THE REPUBLICAN. ClEXitFIELUri'A" WKUNKRDAY HOIlNINtl, DKC. I, 1174. Terms of Subscription. If paid In Bdvanoe.or within throe uaonthi ...SI M If paid after tbrt nad before all munlha...,, I tt If paid after the eiplration of all enontbe... I tl HUl.llilUIIH NOTICKM. Methodist ISnlaeouil Church Rar. A. D, Yocru, Paetor. Public Hervieo ever Sabbath t III) A. M., and Tt I. M. Sabbath School at A. M. Pravev Medial everj Thunder, at ti P. H Cnininunlun Harvlaa. Irat Sabbath of ovcrjr month, at in, A. as. Preebytorlaa Ciiurr.h-Ker. II. 8. BvTLna. Sabbat b services mornina and ovealnr Hnb- bath Bohuol at I P. M.-Prayer Meeting VY educe- dar evening. Ht. frauds' t'llurfll Catholic Rat. P. J. rlnautlia. Maee at 101 o'alook A. M., aa tha tooond nod fourth Kandevi of each month. Lutberan Church. Ree. D. M. Moeuu. Preaohini everv Metibalh. morning and evening. Sabbath ttohnol at a. m. Pravar meeting ever IV edneeilay evening. Ofl'ICIAI. DIRECTORY. timb or bolbiuo ouahtu eBaatoxa doubt. Hceond Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Munday of June. . Fourth Monday of September. . nun or nuioiitd eonwo rt-Bia. Pint Monday of June. Second Munday of NoveioUer. omnia. Wdeal Mollm. Cbarlea A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. Amitum laa '. Hoo. John H. Orris, of llclleronle. Aiiocim. Mgn William 0. Poley, Clearleld Jobn J. Kead, curweoiviile. Protkonotori Aaron C. Tate. froiVvr .NaT Jf.eanf.r-A. W. Lea. I), Uriel Pleldlog. David W. Wi.a. Xa.r-Wllliam B. MoPheraon. tWal, re.yor Samuel P. McCloikey, Cur wensville. Coaale O.i..lor P. P. Content, Hart hauii joha D. Thompson, Curwonsrllle, Clark ltrnn. HlnArlleld. Omul Aadi'rere Reuben McPhersoo, Clear- Tielilt dame. n. line, Ltumoer vuyi uewi. v, ttlAnm. rin.rfialil. Jry Ooeii..ioeers John W. ghogert, Jamea Mitchell, Cleerled. A'vMn'M'sarfeal o Petrio eoels Joha A. Ureaory, C'learnrtu. AvMrt'ct Pallia-John W. Wrlgl.y, Wm. Ra dcbangb, Cynil I'. Oordoa, Clearteldl Joaiab Kvens, Joseph R. Irwin, Carweoaville I J. J. Lin gle, Osoeol. Mi II. I Jobneton Hamilton, Luthon borg. A villain) cainmiieetinit Iim been In ' nroareaa at Cnrweo.villa for eotno time, with good results, i . as. Jubohs. A list of the imniun of tlio Juror, drawn for the January term of Court will be found In thia iaaue. Korr A Co. evidently mean biwinetut. Te be u.ured of lhl, rend their column adver tiaement in thia m i I Appoiktmknt. Emmet Sayer, Ksq., of Oieeola, baa been appointed ne of the Notary Publica, by Governor Hartranfl. tm e- Lwi Bbokkm. A man named Mc- lluen bad one of hi. laga broken In the Eureka mines, Ibla coonly, on Prlday n week. , A. C. Biirulity, Kq., local editor of tha Altoona Aaa, was mesne. oe " - Ml.a Ktta 8. Tyler, of Philadelphia. m . The third qtiartorly mcetinjf for thin Conference year will be held In the M. B. Chnroh, In thin place, on Saturday and Sunday neat. DrctiKitD. Kev. J. L. Landiit, of Penuleld, Ibll county, hae declined n unanlmoua tail to Kane Preabyterlan Church, In McKean nounty. a What Krin" KiiiRlo lroii(;ht ns lant year, la now the nibjeet or talk among the Utile onei, and the principal fact called ta father', attention. l)EAt) The boy bahy recently found an tha dooratapa of 8L John'f Catholia ebureb, Altoonn, and taken In ebarga by n Mra. Mary Plynn, died on bit Saturday. Communion acrvicen were held at the Pmbyterlan Church an hut Sabbath. Rev. II. 8. Butler waa ably aui.ted on the oMeeloa by Rev. R. Crittenden, of Bellefonte. Ehcapid. A prisoner, named Daniel Mitchell, committed to tha Indiana jail ceveral weeki ago, on tha charge of eteellng n korea, broke Jail and mndn good hi. naonpt na Wadnaaday evening tart. Enoooraoino. We are pleased to learn from the Omeola t.en'ffa, that bualnaaa haa Inereaiad on tha Moehannaa Branch railroad ta auoh an aatent that K will aooa be nece.iary to put on another englno ta do the work, mi On tub Wino. An eastern ex change aUtea that Senator Buckingham and oth m prominent of Norwich, Conn., have la eread Ki-Gor. Blgler to their city and ad drraa tttem on the aubjeet or the CantennlaL Grand Ball. Christmas eve is the time, and tha Opers lloaee, at Altoona, tha plana, for a grand annual ball, dndar the management of Altoonn Lodge, No. 1, Junior Bona of It. Youraelf nnd lady are Invited to attend. That la the way they pal It. All right. Hot) Ciiolira. We learn from our uchaagei that hog cholera la raging to quite an alarming client In rarioui part, at thia Bute. It would be well for oar Mock rniaen te ha on their guard eieleit tblc daatrnyer of pork, which attacka alike Urge nnd amnll aalmnla. ev. J. L. Landis and lady, of Ponn Seld, deaira a. la aipreaa their warmeat thank, to tka many kind denere who brought la dry goode, grooerleo nnd provtoionl, together with ft mil of "greenback.," an Thukaglvlng Day and evening, to the amount of alnaty dollara, im aw Hiippm and Fair. W learn that n general oyater feeut and fnlr ! to noma ear at l'ennfield, commencing on Cbrlatmaa ava nnd eoolinuing the neat day, doling va Cbrlatmaa evening. The proato Are to We handed afar In the Tru.teea of the M. E. Chareh. That la rather in clever way of auppettlBg tba chareh, nnd the party who eaanot comply meat ha vary thlft ehinned ladeed. Saoceaa. Srtiire Your Seats. Persona who a.iip attending Ike approaching Trackero' la dilute and drilrn a rcaarrcd Met, oaa ocean ticket, at Mr. A. I. Shaw'a Drug etore at any alma. A recurved Beet will only coat 31 oente for tbe aenlon. It will bo far mora ploaaaat la tha Opera Houaa than In tbn Court room, tho na ouatlee of which arc aa mtaereble. In Iho farmer overy utterance can be aa dletlne'ly beard la the rear of tbe room ne at tbe front, Our Band. PossKsainn, as Clearfield loea, aa many other good thlaga, It la but mete that aba ahoald have a good braaa band, and wo an happy te aay, that If clone etteatien to boat. aeaa and an evident d eel re to impnvo la nny guide, wc an la lair way to bnva an good a bund na la poiee. Bed by aay uT our neighboring towna. Much good mualu haa been furaiabed grataltoaBly by tbrm lately, which wa doubt net haa been appreciated by all who aeard Ik Oar beat wlahe. far yenr BuoaeM, boya. m-o Qui Another ' Chaniie. Tho Tyrone .rwW aay. I "Another ebaaga of eehedule went Into effect en the Branch railroad, lending from thll piece, en Monday or tbla week. Tha Bald Ragle paeaeagor traina tonve thia point befen the Clenrleld famine, a. bofon the Mle ehuuge of eehedule. They 'pun ant' aoaaldembly earlier bow, a fact with which people dealrlng to tuba paeeage on tbenj ehouM nequnlnl tbemeelee.. The Bald Eagle traina leave nt l:M In the Burn lag and (:tb ia tha evening. The Olecrield Irnlna nl 14A ia tho morning nnd nl I In Iho evening. ' o e. Kneroetic. The Lewisbnr(r.oiimc7 or hut week aaya i "About two wooka alnca, n boatman who waa bringing n load of caul to M Halfpenny t Co., or thle piece, by eaual, had tho mlafortune whea tkle. aide ef Bloomibarg to loan kla anly hereo by aickneea. A! ha waa toe poor te pnrehaee another borne aad mi very Bailee, to get to hi! deitlnatloa, he put the low lino ever hii owa abealder and himcetf palbrd the bout loaded with earealy tool of anal lac about ana mile., wbea awotatt boatman bbraugh pity had the boat attached to hie and lhaa brought him to opporlto thia place." List of letters rcmsiiiintf unclaimed la tha at Clenrneld, for the week ending December tth. IM4 I i Cleertrld Lnmkrr'g Co. XaBaher, Mlac tmmn(t ralbouu. Cvrua acea, jonn Parmaa, Mlm Bra (I) Herman, Mra. Lnaatn Leeeo, Mim Aaalo Rene, Madua Siaplea, 0oargo T.j lev, Mra. fartbu W. . , ' i . H wAtlLIN, P. M. Anotiikr Railroad MtKTiNn. An adjuarned meetlag of tba partial lalaraalad In tba eonatraetloa ef tka Keating A Kartbaua railroad wa. held at tha oe of I. R. Penla, Kiq., la Lock Haven, on Tueaday, Dec lit Col. A. C. Noyce la Ike chair. 8. R. Praia, Icq., Secretary cf the former meet log being nbient, on motion D. 8. Marnard waa appelated Secretary pre tern. Hon. L. A. Maekcy, tba prima mover In tbo oaterprtie, being precoat, waa ealled upon lo re. port progrcaa and proapeota. He alatad that, wing to tha fact that we had juit paaaed through an eicltlng political campaign which hnd ab avrbed the attention of mnny who were Interested la the eua.truetloa of the Keating A Knrthau. railroad, not near na macb had beeweaeotnpll.hed la tba way of eeoutlug aubaarlptloaa In atoek, u olkerwlao woald bnva been t however, be had re ceived eatiafaetory pledgee from mnny te.pon.ible purliea, nnd believed tbnt with the proper effort on the pert of Iboaa moat Intereated, the required nmouat of Block would ha taken. A propoaition hod already bora made, by a man of undoubted rcaponalblllly, to furalib all tha Iron neeeaaary for the track whenever the rand wne graded, and take pay therefor In bond, tt the road. Ota or aapl ln.ll.le had eproeed Ibelr wllllngneaa to M-oper-nta with the gentlemen who are already moving In the mutter, with n view lo tba early beginning or native operation.. 11a waa able lo report anb aerlptloaa amounting Ic aaveral Ibouaand dollara, la addition lo what waa aubaorlbed at tact meet lag, and elated la behalf of eevcral member, of tha aolleltlng committee, that mora time waa neeea aary In order lo give them nn opportunity to com plete their caavnaa and auggeated that auother mealing ahoald be held at no diiUnt day, for the purpoee of receiving the reporta of the metnbera of arid committee, and urged upon nil the Impor. taace of making a complete and thorough can. vau or tha eeelioa of country which will be bene. Iliad by the building of tha road. Other gentlemen who were preeont, among them Mexra. llurilhal and Carter, of New York) Brldgena, Moore, and McClaro, of Look Haven, nnd Col. Noyea, of Weitport, manifeelcd aapeeial In the meeting, nnd eipreared determ laatlon to do all In their power to further Ita object. On motion of L. A. Maekcy, B. Uurlthnl, Kiq., waa requeued to cell upon Dr. Keating, for the purpoee of erecting all co-operation la the nalld. Ini of the road. Among tboaa who were preeent, nooc ecetned te have the leaal doubt A4 to the eueceee or tba undertaking, and all concerted la the opinion that aotwlthitandlng tha alfccU or the pcnlo were .till felt, now waa tha proper time to prepare to begin native operation! when the tlraca im prove. Tha President of the meeting requeued all tha member, of the aolleltlng committee lo call upon tboaa, in their re.peetlve neighborhood, who. arc intereated in the aon.tructloa of the proponed road for the purpoee cf aolleltlng Ibelr aubacrlp. tlona In atock, nnd report the mult nt the neit meeting. Adjourned to meet Tbunday, Jenuary 18th, 187J, nt I o'clock, p. m., nl tba omen of 8. R. Peala, Keq., in Lock Haven. ' 0. 8. If AVRAnn, Secretary jre fem. Tub Whikl Killed. I-ost week waa tba time tied by the Jury Commiecionore John W. Shugart aad Jamea Mitchell, Bqe., for llllng the Jury wheel, la accordance with the order of Court. The name, or all hundred "lobar, intelligent nnd Judleioai" parooue wore pal In the wheel to larva aa Juror, during Inn yenr l7e. One of the freeki of that wheal ia fully demon- traled when we atata that the anmea of eleven perron were round in It when opened nn the let inat.. whleh were put ia during IBOT-aeven yaara ago and have been tbreabed nronnd ever alnca without being drawn out, and qulta a num ber which have been ia tba wheel for roar and Ira year, before being drawn. The following are tbe namea of the gentlemen which hnra been "wbollepped" around In tbe wheel for over ceren yean I J... L. Cook, New Waahington John A. McDIvlll, Lumber City I John W. McCallough, Knoi Jaa. Hollenbaok nnd laoaurd Kyhrr, Morrii t Richard Preoman and Xcooa Hoover, Pike j Zaa. Pulton and I (.AC Swell.., Lawrence 1 Wa. Dotti, Becaarla I nnd Qeo. W. McCnlly. Sli hundred aamai wan put Into tha wheal loot year, nnd after drawing oat Iho aeeeeaary Jaryman for 18T4 aad taking oot the namea of tboaa who died or removed from tba county dar ing the year, there yet remained one hundred aad eventy-rour tleketa la the wheel aencc, ay adding four hundred nnd twenty ill namea, the fall oomplemeot waa re. bed. Alliohenp Valley Hailroad. A Driftwood correepoadent of the Cnmeroa Veee write, aa followa ia rafercaco lo the Pcnn.ylvanin and Allegheny Valley railroad I "On tha lath laat., (November) 10 laborer! wan dlaeharged aut of IDS employee on the Baatora Dlrliioa or tha A. V. B, R, batwua Driftwood nnd Beya oldavillc, Including oaa hallaat train arew, two track foreman nnd gunge, and una quarry gang. Oreat eiertloai kavo baea made thia yenr, alnoa tba completion or Ihn rood to get the track in good running order, a large another or men being ployed on Mctioa aad gram! trnlnc. Now that tha work la completed the fume kaa bona reduced more than half, throw lag a largo number or men out of employment. Thooo remaining work only ulna houri par day at Ifteea eonti per hour. Work hue been comm. need on tho arching of Summit tuaael, and ia being pu.hod forward aa rapidly a. poa.lble working day and night Tha road ia now eoBaldered obo of the beet la the St ate. Itc maeonry, road-bad, bridgee, aad track, were built without regard to axpeuoe, being anro fally luparinteadod by nblc engineer!. Ita track ocnaiitlng of keovlect iron aod new oak Ilea aad eel La. ted up in ench a manner aa lo compare with nny road in tha State, and la prepared to accom modate a large number of freight traina, when the Pcaaeylvnnia and Allegheny Valley railroad commence running their through freight! from the weat and bail, aver thia tha lowoat grade over the Allegheny mooatnlna. Tha bridge!, lunncla, mneonry, Ac, ham been built for double tmek." On Hand. The first number of the Reynoldavtlle ifcroM ic before aa. Thia aaw ewlerprleo la Inaugurated by 0. 0. Brandon nnd W. B. Reynoldi aa publi.hera, tbe latter aeeuming tbn edltorablp. Tbe pnper la aa eight column abaci, with patent uuteldo, aad anahea a laa ap pearance. The editor la hia aa!utatory MVS t "In regard to our policy, H la eomprtaed or obo word itnTUOLBaviLLU. Not alone laelewn, Bet the entire community In wbioh it Ic located. We propoeo to devote our beet nnorgiae towerd meaiai tba Were Id a coeet patter good la overy eeaae of tbe word. Ita mora) toae ahell nlwnya bo high. Polltlaa, aa regard! nny partMalar J tarty, either for or egeioel, eball be rigidly gnored, revervlog nlwnya tbe right lo freely erltl elm tbe public note of our oervant of tbe people. It will he conducted, then, la tbo Inloreeti of no polltieel party, bo nligioua Beet, aad will be en tire It free from the control or nny clique or ring. It hen been ectnbliahod lo benefit oer town and vleinkty t In aniet, no It mny be able to do, tbe Improvemeot of our agriculture, aad tbe develop. meat of our vast mineral roBoareec, aa well aa ta beep eur elllaenc Informed of .what tbo world arouud na la doing, and ta tell tbo world what Reyaoldeville la doing for it, and for bereelf. We hope tba ef art will bo crowned with nnd tho fferwld become n Sled fuel. Cleaepielp Coal Trade. Htato moat nf cool nnd other freight! coot over Tyrone Division, Penncylveala Railroad, for the week eudlag Nov. II, la;4, aad name lima laat year t Por Ike week Same time but year ... Deereaee Pravleualy during year.... ., Samo time laat jeer.. Iaereaee .HH Total la 1874 Seme lime laat year ................ Inefonee . . orana raataaTa. Lumber Mleaellaaeea. freight! caMn. .. 71 ItEMEMBRR THE POOR t As the win tar drawl aa aftaoo, lot tboaa who are bleared with aa nbnndaaoe ef Ibll world'! good! Beck nut Bad nlieve the neeenalliea of the aeoorving poor. There are many poor familtea, to whom what ll waited by then whe bbow aothiag of poverty, would bo abundant fer Ibelr need, but who will wot aik for charily, and then abould be nought out. Wa cue by oar cachnngoa thnt la away placoe they nn feraaleg neeleUee tar the pnrpoae of orgaalaed clort to relleee tba waall of the l.ler an Ib Kaaanl nnd Mebraaka, whoac crapi hare bora aalea by tho grnachoppora, aad who nn ia caaicqaian la a Mnrrlag eendltlea. The ebjoet la a aoble oaa, aad tho onnmple ef cur Bclgbbcrl heard be followed by oar olllieaa. Fatal Accident. A man named Ueorgu Smith, raaidlag la MoCalmoal townablp, wnc killed en Monday lait, wader tbn following cirewmitaaeoa t He waa oogaged in euttleg rooda nt tho time of the wind eterm ee Moaday, aad waa outline aaeaa brash aoar n large Inc. The wind oemmoaeed to blow, aad Mr. Smith and aaolbor moa who waa work lag with him. noticed that tho Iron wen oommenelng to uav root, aad etarlod to gel oat of the road. Smith b.comc netted aad Instead of raaalag away get right under tho tree, which atroek him na the Bend, oruaBing nil mull, oraaBingnotn nrma, Ban both laga in two ploeoe. Ha wai aa laduatrfoaa aad nabar nana, aged nbont Se yearc of ngc run.Bw'awBig ffpinl, Aee. inra. LrrriR prom corrv. Coanr, Pa, Decern bar I, lift. Via. Kama t Tba now alarm ha left tho road ia elegant condition for Blrlgblng, aad laa itrceti are fairly nllve with veblelca of every dvnrlptloa, oa niBneri, while the tluhllng and Jingling or tbe alclgb belli makra merry Ic cullvcn the acene, Tba itorai arc well Riled with cuatomora, and the menbnnla nra nom-apondlngly hnppy. Tbe mnny maaufaeluring calabllihrnanli an all run ning oa full lime, and, eooicquontty, the rnmllica dependent nn tbelr employe! for lupport bnva a aheerful outlook for Ibe winter. Pew placet In thia notion of the State have roeool rod let. official vialta from the Sheriff, la hit capacity if aae tloB, tbaa Corry. Staoe the panic lalt fall then haa boon only onn aton Bold out here nt Sheriff1! lale, and many folki wira of tba opinion that tucb an event might have been nvolded hnd the proprictorc been lo Inclined. The Democracy ben feel jubllnnl over the gen eral fall election!. They oonfldeotly eipeot that our majority, on Joint ballot, la the Leglalatare will raaull la Ibe return or Hon. Wia. A. Wallace, or Clearleld, M tba United Statue Senate. He la a great nnd good man, nnd to hli nhle leadoraklp ia due tho real that the Democratic pcrty kal been held Intact In tha Slate, until victory kal crowned our banner!, Tboaa who hoow blm beat, hnow blm aa n warm hearted, bindly gentlemen, thonogbly devoid of eelllibueea and true na .tool to hia principle! aad hii frlenda. They regard tbe malicloui n.pcr.lunl caal nl him aa antinly too thin lo lead any onn nalrny who kaowa him intimately and haa watched hi! Mane. Ua ll tbe choice of Ibe people, nnd If hlc election de pended oo n popular vote be would get tbe lup port or three-fourth! or the cloctorl ia the Stall. It ll wall known that at a time whea the Democ racy waa la a hopelcil minority, aad Ufa-long mamben nr tba party left ita rnaka la hopeleea daepalr, Mr. Wallace Hood at bin pail, holding bin Unci unbroken, cheering the wnverlng, enoour lag the faithful, himieir aver true lo principle and proml.lng anoaoaa to the good ccbm ir tbe party were oaly true tu liaeir. And now be abonld n cclre a graceful ackaowledmoat of hia nrvicel, by being nturned to tbo 1). 8. Senate, when ho will do hooor to hlmaelf nnd credit lo thll gnat Commonwealth. Juah. On Monday hut, the remains of Mrs. laabella Wilson, mother of Clarh Wllaoa, editor of Ibe Oi'uaau'e oeruol, wen brought hen for interment. Mn. Wilion woe in her ninetieth yeer, cud bud for aevrral yeura realdcd with one of ber daugbtan In Butler ooaety. BeotktilU jcreoatoa. Wo are sorry to hoar that a son of John Dlckaon, eged about twelve yeera, living ai Wallaoelun. fell from a waaoa while in motion, n few dnyi ago, and being run over one of hia lege waa brokea in tbrae plaooa. 'ailineeurf .a real. BpecUtlt. Ladlea' Kid Olevts (two bullosa,) oaly 11.15, and every pair warranted, at T. A. Plic A Co'a. Black ahawle, a aiicclalty. Sbawla of all kiada a large warlety at I. A. Pleek A Vo l. deal Waterproofs, Black, Blue and Oold-mllcd, la rarioua abadel, at T. A. Pleck A Co'a Received at T. A. Pleck A Co'! thll day, a aaw and aplendid line or Block Alpeoaa, the hell in town, at price! that defy competition. N. B.-A nice line of Dreea nnd Dry Oooda, cheap for cash. Lumbermen'a Plannel, Juat re ceived at decitf T. A. Pi.ncn A Co l. Mu.Uns In nil varieties, W.terproofi nnd Plan nelB ia all abatloa, Canton Plnanc blenched nnd nnblcnchcd, at I. A. Pleck a Co'l. Calicoes. Ginahama nnd Chlnta, lower than av er offend ia thia market, at T. A. Pleck A Co'a It will nay you to go to Pleek A Oo 'a nod si- nmine befonjou bay ciMWbcre. Napkin., Table Llncnc and all klndi of White Goods, nt bottom prions, at dec2tf PiacaA Co'a. Tickinis, prooounoed tbe boat for the money evar offered in town, nt Pleek A Co'a. Will aol bo undersold. Bergainl worth loohing after at decJlf Pliob A Co'a. Wo an aelling roods cheaper thaa ever offered la Clearleld. T. A. Plica A Co. Yoa can get Good Kid Qloveo (two button.) at X. A. I lbcb a uo l., lor ai.aa. Waarin by n boy, 14 yaara ef core, n altunUon in n family to work for kia boarding nnd utlend school. Uaderataadl geaaraj hoarawork. Good refereneea ns to ebaracter oaa be given. Por aar- ticulnra npply nt this offlea. deal -i BbAVKiaira Wawtbd to real tha shoe here toforo occupied by Henry Keraa, at tbe Corner Store, Cnrwenavillc, Cleurnald county, Pa. Ba nal re of 1. r. IBltll. Nov. M. 1874-tf. A Ranfcrioa Cabb Aaolher redoctloa Ib Artllclal Teeth. Prloee to auit theae pnalaky tlmoa. I. PORTER SHAW, D. U. B. tlearleld, Pa., Sept. 10, 1871. -Jm Rain R. M. M'Eanlly's advertisement la re gard lo Life Inearaaon. augll-ly r,n. on R. M. M'Eunllv nnd net your lit In sured in the Old Continental LU. Insurance Com pany, of HartfordConn augll-ly Bouoiua Pon SalbH. Nowtoa Shew keeps a roll aupply of Predema Baggiec and PlnUorm Warons for sals. To bo aeaa at tba Shaw Hoaae yard. Call on or address him at Clenrleld Pobb sylvnnln. may U-tf. Wood nnd Willow Ware of all doeerlptioai for lala by H. P. Blgler a Co. TMai,j lira lu the ContlaenlAl Lib Iaaa- rnnoe Company, of Hartford, Conn. K. M. M anabbl, Agent. - RECAPITULATION. Bird Cagea. Wood nnd Willow Warn. . Houaehold Goode. All kiodi of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon nnd Carriage Makers' auppllel. All of the above for cam at the mammoth Hard ware Store of H. P. Bigler A Co., Second atreet. Clearleld, Pa. , os Rave Time! Sara Labor! Sure Money! Sure Clothcal Tho" Novelty wringer" ll the out in the market. Buy It I try It. ror auto by n. r. diulbu w. Calcined Pla.ter for aala by II. P. Blgler A Oo Mnotnue Slate Palate, for naiatinc bouaea In side nnd outside Cottnaea, Perm Baildings, Ac Beautiful, durable nnd oeooomteni, uroana in para Linseed Oil. " ...... n w a..... a r. myao t Bird Cagea a large aaaortmeot at H. P. Big. lev A Co.'a. Avaa Reventv-lva doien Clearleld Wood cbnppert Am nt VU0:71. n. a. niirijniv sws A full line r irnaMhnld (loodi. Janaunad Wan. PAiirrn ard pAtnrnna' Pianutna.-Our ateok of Paints nnd Paintera Material! la complete, ta aludinu J. T. Lewis' Pare White Lend. John La. cos A Uo'o Pen watte Arena. r.a.ewi rtaea lead, and n number of cheaper bvnnda of White Lead; Also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes el nil kinds, n fall line of Ora.bea, aad a falliiaeof oolore, dry and la Oil. myll'71 H. P. Btataa A Co. Rbab Ten I Persona who oeatemplate building will do well to call and aiamina our ateek of BUILDING MATERIALS. We have ia clock a full line or Builders' Hardware, Nalla, Palate, Oils, tlla.i, Patty, Ualelaed rialtar, aa. , mytl'71 H. P. Biulbb A Co, Sawb. Dlataa'a Cross. cut Saw, Great American Sow, Boynton a Lightning Saw, nl 1-11-71 H. P. Btatna k Co'l. H. P. Blgler A Oo. have boon making oitoaaire Mdlttona te their atock or llardwan the laat raw dava. Rverrlbing new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlen' Hardware, Pnrmon' Hardware, Bullden' Hardwan, and Hnrdwuruofnll ktnda,eaa beeeea at their aton. May 11. Palots, Oil! aad VarnlihM for lala t H. P Blgler A Co. Pnnn I Pnaa ! Pbbb I Among the mnny prepa rationa that we have for Cougha, Oelde, Croup, or aay throat or long dlfleulty, neon of them nn equal te Dr. Morrii' Syrup ef Ter, Wild Cherry and llorehound. If yoa an afflicted, call nt nnr aton nnd we will give yon a aampla bottle Ace o elurwef Areata i Hartewlek A IrwlB, Oleeraehli Holt, Wood.lde A Holt, Wallacelon H. E. Hii. Name, Wllllam'l Grove. jMsrch Il-ly. Juat received, a large lot or aou-esploslve Lamps nnd Lanterns nt 1-14-71 . . , , B. P. Biataa A Co'a. Noticb to Waoob AUBOAUaiAUU Mabbbi. Wa have Jasl received n general aaacrtment nf Wagon aad Carriage Weed!, alee a fall liae of Sprloga aad Alloa, which we offer cheap for each. H. P. Biilbb k Ca. TT0U8K AND LOT FOB 8 ALU! XX. Tb I!otu iid Lot n tb Mrr of Mir krt uj riftb Mmta. ClMrlM, Pft., It fat wk, Th lot miUIbi mmrtf Mr f grmiBal. Th koM It a largt tiuffjbU trm; fosulRiag ila nm. fvt torat m4 thr (fdraaMoa tf ply te tbi nbMrilptr, at tb fftU Ofti. Oa Beaday, Novrmbev fid, 1174, by Wa. M. Buwa, Eee,., Mr. THOMAS 11. SOON, of Pihe township, and Miss RACHEL I. MrPAVDEN, cf Pcrgnaoa towaahip. At the reddcaea af tho hrlde'l aaroata, aa Saturday, Nor. 11th, 1174, by Nacbab Paaubu, Exi, Mr. WILLIAM BKBIfl aad Mlm MAR lERT C. MONTGOMERY, both af Cheat towa ablp. Clearleld eoeaty, Pa. BUI... .....j mi Xb Lawrence ibwnaklp, oa Tueaday, Not. 10th, 1874, nf dlplberin, ABEL ALLMAN, aoa of Joe. H. and Ruva K. Hawaii, aged 1 yean, I month nud I! daya. , , j( s , Ia Lawrence townablp, oa Taeadny, Nov. I4tb, 1174, of dlplberin, IIAHMAN P., eon nf JoanrH 11. and Burn B., nged S yaara, 11 month! nnd 4 days, ' ' " "I At Wuneerton, rieatlield bounty, Pn., on Wodnesdny, Dee. Id, 1174, LAVINA JANB, daughter or Jiaun H. nnd KuiAuura Tunnia, aged II yeora, 1 moalhl and Idaya, i ' ( i Lavika leevea her affeotlonala parenla, iletcn, bruthera, and aaaoclatca, with these consoling words i "Do nel mourn for me, but meal aea la lleavea l" and la her mild way aielalmed t "J. aua, Jesus la minu, and I am Hia." She called her associates, aa they entered her room, lo her bed.ldc end lold Ibem Ihnt they mud nana part. She aaked ibem lo aot moara fur her, but to meet her la lleavea. Her bereaved parent! bnve lust n kind and obedient daughter, her listen and brotberc a dear eietee, and her ueeooialea a ialih ful Meed but (Inu, tadeod, an caw to kaao) thai tbelr loas U ber oleiBal gala. i . . , . ClearfieldJWarketi. ' Connni-rnn Waaaiv by K reiser A Lytic, Wbolc aale and Retail dealers In Dry Oooda, Groceries Ploar, Peed, etc., Market atreet, ClearOeld, Pa OLBABriaan, Pa., Dec. ' 174. Applea, greea,... Applea, dried , Apple butter, A gal,, Butter. Beana.M n..wBbt .- u9 ... " r ...... 109 .o 00 Qp t oo 4 IJ r.r.7ii nan ci ' l o .... , ( i '.'.T 4 ..... 1: TO" 11 ... lg JJ -; t iocs r ......00 00(o 11 00 ' 1 11 ia . .,, m 14 ' 11 Buakwhent lour f lb steal, nnauw..... Beef, froeh. ... . Dnarda. M Oorn,ahellod.w. Corn, enr H . Corn meal, as aaoh...Me...M. Chop, V cwt Cloveraeod.. Cheese ... Chcrriec, p Chlckeaa, dressed, U Rt -......-.. Plaiaaed - Plour m... Hay HogB, dressed Hides, green- Heme Sboulden ......m..-.. Sidea ...m Lord - Meaa Pork.T bbl 1 ' ' t oo i ,. M 1 01 TI 14 10 MJ 1 01 ll on l to la i 1 to 40 4 10 Oats Oaleaa ....... ............ Potatoea. Peaches, dried. Rt Plaaler, V bbl ..- Hye. -....... Raea. VI b tf.ll Sit auk . Shinnies, 18 Inch. Shingles, 11 Inch. Timothy seed... Tallow Wheal Wool ......... Wood, V cord Pennay I vanla Hailroad TYRONS k CLEARFIELD BRANCH. sTVN nnd after Moaday. NOV. 1J, 1871, tha Paaaanaer Trnlaa will ran dally (aioept flue daya) betweea Tyrone nnd Clearleld, as follow! CLKARPIBLD MAIL. W. C. Inwtir, Condactor. : LBAVK SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clanrield......l.40,r.a. Tyrone ....... M,k.n. Philip.b.rg.....4.Ji, " Oaeeola.....lll.ll, " OASeola. ........ .4.10, Pbilipabar...IO.I5," Tyrone 1.1)4, " CleerH.ld 11.10," " CLBARPIKLD EXPRESS. W. 8. Plvbubb, Coadifctor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clenrleld... 4.14 a. a. Tyrona....., . Philipaburg.. .-" " InUraectioa...t.t " Oscooln 1.411 " Osceola t.18 " Iutereoetlou.. t.ll " PhillpBbcrg...l.ll - Tyrone 1.14 " Clenrleld, nr-.ll " TYRONE STATION. niarwann. a a waarwAnn. A a Paelle Kspreec, l-l! Mined Train, Itlt Harrisbarg Acc'm, t 44 Clacln'U Kipraaa, d:ll Pacllc Bipresa, 1:14 r a r MallTrala, l:4S Way Passanger, ' Ml Atlantic Eipre.B, 1:M M nil Train, . :4I Pbila'dn Kapraaa, iril Paat Line, 1:61 The Mall makec eloco connection with Atraatle Eipraea east nt Ml. arrrriag at Hnrriaburg nl 11:01 p. a. aad at Ph.l.d.lphia at 1:10 A. m.; aad with Mall weal at 1:41, arriving nt Altoona nl 7:J4 p. a. nnd nl Pittsburrh nt 1:40 A. nt. The Et- pran aoanoela with Pacllc Brproel aaat at 1:17 A. M., arrtviag at siamaourg ea is:ue .h.bwum Philadelphia at 4:11 p. M. aad with Paelle Bl- fraea west at 0:14 A. a., arriving at altoona m It a. a. and Pittsburgh at t:Bt p. H. Uarrng Phi adalnbln ea tbe Paelle Etnram at 11:11 p. a. or tho Mail at 1:01 a. a. aad Pittsburgh on At lantic Ripnaaa at 1:11 p. a. or Pacllc Kiprote at lilt A. a- aaake aleee eeaaeetioa nl Tyreee with Iraiaa for Clearleld. FARB FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BallefeBta, Pa U Lock Haroa 1 WHIlamsBoat... Bunllngdoa 1 LawlltowB. ....... t Maryavilla.. d HARUISBURG.m 4 Mlddletotra . tttt M arietta. ....... let lit PHILADELPHIA T 11 Altoonn . 1 11 Johnstown.- I It PITTSBURG...... 1 It Cloae eoaaoelioai made by all tralaa at Tyrone aad Lock Haven S. 8. BLAtR, '""!" . Superlateedeul. wylf If. Sew g.flrfrttsfttifnf. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL , .., . t ' i ' . ,,;. COMP AN Y, ,;, TUB undersigned, taeoosserl to RBKD A POWELL, have purchased the CLEAR FIELD PLANINU MILL, nnd reltted II for dolna na citenaire bualneea. All the machinery will ho added aeneaaary to make It ana of tbo moat complete oataaiisnmaall 01 toe atna In tao State. They are Bow pnpared to reoeivo ordera for any work ia thai line. They will give special atloatloa to all materisJa far house balldlng. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, - il- t : l 1 '.1 sash, doors, blinds, ' " ; Of ALL BTTLKHa alvyia baatl. t W0RKRD BOARDS, Mai .ll ftrtleLi mchiiv ry fur ballrlilg, will b tthngl for DRY LUMRKR, to tbsl pcrront mt 4iiUt) my bhif lblr ItvatMr, tiobawit tt tt, n4 rMira boat with tb MiMtiud rlilf. , , , Tb 6ftOpDy will lff7i btvt o hftnd Urft itoi or dry lambtr, n 11 tt m nnit m iii b orlr tb ifcortcMt mUm. ObIt tb bMt m1 piblM mmj rti apoi footj work. ( t lumbf win bt) wrk4 or Mid m low m H orh b tnbeVMul on-wbtpro, m4 wrrM4 to 0to MUHMtMnla Al U iMM.IMI Will M nSooo ipon tbo oib prtBlp)o wo ei afford to work for Moitt. ' i r ( DRY LUHBBli WANTED I Iipoeift! mm on. olf d two loeb mwI noi, lor woico iiMroi pneo win mm pua. ; Tbo VwiloHt will bt MviUetod wndtr tb mho of lb i ' VClcarfleld Planing BUI, Co. i If. O. Brawn will Mnoanny luporlatead Iho luaiaooa. - . i ,i ' i " " I baaiaoa Ordorl nrpocthlty edlelled. 1 ' ' ' ' M. 8. BB0WH t BK0., Crearlsld, Pa., Jsauary 1,1571. , , , , D ISSOLUTION- Tha Irm ef K raiser A Lylla will ho die solved by mutual consent, oa the trot day of lie. earn hoc, 1174, nl which Urns all a ta will ha eloond fer adjourn rat. Persons knowing them Bslvru ladcbled lo mid Irm, wlU b lease call and tettlo their neoouati Immediately av aesh. acta aoartag lareraai rroa cues, n iitr riMMt ' 1. tt. Cratear and I. O. IyOc hare farmed a oe partnership la tka Moreaallle baaiaaaa, to SM law olaol oa December lot, IS74. nnd wiu ona tlnno tbe buaineaa nl bcnKrore, aider Ibe name ad Kyle of E raiser A Ljllo. ' " ' IRMnT A 1 1 ' '' "" la eoaienaeaee cf thd ahoro arraageeacnt, J. M. Kramer will icncvo kla wean from Plea Building to Iho asere roomi dlreotiy ectpawle,ea enpiod bf K roller Lytw, whan ho wlU he t leased lo see hia former anelemcra. All those Bowiog teem eel re. tnwebtad to him, aaw argeat lt roajwaoto la aail aad canto their aoooaaea. , ' Claarteal, Now. In, 1174-lt. . . . 1, ,i ,. Je7emCat COBBTABLhtaV rlEB Wa bare prlatod a largo aambar nf ana new PBI BILL, Bad wtU oa ato renaaad at twaatr. Ira aaata, mall a aar to aa aalltiaa. . , myM . . -. in-i-r . M ; i. i -a 1874. DECEMBER. 1174. I rU I '1 .,. - .. :l 'J .1 ,.. n-i " : i...xi ..I t :n; .I'm -,ii ! , 'M ..-il'li, ,j i(, '.i, hi : ii .ni ii..-i - - . ,. . -I't'l .il i' I'" v i- ... I i-i ,. , ' im-i.ii .i 'lull. I ; 1 - it h . n ,i , ... ,fr;.,TTpn i-7rv, ij i , i ii I ' j.f i.' i' 'i i un j '. . ' ,.t . , l.t.iU .V in-;!)""!-' tU ' -if . i il.t "'I "' " ,r'''' A'hsift till t.'ii -oj .tr. - .,( f.. ,. . i.,.n f: -;, lf.i, REMOVAL. , ; ' I '.l ' I'i "ll ' ", ',,! I-. , i . ...i ... .... r ; l-i ,, "1 ;'i - ,ii I -ill ; y , i.l! -. , ' ; ;)' ll. 1 'il.Ji'l-. i' 1 j. r 1 1 ' 1 ' ' : : I,. ' - .'.I" .. .''il ,;!.f.i.i I ! ( .,, i .-.- .11. -,-f- . . : ll ! ' ., n i- "!''' ! i- t ..- i i I -. . :. ., , i - I ; I vi'. I. mill ll! I'l . ,, ', ' I il .'I''1 n ' .' i I I:. ,' I. -.,, -(ll i'I.I. . '.. 1,1. j ', ' .'1,1'., i ,i -in .7 . .-, . j WILLIAM KEED NOW OP TnK- ' :':-'l,Vi" ' ': .V"''1' KEYSTONE STORE, Will on December 1st, remove to Room No. 2, at the Opera House, where ho will be pleased to see all his old and many new patrons. Y : 1 i. . ' 1 ,1 r! ' fc . ; . .' - 1 . 1 ! '..' ' ' . '.- V '. ,,. i Having leased this room for a term of years, at a reasonable rate, the room being well located and admirably adapted for my business, and by giving my undi vided attention to business, I hope to merit the attention of cash buy. ers throughout the county. My stock will consist of a thor ough line of i ... DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, , CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, '-,"',"," " ' y " lj- ll J't - . .' ...1 H v'l :i I1' I'ti'i-ij.-' i ' LADIES' MISSES HI 4 CLDREN'S ;; --. i , .,.. nl : ' ,. i .ii .i -i i -i i ' ';',:.,.: shoes, . iM i. -.. .' ..:j ..J i - .. and as heretofore will keep a re liable class of goods, i -' i: ill! . I-- ' nn' t I i:: i'i ' i, . It is my determination tc do a strictly cash busincss,afld no books will be kept at oil. Will Btart with this determination, and will carry it through. i To do a cash business, I must do a one price business, and goods will be marked ut cash prices. i I .! m I. In doing a cash business 1 save the expense of a book-keeper; no loss in selling to poor pay; no time spent in settling and collect ing; no dunning or being dunned (comforting, is il not?) ., . .. ' In marking goods one prico 1 can mark tbera low, and it will be more satisfactory to customers as all will be treated alike. " i.. : ii .1!,'.!'.' 1, . I ,i .. .'in' '1 ) I "l-lltiH ,., ;. i I ,1 !, ;. " '. ... .;... ,M '' l .: ' . ' i .1 -M. I'll' 'i - ; It will save aa extra salesman, lis not so much time will b con sumed in bartering or "jewing down," as it is called, and persons will know tbey can buy of sales mon or clerks as low as from the proprietor. " ' ( ', 1 " ii- i .i i. '.; i. i.f ; i" 1 - ' . -: -Ii I,. . ... s .' . , I ' t-.U. - . i .. . ii il . I ..I 1 ... ( .. " - .' .., ll ., I will try and do busirtws in such a Way that 1 it will be satis- fectoryjo an. j;,11',,:r;;';i' ,j t It ni '-1v.',it-,l- I;,l 1- Pfil "if I '( ,til'- ii''''1 I'i".. at. -.l I ' ()) III' .It III It'll-I'rt I tt" v.- ll : . t 1 , A ' . i 'li. ,y : . : ti' ! ,, r i .,!! i A large stock of new goods will be received next week, which will be sold at prices never offer ed in (his market. i - i -n "h - t . Kl, 'l'-.l -, I ..( i !. ii rt 'Hi 7.' :y-.i vl t:l!.;' n ci'-c : , . !l -.''' f(,'tr l.!-' 'I ri l-.--.t7 . -1 .( V.-" . ''I M.i.dll '--It ',,1 I" 'I, -i t. 1 wiluamreed.' 1 Reem Re. t, Ouori Raan, Boariy oppoertl the reus uawi ..t ri it Oeartcld, Mor. II, 174. , H. F. BIGLER & CO., aaauna ta II ABD W ABE, Alio, Maa areata reesaf ' Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARflELD, PA. pARMINO IMPLEMENTS or all (, , hladl fer aalc by ' I U. P. BIOLEB k CO. JAILBOAD, WHEELBABUOW8 ,3 fur aala by . H. . BI0LKB i CO. QIL, PAINT, PUJTY, GLASS" ' BaiU.alc, for aala hr 1 H. r. BIO LIB k CO. H ARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Pladlap, far aala hj II. F. B1QLER k CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWOBD CANES 1st aalo by t' ', H. F. BIGLER I CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND , Sliea, for aala bp ' It. F. BIOLER k CO. fKONI IRON I IRON I IRON I Per sale bp H. F. BIOLER k CO. H ORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE HAILS, for aalo bv H. F BIOLER k CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aal boat Maaafaalara, far lala by H. F. BIOLER k CO. HIMBLB SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, far aalo j u " H. F. BIOLER k CO. RODDER CUTTERS for slo by mchJO-70 ' H. F. BIOLER AtO. yiNEGAR BITTERS. PUBRLT VKOETABLR. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. i . DR. WALKER'S CALIPORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. " 1" 1..L.I ' : ! , . : . ' . Dr. 1. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters an n purely Vegetable preparation, made ablefly from Ibe native kerbs roaad na tun lower ran fee nt Iho Sierra Revada moaatelBe of Oalilornia, tha medicinal properties of which are eiuaeled tberefrem without Ihn um of Aleobol. Teee,uee tloa ia alaaoat daily asked, "What la tho oaaao of tho uncaralleled eacoeoa of VinaaAB Birrnal 7" Oar nnswor ia, that they remove the euos. ef dls enea, and the patient recover, hll health. Tbey are tho great blood peril er aad a life-glvlag principle, a perfect KeaovMer aad lavigorator af tha eyitom. Mover before in Iho history of tao woria noe n meoteinc neon oompowuooa poe scaainc tha remarkable uunlltiaa of Viuuuau Bit- raaa la honllag tha Itch of every dieeaee maa la heir lo. Tber are a aentle Paraativa a. well aa a Toole, relicTiag Congeetioa or Inflammntioa of the Liver aad Visceral Orgaaa, la Billoui Die- Th. arovMrticc ef Br. W.lkar'a Viaeaar Bit ters are Aperient, Dlaph arctic, Carmiaotiro, Ma ariotona, Luatlve, Iltaretie, Sedative, Counter- irritant, ludorllo, Alterative, una Aati.Biiioaa. Grateful thoaeaadc praalalm Vlaoaar Bitten tao moot woaacrrul luviforaai ibm ever aaaiaia. ad laa aiahlaf ayalam. . . no peraoa esa tBk thaaa Bitten BMevwiaa 1. direottea. aad reBsaaa loag unwell, provided their hone, nan aot destroyed by miaoral Bvieoa or otacr means, ana vital argaaa. Billons, Reeiltteal aad Iatermlttoat rorera. whiah arc se preraleat la the ralleya of oar greet liven throughout the United Btatoe, especially thoeo of tho allntsslppl, Ohio, hf laeoart, Illinois, Toaaoooaa, Cambarioad, Arkansas, RW, Colora. do, B rases, Rle, fenrl, Alahaasa, mobile, Suvftanah, Roaaohn, Jnmee, and mnay ethers, with their reel Irlbntarlaa, tbrougbmt oar caUre oowatry dBriag tho Sumner Bad Aatana, aad anmarhahly Be daring aaaaanl cf aaaoaal hoot aad dryaeM, an iavariably aoeompaBiod by ea tenaive derearcmeati ef the stomneh aad Hver, aad other abdomlaal rlaaara. Ib their troatmeat a p ureal ive, exertiag a ponrarful lalueacn apea ihoea vnrietu orgaaa, la aaaaatlaJly aeeeooary. Then ll no eathartie for tho purpoee tonal t. Dr. J. Walhar'l Vlaagnr Blltnrn, aa ther will moedllr reaaev. the dmh-eosered viMid matter with whleh tbe boweia nn loaded, nl tho same time stimulat ing the oeenlloas of the liver, and geaerally re torlag the healthy fuactioai of tbe digestive orgaai. fortify Ibe body ngninct dlnaae by anrifylaff all ita luida with Vioea-er Billen. Me eaidemic oaa take hold of a ayslem thai fen-atmed. Dvanoasla or Iadlnetloa. Heed echo. Pala la tbe Shoulders, Coagbe, Tigh loess af tan Cheat, llisaiacca, Soar Bruetiona of tbo Stomach, Red Taale In the Mouth, Bllioal Altachi, PalplUllea of the Heart, Iniummetioa nf laa Laags, Faia ia th. regloa af tha Kldneyi, and haadred other painrui lymptomi, nn tb. nff.pringi nf Dyspctsia. One bottle will prove a better guar aatcc ef Ita meritl thaa a laagthy advert lee BacaL etcroiuiu, er mug b atvii, w olio Dwellings, ui. con, BryBipelan, Swelled Meek, tlottre, tlenh leus Inlammalious, Mercurial afeeltoaa. Old Sent, Bruptiens of Ibe Skin, Son Byec, etc. In these, as ta ail otacr oantlatloBal a imam I, Walher'a Vinegar Blllera hnvc thowa their greet curative powen la tho moat .b.tin.1. aad bv Ber fnlammatory aad Chnalo Rhcumatlam, a out, Bllloar, Remtttaalaad Iolermltleel revere, Dlesaaa. of Ibo Blood, Liver, Kidneys nad Iho Bladder, then Bitten have ao eoual. Such Ule- eaeei are aaased by Vitiated Blood. Persons ear. red hi Falata Bad Miami!, laeh as Flumbora Tm seUora, UeM-beatan Bad Mlaera, aalhay advaaea la We, arc labjoet ta parnlyiia of tho Bewela. To guard agalaat thle, uke a doco of Walker's VlaegBr Bitten oocasloaally. for Sim Diaaaaoa, ruptlaai, Totter, Hail Meaas, brslekee, Spota, Plmphse, Puetulea, Bella, Cvbaaclei, llng-wcrma. Scald-bead here Byee, Krrilnelas. tub. Scnrta. Discolcratloac ef the Shla, Hereon nad Dlaeacsc of the Ik la of wbat ever a ah. er a stare, are Uaarally dog wp aad oarrted out of the eyetoaa la a abort Umo by tho an of Ibm Billen. 1. - fin. Tana aad other Worms, larklag Ib Iho ayiteoa of se many thoaaaado, an effectually do st re red nad removed. Ne ay atom of modieiao, aa e-ermifagee, bo anthclmlaltloa trill free the cystem from worms like then Bitten. Fer Foe. ale Coawlalati, ht rawer, or old, mar ried or liagle, at the dnwa ef womaaheod er tho tare of lira, Iheao To.le Bitten dlaploy ee de cided oa talneaeo that Inacoraeeeat la coca per cuptihlo. f . : i .i ..',' l .ic I im-: ..- , J ... II .lU '.ll I IK.'W.I- 1 . " ' CVoum tbe Vitiated Bleed whenever you lad Ua Imaaritiee barotiac Ureeib th. ebia la Flm- les, fcraptioaa, or Boraa t aieaaac It whea yoa nd II obclrocted aad eluggtah la tho vcloei eteaase k whoa II la feuli year nsellaf. wll tell yoa whea. Keen iho htoad fare, aad tha health Ol las ayimm win leisew. ' '" 'I '"'""'' " v ,: i. n. McDonald a co., Drug item aa4 Oca. Agta, Sam ttaamlcam O feral a, cad corner of weebiaglea aad Cbarltna etreou, aew icra. sia try ait irraggisii as Dnalan. - J - aod'It-lon. R SALH OB RBST i A need aad wall oaelnned BlecAceolih Shea will he either Be Id er reeled. The bell steed la sow eereeiyt eipyi.y sw ssaw. owsea, , Oct. II, ll4 tma. Rombnrgor, Fa. With tvry lot or unnooMMry x ponao out off , Buying at Plrt Hand whol Cr ' gOM of Oooda at one Urn j ) Watching tho Marltot, and living Caah whin It ia Cash Manufkoturing n.ytamatloaly and with a Buii no EKparianoa of Four l.n Yaara Baaing our Balling Prloaa upon Monay paid Down at Onot, and thus aava ouraalvoa from loaaa and dalaya usual to eradlt bualnaaa i Marking Propar Namaa and Quality of goodaon Tlokata, and in Plain Flg uraa, so that CHILDREN may Buy mm Bafaly aa GROWN PEOPLE Raturnlng Uia Monay whan Partlaa Prafar to Rat urn their Purohaoa Thorough Attantlon to all Depart manta WJJFAMAKER and BBOWXJ $rv tSootls, r. QHANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rarvaotfuUv aotifjr tba ftabll nnanll thai ha ku parvhaiad J. S. tihoaar't Oronar; Stora, la Bhaw'i low, wbert ha lataadi h taping a nn una ai QBOCERIKN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUGARS' and 81 RCT8, of all (radcl. TEAS, Onea and Blnch. COFFEE, Roasted aad Orera. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All kinds la the market PICKLES, la Jan aad barrels. SPICES, In every form end variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIRUOlOl'CRAC'llEKH. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLRS, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, CmI Oil ud Limp Cbiauyi. And n a-ood asaortment of those things aeually kept la a grocery store, which he will eicbnngc lor marneung ai nun mnram pnoua. Will sell for cash as cheaply as aay ether one. Please call lad ace bis stock nad iudga fur yoanclf. simrt muAouiini. Clearleld, May IT, lite. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, OppoilU Port Oflett, New Goods! New Prices I CHOICE LIMB OP TEAR, OOL0B0S, JAPANS, IMPORTED, T0CH0 HVSOlf, KglI8U BREAKFAST Purest la Market. BUTTER AND EGG Will be kept nnd Mid at Irlt coal. Ciah paid for Country prodaec OERMAR CHERRIES, Tl'RKET PRUNES, PRESERVED FEARS, PHILADELPillA HAMS. riRH. ' Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ac. riCKLER. Barrel Pickles and Eagliah Pickles. rLOUkl AND FKED. Flour, Cora Meal, Out Meal, Ac rcbUTd LYTLE A MITCHELL. ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IN QENEEAL merchandise, WARE T1XBEB & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Juat .pened, .1 tb. .Id st.nd. In Onham'e Ron, n ncmplcu ctooa or jr a w a o o b m, f every dcaarlptlom. DBY OtKlDS, . GROCERIES. . , , HARDWARE, BOOTS AND 8IIOE8, CLOTH 1 NO, f-c.,rf-c., IN GREAT VARIETY. riiOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALS ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR RMalra4 h Um tar laad, m4 aoU at mtll aivaaea. A npplj R0PI aoa rta illy oa baaJ. J ; 1 1 1 Saaelal ladaatajaiti affvrad ta Uiam fttlif aat Bqaarr, T.Hbar m Logt, mm daal Urpl la LtMbamM't SappUa ui ara ara fw4 al all timmm ta parahaat tla ( mn and laabar. ID. W. GRAHAM. Marhat Straat, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ort. tS, 1Tt. WILLIAM K. UKNRT, Juhtioe tr na Macs amBcatTiiiiit, LU II III It 0ITT. CaitaMwaai mmdm aal mj araaatla paint aar. ArUtlai af affraaaiaat aa4 aaaai a I aaavayaaaa Baatly aiaeatad ana varraatac aar rati ar aa tharf. JSJyti "DARGAIN8 15 MUSICAL IN 13 ITRDMEETSI Orgaaa, bath Bw amd aaaaad bud, at the Mania SMra, epweclle UaUeb a Fnraican Stera, All perecae wlaraatcd arc iari tad Be aell and eisaSaSM . mm atvU af One am aa amhlbiUea. I caaotaatly en hn ret Mama aad mace meoar aplI.-TIU TalUK. Wirfk A ROAR LINIRc, SKIRS- X dust rewslTOd nad fur aale ty Aprfl H. HTI ,t . r. RletaRR t 00, Vannmaltrr ni Irovn'i &iurt$tmtnt. ONI PRIGS. TiUJiQVAMAWm. THE ' LARGEST' CLOTHING HOUSE IN S.'E.:Cor.iith andjarketitreets EfcULADELRIllAi gru Cood, &to(ttti, t?tf. NEW FI.Ol It, FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Herd au .na door went nf loaard Hoaaa, ClenrSeld, Pa. Keep coaitaatly oa head SUQAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICKS, SOAP, Canard and Dried Fruits, Tobacco; Cigars, Cm- dire, Cider Viaegar, Bailer, Egga, Ac. ALSO, EXTRA HOHK MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, ao., All of which wit he nld cecal for caah ar la exchange for country produce. a. u. a it am an a uu. Clenrleld, Nor. It, l74.-tf gTOP THIEF! How oftta tkat err tt haartj ! mi Urn tawai bat aa ana arar thiahi af itamliag Ooai T. A. FLECK & CO., Far th.tlr gomi ara aa haa. U aayi battar ta bar thaa itMl than. Parahafiat antlralr for aaa, aaa Miimg for im Mai a, wa ara tataf aaa- aiaa te effar fotdi at a naailar marffta laaa aaa aoMtbiy aa don my aa vaa daucaraa mall. aat part mi trnrt baainaM afthar way. W hara aa aauraij nsw pateaaap at DRY GOODS ind LADIES' DRESS GOODS ia variaty aiafpatai aad prlai la tall tha aaroitj ai oj. uar aiook at MILLIKEET GOODS. A Bonnets and . Ladles' Hals, haa HTtr baaa atjaaJM la lha aaaalj. LADIBA AMD CHILD RIN'S VNDKRWIAK a aoBptota aaaartaital. Ladies9 Dress Trimmings, In Fall Lisa. Lata StjUt. Gents Furnishing Goods, a tarft Tiriaty, both toarta anl Ina. WINTER GLOVES, TARNS, WOOLS, CKPHTRS Waterproofs, in Great Variety. All ara lavltad ta aal I aad axaailM aar toada and prloaa bafora baying aliawbcra. Wa aaaka ma wry faoai baeaaaa yoa don't hay, bat ball ara Ibla to be t fraa aaaatry j aad that arary oaa haa tha laallanaijU rid tat to Ufa, linarty, tha paraalt of happiaaai ad ta hay noda whata thay aaa aihtmra tha hrai (oodi for tha LiAar aiaaay. At m. Road eld ataaa, oppouia Haaaop a. T. a. ridKua. t2l'T4 A. II. BILLS. QTOKEKEEPKaHS, ATTENTION! Wa dcalra ta aal) yoarattcatfaa taaaraztaaalra Comaiaaioa hnaiaaat and ta aar faellitlea far dla aoalnf af aaeh prodaoa aa aar aoaalfaara aand at. Having a large trade with ally vtorea,we ara aa abl4 U make atah rataraa, at fall prlaaa. Btereherpara having Chiekeaa, Batter, Ejt, or ether prodaee, will da well te fire aa a trial. Where uroeanea ara taken la eteaeage, aa aoa Baiuioa will be ehBrgaaV 8. L. KIBK,fOH M 00., ' Wholesale 0nwt aad Caaiailaalea Merahaalaj Km, ua il. Tbtra atreet, rhitea'a. apriy JOST! ...,..;.,:., 0a NoTtMber !, 1IY4, Wtweaa tbe weelea factory of Jaa. Johaatoa aad the reeideaee af Kteb Johnrtea.ea tawaahlp read, a large leeiaer Faehel Book, aentalalat eaeaota far oe, girea te CaaipbaU A Knnderlia aad algaed hj J. F. Bllle, ef CohaBabte, Pa dated lth Hay, 174, ai three Mentha, eadoraad by Ceaiphell A Saaaerlla and i. W. OaaaabeH. Alaa, a aheah al daya, dated Mat lath, UTd, ta tbe eaaia part'aa, fraai J. V. lllita, of Celaabia, aaid aheek baring beea proteatad. Alae, $S6 la ateaey. Payealaf tha ebere aoU aad ahaah bar lag haea Mapped at the baab, they are af ao aaa ta aay aaa oieept njaalf. Aay peraoa rata ra lag tha above daaaria ad property te at all! raeeire lit reward, ar for tha rota re af the eote aad ahaah thej will ha re ward a aaeoraiagiy. , . aerli lt 1 t. X. CAMPBELL. E1 STBAY. Caaia trrapaaslag aa tba nrealiea af the aah. aeriber, raiidiag la Bradford tawnahlp, a white Hrifar, la yaara aid, with brawn eara aad a Itt Ua hrowa en Ironl fero-lvga, Jaat abore tha heat Tha aw oar will eoert forward, prove property, pay ehaifti aad take bar away, ar aha will ha dupered ef aoeordlag ta taw. Weadlaad, lfev. IS, 1iT4-lt. Jaa. S. Paaaaaa, Praat, R. I. Baacaaa, -tea'yi CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF DASTFOKD. CUSB. Ascetic UJIt.M. Ratio cf A wet. Ic Liabilities. in Faralabea laaumae. al tbe verv lewsct sort Fellcr-belden nertlelnate la the arolla of the Coaspaaj, teas eeauBBaiiv vwaaciag ibo aaaaai parnjeatB. For ralea, 1 ... call oa ar address . M. HrENALLT. Aleut. Oflea la Ibaw'i Kow, CI aaa Add, Fa. tiltTl. H 0U8K FOR KKNT.- The BBdatalaael. wba aaa be aeea at Ac "fthau Baaaa," hw a larfs Brlih Duralllnf, la. eated ca Front etrMt, lor raws. Far lea thai Benr- suswesrs ens. sei aesewn uv oaHsruea ft. . HAW, i ClearMd, Pa., N.v. II, ltT4.4ai. Combining all thaaa merit, w plaoa our Bualnaaa on the moat SOLID FOUNDATIONS, and Invite the 0011 fldanoa and vupport of the people of Philadelphia, aa wall aa atrangera and othera now vlaltlng tha city. - . Remember the Four Cardinal Polntai Olfl PEICB! CkBH ALOKXI ' TXTLL QVXBMVTSMt CalSH UETXMtrSD l With th Largaat, Moat Sty Hah, Beat Made, and C haa peat Stock of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTH I NO, we invite you all to oall on u. AKERiCA. WAXAMAKER and ' f B&QW2T. Slirdvirr, Eitttw, t. JOHN W. WAPLE, MANUFACTURER OF Tin, . Sheet-Iron "" k Copper Warr , e AND DIALER IN STOVES 5c RANGES. Near Market Mrest, ria.rA.ld, I wlU keep ea bead a fall Mock of Cook aad flsatln, Stoves, Range!, Ac. Also, a full Hue of TIN WARE, 4 Sheet-Iron and Copper Ware. I will Saab. A BneelAtt ef tbe fallawin Rtevea. Kellpsa, llooarch, and Victor Ceok, Raarea, aad aiataal Friend, Canopy aal other Healiaf Stoves. I will olebaae. Tinware for Cottoa KafS. dwl,T4 JOHN W. WAPLI. rpiN-WAKE, STOVES, AND HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., CUBWENSVILLB, PA. Havlac boorkt tho Hardware Btart aad Tin Shop former It be)oa,ic, U W. A. Dale, we latead keepiag for aale .varelbtng helMglBf ta tho booiBOea, and will aBdoavor to oall aa sow ter sash oe aaa be bo.rht thu aide of Philadelphia. Al ear Mtablishiaeat asar be fonad at all tiasoc a fall aappl nf Shelf and Heavy Hardware, SHEET-IKON AND TlN-WAfiE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, Hevilt, raiata. Oils, OUas, rutty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implement! of all Eindi, 8CTTURS, 8CTTIIE 8NATUSS, ORAI CRADLES, RAKES, Al bk' mill ri.rDvret, BLACKSMITH 8' TOOL8, H0RSI-8H0ES, H0RSK 8H01 KAILS, BOLTS, Al Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, 4c. Btr-TIN SPOl'TINS dons low aad beat at . nulerlei used. WATSON, HICnOLS A 00. Curarenivllli, Pa., June 1, 1174. -RONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER Itt HARDWARE, 8TOVE8, BEATERS, RANGES, HOLLO WW ARK, PAINTS. OILS VARNISH, I : POTTY k GLASS", ROPES, 8TF.P-LADDIR8, WOOD AND WILLOW WA&SI Tba eelsbrntsd Tosad. AaU-Freeciag fialraalwd IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. ' Ka better Paaspa la the aurhot. LAMPS, CHAIfDRLIERS, LARTI1RI, LAMP FLUES, of all blade, LAMP FIXTURES, Aa. AR at Uwest ajriaaa. , 1-1114 rrweyeeUla trejwt, mUlaeAmra;, fm. H. V. BIOLER CO. hare tar aal. ciimn wicss veers, ' sHArrs AHomta, , HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, a. : Oaarfaia aal Iim ahen AeaJd arA. . B4e ef Ibla aad anil and eaaania. bVeaa. 1 -- thll ha toll at Mr trim. auxtA-V, J Jam ntimwa er etrrt dkout ete. uwattj caacM.l at thai aATraa.