THE REPUBLICAN. CI.KAUr'IKLi), PA WKDNKSIMY MORNlNJ,t)KO. 16, Terms of Subscription. If paid in eilvnnee.or within thru If paid after three end before ail month..., t Ifuaid after theaanlretlon of all moatba... ae REMtiltlUrl NOTICIim., Methodlut Rnlaeonul t'liurt h Rev. A. D Yorca, Parlor. Publie Kervle every Sebeelb a IU A. M , end 7( r. M. Rabbath riohool at a A. M. ' 1 - ' Prarer Meetiof, erery Thunder, at Tl P. Mi1 Communion bervieo, Irat ftabbath of arary aontn, al 101 A M. Preebylerlaa Chare li Re,. If. 8. Dutlii. Habhntb eurvleea morning and evening 8eb- bath Hohool at I I'. M 1'rajrar Meeting Wedoet. day evening. t. Fraud.' ChurellCatllollr Rev. P. J. Bnaiimta. Maaaat lb) e'eloek A. M, on the taeund and fourth tiundara of eaob inontn. Lutheran) t'hurrh. Re. D. M. Moaea Priuiotiing ever, Habbalh, morning and oeeelng. tablielb Sohool at II a. a. Prayer mooting evtrr Wcuoeaday evening. ori-K'l tl. IIIHIXTOBY, TIUB OP BOI-lilBa QtTAIITKIt aKMIOXI rOl'BT, Peennd Mimdny of January. ( Tblrd Monday of March. Firet Munliiy of June. Fourth Monday of September. Tina or ROLDiaa common plram. Flrtt Monday of June. ' ' Heeond Monday of Kovambar. - ' pitiLio orrtraaa. V.. ..(! My Hon. Cbarlrl A. Mayer, of Loik llaeen. Mi.Mal Lmo Jiidee lion. John H. Orvla, of Ilellrf.nte. i4.weu.ta Jndom William C. Foley, Clenrneld; t U...I l'..aill. Waoeolare Aaron Q. Tate. RtmiUn mnj fleeord.r A. W. I.ea. (Uriel Altera. Frank Fialdlnf. 77.en.rei- David W. Wiaa. A'aeri William R. MePherann. Oealy Surveyor Samuel V. McOlo.key, Cur wenaville. County Commitiionm F. F. Couteret, Karl h.iu John I). Tliompton, Curwentrille, Clark Hrowl), Cleorflcld. r.Wy Aedi'iore Koubcn McPheraon, Clear ld Jaraai II. Ilile, Lumber City ; Lewlt C. Illonin, Cloarbeld. Jur) Cimmitiiomtrt Juhn W. Shngart, Jnmel tlitchell, Clearled. , faaaWaleaeVal Talia ScAoole John A. Gregory, Clearfield. Bofie-Joha W. Writley, Wa. Ha debaugb, Cjrrua L. llordon, Clearfield; Joaiah Event, Joeenh 11. Irwin, Curwrnavllle t J. J. Lla gte, Oloaola Mill'l Jobntton Hamilton, Lnlbert. burg. lt.-al Koltins' Hwcittl in tliint iiwiie. They aontaln matter of Intereit. Klottr nnJ Stilt by tho cttr limd at J, P. Irrin'a, Cormntriflo. Sea card. The Now York tittily prtwr" f Hie eamo date, can bo obtained at Ilia Poatofloa arery ereolng aHtr the arriral of the aipreu train. In the oil regions lit present, oil In ao plenty and worth ao little, that the mora n man bat of tt the woraa off he l. i m a aa JiONti Munvirit. For over filly year", Mr. John Porter, of Alexandria, Hnnttnfdon oouoly, bat bean luperinteodeut of the Preiby. tcrlan Sunday ecbool of hat ptaoa. m a, Setnor k Jhoinpson, of Cnrwona- ville, bava limed a now eohedule af prioaa la the elnthlna line. 8ee thclf fee bill In Ibii lae af the Rarraut-AW. I,ook AT It. Kerr'n new ttin at the corner of Second and Market atreete, like bu ait vertlacment in thli tliue, I. a Httla the larfeet ar ticle In the clothing Una aver Introduced ta the public in thia neck of wooda. mm a awi The Hheriff of HnntiiiRl"n county will cell at publle rale, on the Hid In.t., the Dar ree Forge property. Be.ldca the workf, there are nine tbouaaud two hundred and eighty-elx aeraa of farming and mountain landa. . m a. Abolibukd. A Waithinclon di- p.t.h Informe al that the Moli array foitoBee ia Cheat townihip, thif oouoly. baa keen ellaeoutln ned. Thli will certainly prora tery ineaartnlca to (bo rcaldeota of that neighborbood. ' Uaiskd. The Altoona Sun myn: "The poilomca at Oeaeola, CleaHleM eaonly, an dar the re adjultment of lalarlca, haa fcoan railed to the grade of Presidential appointment, with a compensation of ll.Ora. v' i ;irj "Xo Habd TiMiaURl" reroarka Read, who baa an completely aaeitesad kinuelf with all kind! of draaa aad fancy goode, ilnca ne baa moved Into hie new quarter! In the Opera houae, that yoa aan eoaroely In, although be haa double door, to enter at. In length Bia aoan- tera are hi harmony with hit adrerMeeueeai Wo are triad to learn from the Brook- : Till Jtltrwmim, that 11. B. Larimer, whole burning out by the lata Ira in that plana we no- Heed a eoonle af weeka ago, hat eeeurod, another ? roan, ana will mil b fooJ l llw boilleM af !: rood el2urt nd tobuoo. In vblrh baiincM w mUk him abundant f mmm., ' j cgi uk NT. An Hct'itloiit oecurrwl on tbt lint of the Low Or ad Railroad, laet Tuesday week, at a place called Qarrisoa'i Mill A man inmed Shaffer wat driving across tbt traek.wnea kt locomotive struck bit wagon, completely de (olishinglt. Mr. 8baffr wat but tllgbtly la ired, and tbc horses escaped entirety. Kehrbvf.d Skatu, lor tho conn of Ttavbera' Institute, to be aiu in ua upera as, commencing on the t(Hb inaL, can be pro fcdalHbaw idnig store, fbr the small law, df MnU. Tba bolder of tbtse tiokttt will thus be bled to attend tbt institute at any time, and always be certain of a icat. , NmRi'lsi.--Thc usnie 'of Lirw ia i spent about -5,008 in building a new Iron y aoron the Jowlata rivar at that plaroi Tbe t tt useless, because the borough authorities I te fill up at tho tnds ao at to tnablt teams tkitle to trot it. Foot passengers tron it ling twenty foot ladder at each Hew litnt. ' m f ' otiikr Coal Oi'KNiNO.-Alr.('niv 9 Dwnt tb old Bbowalter property, about Jet writ of Ibis plate, otv wbiob is a large f etal. baa a aorpa of engineert upon tb 1 making tbe preliminary nrvey ef a Tall' Mtnccting witb the Derby tiding, to that iher h purposes opening miaei. ip4f f Jomntmt. 1 ' I 11th of this month, tho dny e by tht Adventistt for tbe sad lag of id, having parted without tbe expected tf matter and wreck of worlda,"ltwlll be ia tw to lay inj a ttoek ef Chrlttmat goods, a 'gc iwoHment ef Which wlU be found, mt variety and salted to all slice of pnrtt, , fibaw'a dmg and variety ftvr. " m n krart HoriKTr. A liUn,ry ho is beea formed la connection with tht pnb- U 1b tbls place, at present confined, at te wlp tp ta teaobers and awbulart f tbo Hit It ia ahortly to opca Hi doatf lt ewt Thilis praiHwortby adjattcf to, (he I pointt of our tcbovl, and we bope It with deserved tueocsi dad Ibt eount ia the time comet, ef our best eUiseat. Ttti? An xt liftiiKe tmyu, aa of tame, tlearga li. Mwae hi I a'ck-rk la oaa of tbo offeet mt tba ta railroad at Atloona. A nephew af, e D..Mo Mian aad a eon of Admit .hwimr notltlont la allaana.'- Voaaf inoao to lead a hufhtoa 11, taetead aa find no hetter .ehool than theio laeva. ." The l'rtillirbiirg Journal' , "Soma tmpeoaaloua rataal aaurad the Item aV MUlae-.okaat half a mile Trom or aight. an4 atealthil eonee7ed he aanpoiaa t a. ttlf aoawf lack it altar ha aaa oarrlad it tamo aUttaaae ta hare examined the nontenti of thnt am odlng land n latter taitoad af eel it apoa lha groan tttheroadrtde id. It will t .notHtxl by ia tbil itiut that Messrs. F. K. Arnold ,kwre, boTeremeTed froea Lothavtberg peroat borough of Reynoldsvllle, en JraAe railroad, where tbe Irm propotet anett la tbt fat art. 1 At lb Iran bat ti rell tsUbllsbed repaUlloa ftr prompt- ntr dealing, It ItaaodlcM 1W n to rt I them to the buiiattt pnbllt. . N. Y. UiwMViJt--TLia w on 4est aad meet widely tlreaUted Joanalt ig I tbt Presbyterian, aad petite patronage. It a large tleeWe in (bet It It two papers ifl oat publisbtd P per anawai, postage paid. Two topi seat ftr or alwrt'tert. Bample iaeat free, AdJrtta ),i i. fin T 1 1 ' -l k 1, Parte fs O 1 . rrPtrb Row, Nt Ttrt. Leonard Graokd-. Schooi The fuUuw.Df tlattBMt of Ikt Pulli HohooU ( ClMrflfllil Boroag h, wj b of inUr. tt tUt putt. He. Tht Ultmtot li bMxl to tW MontiM(l. ndliig Not vniber 38th i Wbuk nunibtr of ivipili ...o.....M...M.......al3 Avvmge fttU ntlanot of m$ 16ft M M fnlM...M -.11 Tout vara (i Mlctbnd.i..f...a.....i.i...4.3)(t No. of pupili wiibout ntecwarjr Hok BHARCIKl TAI'OHT l NltlM irMuol.. ithnetia, Atgbn, NiUsrU Fhiloiuph. UnaiKar, Pbyilcsl Uo(rph. RMdlng, Ktj molojy, Pbjilolo7, Uiitorj, antl Rbttorio, , J ( ' aUAMUAU SCHOOL. ' ilenial and Writttn Arlibuctio, Utogriphy. Orimiiir. Rettliog, Ortbigraih. CuniioiiUun, J' Algbr, tnd llliiarji 1 raiHAKT MrARTHIIir. ' Alphabot If Word Method, Hp-lling, Kdiof, Ucftini uJ Wrlllva, AriihiDetlf, itMrgnj.hjr, Uramsttr without Iluukt, Hlitory bjr Uenl Lsiaouts Druwlng, Wrlltog, aad CumpuiUlon. VogrI aad ImUaatental Alwifi an 1m ed In ojiaulug tho Mbool. i - Four of Kitoll'i Programmt Clwoka art attd In Uia ebool out ta each room. Thaaa oloaki an arranged to it h progranairi nf MtnlaM, adopted bj tbi teachen, and girt lit alam tor miitli(.n, and alto for of roelUUoa. They war purobaKd by tht Itbtraliijr of tht tiitwat, through tbttr ohiklrea oontrlbutLngaboutf76.0fl, i Bit ttiwh-rt art am ployed at an aggregate eoit oC luur hundred and twnty-tlra dulUM per month. G. W. Fertney, Frlnelpal J. P. 8b f foriFlnt Aidlilant Priaolpalj Miu II. 3-Swann, 8uBd AulitiaDt Principal ; J. F. McKenrick, Principal of Primary aUepartneat j A. R. Read, Fir-t AMifUot, and Miu Fanny D. Jamei, Bet ond AniitauU The aatiro arbool b nadar tba control and ttanRgwaent of the Principal, Mr. tortoty. i Muob credit li duo to tbt oltUeni for tba lup port they have given to tho Mhooli, ai well at to the thildrto for their regular atttadanot. W. ,M. McCpi,u)ua, ' ' Secret ary. A New iitMtK Hanh Bheitmann's BiLLADi By Charlet U. Leland, author of MIIni Brttuaan'i Party," "hltliier Karl'e Kketeb-Book,"eto. fltni llreltman't writingiart known in Knropt al well If not better, than they art in tbt United Bute. Of a peculiar German stylo, one In which be bat nt rifal, tbtrt It at disagreement among erltict u to bit originality and power ; and at lowg at btooatlnata to net hit pen with the lauio long will at enjoy tbt nu bounded popularity whieb hat attended hie effort up to tbi time. llit"ilalladi"art wrltttn ia a itylt wbloh moat pleat tvery rtader, and bit "Meliter Karl'l Sketch -Book," prioe3.tU, which li totally difftreat ta every mpett cart that of unusual atlraetlrMeie. to e tba language of tba lata Watblngton Irving, attend after be bad road tbt proof-sbetta, "uteri U a wide circulation, by iti quaint erudition, itt graphic delineations, Hi vein of genuine poetry, and true Ilabelala bu- mor. Tbt Baliadi consist uf "Broltuaon't I'arty," "Ureltmaaa About Towa," "JSrellmaaa ' In Charob," "Brcltinann Aa Ao Ublan," II re It mann In Varope." Ave books in nil, price 1& its. each, with a Portrait of llaat Broiimaaa or all la one Toluut, with a complete Glossary, bound lq morocco cloth, gilt, price Four Bolters, either this or "The Sketch-Book" would make a beauti ful Holiday, or Oift Book, The above books are for sale by all Bookseller., or conies will be sent to any ona, post paid, oa receipt of price by tht Publishers, T. B. Fettreon A Brothers, Philadel phia, Pa, Bad Boyg. it apjH'tirH fixm our ex- ehanget, that Clearfialu u aot the ooly towa where yoang boy art educated oa tbe street af ter dark. Tbe Bloomsburg CohmIih and tht SettmUiemtt both allude to this modern system of education, In the following manner) "Tbatiambtr of boy of lender ag who are permitted to roam al-out ibe streets alter night fall is beginning to be a subject of common com ment with persons who think parents should keep their children within doors from tbt time twi light ends. Tbe fathers and mothers of thest boys are sowing a bitter barvctt, that they will reap in the whirlwind of tears and sorrow. It is not aa anewnmon tbiog tt bear thest urchins in dulge in the most obscene conversation, and ia blasphemy that would put to blusb tb most har dened adept ia vile lauguage. Tbe police should be instructed to chase erery boy under twelve yeare of age to bis borne, il found on the streets aAet dark. Msawti'ietn, Tbt tvll t which ear neighbor refert 1 one that it very generally cow plained of and hat re cently attracted eautaaj attention. But bore be tween the ages of twelre and twenty are perhaps a greater nuisance In tbe street alter dark and do more injury to themselves and others, than do the younger once. It la held by many thai a boy of any age nbo It permitted to ran the street promittuously at aigbt and constantly, will nev er be worth preserving at any rate, but tba truth it thai many naturally good boys are thus spoiled and forever mined, while Ibe vicious and worth, jeat art made a hundred fold worse. To correct tbe evil, a much severer law than one authoris ing tbe arrest of tb boy it required. The pa rcel! art tbe moat guilty parties and ought to re ceive tbe principal part ol tht puniahmcnU (V Immbimn. . ,a.e.aalaVa aW Thi Huntingdon Vrbsbytkciy. Tbit body met ia Cen vent ion at Tyrone laat Wk, aad bad a very pleasant aad banaoalona cession throughout. Tbe following named dele gate balled from thli eonnty t , Weodlead Mark Kyler. Bradford A. M. Uill, V. B. Read. Olearneld Br. A. M. Hill. J. B. Graham, Buelab O. W. MeUelly. Osceola A. H. Ureeawalt, Wm. A. Brown. Fruit Mill R, S. Roberta, John Wilton. John Thumps,. ' , Provlowa to adjournment, tbe following aemed gentlemen were appointed a committee of ar rangement for tbo Coarentfei t be held la Olearfield oa tbe second Tuesday of December, 175 1 Br. A.M. IIllli, 0. W. MeCulty, B. A. Irrln, Dr. f. B. Rad,and Col. ft. MeCamanU f 'j i I, i i aw i i ' Kirk ! The Tyrone Democrat of the lltA saysi Tbt midenct of Mr. John Patterson, Gey- port, was damaged by 9 re on Tuesday even lag last te tbe amount of about $3.00. Much ef the furniture wat entirely destroyed by tartleta hand ling tnd wmt carried away by thltvea. Mr. Pat- terson'i pocket boob eeettintag $4T2 wat tlolta from tht boat, tt nlso Mrs. Patterson 'a pochot boob eontaing a email atnount, and box ton- laining bar gold watch tnd seme Jewelry, total value about $360. Tht Ion on 'ho building U covered by Insurance. ' Cerufnly, hvly thttrti In that gay-rptrt of a ptave la Ire time. , , , me i Hold on, Up TheriI Tho editor el tht Kbeaaburg Fmrnm It poet log becaatt tbe editor f thelollldayaburg Anntfarel say i" that tbt Infennot down there U thai tbo editor of tbe SYcfmeo npproatbed hit mirror "hied tad for. most" wbea be diteovercd m rent that wwat high enough for a certain fellow 'a cent tall." ( : MoPike teentert in thia wayt 'Telly one for tbe Acacterd, whose local editor own approach bit mirror Mhind end foremost1 without turning bis hack to It wbe ia, la fact a full-gxiged "hind end" of tbe long-eared species any way yon lace mm. Boyi ! now atop that. . --t - ' at a m ii Fatal Aocidrnt. A man named aloaeph P. Brawn, a resident of Logaatewn, ad joining Altoona, accidentally shot aad killed a young bus earned John Thompson, ton of Ueo, Thovipion, Btq., who reside ew filalv Furnnea, a latnrday morning tf lait wteb.- Both erer banting on tbe mountain tome mil from Altoona, at the lime tbt accident oeenred. Bran teeing tbt bead of Thompten moving above tome bwahoa, aomt etvenly-tve or a hundred yarda dis- tan drcd, tba ball from bit goa entering tbe back mt Thompson! bead, coming , out at tba fight ye. ab laoucH -wat neea ever ine wowy oi yoang Thompsun, proneantlAg the sad ooaj-raoo portly aeetdeetal, and nbeattrattsg Brawn frees nil blame li tbt premise. ' 11 Aooibintallt BnT.f-Kr. Hamuel Kerr, of Ureal township, wat accidentally shot whilst bunting In tbe neighborhood ef Nashville, oa Wednesday morning last. Mr. Kerr had started cut oa a banting tipeditlon, and gtUiag on tba track ef a deer Hopped at tbe foot ef a tree to reconoitrc. In tht meantime an other party of banters with whom a yoang man namea Ijow aaaseer eaeae along en tbt aamt track, and being on the lookout eaw a movement which In tbt no eerttin light looked like n deer. The young man drew up bit rifle and trel. , Tbe ball from bli rifle itraek Mr. Kerr In tbe email of tbe back tbt bu I Itt passing through and striking tba -low tr ribs. The wounded man was tnoa after cob veyed to tb resident of Mr. NeCraekoa, la tbe aeif hberhcod, aad bow Me there. Wc are ttaa- py to learn that there it a strong probability ef bis getting well. He il attended by Dr. Tbomp- m, el Marion. aaienn avemeerei. . en Lint of lot tern romaininff unclaimed li tbt Pottnflee nt Clear-aid, for tb wetb ending December I4lh, l7 I Bcetly, 8. . , Roncb, 0. tl. Baughman, John Bhandro, William Bailey, Abrahtn 13 J 6bnekae, tfn. Jebd flraff 0. A Hon, Bhockey, Mrs. Mary Gewen, Oeorge " Khan, Lewie : tfelcbell, Jerome 0. v Temple, Wefley rleatal. Mm aAnaa! ,WMeaw, Mrtwett AwU HarptUr, Jacob Warrick J. 0. Lcnlaa, 0.0. ' ' Wettt, Mr. M. 1. " Roblaton, Klward , . i t'.i P. A.0AULI5, P. M , Thono ghnw windown ol Reed'R 1n tfit Optra Iloatn, art tig hi wertb seeing. The relMtorfl, m Ine toiui ef tbe wlnwbwt, net Jnwt Ibt bctt irrangemcnt ibr Dlamlaatlag thnet tbai hati oatna ntvder eew floli nnd wAtm ill ny In ae cvewiag aUraat fveetel ntttntlon nnl aV ej)frat(fl. "u A SuccKMg at Our 8tikl WogKi Tbo Standard Stttl works at Iiogaa, ta tkla coun ty, whleb, nader tbo eiotllcat maaagemcat or Mr. Bruslni have aa.tiafaau.rily tiled aU orders far Tar wtotel 'tire, tcv heretofore received, th'c, for want of orders, only abuut half tba llmt run ning, hart aw a chanot of tecuring a steady job. An order fur lOOU paieonger-car ailes It at hand, with tht premie uf additional orders for 3.Q0U, If the exiea can be made here of tu me lent ttti'iiglh. Uerelofort iuoh ailes have boen bouabt eiolusivelf (a Kacland. Tht order rt- quirvt aatlt wbioh will tafely go through the lest of dropping upon it a weigbt of 16114 lbs.l from an altitude of fret Avetimee. lumaalei, by way of ttperimcat, bava already been made by Mr. Rroeiut, aad cue totted, withstood even a severer trial than was required. A l.TW lbs. weight wat dropped upon it from an altitude tl M fwet seven times, and si HI tho ail remains eonnd t The chance is favorable, therefore, for the tecuring of additional orders by thtHundard Company, and wc congratulate Mr. Bros! us and hit worktngmea upoa Ibis outlook. Liwittottm Democrat. Racial. THIS iPACB Is for William Reed's Locals. Boat fail to look at it, as new items uf Inttreit will appear la It every two weeka. The largest and best atsorlmtnt of Bry Ueods, Motiuas and Carpets la the county. Fiat Furs, for the Holidays, Just rewired. Christmas Uoodi, tbo finest deck la tba tows, i , ( , . Children' Furs, Tery cheap. Kid tilot-oe, acw shade, ftr Laditfl aad Utntt,juat received. All tbt above goods at tbt vtry loweat cak prices, at ' WM. REEB'S, Room No. I, Opera House. Clenrfleld, Pec. 16, 1H7I. Don' Vonotf . A red hot stove aad sabttan. tial breakfast is what laket everybody It H obi us' before going out on the early morning train, Oyster Htews and but coffee euly 34 eenu. saos. nvii", i rwp r. Oppoi Be Leonard Honst. dec 1 tf. Kverything fresh, raw or ittwed, In tbt Oyster lint, at Ibt West Branch Restaurant. Call and test my preparations, Olo. B. Ri nk. De lotb,lb7:t. The Bmt in Mar nr. No 1. Mini Mackerel, the A rlttvtr offered lathis Market, fresh, fat and delioluua. They are not No S'a with the heads cut olT,and far superior to No. l't with heads on. In quire for atcss Mackerel at Bee. 10 In. L. tli A lliroaabt.'i. Wc notice the largest aad finest lot of Christ mas goods at Robins', near tht Btpot. Fresh fish at Robins', soar tbt UepoL Flour and salt by tht ear load, just received at the "corner store,"- Cur weos villa, where J. P. Ir vln oilers tbeto article at low for cash as they can be bad nnyicAtre in CUtrfltlH eon.y. J no, P. I n VI. l.tftl.. Viil Olavsi two buttons.) CB Br,l every pair warranted, at T. A. Fi.kl-1 A Co's. Black ibawlt, a specialty. Bhawli of all kinds a Urge warlely at f. A. Fleck A Cos. dec Waterproofs, Black, Bine and Oold-miied, in vtricut shades, at T. A. Fleck A Co s. Received at T. A. Fleck A Co'i thla day, anew and splendid lint tf Black A I pacts, tht beat in town, at prloet that defy competition, If. B.-A nloe line of Dress and Dry Goods, cheap for cash. Lumbermen t rlanoel, just re ceived at dccltf T. A. FLaTB Uo i. in all varieties. Watomroofs and Plan acts ia all shades. Canton Flannels, bleached and unbleached, at T. A. rieeti to i. Caliooea. Ginebami and Ckints. lower than tr. cr offered la this market, at T. A. t Uck Co t. It will par yon to go to Fleck A Co 'a and tx amine before yon buy elsewhere. Napkins, Table Liaeas and all kinds of While Goods, at bottom prtcet, at dectif Fuck A Co'a. Tickings, proa on ncMl the best for tbe money cr offered tu town, nt Fleck A Co'a. Will not erer be undersold. Bargains worth looking after at decltif Flick A Co'i. We are telling good deeper thai tvtr offered in Uletrflild. a. . rwn vw. Ton tan net Good Kid Gloves (two but lot.) nt T. A. ft ten iiot., ior)i.J3. Wiiniv-bv a bov.U vearaof ate. n iltuatton It n family to work for bia boarding aad altand school, rnaerstend gtntrei boshwo. uooa refrenea aa to ebarnoier can be given. For par ticulars apply at this ffloe. actZ-31 BLACKsvirn Watrrnn to rent tht shop here to for occupied by Henry Kent, at the Corner Store, Curweaiville. uitarteia county, ra. n,n qnireof J. P. IRWIN. nor. zo. isi-u. A RanroTtM Ctan. Another rednrtloa In Artllolal Taoln. Prieee ta anlt theee panleky tlmea. 8. POKTKR HIIAW, o. V. 8. C'learl.ld, ra., Kept. 10, I874..SBI Rati. R. M. M'Knally't adrerliKinenl la ra- ard te Life tnenraaoa. anjll-ljr Call aa R. M. M'Rnallr aad fat roar 111. la- tared la tba Old Conlinoatnl Lilalaanraaaa Coal- pany, of Hartford, Coaa. aa, 1 1- ly Itiioaiaa Poa HalbR. Newtea Bbaw kaana a fall topply of H redeem Uagiiat and Platlorat n alone tor ania. t o aa aaaa a. wia m.w nvmwm yard. Call aa ar addraat bint at Clearleld l'.oa tylranla, , atay U-tf. Wood and Willow Wan of all daaoriptlonj for lie by H. r. Digler Co. lattma roar life la tbe Continental Life Iata- renoe Company, of Hartford, Coan. il. M. M JtAAbiil, Agent nngia-iy RKCAPITULATION. Bird Caget. Wood and Willow War. Honaebold Oooda. AUkindaaf Hardware. Japanned Ware. , Paiata, Oila, Varnltliat. ' Calcined Platter. Wagon and Carriage M akarl' tnpplltt. All ef Ibe eboro for tale at tb. mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. lligler A Co., Heeoad ttreet, Clearleld, Pa. l Par. Tlmel Rem Labor) Rare Meaeyl 8ere Clotbeil TaeiMorellr WrlagM" la the keel IB tbe market. Bey it try H. Far tale ay H. P. BiaLBB Ca. Caloiaad Platter for eale by H. I. Blgler A Go Montour Slate Paiata. for painting honaea dn- aide and ont.ida Cotteaea, Farm Unildlnga, Ae. ttaaatirul, durable and eoonomloal. urouna in pare Lineeed OIL atyia ia n . a. ai.ta. m vo Bird Cagea a large at B. t. Big. ler A Co. 'a. Ate.. gereatr Ire done, dwrteld Wood- aaoppera Alee tf - V:Zt:7I. II. w. HliiLtBtt a t;a a. A full line of noaaebold Uoodi, Jepeeoed Ware, Ao for aale by U. 1. Bigler A Co. Paibtb Ana PAinrBBa' PiBomoa. One atoek of Palnte and Paintera' Materiel! la eomplete, la eludlnn J. T. Uwli1 Para White Lead. J.b. La, eaa A Co'a Para White Lead. P. R. A (Jo e Book Lead, and a aumber of cheaper bread! ef White Leed: also. Llaeeed Oil. Tarnaaliao, Varnlabeeof all kind., a fall line of Brn.hea, aad a fall line of myll'7i H. P. BtOLBt A Co. Rata Tata I Peraoaa wkoaoataaaplateballdlng will do well t. eall and eiamian ear atoek of nilll.UINU MATERIAL!. We hare in atoaha foil lino af Bandera' Hardware, Mella, Paiata, Oil!, Olaaa, Patty, Calcined natter, ae. yio 71 li- r. tsiaLnn a vo. Bawb. Dittaa'a Oroea-ea! Raw, mreal Aaterlean Bow, Boyatoa a Llghtaian Saw, at t-IA-7, at. a, mat-aa vi a H. t. Blgler A Oa. Intra bean making ntanelra addllione ta taalratooti af Hardware the teat aw dare. Brerrthiag aew la Rbelf Hardware, Bad- dl.n' Hardware, Parmera' Hardware, Bailaara' Hardware, and Hardware ef all Made, eea ae eaen tf their euro. May II. Patau, 01k aad Varalahaa for ele a II. I Blgler A C. , , , -,. Pana f Pbbb ! Pbbb 1 Among the maay nrrpa- ratloaa that we hare for Cougha, Celdt, Cronp, or enr throat er lent dtraenlty. none ol the: anaal ta Dr. Morrli' Hrrap of Tar, Wild Cherry and HorehoanJ. If yon are aflleted, oall at eur etore aad we will glie yoa a aample bottle rr a eAora. Agent! : ffertlwtrk A Irwla, Cleerlleld ; Holt, Wond.ido A Holt, Wellacaton H. K. R II llama, Wllllam'illrore. j March II. ly. fail roeotrod, a larga lot af goa-eiploalro Lampa aad Lmataraa tf 0 76-71 H. I. Bia Laa A Co'a, Honca faWaaoa AnaOAaataaa Mtsaaa We Bar. jaei reeeieed a teaaral aeaerlment ef Wagea aad Carriage Waade, alee a fall Uaa af Sptiaga aad Asian, whtefe wa agar eheep Btr aaaa, H. f. Biaua A Co. VtarrUiI. Ob That.J.y, Dee. lltk, 1174, by Wa. Poa tn, Baq., Mr. JAMR A. WILSON, of Kimii tawa.bip, te Miet RLUABBTH BROWNLEB, af Pcrgaeea aownahlp. ;( fui . ' 'laDearlald. aaWedaeadar. Den. tin. 1174, CLARENCE A., ooa af TaoaaB A. aad Patera) I. Flbok, aged I moata, I weeke aad 4 daya. TBalTtCBa' dt CORWABtamV riaca I Wa hare rlatad a larga aaataat af the aew fBI BILL, aad wUI at laa raoetee. af Iweetf Ire eeal,, mall a aapy I aa? addraat. mytO r Clearfield Markets. CoaaamD Wiiklt by Krataar A Lytic, Whole sal aii d HeUll dealers in Iry Uoods.droetrles Flour, Feed, ttt Market street, Clcarfleld, Pa Oiiabubld. Pa., Beo. I IT4. Applea, green,.., .a.. Apples, drird Apple batter, gal, , on 60 I, Butter........ Beani.w .,... Buckwheats ... Bacbwheat dour) B.... Beef, dried. Beef, fresh. Boards, M Corn, sbelled....... Corn, ear Corn meal, Vaaok Chop, tjt cwt Cloversecda. Cheese.. Cherries, V b Cblokent, dressed, V lb.. . W$ B I ....0 00(m I 00 T I 0 I ... IR , 3J ooau a io ... 90 a & a T 00 .... 10(d) IH 11. 1 00 .'. T W(Jb T M 0001,16 Ot II it It 00 es l l 14 ' " I m s I lifa l 4 M , U oa t 00 1 1 60 40 4 M Bggi Flaxseed . Flour IUy - Hoga, dressed Hides, green- , Hams Bhouldert eidst - Lard Mess Pork.V bbl Oats Onions m.. ........ Potatoes.. Peobes, dried, lb Plaster, V bbl Rye Rats. V lb Hall, V sack Bbinglet, IH inrh Hhingles, I lnehH Timothy atvd Tallow Wheat Wool . Wood, 1 eord Pennsylvania Itallroad TYBONX I CLKAKKIELD DRANCU. fH and alter Monday, NOV. 16. 1874, Ibe Train, will run dailr leioeiit 8un- dajl) balweea Tyrone ana Clenrneld, at follow! ULKAKni'.l.u uaiu, W. O. Inwtn, Conduetor. LKAV8 SOUTH. LKAVB N OUT II. Olaarlelil ,..40,r., Tyron. I. (HI, A.M. Oaoeola 10.10," Philiiabarf...l0.16, Clearleld 11.10, " Pbillp.bur, 4.35, " Oaeeole 4.60, Tyron .. " C1.KAKF1K1.D EXI'RKbS. W. 8. PLimuaa, Condnotor. LKAVB SOUTH. LEAVE KORTU. Cleartelil 4. Si 4. Philip. bor,.. 4..K1 " Otoeola. t.4 " tntaraaotioo.. (.41 ' Tyrone -64 " I Tyrone MO . ! Inlereeelion...T.ll " I Ontola a.m ' Philip.bart....S:l " Cl.arlleld,ar.....1 " TV HON E STATION. BAaTwaan. PaelBe Ktpreaa, llarrltbur, Acc'ia, A H :17 , :04 P M S:4a waara aan. Mited Train, Ciooin'ti Kiiireaa, Paeifle Etpreea, Way Paeuenger, Mail Train, Peal Lion, Mall Trala, Atlaallo Kinreat. 0:64 Pblla'da Eipraaa, 10:11 Tbe Mall aiahri tlaaa oooneolion with Atlanlie K aaat at i4i, arrlin( at llarrlabur, at 11:06 r. . and at I'biladelpbla at 1:10 a. : and wilb Mall woalat 1:41, arrlTian at Altoona at 7:16 r. . and tf tf 1:40 a. I. Tba Ei pretl oonneett wi'b PaoiOe Etprata eaat al 1:17 a. a., arrlrini at llarriaburf at 11:06 a. .aid at Philadelphia tf 4:16 r. nr.! and with PaelBe Ki nrttl wetl al 1:14 A. - arrirtn, al Altoona al 1:00 a. a. and Piltibor(ll al 1:00 F. a. Leering Philadelphia an lb. PaoiDe Etpreat tf 11:66 p. a. or tbe Mail tf 8:00 a. w. and Pillibnr(b on At lanlie Ktprrat at 1:10 P. a. or Peelte Kapreaa tf 3:10 a. a., make eluae eonneotlon at Tyrone with train, for Clearfield. FARE FJIOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonto, Pa . Lock Haran.... William .port.. Uantingoon ....! S Middleman ......... 00 Marietta 6 60 Lanoatter . 6 86 PHILADELPHIA 716 Altoona.... 1 66 Johaatown I 80 1'ITTlSIU KCI 6 II ... 1 70 .... o .... 1 .... I Lewtatown. Maryarllla. 4 60 HAKRIHBUBO ... 4 76 Cloao eobnMtiona node by all trakaa at Tyrone and Look Uaven. 8. 8. 1II.AIR, Snparintendent. yl7 If. $tx 3drertiscmeuts. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TUB andcrtlgned, ' aucfcstors to RRKD h POWBLL, hare narcbaced the CI.hAF,- VlKhV FLAR1HU mililJ e rtmuca it lor doing aa titenttte be sine. All the mathlntry will b added necessary to mak It ent of tbt most complete ectab Ishmeutt of tht kind In tht fltatte. They ere now prepe-red te receive order for any work In that line. They will giTespetiai atteatlon te til materials (er hoase building. , ; , FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASU, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, .nOlM.nlJt tl,c. 0t ALL 8TTLEH, alwayi on hand. WORKRD BOARDS, and alt article. Beeeoaa. ry for balldlng, will ba exchanged far Hill LUMBER, ao that peteeal tf a dialaaca may bring their lumber, eaobanga It for, end return homo with Ibe mnnafnetnrrd article.. The Cnmneae will nlwari bare oo band a large atoek or dry lumber, eo at to oa aoio to an an order oa tbe abortoet aotioo. Only the beat and moit ihillful hand! will be employed, to that the pabllo may rety apoa gone worn. Lambor will ba worked or told at low at II eaa ba parchaaed anywhere, and warranted to giro aattafactloa. Aa the boitnrei will be done upon the eeth prlneipl. we enn afford to work for email prosit. a DRY LUMBKi WANTED! Kanrclally one and-B-latf and two inch nitael etug, for whlen a Itaerat prtee will ae paia. The bailee., will be eoadaeted nader the aai af tba -Clcarfleld Flanlng Mill Co." M. O. Brewa will ecrto tally MsptrfnttDd the eesines. Ordcrt recpectfolly aolielted. -( II. a BROWIf 4 bro: Clearleld, Pa., Jannary 1, 1174. , ' TOR bALI-V The wnderalgBed offer for 1 tale a f alnable towa property in tbe boroagn et ClearSeld. Let Milcf fctt, Uh a good two- tPtara J aalamti aautro 4 hoi ." 4rawl4t faiilt ttxta reems down ttatra s. fonr bed rooms nn sUirs Alto, trwlng room aaa atn room on second toor. Hoase Inlshed eomplatt from eellar to attic ueoj cowai pertn ana goo water. dTrtce ret tenablt and payaiants easy. maegit ' nm. m. meuui.tiuuuii. Attention. Larabcnnrn! WK ere wcwmnealactiring ewr IMPROVED BTRBL 80CKKX DH1V1MU C Alii I. BOOKS, mptrlor U any other In eaa, Wt hare alee la ttech a large e.eantlty or Canthechs tettav ble (er rafting pwrpnses, which we are telling etieap tor ease. amu s. ainaAnui mearneia, ra., marsn J8''- t II OU8K FOH KENT.- The endersljraed. whe can be teeti at the "Maw Hons, ' net a largt lirlcK iiwciiing, io eated etj Front ttreet. for reet. Per ferthcr ptr ticnlert tell it pereca er ftddreaa n. N. BBAW. Clttrleld, Pa., Ne. II, 17,. -a. c AUTION.. All pcriont ere berehr treed are in it med dling with or perchaslng any of the following troperty pnrchated hy mt tl Pfatriff'a ette and ft oa lota with Jacob Uesa. er Union towa ship elm t One hay beree, one grey horee, eee t of deebl harncw aad oot two bore wagon, at the tame hepeaga to me, and la rahjeet to my order attar Mm, WM. A. MR AN 8, Lathtnberg. Vet. Wtk, 1H7 4-!, t t. . qTittion. " T; , , All proaa are hereby caatloaed agatwit per ehasiag cr la any way meddling with tba follow ing property, bow la the haadt of W. II. Learish, els: letef earpei aa lha iot, I doaghtray, ta ble, eeok ttere, chair, link, I heda and bedding, perler etore, I bog, I heifer, 1 cow, let ef pou teet, lot ef applet, at tht sam Belongs te me tad It aabjeet te mj erder. MARTIN V. fl'RNFR. WeJlaectow, fi. I, ll7, it AR pereon are hereby anttencd tgaitt par tbaatag tb fol lowing property, viti 1 dark hay mare, 1 red maly eaw, U head ef shp, and tb hoaseheld feraUart la poesesstoa ef Peter Laat acrry, aa Ike eame beloags at aw aad it left with Mid Peter Laasbetry aaloaa, dtcl-li BRNJ. t,ARBRRRT, iifrr (Ts.'l tfohmn. k..W.aat.. CLOSING OUT SALE I CLOSINO OUT SALE I ..a,, JiKDVCTfON TX CLOTniNd. : - .,' , - , , ....... R t , -., .. .. ; - We dralre to aoqaalot our frlenda and the public tkat wa are reducing our atoek lo Coil thia day. LOWER PRICES LOW Ell PRICKS LOWER PRICKS CLOTHING AT COST CLOTH I NO AT COST CLOTH I NO AT COST CLOTH I NO AT COST - We hare Just parchaaed a large let of Clothing, Bt price lees Lhaa maaufactorert eon Id make them ap. But, at tht panic compelled them tt sell for ctsb, we took ad ran tag or It, and bow offer te ear pat rons aa immense stock of Clothing AT LOWHH PRICED THAN RVRR AT LOWKR PRICKS TAAN EVER AT LOWKR PRICKS THAN RVKR AT LOWIH PHlCKfl THAN BVBR AT LOWER PRICKS TRAM KVRR Wt Lnttnd to Close thlt stock all eat by tht let day of January. Be if yoa want a Bargain, come soon, aa we will and are de trained ta make a refutation la the Cloth ing Kctin eta. 100 pair Pant recti red thia day, to We we seld laat atoath at s e. now immo .1 b AT $J NIW BKISU 3 10 AT li 60 NOW BltlNU M M AT J M NOW BRINI) M M AT to M NOW 1IHINU M H : . i - . , " -( i. . OLD DEMOCRATIC PR ICB8 were high . eotaperod with the priori et which we are bow arlling Clothing. , f ,-, :. -,: 'f RIMRMBBB Till PLACR. w i .: ,-..i - - m i Pf . j nil i ' '. ft .li - ! , . 9 v .. ' !, 7,1! n .ii ,' ;! .' ,.;, , "Ai n I.. E OLD WRATRRR HOTRL CORNER. ! 3 "' " ' '.'. ! Pr i " ' ? W ' '' ; ,; ' ' ' a i IfFBft a CO. tr r ,; ft ;. . I -I ' - I"" ' ta '. 1 -it i M 'i --, t ' , ft i Claarg.ld, Pa , Dae. , ft ' ' ' O - ! :'f .-I.I . ,- j . ' , , ,.: .. - tX i-"T'i ' ' " : ' 1 M W I i ' ' ' CO i 8 ' O O O 9 o " E E B S R C 5 5 S 6 g P P g E: E g E B B r s s s-s s s S s I SSSwS g B' B B B B ( B B B -8 H B B R B 9 B B B B B " S S 2 2 . 2 2 J I S 2 i i 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 guts' ;otunu..t 1874. DECEMBER. 1874. REMOVAL. AVILLIAM REED -NOW OP TIIR KEY8TONE 8TORE, Will on Decembor 1st, remove to Room No. 2, at tho Opera House, where ho will be pleased to tee all his old and many new patrons, Having leased this room for a term ot years, at a reasonable rate, the room being well located and admirably adapted tor my business, and by giving my undi vided attention to business, I hope to merit the attent ion ol cash buy ers throughout the county. My stock will consist of a thor ough line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, ' CAtlPETS, OIL CLOTHS, LADIES' MISSES' at CUIIDBEN'S S1IOKS, and at hcrctoforo will keep a re liable class of goods. 1 ' ' ' It is my determination to do a strictly cash busincstsand no books will bo kept at all. Will start with this determination, nnd will carry it through, , .'.',, - To do a cash business, I must do a one price business, and goods will bo marked at cash prices. , In doing a cash business I save tha expenso of a book-keeper; no loss in soiling to poor pay; no litno spent in settling and collect ing; no dunning or being dunned (comforting, is it not T) : ' , In marking goods one price I can mark them low, and it will be more satisfactory to customers as nil will be treated alike. It will save an extra salesman, as not so much timo will be con sumed in bartering or "jewing down," as il is called, and persons will know they can buy of sales men or clerk as low as from the proprietor. , ,,; : ; , , I will try and do business in such a way that it will be satis factory to all. A Urge stock of now goods will be received next week, which will be sold at. prices never offer ed in this market , ... ,1 . . ; , i ; j. " I - ' i . -. - .. , i : ! , WILUAM REED. Roam Ma. t, Oweri flenee, aearlr eppeeila the raat umae. i dearaeld, "er. t 1)74. mmmwanai-ama.anaBaBaammmmanmmraeaanBa.nama With ovary Iota or unncttoaesiry ax pemea cut off Btiyiritf at Pirat Hande whole Cu 0Oaa of Oooda at ona tim-- Watchlng tha Markot, and ueing Caeh whan it la Caeh Manufnaturing ayaUmntlcaHy and with a B unities Exporianoa or Four tecn Yar Baaing our Sallind Prioaa upon Money paid Down at Onoe, and thua av oureelvea from loaaaa and dalaya uaual to o rod it bualnaaa Marking Proper Name and Quality of good on Tickate, and In Plain Fig urea, ao Umt CHILDREN may Buy aa Safely aa GROWN PEOPLE Returning tha Money whan Partlaa Preler to Return their Purohaaaa Thorough Attention to alt Depart-menle- w )) ft II .A jL, IL WAXAMAKER and brown: Jru Coofls, tit. QHANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUCHEY Won Id respectfull notify tli public generally thai ba ba purobascd J. 8. Shower's Urooery 8 tor, In Shaw'c How, where be intends bcilng a full line of GKOCKKIEN. IIAU8, IU1IKD fiKKFand LAUD. flUflARS end Hi RI PS, of ell gredri. TRAS, Oreen end Black. COFFKE, Roaaled and Urecn. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, (Wl'D t'Rl'ITS, All klndt in lha market. P1CKLKS, IB Jan and barrel!. BriCEfl, In ererjr form anil rarieljr. FAMILY FLOUR, Al.l. KIIUDDOVFRACKKIID. B0AP8, MAICUKS, IlKIBI) AITLKS, ' DRIRD PGACIIK8, DRIRD CIIRRRIKS, Coil Oil u& Zaomp CMmacyi. And n goed aaaortment of thoee tklnga nrnallj kept ia n grocery tlore, whirb he will elrbange for marketing at Ike market prleea. Will tell for eark aa theanlr aa aay other ene. Plenae eell and tea hit etook and Jndge far reareelf. . JOHN MrtiArUHKY. Clearleld, Maj 17, 1974. GROCERIES! ' NEW STORE, Opposite Pest Office. New Goods I New Prices I CHOIt'B LINE OP TBA. O0LON0S, . JAPANS, IMPORTED, VOrHO HYSOIf, KNGLISII BREAKFAST Pareat la Market. butter A a ii v.uun Will be kept and told al Irrteoat. Caek paid far Ooaatrr Prndnee- ORRMAX CIIKRR1E9, , , j ' TrRKKY PRl'NES, u , - . '' ' PRESERVED FEARS,-,..'. , , PIIILADRI.PIIIA IMMS. I I - PIMM. Mackerel, Leke Herring, Cod, Ai. I FICKLE. .! It I .1 i -' ' Uarrol Pleklel and Kngllth Pieklrt. ' v vtovn Aan raicn.' I tr Ploar, Cam Meal, Oal Meal, Ae. .. febli'74 LYTLB A MITCHELL. ED.w.diiAHAk; . DBAl.KR IX ' ill'.. i t. GENEBAL MEECHABDISE, SQIARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., " Has Jest npcnttl, at tlie old ttanA, In (lrariaej'i How, a complete stock of , ; . ; J r e ir o o u m, r " ' ef erery rlewlf-llnn. DBVOOODS, 1 OROCEHIKA .0 II AKDWAKB, BIXITS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, iff., rf-c., IN GREAT VAKIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, '! RYE, ; 1 OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON UAKD AND FOB , SAf.K AT A SMALT, AVVAXCK. FLOUR the oar load) and enli adraaee. naeelrad b the oar load, and anld at a email adraaee. A "fp'y r npp' oniaily oa haadi Spatial laduoementa offered ta tboae getting tut - Square Timber aed Loga, aa we deal largely IB Lambarmaa'a Sappliee, and an Ore- . pared al all timet la purebaea tim ber and lambor. KD. W. GRAHAM,' Market Street, V ' CLEARFIELD, PA. Oettl, mri. ' 8AW81 8AW8I 8AW81 i ' .Ti"T n ' 7'vt;: 0 . D18TAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAD AND CIRCULAR SAWS. ' - ,'. , , Bopton'i Ligfatninf Oross-out Saw. . A1S0, rATSRT PIRFORATRD A ILKCTRIC SAWS, , rertalab ,4 ., ,,,,,, enii.Ti it. r. r.Tnt..R. a ea. Wmamlt.T Mi Jrou'o'i .drrrtitrmcnt. J nUi OUAaLaVXTIX ' OKS PRICE. I I S (i, ' d 2 THE LARGEST' CLOTHING HOUSE IN S.'R'CoroSixth andMarket , Streets, JBUILADELRHJA. " 5rn flood, xMxt$, tt. , NEW FLOIK, FEED, "'I AND '. ' GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Reed St.. ana door went af k-ecnard Hotiac, Clcarfleld, Pa. Koep oot itaa'' oa hi a I SUGAR, ' ' :" ' ; ' CtFFH, TEAS, SODA, COAt, OH, SfRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, ' ' Canned and Dried Prnita, Tobaeee, Clgara, Caa diet, Cider Vlnrgar, Batter, Rgge, Ar. ' ALSO, EXTRA HOME HA DB Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o,, All of whiek will be aeld eboan for eatb or ia eiebange for ooaatrr produce. A. O. KRAMER A CO. Clearfield, Mot. II, Itlt. tf gTOP THIEF! flow oftea that try le heard In ear larf towns : bnt ao eo aver tbieks of steal ing frusa T. A. FLECK & CO., For their f oeds are ee cheap, Il pay better to Xmy than steal them. Parehasiag entirely (or own, and suiDg ror ta aame. w are thas ena blcd to cfer Broods at a smaller aiareia thaa can poatibljr he done hj aaj i.aedoin(cen the smail- eei part ei irvx eacinea ciiaer way, we hare an entirety HEW parchaee of r ( ij ' DRY GOODS and LADIES' DRESS GOODS ia variety aasarpaaaed and prioes to celt tha scarcity of money. Oar stock of , i ' i ' ' '': MILLINEET GOODS, Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, ha Barer been equalled In the eenafr. LADIRA' AND CHILDRSN'S INDKRWgAR . i', a oontpleto BBtortmana. , - Lndics' Dress Trimmings, la Full Line. latcat Sljlet. Gents' Furnishing Goods,' "' a large variety, talk apart, aad dna.- j , ii ..... .1 i, .... - ii WINTER GLOVES, . , ! 'j ( TARNS, - I i WO0I i." to KEPIIYK8 Waterproofs in jGreat Variety. Alt are Invited lo eall and eiamloe enr gooda and arleee before barrng alaewbrra. Wa make ne wry feeee boraoa. von den't buy-, bat bailor. thia te be a free eonntry t aaa tkat ererr ona aae tbe Inalienable rhrat to life, liberty, tba naraall of bjkr-ptneae and ta bar root, where tbe oaa aeeare tne erM goMt ror tae Mtar aaonev. - At Wm. Reed 'a old ataed, enpoe4U Hoaeoa'a. . T. A. KLKOK. . aotirrt A. M. BILLS. S" TOKKKKEl'JCRS, ATTKSTIQN! We drtire to eall roar attention to our ettenalve Commiuioa hu.ineta and ta our facilitiea for dlt- Ioaing or eueb prodnoe at our eoBtigoor tend nr. lerlng n lerge trade wilb eity rtorea, we era en abled te make qnlek returna, at full jirloei. Htorekerpere boring Chickrna, Batter, rTgra, or other nndnee, will do well ta aire ea a trial, tt here terneerioo ar taken la eaeaaage, aa earn mie.loawiU boeaarged. -.. f - H. L. KIRK, RON A CO., WholaiwJa llroeere aad Oommtaaiaw AiereaaBte, No. IM N. TbiH etreet, Phllad'a. aprly MARBLE AD ST0E YARD! Mas. '8.' B.' LID D K LL, ' ) - -r , ft i ,- ' B v llarlog engaged la tba Mar Hi ieaiaata, deal rat In Inform bar frlendl init tbe pnbllo tkat tbe bat nnw and win keep eeatuatlyoa bead a largo sad Well teleeted atoek of ITALIAN AND TKRM0NT MARBLE, and la prafarad te faralak to order TOUBKTONKS, . ' .' . , BOX AND CRADLE TOMaW, 'JI0Ht'UBTS, Carkt and ror Ceaaeter Lata, Wiadow I t Bill, and Capa, alto, ' BUREAU, TABLE AMD WASH STAND TOl'g, Ac, Ae. kavYerd oa Reed ttreat. Bear Ibe R, R. DenoL Cleailold, Pa. )eT,Tl J . 8. r ABaoaa, Prea't. R. R. Bawi-nan, Saty CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF IIARTFOHD, C41NH. ,. Amu.....; ; w,ii, RatieorAaeelrtaLlabllillea. ' Varnl.kra Inaaranee al tbo rerr loweat eoal Polier-boldert paiUVIfata Ig tbt prodtaot tbe uompanj, thna aaatiaaaNj reuoetng to. pavtaeata. ror ratra, ae aan . N.m R. M. Ui-ENALLT, Ageal. OKleo la Sbaw'a Row, Clearleld, Pa. f:l74. WILLIAM U. 1IKNRT, Jubtici orraB pBAra ann SrBaTBBen,I.UklBBR CITY. Calleelaoai aaada aad enoeejr promptl, paid aver. Arliolee ef agreemeat aad deeda al eoeeejaeeo aoatl, ei eea led aad warranted eor meter a barga- I.J J J H BAROAIN3 IN MUSICAL IT,.! STRUM BRTS 1 Orgaae, beab nw ui aeeead band, at tba Matte glare, r-'.M arleb- leraltart State, All aeraaat iatr. tad ta eall aad eumlae a aew ' a Or eaa now .. ..kArK-.j Stmt U, tSST,Zi. ciitt.tlf cn hand. ep)S4-Ttf Combining all thaaa -marltw, wr filaoa our Buelnaaa on tha moat SOLID FOUNDATIONS, and Invite tha oon fld.noa and auapmrt of thai a)eoplermr Phiiadalphia, ae wall aa atran0.r and othara now vialllng tha oity. Ramairnbar tha Four Cantlnal Point! i t , ONB PEiPaJ! H , i CASH ALONBI rrjU, OTTABAKTini CASH BBTUHWID! ' With tha L-argeet, Moat Slyllah, Beat Made, and Cheapeat Stock of MEM'S and BOYS' CLOTH I MO, wa tBTlta relt 11 to oall on ua. AMERICA. .ia WAJTAMAKEB , and BBOW3T.' ' srflirarf, Ciuirsrr, BU. JOHN W. WAPLE, MANUFACTURER OF Tin, Sheet -Iron & Copper Ware, I- t!M - -..!.- AND DBALKR IN STOVES & RANGES, Near Market Htreet, Clearfield. I will keep ea hand a Tall atoek of Cook and Heating Hlorec, Ran res, ate.. Also, full line af TIN WARE, , Sheet-Iron and Copper Ware.k I will make a epaelaltr of tba followiag Sterea, Eelipie, Monarra. and Vietar Cook. Raaeaa. aad Mutual Friend, i'nnonr and other Heating Storea. I will ekrhange Tiawnre for Cottaa Rage. eatnVtd ''"." J0BH W, WAPLI.. rpiN-WAKK, STOVES, AND , ( HARD WARE 1 WATSON, NICHOLS k CO., CTBWKNSVILLK, PA. ... II at is boajtht tbe Hardware Stare aad Tl i abep formerly beloBKing ta w. A. Dale, wa latent keeping lor aale erery t bin g bloagiag to the basiaesa, aad will n dear or te cll as low for cash as eaa be beogat this side f Philadelphia. ' ' At war csUbllsbment aaa be foand al all tiatea a fall capply af Shelf and Hear j Hardware, SHKET lltON'AND m-WARE, , Cook and Healing Stoves, ' (, j - : ii a. i . i- .u u . -i- ' I SHOK FINDINGS, p.ik.,,,, .,.. a,.,-, . ;or,i -Hzy.- -Tails, ralats, ,00s, Git, ltty, " CARPENTERS' TOOLS, i Faming Implements of all Kinds, . sctTiias,'' ' i . ' i ,-.. ! .y SCYTnMXATHES, j iU i GRAIN CRADLES, .;' J ( Si- CSJ ki. virf RAKES, ire" BLACKSMITHS' TOOL8, , .,,,(, 1I0RSK fHOKS, 1 ''HORHRSHOaKAtLS;" " BOLTS, Aa Wood and Willow-Warri, Oil Cloths, 4c. y-TIl SP0PTIK9 Sua tow and bertef materiel seed. - WATHON, NIOHOI-g A C0.-- ' Carweaavtrie, Pa., Jena , 1174. A- ... Hi ffT-rHl'Kn ' JnoKsrriEs store. i i ' .... vG.iS FLEGAL ma I ' rf'XVit,; ir -A i- DEALER IM " I ' : I'J .1 1 : : i ( i ' V M .) ) - '.i HARDWARE, ' .1.1 !i I yl 11 BTOtKS. ' " ; i rn ,i. HEATERS, I ?,t ranges, . , . , Hollow. wauh, i ! PAIMT8, ' r" I i I 'j p - j a I ,. ..oils vaAsisL u J:,t; i ' '"'' PUTTT GLASS; ' i j", wows. ' 1 8TKF-LADDER8, WOO l AKI) W ILLOfT WVBE j. 1 1 J Tbaeal.bTaad TaMaAnaJ.rraga.lkaaVedl i ' IRON-LINED WOODEN PtTMPSa. 7 No batter Paaaa la Ike aiarawt. - I " LAMPS, CHANbBLIERS.'tANTtartS.' ' V LAMP FLUES, of all Hade, ' ' ' LAMP IIXTURBO, A. ' ' All at avwaat riaee. n -" l.teTd freawaei.le nMrryet rnnipa amrp;, . I I r. uiuiicn at vJ. Alt'' fcav tar tain. 1 'V i , jiij"tirui.M, '-w-irkt ' -v. :-tt I " , iei I itei'lSb.". , 3yld V r a-l li; . 1 ,- ' ' '-'.in -ri.'i- --!;: , A't Oarrlage ama Wafoa Makara tkaall abOr, j , . aale of tali aad eelfead taatlae tketn. ta . .UibeRldetfalrprteet. , it'i.j, " TbINR. Wtrmi 1 ROAN LININ Rgllta- I . deet retvd and far aale We , .t April . iti. a. r. Biuim oo. ; i 1 I J,i r