THS;?REPUBUCAN. C'liKAKKlKLU, VA WKUXESIiAY MGHNIKtl, NOV. II, .74. Terms of Subscription, - . If pal J In advanoe.or within three months .$? t)Q ll jill aflr Mirnanutl bcforv ati uiontlia 3 (0 If paid after I Liu expiration of its nionlba... I 00 HKI.ICilOim NOTM i:h. MrtUodiit Iciilaropal Churrh Rv. A. I, Yowu, Pastor. Vubllo Service vsry habbath ii iv a. m., aou 1 1 i. m. Hebhath Holiuol at 0 A. M. rrayar Moat in avcrr Thuride:. at 71 P. M Cotaiuunlou tiorvtc. first Batbnfb of every uiotun, i iu a. i, Presbyterlau ChurcH-Rev. II. S. Birrucn. tiulibuth services morning and overling Kab hath Hohool at I P. M.-.'rayer Alerting Wednes day e ran l oft. Kt. ITeiicfc. CMiurrh 4 theUr IUt. P, J. HHMtfAtf-Jl'Ht a'clock-A. W,n tlio leooml and fourth Sunday of each month, Lutheran Church. Ilov. D. M. Muhkr. Preaching avery Sabbath, morning and evening, -Sabbath riobool kt 9 a. m. l'rayrr meeting every Wednesday eToalng. OI'l'ICIAI. MKl.t TOHY. TIB OV UOUUIMO MIUIiTKB S.VMIOI.B COURT. Rcrond Mom! it of January. Third Monday of March. Ft rat MmiUnj of June, Fourth Mondiiy of BiitrnilMr. ' ' ! VIUB Or U0..D1KU CO WO ri.KA. tTrtt Monday of June. beeonu mono, ay oi outiwdt. ma lic omcnus. Prttidtmi Jd,jt Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of Look Haven. AUtat Lam Judge lion. John II. Oryit, of llell.ronte. Associate Judy William C Peley, t'tearfleld ; John J. Head, Curwensvillc. ' Proikonotmty Aaron C. Tut p. ' Mfialor mmd feerWr A. W. Lee. Ihitrict Attorntm Frank Fielding. Twnnr David W. Wine. HkmriM William R. Mcpherson. AMMfy Srvtgvr -Samuel F. McCloskcy, Cur wensvillc, Comtrtt ComutfionMV. V. Conteret, Kart lima; John 1). Thompson, Curwensville , Clark Drown. Clearfield. VoniHg Awlilort Rcubrn Mel'hereon, Clear- lieldj Jemee II. line, number myi iow.a v,. It loom. rilMrAfllfl. Jury CommitiiomtrtJubn W. ghugart, James Mitchell, Cluarfied. SpntedtHt of Public SekwU John A. iJrrgory, uiearucia. Aotm Juhn W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ru debaugh, Cyrua L. (lordon, Clearfield, Joiiah Kvani, Joeeph R. Irwin, Curwansville ; J. J. Lin gle, Uaoaola Mills; Johnston Hamilton, Luthora burg. .Mr. R. X. Shaw has a fine dwelling for rent. Boa advert I lament. M. (i. llrown A Hro. have piirelinHed the Intereat of tbe other member of tbe firm and are now tole proprietor! of the Clearfield Planing Mill Company. Look ro& Vksi s. On ft day when the aky la bright and elear, Vvnna can be aaen approaching tbe aun, over whole faoa ahe will pan on the 4th of Decumbor. me-- ItKTt RN THAT UoliE I Stmelody burrowed a large biavy lined buffalo robe from the Sbaw iloeae aome Uiae ainoe. The proprietor deilrea the borrower to return It, aa be propoie to aaa It. i i - li8(iM TioN. Tlio tinn of Hubbard 4 Waple baa bean dltaolred. John W. Waple, having bought the loterext of hU former partner, will eonttnne the buiiaeaa at the old itand, bf ck of Krataer Lytle'a atora. ThkCkntknnial. OnourtirKt pairo will be fowad a tut of ona of the bulldlnga aow being erected In Philadelphia for oar great Na tional Exhibition, fn 187B. Thlt building when eoinpletcd will eoetI.ift9,373. A man iri Lock Havon, a keoporof a aaloon, whnea name ia Jaudam, waa aeef dentally hot in the fool by a rough, the other night, In flicting a painful wound. It la aalJ that hla Brit remark, after feeling the ifcot, waa to call bia own name, very loud, adding to it the worda "fool yoa.M . i - Th Liimlwrnian'H Kxchniio, ofj WllUaraajMirt, haa appainted a aommitloe of Ave to eonfar with almilar teaiiaittrea fraui other organliatloni In fha 8 tat, for the parpoaa of taking active meaiurea to atop undue diforimioa tiuo in freight a abargod by railroad com pa lea, Xew STORK. A rol'oronoo to our n- vertiaing eolovna will diicloaa tbe fact that A. 0. Kramer A Ca. have opened aow grocery, flour and feed store, on Kent street, one door wtat of tba Leonard IIoue, where tbey will keep a good election of all gooda la their Una. Uire them a Call. ' ,i Coi rt. This ia tho lout wock of tho November term of Court. The attendaoee ia not largo eenaidariog all thing. What aaaoant of; busineaa will be done we are unable to Bay at tbi period (Tuesday). Judge Mayer It prealdlng, and ia enjoying good hualtb, equally with hla nrbane Aaaoelataa. -i JJtKiiLAHS. It nppeurH from our. eiehangea that Clearfield (a aot the only place! where thieving fa carried on. From all part of, tba country ooine newspaper. Itema to tbe effect that barglata are about, who make no d "Unction In their foray l oa aeeount "of raet, color, or pre vious condition." 1 ItAiLitoAft AcrirtEST. An awidont occurred on the Hall Qap railroad, on Friday last, resulting ta the injury of Thomaa Bear, one of the aande ef that road. Ha waa run over by a truck laden with ties, and although bla escape from immodiate death la mlraeuleas, wa are happy to state that be it expected to bo at bis work agaia in a few dayar "Hob" McKually attempted to maku fun of na last week, beoauae we put op no roostera, and whet We informed him that we had none, be went atraigtway to the wood and killed a phaas ant rooster and handid him 1d. We turned tba Joke on him by having t cooked anil eating It for dinner. "Bob," we eaa aland such yokes every day. R. M. MeKnally Is a good Insurance agcat as well as a good huntsman. - IIttvbn JiiH)KtJ.-Xho Court deputed John L. Cattle, Kq , aa relnra jndge from thia j county to meet thoie of Centre and Clinton, eom-1 posing this Judicial distriat ; Mr. Wa, V. Wright , waa appointed. Congresaioiuil retttra judge, and A. W. Walters, Ksq., Heaaterlal ratura judge, all of whom mat ia llcllcfonle, on Tuesday, the 10 Ih lost., for tbe purpose of oasliog up tbe vote and declaring tho majority for thoaa eieoud la the respective districts, To Foil Them A Itiuuhamton banker haa hit upon tbe following plan to prevent robbers of banka from being eweeeeefo! In their latest node of doing business that of forcing the tasblar, or other party la charge of the vault, to go with them and open U for their benefit. The plaa la to ptae aaeh ewe of the three, fear or mere locks white teeure the treaaure, In tbe charge of a different person, ao that the vault eaa- aot bo opened without the asaletaaoa of all tbeae partial. " Lioht. Our borough i now of those wbicb will "alt In darkness no more," everything being done to lt.s ifcvl that pUf ef light shall be furnished. X a umber of , tbe old lamps have been removed from their, original sites to others, where their light II fspeeteJ to shins with greater effeet, while ajev la tap t hare heed oreotod at all avaitatle petals throughout, tbe borough. We aides the regular wnmber, aereral extra lamps havftcgi put up, whose light will be gladly ao eptcd by the oowmunity, (OMMKRriAL School. It. M. McKn- ally openeil an eveniag aebool In tbe Clearfield Academy, na laat Moadny evening. Taeexerelaea will eoaiist of wrlttaf Spelling, bualuass oorrea pondanee, eom atari ial ealealatioas, and praelleal business problems aJao, complete drill oa hi I la. notes, drafts, erdert reeeipta, ehaeks, A. No books required. Tbe school will he heldea Moa day, Wedpaedat-ood, Vridy ateaingi of aaeh week far eight wetr. Dtudenta ema enter at any time. Terma, $1 la adraaee. St a a nu 1k:mh;nt. The I'hilips- burg Jpmrmmt aaya i "A valuable horse belonging to C. Monro, Esq., of Pblllpaburg, refused ta eat, although esbibtting ae symptoma ef any disease. peculiar to buries. At last It wa dieeovered that by soma meana a boot heel had become fart la the roof of the aaimal'a saoalh, preventing maettea tlea. It ia supposed that the heel was la tba hay apoa which the horse fed ajrd tba aaiia, by the aetioa of tbeiaoatb, wcrc,fored kato th roof bold Ing tbe heel an til dlwtovered and remored. IM of I clt una ppmaivtlnff nnolaimfd la the Poetnffloe at Clearfield, for tbe week ending foveaaner inia, l"7l I Anderson, Miss Anna Ilt-pbum, Mrs. Annie Miliar, ltoolel Myers, Miss H. E. ; Moodie, William isnpseo, John K. BmUa, A bra It aaa Jln.wg, Mrs. R, J( ( Bailey, MliJtd Barron, Jernne Caldwell Jamal ' ' Campbell, feba ' Calhooa, Cyrus J. wewgb, Charles F. Olllispjc, J. . . .-.Wftaon, Hooter, Praa ffp j - Treacle , f. A.GAlrLllf, P. M Attkuitku Hank i.oiiiii.KV.--A moat daring attimpt vaaaiede to fob (be Viral National Ilaan of Cerwaaevill, en laK Woa.lay ulgbt. Abeit S o'clock, rnlilvnta la tbe violnlty of the bank were awakened by atratnendouiconeuaiion, Mr. Arnold, tbe Capillar, who rvatdad njipoilta the tank, a Mr. Uioom, and a Mr, Thoutpwii, all rralding near, juuinl unt ortScir Uxli attnut lite aama time and uoiated their wladowi, but all waa quIfU Mr, UriMHii, however, aaw two mon itand lag eu the paveuieat right under hla winduw, but tbey aooa moved acruia the it roe t to Mr. Arnold' rraldenoe. Mr. Thompaon taw a party approach' Ing Mr. Arnold' liouae after ho aaw light In (ho building, but when railing Ul taiudow a llttb biglict It made aoute tuiiae, nail the party tn tbe atreet obrrring hlia, atarted up itrert townrd the et'inotery. Mr. Arnold then alarmvd ioiiib of theeliliuna and prooevdud to the baitk, wliore thvy found all tbe door upou and tka fu drllkd and bunted, but (be eontenla were undiaturbod. The eiploalon waa ao aevare Ibftt It eranked aotne of the large platea or ylata In the baik building. The burglara auc,odcd In making Ihvlr vavape, but without aouipeniatlon, Tha entrance waa mailt by a bnuk window. Tbe hurglara made aeven dutlnct nttempta to drill tbe vault door, but abandonod It and at tacked an outaide aafc, aaed f"t book, Ao., and drilled two bolea thruugh It. They tbun charged U wltb a blaat of powder, but the aufe aitalalnad very little Injury. Tao Mirtioa arrived at the Mum ion Uouio, la Lb la place, on Wednesday Inat, and rvglitorod aa "J. II, Curtin, Corry," and "Torn l'utmao, t'orry." Curtin wrote after hla name : "Uone to Curweonfllo ecUck tn 3) !' SV. J.ll.U On Thuraday, tbe 11th intn two auiploioua looking ebaraotera arrived In Clcartiald from Reynoldavllle, and regltteraU at tba Shew lloua ai "Q. VilUaiua,Corry,Mnd "J.W.Boib(dltto." The "ditto" wu afterwarda itrlekan out by Uuib, and "Wli." aubatltuted. 4 Tbeie partlea all hadoooaideralkbualneai with our banka while here, and what baa aluoo (ran pi red makca It appear very plain that tluiy were "laying" for all of than. Three man arrtvod on the Ktpreaa train, on Monday night, at 9Mr but did net itop In town, and na dcioribcd by the paiaangera, tboy areauppoted Id be the very aanio fellow atKive regialertd, and, no doubt, parpe trated (be outrage. What effort baa been made to overhaul the I helve, wo bavo not learned. ('iianoe in Time. Som iuinrtaiit ohangea have Loan made, going into vfl'oot on Monday I aft, In the arrival and departure of trains. The ClcrM4 Kipreaa now learca Clear field at 4:115, a.u.,arriring at Tyrone at, x. a., and connecting at that point with the Pacific E press west on tho mala line, at 8:2 S, a. m., and with eastern bound trains on4 the main Hue, aa follow : llarrliburg Accommodation, at T:04 ; Pacific Eipreii, at 8:17, and Fast Line, at 12:19 A. M. The Mail learns Clearfield at 8 40, p. H-. arrlrlng at Tyrone at 8:00, p. M , and connecting with traiaa on main line, aa follow : Westward Mull, 6:41, ami Fait Line, S:&8, n. u. Eastward Atlantic Kipreas, 6:16, and Bfalladelphia Ex press, 10: It, r. M. Rsturning.the Etpreaa leavoa Tyrone at 7:10, r. after th arrival of the Mail weit and the Atlantic Kprai oast, on tbe main line, arriving at Clearfield, at l:3n, r. m. The Clearfield Mall leaves Tyrone at V:0Q, a. after tbe arrival of PnoiAo Kiprc wust and llarrli burg Aoooin modal ion and Paeifle Kipreaa east, on main lino, arriving at Clearfield at 11:20, a.m. Those of our readers in wnnt a time table had better out thia out and par to It up in their re spective places of buamusa. (ifOT ItECIPK FOB Ct'RINtl M KMT. Th following recipe la from tbe editor of the Gorman town Telegraph, who recommend it after many years' trial. It will be useful to oar read ers at thia season of the yean To one gallon of water add 1 1 lbs. of salt, ) ft. sugar, I oa. salt petre, h oa. potash. In tbi rale tbe piokle can be Increased to any quautlty deaired. Let these be boiled together until tbe dirt from tbe sugar rises to lbs top and is skimmed off. Thun throw it Into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef er pork, to remain th usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat must be well cov ered with pickle, and should net be put down for at least two day after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with powdered saltpetre, which removes all tba surface blood, etc., leaving th meat fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the pickle, and find it to anawer well, though the operation of bolliug purine! the pickle by throwing off the dirt always to bo found in salt and sugar. - (jolNU III OUT Alono. Tho PhilipH burg Jrnal aaya : "Tbe contract for grading the 4rt two miles of the llouttdale and Madera extension of the Moahannon Branch was given on Tuesday to Jetnee MuOoveru, of Tyrone, who put a force of men at work oa Wednesday. The Engineer, Mr. A. V. Hoyt, Is busy locating tbe balanoe of the road, and will make a location of the line to (lien Hop, eight mile from Houtadele, as rapidly as possible. The bids were as follows : Daniel Albert first mile, $3,0Qj Shoff Lite, second mile, t-t.BOO D. 0. Henael, two miles, $8,. 000: Thomas McCaffrey, second anile, 11,700, McAroy A Lingle, first mile, 12,700 j McAroy A Lingle. second mile, $1,100) Downa A Dunn, two miles, $,1,800 Jaa. Mctlovcra, first mile, $1,7&0 Jas. McUovera, second mile, $1,160." Ah.kshors Appointkh. David S. Moore, Assesaor eloct of the borough of Curwena villc, having resigned that office, the County Commissioners, oa Wednesday laat, appointed Klisha Ardery, of that borough, to 611 tbo vacancy, Wu. Johnson, Assessor of Morrta township, having alao resigned aa euob, the Board appointed Juhn Hoover Alienor of that township. ' Samuel Lambert, who was elected to tho lame position In Ditgga township, alio reiigned, and Nathan L. Hoover was appointed la his atead. We have no doubt that thca gentlemen will discharge their duties faithfully, with credit to tl public and themselves. m s Fatal Accident. Wo loam that Aaron Hall and Wu. Lucas, of I'Bicnville, Centre Ooonty, proceeded to lb Moahannon bill for a huat, on Friday last, and after having bent sepa rated for some time, Hall suppoaed be espied a bear waddling through aome laurel bushes and fired, but from tbe groaning waa aatlsflod he bad abot a man, and upon proceeding 1 the spot found bis friend, Lucas, dead, Tbe reader, In bia Imagination, cau comprehend the rest aa well as wa can. Despite tbeae sad warnlnga wbloh occur frequently, men take no need to prevent accidaata of tbia kind. CARO FROM MR. KRAMER. , To las Independent t)emoerata ; k The tie of affinity bv convention la never aa loae aa to biad iodisiolubly together the minds 4 the entire people. There ll ao magnet of at traction ia any league Of partiew sou inuruvua ent faction that eamea the beart-ilriaga of tbe entire people to vikrata in unieon on political subjeata, aa mow are led to dtflor with eaob ether oa some point or other. Nor M ooy federation a party, ll may be formed for a oevtaia object and accomplish ita design to a certain extent, and tbtn una naea to in aoure wiienoe h aprnng. Hueh was tbe experiment of the Indpendcat movement. A eoutederation of ineatimaule val ue even by ita failure, it having aeoempltsbed Ita alijeet to a certain exleat. But as It is eaeanlial for the welfare and sacoeee of the parly to which we have always belonged, and for which wa have alwaya claimed fealty, to form a perfect organisa tion aad have peace and harmony dwell ia our midft, let ua, therefore, who formed or assisted in forming eaid confederation lor the purpose of repairing a real or Imagined wrong, oaknly sub mit to tbo will of Iba majority and a we have always In tbe past, so let us in the future adhere U our principles as Democrats, Let as But, be cause we have to a certain extent failed to accom plish our object, or offr county mattera have not bi-en managed, or our primary elections con ducted eoeording to our judgment or belief, for ake the principles ef our birthright as Democrats, Although it is tree we have not in every respect brca treated as we should hare bona by our Democratic brethren, let aa forgive them for they knew n t what they did. The time will yet come when the people of this ooanty will extol ua for what we bavo dene. let as, therefore, as far aa we arc concerned, bury the balohet let by gone bt by gones and plant th tree of harmony and forgive, tbongb our brethren lie unforgiving. Let us saerifioe what little if any revengeful spirit or aniomlty we may have for past offences, and labor tft form a reevarltialliin of oar difficulties and shift the responsibility of settling this matter on to the shoulder nf oar accuser. Hueh Bra my clews oa this subject. Other may adept or rejeotthem. A. (J. kuAMBB. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 18th. 174. - i il Ci Pknnhylyani a HailroadOompany's Nsw RiiLua. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has iiaued a now set of rulee for the govern ment of their employee. Among tbo number the following will he found of interest to tbe pnblia i Paseenger eeoduetora most seat paaagere and see ta their Comfort and onjeyraat aa mneb as possible i see that woe stand oa the platforms, er ride on baggage, mail or oxpreis cars) put off passeagera relasiag la pay, ai uto neat atatton i not permit drunken and disorderly persons on traiaa. aor allow profaaity. Baggage ag'nteand mailers saust handle haggaae carefully i the former to charge for extra weight invariably i the latter to carry only awe a peonages, ounaiee, moaay, etc, as the division super in Undents authorise. No tickets to be Issued to pirsons so Intoxicated aa to be Incapable af taking car of tnecaeelrea, or who. hy reason of sueh condition, mieht risk their live by traveling j Bar lo any one Incapable of sif-care. Neweboye oa trains will not he permitted to Individually Import oa or annoy passangeri, bat may announce la a low voice, at intervale not ex ceeding roar timea la each ear, th article offered for sale. Ner will the be permitted to deposit their popers, hooka, etc., on lb seals of tbe ears, or IB me laps ei passeugeva.troewo jnvsns, aVprclafg. . r uiidersiuned desires to Ball hla entire atonb of furniture In the Husqucbauna Uonas, at Curwena vllle, at private aalo. Possession wilt be glvm at ones, A good bargain and rsaaonabl oredll will beglten. (Si) Ku Uloou. A Itr.tit'rrion Can.- Another rcduelloa In Artt1oia Teeth. Prices to suit tliss panicky Urn, - B, f U lit K H Mil AW, if, V.B. Clearfield, Pa., Kept. 00, I874..8a It u.n II, M. M'Knally'a adrertiisunt la rc gnrd to Life Insuranoo. augll ly Call on R. M. M'Unully and get your life la survd ia tba old ContfaeataJdilfnlasarmnee Com pany, of Hartford, Conn. auglt-ly Ductal xr Fuh Balk.- R. Newton Hbaw ksepaa full aupply pf ii rtMlonia JJuggiee and Platlurm Wkuons lot sale., ft bo seen at the Hbaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvanla. may ll-tf. ! Wood and Willuw Ware of all drscrlptloni for aula by ll. uigier a Vo, f mm una ynur life In lb" Continental Xifs IayH ratina t'oatpiinv ul llrtfnrd,4iiti 11. M. M'UN ALLY, Agent. ' auglMV URCAPITIILATION. Bird Cagea, Wood and Willow Ware. Household Uooda. . , AH kinds of j lard ware,; i Ijv': V'fk Japanned Ware. . n . i I' Paints, Oils, Varnlahsa. Caloinotl Plailar, Wagon and Carriage Makers' auppliei. All oi tho above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Htore of 11. F. Biglor A Co., Heeond street, Clearfield, Pa. J j; t fiavaTimel Pave Labor! Save Honor! Save Cloiheal The" Novelty Wringer" ia tba best in the market. Buy it h try it. , For aale by If- F. UtOLia 00. Ck-lned Plaiter fur aalay 11. I, Blgler A Co Moatour Slate Palnta, for nnlnllnr houses In side ami outside Collage!, Farm Uuildlnga, Ac. Beautiful, durable aud economical. Urouud lo uuro Limeed Oil., t i ' r myan r " v . Bird Caaea a larue aaaortment- at II. F. Dig- lr uo.'Bt Ax kb. -Seventy-five doaen Clearfield Wood chopper Am at i :ai7. , . H. r. BioLKit a to . A full linoof Household tioodi, Japanned Ware, Ac, fur sal by II. P. Higler A Co. 11k in Tim 'Persons whooontetunlatc building will do well to call and caamiu our stuck of HI I I.1H Mi MATKK1ALS. We have la atoeka full I mo of Builders' Hardwnre, Naill, Paints, Oils, Olaas, Putty, Cali-lnsd Plaster, Ad m2S7a 11. F. Hiui-aa A Co. B,v. III al.n'a n-nam.nnt Rb. t) Nit A BHrlaaB Saw, lloyntoo'l Lightning isew, at V-iJ'JX II. . ItIUI.K a VO I, It. F. Btgler A Co. have been making extensive additions lo their stock or Hardware toe lasi lew davs. Hvarvthins! new in Bhalf Hardware, Bad- dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Uutldera Hani ware, and Hardware or all kiall,aen beaeea at their store. May 22, INFLATION I INFLATION t ' ' James Kerr A Co., regardless of tbe aotloa of the President, are Inflating, and have In I a ted their already larae Block ot Clothing, until it now am braces the fiueat assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Qooda in any retail store la Pennsyl vania. Ue low please find reduced price Hat of a few of the articlea embraced ia their stock! MKN'S CorTONADK HIUT8, ONLY , 00 MKN'd CAKS1MKRR 81'ITS, DNLY 8 00 ftlKN'B ALL-WOOL CASH. fcUTITS, 10 00 MKN'H FINK BLUB DUO, 8U1T8, 10 00 YOUTHH' HI i 18. $. to 20 00 CIIILIa FINK BLUR CLOTH 81 ITS. I 00 CIIILD'U FANCY DIAti. BVVSti, 10 00 CHILHitKN'tJ BUIT8, all prices, rr 2.60 to 12 00 Umbrellas. Silk, U Ingham, Cotton a large and fine assortment. Hoslcry.-Fifty doseni Lisle Thread, Bilk, Cotton and Engliib super itout hose, wbicb will bo sold at from 6 cents up. ttulrla. Our stock of ahlrli la large and com plete, em bracing tbe Unlveraal, Frcaih Percale, Cotton, Cassimero and eulorcd Shirts, in great variety. We would aay to our customers that having bought goods at 16 per oeat, less than heretofore, we are prepared to sell them at prices that will really astonish everybody. Call early and see for youMelres. JAMtiB KIHH A CO. Old westeru llotei uorncr, vieerumu, ra. v Painti, Oile aud f arnlshul M al y II, F Bigler A Co. Fnaa! Faa!laiVAiwgUieajiaa)yrpa rationa that we have for Coukh, Cclds, Croup, or any throat or lung difficulty, none of them are equal to Ur. Morris' Byrun ol iar, vt ua vnerry and Horehoumt. tf voa are affiieted. call at our store and we will gti you a Sample bottle rea of ekurgt I Agents: Harts wife A irwtn, 'Jiearneiu Holt, Wondsidc M Holt, waiMCctcn t a. as. w u liams, William s Prove. Msrch ll-Iy. Juet rcectred, a large lot of Boa -explosive Lamps and Lanterns at 0-26-72 - H. V. Biaaaa A Ce'a. NoTtrt to Wasoh amp Oauuaoi Ma tana. We have just received a general acaortmeat of Wagoa and Carriage Wocda, alao a full Hoc of Bpiiaga and Ax lei. which w oaer cheap nr easb. II. F. Biolrb A Co, 3Marrlfl la Illnntn town.hip, by Jon Clart, Kcq., Mr. ll. 1.AWSUN SMITH wd MIm NOIIA LKKCH, botb of filoon lowD.hip, CM.rfl.ld .oiinty. On Burnt. T, Nor. Slh, 174, br II. 1. 8uppt, Km., Mr. JACOB P. WHITK, of 1'h.ll.lphi., P.., .nil Miw HALUIK H. HU1UNIL of Jirnu towolblp, Oie.rllelo! eountyt- 1W A ! -. I .1 :? - fird. i . . . In Ilradv towiishln. ftfl Tuclday, IfoT. 10th 1874, MAiDALKNA RItSTlKL, wife of FnAr Kisiikl, aged 31 years, 2 montns ana J aaya, ' In Bradford townshia. on Monday. Nor. I6lh 1874, LA VINA, wife of David Liox, aged 64 years, 1U noultM anil 4 day. v Cioarfiold Markets Coaaarvan Wrrklt by Kratter A Lytic, Whels- aalaand Retail dealers la Dry Uoods, Groceries Flour, Feed, etc. Market street, Clearfield, Pa . H i CLUAariaLD, Pa., JTot. IT,. 1874 Apples, green fiOi 60 $ Apples, dried Apple batter, fl gal Butter.-...., M Beana.. Buek wheat Buckwheat flour lb. ...... Beef, dried............ ...j.... Beef, freah Boards, M ..... Corn, shelled... -.-. Corn, ear Corn meal, ysaok Chop, V cwt CloverseedHf 76 80 ...$o I I 26 1 00 ,.s 04 .7 8ftfi 2i ... 10 ..11 tOfauU 00 4 Of 00 fj Z' ;t i a T 0" Cheo.-.w....,..'ii,f" .... ,. ti Cherries, lb, Chlnkens, drcaaed, ' jb... ststg' Flaxseed Flour ,,m. Hay lings, dressed Hides, green- Ram Hi .... .,. '. to .... i ooia i to ....00 HO (a 14 00 .... II Shoulders .,..... Hides Lard Mess Pork.'p bbl..H OaU .... Ontons,...H.,M .. PotaloeaM.-w... . Peacbee, dried, Th , Plaster, fi bbl-...., .. Ry h Bega, V lb ,..T.....V Malt, "h sack...., ... Hhingles, 18 int;hv.. ........ fthiugloi, 26 incbyv,,MM. Timothy efd...... Tallow ..iii'tn,'-iti'"rl Wheat Wool Wood, eord....H. ...... Hi 1. .... l ' it oo 0o t oo .... ' to '..'.'. 1 l!fi .... ' II .... ' " ' M 10 .... i ' 4 0 PoiinnylvnuIaRnllrond TV HONS t (JI.KAIir'IKLD BIIANCH r1 .nil .fltr Mondiiy, NOV. It, 1ST4, III. I r.MnMrlrai,wiU ran ibiilr (ot 9.B. b.twu.0 Tjron. and Clrartehl, ml follow. CLKAKKlKIiD MAIL LBAVB BOOTH. ' tKAVK KOHTH. Cla.rl.M 1.10, P" Philin,bat(.... , " 0-.ol.. ........ i.m, " i jron. w t.O0,A.M. umolh. lo.ia, " rhllip.l,.r,...l015, " Cl.ar0.ld .....11.10," Ijrnil. '"f'.Z. . CbnAltPiKkD RXPRBtW. LEAVE SOUTH. 1 1 i LKAV1 NORTH. A. a Pbilipibarf.. 1.3.1 " Oioaola. 5.4 Intometioa.. t.4! " Trmn 1.44 " Tjrona. t it r.m. Int.mtloa, " 0la I.H Phllirili.r, S3 " CIrH.ld,ar.J.l " TYHONI HTATION. B.ltWAIB. AN Paoiflo Kipnai, 1:17 Jlarrifbor, Ac'ja, T-14 ' ' 1 "1 11 Mall Train, i 1:4. AtUall. K.pnia, 1-64 . A Miiwl Traia, ' I H Ciaidn'li Kipraii, IH Paeifl. KaprVra, 1:14 a a Wa, P.aang,r, l:IS HallTnla, , 1:41 Cblla'da Kipnaa, llilliVaM Lino, a u FARB FROM CLKARFIEU), TO BolLfonta, I'a II It MlddUUwa hmk Hart. I 11 Wllllainiport. II laatiBadoa ...; til MailMU I LoitMiur I it PHILADRLPfll A Til Alloona.... I II Lawiitowa.. I tl! M.rrirlll. 4 M HARIKBl!ltl... 4f inhartowa..,, I N FITTHBUP.0.1.... I II Olow eonnaitloBr mad by all trala, at Tyropa aad Look llaral. " I. I, BLAIR, - jl7 tf. (wporlalandoil. grid fli'frtlsrmrnts. rjiOWNSIlli BTA'fEMKNT. JOSKI'll OWENS, TmiaM af L.wnno. lown.blp, la aooooal with Iba Bobool Puad of i.ij lo.,hlp lor l7t l . ' ' UK To .bouiiI horn Ooaaljr Trwuiifor, aaaoalwl lax ..$ ofl7 It froio lllaU aiipropriaUun 2JIT 0T Aaioual of Ul I.ltf 04 Alaouat raa'd fran Taylor Uawlaa. 104 If ' Tola! t cn- ltj .ml of School Orel, n ixlJ up till Jin. 0, l74 W.tlt hjr 4 pn at. allowwi taa.y.ra - .aHl... , 4S 4 Ilj I'.llMtur'. par awt.., t pr. M, on 00011, aad . pr Mot. aa " l,ltl III - Tl II B, aai Troaaaror'a pa. Malaga, at -. 1 n.r nol. oa 1.J? .. 4 17 Hy bal.ana du. I rum Traalunr.... 1,11.17 IV h Tol.l.......,...-..4l,4il II Tba nndarilaBid. Auditora of lAWr.M. toWB' bin, bavlna ...Bilaad tba aooouuli of Joi.pb Un.lil, Trr.iurr or l.uwrrno. lownanip, iouiiu lbM a, Bbo.a lUtid. H. J. vim a i,m, , . . A. 11. SUA W, Jua. 1, 1471-.Nor. 11 -Jl) ,, , . . Auditor!. THE SUN. WEEPtLY AND DAII-Y FOR 1875. (Tit aoDroach of the Preside ntlal election lire uauaual linporianoe 10 tua avenu ana aerviop- monlsoi Imto. WU Sliall endeavor to ueaertnc them fully, faithfully, and fearlessly. TUB WKKKLY HUN haa now atuinsd a olr- eulatloa ef over seventy thousand copies. Its readers are found la etery State and Territory, ami Its quality I well known to the public. We shall not only endeavor to keep It fully up to the old standard, but to Improve and add to Its va riety and power. TUH WKKKLT CUN will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in It, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and alwaya, we lruat, treated la a alear, Interesting and Instruc tive meaner. It is our aim to make the WKKKLY BUN the best family newspaper la the world. It will be full ef entertalnina and appropriate readier of every sort, but will print nothing to offend tbe most scrupulous and delicate taste. Jt will al ways contain tbe moat interesting stories and ro. manea of the day, carefully sclented and legibly printed. Tho Agricultural Department la a prominent feature In tbe WEEKLY HVH, and ill articlea will always be found fresh and useful to tbe farmer. Tho number of man Independent la tiolitics Is Increasing, and the WKKKLY Ht'N la their paper especially. It belong to no party, and obeya no dictation, contending for principle, and for the elaolion of the belt meu. It exposes the corruptloa that disgrace the country ami threat ens tn ovennrow oi repUDiienn institutions it na bo rear of Una vex, and seeks na favors from their aupporlera. The markets of every kind and the fashions are regularly reported iff lis columns. The prioe of the WKBKLY Bl'N is one dollar a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty -six columns. As this barely paya tba expense of Saper and printing, we arc not able to make any iscouat or allow any premium to friends who may maae special anuria to extend its circulation. Under the new law, which rat) u ires payusnt of poatage In adraaee, one dollar a year, with twenty cents the oost of prepaid poatage added, is tbe rate of subscription. It ia rot neoemary to get up a club la order to bare Ih WKKKLY SUN at this rate. Any on who acndi one dol lar and twenty cents will get the paper, post paid, for a year. n e nave no traveling agouti. TI!KWUi:kl,Y HUNwXigbt P a it s, fif ty-six columns. Oaly 1.50 a year, poatoy pre tin. Ao njHfMt rot rAtcrare, Till. DAILY HUN A lari fourMtre uewiiiaper of twenty-eight columns. Daily cir culation over I'JO.OOO. AH tbe nswi for two cents. Subscription, poatage prepaid AA cents a month, or (LAO a year. To slabs of 10) or over, a diieouot of )tO per cent. Aaaresa, "THK aus," Oct. 28-flt. New York City jysSOLUTION.- ', The KartncnhiD heretofore exlitinr between 0. B. Merrell, K, H. Taylor, Lewis C. Bloom, M. 0. Browa and Elena. W. Brown, under the name, style and title of tbe "Clearfield Plaaing Mill Company," and doing business In tbe bor ough of Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent of the per lie on tbe 2d day of November. A. I). 1874, by the said O. B. Merrell, H. B. Taylor and Lewis C. Bloom withdrawing from said firm, having sold their interest in the same t M. li. Browa and Klem W. Brown, of which all person i Interested will taxe notice. u. u. mkhkkll,, r. . ! R. B. TAYLOR, ( i. , LEW It? 0. BLOOM, MILTON 0. BROWN, ELKM W. BROWN. ClaaHleld, Nov. 11. 1874-31. JJOTICE TO UEIRSi la Re tbe estate of 1 la the Orphaas Court of Isaac Draueker, Clearfield 0o., Pa., No. dee d, Brady twp.J JuaoT,'74. Wrltof Par'a. To the heirs and legal repraeentatlvea of Isaac Draueker, deceased, late of lirady township, ris : To Mary Uraiteker, widow ef tbe eaid Isaac Irrewckcr, Levi Draueker, A. M. Drauokar, P. W. Drauoher, James It. Draueker, Hareh HootL widow of Johnson Scott, aad Mary Scott, Catha rine Smith, aad Chriatiaa Smith, her hatband, Helen ffiegal, aad Lever arlegal, bar ausband, Baaaah llellcy, aad Kdward llolley, her hue- band, Elite Rodger a, and Daniel Rodgars, her haetmad, Leah Good lander, and Daniel flood -lander, her husband, uka noils that at an Or phaaa' Court held la aad for th county of Clear - Bold, ra., on ui ma or Aurust, 1(17, a writ wa awarded aad lo m directed, to make part I - uoa 01 tn reai esiaic 01 Isaac iiraaeaer, dec a, late of Brady township, la aald county, aad that I will proeeed tc hold the Raid inquisition and ake partition as directed oa the inth day rf November, A. 1). IR74, at which time aad place you may appear If you deem a roper. Tbe ia- quest will meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, oa me premises. w. it. ni&nnun, aaem ' imift, - l - nncntr. Clearfield, Pa., Nor. 11, 19T4 it J 1 FaTOTICK TO IIKIR3. 1 In Ih Matter of the Ka-1 In tbe Orphan's Court. leu m bamaei ncgaiw ty, deceased. j Writ of Partition. To the Heirs and Rrpreaentatlvea of Hamusl Ilegarty, late of Woodward township, deceased, ris 1 Mrs. Lydla Herai-ty, Midst, James liai- arty, William Ilegarty, Mary WbiUiid aud iieary wniteiide, nr nuanand, marrnret wua- erow and Jnc. Withsrvw, her hualand, Jane Jordan and John M. Jordan, her hasbaad, J. aeuh ileuartT. Ueorre lluaartv. Samuel Ilea- arty (of Henry) R. M. Ilegarty, Henry Ilegarty, Isabel te i nomaa ana nm. inomaa, ner ausnana, Samuel Herarty.of lUaarty'a X Hoads, William Ilecarty, Matilda ilell aad Cortes iteil, bet hus band, Agnes Ilegarty, now Agnes Fink, aad hsr feaabaad, James rini, Joseph ncuuiiougn, Mary Jane McCwllooga, Loci MoCalloogh, Sarah Ana Jiegarty, by her guardiaa, Jokn Witlisrew, and Jama A. Ilegarty who claims ta be vendee of William Heiarty. Take aot ice. the ta auriuanoo or a writ ot Partition to me directed, 1 wiH oa Tuesday, the 1st day or December. A. D. 1HJ4, bold an ia queet of partition and valuation of the Real Bi. talc of Samuel lleearty, rata of Woodward town- abip, docaad, situate ia Woodward and Deeatar towaibipa, UMarnaia couniy, ra. mo loquaai will aaavmhls at the house of laid Samuel II eg IP. cloeh of said day, W. H. Mcl'HkHhON, Sheriff. vNr. ll-St. , -, sTIAUTION. AH person are hereoy warned agalnit meddling or with parehaaiog any or tbe toliowmg prone ty, trow in the handi of Jai. MeOutre, via 1 Ot urrhaaiog any of tbe following proper- browa horse, two aewa, two heifers, twenty-two abeep, cae act of double haroess, as tbo aame be longs to me, aad Is subject to my order at any time. T, il. rUnlfii. Nov. II, 1874-M E ASTRAY. ' v Bitrarwl from tba andinlcnetl. raiMInf In (llrard taaoibin, aa er .bont tbe lit of bw, a foar ,.ar aid ptear, all rl opt wbkl. IBM, hear, at. Aaj oaa livinc lafonaatioa loadia, to tba rooovar of laid ot will no lib.r ail. raward.d. rii:hui.ib kuntiifl. LaMnL'l Mllla, Ro. -lt. : jhTuTioir. r.7". J'n'Z AD potMM Bl. wnbj warwad a,.lait narehaa. In, or la any wijr ndllai wltb tba follawiaf doaaribod proportr, vli : 1 r.d .ow, 1 bog, f. lot orpina aoarai, anoui i3,.iif im, Moa nor., I anpboard, I dlahiii labia, I pain badaUadi and bldia, aad balaawa of aad blteboa laraltor. n.w la poH.ioa of Wllliaai B. BnT- drr, ., th, aarn. belong! lo in. and ll fubjtet to my order at ana iibm. no,4 l J0MA8 BNYIJIR, c AUTION. ' AU aaravn, ara aantknl aot 1. par. ehaaa or la an, manuw aiddle with tbo follow iag prop.rU, aow la tb. baodi of f ml.h Rora bau.B, ia towaiblp, Tit t 150 bniheli, mora ar Ion, of eora la tb. Mr, to aad a half of bay, mora or ki, lot at oora roddor, and 1 hog, a. tfi. am. boloog to aia aad ara aaMeet ta my ordr at lyttma. jamkm vijrki. N.w Wathlngloa, Bot. 4, U74. lt' TJIVOROK NOTICK - ta Iba Oaart tl CmH af Oammoa Plaai of Cleantold Ooaoly. Ib th. Slata of Paaaavlrania. Haanah J. Uowdrleh ) 8ab. Bar. Diroroo, No.114, ya. PiM.Tnn, IH74. Jaeoh W. Dawdrlek. I Allai lob. T.. 1171. Yoa, tho aald Jaoah W. U.wdrieb, ar. notified aad roqulrad lo ba and appMrbafnr. oar aaid Caart, to be b.ld at riearlold, aa Ib. Id iloa-lay of Jawary, A. D. l"7o, to annrwor Ib. p.HUoa or llbal aflh.iaid Haaaaa J. D.wdrlek, yoor wifh abora aamad, aad ihow mum, If aay yoa bar., why tba laid llaanab ahoald aot b. dirorooi aad Mnaratad from Iba boadi of malri mony, oalorod Int. with yoa, ae.rdlng U tb. Aeli af Aalomaly In inch aaioi mad. aarl provtdd. , w . H, NerllKHHUM, Dbarin. noarMd. ra., Ror. II, 1174,-41. , TlRBOLUTION OP PARTNER. Jlvf HH IP. Tb. M.aartwanhla kMiln, il litlag balwM flMm W. Hon aadMnllhlaa noll,p.tor, Jr., trading aa Hollopetar A Ca la hady towaahla, Clwrtald ooaaty, wu dliaolvol by mataal naMwtoathvlrtway afOetober. Th. aooki aad wmill ara l.ft with Qoa, W. Hon for bMILbmbI aad MllooUoa, o whom all P.T- aoaU ara to a. mad.. thoM Ind.btod to tba firm ara raoaaitod I. aoan forward ant MtlH) Itaoal dalay. HObLOPIiTIR A 00. Latbortbar, 0,1. II, 1114-41. fw Jfli'trtUrmnitji. ADMIXISTHATOB'S NOTICK. Niilloa ll li.rrl.T lirrn ibal Latin, af Ad. nlnlilratloa D. B. N. V. T. A , aa Iba aiUla af VII, H. UIUKET, lata af Uaaoarla tewaiblp, .'lrfl.ll oalT, Pa., itMti,, ai dulj uraalid lo Iba, all p.r,oal M. M ald aal.lo will plial. Baka liaa.dl.U p,iavnt, aad thuia navliif .lam. or d.uiaad. will prvMOt laarn proporiyaa.n.nue,iaa Ibr Nt- ilriu.nt wllboui d.iay. MAKUAIIKT A.MCKKT, JAMK9 U1CRRY, Giro Hop., Oet. 14 01. Adtalalitralan, T.14IH IALB, Tba and.r.lK.ed olT.ra for X ' a ralualtl. Iowa properly ia th. boroafb .(CloarOrld. Lot 0llBl f..t, wilb a food two. lory plank houM Ih.raoa araolad, yillb tbraa room, duwa .lain and four bod rooiua up lUira. Alio, irwina room and bath room on aosond floor. llou.o Onliboil iompl.1. frota Mllar ta alible- Uo.d dovtil. poren and gooa waior, rno. raa sonahle and payments easy. juaugjj wax. jb. MoCULLOUQII. fTOREKKEPKRS, ATTENTION! Wo desire to call your attoatloa toour exteoilvu ComialiikoB husiaeaa and to oar facilities for dis posing of such produce as our consignors sand us. Uavlng a large trade wun eny taree,we are en abled tc make quluk rs turns, at full pi rices. Storekeepers having UMuaens, Ua utter. Ens, or other produce, will do well to give aa a trial. tvnere u roperies are taeen in eiiaaot, a evtw m lesion will ha charged. S. L. KIRK, SON A CO., Wholesale flroeer and Commission Merchants, No. 130 N. Third street, Pbllad'a. .- aprly Jai. fl. pAttsoas, Prea'k R. B. Brbcbbb, Sec'y; CONTINENTAL Lire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Anal! ,..t3,tlO,KH K.lio of Aiioti lo Ll.bilill,,. Ill Parnl.hi-i laiuranoa at tba r.ry .oit Poliny-boldir. parlieip.t. la tb. profit! of lb. Company, tbui Mnlinually roduoing tb. annual payiii.nti. ror raioi. ao., oan on or auor... H. M. Mi KNAI.l.Y, A.nt. Offlo. ia Shaa'a Row, CioaPloM, Pa. M.'fi. 1874 " FALL & n HTEU. 1874. WILLIAM REED OF TIIK- 8TOR( l:C7) MT., CLKARITIKLII, PA., Ilai roMlrod a r,ry eholoa iloek of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, FANCY GOOD . TRIMMED HATS & BONNETS, H i KID GLOVES, HOSIERT AND UNDERWEAR, AND ATA OP OTHER aOODfl, To wbiob tho Blteatloa af aaih bay.r. through oat tba eouuty li Invited. llartn. bad .xn.ri.Boa la tbll .law of aoadi. I am latUR.d I eaa giv. i.tiifutioa to any who may giv. mo a .all. I am detormlaMl to tell good, at laob prioei, that a lltll. moa.y will go a groat w.ya. Any on. throufhout tho eouotr IB B..d of good. In my lina, will do well lo gir. me a rail. r-ar-u.mettia.MB. niaoa. wm. hkku. 0,jU 7, IB74.J Kayitoa. Store, Cl..rald, Pa. gTOP THIEF! How often that err Is hoard la our larae towos i out no one ever thicks oi atcaiiag from T. A. FLECK & CO., For their goods arc ao eheap, ll paya better to buy than steel them. Parehaitna entirely for cash, and selling for the same, we are tnua eaa bled to offer goods at a smaller margin than can poeaibly be done by any one doinaeven the email- eat part ef trust business either way. We have an entirely NIvW purchase of ' DKY GOODS and ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS variety unsurpassed and pries to suit th scarcity or money, oar stock ar LIILLIKEST GOODS. Bonnets and Ladles' Hats, haa never boea eqaalled ia the eouaiy. LA 11 KB AND CUILDRRN'S UNDKRWIAR a oompUt aaiortmsoL Ladies Dress Trimmings, In Fall Line. Latest Styles. Gents1 Furnishing Goods, , a large variety, both coarse and Inc. 1 WINTER OLOVRS, ' I YARNS, wool ' ' 1 ZKPHYKS Waterproofs, in Great Variety, All arc luvltcd tc call and tiamla nor rood and prices before buying isewbrre. Wo make an wry faces beoauss yoa don't buy, but believe this to be a free country; aad that every one baa th Inalienable right to life, liberty, th pursuit of kappiaeaa and to buy foods where they eaa secure me test goods for tits least money. At Wu, Reed i old itanj, opposite Mossop's. T. A. ri.KUK 011174 A. M. BILLS. M1TT0N & HARMON'S Xew Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CURWENSVLLLE, PA. TI1R undorsignsd, havlne-leased room a for tbo manufacture of all hiada of 8Al)ILKH, HAR- NKKH, and all the laleat improvements ia Horee Vurniihing Uooda, are bow urepared to All all order at prioe and quality that wiU surprise all whofevortbeawtthaoallfer the taepeetlenof their work. They ar dtrmiud tc please and their ex perience and observation la eastern and western cities eoablae them to UKKV COM PETITION ia the maniitaetore of (laid, Hllver, Oroide, Rubber Covered and Ullt-Llned Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I Also flae RIDINO AND RACING RADDLRS. Their rents aad einenscs being light, they will sell the same grades of work Q per cent, cheaper than they eaa be bought In the eaatera cities. Repairing and adjusting Saddle, Uanest, Ac, neatly don, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to all orders ny man or otherwise. Call and see their work before buying elsewhere. MirTON A HARMON. Curwansvllle, Pa., Oct. SI, 1874. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that letter of admin istratlea oa the eelate ef Mrs. HUMAN KYLRIt, deceased, late of Uoihea town abip, Clcar- neu county, Pa., having beea duly grantaa to th undersigned, all peraoa Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meat, aad thoee having elaima or demands will preaeut tbem properly authenticated for settlement without de lay. A. B. SHAW, Oct. U dt ' Administrator. lXECTJTOR'S NOTICE; :" Natloela hereby glrsa 'lbat Letters Teste' menUry oa the Relate of aXlZA PLANlttAN, lets of Clearllsld borough, de d., have beea graat od to the undersigned. AI'pnons indebted to aid Estate are required to flake immediate pay ment, and thoee haviusT laima agalnat It ar rc- qulied to present them, duly authenticated, with- oat aeisy, to in anaersign. - . JAMK'f B. GRAHAM, Clearfleld, Oct. U, 1874-M.. itteeater, TTOUSR AND LOT FOR SALEI XX. Tba Hobm aad Una Iba wraor of Mar hat aad Plflb .trooU, Oloarlild, Pa., I, for aal., Tba let aoalala. aoari, aa am af greaad. Tba boaM la a larg. d.ubn frame, aoauiaiag aloe room., ror terms aad otaor iniorraalloa apply I. th. .abMHaar, at toe rem vma,. B.rll P. A. OAULIN. JttmcBs a com.TAni.Kav rin Wa ban wrlamd a large aambw of la. bow PII BILL, ml will oa ta. mstpt tl Iwwatr ira aaat, mail a oo,, lo aaf addraai. mial $Uttl!)ttuui. H. F. BIGLER & CO. aaaxiBi II1RDWABE, Also, Maaafxttaroraaf " Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAlrllLD, PA. GAUMING IMPLEMENTS of all btadl for aala bj U. If. BIQLKH i OO. AILROAD WUEELBARROWS for aal. by H. F. BIO LEE A CO. 0IL- PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS' , Mailt, .ta, for aala b, U. r. BIOLEB ft CO. H AKNKSS TRIMMINGS &SUOE Fladlng i, for ial bj ' H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. QUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aala k, H. P. BIGLER A CO. JgTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bii.i, for aala hf II. F. BIOLEK i CO. RON I IRON IRON I IRON I For lata hy II. F. BIOLER k CU. II ORSK SIIOKS ft HORSB SHOE NAILS, for talc by II. F BIGLER CO pULLEV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES An! beat Manufacture, for sal by ll.?. BIOLER at CO. NIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPK BOXES, for sal by " H. F. BIGLER ft CO RODDER CUTTERS for salo hy MCB30-70 II. F. BIOLER ft CO, yiNKGAR BITTERS. PURELY VEOKTARLK. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S California VINEGAR BITTERS. Dr. J. Walker' California Vinegar Bitters arc a purely Vegetable preparation, nude chiefly from the native herb found oa the lower ranges of tho sierra Nevada mountains or California, th medicinal properties of whieb are extracted tberefr jm without tbe ua of A leohol. The quae- Uoa Is almost daily ached, 'Waat is tbe cause of the unparalleled (access of VmaoAR Umauar" Uar answer is, tbat teey remove tbe cause of ots sa, aad the patient recovers his health. Tbey arc tbo great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Reaovator and In v if orator of tho aystem. Never before la the history of the world has a medicine been compounded noe seeiing the remarkable qualities ef Viaaoaa llir tbrb la healing tbe eick of every dlaeaae man la heir to. They ara a gentle Purgative as well aa a Tonic, relieving Congestion or inflammation of tbo Liver aod laearol Urgana, tn U itioua lia- Thc propertlei of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit tera are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu tritious, Lai at I re. Diuretic, Sedative, Csuoter- Irntaai, 8 ado rile, Alterative, aad AatLBilioua. Grateful tbousanda proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful larigoraat tbat ever sustain ed the sinking system. No person eaa take these Bitter according lo directions and remain long unwell, provided iheir bones bis aot destroyed by mineral poison or other means, aad vital organs. Billons, Remittent and Intermittent fereri, whioh arc ae prevalent In tbe valieya of our great rivers throughout the United Htatea, especially these of tbe Uiaaiaaippi, Ohio, Misaowrl, lllioon, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Braaoe, Rio Uraode, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, aad many athers, with Iheir vast tributaries, throughout our entire ooautry during tbo Hummer aod Autumn, aad remarkably so daring sea so us of unusual heat aad dryness, are iu variably accompanied by az tenalve deraogemeats of the stoma h and liver, and ether abdominal vlaccra. In their treatment a purgative, eicrting a powerful influence upoa then various organs, is eaaaatially aenecaary. There la ae cathartic for the purpose equal so Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, aa they will apoodily remove tbe dark-colored vieeid matter wltb wbicb the bowel are loaded, at tbe same time stimulate log the secretions of th liver, and generally rc storing the healthy functions of the digestive Fortify th body Agaia st disease by purifying all its fluids with Via. gar Hit tar a. No epidemic oan take bold of a system thus fore-aimed. Dyspepsia er Indigestion, Headache, Pain ia th Hhoalderl, Cougba, Tightaesa ef the Cheat, Dlaiineca, Sour K rue t lone of tba Stomach, Bad Tests Ib the Mouth, Bilious Attaeka, Palpitetiou of tbe Heart, Inflammation of the Lange, Pain ia the region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho o Iff firing ef Dyspepsia. Oae bottle will prove a better guar antee of lis merits tbaa a lengthy advertlaemeat, Bcrofula, or King's Rvll, White Swellings, V rs, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Uoltre, Scrofu lous Inflammations, Mercurial affection, Old Soros, Ifruptions of tbe Skin, More Kyea, etc. la these, as Ib all other constitutional diaaaaes, Walker a Viaegar Bit tera Bare aaowa their great curative powera In tbe most obstinate and in tractable cassa. Foe Inflammatory aad Chronic Rheumatism, Oeuts Blliooa, Remittent and Intermit tent Pavers, Disease er the mood. Liver, tvldneya aad the Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sueh Dis easel are eaoeed by Vitiated Blood. aleebealeal Diseases. Peraons eacaaed In Palais and Mluerele, aueh aa Plumbers, Type setter, Oeld-beeter aad ai leers, na tbey adraaee In life, ara subject tc paralysis af tbe Bowels. To guard aajainit thli, take a deae ef Walker's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. Por Skia DImbmi, KruBtloal, Teller. ,lt- Rheam, Mloleboa, Hpola, Pimple,, Puatalo., Bolla, Cerbaael.,, Ring-worma, Haald-hoad Kara Eye,, KryiipelM, lleb, Beurfi, Diwoloratioai af tho Skia, Human and Dinami of th. Skla ofwhat ner aama ar Batara, ara lltarally dug up aad earriod out f tb. lyRUm ia a .b.rt tim. by tb. an of the,, BiHera. Pia. T.po and other Worm,. Inrking la tb yitem of to bmi Ihnamad., ara .neel..ily do troyed and removed. No ayaum of medioiae, ao rarmifug.., as ftalhtlmiaili.. will fro. tba ayit.m from worm! Ilk. tbeto Bitt.ra. I ' Por Female Complalali, ta yuaag or old, mar ried ar llngl., at the dewa of womaahood or tbe Urn of Hie, Iheaa To.W Hilton dlaplay M da rided aa ialaeaee that improramoat li wa per. eoptlbl... . CleaaM tba Vlliatod Blood wh.aerer r.u Ind it, impuritl.a buratJng through tho ahia ia Pim ple., Kruptioai, or Sorer; eleaan It when yoa ad II obatmetod aad .Inggtih la tn, tbib. II wh.a It la foal i your faollnga will yon wbM. Kep the blood pnra, aad lb. health of th. ayitam will follow. . . il. McDonald a oo., - Druggist, aad Uaa. Agls., Baa Praaslaea, Calt foraia, and soraer of Waahlagloa Bad Charltoa atreeu, No Torsi. Sold by all Draggtess aad Dealers. ; . ov.,74-m. JjVJU BALK OR RENT. , A good aad w.ll aqalpned Blaskimilh Shop orill k atlaw sold er ranted. The beat etead la th, ooonty. Apply to THOA. J. BOOTH, Oet. 11, 1174 Imi. Ramb.rger, Pa. grg Coott, Srorfrlfi, tf. JJARD TIME8. 11 A VI DO EKPECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am awaio that there are aome persons a little hard to please, and 1 am also aware mat inc complaint of "hard time" ia well aigh universal. But I am so situated new tbat lean satisfy tbe former and prove conclusively tbat "hard tlmac" will aot eOeflt those who buy tneirgooaa trom no. and all my patrons shall be Initiated Into tbe ae rt of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t I hav good enough to aupply all the lahabl Uut la the lower end ef tbe county wgtch I eU at exceeding low ratea from my mammoth store In MliLKoNUl HU. where I can always be found ready to wait upon callera aad supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saeh ai Clothl, SatlBotli, Caiiimarel, Muilina, Dalainoi, Llnaa, Drilling!, uaitooil, Trinmingi, Ulbboni, Laoa, ft mule Clolhlna. Bool, and Sbooi, Il.u aad Capa all of th. beat m.Urial aad made to ardor IIom, BoeBl, uioraa, miimb., MOM. muuun., c. QIIOCER1K8 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Taa, Sugar, Rloa, Molaiiaa, Flih, Sail, Porb, LioMod Oil, Pub Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardwara, Qnoaaiwaro, Tiawara, CaatlBgl, Plow! and Plow Caitlagl, Naill, 8p.,l, Corn Calllra- ton.Cid.r Pr.iMi.and all aiadi oi aim. Parfumary, Paiati, Varnlih, Olaii, aad a gaBoral aiionmoai oi 01.1100.17, GOOD FLOUR, Or dif.r,nt brandy alw.y. aa bead, aad will bJ old at tba poiilbl. Bgurai, II. HoClaln'i Medielao., Jyn.'. W.dloln.1, UoitottM- a and HooOand IJItt.r,. UH Bound, of Wool wanted for which tb. hi.h.,1 brie, will B. paid. UIOTersera on am. and lor lal. at laa roweai mar.., pnc Alio. Agent for SlraltoBrlll. aad Corwenirill. Tbreibing hlwhtnra. teCall and raofor yourMlv.1. Yoa will lad wr.rylhlng aiaally ia a retail .tor.. L. H. COUllltlKT. PranobTlll. P. 0., Auguit 12, 1874. R EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT! The attention of the eitiscna of Clearfleld aad vicinity is directed to tbe fact tbat Uoodfellow A Boa ara the eeents of U. Niece A Co., and have jest received a half dosea ear loads of Pratir and feed, which they oner at inc iowcm posaiuie og , A large loci of FLOUR, COnN MEAL, CIIOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOl'B, BRAN, Potato.,, Shelled Corn, Cora la ur, Ao., Aa. P.rtieular atlaatloa la ..lied lo M. Nloea A Co.'. brand of Pamily Plour, whieb ll tb. belt ll th. marhat. Plvarand Peed .aa aad will boald cheaper tbaa It oaa ba obtained ia Ulearfleid ooonty. caT-Mloro ob Market itraet, neat door 10 lloB. Alelaoder Irviu'l reitdenc OOOUPKLLOW A BOH, JanlOtf AgenlaforM.NiMaACa. AT TBE- CORNER STORE, CURWENSVLLLE, PA, 0FPERS REArlONABLT A FI LL STOCK OP (iEN EHAL M ERC1I ASDISE. tl.OVH, JHtUtT, 'JSf, fl.ILT, , HOPE, tit., alwayi oa haad at oarb pr!c... ' LUMBER, - GRAIN, WOOL, fe., taken ta exchange for good at highest market price. aeil74. MARBLE AD STOVE YARD! M. S. 8. LIDDELL, llavlug engaged la tbo Marbl. bu.ln.ia, dollna to iaform her friendi aad lb publia tbat .ha haa now and will keep ooaitanlly oa bud a larg. and well Mleeted Hook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT blARBLB, and li prepared t. furniah ta .rdor TOMBSTONK8, BOX AND CRADLE TOUBS, UOM'MENTS, Curbi and Poita for Cemelvry Loti, Window ' ' Mill, and Cap., alio, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOI'3, Ae., Ae. .Tard aa Hood etrMt, aaar tba B, Ft Depot, CI urn, id, Pa. J.7,71 F. O'LEARY BUCK, Genera! . Insurance Agent and : Real estate broker, Represents the following reliable Insurance Ce's: North British A .Mercaniile Ins. Co, $3e,IM,ot Washington Life Insurance Co- c.vtO.fiivfl fire Association laaurunoa Co...,.H l,eOI,6UI Amaaon r ire Insurance Co ,,.... 1,07)4, US I'hnenil Insurance Co N. Y H., l.Oufl.SM Wat ertp wa Fire, insure dwellings aod farm bulldinge only. 7,e0e York, l'a., Htock Insurance Cc, Jloraes lasured against death and theft. P. 8. Parties in the country dceirlng Inauronce oa their lirea er property eaa hare It promptly attended to by addressing ua by letter, er eaJUeg lu person at our office, ia Pie's Opera House, lUom No. l,Cloarleld, I'a. aeg'T Da M FULLKUTON WITH W. V. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Whol.,.1, Clan la , Si Hals, Caps, Furs & Straw Goods, No. 431 ManaaT-flTaasT, augll tf PHILADELPHIA, PA. " LEATHER BRKAST-STRAPS J SUPERSEDED BY 1 i COVKHT'M PATENT MRTAI.LIO i BREAST HOLD-BACK , , lfadeof the heal Melka- ble Iron, aad laattMbed h to the ltamea by the heat Bap ever tavuntod. It - t la aaally andquanblypak ' it -i-on, and provento the whipping of lha borMa by Hi. pola- l Hahla to got out of repair. Will Lit for run. All w. aah ia a fair trial, to . , eoarlnea all partie. n.- Ing th.m that th.y ara anaarpaMud la vahiofor the parpoa. far whieb i C th.y an intended. BACKKTT A BCI1RTVER., April 14, 1174. 8AW3I 8AW31 6AW8I DUTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAO AND i CIRCULAR (AWS. Boyuton'i Lightning Orots-cut Saw. ., : ALSO, PATENT PKRPORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For l ale by eetU.ll U. F. BIGLER OO. WILLIAM At. HENRY, J.tiw eriai Paara in aVsivuaaa, LllalBiR OITT. Collsetieas saad. aad m.e promptly aald aver, ArlHlea of ag'Semsat aod deads af aeaveyaaea aeatly aaaaatod aad warraated as.. real or a. akargo. Mty!! P- INK7wRrtS A ROAN LIHINA SKIRbW Jast revived aad far aala by . April N. IHTI. H. F. BIGLER CO. frags saf Slrdlrlsrf. QHANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY . y " , " T W 'V Would n.peelfutly uoflfjr the pablle gan.rly tba, be haa porebaMd J. H. Shower's Ureoery Bum, Ib Shaw's (low, wb.r, b. lalaads ka.piag a full Hue of i i i . UltOCEUIEN. HAMS, DRIKD BEKPaaA LARD.- - ' SUGARS aad SIR UPS, of all grades, TEAR, Oreoa J BlainV. ' ' ' C0PPEE, Roaaled aad (Inea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, j tMVO FHI MTM, ' All kinds Ib the market. PICKLES, la Jars aod bsrrela. ';j j- -Aj., SPICES, la every form aad rarlsly. FAMILY ' FLOUR, . ALL KINDS OVCRACKERH. SOAPS,'' " '' " ' MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, ' ' . , DRIED PEACHES, , DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil sad Lamp Ohiaasya. And a food of those things aiaally kept la a groeery atora, whieb ba will aiehaag. fur marhoting at ta. market prlaM. Will a.11 for eaih as shnply as aay other .... Pleas, oall Bad ar bis ataek aad Judge for yoarself. JOHN hltOAUUHKY. Ckarteld, May 17, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opposlt. Poat Office. New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LIMB Of TEAK. 00L0NUB, . JAPANS, IMPORTED, , ,. YOUNG HYSON. . EN0LISU BREAKFAST Purest ia Market. BUTTUH AND UfiOn Will h. kept and sold at Inl eosl. C.,h n.ld for Coaalry ProduM. GERMAN CHERRIES, , , , , TURRET PRUNES, I I . PRESERVED PEARS, PIIrLADELPniA ITAMS. i KIHH. Macksr.1, Uka tlerriug, Ood, k: - riCKLKil. Barral Plokkta and Kagliak PMlM. ' ' FLOUR AND PEED. Flour, Cant Meal, Oat Meal, Ah 'fabli w LYTLI A MITCHELL ED. AV. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER 4 LIMBER, . CLEARFIELD, TA., Has Just apeaad, at tba aid stud, I Graham', ...w, a vampMl saaak ar ' JTEvreoon, af .vary daaeriplloa. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. . 1 UARDWABK, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTIIINO.dFcaft!., IN GREAT VAttlETY. s :'. v -j. v,: FLOUR, . . MEAT, , salt, ; BYK, , , PATS, CORx, ALVA TS OJV HAND ASD FOB SALE ATA SifALff ADVANCE. FLOUR' Raoslrad b tba ear lead, aad sold at a smalt : advsmee, , A sapplj of ROPE aoastaatly oh band. Spssial IndaaesMats afared as tkoao gatflag aal Eqaen Timber Bad Logs, aa wa deal largely IB Lambermaa'a Supplies, aad ara pre pared at all times to parehaaa tim ber and lumber. tto. v. a ft a n a m, Marhat Stmt, CLEARFIELD, PA. OeL tit, 1.71. 1 THE, CLEARFIELD . ' r -! '. J i 4 ) 1 I I EIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., . , r . . " . , . MAstrrArTiraiBS op FIltE ItllICK, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, .. .1. Stove IaixuDgs, Pavuig Tilei, 4o 1 t Chimney Topy HHndow Cf, AH kinds of Architectural Adornments. ' 1 n . 1 ' OHIUINAL DRHIGN0 IN TKRRA C0TTA MADS TO 0RDKR. Wltb lusBcovod Usadsbluerr. Irst elaas ajatortcJ and akillod vorkaea, we eaa warrant all ear meaufaeturee to he equal ha If aot eapertor e aay ta the Market. Articles of ser men a facta ro eaa ha ao at the Werka, near Railroad Depot, ar at th Hardware Store of H. V, Bigler A C. AU ardor frees a distance, addressed to lb flenevol Superintendent, will receive pare pi at. teutiea, , . , . . U HAKTsVee ISjaVs Trn laT tDD il rmiki di.'i ua ,f Beatbl'ld, Oarnklrk, Voollsad, Bapt. aaaahutariBg im,i. m.yje T, A CMimsTftAT OR'S "K0T1C1- 1 V Notlee IS kwreby giwaa thai Lotion Ad- mlnlsaralln m Ike astaa. af JOHN U. ROB VI Nil, late of Moatadale, C1.arl.ld sawaly, P.., aVoaaswl, havlag ba. daly giealid te lb. aadar- altaed. all porsems ladebled ta said aetata will ileu. man. immeaiaas aaymaal, aad iaoaa a.iag stums .r aomaaaa win anma. taoat propwly a.tkealle.lod far settlamMit wlthoat "ay. , '1 A'Wg. VuTHBRi Madera, Pa, Ost. 11,74.41. Admiakslral WANTED.-By tbi ClMrtt.ld Ex Mill., Caal Hook Oeaaamy, Wood frr tMM CART HOOK BARDLBB, ' beMaasllty bard l.gar.santt. else. Porta format toa'meuln at tba TobaM. aad Segar Hot tf Ij.ulllf ALEX. WATSON. Slirtoirr, fiittirt, tit. jook out roit TUB BIG i ; . IIONI t ) -. JOHN W. WAPLE, DEALER IX STOVES & RANGES, AND MANUFACTURER OF 7"in, Sheet -Iron & Copper Ware & GAS FITTER, Market IrceH, ClaarCld, Will ken oa k.ud all tka beet tab It.vM. Raagaa, lie.ti.1 Slav., aad Faraaeol 1. tba marb.1, amoag whieb wa mutloa tba Argaad Raago, Meier Cook, Dlamoad Slata aad IMipae, all ef whieb for beaaly or deslga and eheapaeae eaaaat be eerpaeeed la th. markrt. All ( aur Siovm w. warraal ta glva an tin aallataetl.1, ar tb. Stora aaa ba retaraed la tea daya. Old elor.i uh.a la part pay for aaw obm. Ha keeps oa aaad all of Iba and bMt HEATING STOVES RANGES. Parlirular alteatlon paid to tbo repairing of all kluda ef Stove, Ranges and Furnaces. TIN WARE. Of his ewa maaufaatar., .fall kind,, whieb whieb will be aold .heap for eaah, by wholoaale or mail. All oar ware la mad. aat of aa. aad twa oroos lis, aad warraated la be last as wa represent it. Tin Roofing and Spouting doa at short ootloe aad oa noat raaeoasble tersaa, and repairing aeatly aad promptly eie eutcda PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING doaa aad all Jobs warraated parfeet. Will keep oa kaad Has Fiitares, of all kiadl, and It an boasaa with Range, Bath Bollere, Bath Tabs, Shower Baths, Wuh Sua da, Biaka and Wain Closets. Parties wishlag eaythlag doa. ia kia Haa will da w.ll to give him a .all, as ba te dotormiaod ta pleaaa all la regard to prioe aad etyw of work maaahip. rpUl.Td JOHN W. WAPLE. rpiN-WAKE, STOVES, " AND H ARD W ARE 1 WATSON, NICHOLS 4 CO., CURVVENSVILLK, PA. Boring boaght the Hardwara Sten aad Tla Shop formerly beloaglag U W. A. Data, we iaUad heiag nr aats .vmythlaf koloaglBg I Ib. basiaee., aad wIM sadaavar to sell as low far sash as eaa be bought this side of Philadelphia. At oar asubllahmeat may ba found at all times a fall sapply af Shelf and Heavy Hardware, i SHEET-IRON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, 1 811 OR FINDINGS, -Taos, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, SCYTHE-SNATHES, OEAIN CRADLES, . RAKES, UaW MILL rMJTDIJt tlM, BLACKSMITH 8' TOOLS, HORSE-SHOES, . HORSE. SHOE NAILS, I BOLTS, As. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, &c aeP-TIN SPOUTING doaa low aad beuof material aeed. WATSON, RIcnoLS A CO. C.rwemlrirle, P.., Jan. a, 1174. "RONSIDKS STORK. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, ' " HOLtOW-WARE, PA1NTU. r OILS A VARNISH, POTTY A GLASS, ROPES, " ' ' 1 8TKP-I.ADDER8, ,1 ;;.: ' . , . -: WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Tb. wUbralad Toledo Aatl Pre,ilag Oalvaaiaad IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Jfa better Pumps la Iks aaarket. LAMPS, CBANDEUERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLOES, rf. II klads, LAMP FIXTURES, Aa. AH at loweet prleoa. 114 74 rraeejMlela Strwat, fkUlpeharf, Pa. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL In struments! orgaas, both arw aa4 seooad haad, at the Masle Store, oppMltoteaBek'l rBvaiiar. .aire, an poraews laterootea ar. rati. tW te wU I ood eaamta. a aww at Tie af Orsma mm aa .ahlblU... Sbm4 Maais aad Maala Book. eeastaatly aw bead. apll4-tHg ' A. M.-HILLS O Weald raeaws4iasy aettfy kis BMIeau that ka kaa radawal baa aeisa of ARTI FICUL TBBTM asHM BO aat. a tU.N he a dmabl. sei. 1m my two psiasaw aammi a. lb. saaaa Ubm. ka b.v. eoA aa awae r sol, will get aka w BMS for IM.M, 0 Tr.M SMB. Terms lavariakly Cisw. Clearlrid, Marak M, 1171,