girfltrm, f inwm,r. SAC&ETT SCHUVER, DIUIM III HARDWARE, ad .sa.fnolereri el Tln.Coppcr ft Sheet Inn Ware, SnOld Street, C1EAIFIEID, PA. He.lag largely Imw4 ear etoeh HsreV warn, w. la.lto the publio to ! ' Wo and prleei. CarpsnUrt aad pereeut whe eoatoaplete hand ing will do well to oar TOOLS A BUILDIHO HARDWARE, which li a.w ud of too km analaiiBre, ud wiU bo told low for oath. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, illNGES, SCREWS All klads af Bench Planet, Bowl, Chlioll, 8a, anna, Hstntnera, Hnlobtle, Plnnbo ud Le.tll, Mortised A Thank Qaegei, Bonis, iiua Bills, Wood ud Iroa Bnoh Borows, ud tfco boot Bering Maehiae la tbo market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKKI OUTLIRT, do. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelltr, warranted. Alio, Sfonls for Hlobards' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, wblek effeetnallj can Smoky Flues. Farmers' Inpleminti and Gardoa Tools of ivory dmriptiea. , A largo Tarioty of COOK STOVES, . which wt warrant to giro MtUfWetloB. Portabte Mtaufet amd Furnacei. Roofing, Spouting nad Job Work ton revionable Wait. All orderi will reset re prompt 11. iota. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SaooMtort to Boyotoa k Yeaog ,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Muafaetareri of ' PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Ooraor of fourth ud Plao Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING eagsged la Ika aiualkotara of iret alaat MAUMNERY,w.mpnlflly lafor. tbo public tkal wo ara aow prepare to 111 all ardan ai cheaply ud m promptly SI mi bo dou la any of tho oltios. Wo muafsotara ud daal la Malay and Oiroular Saw-Mills Hold Sinks, Wstor Wboola, Ihaftlaf Palloys, Oifford'i Iajootor, Steam tioja, Slaaai Wklstloo, Ollora, Tsllow Cipt, Oil Caps, Saage Cooks, Air Oookr, Hlobe Talrot, Cheek Valroi, wrought Iroa Pipes, Sttem Panpi, Bollar Toad, A.U Triotioa Matrea, Sup Stoaa Psekl.g, Gem Peek- lag, ud all kinds of MILL WORK together with Plows, Slid Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVIS, ud oth.r CA8TISQS of all Hods. JraT-Oreer, solicited ud Sllad al sit; prion All lotton of Inquiry with referean ta atsshlnery of oar manefeetare promptly urwirod, by eddree- ln si at ClaarMd, Pa. Jul74 tf BI0L1R, TOBNQ A RBED. fhTEW BTOEB AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW &i SON Hat a juat opaned a Naw Sroai, on Main Bt.,Cui(riiLi, Pa latelr oocopledbj Wm. T. IRWIN. Thair 1 lock ooniiiti of OiociiiM of Iha beat quality, Queenswarc, Boots and Shoes, and ararjr artiola naoouarr for ono'i oomfort. Call and axamlnc onr itook baforo pur chulnf alHwhara. May , 18C0-tf. rim COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING YASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kopt aaaitutly aa ksad. STOM ASD. IAETHH- WAM Or 1TBBT DBSCBTPTION I ' CHOCKS! POTSI CROCKS! riakafa Pitaat AMIfbt lair . Mallasj Pralt t'.aal WTI CROCKS, wltk lid!. ORIAhl CROCES, HILR CROCES. APPLS - BOTTIR CROCKS, PICKLB CROCKS, LOW.RPOTTiwpoTg ,,,, Aad a paal auj atkor thl.g. tea aaauroaa to oaUoa, to ba had ai FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Oaraor of Charry and Third Struts. sail Down! Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AMD Of OODRSI Till CBIAPBHTI A Proclamation against High Prices THT ro aow aoalB ap a lot of tbo boat aad VT noat aaaaoasbi. aoi ud Waroa na atorod la tbll atorhot, ud at prtoM Hat milad of tho food old doyi 0 tktif thlaia. Tboaa who laak faith apaa Uli polat, ai dam oar u BaUoai aaparflaoaa, aMd bat call ovn MTomm, Oamar rraat ud Harkoa straits, Tkora thT aa aoa, foal, kwr ud km far ttoai aolroo. To rally aadtritud what aoaahaaa aaods Mil aiaM ha doaa. Wa d. aot dsaai It aaoooaarT to aaaaMrala ud Itstslao aar atoak. It Is aaauk ftr ta rtst. that W hare Eremhinf that Is Heeded Md aaaaaaad ta tbll aiarhol, ud al arloaa that Uk bath old I I aaa yaaaa. dooW JOSBPg SnAW A SOW. CIeirfi?!J Rarsery. iNOOU ' 2Ut INDU8TRT. rralB aa ra( Mtokllihod a Bar J. avav aaaat kalfway hatwaaa claseoM aid Ownmanllla, lo ariparid to far- aatltwatiafraul TRBBS,(olaaaaadaa f otllaiaRUl oasaaaaatoai I a a 10 a , naiaoaaiy. uraaa wraaa, a'niTloti. Ahaa, tarhw aVah Trooa, Jtastd urtp aaaaiat AaaWa, Aa. eraaaa VaaaTStp asanas ... Addraaa, ' ' !., . WBieM. "P" r - ,!,, Oarwoa .wa, Pa. fry GooCif, growlr. Hit" St Va VliTII.Hit mn ...... ... W. W, Mm. "WEJLVEIt I1UTTH CLEARFIELD, PA., Ara of.rlaj, at the .Id staad of p.L. Rood A Co. their itoik of foodi, ooaiiitlaf of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A OAFS,: IIARDWAHB, QUBENSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Ao,, &o., At tbo moot roasoaabla ratal for CASH ar la , , eiobaage for r . . I ... i. . - " Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCI. Jear-AdTaaoe mad. la tkoao eagaged la fit ling oat Bquare timber oa tho aioit adrutafooas Unas. pdtljanil KRATZER & LYTLE, MAIKIT STRKET, CLIAirilLD, PA. D salon la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Qoeenswarr, Booli, Shoos, 'Hats, Caps, itc. -Sbooaiakon lappllod wltk LRATIIIR aad SBOB P1NDINU8 at radnood ratos. SALT ! SALT I SALT! at wholotali aad rotail iry ahoap. PAINTS, OILS, OALCINED PLA8TIR, Aa. A likaral dliaoaat ta kalldora. ' UOUSKUOLD QOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS la largo qaaatltloa. PISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL ud CHOP, always oa hand, aT-All af thi abova good, ara parobasod oiolailrily for lath, aad thoroforo saa and wt'f f ba laid as okosp as Iha ohupasl. . aprlll-Td rpo TUB FRONT! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TBI CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTER SALOON I Tha karla last Itwd aa a.w. larg. aad aoatfortabla room oa Mark.t strMt. aoar Third, roiposlfally laforau Iha pabliothal aa aw draparad to aoaoasaiadala thoa with arythiag la his liaa aa ihorl aolloo ud at all torn of tha day. Ha kpa aa kaad ERESIt BREAD, f , RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, , '''"'' CAKES, all kiadi. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, ud a goaaral af CONrBCTIONIRIRS, FRUITS, NUTS, Aa., All af wkloh will b. dallrarod to oaitoaion al Iholr rosldaaoia, whu raqaaatad ta da so. ICE CREAM, by tko dlih, aarrsd la a aoaUy far- Thaakfal for tha gouraai patroaago bostowad la tha past, ki hops! ta atorit ud raaal.o a aoa tlaaonaa of tko aaaai front kii old oarto- -N aton, ud othara. JOHN STADLER. Ju. ii.'ri-tr. JANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHKRrJBURQ, PA., Doalar la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIER! I GLOVES, HATS A CAPS ud B00T8 A SHOES, Tobaooo, OraaariM aad Tlik, Nails, Hsrdwan, kjiMnswsr. aaa uiasswara, aj.a aad Boys' Clothing, Drags, Palais, Oils, Sehaol Books, a krga lot af Paint Mwlioiaos, Cudios, Nata A Dried Frnlu, Cbeeie aad Craok- an, Hook ud Hilo Powder, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, CloTor ud Tlaiathy Saad, Solo Lssthsr, Moroaoos, Lining!, Bindings ud larsaa, BBOotsanorr looll ud Shoa Fiadlagi. Ms graatar oariaty af good, la uy Mora la Iba wr. A a lor lata Tor. law tor aasB or aoantr produoa at tho Cboap Cornor. Aag. 17, 1673. JF ECONOMY 13 AN ODJECT, BUT YOUR C LO T II I N (J, Furnishing Goods, &o,, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTUING STORE. . ' l" ' : .- i Tboy keep a full lino of x f Alen't, Youths' Boys' CTofAiita. Also, Umbrellas, Satcbelli, Oreralls uats, Bhlrta, Undonblrta, and Drawers, to., ! Whlak Ibey will asll al aiaii rsasnubk prieM. Call ud aaaaiiu thalr aoods Wefere aarobsslBa atsawhara. Raaai aa alarkot Strost, apposlta tha Corn Hoasa, Cloarfald, Pa, April I, U74. The Bell's Inn Woolen Factory, , Paaa township, Claarisld Oa, Pa. BtlRSED OUTI BVff VOT BURNED UPI TtM itsbttrlborf hT.t grMt oipMo, robtllt IghborhaMtt swmU7p 1" tk rMttoB of m Int lui foelei MuafMtary.wlle. UI Iho m4mn lprreMU olUohoelg Mai ro pNptroa w nolio all klndt of Olotko, CuilMrtJ, HaUkMtU, BUv ttoto, VImhIo, Ptoaty of f oosig haw! to Mpoljr oJI rolet tutd ft tbonttvad sow erartoaiejr. WkOM WO IH ! OOHO Mel OMaBlOO OOf IIOOI, IwO OWIaMOat ! CARDINO AND FULUNII will raaslra aa. aspaolal attaatlaa. ' Prapar arrMgeanuta will aa atsde la raslr. ud dolirar Wool, ta smit .aatOBara. A II work warraasod aad 4aaa apaaj taa akirtial Battaa, aad ay atrial aotoai. Uoa la aaalain we kapa to nallaa a llbaral laara a paaiia pairwaaga. lOMMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will aa. Ika klakaat aurkat arlaa far Waa aad aall aa. akuaraoiarod goads M low M llaillar taodo au ao aoagbt la Iha aaaaty, ud wa asll a reader raaaaaabla aatlarastlaa wa au atwaya aa foud al h.e. ready la aiaka propar "r'"Sf aua.r la parMa ar a. wuar. A.RI etvataaun puna. aarlltatr Bowar P. L , QUMSltlTHINO. 0. W. WOLFE. PRACTICAL QDN8MITH. Ot . , . - AR kl4e mM 1 1 av. it ST1 -a as arM .lssisauia aad at fair aula gru ffioofls, (Srorrriri, ttf. I II IC I. A T li T NOVbl THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tbolr aow building on ttoood Slroot, nearly opposite Iba Mora of Wearer A Hall., CLEARFIELD, PA., tboy will toollouo to oppl.r tbolr old nd M my new onitomtn m mmj com, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Iaoludlng all bow rnnodlM,) Patent Medialn.i, Palnll and Oils, Olsli and Pally, Sobool Book,, Slslloaery, I'apar, Ae. sl.o, a full tin. af Drag gills' Snndrloi, Hair Toatoi, Cointstloa, P.rfumerlet, Toil.t Article., Braehn, Toilal, Pookot Booki, Aa, all of tbo bait quality. ' i . ' PURE WIXES AND LIQUORS, for Mrdleal A laerauonlal purpol.i only, Para White Load, Colon of all kind., Raw and Boiled Llnieod Oil, VarnUbei, Tarpon. Iloo, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brush.., Flavoring Kxtraetl, Cooter-tlonsrlei, Bird Seed, Piiiee, ground nod anground, of all ktnili. SMOKERS AND CIIEWKRS Will Ond oar atock of Chewing and Nmukin. Tobaooo. Iiunorted sei.l fin. atasti. Cig.ra, Knuff and Fioaut to b. of lb. .cry iai oroaua ia th. niarkol. LAMPS AND CIIIMNKYS, All kinds of ULA8H WARE OAKDKN 8EKU3, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Muiloal Trlmmlngi of aviry variety. Having a long .ip.rUne. In tho baaloMl. and aa astenalr. ud well asloeted iteok of medieiaa.. w. ara .nsbled to nil PhTliaisna' nresorintioHa el tbo nolio. aad oa Iho moil reasonable terms, dsy and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, CUarl.ld, Pa., May II, 1871-tf. I Sttisrrtlanr ous. pUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOYN! NTOTF.N! tha Hantaan Rat.bliihn.nt of II. K HICI.KR LJ.t aompriitng tbo folloaing Cook Siovm : SPKAK'S CALOHIFIC. SU.SyUKHANNA. KKOULATOR, v 1 n i v EXCELSIOR. . TKIUMPII. 00V. PENN. HEADING NATIONAL RANGE, AC. 4C. Alia, ta. following Besting Stores i SPEAR'8 ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, GIP8EY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, PHOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORK ROOM STOVES, AO. Claarl.ld, Sept. is, 1871. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY II. F. Klglor A o. IRON DOUBLE SHOVEL I'LOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD B1NU I.K-SHOVBL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS, OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTHBURU STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BELLEFONTB I' LOWS. ROBESON'S ud THOMPSON'S PLOWS. ar-Kharea for all el th. abo.a Plows aon tully aa hsad. mrIH-71 O. T. C. WIIRRI to boy my DRY 00000, ORO oorloo, Qoooniwaro, tilaaawara, Iruga and H otionf Confaot Ion trial, Ac,, ahoap for oaab Tbo labaotibor bora loaro to Inftitm bit old and aow oaJtoawra that na baa opanod A VAEIKTY 8T0RB ' . . Ilf QLItf IIOPB, PA. And will aril goode at prloaa to tult tha tlmaa. A hboral reduction will ba nado to ouitoman buy lag at wbolaaalo. Call Md stamina my stock baforo pnrohailng olMwhoro, A liboraJ suaro of public patronac a Is olUitod. , . 0. J.KKAUT. Olaa Hopot Pa., Joaa 14, 1A71. II, F. BIGLER CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, M SCH ASICS' HARDWARE, U) LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, TARMINO UTENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON a NAILS, PAINTS, OII.K, VARNISHES, " PAINTERS' riNDINOS, Ma, ""-". fOOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH B. DRBRINO. aa Merb.l .red la Sbaw'i Row, Ol.arl.ld. P... ha. MMlvad a tea 1.1 af Frauk OalfShlai and Kl.i, ika aait ia ia. nsara.i, aaa I. aaw prepared laaiaa. aftvatora aneylklag la kll llaa. II. will war. rut kli aerh ia ha aa nfr.iialad. Tha atrlMaa af Otaard.ld aad .lel.lly ara laapaalfally la.ltod la gin blai a aall. Wark daaa at ahart mMm. tilftJ I om psimaa or evert dbcbip. t llaa aaatly aiantod at Ihla oSloa. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAltriKJU( TA :;.VKDN!!HnAY MOHMlNtt, NOV. 4, 8T4. IMPROVE TMV YOUTH. Awiki, y Totub I otooh to II fb i ' Lot ool dull ilotb oorrodo tbjr toul J A roue to notion j Join tbo itrlfo 1'roH nobly oo, ond gavin tbo goavl. Why ad thou hint, or log. for tW ) Or wMp. or oljcb. If onoo ibon Ull f TU bwd-tmrnoa fomo that's ovor door Bo octioa thin I by ooat of noil 1 Think not thy friends nuro blwt tbu thio Think out tbot thoa oata notblog do For onoo wai imoll th ilnnt troo Thon not, ond to tbyiulf bo troo t Beat not i bat not now whf I yon mny introTo tbo hour of lifo moat door j IiBprovo thy loath f linprovo to-day j , And truat ilia morrow novor fttr I Treaa on word t onward bo thy war I Croop not Ilka sordid worni of duatj Dut anglo tika, aoar blvh to day. And learn thy youthful atroogth lo traat. Oi tarn not book thy asoararul ayo, But arar onward do thy goto ( Look upward on iha raillaut aky ( 0 faaat Uiy light with baarcnly rayi I To tbois that toll with ondloaa teal, From poor auoccta bow oouraga gain That onward praaa, that nobly Seal, Coma honor, wnalth, and all thair train. Then rooM, ye youthful ono, to Ufa j Lat naught but daath oor oroaa tby way! . Prcaa onward, beovanward In thy etrlfo ) And honor bright will orown tby day ! JforriHomn Dttdit, A RIG INSURANCE FRAUD. A COL08HAL m-M.NKHS TM)NK ON A CAPI TAL OP NOTHING. On Tuumlny evening a votomn ftirgur lutoly out of Siiig Smif primm win nr ruHti'il in llrookiyn. nntl taken to 1'hiU dclpliia in the midnight expri'sn by imvnto (IftwtivoH. Tlio elmrnc unuiiiHt him wax that ho wan Implicated in an cxtrooiilinury swindle, Rotnowhat ro Heinbling tbo tiiliaKeil I'ulixiiilea In sunt n to Cuinpuity of Jormjy (Jity, but of fur jrtviitor iniinituilo. The princi paU in tho cno lira ntiiil to bo promi nent Insurance, men and baukuin of l'biluilolpbia, anil tho utory of their (iperutiona inone of rjuijiriHirif? interest. They conceived nml itltcnipted to carry out a deep liiid acheuio to nuiko for tniieH on a ulinm cniiitul. Tho story of the Philadelphia ollicoin i tliut in Fubruury lout tlio Central Firo Iiwiirunce t'oninnny w oriun iccil in that city, with U . I). Iliilhnan, a millioiiaire, an President; W. II Iliill'ninn a TreuHunir anil Secretary, uutl for dirccloiK, John Niebolftoii hl liert, W. J. Jloodie, C. A. luy, antl 1'. Tlimltm'. Tho connpiratont rcproHcnted to the mauranco uulhoriticH of I'eniiHvlvania that tliey bad a capital of',000 in vented in vnrioua railroad anil olber Ht'curitieH, ami that their Mock had Ih-cii ulKcribcdIornn follow.: P.Thur low, !K" nhaivfi, tl&,Oll(l; C. A. Duy, L'OOHlurea, SHI. (Hill; V. II. Ilaliiiiau, 10(1 ahurea, $5.000 ; W. ). lIiilf'niHU, WM) aharoa, $1(1,000 ; W. J. Moodie, 21)0 Hhari'H, $10,000; Moodie. (inwa & Co., 10 nhnreK, $2,000 ; and V. ). Ilnlfman, I.nfiO allures held in trUKt, $78,000. The aecurities which the company hud purported to coimint of $Mfl,(lll(l in morti'iicn ; 500 Kharca of Philadelphia ami Jteudino; Raihiiail atock, $28,87S ; BOO nhiirca of Lehigh Valley Railroad HttH'k, $:!.".. MIO ; 500 of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and W cittern Railroad, SL'li.W t; 300 of tho Central Railroad of New Jersey, $:il,87S; 100 of the l'ennsy lvania Central ; and 3,000 of tbo Lebanon i'uper tloinpanv. A charter waa L'ntntcd to tlio compain. and in July they oienrd a niofjuillcent orllco in t hcHtnut atreet 1 bey bad it elo- pimtly fumixbed, and employed a large corpa ot elerka. John . ichomon r.llH'rt acted aa manager, antl hciiiBpired con fidence in tho company, bouii; a ineni berof the Philadelphia Hoard of Trade, and well connected. Tho company ran along imoothly and with every in dication of havinir a pnwperona exist ence until hIkiiiI tlio middloof A uifttHt, when SI r. J. M. Fouler, one of the Coinmirwionvrs ofliiHuranco of l'enn- xylvahia, iHTaino aUHpicioua that all wua not rieht with it- Ilo mailo an inveHtigation, and ascertained that the conioration waa a sham, and Its entire aecurities were forged and altered to manv tmiea their oriL' value. It waa tho old story of Montague Tigg'i "Anglo-llengaiee l'lHiiitoroatou Joan and Mutual I,ife Inaurance Comiiany, with its elegant office, its pretentions array of capital, and its outw ard signs of Btuhility and hucccmh. All about tho company was sham. The olllccni say that Comniimfionor comer made two exainuintions into tbo accouutH of tho company before the full extent of tho swindle waa dis covered. Their books showed that $200,000 bad been paid on account of atock, but that amount waa nil in checks that proved to bo worthless. Tho I'nion Hanking Company beard of the stmpiciohH agaiiist'the tho new compa ny, antl remembered that it hail lent it $10,000 on two cortiHcaterxof 1'hila delphia antl Rending Railroad stock. Ono of tho certificates was put under a powerful microscope, anil it was seen that it originally reiiresented ono share of stoek, but t hat the numlxir hail been erased with chemicals antl .'100 shares written In. Tho other certificate was found to have been altered inthesamo way, except that It was raised to only 200 shares. Tho discovery led to au inspection of tho rust of the securities rcproscnt- inir tho capital stock of tho insurance company, and tho result proved that they hail lieen similarly lumporcu wiui. The certificates wore each Issued for ono share of the slock, and bad all been rawed to different ntimlicrs, some as high as dOO. One certificate of tho Delaware and l.nckuwnnna, changeu from 100 to 500 shares, had tho name of W. D. llallman, tho President of the company, tilled in, but as the name could not be fount! on the books of the company it was thought that It had been lorged to ennole tho holder to ellect a loan. Most of the stock waa transferred to J. N. Klbert. Commissioner Foster made a report of the fraudulent character of the com tiany to tlio Attorney (ionoral, and the hitler ordorcd it to be stteiided. President lliilliiiBn, tho Treasurer, and tho directors of the company were sub sequently arrested on charges of per jury, conspiracy, niic' forgery. On the hearing of their cose before a Philadel phia magistrate, tho statements made by tho President and tbo Treasurer under oath when tho company was formed wore Introduced. President llall'mau's was to the effect that ho had subscribed for $128, 000 worth of stock, anil that be paid for it In three chocks drawn to W. T. Klbert, a banker of 321 Walnut street. The Treasurer made oath that ho hail received the President's chocks, and hud given them to the Finance Commitleo to deposit. Thero waa no entry in tho books to show that they bad lieen deposited. M r. W. T. Kllwrt, a respected bnnker, testified that I'resl dent Jlalfman's checks on him wore of no valuo, anil that bo had not author Used him to draw nny on him for any sum. The witness said that tbo mana ger of tha company waa bis nephaw. Tha officers and directors were each held In $20,000 bail. Tbo only officer Who borrowed money front the coin, pony was J. N. Fdbert. Ilo dlsap iieared when Commissioner Foster mailt) his exposure, anil deteetlvos looked for him tn Ht. Louis, C'hicairo. and Detroit, where ho has relatives, with wImuii It was thought be would Iks likely to communicate. After a three weeks' search ho was caught In an obseiiro street in Philadelphia, where he bad gone t keep an Appoint ment. In the time that the officers were looking fop him the orgatilyj'in of the company tiled to compromise the oaae antl get bock tho ftadalenl oortitl calea nn which thov had obtained loans. Mr, Jones, Vice President of the Reading Railroad, wboso stock was among the forgod securities, would not consent to any settlement, but in sisted on the prosecution of the guilty liersons. Ilo employed privato de tectives to sill tho conspiracy to tbo bottom. Kllwrt, the manager, waa In durance a few days, when he made a confession. He admitted that tho company was started on ono share of Heading Kailroad atoak, worth about $57. The certificate of the stock was bought In the nsmo of Caroline Klbert and Frauk R. Klbert without their knowledge, and after being raised to two hundred shares was fraudulently transferred to him to enable him to got a loan on it. Tho object in altering the names was to mako detection diffi cult if the forgery was discovered. A loan of $5,000 was obtained from tho Union Ranking Company on tho cer tificate, anil then another certificate was bought. Tho money which was realised in this way was used to hire the otlleo and buy other certificates of different companies for one share of stock each, and thfto were raised to represent $.1110,000, tho capital of tbo company. Kllwrt said that it was the intention of tho company to keep all the money it received for policies. When it bad a large risk 'to pay tho un derstanding was that tho company was to contest tho claim, and fail at the last moment. It was also tho plan to sell the shares of the company, held in trust hy tbo President, to innocent per sons, and uover to redeem them. The officers proposed to take up tho forged paper left with the Union Ranking Company aa soon as they bail tho money to apareJ'srsidcnt Hulfman waa asserted to bo tlio projector of the fraud. ' ' ; Klbert said that tho erasures on tho certificates and tiro forgeries were the handiwork of a man who had been in. troduccd to him as Charles ltiplcy The Introduction wasirivoh in Taylor's Hotel, Jersey City, by Louis W. French, tlio Secretary of tbo fraudulent Jlo- boken Insurance Company, who is a cousin to Klbert. lie atltled that he paid Ripley $2,500 to go to Philadelphia and forge the certificates, and that be addressed let ters to him at a saloon at 303 Bridge afreet, Brooklyn. Tho proprietor of the place said that tho erson wlro got tho letters sent there was known to hi in ns Charles Ostend. Detectives watched tho saloon for ten days, and on Tuesday they saw a man answering Ripley's description leave tho place antl go to 2it Washing ton street. Detective rolk and Cor win of the Brooklyn police and another olllcer arrested him in tho evening while he waa taking a drink in tho sa loon. Ilo was itluhtincu as Jack I an tor, a noted forger. When ho was told what he was wanted for ho volunteered to go to Philadelphia without a requi sit ion. Cantor was released about two years ago from State prison, w hore ho served fourteen years for forging old State bank hills. During the administration of N aitleu II ubbell bo acted as book, koetier for the prison, and was caught altering the sentences of prisoners on the records, ilo is said to he implicated in the great railroad bond forgery He is accomplished, sjwaking eleven languages, ilo is a shorthand writer, an engraver, a photographer, a doctor, a druggist, a machinist, and for some time past has written scientific articles for nuigazi lies. Ilo is 07 years old. In his rooms in a Ixwrding houso at 20b Washington street, Brooklyn, were found a costly set of counterfeiters tools, dies, presses, lithographic stones, bunk papers, and inks. Aew York tiun Fauie listing. The New York Sun, in alluding to a brace of Congres sional scoundrels, says : she Key. James A. bsriield may tako comfort in the fact that another Grant candidate for office bas been found who denounces the official records of Congress as lies aad slanders. In Tennessee, Roderick R. Butler, of unsavory notoriety .desires the Ilepulili can nomination for Congress for the First District, but waa opposed by Judge tiillenwaters, who commented very freely on Butler's Congressional record. A niong other damaging accu sations, Gillenwators, in a siwcch de livered in Greenvillo, charged him with having sold a cadelablp, and by tho records proved that ho did sell one for t'JW, and that for doing so a ma jority of nearly two-thirds of the House voted to expel nun ; hut Under, with an tirrontory equal lo that of the man wbo holds the purse strings of the na tion subject to the wants of Boss Shop bord and his Ring, flatly declared that the charge was "false as hell." It is au interesting commentary upon the purity of the tiraut party in lunnossoe and JuiIl'o Gillenwators, having been placated with a promise of tho nomin ation in 187G, alter all his exposures of Butler, has como to an amicable under standing with that statesman, and will support him in bis aspirations for re-election. The FAVORiTiorScorNDBKM Don Piatt s pajior, tlio Capital, in alluding to uraill noDlloouillg Willi roguea aaya Hays the late lien. Jlillyer: "I asked tho President If it was really troo that Williams had taken the contingent fund to purchase his wife a camairo r ilo replied that such seemed to bo the fact. " Whon I heard of it 1 got Rabcock to look into it, and I believe li is an." "Then Mr. J'resi deut, ho will 1m defoatod." "Oh, no I" he replied quietly, "I shall not with draw his name." This is only ono Instance out of hun dreds. From the first hours of his ex ecutive existence, when he sold the of ficial patronage of his District to Sayles J. Bowen to reimburse said Bowen for the loss of $25,000, until tho present moment he has been the associate of roughs and the patron of rogues, the incipient of gifts which ha paid for in office, the supporter of his own In capable family at th publio treasury, and all with a self-satisfied complacen cy worthy a born Bourbon. "v hy, uon. aoiiencK, no said to that distinguished gentlemen, who was remonstrating with him tor nutting an incapable person in office over Schonck's head "Why, Uon. Hchonck, do you know that the man you object to Is a reliitivo of miner Of course, what more could ba said? Recently, on tlw train between Mt Pleasant and Burlington, Louisiana, a little girl traveling with her parents attracted the attention of the passen gers by her brightness. A gentleman went to her seat and asked her if alio would not go homo with him, adding that be hada nice little boy that she could play with. The little girl's eyes sparkled and bar rhorry Hps rounded tip when she said. "1 am going to have a little brother of my own tho first of Novemlier." Soma of them lauirhed and some didn't, but they all looked j neienetiie. a ibi ' i A delicately organised Ronton paper oompiains inai "ine eternal titness of things Is destnyed in an amusing style in Barmiiu's congress of nations, when the i'ope of Rome Indulges in a comfortable cud of flno-cut tobacco, and Napolson the First, in a fit of ab straction, wipes his nose with the back of bla hand.'' The Milwaukee Wis ) SrslidW pa lates that while a prominent preacher of that city wm recently making pastoral visit, the ladv hronirht out a Fiamhor of engravings ah bad lust purcnoaaa. l is eaatioas pastor new through the front door and sent his Hoy around for his hat afterward. LIFE IN TJ1K SOUTH SEA IS LANDS. , WOHtS CONTROLLINO TUB AVXrIUES OV TRADE A LIPS OP NASI AND PLENTY. A Hun Francisco firm Tumor, Run tile i Co. run tha regular mail lino to Tahiti, Sandwich Islands, and the American firm of Turner, Chapman & Co., is ono of the largest in Papeete. Besitles this lino, the firm of A. Craw ford & Co., of San Francisco, run a line of schooners, and in addition occasion ally American vessels from the coast arrive or depart. Twenty-two Ameri can vessels flying tho American flag entered this wrt last year. There are eight American business bouses located hero, largo and small, and thero are soino two hundred Americans on the Island. , . It may socin strange, but itia never theless a fuel, that Hamburg ia the rival of San Francisco in tho South Seas. Thuro are four largo German houses in Honolulu, and a few small rotail establishments, which are sup plied with nearly all tho articles of, trade from Hamburg. In Papeete thero are two large Gorman firms. Theso likvwiso import from Hamburg, and export cobra, cotton, valuable wood, (w, Gorman ships are run on much more economical scales than American vessels. Thero is but one Knglish firm, and, strange to say, al though this Island is under the protect orate of France, there ia ho grout com mercial houso here. There are many so-called long-headed business men who think they have nothing to do but como down to tbo South Sea Islands with a schooner and fiick up a fortune in trading. Several lavo tried this thing on, but they soon wrecked themselves anil their fortunes. Trade and commerce in the islands of tha Pacific are reduced to a science. Tlio competition fiir cobra, otx'oanuts, pearl, motbcr-of-pcarl, vanilla beans, precious wood, Ac, is tarried on with tho greatest vigor. A number of largo and w ealthy houses, long established In business, havo schooners constantly running to the Murquesas, the Pomotus, and all the other gronps of islands. Their audits sneak the various dialects, and some of them are married to native women or have native mistresses. Theso women have great influence, and are ablo lo control the avenues of trade in a great degree. If a white man is tired of civiliuilion and wishes to lay off, then be can come to the South Seas anil find some ro mantic lit t lo nook where, under the breadfruit trees, amid cocoanut groves antl banana forests, ho can loll to heart's content. But such a man must have lost his grip, lost nil hopes, and come to the conclusion that ho is a weak ami imbecile creature, unable to war with tho soothing cuultlron, called civ ilisation, I find such white men on the islands of these seas, but what wrecks they are. Utterly lost, they load an aimless life, and vegetate rut It er than live. They are most miserable specimens of the great Kuropean races which have conquered and civiliacd this earth. As compared with the na tives of theSoulh Seas they are inferior, moiitally, morally, and physically, When a w bite man goes to wreck here, tho wreck is so complete that thero is nothing left ot it but a mere shallow Many are tho desolate, broken hearts of this character to bo found floating about those islands. A picture com pletely the reverse ia to be seen in oc casional yachts which visit these waters. Their owners ami guests are moneyed men. They see the bright sitlo of lifo ; they are fondled antl feasted, but they get false ideas of tho actual state ofj affairs. After enjoying themselves, living liko princes and making love in the Don Juan school until they are sur feited with delight, they then return and write impassioned books about life in tho South Sea Islands. The white man is hugo on bulls. Whethor at the North Polo, the South Pole, or the Equator, he never forgets to array himself in fine linen and shove the light fantastic toe. In these semi barbarous lands he bas brought that peculiar art of civilization to a high state of perfection, and has educated native beauties to waits and calon with tho velocity of well-trained Arabian horses. T be whito woman of the tropica is never so happy as when in a hall-room, with the thermometer any where chaw up to 100 degrees above the lreesing point. Ul courso, rapecio must be in fashion, and as this is the winter season think of having winter in Juno, July and August balls are all the rage. Uueen i'omaro started the solemnities, then came the French Admiral's ball, and afterward a grand fandaniro bv tho merchants. Two more balls are on tho tapis, so that we may cxiiect to perspire freely. At all theso irranil and aristocratic assem blages gambling is carried on openly, Indies as well as gentlemen Irecry in dultring in tlio sisirt for coin. Poker , -1 . 2 I .-1.1 ia ine invonio gitino, auu poser innies are oa much a necessity at a I'apcete hall as boqueta and funs. Hundreds of dollars havo been lost and won at these festivities. Whon a lady does not play, if she is married, it is custom ary for a gallant to escort her homo at from 1 to a ociock in mo morning, while her amiable lord and master re mains at tlio tables improving the mor als but ruining tho finances of the spir ited half castes. The half castes are keen with cards and often come out with plethoric purses. The reader will naturally suppose that society must bo awfully dcniorunr.ed where such things could occur. But this is a mil take. Society is free and easy hero. The doctrino is I am not to watch over your morals and you are not to watch over mine, and that we are Dotn to . .r .... piny a lono band whenever wo can. Unfortunately there are gossips In all climes heaven and tho infernal regions not excepted and wore it not for the poisonous tongue ol the poisonous rep ine this would D a uanien oi jvtion for high-toned gamblers. lour corrosiiondent Is exceedingly fortunate In forming the friendship of the royal family and high duels, un the Hawaiian Island he had tlio pleas ure of being tho intimate friend of i King Kalakauia, as genial and noble hearted a gentleman as over lived, and was on intimate terms with tbo high chiefs. Here he had a very pleasant interview with Qtiocn Pomare, the be loved Queen of theso islands. At her majesty's residence ho met Moo, the consort of Tomatoe, Kx-King of Riatia. Queen Moo acted as Interpreter, but your correspondent, sieakiug Hawai ian quite fluently, was able to make himself understood in conversing with Queen Pomare, who of courso spoko Taliitian. (There ia a striking simi larity in both languages, although tho Hawaiian and Mocioty islands are 2,500 miles apart). Their Majesties were dressed In plain cotton gowns, flowing loosely about their bodies, and wore no jewelry. Roth were bare footed. Pomare is a venerable, moth- orly-looking woman, and Moo young and pretty, vt e ara also fortunate in being aeauaiieted with the high chief ess, Ariitalmai. irranddaunhtcr of the Ohlol lali. .. Nio has a lartre family of t , . i . . .. r neauiiiiii uaugiitora. r.rt-Mngf. Rvttlnir a roung man afloat with Inimoy left bun by bis relatives, la liko tyluf( s blatltloi under the arms of ono who cannot swim ; ta ohancea to one ha will (ft) to the bottom. Toaoh liim to swim and ha will not need bladihtra. tJlvaj your child a sound education. Hoo to it that his morals are pure, his mind cultivated and his whole nature niado sHlavarvieiit to tho lawa which govern man, and roa give htm what will be of mora value than th wealth of the Indie. You have given him a start which no misfortune can uVpriro him of. Th earlier you toaoh him to depend upon his own resource and th blessing of God th better. C L K A We desire to call tlio attention of tho citizens of ClcarfiulJ county to llio fact llint we , have opened a . . MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of ; GEORGE STECK & GO'S I'l A N03, STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, IIA1NF.S BROTIIEHS' PIANOS We are prepared at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo terms as to prices nud terms of payment. , Our atock of ORGANS will consist of Iho new and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Hyndur's Knee Ticmolo and downward Octave Coupler,) V The SMI III AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OliGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nml CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Orgnns from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to the trade, cither CIIKAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho rorm.AR and easv LEASE FLAN. ... " -a---' On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much lo MAKE IIOMEIIAITY. rjCTWe shull lie glad to have you call and sue uh, whether you desire to purchase or not. oct'iS-Ti-ly . KYXDEIl'N M1TNIC NTORjE. Uisrrllaurou5. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE I IX C.IRARD TOW NUIIIP. Tlio updVrilg tied offers for aula tha far oa abteb bt now raitdri, aitnato ia tiirardtownttbip, Clearfield tunat;, Pa.f fomerl ownod If Jo'tiM J. Pit. Tbo faro. ounUioa I'-tt) oeroa, anal ia wtry dealroblr kwattd. Tho boildiogi ara oil oaw, anl oonaksl of a larRa frama boot, haTiiif good evil. r underacota, aod good water ooaveaiaut ; Urge froatafl bainip blavokiiMitb abop, nagoa ahsd, apring faoupo, At. Tha boildiogi oa ibka form oro oa good, if oot bat tar, than oa any faro, (a Claarlivld oouBty. Tba kud ia of .apart of 400111; aod ia a girotl Ptato of auliirotloa. Poaatwioo will bo gitoa ia tho rprlog, or at any ttma tnott aonvrnienlto too parehar. Tbo torts vill bo rooaoaablo. Poraooo do.froaa of purvboiing oan oridreM tbo aobaeribar ol lcounto't Mtlla P. O.. t'laartaatld coat.!;, Pa., or apply in poraoa oa tba proatlaoa. Aar praooa wanting any laforiaotton In regard to the quality of Iba land, tho kind of balldtngw tharaon. Ao.. Aa.. oaa rat tha In format loo hy ooll In at an (thoril Pie. la Cloorwald. ai ho owned tho farm for a aonbot of faoro, and of eeorao haowa .11 h..ui it. WKNDKLL KNURKb. LaMwata'a Mill. C'loaroeld Co.. Pa Jaaoary 11, 1874. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IK FURNITURE, Iff ATTttlsSSEr, ADD Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STKEKT.MSAB P.O. Th. ..rf.rei..Ml be.a lav. to Ufom Iha will .Ml of t k-arS.ld, aaa Ika paUia gcaarsll.. Ihat k. bu .a h..A a la. asaartaieat af V.reltar., ark aa W.lauU aad Palate t'b.ejber Suite., Parlor Sail.., Karli.l.g aaa liuair Chain, Ladlei' and Oeati' Hair Chain, lb. Per forate! Dlalagaad P.rlor Chain. Ca Seal, aad Wladmr Cb.ire, Clothe. B.n, Sua aad Ciua slaa UJdera, Hat Rasai, Serabhlng BratkM, A. VfOULDlSO AND PICTt al TRAaf KS, Looklag Olsaeu, Chraas, A., which waald ba MitabL for lleliuy nraarata. dacla'TI JOHS TltOl'ThUM. JOOK OUT FOR THE SIGN or Tin BIO CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. Tha aid Cl.ara.ld Eioel.ler Cant nook 0.. li dlasoWod. and a a.w eoe forced b; Atao. Era aard aad 0. U. Meirell, af t'laarSHd, sad O. M. Allard, af Emporium, Caaieroa tcobit, aart a.n, and Jsa. E. Walesa, of ClearS.ld, a. II. Her. si Areot. Tb. a.w oompa.T will arr oa tb. bttilaeee af atutafaetariag, lllag and .blading th. Cant Hooka, with all thair tmpro.eiaenti, which ara Bow perfect. All ardera prompt!, ailed. AS. B. WATSON, lit, W4. usa I AEasi. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD m a-a i v -or aU fP" NUA JiAn, ar ali sisbii Bsffsg Bsrrawa, Warakaaia Track!, Copylag FraiiM, Ib. rated Money Drawer, Ac. roa ialb av ' II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealer, la Hardware, Swwad 8lrat, Clearfield, ra. , TUK CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Msnafaalarsd aspcalally for TUK CI.KAHFIF.W TRADK, roa aALa ar aagS'Tf H. t. BIGLER S CO. R SALE! A Ursa aad well loi.hed Brlok Dwelllaa, alla- at. aa th. rlrer faaah, ta tb. haraagh af Clesr Beld, waSalalag .Uv.a raMis, with goad aailar. water la Ih. h!teh.a, aad all tha Man. bImbm. Paatrla., Batb-raaat, Clathal-priian, Aa. Ul lilif that fraat aad Iwa baadrad aad thirty feet bark, with a twenty foot alley aa th. east id.. Said halldlag. with all tha appartaaaaees, will aa Mid ebM, with aayaaat.ta nit paraaa Mr. Applbjatioa as. ha wade la tha aadar si(B.d, or to A. C. Tala, E.q., wha will gin all nar Infornntion ta tboaa wha dMir. ta la- spMl Iha prpcrty. tii on. a. atcjiLiuuun. May llrt, H7t, If. JRATZER k LYTLE, AllXNTS IN CLEARKIKLD COtlNTT FOR IsOItllsIslltON Calobrated Brand, of Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. Wo aro Mooted to waoleaalo to dealer through out the oountj at ally prieot. X RATEER A LTTLf, Clewield, 1'a. MITCHELL WAGONS. Tha Beat la the Clieapeat! Th.aial a.llry has nwalrad aaathw larg. lat af "alitoB.ll Wsgaaa," wbiab are aatMg th. vary hMl aaara.iarad, aad which ha will MH al th. raawaabla raws. N It ttoah iaalndM nlntost all deMrip!l.el af oagoae larfeasd naall, aid. aad aarraw treea. Call ea I Me apra'TI THOMAS RE ILLY. ' Attention, Lumbermen! TTTa are a.w aiaa.fwt.ring ear IMPR0VRD TT STSaii . EOCKKT DRIVINU CANT. HOOKS, laperter ta aa. atkar ta as. W. h. la. la Hock a larg. qaaality af Can I hook i tella ble far raRIng psrpoeo., which wa ara anlliag obeap hr asah. AMOS a H. KBNNARD. uiaarasia, ra. Bant II, 1171. pin RAP GROCERIES 1 J LIIM IBS CITT, FA. Tha aaderefmed aan-oaee. a. at. aid fruade aad aarraai tkal ha kai .peaed a gwad Una al aaobaaiaa a raovisio.s at it. aid Maad af Elrk a Saaaaaa, rat wblek ho aallaito a Hawal pasraaaga, H. W. 8PBNCBR, asnaaar vwy, ra., aiaeea awei. a MARKET STREET, It F I E L I, I 15 UisrfUaiuouo. PLANING MILL COMPANY riniK 1 n K oaderaicnod. aocoe'Oor to UK ED A OWKI.U. havo parchaatsl Ilia LKAH IIKI.D I'LANIMI MILL, ami refilled It for doing an .xtenilre trafintas. All th. machinery will ba added aueeiaarr ta aisk. It on. of lb. aioat couplet, ctiaa l.biaents ol Ilia kind ia lb. State. They are now prepsred In rei-eir. ord.n for any work In that Una. Tlice .ill gir.epeci.1 altamtloa ia an msierista tor anna, uniiulng, FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, HH.irKr.TD, .Tint i.ii.ra,Ac, Ot ALL STYLES, si way, aa band. WORKED UOAItPft, oad oil artlelca n ry for holldlog, will ho oxchonged fur iHY lat Mil bit, ao thai penoaa at a dtilauoe nay bring their lumber, exchange It for, and ret oro bona with tba manufactured art Idee. Tho Company will alway hnro oa hand a largo lock of dry lumbar, oo oo to bo able to ill an order oo tba ahortcat aotio. Only tha btt and oil ikillful haoda will bo vion loved, ao tbot the pablle way nj opoa gtd work. Lara be r will bo worked or told ao low aa It oaa ba parobaaed enywbero, aod warranted to giro aatiaraetioa. Aa tha buiiseoa will opoo the oaib priueipta wo oaa atlurd to work fttr atatoit profit. , DRY LUMBER WANTED! Knieclally one and a half aad two Inch panel ft off, for whiuh a liberal priee wilt be paid. The hot ine wilt be eon duet ed oader too aaato of tbo "Clearfield riunlnt: Hill Co." O. B. Uwnll will nnrsanally tnn.rlnt.nd th. bnaiacal. Order, rnpeelfully Klleltd. 0. B. MKRRELL. R. D. TAYLHK. M. Ki. liltoWM A BRO. Cleart.M, Pa., January t, 1S7I. jjOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER , I'OMPADt, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, BAanrACTuaai . LUMBER, LATH, AND RICKETS ABB Sawed A Patent RMcJ ShingUs. II. II. SIIILL1NOFUKD,, OtlcForcit Place, No. IIS S. lib it., Phfl's. JOHN LAWSIIS, Oc.reJ gap't., . Oscaola Mllli, Clearfield ontuily, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS f.n nl. la Ih. boroagh otOKaola. Ai.a.-Keep th. LAKUEST ASSORTMENT of Uootla ia Cloarkeld aauaty at Matnaiath ntor. ta Veatela. . Jajil ,4 The Lightning Tamer. TUB and.nlga.d ara tha aol. Agcat. la tbll atranty for th."Nh Amarlwa Ursslard LIOUTNINt) RODS." TbaM an th.aalrssf. rodi bow ta aia, aa4 are aadoriad h. all tha selintina ataa IB ta aaaBtry. Wa karaby a.llfy tka .itli.a. af Iha aoaaty that wa will pal ap a hatwr rod, and for l.ea money, taaa I. ..hsrrad hy iha faralga agaala who anaaally Irav.r.. tha aaanty aad aarry aa ear ulna .bib, a.r.r u re tarn. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thaae wiahlng Lhrhtalag It.dt araoud aa aalldlag. Bead hal addraai ai by, ar aall la pereea. W. will pat ap anywbar. ia ta.eoeaiy, aaa warraai The rtoeaaea Flitarat ena h. t.ea at any llm. hy Bailing at eaniere. n r. BlULsa a CO OlsarSsId, March ts, ISfS.lf ' - - READING FOR ALL 1 1 , BOOKS STATIONERY. Market ClaarBald, (at Iha Paal once.) fpHI aad.ralga.d bege l.ava toaaaeaaMt. J. the aiUMBi af OI.arl.ld aad .totally, thai he ha. I Ud ap a root, aad hat Jul rtlaraed fro. th. ally with a larg. aaaaanlaf raadiag attar, ..ainuag in pan ai Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aoeoaat aad Fail Beohi af every de esrlplleai Pap.r aad Karalop.., Fr.aoh praaatd aadplalai and l'.n.ilii Blaak, Faparl, Dl.di, Morlgag.i Jadgmat, Kii.a tfa aad ProBtiHary aotat White and Parehi eat Uriel, Legal Cap, n...rd Can, aad Bill Cap, Sheet, Utile for either Plaaa, Flata er Vlolla eoasuallr aa head. Aa haokt er itatieairs d.tlrad that I .ay aal hate aa band, will h. ar erdered hp r.l eapre.s, aad said at whelteel. arreUUIe tail .aateaert. I will alia keep perledieal llleratare, aaeh at Magailaei, N.wa. paper., aa. r. dt. AUL1M 0l.arl.ld May t, IKI-tl Lime Tor Sale I THR aadmlgned, Maiding .ear lb. depel has asade eemplate with Lima uoraen aasi at taa asaaataia, whereby he U aaa. blad to keep raailaavlp aa head a bug. o,OBoUiy.l ' PURS LIME! whlak aa atari to aad halhton al a Iril. aaa.eas.1. Than ia and Ih. artl.1. weaM da allta gin naaH-et addran an by latarr, ba rer. aagMlatltaj their lime. - ttKO. O. PASSMORB. Claarleld, PaJaaet, IMS ' I.tvrry Stable. , TH a aeaenlgaei kag. lean to Infer, the aaa III Ik.t h. It aow fell, prepared te aanataia-i data all la ht wayariwraliUag Hmaa, Sagglea, BaMto, aad H arena, aa tha ihon.H aetln and IWiidaanaa I nem ... ,a kalweea Third aad Fwarlh. . ,-a.i... aao, w, qrariiart. IV W A . LKONARD 1IOUSR, (Near Ih. Kailroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PA. A thin of llrlled. public patroaog. li rarnectfully lo. e:li7t B. B. ROW, Prop'r. CMI AW HOUSE, kj (Cor. of I Market t. Front rtraetr.), rA. Tb. andereigncd h.rlng taken .harg. .f thla Hotel, would rerpwirullr eulieitpahlt. p.troaa... octl'TS R. NEWTON BIIAW. WASHINGTON I10USR, NEW WASHINGTON, VA. Tbll aaw and well tarnished huar. boa ben takea by lb. nnjenigned. II. of being sbl. to render asliifacttoa U Iboa. aho May favor biai witk a call. May , IS71. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. M NTOUB II OH SB, 0po(it lbs Coart Uoasa, LOCK jeim II A V B N, PENN'A. IIAI'SEAL A KROil, Pmp'l. 1) KOCKF.RIIOFK HOI'IIB, UELLEF0NTK, PA, D. JOUN8TON A SONS, PruprietorL LOYD HOUSE, M.ia Strr.1, PIIILIl'SUtIRO, PENN'A, Tab), always anpplied with tba bet th. aaarket nffordi. Th. traveling pahli. I. iaTitod ta slL aorl.TS. aoBKRT LOYD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer of Second and Market StroeU. CMARFIM), rA. . TII Hold aad oommodioai HoUl hu.doring the pool year, been oa lorged to doablo I to former eapaelty for the entertainment, of etna, gera and gooau. Tho orhooo owttding hoe boon refaro.aa.ed, aad the proprietor will aporo ao pataa to reader hla gaaato ooaafortablo whiU Uyieg with him. aT-Tho 'Moaaloa Howoo" OatalOM rana to and from tho Depot oa tho arrival aad doportoro of oaeh train. JOUM D0UUUKo.II', aprfi-TO tf Proprietor. AliLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market PL, hot. fWad and Third,) CLIAMiVII.LUt rA. The awhoeribor bariof Woo awe proprietor of tbiihotol, wonld roapoctfnlly oak a liberal ahoro of partite patronage. aplS'TI GIORtiK LKIP0LDT. SUSQUEUANXA UOUSE, Cl'RWKNPVirLB, Cleortald moaty, Pean'a. Thii old and wall eitablilhad Hotel, beaatifilty it noted oa tho bonki of tha Hooqnahonaa, in tho hurough of Corwenarillo. ho boew leered for a torn ot yean by tho indere igwed. It ha been entirely refitted, and U aow opoa to tho pvbiie generally and the traveling oommaaity la par tiealar. No poiaa will bo aparod U reader gaeilo eomfortablo while tarrying oi Una hooao. Ample fttohling room for tho aooommodattoa of teoma. Charge moderate, Sept. 18, KM BLOOM. J. M. STEWalBT, D. D. S.f Offlc arar Irwla'i Drag Slora, . CURWINSVII.LB, FA. All daatal aparntiiaa, althar la tha ataehaaiasl ar aperati'a hraath, pra.pUy attoadad la aad altifaetioa guaranlnd. Special .tteatlo. paid to Ih. of diaoacei af th. antaral teetk, garni aad aoath. IrrataHarlty of tba Ml aaa ee.fullyoorre.ted. TMth.itrscSed wltkoulpai. hy Ih. aa. af Klber, aad .rtlleial tnth ineirted of Ih. hast B.terial aad warranted to render tat. Iifsclloa. .prllU'Ilily lank). County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Manual. Bnlldlng. en. dear aorlk al 0. D. Walana't Drag Store. 1'ssang. TitdiMi I. .ad fro. Ltrarpoel, Onana Iowa, lllaigow, London, Psria and Copenhagen. Aim, Draft! for ml. on th. Royal Baah of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JANES T. LEONARD, PreeX W. M. SHAW.J.'a.hler. au,:74 ). D. M'fllrk. Edward Perk.. BANIONG 4 COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Bacatasori lo Poster, Ptn-ha, 4 C. Phlllp.barg, t'aatre Ceaaly, Pa. WIIESB all the b.eln.aa of a Baakl.g Ilea will m traaaaelad proatptly aad epos U .nt rararaele lensa Marl-lf DREXEL & CO., No. Rota Thlr4 Slraat, Philadelphia BJJTtLKHM, And Dealers in Government Securities. Appltoatloa hy .all will raealn altaa Uon, and nil Information ebnrf.llj rerai.aW, Ordera nlietod. ipril ll-lf. JJND ERTAKINQ. The BBdnaigned ara aaw Nlly prepared la carry ea the beats en af VNDERTAKINO, AT REAS09ABLB: KATES, Aad mpnttally nllell lira patronef. af than aeedlag neh tervlnt. ton TROl'TKAN, JAMBS U LEAVY. Clearleld, Fa., Fek. II, IS74. f 1MB! LIMEI Li The BBd.eal.aW la aaw Oi...j t. rsralsh tha Fablla wllh as .inllent a,aallly af Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, av plaetarl.g aarpun, hy Iha larg. ar mill aaaatllyi Caa he far Iha annal al Ple'l B.W kalldlag, aa Marhel Unas. a.. MrCrLLOCUrl. J. R. M'MTJRRAY wilt. scrrtT too with ant article OF MBRCRANDISB AT THE VEST L0W1ST pricb. oomb and saa. (i:ri yt NEW- WASHINGTON.