,v, girdvart, tlounn(f. 8ACIITT SCnSYYER, HARDWARE, mi iuiMiwi af "i ' ' ' ' ' : u, t . a j W tir.u Tin, topper snec i irtn it nix, r ISeeoed Street, CLEARFIELD. A. H.rlag largely iBaroaeed ""l' were, w. lerlte Ike poblia lo exaalae oar ! aad prleee. Oerpeatara ud aereoae who eoateapUte asll lag will do wall la eiaalae oar TOOLS ft BUILDIVO HARDWIRE, whlek it ud of ilia heel Baaofaetare, ud will eeeold low for auk. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCIIE3 HINGES. .. H- -r , SCREWS All kladl of Beaek Pleaee, Bewe, Ckiaela, Sauna, Uiaiini, Haubete, Pleabe ud Lereie, Mortlaed A Thank Onega., Berela. Breeea A Bltle, Wood aid Iroo Beaoh Sorewa, aad Ike beat Boring llaehiaa la the ( Barket. Double and Single Bitt Aim, POCK IT CUTLBRT, A. Agenti for BurneWt Iron Corn Sheller, warranted. Alw, agoala lot Biakardi' k GOTHIC riOB TOM, -wklak affoetull aara Saaoky Fine. Fena.ri' Inplenoatl ud Oardea Tool, of erery deeeripllo. A large rariety of COOK STOVES, whlok wa warrant la giro aaUifaelloB. Portable Mtange and l urnactM. VV-Roofing, Spooling ud Job Work dou reeeoaeble torma. All ord.re will raaalia prompt atteolioa. Jua II, till. BIGLER, YOUNG 4 REED, (8aeeeeore la Bojitoi A Tout,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaafeetarera af PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Coraar of Foarlk ud Piaa Stneta, CLEARFIELD, PA. HA VINO eagaged la Iba aaaaefaotare af arat alaai MACHINBRT.warafpwIfalljlafVna tka pabHc tkat wa an aow prepared la ill all erdere u eheeply aad u promptly aa au ka doaa la aay af tka elite. Wa auaafaalara aad iaal la Malay and Circular Saw-Milli : . ii U I! A ii Baad Blaaki, Watar Wheel, Bkafllag PelleyB, OlSerd'a Ieleetoe, Bleea Qeagee, SUea Waietlee, Ollera, Tallow Oapa, OU Oapa, flaaga Cooke, Air Cook, Oloba Valree, Ckaok Valree, wroagkt Iroa Plpee, Itaaai PaBpa, Bollor Food Paape, Aati- Irlatioa Metro, Soap Btau Paekleg, Baa reck lag, ud all kiada af MILL WORK) togolker wltk Plow, 81ad Sole, COOK AND PA BLOB STOTXS, ud otbar CASTINGS of all kind. Jaw-Orders eollolted ud Iliad at eity prloaa AU laltarl of Inqalry- wltk refre to Baablnery af aar Baa jfaatare pronptlj utwarod, ay addraa- tsg aa at ClaarMd, Pa. . . I Jul74-tf BIQLKR, YOUNG A RBKD. TJEW BTOKB AND NEW GOODS .. JOS. SHAW 6t SON : Haf a luat opmwd ' Niw Sroai, on lUio Si., Cliauiilb, Pa. latala oeouplad bj Wm. F. IRWIN. Thalnlock eotuUliof IDIQtr C d CD Q3 se . GkociHIwi of tha beat qvalit, QuitxgWARt, Boots and Shoes, and ararjf trtiola BoaarT for ona'a oomforl. Call aad azamlna our stock baler par ehuing alaawhara. Hay f , UM-tf. ERRA COHA STANDING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kopl aaaatutl; aa kud. STOKE ASD EA1THE1 WAIE .V I 01 1V1KT BCaMPTIOHI ' 0KOCK8! POT3I CHOCKS! Plakar! Pataal Airtight talf SaallaaT ' j ' lraat Caaal ' Ti ' tUTTIR CBOCKi, wltk llda, i CBIAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLI-BITTTSR CROCKS, PICKLI CROCKS, fLOWIR POTS, FIB DIBHIB, BTBW POTS, . , ' Aad a gnat aup ataar tklaga toa aaaiaroaj to utloa, ta ka bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Oaraar af Cborrr aad Tblrd Straala. CLBARPIBLP, PA. aagl Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AMD Of C0CR8I TRI CHIAPB8TI A Proclimstion against High Prices? "YlTa a aaw apaalag ., a lot af tka bait ud 11 awat aaaaoaabla Ooodo aad Warw arar atarad la tbla aiarhot, ud at prloaa Uat mlad aaa at tba good old dajra af abaaa Iklata. Tha, wba look faith apoa tbla polat, or daaa aw auT gatlma aapariaoaa, aaad bat caiL ar ovh btore, Caraat Iraat ud Ifarkal alraata, Wkara tka. au aaa. foal, boar ud baaw far tbaai aalraa. Ta fall, udontwd what araabaa aooda tbla. art bado. W. d. , iVttSZZ taaaaaarataudltaailaaaaraaoaa. II la aaaaab for aa ta auu tbat " We lave EverrtMng; that ii Needed aad auoaaaad la tbla aiarbat, ud al prloaa laat aataalak katk aid aad Joaot ' , dal JUSKPH SHAWA SOg),' Clearfield Nursery. JIHOOUBAQK 1IOMB INDUSTRY. Ea aadtralgaad. karlag aatabllaaad a Var arp aa aba 'Plka, aboat kalf wap aalwaoa , "o" Otrr-lrTllla, lo atiaaaad ta far- MNIMaAaariRVIT TRBBj,(.uddad r""""" Skrakkarr. wfaw aaa, SyMil.UatM llaakaarn, SlaawWrr. r; "' T'o. Aln.BikariuOrakl - " T a.a.1.1 khaaarb, a a. Oi I i 1 1 "I aawaawdaa. Addraaa, t. b. wawa. Owrwaa tai,V. a.W . TTm. J WEAVER Oi IIKTT54 CLEA WIELD, , VA-," , "' An oSarlag, at Ua aid 'aiul af JL.'ftal A Co. Ikalf stub of foada, oaaaiatlag at-r DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ii BOOTS A BUOSS, 1 (! ' i'l .- HATS A CAPS, HARDWABK, UtMl K f .. QUBRNBWARI, FLODB, FEED, SALT, fto., 4o., At tka moat raasraabla rataa for CASH ar la , I J ! I aiakuga for ' ' ' .1 i I I H .1.1 Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR CODMTRT PRODCCX. (fAdraaaaa auda ta Ikoaa aagagad la gat- tlag aat aqaara tiaibor on tba aauit adrutagaoaa r , pdtljutl KRATZER & LYTLE, HAKKtT STIKtT, - ' 1 CLBABP1BLD, PA. Daakn U . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GB0CER1ES, Hardwauk and Quccnswarr, Boots, Shoes, lists, C, Ao. A-8baaaaakara aappllad wltk LKATUHB ud SHOI PINDIBOS at rodaaod rata a. ; SALT! SALT I SALT! at wkolaaala aad rault Tory ahaap. PAT5TS, OILS, CALCINED PIASTIR, Ac A liaoral diaaoaal u balldara. ' B0US1UOLD 000D8, CARPETS, WINDOW BBADB8, OIL CLOTBS-la larga a,autiUat. riSIT, PLODR, BACOH, CORN UKAL aad CHOP, alwapa aa hand. aB" All af tka aboaa goeda ara pnrabaaad aialvalaalp far aaak, aad IkarafaN aaa ud will ba told aa abaap aa tka abaaaaat, . aprlll-Tt JK) THE FK 0 NT 1 GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTER SALOON I Tb raigtW baviag Ji tn4 wf us nd com I w ruble room a en Mtrkt trwt, Btax Third, wf-wlf-lly i.foma Itw piblitj thsU b draparwl to MoaDrBodftt tbtoi with ftrrtbrnf 1b hit lis ibort loti sad st all ort f tb day. tit kpi ea aaad SKESn BREAD, J J 1 r j 1 1 busks; rolls, pim, 1 CASKS, all klalf. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, 1 aad a gvaaral iortaitBt of CONFECTIONER IKS. TKV17S, NUTg, 4v., AO kla HI bt tllTt4 U aatoaiTt U thalr mida, vhaa rtMaUd ta 4s aa. ICI CRiAfcf, by taa dlik, tarrad U a aaatij faf alibad rooai, r T'oaakft)! for tba gaaaraaa patmaga baitewad la Iba pact, ha fcopaf to paarii aad raaaiva a aaa tlaaaaaa af tba asM froai bit aid aaita Mr, aad oibcra, JOHN STADLER. lLTIf. JJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUIIIRRSBCRO, PA, paalar la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY k GLOVES, HATS A CAPS ud BOOTS A BUOKK, Tokaaoa, Oraoarlaa ud FUb, Villi, Hardwara, Ijaaaanrara ud Olaaiwara, Moa'a ud Boji' ClaUiag, Draga, Paiata, Olla, Sobool Books , ; a larga lot af Pataat aladialaaa, Cudiaa, NaU A DrUd Vralu, Ckoaaa ud Crack ara, Rock ud Rifla Powder, Flour, Grain tnd Potatoes, Clorar aad Tlaotkj Saad, Sola Laathar, Korooaaa, Lwiiaga, Blading! ud Tkroad, Bhocaiakarf' Tool, ud Sbaa Vladiaga. 1 Na grantor variatp af gooda la aar aton la tha aoaatp. AN for aala aofplaw for aaak aa aawalrf prodaaa at taa t'aaap Coraar. Aag. 17, IBIS. JF ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, BIT TOl'B c L. O t ii i ar U, Fuml8uiDg Goods, 4o., " " AT " D. STEwiliT & SON'S ' ' - J CLOTHIllo feTOUE.' A They koep a full lino of JWcit'i, Youths' A Boyt' Clothing, Also, Umbrellas, Batcbolla, Oreralli L1U, PSirtS, L ndeTHblrU, and Drawers, Ac, Wblah thay will aall at aoat raaaeaabla prlaaa. Call aad aaaailaa thair (noda kafan a art Waal aw alaawban. Room aa Barhat StraaL oppoaita tba Coart Hoaaa. ClaarSald, Pa., April I, 1174, The Bcll'g Ion Woolen Factory, Paaa tawatbla, ClaartaU Co, Pa. ,, k BURNED OUTl aat o i I B U RN E D U PI Tba aabaarlban bara, at traat oinaaaa. raballt aalabborbood aoooaiilr, la tba aroatlaa of a Irat- aiaaa Wooloa H aaufactorp, wltk all tba Boderw laipravaBaata attaaboa, aaa an praparcd lo aaaba ail aiaaa ar uiotna, uaaamaroa, pattaalti, JJIU. kata, Vluaala, Aa. Plaalp af gooda oa kaad ta aapplp all aar old ud a thoaaaad aaw aaatoawa, wboai wa ub ta aoaw ud uaaiH aar l look. Iba bailaoaa al , , CARDINtf AND PULLINtt ' will raoalaa aar aapaolal attoatloa. Proper arrugeauata will ba sada to raoaiTo ud doll tot Wool, lo aalt aaatoaaara. All work warranted aad dou apoa tka eborteet aotlaa, ud bp atrial etlaa. Ilea ta aaalaaaa wa bapa ta nallaa a liberal ihere af pablla patroaaga. ' IOMM POUNDS WOOL WANTED I . Wa will any tba kllkoet Barbae artee far Woo aad aell ear anuafaatafad goada aa low aa aiarUar owi au aa aoagat ta Iba oooaty, and wbanaoer wa fall to reader reaeoaable Mllafaatloa wa aaa alwaya ba feawd at kaaaa readr ta Baba a rot) or aaplaaaUea, attbar la aenoa or by letter. . oaeiws ivanBUfl a auwir. Pf"1' Bower P. 0. Q.UNSMITHINO. . . ... O. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GCNBalim,-. Skoa M TblrJ oImaO. mm .U.-. k.L-.L I. L. ikap, tllARrilLD, t A. " auatadf af atdea ud Skot flue aa band. aa la a am alaaa Baaaar aad at fabr - . ,. tiirrs It fa VliflloHMtaiN THE I. ATE II T MOVKI THE LATEST MOVE I . I i ' i. ... ,1 : . HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S :: DI1UQ STOKE,1 To thai, aaw balldlag oa Soooad Slnat, aoarlj oppoaiu iba lUra of W oarer A Uaiu, . '1..U J.U i CLEARFIELD, PA.; Wkara tka? will oaatlaaa lo aapplj thrlr old aad u aiup aaa aailomtri aa mtj eona, wilk PURE DllUOS! ' CnEMICALSI PUARSIACEIITICAL PRKPARATIOSS, (Iaaladlag all aaw raaiadlca,) Pataat Hodlalnaa, Palali ud Olli, (lt.it aad ran,, Dfioaai oonao, piaiioaar?, faoar, Ac, alio, a full lino af Drug. ( giiU' Suodrioa, Hair Toaioa, Coamatlci, Parfaajorlaa, Tollol Artlclrs, Bro.h.i. ro "--.' . waw dooii, aa., ail of . I J J aa ua.1 uallljr. , , t , r t PUBE WISES AND LIQlOBS, forwrdleal A aaeraacntal pnrpoacaonlj, Pan Wblla Lead, Colon of all kindo. Raw aad Bww , varaianaa, Tarpca. line, Coal Oil, Paint A Wraith , Bmbai, Flerering . Katraeta, ' Ceofect!ioer!ee, Bird Seed, Splro, gronnd aad angronod, of all biaila. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will Bad oar atoeh of Cbowiaa n.l m.b... T .) ... . - iHpint. hu vt aeatie Clean, iinol and Fino-eet lo be of tba '"j b araaoa ia toe ajaraaa. LAMPS AND CIIIMNRYS, ' All kiada of QLAStl WARS 4ARDBN SEEDS, M h ... MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' ud Mmleal TrlBmingt af araty rariely. Jlaalaaa loaaoxaerlaaoa In tbo bM.hk.. ...I u eatenalre and well eolerted aloeb of Bedieioaa, wa an aaablod ta III Phyaioiui' praoorlptloaa at the aboiieit aotiea ud oa Iba Boat roaaonalile lenaa, oay aoa aigni. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearleld, Pa, llu II, le7l-lf. . . . . UtiSffUnnfouj. rjJHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF 8TOVEH ! - NT VI M ! arar broagbt to the oooaty, an bring ro IroH al the Hardwan KitabliibnMnt of II. f. IIICI.F.H a IU, ounpruiag tba fallowing Cook Sloraa 8FEAR'S CALORIFIC. 1 1 f SUSQUEHANNA, i. t REGULATOR. " NOPLK. EXUKL8IUR, TRIUMPH, GOV. PENX. READING , RATIONAL BANGE, AC. AC. ' Alio, tba following Heating Sloraa i , SPEAR'S ART! CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. J"; " ( gPEAft'S ORBICULAR, ' SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, , ' BON TON, OIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' ' DAUPHIN E00 CHESTER EflO, VOLCANO, '''PHOENIX, 'heavy bar room and stork (, . . koom 8t0ve.s, au. , . ' Clearleld, Sept, 15, 1S71. FARMING IMPLEMENTS .iXOUJOa BALB DTO . 5. II. 1 Illglor A Co. IRON DOl'BLS SDOVKL PLOWS,; . WOOD DOl'BI.E snoVRL PLOWS. ', WOOD BINULE SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. "k . WOOD CULTIVATORS. . : " OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS.'.. ",. PITTSBUBO STEEL PLOWS. ' BAOPT'S BKLLEFONTI PLOWS. BOBKSOiw aad THOMPSON'S PI.'SW. aShana for aM af Iba abora Plowi eoa alaatly aa bud. njJS-IJ 0. I. c. WBIRB ab bay By DRY GOODS, flRO eeriea. Qaaeaawan. Olaaiwara. brave and Rottotii, fopibotloaerioa, Aa,, atiaap fpr eaab. Tha labaerlber boga leave to Inform hla old ud aaw eaitoBen thai be aaa opened A TARIrJTY STORB ' ' ' 1 ' And will aoll gooda at arlooa to aall the tinea. A l will be b lag at wholaeele. Call and eaaBtee By atoeh befon pnrebaaina eleewnen. A libenl aban af pablla patronage ia eolialted. ' - ' C. J. KEAOY. Olaa Hope, Pa, Joaa II, 1171. IT F. BIGLER k CO.'S SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, YVaWIIANiCS,' HARDWARE, v : LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, PARMINO UTENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON RAILS, PAIHTH, OILS, VARMISHRS, ' PAINTERS' PINDINOS, ' CALCINRD PLASTER. May II, 1171. TJOOT AND SHOE MAKING. JLJ JOSEPH U. DRKRINO. aa Marhal Kreel. la Saaw'a Re, Clearleld, Pa, kaa Jaat neelred a ine lot af French Calf Skina aad Klpe, Ike beat la Ike Barbel, aad la aaw pnpand tau eeaeeen eewayaklag la kia llaa, Ha will war. raw, hhi wark ta ba u repreaeatad. Tka lltteeaa af Clearleld ud eletalty an naioalfally tarilod ta glra kla a aall. - Wark doao at ebert aeUea. film I OB PniBJTiajO 0P IVERT DaWCMf- I at latt oaea. 1 JHE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta ' e-" WEDNESDAY MGHNIN'il.NnV. II, 1ST. VICTORY!! NO MORE CREDIT MOBI LIER CONGRESSMEN I Verdict, "Guilty I" BACK PAY AND SALARY GRAB BERS AT A DISCOIXT ! The Radical Parly Dead I Carpet-Baggers Return ing from the South ! Beast Butler "Bottled" Colfax, Dawes, Morton, and the wliolo Herd of "Christian States men" Exiled for Life ! THE PEOPLE AROUSED! Swooping Democratic Victories in th.0 North, South, East St Wost ! PEXXN YK VA XIA DEMOCItA TIC AGAIX! Wo liave t'lt-ctrd our eiiliro State ticket, curriwl tlio LpjrUliilure wliii-L will aoiid a Domorrat to tlio United Ktutva Si'tialo in tlio ilaro of Jiilin Spott, and elected 1G out of tlio 27 mcmlicra of OiiNtfiVHH, nltlinuh under tlio limlicnl kirMirtioiinieiit tlio Hcmo crntit were allowed to elect lint 7. The DemocratH liare I 'ill 5 nienilwra in the present Congress. Tho (rain is, there fore, over three tiuics. ' NEW YORK. This Stnto two yearn ago elected (ton, Dix fiovernorhy 65,210 majority and elected 24 nut tif the 32 C'ongretoj mon, and bad a large majority in the Legislature. On Tuixulny, the 3d inst., the Demcnit elected Tilden Govern or over Dix hy 18,000, and 21 of the 32 t'ongresHiiien, and have a majority of 22 on joint ballot in the Legislature How ia that for a change T NEW JERSEY. Two years ago Grunt tarried this Slate hy 1 1,810 majority, and elected 6 of the 7 Congressmen to which the Stale is entitled, and hud a large ma jority in both House of tho Legisla ture. Tho Democrats elected Beadle Governor by a majority of 8,314, and 6 of the 7 members of Congress and carried the Legislature. DELAWARE. Not a single Radicul was elected to any office on the Slate or county tick eta. Happy littlo Stnto I MARYLAND. The Democrats inudo nearly aa clean a sweep In this Slato as Ihey did in Delaw aro. The Radicals elected about hnlfador.cn rninnreoiiiity offices. Thoy have two Congressmen in the present delegation, but the- Democrats elecrev tho whole (I on Tuesday, the 3d Inst. West Virginia and Ohio on our western bonier cleuned the Radicals out on the 2d Tiiesduy of October. Such are tlio immediate siirroiindinga of our good old Commonwealth, but results eipially as glorious were accomplished in other States. Behold MASSACHUSETTS! This State has not elected a Demo cratic Governor nor Congressman since tho organization of the limlicnl party ; yet on Tuesday, the 3d Inst., Beast Butler, Credit Mobilier Dawes, anil all tbat class of political harlots mot with a Wntcrloo defeat, the Democrats electing (taslon Governor by 7,210 majority, and 6 of tho 11 members of Congress. Among tho defeated are Ben. Butler and Dr. Ayer, tlio cele brated Cherry Pectoral and Pill vender. This will break up all the ism manu factories, for which tho Plymouth Rockers have liecomo so famed. No pooplo on earth have lieen so Godly and temporate in all things as the in liabitnnU of this Commonwealth in thrif own estimation. Next to It, in their folly and iniquity, conies SOUTH CAROLINA. But few Democrats ever resided in this sister to Massachusetts. Two classes Aristocrats and Negroes have held sway there for the past 30 yoats. And of courao ruin ia tho result. The ignorant blacks and the educated carpet-baggers havo revelled in crime and debaucheries since tho close of the wnr, and lmvo rendered tbeinsolv bankrupt, flnancislly and morally. Iho Democrats wcro unable to elect anybody to ofllco until last Tuesday, they succeeded lit electing the Gover nor, quite a mini tier of local officers, nearly half the members of tho legis lature, anil 3 of 5 Congressmen. The Revolution will not stop until every carpet-bagger and srullawag is driven into exiie. But we must alianilon do tails and submit tlio fncts in as small a space a possible. GEORGIA. The Hade hail 2 niemlwrs of Con gress, but the Democrats elected the wbolo 0 member am! nearly every, thing else by 00,000 majority. TENNESSEE. This State baa followed Georgia. The Dcmoeratio majority is near 30, 000, and we have elocted G of tho 9 Congressmen. The Democrats have but 8 in the present OoTip-niaa. j TEXAS. Is Democratic all over, All the Congressmen 0 aw Democrats, KENTUCKY. Also tremendously Democratic. A solid delegation of 10 members of Con gress, VIRGINIA. Largely Democratic gain 2 mem liers of Congress. LOUISIANA. Tho Democrats have made tremen dous gains in this State, notwithstand ing the United States Army was or dered there by Grant to provont them from carrying tl,0 Slate. Tho present Congressmen C aro all Rails, but the Democrats elected 4 If not 5 lo the next Congress. ALABAMA, v Like her Southern sisters, has joined tho Democratic party, The Democrats elected 6 out of the 8 Congressmen. e havo but 2 In tho present body. MISSISSIPPI. This seem, to bo tho only Southern Stnto that still adheres to the Radical idol, although tho Democrats succeeded in electing a lrgo number of local officers. . ILLINOIS. Has done nobly, the Democrats gain ing 4 to 6 Congressmen and hundreds of county officers, although the Radicul succeeded in clect'ng tboir State ticket by a greatly reJIuced majority. MICHIGAN. Tho Democrats havo made huge gains in tins State. Grant carried it by 59,175, yet tho Rails claim but 5,000 majority on their Statu ticket. The Congressional delegation 9 is solid Radical. Tho Democrats elected 4 on Tuesday. MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN in tho Northwest seem still to be Radi cally inclined although tho Democrats gained largely In somo localities. The Radicals havo 102 majority in tho present Congress, which will meet on the 1st Monday of DcceniW, and dies a Constitutional death on the 4th of March next. But tho Democrats will havo at least 40 majority in the now Congress which meets on the 1st Monday of December, 1875. THEFVXCTIOXS OF OCR COX (I II ESS. VEX. Although iirottv well understood bv our ieoplo, wo havo never teen the duties of a Congressman bettor illus trated than in the followiug article, which we copv from the Cincinnati tbmmrrnul The farmer, merchant, mechanic, laborer, and the school-hoy, should read and reflect over it. Tho editor in quostion remarks : "Each new general election of mem bora of Parliament always awakons me gravest interest throughout Knir- land. Tho talents and tho antecedents of candidates are canvassed with tho utmost seal, and merits and demerits of each man atandinir for a Parlia mentary borough form suhjofts of dis cussion fur the journals. Not only the partisan aniliations, bnt the intellectual qualifications of candidates como under review, and tho writings and siieoches ot the aspirants to Membership are keenly criticised upon the hnstiinm. "U hile our American Parliament is leas than half as largo numerically aa uie iiruisn, it i even more important that it should be coinpoaxxl of tho Ixwt men the country can produce. Con- frress represents stipulation one fourth urger than that of Great Britain, and a country whoae rank amnna tlm i.e. tmns and whose public policy are at the utmost consequence at home and abroad. We want our men of the highest capacity, broavlthof intelligence and uprightness of character to serve us in Congress. Such moo alone are adequate to deal with the manifold and intricate questions of finance, taxation, public administration, and foreimi noli cy, which now enters into the legisla tion ot v (ingress. . "The members of Congress have to deal witn an enormous ranire and va ricty of questions involved in the prob lem oi goon government. To be a politician, in the ordinarily received senso of tho term, does not necessarily involve the fain test knowledge of tho elements of those subjects of which the member of Congress should have a mastery. The range of governmental question which are continually sub ject to tho arbitrament and control of that body, is far more extensive than is commonly believed. The members of Congress have to settle the entire revenue system of the country : at their direction wo havo protection or iroo trade, taxes upon wealth and in eotne. or taxes exclusively tinou con sumption ; taxes Ukui luxuries or upon the necessities of hie ; and all these at higher or at lower rates, aa it seems good to Congress to detenu ine. They control our financial system, expand ing or contracting tho wholo volume of our currency at will, di'tnmiinir val. ues, settling the purchasing power of liiv utfiini, auu niieeuilK lllcir aeuilll the amount and tenure of all men's property, "To tho solo power over what con stitutes the money at the country, they add the sole powor to regulate the pub lio debt and tlio interest thereof. They make it taxable or free from taxation al their pleasure. They borrow money on the faith and credit of the United States. They determine in what currency tho creditor of tho Govornmont shall bo paid their due. It Is in their power to establish the credit of the United States on an im pregnable Imsis of soundness, or to de stroy that credit by pernicious legisla tion. They alone can appropriate money from the treasury, and tho economy or extravagance of every do partment and bureau of tho govern ment depends directly upon tho action of Congress. They alone can regulnto tlio niimlier of officers and clerks em ployed throughout tho manifold agen cies of the administration. They have to nx ami netrrmino too sire or the army, and the extent of the navy, and the expense of both. They control the judicial system of the United States, fixing tho numlicrand ranks of Judges, with their salarim, and cnnlernng, limiting or distributing jurisdiction among tho variona Courts. "They fix the salsry of every ofllccr of the United States, front tho Presi dent down to the humblest tide-waiter or private In the army. They regu late tho whole policy of tha public lands, aell or reserve from salo the millions of acres of the public domain ; give them away to railroads, bestow them npon specula tor, or reserve them sacredly fur sotthment and use tinder hnra.tca;!orpr&ir.jit!r,nlaws. Tl.iy establish the rate tnd payment of pen sions to disabled soldier and sailor, or their heir and representatives. They have It in their on powor to regulate the poriod and the extent of patents and copyrights, making and unmaking monopolies at tboir sovereign pleasure. They legislate for their American Indi ans, those foreign nations in onr midst, and sulwist or Sght them, Jnst as they please. They regulate the whole com merce of the country, both foreign and demostic, imposing or taking off duties at their pleasure, and interfering or de clining to interfere with the rate and terms of transportation between the States, as It seem good to them, They oxciviso plenty of powes over all in ternal improvements, building (raus eontiiieutul railways, iiitcr-Stutccuuuls. iiiiiiicung inouuiain rangcsanii deepen ing or diverting channels ot rivers, nt tboir pleasure, 'i hey nlono ran build forts and construct bnrlsir defenses, and they havo full power over tho im provement of all the rivet's and hnrbnrs and other water comuiiiuicalions with in tho United Stales. They construct or discontinue light-houses wherever Ihey please, and they spend hundreds of millions or nothing at all on the great business of survey iugand describ ing tlio vast coast of tho United States. They fit out oxieditious for geograph ical discover' and scientitie observation or for geological exploration in any part oi our country or ol tho iialulalilc globe ; tho transit of Venus, tho dis covery of tho routes fornn inter-oceanic canal across tho isthmus, or the sur vey oi our now IciTilories, aro all equally within their power. They ulotio establish, enlui-o or discontinue Kt-ofllco8 or post-road j they lix the rates oi poslago and doclnre what may not lie truustHM'tcd through the mails'; thus virtuully controllinif tho larircr part of tho means of intelligence and intor-comiiiumcution ol the eople. They detonnluu terms and qualitica tiona of ritixeiiship in the Republic ; they regulate sutlragc, lix thu hmil required for ,uaturalir.ution, settle the principlcsof expatriation and allegiance and havo solo ixmor of legislation on all questions of civil rights under the Constitution of tho United Stall's. They govern tho Territories and the District of Columbia, making wbat ovcr they please legal or illegal within their boundaries. They havo the sole power to declare war against any for eign nation, to regulate the foreign policy or the country, to enact intlttary aw, and to control tha lund and naval forces in actual hostilities. "Ouirht wo not to demand 'for this vast complexity of public business the ine uigliest capacity ,ttio best talent and most incorruptible, honest men which thecitixonsof the Republic confiiniislif it becomes the immhiIo to call out as candidates lor Congress tho very best anil ablest men Hi each District, and to insist upon their serving. It is al most IniiMirtnnt that men of tried capacity and integrity in Congress should bo re-elected without too fre quent changes, in order to give the country tho benefit ot their large ex perienco. Those aro times when the exigencies of the public service demand of the people thnt thoy require the wbolo breed ot small men and scrub politieinns to "step down and out," so tlint the best and wisest citizens may bo called to the management of affair." A LOVE STORY OF THE HE BELLIOX. Wo w ero silting in our room at the lades Hotel, In Oakland, Jl'l., one day with a charming lady who bad dropied in on a visit. One of our windows looked into that of another room so placed by the iosition of tho mam building thnt ball ot Its interior could bo seen, n e were look ing up and admiring a littlo chubby blue eyed two year old, white as snow, who was pulling a hoquet to piece and tossing out the fragments, or clap ping her bands with delight as a train went thundering by. "These rooms," said our visitor, "have somo very tender associations lor me. "Why soT we ak"d. "Well," she answered, "during the war the greater part of tho hotel was seised by tho tiovernmcnt as a Iiokpi tal, and wo were crowded into lew rooms. My sister and I had this. In thnt room where that littlo beauty is were two Union otHocrs, one sick ot the fever and the other of a wound. It was hard to tell whether Ihey were slowly tlying or slowly eettinir well. I never saw such ghostly skeletons to be alive. e were "secesh and not modest about it either, but still our hearts ached for the poor young men. so ill, perhssa dying, far from friends and relatives. "It bother one to know how this should lie a hospital," we said, "it Is so far removed from active nitrations." "It was tlioiiL'lit." she answered. "tbat tho mountain air of the glades would tie more lavorable to recovery than elsewhere, so this was made a hospital. - One day one of these olfi cers dragged himself to tho window, and nnder the impulse of the moment my sister asked if we could do any thing for them, and he answered gasp ing lor breath, that a little chicken soup would save their lives. Chickens were rare In those days an army is hard on tiouitry. 1 ho men will work all night, after marching through the da-, to secure a lew chickens ; so that when tho hospital nurse and physician had an unlimited supply of luxuries in the way of wines, potted meats and canned vegetables, they were without anything fresh, no knew where a few chickens were hid in a cellar, by a neighbor, and we coaxed one out of tho owner, and after a deal of vexatious trouble for at every turn wo were met hy a fixed bayonet and an insult we got tho soup ready, and as the guard in the hall would not permit us to approach onr patients, my sister at tempted to hand the bowl to the officer in the window, just as he was feebly reaching for it, and she stretching her self half out to give it to him, a harsh, ugly voice below cried aloud, "Look out, there poison I" She nearly drop- Ixwl herself, soup and all. Drawing ack she hesitated a second, and then she took the spoon and liogan eating tho bread. "Oh, bother!" cried the officer, 'Don't waste it that way; I'm not afraid ;' and she gavo linn the soup. It seemed to revive them, and they continued steadily to improve, as day after day wo supplied them with chicken broth until the cellar was empty. During thia'timo we stood at the window talking, and we sang to them sang 'My Maryland' And all the Southern songs wo knew, until they were well enough fo leave the hospital and return to duty. They both seemed sorry to go, and forced on us a quantity of bospitul store and some coffee, which Inst wo needed sadly. Then one gave a ring and the other a brooch, as tokens of their kind feeling." "And did they nover return ?" we asked. "One did not, for poor fellow, he was engaged. Ilia companion wrote to us alxmt it, and the w riter Insisted upon opening a correspondence with my sister ; and soon his letters grew into love letters, and alter a tune they were engaged. Nearly a year subsequent to this our patient got leavo of absence sod came on to he married. He nut up at a hotel, and will you bollevo it, our own brother who was in the Con federate service, and knew nothing of .my sister s atluir, led a band or gueril las at night into town and captured bis intended brother-in-law from his bed. This not only deferred the marriage, hut deprived tho young West Pointer of bis promotion, that had been prom ised for gallant services In the field. It was really agravatlng, for exchanges had almost censed, ami it looked a if the lorcn wsukl have u wait until 'this cruel .war wa over' beforo they could be milted." "Yon should havo apwaled to Abra ham Lincoln to givo a married briga dier for an unmarried lieutenant," "We did licttor. Procuring passes, wo went through the line and appealed to Jeff. Davis. Joff. said he would put my brother's prisoner in his siBler's keeping. They havo been happily married those many years. Ho is a brevet brigadier general now, and it all came of onr nursing the enemy In that room." Here is the foundation of a drama suiM'rior to that given Bouricault in "Belle Lamar." inMAi'now Capital M I! I, 1. A We desire to cull the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to the fact that wo liovo opened a . : ' , " MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Whcro wo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Oup stock of I'lANOS will consist of " GI30RCE STI3CK it CD'S IMANoS, STKINWAY & .SONS' PIANOS, IIAINKS BROTIIKUS' I'lANOS Wo arc prepared at nil times lo furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pimms to order on the nimi fa vorahlo terms ns to prices nud Our stock of ORGANS will KYNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Knee Tictnolo and downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and tho NEW HAVEN MKI.ODECN CO.'S JUBILFJ', TKMPLK nnd CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. - - We sell on everv nliin known to the trade, either CI IK A I' KflR PASII n rn IX a, n il, POPULAR AND EASY LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every ono amount will tend so much lo OCPVVe shall lie glnd to have oci'23-72-1y HlsrrU.tnrous. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE . I (.IRARI) TOWNMIIP. Tba Hndertlfitrd offer, for lalt the fart trbacij h mow rtildsM, illult ia Ulrarxl lwa.s.i,. C.etarftflaJ euaBljr, ., furuvrlj ownil br Jut titt J. Th farm ttil.Bi 129 tore, ami ia rj tfM.r.bl' ksMlriJ. Tba ba.lJ.Bfi ara all mtv, anil oonstit of a larga frant boat, bavin ft foo4 nllar aaoVraralb, and ajcnsd waltr eoacaiant( lr( frame bs.ro, blaohimilh ibop, wagon aht-d, afrlni; bouta, tie. Tha baitdi-t; oa I lit a furia ar aa good, If not batur, than on any farm In Ctaarftald oumnty. Tba Uad la of taparior qualtfjr and ia good flata of eatliTattoa. PoueMk.a will ba aivan la tba nrlac. or it any tint mtol aoavaairo. to tbt pnrehmtwr. Tba tareaa will ba raaaonabla. Peraoaa dcairena of parfbaaiag eaa oalilrcaa Iba aabaeribar at LeooU' Willi F. O., Claarleld coaatjr. fa ar ffpij la Dtrtwa aa iba arvwilaaa. Any ptraoaa wanting any iafwaiat.va la ragard to tba qaalitj af tba load, tba bind or bailaUnga taartoi, A., Ic.im gat Iba Ufomatloa by call ing aa hber.I Pta, in Ckariald. aa ba awaad tba farm far ft liab-r af ara. and of aoaraa bal all a boa I L WKNuKLL KrVUKKf Loau Milli, Claarfiald Co., Pa. Tauanrj 11, lira. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALKft IN FURNITURE, 31 ATTItESHEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 6THECT, XtAB P.O. Taa nJanleaoil Oral leara to lefurB laa will ten. af Cleeraild, an 4 tka pablla geaeralljr, that be aaa ea kaad a Ine aiaortaieot of Kerailara, aaa M Walant, Cbeataal aad relate' Chaaber S.iba. Parlor Bailee. Keclialal aad Kileaiioa I OSeln, ldioi' and Urate' Kai, Chain, the Fir- reraled Uteiag aaa rerlef main, vaao eeete mm Windier Chairi, Ckrteee Bare, Slea aad Ratea ttea Uddera, Uat Baeae, Sernkblng Braohee, Ac alOULIIIKO AH PICTl'BI FRAMES. Looklag eieieer, CkroBoe, A a, whlok weald he aitable for lloheaj areeenii. dooitu John trottha, JOOK OUT FOR TUE SIGN or tiis BI CANT HOOK I MARKET STRERT, CI.EARF1K1.D. Tha aid Clearleld Rieeliior Caat Hook Co. I. dieeelred, aad a aew ooo fonaad bj A tool Kra aard aad O. B. Momll, of Cloarlrld. and O. M. Ailard, of BaaerioB, Ceaeerea eoaaljr, aa pari eon. and J". S. Weleoa, of Clearoold, ai Urnrr al AeenL Tka aew aoBpaar wU earrl oa tin oaaiaeie af ataanfactaring, arlling and ihipfiag the Caal Hooka, with all their laiprereaioaii, whlrh ara Sow perliot. All ordore proaiptlj 11,4. iAS. B. WATMlJf. Jal; let, 1S7I. Oeal Ageal. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD y.7. N I A li Hi Mrff" ar au aisoai Saggaga Barrowa, Warekoan Trarka, Copjiiag rraerea, IaiproroJ Moar; Drawer, Aa. roa lALa ar II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealer la Hardware. chJ;7 if Seooad Street, Cloarlrld, Fa. THE CLEAUFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEI Manafaotared eopoelallr for TIIS Ct.KARrtF.LD TRADE, roa aaia ar aagl-TI H. T. BIGLER A CO. 7 0 K SALE! A lerieaad woll-Snlihad BrUk Dwelling, alla- ala ea the rirer aaak, la the boroagh af Clear, old, eealalBlegeleeea rooai, with good eellar, water ia lha k'lehea, aad all (he Bodera eoare nieneee. Paatriea, bath-room, Cla.be-preaaea, Ae. Let ilitj feel froat aad two hoadred aad Ibirlr feel keek, with a twenty fool allejr oa the eaat llda. Said holUlag, with all Ike appwrteaaaori, will ha aeld ahaap, with pavMeatite anil part: ba ler. Applioatloa eaa be Bade ta the aader. ligaed, or to A. 0. Tale, Baq., who will give all aeeeeeerv iafonaalioa lo Ihoaa who doilra ta la peel the properly. T HOB. 4. a(CT.! bkUI'Ulli Ma; Hit, ISTS, If. JRAT7.K!t & LYTLE, AURUrS IN CLBARFIR1.D COl'NTV FOR laORIIiTavlRD'rw Celebrated Brand! af Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. We are aaahlrd la wholoiala la dealer! lhroo,h oat lha ooaaly at aiir prlooa. KRATZER A I.YTL8, jrl.rt-lf Cloirl.ld, fa. MITCHELL WAGONS. Tha Best it the Cheapest I Tkoaaa Rolllj kaa neelred another large lot of "MiiobeU Wageni," which are among lha rery heat Banufaolared, aad wbleh ha will aall al Ike moot leeoveeiMO ralee. iiie Moon iaeiaeel almoat all daiorlplloal of wagoaa larteaad amall, w Ida aad aarrow traeh. Call an I loo thorn. aprl'tt THOMAS RKII.LV. Attrnllon, Lumbermen! Wl are sow Bsanlaetarlng anr IMPR0VRD STRHL . BOCKKT HIIIVINll CANT. nooKS, anperior ta any ether In aaa. Wa hare aleo la etook a large aoanlllr of Canlhooka aalla hle Sir raRiag parpoioa, eiklrh wo are ealllat -k.. .... L tun. 1 . - ....... a vwm. nia..n a n. ninnAHll, Clearleld, Pa., Merck II, 1ST. CHEAP 0ROCEKIKSI LUiinwR cirr. pa The aadorelpod aaaoaaeaa ta hii eld frloada aad aalreaa tkat ha haa earned a good line al OROriRlKS a PROVISIONS at the eld etead of Kirk A Spaaeer, for wklak he aollelli a liberal vairaaaga, n. w. erintaa LaaWr City, Pa., March W-tf. Sw. A B K K T S T It E E It V I E Ia , ! K terms of pay nieiii. consist of tho new nnd popular v can have a oooil instrument, MAKE HOME HAPPY. you cnll nnd see us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. CYMKIl'iS 51 ITS I UJ NTOllE. yUsreUanfous. QLEARKIELD PLANING MILL C O M P A N Y. mill, ondaralgnad, itaaearaai. to RKKD k X 1'OW KI.L. bavai turrb.aU tha Cl.KAR HK1.D I'LANlMi illLL, and refitted it for doing aa ntrnaifo baiiocaa. All tha tacobinarj will ba aMsxi Beaary to maka it ona of tb nioat coitti.lcta aalab it bnenta ol tlio kind Id tlta Stata. Tbty ara now prepared to raeaira ardor for any work in that liua. Tbywtll givtapoetal attcatioa to all natcrtals for honsa Vutldiog. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARUING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. ' BRACKETS, aVOI LOKYVe. Or AI.L STYLES, aJwayi on band. W0HKED BOARD?, aad an art Me. nw tj f-r haildiag, will be axobangrd for DRT LritlllKR, to thai pfriiM u ft ditUaa nay briog their lambcr, txc targe It fiT,w.& runrt. bona with tha Baoafaetarrd articles. The Coan.any will atwaya bart oa band larga ttock of dry Inaiber.ao as to be able to fill aa order oa tba akortcat aotiea. Only tba beat and moat aktllfal baada will ba etaployoti, ae tbat tha pdllle may rtly apoa good work. Lanb-r will ba worked ar told aa low aa U eat ba pirrbatwd any wbera, and warraataJ ta give aatiifMtiow. Aa tba baala wit) b d .ne apoa tba aaak phnril we aan affoid lo work for entail profiu. IKY LUMBER WANTED 1 KptiaJtv ana aad a-balf and two laH. pael etef, for wM ft liberal prise will be paid. The bail Deal will W eoa d acted andcr the aftBst of tba "llrarfltld rianin; Mill Co." 0. B. Mirr.ll will pereoaally aaporlnlcnd the hoaiaaia. Ordrra reipoctfnlly eolieitcd. 0. B. MKIIRFLL. R. B. TAYLOR. M. O. UKOW N A BR0. Cloarlrld, I'a., Janaary I, 1174. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, aanrracrraBa LUIIBEII, LATH, AND lUt'KKTS aaa .S.iircJ .( r,itcnt BUM Shinglet. It. II. Bllll.LINUFORD, Praiident, OBce Foreit Place, No. 155 S. 4th iln Phll'a. JOHN LAW8UR, General Bap'L, Oacrola Mill!, Clearleld coanty. Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS fr aala la Iba koroaih ofOaoeola. Auo-Kerp tha LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Uooda la t'learfivld eouoty at tbeir Mamnolh Store la Oieeola. jenl-71 The Lightning Tamer. Till nadertlgned are tha tola Agtoti la tali eotinty for thtMNortb AnerloaB ttalvanlaed LUHTNINO RODS." Tliatt are tka only eafe rode now In aaa, aad ara tadoraed by all tbf Mlaatila In tba aoantry. W hereby aatlfy tha eitiieni af tka aawaty that wa will pw tha ap n bettor rod, aad for lata Honey, than te eharged hy tba foratga ftganta who anBaally traTarae tba tonatjr and aarry af awr Utile eaahgiavarta retara. w ENCOURAGE BO MB LABOR Theaa wlahlag Lightning Roda ertoted aa their halldlari afd bat addreia na hy letter, ai ell la paraoB. We will pat them Bp anywhere in taoeeaaty, ana warraat taani. l ae nooaaaa fix tarei eaa be eeea at any tlva hy ealHng at onritore. H. r. BlULhR CO. Clearleld, March , laTfi.tf READING FOR ALLI I BOOKS if STATIOXERY. Market St.. t'UarfelcL at tha Pant Ofllca.) rpjlK nnderilgned bega leave to antennae to X the eltltana of Clearfield aad -ieiatly, that ha haa fitted ap a room aad baa jaa re turn ad from the alty with a large BMoaat ef reading maiter,taaJtiing In part af Biblei and Uiscellaneons Books. Blank. Aeeonat aad Paaa Books of Mry da- arlptloa Paper aad Envelope., f reieh pressed aedplala. Pen and Psnellsi Blank, Legal Pipera, Dseda, Mortgages j Judgment, Rxemp Uea and Promissory notes j Whits and Parea awilirlaf. Leaal Cap. Record Cap, and Dill Can. Sheet. Mnale for either Plane, Halaer Violin eoaeUatly aa baad. Aaf heaki at stationary desired that 1 may aet na-e ea nana, will be er artdared bv first express, and sold at wholesale r retail ta tall aaa Wm era. I will iUo hasp paries teai utarawrftt saea aa Magasiaes, fisws. papers, P. A, UAULU. uiaaraaia May i, isoa-ti Lime Tor Sale I TDK aadanlned. reeidiar aear Ike denel he. Beda eomplata arrangomenta wliki Lima Burnora eaat af the aoaatala, whereby he la ana hied lo keep ooaetaatlyoa hand a largo aaantlty ol PURE LIME! whlok ha offers to farmers and balldvrs at a trlle abora eoat, Thoaa in need of I he article wuaU do well to glre ma a eall, nt add real me by latter, ba rora aogotiating their lime. tiKn. C. PAPflyOKI, Clearleld, Pa., June fi, I DAS. I-iivery jHlnble. TUB aarlenlgnad hega leave to Inform the pab lla that ba Is now felly prepared to aeeomme date all la the way of fon.iar.ing florae.. Daggles, Raddles and Heraes!, oa the shorten notiee aad an raaaoaable terms. Residence an Loom 1 1 atreet. rw.wiajBjBj .Birii nnw rowrin, 'ISO, W. 0RAR0ART. TlaarKeld, Pok. 1, 1174. . T, ' ' N N M. 1 . . , Octavo Coupler,) ORGANS, ' mill no oilier investment of like Sotflj. EONARD HOUSE, j (Near the Railroad Depot,) C'l.fAHUHI.D. PA. A ihara af pahiie patroaaga ia rarpertfall. ae. hailed. 4:14 71 B. B. ROW, I'rop'r. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front etreeta,) CLRAUKIKLD, PA. The aadenlgned baring Uhca ebarge af thii Hotel, woold mpoctfnlly eolieil nablie palroaago. ooU'73 K.NEWTON bllAW. TTASmXGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbia arw aad wrll rarai.hcd aoara haa heea takra by tha andenigned. lie fell eoaldoat of keing able te render eatiifactioa te tkoee who may faror bia with a ealL May I, 1171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prep'r. M ON TOUR HOUSE, Oppoaita tha Caart Boaee, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. J.I471 HAl'SKAL A KROM, Prep'a. B KOCKEHIIOI'V IIOUMB. . BRLLEF0NTK, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, aeli'71 Proprietor.. L0YD HOUSE, Mala Street, PKIL1PSIIUKO, PENN'A. Table alwar aaonlied with the aaa the nuU eff.rj.. Tnemeeliag pahHe la iarited toeelL or I, '- KOHKKT UI1U. THE MANSION HOUSE. Ceraeref Heeoad and Market Street. I'LEARKILO, PA. Tnil old aad eoamodloaa Hotel haa. d.rieg tka paal year, heea aalarged to doable Ua former eapaaity for the oaterUiaaeat of alraa. gara aal gaeau. The whole haildiag kaa heea refaraiahad, aad lha proprietor will apara aa palaa la reader kla gaaau eemferteklo while auying with hia. ar-Ibe 'Maaaiea Heaae- Omaibei rwai nnd from tha Depot ea the arrival aad 4. porter, af eaeh trela. JOHN DOUUMKRTT, apre-7 if Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (.Market SL, bet. Second aad Third,! C LEARFIELD, PA. The aobicribrr havinr beroma aroarletor of tbie hotel, woald roapeetfally aak a liberal akara ai pa one pairoaaga. apH'H DK0RUI LKIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CfRWENSVILLB, ClearSold ooaaly, Penn'a. Tbll ekl aad well eatabKlhed Hotel, keaatifalif altaated aa tba banka of the Saeaaehaaa, ia the ewroogn oi uarweaaiille, aaa aeea laana roe a term el yean by Iba andeniaaed. It ha. heea enllrely reined, aad ia aew oaea te the peblie gewerelly and the trareliag eomaaalty la par. ticalar. Na paiaa will ho apared ta leader geeMa comfortable while tarrying at tail hoaee. Ample piaoimg room lor ine aooemmedatloa at leama. Chargca moderate. Kept. IS, ie;-lf. ELI BLOOM. Jcutistrj. XM.ln;wAST7DrDrsT Oaea eeor Irwla'a Drag Store, Cl'RWBNSVILLB, PA. All deatal oparatloaa. either la the aecheaUtel ar operatira breach, preapUy atleaded te aad aauMaotioa gaaraateea. Speeial altealioa paid U the treatmoat af dnaaaaa af Ike aataral teoih, f ami and meatk. Irregnlarity of the teeth lae- eeaifully aorrected. Tooth ealraoted wilhoat pain by Iba aaa of Klbrr, aad artiioial teeth laeerted of tho heat aaterial aad wemated U reader aat- lalaetloa. aprUM'flily lanls. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. KOOM la Maeuoic Baildia,, owe door aorlh el 0. D. Walioa'a Drag Stare. Peeaaire Ticket, to and from LlTerpoal, Qaeeaa. town, lilaigow, Loadoa, Pari, aad Copeaharea. Aleo, Draiti Sir aala oa tha Royal Beak of Ireland aad Imperial Bank of Loadoa. JAMKS T. LEONARD, PreeY W. VPIIAW, Ceakler, ll:l:T4 1. D. M'Olrk. . BdwaH Perka. BANKING i, COLLECTION HOUSE or mcgirk & perks. Saeeeieora to Foater, Parka, A Co Phlllpekar;, Cemtra Ceaaty, P. TIIKRBaHIhe hallneea of a BaakVag Ilea I will ae tree Me led wremaUy aad aawa It Boat feroreele lerma aaarl-lf DREXEL & CO., No, St Routk Thlrw altreet, PhllaJelphla D.f.rKCfIS, And Dealert in Government Securities. Appliealloa by aaall wUI receive aroBpl altaa tloa, aad all loforaattea eaaerfally farnlibed. Order! eolirlcd. April ll-tf. NDERTAKING. Tha aadanlgated are aow fall prepared te carry ta the business of UNDCnTAKIIVf., AT REASONABLE RATES, i Aad Napeetfally Milan tka ,itroaig. of Ihea aeedlng anoh aerrlee.. . . : JOHN TROtlTMAN, JASS: L.LUVY. Cloarlrld, Pa., F.b. 1ft, 1174, I IMEt LIUE1 The aadorile-ned la aew arettered le farabh tka pablla with aa aiaallaal e,oelHy of Bollefonte Wood-Burned Lime, far plaatarlag nraaaaa, ky tka large or email e,uantlty. Una ke foe ad loe Ike praa.al al Prt'1 a.w bnlldiag, aa Market atreet. aell If L. K. MrCtlLloroB. wti.r, strpMT ton wrrn ant artkis OP MRHt'HANDISB AT THE VSRT LOWleT PRIt'B. COMB ABB SEE. (Ii7 ) NEW WASHINGTON.