CLKAUK1ELU, PA. WEDNESDAY MOItNINO, NOV. 4, 1874. Terms of Subscription. - If paid in advance, or within tbrM montha.$ 00 If paid after throe and before eii aionlha,,,,. ftt If paid after tho expiration of sli months ... I 00 iti:M(;ioi!H noticrh. Methodist Hpleeopal Churc hRev. A. D, Yomtu, Pastor. Public (Service every tiabbath 41 IU a. to., anu If " Hal.hath (School at 0 A, M. Prayer Meeting very Thursday, at Vi I, it. Communion (Service, Ant Sabbath of every monin, ni ivj At n. Prcebyterlau Church Re?. II, 8. UtiTi.un, Snbbatb services morning and evening Hah Uth at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea day evening.' Mt. FraiieUl.prth--J aUitllr lUf. f. J. HHmmiiA. Mt 1U4j 'oluoh A. M-fu. tho second and fourth Huodaya of each month. Luttiernu Church. Her. l. M. Moaan. Preaching every Sabbath. morning and evening, Knbbath Kobool at 9 a, M. Prayer meeting every WtHineeuay evening. OFFICIAL WRIXTOHY. Ttmi ar noLiniu (jiuianai iM'ioirs oovatv Becond Monday of January. Thtrd Monday of March. V'irat Monday of June. ; a) .. ii'-i'l Fourth Monday of fctoptember. TIM U OV auLDIRO COMMO rtKAI. First Monday of June. Heoond Monday of November. public ornenna. Prtitttt Judy lion. Charles A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. 1 ' ' Aitat Law JudgtlUn. John II. Qrvis of Itellefonte. , . A,Ut, wloei-rWiftiai C, ioty, ClfarOoM ; John J. Head, Car wens title. , t ... i. . ProtkonoMr Aarww C. Tata. ' ' ' ' RtgiHtr and RteortUrK. W. Leo. IH.triei Aiforaty Frank Fielding. 7VMitrer Uevid W. Wise. William K. McPherson. Counl9 $ur wy or Samuel F. MeCloskey, Cur wensvilm.' .. : . .... (bam(y (&mmiuir9 t. P. Couten-I, Karl haus; John 1. Thompson, Curweusville, Clark Urown, Clearfield. (Wife Auditor Heubea McPherson, Clear AHd;. James U. Ilile, LuuiUr City; Lewis C. Ulooin, Clearfield. . Jury Cowtwutiouere John W. Shugart, Jainee Mitchell, C learned. A'jnitrritfcitl o PtiAffe School John A. Gregory, Clenrfield. " :. JSotnnn mme-junn . rig.---.. , - drbaugb, Cyrua h. tiordon, CIcartU'ld i Jonah Kvana, Jotfph H. lrwil,Corw-liTilb; J. J. Lin fle. Uioeola Millai Jobufton Hamilton, I.utbara- burn. " ' "For wttyn thnt are dnvk and trit-kH thut are TftU," Blgoor and Madama Oucrnrlla are peculiar. . , "Hollow Kvo" WW duly obwrvod on Baturday evening by Juranlloi. Oraipa of corn were plentifully dialribuUdj Had Affliction. ItwillleoWrvod by our deotb nettoei (bat oar friend, U. F. How In, of Knoi tow nib ip, bat loit fw children between the lfitb of Saplembor and tha 12th of Oaleber. In tho United States Drntritt Court at FilLburgh laat wk, lleo. W. laicy, tha lata 1'hiltDibnrr MitwMittr, after tha grand Jury had found a trua bill, plead guilty to iha abargo of rinbettlemcnt, " i Work ou tho Kboiwbin'fc ttrtottian well hai ben atopped, after a hula 1,300 feet bad been bored. Water In lentlM quaotitka wai obtained, but no Bowleg well. The fluid mut therefore naceirUy bo brought t the inrfkca by artificial meani. M TiiankbuivinciKay. Inuconnlnnci) wilb tho nul tuilom Uit kM aniffiiM TbunO.J, No.cmWr lth, u d.j prop.r to b. i.burvrd throughout tli eooatry on. or gcnorol Ili.nk.gWInK for th roMoni Nt forth In hi. ,r,ifl.nilln pulilliheJ liehro In lhl p.ptr. Hui-Ht: Ik'KNED. We learn that tlie J.llin of J.DJM Ferlln, In Covington towniDip, .Uitroyod J tn on loit B.lurcUj fl.rno.n. Tin r wughl from Ik. Hot. pip.. Mr. Fmlin'. lo.i will b. hvy, u n..rljr .11 of hll grain trop Ihrciliod ud In tin hooK, which, togrlbor wit b nc.tlr nil kl. h.itlold gdl, oo .uniel. A Man Kili.u.'Oiio; of tho cni ployn on t eonitroction tmlo on th. Low Or.dc nilruid im to fnuillj lnjorl on Frld.j lul Ib.l h. .lird In to. ko.ti lorwMdfc Th. Moldont otcrrfd In Brdj townihlp, thll ooontjr, aw .her. Frcdcrl. FhalTrr Wit f nionlhl go, and u cMil by o Ijlof on th. treok. Th. wkol. train r praf!plutl tw u abnk mtnt, mor. OT Urn Injuring .11 th. h.ndl nnd making a oompl.t. wreck. W. did not Itarn lb. n.ui. of th. deooawd. ' -::.:' Fatal Acuumhth-iOii Friday afler- no.n lad while o.t hwwUng jronag man, nannd BVolt R.iWi..., mt thi. plaoa, ild.nUlly .hot hlmirir in th. right aid. of hi. bead, nnd diml In about two honra. III! ..Inpanlon, Lonia Brady, and had bran lilting on a log wilb iidi r.4ing bt.ld. thorn,, whoa on tiling lb. hammer of Hobiaon't gun wngbt aomolhiug that eaund II to break Ik. cap, dUchnrging th. wholo chart, of on. barrel into bli bead. Tb. d.e.aaed .B;..,..llv nauMted. and bit bod. waa fol lowed to th. grav. b. a larg. numbar of our lilneni. UrtvktilH .jrrroMlu. m wi Lit of li-ttom nmiaiiiinif unclainictl In tb. PoMoffle. t CI.arH.ld, for th. wrk lading Nor.Dbsrld, 171: Amni.rman, MliiOol. Hojtn., J. llrook., Kdward ' Iturnhatn, Wtllard E Ilrady, Henry C.lwill, A. K.aton, Mi.t Holll. Fierier, Wil.on, H. Ilahn, John M. Ilomll, Lidi. MoKontie, Kenneth Ougan, Jam. HciUy, Job. tipea, Mr.. Ellen Trier, llarri.on (1) F Will, U.olel (I) P. A. OAULIN, P. M. Cin Ri H DgmoATioji. Wo liavclwen rrue.M la .tat. that lb. a.w Cbareb Wilding erected by lb. Vailed Brethren, .1 Oeotre Hill, midway between Wallaeelon and Morrladale, will b. dedlaated 10 lb. tatvie. of Almighty Uod, on Sunday, th. lid of Nareaabar, 1814. K.t. U. j Hhearer, lb. preeldlng .Ider, and Bert. Fulton, i Tallhelm, MllUr, and olben, will b. A I eordlal laiiuliw it utaadad la brethren of tlaUt ehurehe. to nett with tb. n.mbcrt of tb. above J church oa that oeeaaloa. Jt (iiiNr ioal.-Aubtber 0110 of the fatbert who bad paired hit .Hotted "lore. More k ud Ion" ha. been coarej.d to tb. elly f . . .. . , . i J . -I i.i. w tn. aead. nana Aoame, - outib. died on Friday morning, th. lh nit., aged TS year., II month! and I dayt. lit waa bora on lb. 14th of Noreiaber, JT08, Hid remornl from Carre to tbll wanly la 1841 thlrly-two yean ago end bat tarried with at aref tinea. He wea th. father of tea children, thirty-lr. gread-abildraa and ona greei-grnnd-ehild. Ilia wife, and ealm.d lady, r.rrle him, .1 well at a large number of relalirel rMldlng In tbll and Centre oonnty. A lge fdner.1 followed bit re main, to the grar. .n Sabualh .rtarnoon iw I I ThkSkojnd Heat. Ab bUUhI W week, tho Nioiroda af ear borongh anlare4 noon J their laeond aejnpaign againat Iba -beeJta of tba ; forit and tba blrdi of tba air1 on Friday lait, re f aulting In two huodrel ant forty-tbrri tleatbi, about two dotee pair U Tery tired Icgi, and Iba waita of torn amnultlon. ' Tho gantlcmen'i emu marked with a filled to enter tba laid. Capt. Waltin party aaoaad tb eth of 141 awrmiNra. and (Jopt. McHnally'l party 101, a followa t '' WAIT Kim' I1DI. I R'KItaLLT'a flfB. , A. W. Wallera.-...!.. 1A Robt. M. MoKnally. 0 Jflhn John ion... III r rr ti. Bawarii,.. i e 1ft J. W.Wilgley 0 iatoi ,obn Howe ... lv Kd. (loodffilluw K. W. I-.. NawtonlKead t. I. 0. A( ....... Al. M. Kow fl. W. tiitli......-.- -bo Kraxlt bn II. Fulford.... H V.b VaJah.H 1). McUauahay.. la Frank Fteldiag...-. . Mleboli . H. bVbaw..... Oee. Moore Id Kerd. MiMh.ll...., 4 a, Kerr rray Ala a W. l)-bt...J . Ithaw ,M. CowdrLk 4 Ch.s. Aochsnbeuihe A V.C Clem. C.rdon T H. LPnyder I Wm.W. Worrell.... Joeeph StephesHMa I It. A. Bigler .... Chariot Uarretl Re-4 1 6. 9ha C. SdjllBia.. . -ry Hota 1-1 L8hew..w..w.- J . 4 VUle- HI Total. H....,.M. ,ll tea arALr. eorTn A. rottowt t ., Walters, M.Bly l sqalrrsls.. .... 4 . 10 . II .hi ' 1 Totol..... ....141 101 .III bs aotieed lhal Iha phs.ta.ti ud poof I had to infer, while the deer, bear, wolf, m, ud the big befl graAea pf beaMa, mad. th. MtAp. from b. that, ihtjottrs I mt tee ne doubt hat that they enjoyed thet I M fnlly after the haattmra toft tha forests Simrodt did et Cept, Meaugbey't ret. eat u flatarjaj ereaUtg, when wMrylklaf I folbwl dV It Vappls pre aW,"' aad tpiut M tiresrlr. sport ud gerM ft" Irelleg. 1m a re,. .... r . T ... . fro tba Cllntoa Ittmotn that on latnrday, loo 14lh nit., Mr. Robert Irwin, familiarly nnd widely awn na "unoia Robert Irwin." died at hli real- dnoe In Look lUv.a, aged V yanra and T in out hi. Deoraaed waa on a( th oldeat aatUera of that region. ' 11 kl father ainigratad to Clinton county (tuaatlng wllh hie family en what li new known m the llloom Ialry farm) from North a in bar land oanuly.ia JUIO. Blue that tioeo t'ml. baa ooutlnueualy lived In Clinton aouoty, and In lock Haven alnao Ha organisation. He waa very native In aiding Jerry Chunk nnd John Uoorbend In g eltiog tba aouoty erected, and In taeuring the oounty aoat where It la, the tendency being to put It nt Fletaington. Mr. Irwin waa tba Bret County Treasurer af Clinton, and waa eleatcdln 183. In IIUI be took the eamua of the ooiiniy, and the enma Ml wai created Sheriff. in IfUT he waa eleeted l'rothonotary. He and Jubn Moorbuad kept a gvneral oountry atom In Loek Haven for eevcml yaara aitd did a large and proiperona baeloeii. Thii waa prior to hii aervlooa aa Sheriff and Protbonotary. They alio did quite n large- bualnwee at aontraatora on the North Branob nnd on tba Bald tagle aroaacut tunal baring built Hald Kagla dam. In the bualneee ofeontraeling they Buffered aomo heavy loaiea. Mf. Irwin wai a leg largely IntereHad In baildiag tha turnpike running through what la now n por tion of Look Haven. Iu bio early daya be made many tripe to 1'blladrlphle, onrrylng hie flour to that Aiarket to hit wagon, nnd bringing back More eapplloe. Ha waa a man of atrongoonatltu Hon, had a very active mind, nnd a very genial di-poiUion. Ha waa highly reipeotad, and had a large aire (a of frlenda. Late In life he married Mlia Mary Ilnrrowe, who lurvlve hhn without children. The remain of dceeaied were placed in Highland Cemetery on Tueaday of lait week. Tba funeral was largely attended, and tba aervlooa ware conducted by Rev. Mr. Teller, of fit. l'aul'i Epiicopul church. ' ' . t i . .!. Tbo dtoenecd waa brother of Mn Jncoh Irwin, mid leg near thla borough. It li but n hort lima einee that a younger brother Qartland departed thin life. ' m Mill and Hoi;bk Hcrned. Wo learn from Iha RttriUa, of Wvdneaday lait, tha very early on tha Tueiday morning prev loua, tha team aaw mill owned by Oapt, John Klliott, waa totally eonaumed by Are, which alao deitrojed ten or fifteen tbouiand foet of aawed lumber. The Ore wai dlaooverad about t o'clock, a, but aproad w rapidly that not oven an attempt eon Id bo made to tuppreia tba flameij Several huudrod aorda of wood bad been piled up fur future uae, wai alao burtiud. Tho Captain, had, only n hurt time prerlona, procorud n new circular aaw, and had the mill in coin pit to runuiug order. Cir enmaiancoa fcad to tba belief that tbo Arc waa tha work of an Incendiary. No fire waa acen about the mill at 1 o'clock. From tbo barking of dogi belonging to partiea living nt tbo tuttl, It wai euppoaed that aooae peraon waa prowling aronod the preinleoe, and one of tho workmen naaerti that be not only beard tho unuaual barking and growling of tho dogi, but that he beard a peraon walking on the tram road. The fire waa diacov. ared only fre) uemeuti after, and had lou aeneed homing In the upper and of the in lit. next to tho ng alide a part of tha building where no Itro U erer kept. The leea la eitluiated at $5,000 or 10,00. No Ineuraaee, oxcejtt on the machinery. " ; Alao, that on Saturday evening, Oot. Sttb, the hooie occupied by Mr. J. Dough tery, at Captain Elllol'a milt, eaught Are amd waa entirely de- atroyed. Mr. Dongberty la engaged In cutting lege for the mill, and baa a number of man employed. A bouee near by. uead aa a aleeplng room for the men, waa alao oonaumed and wo learn that Mr. Dougherty loat a considera ble part of hii nouecbold gooda nnd auipliea. The Ore Brat eaught In'n part of the building oocupled by aootber family. Another Railroad Kxtenbion. Charjitld Vuty Aktad The people of oar oounty are juit beginning to roallao the Imiinr tane of building railroada aaameanaof devebtp ing the million! of wealth depoeited in the epocieei vaulta of nature, and other partiea having Iha eonlro) of eapital, feel eon r I need that there la not a more promliing fleld for investment in the United Htatea. During the present aeaaon, the Low Grade road haa been put in operation the ei tern ton from Clearaeld to Corwensvllle, baa been rapidly progressing, and will soon be lit complete working condition ) another extension, treviously noticed by oa, from Sterling on tbe loibannon llrancb, will soon be ready for oper ation, and, as will be seen eliewbcroln our columns, arrangement! are being made to extend n road along tbo Susquehanna to Cleerleld town, with a branob op the Moshannon, connecting I'hilips burg and Osceola with the Philadeladel and lfrie railroad. The last railroad enterprise, nnd most Itnpor- taat to the peoplo of upper Clearfield, la tbi ex. tension from Jlonlsdale to Madera, now under I Ukon by tbe Madera Coal and Improvement Company. Tme company neia a ueeiiDg at Houiadale. last week, and made preparation for commencing work on tbo new road immediately, i Mr. Bamnal Ueaartr. Secretary and Treasurer ol the company, writes na briefly, as follows, con cerning tba plaoa and intentions of the directors : Naccasarv arrangements have been made to put tbo en gi oeer to work immediately, and aa soon aa ine locauoa ia fjumpi-.-'i, .u rm nm be put nnder contract, nt once. There ia bat lit tle doobt tbot before this time next year, the road will be graded, at least, to Muddy Hun." Thla la both promising nnd encouraging to our people, nnd we have the aisuraooc that the par tiea who arc at the hsad of this enterprise, will slop for no ordinary difficulties, nnlil the road ia entirely completed. ft, W. Smith, of Pott i villa, la President of the company that has undertaken to build this road, and Samuel Hegerty, of our County, is Secretary and Treasurer. He ia well and favorably known to tbo cilitena or the oounty, and Mr. Smith ia among tbe moat energetic railroad men in the State. Tbia road will be bailed with joy by the people la its immediate vicinity, and It will bo an incal culable benefit to the entire aoulhero portion ol the oounty. When completed, It will afford an outlet to the people of Janeivillc, Utah villa, Ulen Hope, Mt. Pleasant, Hegarty'a Cross ltoada, Allo .nui. AnaonvUle. nnd tbe entire farming dis trict In that ecetiun of country. Tho produate of tbia region have, for many years, been nauiea on ..tnni n-M verv bad roads, across the Allegheny mountains, to Tyrone an ei pen live mode of transportation always sure to out off all tho usual nrriRu or traula. When the mad la once completed to Modem, It will undoubtedly be continued to some other point farther np Clearfield creek perhaps to Fallen Timber, in Cambria county. This whole extent of country, besides being a fine agricultural dis trict, abounds in Umber, iron aud oat Wilb ihPM advantaces. there la no better location in tha State, for a paying rood, and we have no ii.tul.t. man of the i.eonlo avium tba route will invoat largely in tba boade of tho oompeoy, if any are ottered icr aaie. Vk m h.ra not learned what arrangements are to bo made by tbe company in regard to tba future m nag-men t of the road, nut we wouiu that it would be Infinitely to tha advantage of all partiea concerned in Mi construction, ii h couiu remain under the exclusive control of the compa ny now hnrlng lb work In charge 0.c-W : PBOCttWNQO OF n. 9. CONVCNTION. T with hnbi.ahtMl notice, tbe 8un day School Convention met in the Union Church at iKrniirie, Oct. I0tb, nt Of o'clock, A. u., nnd nnnnii with inarinr b iuvenile choir, and read ing of .tcripture and prayer by tbo Fieskdeot, Kev. ft. 9. Crowthor. Tho Secretaries of last Convention net being present, Jackson raienin nnd James Dowler were eieeteo neereianee. After statement of tho objects of too organita lion by tbo President, the first question for eon eidcratiM waa taken np, vtai "VVbat ta tho beat general routine of Sunday School esereieeo?" which wac participated in by meat of the Sunday School Saperiateudcnte prccent, each giving bis own method ef conducting schools. The eonela aion arrived at waa that the beet method would Wo to eommeaee with a TOlootary, ouoer inure .1.1 .r -Ml. or both, before tbo regular open. Ingcervioet olso, an altera U reading of the Scripture tossou oy inc Bipuinw.w, wi and school. - - Htnatititt hv the choir. LSoeond question : "What constitutes ft eompe ..j .nn.ifnl Sertcrinlcodcnt t" 1st, Inter eat in the werki Id, Ability to teach or lead In all the eiercteee of the school j Id, Love for obil dren 4lh. Lcve for the Master's work of feeding tbe Umbo nr the lock aao leaaing w vi- .ut.. Adamlnlitrativc ability. Thcee woro oacl put forth by the different speakere as the grcatoat ah. cone from "Royal Diadem," by jnvonilea, adjeorned till 1 o'clock, p, with benediotiou by Rev. W. T. Wilson. .n.rni..n Mtion acaln onencd ai In the mnrft itia. and sneakers not being all prei I i KMalx iha aeventb Question waa taken up, via i "To wnai cxien. wo. - encouraged to memoriae end rocito itcnpiure r The reault of tbe remarks seemed to Indicate that I u no, fc,,, , mMor,,, unlimited memorising I Vm, Ul, should be oommitted I. memory, ud, if possible, recited I. nneert U eoeeeeile. uoie. The third awestlo. wee the. token .p, fit -Whet arathe eeereti tf the Sunday Heboel teeoh' er'. .mosss f Opened by He.. Uoodrieb, and followed by otnert. I ne reran wu met i.iereet, aeel. neecluelity, sad preyer, ere all aewiaeory. Veurib eueello. i -Are Buedey School teeabera' meetiags prafitable 7" It wet dtseesesd pre and eon witn e majomy i.tdv. Finb awretlM i "Are .hnreh membere eMI... lions to Ike Rwbbeth Sebeol ssy lees thaa their oliluralloat la th. rt.rehe. r upwe. by IWe Ti ll.., who ueerted they were ao ket, rather greeter. He wu followed by tbe Pre. -teat, who .in..l..ed more eeroeM Se-dav Sebeol work. tilth qeaotlen, "Hew M vs. .retail .. la. arekm ud la.rtiv. to ma. aad h.lp we I" wu eoo.ldered u tb. moot t. e-swee satlt- fuurlly. Heveral msggMle melhoat a.. k .-..ia. Miiiiuuf mt oh arch membm. aaolh.r. .otaide work ud pereonel .ppeeJ t Use M .el ee.l In. g al them, A vote wu the. lake, oa tb. plaee for hording tha noil Conventloa, which reeanel la fever .1 ddk port, Indlua Maaly, la uta. w by IB. rresree... t .,. ' Uu.tioo Urawtt let. By wheal sh.ald day Aobeel Saperi.tndeaU be pluW la oBoo bs eehool, eh.reh, er pallor I Aas. When eoa- eeoted with . eboreh. by Ibe eh.reh o. Caa a DarierlauadMl bsuh a .lus lHa aeaaal without eeelertl.I OtDOT work. There were repreeenutiret from Irnrn or achoele, nut the lime, Was tot 1 1 tail el to receive their report Ctooec) with elegtng, ud banoOUtlos kj Aoo. Ooodrloh. Convention met at T o'clock, p. m., nnd opened aa befure. The services were prlaoipally singing by both tbe Juveniles nnd adults, together with short addresses from the ministers present on the imnuriauoe of tbe Sunday School cause. A public collection waa taken up to defraj accessary expenses. The attendance wai good In the evening the hurvb wai a I mot filled. Tbe freedom of discus sion and interchange of views on tho auhjeoll presented cannot fall to Infuse new aeal and euegy In tbia department of the Master'a work. Convention closed with prayor and benediction by tbe President. -. , 8, F. CROWTIIKK, Pree'fc " JRd ?AfttnM, I B ' Jauk. Dowtn., ' J 8n.Urlaa. A Fatal (-Jcahukl. I.unt Huuduy morning, ot I'ort I'etm, tbout I miles below Muncy, Lyoouilng county, Darney McCue shot and killed John Dealer. It appears from tba evidenoe before the Coroner's iuqncW that two men, bulb young and single, for the pail month had bunked together In a house near Port Peon. Saturday night Dealer went out to spend a few I hours In oouiuudt with n sirl. He returned at a late hour, wheu M Cut asked him thy be was bo lata.- Hetter replica that It was none r nis buiincss. A fight ensued In which the latter was shot. Two boy i sitting upon the bank of the nror nrar the house, witnessed ine quarrel and testified to the shooting. MoCue's story Is that on Saturday nlglit, Dealer visited tbe Susquehan na House where be kopt eompeuy with a girl. I'pon return log In 'tho Wording, MoCue akl him where be bad been, and upbraided blra for being out at ao late an hour, and Dealer replied that it was none of his business. This, It will be remembered, Is the language of MoCue. He further relates that he felt the house with the fistol lying upon tbe window, going below to ort I'snti after a loaf of bread. Purchasing the loaf be returned, and claims that npon arriving at the house be saw Dealer welter inc in bis own blood, but knew nothing of the shooting. But lac young men wlu) iru upon ine loge swear posi tively that thoy saw Mut'uo deliver the duadly bullet. ' .' f ' For the Ropulltcan. Ma. Knfiroit Our oiiteniriHinirand obliging fellow-town. man, Daniel U uod Under, Ksq., has bought Mr. F. K. Arnold's interest in tbe hotel property nt the wcet end of town. He baa repaired and newly furniabed it, and is keep ing hotel. It is to he called tbe "Merchant's Hotel." Ho haa also rapairad theBtablc, built an lee-bnusc, and other iniproveinoots. The house with its newooat makes a floe appearance. 1 would bo peak a liberal patronage for the "Merchant's lintel," Hot douhtlug but that entire latlsfaution will he gWcd. A Li'tii shod unu nit. i Luthorsburg, Pa., Nor. M, 1874. , Tho work of climring tbvrivorbnukn of logs botwucn Williamsport and Lock Haven haa been completer! by James Colbert. Ha em ployed a force of about 40 men and rolled In about, 4000t(H0 feet of lugs. 'M' Specials. ; . , !, ,. Chbapkh Thau Bran. Flegal hat been Kaet, and purehaaird a full and well ael.oted atoek or uoou en. ejnoea, u.u aau uafia, Diiuaio aou Hkiu roboa, Ladies' and ilenll.tnua'a Fort, Trunkt of all .h.poa and titei, Valiiat, Carpet hag., Ao., all u liable for tho rail trad., ud aallingat ,anio prie.a. .. wautt ft.OOU Fur .kint, and will buy deer .kint, beef bid.., and will pay tba bigh.rt prlo.a for thtm, Do not faH to call at ff''a and .xamiae hit full aud eompltt. ttock of goodt, apeeially telact ed for lb. foil trad.. Flegal hat purebaa.d the P.rkina, Kleherdton, and Loek Haven boot, and abort for thlt inarhet. Cell and examine "legal'. Fare, even If yon doe'' want to buy any. Kaamia. bit robea, too, whil. yoa ar. at it. Ilia bog. ttook of boot, and a hoe. ar. W( rtb looking at. Go aad tee FlogaJ'e atoek of aaw ttyle ei bale .od eape. Loo. liana ! Having moved Into our new and eomuiodioua quarter, ea Market itrt, op poalte tbe Court lluuee, we Invite customer, to drop la aud oaaraine the lergest stock of Cloth ing ever brought to town and we oflur them, tbougb always ebeap, rbuap.r tba. ever. DAN1KL feTKWAUT BON. ClearB.ld, OoL 18, 1874 U , A RRtiruTio. Cann. Another reduction In Artilcial Teeth. Pricea to .uit there panicky timet. : 8. FORI-KR HHAW, l. U.S. , Clearleld, P.., Sept. 30, 1171. :!in Danl.l Sl.w.rt A Ron nro determined to over onio tbe panie by taking advantage of the times and purebeamg a full supply o Fall and VTial.r' Clothing at polio prieee, awl they .re selling out Ibelr stock at a email advance above ally .osta. Tboa. who an in and of . good Wlotersuit .f olotbiog eaa buy 211 per cent, eheeper from aa to day, than they eaa be bought la the elly. Come end examine Ibe goods end learn how astonish ingly low w. ar. porting with then. In order to accommodate our patrona. ''V IMNlhl, Kl fill AH1 s ou.1. Rain R. U. M'Knally'a advertltement la re gard to Life Iniraranee. aogll-ly Call ne R. M. M'Rnallv aad got yo.r life ia- eured ia th. Old Conlio.ot.1 Life liwar.n. Com pany, of UartforCeim. aafll-ly . TfiToaiea Vow RalkK. N.wton Bb.W ktCPt . fnll t.pply of Jfredoni. llaggiet aed Flalforni Wagoaa for tel.. To b area at tba Kbaw yard. Call oa or address bim at CleerUeld Penn sylvania. . "ey IS-lf. Wood and Willow Ware ef all dseorlptlont for tale by 11. t. Bigler A Co. Ivsaaa vour life la th. Continental Lif. Iasn- naaoe Compeny, ef ll.rlrord, (Joan. I H. M. Al K.IALIjl, Agoni. eugi.-i RKCAPITI'LATION. r Bird Otee. ". f . S ' " Wood end Willow Ware. lloaeehold Ooode. T All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Were. Peinle, Oils, Varnishes. r. ' Celoioed Plaster. W,,B mA CarrLaire Makers suti.llet. All of tha ebov. fur .al. at th. mawinolh Hard ware Store of II. f. Ilightt' A Co., booond tlroel, Clearleld, Pa. , Re.. Time! Have Labor! Save Money! Save Clothe. I Tbe " Novelty Wringer " it the belt la the market. Buy II try It. For tile by , . , """ -" CJolued Platter fW tale by U. t. Bigler A Co Paiavs ami PiiwTwat' Funisas. Our ttoek nl I'.iat. and Painter.' Materials Is complete, 10' lading J. T. Lewi"' Par. Whit. Leed. Joha La u A Lo'a Pure Wb1l. Lead, F. 11. A Co't Back ij.l. ami . number ofoheaner brands or vvniw Uad : elso. Linseed Oil. Turpentine, Varnl.heaef all kinds, a full line ef UraJaea, and a full line of oolort, dry and in Oil. . myZB 75 ,l' iw-- vo. Mnntnor Slate Paints, for painting hoosos In- ide nnd outside-Cottagrt, Farm B.ihlings, At. Beautiful, durable and economical. Ground In urn Linseed Oil. . " 'J any2t'7e II. r. HicLna a to. Bird Cagot a large asaortment at H. F. Big- tor A Oo.'t. i " ' ; Aval. Sevtnty-lve dotea Cleerneld Wood- ehopptrt Alt. at Vut:7I. II. F. IllllLKll ACo't. A full II n. of llo.aehold Hoods, Jspanosd Ware, Ac, for sale by 11. F. Bigl.r A Co. R.inTatl! Persons who oonteinplalehulldlng will do well to oall and examine our etook of I1IJI1.DINU MATKIIIAI.8. We here ia stock e full Ho. of Beildera' Hardware. Nails, Peiote, Oils, lllass, Fully, Calslncd Plaster, Ac. y8 78 II. g. xi.i.a. at t.o. ' f iwa. DisUn's Cross-eot Sew, Oreat Ameriaan Sew, Boyatoa's Lightning Haw, at ,.2,-7, ii. w. riinxaa a vol. II. V. A Om. kave been m.kl.g .Ibsoslv. addition. U tb-lr Moeh mt lb. lee. few days. Kverylbi.f new la Shelf Hardware, tod dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Baildwrt' Hardware, ud Horde are er all aiaaa,u. oeeeea at their elore. ' - 1 May . Poke I Fsea ! Feat I Among the tnuy prepa rations IbeA we have for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any throat er lung diffie.Hy, .on. of them are equal ta Ur. Morrit' Syrup of Tar, ttlld Cherry end llovehouBd. It vo. .r. afflicted, .all at our w. will give yo. . eempM bottle ee ey eAojnr. I Agettte : HartrwlcK . irwia, iienmeiui Uois, wooa.lil. liott, neiiaeotuni ii. s. me, William'a llrove. IMefeb ll-Iy, , Jail reeelred, a large lot of aon-.xploslv. Lamps and LanUrna at t ,-26-7. oiul.. bv. Paints, Oils and Vernlahei fbf la I. hj II. F Blghir A Co. , Noete. vo Wil A en Ci.aiAoa Mis an.. W. have inat received a feacral .ssonment or wago. .ad Carriage Woods, eJo . full tin. of Spiings and Aalet, wbioD wt oner eneap lor oasu. . II. F. Bi.i.b. A Co. ' iMr-tATIONI INKI-ATIOlll JbiiiwI Kerr A Co. recordist! of th. action of thl President, an lanating, ano aav. inaateo their already large slook ol doming, until it now embraeea the toeat ftssorUnent of Clothing and r.rai.hlee flood. In any Ntall More I. rnntyi- rente. Below pleeso tod redeeed prloe list of a few of the artieles embrued ia their staoki : MKN'H COTTONADK HI IT8, ONLY M 00 HUN'S CASSIMKHB SUITS, ONLY I 00 MKR'8 ALL-WOOL CASS. SI ITP. 10 00 MUS S) FINK BLLK CUU. SUITS, 18 00 YOUTHS' SI'ITS, to. to 20 00 CHILD'S FINI BlUI CLOT 11 SUITS, I 00 CHILD'S FANCY MAO. SI'ITS, 10 00 CIItLDRKN'8 SUITS, all prioeafrt lO 1,11 08 Umbr.ll.fc-Silk, Olnghara, Cotlohn Mrg ud ta. asswtmeat. HMlaryFlfly doteat Lisle Thread, Silk, Ootto. .nd Knglish tper-tt.t how, which will be reld at from ft Mats .p. BIllHa-Oar tteek or shirts It large and ttm plete, wibraeing tb. TJ.Ivertel, Freneh, Ootto., Dustmen ud wlered Bhlrla, la great variety. We weald ley to ur taivsmerl tlmt b.vl.g bevght guds at 1ft par mat. lees tba. herotorore, we are prepared to eell them at prieee the! wiU reelly .ttnith nsrybody. Cell early ud see for yeeroolvec JAMBS KKRR CO. OM Wretee. HeUl Orur, Cb.ar8.Jd, Pa. it J4IR PMRTliia Ol ' VIRfillSCUti tloa Mil txeeeted at thll oBoe. -'At lb. rt.ldonea of R.nJ. Sana, oa Wednesday, Oct. 'Jl't. 1MT4, by H.r. W. A. Riimi, Mr. ('IIKHTIIR HOl.TOrt, and MltlJXNMK KKhl NAN, both of llMoari. townahlp, At th. re.ldene. of tbo brlda fbth.r, oa Thura cley, O.1. 12.1, IH74, by ll.r. Vf. A. Hioun, Mr. JtMKI'U WILKV, and Milt MAIIJUA I). u !,.., aotn nr New Millport, t . ' Oa THurnlay, Oel. Jtb, 1174, by llee. IUr, Ur. JOMN (jri( K, end kll". ANN , 1II.N1IL., bulk of Morri..lal. Mla.l, tloarU.ldl aty. At tb. Mention IIo.m, Cl..rneld, I.., oa Mondar, Nov. Id, 17I. by Wa. Punran, t.q., Mr. CHAHLK8 ALHKItT HI'KKKI.L, ef Caaae, Maine, le Miee UuH'l'KNTlA II. BMIill, of Lvwiatown, M.iaa. . . Ul. 51(4. ', I , :' V,-,.'; In Knot township, CLsrlleld rennlv, Pa., on W.dn.sday, Sept. loin, lull, MAKV MARTHA, aged I years and ft mouths. On Thursday, Kept, iflh, IH74, CALVIN LI'TIIKII, aged 4 years, T months and ft days. On Halardav, O.I. loth, INT4, UAI1U1H, aged I month mid 1 weeks. On tlon- day, Oct. 12th, 1874, NllllA, aged 1 ai.nlh, S w.oka and 1 days I all chiUlien or 11. I, anil Barau 11, Rowlb.. - In llloom t.wnshln, oa Muuduy, Oe!ubr lAlfa, 1874, CATHAUINK TMIIV, (whose maiden waa Miles), agud 71 years, D inunlhs and IS days. Hnrlirt. !T -I - Clearfield Markets. 1 ConRacrtD WaRKl.r by Kralser k Lyllo, M'hole- saloand Rotall dealers In Dry llooile.Hroc.rles Hour, -od, .1.. Harh.t .treel, Clwrtlslit, ra i . ' i Cliaili, Pa., Oat. 37, 1174. Apples, green Apples, dried.. Apple butter, V gal, Butter.. , Beans.... Buokwheat Uu.rl lh Ile.f, drl.d Beer, fre.h Boards, M to Corn, ahelleil Corn,o.r. H..,.t...,. Cora meal, W sack Chop, 4 owl m...... Cb..s... H Cborries, 'ft B Chiekent, drct.ed, lb... Kggt Flasaeed......M , Flour, ....M.r.i.. M. Hay Hogs, dre.seu Hides, groea...... Hams Shoulders Hide Lard Mctt Pork.V bbl............ Oats Oeioos Potatoes Peaches, dried, lb Plaster, V bbl Rye Hags, W lb rlajl, Y .aek. .... Shingles, IK inch. Hhingles, Sft iuel Timothy soed Tallow Wheat Wool Wood, fl eord l'omiNylvnnlnltntlroiid TV110NE ft CLEAKF1ELD BItANCII. ON and efieTMoaday, MAY d, 1874, Iha l-.iaeneer Train, will run daily (eiceiit Sun days) between Tyrone and Cleertleld, u follows CLKAI1F1ELD MAIL. LBAVK SOUTH. LLAVK NOIU'U. CleerUeld 1.40, r.w Tyron. n.Ju.A... Oreeol 10.40, " l'hili..lmrg...ll) SJ, " Claarleld Il.ft'l," l'hilio.bur...4.:iJ, " Osoeola 4.10, " Tyron -, " CLBARF1FLD KXPRKSS. LBAVK SOL'TU. LBAVB NORTH. Clearleld ft. IS a. . Tyron........ Intereeetioa Oo.ol. 7.00 r.u, .T.I " I'htlipsbnrg.. fl.Sft Oueol. .0 " t. Int.r!eatlon 7.48 Tyrone 8.00 " Pbilipsb.rg...8.1o I' Cl.arlleld,.r...0.10 " TYRONK STATION. XASTWAHP. A M 7:1". 8:10 wr.arwAan. A a Mlied Train, . 1:14 t'ioci.'tl Esprsts, 4::I8 PaeiBo Expic.s, 8.24 p M Way Pasteager, 1:12 Mail Train, :.) Fast Line, t:i Paclfle Express, Harrliburg Aoo'm, r w 1:2.1 t:li Mall Train, Cincla'ti Kiprcss, Phila'da Express, 10:26 FAKE FKOM CLKARF1ELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa 12 03 Loek Haven TO Williamsport. 100 Huntingdon m. . 1 80 Lewiatowa. 00 Maryaville.. 4 ftO HAUllIHBURU... 4 76 Middletowa 15 00 Meriotla. ft o Lancaster ............ ft 8ft PHILADBLPUIA 7 06 Altoona 1 Oft Johnstown I 80 I'lTTHBIIHU ft It Close .onneotions made by .11 tralna ai Tyrone ud Look Haven. ' b. e. ItLAJ K, DylT-tf. ' , Buperlnt.ndeat. SJftir 3kartlsnnrnt. JIST OF JUKOIW. List of Jurors drawn for November Term, A. D. 1874, commencing on the seeond Monday, being th. Olh day of th. month i - " rinir warxnrtran vonoat, rna 9th. A. N.vllng. Beeeari Serdan Relloy,...UIrard B. F. Shaw Ooshen Kills W. Kvane.Uraliam 0. C. Dates... llouttdalc K.J.Uilllland...Karlha.s J. A.AIeUride,Lawranoe M. O. Antes, " Wm. Morgan, " John Hoover Morris Joha H. Irwin, " lAfeyetto Hoover, " llieb.rd Uots... .Osceola Jamea Clenry, Jr..l'enn Kllaha Davit, " Joshua llart.hora..PLk. John I. llloom, " 1. ueShlntell, Wallaee'n H.ilaugbmaB, Wood'ard Philip Tulibt, John Dills., t " Timothy Le. Ttell Nalbea Hoover. ..Bogg J. Llvingalon..Uradlord John II. Seyler.,.llrady Simon Wellborn. " John Dunlap...Uurnside Joha King, a. K lichen Chest N. B. Lee ClcarOrld J.C. Maxwell, Cnrwens'le W. C. Arnold, " T. W. Moore, " John Neff Detatur Andrew Geerbart, " Frn.U Freel, " uooito WBtKraiaB Ho.oAr, 18va. W. Campbell .Boll Horner W. Moll, " llobt. areen.....llradford Wm. Powtll, " ll.ary Krlner Brady Amus Boesall, Jr., " W. Bre.m...C.rwensVI Dao'l Cyih.r....U..bta Frank Colgrovt, " Job. W. Turn.r, " l.aao Kylar, - D. Mekendrloh...U.lloh I I, " John C. Tyler.. .Huston Jos. Snyder, " Wm. Long, Jr., " Wm. Jordan Jerdea Jem.a M. Bioem...Knox Fred. Irwin. ,. Zenoa Ogilen, " J. A. Antes, Andrew Knarr. Peter BHk...-.B.rnsids Wm. Som.rvilla, " Sam'l Kileh.n. w James II. Wapla... Bogg. B. r. M.MaaUrs...i;hest Solomon Toaer, Jr., " John Mellarvoy. " Andrew Fullmer, Morrit A. V. Carpenter.Osoeola url.r lion, Jr Thos. lllley....Cleart.ld Wm. M, Prion Pibo David Lreas!er....Uo!on W. W. Worrall, ' D ISSOLUT10N.. Natlce If hereby liven that the nartnenhln heretofore ei lit lag between O. II. Merrsll, Ames Kennard nnd ii. M. AHard, under tba name et Kaeulaior Cant Hock Company, for tbe manu feet ore and saleorcnnt hooks, waJ diSNolved on tho Mb of Octohor, IHJ4, by mutual consent, 0. D. ferrell having sold his Interest in said Arm and In th patent to Amos nan nam. 14-41 v. p. mi.nivni.ui A. M. H I LL8 -mmnx Would respeetruiiy nctiry nis panenta fftW-itbat be has reduced the price of AHTI HAi-l-trl'10lAL TUUT1I tufiBCOO Ml, or A3ft.M for a double set. For any two persons earning nt the same lime, to have each an upper oat, will get tbe two tele for $46.U, or U.f neon. Terms invariably Cash. Clearndd, March 10, W. ' A DMINISTI.ATOR'H NOT1CK. J.A- Nolite It hereby given (hat L.ltrrtof Ad. ninlrirallon on the ..late of JOHN II. ROB BINS, I.I. of llo.lsd.1., ClMrl.ld ..only, Ps., donea..d, having been duly granted to the ander .i.ned. ell persona l.delitod to ..tal. will pleae. make Immediate payment, and those h.vtew elalml .r domands will present tbem properly .Btbenlicated for sstllesnent without delay. WM. LUTHKK,, Pa., Oct. 21, 'T4-8I. Administrator COUKT MOCLAM ATloN. WnaniAB, Hon. C. A. MAYKR, Prciklcnt J u'lfro of the Court or Common l'leas of the twen ty.flllh tfudlelal District, eompostd ef thecooue ties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton, and Hon. WM. C. r'ULKV and Hon. JUlIN J. fa HAD, As. snnlata Judtrea of Clearfield county, have issued their precept, to ma directed, for the holding ef an Adjournal uoun 01 uomtnon rieae, a. Court House, at Clearfield, in nnd for the coun ty of Cleartleld, commencing on the HKCONI) MONDAY, THE Tit DAY OP NOVEMBKft, 1874, and continuing two weeka. ' NOTICE ia therefore hereby given to juron and witnesses, in and for said coaair of Clearfirld to be and appear in their proper pareona, at 1 o'elrmti A. M. of aaid day, le do those things which in their behalf pertala to he done. (IIVKN under my hand at Clearfield, tills 1 4 th (lay of October, in the year of our bordoneinoueend eight hundred and seventy four, W. R. Mfl'HKIteOrf, flherlff. JOCK HAVEN SELECT SCHOOL . Tb. tllbth ye.r of Mist Eldson'l ehMit Rokoul wai opened Aagusl list. Pupil, tram dllteiM. aa. b. hoarded la lb. family wllh lb. prln.lp.1, sod will reosiv. h.r p.raoaal oar. For partio.lan addrttt i, . Utfd illiSON, Ick H.rea.Pa. rlefertaeet Hoa. 0. A. M.ytr, Hon. L. A. llMk.y, Rev. Jos. Huhltt, 8. K. Peale, Isq. Oawbet 14, 1I74.-4I ' WT ANTED r lh Clerflol(i Kx- V V . reltltr Cant llooh Company, Wood for ,., , H.tOtCArTf DO0K UANDLKS, ' ef bwsi. au.lltr hard laisr. to 111 u tit., for la .t th. Tobeeeo a4 HiorarHtere ei ijaniiii) AblA. Wilinun. .UKCUXOB'S KOXICK.- Nolle. La hereby fflr.n Ihnt teller, tc.tantent aryon th. of AIIHAIIAM BI.OdM.Hr., I.I. or l'lk.lw.., OI.wt.ld aoonly, P. , d.e'd, bavlag beta duly granted lotba aud.rrigued, all pereun. Indebted lu entd t.tat. will pua.o uioko rm.dl.t.l.,mc,.nd Ibore b.,D'g .,.,,, dju,., ,! prwa.attbom proporlyaulbanllnled .'uLi.gidal.T. ' " ,' , WM. A. DI.0OM, r.wJuinporflbet'.V.lKJl.ii.' Kleoutur. , U.i.l1. i IjOH MI.K. Th. .ndertlgned' MTots for 1 tela . telualil. Iowa nroiierty la lh. boroagb orCliarOeld. Lot etilai feat, with a good two atory plank houst tbareon ereeted, wtlh Ibree reoius down sleirs ana tuur ucw reouis op stairs. Also, aewlag room aad bath ronat on teuad floor. House finished ooiapleto from osllae le attic Ueod douhl. porch and good water. Price rea sonable and payments ea.v. KOaugtl WM. M. McODLLODOII. gl'OR K K K K P K IIS, TORUKKKPKIIS, ATTBNTIONI We desire to call your attention to our extensive tJomiti liilun builiiens and is our iscmiies lot dU fusing uf itieh iiroiluce as our aoniignors send us, laving a large trade with eity at o roe, we ate on abled W make quick return., at full prices. : . Storvkeipors having Clilakvm, liutler, Kgi(i, or other produce, will do Well to give m a trial. Where llrooerloi are taken in oiouango, no oom. mission will he charts d. H. L. Kill K,H0N A CO., Wholesale flmecra and Commiislaa Mcrchnnts, Ho. ISO H. Third otrcel, I'hilad'a. aprly Jab. S. r a as obi, iPrea't. fi. K. IIbiliiir, 8eo CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, Uf IIAJITIIUHV, CUH, ( ( Assels.... ..H.JlO.OnO Hallo of Auel. to Lieltilill.i , 122 Furnlshe. Inturano. at lb. vary lowewt to.t Polioy-holilora partlcipat. In the preOtt of tha Company, that voutiuuilly reducing the payments. JTor rates, Ac., call on or auorsrs . .: H. M. Mi'FNAI.I.Y, Agenl. " Olllc. ia Shaw's How, Clear- W. , )ilt'74. EXKC 1871.; FALL & M'1TER. hiioks& horse suob m J-; . " 'i'""" " ' - V ILsJjlAJU lilA'A) OF TUB- HllrtlVII MT., (I.KAIII 11:1,1), PA., Ilea received . very ehel.ia iloek of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, FANCY (iOOD TRIMMED HATS ft HONNKTR, KID (i LOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, ANDAVAn ' YOFOTHKItflOODfT, Towbieh tht attention of .ash buyers through out tbe ootialy ia iaritod. Having had experience In this olast of goads, I am .ell.n.d I can .let. .Dlir,.nlln 1. . Man may give m. a ..II. I .a determined to sell ' goods at soeb prices, that hill, money will go j a great ways j Any out throughout the county In need of goods In my line, will do well to give me a call. I .e-HRMMDIM IN. IHU, H M K K K II. Oct 7, I874.J .: koj.tcn. Store, CLarteki, Pa. a. . TUr THIlirl KJ . ii..- . r... .1... 1. 1.. . . , but noon, ever Ihiok. of .tcalio. fro. ' T. A. FLECK & CO., For their gooda are ao cheap, It pays better to buy than steal them. larebalnr entire! v for oa.b, and selling for tho same, ware thaa ea. oiea to on or goods at a auialler margin loan can possibly be done by any onedolnt even the small est part of trust business either way. We have an entirely NBW purchase of DRY GOODS nnd LADIES' DRESS GOODS n variety unsurpaHSed and prices to cult the acaroity or money, our stock of MILLIWEHy GOODS, lionnds and Ladles' Hats, has never been equalled In the eonnly. LAUIKls' ANU CIULURKN'S UNDKttWEAR ' n complete aj.iortnienU f ' Ladies Drctot Triiiiinings. Full Lin. Latest Styles. Gents' Furnislniiir Goods, a large rarlsly, both nar and line. WINTER aitOVES. , . YAItlVg,' . 1 '' WOOLS, Waterproofs, in Great Variety. All are invited to call and examine our soodB and prices be for buying elsewhere. We make no wry latroe neceuee you rinn t nay, nut wit ere tbia to be a free country t aid that every one baa the inalienable right to life, liberty, the pursuit of harpineaa and to buy gooda where they can secure the eVsl goods tor tha tasv money. At Win. Heed's eld stand, apposite MooMp's. ooUlti , ' A. M. II ILLS. MITT0N & HARMON'S New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CDEWENSYILLE, PA. - THR T-ndcrflgnrd, having leased rooms frr tha mannfactureor all kin da of BADDLKH, HAH N Krt, aud all the latest improvements in Horse TuMilMlliiM. 0"i"Jn, irs now rwttr4 te All all orders nt prices nnd quality that will surprise all who favor them with aeal I for the Inspeotlonof their work. Tbey arc determined to please and their ex perience and observation In eailern nnd western eities enahlos them to 1'KFY COM I'RTITION In the manufacture of Uold, Silver. Ore ids, Itubber Covered and Ullt-Lined Mounted CARRIAGE ANO BUGGY HARNESSI , " " Alio Fine RIDING AND BAClNU SADHLES, Their rents and cipenses being light, they will sell the same grades of work to per eetit. cheaper than tbey can be bauaht in tha eastern cities. Kcnairing and adjuitingHaddlis, uarneas,o.f ncally done, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to an oruers oy man or oinerwiae. Call and see their work before hiding elsewhere. MITTUN A HARMON. Curwcnsvllle, Pa., Oct. 31, 18'. DMINISTTtATOR'S SALE'. 'ft- . OF ' Valuable Property ! ' r,' -bviii.'; I TlUt nndprslf nerf. Administrator ft (he nstatc of Suss Kyler, droenaed, wilt offer nt public sale, at nor tat residence, la weanen lewa-uin CUarueid county, l'a., on ( . WKUNKHDAY. HOVe U lHt, tbe following ftorsenal property. : 1 honm, J enws, 1 head of young cattle, S Iheep, I bogs, corn, rye and buckwheat bv the bushel, lot of b... A,,rnre,Uev. 1 eoekawav burev. ker.V .ad ft ' . . .j tut h.raMt. 1 nol ttmi eat tee, Mes, kensehold furniture, tuehe. beds .nd bedding, ebaire.teblee, oeok aad parlor tlovet, and manr other artiel.l ' Kale to Kmmmit. at II .'.loek, e, m., ea said day, wh.a urut .IN be mad. knew.. A. B. SHAW, Adm'r. OoL II, lltt lt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la kereby give, vhat Irflm .f tdmla l.tratloaoe lh. etuie ef hire. HI BAN RVI,I, dMoered, l.t. .1 Qothn U'asbip, t.ld eoeaty, P.., having been dsly granted to tb. aadertign.d, all perreal Indebted to Uet. will alow, make Imml.u, amd those hevlog alaias or demaad. .Ill promt them properly .ath.ntl..led fertettl.iaeat wlthMt d- i.y. fi. .o."i 0.1. 14-11 Administrator KSI-STOSlS STORE, i' . H. F. BIGLER & CO., ' 0.AL... I. lI Alt l) vr AltK, Also, UanvfnoUrersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLtARTltLll, If A. , MUMiNQ JMI'tKMJ'JJTS of Ml .1 Jtlmit for stj. by . It. F. niGl.F.Ii ft CO. JAILnOAD 'WHEELBARROWS ' for lait ny ': U. K. BKJLBB ft CO. QIL, PAIaNT, PUTTY, GLASS' Natls, .to., for aalt by It. F. BIOtEIl ft CO. II AHNKS9 TRIMMINGS & 8UOE Findings, fur sale by II. K. BIOIaKR I CO. Q.UNS,riSTOLS SWOUDCA1NE3 For sale by ' H. F. HlfJLER A CO. TOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sil.l, for tat. by II. F. B1QLKU ft CO. UOl IRON I 1RON1 IRON I , , For tel. by ' II. F. BKII.KK ft Cl. ... . KAILB, for t.l. by ll. F BIOLEK ft CO PULLKY BLOCKS, all sizes And best Manufaclur., for by II. P. BIOI.KB ft CO THIUBLK SKEINS AND PIPE x BOXES, for salt by II. F. BIOI.EB ft CO. J70DDEU CUTTERS for snlo by rn30-70 ; II. F. BIGLF.R ft CO. V IN EGA R HITTERS. Pl'RKLY VEI1KTAIILB. FISEK MOM ALCOUOU DU. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are n iiurely vgptaiiie preparation, made chieiiy from the native berbe found oa tho lower rangee of tbe flierra Nevada mountaina of Cahloruia, tho med.einel proper'ics of which are eitiactod thcrerr)tn wttnoni me ure or Aiconoi, inequns "on Is almost daily asked, "Whet Is the oeuse of U" uoprlleled tueoess of Vixb.ab I ' Our uswor Is, that they remove ine osuse et ais- ease, and tho patient recovers his health. They are the great blood partner and a lif. giving limeeiUMMB PUIien. nrav.aisr 0"1 K"ur 01 lyte. N.v.r before ia lh. history of aesslo. the remarkable qualities or I taaoia tbm in healing tbe sick of every dissem man la belr to. Tbey an a gentle Purgative ea well aa a Tooio, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of " """' organs, in Olo.. !v The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar H It ten are Aperient, Uiaphoretia, Carminative, Nn trietoua, Laxative, llinretic, tfodatlve, Counter irritant, fludorifio, Alterative, nod Auti-llilloua. Oratcfol thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the moat wonderful Invlgoraot that ever anstain ed the sinking system. Ne peraon can take these It i Iters according tn directions and remain long unwell, provided their bouee at a not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs. Billon, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fevera, which are ao prevalent in tbo vatleya of our great rivert throughout the United Hlatei, especially those of the Miiiinijppt, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cam her I and, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Uraaos, Rio Urando, l'earl, Alabama, Mobile, tSavannuh, Roanoke, Jamea, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tbe tiumivar and Autumn, and remarkably ao during seasons of nnnsual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by ex tensive derangements of the stumnrh and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment a purgative, exerting n powerful influence upon thjso various organs, is essentially noccsiary. There li no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, aa they will apetxjily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowel ar loaded, at the same time stimulat ing the secretion of the liror, and generally re storing the healthy functtona of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Hitlers, Ne epidemic can take bold of a system thus fore-aimed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Chest, Dlssiners, Hour Kructions of tbe Stomach, Dad Taste tn the Monlh, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tbe Heart, lullnmtnallun of the Lungs, l'aia in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho offupringi of IiyiprpNie. una nnitie win prove a ncuer guar antee of IU merits thaa n lengthy advertisement, 6cnfulft, or King's Evil, White RwoIHngs, Ul cers. Krvsinelas. Swelled Nock, Uoitre, Scrofu lous lntlatnniations, Mercurial a (lections, Old Korea, Irruptions of the Hkio, Sore Kycs. etc. In these, OS m ail oilier eouKliiuuonai uiwenea, Walker's Vinegar HI Mere have shown their great curative powers la tha moat obstinate aud in tractable cases, Fur fnHaminatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, llilious. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Hlood, Mver, Kidneys and tne Rladder, these Hitlers have no equal. Such if in enaes are caused by Vitiated HI uod. Mechaatoel Diseases. Persona engaged la Pnlute and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type Betters, O old -beaten and Miners, as tbey advance in life, nro subject to paralysis of the Howels, To guard against this, take n doao of Walker's Vinegar Ditters occasionally. Pot BV In Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, P alt Rheum, HlntrVs, Hpots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoi Is, Carbuncle, Ring-worms, Hoa Id-head Nora Uvea, Kryslpelao, lleh, Heurfs, Diseoloretlona of the Hktn, Humors and Diseases or the. Skin of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short Hue by tbe use of these Hitters. I'ln, Tape and ether Worms, lurking In the system of so many thonssnds, are effectually de etreved nnd removed. No Bvstem of medicine, no vermifuges, no nnt helm loit ice will free Ibe system from worms like luese if mere. For P.mal. Comnlalata. la or old, mar ried or Btngl. at the dawn of womeohood er the lorn of 111., these Tonic Bluer, ao de elded an influence that Improvement is Mon per- etptlble. 'Cleenre tlis filleted Blood whenever yon led Us Imtnirllles bursting through the skin la Plm- t 7 . '. . .1 1.1. 1- .1 . nntl II eustruoieu an. aiuggi.u in w ., ,. ..... , ...... mill utl .MhM,. Keep ibe Mood pure, end tbe health . . iu .0iv,w. , R. II. lfrDONALD A CO., Druggists lad flee. Aglt.. Ra. Frtaelsto, Calt roral., .nd eoraer or .nd Cbarll.a slreett, New York, geld ky all tlregglsls ud Dealwt. Mtlo'II-ly. 11 HALK OR RENT A enod aad w.ll eo.lnaed Blaekamllk Shop will Im ...her eold or noted. The beet stand la the wrenty, Apply to T1I03. J. BOOTH. yea, 21, ini.-im.. RBmbarger, P.. Jiru Bood0, dtetnitt, (tit. JJARD TIME8 IIAVB NO EFFKCT IN FRENCH VILLE I n7.,i m t I am aware that there are some persons a HtUo hard to please, and 1 am also aware that the complaint of "hard limes is well nign universal. Hut I am so situated now that lean aatlify tbe runner and prove conclusively that "nnrd timea will not effect those who buy their goods from mo, and all my patrons shall be initiated Into tbe to oret of IIOW TO AVOID IfAItD TIMES I have gooda untiigh to supblr all 4 ho la bait- tents In the lower end of the ouuoty wgioh 1 ooll at exeedlng low ratea from my mammoth store In MULHUNHURti, where I ean always be found ready to wait upon callers nnd supply them with Dry dooils 0f all Kinds, Such as Cloths, flatlnetts, Casslmcres, MuallnB, ueiainas, liinen, Drillings, Ualieoei, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Cloth lug, BooU and Shoes, Hits aad Caps all of the best material and made to order uuse, Bocaa, u loves, H litem, X.aoea, Hlbbons, c. QROCERIKS OP ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish. Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, fish .Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queens ware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider ProBies, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Ulan, and n goaoral aaaertiaeut of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always oa hand, nnd will be sold nt tbo lowaat posalble figures. J. II. MoC Iain's Medicines, Jayne's Medicines, Ho. tetter's and Uoufland's UitUra. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the Dignest prloe will be paid. I'loverseed on band and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Btrattonv ills aad Corwensvllle Threshing Machines. fcfA.CaII and sec for ynureclvee. You will find everything usually kept iu n retail store. L. M. COUDUIET. Frenehvllle P. 0., August 131, 1874. JEAD TUISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT The attention of the eltiaena of Clearfield and vicinity ia directed to tha foot that lioodfellow A Son are the agents of M. Niece A Co., and have just received a balf doten car loads of Flour aad reed, which they oiler at the lowest poaeible fig ures. A large stock of FLOUit, CORN . MEAL, CIIOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoea, Sheltcd Corn, Corn in ear, Ac, Ao. Particular attention la oalled to M. Niece A Co.'a brand of Family Flour, which la tbe best In tbe market. Flour and Feed can and will be Bold cheaper thaa It ean be obtained elsewhere tn Clearfield county. -tr-morc on Market street, next door to Hon. Aloxander Irvin'a rcnidcnee. UO0DFKLLOW A BON, JanlOtf AgonUfor M. Niece A Co. j. !. iii vi nr, AT THE CORNER STOKE, CURWENSVILLE, PA. 1 OPFKKS flKASONADLY A FULL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 1.0 1 It, .VE.iT, IIS II, 8.1 LT, KOPK, ., .Iwayt on hand al lowest cash prlets. LUMBER, QRAIN, WOOL, Ac, tken In exchange for goods at hlgheat market a. aogiaM. MARBLE AU ST0XE YARD! MRg. 8. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged In tho Marble busineea, desires to Inform her friends and the public that she baa now and will keep constantly oa hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARHLE, and Is prepared to furnish to order T0MI16T0NK8, HOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONCMKNTa, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window" Sills and Caps, also, Dt'HCAU, TAULR AND WA11 STAND TOPS, Ao Ao.' ..Yard on Rood street, near tba R, It. Depot, ClcarfirlJ, Pa. jej,7l F. 0'LEARY,BUCK,w General ' Insurance Agent and Real x Estate Broker, Represents the following reliable Insurance Co's: North British A Mercanlile Ins. Co. (2(1,000,01)0 Washington Life Insurance Co,,, 4, 00 ,000 Fire Association Insurance Co, 2,OM0 M7H.14B 3,1)0 0,0 00 A mason Fire Insurance Co 1'bwnix Insurance Co., N. Y.... Watertown Fire. Inaurea dwellings and farm buildings only 7&,v00 York, l'a., Stock Insurance Co. Horses insured against.death and theft. P. S. Parties In the country desiring Insurance on their lives or property can have It promptly attended to by addreiiing us by totter, er calling in persoa at our office, in Pie's Opera House, Room No. 1, Clearfield, Pa. eug26'7t -yy R. FULLERTON WITH W. V. LlTriNCOTT & COr Wbohveate Peelers la Hals, Caps, Furs A Straw Good, No, Ul alinaav Smear, an, 14. If PIItl.AOKLPIlIA, PA. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BT COVKHT1 PATKNT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of tbe best Mallea ble Iron, and Is attached to the Hamea by the boat , Snap ever Invented. It Is easily and quirk ly put on, and prevents the whipping of the horace by the ole. ot liable to get out of repair. Will last for years. All we ask Is a fair trial, to convince all partiea us ing thai that they nro ? C? 7 unsurpassed tn value tor the purpose for which they are intended. FACKKTT A 0CHRYVER. Clearfleld, April 15, 187. 8AW8! 8AW8! 6AW81 DIHTAN'S CROSS. CUT, HILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR BAWS. Boynton's Lightning Orom-out Saw. ALSO, . V ,-t PATKNT PEFAIORATRD A KIBCTWO SAWS, a .i- t.r Ml by 'i li . . ; , , . i (.. !' . mui.ii , H.r. muLiK co. "mMAM M. HENRY, Junnra Tf orniB PBitiBAna.oaivan.BrLiUIIJStJai 01TY. Clleotloo. aud. ..A m..ey premptiy paid aver. ArUeasaof agreement aoa imus a, to.v.y.aM amktky .tM.tod auA warreatMr net or o .been. KJy TalNK. Tim A ROAR LINIlTri silHot' IT ast rreslved and for sale by AprU M, tH. H. F. BlULER A 0O. 'rtifli and. M,fiirinf$. QUANGED HANDS. y.JOKM McGAUGHEY x ik"!1'' "'P1'"" "0,lfy 'no publlo g.n.rally om perenuteu e. n. Diiewerw urooery .7' 6'',', ""' "er b intends keeping ' GnOCKltlKN.' IUM8, UllIKD DKKFaod LAKH. liUuAMdadKJIiOI'WorsiiidtiiJ J - YJ THA8, Qroea and Illaek. COPFKK, Itoi.ted ud tinea FLOUR AND PROVISIONS ' cajfjruu ntllTti, All klerf. In Ik murk-l . - ... it 1 .1111. ' r , , , i .: ': t, U'U i (iiJij. i-imbuo, in jars anu osrrell. SPICK!., it every form aad rarlely."' ' ' ' FAMILY "FL6UR, Atl, HIMlIt (IfKAlliKH. SOAPS, ,.rK' T: i.,'i ', MATCHES, IlltlKD APPLES, ... m 'i,..!. buihii mean, , , DKIKD CIIKKUIES, Coal Oil i sd L&mp Chiaaoys. And a good assortment of those things usually kept ia a grocery store, which be will exchange for marketing at the market prioea. Will sell for cash ac cheaply as aay other one. Please call and see bis stuck and judge for yourself. JUIIN MtUAUUlIKY. Clearleld, May 17, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, ,. Opposite Post Office. New Goods 1. New Prices! CIIOICK 1.1 J I tAK, . OOLONGS, . . ., ..,,,,', JAPANS, ,,, ... 1MP011TKD, . Yot'NU ursoN. jr;, .-; .. UNUI.IoU liKKAKFAST Tarest Is Market. . . i . . i ...i '' " BUTTKR AMD KOCJM - Will be kept .nd sold at trsl cost. Cash paid, for Country Produc OEflMAN ClIUnltlEStj o n -i TUBKE7 PRUNES, ' PRRS8RV80 PrlARi,'' ' PHILAIlEI.PHIA HAMS. 1H3 ;4 tnu.qjinHf.'i Mack.rel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ao. t ncai.Bii JIIII'IO Barrel Pickloa .nd Engllth Pickles. '-' i . "" ' - FLOUR ANO FKlil). " "" -''l , ' fhvt, Cora Keel, Oat Meal. Aoi-' '" ' ; .... ... . febli'74 LYTLI A SflTCnELL. ED. AV. GRAHAM, . l ! dialer is r"')T -;Y ; !. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER A LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hat juat opanad, at th. old itand, la Graham't uow, a templMt Mewk M , JT F. GOODS, of .very dttcriptloa. , DRY GOODS. OROCEUIES, , HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTUIXrj, rf-c.,rf-c., IN GREAT VARIETY. ' flour; , , MEAT, . 8ALT, RYE, OAT3, CORN, A L WA YS ON HA ND A KD FOR SALE AT A SMA T.l AD VA XCE. , i FLOUR.- Re.lvd b lb. oat lead, and sold .1 a snn edrenat. A mppty of R0PB oonstantly oo band. Special induoementl offered to thole gelling .nt Timber and Logs, at w. deal largely ia Lumbermen'! Supplies, tnd ar. pre pared at all timet to purchase tim- , ; fberand lumber. .' ? . ED. W . GRAHAM, Mwktl Street, - .. CLEARFIELD, TA. '" Oel. 17I. THE CLEARFIELD i ! FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFiELD, Pa!,'1 . Mipcr.cruamajor. i. ... ' v lu j .hi Finr. ItltlCK. t. --It,'.' mi'.,-' . , ,' ' ' -i' (' Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stovs Linings,' Taring Tiles, to,' (reittlHe-y Top; HWoil f"' atssc. r bhii All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DKSI0N8 IN TERRA C0TTA t , MADE TO ORDER. 1 1 . : With Imarmad maehlMr drat .lass materl.1 end ekllled wovwmea, we eu wavrtat .11 maautaeureo I. b. .quel to If wot e.prtet . .ny la th. m.rk.t ..-' A.ilele. of our menufeeiiir. .aa beo.B.tlh. Workl, near Railroad Depot, or at the Hard.tre Store of H. F. Higler u. ...r- All ordm ftna a diaiasM, mlorereU aa la Uenerei wm maw mreeap. i t.atloa. ...... ' d. f. HAttl lltv. svsa, jnil?l . KRill ?un. uen , Dili,.,, f Iteamnel-l, warnaira, proii.o'i, .. Sept. Mairuraelarlng repi. maj.e i. D! ISSOLUTION.-, ".' V , : Tha nartlltrablb kerelofbr. AilluM WIWe.B rWetrf K.b.rd and Joseph Rrhard, la lb. m.reaa- tll. nt New Millport, wu dlaaolrad by .tmi nosent on th. llth or Jan. hub. Wlhte nt ibe m.mberl or the Arm are authorised to make setllomeats. Ibon kaowtag themstiv.. Indebted I. th. lal. brva Or. reqB.strd litmi formr aad reUU, tbetf erMo.ts withewt delai.. ' . i . DAVID KMIAKH, i .. JOnaPH HHAHO, o H. Mlllporl, Oct. 14, HJ4.-4I. - 1 ' JIHTICK)' 4b COHr.TABI.Eft' FIEI Wt ban printed a larg. a.mher ef tb. ... gatj DILI,, SO. WU, W. reeip, V. iwnai. Sr. waau, mail MP, 1. aa. addreta. Hirdtrarr, Cinwarr, t?tr. l i i , T OOK OUT KOR THE .-uiAl'iaVib. it.; .J- . UBB ARD 5 StW A PLE, ' PKALKRH IN STQVES. &. .JRANGES,. I1 ANU MANIIFAOTURKRS OF Tin-?,ra;.'Art tat r. Slieot-Iron '''' i'Copper Ware, a !.!:' PLUMBERS & (JAS FITTERS, ' Near Market Street, ClearUold, .... . Will keen on baud all the beat Cook Stoves. Ranges, Heating Sieves and Famaeee tn the market, among which wo meat ion the Argand Range. Victor Cook, Diamond Stale and Kclipaa. all of which for beauty of design and cheapneaa cannot b eurpaseed la the market. All of oar Stoves we warrant to give entire satisfaction, or the Stove ean bo re la rood im ten daya. Old stove taken in part pay for new once. We hoop on hand all of the latest and best HEATING STOVES RANGES. Fartlmlnr 'attention paid tb the repairing of all kinds of Stovea, Ranges aod Furnaces, TIN" WARE. Of our own manufacture, of all hinds, which which will be sold cheap for cash, by wholesale or retail All oar ware la made out of one aad two cross tin, and warranted la ho Juet aa wo represent It. Tin Roofing and Spouting T. Ye..... I,:-- : done at abort notice nnd on most renanaabla 1 terms, and repairing neatly and promptly exe cuted. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING J ! don. .d .11 Jobs Wenaatcl porfeet. Will keep on kaod lias Fittures, of all kiads, and It up houses wllh Ranges, Bath Hollers, Bath Tuba, Shower Baths, Wash SUodt, Sinks and Water Closet!. ' Parlies wishing anything don. in ear lin. will do well to give .s . call, aa we er. determined to pleeee all la regard I price aad styl. of work mtnsbip. T. J. Hubbard will personally Mper- intend .11 work ontru'ted to our eare. rpt ;VT4) HUBBARD A WAPI,. ' rpiN-WARE, STOVES, HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., CURWENSVILLE, PA. Having bought tbe Hardware Btoro and TfA Shop formerly belonging to W. A. Dale, wo intend beeping for sale everything belonging ta the business, and will endeavor ta well aa lew Ihr 1 sash aa can be bought tbia side of Philadelphia. At our establishment may no looua at ail tiaei full nupply of -, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, SHEET-IRON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Healing Stoves, j SIIOB FINDINGS, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, rutty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, i RCYTIIE-SNATHES, v, CRAH CRADLES, , RAKES, A. s.ur siill ri.rni.rvs, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, tlOKPE-EnOErt, ., HORSE-SnOB NAIL8, I BOLTS, Ao. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, be. JT4TTIN 6P01TIN9 don. low aad belt of tAftttritJ used. OA1CUS, flllllU... bU, Carwenevll Pk, 1, 1M4. RONSIDES STORE. G FLEGAL, DIALER II HARDWARE, sTovaa, HEATEILS, "n RANGES, ' ' '.' HOLtOW-WAKE, JAWTS.' ' OILS k VARNISH, ' 1 ' ' PUTTV 4 Qt ASS, ROPES, 111. a8TF.P-LADKR8, I t'T wooD'ANb trrtLow SvArei Ih. Mlebratod Toledo Aatl Freeilag Oalvanii.d '. IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. ' - Ma hotter Pumpe In the market. IaAMPS, CHAMDtiUKKK, tAHTKRKS, tAMr FldtKlVef allhiada, 'liAMf nXTUREa, Ao. Alt at lowest prices. 1-14M Prw.sjw.hlt fttrwet, Pklllpsb.r.;, pa. in BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN-8TRIIMIINTr1-0rgaM, both atw .nd niml bend, .1 th. Mutle Btoi., o-,oslte a Furniture Storey 'A. B,arMaa i.urltted as. rati-' Ud to .all and stJatntn. a ntw ttyl. of Orgaa bow . a. ..ktbltl.a. beet. Heel, aad "H sonstMillymi hand. aplHTttf t- '. : . i CKTT1 EVENT NOTICE. I tab. O thii mohod mt Inroral.g my patroM tlMPl I ' heve plealy t ties. Jeat in to mum wp .ta a.-, . ooaats, aad I bm.hy ftv. mmnm to HI IB.W www .i hae. anmuled isma wtlh mm k reeee wsa, t ud have liimm elM.i wilsnltl ..l.y. n.WM tail I. heed this eotloe meed lot b. terpeired II . they an eelbm epee to hum la a legal it tie frawnt. of aa .fire., aad pay costs kill Am. I.. M. COUDRIIT. rrenehvlllt. Aug. 1, 1BT4-lm. 'if i!