i 8ACKETT & SCnRYYER, DBaLEM !:, li i :s HARDWARE, and a-aaufaetarera of 1 11 V .7, '!!.! Tln.Copper & Shffi Iron Ware, Beeood Sle,''' CIBARFIEID, PA. llevleg largely borea.ed or ttoek or llard wr, w iavite tin public to eiamiue oar and priota. ' 1 ' ' 1 Cerpntere d pcrtonl who ontempiat halld lag will do woll lo examine oar TOOLS BUILDIHO HAKDWAEK, whtek I aew and of tb barl naaafMtafo, aa will bo told low for oath. NAILS, ,'t., GLAS8,'.- POTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, " ' 1 1 ! " 1 LATCHES, ,. , . . IIINGES, . ' SCREWS All kladl of Bench Plenel.Bawt, Chltell, Square, Hammert, Hatchet, Plumb and Level, Mortited A Thumb Onegaa, Bevel, 1 Brum a Bill, Wood aod Ira - Bench Screw, and the boti -' Bortnf M aehio la too ' ' " market. Double and Single Bitt Aies, ' FOCKEI CUTLERY, at. Agents for BurneWs Iron Com Shelter, wrrnia. AJ,gonUforB,lbard' 'y ' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, which effectually eon Smoky Fluol. Farmer' Implement! and Garden Tool of vry aoteripiioa. A large redely of ' I COOK1 STOVES, 1 which we warrant to flro eatiafaotioa, Portable Ranret and FtsrumceB. fc,Roofinr, Spouting md Job Work don reaaonable (orwi. All ordera will receivt prompt attention. June 11, ws. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saeofiifon to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Muafevettrai of ;:..;! i' PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES ' Corner of Foartk and Flu Street, ; CLEARFIELD, PA. u HAVFNO engaged In the mannreetara of Ant elau HACHIMERT.wampoetfalllnforai the publle tbat we are now prepared to 111 all orderf a eheeply and ai promptly at ean be deaf In any of the eitlel. We nannfattare and deal la : ; ,:. ; v : Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Ilead Bloekl, Water Wheel,, Shafting Pulleyt, Oifford'f Injector, Steam Oaagel, Steam WhttUai, XMtn, Tallow Cope, Oil Copt, waoge Cede, Air Coeke, Qlobo Valref, Check Valree, wrought lroa Plpea, B'.eam Pompa, Boiler Feed Pampa, Aotl Friction Metrei, Soap Stone Packing, Oam Pack ing, and all klndi of HILL WORK) together with Plowl, Sled Bolel, , COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all hlnda, TOrderl ollolted and Blled at snj prices All letter of iaqulrj with reference to machinery of oar mannfactara prompllr aaiwored, hj addroe lng ai at Cleartald, Pa. i r . JaalTd-lf BIOLBR, TOONO A RIED. JEW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hare juit opened : . - , Niw 8Toat, on Main St.,Ci.tairiiLn, Pt lalelr occupied b; Wm. T. IRWIS. Their ttock eoniiita o( atnr 3&xE)ZDS Oiocitiu of the beat quality, QticGNBtVAREf Boots and Shoes. and erery article oecaaaart for i i one'i comfort. Call And examine our itoek before pur chealng eliawhare. May 0, 1860-lf. 'J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, , ( Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eoaftantly oa band. STOXK AABTnis-WARE 9Ff ERT PISCRIPTIOJlf' , I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS) Maker'a Patent Airtight Self Sealing . - Krelt Caaot ttlTTRR CKOOKt, with ' CREAM CROCKS, Mfl.K CROCKS, APPLI - Bt'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLI CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, Aad a great many other tblngi toe Baiaefewi t aieotioa, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE WARE rOTTERY, Comer ot Cherry and Third Streeta, t;i,aAitriHi.u, ra. aogl . Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST" ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CIIBAPE8TI A Proclamation against High Prices) WE are bow flpcntng ap e lot of the belt and meet eeaconeble Uoode aad Ward eror offered la tble market, aad at prlceo that rented one of the wi eld deri of cheap thtngt. Thnor wbe lack faith apna tble point, or deem oof alia gatloBi eapcrfleoei. need bet 1LL eAtT OIR BTOHK, Comer Fmt and Merke. itreeta, Wber they ean ate, feel, hear and know f, ,, Wee. To folly anderiland what arechcap goodi tble meet be doae. We do not deem It aeoeiiary t anamerate and Itemlie ear Btoek, It ia eaeaaa for a la ttata that We bare Everything that is Needed aad aoaeamed la tble market, and at prion tbat aetoaiih both aid aad yoong. - -, daele JOUb'PH rTAW flott Clearfield Nursery. 3NCOUOAGE UOK1 INDUSTRY, rpnl eaderilgaea, kaetag teuhllihel a Kat J. aery aa the 'Pike, abool half way belwoot CSJam-Aefd aad OarweMillla, la prewar' a far atafellkkidoar FRUIT TREEsVfiUwderdaad aWarf.) Eeergreeaa, Shrabbery, Drape Vlaao ooeeVeeaaee, Laalea Blaebberrti Jlrtwtarry, aad lewberr Vlaea. Alie.SlborlaaOrabTreaa, llwhaa, aed early icarlil R he barb, A. Ordan piimirtalaiaalod aa. - Aeereeey n - '! - . WIM. eeM-a.y . . . Cerwee ellle, Pe. I HIT RImh w. w. nni. WEAVER & IIKTT.H CLEARFIELD, PA., it i :i 'v ? . Art offering, at tho old aland of O. L. Reed A Co. their itoek of goodi, eonilitlng of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, d ,B0,018 HOBS,- ; HATS A CAPS, 1 1 , iflARDWARB, QUK8N8VARK, .: FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &c., &o, At the moat raaaonalile relet (or CASU or U ,ii tf . ' J i . (.1 t. i eichange for .- ' i . t n f! -'f I t .11 Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. &AdTeneel made to tboea engaged la get tiog oat eqnare timber oe the mott advantagcoui ermH '-....' 5 r.-; X pd'UanIS KRATZER & LYTLE, , MARKET STREET, C I. R .1 H F I K I. D. P A. Dealcn In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES, Hardware and Queenswarf., Boots, Shoes, lints, Cnps, 4o. at-Shoemakera aapplled With LEATHER aad SHOE FINDINGS at reduced ralea. SALT t SALT I SALT! at wholti.lt aad retail Tory cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Aft R liberal diaeoant to balldera. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTHS-ln large qaantitio. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, alwayi on hand. e?AUoftho abaea goodi are purehaaed exolBilTely for eaah, and therefore ooa aad mitt be cold ai ebeap ao Ibe cheepelt. ' airill-T4 rpo TUE F 11 0 NT ! -" ' CHEAT EXCITEMENT , i AT TUB , CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTER SALOON! ; Tb anieriifrneri baring Juit Bttrd up new, largo nd eonrorUblu roomi on Markot it root, ntar Third, rtipeetrallj iafortsi tbo public thol ho now tirflptretJ t tvoeomaod-to them with oTwytbinn U bii fio on nburt totloouid ot(l bor gi tuo uoy. , Ho koya oa b-vntl s HUSKS, ROLLS, PIES. CAKKB, fell klndi. FRESH OYSTCRS IN EVERY STYLE, and a goooral aiiortiacnt of CONFFCTIONEBIBS, PHI'ITP; NUTS. Ac, All of wit i eh will boddirorod to onatomonat their toi!dent, wbon rtqtttitod to do to. ICE CRBAlf, by thediib, wrved in a noallj fur- ,- . - aUhod roo Thankful for tho g entroni patrooago bestowed lo tho pait, fat hopoa U ntrit and moof a eon tloooDOO of tho aaiaa firvn hii old ooito mortp aod otherf, JOHN STADLER. June 18.71-tf. ' JQANIEL G00DLANDER, LUTHKKHBUHCI, PA., 3 . Doalarln , ' t ; DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 1I0S1ERT & GLOVES, I HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Grooeric and Fiih, Valli, Hardware, (Joeentware and Ulaatware, Men t and Boya' Clothing, Vrogi, Painle, Oilt, School Booke, ft large lot of Patent alodioinea, Caadica, NaU A Dried Fntlla, rbeeee and Crack- eri, tvoca and Hile J'owder, Flour, Grnio nnd Potatoes, Clorer and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Morocco., Lining., Bindiogl and J bread, eoocmakerr Yoola and Shoe Findiagi. No greater variety of goodi In any itore In the eoanty. All for lale very low for eah or enontrj produoe at the Cheap Coraor. Aug. 27, 1871. F EC0NQMY IS AN OBJECT, BUY YOUR CLOTHING, 1 Furnishing Goods, &o., D, STEWART & SON'S ! ( v , i v t ,x CLOTHING STORE. ! 1 They keep a full line of f ilen't, Youths' Jt Soys' Clothing. Alio, Umbrollos, Sutchella, Overalls I UU, Sbirts, Ucderelurtt, nad ; Drawer, Ao., Which they wiU cell ot molt reetcnable price. i aaa eaemiae I.Mr gnoaa oeiara purraaMBg where. Room oa Market Street, oppoiite theCoart nna.e. Olearteld, I'a., April 1, 1174. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Feni townehlp, Cbjerneld Oo., Pa. ' BURNED IIUTI ' )!.!-.' bt ate ' j .' BURNED UPI Tho luoMrlrHtri have, at root oitxinio, rcbnllt aalgbborbood ooitlly, tn tho orootlon of a Iral Diana Wonka Manofantorr,wHh all tho aiodoi-n imnrovonHati attaobod, and aro pi-oparrd to mum all kindi of Clot hi. Caailmerea, Katiaetla. Blaa- kola, Vlannoli, Ao Plenty of gnodf oa ha ad to apply all onrold and a thooaand naw ouitomera, wrifwn we ai to oome ana ixainino oar iioofc. Tbo bail neti of ( ,, ' ! CARDING AND FCLLTNO will rootlra oar tapoolal attcntloa. Pronor rratifrroMjH will r taade to romlro and delirot Wool, to toll eaatomcra. Alt work warrantod and dnao opoa (ho ahortaat nntleo, and by itriot attow- uh 10 oamicn wo nort to roaiiva a Uborai abaro of pnbHo patron a ko, i 104KKI rOUNDS WOOI. WANTED! We Will Dtvv the 1...ti.it mtrket nrlndt fn- Wna and evil tmr aantirMtarod rdo aa low oa Hilar rda ean bo bmjhi in tho oouoty, and wfaaaoror tVit retidot tojMoaabfc aollirarttow wo su rya be fcd at how reedy to ako propo axplMaltow, ottb-t lo per xr er by Wltor. priltltr , . lUworKO. a UNSM1THIN0. ' I " Q. W. WOLFE, .' I riUCTrCAL GONSMITll. ' Shoe oa Third eereeL war Mller'a bU.ku.lili Jhep. l-I.RAHFIEI.D,!'. All krade of Ritci and Wlot (lane ob hand. Repairing don In A arlt-elloi meaner anil ot fair pnoae. I:I'7I Jflt Coofls, OJroffrirj, etc fjp II K I. A T tf T ; H o V K r 1 ; , THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, ' To their new building un Scooud Street, nearly oppoiite the iloro of Weaver A Ileltr, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they wilt continue to aupp.y their old and aa many new oafltoincra aa may curio, with PUKE DKUCiS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PIIKI'ARATIONS, . (Including all uew roucdiei,) Patent Medicine, Pnlnti and Oili, Olrtu and Putty, School Ituoka, ritatlonery, Paper, do.; alao, a full lino of Drug giita' StinIrita, Uulr Tunica, CoimetlcR, Pprfutnrriea, Toilet Art Hop, Dru.hcr, ,T filet fionpi, Pocket Pooka, Ac, all of , ' ' ' the be?! quality. PURE JVIXES AND LIQUORS, for locdioal A aacrauiontal purpoacionly, Pare White Lead, Color of all kind, Haw and Dulled Linaecd Oil, Varniihca, Turpen ' tine, Coal Oil, paint A Varnioh Drunhea, Flurorina; x tract a, Confect'onorlea, Tllrd Serd, Mpiee, ground a;id un ground, of all kinda. SMOKERS AND CUEWERS Will Had our atock of Chewing and Sinokina; Tobacco, Imported ami Do nestle Cijran, Souff and Fine-ant to b of tho very beat branda in tho market, LAMPS AND CH1MNKVS, All klnda of GLAri WAHK (JAKDKX AEGD8, MUSICAL INSTUUMKNT8 and Muaioal Trltntulnga of every variety. Ilarlsg a toaf oxporlenoo In the bulnet, and an oxtenaire and well leleetcd atock of itmlieinei, wo are enabled to 111 Pkyaioinni' preauriptioua at tbo abortoat notice and on tho mort m.amabfe torma. day and night. ; t ' i IIAItTSWIOK A- inWIet. Clearfleli, Pa., Mtj 31, IRll-tf. , IHijfcUanfou. V II B LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NTOVEN ! NTOVEN ! ever hroncht to the enunty, arc helrg rrcolvrd at the Hardware EittbH.hmtnt of H. F. lllfil.KR A CO., eompriilng the fulloalng t'ouk Htuvei : Sr EAR'S CAr.OItlFIC, SUStjUKHANNA, ' -UEUUI.ATOK. NOI'LE. EXCELSIOR, TH1UMPH. GOV. PKNN. KEADINO NATIONAL BANQE, AC. AC. Alio, the following Hoaliog Stovon 8PEAR'9 ANTI CLINKER, .. SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. ; .PPIAR'S ORBICULAR, -SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, UORNIKO LIOIIT, BON TON, . , OIPSEY, ., ' VULCAN, SUNBEAM, . RUBY' DAUPHIN KUO, CHESTER EOO, VOLCANO, PHOENIX, HEAVY BAR RIKIM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. . Cleartleld, Kept i, 1 S72. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SAI.B RY r . ' " . " II. F. Itlglrr & Vo. IRON DOI DLK H1I0VEL PLOWB. WOOD rjOI'lll.K B1I0VKL PLOWS. WOOD eiKULR-SIIOVKL PLOW. IROS CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON CKAM PLOWS. riTTSnURQ BTKKL TLOWS. HADPT'8 TIRLLRFONTR PLOWS. ROltRSON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. er-Sharci for all of the above Plowt con- ttanlly oe heed. Biy2tt-7I WIIKKK to buy my DRY 000119, GRO eeriei, Queea.ware, Olaitware, Drug! and Notion., Confeetioncrlci, Ac, ohrap for caih. Tho eobesrlbcr beat leave to Inform hit old and bow enitomerl that he baa opeavd A VARIETY STORE IN (ILKN IIOPR, PA. Ahd will tr It goodi at prlcet to cult Om tinti. A liberal rHlontina will be made to enitomerl buy ing at wholciale. Call and examine my ttock before nnrob.ilne eltewhere. A liberal chart of public patronage It tolleited. . - ' ' ' ' C. J. KKAOT. Oloo Hope, Pa., June 14, 1871. II. P. HIGLKIl A CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDRRS' It ARDWARK, UKCHANICS' IIARDWARK, LUMURRMRN'S IIARDWAHR, FARHtNO TJTVNBILS, V attl BUPl'LIRS, -.' 1. , ' " IRON NAILS, PA1NI8, OILS, VARNICHRS, . ' PAINTIRS' FINDINOS, CALCINRD PLASTER. May M, l7l. OOT AND SHOE MAK1K0. JOSKPII II. DKKKlNd. oa Mathrt'ttrtet. In ! ahaw't Row, Clearleld, Pa., hai ia.l reeolvod 1 a Ana lot of French Calf Skint and Klpe, thai 5 area mmes. I will war-' aanl hii work to be ae rroreiented. I Tbo elilient of Clearleld and tlclnlty tie ! reareetreiiy invited to give him a tall. ' Boae at abart aollca. . 7:ir7:nr I B PIIIBjtino Of RVRRT DESCF.IP I tion neelly eaaratnl at thlt otllc. 1 THE . REPUBLICAN. 7 CI. li AKFI KIjO, X K. " j tvr.DNKHDAV M01tNINU.NOV.86g 1TJ. , WE EA WHAT WI WW. ( ; j -s , Fur leoare or pain, for weal or frr woa, Til tbo luw of our bcio we map what wo aow, We way try to raJa tUctn mil)' do what we will Hut our acta, like our hadona, will follow ui till. Tho world la a wonderful ehemlif, be cure, AnJ dotecta in a raoinunt the bao or the pure ) We may boa at of our olalnta to geniua or tdrth, Hat tho world Ultea a man for jmt what ln'a worth. Wo alart In the raoa for fori u no or fame, And then when we fail tho world boara the blame Hut nine timet In tan It U plain to ho asan, There 'a a 'eertw aimowhore1 loi In tho humaa . machine. Ate you wearied and worn In thle hard earthly atrife r" He you yearn for nfTpoMun to awerten your life I KcmeutbtT (hla groat truth haa often bunaprorvd : Ue mttat make ooraelvoo loreablo would wa be . loved. Th'o life may appear aa a derolate rack, Yot tho broad that we oaat upon tbo watera eomo book Tula low waa enaotrd by Heaven above, Tti nt like attraota like nnd lore begeta loro. Wo aro proud of our ananaione of mortar and atone, In our pardon are flowora from erery lone Hut the beau l i fill gracee that bloaiou within Grow abrlrelod and dio In the t'jrn of alo. , Wo make ouraelvea hrroea and martyr for gold, Till health bocuuiea broken aod youth hecouioa old Ah ! did we the lame for beautiful love, Our livci might bo mualo for engdi ahore. He re f f i tcJint tee tou ob, wonderful truth ! A truth bard to learn in the day of our youth But at laat it ahinea out aa "hand on the Wall," Kor the world haa Ita MJ and crfti.t for all. , THE CARPET-BAGGER. A8 DKSt'ItllU.D BV BKNATOIt NfinWlHtD. Inn lTfoi.t njMHH'h dolivctvt- hy Sen ator Norwood, ot (ii-orin. lit' puvo the thllowin tidmirahlo and liumontim (h'Horijttion of a ' Caipot-hai;t;e'r Tho rt't'oiitstriK'tion net u Imvo wro't initnenKitralilo vvU, hut, pcrhaim, the ...... ..t.t nil iu .1.. ...... .L.-.ti-.., ,.f 111 VUWJiiu I'l ii- ilia' arc vy.taei. iiini wi , . , , . tho cnrtwt-hnirtfor. What nui lK-itiDfolt?"1" 1110 wsRiaj ol luuuetry cxprvwivc? HiH liko tho -vrcrld linn ut'vrr earn, from the ilnve f Cain, or of the forty thieves in t lie I'nMi-il time of All lltthn. Liko tho wind lie blown, n..il wn lin.iftl.n U..HI..I tlwm,if l.nl m. mnn Itnowetli wlteneo he Cometh wiyt to stnilo nnd yet tohnpo. Therj whilher ho tjoetli. Nnlurul historians will ho in doubt how to class him. Ornithologists will claim him, because in many respects ho is n bird ot prey. Ill) lives only on corruption and takes his flight ns soon n tho carcass is picked. In oth er particulars ho resembles tho migra tory crnno. Tor when driven by tho frigidity of social ostracism from tho North, ho flies with marvelous instinct to the torrid and unctions einbrnco of his African mutes nnd peers among the swamps of our Southern shore. Ax tho cnuie fills his craw, so this ereulttro fills bis bug, for tho flight. Anil ns tho crane, when the days grow hot, flaps his wing aad. sctviiiniiig through the air, returns lo the North; so this ill-mum biped, w lieu timun be come warm in I ho South, gnt hum up his legR and flying nwny, with scretuns ami shriek" perches on tho wooden hend of tho figure commonly known as tho Attorney General, nn-'l drowns!'1" "V1 ol'nnkage m of ruin, ircontin tbe air with croakings about Southern j I1'1' f l,".t ,llu mu"'11l" " '"l '1 ontrn.ro and wromr. In the other r vo 1WI,OT ""K V"r ,jri',ul-' 1,0 snoct he is like tho marsupial family f qiiadiuncds, lor ns tbcv tiro named from the pouch or hag in which they carry their young, so he derives Ins inline from tho bag he enrries, nnd in which lire stored nil his en rt lily tMwscssiotts. Tho opossum is of the marsupial family and tho carpet-bagger, like that animal, does all his trav eling at night. - Solomon waa a wise man, hut he did not know everything, lie was wrong ! ... J " ... ' n saying, "there is nothing now under tho sun." Tho world has ewung on lor thousands of years through wars and pestilence, tnrongh fumino and plagues, has been visited by tempests niiirearlhquakes, frogs nnd flies, mttr .: i i:.. i .. ... ).... mm mm iier, uiei k i nflnin m tip, "in never until tho veer of our Lord 18(17 I was any portion of the globe afflicted I by a carpet-bagger. .Solomon did not know him, nor tlid David or Jeremiah conceive of such a calamity. If they hail, the songs of David nnd tho bool of .leroniiuh would havo boon Inst to 1 "I'PI"" V""" J' " " mankind, for they would have fled thpj l'Iul.k u,1ru 11B ourciroleii face of man at the bare conception of raehioiiable life, the hint of paradise 0..i. . i Is etill on tho wing, and the buttcrfln's Though ho sprung Into exislcncelof "'er uiihiuo wore never In soon after tho war, tho can.ct-haggcr !"'""' fl"!tl'r tll"" is no ofl-nring of that (u.itlon. Tho "n "f ,HX """" ''f-' t hero has time was not qrnnt Murtr when Jiol was hatelicd or littered. There is no I Usik of Marx, but there is infiuito siioe-1 iilnlion, in his eyes. A reward asi large as Unit olTctvd by tho Jtoman Kni)icnir for a new and savory dish could not tempt tho most tibundoned, perjured negro to swear, that ho has i ever known a carpet-bigger to stand 1 the Are which he has so oil en dniwn ' by his incendiary work. I lis courage i oorcs out nt bis departing heels. Dur- "r,"" """ " "f nuion. in ing any "little itnplensantness" this ! ""lyency adjourned is now upon i us, I'bnriseo bocomos, as by a magic, a i J1'0 1."t ol V"'"0 who dofault i.,i.n... :. I,. leL.Hi l,i. .i,,.l ,ii;, in payment is an ovtdencc of tho si rain off." Ho is no product of tho war. ii.. :.. mi ....l. .l,l' ,,,l i.;..i. .i..m-.ii.n, n,.i;,w..i by bavouets. His valor is discretion ; I vantage to enlighten tho dark.icss of his Industry, perpetual strife, and hiBonr desjKmdcncy. I ho full yield of chspienco "the purcel a reckoning , of chances as lio smells oat a path which inav lend finm the White House I to a Custom House, a l'ostoflico. the InforniU Jiovonuo Hurcaus, or, ,Por. . ;.K.., -ii,n nf tl, K,vloml 1 ... 11..1' lit. ui.;t,i...i7.ii. iu "il... 11.. I His shibboleth is "tho )io. VIIIIIWI. piililican party." From Hint party ho 1 1 .' , . sprung ns nutiirally ns mnggots from trtrois irnm iiitrel'uelion. His reliition to that party is lliat of pimp to a bawd, for, bis riierctricions service ia rewarded in proportion to the number of innocent negro victim ho Inveigles to gratify its lust for 1 tower. Like Wambn nnd Ciorth, ho never travels without wear ing his master's collar, nnd ho iu equal ly content whether turned loose to chase like a sleuth-hound the monarch of Southern soil, or called by a snap of tho tingers to eat garbage of Lis . v. party. His collar is Ins passport tol roam at largo, and it mailers not with ! '"" I."' 77"; y";"' ' what persistence ho may break into a I uouhtlul 1! th.To is "poocy road Southern gcntlemntrs close, his mas-1 " ci,h1 redemptions. 1 here aro theo ter will tint iiermlt him to ho m.iuled, "h''t ottnnt 1 suggestions Innii for he is "tbo ox that treadeth out the 1 nicrnblc, from sensible schemes to the corn" as well ns "the ass that knowefh I 'hlost vagaries of closet dieuinore. his imutcr'a crib." w0 111 ""'oot any ncaivr spis'ie Wherever two or throo negiws nrol tllnn nt "l0 fl'n, of ,.,,c wnr,! r 'J'h' gathered together iu tbo mime of, short session of the winter will forbid (irant, he, like a leprous spot, is eecn,!Hliy lioste(l system, and with the and his cry, like tho daughter ol the horso-lepofl, in always "give give" mo nhlcp. Without olllco ho Is noth ing; w ith olllco he is a post and pub be iitii.wnce. Out of olllco ho is a beggar; in olllco he grows rich fill his eves stick out with fatness. Out of otllco ho ia, hut 111 liiiuil, the outside or- tion to disease ami tho wear and iiiiiiient. of overy ticgroc'a Vahin, a 1 waste nf dnily and hourly want, are plantation Innfer'and tho nntinn'e lar.- fortitude to submit and courage to on aivne; In ofllco ho is an adept in "ad-1 dure. Tho native.energy of tbo peo dit ion, division and silence." Out of" lilo has recuperation In it, if we will otllco ho Is tho orphan wnrd of tlionil- leave It fo it own roik. Public nnd ministration nnd tho genera! sign -pout private charity w ill do much. Kru- of penury i iu olllco ho Is the plaining suppliant for eoeiul equality with Southern gentlemen. His fomier nclghliors infheniikown ri'gion whi'tice be fled, wonder, not nf his flight, but nt his escape nnd con ceahnenf. Hut w hen, na aonietimos huppeiis, ho reaches Washington, labelled as "Sen-i and summon enduiaiico for whatever ator" or "Hepresentativo" ft-om the! (hero may bo of jiovorty nnd priva province of Ixjniniiinn, or South Uamli- lion. And amoti thoso richly en- na, or Alimnnin, or Mississippi, and In- voiced and consigned to President Wrnnt or some of Ins henchmen, the romniico of tho fransfluration so veils his identity, that tlioseneiglilHirs gat h- in tliecnpifol.and with field glasses in hnnd they wrnngle nnd swear (?) In tltu pillories In ttjiry (HhJiuIc wlirtlicr l ho olllcittl iiiitotuulun ho Ticlihorno or hift t'ouniinliiit, ilu 1h nt mU i( fontlcri'llu at tlio Lull. We wonder at hla iliiiur, hla fooe, olulhea and hair, Hut tlm greuttft wnUflr la, how he ever gut tlmro. Our wondor, however, it not uh gn at or (limnictiii an own. ' For, when ho Ihitikit of tho fairy, ltcoon Mtnu'tion, wliuli wrought this murvi'l loiirt cliHiifl la him, un-1 not tho Ih milinr iiiii)kin vhidi ho, from t'lirly IIIKl Until OHHOOMU'm hud eomo to 10- ptid m nn e)i lor i hrolhor, miililunly tntntiniuU'iI inlo ncnriino nnd pul V t'oiiipurisontMl lioneH, iukI oxniniiten Iuh glut aIi)nM-8( niitj ihon timorously ventuiVH to look (Uwn. down in tho uYjith where Iuh fu ry t'oiind him among tho cuhUtm nnd aMion ol noutlumi aoii olation, hiH hvad twiniH nnd ho itmtincj- tiruly Ii'iins hoavHy on Priiico Uly hoh' arm, Ihm not to ho calU'il StMiator or Hrnri'st'itltttivo, but to uo cuIum) hv hU old tiatno no faiiiliar in nlcony hol lo w- -Sihneidor. WHAT OF TUE W1XTERT W'o lire not to ho bennilwl lv the litifroriiif" HoflnesH nf Ri'pteink'r in the eiKeeediiig inonlli, or untitiputo the bland aim mid hnry skion of our pre cnt day in tho hhuker enon now nt hand. It in rare indeed I hut wo ltuvo hud so nrotmctod a noriiNl of tho do- Kffhtful tempered mildnc-sH of enily mil unit) Hii)en cniig upon tho cliilliujf Ijliisl.t of udvnnrinz winter. Yet the nionitioim of ehaniro aro fust tttion us. Tho tinted and gorfreoiiH foliage strewn the arid mii-luco, nnd "tlio lut ret leal, the lat of tho clan," no longer llulter ino;, line w hirled Jijm the benuded boiifrh. CloiidUiHH anil eoivno, the cloud and wind aro impending, nnd with tho riorx of winter our tiiul and miU'criiifr ni-e to come. Tho qticHtiou widlv ptvwieH itHoli' up on our RvnilinthioR, flow in wunt to be uvei tcd una the privations ot hunger to bo Mitished tlurmir the lonir nnd weary hybernation of front and hiiowh? Labor in inert, employment tho ex ception, iliimln tlitil woulil, ennuol gitin tho wage of industry. In all branches of production and manufac ture then) is a torpor, which seem, al most deathly in suspended vitality and collapse. or aro the signs propitious far un immediate lovival. Wo have is a peculiarity in our sitnalioii not of ten, il over before, seen in our ma te! iuh condition a luck of faith in val ues, mi ubsohito destruction of confi dence. There is an nrcriaion to all active enterprises, n repugnance to tho employment or uses of capital, l'io- thoric in our surplus of currency, the usuul greed of the money factor nnd owner ia not enticed by any of the al lurements of investment. The temp tation of largo usury does not bring out tbo accumulations. Tho bank vault is lull to repletion, tho private coil'er bus its horded stores, but the needy borrower is tinned away empty. There is not a landing interest in any dcuirlmoiit which is not breathed up on by a blight, 'i'ho shuttle and tho loom move sluggishly in tho slack de mand and the reduced profit, while the cinders of tho fin mice are cold and the Rshcs of tho forgo are amouldcr- To tho wealth which owns, the I """""'V 'pallin. It is not only in cilie: that haggard want ia impend ing. If famine is to stalk into the crowded tenement, if with tho hus band tho w ife and clil'Irci) are to pine in starvation, there aro thousands in tbo lessur continuities, down to -the smallest of hamlets, w ho aro to lan guish under tho same terrible distress. At no time in our generation has "u,' h l'vy r.,i.rco of all r'u,T" w. '"' 0 n"(l , ""'u , , . li... iill. in tlm fttni-bi.l. t.l.ti'A It. I - -- , - "Bl 'T r "V" OIMIUIU UV IlllllVV-'. (I. IIIIIIIUVI. J, IB not unhealthy for tbo future thut nc eiiinulntinns be exhuiisted by the grad ual but limited consumption, but it does not help tho present necessity. , .., . , r "ot Kivo sus enuneo to the hun- K1? ",,r mr7 "V.1?. to t" r"""1'111!?- It ia not a cheerful indication of rcvi vnl that what of movement is now noted is in the retail branches of mer chandise. Luxury must still have its oeen no nnung in uxieiioiiui-v. tiism tasto, if nothing better, ought to re st mill ostentation and extravagance, while depression and derangement stint food to the famished stomach. If wo could penctrnto tho veil and look into the hidden privacy of tho sebed u lo of nssots, or mitiiiir.o the actual assets, or acnitimito ino act ,f,.tl",, PRfP-Rnlrj' of living, 'J"Kul "' ""uuowy presence mo toK" ( tho assignee in bnnkruplcy anu wcaKening oi n inug oerioo oi dullness and decleution. There are no broken vistas qf ad " - - "- " ; ? ket. With favorable conditions of ,orw" amma, mere is no vivacity T. ''""tlctty in oiirexports. J hegBin. bhng of tho Slock hxcl.aiigo la now 1 ho legilimtilo aysU'iii of tho Com and Cotton Kxchnngi. I'ltifhuso and in V otion r:xcnnng.. """" " ve,j- air no r, ur rai-.-ij , .1, milliner nf ni 1'. It is a. liniMeiil : .. . . 1 . price fixed for a future transfer, with all the fever and delirium of tho gam ing table or the betting pool. The condition of markets has no influence upon supply nnd demand nnder those manipulations of rival operators for a rise or a fall. Ho fnms political action ran give relief by any legislation upon curren cy, wo may dismiss the hois?. Wo have boon served bountifully in paper (lecluratlons ol conventions : tun ... ., , I I, """")' inuuigiu ..,. .-...-... . ule- next Conifrcsg conic flic heats and ir ritation of tho 1'rcKiilcntiul canvass, Willi tho old uhuti'ltince of promiuo nnd default of perliuiniince. The lessons lo be taught (o lliuso upon whom tbeso ills will press in slender ntlire and spare meals, siibjco.. coin-Igalily and nlwlcinliuniess of life are uii Is to tbo Indigent anil impoverislieil Labor need not gtvd way to utler des pair. Tho harvest has been rich Iu tho lusty ear and tlio golden sheaf. And now us the slanting sunshine measures tho Hearing of tho inhospit nblo aonson, let ns bmco the nerve ilowoil In gilts of ilenfy there should I Hunt free giving which hriglitniie. tlie lot of them upon whom adversity tnys Its honvy hnnd JV. Y. .Sun. Many dread being ill who aro very willing their live ahniihl lx. FA KM AOrV.V. CIIKAP rKBTII.lZKB. Itond dust should be gathored ho f'oro tho season closes. This is often tho most convenient absorbent the farmer can command, and few bnr ri'l of it will savo a lurgo amount of j iiiioiiifiiiu ill iiiu iieuiii'ijr, tue im, and tho stable. Hens should have a Inrgo open box full of it under cover, wlioro they may dust themselves nt their pleasure It is an excellent thing to havo In tho stable, and when satu rated with brine makes a valuable fer tilizer. The lineniiss of tho dust, con tinually ground by tho iron tiros and horso shoes, is 0110 causo of its favora ble action upon crops. Thut gathered from a clny soil is best; indeed sand, whether from tho road or elsewhere, is of but little use as a deodorizer or absorbent, , KKF.P T1IR 110(18 0I T OF Till WATKR.' A correspondent of tho Colonial filmier, whom tho editor declares to ho a practical breeder, writes that to handle hogs to tho best advantago a piiHtnro is needed of gi-een grass clover, blue grass and timothy and it is I ho belter if Micro is no running water or stock ponds in tho lot. Hogs do better w hero there are no branches or stock pond lo wallow iu. In nluce thereof, havo well wuter litiinpod lor them, llnvo troughs luiiilu nnd nail lriis across, eight inches apart, to keep tho hogs from lying down in tho water, and let these troughs bo plucod on floors, to keep them from digging up wallowing holes. If feed bo given, it should bo soaked in swill barrels for twelve hours before feeding 110 long er and fed to them as drink. CIIICKIIN CHOI.KRA. Mr. II. I Inles, of New Jersey .claims fo hnve had perfect success with such birds ns ho treated (in time) in the fol lowing manner : Ho placed the ailing birds in boxes oil clean straw and cat away such feathers ns bad become soiled by their eviieuutions, nnd as a means of sustaining life fed them twice a day with oalmcul gruel, into which ho put some finely chopped roe. This of course, bad to be pouivd down tho throats of tho sick birds. In addi tion, he sprinkled carbolic powder 11 1 on'tho straw in the lioxwt where tho fowls were placed, dusted Bomo into their leathers and gavo them a tea spoonful or two of wafer slightly im pregnated with carbolic acid, which can bo ohfitined of any druggist. The ailing fowls wore kept apart from tho ones in health, and after tlio adminis tration of this remedy rapidly recov ered. Ho treated two or three dor.cn in this way, nnd thinks he should hnve lost all of tliein hnd they not been so treated. SAViNO. CAIinAUL.1. Tho plan wo hnve adopted for a number of years seems to nnswer the purpose ns well ns nny with which wo aro acquainted. This wo have mado known on several occasions and it may not do any harm to repent it. It is simply : Select a dry part of the gar den, dig trenches of sutllcieiit depth to receive tho eahbngo roots and stalks up to tho head ; into these trenches transplant the cubhages bonds up if course fill in tho dirt carefully aliout them up to tho heads plant fourshort posta, two of them being higher than tho others Ui give a pitch to tho roof lay upon thoso a number of bean poles, and upon thoso throw straw, corn-fislder, or bean haulm, protecting nlso the sides, and your oabbnges will keep until May. Where there is a, fenco only two posts will bo necessary, that being em ployed as tho npex of tho cover or roof. (Jtrmantoicn Telegraph. TEI.I.0W8 IN PKACIIF.8. . If you dig Around a peach with the yellows you will be first struck with a "miishroomy" smell. Picking out the roots, and examining them with a lens, you will see millions of thread like Wires, which nro the Mycelia of fungi. Those cut the young llbres.and leave only (ho main roots, through which all the nutriment of tlio plunt has to bo gathered ; nnd as nn old root is unablo to do much more than to draw in water, tho tree becomes in a measure starved, and tho leaves be come yellow just as they would be if growing 111 poor soil, which, thongh the plant might have plenty of roots and no food is equivalent to having plenty of food and no roots. I ho ef fect on the plant is just tho name. llonco remedies which look to the destruction of this root pnraaito aro employed. Hot water has dono it; so has a weak solution of salt. Oth ers have found a solution of potash succeed. Tho exact nature of this fungus, so far as we know, has not boon investigated to entire satisfaction Fungi aro very polymorphous. This one may enter into tho circulation nf tho plnnt, and exist in thut case as nn apparently distinct species, extending through the tissue, and destiny ing us it goes. 1 lus seems likely from some experiments by Jlr. J hoinas lay lor, of tho Department of Agriculture, re ported sometime ago by us. Harden er't Monthly. Tug Presidknt and Cm.. Mosbv. A Washington eorrcsimndent of the Mew 1 ork Herald has tho following "Col. Mosby met tho President for the first time on rrulny since tho election, llofh being in favor of a third term, they sat. down and discussed matters tor an hour. Iho Congressional can didate in Jloshy's district, Mr. Har bour, who was to vindicate the third term policy, was beaten by Hen. Hun ton, a lh'inocrntic member of the pres ent Congress, who said tbo people of Virginia were unconditionally optsised to a third term. Both agreed that Cicsnrism hnd nothing to do with tho result, and his Kxcellency was more convinced than ever of the policy of keeping silent. There are thoso who think that his friendship for Mosby docs not inspire respect uniong the soldier clement of the Union army. The President replies by having addi tional friends of Mosby appointed to oflieo, of which fact tho Colonel, on Friday, had substantial evidence. More than that, tho President intend visiting Col. Mosby at his homo In Wnrrenton iu a few day. This shows how much President (irant care for public opinion nnd tho voice of the press." How it Stanhs. Tho New York Tribune, speaking of the present posi tion of (irant, says : We have no heart to accuse the President of inconsistency. Ho dis not know enough of law or politics to sec tho lolly ami sin of treason to prin ciples. Hut It is time for the men of OuiscieiKC and honor still left in the ticpiihlican parly to consider seriously whether they can any longer give even a tacit support to sncli nil Administra tion. Tho Prosidunl imagine thill tho lalo election havo alisolvcd him from any nllcginnco to tho liepiiblican pnr- ty, ami set linn iree to seek his tor tune in other nnarters. Just at pres ent he thinks that rng money and op position to the Civil iTights hill aro the most avnilnble capital to his hand. Who can foresee whnt will ho the next vagary of Ibis narrow, selfish and un disciplined mind f IfheisK-t. alone. lie will ho comparatively hnrmleHs for I bo two years and a half which still remain of his administration, lint he 1 capable of (treat damuiro. if ths ti- midily of Itcptihllcans gives to the au dacity of his retainer any power what ever in this Congress and the next. It Is stnted, a a scientiflo fiict. that there are four distinct bolts of terri tory crosing the Klato of Now York, throughout which en. In sufficient qiinntitles for uso as fuol and for illu minating punxooe) mav be found on boring. V Ii K A. VVc desire to call the attention of tho cilizens of Clenrfioltl county to the fact llmt wo huve oiciH'il a . ' , ' ' MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constnntly keep on hnnd n full supply of ;r , , , ' , . PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE t , .,. "'.-.., Our stock of TIANOS will consist of GEORGE STECK & CO'S PIANOS, STEINVVAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTIIEUS' We aro prcpnrcd at all limes to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the moat favorablo terms as to prices and terms of payment. ', " t Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new nnd populur , KYNUER ORGAN, (with liyndor's Kneo Tiemolo and downward Octavo Gotiplor,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OUGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and - tho NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILKE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Resides ihcso wo furnish lo order Organs from any (uclory desired. Wo sell on every plan known lo the trndn, either CHKAP I'OR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tlio rortiLAR and easy LEASE PLAN. , On our cosy terms every one can have n fjiod instrument, and no other investment of liko amount will tend so much lo MAKE HOME HAPPY. LtTWe shall lie glad to hnve you cnll and sen us, whether yon desire to purchaso or not. oci'23-'72-ly aYHTDKIt'H ' jtf 1TMIO fTOK. UicrfUaiirous. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! IS C.IRABD TOW If HI P. Tha uodtrtigntd offeri for m) tho farm on which bs bow ridci, litvato in (lirartl townliif), Cprfiid eouotr, F., furniprly ownoil hy JuMin J. I'it. The farm eonUiai 120 mew, mod it rery den I rati 7 kteatrtj. Tb building-i arc all new, and eon.Ut or a Urga frame huaM, bavLag good ct-llar nndf-nwatb, and good water oonvettient f 'rlt) frima bar, hlaoknm.th ibori, wajrun abed, ipritiK houae, At. Tha buildiiga oa ibta farm art aa good, if not bat tar, than on soy farm ia CitarBtld djoouty. The land ia of iiipcrior quality and in a good ttata of flullivalion, PoMUfioa will U ian Id tlia prtnf, or at any tin. mort eonrefticntto tha porchaeer. The Ifrtna wfll ba rramnabla. Penont rtatiroua of nurrhaoinir an addreaa tha aabaoriber at Lrconte'a Mill! r. O., Ufa rue Id county, t a., or aj7 m paraon on tha premiiii. An npFinna wantlntanv Inritrmation to rasard to tha quality f tba land, tba kind of baildinffa tlirreoB) e..on gov tua iinurtniaiiuu . Ing an Klientf l'ie, in Clvarfleld, aa he owned tha farm fr a a umber of nd of wmrw knowi all about It. U'ENDKLL KN DKKrt, lfonto't Ul, Clearfield Co., Ta. Jnnnary 31. 1S74. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALIR IN FURNITURE, 5IATTKKSN KS, . . . AND . Improved Spring Beds, hIARKF.T STRKF.T, KRAR P.O. The oadenlgoed bcgi leave to inform Ibe olll ieae of Clearleld, and Ike fMie gcnertlly, that be hue on hand a One atiortniriit of Korniiuro, rai-b at Walnot, Chrllnot and I'aintrd Chamber Huitrt, Parlor goitci, Rtclieing and Eileniioa Cbeire, Ladlet' ted (Icale' Kety Chain, (he Frr foraled Diaiog and Tarlor Chain. Cane Brett tail Windier Chain, Clolbet Ran, Step and Kilcn aion Ladderi, Hal Rtcki, Sornbblng Droibee, Ac MOCLDINO AND TICTCRI FRAMKS. Looking OlaiHt, Chromoi, Ae which woald be tuitalilo Inr Uolicay nrrlcntt. docl'7l JOHN TROITSIAN. JOOK OUT FOR THE SIGN OF TIIH Illfit CANT HOOK! MARKET STIIEKT, CLEARFIELD. The old Olearteld Eicel.lor Cent Hook Co. it dittolved, and a new one formed by Amor Kcn nard and O. 0. Merrell, of CleertiM, ted 0. M. Allard, of Koipnrinm, Cawpma eonnty, ot rrt nert, and Jt.. K. WalioB, of Clrarteld, ei lienor al Ageot. The new tompaey will carry ob the hoiinew of menuleclorlng. telling and thiing Iho Cent llookt. wllk all (heir Imnrevemenll. which tr Bow perfect. All orderi promptly tllrd. JAS. U. WATSON, Jaly lit, 1S74. Oen l Agrot. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD K(!A LE S, "4iiW' or ALl. KIHM Bget"K Barrow a, Wairlonaa Tr-wht, Copying Proaaf, ImproTad Uoaay Drnwar, rOR tALR IT 11. F. BIGLER & CO. Dealer In Hardware. mch:lO:7ft If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. TIIE CLEAI! FIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Mtnofai'tnred eipeclally fnr THK CLKARFIEl.D THA DE, roa BA1.B av aagS'TS H. F. RIOLER A CO. po 11 S A L El A large and well tnlthed Drlck Dwelling, illa- ata oa tho river beak, In the bo reach of Cleer- fleld. eontalelng elevea raomt, with good aellar, water ta Iho kileben, and all the modern aonre alenoect Fantrlee, llath-room, Cloihei-prettei, Ae. Lot ility feet front tnd two hundred and thirty feet barb, with a twenty foot alley en the etlt ide. Held building, with all Ibe apparteaaacet, will be eolil ebeap, with paymentt lo lalt pareha ttr. Application oan be made to the onder tiga.d, or to A. C. Tale, Kiq., who will give all neoettary Information ta thote who dctlra to ia tpcet the property. tiios. J. Jiccn.iorun. Jl.y Hit, 187S, tf. JIlATZKIt k LYTLE, AOKNTS IN CLEARFIELD C0tlNTT"FOR TaOKIIaldAUn'N Celebrated Branda of Smoking & Che wlnn Tobaccos. V9 ara enabled to wholciale to deal re throw gh oul tbo eonnty at eMy prim. KKAT.KR A l.VTLF, jr3 74 tf Claarfleld, l a. MITCHELL WAGONS. The Best is the Cheapest ! Tbotnai Rrllly hei reeelred another largpb.l of "alltcholl Wegonr," which are among the very beet maaafaalnred. aad which he will cell at tho mott reaeoaabl rate. 11 1, .look lorliij.i .Imuit ell deetrlptiuBt of aigoat largrand until, wide end nerrow track. Call an I tee thnm. 'prS'?! ' THOMAS RRILLY. ; Attention, Lumbermrnl WE are now mtniilaclurlng our IMPrtOVKI) STKKL - BUCKET DHIVINU CANT HOOKS, taperlor le ay other In a.e. We have aleo la atock a largeqaaatily of Cantbockl tnlla ble for naniag parpoeet, which we are idling oheep for path. AMOS A H. KliNNAKD. JBIearll.ld, Pm Uareh II, 1871. CnUAP GKOCERIKSI LUMIIKR CITV, PA. The Hdertigned anaolncec ta hii old frleadt and patroni that he het opened e good line ot OIIOCKHtRH A PROVISIONS at Iho eld Hand of Kirk A Spencer, for which he tellrlti a liberal p.lrea.ge. H. W. SPINCKR. Lamb, City, Pa., March IS-tf. mm MARKET S T It E E It F I Ii Ii I, 1 K jftlisrrllanrcits. QLEARFIKLI) PLANING MILL COMPANY. rpilE anilenigm-d, locceieon to RKKD A X 1'OWKI.L. time porchaecd Ibe ll.KAIi- HKI.ll I'LAMNU MILL, and roGllrd II for doin an extrnilve huiincrt. All the atiehinerv will be tailed nreettary to make it one ol the moil ooaiiieio etieo iiunieni. oi ine emu in tuc Slate. Tbey are now prrpnred lo recfiire order! fur any work in that tine. Thoy will giverpeeiel ettenlioo to alt niatcntlv for tunc liuildiog. FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARL-ING, 8AS1I, DOOBS, BLINDS, UK.1CHKT8, Jttft l.HI.rG,kc, OF ALL STYLES, alwayi on hand. WORKED ROARIiS, tnd all articlei nrrei.- ry for hnilding, will be eiohangod for DRV Ll'MllEK, to that pcrioue at a di.taneo may bring their lumber, eichange It for, tod return heme with tbo manufactured aroclci. The Company will alwayi bar, oo hand a large lock or Dry lumber, to at to be anie to nil aa order oa tbo tbortetl notice. Oaly the belt and mott ikillfu hanilt wilt he employed, to tbat the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or cold aa low a it eaa be purcbaeed aoywhert, and warranted to give .atnlacllon. At the buiioete will be dune npon the enh principle we ean afford to work for email pronii. DHY LUMBEU WANTED! Knpeetally one and a-half and two Inoh panel ft off, for which liberal prioa will be paid. The baaloeaa will ba eon duet ad nadar the waaaa of the "Clcnrflold rianlns Mill Co." 0. R. Merrell will pereonally tupcrintend the butiaeet. Order rcrpeclfully tolleited. 0. 11. MERRELL. R. 11. TAYLOR, y. O. nitOWN A DRO. Clearnctd, Pe., January S, 1174. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, AscrAcvi naa LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS A SB Sawed rt Patent Itibbed Shingles. II. II. SIIII.LINUFOIID, rratldont, Office Forcit Piece, No. 135 8. 4lh it-, Phll'a. JOHN LAWSIIP, Oeneral Supt., Otoeola Mill., Clearfield county. Pa. Ai.ro TOWN LOTS fr vtlc In the borough of Otoeola. Alto Keep (ho LAR11EST ASSORTMENT of Uoodt in Cleartleld oounty at their Mammoth Store in Otoeola. janh-74 The Lightning Tamer. npilR wsdenlgoad aro the aoU Agenta ta thlt X otnnty foribaMNorth Aneriean Ualvanticd MUHTNINii HODS." Tlieaa are tba only Mfe roda now In naa, and are endoraed bj all the actantlAe men in tba aoatry. Wa hereby notify tha ei titan a of tho eoanty that wo will pal taaa op better rod. aad for 1cm money, thai ii ebargod by the foreign agenta who anna ally traverte tha eoanty and oarry off our little caih, oarer to ratarn. ENC0U1UGE HOME LABOU. Thoia wlihlng Lightning Roda erected ot their bnildingi need bat addreea aa by latter, ot oall I paraon. Wa will pot them up any when In theeounty, and warrant thota. Tha Hodcand Flitnroa eaa be aoen t tny time by selling ai earilore. 11. F. lllULKU A Ctj. Clearleld, Moreb II, iMt-V READING FOR ALLI1 'BOOKS STAT J ONER Y. Market t., Clearfield, (at tha Pont Offlre.) f 1111 K aadaralgned bega leaf teannonneate X tboeltltena of Clearfield and ticinlty, that be faaa tilted ap a roots and hai Jut I returned from the aity with a largo atwonntof raaJtag atatler, roniliting in part of Bibles and Miscollanoous Books, Blank. Aeeoaat and Pan Beoka of ovary da eripllott Paper and Kavelopea, Vreoob preiaed andplalai Peoe aad Penellai lllank, LegaJ rpera, Deeda Hortgageti Jndgineat, KisbP' tion and l'reniiiory aoteai White and I'arobj mant Brief, Lngal Cap, tieenrd Can, and II ill Cap, Sheet, Mualefor either IMano, Flat or Violio onitantly en band. Any boukt or alaUoaary desired thai I ay aot bare oa band, wtlJ be or. ordered by Brat eipreae, and acid at wholtnalt or retail to anit eietotnera. I will alao keep parlodteal literature, aaeb ai Magailnaa, Newa. papara, Ae. p. A. GAUL IK. Clearaeld May T, IIAI-tf Lime (or Sale 1 THK anderalgned, mlding near tba depot baa Made eomplte arrangamente with Mm Humeri, etui of tha mountain, wh-reby bo U ena bled to keep eooatantly on hand a large quantity of PURE LIME! which bo offer, to farmert and balldrra at a trifle above cmt. Thoie In nord of the art lrle would do well to give me a oall. or ad l real ma by latter, bo for negotiating tbelr lint. 4.K0. 0. PASSU OKI. Clearfield, Pa., Jnne t, Un. Xilvery Kfnbloe TDK anderalgned beg leara to Infnna tbepub lie that he Ii now fully prepared to lonnmo date all In tho way of furniihlng lloraea, Hnggtrt, fhtddlea aad llaraeoa, on tbo abnrteat aotiee and on raoaonahle terra, llrei.leneeea Iooaat itreot, betwooa Third and Fonrtb. UKO. VT. OttARtlART. Tlearflfld, Feb. 4, 18T4. T, W N ' A . PIANOS LKONAHD IIOL'SK, (Near the Heilroad Drpol,) Cl.EAKHKI.K, I'A. A .hare of uoblic p.lroo.ge it re.pcclfnlly u lieited. 4:IS 74 S. II. ROW, I'rop'r. SHAW HOUSE, " ' " (Cor. of Market A Front ttrectt,) CLEARFIELD, PA. The ondcreigned havlog taken charge of thtl llolel, would u-ipoctlolly .olicitpnhlle pttronege. oelt'7S R. NEWTON MIAW. -WASHINGTON HOUSE, It NKW WASHINGTON, PA. Thii new and well fueni.bed bouto baa beta Uk-n by the undartigned. lie (celt eonudent of bring nblo to roader latiifactiua 10 tboee who may . fr.,r kirn with a cell. 0. W. DAVIS, Trop'r. M" TOUR HO II IE, Oppoiite the Court llouie. LOCK UAVEN, PE.NN'A. ji-14 71 HAVSKAL A KROM, Prop'a. JJROCKCKIItlFV HOIIIE. BELLEFONTE, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, ocl3t7l Pruprietora. LOYD IIOUSB, - Main Street, PHILll'SUUKO, PENN'A. Table alwayi tupplied with the belt the market affurdi. Tba traveling public It invited toealL . novl,'7.1. ROBERT LOYD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of aaeoad aod Market StraeU. CLEAKFILI). PA. flHIS old and eommodioai Uetel kaa.duriag X tbo paat year, been enlarged lo doable Iu former oapaolty for Ua entertainment of atraa gertand guoata. Tba whole building haa been refnrniahed, and tho proprietor will aparo ao paina to render hla gueata aomforUblo while uylng with him. TThe 'Maaafon RoaaoH Oaalbvi raaa to and from the Depot on tha arrival aad departara of eacb train, JOilN DOUUHKKTY, apr-T tf Proprietor. A LLEGHENY HOTEL, IX. (Markrt Rt, het. Hib-ond and Third, CLbAHFIKLh, PA. Tho aubaeriber having boeoma proprietor of thl hotel, woald reapeetfatly aak ft liberal aharo f partite patronage. apiS'U OBORtili LK1P0LDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CI'RWKNSVIl.LK, . Clearfield county, Peon 'a. Thla old and well eitahlilhed Hotel, beautifully ituated on the bank of the ftuaquchanna, ia tho borough of Curwrnnrille, hai been leaanl for a Una ol yoara by the nndenigned. It baa been entirely rofitted, and ia aow open to the pnbito generally and tba traveling eommunily in par tioular. No paina will bo iian-d to render gueiU eonifortaUo while tarrying at thia hooao. Ample Stalling room for tha aooommodatioa of teams. Cbargia mojeret". 8r,.l.S8, lSJft.tf. ELI BLOOM. " j. M, STEWAET, D. D. S Office over Irwia'a Drag Store, Cl'RWKNSVILLR, PA. All denUI operationi. allhtr In the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to aad taliifaclion guaranteed. Special attention paid to the treatment of diiea.ei of the natural teeth, gum. and month. Irregularity af the teeth ne edfully corrected. Teeth eltraeted wllbmil pale by the ate of Klhcr, and arliAcial teeth inerrlrd of the beat material and warranted to render t Itfaclioa. aprllfVri:lT Hauls. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maannlc Rutldlng, one door aorta of C. D. Weteon't Drug Store, raetago Ticket! to and from Liverpool, Qoeeae towa, lllatgow, London, Parle and CopenhageB. Alio, Dralli for aale on the Royal Hank of Ireland and Imperial Bank nf Lonilnn. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prelt. W. M. SHAW, Otihier. tl:li74 J. D. M tllrh. Kdward Perki. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OF , mcgirk & perks. Baecaaeara to Fottar, Perka, A Co., Phlllpeburg, featr t'aanty, P. AtrilKHIl all tho haeinem of a Bankiag Ilea' It win aa traoiacted promptly and upon tt moot favoraola term BiarT-U IdrexelTcoT" No. II South Third ttlrMt, Phlla.lelpbla And Dealers In Government Securities. Application by mall will receive prompt elten Uon, and all Inform. tloa t beer fully furelihed. Oniric lolicted. . .... April II If. K It T A K I N (i. ; i Tlio andertigard are bow fully prepared t carry oi. in. buiiatu or lJlWKnTAKIX, , AT KKASDrUllU RATES, Aad roapeellolly aoliell the patronage of lho needing inch tervic. JOHN TflOt'TMAN, JAMXSULKAVY. CloarteM, I'a., Fih. ta, 1174. L,MR I I.I M K I T be anderttantd le ana. -- J .i.k Ine publi wilh an oaeell.nl a,ualily af Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plattcrlng purnoeet. he lb. I..-. .-.II ;nanllly. Can be found for the tireteal al Ple'l aew nalldlng, aa Market itreet. ivt U E. MrCULLOlOH. J. K. M'MURRAY fPfriT YOD WITH ANY ARTICLE 2J MRRCHANniSR AT THE VERY LOWEST r.. uw, AnD ggg. (I:t tlj ) NEW WASHINGTON.