Jjttrdtvnre, SElitumvf, &(. J.! i lit 1 1 M l , , . "" .-....'. .;' " HARDWARES and manufacturer f Tln.Coppor & Shrrt Iron Ware, ! Booond Street, "i si ' ClEK1Ell, PA., Having largely Inoroaead our stook of Hard wire, we ioriu Ibe publU to .aeailae our stack ud prices. Carpenters and persons who .ontemplat. bull J Ing will do nil to uauiiu. our . . , , T0OL8 ft BUILDINO HARDWARE. which tl aew and of the bell manufacture, Uld will b fold low for own, ,; ; KAILS, , - TCTTY.- .(.WE.! LOCKS, LATCHES, . , HINGES, ...UVj . vi.BCl.lt VPS Vv- All kindi of Bench Plan, flaws, Cbtal, Square, Hammers, Hatchets, Plnnrb and I.erls, Mortised A Thumb Onega, Bevels, llriuee A Bitta, Wood and Iron . Bench Sore, and the bait ' 1 1 Boring Machine in the market. Double and Single Bitt Azet, -; POCKET CUTLERY, Ae. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agent for Richards' GOTHIC I'LUE TOPS, , which effectually oore BmoVy Fluei. Farmara' Implement and flardep Toola of vry dearlption. . A large variety of ,C00K STOVES, which we wimnt to giro iat.if.wt Ion. Portable itatge$ and Wtrnacts. m Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dono on reaaonaLile terma. All orden will receive prompt attention. , . Juno 11. 187. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SnooMori to Boy n ton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer of POBTABLE & STATIONARY, i STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Plae Straeta, , .. , , CLEABI'IEI.I), PA. HAVING engaged In the manufacture of flret eleu MACHINERY, wa reipectfullj Inform the pubHe Ibat w ar now prepared to til all order ae cheaply and at promptly ae oan be done In any of the eitlea. W maaafeotar and deallo Hulay and Circular Saw-Mills ... ; ; a ; ; i ; i I Head Block!, Wator Wheel, Shafting Pulley, Olford Iajeetor, Staaai flange, Staaa WfcUllee, OlUn, Tallow Cupl, Oil Cup, Gauge Cocks, Air Cooke, Olob Valraa, Oheok Valr, wrought iron Pip, Btwrn Pnmpa, Boiler Feed Pump, Antl FritUon Metre, Soap Ston Packing, OnB) Pack ing, and all kind of WILL WORK, together with Plow, Bl.d Sol, COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VSS, . ' tad ether CASTINGS af aU kind. ' .' ayOrder solicited and flllad at any prtoa All latter of inquiry with reference to machinery of OOI maanfMtnre promptl answtrad, hyaddre. lag a at Clearfleld, Pa. Janl'Tt-tf BK1LRR, YOUKO A REED. JEW BTOIiB AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW 4t SON . , Have jut opened a Niw Ston, on Vlaio St., Cliaiild, Pi latelT oocupicdbj Wm. F. IRWI.V. Their itock eonaiiliof Okocutiu of the bett quality, Qdeknbware, Boots and Sliocg. end ever article necoiarr for R t i ' one') oomfort. '' i ' Cell and extmine our itock before pur ehaiing eliswbara. . May 9, 1866-tf. J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. STONE AMHsTrTHES WARl OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTS I CROCKS! i v r - i . j Plakerl Petent Airtight tclf Hoalliig Fruit ( anal BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MII.K CROCKS, APPLE- BUTTER CROCKS, , , PICKLR CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, 1MB DIHIIES, STEW POTS, Aad a great many other Ullage too numsrona to mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Charry aad Third Street, CLKAHr'IKLD, PA. aug3 Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices; Wl an to epenlng a a let of the ken Mll meet uonalle Hoods and Warn arer of. red la this market, aad at prleaeHhat remind ana of the good old days of cheap things. Those who lack faith apon this point, or deem our alle gations superfluous, need but W". yi" OVH STORE, . Cornet Front and Market atreeta, Where they eea aa, fe.1, hear and know fr th.m mItm. To fully und.rrtanel ,hM , th ' thla must be dono. W. , . dj""'' ,..u aad .lamia, . uwt." J"-"7 f tm la suu ibat eaoaga We have ETerrthing that U Needed aad oeasamad In thla market, and at arleea thmi aatoalsh bolh old and r de.ll JOSKpH SIIAW A SON. 'Cfeafneidf Nursery? 1 3NC0URAGB HOME LNPUSTRY TBI adartlgw.e), baring .subllshel a R.' Ci-U.";" ".'".X halfway .!.... I4A C.reret1ll., It prepared ea fat. MCIT TRKr(.l..rdd -T!la,J,, 'P Vlaea, "riir.f,V w,'1Mr",, 'kk"'F, .wwharr. laMt'.T.I"- '".eibwiaJlOrakTroel, fc&'iW'iti: ) Carwae lilla, Pa, 1 5rj floods, GimnUt, tftf. i.r. ?.. ...v. w. earr. WEAVER 1IUTTS Vi uli. i-l.i.'-LJ.-A.. , CLEAHF1ELP, l'A., Are offering., it Ik old tana' of . hvReeil A Co. tbelretock of goads, 4nailtiug of 0 i i DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, , ; - ( Vs) a BOOTS A B1IOK8, HATS A OA PR, HAIUIWAnE, L. T ,., QUF.KNSWAKR, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, to., &o., At the aoet reasonable, rale fbp CASH or In '' l" aiehango for '.' Sauare TJmbor,". Boards, '.SbingleB, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. . JEsrAdvanea mad to those aiigagod.ia get. ting oiUaqaer Umber ot th mat adv aatageeni terms. pdlllaaTI KRATZER j&; LYTLE, MARKET STREET, rilMllFIBMI, PA. DRY GQOD, NOTIONS, ' GROCERIES, UlRDlVAItK AND QlJKF.NSW ARF, i Boots, Sloes, Hats, Cain, io. "-Shoemaker avpplled with LEATHER and 8110K FINDINU8 at reduced rate. SALT! SALT! SALT I at wholesale aid retail eery ehaap. FAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ac A liberal dlaeount to builder. HOUSEHOLD OOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW 8HADE8, OIL CLOTHS in large quantlti. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, always on hand. ar'All of th abor good era purbaad icluslTely for eaeh, and therefore ena and will be sold aa ehaap aa lha cheapest. aprlll-Te rpo THE FRONT! O It EAT EXCITEMENT CLEARFIELD BAKERY OYSTEB SALOON I . Tb andorntgncd harlng juit fitted up now, Urge and eurnlorUVilo rooiua o Mark at vtroot. near Third, rwpoetfall; ioftirini tin public that ho now droparcd to ooeonaioUato thw with vr thing in hii lioo oa abort aotioo aod at all Itoara or th day. lie kocjff oa baad t EKKSII DRKAD, ' 1 ' ' f . BUSKS, ROLLS, FIES, 0AKE3. all kindi. FRESH OYSTCRS IN VERY STYLE, and a gflnerartnortmMit of CONFKCTIONKRLKS, FRUITS, MTS, 4c, AU of wblrii wIllbodcIlTBrad to oartomon at their mldonoea, whea requaited to do m. rt ICS CREAM, by the dlih, torrad In a BaU- fWr- nlabed room. Thankful for tho foDeroaa patroaago beitowcd la tbt part, ha ltopof lo enerH and rewire a d j tlnueooe of tho fame from hli old oonto ,., , mere, aad other. y JOHN STADLER. . JiuU.7J-tf. ., ... . TJANIEL COOULANDER, , . '''" lUTnBRSBORO, PA., ' ' Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY AGL0VK8,' - BATS k CAPS and BOOTS A 8II0KS, Tubaeoo, Orooerloo and Fiah, Naile, Hardware, gutenaware and uiaaiwara, Hon a ana t Boyi Cloth Inn, Drugi, Pamti, 1 Oila, School Booka, a largo lot of Patent Medici Dei, , Caadlei, NoU A Drlod FrniU, CbecM and Crack - , era. hock ana maa rnvacr, Flour, Grain and Potatoos, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Horooooa, Linlnga, Binding! and Thread, bbooinakerr looli aod Shoe Findlnga. No greater variety of gooda In any itore In the ooanty. AU for tale very low for eaan or count rj produoe at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27, 1673. IF ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, L ....... j u ' BUY YOUR . C Ia OTII I N , Furnishing Goods, dec, ; ;''' 1 1 at ' ' ;- ; D. STEWART & SON'S Cl-OTllING STORK. ' They Uoop a full lino of - ! Men's, Youths' t Soyt' Clothing. Also, Umhrollnfl, SiitcholU, Ovoralls Hats, nitirta, I nuorsliirts, and . , i Drawera, &o,, v .. , Which they will sell at most reasonable price. Call and axamlno their roode liofure purchaalng eleewhere. Kom on Market Street, oppoalte the Court Tfouaa. Clearfield, Pa., April 1, U74. ' ; The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Psnn towasbip, Clearfleld Co., Pa. . a HimiED OUT) , ,":,r,. ,0T"0T. .";"" B URN ED U PI Theaubeorlberthavet greateipnnie.reliullt neighborhood neooaalty, in the erection of a II rat elan Woolen JKarmfarlorT. With all the modern improvement attached, and are prprcd to make an aiB'ia or uiotha, iaioimerea, Patinetta, Ulan, keti, Flanncli, Ao. Tleiity of gnoda en hand to eupply all our old and a thonaand new cuitnraera, whom we aak to pome and eiamlne our atoek. Tho baaineac of CAHD1N0 AND FULLIKU , ltl reoelva oar etneeial attention, rrotror arrangiwianu will bo made to receive aad deliver Wool, to aim auatomora. All work warrantod and done open tile btrtat notion and by etf-efcallena) tion to aafnaee e befe W realiee a libefal rbarS of ptlillo patronage .... r , I0.(MHI P0!(Wt)8 Wooii WAMTHD1 We will pay the klgbeet mark I price fur Woo ftnd ooll oar manuriMiturod goodi aa low bp alftllar goodi eaa be hdiaght In the oouoty, and whenever we fail to render raaaonable aatiifaoUon we ean wyt be band at home ready lo make urobar MplaaaUon, either la p-rMn or by letter. . h,-., JAMKa JOHNSON SONS,' i tprlimr Bower P.O. j Q. W.MVOLFE, fBACTICAL GUXSMITH. nrli -- eseanmrnaaj at ratrj fir) Ojooila, OJrorfrirn, 3?tr. rpiic I. at cat MOV BT 1 : '4 -4 THE LATEST -MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S ,.JJ RUG STORE, To thatr aew building an' Second gtraai, aoar I y ip'ltc.ui ar. ol Weaver a Uella, .i.;U -lis .a 'CLEARFIELD, PA., '1 Where they will continao to iuiply their old and aa many nw euaiumeri aa may oouie, with riJUK DRUM! 0 II E M I O A L 8 ! t . PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ( Including all new remedial,) Patent Medicinei, Palnta and Oili, Ulaaa and Putty, School Booki, Htatlonery, Poper. "Ao.i alrio, a fnll line of Drug- ' giata' Bundriea, Hair f. ' Tonioi, Coatnetloi, Pvrfumerlea, Toilet Art idea, B rathe, - Toilet Soapa, Pocket Book. Ae., all of j the beit quality. TURK WINES AM) LIQUORS, - i t ( vV -i -for medical A laeramental pnrpoiea only, Pur White Lead, Colon of all klndi, Raw and , Boiled Linieed Oil, Varnifihei, Turpeo i tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniab Ilraebea, Flavoring Extract a, Coafect!onerief, Bird Sent, Ppiee ground and unground, oral! klmla. SMOKKRS AND fcHEWirtS Will And oar itock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Do meiUfl Cigara, Snuff and Fine-cut to be of the very beit branda ta the market LAMPS AND CI1IMNKY8, ) All kinda of GLASS WARE QAHDEN 8KED8, "'J aad Mualeal Trimninga af every rarlety. Having a long etperieaoe In tbo bwiineaa. and an extenaive and well aelectod Block of medicinei, we aro enablrd to All Phyilclana preloriptiona at the abort eat notice and on the moat reawnable term a, day end night. IIARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfleld, Pa., May II, lUTI-tf. ;! H liSffUann5. ( ) rjMIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! MTOVEK t erar brought to the onunty, are being reeclred at the Hardware Establishment of H. K lll(;I,KH ah CO., oomprising the following Cook glove : 8PEAR'S CALORIFIC, "J SUStJUEHANNA, ' , REGULATOR, NOPLE. EXCELSIOR, ' ' 1 ' ' .. ' TRIUMPH, ; GOV. PEKN. READING . NATIONAL RANGE, iC. oVC. Also, th following Heating Stores: SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAU'SORRICULAR, ,., j SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, UORNINO LIGHT, ' I BON TON, GIP8Ey, tv,. ' VULCAN, SUNBEAM, ' ' RU3Y' DAUPU1N EOO, , CHESTER EOO, VOLCANO, niOENIX,, , , .... HEAVY IUR ROOM AND STORE ,. ROOM STOVES, AU. Clearfleld, Sept. li, 17. , , FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY II. I niKh r A Co. j IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. f j - WOOD DOCBLR-SnOVEL PLOWS. ' MOOD SlNaLB-SUOVKL PLOWS. 4,. IRON CULTIVATORS-." "' ' ' " "' WOOD CULTIVATORS. .! "... ' OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITT8I1UR0 STEEL FLOWS." HAUPT'S UJiULKFONTK PLOVTI. ROBESON'S nd THOMPSON'S PLOWg. l-Sharee for all at tha abura Plow eon- elnnUy on hand. mjl7l 0. I. c. WHRRlMo' bay mf DRV OOODi, K0 eerie, Qaeenaware, Ulaaaware, Drnga and Notion, Uonfeetioneriea, Ae, ebeap for eaaa. The aubaeriber begi leave to In Form bli aid And aew caatomera that he hai opened f , i A VARIETY BTORB 1 l,,' : y IN (ILKN HOPE, PA. And will aell goeda at prleei to an it the timai. A Hberal mlnotion will be made to oaitometi buy ing at wnoieaaie. , , ; ; . all and examine my atook before tmrohaainc elaewhere. A liberal ibare of pnblio patronage la tollflltcd. C. J. KBAOT. Qlen Hope, Pa., Juna 14, 1871. i JJ 'F.'BIGtr-n ft X).'S ' ' -SPECIALTIES- 1 , i .t r r r. j - - .. ..... BUILDERS' HARDWARB, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, " LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMIN'O UTENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, , ; iron Kails, PAINTS, DIM, VARNISHM, , PAIHTRRS1 FINDINdaf, ' ' J naLciKsn pi.tsTR Hay IS, 1871. ' JjjoOT AND SHOR MAKINO. " JOSEPH H DKKIUN'I. a Market Ureal, la Shaw' Row, Olearfleldt Pa., ka )aet r.eeired l Ih let el Fraiak Oalf (klaa aad Rip., tha be Ms Ike markat, bwhI la aaw prepared aamaw dfaelar. fwylhlnf la kla Ian. Ha will mar taat hie mark la aa aa rapt aaaated. - Tk elile.es af Olearflald aad .totally are reapaetfally larlud to glra kirn a aall. " W.rk doa. at ekart nolle. f :1l'Taj JO PRINTINO OF EVERT DSflCRIp' tie waally eiemled at tkl ollee. ' THE REPUBLICAN. . i WKDNESDAY tlOkliUia, DKC. , 11. , ... rABIWCU. , , , .'- :, . I ns BT i. M. TUoursoa. . ' i ' H . "i Farewell I It ta no aerrowfal word, It oarer baa had a paeg far m. , , , , . , Sweet a the last (ong or a bird, 1 8oft as a wlnd-sw.U from tha sea, ) Tha word farewell. I part with yon a oflbalbr -M l'v partl with dear friend and aweet, Ana row i annua (tar avermore, , . . . , Vuur memory's gold dust fatm my feat, jrarawelll larowell. Sooa I shall And a new aweM face, And flthoT eyes aa pare and Strang As yours are naw, and lata a sye Of life that riipla Iniaeeng," u And then farewell! Farewell 1 Farewefl I ' Threw me a klaa ! How fast tha distano grow, between ! Now memory fadea, a fllu of bliss, A ur-off mist of sllr.ry sk..n I Uood-byel Farawall! ,v1 A GOOD STORY, TRUSORXOT. HOW KACII CHANUI.tR OUT EVEN WITH Wasbingtoa Correspoodonea Plttaburgh Leader. CliumllorloTui tobyuHtof hiiHtrcnirt.h, t ,i l.Au.: I Vpou this particular occaniun lionimed liie arm over the talile. "Hoc my mtiHolo," aald ho ; "I can lick any man of iny eiio any where, ill am an old man; that is because I am auiciicvd iu the biiBintwt. Rut I won't lick a man unless he in a gontluinaiL Now, look at Don l'ott (Piatt); ho tells more damn lira about mo, and I would lick him, but Don Pott in no gentleman, (ioorgo 'J'ownmmd 1 wag Koing to lick once tiir lulling a dam lie about mo ; and 1 limited for him nvor a week, but uoloro 1 lound nun 1 learned that ho wait no gentleman,and ho his hido wa Tcd."- Chandler'H givut hobby ia his skill aii a pugilist. Rosciie Conkling Is al so a frreat boxer, ile hna a privato fryiiiiiaHiuiii in his rexidenoo at Wash ington, where uftcr dinner ho invitee such of his friends aa are irvmnixntic- ally inclined for a friendly little bout Wltn llio (JIOVOB. .oiikiiuu; m a very (rood amateur boxer, and aa bo is a very luriro, powerful man, he ironerall y has it his own way with tho frueuts who ure, Mil enough to put on tho glovoa with him. ror somo tune It was an open dispute between Chan dler and Coiiklinir which was the bet ter boxer of the two. Chandler would alter every dinner party o( which he was a member, calmly assert that ho could lick any man ot Ins weii'ht in tho United Rtates One day last winter Chandler dinod with Conk lin(, and tho latter inveigled tberent war Senator into the private gymna sium. Tho clove were dnnned, and the two doughty champions beean to make irraccltil henalonul passes Uiward olio another, according to tho most ap proved rules of tho P. R. The bout, liowovor, waa of very short duration. Chandler suddenly recived a blow bo- ,kA nn,iuu.l II, & l,.Mi SliiteliaBml tam in mi arhVu linf-lrtunivl his trusty legs fhilcd him, and then he at down so hard twit tears nunc out of bis eyes. It took four tnon to get the war Henatop upon his legs, but he ill row up tho spongo at onco, with no further effort U punish Conkliitg. Tho only remark he was heard t" make was, "Oainn strange, ana "J n nx mm yet." ' $ Conkling and ('handler wore much together In a social way, and U waa not long alter the above occurrence when ('handler received another invi- tation to como up to his house and spread his legs under Conkling's social hoard. Chandler sent buck word that he regretted very much his inability to he present, that he hail a guest at his house, a valued constituent from M ichiiran, and ho could not leave him. Conkling aunt back word, "liring him along. ivitn this tonn ol invitation Chundler consented to go np. He took his friend with him, and introduced him aa Mr. Howard, of Detroit, Mivh- igan. Howard waa sad -eyed man of diffident manners, who contented himself with paving a very clone at tention to tho themes of tho bill of furo rather than to join in the general conversation of tho dinner table. Conkling was in great glee during the dinner, ile told over and over again the storv of ( handler a discomfiture, as a boxer, and ucvor seemed to tiro of asking him what he thought about his ability to lick any man in tho Uni ted States. Chandler took all those remarks in an absent-minded way, aa if, snildenly ho had harm lifted atx)ve any such petty ambition or consider ing himself a fino athlete. After din ner Conkling led his guests Into the gymnasium lor n general smoko and chat. .,. , , ... .. "Come," wtid ho, pleaaiitly, to Chandler, "don't you want another bout with tho glovos ?" and then Conk ling laughed again in bin most cheer ful, turkey -giihliler style, as he put on a pair of gloves. "No, 1 don't want to box," said ('handler; "but perhaps my friend hero would eonmuit to amnso you." Turning to Mr. Howard, Chandler re marked, "You box, do you not V . Mr. Howard still looked sad-eyed and absent-minded. 1 Ho did once know something about it, but it Waa such a long timo aga : . "Como, como," said Conkling, "let us have a friendly bout. I won't hurt yon." . ' Kvideiitly tho great Now York Sen ator was pmlng to knock Some one down. Alio atul-eyov Mr. Howard, ovidently flattered at tha protrpect of heing knocKCd down nysodistingutsn ed a man, began slowly to put on a pair of gloved. As ho was drawing on the gloves Chandler was observed to walk down a little to tho back ground. A contented look was upon hie fnco, and every now and then he would raise his huge right foot up un- uer uia nnuiii vuiuiiiinvun euiu utu, and give himself a congratulatory kick, exprowivo of rapture. The aad-yed man ram forward and tho round began. ' Conkling waa fin proceeding at onco to knock his oppo nent down, and ho would havo done so had ho not found great dinlculty in irotting any whom noar tho aad-eyod man. The art! air euliuinaUid by the snii-fyea tnon s aitfincniy rushing tor ward' and landing a thunderbolt of t fist between Conkling's oyee. Tho Sonator went over like a big tree, and rolled Into tho cornor of tho room, where ho lay for a moment stunned by the concusHion. He was heard to any afterward that he thought a house had lalleu on LiliL , . .,, . ,. ' ,A ' "., Conkling had enough of boxing for onco. I handler made several pli ant li 1 1 lo remarks about tho skill of his friend Colliding, which were not re ceived in tha most cheerful way. Judge of Conkling's feelings tho next day whon ho learned that Chandler hnd played a joke upon him by giving Mr. Howard flOO lo come up anil boil noo Mr. Conkling. Tho Mr. How ard, of Detroit, Aluvh,iwaa non other than Jem Mac. ... 1 A queer caaa is reported front bu Ivor, Col. A man trot drunk, atolo his Kiwn trunk, and hid it. Ho complained "fof the theft, the property waa recov ered, and lie was mado the pnieocuting witnesa. The judge, being in a quan dary how to treat so novel a case, de cided that the thief waa not rwonantav po lor his acts. '' - A young blood at a hotel queslwl to pass a di,h near him. Do you mistake me for a waiter'" aald the exquisite, "No, sir; I mhrtookyon for it gentleman', was the prompt re ply, 1XXH OP CGUTtt. V "The association of tho members of j tho various trades into separate (iitilds, for the purpose of promoting the common interests of thoir rospeo tive fratornitles; fcnd bf lantnat uiwIh. lance in sicknoss, was of ancient ori gin in England. It waa in practice daring the Haxon rule, and waa con tinued with growing popularity for soveral centime alter tho Norman conquest. Each trade had its Guild, aad no person waa allowed to enter tho one until ho bad became a mem ber of the other. In proportion as the trades rose in iui))ortanco, tho (railda Increased in prosperity, until tunny of them beeanio societies of great wealth and Inflaenco, and re ceived special privileges from the sov ereign. In pnx'oss of time those privi leges wore ulaolished, and tho asaocia tions thamso'eainaaaMi iastiirst awl now Ak tidy forking iuntitutlons iu Knglaud which preiaerve the eoiiHtitu tion of tho ancient (juild are tho law yers society cnlitlixl tbo Inns ot Uiurt. - There are lour of these Inns in Lon don, via : Tho 1 liner Temple, the M iddlo Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and (j ray's Inn. Tboy wore established prior to tho rolgu of Kdward II., and in tho reign of Henry IV. numbered 1,800 stu dents. In 1H50 they numbered above 4,000. Tho societies claim tho exclu sive right of coufernng tho degree of Barristor-at-law, which is rcqitmte for paeticiug aa an advocate or counsel in tho an pciiir Court. ; in order toioli taill this degree,-it ia ntXTHSarj- that tho applicant should enter either ouo of tho Inns and keep commons that is, dine in its hall for twelve terms, four oC which occur each year. Prac tically, any person of good character taA procure admission to an Inn ; yet each Inn has tho itowor to deny annp plicant tho privilcgo ol membership, should it chooKo so to do. This (Kiwer inherent In tho societies is, however, seldom used. Kaeh Inn also has the right to disbar its members, and of lute years it haa several times boon exor cised in tho caseol'lawycrs whoahused their profession and indulged in dishon est practices. Iu order to secure admission to an Inn, the applicant must obtain a cer tificate of two barristers in the Inner 'temple, of a bencher also testifying to his fitness to 1h received for the purpose of being called to th liar. The exienae8 of a atudeut on entrance are a little rising at 10; on his call to tho Bar, they are about 83; and commons bill may be set down at l'i annually. No student can Im called to the Bur who is not above 21 years old, and has not been a memlier of ono of tho Inns for the three yenrs. Each society is entirely distinct from the others, though all enjoy the same privileges. Tho separate. Inns are governed by separato G'ommittcea or Hoards, called the Benchers, who are usually Queen's counsel or senior counsel; and each haa local habita tion, consisting of a large collection of chambers, occupied exclusively by bar risters or attornoys-at-law, and yield ing a largo income. A Council of Le gal Education has of lata yuan been established by tha Inns, to superintend the suhjoct of the education of Uio students for tho Bur. . Law lectures given at any of the Inns aro freo to the students ot all tho rest, and the uionilwrs of each have tho use of the library of tho I tin, a seat in its church, and accommodation in its chambers. Tho Inner Temple comprises several noble stono structures, including the Chamlicrs, the Hall, tho Church, and the Library, situated tiion Inner Tem ple lane, and with an entrance from r'leet street by a gateway built in the time of James I. Tho Middle Tem plo, composed of k similar suit ot im losing buildings, Is also located uiion the Inner Temple lane, and reached by a gato-house on Fleet street, built by Sir Christopher Wren, in 1884. Lincoln's Inn, on the west side of Chancery lano, occupied, as a part of its domain, the sight of the towa- houso, or Inn, ol tho r.art of .Lincoln After tho death of this nobleman, in 1312. his nalace was transformed into an Inn of tonrt, and named from him Lincoln's Inn. Its precincts comprise several nno uuiidiuga ot respectable antiquity; ami a number ot quite a recent date. Tho Library of this Inn was founded In 1487, ami is the oldest in ijonrton. Its books and MSS. ex ceed 26,000. IU collection of law. books is the moat complete in England Many ot the old volumes still retain the iron rines bv which thev wore once attached to tho shelve, and tho early V TJ....I .1 i -:- 1 luar-imiiHB nrv iiiunuy in inoir origi nal oak bindings. The New Hall and Ijihrary wore inaugurated In 1K4S, hy Queen Victoria ami Prince Albertwith elaborate ceremonials. The princinat entrance to dray's Inn, on the north aide of Jlolborn and went of (iray a inn lano, oiiens irom Jioihom by a gate-way erected in !&!)& AU tho Innsliave trardeiM attached, which aro kept with cam, and former ly when open to the public, were plac es of fashionablo resort Tho Garden of (iray's Inn ((fray's Inn Walks) waa laid out aliotit luliu, under tho diroc- of Francis Bacon, and a catalpa-treois still shown that was raised from ono planted by him. These grounds were lor many years considered the pleaa- nntest promenade in London. The gar den ot Lincoln a inn was in hieli cul tivation while still the property of the Hart ol lutncoln, and waa atterward enlarged by the society. The "walk under tho elms," waa celebrated by lien J onson. 1 ho M iddlo t emple gar den used to boast of its avenue of limes, whilo the Inner Templo garden was famous for its Province roses. Hhakapoar haa laid In "Th Temple Garden" tho scene of the origin of the emblems of tho red and white roses for tho houses of York and Lancaster. Richard Pluntnircnct having plucked a white rose, and the Karl of Somerset a rod one, an altercation ensues, and the harl ot Warwick addrossos 1'lan Ugenot in tho following words: la alaaal af me lee. to lb. Against proud Somarael and William Poela, Will I epoa thy pasty waar this rssi. -t And her. I prophesy : This brawl te-day, ' llrowa la lau fatten, tall.mpKUaid, ! Shall and aetwaa the red roee aad the while, a laoaaaaa aoan te aeata aaa OMadiy algal. Among th eminent members of tho Inner Templo were Littleton and Cooko, Sir Christopher Uatton, tho learnod Molilon. Judge Jeffreys, and tho poets Beaumont and Cowper. Of the famous names enrolled on tho cat alogue of the Middle Temple are enu merate! those ot sir n aitor 1 Kalulgb, Sir William , 11 lack stono, ' Kdmuud Bnrke. Richard Brinsluy Shoridan. John Ford, Wycjierly and Congrevo, ui nntmatists, Hni tho rsit't Moore. Ol.'wer (toldsmitli had rhanihrra ia the Middle Templo, where ho died in 1774 at tho curly age of 4,r. Lincoln's Inn has adorned it hall with lifo-siuMl fiirnrcs of somo of its distinguished members, as Sir Mat thew Halo, Archbishop Tillotmn.Ixird Chita' Joatioai Mansfield, and Lord Ersklnav .At Orav's Inn Mudiod Hall tho chronicler, Gascoine tho ixwt. Sir Nicholas Bacon and his aon Fran ris. Tho latter had ehamhera In this Inn while ho was Iord Cbancellor. and aitor his downfall reaided in them altogether when in Iiondon, Southoy waa entered at (irav Inn on li-aviiia- Oxfonl. ' " , p The irciitleme'n of tlio tiihs'of Cottri wore Annans in oldsn times fiif heir revels, plays, masnnesi and Mmtitaotra entortainmenta. Th fiwtal days of lie rear wore reoularlv kent tiv i in their rofmoctive hall with trml I ll llH.tr TUm flam. Kaea.l4n.l Uenlatlon exhibited .y one of the aol Letlea, M which hisrrr hss preserved a record, occurred at Cray's Inn on Cliri.tnBa IS'1? T. .... .V. Christmas, 1627. It waa the perform snoe of comedy -r4tti bv John Rosa. The piece contained somo, so vers reflections on tho pomp of tho clorgy, which gave great offense to the Cardinal Wolsoy, and tho author wns in consequonco degrudixl and Impris oned. In 1561, Ktirkvilhv and Nor ton's trujjedy of '.'J-'errex nnd I'orrcx" wus porlormed before Queen Kluu beth liy tho Society ol tho Inner Tem ple. Iu 1001, Mhukspearo's "Twelfth Night" wus played In tho hull of tho Middle Temple. Tho feasts held by this society were osiecially extrava gant, and their revels wild anil riot ous. Tho or ken tables in their hull extended from end to end ; and, until Qiioon Eliaalaith's time, tho student's "cut their most on wooden trencher's," and drank nut of aspen-wood cups; but, alter that, groou .earthen .cups woro introduced, some Siociiiiiin of which still survive ''' Tho Inns of Court "wcre'cspeciidly ftfhibratod for their Veiirosentiilion of umsquea, In 1031, the Society of Lin coln's Inn cxhiibtod ono of those spec taelos before James I., at Whitehall, in honor of the murriugo of his dttiigh tur, Uio Friiiccss Elixahoth. The vost of this ctertuiunieut was alsjve 1080. But the most splendid entertainment of tho kind was a masque which tho societies represented before Churlos "I Candlcmas-duy in 103.'), at an oxieiuo to them ol 2,(MK). Tho King and Queen waa so delighted with this per formance that they invited 120 of tho geutleiuen-actors to a fttmiliar enter- i tainmeot at Whitehall on tho follow- J tug nnrove-iuesduy. un tins occa sion, it is related bv an eve-witnoss. that "Tho masquers camo m n nmrejKYNDER ORGAN, (with l.ynilor'a Kneo Tiomolo n ud downwnrd glorious show, with all the riders, which were increased 20, tollerchnot- taylors Hall, and there performed again." In l'art 11. of Henry IV., Act III. Sbakspeare alludes iu several passages to tho custom irf lierfonning interludes, or masques, to tho Inns of Court, Dramatic spectacles iu tho law so cieties, as everywhere else, wero sup pressed under tho rule of Cromwell. The last revel took place in 1733, in the Inner Templo Hall, in honor of Mr. Talbot, a bencher to whom the Groat Seal had been delivered, l'laya wore enacted aftor dinner and at tlie conclusion, tho Lord Chancellor, tho masters, judges, and benchers, led by tho Master of Revels, formed a ring, and danced around tho fire-place, ac cording to the old custom, three times, to the music of an ancient song. Fol lowing thia ceremony, there wus danc ing, in which tho Indies joined ; and, to close all, a light collation waa serv ed. The Prince of Wales was present at this gay festival. When Queen Victoria partook of a banquet at tho inauguration of tho new Hall of Lin coln's Inn iu 1H-I5, it was the first timo a sovereign had visited tho society for nearly two centuries. The old custom of ringing tho curfew-bell at nine o'clock in tho evening is still kept up (it Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn. IS XOT rOKBEARANVE 11 A USTEDt KX- t Since tho lute Thuddeus Slovens on the floor of Cungross, amid the plaud its of his coadjutors, declared that the reconstruction policy of tho loval no gro Irty was outside th Federal Constitution, them has been no end of usurpations and abuse inflicted by the "Government" on the South. The elective franchise has been made a mockery. Elections have been stupendous frauds. Tho negro who never could bo made to comprehend any reasoning pnawes, but who is a stranger to a reflective process, and who is moved only hy tho sensuous in fluences which surround, him, whose personal identity ts lost in any L'nth ering of his race more or loss iarire. has tbo sol control of public all'aim as conrerrca By the Ballot box. rrauds perpetuated by, tho voting of negroo are the rule iu some of the Southern States. Many of the most important measure which Are decided in the JSwuate of th L'uitud States bv tha votes of "cai-pet-bag" Senators ar mails to degrade tho country and op press ana iniure tno whole people by th vote ol Senators, who never wore elected by members of Legislatures who held their seats tiy honest elec tions. ; , How many members of th South ern State Legislatures are elected by responsible voters? How many owe thoir elections to negroes voting over nd over strain at different polls in districts in which the white citiaens are excluded from tho privilege of the ballot because they aro white ? Every law passed by the Federal Senate for which these carpet-baggers voted, and by thoir vote enacted, is a sham, a fraud, a disgrace- The Radi cal party hi tho Hous of Rcprcsentu. Uvea sustains this outrage. Grant sustains it- The Federal Supremo Court sustains it. .These agents of the Radical party unite in maintain ing tho validity of thoso laws, in open defiance of the known, acknowledged facta which so solemnly refute them. The terriblo Injury thus inflicted on the system of Constitutional represen tative government, the fatal influences which are thus exercised for tho con tinuance In power of reckless parti sans, corrupt rings, and shameless cor runtionista, on the prosperity, peace, industy. wealth, business of tho peo ple of the country ar not yet worked out to their conclusions. Wo have only had tho first example. ' Yet, notwithstanding all that has been experienced during the pest your, overy mail and telegram from Arkansas and Louisana show that Grant and his gang of cormptionisls aro busily en gaged in promoting a continuance of these outrages. It will require, they say, 030 days to count the vote at the late oloclion in Louisiana, because th Radical negro "return judges" know that the white Democrats and Conservatives have carried that Stalo and cloctod their ticket, and, therefore, delays are made on tho returns in tho hope that Grant will order his tools Williams, Kellogg and th rest of the gang to excite disorder, that he may devlara Kellogg the military Governor of that poor, prostrate, oppressed and ruined State. The like olTorU, undor another form of outrage, aro being made in Ar kansas, - ' i South Carolina Is a negro province. Alabama ia as bad. Florida no bet tor. Mississippi in a like condition. Yet the so-called Senators from thoeeo Status, Bios who hvo bo more right to a wnt in tf'nt body than Grant himself, make the laws for tho white people of the United Slates pass "civil riirhu bills,", "uag laws," rouu- lato the currency which pays the wax es of onf white mechanics, and legis- late for the great busincas Interests of millions of Mnpk Is not forbearance eshnnsled Cummonrmllh. . . . As th breath of the dew on the tender planf, kind words gently fta.ll upon tho drtiopliig lioarf,, refreshing its withenxl tendnla, and soothing ita burning woes. Bright oases they are in life's great desert i VVhq ran csti niato tho ttMiirs thev have alleviated. or tho good works the have arconv pltshed f ' Long after they are uttered do they reverberate in Uio soul's Inner chamber, and sing low, sweet, liquid strains that quell all tho nwinir storms that may Jjavo before existed. ('oNPt,iiitsrs.A well-known lHwn- ocrnt of Cctitral New YorV, being on tho ov of taking a journey to Ciucin nati last witak, asked ex-tioveraor Hey. mour what he should say to political friends there. Mr. Scvmmir mlin "Call oh Mr. Pendleton, and Vnv to him for n that be la Uio ooulnir mm u is Wo dosiro to call the nttcniimi of llio cilizcim of ClcurficliI county to iho fuct'llml wo . , Iihvo 0cntHl n - . MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFlELDi Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a lull aupply of . .. , . . PIANOS, OltGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. . . Our stock of PIANOS will consist of GI'JORGE STIXK 6z GO'S PIANOS, " " ' STEIN W AY Ai . St)NV TI ANOS, , . - - . - , " .. HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS Wo aro prcpnrcd at all times to furnish any oftlio cheaper innkes of Pianos to order on the most favorablo terms its to prices and i Our stock of ORGANS will Tho SMITH s MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN M KI.ODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE, ami CHURCH ORGANS. ' Besides these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. . We sell on cvory plan known to tho trade, oiiher CHKAP Ft Jit CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho rorvLAR and east LEASE PLAN. . On our easy terms everyone can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. LUVe Bhnll lie glad to havo yon cnll nnd pec us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. oct'23-'72-ly ... . 2tYIVi:ir.S 3I1TMIC STOHK. Hi5ffUlll!fOU5. JJARD TIMES HAVE KO EFFECT IN. FRENCHYILLE1 Z am aware that there are aome pi-rinni a little bard to pica, and I am alio aware tliat tl.e eoaiplaint of "bard timet" a well ni;h unlveraat. Uut J an to rtluaicd new that loan aaiiffj the former and prove eonnlmlrelT that "bnrd time a will not eAect tfaoar who buy their R'UKie from me, and all my atrai tlmll be initiated Into the ae erel of . , HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES ! bare good rnuURh lo cnpply all the inhaM taate ia the tower end of ibe eoaaty wgicb I tell at e xofd.rig low ratea from my mamiaoth store la Mni'HONBlJHO, where I ean alwaji be foand ready to wait upon callers aad aupply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, So h aa Cloth, BatlnvtU, Caulnerea, Maallni, lHlantea, Ltnen, Unllina;!, Calieoet, Trimming a, Hibboiie. Laoe, Ready-made riothlnr, Boot a and Rhoee, Hate and Cape all of tl.e beat material and made to order iloae, Hooka, Ulevea, Miltena, J.aoea, hibbona, tc. QKOCKKIE9 OP ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea. 6u(ar. Klre, Hnleteee, Firh, Bait, forb, LlnaeW Oil, Fiih Oil. Carbua Oil. Hard ware, Qoernaware, Tinware, Caatlng, Plowa and Plow Colli aga, Neila, Pplkea, Corn Coltlra tori, Cider Preaaea,aad all kiadi of Axea. PerfbMery, Painti. VarnUb. Glaaa, aud a gcotral . MeorUaent of tiutieuery GOOD; FLOUR, Of different branda, alwayi on hand, and wit be ' aeld at the lowaat poaeible figure. J. It. McCtaia'a Medirlaaa, Jayoe'i Medicinei, ' 1 Hoatetter'l aad llootlaud'a Dittera. I0 poonda of Wool wanted for which the bighoet price will be paid. , Cloveraeed aa hand fend low aale ai the leweat market priee. Alio. Agent for Btrattoorlllc aad Carweairille TUreahing Machlnei. tat. Cell and Beefor yonraelrea. Toa will lod arery thing aaaally kept ia a reUil atore. ' m. COt DRIKT. French Title P. 0., Aagaat 13, 1074, 11 BAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 5 j -..:! ' The attention of the eltlieaa of Clearfleld and vicinity li directed to the fact that Uoodfrllnw A Boa are the agent a of M. Niece A Co., and have jaab revel red a half doien ear loada of Floor and Feed, wbieb tboy offer at tbe low eat poaiible Cg arei. A large Block of FLOUR, COKN MfiAb, CUOP, j BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Putatuee, Sbellod Cora, Corn ta ear, Ae., Ae. Partleulat atteatln li eatled to M. Nieea A Co.e brand of Family Floor, which ia tha but in tbe market Flour and Ford ean and will be mid cheaper lha a II can be obtained el new here In Clearfield tount r. jWr Store on Market itreet, next door lo Hon. Alexander Irvin'a rrllnoe. UOODFKtsTaOW A BON, Janietf ; Agente far M. NleeeA Co. j J, O'LEARY BUCK, General, Insurance Agent and Real , , Estate Broker, Rtpreaente tha following reliable Incaraaea Co'n North Brltiib A Meroantile In a. Co. ?2n,0fiO.OO0 Waabiagtoa Lire laaaranoe Co.... e.oau.UOg Firt Aaaeolatiea lamraaee Oo...... MOO.tMtl Attiaaaa Fire laaaraaoe Ce. 3,078,l4t PheBBii laaaraaoe Co U. Y 2,01)0,000 Watertowa Fira, laaaree dwelliaga , and farm balldina-a salv , &fi (MO York, Pa., Steok laiuranoa Oo. Uoraei iaiared agalnat death and theft. P. H Partial la tbe eoaatry dealrlng Iniuraaee o 'their Htoi property ean hare it promptly atteaied la by addreeaiag aa by fetier, or oailing la ertoa at ear offlee, ia l'iea Opera Ho use, Room Me. I,0WII4, Pa. awgXt'T T1IK CLEAHFIELD i ' WOOD-CHOPPEr8 AXE! ! ' ' : . If aaufaetureS especially fur ' 1 fllK CLEARFIELD TRADS, i - , . roe !. ar anS'T ' H. P. 111(11, KR CO. JltATKRIl fclYTIK,' AtlBNTS IN CLIARt-lKLD COUNTY POK I.OUII.T.AItIS - .- . - Celabratul Bratut ef V Smoking & ChCninZ TobllCCOS. . i Wa ar. enablril ta wholesale ta , .Irrl thmuel,. lit Ihe munlr at ellT prlees. KKATZRP A LYTLK. JeS:,..lf CI.arJ.IJ, Pfc Attrntlon, lumbermen! tTll are ... m. nul.tlurlr.lt our tMPHOVEI) VT BTKSL.BOCKKT UIHVINll CANT. HOOKS, su.oilor to an; ether ia ase. We bare alee la llcml a large eaaalitr of Canlhoebs suita ble for rn,nt purM, wbirb we are rrllin. -beapor cash. AMOS A H. b liNNABI). 'OlearleM. Pa., Marck II. ISfl, . , ' ; livery Nti.hle. TH E uier.l.ael k... lea.a te lnnren tbepub lie that h. Is aow full; prepared to aocomrao d.U all la tk. w.,of fural.tin, lre.e, HaMiea, Slais, auj noe,o lha sh..rl..t aotlce anj ea reasonable terma. heaideno. oa Locust stroeL betweea IblrJ aad Fnarth. ..... ,iK0' W tlSARIIAltl. HearSd, Feb. ,IS7.- pnEAP grocekVksT LIIMUKR citv, pa, law. tn hie old frleanl The anderalrnsd isshmm. tn ki. nu ri.Hj. and patron tWl b kns opened a good line ol SROCKRIBR PHOVISinVlS at Ibe old etaed Spennr, for vkleh be Klleit. a liherai MARK E T , S T UK K . n v i E;' 1. 1, i,i5 terms of puymcnt. , consist of the new nnd popular AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S rtUjrrUniuotis. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY," OfCKOLA STEAM HILLS, aaHiiyACTeaa LIT Ml) Kit, LATU,"XNI) PICKETS asn Savcd& 1'atent fobbed Sltinylet.' II. n. fillll.LINOronn, President, Oflioe Forest I'Lco, Ko. 121 8. (lb St., Pbil'a. JOHN LAWrillK, 0earal Sup'L, ' Osceola klills, Oleartleld emjnty, Pa. Al.o-TOWN I.OT8 fjr sal la the borough of Osceola. Al.ao-Kcrp tbe LAHOKST ASSORTMENT of Ooode la Clearfleld eoeatr at their llantaiolk tit'tre ia Osceola. , ..; jant-7t The Lightning Tamer. TIIBandenlKOtd the lotlAgeaUln thla eonntr for the "North American O a Irani ted LU1 HTNINt RODS." Tjeee are the oalyiafe rod i now in aae. and are endorsed by all tbe iclentifle men in tbe euaotry. n a hereby noliij ib ottiiani or tn eounty that we will put them op a better rod, aad for leu money, tbaa li charged by the foreign ageata who anaaally trasfferaa the aoanty aod earry off our little caah, naVer ta re tar a. ENCOURAGE flOMB IiABOK. - Thoee wiablna Llahtalac Rode erected oa tbalr buildingl need bat address us by letter, or aall ia person. We will pot theta up anywhere In the county, and warrant them. Tbe llodaatad Fix tores ean be aeea at any Time y calling at ear itore. H, F. BIliLBil A CJ. Clearfield. March 10, IbTCU READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS d STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfleld, (al the Poet Office.) FfftllB andenigned begi learo ta an a oan ee te I theeltleeni of Clearfield aad wieialty, that he haa fitted ap a rwota aad haa Joel retaraed from tha aicy with a large amount or reading alter, ro&ilatlog in part of Biblea and lliecellaueous Books, Blank. Aeeoant and Paai Bftoka af every Ae eoription Paper aad Snvelimee, Freaoh prewed aodplaiat Feni ud Pencils t BiaJak, Legal Ppers, Ieedi Mortgages Judgment, Exemp tioa and Prominory notes ; White and Parobj meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Oap, tiheet, Haalefer either Piano, Flats ar Violie aooataatly oa baad. Any books or stationary desired that I may not have on hand, will be or ordered by lint expreii, and told at wholesale or ratal) to tnlt enitnmeri. T will alio keep period! oa) literate re, faeh aa Mtvgaalnei, Newa. papert, e. p. A. UAlLia. lilwOeld May I, Itfna-tf JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN ' FURNITURE, 5f ATTItESSES, AND . . . Improved Spring Beds, UAIIKKT 8TRKF.T, KEAR P. 0. Tb. undersigned begs leare to Inform lb. eltl. .. of Uk.rd.ld, and tk. p.bll. geamlly, lha. he baa oa band a fine axeortment of reruiiure, auco ai walnut, Lhoetnat anq I'aioioa v, data or r 8uitea, Parlor 8uite. Reolining and Eiteoiioa .... ... a .,, ' Chaira, liadiee aod tlentr Kaay (.bairi, tbe Per forated lining and Parlor Chain, Caua Hcata and Wtndaor Chain, Ciothea Ban, rtap and aitcn-. lion laautteri, liat naoai, Horabbiog uraanei, o MOTJLDINO AND PICTtiRB FRAMKS, Looking Olaaaea, Cbramoa. Ae., wbieb woald be auitable for Holieay prtwealu deeiu ra JUiia iitui IMA.l. FAIRBANKS' . STASDARD JPT-- ggag Harrows, Warebeaae Tntobs, Copjl.g Press.., Improved ktf.rre.t Tt rawer, A. ros bals r " " II. V. BIQLEU & CO., Dealer In Hardware, ' - mob.1l.Jt If SmouJ Street. Clearlcld, Pa. JOOK OUT FOU THE SIGN OF THE - . . -,, . UK. ( AM HOOK I MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD.' ' Tb old Clearfleld Eieelalor Caat Ilook Co. U dissolved, and a new oae formed he Atnns Ken nard and O. II. Merrell, of Clearlrld, and U. At. Alianl, ol nmporlum, taineron county, aa part ners, and Jaa. E. Watson, of Clrnrfield. as Uener- al Agr.nt. Tk new eompaay will carry en tbe basine.e of manufacturing, aelllng and skippmg tho Cant Honks, with all theie Improvements, whtrk are aow nerfoet. All order, promptly Hed. JAS. E. WAT.JttN. July 1st, 1871. flcnl Agent; 8 A li F, ! A large aad aell linlihcd Illicit Dwelllne. liio- ate oa Ihe rirer bnak, la the borough of Cle.r Seld, containing eleven rooms, with good cellar, wator la the kitchen, and all th snod.n, conve niences. Pantries, Ualh.rooen, Clo'bea-prafra, Ae. 11 ailty foot front .nrl two huudred Md tblrty feet bark, with a twenlr fn,. alley on the enit eide. Said hnllrllnjr. with all th. appurtenance,, will k aeld cheap, with payment, te Bull pareka. v. ApplieUioa oan be made lo tha under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Eiu.., who will give all Baoeeeary Information 10 lh.,pc who desire to In spect th. proporty. ' Till. J. UoCl'I.LOl'nil. May Hat, IS7I, If. , . ... Lime (or Sale t v TIIR anderelgnM, rtfld(n nr th Mr-pAt haa made enmptete atTangfttieiatl with Lime Burner ef the mmintatn, whereby he t ena blrd to keep etra-tarttly en hand a large quantity of pukb limei . whlcti he offer In fa men and builders tt i trifle above eoet. Thoae la need of th art irl. would .tn w.ll ta lv me a rait, or address ma bv letter, k.. fore n.gotlstlng their lime. 00. C, fASSMhhlf.' ' ClearfleM, Pa., June I, IM. ' l ( I M ' ! t,. iv arM.: - ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ! , , , , . Octnvo Cou!or,) OliGANS, 1 KONARI) HOUKK, iJ (Noar the liailroi (Near the Railroad Dppot.) CI.KAHF1E1 D. 'A. A aliure or puttie patronage li renpeetfully k Helled. 4:1514 H. B. ROW. Prop'r. SIIAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front streets.! tL.jlllMnLll, l'A. The undersigned baring taken charge of tbl. Hotel, would rerpertruUr solleil pnbtie petronsgr. eell'JJ H. MWTON SIIAW. rASIllXGTON HOUSE, TT NEW WA8IIINUT0N, PA. Tbie aew ud wi II furnished boure ha. beea taken hr the undersigned, lie feels eoahdoDt of being able to render aatlsfactiua to IboN who tee. fnror him with a call. V.j 8, 1871. O.W.DAVI8, Prop'r. jyoNTouR iiofjau, OpHHdU Ibe Court Hoaae, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NK A. JoH'TI UAl'SEAL A liROM, Pr.,'.. 2nt)CKKRIl(rp IIOL'NI ' BELI.EFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor. OCIIV7I LOVD HOUSE, Maia t!1rct-r, PHlL!PriHlH, PENN'A. Table alwar. supplied with Uie beet tb. aaarkal afforde. Tb. ULv.liog pub-Hc lalnrlterl local). l.'3. ROBERT LOYD. THE MANsTonThoUSE." Coranref Bacoad and Markrt Street, CI.EAHI'11.1), PA. rpiIISeld ud eoamodleae Hotel ha., daring X th. paat year, bra aaUrg.d ta doable iu former .apaelt j for tk. eatertaiaaseat af straa gers aad go. sis. Tk wkele kaildiag kaa keea refuraished, aad tha proprietor win spare ae pairs te reader bis goests omfertabia wkila etayiog wltb kim. Tba 'M.ailoa How" OBsalbaa rams te and from lha Depot on tk arrlral and depertart of eeeb train. JOHN ilUUUIIERTY, Prt ' X Proprletar. AtLEGUENY HOTEL, (Market St., hot. Second and Third I (TEtnPIELII, PA. The subscriber baring become proprietor ef tbl. hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal share ef public pairoaage. epH'tt - OEOROg LKIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE" CIRWENSVII.LE, Clearfleld counts-, Penn'a, This old and well est.l.lilbcd Hotel, beautifully situated oa tb. bank, of the Kusouidianaa, la tb borough ef Corweaerille, baa beea k.Md for a term ol yours by the anderaigned. It baa beea entirely relllted, and Is now open to Ibe publie generally and tha Irareling community ia par ticular. No pain will be spared to render guest comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling -room for tbe aeeewuiodatioa of teams. Ch.rgrs moderate. , DepLM, isri-tr. KI.I RLOOM. gtutlstra. J. M. STEWA11T, D. D. S., KU; . 0IB arer Irwln'a Drug Store. U-U CIIRWRK8VILL8, PA. All dental eperatloal. either la the .l,.i.i or operatise braack, promptly ettendad te aad aatlafaction guaranteed, ripecial aUoalloa paid ta Ihe treatment of diaeaeea of the nateral tec lb, guma and month. Irregularity ef the teeth awe- eessfnllTcnrnH.1.4 T..k -. ..... .. ay th. i. Blh.r, i7ta taZlaJ : . . iwwwa iHa)(iu and MatrraVAISUl tan Pntiiiaao al. .est malarial and warranted in .,.! , "'"i1"1- aprllje'flily County National Bank, " ' OP CLKARFINLD, PA. K00M In Masonic Rnlldlng, one doer aortk ef C. I). Wataon'a Drug Store. PasMge Ticket, te end from Llverpo.1, Qaeeara. town, tliasgow, London, Pari, and CopenhagM. A!, Dral ts for sale on Iho Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMR9 T. LEONARD, Pre.1. W. M. BHAW, Cashier. U:,r4 J. 0. M'nirk. Edward PerVa. BAKEQIG & COLLECTION HOUSE OF McGirk & perks. Bueceaaorl to Postor, Perks, A Co., riilllpabuig, I'eutr County, Pa. W1IKBE all tho bualnea. of Hanking Ilea wil ee transacted promptly and apoa 11 moat hroraole terma Biarf-tf : drexYlT ca; No. 31 Bouth Third Ktreeit, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatlna by mall will reeeire prompt attea teon, and all infurmaliea ahaerfally furnished, Orders aolieted. April ll-lf. - v ik n iC It I e'T. Th ,trelgned are aew felly prep. red la earry ea lb b.aiaeas ef AT RKA8aNABLB RATES, And rerpertlallT nlleit tha patronage af tkoat needing saak serviSM. ., .t i - ,01"1 THOt'TMAN, JAMES L. LEAVY. CleatSeld, Pa., Fib. IS, 1171. A . , u.4 ... ntf!, tnrui" 1 h. bad.rslewea1 h aae Brea.red to hnl.l lb. pebls. with ea eacalMnl ejwaluy ef . , Boliclbnte Wood-Burned Lime, itr piaaiering Pun. on, br the lar ..tl (joanihy. ( aa be found for the nreieat at Pie'i p reseat i a w hatldhig, oa Market street. JNI)EUTAKING ,' v... j7iT.TnnjRiiA PRI0B... VQMH AMD BKK. (l-t.T.ly) NEW-WASHINGTON. m mm. .tjww .rowranf . Lh::e. . .,,