mcrcial of this city, which will reliably
dance to its piping. The death of the
Republic is more than the decrease of a
newspaper enterprise. It means the
diaapjiearance of a political sentiment
"Truly loyal" partisanship dies with
It. It is the funeral of Urantism of
which we are called to witness the
celebration. As for the dofttnet organ
whose fall signalises the greater de-
catlenco, Its epitaph Is that 01 the
provorbial untimely birth
"il ao even I am ln
-I weader what i aaa bogaa fee."
At the timo of the failure of the
Freedman.t Savings Bank, Fred Doug-
lass assured tho depositors that they
should bo re-imbursen, as tbe assets of
tbe were stifnciont to meet all demands.
In this he was mistaken, and now a
bill is to bo introduced into Congress
allowing and ordering suit to be
brought against the individual corpora
tors of the Froedman't Bank to make
good the losses of depositors by the
monstrous and cruel mismanagement
of that, corporation. Among the in
corporators aro Peter Cooiior, William
Cuflun Bryant and a number of other
wealthy iew Yorkers and itostonians,
who lent their names to the bank on
its establishment and gave it respects
bility and the confidence of the depos
itors, j
A 8m;o Littlb Fbopibtt. The
bank of Knglnnd covers five acres of
ground, and employs nine hundred
clerks. There are no windows on the
street. ' Light Is admitted throngh
open courts. No mob can tako the
bank therefbre, with out cannon to
batter the immense wall. The lock in
the centre of the bank has fifty dials
attached 10 it. ' iarge cisterns are sunk
in the court, and engine in perfect
order aro always ready in case or are.
The bank was incorporated in 1694..
Capital !KI,uU(l,00U.
Batti.b or Nbw Ori.sans. The six
ty-third anniversary ot the Battle of
.New Orleans will be oolebratod by the
Democracy ol the city of Philadelphia
t.y a dinner at the Morebants itotel,
Fourth street, below arch, on the even
ing of January 8th, 187B, at 6 o'clock.
It is expected the gathering will be
large and the eitcrtnininent a fine one.
A number of prominent Democrats
from this and other States will be pres
ent. . :
k Jbw Suixnadi. The Now York
Sun says; lu Olean, in 'this State, the
people were gathered lo witness the
wodding of a young lady of tbe village
to a suitor Mom uoruand. The ap
pointed time passed, and, an knur Into.
the bridegroom made his appearance
In a shocking state of intoxication.
l ne ceremony was not portormed, and
that night the offender was tnkon from
tbe hotel, tarred and feathered, and
earned out or Ulean on a rail.
, i Tho South Carolina House of Hep
rescntativoa has adopted a concurrent
resolution prtitioningCongross to mako
an appropriation to Indemnity the de
positors In the Freedman's Havings
BunR, who wpro led to deposit money
thenr Iry the belief that tho federal
government would be responsible for
lis sate aorping. tvnai superlative
lirrmideneo. ;-.
Radical exchanges say that Repub
licans frenorally, 'regard the President's
message Is a clear, comprehensible.sen-
sinie uocument, oxeept that pan which
refers to the finances. Well, If there
was anything" sensible in the docu
ment, except vhst, wc failed n notice
( Hahdt rott liBoaui. Oeorife JIan.
dy Hmith, Arho for several terms has
Keen a meroix'r of the ntate legisla
ture from the First District of Phila
delphia, received tho appointment from.
the Hoerotary of the Treasury as apo
dal agent of the treasury department
at Philadelphia, , i
Col. Thomaa A. Scott, President of
the 1'enusylvania rai road, has been
elected President of tho, Northern
Centra) railroad.
A man In danger of being banged
said that of all the gupea of child
hood, skipping the rope would be (he
most agreeable. . , , , ,. ,
Five thtiaaanS men are now emorovod
on the oeMennial buildings and gronnds
in rnnsueipniB,
gtiv flufrttSfnuBtn.
Owing tw lb piittc, o lb Ink ll bulky it slow
out wur ilook
. . . . t , i
which will ha an advantage U hoth aa and onr
enaloaaara. Onr Hock ia large, eouatellnf of
Gents' Furnishing Goods.;
Vbioh we toteod mIIIbj ftt ooit fur tub.
We say Just What we Mean!
if yoB wieh ia aara from $4 (a $9 ob a null,
bow la your time to bny,
Our firat-elaai
Biagle euaU
Panta and Veata
Under SaiU
Over SblrU
Buok Ulovea
Suaneadera '
Ramrmber the place.
from lit OS to $20 SO
" t 00 ta IS SO
" 10 00 u e 00
4 00 la t 00
00 la
" 1 SO la
" I 00 u
" 1 11 to
" ' 10 to
It la
- 1 00 le
" 74 ta
I 00
4 00
i 00
1 00
4 00
Market atrcal, eppoeite
lae uean iionao.
A moetiog ef the aleekholdera af the Lower
Bridge Co. will bo hold at the offloe efW. D. Big
ler, ia Ple'a Opera Hoaae, o Taeodey evoBing,
January Hth, 1876, for the election of ofieore for
tbe aaauing rear.
Clearfield, Dee. ?l. Preeldelt.
Sheriff's Sale.
TtY virtue af write ef Iinri facfea. ta.
J aaed oat of Ihe Court of Commas Pleaa of
Vlearlleld county, and ta ma directed, there will
he eapcaed to PUBLIC nALK, at tbe Coart Uou.e,
IB tbe borough or tlearseld, aa wenoeaday. I.itb
day af January, IS7S, at 1 a'cloeh, a. m.f Ihe
followlag Heal Belata, 1 wit :
All the right, lllla, latercot aad elalm af the
Perhy Coel Company, of tba State af Ponaaylva.
Bia, tbe petVatlent, of, 1b and to all that eertaiu
treat, or piece of land, altaate In tbe towncbip of
Pecalar, ia the eaeaty of Clearfield and Stala af
1'enBaylraaia, uonnded and deaoribed ae fellowe.
10 wit:
Brglaaiag at s poet, earner of Oeorge 8hnlta,
in Ibe meadow below tba Coal Bank ; tbeBoe by
land af Teetc, Berth 31, degreee weat 17 perrbea
to a peel Utaaaa by reaidaeef tract af Joeaph
H'iiitetiall, aouth 14 degreee weat 104 perehee to
a poat; thence by the .erne, ooula tweaty-ais and
a hall degreee eaat eeventy.eevea nerobee to a
poet in lioorgo HfaalU liaaj theaoe by bad af
Sbolta, Borlb enty. three aad a half degreee eaat
aae oonured and lonr perchea to tbe place of be
ginning, aoataiaiogforly-BiBeaeroe and ana baa
dred aad aiateen perehoa.
A?ee, a eertala ather olaaa af land, adjoin log
ibo aoora, aoundaa aa loliewe, ta wll :
B.glaalag at a poat 1b tba aoulhweet eoraar af
the above tract ; thence by land af Lloyd, north
Iweaty.eU and a half deg.eea wael fifty-two aad
a half perehee ea n peett Ibeaoo by laada ef Iba
aame, Berth etity-taree ana a kali degre
1B4 perchea tea pact la aa old line : theaca by
laada of Pallllpa and Teat, eoath ID, degreee
Beat oli perehee ta B birch eepliug aa the fore. or
treat tbenee by Bet treet aouth Cl degreee
weet iot perehee ta Ibeplaco of begiaajag aon
taiaing thirty -fear scree, aad twenty perehee ,
hath the said plaaea maaing 04 acre., aara el
brae, being part af a larger tract ef laod, war
ranted In t&. aama ol JoeepB n bllebau.
Alio, That eertala aieoe or tract af lead, aita-
au is Peoalur lownvhlp, Clearfield euauty, and
stala arereaala, baaaaed and deeartbed ae ful-
Alee, All theee alt eerUla eontigueua traeta or
pereeli af lead, lyiag aa the water, af tho Me
ehaanen areek, ia tbe waa lice of Clearfield aad
veatre, M the Stala ef renneylvaaiai
One treat OB the eaet eida of afoabaaaea eraab
Ib Beak tewachtp, ia the aonaty af Ceatra,afara
eeld, beginnicgatspoat of traota, Joka Wlda
aaa aad Jacob W ideman I tbeaee by Jeha W ide-
aaa, aorui co aegreee weet V8 perchea ta aa old
apraea eoraar, Bear Meebanaaa creek ; Ikeaoa by
tract ef Robert uteae, aad laada af Johaees and
Bowmaa, sarlh 421 degreee eaet 4S0 perehee to a
peat aa the eaat aide ef MoehaaBoB I tbeaee north
If degreaa eaet 03 perehee lo a peel thenoe by
araea w jaaoo Keen, eeaia an degreet eaet 1
perehee ta s poet theaaa by lend of Heory
Crammaad, aauth 00 degreea weat A1S parebee
ta a poet, and place at beginning i being Ihe
aame tract ai land aarveyee aader warrant, to
Jacob Widamaa. and aeataiBiaa 401 aerea and
tt perehee, aad aa allowance, af 4 per eaau for
Oae ather tract, eltaate partly In Baah tewa-
able, Centre eeaaty. aad parti, in Morrla laws
chip, Clearfield aoanty, adjoiulag aad bonndad
by traeta aarveyed an warreate,to Jaeub Wideiaaa,
Robert OIcbb, David Lawah, Qaorga Hahaher
aad Jeeaa HaraaH, and aoataialag I4 aeewe,
eaare or eaaa, neing tae eama tract anrreyod aa
warraai graaieo in rater raraall.
One other tract situate principally ta Rath
townebin aforeeaid. beaiaalBa at a aeanla
af Jaaao Yarnall tb.oce by aame, aonb 70 de
greea wen iw-tt peranea to a maple, oa tba beak
of IfoeheaaeB creek tbenea down the MM a Ttl
peeebaa ta a pael thesee by land af Jacob Beak,
roelh M degroeaa weal 141 perrbea u Ihe pleee
oi aegiBBiogt aoniaiaiag ezil aerm. aad al
owaaae af ai. per aoal. for roada, Sc., being
en iraoe ewrvaywa an warraai te neatauklB
Oae ather tract eHaale la Vnrrti tewaahlp,
aaoreaara, aogiaaing al wane aaa corner el ra
ter Varaall i thenaa by aama, north 47 degreea
weat US perehee le a coot) Berth, 41 da.
greeeeaeevvpereaeeiaamapiei taeaea Borlb,
71 degreea eaat 140 narehea toa maple ea bank
of sloebannuB areak ; taanaa by BeaJamiB Hat.
tla, eoath 74, degreaa eaat 1031 perehee be a ma
ple IhcBca eoath, 17 degreea eaat 144 perohea
ta a black aak I thence couth 10 degreea weet 84
perohea ta a white aak tbenea ooatb 10 degreee
wee. lie perenee ea piaaa af bagiaaiagt oeej.
taialag 431 aerea, aad alieeianoe, beiag the eama
tract aarveyed ea warrant te Jeeee Varaall.
One ether tract, earreyed aa warraat ta Jobs
Wldcmaa, hegionlng at a pact ob tbe weet aide
of tbe Brie Turnpike t Ihenoe by raaidae ef tract
William Patter Berth 40 degreaa weat XI 4-4 ner
eboe, 10 a Po.t thaaee by load of Wm. UcClol
laad Berth 124 degreee eaat 44 1-4 Dercbee. to
a poat thence aorta It) degreea neat TO perehee
to line ef Wm. Patter) tbeaee by aald tract north
47 degreaa weet 100 perehee, ta aa eld beach
corner, near baaa liomoerdf tbenee by Juhn
Reed north T6 degreee eaat 04 perchea, te aa old
aak Ihenoe by anrvey af Patrick llaye aotth 40
degreea eaat lit perehee. le aa old hickory clamp;
lhaoee by Ibe eama north 44 drgroel eaat 44
perehee, ta aa eld dead birch tbeaee aorta 40
degreea eaat 14 aaeahaa to, s peel an bank of hte
aheaaaa areeh thaaee by the aama Berth 4! de
greee eaat SO parebee te aa old forked maple aa
baah af ereeh t tbeaee by Bobcat Oleaa Berth 04
degreee eaat St perehee te aa aid bee. lock ,
Ihoaee by Jacob Widemea eeelb 44 degreaa eaet
4 perchea , ta a po.1 la Una of tract af Jacob
Myari thence by eald tract and tract of John
hirer aowth be dagreee weet 414 peeeheo la a pact;
tbeaee by Brie Turnpike eeelb at degree went 4
perebea aorta 44 degreea weet 4 perehee, aorta 74
degreea weel V perehee, eoath 45 degreea weat 14
peeebaa, eeelb 47 degreea weal tl aerobe., la
paet aad peace af begiaalaf awatawina 441
aeree, 74 perebea, aad allowance.
And aae alber tract-anrveved aed. Mmi
ta Jeaah Beab, bagtaalaf at a poet aemer eaet
at the new tarapihe Ibeaee by iraaU af Cbria.
tlaa Meeeer aad Aadraw Uraf aoaut44 degreaa
went jeu perebea, te a poat af Jeha Widaman ;
tbenee by the eaaaa Berth dt deerraee writ 141
perchea la a poet theaaa by treat ot Jeaoa Tar
Bell north 1 degreea east perehee, lo aa aid
white aak i Ibeaee by aama north 1 1 degreaa aaet
47 perebea, Ua pool! thenoe by name north 17
degreee weat letl perchea, aa aa aid white aak ;
tbenee by treet af Benjamin at art la aeetb 00
degree! eaat 141 nerabea. te aad aid abarrr tree
oa bank a Block Ibeaee eoath 40 degreea aaal
pvroewe, w lae piaoo ai aogiaaeag aaataea-'
lag im narea and US sertkoa.aad allewanee . he.
lag the aama all traela or piecea af laod aad
premtoot which Joba Truobt and etbcra,by ladea
lara, data 4lb day af Oe tower. 1144. arnatod aad
aoavayed la Jaoneo Meteea la lee, erbo cold aaal
eeavayed the aaaaa le aald deleadaat, the Derby
Veal Company, af Ihe State af Peanaylvaoia.
WBiea deeerlhad laada are aadeleid wlrh
miaee af btlamiaoaa aaal, ma epeacd aad be tag
warked by aald derendeat sompaayf and having
railroad I rack, laid thereia. sod rallreed track.
spaa aald premteea, aeaaeeteaa wrih iba Tyrone
aad VlaarSaW dtvmioa af tba Veaaeytvaaia Uea
tral railroad i together with fifty coal cere eed
laaide enid mlae. for trnnaporUng coel la Ihe
dampa. Sard miaee octet alee eepplled whh ob.
weeaaamaey aaabaa.m tor mlelag aesl. Anal
eald promieee baring eroctod tbareaa eaa doable
frame mlaero' hoaae, a atebte, asd
wetaad, Inkaa la Bleealla and ta be eeht aw
wa property af Iba Vetbji Deal Cemaaa ef
PaaaayiraBla, , ,
Ibe properly ah.U be atrach eg maM be paid al
Iba tlma af aaaa, at each ether arrBageaceojte
made ae will be depraved, aUaerwiea the pneiarty
Immediately awl aa Bad aald agaia al the
" ace re aad rlih al tba perrea le whom It went
strack af, aad aha, ia eaea af aXcieacv at asoh
re-eala, ehall mahe goad tba lama, and In ao ta.
aa aaoa aa wveeaBtM m Iwart for
aroaeoeca asBms s maaey aa aataaMy Paefi
Baaarrr'i Oratca, 1 ShHlfi. :
Cktrfi.ld, Pfc, Iho. J, U74. J
gCffjnl Hi'trtUrmrnti.
Sheriffs Sale.
- By virion af canary writ! ol Ver "aine la,1
euro out of the I'oarl af Ciuaaon I' leu of Clearta
tild Muwftv. antl to mm dlrtMlod. tharo Will to 4
aipuMtJ la public tbOvuri MtUM,iB
uviouiq oi vivarnoiai oa w aantar, iu ijipim
da; ol Januarr, left, at I a'skieh f. tn. the fel
lowing iteacribud reatBtele, le wit v- .i
All that certain uieee of land ailosla la Until
townahip, Ulenrtleld oountj, 1'n., being ert uf
warrant No. 11.77, hounded and deaeriOed aa ful
lowai Beginning at a white oak, corner of laud
eonveved to Wui. Woodaj Ibeaoo aluug Ibe aaoie
caat or. perahea more nr leaa lo etonea ; thence elill
bv aame aouth III) percbea mora or leaa lo atone t
thenoe at ill be aauie eaat 71 perch. a ajore or l.aa
lo Hemlock i tbenee etill bv aanio aoalh III perch-
aa more or leaa ta a hemlock I thence allll by aame
r"'1-" w ww.. ,
land ot John Uroudorf eoath IK perchea more or
leaa lo a hiohoryi Ui.ooe weat Ida pereh.a sua
or iom ie a puai lueuee aorta ev negreea wee.
Hflfi-IU perchua more or leaa to apuetjlhenae
Bonn 01 e-tv percuee more or icaa to piece 01 na
fLODlnf , fJMltVtaiOg j4 WN Mat adit iKlMt ui
RllooauM, wore r iu, mtrviug out ef lit tbuv
t ieri Knit Ktt finhm or m Um. omvw!
ud deMribvtl ia 4 em! (r Jmo ii. Suitb euiel
tl to Jufaa j i-4 iId April leUi, UIU,
titi rmrurilcd in Clttfliil tout im 4k bouit
K i ib SttS. ALwMt alg wrM f U propartjr
U cUmwI od Ik bftlMtw In wwd iMi. tul.
ukw in xcattuB avuti m Mwlii m th rwMiwy
t J. C. Huiib. . i ...i h ut ! i '
Alio, til lint Mrtttln UMt of land lituaie g
L'losarlvld 0011DI7, PvuBiylvMi. bvgiuuiDg ttl
wbtl piD 1 tbiue nurtti SO Uegrtvi wtt, prt!j
in ttf land of Uiorg J, You and utberi, 1AH
Iiticht-i boi or leta to iton ui touth boaodarjr
iH of IrMt No. 670; thtlloo Mt ID Ibe tuulh
bosndtrr lla of Mid trial tio. 67 49 1-10 D-r-
ebi uiur or Itu to tont ttionot ntb lo lino
ui iMia 01 Aain ion vj rvhM more or Ion to
itou-; tbtao tut in Hat of land of laid Adam
You 4 Mi parcliaa to a atono j lbno wotb in
lia af land ol Mud Yom HU amnkm lo m tLaum ia
lino af land af Knaiua UtU, (Jrlj Uwrga
hvtb)t Uanoa waalia Jia ( Uud 1 aaid Lnibw
02 4-1V parobai lo a lui piua and UaM at b
flaalogp oonialoiuf b&t mm mvn or le
4SUi, Ukn In execution nod to ba aold a lb
frepertyof Uwtj n UtUiaiBjrer.
Taam or Balo. Tk iirioa or earn a whiob
tba profjarljr ihaUl be auaak off b paid al
ine una 01 itia, or aaaa aiaer arrangrmaaii
aaa at will oa approrwl, etbarwlia tbapropartjr
will ba ImaaediatvlT pat an and aold again at
Ibe aBpaoM and riik ef the trtoa to wbom it
waa aUuek off, and who. in eat of dfleianj at
aucb ra-iaJtj, iball make good tbaaaina, and in no
Inataaatwill tbe Dead bo preaentad In Court for
eooSruation aalaaa tba 0.00-7 otual1y paid to
tboaertn. W. aU HhaHr.UNl
hHaairr'i Orrivn, l Sh-riff,
Cleartald, Fa., Dee. 1874. J
SherifT's Sale.
BY vlrtuoofwrltaof V4iiioi tfrwa(f iiawed
owt of tbt Ooort ef Common Plaaa af Clear
field eeunly. and to mt directed, there will
bo ex toed to public aale, at the Court Houe,
In tbe borough of CUerheld. en Monday, tba
llth clay ol January, IS 7ft, at 1 a eioeB, p
Ibe following deeeribed real eitato, to wit t
A eertain tract of land eltawtw In the Tillage of
Peoville, Penn town id ie, Clearfield ooeoty, ra.,
boanded and draoribed a follow: Beginning
at Ooraer of lot of Jaeeb Donghman aad the
maia etroet la aaid village i theoee along aaid
maia atrael aoutb 100 feet oa tba bank of the lit
tle mill pood; thenoe by bank of aaid pond 00
feet to turner and lot of J. Doughmaa; thenoe by
lot of aaid J. Uougbnan lftf feel nor or leaa ta
pleee of begluaing. Belied, taken la execution
and to b aold a tbe property of Plorenoe 0' Leery.
Alee, a eertain traet of land eltaate ia Eteeewrla
towwehip, Cloarfleld eounty, Penoaylrania, bound
ad oa the aouth by land of Me Far lend aad Dil
lon, we by land of Samuel lUgerty, nortb by
land of L 1). Wald, and oaat by land ef J. B.
Dillon, eonUiniag eighty-Ire aerea, more or Iom,
and having about eixly-flre aonw ef cleared load,
a log hoaae, log barn and a large bearing orchard
thereon. Selaed, taken In oxeeation aad to be
old oa tho property af Matthew Cowan.
A lo, a cortata timet el land aitoate in Beeearla
lownabip, Clearfield county, Peuuiy I vania, bound
ed on iho aouth by land of Mc Far land and
Dilbia, weal by tend of hamuel Uegerty, worth
by land of L. b. Weld and eaat by Und of J. B.
Dillcn, aontnining eighty-five acre, more or letl,
and having about listy-lve aeree of cleared land,
a log beoee, logbam,andalrKeboariogorobard
UwrooB. tieiaod- twken In exoeuiion and to be
eold ft tbe property of Matthew Coweo.
A lo a rtaln tract of land, aituatc ia Beeearla
townahip, Clearfiotd county, Penaylvaaia, bound
ed oa tho $: utb by land of MeFarlaad and
DUIrft, weit by land of Kamual llagerty, nortb
by land of L. D. Wald, and oaat by land of J. B.
Dillon, aootainiDg eigaty-five aerea, mere or leaa,
and having about eUiy-troocroe of elearrd land,
a log houee, log barn, and a large bearing orchard
thereon. Belied, taken In execution and to be
aold a tbe property of Matthew Co wen.
A lao, a eertaia traet of load situate In Dewtt
dftla, Clearfield county, Pewniylvaaia, bouaded
on the north by lot of Jamet Haley, aouth by
lot No, 80, eaat by Oeorge otreet, and weet hj
Maple alley, ana known a lot No. fiS in tho
plan af aaid borough. A Urge frame booae,
known aa tbe Buropcaa Hotel, Ice houee. etabte.
blacktmlth ebop, aad ether owt building them. a.
Seined, taken ia oteeatiea aad to be aoM aa the
property of w illtam Parker. '
Alao, a eertaia traet ef land aitnate In Jordon
townahip, Clear fie Id eouaty, Pennsylvania, bound
ed by laada of J. It. Patiereon, T. A M. mtib, O.
Krataer, M. Uilligoa, Joba McAlliator, aad B.
It. Taylor, containing one hundred and olxty
acre more or leas, beiag part of tract warraatod
to David Baaltb. Botsed, Uhow la execution and
to be sold as tbt property of g. M. Dickenaaw.
garnishee of Peter Moyr.
Also, a eertala tract ef land, tituata la law.
reaee townahip, Clearfield county, Poaaaylrania,
bounded on the north by Clearfield ereek, on tbe
aoet by tend of William Scbryrer, on tba weat by
land ef Oaorge Butler and on the aouth by tend
of Robert Porter, eontaiatag twenty area, all
cleared aad having ft Iww-atory frame beuao.
frame stwbie, jo by 3e reel, and other itnprora
menu thereon. Belied, taken In exeeution and
to be seld aa the property of Alloa aad Mary A.
Lamadaa. . ... :, -
Also, ft oertftia traet of load altwato te Cheat
towaahip, Clearfieldeooaty, Puaiy I vaa ia., bound
ed aa followai Oa the eaat bv lands ef John Me
Cord, ea the aenlh by trod of land la tbe name
of William vYileoa, on tbe nortb bj tract warraat
od in the aanie of Uuadakor aad on the weal by
tend of B. A. lrvia A Co.. containing about two
hundred acres and being improved. Helted, ta
ken la txweutiea and to bo aold aa tho pvoporty
of William Uilligoa and Michael Uilligoa.
Alto, a oertain tract af land, eitwote te Pergu
tow townahip, Clearfield county. Penn ty) ran ut,
bounded by loads of II. Lewi, H. 0. 11 am ii toa,
Matthew bloom, John P. Head aad other, wow
taiaiog two hundred and tbirtata aerea, mure or
leaa, end having aerauty aoree cleared, a large
barn, dwelling hoaae and bearing orchard there
on. Set aed, taken ia exeowtioa nod to be aold aa
tbe property of John Campbell. . ,,i n , I j
Alae, a eertaia traet or land ol'nato la el owl -Jala
borough, Clearfield aonaty, Pennsylvania,
boanded east by lot Ne. Ill, aeetb by Clara street,
woat by lot No. 16T and worth br Bear aUer. and
hnoww aa lot Mo. 168 ia tho plaa of aaid burengb,
aaa saving a email iraxno dwelling aonte tnenion
erected. Hailed, taken In oeeoulioa and to bo
old a Ibo property af Mania Aeh. .
Aleo, eertain lot af tend altwato la tho bor
ough of Houladalo, Clearfield count Penwavlva-
nia, bouaded eaat by lot No, 187. weat by Pine
oiiey, nortn oy bii alley ftna eoutu ny Mary
treat, nud kaowa oa lot No. 188, nod having
tborooa ft am all frame dwelling howaor Beiaed
token ia execulioa end to be aold aa the property
of Timothy Oormaa.
Alto, a eertala town let lltoate la Oeceola bor
owgb, Uoarfiald eouaty, Ponntylvaaia, bounded
worth by Kelly, aoath by David kephart, eaet
by KUievheth trct aod weat by liurna, and
having ft frame bourn and other om build inn
tborooa. Baited, taken hi execution and to a
told a tbt property of il. M. Kopbaft. , ... ! :
Alao, ft oertain traet of tead altnvtt la Itoaatwt
towaahip, Cloarfleld county, Pennsylvania, begte
ing at a epraee stump en the Oeceola and 1'hil
Ipaburg road tbeaee by aaid rood aorta 40 do-
000 eaat ll peril. to poet avar piao itbewoa by
oplolea Coal t!o, worth ow degreea weal dl
S arches to a sprweo ; thenoe eodth Sa Jegreoe
4 freroheo to pott with pine nud sprue potatort
tbeaee aowth aa degreaa oaat 14 perebea to plaaa
of begiaalng, eoatotaiag three aod ooo-balf aoroa,
fteiaed, taken la excoilioa and to be ou!4 ft the
property of Thomaa Athoreft.
Atte.a oertaia tract of land iltunte te baealar
town ship, Uleatweld county, Peawsyl vania, bound,
od tonth by the Urpik ewai by Uoerga D. Mor.
gant north by Beaver run and weat by 3, . Ma
Uirk, containing hur and a half wenwaud ha v.
torre two atary rVame tavom boaee aod
other ewtbwildiaca thotwoa oreetod. Heiaod.
en ia axt-ouuoa and u wo tola m Uw propertr
of BIIm Walk. 1 r
Altw, all thai eertahj irftfjlof land Jtaavt I.
Doaatar townahip, CleartoM oownty, Pewneylva
te, beuwdod aouth by tbt Krla tarapihe, owat be
lands ef Ueorgt D.Morgow, aorta by Beaver rwa.
ad weM by tead of J. D. MeUtrh, eonulntag
tour nnd ft ftalT aorua aad ha viae a UrnitM.
hotel aad Mbwr watbuildinga thotwoa ataniiml i
oeiaeo, imob in execoitoa and to ha aald u ta
property of Kllaa Walk, , .
Alae, a eertala tract of tana iltuate ia fttT 1K
Ugo of PuaoyvlUe, Woodward towashto. ria.
field etunty, Pewwsttvabte. bounded nb
: bv pnblie nod, en the eeuth he lasJ r j.n
Moore and ot the west by lot of Humuol n...'
tuatoialag oboat owe nr and wavteaa booi..
BJ l"rm- ! xftowtoft
II ; f"r"'7 VOOe UBMrXWi
in (oou aiiuaat te prady
towwihlp, Clearfield ceuoly, Pewrtsylvanla; on the
Irte tolnplkt, about tea mHoa wart of La her,
hnrgt hogiwning wt tugew thence worth Si dt
grooa teal baroliea to etonea j ibeaco by Krit
twrnplke worth n degreet weit 11 T ie perebea to
poet i tbcwjco worth to degiwot wea ! nhw to
ttoaeai twoaeo aoath tfi daarraaa wwtt aa aw-ho
to atoaeat tbenoe aouth 871 degreea oaat 4 wer
ebea to pott ; thence aouth It degreea west 9t
yerehet to beta leek r tfcewoo worth BV .fegtwee oaat
T4 pcrtwwa m ptett of hogiantng, oeauiateg
about fifty aerea aad ultowaweo, aearly olleteavrod
and bating a large dwelling houee, ater hoaae,
ham, other watbwildiagt aog beortag Orchard
Alae. aQ tboaa twelve taen UeU aMatr. ia. u
Tillage of Bora her rer. Clab& i...
yl-iiila nnd Hewn in tba plan of H Wo a.
Iialai Mm m m a m e. V. L ... . .
Terva'4 , addiliua. . 'eld'. .
fmr aerea aad perebea. Including alleye, do.
Belaed, rahea In aionuoa aad lo be cold so tba
property af Juliae A. Ivtwa. h'... . pi , .
Tsairo as litaTht artee at aaa, 'M vkMI
Ui. yreaerty .bell be alme eeT leaot be paid at
the time af aale, or nob ather arraagaaaaBIt
made ae will be approtata, elberwle. the proper,
ty Mil ba Immadiacely pn up Bad told tgeda at
the eipeaee aad etak af leva paraaa te wham H
wee etraah af , aad who. ia aaaa ed 4a.i..
aaal resale, ehall make good tba aame, aad la
ae lactam will tkd Bead ba areecMed la Cewrl
for OnaarvneUea BBleea iba eaaaua ben
pal M ttte hharitT. . W. B. MiiPliBjBBOM,
eiHrfeld,r,.(DH.ft,tlT4, j
i fpl (U'frtinnut.
Sheriffs Sale.
"lay flrrna e)f wrlla atfwW ''oa, la.ned ;
J oft of I Be Court of Mnmufe Plata ef Clear-
Maid ouatv ftnd la io Jiraofcd. lkr will
aipoiad ty V0UIJO "All, at tba ( pv-t llotua,
ui oorowio oi viovwa. .wiB.r, tn
Ulh of Jneuary, m, at I e crack,
be rotfowinf eeraa.uai prorarif, to nwi i
'-AH ekataarMa tWrt of -tend altaala la Booua
rla lownabin, Clearfield eouniv, fennavlvaula,
bounded end deaoribed aa Witt Begin
ning at white oak eornerj Ihenoe north aaveotoon
drgraea caat fortv-Sve aarehaa ta a naett Ihouoa
eaal ana bumlred aaa eight perehee la atunaa 1
thenae aaesh ihirttltw.i ,ia-n iraiy penhea
u, nuat I thence aauth aevcntv.llve dcireea treat
,1,1,1, ..J one-hall narehea lo noali thenaa couth
grteen degreee eaat ninety percoci lo poali Ibenoo
nortn aeventy-ave oegreoa eaat miny-inur percn-
M to poa) 1 thanca poiith due daree waM tlle(
nereher ii 'etoneaV Ih.riee eraiUi eiKlity-all ie.
ereea M
treaa eaat tbirtr.eialii Darebra to wbiia oabi
thanca louib furttwu airoiji cut forU ppiL.
decreet etvit Iwanty-ilx perobe to Olaarflelit
ereek Ibe 0 tie up tbe ereA'etli-lpn dagraaa wait
twenty -nine perohea 1 tbeaee aowth thirlj-two de
grsewi eaat Mtaatfljre pcrobei to IrvnfoodJi
tbeaee eoatb ittflm dgrta waat aa bwiwlred
Wl inids pvixntrf ifn yumf mmtmm mvttm wwn- .
e. A ...4 IWanla a. 4 evil at tan I -
I w. uvea ea fjiwrwanr vera-, iwwui.-h.w j"" - - ,
tbenoe ap tba attk worth tbirtpeoae dagraaa Weat
niaetj-aevto pre Itfjt ( iUw bjr aaownotb
entcon degreaa wat eighty-two pcrulira to ahink
ory on tba right bank of tba arflek thend north
bS doieai oat ooe ireh te Matf Ibauee north
thirty-eight drgreea wait sixteen paroboi to plufj
tfaaoee aoalb aereaty-Are d-fnei neat ooe miia
tbrwaa;narter perehee to poet , tbmaa nortb Uriy
Bra dejcraei wait three parohe te pout ; ihenoe
nortli l?Ly denrtea ajftat faiy4wo jjovflitata m
pott) tbenee ftorlb forty dojjr-ea weat ten and
nina-tcntb perebfa io m poati tbenea Buhtb A fly
tSttgiwee weat aine anf a half powbea to a fwat i
tbaiioe nortb ii degreea weat SO perebea to poet ;
tbenee aouth fflttj-bte degreee we eleven iwrob
ea tbenea north tbirty-lour aii'l half oaf race
weet twenty-three werebee t paatt tbenea aatb
Sfiy-ire aad a naif degreaa weal Are parebee to
putt i tbenee worth fttriy -ftva iiejfrwa wont ninety
two perebea ta white oak and plaeaof begiooiDg,
eoataiaiog owe hundred and ninety-five aorci,
more or luaa, with a large twa-atory frame bvuae,
targe bank bnrt n otha outbutiwUag Iherwon
erocted. Saiie-i, taken lo exeeution end W be
aald ai the property ef Caleb Copenhmver. " 1
Alee, all that eertain lot of groan fl ailaaU at
New Kalem, Cltarfleld eeuntr, Pennaylfania, be
gin a ing U eorntrof I. llefgh'alfrt on Erie turn
pike tboaoe by laid lot auth flfty-t e aVfreaa
weat twelve perebea to eorner of Heigb'f lei and
Hoe of John Potter tbenea north along tbe l'o
ler Una aeTenty-lve feet to aw alley ; theoee along
aald illey aoutb thirty-four and a balf ddgreee
eaet tweaty-ftjtir feet tw peat en laadl ' K. Kilh
al Ihenoe by Hiibal nrrth fifty -five degreee eaat
hurtMn parohi to pike, tbenoe along torn pike
north thirty-four and a hair ejegrewa wwat ninety
feet la plaea of begineiag, containing aaventy
two prbee, and having a dwelling hoaae, ft able
and other iraproreaienU thereon. Beieed, taken
ia eteealiaa and te ba aold ae the property ef
Ueore netted ... , .
Alee, a eertain lot lltuata In the berftogh tf
Wallaeeton, Cleirneld ermuty, Pennaylvaaia, and
known at lot No. IS In tbe plaa of uid borough,
and having a hoaae and other outbuilding, treet
ed thereon. Belied, taken In exarutlon aod to be
aold aa the property ef Jeha A. Weetbreoka ' - ' -Alto,
ft eertaia lot eltaate In llowfadala bor
ough, Clearfield aonaty. I'ew tuylveaie, kaeerw aa
let No. 10a, wad baring a Iwe-atory frame boae
IS by SI feet. Bitaated on tba northweet eorner
of Pine eMy and Mary nreec, and atndiwg
north lo Kik alley. Selaed, taken IA execution
and lo be aold aa tbe property ef P. MeIeriaott.
Aleo, all defeadut'a tntareat In tbe following1
reaj oatate, altnata la Bradford town eh rp, Clear
field eoBDtv. Pennivlraaia. eonteioln about
three aerea, wore or left, bounded and defWf4led4-"
aa follow: Un .be eaat by B. Hmeal, weet by Ihe
taonpike, avrtb by Jxaiea Hmeal and on tbe eath
by Bdojila Htneal, and having erected thereon
a twa-ttjry phtak hoaae and Malltkhle Aelte i. ,
taken io exeoutinn aad to ba told aa tba proisorty
of John P. eUu.Ur.
Alto, all the intareit (balng fen nndlrlded ome
tbird) in a eertain treet ef land, ettwale ta Brady
towaihip, UlearfieM oawnly, Paaaaylvaaia, bowed-,
d and detwibed aa fellow l beginning at a poat
eorrx of Irani Na. lvf8; theoee along the awiue,
eoath tV degreer eait AM l-IA perchoe to a poit
ua line of trwot l&(4 ; thenoe along tract SUM and
balance at treat t0V aoutb tbree-feortha defffyeo
woat 470 perohea to ft poet an line of trwot 17 1
tbewee worth 41 degrwa aal ii aiaatoe weet 4S
perehee to a henloek ) tbenee north 88 degreee
weet S04 perebea to aaeltw; tbenoe north 3S de
greea weet 7 perehoa to pin earner of treet IS
tbenee along mob north SH degreea ftnd t0 min
uua waet 137 peirbef to ft hiekory ; thenoe north
one degree and Ira eeoond weat 17 perohea to a
maple t tbenee ftorth degrwaa weal i I fi-10
perebea to a beech ; tbenee worth owe degree eaat
W perebo to ft pt, Ihwwlaow of beginning, tm
taining eight hundred and alxteea and fifty tit
one bundrwdtba aeree, aad being part of warrwat
Mo- SwOtt. iteiag ibe aaaaa tract or pioee f load
among etbera aoavayed lo fcbert Uaborn, A. F.
Haum and John Carrier by John DuBoii by deed
dated Mereb loth, Uft, reoorded at Clearfield in
itaod Hook V V, oagea M, 0 1 , ate. 6ei td, taken
ia execwUow aad to ba old aa the property-of
Robert Oabora. .... .. - ,j
Tnawn or 8at.a.-The priee ar ui at which
fba ptwveriy ehall boauwek at arwat bo paid al
tbe time of aale, ar aoeh aiher ftrraageosenta
made a will be approved, otherwise the nrowertv
M1 be Immediately pot wp and wald agwia mtl
mm Kee ana atea of be per eon to whom it
waa atrwek ot 4 flaM f defieieoey at
aueh re-aale, iball mat good the aama. ewd la
ao iaiUneo will ihe Wed be proaeeud: im Court
for roalrmaUoa anleaa tfaa money ia aotnally
paid te the HberiC W. E. Vcl'HKHHON,
flHumrr aOrrtcir, I fiherbf.
Clearfield, Pa., Oet. S8f lgft. i ,y ,H " '
1TTHBRBA8, Ho.. O. A. MATER. PratitUot
1 T Jwdge or the Coart of Common Plea of
tba Twenty-fifth Judicial District, tompoaod of
Iht eounttea ef Clearfield, Oewtre and Clinton
and Hon. Wiluow 0. Polwy and How, Joww J,
lU.tft, Associate Jvdgva of Clearfiold eouaty
have issued their wreecnt. to me direettd. for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleat, Orphan
uowri, vonro of varter eotaiaaft, voart or uyar
aod Ternrinwr, and Oodrt of ttenorwl Hii teeliv-
ery, at the Court Heuaeal Clearfield, iatxwd aWlho
oowoty of Otearield, tommeweiag ww Iht o4&oe.d
JMuwday. thoiithdayof 4mm l1w.aad -to
eontlnue one weeh. n - -
NOTICIB lh theretere, Wiwbw give ehe
uorwoer, jwaneaa wi tat renews aaa Uowtwwlot.
lw wad for eaid eoanty of Clearfield, lo eppoor te
their proper pcreooe, with their Rooorda, Roll,
inqemuoBt, xaaiaatrowt, ftad oiler tbatoem-
branota, to do thoe thingt which to fbtlr oBieea,
nndteti)rbfthair,MitolaUW4na. U i
U1VBN nnder my band at Clearfield, t&fi lota
lay of December, in tbt year of our Lord, oat
1 tWueowd eight hundred and eevewty-four. , ,
; W. H. McPHKRSOR, Sticrlf. '
rtJr -fi 4 t4,t fyr
All persona are harewv wotiflwd wot t "tail
any lumber or timber on the public roada in,
Lawranon towaihlp, ant to nte or ooowpj any of
tbt same along tbe river or creeks in aaid tft.
chip, for piling or rafting tlwrber or lumber, w;tb
out tht permitcien and agreement of tbe evnwr
viton In writing be first obtained. The' dwtiiI-
tioa provided hj tew wUl ho ttrteUy oaloreod
agalaat all periyii i vlpiatioj tMi
J.i MoBIUDI. - ;'
J. H. PAKKn, s. t.
U,J' rttepervlaore.
PlIBllehed hu.rlertv'.-Ljiir.d. wi..v
jael leaned, aad aanlaine avar IHO aaveev eat M)
aagravtnire, eVeerlpticne ad ararethan Matt eftjur
neat rtnerejra and V rt;r-tablca, wlih direc
tiaaafenaiallarvelcredi'lale, etc.1 The neat
aeaful mad etcfaa werht al -She 'hind' ha aha
warld. Only HI eenla far Ihs eaar. Pabliabed
Is Bagtlck and Uetmaai, Addceaa, , . .vt,,.,
tvcMdih t, .,. Bocbaeiar, Y.
J .. - . -el , a. . I ,,.,,.
. Bailee f hnelr gives that the eeffwrrenlp
heretefeee nlillag hceraaa dleveanler Watn;
Mania I. Nlchela and Oeaar B. hl.rrelt. endar
eha aame af Weteea, Nlehnla k 04., ht Carwaae
Ville, Pa., was dleeelred by metea-aeaeaeta.
taa 14th say at Veeerabeae, thehemaa.ealeaaad
ar aaveeetcaa ejMa yn.ilca, alee. J
I Of t. It. lvaeMt, A Yheraejelel, far
tm the bead.
aattlemaat and enllaethra.1
' lf yUoaasV vhai tefchr WrrmaVtsiW. rli
-' ea pea.iT ensealing ir un iiw io.
lowioe Branerlr. aaa la the hande of R. B. P1
rertoa, of Lawrence towaahip, vitt 1 bay lioraa,'
t act doable harneaa, aad I heifer, aa Iba name
aeionga ta Bae aad la left with hiaa, aobiecl to ny
order. .ill i. . tlLhUll. ,
Ulearfiald, Bes. 1 I4f4. tt ,V
mAKF vnTirit
;r- 7-rr-,zi'i"jf.i .v .v,
Peraona awing Iba ol flrwj Crerious to Da-
Peraoaa ewlng Ibo old firm Inrarli
er lat, 1474) af '
vwm.o-r ., ioi.
it"l HI" IMHKPI ATKl.t.
' Clearfield. Dan. ia, Idldv-tl
(ft Hiiney reoairae) aa depoelL Illecaai
' in wee. ai cnnmi MorarlwBil lea etore
ILIiTlJ'X "!' Jt" PTbaeed hy aae, an
alaee Ibea. aad hernfler will rMensdartrdl In thai
aiava ay in BBdaralgsed. T .,.,-.,.,
J. II 1 A - A i - i "AHOTV I
.., " r,rn4 re hereVy warnee) agaln,ei .med
dling Wllh er pnrcheelng any ef the l"..TIolni
ffaf, aaa, la thd hmnma afw. 0. 4tvana.reaa-
reea mare, oae kick eaeM. eneenf .r i-
tarncH, aaa and, cab timher ehate, Vaa arB-f
race, eiagre eraao aw aaaaierreK aa IS. aaaaa M.
.dlga la ma aad le eahjeet ta my ordera al avry ftmft
L. . , . . . ....,"V.".avA,
' Urnhemlc Uee J41Se-S,Jtr. IV) , f
'IM UJ J :.T. i::.:.::"'.-'. I..J
11 - a a r .i m ii -.'..
k. a ri.."i.ina,r.iMiM . 1 . "r ' r . " r . r r .'
, rb...alhmfoeaili.,.fl,c,. " Ji. Pr1"','
if MaBhnaa Seem, ad ClmMMtd.-mdl ee kahl aa ZtTP ,rtV' "! '"
tk. laahie, TriwTr, JrarTfinh. ItV' "LmW, rami anale,iTeo
4T4,b...U...,..ld.7Jl7r,,,7 Vte:,"'
"t. ....... -v.te.nA.T i,a-y?',v,s,b,4'
Kfiv di'frtllfWfnt.
irrin .mini ) .u um.-i.i
i i ,!j;-'.i :ttt i'.r
..... -77
I! V I .1 II I 1
uc in Tiijm
" t" if : :i I oi.''',
U V ,. aiiiu
( ii r a 'i, .
'V.ik !.". f .-
M t
e ! .
Are marking dews their ' ' "
I . il ,. ., ...
' ' t i ' f i n '.i '.. i
'. .....;'.. r ti !
to tbt wWaat
' ",.:. ji ty :t , ,.
0 A BIIOE H I O EBii 1 J l',
,V7 , X A ;. ."i iliT "
.. mm. ; i
BaJaesrl e.iaare aad celling for ready nay
oSablea lh,B4 to do fl. 1'key nlueailcaver lo be
a ..(-).,- , ,M I 1 ' r
b..l i - ',. :. . .,
for supplying (te' tltittni of t?toftrilu,-f toutty
Dreaa Oooda, '
BcoU and Bhoaa,
(Ireceriee, - .
Wall Paper,
4om die.
And s.l olhnr ganda la their liaa.
a. tt. LYILK..
Olcarleld, Dae. IS, IIT4.
. r i; A 0 , V' , i,
' - '.'.-.f ' , '.a....- .-r-r-
, H J I J A S . W . A.
rARNIBHES, ' " ""''
.1 1., nia:: j
tf.4- ,i WU'BIIKS,,, , .. .. , . v,
, V.' t , - T . ' v u , . j ,
i i.,h fwer oood ,
lUlULi All llVlco,
: , AlU KIKBrM Tei
. .1 i t 1 i : ;i l T
' fot aacAcfttwi ifaa.1 HOI
uTrwitet. Bupportora. Rchool bMb and fltatluw.
i ory, and oil other arneiea wakiy
f.-amnml 1dm m fl... flaM
F 0LLV OMPIDIDIIii,ilawlB large ai.
perlcaaa wi the toeinam she, eaa give BBteta era-
.i,,..,,..,,...... . jouh r. ihwiM. ,
CbmrSaM, Uecenober 14. 1S74. . t ...
, PIlfCEs'iBLlhTOKIZKDt-1--
f I '1 'T"r; u (
We havrwew an head and Mhr ta the ejiiaeae
vf CBrwanrrlSe nerd Ihe weblle, a larga lot ar
Clothing, whloh wa wiab Oaelaca awl vmmadaately
and redaee tha nricee la aaH the lieam. i tyeede
Baay-ave) ia nfoi'ajtnwrae.
C4bJmarae t M t VmowlHtA J0
H ,1
4 44
4 00
I 44
t 04
.. 00 fSiaa. i , t It
4 44 . , I 00
15 " --"' ,5
4 M-., . , - , , III
. . 4 00
Vmitnarkel .
f OS
t is
at ,
I'leV-ll-n; filp-,0 1 T4
j -. i ee t u
I " ,"DA l.VV Ti3GC"
Kon la the lime, aad ihe plaaa .la
r-s ...1 .ti ..MhlNKB, IHi'birSON.
Curwaaevltta, bee 14-St. : . ,;,,.!,
, I Kottoe ia barehy glveh reel toe fcllowlog se
onnnt have been nxanunnd aad paraad by me, ud
remeia filed of record la tble office for the la
epocctow et heire, legaleaa, ereaeura, mad all athara .
intcreatrd, and will ha preeeated ta the aaat Or
roan.' Coart el llaariekl aaaaty, to ha held al th. .
Oanrt Uoaee, is the borongh of Clearfield, CCBV I
mooring on the, Sd Moadagr (being tha llth day) '
afJaaaary, A. 1. 1474i
Pinal aacodnl of THr'd Irhard. a4tatatelreter
a R QoPMtaranm, mat af Clearfield aasnljr, da-,
Pla.l aSramtvr Jraeeal.lnaa aad David Breej.
lee; eiediiTiirt bf Joilpb Llaea, lata of ttrwry aa.,
dorr Urd.' -I 05. ' ' ' ! ' ' -
I'artlal aeeoaat of (learga If aeaar, admlalatra
Ib, af Adam Meewr. lata ol OarweaeeUle, dee d.
Fiaal aecooDtof Tborapaon and Matthew Reed,
enacelort of Jemcl A. Read, lata af Laerrvaiw
townabieuilcoraeed. .
1'i. t.wa.l afi. oeid J, , rhoaneha, eh
'loalera of Ignnuaa Thampaat, bat. af tawrcere
lowaablp, deaeaMd.s -, -i .,. it -
1 1 saMbTcnVfi Orrlra, i A. VT. LZ,
clr' "' 'J"744-
I i-.. kagieler.
. r, I H V I M,
CfirwenerllU, No. ', isTli1 ' ' ' '
I ,
4. 'a. lane!,,."'.. Wi tnoi.s. i. o. ssioks
! F.qtPif CO.,
Bankero antl. JBrokersi,
adnata ol ase
doraVa rates. Raswra awd Pnroltw lirbanKtal .
wars oa band awd atiUrctinns prootpflr malt. . '
.yaoldevnie, Pee, IS, ...Iw
rilfipK-r WEivia' 7 ,
V' W-I.l" .al ra I - .
Thanadeealgwed la piepaied ea weave Raa
ear c, araV.4e.eery elvfe alcejrad, w.le
hed Wear thmfrVeoT. praclMNtneamewadh I'Mr
adelphla, he Ihela aeaadeal af glviBg eell.ra.lloa
lo loeae eaaa may ferer Mm eriik tbatr veaeiag.
Iledara eaert . LM ' .
IHtnveOaeeWaetetloa, Olearteld Be., will maet with nroeipl
.allaaleaok . . , ad4AKl,IS. J. h14S r
SajbrrtheJIeBls, ISP4 tm:." ""'
a. a. i al r. t
'r , . - r --i . , . r
'" t . 1