Sffrdu-arr, ttmrarf, At. SACIETT 8CHOTES,i HARDWARE, Bad auuhMUrtrt ef Tln.Copper AShett Iron Ware, Sead Street, ClBAirllLD, FA. Havlag larger lumal our atoek of Herd were, w Iwrtl tin publie U esaaiue in elook Bad prieoa. Carpoutora Bad penoai wfco .oBtemplete balld lag will do W.II M eiBmiaa ear TOOLS ft BUILDIHO HARDWARE, whleh li aew and of the bMt asaaafiMlira, and win ba told low far oeah. NAILS, ' GLASS, POTTY, GLUE, Locks,. u , , XiATOUES, if i HINGES, SCREWS All kladr of Boneh Plenee, Hewe,.Culeell, Squares, tlemmere, neieneie, riamna ens lveie, Mortleed A Thumb Qaegee, Bevole, Braeea A Bitte, Wood ud Iroa Beaeb Serowo, ud tho bolt Boring Machine ! tbo market. Doable and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET OUTLIRY, to. Agents for BurneWt Iron Corn Shelter, warraatea. Alio, agent, for Riebardi' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, wMob effeotaally euro Smoky F laei. Farmera' Implement, and QanaH Toole of every aeeonpuoa. A largo variety of ' ' COOK STOVES, i ; which we wirrut to gtre aatli.'eoMon. Portable Range and Furnaces. bm-fcooftar. Spouting end Job Work done an ration able terma. All order will receive prompt aiioauon. jim ii, 1S7B. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sawenort ta Boyotoa fc Yenng,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS llaaufaotaren of POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Foarth and Piaa Simla, r CLEAR PI ELD, PA. HATING engaged la Ika manafactaro of Iret olaia MACHINERY, wa veepeetfullj inform tka pablia tbat wa ara Bow prepared to All all ordara aa ebeaply aod el promptly ai oaa ba doaa la any of tba eitiee. Wo maaafaatara and deal la Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Baad Blooka, Water Wae.ll, Skeftlag Pelleya, Olford'i Injector, Bteam Qaagee, Blaam Whittles, Oilera, Tallow Copi, Oil Cups, Gauge Ooeka, Air Cooke, Globe Valree, Ckeek Velvet, wroagkt iroa Pipes, Bteam Pampe, Boiler Food Pampe, Aatl Frletioa Metre., Soap Stone Peeking, Gam Puk ing, aad all klada of MILL WORK) logethar wltk Plows, Bled Boles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad other CASTINGS of all klada. Ml .'.! I t St-Ordere aolloltad aad Iliad at any prim All rattan of iaqalrj witb rafareaaa t machinery of oar ataaafaotara promptly am wared, by eddree lag aa at Clearleld, Pa. Jaaltt tf BIGLER, YOUNO A RIED. JyJ-EW STORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON . Bar jnit opaoed a Niw Stoai, on Main St., CuairiaiD, Pa lately occupied by Win. F. IRWIN. . Their itoek aooaiata of , QDXXl'aT C D CD E 6& Qaocsaiss of tha beat quality, Qucensyvare, Boots and Shoes, " ''-''- and erery artiole oeoeaiarT for ene'i comfort. Call and tzamine oar itook before par ebeilni eleewhere. 11 ay t, 1864-tf. fERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, " Stove Lining and Fire Brick, STOSE AD EARTHED -WARE . o ivnt tllMRITTIOIII Mi CROCKS! . POTSJ ,CEOCKS! Viabar'a Patent Airtight leir.Seallac " PrwH taael BUTTRR CROCKS, wltb llda, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLR -BVTTER CROCKS. PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, rll DIST1ES. STEW POTS, .. . Aad a great aiaay other thlaira tow fteenrewe le BiaaUoa, ta ba bad at . FRED'Ki LEITZINGER'S , -, STONE 4 WARE, POTTERY, Ctreor of Cfctrrr in Thlnl fltrtv LbBAnriirbu, rA. aagl Downl Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TFR CflEAPBATt A Proclamation against High Prices! WE are aow ewewhtg op a lot of the beet aad moat eeaeoaeble Ueoda aad Warea orar fared la Ibll market, aad at prieea that remlad aa of the good aid dare of ehewp thlnga. Thoaa who lack faltk apoa tbia palal, or doom awr alia. gatloae aaperdaooj, aeed bat . . T OCR STORK, Omm treat aad Marbat atreeta, Tbera tbew oaa eee. feel. aa ma l aelraa. To fall, aadorataad what areebeaa xk.7. able aaaat ba doaa. rT. e. mot d. It?ij to oaamoraU aad ilamlaa ear atMk. It u eea.k lor aa aa atate that - i ., ,, . We bare ETerrtbing that ii Needed ad aoaeamad la ail market, aad at erioN that - ' klk -1.. J Mi.- daall JoeKpH BRAW A SON ClearJleld Nurserv. ?INCOUEAQE HOM INDUSTBT. TIB aadanagaael, hartrnf eeweallabad a Hat Tea tba 'flaavebewe half wf batwaae aaeld aad Ctrweaarllle, la areparad to far. JhwreAl btaada f IRVII TR tt, f ataadarl aad V Rwn'iaaa, BliaAherw, rraa Frawa, -A". T"1 u BHetWrtt, Btrawberry, "' Tlel, taw.Bffc.riaaerahtrwaa, ' Rbweerh, . ree. 1 V -wawaaaaww, t. a Wj aWaawam t. b. tirra. aapn, y Carwat tllla, P. jQru tSoottt, 5rorifj, 4?tr. j. r. waarae. .m.i.w. v. aattl. WE A. V Kit & BUTTS ... i i. . '' . CLEARFIELD, PA., vt " r t ; Ara oferlag, at tha aid itand of 0. t. Racd i Co.' their Itoek of goadl, aaaaletleg of ' . i t, . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, y ( BOOTS A SHOES, , , , . ( HATS A CAPS,.. ( iM.t (I1ARDWARB, QUEBNBWARB, .. FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., Ao., At Ilia moil reaeoaable ratal for CASH or la , j' u ' . Mi I.; a exehange for 't ij II 1, 1' '-(! , 1 Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, r jl OR COUNTRY PROOUCR. aT'AdTaooaa auda ta thoaa angaged la get tlag oat aqaara timber oa tba moat adrantageoaj Ural. . . pdtljaatt KRATZER & LYTLE, MAftKBT STBKET. CtR Alt FIELD, PA. Dltra la drygoods;notions, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queknbvtare, J fiooti, Shoes, Hats, Cups, Ac. jaP-Sboemekera lappllad wltk LEATHER aad SHOE FINDINGS atredaoad ratal. ' , r . SALT I SALT I SALT! at wkoleaale aad retail aery aheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALOINKD PLASTKR, Aa, A liberal dlaaaaat to halldera. HO0SE1I0LD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES. OIL CL0TU8 la largo qaaottUil. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL aad : . CHOP, alwaya aa baad, TAlt af tha above gooda ara parobaaod oaalailrely for eaih, aad Ibaraforo oaa aad will ba aold ii aheap aa tha ehoapeet. aprlll-T4 rpo TUB FRONT ! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE CLEARFIELD BAKERY OYSTER SALOON I The niltjrticned twlng juit 0tt(l tip atv, Ivn ind flOBlurtabU roomi on Mavrkat trrL Mr Third, rMpMifalljr kfurmi tht public that b bow drtpavrod to oeoovtHOdato tbou witb ertrythlng ta hii Hot od thori aotloo ud tvt ll noun or ibt dy, uo itp on hand eresu aeaId j : ,; ,( J RUSKS, ROLLS. PIE. ' CAKES. 1.11 kiadi. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, ud a geaoral tMrtmat of CONFECTIONERIES. . FRUITS NUTS, Ac. Allofwhlek will UtltUrorad to onalonon at !hlr rtaldoaeof, whoa roqaoatoti to do ao. ICE CREAM, by tho diab, ttnrod la a aoatlj far aiabod rooau Tbaakral for tbo g eaoroaa patrooao kcitowed la , Ibt pMi, bo bopai to ajtrlt aad) rooolta a oaa- . UaaoDOt of tbo saao fatal kU old outo aorf aod other. JOHN STADLER. Jaaa Ie77l.tr. ' JANIEL GOODLANDER, t LUTHERBBURG, PA, J '. Dealer le : ; t , DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, U0S1ERT & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOHS, ' Tobaaoo, Groootiaa aad Fiib, Nalla, Hardware, Qaeenaware and Oleeiwere, Meo'a aod Boya' Clolbiog, Drogi, Paiota, Otla, Bebool Booka, a largo lot of Patent Medlalaaa, Caadloa, Nata A Dried Frulta, Chaaae aad Crack , era, Rook and Rile Powder, , ' ' Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover aad Timothy Seed, Sale Leather, Morooeoe, Lloiaga, Biodlnga and Thread, Sboemakerl' looli aad 8boo Fiadtogl. No greater variety of goodi ia any atoro la tbo aoaaty. AR for aala very low ror eaaa or eo trail? prodwoa at tbo Cheap Corner. Aog. 17, 1171. I F ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, BUT YOUR CLOT H I X G,' j FamisliiDg Goods, 4o.( El. STEWART &' SON'S t CLOTUING STORE. I . The keep i full line of ' 1 ' ' Men't, Youthi' & Boyt' Clothing. Also, Umbrellas, Sttchells, Ovoralla lists, Shirts, Undershirts, and '"" i Drswers, Ao., Whloh tbay will aell at molt reaionable prieea. ceil aoaasaiaiaa tooar geone- enforo eureaaoiwg eliewhere. Room oa Market Street, oppoilte the Ooart Hoaaa. Claarield, Pa April 1, 1174. The Boll's Run Woolen Factory, Faaa eowaeblR, OlearSold Cw,, Pa. v . , BURRED OUTI ,t: -V is of , i) y, ' , BURNED . U P! Tba aabeerlbora have, at creat exneeee. reboitt ail,hborhe4 aaeeaiily, ia the areeUoa of a IraU elan Woo lea Maaafaalory, with all tba modern Improvemoall attMbed, and are prepared to make all kindi of Clolba, Ceaiimeree, SetlaMla, Blaa. kale, Flaaaela, do. Pleoty of gooda oa hind to aepply all oorold aad a thenaand aaw eailomore, whom we aak aa am and eieariaaeer ataah. ' The bailaeoo of CARDING AND FULLING ' " will reeelro oar oipeolal atuatioa. Proper arrangemeate will ba made la rwretre aad deliver Wool, aa lalt eaetoaera. All warb warranted aad doae apoa the aherteit aotleo, aad by ilrietalUa. tloa to baitaeee wwhawa taroaUaa a liberal ihara af pablb patrwaage. IOAUO POUNDS WOOl) WANTED! 1 ' We will pay tke hlghert market price far Woe aad aell ear maaoraetared gooda aa lew ae itmilar Ireodi eaa be tm,bt la taa eoaaly, aad wbowevwr we fall to raaSer raaaowaal. aatlMaetl.a wa aaa alwaya be toemd at Bona ready la Blah. Brewer etpleaetloB, mt I. an, ky WW ' ...... 'AMIS dOHNSOR A RONS, . I aprtlfltf B.warP.0. I Q.CN8MITHTNG. 1 ' Q. W."W0LFE, " :, PRACTICAL GUNSHITIL ' Skoa aaTklrd atraet,avar Riley', ahWaVta leap, CLEARbIRl.b, PA. All hadt ef Mh aad Seal Sea ees bead. Repairing dvae alrotnleoi maaaal aad at faU 1 " S:7 5ry fioodi, rrtrtri, dt. 1,11 E LATEST MOVKI. THE LATEST MOVE! I 'i 'l 1 ' : t C ! i I I t I,, HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRI7G !8TO RE,' ' ' ' To their aew balldlag aa Imid Street, aearly oppoaita taa itore t Weaver A Uatli, CLEARFIELD, PA., Wkere tbej will ooatlnaa to lapply.tbrlr old aad aa many aew aaitomeri aa may ooma, wltb PURK DRUGS! CHE JIICALSI 1 ' PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (laoladlng all aew remedln,) Patent H.dlrln.i, P.lnti aad Oili, lllau and Patty, Hbool Booki, Hutionery, Peper, Ao. alio, a full lino af Drug, giila' Sundrlei, Hair Toniea, Coimetlei, Porfaueriea, Toilet Artlelea, Brnibai, , Toilet Hoapi, Poohet liooki, So., all of . I ' f ! Aha beit qaality. : PURE WIXES AND LIQVORS, A, formedioal A aaorameatal parpoaoaoaly, Pore White led, Colon of all kindi, Raw and Boiled Lineeed Oil, Varniehn, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varalib Uruibei, Flaroring Bxtraetf, Coafeotionerlea, Bird Seed, Stilee, ground and ungronnd, of all kindi. SMOKERS AND CHEWKRS Will Snd our Block of Chewing and Smoking Tobaeeo, Imported and Do meatio Cigara, Snuff and Pineut to be of tba very bait branda la tbe market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kiadl of GLASS WARE GARDEN 8KKD6, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Maiioal Trlmmlnga of every variety. Haviag a long oxperleBoe la tha boalaeia, aad an eitaaelvo and well aeleol.d .took of medieiaea, , will be voted for this Servlco, until af .bort",'.1, thorough investigation. It would and oa tho moat reaaonable terma, day and eight. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield, Pa., SIj Jl, IHJI-tf. PUR LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF (STO VF.S ! NTOYEM ! ever brongbt to the ouunty, are being rrpelred at th. Hardware F.l.l.llihm. lit of II. V. RIOI.UR dk CO., eompriiing tbe following Cook Storaa: SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, - SUSQUEHANNA. ,-i KKQULATOR, JiOPI,K. EXCELSIOR, ,! TRIUMPH. GOV PENN, KEADINO NATIONAL BANGE, AC. AC. Alio, tba following Haetlag Stoveai 8PEAU'9 ANTI CLINKER, ' SPEAR'S ANTI DUST, SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, ; BPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, . MORNING LIGHT, ' BON TON, GIPSEV, VULCAN, ! SUNBEAM, RUBY' ' DAUPUIN EOG, . , CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, PHOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE BOOM STOVES, AC. Clearleld, Sept. IJ, 1871. FARMING IMPLEMENTS . FOR SALE BY It. 1 Blglcr A Co. IRON DOUBLB-SIIOVBL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINOLR-SUOVEL PLOWS, IRON CULTIVATORS, "' ' VOOD CULTIVATORS. ' , OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. ' riTTSBURO STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'B DKLLEFONTH PLOWS. ' ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S FLOWS. eV-Sharei for all ol tbo above Plowi con stantly on baad. 0. I. fj. WHERE to buy my DRY O00DS, ORO- erlea, Quienlware, tllaeaware, Drug! and V T verm, nrvniww, naeiinj liubi lUfl Notioaa, Confeetidnorlef, Ae cheap for oaia. - Tha eubaerlber bora leave to lafrirul kia old and aaw aaatemer. tbat be baa opened A VARIETY 8 TORS , ' ' ';' " '" ' IN ULEN HOPS, PA. And will aell aoodaet prieea ta nit iae timea. A bo md to euitomrra bay. f , . . oleawhere. i .-.w.ia, A liboral ebare of paulie petrooage ia oliclted. C. J. KEAUY. 1871. Olea nope, Pa., June 14, II, F. BIGLER A CO.'S -SPECIALTIES BUILDKRS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWAHR, FARMINS UTENSILS, MILL Bt'PPLIRS. IRON a RAILS. PAINT", OILS. VARNISHES, . , PAISTRHS' FINDINOS, ' ' . CALCINED PLASTER. May Jl, 1171. B OOTAND80OE MAKING. JOSEPH II. DXKRINU. aa Market atrML la Saawta Row, Olearaold. Fa, bai jaal naeived llai M af friaab Calf Skiaa aad Rlpa, tha beat ia tba market, aad ie aew prepared ta mea areetureevoeytklaaakia Ikee. a, wUI war raat hia work ta ba aa rearMaattod. Be altlaaaa of Ulearail and vlilalty aia reetrally lavltad ta give hia Work ieu at abort aoUie. . aall. Mat3g J oa fRiimNO of rvrrt drsurIT Ilea aaatry aieealed at th'-a .Hi. liberal reauel lea will be made to eaitomrro ba.tll,-,t i,w hunt fir tba mi ..I THE USPpBUjN CliEAHKJKI.U. PA. WEDNESDAY MOKNINfl, OKC. t, U. 1 DEACON .ONES' EXPERIINCC. (AaiAxiii Awtrraaaiica.) Yo'r light wboajroa lji It do wo, Farooa, ' Tbel tbo flMb li woak and a aaaro t : And tohcop jar plow Id tbo furrow - Vi boa yar eat I la boglna to raro Ain't ao aoro Iblaf. Aad iMtwaoa ua, Tbo ami maj bo said of 1'rajrtr I Why, I itood tla jukaa oa IkorlTor. i Of tbtj beta, wlieo tbo erltlara founil That I d jiacd tka Cbureh, aud tba aniokor That may ba 7a mi ad, want ruund, Tho da- tt down with tha ouraora la Ui old eanip-taootia' ground. I alood all that, aod I rtckon J aBigbt, at a pinch, atuod nor Fur ib bo-i tba; rtatraaoali bail, I etaada aa tha Itook of tbo Law. And it aoataed liha a moral Hrtmrnafa, In hold in' agin their jaw. But tfaaVt arowaa a Cbriatlan aulTeM. A a bata't gut tbat praiaoao Tliinga with no nurtvl purpoao, , Thing! 01 bai gut no mnioj Thing a. aoiai-huw, no pruflt " Will oovor their flrat a.panao Ka how 1 1 waa J.it laat avecin' Atldmila' tba Throaa of Urioa, Aod mot bar knalt ia thoaoroor, And aaoh of tbo boya ia bla plaoo Vihtn that aneakin' pup of Keilali'o. To Jonathan'a oat gira obaia t I never let on It mind 'ara, I never lot on to bear, But drove tbat prater down tba furrow, With the cat hid In' nnder my oheor. And Keiiah a whipperln' "Klo her!" And aothar a e-jln', ''You dare !" I naked frr a light for tho heathen. To guide on hie aarror track, With that eat aod tbat dug jeat weltita. Aad Jonathan'! faoo jail black, When the pap Dade a rush, aad the k Itten Dropped dowa qb tho email of back. Yet, I think, with tho Lud'a assistance, 1 might have eontinacd then, It getlin' her holt, that kitten Jledn'l dropped hor olawa in mo whoa It o mellow tm 0 bed the "Old Adam," And I Jumped to my foet with "Amen." 80, yo'r right whea yon aara it, Parson, Tbat ih flesh la weak and a nere, . And to keep yrr plow io tbo furrow When jer eat tie begins t rare Ain't ao ear tbiog. And betaooa aa. I say Itl Jist ao with Prayer. CORRUPTION .V THE AT A V Y DEPARTMENT. A Hor s conthiuons shsunce of nearly six months devoted to personal elec tioneering in Now Jersey or to pleas ure, Secor Itebeson has returned to Washington branded, by the honest people of his own Ktate with defeat snd diHfjrai. During all this time he drew every cent of the ofliriul Bnlory, just as if ho had beon actually present and engaged in the discharge of his functions, while it is notorious that tho Nuvy Department was turned over to a subordinate, and tho public business was scandalously neglected. One of tho first symptoms that he has resumed charge of the department is a notice that tho emimatcs for the ensuing fiscal year will be nineteen and a half millions of dollars, or any three and a hulf millions mora than wont appropriated at the last session for the current expenses. As tho incidents of the late election are fVcsh in tho pub lic mind, we bono that not a dollar He a saving of many millions annually if the appropriation bill for tho navy should be absolutely rejected, nntil a scfirehing reform was established. Without some radical treatment ofl this kind, the plundering that is now notorious will go on under pretexts and disguises that cannot bo success fully reached. v Thousands of men were employed in tho navy yards of Charlestown, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Norlblk, and Pentucola, just previous to tbe elec tion and dismissed a fovrdays after, as if to certify tho partisan object for which they were first taken on and then abruptly sent away. They wore not regular mechanics in any propor sense, but more hirelings picked up In tho Uresis and purchased with the people's money, voted by a corrupt Congress nnder tho false pretence of supporting tue army. I his outragoous abuse was first in troduced by Robeson on a large scale at the Mare Island Navy Yard, in California, three years ago, when tho workmen and employees were marched to the polls by their chiefs, and com pelled by open threats of dismissal to vote a Grant ticket conspicuously large and marked to enforce fidelity. It lias beon continued over since .grow ing continually in proportions and cost, nntil now immense sums are ex pended in this form of barefaced bribery-While every industry is suffering, trade is stagnunt, tens of thousands of j poor latiorvrs walk, tbo streets lit Idle ness, and taxation is to tho last degree oppressive, the Treasury is thus rob Imt by a venal Secretary to serve his own selfish ambition and to aid in keeping an inf'nmmis Administration in power. This thing has boen going on until tho seandul lias bt-como un bearable. Tho department is rotten in every part, and especially at tho head. W hen Mr. Borie requested the Pres ident to appoint Robeson as his suc cessor in the Navy Department, tho inU'iition was to nnprovo his needy condition by tho salary, He entered ofllco absolutely poor and dependent on the pay. lie Is now the owner of largo property in Washington, has built a summer residence at Long Branch, and maintains the style of liv ing of a shoddy millionaire at tha cap- Hoi. Jt is Uartlly necessary to ask how this wealth has been seen initiated in four years. His relation with con tractors and jobborry tell tho story plainly that would havo been revealed long ago in a mora positivo form, if an impartial inquiry had beon earnest ly pmscented by Oongfoea. Robeson, liko other member, of the Cabinet, has been whitewashed, hut Ins venuhty is rendered inoro patent by that fact. There aro so-called Democrats in Congress, too, who havo aided iu this process for a consider. lion, but the time is nearat hand when ,i,, rt ,.!, ,. k nested, and when officials who have acquired sudden fortunes mny expect to bo turned inside out. . Meantime let the navy hill be explored and the supplies stopped until the navy yard nroniirucv is oxamincd. and tho dindv officers In the Mediterranean is Imiuirbt i,nnin. v. r. .Nun. SkNsiiii.t HuoiriNii. United States Senutor tiordon, of Georgia, was sec ond in command to Lee at the close of tho war. , lie. concluded a speech at a Democratic joliticatiou in Atlanta, on Friday night, as follows: "One boon I auk in this hour of your uciivorancc. i bsk you to commission mo iu your name to pledge tixu the floor of the Hennte your fidelity In the Union under the constitution ; your acquiestenco in laws passed in accord ance with tho constitution. mod anil jbad, until lawfully repealed; yonrcor- iiiiu ii luniirmp tor every man anq Rll n,cn uf seutions who. will aid in r- nioniig peacej in ma awruons, Jttatioeto the Stales, liberty to the eitiwns pu rity to all departments of tho gov ernment, and tho constitution in its supremacy over the l'residunt, tlon uTess, and parties and people. Loud cheers. 1 thank yon, my country men, for tho response. Von aro as temiierato In triumphs as you Were great in adversity, you cherish malice to none, and are hostile only to thieves. aistirpers, and tyrants." It is now thought that tho defal cation Of Roberts, the fnisslnrr cashier of the first Ward National Bank, ol .Bot on. wil) rench 115.000. IWTtriWLXa TO PLAtWU 1'IIK .41 r 4-tl A lJI. 'Jivitr since the Radical party under took to violate tbe very cardinal doo- tnno of tho Federal Constitution by its twoustraetiou, policy, trouble has been tho necessary and direoi isas- quenco. ", That party never had any clour and well-defined idea of constitutional law. . When the passions ara excited, and hats and the lust of power combined are tho motives for action, reason is driven off hor sent, and her empire ia usurped by force. The Radical party, inflamed by pas sion, obtaining power by tho blindness which excited oinotlons produce In minds easily curried away from tho In fluences ot culm judgment, rioted In the numorical power it gainod in tho Federal Legislature from those causes. It was not possible tben' anccesaful ly to call the. attention f the. large majority in Congress to the principles on which our government was found ed. I To stop tho wild and vicious oourso of legislation auainsttho "States lately in rebellion," by directing tho minds of uongress to the Federal Constitution, was us impossible as to save the ship in a maelstrom by appealing to the technical rules ol navigation for safe ty. Ktttto sovereignty, Stuto constitu tions, "home rule," as tho cowards who fear to awakon,as they say'deud issues," now designate the supreme power in the 81 at on, the rights of (he people, ho very foundations' Of our system of government, were all, to fol low onr amiVo, washed overboard in order that the Radical party might continuo in power. Keoonstrtiction was the engine by which tho Radicals proposed to main tain thoir supremacy in tho Southern Hiatus, and thus control tho country. Such a policy begot its natural conse quences. licaving the landmarks of our gov ernment out of sight, tho course to be taken was decided by the sheerest ne cessity. Federal troops wore the agenLs to carry out the behest of the usurpers. The r-ovorelgn States of the South wore first eonnuorod, then they wore subjugated, then they were made sim ply military provinces. I'ower alouo was the rule. Tho rights. of tho people were crashed. Liberty waa s memory, when once it was the inspiration of the people Elec tions wore frauds, a mockery. ,The soldier, the Yankee carpet-bagger, the plunderer, tho oorruptioniats, tiie vilest of tho vile, were all tho chosen agents of Grant and his clique of Radicals to carry out their pluns for a perpetual lease of power under tho name of a "third-term." I'ronorty was no longer safe, it was worthless in many States, The peo ple were exnuatcd in their efforts to protect oven tho sanctity of their' homes, ami aa for political power they abandoned nil bono of over re gaining that agaiust Grant aud his gang of rufllans and their nogro allies. But thoro Is s groat God, and "his ways are not as our ways" The prayers of the people catno up to him in their agony, . Tho reconstruction scheme deman ded too much. It tried the patience and tho patriotism of the people be yond further endurance. The reac tion began. And now in Aakunsos, in Carolina, in Louisiana, in the South, the infamous policy Grant intended to use to destroy the people la comiug back on him, anil driving him to des pair. The people of the whole country cry out, (Shame! The elections are but the "still, small voice" ot the people, which must be heard and heeded. ; Reconstruction is full of perils to Grant and his party. It will bury them In the grave of the suicide, that unconsocrnted ground in which the outcasts of society are hidden from the pity of the world. Tho plana and s hemes of Grant and his Radicals havo utterly failed, but tho develop ments which come out of reconstruc tion are daily fastening on him and his party the execrations of every pa triot in all tho lands where liberty ev er had a rusting place. Reconstruction is going back to Washington, to plague the inventor. Commonwealth. TIIE SOUTH AND GROES. TIIE NK- Tho conduct of the South since the elections has disappointed both foes and friends. Secretary Hoboson is re- Cnrted to have said early in hia lata rilliunt canvass for the Henatorship in Now Jersey, that tho Administra tion would have no trouble in this campaign, that the Republicans never fot into a acrapo but that tho South ielied them out. It was no fault of the Secretary's friends iu the newspa pers and elsewhere that the ef forts to make the outrage business at the South help them out provod a fail ure. If the Secretary since the elec tion, has cherished tho hope that, in toxicated with victory and forgetful of tho caution ot the campaign, tho South would now help out the Admin istration, and produro the reaction for which it has been looking so longingly, ho seems again doomed to disappoint ment; The South was never more quiet, never moro temperate or consid-, ernto, thau it has been runne the eleo Uon. The tone of the Southern poli ticians and of tho Southern press is thoughtful, moderate, and in tho main just. There seems not the slightest reason to apprehend any danger for the ncgroos ; and on this subject, In deed, wo find so vohemont a Southern journal as the Memphis liwat' bolib'ng tho following langtiago; "Iet us remember that tho Democ racy, as a national party, is just emorg. ing from the fatality ot aoventeen years of defeat and overwhelming dis aster ; that, lilted tip and reinvigora ted ns it has been by the pooplo, it is only as a trial-test of its rapacity to rule and govern wisely, and in accord ance with the Constitution aa it ia We of the South especially must In moderation, do all we can, in justice to ourselves, to. disarm the nogro of i the prejudices Willi winch His mind has been filled against ns. We must dis pel his apprehensions and distrusts of us, and prove to him that we are not disposed to trench tiwm him his rights anil liberties, but in a spirit of Jiiir ness, of jnstico and equity' becoming our rrwponsiliilltlcS and tntalligmiee, wo will nmtect audi distend them in them all.,. Let us, too, prove to the Kopiihlifuna of the .North that we aro Americans as they are, that we have tho same interest in tho country, and in party ascendency seek only i th good of tho Republic, whoso glory is ours, and whose still glorious future wo must share. - Altogether the exultation of the rumtli over tho election seems likely In furnish juntas little Administration capital as lbs Southern (lutrsgo buii ncsa did before it. Tribune. A monster pike was caught the oth er day with s net in Kapoly Lake, near Bagshnt, England, which belongs to the royal domain. The flsh welghod 30 pounds and miuinircd 3 feet 10 inches In length; The eye waa ex-' ceedingty beautiful, the 'head shone like smoked moUierof.pttari, every scale was perfect, and ,; Has red as a Ssrch ; four black bars extended some Istance from the tail npward, giving the fish a aohra like appearance. Tbe flsh is supposed to be about fifteen years old. Its roe weighed 3J pounds aod contuinad i3,O0S ejgi.. ' -A laugh la worth a hundred groan in any market. i ,. , ritosPECT of a Lively time AT WASHINGTON. Tho President, we are Inforniod hr despatches from Washington, looks upon the result of the rooent elections as complimentary to himself and eon dunnatory only to tho Republican members 0f Congress. This cortninly is very cool. , , Ou the oUrer -band, many of the luauiiig men in me itepumicen party have expressed the ' opinion that the responsibility of their defeat resta principally Uron the President. Thla is tho view taken by Gen. Nyo and others, and by the RopuWIcan press pretty generally. ' We do not think this wldo and ut ter difference of opinion betwoon tho President and hia party is likely to be reconciled before the mooting of Con gress. On the contrary, it is in the nature of things that it should be SWfonod and embittered. . It will break out iu tho dobatoa. We look for its manifestation the very first day of me suasion, tne I'rosiuent may be unwise enough he has a genius at stupidity if no has a gonitis at any thing to put his notion of the causes which produced defeat into his mos ago. Whether be does or not, the whole country already understands what ho thinks. Tbe members of tho House and Henato who look upou his slaughter of nis own partyassurpassinghisslauitht- er of soldiers in the war, are very likely to speak thoir minds right out. There will bo little fear of the Whitw House manifested on the floor of Con gress, we apprehend, during tho ap- proacinng suasion, 'i he words "third term" will probably be used a million times or less in debate. Gentle hints will be thrown out about the Presi dent's relations, about his improporap pointments, and about many other things that it will not be pleasant to him to be reminded of. On tho whole there is every proa- pect of a lively time in Congress. It will be a memorable session, short aa it Is ; and we do not think it will scorn short to the President, Tbo debates will not be entertaining reading for him. The interest of tho people will bo promoted by these differences and dis sensions in tho Republican party. Much truth will be told whioh has heretofore been ooncealed, and as the Administration vanishes, the publie at mosphere will become panned. -V. Y. Sun, i. KEtLOQO AND LOXQSTREET. We ran immagine uo greater hu miliation, no more drcadfal shock to the sensibilities of any man, who eith er is or has been honorable, and whose associates have boen of tho most ele vated and unexceptionable character than to have his name linked witb that of tho infumous usurper whose acts of oppression crowned by an exhibition ot cowardice altogether unparalleled. have shocked and disgasted the decent men of all parties throughout the country. That General Longstreet has deliberately chosen to ally hiinslf wiui this man and linked bisname and fame inseparably with Kelloirk. is one of those remarkable and inexplicable things which we are bound to accept as a tact, but which ia inexplicable ex cept npon theories tbat make ns ashamed of our race and civilization. e think of Ijonirstreot as we have seen him so often upon the glorious and victorious battle fields of Virginia, with his sword ever flashing in the front of conquering legions, his very name a tower of strength, an Inspira tion to the army and a terror to the foe, and then this bright picture fados from the mind, and in its stead rises another dark enough and horrible enough to make us fancy we are the victims ol a terrible nightmare. Tbe gallant soldier, the dauntless leader, the friend of Robert E. Leo, tbo com panion in arms of Stoncwcll Jackson. has dwiudled to an insiirnificant chief in tho pay of the most despicable of an tne carpet-bag Governors tbat have been foisted opon the Southern States. At tbe head of tbe paid hirelings of tue usurper, lie does not hesitate to make ruthless war upon the white pooplo of the Stato, and seems to take aa mnch delight in shooting down bis old comrade in arms witb bis Hessian soldiers as be did In slaughtering tbe Federal soldiers who confronted him during the war. The sight of Long street sitting npon his charger andur tbe shadow ol the Custom House, and calmly ordering an assault upon the people of Now Orleans, which be knew must result in the murder and maiming of many of those who once loved and honored him, is to ns the saddest picture in tho book of time, and causes such conflicting emotions mat it is mmrnit to donno or classify them. Alas for a great nnmo blasted and withered forever I Who could have believed that a man who hod risen so high, who had almost touched the topmost summit upon the mount of fame, could ever have consented to wallow in the depths of such profound disgrace fJVrtd Orleans Bulletin. THE ORIGIN OT MOSS AO A TK. A correspondent of the Chicairo lit- trr Ocean, writing from the plains, says that Professor Mttdge, of Kansas, has found whero "moss-agates" come from, and knows just how to get at them. As they are usually discovered in the loose plains gravel, they have been supposed to owe their deposit to drift, ineir original norne naving been in uie North. Professor Mudge has found, however, surprising as it seems, that they originated in the pliocene depos its of Kansas, la some localities, this pliocene consists of a sedimentary si itcious deposit, formed of matcriul va rying from coarse Hint quarts chalce dony. Oxide of manganese, more or less crystalixod in minute moss-like springs oxtend through the whole stratum,, hich is often eight fuct thick. The "agates" are mainly found in tho upper six inches, and some of thom aro remarkably beautiful. The whole mass is very interesting to the miner alogist, as showing the so-called "inoss- aguto" through the wholo process of iui imi iiittuuii. me lower portion iu diuntos an Imperfect solution of tho silica and oxido of manganese, but tho upper low inches, Whore the best spe cimens are found, evince the deposit in a high stato of chemical development. The "uioswagatr," deposit forms the cap-rock of all the high bills in the vi cinity of Hhcridap, ou the Kansas Pa- cittc Hailway, and also about Fort Wallace. In ono Instance Professor Msdgo found bonus and portions of tbe tusk ot a mastodon, which, in pro cess Of firssilisation had changed to nearly pure silica, and In tho change had bot'omo infused with fine, spring-! liko crystals of black oxide of manga nese, thus presenting the strange phe nonunion pf ivory actually oonrer- led into "moss-agate." Some of the apeoimchs oannot bo detected in ap-J iH'aranre from tho real ircm. Profoa- Uor Mudgo thinks the agency h)b uruuticeu tins siniriiiar ireaR ot nature must have been similar to the action of tlio "hot snrlnir"of Iceland and Yellow ntona para, tuo only known natural agcicy that will make allies eat of or ganic substances. The fact is s cori ous one at any rata ; and, while it may overstock tho "mona-agato" markets, it furnishes tho siieutiat a revelation of rare MiUtrwt and value. Profuaaor Marsh, of Yakt la already giving it critical examination, and specimens have been furnished to othor promi nent gentlemen iu thla line of business. At tht recent reunion of tha TWr family at Hyraoase, tber were nraa. ent sixteen out of twenty Methodist ministers, all of whom belong to the family. Five of them were Wbers, whose ages range from 6a to 80 Tears. , ' - ' . 1 '.:.!. , , 'MARKET STREET, CLEABFI ELD, PEN Jf'A. We dosirs to call the attention of tho citizens 'of Clearfield county to the fed that we I - - hae opened a ( t , . ' ; MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, U7t. .... J . i l i r ii a . l - ) '.. ii . ' HIII.-HJ wo iniuiiu io constantly Keep on nana a inn siippry.pi PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL .... 11., ! , ' , '" Our slock of PIANOS will consist GEORGE STECK & CCS PIANOS, STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS We are prepared at all times to furnish any of I he cheaper makes of Pianos to ordor on the moat favors Uo terms as to prices and terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular KYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndor's Knco Tiemolo and downward Octave Coupler,) , . . , Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON 6i HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MCLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides ihese we furnish to order Organs from any fuctory desired. , Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR AND BART LEASE PLAN. i On our easy terms everyone can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. - , LOWe shall be glad to have you call and see us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. ocl'23-'72-ly tMF.Vs MUSIC STORE. $lisf(Uaufous. VALUABLE FAftn FOB SALE I IN CIRARD TOWNSHIP. Tbe anderalgaed affera for aalo tha farm oa whlib bo aow midee, aituate la 4J irard towmbip, CleirArld eoaaly, Pe., formerly owned by Juitia J. Pie. Tbe farm eoataiaa 120 aorM, aao Ii very deelrably loaated. The balldiaga are all aew, aad eonitet f a large frame boaee, having good eeller anderaeatb, aud good water aoaveeientl large frame bara, blaehimilb abop, wagon ihed, ipring beueo, Ae. The buildiaga e. thla farm are aa good, if aot better, tbaa oa aay farm io Clearneld ooauty. Tbo land ia ef aaperior quality and in a good itete ef ealtivatlea. PoMeaeioa will be givea la tba aprlng, or at aoy Ume molt ouaveaieatte tbe porehaeer. Tbe terma will ba reaaeneble. Peraoaa deairoae of porcbajiag aaa eddraie tbe eubaeriber at Leeoate'a Willi P. O., Clear!. 14 eoaaty, Pa,, or apply la pereea ob tho premliea. Any peraoaa waatiag any iafnrmatlon in ragerd ta Ibe quality of tbo land, tbe kind of building! Ihereoo, A.., Ae.,oaa get tbe information byeall la ee Hberif Pie, la Clearleld, aa ha awaed Ibe farm for a aamber ef yeen, and of eoorie hnowa allaboalit. WENDELL ENPRES, Lwoale'e Mill,, Cmarleld Co., Pa. Jaaaary It, 117a. JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE, MATTHIASES, , AND . Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tba aadenlgoed brga leave to Inform tba eltl eeai of Clearleld, and lb. pablia graerally, tbat be baa oa hand a Ina aaeortment ef Puraiture, eaab aa Walnut, ObeMnat aad Paiated Chamber SuiUa, Parlor Bailee, Reeli.iag and Bateaiioa Cbalra, Ladlae aad tleall' Kaey Cbaira, tba Per forated Dietag aad Parlor Cbaira. Caaa SeaUaad Wiadeor Caaira, Cl.leee Bare, Slap aad Ktlea aioa Ladders, Hal Raeka, Herabbiag Braibea, Aa MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES. Looking eiaeeee, Ckremoa, Ae, wblek woald be eaitabie for Holtoay praaenle. da.U7! JOHN TROUTMAN. T OOK OUT FOR THE SIGN or TUB BIG . CANT HOOK I MARKET 8TREET, CLEARFIELD. Tha aid Obarlald Rieolitor Caat Hoob Oo. le dlmelved, ud a aew ee termed by Aeaai Kiw aard aad 0. B. Menell, af OlearSeld, aad 0. M. Allard, of Neaportam, Cameron eeunty, oi part aura, and Jn. B. Weteon, of Clearleld, ai Gener al Agent, Tbo aew eompawy will earry oa Ibe buiineae ef maaulaetariog, eelltng aad abippiag Ika Cant liooki. with all their tmpreveiaente, whieb are bow porfeet. All ardrre promptly tiled. 'AS. E. WATSON, Jaly let, 1ST. Oeal Ageaa. FAIRBANKS! STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL 1inB BCJISV Bavrnvi tTarehoasej Track a, Cwpylnf Preeaea, In prevail Money trwer, pet lata u. BT II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers la Hardware, eblliTI tf ' Seeaad Street, Clearleld, Pa. . TIIE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Maaafaetared aepeelally for THK CLEARFIELD TRADE, auglll 11. F. BIQLER A CO. F OK 8 A L E! A larre aad weH-lulebed Rrtek Dwelliac, lita- ate oa the river baah, ra taoWaeoagh el Clear leld, eaatalatag elevea raaeaa, with awed oeHar, water la tba hluhee, aad all tha Bnedora aoavw- abaoea. Paalrtee, Satb-raem, Clotbee-preeeee, Aa. Let etaty root rroat aaa two Bwaaroe aaa iBtrty (oil baek, with a tvreely laol alley aa Ibe Mat aide, eats Balldlag, Wlta all in. apparleaaaora, will ba aeld aheap, with payaaatota aaU pareba. sar. Applleatiwa eaa aa mad. la tba aader iliaed, r ta A. 0. Tata, Raq, wha will give all aeooooary lalonB.tl.a ta thoaa who deelra t. ia apeel the properly. .,...,,. inw.i. nnubwuua. Mey!lat,IStl,ir. liATZEM A LYTLK, AORNTS IN CLSARVIRI.D COUNTY FOR IrORIIsldAIlD'S , Calibrated BraBda of " ' Smoking ft Chewing Tobaccos. We art enabled te wholeettt Co deejert Ikrota-h- o ibo osjbbij m any ra, RATtBH LTTL1, CltBrlelsJ. Ptv ieSiMU MITCHELL WAGONS. Tha Best is tha Cheapest I 1 thomai Rellly baa Maelred aaather large let af -miieweii wagoai," wntea ai. aa)oag tne vary beet manafaetarad, aad which ha will aall at lb. meet reaeeaable ratal. Hia etook iaeludea almoet all deeariptleaa f wageea largeaad email, wld wad aarrew traak. Call aa I eee tbem. agrS'74 TUOMAS RR1LLT. Attrntlea, Umbcrmcn! WE ara aow miaululutlng our IMPROVED STIRL-SOUKST liKIVlHU CANT ROOKS, auperier te aay elber la tba. Wa bar. alia la atoek a large eaealily af Caatbooha lalta ble for raniaw okeepllefm.B. AMOS A R. BERNARD. viaaraeaa, ra-, area II, ISI1. CHEAP GROCRR1RHI ' LUMBER CITT. PA Tka aaderelrnel aaawawoaa re hie old frleade aad aalraaa that be kao apewed a goad lie. at UROCKRIBH A PROVISIONS at tbe eld etaad af KirS a Rpaaw.TW wklek be toilette a nherat pamaaagu a. w. aranuaa. Laabw City, Pi., Marah IS-tf. IWiSffUatlfOUS. c LEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TUB DderaigtuMl, eaoeeaaora to REED k POWBLL, havo purebeasMl tbo CLKAR FIRI.l) PLANING MILL, mud reOtled It fur dot of bb eiteoaiee bmioeaa. All Ue maehinery will bo added areeeaarjr to ka.ke It ono of tbo BDUft eoBiuleto Mtavb iibmenta el tbo kind la tbo Stato. Tba ara pgw prepared to reeoivo ordort for any work in tbat line. They will cTOciai attention to all m atari alt for hoaao buildinf. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS,' BLINDS, BRACKETS, .OliM'J,,c. OF ALL STYLES, alwaya oo band. WORKED BOARDS, and all artlele ry fnr build log, will be uchnnfnd for DRV Ll'WHKH, to that pertoBS at a diotaaoo mmy bhog their Inanbor, ei oh an (re it for, and return hoBM with tba mannfaotared artielee. Tbo Company will alwaya bara on hand a larre took of dry lumber, ao aa to bo nbto to All bb order ob tbo ahoHoat notice. Only tbo (Mat aad loot akiiitni Ban da wiu bo employed, ao tBat tha pablio May rely apoa good work. Lnabor will bo worked or aold aa low aa It eaa be pnrebaaod any where, and wnrrmatod ta give aaliafaetiom. Aa tho bnaloeai will bo done npon the eoeh principle wo oaa nflord to work fur mall prolu. DRY LUMBE t WANTED 1 Bapeolally ano aad-a-l alf and two ineh naael atalT, for which a liboral priee will ba paid. The bu.Deii will bo eoadnoted anler tbo name of tho nieitrficld riunlnff Hill Co." 0. B. Marr.ll will per tonally aapariatend the baaiaaaa. Ordera rnepetfHlly avlioited. 0. R. MERRRLL. R. B. TAYLOR. M. U. UKOWN A ORO. Cleararld, Pa., January t, 1874. jpSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA StRAM MILLS, BiatiFAcvvaaa LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS aaa Sawed at Patent Ribbed Shinglei. H. U. BlltLLINOFORD, Pneideal, OBeo-Foreat Place, No. 116 S. 4th at., Pbll'a. JOHN LAW6I1K, Oeaeral Sup'L, Oarwla Milla, Clearleld eaaaty, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS fur aala ia lbs beroagb oi ueeooie. . Al.aa Kaew Ibe LARUEST ASSORTMENT ef Uoodi ia ClMr&eld oouoty at their Mammoth siore ta uioeoia. jaua-7 The Lightning Tamer. THE and oral gned ara tbo Bole A genie In thla ooauty far the "North Ameriena tialTaalaod LIOUTNIRO H0D1." Toeeo are the only aofc roda now la weo, aad ara endorsed bf ail tba freieattle aiea In tho eon try. Wo hereby aotify tho eillieoe of tba aoanty that wa will pat thea Bp a better rod, aad for leaa Bieaey, than la ahargod by tha foreign agent who an anally trevorae tha aoaaty aad earry aw awr little eaaa, Barer to retara. ENCOUIUGE HOME LABOR. Thoia wlahtng Llgbtntag Rode areetod their balldinge Bead bat add row aa by letter, at aall la pereea. We will pot thea ap anywhere IB theeenaty, aad warrant theaa. The Kodaaad Piitaroeena be teea at any time by celling at eeratere. H, P. BItiLKB A CO, OlonrleM, Mareb SI, 18T If READING FOR ALLI1 BOOKS A STATIONERY. Narket It., t'laarttald, (at th lat OtXra.) rpilE nnderalgnod boft leaT ta aaaownoo to X the eitUoae of Claarield and vieintty.ihal he baa Ittad Bp a raoa aad bai Jaat retaraod Area tbeelty with a large anoint of reading aaiier, ceaaianng in pan ot Biblei and Uisoellaadoofl Books, Dlaok, Aecoaat aad Paal Book a ef overt de acriptioa Paper and Envelopoa, Proa eh prewed no) plain Pena and Peaeilaj Blank, Legal npere, ueetio, aiortgagea Jadgaeat, Rieats Uoa and Proalaiory ante i While and Porh aeat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, aad Bill Cap. Sheet, Maalc for either Plaaa, Plata ar Violin eoaaUBtly aw baad. Aay be he ar atatioaerf dealred tbat X aay aot have aa hand, will ba at ordered by drat eipreae, aad aold at wboleanla ar retail to ealt enateaen. t will alia hoop frveajmi u torn i are, anon aa Bsjagneinoa, newt. papertsne. - r. A. UAUL1N. Olenrleld May t, UH If Lime for Sale I T 11 aasaralgaes, reeldlag Bar tha dearl bai made Mmnlale arraneemeate allj Llmm Raraera eaal af Ibo meaateia. wher.be b. la bW to keep metaatly oa baad a luge quantity ol PUUKLIMKI whieb be offers ta farmera aad balldera at a IrtS. bov.Mit. Thoa.iaaMd.fth. artleie'wnldwe wl t gtr. aa. a nil. or addreee ma by letter, b.. fore aegollatiag tk.tr lime. ORO. 0. PAHSMORR. Clearleld, Pa., Joae I, IISS. 1,1 very Ntablo. Til R aaderaigrd begi leave U Inform the pab lia tbat he ia aow fully prepared la aeremmo. date all ia tha way of feralihtag HorMB, Suggira, Saddlea aad Ilaraau, oa tba ibort.it aotlee and raaaaaable terma. Ralld.aaa .a Loeaat ilmt, betwie. Third aad Fearth. OEO. IT. QEARtlART. niaarlold, Feb. 4, IITI. MERCHANDISE. - of ," "" iotflj. IEONARD IIOU8B, -J (Near the Railroad Depot,) CLRARPIXLU, PA. A ibaro of publie petroaaaw ia rMpeetfally aw llelted. 4:l'f S. B. ROW, Prop'r. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Froal etraata,) CLEARP1KLD, PA. Tka aaderaigoad kaviag takoa ekarga af thla Ilolel, would reepoetfally Mlieit publi. patreaaga. eeti ia a.aiatua bh.w. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHIaNOTOV, PA. Thla bow and well raraiabotj bomro baa boom taken by tbo aa.leraifol. Ho feola oewldont of being able to rttndrr asvliatot ion totbooowboaaa favor htm with a eaJl. Maj I, U7I. O. W. DAVIS. Pref'r. JJOMTOUI HOUSE, vppsMtta uo tjovut llenaog LOCK HA VI IT, riXB'A. jU7l HAUHIAL A I ROM, Prop!. PKLLKFONT1, PA, D. JOHNSTON SONS, - Prwprietara. O.IIS'71 LOYD HOUSE, Meia Street, PHILIPSBURO, PENN'A. Table alwaya auwnlied witb tbe beet tbe marhel alurdi. Tbe travelibg-wabu. ia laviud to ealL aavl,7. ROBERT LOYD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Career of BWeoad aad Market Straata, CLEAMPILO. rA.- Til 1 9 old aad oeamedleao Hotel baa. daring ah. paat year, biea aalargad la do. Me tu formw MMwaaity f.r th. wvartaiamaal af atraa. gara aad gaaata. Tka wkola halldiag has bsa refuraiehed. aad tba proprietor will epere aa palaa U re.der kla genu aamfartahla wbll. auyiag with him. mar-Phi 'Maaeiea Haaaa" Omalaas rasa as aadfromth.D.p.t.Btb. arrival aad departara efoa.klr.la. JOHN DOUBHIRII. aprS-71 If . Preprloor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market SL, art. rUeoad aad Third,) VLBaariKLU, rau Tba maawiber haviaa baeema amrlatar ad thla hotel, woald reapaalfally aak a liberal ehara ef publie patroaage. apu ia usuaua lkipoldt. CUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, O Cl'RWENSVILLB, Clearfield eoonty, Poan a. Tbia aid aad wall oateaSlilhW Hotel, sjoaattfailv ait uo ted oa tha haaki of tha SaoajMbaaaa, la tha boroogh of Carweaavillo, baa boea loaaed for term of jnart by tho nndonlfaed. It boa boon entirely red tied, and te aow open ta tba pablia Beneraiiy ana too traveling aosnanaatty la par tienlar. No palna will bo apnrod to raador gicoala ennfortablo while tarryiag at tbia bowaa. iatpla Rtnbllng room for tho aeooniBk4iltioa af toaaaa. Ohnrgea nod-rate. AiepL , 187l.tr. ELI BLOOM. J. M. STEWABT, D. D. 8., OSes ever Irwla'i Drag Stara, CUBW BNSV1XLB, FA. All denul one ration a. tber la the ..WUI r operative branch, promptly atuwded re aad aaliafantloa gaaraataed. Spaeial aUratiea pMd t. tbe treatment ef diaeaaaa af Ibe aataral Ueaa, g.ma and maalh. Irregalarlty f Ih. teeth awa. eeeefallyoorreeled. TeeOjeatraetedwitboatpaia by tba aaa of Ether, aad arttSetal teeth laeertad of the bMt material aad warraaled U rewdw aaa. lareetloa. aarllll'llilw ?anti. Cm, nlw Natinwimt DmmL vuuiiif liauuiltu Baillk, OF CLEARPIBLD, PA. ROOM IB Meoa.1. Balldlag, aa. daar Berth at 0. D. Waeaea'a Drag Stww. Paaaag. TnkaU I. aad flwaa UraaaL Bawu. toww, Ulaigow, Uadoa, P.rla aad Copeabva. Alee, Irrani for Bale oa Ibe Royal Daak e IraUad and Impwlal Bank .f taaeoa. JAMK8 T. LBONARD, Pratt. W. M. SHAW, Chi.e. , .0,1,1,74 y n bt'ni.v w. i m BANKHJQ & OOLLEOnO! HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Saoaaiaon ba Feater, Fwka, A Oo. rhlllawkarf , Ceatra Caaaty, Pa. W1 HERB all the baaiaaaa af a Baaklag Re.' will ee traaeMt .raaaatl a.S ., it moat favoraol. terms marT-af DREXEL & CO.. Re. a aVraU Third Strawt, HiUadalphla i . BJA-MLKMA, . And Dealers In Government Sacurttiei, Applloatloa by mail will reaalva wrampl attea tloa, aad ail lamvaaaliaa ahawrfally farBieked, Ovd.ro eli.ud. April ll-tl. u NDKRTAK1NU. Tbe aadwralgaed an aew felly areparad la tarry aa tbe baiiaeaa af 1INDEBTAKING, , At REASONABLE BATES, Aad Nepwlfally aallall th patro.age af thoea aeadiag eweb aervrle. JOHN TROUTMAN, rVMr1'' J IME1 , LIME! The aad.nlgned la ae prepared te farabk . ... .... m,wm, ...eiliy Bl ' Bsllsfonte Wood-Burned LJme, foa pl.et.rlag aarwaeea. by tbe hvrga ar small '""'a'!!. C,!.fo,,'a.praMata Pla'l V Lis till I Bias) aiaa let - L a, ' L. at. McCtJLLOUSI. J. It. M'MURRAY W.iy,.IlT.rtT T0B W,T" V ARTin.B OF MBRC1IANDISB AT THB VBBT LOET PBICB. COMB ABD SKB. (IJ II ) NEW WASHINGTON.