Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 16, 1874, Image 2

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    Ibe gejmMicait.
Gioroi B. Ooodlaiidir, Editor.
All RitiHTAaAm.
men oommlt crime in Washington
thoy hare only to go In with the King
and hive ft Grand Jury MoiralJy arftwn
nnd limn eaeaiie nuninhmetit. This l
the lenwn taught by the Washington
nnfe burglary cane. '' -
Cabst-Baouinu. There are ton
Stales in the Union in definition their
dobt. With the exception of Indiana,
and of Missouri to a partis! extcnt,they
are all at the South. : The total amount
i 1164.700.000. " Noithor of the States
wore in the hands of the Democrats
when the dobt wore oreated. 1
' gfgff-- t?
Kphrata, Laneastcr county, has
preaching and a revival in the ton pin
alloy at the Kphrnta Springs Hotel.
Exchange. Thoy oon do anything in
Lancastor oounty except give a Demo
cratic majority. They are too wicked
for that Revivals In their hotels and
ten pin alleys, however, will lead to
that. ' ,
Eabii.v PLEABED.-r-In alluding to In
dian Affaire, the editor of the New
York Iri6u remarks:
"We ra pleated to lear frtn tha Pre.ld.ata
Maing that 'the policy adapted for the manage
mailt ar Indlu affairi haa been adhered la with
aoat banalaial raaeHi.' All the Vaeee Oenmi.
eioneri bara nelgnad aeoeui. the uoYarnmenl
will bo! aa fallblul to lu own pralaDaai, and Or.
llla Orant ha icQrd aaaonopol of thatrwtlfna;
boalBaia Bt fva af tba noat loraaUr froatiar
poaU.'" '
If "tho government" can stand such
praise as that wo will try and weather
tho storm, too. .
Lovii-r Mabsacbchetts. This ex
cessively loyal commonwealth puts In
a heavier claim for philantrophy and
refined godliness than any other terri
tory on the globe. Recent developments,
howover, seem' to weigh against this
view of tho case. Tho New York Sun
'Soma of tha Gonnaotlewt paopla ara eamplalB
Ina? bittarlv aaaia af tha wa BaaDara Br impoaad
udob tha towai of tha Stau through tha law of
Maataehaaetta by whieb Boer paraoaa raealaa
paaaaa Iba railroada. Tbey ara aarried aa
far aa tha atala Una, wbara tbalr fara ia damandea,
sod if tbar don't Bar tbay ara put off tha traio.
aad of aenraa baeama b aharga ta tha towa wbera
thay happan to ba laft.
Don't Wam Um.J-Tho Philadelphia
Telegraph, ono of the Radical organs of
this State, docs rot want to see Mr.
Wallace elected to tho United Stittos
Senate, and gives the following among
other objections i '"The Republicans
should understand thnt with him in
tho Scnato they will have A foeman
thore who, while be will honor our
State in point of character and ability,
will do more to advance the interest
of Democray than any other man
named for the position." How if that
is not a left hand oompliment wo do
not know how to give one. "Harris-
bnrg Mercury please oopy."
THl rcBLio I'ibt. Although she
nublio debt statement for November
showed an apparent decrease in the
debt of more than one hundred thou
sand; dollars, there is no concealment
at tho Treasury Department of the
fact that this decrcaso was effectod
only by witholding the payment of
several largo warrants until after the
8rst of December. Had all the de
mands on tho Treasury been promptly
met, tho debt statement tot tho month
onded would have shown a consider
ablo increase in the amount of the
debt. It is cortainly rathorfAi' for a
great govommont to practice such
cheap frauds upon, its! people ; ' But
such is Grantism. i
Tub Robbery Cobtiihjid. Nearly
all our exchanges have published the
prospectus of tho Kentucky Library
Tobbery, which was positively to be
drawn on the 30th of November, but
it has again been postponed in order
to "rope in" more greonies. A greater
fraud Was never palmed off on any
people, and the newspaper editor who
allow, or assists to have, his patrons
and neigbora robbed in this manner
should hide his face In shame. To got
$10, for helping to rob your readers of J
thousands of dollars, is refined larceny
that kind of crime for which ajman
cannot be sent to the penitentiary, but
it is as effoctive In Its results as high
way robbery. ' - 1 " " ' '
Poo Ddlctb. Many of our readers
will no doubt remember tho celebrated
Bpeoch of J. Prooktor Knott, mado in
Congress three yours ago, wherein he
pictured Duluth to be the home of
"Christian Statesmen and Bankers,"
and ai a modern Now Jerusalem.
Tho Pittsburgh Tott says : '.'.',
A lata lattar from Dalath, MIbb., ( Ika fol
lowiBg diaaorarinf aoaonnt of tha baaiaaia aapaata
ofthateityi "llouli ara aloaad f ao aaw howaaa
ara bulldtnt l MBay aid owaa ara far raat, aad aba
wladawaaf BBBraroaa abopa aad ataraaaraaavarad
with daat asd aabwaba. Tha aUratort and wara
houaaa ara almoat aataty i tha Btaamara aama la
jo Ml wits iraifBta mat lardly pay raaalat
iBaaa aa awa haa any maway aa aaa daaa
Bay baalnaaa bt.t all lira aa aradit aad hopa for
brightar daya. Tha praaaat aailapaa af tha north.
ara Paallo Railroad haa daaaarallaa Oalath t aha
Iirlaa of whaat ta aa law that tba alaratara alaad
dla, Bod ararythlBg and araryhodr at lha haad
of Laka flnparlar laoka aaady and farlara."
Tub "Colobid" Steal. The pat
rons of the Froedman'a Bureau Rank
and it branches are beooming belliger
ent Seeing that Jay Cooke A Co. will
never pay one oent on tho dollar of
what they have stolen from the people
the darkies are becoming alarmed
about the pennies tbey saved and
handed over to the carpet bag thieves.
There if no doubt but that this bank
ia as totally bankrupt as tho "Chris
tian" Cooke firm. Therefore the Louis
ville depositors in that big Radical
steal, the Freedmea'a Bank, are going
aftor the "Christian soldier and states
men" who so unmercifully robbed them
of their hard oarncd.csAli. ..They held
a meeting recently asd adopted the
following preamble and resolution : -
BllMM Tha daeofjtar af Ua FraallaaB'a
BbtIbp aaat trass Puipily an as sdaplmbla
aatHT'tasai aa asanas bi ua mmm at uai iwau
tntioB wir" naa aViprlrad hnadrada af poor maa,
woatasaBdaUOs'''''' aaraiaft i Ihara
(ara, '" "I '
AiaaWaaaV This Bi 'waIUaa af LaahrriHa.
Cy, la mmt aMki saaa-aM, d. k.rW.
by aall a Mhor,. i "
MiaradaBaailaat lha Suta a.' Blawtsaky, asws.
BbtohtaasayarLaBlarhlairflM Ba -
4b la Jaaajarn aS7a, (ar tha ma. faMHa.
fcw OaBMaa la Ua aaak UBSaaaka.' SaaaB It
afalra af said teak ba laMdlla tms
II dam ftaa44k daf aailata.
(Mfaaiaars mtf aa rapraaaalaa ay al, must.
I aad praiiaa.
Hon. Henry L. Davis, of Mmwacbu-
setts, has been in Congress for sixteen
years, ana has boon one uf the shining
lights of the (lodly party whicU has
ruled this eoiintrjvljiiring that term-
In teanlt, ho has been great rolnriuor;
in imuUce, he bedded willi Onkj Aiiuh
and the other Credit MobilierRnlnry.
grabbing thieves. He made another
big reform blow in Congress, the other
day, and caino to this remarkable con
clusion. Ho snld:'' "Those who are
rasponsiblo fur publio affairs bavo no
time to lose. We can put off our duty
in promises ad longer j The llepnhlt-
can party has just throe months to save
or to destroy it existlcnw-wo other
power than itaolf can accomplisli its
ruin. Ii will pass out of mind and
memory In tho politics of this country,
if at all, by its own hands. It has tho
power as wull a the privilege of ac
complishing either of thuse result.
Whatever in the near future awaits
that party, let It' not die for want of
courage. .
Courage I Dawes belonged to a class
of moral cowards who howled war for
four long years but never snuffed pow
der when tho conflict camo on. They
championed and brow beat Davis,
Toombs and .their backers, on the floor
of Congress, but when tho hitter picked
up their hats and invited them to meet
them on tho batUs field, they w ere too
cowardly to follow tbcui, except by
substitute. Thank God, the people
have found tho knaves out, at Inst.
The 4th of March noxt Will exile Henry
L. Dawca and that whole brood of
sneak-tliief statesmen from tho halls of
the Amorican Congress, which they
have disgraced too long already.
Is A Fix. Will Bra. Goodlander aiblala, la
hie nail laeue, why rewarda war effered by Iba
ooanty olBoara, far tha arrect of iartiaa committing
robberiee IB lloeraeld Borough, tuereny pauniy
and palpably tearing ina inlerenoe met bo ra
udl u p,la , tb, ,pBrebea.loa 0f
partiaa Railty of arimao aommittad n any othar
part of tba eoanlj t ittvetu.
All right, wo will do the best we can
We are not tho legal adviser of either
the Sheriff or the Commissioners, and
therefore cannot answer the law point
made by our cotomporary. But it
would be a wonderful "iuforenco" to
suppose that a reward would be paid
when nono is offered, or one offered
w hen probably no person ever requested
tho officers to offer ono. In tho casus
to which tho editor of tho Reveille re
fers!, wo know personally that numer
ous heavy taxpayers, outside of this
borough as well asiuit, mado personal
appeals to the officers requesting them
to offer rewards for tho apprehension
of thoso whohad been comniittingthosc
henions crimes in our midst
Indeed, the desire scorned general
and one feature of tho rase is that tli
officers only offered about halt tho sum
that their constituents demanded.
The man must be beaido himself who
would supisise that the officers would
not also offer rewards for the capture
of vagabonds who had committed sim
ilar crimes In other portions of the
county, if requested to do so by the
taxpayers. The intimation that tho
rewards were only offered because tho
crimes had been committed in this
borough is very contemptible, and is
an "iuferonce" no gentlemen should
draw from the act of an officer, who is
in discharg of a publio duty under
oath. And In doing so, the author
"plainly and palpably sets hsmaoir
down as a blockhead, if nothing more.
Not Necessart. Tho parties who
are engaged in sending us marked copies
of the Uarrisburg Mercury might find
some more profitable employment, be
cause we carmot imitate the conrso of
the scribblers and of tho political har
lots who do up tho dirty work for that
sheet. They cannot got ns to libel
either Judge Black, Mr. liuckalow, Mr.
Clymer, or any other aspirant for
United States Senator. ' Our calling is
in another direction, . Wo seek the
election of Mr. Wallace, who haaearnd
the position and will fill it as well as
either of. tho other gentlemen named,
and until tho Democratic majority in
tlio. Legislature declares for another,
on the third Toesdsy of January, we
are for Mr. Wallace. Being person
ally acquainted for over tun years with
all the candidates, wo know pretty
near how to adjust out-self in the prem
ises. : ' - ' "
(i ( . .1 -1. U.-J-L. i 1 I i- .
. Snari.ino, Too. Wo olipthefollowi
ing from the Philiishurg Jmirnnl of
last week :
"Tha aommiaalonan of ftaarllald aoanly oflerrd
B raward of $500 for tba apprrbaniioa of tha
thiaraa who raarwtly daapoilod tba altiaaoa al
ClaarlaM barflafh of tbatr aaoda and ohalUla, asd
otbar baroagha in tba aountv think that il iBuckaof
diaarimlaatiwB, and Bra aakiny If tha nam a thing
would ba dona If It waa another bwrough."
Now, will yon please Mate what
"other borough In tho county thinks'
of any such nonsense, , ; Wo doubt even
if a single citizen, who contributes a
rcsjiectablo portion of tax toward a re
ward, or who has been robbed, bas
over requested tho Shonffor Commis
sioners to otter a reward. If you know
of any, please name them, and we will
copy the Kst and send a "marked oopy"
to each of those officers, and wo will
do oiu lovel best to have all the seoun
drels ..caught who have been plunder
ing and robbing tho taxpayers in "the
other boroughs of the county.'-' ' -
. Rath Ka Sound. Tho ' Democratic
majority for Governor In Missouri is
37.462, Pretty good for' the Umpire
State of the southwest. - . ,
Nine Ymars PeacbV 'J'h 8priiiK
field (Has.) JicpMtcan aoemi to be
oonsiderably bothered about publio af
fairs. In alluding to the "colored"
movements down south the editor re
marks: New Orleans and Littlo Jiock
having got through tor tha present,
Vicksborg begin. It ia the old story
of tniagoverninant and apoliation with
which thoso later year of Ui rocon
tniction epovh have made ns so fa
miliar. Nearly all the county ofHoer
under indictment for fiirgoarv, laroenv.
Ac., the sheriff believed to havo made
away with dooumontrjr evidence of the
crime in hi oflioial custody ; the dis
covery made that the Commissioners
have eacnaed this slierirT from the for.
mality rat grring bonds; the tax payers,
in despivir of peaceful legal redress re
porting to violence j th city besieged
7 oiaea mintia ; arrnoo eollunon,l)lood
shed, rapine thia j whore, ve have
got to in aia yean of nominal poaoe.
A St. Louis journal soma up tb whole
history in a single entrmce ; "Jicpob
Itoan government at Vieksbarg has
ripetrtd into Mony, nneV the result it
r!?,"?" ,A (PXsl definition
or Jtadical rule and mutgovornment.
'"' ' ' " i ai ea aa" i i , ,
MoMst To votsJ mortifyieg her
Invert Ikmily, who are very poor,
Montreal h firms was married ihe other
day in plain Hwtasmnilrn ooating 20,
while her mderelotlifn- waa veiaed at
tt,00Q.-Exekangt. WKoerMnijiiMitb
Pilil.AitKi.pniA, Dec. 14, 187-1.
The foreign govoriiliieutH lit Ii have
roima iy itceiii.i in invlliili oi tne
rwltlcnt tft imvticinato in Ihot. enten- '
ninl,.aro those of 'JTraniA IrWmiin.v,
the Vctbwlaiu s, lk.liiim. JlMidiinus
Unvti, Jloxico, J'eru. hwodrn, Morway,
Spain, iicamiia. ArKenllne !..i,lu,l
oration,, Veneiiiola, Jiinena, I
n...., w.(,., .............
Chili, liautemiilu, Salvador nud I'nitcd
States of Columbia.
A number of thuso nations have iip-
Hiiulvd C'oiiimiHsioners to euro lor tlie
inleresls of the Exhibitors lnm their
pVHjiectivo anntries, mid npiropriii-
tioiis, to cover the expense oi tiieir
ivpivMcnliilion in tlio Kxliibition have
boen mnde "hy Severn! of these gnrern-'
ments. M'.r I ; nuikos upiilicution for U4.50U
wuare loot oi exbiution spni o, winch
is tour times as niucu as lias been al
lotted that country in the preliminary
allotment ol space. 1 (
Unomcial, but trustworthy imorma-
tion, bas also been received, that ex
tensive preparations for tho displiiy of
lli.i liwInutniHl nm h,.llir nnulH In I
Austria, Great llrituin, Antralia, Tus-
mama and Canada.- ' '
The States which have not as yrt ap
pointed tSonrds ol Ucntenninl Manager
lor the organization of theirexbibitions,
are Colorado, Dakota, Florida, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, iliiine, Massa
chusetts, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon,
Virginia, Washington Tcrntoryi.' in
Calilbrnia there are several volunteer
committees at work.espeeially one oft he
Grange of Agriculture. In Masiichu
sotta there are rive distinct hoards
working in co-operation with their cen
tral board, and in Ohio there aro
twenty small district boards.
The (iovemiuentol tho l lined miiicb
is also represented by a lioanl com
posed ol one otneer irom cacn ot tne
lepartmcnts, the Smithsonian Fusti-i
tute, 4c, who cannot full to make a
highly important and instructive ex-i
hibition. ;'J I
Tliis gcntleninn has been making a
careful inspection of the public institu
tions in tins city., Moyunieiising Pris
on, Kaatorn Penitentiary, (iirnni Col
lege, for orphans, lllockley Almshouse,
and others, were visited. The (inv
entor was accompanied by his stuff;
in Ins visit to the Almshouse no was
attended by Col. James S. Chambers
and Lewis C. Casslily. Col. Chambers
is President of the Hoard of (iuarduins
of tho Poor, and is a journalist, and
since his administration bus moored
earnestly to obtain relief Ibr the over
crowded insano under his care. ; '
The Governor was shocked to find
1,100 insitno patients literally packed
into wards, tho capacity of which, by
crowding, Is only BOO. He believed it
tho duty of tho Councils of Philadel
phia to croct additional wnnls, mid
heartily endorsed the plan of Col.
Chambers, of constructing structures,
one story high, of corrugated iron.
The treatment ot the insane, and tne
Lreneral niiiiiiiL'enicnt of the Almshouse
cxceiitiiiE tlio crowded condition of
the mania wards met tho hearty np-
proval of the Kxecutivo, and 1 would
. i - - i . . . .
1101 lie suririsc(j, r ere lie to iveom-
nieiid a Stuto iiipioiriiiti(iii, in ponslil
vration of tlio ii'luiission totliiHilinit-nu-iitof
mniliil ik'iwuis from tlic ail-
joitiing oouiitii-d of C'lit'Kter, liolutvaro,
KlirkH, .Montjjoinory, nun oiisaiiiiyinoso
of Hoi'kn, l.iliigh mill !Northiiinpton,
upon Hoiiicwlmt tlio naino principle
tlint tlit'HO aim oilier coiinuoH eonnnc
their criniiimln in tlic Kftstern 1'cni
tfiitiary. ... ' ' .
While at tlio Aliulione tho (fov
ernor was taken to tlio honpitnl tlo-'
partinont, ond dur'nifr tlio few minute
no nan lliere, ho witnewted B nuniber
of skillful surgical operatioii,perforuied
liy Dr. Pancoimt. Two men, had each
a lep; amputated. ' ,'',"'
Hie miiKlitr anil ease witn wuicn a
leg wuh Aovereu, u.a tt.v uiuu.iv.1 li.
which the pationt "camo up niilin)" 1
from the tliHuectinif tlle. "corned to
antonish tlio Exectitivo. Mr. C'awiiiljy
noticing it, remarked to Dr. FiineoaHt :
"In order thnt the governor may peak
'.feelingly, iu his forthcoming niesHago,
upon the auojoct ot hoHpiUtl treatment,
perhaps you would lltto to naw off a
gubornaloriitl leg."
Dr. Paiicoant looked at tho Kxecu
tivo limb, then at his Baw anil gralpel,
and then turnod his gazo in tho direc
tion of the Governor with nn expres
sion of perfect willingness depicted up
on his countenance; th (lovcmor
looked to Col. C'linmliert to respond,
who with tho nptnciw characteristic' of
tho journalist, saiil : "Tho friends- of
tho Governor talk of matching Mm In
a raco to bo run early in November
noxt, mid ho thought it not fair to
handicap him with an artifldul limb."
The Kxecutivo agreed with Col.
Chambers, and said lie believed that
General McCnndless, a soldier, with
two good legs, had lately distanced
Col. Beath, also a soldier, out with nil
artificial leg, in a run for ft State jirir.c.
Tho decapitation of public men,
thoroughly observed Dr. I'ancouM, is
un operation so generally performed of
lute, w ithout death to tho patient, that
merely cutting off ft leg or an arm
wa scarcely any credit to the jivofes-
ton. .' . ' ' j
It is due to state that Governor
llartranft visited tho Almshouse upon
tho urgent solicitation of. Ms friend!
Major rhipps, tho steward of the es
tablishment. Tho liigli compliment
paiil Major Thljips by tho Kxecutivo
was very gratifying to tliatrntlcmnn,
and it was really deserved. V
M "-ii
.,.,. BKMNSrW rttOSI'KlT. . ,
In iny letter of August 1st, J said,
"Tho liicts do not wairant th infer.
umw of any notable revival of business
during thu ttominff fall." That pre
diction Was based upon the opinion of
a number ot practical- biisuie men
who aro not in the habit of "suspend,
ing" or bankrupting Un ir creditor
out of 75 cent on the dollar, I now
retreat w hat 1 said In my lot ter ol Hopt.
26, that "a lively and protltablo trade
will not If reached until the bursting
of tho buds in 1875."
1 liavotaken especial pain to satisfy
myself upon this question, which more
than any other vonoorns tho ireiieral
public, and I kin convinced that kwin-
imig witn March next, wo will tmtwr
upon a sosaon of uiioxainpkd nitisperi-
ty. Building oporatious arc invariably
me first to reouiientte alter a rwutou
of continued deprotMion of bosiness,
and tho ramification of building im
provement are-o extensive in tho
telling, sawing and raarkotinjr uli lum
ber, qaarryiiiK aUuie, burning lime,
making brkks, ahuping the uraniU'.,
rolling . the round iron into, beams,,
blowing tbo glaatt, frriiHling th paints,
boiling tho oil, extracting the turpen
tine, mnnutM'liirinir the 'iiardwura.
soldrring the tin lor nil"u, m,J n.
liunilreil other that the momoiit activ
ity in builtliiiir beirins all other Branulr-
es of industry niiniwt ininivdiiitelv ex-
perienoe the good fTecU iresulUng
IromiU .'-n n ,, a ! ., ., ., ,l .
Iiecent and pmlraeUid onveiitioiis
with our hngost buildem, and niyown
oxporiom ia this lino have entirely
satisfloilnie that the bniUliiigopenitKiin,
IU PhlliialialLaliia jdiviito 1U7F ta.,11 Vui
PhiladelBliia during 187S, will U,l'hdd,,uuvn-Vipr-. "To wLich
re thaii.loublf tbosoef any previous tbo I'iltaburgU J'utt n-mai-Ji:','Thov
in anil aa wa tin nut irmyi lnmlHrin...l.i ... - i.i it, i u tr
, . . ... ,
In oor city, nor quarry tut. ston and
granite, nor mine tho iron fr,in which
the nail ar prcHlucod, your reaiUirs,
can reaiUly perceivo how uoliautivily (, Not Qrm O-ka. William II. Jl.
in thai branch of trade must benefit U.Htowell, the only Jtcpublieun Congress.
the po4, not even exuruting hiinjman elected fnnn Virginia tlisyunr is,
who harvests Uo wheat, .linksllieiobargod with selling a pjiilytsliip, and!
com and pick th potatoa;; liif lie it j turns toned witli un .iuvitiirntioii, ....
remembered, mechanic who wurk tun
hours a lav; oat lioartilr. ami imv
rWomptly Jurth nOuitir ofhui, J .
- In view of "tie gootl tjine conuug,"
aad now o near at hand, will you, Air.
rwi.uw. permit me to any to yonr cap-
itulisls: Bo lenient to your tenants,
who are unemployed workmen, and
whom you know to be ihiliixtriotiK ; do
not distress Ihcni fur nnx'cry bills this
winter, nnaV HossHtr ;tv" yur-nwij help
s . M i ., 1,1,,u uy,.,,,,
, ,i ww.i. ' ..., A ,;, ..ill
bh Von.'-iml the woVkiniflimW will
' B mt.r. rife.. (u.
i....... J .....ti. !, i.,,.-,l.
; ull'imll l,,.;,, ,, W11.
" ..... ,...
iiiv lust loiter was written,
two tmmiKi entered the Kvonlintit town
ship school in New Jersey, not many
miles distant from hero, ttnil entirely
disrobed the toucher who bad reninineil
a few minutes niter UiKiuixHiu syhool
to rlnisli nil tho w.U'lt oftliu risy.lhi'
brutes took the yniiiif; linly's clotliiim
mi' 4tt m ithouaxxmimiaUtiir .Byjwutve
oiitiiie ; siiliseipioully, (hey were
caught uinl lildgeil In jail. , ' '
Juiveyniuii niv proverbially econoin
icul, and uiu mh (i HcrnpuloiiHly exact
people in .meting out' Justice' to evil
doers, thnt It used to lie they hung a
man so the song fun for Kteiiling a
cherry-stone in tlio Itiiul of ssnil mid
pines, uml why mis economical people
should tlll(0 tllOStS tW O bl'lltCS to prison
loeti tneiii at viiu puiMiu t.xiieniw, ii
them, convict tbem and lor roars there
after leave them a piilJIe burthen up
on them, when a stout limb of a tree,
a strong rope securely finttcucd lo the
heels ot 'one sinner ami his wrists as
firmly secured to the heels of the other
thief and both left dangling In uiid-uir
from that limb would have saved a
good deal of cxiieuso, prevented the
btiniilitation of the young lady's testi
fying before a gaping crowd and would
liuve formed a pretty picture with a
moral so striking that tramps for 50
ycara to conto would havo remembered
its lesson, is a 'problem ill !Ner Jersey
ethics I cannot comprehend.
The decrease In tho ''anthracite coal
carried t market, by thirteen of the
loading coul currying companies for
ino eleven iiuniiii " un j ,m un.wiii
pared with the sniiic period in 1873 is
ii:l.i,014 tons; the decrease over the
Heading railroad Is iibont 225,0(10 tons,
which is a loss in money of inure than
Tlio coat of fiii'i'ving colli by the
Heading company from its mines to
Philudcipliin. a distance of 1(10 miles,
during the j-cur lni-was l.Ui pur
ton, and the remptt tor t he sumo ivriou,
por ton, were $1.21, milking a net profit
of 14 cents pov Uiu. The receipt) per
ton during 1873 were Rl,:ii(, and the
carryin cust $1.0'.), making a net profit
of HO cents per ton for the coal carried
(In ring lai J, as against 11 cents in
- 1 lie carrying cost is less this year
than last, aud the transportation rates
higher than during 187:1. This fact is
certainly not very agrwalilo to the man
iifacturing industries of the country.
Koncr;n"Kiii'CATio!." The first act
of the 1 leinoerats, Tt beii thev assomblo
at Albany, vhmtld he to abolish the
forced bcIiooI laws, tor there is nothing
done by tha monarchist more cnioi
or foolish tlisii this. It Is tlio ituechor
Idea, beini; cspeeially admired by that
Immortal or immoral saita. : it is bad
ennngh ti strike down the natural right
and holy duties ol pnronlago, and lake
1 i.... I....
eniii uiioii .mi. ui ineir uniiun . mi m
lollfiir iTllssiati' oespotimn nun serni
biirburisni slill flirllier, and force chil
dren to abandon their homes and go
to school, to imitate the ideas of Beech
cr, Tilton, and their nchool, is abso
lutely a sin. there are tlioiiHaad ot
nonnw in ino Rrvai I'liiw, win even id
tho country villages, where pow- wid
owed mothers and helpless, bed-ridden
fntbnm Ara deiiendent for tiieir rluilv
bread on tho lubors of their children,
and what enn lie mora uamitrou as
well as nnjust as to force these mrsirra-
bio young creatures to ahundon their
most sneretl untie T-.v. 1. Jiayjiooir.
liKsioNKi). Durrell, the driinkeii
judge whose midnight order gave Kel-
ln ithB ubmaorlal uflloo ol' ljtmlnl.
aim, bas resii'iied to save lu.nsell tho
ilissnvee of imiieachment anil dismissal.
Grant to acenmmodat thu man who
had been doing hi dirty work in mis
governed nml oppressed Louisiana. and
to avoid the brincing to light his owu
contemptible share in the miserable re
construction titrra wiiic-n bas Deen go
ing on in that state, which an uivesti
gittion into Lliirells' conduct would be
sure to disclose, ha accepted tho res
ignation. This is but another of the
good things brought tlbottt hy the elec
tion of a Democmtie Congress. 1 llo
fnro another year passes by, mnnv
other sculuwags like this man Ilinvll
will fnlluw his example and flco tn
hiinitM neloiw tho wnttli or an-out
raged and inuignant people. '
a, 0 ' '-.-'
No DKAn-llxAD. Tho Kuffalo tbur
ir snys ; Our popltinr (iovornor oaft,
Mr. 'I ilden, has tnkon a step which
Grant and many minor officials would
do well to Imitate. - It Isstulod on good
authority that soon aftor hi eloetion
the autocrat of tho Near York Central
forwarded to Mr. Tililen a complimen
tary fmo ptvw, outboriisiiig the latter
am. liis family to rids without charge
over the joint and aovcrnl roads con
trolled hy the niirtv ot the flrst part,
anil in his trull-know and courteous
manner rcqii(tid Mr. Tilden' accept
anco of it Tho jiasteponrd document
wns rospeetrniiy returned ny the hot.
crnor elect, with the good-nsturwl in
timation thnt Ma Tilden hoped to bo
ante to mak both onus meet at A llmnv,
and to be able in .addition In psy hi
u-nn tare on muniaiis.
"'-'. I a 1 1 i iaBi a, i -w-4i ,
' A lawyer was in a country town on
a flying trip. Jlo wns accosted in the
hotel by a "drummer," who thought
nun one ot the fraternity, and inquircih
-Kor what house nro yon traveling?"
"Kor my own." ' 'You inrol May I
aNKyourniinicr' vioumav. inuse
enjoyable to the lawror, ombarras.
ing to the Other. rWcil (desperaU'ly),
what is your name?'1 "Jonas.'': "What
line are yon in f" "I don't nnderatand
yo, rir." '"What aro you selling?"
'(Impatiently.') 1 'Hruitis'' (coolly.) The
mercantile travalor saw his oppor
tunity, and, looking at the other I nun
head to IcKit, he aaid slowly, "Well,
yoa nppenr to earrr a det small lot
oi sample': , .i . .,i' ,-,(!
A SaiABt Hot. ' flow much is your
sin-K vaimy fj ,,niqauvij a boy ol a
caiuly tlualviV' "tiix-stick . lor five
cents." - "Six stk ks for five ocnta, eh 1
Mow Kim iii set. HiK sticks ferllvo
oenti, Jive fer four-cents, Jitu' for throo
dentfi, throo fer two cents, two fer one
cent, one for iMitliinij. I' I'll tako ono,"
And ho w alked out lesvlng th candy
man in a statu of bewilderineul. ; ,
iTit yoa Tat.JuII" DaTis. ' 'li'J 't.
Ut ainvgniTj, and shilling light
oi tne lalo. . vulotlorucy, ai- now cq
gagol iu addressing Demouiiitic JollilV,
ciit.iini -meeting down south. Frte
!.,. , , ,.: , ., ,i ., j .,
(run, Xiungstreut, t ') ; M'weby, and
"other shining lighU of tlio (,'uulcil.
9ntr hllva .J. " y.... r '..
ignanl 1 ,.,:., , .,..,-,,,. , f..
iim,h 7i.rj i....,,V.
,. ..1 1- , a a , , ''
, Tit rot Tat.-Au .auIUn."wd 'liis
, ttN vx-rfnr,,,;,,,, , ..,.iM(. irilitlt ia
III. il. I I. . . " m . . .
,.,i.H,n. ni . ll ui, II, .illllUl, JI. .
Mackvy' nnd . W. Ji. K.mblu to their
uupo. ,lt pould nt)i tail of anccoaa.,
u , . ' '
Paitm-, ami. Tiu.k. The VTiliiams
nurt Huthtin iKttys:; J'Tb KeVr I). S.
Mouroo, of, (Uiis litj-.say that whore
two 'or throe Motli(Mlist are jjnttnjrcij
together, thpy tnko up a collection.
Fewer ulllce linlilers Is u lint
ciiiiiiti'V nceus just now, Mint lei Unit
few be honest.
A tfiiilmad ticket agent at Kavan-I
mih has been preamilMl with a watch1
tor liis civil Miiawers te the puUMc, (
T T !.- ' " " 'U'
ll list ol r.'4 nwspaHr silsponsiotis, '
beingllie report tor two weeks only,
lliul.. I,i,ul,.,.ua
Hihk.) business.
7..,M..U A. ,l,-..-
Disasters on Luk tlicbigiiu this
full nro very uuiiieroiii. No less tliun
bull' a dosen ships luivu gone to the
buttom, Willi all tin Imard. j
-Philadelphia Is to Imyo an Irish J
lifintary wsiipany ol -Un H.Vtfwtf f
cvei'V niCinbcr of which Is lo be hW
leil n lien 11. or nil ir. '
'. , ' '
Kudieal pnnem ant busying tliein-1
selves much nlsmt the election of a -
Deninciiitie T . S. Monittnr. Never '
mind, the Dcuiocuts will nttcn.l to
that iiintter soon
Tin) time li living gone by whim
heavy monthly ivilui tioiis of the pulh
lic debt were of grout pnlilicul scrvicu,
heavy monthly ivdiiflions of the mili
i:.. .i.'.i.. ...w. i i..
"l ""
--The Ohio Supreme Court derides!
that il is unlawful to dun a debtor on
a wstal card, that anything so writ
ten that Is liable to injure the credit
or reputation of any one is a crime.
Ono of the things to be first taken
into consideration in Uiu next session
of Congress, is the President's policy
of erecting palaces for all the chief;
omcc-liolucnt. .. , ,
Several of the offlciul of Warren
Co., Miss., have resigned in obedience
to the demand, of tlm?Miiia. who aro
indignant Bt their robberies and nis-j
calities. j
When Ci-nnt recniiiiiti-iuled the
Republican party to .'unload," he did
not think the people were going to up-1
a..t il li.i.lii-ul en i nn.l i,ill nil iia
coutentH. , i
. . .
, Uver two Uiousaiul coiiiiterleill
a ;..L-.,U I....,-. 4. .... tl.n
" "' ' """
and Maine HhiiiiukI witimi tlireo
... . ii ns. . ..ere .eV u.v .mine or
s.n.1 lias not oec.. mi.u.. nut.
Col. Thomas A.Scott bus been
elected rrcsidcnt ol the JNorthcm
Central Railroad In place of Don Cain-!
ei-on. Col. Scott is now President of,
more railroada than "any other nnin."
, , .. .
J. N. M'Crea,
' 01 ",m 1 I .,
uperiiitendciit of the
been appointed Super
Middle Division of the Pennsylvania
liniliiisd. to fill the vacancy occasioned
hr the resignation of Col. Samuel A.
IllO loverillliellt receipts i
from internal reveinio nro
larger I
, ., . , j. , 11. in wmrit, ana i ma viiwvi.u, .uar win
usual, thu customs receipts are fulling jk, ,Ipol,d ubic ,.,,, ,h, Cour, ,,
oil' heavily, and tlio amount of funds: In tha borough of Claailnld, an Jidj, tba
applicable to the payment of the public !"', '1 iuar,, 1875, at I b'oIo.b, ,.m ,
, I . , ., , ' tha following- daiarlbad raat aalata, to wit i
tlobt IS greatly reduced. A oart.ia trt af land lituau, In lha .ill.,, of
. .. , . . Pao.liln P.,nn Inwn.hln 1'l.arHrM MOtinl P.
jay I OOKO S OStllle IS tlinilllg Olll I
worse than any body expected, The,
crcdilom are thoroughly disooiliageil. I
It aeemsthal i.refern.a claims lvo!
i boen allowed sulll
. '
fICIU to C'timunO UW I
j bulk ol the asaots,
piaea oi iM'KinDing. pciwu, i fin en in esetuiion
On rctlflii mm htlNinrm a Wi'indtobeioldaillieproparlyaf FloreneeOUary.
ttU limn m to hi BOH nml Wiwwuorr1' A,,, ewtala traJt til land lituate iaBfcearta
..Vrt.. 1 th n.a.A. l . i low i) ibi p, Clearfield ooualy, I'ewmy Irani. biiund-
"Now, my boy, remember thnt com-, rll bJ ,,', d ,,.
man sense is the liest thing you can lan, wa.t by i.n.i 0r H.,.riT, nnb bj
hriiif! to bear on every ntliiir ot tile ex-i
ccpt lnve-mnuing.
- Joseph M. Carson, the Ileiiioerutic
, i . i,
member elect Irom the roiirth lilU-
burgh district," whoso SCllt was iui
doubt in coliscilticncu of a lliLstako ill
,. .11 l- i -p. . I l!"' " Bt bjr land of McFarland and I
j tlio opening of the ballot-boxes. The
...... . ,
ticket elect him.
Tho publishers of the Itcnding
Eagle, convicted of libel in publishing
nn nit Wo on t'lirMian K. Hons, in refer
ence tn tlio abduction of his child, ('has.
Brewster Hons, were on Saturday in
tho Philadelphia enart sentenced to
pay a Hue ol (SI
It is estimated that the emigration
to Kumpo will be doubled next year,
liepublicun office holders will find a
trrp across the ocean necessary to their
health and then they don't care about
staying over there while nn investiga
tion of their stealings is (fning tin.
Another of tho Brooklyn scandal
suits is settled. Miniltiill apologues
to Miss Proctor, certifies to her good
character and pay fu,OU0. Jt wouldn't
surprise ua to hear of lieecher, Tilton
anil Moultnn reorganizing their old
mutual admiration ms-ietv.
in.,l.,f.ii venm mm a T...,i,n
c , fairf.llR"" ictlliessec
IlltnorroJIIsed to let hi young daughter
go to a candy -pull, anil she disnppcur-
ed. Tho other duy she returned, ifled
i tii i n ' ,
l'VOn 'tl!(Uvil Otlt Ot tllO Wagott, aiul
Vllterod tllO liotmo Ulllt took O ff her
things as coolly as if she hadn't liven
goito liver n day. ,
The message of (iovornor Allen
tn the Legislature of Ohio state that
the Ohio penitentiary has netted tn
tho State this year, alrovo the salaries
of Oillcera nnd cxioiiso of mainte
nance, $23, 42,). SO. i Our penitentiaries
cost tlio people glfid.OOO annually.
Rome difference. , -
i i i .
AtoWntm luw boon rocoivotl at
W UMlllllton from thC SpantHll gnvtrn-
mvnt nniioiint'iiii; that pain h
llUH tp-1
nninto.1 a ltnaril nf P, mmisMin,..,
r " " " -
Willi tlll rrllllWIH'll alntortllllin. ('lIHti'llir.
aa itrt Proalilunt, lo n'pi'iwnt that
t'ountry al tlic IMiiliuMiihiaCrntunnial
h.xbiliitinn. (.uKtvlnrw Ppiiin innnt
ilintitiKiiiHlicd nnd In Im'VoihI all
ctiutrovoiK)' tlic most (rifled ami liril-
limit oralor in Kumiio,
1 it, " t
Dr. Jnlin A. Jiiintor, Jttipiiblican
nii'tiiluT of tho Icfrialiitiiii flcMjt l'mm
A rniHtron(r count y, tliwl at hi home
lant vruck. Thin ia the accoml racant'y
ocrahioncd by dual h in tbo Aascmhly
U inuet on the 6th r Januurv, Dr.
lintdorf, a Jlcmocinlio niciriUT, ril
It In quite rrlilvill Ihrtt tlli'l0 in no
love between (rant and CniijrrpKH. He
ninkc no ueerct nf attributinjr tbo do
rent oi' hi" ndiiiiniatrntlnti nt tho Or
tober find . November election to the
Iflldlntivii fammiuim " well an omit-
of that body, While th Itndltal
leailoin aiwert on the other Imiid thnt
Gmnt lilmwl
elf ia -olely rraililo fi,r
Tho Cnitntry han irtt ild
tbo (iinftHter,
aulemn Judgment npnn 1hem and ban
rviliicrvu aveniiet m y'ffj Hymnal rorn.
' i ' . , - .
An old, rejipfetablo and wealthy
farmer of JirothorMValler tmvnnhiri.
Hurof rniw county, (ieortr l it liy iinmo,
harinff ownine tinil nt lilo, aliptnl a
rather Hiiirnlar methiKl of ''HliulHinir
n(T thi iiinrtal coy" veilenlay week.
Pmeuriiin two fire pokcrx he ari-nnjrad
tliem alxrvr a dour in liii Irounx in anc li
a way that by placing hi nwk hp
twaxm thm he w a imiihleil tout rankle
himnelf todtiath. TelnKirnry ili men.
tia in what tlio Homorxct HmU any
wa the mailer with him,
'' Wo Tniled Stales s ljireinC t'oin t1
recently" rendered a very liniiortanl
dcflBion, lonehing the llilffpretnlioii of
, C'Mll llllia I Mil' I "l ,'IIILIUII III
th.le-rnl tender "w I. Iho cn wan
llerK COIIIltV, Having HIOU Homo wirkUiea ia eiecutio and to ba aold bj the propetty , , """"" oiap mm, lata ot li ,
ninoe. 'i'hciw vacaiicitu will bo Slletl i "" , J ... ,, ' u '. ' :. "'
.,.., . . . iii- Alto, B carta n town lot a tnate In Olreola bur "t'aJ BoaaoBl of Uaaraw Moaaar, adatiBiltra-
hy Hoctal rlccliiHi held in pursuance , ilM,u,la M,t,i)',,1"T.adl!d w,V,r Ad"" '" f -'.
rt Writ iamiwl hy the Hpwtker of tho ' barth by Kellr, aeatb by Hand Menbart. aut I ' '"' """"""lot ThompeoBand Matlhew Head,
lln,.u. . . bt bliulieih u..i n,l ...i i. I.....? ; 1 eaeeutorl of Jaoaaa A. Head, rata af Lawranoa
that of the UultlmorC n l (Hllo Itilll-!""'
road M. the Stale of Sbirvlantl. ' 1 a
l:i2, .tho fleneritl AmaaiU of'tlia!
Klnt aUtTlllHr.ed aitlmeripllon Of berg, baginniag st awugari Ibaaaaaonb H de.
000,00(1 lo tho atotk of that mail, and1! '"".J"4 " r-a to alano. , tbawo, by krh
a a ' I Un III I Burlk JS an I-BT rat aaa Bnait II IO wL.. .
lKHUUI OIKIfi M t it. Am, milt. M-iil- nrr
AlX jler CCut Intercut, Tlioy could not I imnaa Ibanea aaalb M degree, waat L poToboa I
bo aold and tlvo per cnt t'old llOLllnt" " dograaa aaat 4, aer-l
... 1 ... , L r? . ahea ta wnali IheaM en.ik Ci l..Ju
wcro gubntltnfcd. Tbo railroad Com
pany comitod thrw, but Ihe dlrTehinco
between flyc, per cent. ,11,1 and nix pef
cent. Mirreney amounted to t2Hn not);
TIiIh UiA . rkltroatt paid ami hnmf tbe
MtaU Tor, and ban (julned tlio verdict.
Jl involve the prior aimlloatlorl of tbfV
l.eifnl Tender cf. ',
Tlio veteran editor of the Curlislc
'tiluntrt,f .lulu. It Hi-nltiill. Mkii.. lliil'ri
himself credit mill jiiHtice to a ilintin-,
'"j' ,'.i.,i','" ,,u' ln"'f i
':!' , .!! '!' R" 1 1 1 1 r'l
... . ' . ,T . .
... . ... . ii ,t ii 1
l"t,'" Hennlor sliauld Uf ilineiiMfKiil byi, "JJ, b, iBmlaraly pa'iupaBd auld aolo at'i'
tlie DumiH-ratic press of llnl Slnto with ' iba itn and rlik of tha paraon la whom U'
moderation and dignity. The genlle-l waa.iruob oir.aud who, In aa.aor d.ll.laocy ai;
ii . i 1 1 I auoh ra.aala, aha maka aood tha aama, aud ta
u,, who bnvo been niiined lor this ;. wUl ,h, h..d b. praaonud la Co,i
poMilion liy then' menils and admirers,
blive. one and n II. ivnt ere.ll uoimI bit- i
vice to the principles of Democracy,
uml nro, therefore, deserving tliegi'uli-
' ..' ..." i
tude of the people. JOutertitiniiig these
vi jt j,1,,.;,',, Hnl(.,.lv r,,t ,mt wo
lul(,J Uipori t i. o'u tlto ixut " two
' t() Wlll
. ii n .. . . i i . i .... t oat
i, , ,. ' . ,is tka kun.aih at tiiaarsaM, as Moaaay, ua
culled tor and wanton abuse, l.i't lis lin, day af JaBuary, lari, at I o'rloik, p m,
nssuro those editors that AI r. Wallaco; tb" foliowinf paraonai propariy, to win , j
is not to bo nut t own bv slander and I
yituperation, and this attempt to injure I
nun nun uiu jreilioi-ritlll! Mii'iiii-iw in
the legislature W ill have tlio effect to I
make him many new friends, and o
..... .. . ..,
cause ins old ndiniwrs to cling still 1
closer to llitd. ' .Mr. WhllatHI litis ren-i
iK.iul ii,.'.ili,ull. ui.v.'i,.. 1,. II, n it,, i-t..
mi.) I., mm us much ... to iinv m. i.
, , .. , ... . '
living, are we indebted tor our recent
hi'iluant triumph. Jlo Is a man ot ac
knowledged ablility, and, as we believe,
sustains a character iniini'icachahlo.
Wo repent, then, that William A. W al
lure ciinnot and shall not be put down
by slander. Wo always feel a sym
pathy for the hard party worker, and
will not remain quiet when we see him
nssuiled by little sntilod men. - -"In
saying this much concerning Mr.
Wallace, we wish it distinctly under
stood thtit tve nro. lint eiuiiniittillfr Our him for Senator. Wo have a
distinguished gentleman in our own
.1 iKf rift who. we nresunie. will ho sun-
ported by the Democratic members
f.iin Ibis suction of the country, but
we will not remnin quiet when we see
a man-liko William A. Wiillance iin-
justly assaueu. 1 no men cngiigeii in
this business are niischiel miiKors, una
h( , M , v wt, viBll(.r
.... J i.
nt the Democratic liartv."
m '
(llilian owml ,, oi
nfar lltv ,(( ,m )t.
other day at eighty-four, full of years
nml grccnhncks. Ho leaves his wile,
four sons nnd a diingbtcr t HHI.OOfl in
cush in a Pittsburgh bank, some oil in
tank, a nine hundred acre farm In the
centre or tho ml region, and other
'gr. worth in all l,OOO.()()0.
i "
Iffliit flifriistuifnts.
SherilT's Sale.
T"Y tlrtuaefwrlliof Pmtlltiont ErpanntMmri
aut af tha Cettrt of Coraaoa Plaaa af Claar-
., V - ;..-:. u..?',rJ
at aarnaraf luaf Jaook Uouitiuian and h j
'imS In .aid .iII.ib ; luanoa alon l,J ,
!"'. V ,M " ";
no mm nonti : utnei pt nitiK m miu nunn nu
fru to 0rntr totl lot of J. Dmifrhnic.n ; theno. by
I lot of raid J. loughtnaa Itlv fiwt tuurti or Ina to
" " ""i. JI .aim at i. u
Uillen, caalaiaini ai,bl..a aatM, mora ar laaa,
anil liiirhi! aboul aiatjr lira acru al olaarad land,
ali hi, log barn aod alarfa baarinx orchard
iivWi nriawi, utson in rxanuuoB anj 111 BB
i,i .. .h..,,. .,M.,,k. r..... ..
Alan, a crUia iraot ol lind iliiata in Il.warla ,
t"nabl,, t:iaariirldaounl;,l'aniuTlranla, bonnd-
u,uB, i-at b land ol balaual llairrirtT, aorlh i
iy land of L. U. Wald and Bail by land of J, II.
UillKn, floataininf rl.rhlr.Afa aorai, mora orlaaa.
anil bavlnj alsiul allt;-0va aorta of elrarad land, I
a 10 bouia, log barn, and Blarxa baaring orehara '
tharaon. 8aiaad. taken In axeeulloo aad la ba !
Bold ai tha prohartr of Matthaw Cowkb.
Alia b eartaln Iraat af land, ailuata In BraeariB
lawaahip.Claarliatdannnlr, FeBnirlraBia.bonnd
ad on tba a:atb by land of McFarland and
Dillim, wait by land of Hauinal llagerly. north
by Und of I.. 11. Wald, and aaat bv land or J II
iliilan, aonlaioiug aiir.nty.nta aorat, mora or leaa,
and baviag aboat aixty-Ava aeraa of olaarod land,
a log faoura, log barn, and a largo branog arobard
Ihrri-on. tieltvd, taka In aiaeation and to ba
aold aa tha proparty of Matthaw Cowan.
Alao, a arrtaia traot of land altuata la Uoata
dala, Clrarflcld eaunly, Ptfanaylvania, bouBdad
oa tlia Borth by lot of Jamta lialry, aoolh by
kit No. SO, aaat by liaorga alraol, and want by
Mapla allay, and known ai lot Na. 83 in tba
Man of aaid burough. A larga fraiaa honta,
known ai lha Karopi-att Hotel, iev huuir, alabla,
btackirailh thup, and othor out bulldinga tboraan.
Helaad, lakca in aiacution aad to ba aoM aa Iba
praperly af William Farkt-r.
Alao, kearUin traat of land litaata In Jordoa
!ownabip,Clearflaldoounly, Fannayli an ia, bound
ad by laada of J. H. fatlaraon, T. M, Smith, C.
Kralirr, 11. Uilligan, Jobn UoAllmar, aod U.
II. 'i'aylor, containing ana hundrad and aixly
aorta mora or h-aa, being part of tract warranted
" """'" bVliod. ukan In aiacalloa and
ba aold Iba propan, o( B. M. WoMruia.
'garniihaa of I'clar Uoyar.
"rial tract of land, adnata In law-
I ZmX ZZVJ'cZ" '"""J1'"?
l oouDlel on tba avrta by Clear Held are, oa lha
.! by land or William SdiryTer, oaU.e weit by
1,nd f 11,"rt "-Her and on the eoiitb by land
ei noaen roner, eoataiaiag twaaty aerea, all
olearcd aod baring a two-etor fraiaa hoaea.
Irene eUble, 2v by .'10 feet, and oilier iaipre
muDle thereon. ScUed, taken In execution and
te be eoid ae tbe araperi or Alloa aad Mary A.
Aleo. a certain traot of land titoite la Cheet
towoebi)), Clearllpldeoualy, I'vnnay.Taua,bound
ed aa lollowet Oa the east by laade of Jeha Ale
Curd, on the eealh by traot af laad la Iba name
of William WiWun, n tbe aurib bjr traot warrant-.
ed in the same of tlundaker aod on tba veil by
Und of H. A. Irrla A Co., containing about two
hundred aotoi ami being taprorad. Belied, la-
aea in execution and to be iold ai tha prouerlr
f miiin. Mik..i nimi 7
Ale, a errtaln tract of land, eltnate in Ptrjn-
eoa townehip, ('leer Held eonnly, l'enBTlrania.
:"" ' "'" """I"'.
win i now uiivoin, ji.nn r. iiraa aim ottiere. euo
lalaini lira handrrd and Ihlrtcra Beraa. mora or
; '; tr "raa akarad, a larrai
bara, dwalltaa boaH and baariaa- orahard thera.
oa. Hciicd, takro ia exerutiiin and to ba Bold aa
ilia property of John Campbell.
Alea. B earUia traat of laad altaaU la Hoata
dala boroagb, Claarttehi tuajily, Wnnaylraala.
boanded aarl by lot No. lall.aoalh by Clara atnat,
acit by lot No. Itf and aorlh by Bi-ar allay, aud
hneB Ba lot No. lin in tba alao of aaid boroaah,
Bad haviBjr a amall frame derailing boaia Iharroa
areatad. baited, lakes la aueeuiiua aad ta ba
old aa tha propariy of Martin Aih,
Airo, B eerleia tot af land rftaata la tbe bor
outa ol Uoatidaie, Clearlleld aoanly I'.no.rlva
Bia, luQndrd eaat by lot No, 167, weal by Vina
a ley, north by Klk alloy aad eoulh by tlary
i tiwr.
llret, BBd nuo aa ant No. 1111. and barint
frame honie and ether outbniljlnira
itoifi. aaited. luk.n
In execution aod to be .
aold aa Ika properly of H. U. Kanbart
Alia, a eenain tract ol lead annate in beeeiar
townthlp, Clearlleld eoanty, Penn.ylranla, begm
nlnvat a iprooa itatap an the Ofoeolu and I'hit.
Ipibari road tbaaeo by aaid road north a da.
great aaat 1 7 ppivhei t puat nnar piae ; tbeai. by l!n.l li, 00 A- .
'penlie. ta a aprae; Ibaiwa aaath J6 dagrera :
i ; ta pen wit pine and epruo. poiaiari;
Melted, token la
"a oearcat oaal la Beroae. lo i m
inMiaiiigiorae aua ooe.nall Berea.
eaeetttiuB and ta ba aold aa tbe
property af Themae Aiheruft. i .
- Alia, b aerlala Irael af laad artobla la Uaaatur
tonnthip, Cli-arllelil county, I'enniylraaia, bennd
ed lualb by the turnpike, rait hy Ueorge I). Mir
gaw, aortk by Brai er ran and waat by J. 1), Jde
Uirk, containing four aad at ball aoraa and bar
ing a larga toe etory frewe tavern bguee and
other oatbaiMlngi thereon arerted. flelied, ta
ken la elocution aad to ba Bold sa the property
of bli.i U'slka. ... I-.. . ' .,
' Alia, all that certain treat ef land ailuata lb
Uioatiir townehip. U!iarfl!d Bounty, Panntylia
Bla, Iki.oI.,1 aanlk by the Urle tnrn. Ike, bm! by
lead, af Uenrga 1. Morgaa, worth by Dearer roe,
and wail by land ol J. V. McUnk, ooatainlag
,v. m. rr enu nernig a large Iwo-.tory
holel end other aulbnildlnge thereon erwli-d i
aeiie I, tatea In deration an to be aold aw tb
y.-wpvtq VI i.llll nill, ... ., ,f . (. ; ty
ana, a oeruia liaat r land ailuata la the vil.
lege af I'uieytlUe, Uoodwaid town. hip, Clear
Held eounty, J'enniytvanle, loinnded north bnd
een oy panne raaiia, oa Iba Boat by land of Jon
raoore Bad oa ibb will by tat of aaotual Ha,
, . ' , .
. "11
lab bold aatha property of leaae ll.i.rtr.
. '! " 'V " m'''
.....7" I " .11 "T'.'.i'.Vr"."."
ehee ta
poet theaaa anath 31 dogrw
parehea to hemlaek I thenea aortl
rth 00 degraei aaall''
liBBinff, aaatalninwl
,! perenea to place af begia
aboat ny aarai and aUawaaec.
aaa oil lag a large laalliaf
hnrn. tithar anll.ui1(lir.r. b.J k..wi. a.u j I
l-a, an tboaa twain taw hta elteata ba iba
i, . , 4, , , t, . t, It, 11 tad II of
fnnl ilmticiiint.
Ti rjiti' iiMIHiMt, in
roitUititnf alitiut
tnrtlu'ting kll,vn, to,
uml lo b ioIiI i ibt
" '-
Tihmm uf Bki, Th tiil) or turn at wkick
b roprrljr ahftll b itruck utTantl palil kl
, ..,.,, ... olh.r..r,. e
mada aa will ba aiiprorail.atharwuaiaa propar.-.
for eunnrmaiioa iiulou lha uonay la aotually
paid to ilia bbaria. w. It. Mitjii-.iiso.h,
u... n.
HiiBRirr'a Orrica. I
ClaarBold, Fa., Ilia. IH, 1871.1
Sheriffs Sale.
1Y rlrtua of wrlta of f'iiri f'nniut, luuad
t out of tha Court of Common Flaaa cf Claar.
bald aountv. anil lo ma diraetad. tbata will ha
aapoiad to M'lll.K SAt.K, at Iba Court lluu.f,
n that amain tract of land iiiuata in mica.
7: I
M whiteuak cornar ; thauoa norm arranU-cu
dojraaa oaal dirty llrajiarchaa to s piiali tuaiica
rr " "'' .""h' r"0,1'"' lun" i,
Ihanoa aoulh Ihirty-lwo ilocroaii eaat rixty iiai-al.ea
1 , ultce ,uih inrniy-itra ,lrno. ,:.. !
thirty and OBrsliaU pcroha t'i li'Ht; thuooa aouth i
flltora ,li-Krwa aaat iiinaly iiarclirf to ligat : tlivuna
north wionly.lifa dajcrca. OH.t lhirt-fuur pert-b ,
to poit , thoDoe ouLb one tltgrce llltovr.
pMohii lu lunei ; iiionco twulii tuitij-tt tit.
lln-Bn poo (li forljr-lwu drgre Mil krtj-ODtl
pvrcliet (o white oli , tbvut: toufb MVwutjr-ont j
dt'frrcti tut twtntj i pttraboi to Cleri.ltl t
creak t tbrno up tint artek Mtuih ton dKrt e wetl !
twviitj-nlii perch ot tlmno lotitb thirty two tit-1
Kr ctut itrentjr five pcrcbet tv iruouui;
Ifaptira ioutb Ufly-nx dcffrtri wit ono huntlicd j
.ad ninrtngD perohtM t psMtj tbcoo north twn- f
tjr-flr tlt itroei ftut tnt&ij-flvt ptrobM to oroeb; I
tli.noo up tb .r.k M.rtb thirty oB lKri Mt
umftj mvb peraua. iucod uy mibv norm I
Mittrn tlntrm-i wctt io;htjr-tilo porobci tuablok-'
ory on tbo right bonk uf tb rk then sort hi
66 tleiwi eail one rrb t poil f Ihrnre north
ibirtj-iRbt oVurwr weit .lifrn irebei t pion.
tbenoa auulh HTMty-flrc lVfrr t uoo d i
thru Urttr parotic to popt ) tbonoe north forty-1
(legites woil tbroo piivbra to poit t ibtnco i
pottf north forty drarMi writ it o ana
iitiBlnf li tiiirilnBi tn inial lkinri h Alls
dt-gror writ nina mud mf porrhr to ft pull
!D4-iioo nor in nuRnet wen au prcncii to puat ;
tbrnee fwutb forty-live degrpt mo$i eleven perch
re t Uioiic north tbirly-fuur imt ft half tlejjrvt-a
wrat incuty-thrce pcrcht;! to rviit; iLeoueeuuth
flfiy-Rvtj nd half Jt-Kn-oi wtit fivu perubee to
pott ; Ihcoo north firt,l'-five tlegrL-oi watbt n.uoty.
two purcnei to vnito oik ftnu pljwooi teiin(.iiij(, j
eunumiiif one humirrti ! oinety-Bvt frmr, !
more or tree, with ft IftrKtt twu-ilory frnine houo, j
largo bank born M4 uther outbuililini thirewn
reuted. Seiiud, lakva in exooullon and to be.
uli at the property of Cekb C upon haver.
A!eo, all that oertain lot of ground vituat at
Nw halein, L'lrarlirM eonaty, Ponneylranin, be-1
Ifinairfr at corner of I. ilelgb e lot on Urle turn
pikof llieoc by laid lot soul b nfiy tve dvjrM 1
wotttWflvo pprcbm to corner of Height ut and i
line of John 1'oltt r ; thone north aVlong the l'ot
ter lino uvcolj ftvefvet to aa alley ; taeuoe along j
eaid alliy euuth thirty. lour aud balf dt-grroe i
uaet twruty-four foot to pott an laiidv of B. Kiib
el; tbenoe by Hiihcl n rth fifiy-liro doxreee oat
fourteen perehve to piko) tbenoe along turnpike .
north tbirtyfour and a half degree won ninety
fttit to placo of beginning, containing verity-1
two neicbor, and bavitig a itwolltna bouft, ttable l
and olbor improveaentu tborwn. 8eited, taken I
In Moontion and to be told at tha property f I
Mfore iititi. .
A I ho, a OfHaio lot tit ante tn the horonh of
fftllMfton, ClOBtrfit-ld eonnty, Ponniylvaflia, and
hauwn M lot No. 3 in the pha of laid borough, !
nd having a hou aud other outbuildiag eretit- t
ad thereon. Heitod, taken iu exeeution and lobe t
old ft th property of John A. Weitbrnnk.
Alio. eeriain lt liuat In llouttdale tor-
auah. l;lrtald acunlr. 1'aan.vlrai.iL km..n u
'" ,0'i' liais lo.ilorj frama bauaai
Knjalad as lb nurlhwa.i eornar 1
Ua'TK? .1!?. MS
v.. ,m vacvmivn
" " l
1J ai lha nrtiparlr tt I. Mcleruitt.
Alau, all dolandnnt'a inlarcal in tba ftilliaina ,
raal tutu, tllaata to UradlorJ tonibip, fltar.
iila aunutj, Vann.i'lvBnl-i, aii.taiaioi; aliaut
Uirea Brr, ninra w iwunjuil anil ilvirrilHiU ;
.. f,,.wa, On l,a n..t h II U.....I .... I.. ,1..'
tunbpika, Bottb br Jamr-a 8n.ul an4un tha auotb 1
bj bi-ajauiiB tllaaal, Bud bavina; rrmjlad ihrrcon .
a tMa-aturjr blank bona, and imnll ruble. balc,l, 1
"? m rir-rnlicn aa.l ta la fold ai the p.arlr
" J"n "lai.
'., "f'. '"''-("!" n nadlrldcd nna.
.- - counir. Fcnnni,.nii,nun.i. '
"' ""l "rina,l a lolba ; lirginninfat a poitl
0,r""' ,lr" b"aaal-.n Iba aama I
". " a-lu (iwobra ta a ot
" i' ; inannr ahina Iracl 0 4t and
rani aoum turn- lourth i djgroa
WVBt parvhea to a poil aa liaa of (rant 37 1
""""' 41 degraea and 55 rulnalaa want 41
r " nrraioo tncnoe norIB as dagrrea
mt9i 3U& I'arebra to an aim : thenea Borlb do-
Ifroea waet a7 perobee ta pinf eorner of Irani IS j
uiaoa aiotif eawe aorta o di-creefl and ftO mtn
tea wt 217 ncrrfae to a hickory j tboaee aortb
one dttgira and five eoonde wait 87 pnrabet to a
mapla; Ihanee north 46( dnfreei wctt 31 6 10
perehne ta a hawh j ihwaMt nnnli UfBr Mt
M archa to a po-t, tba plaeo of baginaiox, eoo
taining eight bundrrd and litleen and fifty ill
one bundretithe aeree, and bring part of warrant
No. I "OH. living iba eane trart or pleew of land
among othare ouaveyed to Uobert Oaborn, A. K.
Uaum and John Carrier by John DaUoia by deed
dated Mareb SOth, Ififlrt, recorded at Clearfield in
Ueeel Book a V, pagee at), M, ate. Seiied. Ukeo
in oxeoetlioa aud to be told ai tho pruntrty of
Itobart U.born.
Tan ua or BaLa.-The price or ma at whleb
lha property shall ba etrack off aiuet be paid at
the time of aale. orauch a her arrangemenu
adaae will be approved, etherwiie tlw prvparty
will be i mad lately put ap aod aold agala at
tha axpaaee and riik af the pereoa ta whoa ft
waa etrwok off, aad who, ta taee of defieieney at
aueb re eale, ehall nake good theaame, and la
aa laetaaae will ihe Ioed be preeoated ia Court
for ranAruetion unleet tha tnoaev le actually
paid to the Kherlff. - W. It. McPHKHHliN ,
Saaairr'a Urpirw, I b her iff.
C lea field, I'a., OeU , IS74. .
WDnnann, hod. v. a. M A 1 GH, r TPS Us n 1 1
jdgeof the oourtor comma puat of i
Twaaty-lflh Judicial District, composed of !
the ecronuee of Clearfield, Centra aad Ciintoa I
ana unn. wituai, c. Foikt and Hon. Jog, J I
Rbab, Aeiaclata Jpdgne ar ClearfteM eouaty.
hare Iseaed their precept, lo aa d ireeted. fer tbe
Court, Conrt of Qosrter feiftori, Court of Oyer
aad Terminer, nod Court of (leneral Jail Delir
ary.attbaOonrt Hovre at Clearfield. In and for tba
eeunty of Clearfield, commencing on the aecond
MniKlay. Ihelltii day af Jan,. I Hi A, and W
enntlnue fine week.
-- - - . vitiHim
KOT1CB 18. tharefora. hereby given, ta tba
Oaronar. Jomiieaa or Lha P.BH m..A ki..
a aaa mr aaio eoanty ol Ll.arueld, to apaar IB
..,r pmpw prrwni, wnn ineir ttarord., Holla, l
lBo,altitlonl, Kiaainalloai, aad other K.tarra. I
braoe.a, to da tkoaa lbin(a wbieh aa Uair aBoaa. 1 J. HKltlVKK
and In their behalf, partaia to ba dona. . Uifler HUllon, Die. It, 1;4 am.
UIVKN and.r ny hand at CiearB.ld, tb la Wlh'""" "
aay ot Mr, la IBO year of aar Lord, BBS I
uoaiaaa alibi Baadred and let.ely-four. i
n, a. Miu-UhttbOH, bberiff.
Notlrd li heralir aivan that tba fnlloerlne ao.'
ooant bara been axaiuined and palaod by ma, aad
nuneiB lied of reoord In thia orTiee far tba in
apoction of beira, lefratoca, erriiliira, and all olherl
Intereated, and will ba T-Mntl to the neat Or.
plia.ii' (hurl al t'loarfteld etanty, u U bold at tba
Ooart lloaie. in the borough of t'leaiiiold, ooaa
tnraciniton the 2d llnnday (being tha Itlfa day)
of January, A. D. m;a i
Final Boeoani of Ibtt'd Rrhard. admlnlitralor
of R. 0. HatMton, lata ar ClearaolJ aoanly, da
eanaad. Fiaal aoeouBt of Jpue tineiand Darlil tlreaf.
rtnal bcoouiiI of J. ana t. W. Thouipioa.ex.
Beiitin tT Ignatlut Thoinptos, lata ef Lawrence
towaehiB, deoaaiad.
' Raaiam'a Orrir. ' . A.'W, l.KR,;'
aaarleld, Ural. I. iar4-la. j Reialer,
. ..i! I ,
We hare now tin hand and erTer lo the clllarni
of rarwaoirllla and iba puWir, a larga let of
Clothing, whieb wa wt.k loalole oat iiaaiedialely!
Btul railuee tlic priooa ba .ruit tha liinoi. UwU
auiiaeif in ptiinjlyurm.
Ooall m.rkod l Ml 1 Row aril Bt
tu to
4 Ml
0 to
r oo
1 n
I t M ..
, I 00
' 00 :
10 Ml
: a ;
,. mi
4 Ml
" 41 r '
d a
',' t on
I I in '.',
i! t a'v;:
i ,
1 50 '
Paatt ataikad
1 JS
' 00
7j ;
r ' ,
" '!.
. , . 4 of
! " !
nil , I
af i
1 SO
. Ke la Uiellma, aad tba pbiea la i
i , , i, BKUNtiB TUOlnl'SOrf
Cnrwanatilh), pfc H St. ;
riAUTioN.ii' .i 1 ' "in" " v
J I-:l ..." . cli I-,:',, ;
' ' All pwnowi am beKby womrd ara la at wild,
dlwg wfb at parahaaing any of tba following
property, bow In tha handa of J C. Rram, rla
One man mare, una Mark Kara, ana art af doable
ia treea aa4 doe h Ulna, ae lb. aaaia ba.
" aad U labjrct lo my or.lrnal any lliua.
, .. Ifi.f.tQ tv buv.
'Woka., Boa, t IM4t, ' ,' ,, ,' ,
, , . -.rrn't v4---r r-n.
- ' . n.nw r.
' " . ' '
annua) rl relink f't tllraotnrl of lb. Mo,.o '
iHWial Haak. of Olearileld, wrH be kali at
tb. X ' JZ"" . - "'.'J
tlo. It, 174 st;
'iUw fli'dtlsfiufiitj.
i i t.1 . '1
1 V. ''
TVT J W J 1 f
lit l ll 1 1 IV ill
" 1
,;i.n r. :i ,d .;
nniEVSE stock b mm,
Krluceil esputite nil mIIIuk fur redy puy
t Jo It. Tb will a(i.Tr lo b
, ' , ,
' i
1 1 1 A 1I U AltTK US
. t t
f,,T "PPB fWni of OIrM coanty
lluola and ttbuaa.
-Wall Papar,
a Aa.
And a I 01 bar fotxU iB thalr liaa.
ClearOold, !. IA, 1974.
a n jC l f IT V 9 IDUlfU
llAnlDWlLlV QL ltaWJll
' ' i
-Bj j -r a
1 U UJ'i
. '
tat mcdleinal parpoaatt
Yrnraea, Rupportert, School Hooka and Station
ery, and all other article utnally
fuund ia a Drag Ptora.
FULLY CO.Ml'OrXI)KI. HaTiaga larga Ol-
Eerirae ia the buainaaa they aaa giro entire eat
faction. . ; . J. (I. HARTPWICK.
J .J i i i : JOHN . IRWIN. .
ClrarSeld, Deoewibaff U, UU. .
ff. K. a. w. akol. ' 4. aaVot
m .
ISunkerft and Jlrokerii.
peynoldeTlile, frffaraoii Ca.t Pa, ,
Mi,n(, Diacoanla at o-
fcrate ratea. Baetwra and Fortiga Kaotianga a
wave an haad aad collection, prom ptly made.
uaynoiasTllia, UN. in, isia.-iy
Tba Baderaisacd la Dreparad to vaara III
CAMrBT lo ardar, la any attla daiirad. UaviD
had orar thirty aoara praotleal canorraaoa r lkbil-
adrlnhia, hafaala aoBftdentot aiviBa iatiafaetion
? "uw mM ,m,VT a'm wlln ""r waariaf.
' - h. niiann
'"omaa, ClcarSeld ao., ill meet with prompt
I 1 1 UT J U HUUH. 1 I t
Xj '
Llit of Jurera drawn for Jaaaary Teraa
a. if. io,o. eoroBirnrinB oa ine oerond juoodav.
! Ibe 1 1lia : ..,,,
BBAan itiRoaa,
Jaa. Wri(ley...CleBrllald
J. J. Pie.. -
t. A. ln-tB..Carwani1la
A. i. Cypher... ..Oeeeela
Ueo. Boalwbhi...
C. J. Kaay.,.IlaeaarlB
Wot. tleballey Bell
J. We tVaaerr,.4,..
K. H. 8m,lt......ll.,i
U. W. Ilora Brady
A. I'eoti, Jr..
K. II. Wbile....UurntiJc
Irl noi..'......Deeatur
0. J.Hbaf.....rerraaon
H. All.oB....,..M,hVb
Bd. Mlllar..u,4..
J. B. II. will Hot
H. a. WiM..,....Jori.a
IV. J. lloOM...Kailb.o.
M. Niebola iaawrcnao
w. &. Ante...
tlilbert lloarar...Morria
M. B. Ppanear.M...rean
Wm, Waliy..,.,M, laioa
a i vbatrbb Jvaoaa. , f ... .
J. Waihbarn...uoaeBriB
i. II. Wbitriid "
J. M. Snyder.... Belt
I. M. Keeter.. .
Thoi. Beaea.......,.Bagg.
lilabRae.e, Jr.Daeitur
Kaaob etrawarargnioB
. raacaaarax.,
V. Uugmr.......Oirar
H, . Htewart,
jno. voaltar.
1 B. Rbaner....tioihe
"t.ii.ltradro'd Klijab Conrad. ...Ilaltch
iienry nraaal... J, Copenbarer.... : .
I.J. Wriglay... . 8. UutdmaB-,... .
Lewi. Wearer Urady T. A. frlaBB C
Valat. a. Ileeaia. J. Hnaearana.....llu.loo
Law Keblndlov.... Ij w MAnu v. ..v.
, n. saarriotuaoj Mala. Heed. ...Lawrence
,,o tirwiaB...IIraaia Hltet. HeB,.i
J. eV bnyiler... M. P. Wallaea
t napaian " 1 laaac llnon.
Wal. " l .Jwe. C.eaa .
A. It lloldoa IIIoowkJ. i. Kramer..
J. al Artama. .Slevllel'lUne. Kylar.Jr...
t. 'l..Bok..'- ' I A lot Homrr...
r. 1. ThoeapeM..Cari'lle I Kd wd Knffertr ...... PenB
rraiiey caeit It. tl Waller Oaeaola
Jr-tao OweBi....UtaatarlJ. 0. Haxlttioa.'
a. a. eater... .. Ua,, H. Caldwell ...Mke
'bHPIIAN.S' c:oitiit hai.v
House and Lot In Clearflold,
Hy tlrlaaafan wrder oV aVOrphii' fHirl ef
v,,'e,nr,u enuniy, in lac t;oBinionweallb or I'ena and diraetad M Ih aBderaigned adiaia
IMrator of Ihe eatate of lha au....i t
Hoalhard, there WIH b atpoead la pnhlle aala, ai
"'"r "oaio, ia ina waroagn or Ulearbeld, aa
milNWT, llliCKMBHK tttll. m
at 10 o'clock. A. .. all thai ea.1.1. n....
'"..ll"" Ike boBBhofClaaroUl.froaliag
.a lea.t nmi k., ai.:.j j . .T
lrait atrret, betweca Third and .,!.
, atrecla, The Ut H SO feet rroni oa Loan at etreot
" ' ranalng bark In feat la aa alley, baring
, . roe two-atery trama bawae,
I aboal IDiM reel, wltt otrrtBllJioao, Ae., atlaobad,
I with atabla aad .twa Itory frame chop. Beetle
I Ll l gaoi aonaitina.. Belag the pranot-
ty l A. L Boathard, deaeaaed.
laaei oa Hai., Oae lbird at tba tleae af aale.
tba balance la twa tqusl payment., ia bob
two yeara. with intereit eeanrrd ho boa
oioHgagB n the nreauwe. .. ., ., i .,
t. M. AflAM, Admr.
ClaarlaM, Pa, Haa,, lll;4..l.
Arnold 4 Hirliwerw Klo.tlw7 "apt. T?. IN..
,.' I. n'iBa'rp.'. ' ;. ... . , f
tba aadorelraed Bad Iter, appointed by Iba
Coarl 0 dlerrlbata tba prooaada arletag twal Ua
abarifa wala of Leefaadatito raal aalada, (irai
not etc that ta will attead aa aaid dw. ad kl. .a.
lea, la Cleari.ld, aa Tbaraday, Dacca. bee I tin,
llTd, at It a'alaek A. . ' , '-..,,., 71
we n w. m. rl lll.MnTflH, Awdltar,
gfw airrtlcfinrutii.
AtmO.N; ' 1
All poraou are Ltreby uernod glnt par-
obeiiog or i uy muiotr moaMia ---.-- (
liming tbo baiide or
Iiaae Hon, or the borough ot WaUaoetos, ae lb
aauie belouge to ui and it iubj ot to our order at
anytime, tii: A chuirf, 1 rorking ebair, I eiok.
I oook eto and utenlili, I Ul. 1 p1' k
tt-ad, 1 trauk, I but diohae and all other dUhea
iBpajoaaionolaaidh.. fMKAf4c(( ,
waiisstkNi, iijfc i, iC-a. .:'.''.
i . P. I M V I N.
' IiiuLBS IS
hV.VHKtt, Slll.rOLI.S, tft.,
, AT THE- . , . .
Carwnmllla, Nor. :t, 1871.
S T RAY. "
Caina traipa"in on Ilia B.mlaa of lha
nnderaigni.d, in l.awranro toBkhi, IB AuguBl
lant, a dork rrd Hall, with a aurlj faaa. Tha -nam
will aoma foraard, prara proiarty, par
eharRea-and Uiu hint awa, or bo will b d'a-.
pfiard of noeorilltif to law.
Vn.2i, nu :l
p.UU)oi7NOTJCK. r .. .. .
Xallca la hari-hjr Kircn, la all paraon a whom
It wiir ootirarn, that an aplieBtiaB baa baen
Kiada lo tha lioanl of rardoni for iba pardoa of
Jamoi 11. T.-lla, aa cdnlui-d in tba Wcitcra
do2 at KI.1ZA TOLLS. t '
Tin Roofing and Spouting
dona at abort riotiae and os noil rraaonabla
K-raai, and rrpalrtng ncallj- and proraptlf aia.
eatrd br
Hv on band, and are daily raeelvlng ad
ditto tii thereto, ft targe and well elaeted etoek,
jot freib Irosti the aiaautacturora, of
Pren Goodi, Dry Gondr, BllkP, Hate, bonnet,
Old Ladioe' Cape, bwl Waterproof, la
dtei' Fur Cepi, Hair Uood, tftntR' Fur.
aibing Qoodi, hhlrte, Uloroe, lloee,
Overall, I.niubrriucn'l Flannel,
1 lAdie' t'nlcrwar, C'utfe,
rrfutaery and Soepa, Daliaoral Skirt, away
down, Fiorkingi, r ry fixe, variety and eolurr,
Tfotia'Ui, TrituuiLDge and Faoiy tiwde, ia almott
eudk'i variety.
FOR CASH. dc2tf
1875 THK 1875
(Dally and Weakly.)
Tha Weekly tal1ifaol 1M4. Tha Daily ce
taMifhrd 1842.
THE WEEKLY TOST haa ao euperior aa a
Family, Politicaland Literary Journal, and ahoald
find a place in every Democratic family ia l'ena
aylvaum, Kaatrrp Ohio arid Wiit Virginia. It Ml
without a rival among the greet weekly jnuraala
of tba country, en eh inue containing flfty-aif
ooluiuaa of carefully aelected aod edited matter,
uitud to the latnily eirelt, m treeing 1'olHical
Kdirialf, tlcneral Kditoriate on all leading top.
let; Literary M-lectione at well aa art trial rfforta
both in proae and poetry ; Bank and Art Hoviewr.
and tbe Uoetral Uraln and Produce marketj of
all tba trade arntTM of tbe eouatry, and Foreign
ui ark eta, General Newi and He lee t hi ieoellany.
Tha great political revolution of 1H74 will work
aa entire change in tbe political management of
ibeeountry.and it ia highly important that Dem
ocratic Heal and Democratic arguments and
principlca eboald ba apread Wfwra the people.
Thia cub ba done in ne Ik-t ter manner tban hy
eitending tha already lara ciroulatioa of the
I'ittabursh Weekly Vvj. In tbo future aa In
the punt, Tna Poer will lie the audeviatingado
cale uf the ptira and undented prineiplee uf De
mooraey. aa banded d'wn to aa by tbe fonadera
! oar government and will alwaya Iw found ad
v oca ting honerty, aeonomy aod reform.
Owing lo tlio recant ehangea lo tbe United
Siatei PoaU? law a, atf tho Iret of January, 18; a,
all wtwrpaper postage mut be paid by the pub.
lirhera, ao that ll will e Beeepnarr to add Ihe
postage to tbe aabaeripUoa, U ail aubteribera re
aiding oat of AHcgbony eoanty. Tboaa reaiding
ia the aoualy ara ratjuirrd to pay aa postage,
tfubecribere will sea thai thia dues not inereaaa
tba price of their pa par ft, as tbey only traarmit
to ne the poetage the are eom polled to pay their
local postmasters.
Which occupies tba position of tx-lag the only
Demoermtie DailrPaperio Woatera pennrylvania
and longest established DemerattB Daily la tha
State, will contain all tbe latest newi aad mar
ket down to four o'clock a. a. of each morning,
and will be furnished to all mail eubeeribera at
$t par year, post a re paid by the proprietor.
Single tabaoription in Allegheny eoanty
" ' outside of "
$ oo
I at
I ft
la elub of flva or ovar la
' outride of
By mall par annum $10 60 .
" eia montbe 6 60
s uonibe S 50
Wa will make the Marketa and Lira Block Re.
porta a special feature laaurWRHKLY POKT,
girlag them noenrately down to the boar af going
to press, aad it wial prove an iavatualWa anmpan
toa to Parueri, Rtook Uaisera, Block Dealers and
all the industrial olaaaaa.
tfwacUaea ooiiioa aent to anv addraat Crae of
charge. AU orders should ba addrciuwd, and re-
mittaooea la east era drafts, post office ordera ar
wy express, mane ta iAn. r. uahh tn.,
Piluliurgh, Pa.
vim CLAY CO.
MAxrrAcirnaaft or
Farnnce Blocks, (ins Retorts,
StoT Linings, Paving Tiles, 4o.
rnfmHrar Tops; Wlndote Cap,
, and 1'atet.
' - .t: r . .
' "''f' -i .-. ;jj
AH kinds of Architectural Adornments.
, . A t , v, . U . . . J .
J e : , I I . ' : . ; .. ..
With larproved Maehiaery, Iret elaae BaatariaJ
aad akilted workmen, wa ran warrant all oar
Manafaeturoa to be equal to if not adparli.r to I j
Bay ia lha aarket. ' I
Artlelea afoot ajannfeetnra aaa be area at tha
Werbe, aaar Railroad Depot, or at tha Hardware
Stare af U. F, Bigler A I'a.
,i- ..Ar , '. .v.
All ordeH froBi B dl.lanna, addrataal to lha ,
tlaneral Superintendent, will reeeira proaipt at.
JOR FKRfll RON-, Oen'l Supt.
sf HeathlMd, llarnkirk. rVollaad,
, fupl. blKtiolBrlering Dept., I A tuytOtl !
Sew Saddle and Ilarness "
' V r: ' .1 i , -", , ,
' liuiiWiiNSVILLE, PA. '
il -.. lt.-;Ti ... l i. tf.
TI1R aadarrlgnnd, baakig fcneal reoaia Ibr taw kinda or OAtlULItH, HAR.
K BfH, and all tbe luteal Imprerement. la Hota "
Fdrnlihlng yooda, ara now prepared to till all
rderl at prieea Bnd quality that will earprlee all
who faror i hrti vtrb brail f wtke laapeetlaaor Ihrb?
work. They are drlermined topleaea and tbeireg
porleaoa and aheanatlow in eaatera Bad weetera
cillca conlilea Ihoa. la UKFV COM PKTITION la
tha KMnnMtrra af tloM, fiirrei. Oral do, Aabba .1:1
Covared BBd tllll-Linad Mounted ., 0
Alea Flaa
.'Y'WWStt ASD ftXCXSO pACDtKr?..
Tbalr fewtl Bad etpeoee. being llgbl, tbey will
aell tba aama grade, of work 0 por rent, eheaper
than thay aab b bougbl ha Ihe aaelera alllr. (I n
Repairing and adjuillng rladdlra, llarBaae.ika., 1 11
neatly done, al reaeoaahle nrleoe.
Partlealar ateeoltoa paid ta aU Brian by all
CaU aad aaa their work before .aylngelenwhere.
W ' ' """'' HARMON,
farwabirltle, ?a., Oct. II, HT4.
Beale's , EmbrwaUon,
(LAtk rbwlLt'O'
for all dlaaiea ta Reraaa, fj.ttla, and
aw, re.unag ta am af aa . . . I
ThU l.braaatiaa L ..a..'..i. i..a l. darla( tba oar.
. . - . ' m at irwiB, vnaaraal i
Jaaapk , Irwta, OantOTlll. . Oaatal aaV ,
waataf, Utbwrabarg. i ,, . , it .