UUH I HARDWARE, aad MafiMtnrrt af Tln.Copper ft Sheet Iron M are, CLEARFIELD. PA. ' Hevleg largely latrealld Bar tlook of Hard, nn, wt lavtte tat p ublie la tiamiaa oar aleok UdprloM. ' i ,i I'l ,, ; Oarheetm ted peraooa who eontempleta balld lag will do woll to .xtinio. onr TOOLS BUILDIHO HAEDWAKK, whlek l atw and of tho boil mnaiUaotare, too' wlU h told low for taah. NAILS, ' GLASS, ' putty, v Gi.rE, LOCKS, f..-,, LATCHES, HINGES, , T , . . SCREWS All klodi of Btneh Plant, Bawl, Chlatla, Squint, Hammare, Htteheta, Plumbs ntid Lovtla, Mortlaed A Thamb Sungee, Stroll, BrtMt A Billt, Wood and Iron Btoek Sortwa, ond tho bttt Boring Maabla, la Iht - aitrkH. ' Doublo and Single Bitt Axes, , POCKET CUT1IRT, At. ' 1 ' Agents for Burndl's Iron Con Shelter, warranted. Alto, aganlt for Rioharde' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, whleh elfaetoally euro Smoky Fluet. Farmtrt' Implemtnti and Qardcn Totli of tvlry ntaeripuon. A largo variety of .! COOK STOVES, wfaJth wi wimot to In tatiifattioa. Portable Kangc and FttrmactM, Roofing, Spotting and Job Work don ob Tonabl Urms. . All oriUra will recti r prompt mention. JU, 187S. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SoMtwon to Boyatoa A Ytung,,' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS v Maanfaetarara of POETABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of f oorth and Plat Simla, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged la lit mun'aotaro of !nt tlatl MACHINERY, we reepeetfully Inform tht paklio that wt art now prepared to 111 all atden at cheaply and at promptly at tan ho dont In any of tho titlta. Wt nannftttoro and doalta Malay and Circular Saw-Milli f ! 'A 1. V( 11 Bond Bloekt, Wator W hot la, Skafting Pollayt, Oifford'l Injtttor, 8toam Gangtt, Btoatl Whlttlat, Olltn, Tallow Capf, Ml Cape, Qaage Ootka, Air Ooeka, Globt Valrot, Cbttk Valval, wnngkt Iron Fipot, Steam Ptmpi, lollor Toad Poaipt, Anrl frltUoa Matrea, Soap Btoat Packing, Sum Pack Ing, tad all klndt of KILL W0BK togtthtr with Plows, BUd Born, .- ... COOK AND TAULOR STOTSS, and other CASTINGS of aU blade. ,.:.? n , i t i tTOrdtre tolltltod and llltd at any prioat AU Ittttn of Inquiry with rtfkrtnot to machinery of onr maanfaatara promptly aniwtred, by addrt Ing u at OloarMd, Pa. I , . ,. JenlH-tf BIQLER, YOUNG A RBRD. "M"EW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS SHAW &:SON ; Hate jutt opened a Nit Stoaa.oa llain St., CuainiU), Pa lattlr ooeupledby Wm. P. IRWIN. Their ttock conalati of ' scu'sr c x c) lo Giocaam ef th beat quality,' V Qdsbrbware, Hoots and Shoes, and arery article neoeaiarT for , .w. oomfort. A,y.y, j : CM and txamin ear ttock bofora pur ohatlng alwwbor. May 9, IBCU-lf. ' JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING TASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt tonttaatly aa hand. HOSE AJD lAETHEI-WARE Of IVBRT DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POT8I CROCKS I PUhor't Fatoot Airtight tklf Boallag Frwll Canal BTTTTBR CKOCKI, with lldl, CRIAH CROCKS, MU,K CROCKS, APPLI BTTTTRR CROCKS. P1CKLR CROCKS, ' FLOWKR POTS, , PII D18HBB, 8TRW POTS, And a groat many ttbtr tbtngt tot anmtrtat to Btntloa, to at bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S 1 STONE - WARE POTTERY, Oaraar ot Cherry and Third Strtott, CLRARrlKLD, PA. aagl Down I Down 1 1 THE ; LAST "ARRIVAL AND 01 COUR8I Till CnEAPBSTI A Proclamation againrt High Pricesf Trra ara now oponlag ap a Ut of th, bat) T T nott toatonablt Ooodt and Warn ortr oltrod in tkll marktt, nad at prion that rtnlad oat of tnt good old dayt of thtap thing.. Thott who lath faltb npoa lb I, point, ot dotm onr aUt . gatloaa taptrlaoat, aood bat CaVi. 4T OIH MTORE, Ooratr Irool and klarkot ttrtttt, Wi" 'V' w for tkta. ttlTtt. TofallyaadertUadwbalaro.htaoooJ. Ihlt matt bo do... Wo d. .ot uTiSl to oaaaiorau and Ittnilia oar ttooh. It u for -tottau that niaanoagh Wo haTo'tTerrthing'that ii Needed aad toataaad la tklt markot, aad at arlooi that aotoaltk botk old aad yonng, dtltl JOSEPH BHAW A ION. Qeirfleld Nursery 3NC0TJRAGB HOME INDUSTRY. PTnHl aBd.MlaaA. kavtiia MkUUti m. at I atro OkM.fd aad OarwoanUla, It ranarod to far Jtarall kladt of PRUt f'RRIfl, (ttaadard aad on tao -nia, aooat Bail way aolwtta LI atororoaaa. thtatw ' Vl.u antMlntllt. Luu. Wl..i.kjll. a.-I V1"M. Alio, llborlt Crab Trooa; ?$y. abarb, A a. Ordtn ,, ... . r. WRItaTT, atpll.ll y ; Crrwao TbUa, Pa r floods., Crertrlfj, tr. I, o. watraa.. ,.W. w.tirti. .... ; ,. j. ., CLEARFIELD, PA.," " Art ohrlng, at Ika aid tUnd of Q. J.. Rtod A Co. tbtlr ttotk of goodi, otntlitlng or DRY.COODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A BI10ES, r nATS A CAPS, IIAnDWARR, ' QUEBNBWARB, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, &o., 4o., At th moat nataaahl taloo for OAS II or la uehaaaa for, Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, ( , . i -' , - r ..... -i . OR OOONTRY PRODUCE. - arAdvaaoat mado to thoa ongaged In get ting ont aouara tiabar oa tho moat tdrantagtoat Urn i. .- 1 (1 ' - ,. r adlljann rpo . THE F R ON T ! GREAT EXCITEMENT t:'at us. :n ::-.r t CLEARFIELD BAKERY l AND ' i ' OYSTER SALOON I Th andertlirnod having juit fitted up aw, largo and eomfortablo roorai oa &Urkt tlrt, atar Third, roipeetfnlly luformt tho publio that bo now dropared to aooomoiotlata ihoia with rtry thing m hii lino aa abort actio and atall hoari of ibo da, lio keep! on hand BRB8II BRBAD, " 1 RUSKS, ROLLS, PIHfl, CAKES, all klDda. FRESH OYSTtRS IN EVERY STYLE, and a general .auortmcnt of C0NFECTI0NKRIK8, FRUITS. NUTS, 4o., All of wbiek will b dclirorod to omtoraan at their rf ldocM, whtn rcquoitod to do to. ICB CREAM, by tht dltb,Mrrod Ina noitl; fur aUhod room. Thankful for tho ganoroof patronage btBtowod In tat pat t, ho hopea to merit and reeelrt a oon tlnneno of th tarn from hi old ontto mart, and other. JOHN STADLER. Jaatll.'71-tf. JANIEL GOODLANDER, LCTIIEnSBl'RO, PA, Dttltr la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSlERt li GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SROES, Tobaooo, arotwiM and Pita, Kallt, Hardwara, Vut.ntw.rt ana Ulanewtrt, Mon a and Boya' Clothing, Drug, Paiata, Ollt, Sobool Booka, a largt lot of Pattat Mtditlntt, Caadlea, Nuta A Drl.d Pruita, Cheeat and Crtck ara, Rook and Rifla Powdtr, Floor, Groin and Potato, Cloror and Timothy Stod, Solt Ltathor, Moroeooa, Llnlnga, Binding, tnd inrtao, Dnoem.R.ra luolt and Shot Findinga, . No greater Ttrlety of gooda In any itora In tht otnnly. AH lor aalo vary low tor oath or tonntrj prooaot at int turn, uorn.r. Aug. 17, 1B7 S. JP ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, BUI YOUR CLOTHIK G, ' Funnelling Goods, dto.,' 1 AT . D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. "1 ' They keep a full line of Men's, Youths' rf) Boys' Clothing. Alio, Umbrellas, Satcbelli, Overalls Hats, fibirls, Undorshirts, and t . Drawers, &o., ) Wkleb tkey will tall nt mott rataonablt prloet. Call and .aamin. tb.tr gtodt belort purchaalng tlatwhart. Room oa klarkot Strttt, oppoaltt 10 i.oari noaat. . Claarlald, Pa., April t, 1174. ' ' The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pens towBibip, Clearfield Co., Pa, JU BURNED OUTI 1 I BBT BOT BURNED1 U PI The abarlbar bara, at great Mponta, rebuilt Belshborbood BOMttitT, in tb ortmtioa of a Int el tit Wrwloa Mattafaatorywwitb, ail tb motet inproTtmont attached, and at prepared to maka all kiaae of Clothe, Caaaimoraa, S4ioiU, feUa- tt. riattaoia, ciontj of good aa hand to apply bII onr old aad a theaaand aw aattoatora, woow we aaa w bobm ana examine oar atook. Th baaiaaaa of CARDING AND FULLING , will raoolr ear atpaotal attention. Proper arrangement will b mad to metre and deliver Wool, to tult ea it omen. All work warranted and done anon the shortest notloe. and bv atrial tttaa- tloa te boiine w hop to real is a libaral ihart i paeiio paironage. IOAMO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will Tiav the blatioat markat ariM for Won and ali oar maaafaetarad good aa low at titallar good eaa be bought la tb eoantr, and whenavar we foU to roadar reaaaaabl taUitraotioa we aaa alwavi be fovad at bow ready t maka aroaar aiplaaatloa, aither la parana or h lottor. 1ANIB trUHfttWIf HUHN, . 4 hewer r, Q. . LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS ' ' I : SUPERSEDED BT COVERTH PATENT METALLIC , BREAST HOLD-BACK Madoofthoboit Mailt, bl Iron, aad liattaobed t ta Heme by the beet -Baap ever iavtntcd. It la easily and qhWhly pat aa, aad pravcaa ta whipping ef the borae -, by tb pol. hot llakl to got aat of repair. - ! Will laat for year. All w ark 1 a fair trial, to aoarvlaaa all partita Be ing them that they ar , antarpaetad la valotfof tha parpaaa fcr wbkk i thy ar tntaadtd 8ACKKTT A PClinYVKIt. ClerBlci, April 16, 1874. riTjNSltlTniNO. .a I Q. W. WOLFE, TKACTICAL GUNSMITU. i Sbnl AO Thlrfl alu ft li..'. Vt.A...iik akop, CLEAKFIBI.D, PA. ail .tlada tr HiBea aad Shot Oun eon hand. Rtpaltlac doat la a Irat-.lua hu BnH .1 hi. n lalvory Stable. T I ,r"rad beta Ittra to Inform th.pab A. I?! ""F P"Prd to aoonmiao- nUwr..nl.P..,?,,0 W- '"" J. 11. M'MURItAY 2..!BC1AJ!,,LI" virt mwit PRIOR. C01IR nn ana . N1W WASHINGTOK. 1 5n ooflj, (Sromlfi, tft. Til E 1. AT.KHT MOV El THE LATEST MOVE! HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORK, To Iholr ntw building on Seoimd Strotty naarly fc M,pva. to. uoro n wca.tr utitr,, . ! CLEARFIELD, PA., ' v, ?:f v. 1 1 Whtrt thty will eontlnat to aupply Ihrlr old and at many ntw tuttomert oa may ooiot, wilb PUUK DltUfJS! 0JEKHI0AL8I ... . .' i j . . PHARMACKUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Ineluillng all new remadiea,) Patent M.-Jleln, Paint and Oil, 01 a and yn;, Diuiui uuum, fituonory, raper, do.j alto, a full lln of Urug gitta' fiandritt, Hair Ttmice, Coamttiot, Prfumtriee, Toilet Articlot, Rruthet, awuvi cop, i-oakci xiuoRt, ., r. of th betl quality. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, far medical k sacramental purpoaoa only, Pure Whit LeJ, Color of all kind, Row and Boiled Li meed Oil, Varnlthea, Turpen. , tin, Coal Oil, Paint a Varniib liraehe-, Flaroring Kxtraeta, Con foetf oner lea. Bird Sd, Bplee, ronnd and watagja vaailat, ayi aui ajinaia ' SMOKERS AND CIIEWEUS Will tnd onr ttoek of Ch.wlag and Smoking Tobaooo, Imported and Do. mottlt Clgara, Snug and Fine-out to ba of Iht .cry btat hrtodi In tbt roarktt. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All klnda of ULAS8 WARE GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Hualea! Trlmminga of trtry Ttrlety. ' Harlng a long tiptrleaeo lo th. buaiutaa. and aa tztenalrt and well atlMtad ttotk or medioloot, wt trt tnablrd to 111 Phyaloltna' preacriptiona at tht ahortoat aolioa and oa tht mott reaaouablt lerma, day and night. UAKThVflCK A IRWIN. Cttarltld, Pa., Mur II, 1871-tf. DUsrrUattfous. , , rpiIE' LARGEST. ASSORTMENT OP HTO V11S ! STOVES ! r bronght to th. eonnty, are belrg received at the Hardware Katabliahmenl of H. F. HIUI.EH o CO., oomprialng tb. following Cook Storot: SPEAR'S CALOKIKIC, , . , , , SUSyUEHANNA, KEQULATOR, NOPLK. EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH. ..- i GOV. PEN N. READING NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. .,, Alat, tht following Ilullog Btotto I SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, 8PEAR'8 ANTI DUST. BPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, i MORNINO LIGHT, BON TON, J. 0IP8EY, VULCAN, ' 1 ' ' ' SUNBEAM, RUBY DAUrUIN EGO, CHESTER EfiO, VOLCANO, PUOENIX. " . HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORB R(X)M STOVES, AC. CLarllold, Sept. is, U11. FARMING 1 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It., F. Blgler A Co. IRON DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLB 8II0YEL PLOWS, ., WOOD SINHLB-SIIOVEL PLOWS? IROK CtlLTIVATORS. , ; ; WOOD CULTIVATORS . OOWANDA IRON BEAM PLOWS, 1 PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. . , IIAUPT'S BBIXEFONTI PLOWS. ROBESON aad THOMPSON'S PLOW. Jaar-Rharee for all ol tlio abort Plowt eon- attntjy on hand. myS8.7l O. I. G. WI1ER8 to buy my DRY (100DS, t)RO aeries, Quae ntw are, Ulastwart, trgt and Notioas, Confeationeri, do,, cheep for caab. Th inbseriber btvt leav to Inform hi old and Btw eattomert that h ha ojiened A VARIETY HTORB . IN OLKN UOPB, PA. Aad will tell good at price to tult tht timet. A liberal reduction will a mad to euttnmeri buy. at at wholesale. Call and eiamln ar "took bef'ir nnrohttina alatwhera. A liberal than of pnhlie ptnnge la olicitad., 4. , 1. r, 1 C. J. KSAUY. (1 lea Hope, Pa., Junt U, 1871. II. P. BIGLER 4 CO.'S I -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARB, . . MECHANIOB' IIARDWARR, -: I LUMBKRMRIV'S jIARDWATtK, PARMINO UTiNSIW,. , , il MILL SUPPLIRS, IRON tt NAILS, "I ... . ...,.( , PAINTS, OILS, VARHISBKS, - PAIrlTlKS" PINDIMtll, . , - CALCINED PLASTER. Mty II, Wl.'' ..(... . . , . , B OOT AND 8UOE MAKING. von ii ii. .w. ub Biirvi, Bht.'t Row, Cloarltld. Pa., hit laat raealTtd a laa lot of Proaeh Calf Iklnt and X Ipa, tht nttt la lot maraot, aaa it now prtparta la aaaa. afaotaro trnytklng la kit Hat. lit will war- rani ait work to oo at reprtttaata. tht iltlttat of Cltarltld aad tlelalty era raaontfally larlud U girt him a talL ; wor a.a at antrt aotlto. T:I"Ty I OB FKINTiaja OP KVKRT DESCRIP Ilea aoally aiotwtod at tklt oHot THE REPUBLICAN. CLBARKIELU, PA. WKbWlMY MftHNIrtrt.OttO. la, Qi. POETICAL MARRIAOES. Ohio itlt th tarblea af "povlleal" marrltg. A romanti aonple th brlJ from Rawtonvlll and the groom from llcnrlttta were rectal ly united by tb following unique "ceremony t" HINItTKR, Tblt woman wilt thoa hare, Ami oheriih her for life IV IU thou love and comfort her, , And ek BO oiber wifeF UB. This woman will I tak Ttmt stand btfor mo now ( I'll And her hoard and clothes, And bav bo other "fro a." MIIT1ITBI. And far yar hub aad will r Yo tnka this a toe young iaanr ; ' ; Obey bieai.gbleit whIh.,-, ...V-.. And love bita all you en 1 INK. I'll lor him all I eta, Obey him all I thuotoi And when I ask fur funda; He never must refui. MIXItTBB. Thra you ar man and wife, And happy may you ba i ' And many bo your yrara At duller In my fee. THE MEET 1X0 OF COyOKESN TO-DA Y. Tho Now York Sun of tlio Htli inst. Iian tliun lliiilei to tho n)cnirif of C'ougrvinv ott tliitt ilny; Ai a ptditicul iiliolorrruph the job in n girnl one. Pho editor openn by miyinr : How lonif anil gloomy tiioir couiito niioeea will be, denpito ghnntly eil'iirtr) to wreathe thfin into grim sniilen. How cold and dummy tlio prttwuro of their puluis as they try to auem to the lobliy us if nothing In particular had hnpponi'd since they piirtcd last June. Thus the seven Hopublicnn Seimtoi-, nncl tho ono hundred and twenty -three licptiblican Iiepresentittives, luenibers of tho present ('ongresH, who are strunded in the tempest of tho pant autumn, will meat In tbt) C'npttot at noon ttMluy. V hut a sad set they are, iiotwitlilanding their desHnite attempts to look jolly I At tlio bend of tho Senators who arc niiurliing ut doiilile-quiek time for that dread bourne whence no decayed nolititiitii returns, stands Dvueon Vil limn A. Iluukiiigliam, tiuuous ah tho Custom IIoiibo wbitewttsher, and al ways ready dtiring bis lix years' ser vice to tuk Jiolil of any of (imnt's join by tho greasiest end. t'loso at his heels follows a kindred spirit known us Parson Urownlow, a sort of cross between a scalawag and a carpet-bagger. Then comes Pratt ot Indiana, who assistod Buckingham in covering up the Custom House rascalities, and .Scott of Pennsylvania, who once did a brisk business in tho nimiiiliicturo of Southern outrages, and who, it is hoped, w ill give place to a Democrat of the kind that Old Wituiebago can not purchase. Never mind the other outgoing Republican Senntors. Of lit tle account at any time during their trni8 of !!ice, they are of none at all now. .,,. Tho great muss of tho tU brit of the general wreck ol the recent elections lies piled up on the Republican side ol tho House. Tho sweep of the over throw has no precedent in the hiHtory of the country. Members who have stood most conspicuous during Grunt's nilniinmt ration, unci some who hsmicd high ai fur back as the close of Bu chanan's, havo fallen to rise no more. The directory of a small citv would hardly sullleo to record tho names of all the principals who nave gone un der, and those of their benefactors and beneficiaries Uo have gona with thorn. ltluine, though not himself defeat ed for the next House, will hnve to de scend from the high perch on tho mar ble rostrum whore be has swung his gitvel for six years. When the new Congress assemble! lie must take, bis scut on the Boor among the ordinary tobacco-cheworri, and bo nothing more than "tho gentleman from Maine." This is good dcnl of a coming down for a candidate for Prosident. , By the way, Blaine was most unlbrtiinutu in the selection of tho candidates in wboso behalf ho poured out his ul ways noisy and never profound orato ry during the campaign. Seeing that his chances for ro-olection to the Spenk crsbip were at stake, ho rushed around the country to givo a helping hand to his personul retainers. Ho went to Cleveland to aid Parsons. But Pur sons slipped ut) on tho Washington f laving jobs, lie tried to save Ncg ey and, others of h is nort in and mu nd Pittsburgh. But tho ttulwart artisRus of the iron regions, out of work and out of putienco, roso up and smusbed in pieces almost every Republican enn ditlittc for Congress from tho Susque hanna and tho Juniuta, to the Alle gheny and tlio Ohio. In bis hop ami skin flight over the country Bliune lit nl I'tica and endeavored to gnthor Ki lls II, Rohcrtrt under his sheltering wings. , But Senator Colliding bad his talons in him, and so ho (lied, Bluino stopped in Mussnchnsetut on his way homo to defeat Bunks, while Pnwcs was near by struggling to save Butler. But tlio people proved too strong for them ; and this is tho end inf Mr. Hpcakor Bluino, Wo cub peiut to only here and there a pronuuont , figure . in (he motley crowd which will wirgo around Blaino (his morning. ' Wo have mentioned lien. Butler, who delights to be called (!pokeyc, tho most conspicuous char acter of tho group. Ho contrast fa vorably with Duwcs, for he never pro tended to be ail' better than lie in, nor tried to pass himself off as a paragon of virtue when he was merely ft pinch beck fraud. Tho only ' other Innii of mui k.i ruiioii,. tlio tletuiic New England nicmbem is Old Poland,cbiet ly distinguished for his silver locks, brass buttons, and brnr.on cfTrontry in the companionship of tho Credit Mo hilioriltw, and I-i-elinghuyson's gag law Poland ia now mixing wait WkhIi for tho Arkansas conspirators in case Grunt wants it. Vermont hav ing repudiated him, Grant ought to givo hi in something, sny k foreign con siiliitonr A plneo tu post trailer. 1 m Seventeen of til twonly-throe Now York Republicans in this House woro defeated either by the nominating con ventions of their party or by tho peo ple at the polls. This Is without a imnillcl in the history of the State. How .intany 'astenutu'oiis prrtomlora bkTo boen put under the soil I. ,1' re main, who, liko Micttwber, was' wait ing fop something to ttrrn tip perhaps the SennlorshlV dimmirxtrs like a tlis solvingvlew. I Gov. 'bunton, not wil. ling to he outdouo by liia colluaguu, emulated his example by slaying Ses sions, whilo (ion. Ward put an extin guisher upon Luwson, who represen ted tho district in this city which has rarely failed to go for tho Republi cans in all weathers. The tornado was not quite so terri fic in Pennsylvania ns in Nvr York. Credit Mobillor -nfleMwho stands at the head of tho Naval Committed, and Myers, who conies second on tho Foreign Committee, and other promi nent leaders, went down, leaving K el ley and a sorry half dnxen or so of his coheagiics to stand as spared though at'Mhwd monument, tut tit peoples wratbi In the present Ilonse tho States oi Ohio, Indiana, and Illitioil have thirty seven Republicans. In thotiext Hoflte they will have only eighteen less than half as many as now. Tho great light, of tho parly whleh have so long illumed the chamber are either put out or partially obscured, (iarfield, Chairman of the Potnmltfe On Appro priationa, ia not defeated because ha disgraces the strongott Republican district In tilt WOat the district rep resented for twenty years by the vet oran Giddinga. But his usual majori ty was cut down by thousands. Ortb of Indiana, Chairman of the foreign Conunittoo, Lad leave to stay at homo, while Coburn of the same Stale, Chair man of the Military Committee,, fell ny tno etigv or ttiOKwaru. J Tuoy wcru the snociul lieta ol Blaine. Tho oarpot-hairirorH suffer severely. Nearly all these vermin have either boen bruihod asido hv the conventions or swept away at the polls. Tho nead ot this tribe is Mnynurd of Ten nessee, Chairman of the Committee on Banking. Born and oducutod in lliiiwaehiisetu, ho went South yours ago, and for a time picked up a living naaacnooi leacner, but suuseipienuy married a plantation of fat negroes. Thrill followed fawning, and by and by -Muyiiard, tlio sly, alinpory Y'unkuo. gut into Congress, when) he bus been a good while. At the recent election ho run tor Uovurnor and was beaten by an Immense majority. As it furcd with his premonitory symptom of tho modern carpetbagger, so has it furcd with pretty nearly allot' thorn. Here and there a waif in afloat, but the moss ara submorgod. Vt ill the one hundred and thirty Republican Senators and Representa tives who meet to-duy, scourged, hu miliated, repudiated, learn unything from tho lessons of October and No vombor? Or will they continuu to follow the loud of Grant, and go on to the end of their terms nlunderinir the nroille. bravitlff nublie ntiininn. anil laying up wrath against the duy ofj wrutn r iv. 1. Bun, MlLADiaPWA liEJOJCES. AN OLD-TIME IUTIIKH1N0 OP PROMINENT DEMOCRATS AT Till CONTINENTAL HO TEL SPEECHES BV MISKHB. VAUX, RANDALL, M'CANDLASS, AND OIH HIS. Spatial Deapaleh te tha World. Pllll.AliKl.riMA. December 3. The Democrats of this city held a bantpjct nt the Continental Hotel this evening to celebrate tho recent Democratic victories. It has been so lonir since the Democracy ot this city and State havo hod any "just cause' for such a social gathering that tho proMsition to celebrato the recent victories in tho stylo of days gono by was responded to Willi enthusiasm. Unc hundred and fifty guests sat down to threo bountifully laden and beautifully dec orated tables. After more than three hours devoted to tho discussion of tho dinner, tho Chairman, Kit-hard Vaux, called, "Order, gentlemen," and said: Gentlemen: In this city of Phila delphia for many years oast no oppor tunity has been afforded for Demo crats voluntarily to awinblo and ex press their joy at the succosa of thoso unniTiiuiu jirmuipien tu tue pany,n men underlie constitutional irovernments. and which the lato victories have so remarkably rc-afflrmed. Ono would think from tho continued absence of any opportunity thus to congratulate ourselves at the success of the Demo cratic party, there had been a Ions of interest in its principles. Wo bavo boett so long waiting for their rocoirni. lion by the people Unit, now they have again triumphed in tho country, wo rejoice. Therefore, a number of the Democrats of this city, believing that the opiKjrluuily had occurred fur them to unite ub members of the party 'to rejoice logetncr over tno realms ol the luto elections In twenty-four States, agreed to celebrate tiiese victories in the banquet at which you are now assembled. We do not claim to re- resent the orgnnixnlion ot the Heino cratic party, either in the city orSfnto. What we cluiin is, ahovo and beyond it, the courage and the manhnotl to ex press before tho people, of I'liiladel- phlu, ami the State, and the Union, on (hi occasion, our devotion to Demo cratic principles in our belief that their final triumph will bring tho Govern ment back within the limitations which the Constitution ordained by the filth ers prescribed for its actioii. Weak ncss is oiten tue result ot a lack ol op portunity to express courugo, and prob ably tho Democratic purty of Phila delphia has suffered from this cause. W hutever opinions may he entertained as to tho cause of tho lute victories which we now celebrate, wo at least belicvo that thoso of our fellow-citl- xens who united with us in tho elec tions, who woro not of our Party, while they asserted their own individual in- dependenceof character paid the high est trihuto to this great organization, wicn under lis trials has maintained itseil and now at last after patient waiting can rcjoieein its triumphs. We arc content, with the mass of the pur ty in una mate auu in omcr Slates, to wait until the timo shall gome when tho responsibilities are placed upon tho Democratic party of administer ing tho Government. We havo con- fhicuco that it will be tmo to its prin ciples, aim their nnai triumph is as. lured by the victory we now have uni. ted to eelenrate. Mr. Vuiix'i remarks wero greeted with continued npplause. The first toast Tlio Democratic Party Its aims and ends are for the welfare of the whole people ; its antagonisms are class and specinl privilege for tho benefit or the lew, while tho corniptions.nsur- pations, and abuses of the Kadicnl party arc without parallel since ltov eminent was declared to derito all its just powers from the consent of tho governed was responded to by Mr. W. II. Wit to, who said ,- This occasion 'of rejoicing Was some recompense for fidelity to a party which had always boen devoted to the Oesl Interests ol tho people. It was founded non the theory of tho law, the best interests of all, without re gard to class or condition. Tho tri umph of this party is tho triumph of the principles at issue involving tho very principle of tho organism of government. It tho theory ot this party bad not boon the very essential principle of government it would have liwl wh.it It wont, out nf power lln. vntion to its principles without hope of preferment is simply a scctaclc Ilial Is sublime. Tho natty bad stood firm In its tlevotion, (toping only to triumph for the good of tho people. The history of the Democratic party it tho history of the govcrnniel of the country. It is now the duly of every Democrat to mako iower of tho party felt, to bring about tho tmts of the principles upon which our government Wo founded. The party should guard against any alliance from persons or organisations except as a tribute to the Democratic party. Mr. W ittc s speech was received with a perfect outburst of siHintiineous enthusiasm; few man in this country have greater oratorial gills than ho, and few bar ucb A hold upon the Pennsylvania Dcmis?racy. The second toast The Federal Constitution A grant by sovoreign Stale to form a more perfect union of tb grantors was rcsjionilcd to l y Mr. George M. Dtllns, a roprcsenUtivo of tho young lJomooracy. The Constitution, ho said, is, abovo all other considerations, tho Tory foundation of Government This was the first plntform of the par ty, and there can I no new departure from it. t The third toast :' 1 ho Federal Unon Mado by con. eession, indissoluble by concession, tin. alterable by aggression r ' :t was rescinded to by Mr. William 8. Pric, In a torso and ahlo speech. . . Tho fourth toast - - Tho Federal Govemmont-The agent of the people of the State j supreme only within tho constitutional limita tions on its authority, t i . was responded to by General ('aaa, ol Pittsburgh. Ho said : 111 tho ditys of Jackson (he limitu lions of tho Federal (ioveriinienl wero well understood. Since, then I ho boun dary lilies have all been overstepped by Federal authority. ' Referring to the woatoru slopo of Pennsylvania, bo said there was only ono llepublieun Congressman left, anil bo stood like an oasis in tho desert. The result ill the legislature will givo Pennsylvania a Democratic Senator. The ilny wits when it was a trial by Arc to vote the Democratic ticket in Allegheny coun ty, to-day ho looked upon u different picture, Tho next toast Our Sistor Slutos A 'political cot,, stcllatioii, hi which no slur dilferelh from another star in glory, was resjiondcd to by Thomas Swiinn, of Maryland, who was greeted by tu multuous and continued applause. He suid Ho was present to represent ull States which had borno purt in the Into glo rious triumphs of tho Democratic par ty. They hnvo all dune their duty, sod more; ull huvo brought irivitt ma jorities. Ho was from the little Slato of Maryland, but she was a big Slate, notwithstanding her heart is largo enough to compass every State in the Union. Ho was prci-cnt to unit.' wilb tho Democracy in its jubilee. Mary land understands tho theory of this great Government, and glories in Dem ocratic success because, she believes it to be tho succossof good Government Ho was glad Jo rocognlco a gentleman present who hud Blood up v illi the gallant phalanx in Congress nguiiml , tho aggression ol tho ltudical party. He alluded to his( friend Mr. Rail dull, who occupies a high position in that body. A great future is opening upon us. Ho hud been conservative because be wanted to seo tho country brought back to prosperity and peace ! without revulsion. He hud thought tho duy would come when retribution I would be demnnded at tho hands of I the people. Tho time has como, and I with it tho duty to bring substantial ! fruits out of success. There is great corruption at Washington, and if the peoplo would bo true to themselves they must instruct their rcprcsoiiln tives to bring about a piiriiicntion. Il is no timo for temporalixntion. Wo must not falter; wo must advance, steadily holding our servants to a strict accountability. The Democratic pur ty has discharged its duty in the past, and must continue to do so in the fai lure. If it fails in this effort farewell to all our greatness. In reply to The Stato of Pennsylvania The iirch is secure only whiletbe Keystono remain fixed in its relations lo the structure, Samuel J. Randall, member of the Third Pennsylvania Cobgres- sionat i-uctrici, sum : It has boen truthfully said of onr State, "That as goes Pennsylvania, so goes the Union." Hur voico of No vember last did not vary tho truth of that expression. Sho remains fixed as the "Keystone" of the politicul arch of the Union, there erected by the Democratic and Conservative mass of our countrymen throughout the length and hrcadlh of tho nation. As she was in the Revolutionary struggle for liberty against tho prerogative of the Crown, so she stands to-day against tho attempted prerognlives of person al government, with all Its attendant evils. Her citizens have used the peaceful remedy of tho balbit to cry for ticaco at tho South, with all its sub- stniitial benefits. The first fruits of our recent triumph have been realized in the perfect order maintained in cvo ry Southern State, and tho engender ing of a better feeling between the two races than lias existed since the close of the wur. Tho white man begins to feel secure in his lilicrty of person and conscience, while the colored man re alizes honesty and intelligence in tncir rulers uest secures to them permanently the results if their labor. 1 am not insensible of tho aid render ed to the Democratic party by a larire body of Republicans, who assisted so materially in pnxlnciug the result we arc here to-night to celebrate. I do not believe tboir confidence reposed will in any wise be nhiiscd. It would bo wrong for me to anticipate, what will bo tno policy of the House of uepresentative ot the KortT-fonth Congress, and yet of ono thing' I feel certain, and that is that moderation will be it nnrpooe and rule of action. Wo ahull, when this triumph is made complete witu a Democratic rienute and a Democratic President, tuke up tho Government as we find it, permit ting all the results of the war to rxv muin undisturbed, seeking only to ad minister with honesty and fidelity, ac cording to the Constitution and the law thereunder. By such a courso I believe that Pennsylvania will remain firm In the column of Democratic Slates. Tlio people have grown wen ry of nongovernment and maladminis tration, ami they have sought the agoncy of the Democratic oivnnizn- tion to remedy tho gross abuses under wnicn they huvo so long anil so pa tiently autfored. The next toast : Tho Ballot Box Tho last fortress to which civil liberty may retreat for peaceful defenco when driven by law less power from every other citadel, was responded to by Thomas II. Flor ence. , . - ;, , Tho next toast Tho Receut Victories of the People The peaceful triumph of tlio citizens at the ballot box. Whero opinions exert the ton and power of revolu tion, was responded to by Gen. Win. Mv Candluss, Secretary of the Interior elect, one of tho most eloquent and powerful addresses of til evening, if Ho referred to tho glorious record of the party, anil powerful uprising which brought about tho sweeping victories. The future of the country would bo under wise government. He had heard of tho Young Democracy and the Old Democracy. There was neither, it was a stream of pcrnctnal youth flowing from tho well springs nl ww. aoid bomtwnt pnltcv. - Tket party carries with it the heart of the country, and intends that tho admlnis- tration of aflitirs ahall l couduetnl with integrity and frugality.- Tha Re-iJ? n,.l.i:..n ...... t- - .1 - Tr.i . punncnn puny is a Jiimg oi the ptwta The future is with the Democracy. . , Tho other toast wero rs Hillows: ' Tbe Civil I'owor Tho subjection of biection nt tho military to Civil Power is essential i to tlio prusurvation of Cuiisjtitutiiuiiil frnri.miiient r- - govi miiicnu - . f , .. Kespondcil to hy lliTC A relief. ' oarrM af lb. aytteta ta a ihort timt by tbt Tho Tradition of the Ptsiiile Tlio!"",f '"o" ' .. - . : third term violates them, anil in sults the memory of the fathers. Responded to by Hay wan! Drayton, LiburtV aud Ijiw I.ibaiti.- mu.l ,l V . I I..., i.' j - :w ."Hi'i "j w , ain iin-Ki-n vio lations of organic law destroy liberty, Itespondedto hy (leorgo Northro A I' ivo Pivss Other liliertie hut I). A I' ivo Press Oilier iliertic hat r, btvn held through tho agency of gov- ItlHtllPnt hilt Ibrt lilirT..'nll,in.i ment insul,lugaUo'u to Ilesponded to by V. (in-vnon. . . the rutin The people demand integrity, economy, capacity and stales. niMiship in their public servants, and the return of the government within limitation on its powers and fuinitions that peace, prosperity and huppiiicsB may gladden the land and ilihahitnntn theroof, . Responded lo by, ' Robert J, tMone gan, of Chester county. . .i . Tlio affair was a grand sncccn In Wrjr respect, , . .' liarncy McCue was convicted of ...Mi.n.r in uie nrsiciegrco,at MI hams port on the 2d, for killing John Doctor, dam'' 2BUl f 0ct4,b6r 'wt ' Mu""y in Mexico mosquitoes are trutinsd .(id .1,1 C . ill. : .1 . . il w.ii. hit uiru twg, pisrrUanrouj. : II. F. BIGLER & CO., ftBALBBI B HAltDWABE, Also, Maoafaetartrtof ; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. INARMING IMPLEMENTS of all , , kioda for aala by . . . II. F. BIG. LEU S CO T)AII-ROAD WUKEI-BAKROWS ""'for ante by'"" U. K. BIQLER A CO. QlL.fPATNT, PTJTTT, GLASS, Nalla, at., for aalo by II. V. BIOLEB A CO II AR-NI5S8 TRIMMINGS A SHOB Findinga, for aalt by II. F. BIQLER t CO. t G tJNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For talt by " If. F. BIGLER CO. OTOVKS, OF ALL SORTS AND Stfi,fur U by ! II . F. B10LEH k CO ritONI IKON I IKON I IKON I L ' ' ' Pot tal by H. P. BIO LEU ft CO. ironsE siioks & iioi.se shoe M. aV. MAILS, for silt by ' II. F BIQLER ft CO pULLKY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES A ei best Maaafaotara.far aal by . II. F. UIULKR 4 CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PirE x BOXES, for itlt by H. F. ItlGLER ft CO pODUEU CUTTERS for salo by cu30 70 II . F. BIQLER ft CO. INKGAR TUTTEIIS. PTRELY VBUKTABLK. KKEE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Ilr. J. Walker't California Vinegar Blttart art a purely Vi,ellili preparation, ntr) chiefly from tht natlrt herb found ob th lower ranges ef tb Sierra Nevada tnoontmfnt af Calitornia, tha mdiotnl proper' ic of ahirh ar eitiaelcd Ibertfnm without the an f Alcohol. Tbeauot- tioa la altnoit daily atktd, "Wbat It the oauta of lac unparalleled tueeH of mhigab UirrBRtr" Oar answer la, that they rtnnovt th aaaa af dit nea, and ibe patient recover hit health. The ara the great blood purifier and a life firing principle, perfect Keaovrntor and InrijronUur of tbe it item. JS'ertr before ia the hittory af lae worm ait a aitxiicin nen wmpoandea I" teating th remtrkahle qualitif of Vimrqab tin. ran in healing tb tick of every diteate man h heir to. They are a genii Pat-retire aa well ai a Tonle. relieving CoDgrttion or Inflammation of tho Liver and itoerai Orgft, In Biliom Uit caaea. Tho pmpertiea of Dr. Welku'i Viaegar Bit tort ar Ape riant, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nn trioioaa, Laxalite, Iirvtio, Batlitiv, Couoter Irritaat, Sudorifio, Alterative, and Antl-Biliona. Qratefat thontanda proelniai Vinegar Bitten the mott wonderful Invigoraat that ever eattala ed th tin king tyateaa. No peraon ean take theat Bitten aeeordlng to direction! aad remain loag aawell. provided their boor ai sot delroyed by mineral poitoa ar otiitr meant, and vital ergaa. Blllona, Uemittont and Iuieraiittent Fertrt, which ar to prevalent ia the vallatof oar great river throughnnt th Unitad Ktelee, etreially thoa or Ibe Jdieeittippi, Ohio, hliaaoari, Illlnaia, TeanattM, Cambriand, Arkaaaaa, Red, Colora do, Jtraaot, Riatirande, Pearl, Alahataa, Mobil, Harannah, lion nuke, Janirt, and many other, aitb their rat triiratuHet, Ihmtgboot ear entire tettntry daring the Rummer aad Aatuaia, and remarkably aa daring on af anatnal heat and drvaeat, an lavarlnhty aeeomptnied by ai tenaire drang4Bau of tha ttomarh and liver, and othtT abdominal riteera. In their treatment a pargatira, exerting powerful influenae npon th-a v trio m organ, I araentiatly aoceuary. There la ao eatbtrtio tor the purpotoeaaal to Ir. J. Walker't Vioegar Bftterr, f (V will iretdily remove the dark-oulored riieid mat'trr with which tbt bowel are loaded, at the tame time ttlmolat ig th teerttion or the liver, and gpnerally ra toriog the healthy function of tho digettiv organi. Ftirlify th lwdy agalnit diaeaie by pnrlfvlng all ita fliiida with Vinegar Bitter. No ptdmi eaa Uke bold of a yntm tnui for aimed. - ,iU i . .. ... . - I . - . - ,,'.., Dyppepiila or Indigrttlon, lloadaeha, l'uln la th tShealdfir, Coagta, Tibtau of th Chert, Diitiaait, har Kructioa of lb 8 torn act. Bed Tft in th .Month, Hilitwi Attaekt, Palpitatioa of tha IleaH, Jnt.ammattD of tbe Langt, Pi In tha reai.ta of th Kidneva. end hunilrHl other paiuful ynptoma, ar ta lTiipvingi af ipi!sii. vm uoiu win prav a belter guar antee of Ha me rid tbta a lengthy Mvarttoment. Scrofula, or King' KtII. White Swelling!, IT. oere, Kryatpclaa, 8ael)ed Neck, tioitr. ttcroru luua Inflammationt, Merenrlal afeetlftnr, Old Korea, Uruptioaa of th tikia, 8ora Kyea, em. In lhee, at in all other eonttitulional diteatet, Vlktwr't Vinegar Bitter bav tbowa their groat mratira power in tht mott obitinate and ia tractabl oaae. tot Inflammatory and Chrwnm Rhenmttiam, Oot, HI Hoof, Remittent and IntrrmHteot Pever, Diteate of the Hlood, Liver, Kidnevt and tha Bladder, then flitter bav ne w. ah In.. M& ar eaaae4 by Vitiotad Blood. . Mvolianlual 1'lataata. PerMtna u 1'atiiU and Miaertla, anch aa l'lumbtre, Tynt aetlera, Uuld Waltrt and Minera, aa they adrauoa ia Jile, art aohleei to nenir.i. nr it,, n,...,. ''"' tkia, uke'a do of Wtiker'a I tlargar Bittcra oettilunallr. F, At,, At,a,. aieinh.. u.. V, '!:,"' .; ..' 'dnciea, iting .,,, ge.ij.iin, itn tTiJ!?''.?'' l!?rf'' "'""'oraiioas of lot IT ' .M-.r. ai tne nun or wbat- , ,jhllt .,m. PB' "t'v m lb" Worm,, linking iD th. " " bontnadt, art rfeetaally de- royr and reraored. No tyal.m tf nnlletn.. a ..rmitugea, no anlh.lmlnlllet will free tht J'"- norma uat matt uitttra. Ft Kcmtlt Ciimnlalnla. la . Bt.'t m... tied or tingle, tt the dawn of womanhood or Iht otptibl.. 1 "pw Cleanae tha Vitiated ninnd .a.ti. .... a-J welmnnrttlrabnrrlltg ehrongh tb. tkla to Plm. pita. Eruption., ot KorrtiMrtkM It who M nil. It ahttrwetH and tbigtt.b la Hi. rtln. tleanw It whea It ta feoli your rrllagl wt 1.0 yoa wh.a. Kerp In. bhxd port, and th. hetllh -" wi. - T FT vm IDTT.W, ":' .lilU-f :. R. II, M DONALD A CO , uriiitllala tnd Ota. A.ta-fU. c.n forma, and toner of Wnahlngloa and Charltoa j.r.a, new iora. sold ny ,p ilnigglata and TT aovt 74 aw. jpoR SALn Oil RENT.-i. ' A good aad wall a aad wall eqalnptd RLohamltb Show win nt Miner aoM a Id a ranted. 14 treat ttand la themmry. ApwIFto" THOA, 4. BOOTH. . Oat. II, IITi-trae. ' Reeaharftr, Pa, JJArD'TIME8 , ' H. .VI NO FFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I I am awata that tbre ara aeta pertont a little bartV to pleate, aud I aaa alao awara tnat tb oomnlaiot of "bard tim" it well ltb anivtraal. Uut I am to tltuitvd now that loan aatitfy th former and nrov eonclulvly tnat "hard timte will net effect thoae wh buy their good froc m, and all my pal rum ihaii be lama ted lata the aa oret of . ( (, UOV TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have gooda tnourb to tuiit.ly all th Inhabl taata ia tbt low or ad of th oouaty wgieh I ell at esceeding low ralea from my mammoth ttor la Mi:i,rtUM(l'Bu, where I ean always ba loand ready to wait upon tal I en and iupily tbtm with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Bach at Cloth, Batleetta, Cattimtr, Mattini, - liemiaea, Llnea, Drilling, Calieeea, t . Trimaiagt, Kibboat, Lata, i Ready-mad Clothing, lloola and Shoot, Hat aad Cant all of th bait malarial and mad to order Hoa, LSooka, Ulovei, Mlttana, Laeat, hibbont, Ac. . OR0CBKIE8 OP ALL KINDS. Cofftt, Tea, Bagar, Rla, MolatMi, Pith, Salt, tVork, Ltnteed Ull, jritb Utl, uaraoa Oil. Hardware, Qneenaware, Tinware, Catting, Plow aad Plow Catting, Nailt, Splket, Corn Caltiva- iortViaer riee, nnq wi aiaee mi at sea. Ptrfcimery, Paiata, Varalah, Qlaaa, aad a gentral t aatoruntnt oi uiauootry, 1 OOOD FLOUR, ' ... Of different brand, alwayt on head, and will ba eld al tbe lowaat pottial agar. J. II. Me rial n't MMiriner, Jeyfl UvdiQlB, uonauara aaa iiooaana Hitter. iOOf pound t wf Waal wanted for Wblah th aighett prto will a paid, tjtovareeed oa aaad and for aalt at the loweat mtrket price. Alao, Anut far bUattutirille aad Carwaaarllla lartabing Macliino. feflL-Call aad teafor ynurtelvea. Yon will Ind verr in ing aiaaiiy kept in a retail ttort. h. M. COUbRIXT. Prnobvill P. 0., Avgeet 11, 18T4. R EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Th attention uf tb eltitena of Cltarfltld and vieinitT ia dlrectod lo tbe fact that tioodfollow A Sua are tha af ent of H. Nieee A Co., aad havt jttit rvcelretl a bair tlotea ear toe tit ef JHour aad reed, which they offer at th lowaat aoatibl Ig urat. A Urge ttock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAS, Potatoes, Sballed Crn, Corn la onr, Ae, Ao. Partlealar ttleatiua la aalltd to it. Nitoo A Co.'a brand of Family Floor, which la tht bttt in tho aurbet. Fluarend Food tan and wilt b. told thtantr thaa It ean ba obtained tlaawh.ro in Cltarltld aoantr. XtT-gtoro .a Markat ttroot. toil door lo Has. Aluatndtr Irrin'a roaid.no. OOODFELtOW A SOW, janlStf ' Agrata for M. Nleeo A Co. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER CIIHPAll, OSCEOLA BTBAM MILLS, MattortoTVani LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS Sawed A J'alenl Ribbed Shingle. II. B. 8IIILLINOF0RD, Pmldeat, Ofllot Foratt Place, Vm. Its 8. 4th at., Pblfa. JOHN LAW8UR, OMOral gnvt., Otoaola Millt, Cltarldd coanty. Pa. At.o TOWH LOT! t tab) ia lb. of OaoMla. ' Au.-K.eo lb. LAROEST ASSORTMENT f Uooda in t'lewLld totaty al tbtlr MaaiaaoU store m oaooula. jaoa-la F. 6'LEARY BUCK. General Insurance Agent and Real Estate roker, Rapretealath following retlabl Tniaraaet Ce: North Brltlah A Mereaattl In. Co. $?6,tM0 Waafaingtoe Lif lata ranee Ce...., 4, HQ, 09 Fir Aaoeitio Inaaraaca Co. ...... 0 Amatoo fin Iataraao Ce...MHW.. i.ora.Ma Pbotaii In tu ranee Co., H. Y 5.000.000 Watertowa Fire, iotare dwelling and farm bnildingt only. ITI.OM York, Pa., Btook laaaraiic Co. Haree lasarad agatntt death aad theft, P. S Parties in th eoantry daairlag ike a ranee oa their live or araperty eaa have it promptly iiiDuwoa v y Mamnag aa ay letter, or Miitag i pereoa at onr onto, la I'te i Upera Hnaee, Roota Ne. l.Clearaald, I . e2t7 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD , H CUES, or all iisntt Baggage Barrowa, Wanhoaat Traake, Copying Prtaatt, Imjirairad Mtaty Drawar, Aa, row ALa tr ' II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealsn la Hardwaro, . . ta.hU:?l.tf : ' Saoond Strati, CloalwOld. Pa. JOOK OUT FOR THE SIGN or tub 111 ft CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. Th. old Oloarltld Kateltlaf Cant Haok C. I. aiaMirea, and a atw oao hratad by Attot Kea aard and 0. U. Merrtll, af Claarlald, aad U. al. Allard, of Bmpnrttm, Cataeroa aoaaty, aa part ntra, nnd Jaa. I. Wntaaw, af Clearlekt, at Ueaer al Agaat. Tb saw aomnaay will tarry aa the batlnoM af manuuvBlariag, ttlliag aad abippiag tha Cant llookt. wilb all tli.lt improrem.nu, whioh nr. aow it.rf.et. All ordrrt tiromntlt Hard. JA8. R. WATSON. . Jaly let, 174. . Um'I Ag.aU F OR SALE! A larg. aad wtll.lnltb Brlok Dw.lUo. alia. at. .a tb. rlr.r baak, la taoaorowgb of Clear field, ooatalniag ttaraa raoaaa, with good eruar, water la the kitohaa, aad til laa ttodara toar. nienca. Paalriea, tleth-rooaa, Cloi.baa-fir.me, Ao. Lot tiaty ftat troat and two hnadrod and thirty foot baeh, with a twenty feet alley a ta. eaet '-. bnudl.,, .itk .u ih. ...pitaaaaon, will be told one... with biT.ul, i. ..u aar. Applioation taa be attda to tht and.r aigaed, or to A. C. Tata, Eiq , who will gira all aeotaaary lafnatallM to theat b dMlr to la aptet tbt proptoty. U.y ll.t. 1878, If. Lime for Sale! TnE andtratgrwd, reatdh, near tbt 4epM bat mad teanpleta amngvatau with Uaaa llern.rt tail af tht aoantala, wharthy bt It taa bltd to heap toattaatly on baad a largt quantity af PURS L I It Bl r wMrb be of.ra to faraera and bwlldtra at t trlla abort oott. ThoM la aaad of th. article wmld do wall to girt mi a tan. ar add real ait by latter, ba ton aagotlttlng tbtlr lime. OK0.0. PASSM0RB. Ctrtrileld, Pa., June t, lldl. TUB CLRAKPIKLD WOOD-CHOPPERS AXEI Mtnufcturttt Mpetiatly for' TllK Cl.KAHFlKI.l) TRADM, . roltALttV "'TI BlfttKR A CO. JRATZER k LYTLE, . " AGENT IN CLBARFIBI.B COIINTV PoR 1 I.ORII.I.AItDIH ' Calabratod Braada af i . Smoking A Chewing Tobaccos. We are ta.bktd ta whedoaaai la dealer! Ibraagb nat th. eoaaty at ally prieet. ..va.r .kRATIER A I.TTLB, Jrl:?4-lf Cltarltld, Pa. nUKAP GROCErUKSI Vtf. J. , , ' I.UMBBR CITT, PA. ..IT . TT"1?""" " b" friwaa aad patroaa that he hat aatnod a aaad IIm . UHni'CRlwa a tnvr...r.r ..fw.."M' LJ iIt7A " aa M ttaBd of I Irk A Ipaaaar, M whiek be aellelw a Haarat Utabn, Oil,, Pt, Mar M-at ""VBm T us. 1 .1)1 LKONARD HOUSE, (Near tb. Railroad iM.ot,) CLEARFIELD, i'A. A abaro of liablit pttroetgt it rapalfally to lltittd. tilS'Tt 8. II. HOW, I'rop r. SUAW HOUSK, - (C l of Marktt A Front atrtetl,) ' ,. ,, CLbAlll'ltLU, I'A. Tht udtralgntd having lakaa tharga ol tblt Hotel, would rwptctlally aoli.it pnlili. patronage. Mi l. A.aVEW'10N bllAW. .. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Thlt atw and well farniahed houra baa lien taken by Iht anJtraignnl. 11. fetla otaldaat of being able to render aatiafattloa lo theat wht may ftror him aitb a tail. May I, Ull. U. W. DAVIS, Prep'r. jj-ortour nouau, . Oppoaltt tha Court Iloutt, . IO0K HAVKN, PE.NN'A. joM'Tl ... HADBEAk A KROM, Pnp'tl JRnt'KCRIIOI'K Hoimu, 8ELLEF0NTK, I'A, D. JOHNSTON AB0N, ooUSTl Proprltton. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Flrrtt, PlllLIl'SUURII, PE.NN'A. Tahla alwayt tnpplitd wilb tbt beat tha inarki-t nfforda. Tbt trareling pollit ia invited to rail, sovl,?. R01IERT LOYD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer of gecond aud Market 1) treat, CLEARFILD. FA. millt talat aaarl aean-Atll. n.A.I I J . - - - "ivat I'vtfi Mt uanag v lb paal year, beta to Urged U doabl u ivraiar paenj iot imm eniertatameBt or tlraa- gtrt and gaeet. Th whol hallding ha aaaa Paa f is ran. I fl Pa a rl . mnd li te.nnna4iAta lll pains ta render hi gut it aamfertabl wbll .a.lH awtaW bi. -'II - Jr-rh Maaslaa Uoutt" Omalbe rwat te and from tb Da Dot aa lbarrtval aii.il ali.aH. of each train. JOHN DOUOIiKKTY. aprd-ft if : Preprlttor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market KL, ht. Peond and Third,) ci.i:AitKit:i.i, pa. Tb ubtortbrr baviog beeum proprietor of tbia hotel, would revpeetfully atk a libera) thara ef publio patronage. P'S'T OBOROK LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEI7ANXA HOUSK, CURW-v aNSVILLE, Claarfivld eoaaty, Ponn'a. Tbta old and wall eatablilbed Uotcl, beaatifaUy tttuated oa tha bank of tht tiattieebaflBa, in tbt borough of Curwrntvllla, bat beta lenaed (or a term el year by the BatUrtigaed. It ha been entirely refilled, and 1 now opea to th public generally and the traveling eommaaity la par ticular. No paint will be spared ta render gutttt oonifortabl while tarrying at thia boat. Ampl R tabling room for th accommodation of team, Charget moderate, ti-pt. 28. lB70-tr. ELI BLOOM. rntistrj. J. M, STEWAKT, D. D. S., OaVa over Irwln'a Drag Stor.. CCRWEN8VILLE. PA All daatal mteralinn. 0 1... I. IV.. I , . . roporatira bra neb, promptly ntttnded ta and tatialMtioa guaranteed. Special attention paid game and moath. Irregularity-of the teeth tot. Meefully oorreetod. Teelh .Itraeted wllboat ptlt by tha aat of Ether, and artigeial Lj.ih iaeerted of the boat materia) aad werraatd ta read.r att. tafaetloa. neril:a'71:lv County National Bank, OF CLRARFIBLD, PA. ROOM la Maaonle Building, ant doer n.Hb .1 C. D. Wiieoa'e Drag 8l.re. Cellar. TitkaU te aad from Llvarpoel, Qiweoa. town, Glaagow, Loadoe, Paria and Copenb.een, Alao, Draft, for aale oa tbe Roval Bank of Ireland aad Imperial Bank of l.oadoa. JAM Kb T. LKONARD, Pret'l. M. 8I1AW, Caehier. tU:!4 J. D. M'Oirb. Edward Perkt. BAH KING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Sttcraaator to Potter, Ptrka, A Co., PhUlpaburf, C'tatra Cauaty, Pa. WHfiltB nil the hatlaaa of a Banking Hen' wilt oa toaataeted promptly aad apon iL mott fbvoral term. Bar 7 tf DREXEL & CO., Na. ai tmth Thlrtl tratrt, rhlladelphla And Dealers in overnment Securities. Applitation by mail will rottiv. prompt atttn tioa, aod all taformatiaB ohMrfnily furnieb. Order, etltetod. April ll-tf. The Lightning Tamer. rpnE aadaralga.d art tba tola Agaata ta tbta aoaaty for iht "North Amtrltaa Oalvaalaed LTUHTNINt) BODS." Tbaat ar tho aaly eata radt sow la Baa, and are tailored by all tht tcleattlt mea la tht MBBtry. . Wa btreby aatlfy tha titlttnt af tha tannty that wa will pal them ap a Belter rod, aad fat lata mta.y, thaa It thargad by tha foreign ngtntt who annually traverse tht oo.aly aad Barry af aar little caab, aov.r te ratatra. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thott wllhlar tlibtnlnw Radt aeoetad aa tbtlr bnildlnga and bat addratt aa by l.ll.r, er tall la norton. W. will pnt th.m np aaywhor. ia iB.toaaty, aaa warraat them. Tho Kodtnnl Flitnrot taa bt teas al any time by calling at oar alar.. H. F. BIQLER A CO. Cltarltld, Minb II. Itll-tf JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER III FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, . AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tba aadartlaned bean leeva te laform the elti. east af Cltarltld, and tha poblta generally, that ha hat bb hand n Ina aaaortment of Furniture, anch aa Wtlawt, Chattnat aad Paiatad Ckambor Suitn, Harlot gaitta, Keeliaiag aad Biunaiaa Chalra, Ladiet' and Oeata' Kaay Chaira, the Per forated Diaiag and Parl.r Chaira, Cane Seala aad Windtor Chaira, Ottilias Bare, Step and Eitew aloa Laddera, Hat Raoka, Btrabhlng Braahaa, Aa AlODLDINU AND PICTURE FRAMES. looking U leant. Chramot, Aa, whlA traald ba roltabto foe llolieay preaentt. aeoi. I .Olin TKOl'TUAN. READING FOR ALL It BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market at , CUarOeld, tat tha Paat IIKee.) it BBdtralgaad noga lea.a ttaaaoaueatt thttlttttBt af Cltarltld aad viaialtv. that ba hat llltd ap a room aad baa Jan returned fr.m totally with a largt aaa .aal .1 raadi.g aanar, miHiu aa paft aa Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blaak, Aaetaat aad Patt Bakt f T.r. de. tttlpUaa Paper aad Eav.lopaa, Pieaob prttaad .n. plain, ... .nent BiunB, Ltgai Papara, Dtada, Marlgagt dadrmtat, Eitmp ttoa and Promlttary aalat White bb Perthi rntwt Brtef, Ugal Oap, Raotrd Cap. aad BUI Cap, Sheet, Mailt for tlUtr Plaaa, Plata at Viella aaatuatly aa baad. Aav k,ka ar atatioatry dttirad that I may aat bay, aa baad, will ha er. ardtrad by Int aipraea, aad Bold at whole-alt ar retell at tall oaavoaera. I will alto kttp aridlal lluratara, aatb aa If atrailBti, Ntwt papart, At. P. A. QAULIN. Ultarlald May T, llll-lf u NDERTAKING. IINDERTAKINW, AT ItEAgONABLK RATES, Aad rotpaetralry tolUit tba atreaege af tkeat ill n ai unk bmipwIu. N JOnW TROl'TMAN, ' . . . . JAMRS h. LRAVY. Clarld, Pa., la, rti TIME! MME! Ika andtralgnad II aaw prwrar lb abH with aa aawtthM o-Jti. artd I fbraiab af Bellefonto Wood-Burned Lime, "fT, L" b. ftaad tor tba pretest al Fit t atw bnlldltg, a Market MrMi, 1. 1. MrCt'l.t.OroH. PHK, vTm A ROAB IIHINS SKINS' ... tWMtvad and fat aalt by . Agtti st, nr. a. tnui a co.