THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARK1KLI), PA WKDNKHDA Y MOItNINfl.OCT. W, W4. Terms of Subscription, f paid In advanee,or within tlirit month ,..$) 00 It paid afier three aud before all months I (I paid after tha expiration of ilt months... I 00 Rtil.lUIODH NOTICK8. iMutliodlal Eplucopal Church Rr. A. D. Vorra, Pastor. Public Hcrvio every Sabbath it 10) A. M., and 7) P. M. Sabbath School at 8 A. M. Prayer Meet ion every Thursday, at T P. U. Communion Service, Aral Sabbath, of avtrt month, at 1U A. M. Preab teriau Church Rov. II. 8. Urn.. Sabbath cervices morn inn od evening Sab bath Sohoul at I I. M.-Pryer Meeting Wcdnes. day evening. Ht. Frauds' Church Catholic lley. p. J. 8nRaifN.7Jo'waat 1 a'elerh A. M.,ci h aound and fourth Haiiday of each muRth. j l.ulherau Church. Itev. D. M. Moana.. Preaching every Sabbath, aiurniiig and evening. Sabbath School at 9 a, m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. OFFICIAL DIBKCTOHY. TIN OP ULIlllia IjUAHTKft RIUXS COURT, Rceund Monday of January. Third Monday or March. ' 1 ' ' 1 First Monday of J una. Fourth Monday of Hop timber. T1UR OF UOLDINO COUMO!t PLRAR. ' Firit Monday of June. Heoond Mtinduy of Norcuiber. nauc orrnnng. PrauUmt Judy Una, Cbarlr A. Mayer, or Look Huven. AnUimmi lam Jdfetvt. Juha II. Orris, of lieiieioiue. AhmihI JmHgn William C. Foley, Clearfield ; junn j. iiwati, lurwenstilie, -,.. trotkotan Aarua 0. Tate, Heqitiir and tittmrdtrA. W. LeC. ihitriet Airorary Frank Fielding. Twurtr David W. Wise. .S-A.n William II. MoPherron. (SiHHiif $tirvtifar-Samuel F. Mi'Closkey, Cur. wensville. CNn'v Cmmiiotrt F. F. Couterrt, Kurt hauf) John I), Thomson, Carwensvllle, Clark llrown, t'iearMd. VitHttg Auditor Reuben McPherson, Clear fluid i James II. Kile, LumWr Cityj Lewis C II loom, Ulearfluld. Jmrf (JuMniieteri John W. Bbugart, James Mitehtll, C'U-arned. 8fnritiMdt Pxklte SckooU John A. UrcKorr, tle;irn. Id. AeiWc '. -J..1m W. WrigiVy, Win. Its daMmugii, Cyrus L. (ii.rdu, rieertifld; Joeiab Ktaiii, Jocih H. Irnia, t'urwrnsville ; J. .1- Lin gle, Osceola Mill; Joknatuo llamlltuR, Lulhers litirj. " - " HUl.Yl RAILVI1 RA1.I.V1U DEMOCRATIC N KKTINCiS. Merlins of lbs IU-mocracy, and of all who are oppoieil to tbo proi-nt onrrupt Amiiili tratioo, to 'rgro govarpnient, and to tha policy that produrei tha prceent bard timet, will ba held a follow i At IIOFFKK'S STOKE, In Karlbaua Uwmblp. on Thursday afternoon, OoL SVtb, at t o'elock. To beaddrciurd by Wallace, Maokty, Teat and Uanti. At FRKNCHVLK, oiVThuraday erenlng, Oct. IVih, at 71 o'etock. To be addrewed by Wiiltaer, Mack. 7, Ti-at and Danta. At MbANfl' SCHOOL HOUSE, la Bradford tonmhip, on Thuraday OTening, Oet. 29tb, at 7 o'clock. To bo add rened by Meaarm, Wna. M. McCullougb and J. W. Baoli. At KYLERTOWN, on Friday artemoon, Oct. 3(rih, at 2 o'clock. To bo addrciaed by MeCul tough, ltoyer, WallaM, Teat and Uowphrey. At MftRRlSDALE MINES, on Friday evening,' Oct. SOtb. To ba addreated by McCullougb, Buyer and Humphrey. I Wo tordialty Invite all to attend and bear a calia diMUiaioR of the laauaa luvolved in the 1 preaeut aleetloa. WU. M. Mrt'CLLOUUlI, Chairman. The option WC..rH on Tumlav No- Next Siiturtluy night is Halloween. Watch your cabbage patebea. Sold. The type nd lUHt-eritil of the New Bethlehem rre waa sold at Sheriff's sale or Thursday last. ii The htw office of Mown. Murray k tiordoa baa been removed into ono of tbo new rooms on Market street, opposite tbe Court House, and ono door west of Wataoa's tobeeeo store. . Two iriwners mndo their ew)c frota tbe Biookville Jail on Sunday night a week. These make four that have taken "a French leave" from that In it italic within tbe past two mm tin. Hold on, now ( The Cambria Fret man states that Matt. McCally, of Clearfield township, in that aouuty, raised lots of potatoes this season, many af the 01 weighing as high as three and one half pounds. The are probably like tha Texas musqultmi "a gttat many of them woigb a puund" too. Spiritual Piiknomfsa. Pie'n Oper- House has been the aet-ne of sutue, lo say the (east ( curious pvrloruaooca for two nigbta, ia the repre seutatlou, by Harry and Madame 'Juernellb ot tbe wundvrrul tests used by Hpirltualisti in their seances. The performances will bo continued to night, and wa woo id advise aay who are fund el tbe curious lo see them, as tbey ara roelly at sneb a character as to call lortb tbe wondtr of all who behold tbem. Am Kcuphe. The total edijwe of the moon on Saturday night laat waa tbo first eclipse visible la this latitude since IS&fl. It commenced about 1 o'clock. Tbe moon was wholly oovered at about 2;10, a. h., and U was near 4 o'clock in the morning before tbe fall radi ance of the moon waa restored. Tha light was a grand one, and looked as though a terrible catastrophe bad oecarred la Natural yet wa did not learn that anything aerlous happened either the universe or tha moon, ueeanaa both seemed to be ia their right place on Sunday and Sunday ff. urn JtaTRHT Inhtitctk. Hy onler of .the committee, signed by M. L. Ouciicb, Secretary, wa are authorised to announce that the school teachers or Lawrenoa township and Clearfield borough will meet at lb publia school house la West Clearfield, on Saturday, Oct. Slat, at 9 o'clock, A. H., for tbo pt-rpose of arganisiog a District Institute. Tbo teacher iu charge will keep his school open during the forenoon. There will ba u meeting Is tbo ereoing, at 7ft o'clock, where teachers, directors, and all friends of edu cation ara invited to be present. m a 1 "- T11 at KiMRoiw AOAiit i!i Arms. The general bunt which came off last week was so highly successful and Interesting to all conoorned (hat tbo parties propose tu make another raid npon the inbabitaata af the forest, and Friday nut baa been agreed upon as lha day. Tha Captains have agreed upoa Lever Flegal, J. Hake Walters, and Dr. T. J. lloyer, to alt aa jadgea and count tha sealps. Tha Judge will hold session at Capt. MrUaughay'a restaurant from 1 to 0 uVloek, k on Friday, Iho 30th last, AH game killed by the party Must bo prodooed Upon honor and delivered to the judges at tha lima la diet ted. No game nil) ba reeuirad r onulad after o'oleok. As nobody eares to win any thing by taohnicalltles,' thrrefora, tha killing of game hy substitute or with polea la prohibited. The prepariog of begs and large pockets for the purpose of carrying game Is not considered tech nical or unbecoming among sporlsmee. e ' TsiiiirTitor IlBHpwT.At a pwil meeelng of ClrRrflrld ldg. No. 814, A. Y. M., bald on Tuesday, October 20tb, IRT4, lha follow tnc proceedings were had 1 Whrrrau, it baa pleased our Divine Matter to remove from our midat una of oar brightest and most active workers In the person af oar beloved biotber, Xaba C. McCulloi'OO), to um him as a livin alone in the erection that sii buildinsj that bouse not made with beads, iral lb llaavtae " iherefufw. be tt Aeeefeed, That thta Lodge has mH ono of Its slrongest and most euraeet adv oeatea, we a Irwa and adeotionata brother, and his bertft family "B kind buehtnd and father. Thai a tonder SB hi disconsolate) family and Mends ear sincere sympathy In this the hour of their deep eHvtreee. Aea That this Lodg attend tbo funeral of our deceased brother, to pay our last tribute af rrspeot to his memory. A.eprrW, That the Lodge room tb place so dear to as all, and especially U ear hUr brother whilst enjonraing upon earth ba draped iU mourning Tor tba spsoe of thirty days. I am am ' At the meeting of the atookhttltlera; af the Madera. Coal ed arweaaaowt Cam pa ay at Heutadale, cm Thursday, M was Aemdem to as-l lend lha Mvebaanon Branch of tha T. AC. Rallmad to Clearfield oreek, m dlstaao af five ilea, and Mr. A. V. Hevt ha haesj engaged tu! make an immadlale survey of tha proposed roet sod grading will be aommsaced as boo as peil-1 k4eandibeprojeteafrled rapidly forwarA This road will open a wide aiteut of eoeotry rieh In eal and timber lands and which baa berate (ere been ondevrlnped- PMl'J" , . Tol RT rRfNTRKUINlll. Ilulow will he rounii a ajTRopila of Ua builoeu truaaeled at tha Paptetaher Itra of Coart, wbiobrelateiaxoluah. ly to the general puMIe, and wbloh wo clip fron me rfvariMi ot laat ck l ROAR HA ITS Ita rRTITIU. rora nuoiie rona row Clear Arid roftl near Bold. Wrlglvy'a to t'lfarndd road Bear toft af fnurnru a nui, in Lawrence townitilp. Vteweri iona u. 1 uille, leaae Jolinton, Aotoi Head, ror a pubhe road at or near ft. Hny 'e lane 10 New Millport and Madera road near line of Aleaander oioua, m ados iDWRMhlp, Vie were John L. .Mit, gonn Maya, nruben n. L'uldwell. For public road from lluBola Htation to Hum bargrr, in Brady towmhip. Vlewcra- Ueorge C. Kirk. J. C. Clavtun. A. Little. For a public road from the upper bridire aoroii noueraon umi, mi Lurwrnivuir, 10 Uridporl, d. n. wwmvy, n, iiariinorn, Julia ton llolden. Fir a public road from Cheater hill to Oaeola road abot e Hlelnera' bill, aud to vacate, In Ier. lur townahip. Vlwtr L. , u. l.lriMle, Aim. IHihr, Hlcbard llughei. - For a public rood from Iho Krie turnpike Bear K. tlood'a to atone torner noar J. II. Wapla'a, lu Bogci twp. Vicwai John BvUh, V. Slcao, Jauioa Mitchell. For a public rod frvrn near Baaiutl Huydera'a ibiiu hi near iaiuea u. uiuon ', ID Knox twp, Vie were J. 1 tattle. It. It. Caldwell. (L U.koV - For review of public road from lloom'a aaw mill 10 Hum men caw mill, IB Graham lownahii Vie wera J. L, Cuttle, James il. Turuer, A. . llubler. For a private road front J oh a lullarm' to uanner Hnln aehool bouae. In bell two. Vix ert-J. B. Hunderland, J. W. Campbell, H. llall lo vacate road from Fuin iew aohooi bouat to Ataot llubler a, In Uraham twp. Vie were J, L. Cuttle, J. H. Turuer. l.uoirn Ward. ' ' 'la vaeate public road from, H. H. Baltey'a to Mitohell Klinc'a, In t'nlon twp. Viewrrs Ueo. v. nira, 11. hittside. Joirnh R. Arnold. To f acute pub I id road from tlirard towuabip ltn. I 11. .-k . i-i ,1 . 0 ., r ...... . ouiiim wu, 1 u' w era if, a. Mormon, A. B. Hhaw, John L. Cut lie. To vacate a road froM Bear Poplar run, via Clarke's, to Denver' near P. Daily's sohoul buusa, m rnn iwp. Approreu oy me vourt. lo vacate and supply road from tlraham school house to 8now Hhoe road at Black Mshaonou, to aiorria iwp. lewrrs Henry Jloovi r. U. 0. Hoover, J. B. Kylor. To vacate and supply part of publlo read fro Suaqueftanna river at or near Deer ereek to whtre it i Diem-old Clearfield and Karlbaui mad, In CuvintoBtwp, Viewera F.Mignot F.Cuuterel, J. Picard. To ohange townahip lino between I'oion ami Bloom towii'Mpa, ao ai to lurlude Jlt-nry Penti in t'nlon. Viewer Oeo. C. Kirk, F. K. Arnold, M. II. Luther. On petition, A. Murray was appoinlfd Cuutla bit for Uirjrd townahip by the Court. ui coxriKiiKn Aaaoi.iTTKLV. A road from II. Hilcs, iu Piko townnhip, to road noar It. MoCrackeu's, In Ferguson twp. A public Mad Trom Uoluoth road down tand LtcH. from Dreiilcr's saw mill to Bear Frederick rthaffrr'i on tha A. V. K. IU In Brady twp. A public road from tbe pike at Danver'a farm to Fin ion A Hpenoer's saw will, in Penn Iwp. A publio rud from Pusry's saw mill to road Bear Vattrrsou'i, in Beccarla twp. To vacate road from Abraui Liti'e fording t. W. Ilooror'i bridge, in Bog twp. CORyiRMKU xi ai. To vaesvte publio road from Duulap'i lane to road from Bloom townibip to Rocklon. 1 To vaeati pullio mad from Brock bank's to II.: Penti's road, in Union twp. j A road from Dressier road to II orb ton, In I'nion townnhip. To vacate and sutinlv road from Juirtih Mar-1 shall', In Lawrvnoe thu.. to B. Carr's taim. in I Pike township, I A road from near Morrow's mill to Brar RuLt. Leonard's iHace, in Uoiben tern. A road froBi tiw. Hcitralh a to townshio road la Karl ban I lownshir. A road from Wallaeeton lo ibe liike at Cram- niondale, In Boggs township. a roan l mm Rear lirogun s m tbe railroau neai west end of thimmtt tunnul, In Huston twp. A change in road from near H. Krarns', In Piko twp., to 8iato street, in Curweniville. A road from the mouth of Hoghaok run to road on Thompson's hill, In Lawrence township. To vacate a road from W. A. Head's saw all) to A. Read's blacksmith shop, in Lawrence twp. A private road from l ire Clay Miae road to Erio turnpike, in Boggs township. conuii'iD, A road from land af Wen. Waatover to near McKee's school house, In Chest aud Hurnilde twps. A road from MvCauley A Harney' aaw mill, in Woodward township, to road at crossing of Beaver ran, in Deeatur township. To vacate a road from Blue Ball to K lib art's bill, ia Boggs township. RHIDOM. The aiiplloatioB for the follow ink bridges were continued to January term, 1876 : Across W usque henna river at 8hwitil)o( across river at Deer creek, and across Little Clearfield creek at month. moot, ntaTRicra. Tbe report of roramivslaners reeowmendlDC the anoeiing of R. J. Conklia to Lawrence twp., for school purpose waa confirmed by tbe Court. TCkUi v!S 1 he report or ommiuioners forming an Incta- net at Hock ton. in l;nion twp., waa con Armed Ni. 01. by the Court. ine report 01 tne eonimissi oners relatitis: (o in dependent School District In Morris twn., was oonttnued by the Court. Tub Karthach JIailroad. The in dications are that, notwithstanding tbeeioesilv 'light times," tbia new enterprise will aoon . be put en a substantial basis, and th work son ! icnced aa 100a as apilng opeua if tbert U a "1st up" at ad in Innuoiel affain. W clip tba fol lowing proceed Inge af tb lata meeting ai Look Havea, from the SmUrprit of thai otty t In respona to a eall Issued a few week ago to those interested ia th construct lea of the Keatin and Kartbaus Railroad, a large number of prominent eitiieni of Lack Haven and otbnr places met in 0. H, f caie a omce, tn Liook il awn, on the loth Inst., at I o'elock p. m. On motion of Hon. L. A. Meokey, C'oL A. 0. Noyta was ended to th ebair. Oa m tion of A. II. Best, Koj, S. R. Pcale waa cboaou Secretary. At the request of th President Mr. Mackcy slated tbe object ef the meeting to be to lake tb initial sti-p toward organising a company undet th general railroad law to build a railroad from Keating Stauoa in Clinton Bounty to Kartbaus iu Clear He Id county. Dr. R. V. Wilson, or Clearfield, member of tbe State Ueologieal Commission, waa ttien Balled opoa and rpoke aa only a eeiantifle genllemau ean anek in reference to the geulogieal forma lion ol tha eeuntry through which lies tbe route of tbe proposed railroad. The neat speaker was J. S. Reese, Esq., ol Baltimore, who concluded bis pointed aod inter eetng remarks with the business-like suggestion tnat on behatiot toe narinaus estate, wmou and tha gentleman aeoompanying him bad Ibe honor to represent.he woul.l give twenty-five thou' aand dollars toward building this road. On motion ol C. A. Mayer, the fallowing eom mittee of twenty. three was appointed hy the ebair, which commute was eliargeu with tbo du ty of soliciting subscriptions to th capital stuok of tbe proposed eoinpany 1 C. A. Mayer, Lock Haven. L. M. Coudrlet, Frenobvill, Clearfield county . Charles Subuarrs, Kartbaus, J. W. Potter, Three Huns, " W. J. Hoflar.Kartbans. " K. McUarvey, Halt Lick, " Isaae McCloakey, " ' John Rider, Sr., Kartbaus, . ' ' J. J. Pie, Clearfield, " W. W. Betta, " T. H. Foroey, Grab am ton, ' J as- B. tlraham, Clearfield, " W. A. Wallaoe, " R. V. Wilson, " David Holt, Pbillipsuurg, Centre eounty L. A. M acker. Lock Haven, Cltatofl Oounty. Jha Rohn, Nasby P. O., " Wallaoa Oskel, " " W. II. Moore, Look Haven " R. R. Bridgetia, 1 1 " J,.ba 8., " Nebemiah Shew, " R. Blanc bard, Bellefoate, On motion of Hon. 0. A. Merer, Reel. Hnrt thai, Kkq.. of New York city, waa added to the oommittee and made tbe Chairman thereof by the unanimoai rote of Ibe meeting. On mot 10 u ef K. McUarvey. Keq . tb BOerela- ry was inatructed le prepare suitable subeerip tion book aad send a auu te eamh member ol the above committee at tba ealieat practical mo menu The following aubseriptiona were mad oa the spot: J S. Reese, for Karlhaus Kitate, 3MM) 00 K. McUarvey, l,ot u J W. Potter, l.o 00 Urabam, Weaver, gmilh A Co., 1,000 00 Carskaidon A Co., 1," 00 L. A. Markry, for Kart ha us Coal A Iron Co., S.MI 00 Total. ; 00 On motion lh mertlna adjourned I meet at same place on first Tuesday In December, 174, at 18 o'clock a. aa. Tur Tt'RNPiKK Trocblk. Numer ous nnd loud have been tbe complaint made by tbe residents along lh line of the Philipsburg and Cnrwensvllle turnpike lb past year, because of the bad coaditloB of tb road and the director at tha cam Um exacting toll nt both ndi ot the road, wbil t we-thirds of It length is ao utterly eat ef repair a tu he almost impaaeable. The Philipsburg eerewf uf Saturday laat, In ailed leg to the matter, aaya 1 The eaase ef tbe complaint entered agalast tba Philipsburg and Susquehanna Turnpike Company received the aiteaUoa of Juatioe Mock laat week, and on Monday three viewer were appointed to examine the road. Ia order that the utmost talr aeas micht be observed In Ibe proceedings the privilege, not granted hy the law, was allowed tba Company ei naming one viewer, tas umo earning a second aad tha eoevpleiaaat tbe third Tha uereons selected were Meaet. R. U. Hho wel ter, Jacob Dimeliag and Mosec Owens, cad ou Mondav tbev unseed over the pike and unanimously condemned iU Tbe company will be o I If ad to nut It ia the condition required by inmr oBarter he fore the aext sitting of court, or it wiU be token from under their eaalrol, la ibe meaatlme, hav ing been uetiaed ef the condemnation of the viewer ae tell can h token over the reed, until the court teeue it decree. As U is impoeetbt Imt thm awaananv to briuc tbe rued un to the re- quiremeuU ef the charter without an a 1 pease which tbey are wet likely to incur, Ibe prospect seems clear euough that tbey mam abandon the read, when, even if it is never improved, peepW will be relieved from tbe imaecitraaa of tell ever such aa execrable wcruuguiar. Lint of letter rcmaininir unclaimed to the Paetnmoe at CmaHeld, fer th weak ending fWobwr Hlh. I It 7 4 I owtiuger, U Iaeore, a. w, Rcac, John Blcem, Mi HntH Rend, John Creae, A. V. Careen, Robert 1 ' Dualap, Harry Miller, Charlee MeSpaddeu, Wm. Reei, tt. J. "aeply, Mr. Rarah Wolfe, U Welch. Mard P. A. UAULI5, P. M RpttiaU, I.eoK Hrri ! Having taofrd into our m and eommodioMs uuarlcrt or Market street, on. posits tha Court House, wa tor Ita enstomera to drop in and etamiaa tbe largest atonk of Cloth ing aver brought lo town and we offer tbeia, though always cheap, cheaper than ever. ttAMKh HTKWAHT a BON. rUarflold, 0U fa, IH74 St A Rki'otio Card. Another redurtloi In Artificial Tteth. Prices to suit these panicky times. r B. poRTKR HIIAW, D. ii. t). CUarBeld, Hepi. aat l.S74.-ui Daniel Stewart A Hon are determined to over om tbe paiiie by taking advantage of the times and purchasing a full supply of Full and Winter Clothing at puolo prices, and they are sulllng out tbilr stuck at a aiuaJl advance abuv slty toits. Callooti In lii II lino at Flack's. Full lo of hades f Kgyptlan and Nubian cloth, rory cheap, at T. A. Fleck A Co s. Those who are In need of a goud Wluler suit of cioiaing estn auy vu prr eriil. eueepar rroui as to il ay. tlmo I hey eaa be bought to the oily. Come aud ea amino tbe aroods and Item bow astonish Ingly low wa are parting with thoia In order to necomnioaata our patrons. . 1AN1RI mwAUT A SOJ. Brlllinbtines or avsry shade, all wool. Dlag ouals in variety at lowest prices, at 'J om Fleck's. Rbab n. M. M'Knallv'i advertisement In re gard to Lite Insurance. auglS-ly Dlsek Drers Silks , good but cheap, at Fleck's tiodlna Suitings la great variety, where Wot, Reed used to keep, opposite Mosaop's. T. A.'a A Co. niack Cashmer or tbe very best, lower than ever ouerva in lb is "nsyfc o wood, at rieok a. Table Cloths, all linen, ver low. at Flack A Co. Nuuon aud Faacy More, Uents' Furnishing Uooda, full lino at a small margin, Uo U r lock s. . -1 Lattkt ait las af Hats and Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers, Bird winirs. Hp rays. Wreaths, Flowers and let trimmings in almost endless variety, at 1. A iTietM i co. i. 1 9 t 1et1tau.11 The best Shawls Tor the money at Fleek A Oo.'s. Balmoral and Felt hkirts, eht aper than over, ontj (1 2b, at fleck's. AI.aooa Lustres In full lino at Flock A Co.'s. . , . - f Tycoon lUpis, pvrleet beautiei at T. A. Fleck A Co's. We sea that Miss Ililhnan the accomplished caterer la ladies' bats and bonnets, baa returned to T. A. KleLk A Co.'s establishment, to do the Bice for tha lailiee of Clearfield and vicinity Kufiy calls will secure prompt attention. ( Beaded l.nees, yaok and gu I in re re, plain aid bugled, at T. A. Fleek A Co.'s. Press Trlmmlnss. uaiurnaMtd In Ityla, variety and cheapness, at Fleck'a. HermanlowB Wool and Varna, the largest stock ever brought to town, at Fleek A Co.' " Coriata, Kid U loves, Ladlaa' Underwear, N ghi Dresses, Children's Dresses, lung sleeved Under wear fi r l.adtis : In fact, they bare Ladles' eoa plete outfits at T. A. Fleek A Ca.'a. Woolen Lawns, most Fleek A Co.'s. beautiful shades, at Fall variety af Waterpour Clelh nt F eck's. tio to Fleck's for what you want to decorate or make comfortable tbe outside of your corpor ate bodies, for wo cannot tell you all wa have, but II yon will eome and aee, in tbe language of tur predecessor, wt will show you all wbesi you Call on R. M. M'Knaily and get your life ia snred id the Old Continental Life insurance Com pany, or Hartford, Con a. augll-ly BuauiKt For Halb. R. Newton 8 haw keeps a full supply of Fredoma Buggies and Platlorm Wagons lor sale. To be seca at the Shaw House yard. Cull on or address bim at Clearfield Pena jlvauia. may 13-tf. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for ale by H. F. Bigler A Co. Inst-na your life In the Continental Life Insu rance Couipanv. of Hartford, Conn. R M. M EN ALLY, Agent. auglMy ' RKCAPITI'LATION. Bird Cages. Wood aad Willow Ware., Household Uooda. S ,'' , i All kinds of Hardware. Japanoed Ware. Paints, Oils, Veralsbea.iL . ' Calcined Plaster. Wagon aod Carriage Makers' supplies. All or the above for sale at tbe mammoth Hard war Store of H. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. ... ; J Have Timet Sav Labor! Save Money! 6av Clot bus I The" Novelty Wringrr" is th beat la tbe market. Buy It try It. For aale by H. r UlQLRB Co. Calelnnd Plaster for sale by H, V. Bigler A Co Paihtu a.vo P At thus' Fixmxoi. Our tock of Paints and Painters' Materials la complete, In eluding 4. T. Lewis' Pure Whit Lead. John Lu eas A Co s Pur White Lead, F. H. A Co's Buck Lead, and a number of oheaper brantis or vtuiu Lead : also. Linseed Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes ol all kinds, a full line of Bruahes, and a full llneol colors, dry and in Oil. Montonr Slate Palais, for painting houaee In 4ide and ontside Cotlagea, Farm Buildings, ao. Beautilul, durable and economical, uruuna in pure Linseed uu. myiin 1 II. F. BlOLRR A Co. Bird Cages a large assortment at It. F. Big ler A Co.'s. 1 . Axis. 8eventy-fiva doien Clearfield Wood chopper Axes at U:Ji:7t. II. r. IflULKH a UI. A full line or Household tioods, Japanned Wan, Ac, for sale by II, F. Bigler A Co. HRAnTniaT Persons whoeontempbite building will do well lo call and examine ear atoek l UCIUHNU MATKHIALA- W have In stocka full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, Ulass, Putty, Calcined Plaster, Ae. njr2H';3 H. F. Biqi-rb A Co. Saw. Divan's Cross-eut Saw, Oreat American Saw, Boynton' Lightning Saw, at 0.35.73 II. F. BiULta A Co'a. II. F. Bigler A Co. have been nsuklng extensive additions lo their stock of Hardware th laat tew days. Kverything new in hheir Hardware, r-ad-rfUra lUnlwara- Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. may 11. Faun! Furb! Fbrr! Among the many prepa rations that wa bare Tor Counts, Colds, Croup, or anv throat or lung difficulty, none of them nre equal to Dr. Morris' Hyrup or Tar, Wild Cherry ! If or h nun J. ir von are afflicted, eall at our store and wa will give yea a aamfie bottle Vw e ehnryt! Agents 1 Hartswiek IrwtB, Mearneiil Holt, Woodside A Holt, Wallaeeton ( II. R. H il liama, William's Prove. March ll-ly. Just neelved, a largo let of aoB oaploalvo Lamps and Lanterns at 0.26-7J II. F. Biolrr A Co's. Paints, Oils aud Varnishes for sal he n. T Bigler A Co. . NoTtca to Waoox ad Carriaur Marrrr. Wa have just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Sptiugs aad Axles, wbloh we offer cheap for easb. H. F. Biulrr A Co. INPLATIONt INFLATION I James Kerr A Co., regardless of the action ef the President, are Inflatine, and have inflated their already large stock of Clothing, until it Bow embraces the finest assortment of Clothing and Parninhiisr Goods In any Tt tail store ia Pennsyl vania. Below please find reduced prloe list of a few or the articles emnrarei tn inir sicca : M UN'S COfTONADK RCIT8, ONLY H 00 MEN'S CAKHIMliKB BtMTS, ONLY W MKS'S ALL WOOL CASS. SUITS, 10 00 MKN'ff FINK BLUR DIAO. SUITfl, 18 00 v,i-ito. ukttj aa in en an CHILD'S FINE Bl.t'l? CLOTH St'ITS, 3 00 CHILD'S FANCY OlAU. Ht llf, I 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, nil price, 1.60 to II 00 limb re 1 1 aa. Silk, Ulagbam, Colloo a large and fine assortment. Hoslerv Flftr doaena Lisle Thread, Silk, Cotton and English super-stout hose, which will be sold at from 6 cents up. Hhlrta Our stock of shirts I large and com plete, embracing tbe Universal, Frenih Percale, Cotton, Ceacimeru aad uoleted Skirta, in great variety. We would aay to our custom an m uaving bought goods at 16 per cent, lea Ibaa hereteforc. we are prepared la sell theta ad prices thai win really astonish everybody. Call early and see for yntmelvM. JAMK KKKR 4 CO. Illd Wealern dotal corner, uiewrneiu, ra. zv . Stnrrlrd. Oa O.iHl.f.OaL Ifth. I74. ayi. I1iin.ail.ars K-i), M. 7 IIIIH AH I.KWI8 aad Mm ABUA lll.yO.M, blh f tltarteld woolj. Oa Ihundar, Ort. lid, kr WtJ.ll. Bl .rarni.B, T HUM AH KALKTON, R.O-, of ConmurilK Fa., aad MIhJANI PORTKU, af l.awrnw lawaahi,, ( aat,. ' - ' ! A . M . HILLS Woald ntfMttWj Botlf, that h. baa r.doH tb. prle. or AHTI Hi'lAL T1KTII to 120 M par art, or I.1S.0 ( doahl. art. 1m an, l nnoM eontlnf at th. .am. titb, tA a., tva ao app.r Ht. .ill r' tw. fM for I.1..M, ar IIT.M .Kb. . . . .1 .. . Tirai iararlabl, OA.. ClMHIHd, Man. M, ' . - . ACMINISTKATOH8 NOT1CK. NothM II hm7 that Uttmaf A ailnl.tratlaa aa Iho anata af JOHN H. HOB BIND, lat. af HoaUdal., OlaarlaM aaaatjy H, Inrnaad,, bar. iraat lo th. aadar rl,ntd, all paraoal lad.buj la tail aatal, .III Clraaa aa iaiaadi.U ftymni, .ad Ih.M rla, alaiaia ar doMida will ,raMM Htm aulb.aUo.ttd for arttlraoat wtlfcoait data,. . WM. LUTHER, Madrra, P, Orl. II, 74.111., Adailalatralor. 4 Clearf)eldMarkett. Corrk'trd Waa kit by Kratser A Lytla, Wbols aalaand HeUtl dealers In Dry Ooodi,()roeeri Flour, Feed, eto Market street, Clearfield, Pa CtBAariato, Pa., Ooi. 17, 1174. Al'P'os, green, Applet, dried..- Apple butler, gal, t... Butter,. , Boaiia,..H t,,..t , Buckwheat-.,,,....,,. Buckwheat floor V m.H... Boer, dried..w....M , Boer, fresh H .,,. Boards, M ...,. 0orn,ahlld.m..M. ... Corn, ear Cora meal, Ihsaok V0( . ' OOfi ..$0 0U(J tfd) ' 9(a IS IIO(0I4 00 ....... , I ef 00 A 5 i ' 76 S 41 HM , f ... 10 10 18 Chop, A owt CloverseedMM,.p,i Oheese., h...m Cherries, V lb Chickens, dressed, 11 ..... .4 , Su S 00 roor$ b ou U0 00uU 00 ' 0 ai 10 Kga.... m Flaxaued.v..... ... Flour m Hay Hogs, dreaiftd , Iliuoa, greenH .,.... Hams n 8 boulders Sid Lard Mess Purk.V bbl Oat Onions Potato. Peaoues, dried, lb Piaster, V but- Rye Bars. V lh ...... 12 14 ...... ; 1 28 00 Oft I 00 7ft 14 0 o 1 10 I rtalt, W sack , rtbingles, IH lnch 1 lft&3 1ft ft uo n bine lei, 20 ioeb 10 00 I 00 10 I 7 40 4 60 Timothy seed Tallow Wheat Wool .. Wood, V on"- leiiUNjlanlA Railroad rVKONE el CLEARFIELD BRANCU ON and after Monday, MAY 3d, U74, tke Paasuniar Trains will run daily 1 except Sun- duya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa follows CLRARF1KLD MAIL. LKAVB SOUTH. LBAVK NORTH. OIarBaldHHM..1.40. p. B Tyrone 0.H0.A.U. Osceola.. 10.40, Philipsburg..,10.ft5, " Clearfield ..... 11.60, " PbilipsburgM.4.3&, " Osceola 4.60, " fyron 6.00, " CLEARFIRIiD RXPHKHS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVS NORTH. Clearfield 6.1ft A. v. Tyrone Intersection Osceola 7-00 p.m. 7.U " 8.10 Phkllpsburg.. ft.36 ' Osceola 0.6 " Intersection., 7.48 ' Philipsburg ...B.S6 Clearfield, ar...0.10 Tyrone...... 1.00 " TYROWB STATION. n a am a an. A M 7:6(1 8:40 WRNTWARIi. Mixed Traia, . Cinein'ti Kxpress, Pacific Express, Way Passenger, Mail Train, Fast Line, Paolfle Kip.esa, Harrliburg Aoo'm, P M Mall Train, 1:73 Cincla'ti Kspresa, 6:11 Phila'da Express, 10:76 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefente, Pa.., .3 0ft Middletowu H.(M.$6 0 Marietta- 6 ft Lancaster 6 96 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Altoona...H...M.M. I 06 Look Haven . S 7 . I AO . 1 80 WilllamsnortH Huntingdon MH, Lewkstown- Marysville 1 SO 4 60 4 7&i Johnstown.. H I 80 UAKKIKHH HU PITTSBURG 6 16 Close connections made by all trains at Tyrone aod Loch Haven. 8. 0. BL4IR, . my17-tf. Superintendent. Jlnu gulmtlstramts. pUBLIC 8ALE or UNCLAIMED FEEIQHT I The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will offer at public sale on Haturday, October. Slat IMM, Commcnciag at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol lowing described articles, bow at the several sta tioas, as designated, unless e wo era or consignees pay charges and remov th earn oa er before day of sa le ; oacROLA. t sewing maebia), I box mdse, Beaver A Co. Beaver A Co. William Cramer. Jame Cola. Craudrll A Raymond. W. H. Dancer. L. Geai-hart- I doors,. .. I d tray 0 boxes glassware.... I keg liquor ia cask. 1 oex muse. keg liquor , , -...J, C. Henderson- J. C. Henderson. , J. C. Henderson. N,..H Jaa. Hobbershea. H Ja. Hobbershea. .... Martin A Bos worth. ......Martin A Bosworth. ... U. D. Night. ,H ............. Alei RoblasSa. Wm. Woodla. Wm. Woodle. ....F. H lisgler. ovrniALR. . Wm. Chaw. 8 buckets butter...... 4 box c fruit I bbl eider.......... t bbls whisky , l pkg axiee I bbl castings 1 box handles H. 1 bbl refd oil ......... 1 bdl tool i bdls mpc.,H,.H 7 ban lron.,.w. bdl leather ............ 1 pes stoves castings I bdls and ft eastings Q. W. Rex, J. Haley. RIO LI R. I sewing machine , I. Hicks. E. Hieks. ,.W. M. Urabaia. 3 boxes h bgoed 1 bdl rope M OLRARf IBLH, t bal rope , 1 balerop , 1 bal rope I bbloahes 1 bdl bag. M , Oeo. Lord. Jac. O. Bloom. J. II. Bloom J. Andres. O. C. Read. Hose A MeCall. Marcus Made I took. Jaa. Irwia. J. Haines. H ..Bamuel Holes. U. Cherln. H A. Boyd. M. Swargood. Cba. Marshall. , J. W. Meeombrr 8. Starr. I sell rope aad tool I box mdsa I stove (bad condition)., 1 bdl mtools..m I bdl rope. .... Box oan. I bdl eastinp I farm bell I bdl bed bottom I bbl eider I box medicine.. , I bdl mdie... C. Sloppy. I bdl rope, 6 pea stamp maehiae...J. Farnswurik, 1 pel and neck yoke.,,. D. C. Hull I van 1 box ot tools , 3 bdls (4 chairs) 1 bbl bacon I tuyere ireu. I coll rope , 6 pkg rafting tools., 1 bdls rope.. 1 bdl tools 1 itore, I bdl rope..,, I bdi rope , I bdl rope a 1 trunk t bdl raft tools....... 3 bdls rope 1 w machine D. F. Flshel. J. A. Sterner. T. K. Ragerty. M John Del ph. , H. F. Dunbar J. W. Campbell. .B. Lambert. 8. Lambert, W. Sundcrlln. , A. R. Bloom. .....1. McDowell. ..James Murray. J. L. Campbell. J. L. Campbell. ......A. Miller. John Dull. H .John Dull. .....P.M. Smith. F. M. Rureb. ......Geo. Betta. Uo. Bslts. J. M. H an sr. J. A J. Snyder. -Harry Sheffntr. Jacob BartleU. .R. Asbmaa. JOHN HKIi.Y, Bupi. Transportation. 1 plows. 1 bdl shi ihaars.... ....... I bdl raft tools 1 box mdsc , , 1 lot iron 1 bdl rope I 00 il rupc...,M..,H 1 stove 1 rafting sieve 1 bos mdae 1 crate caderware.'..,, Oct 14, 1874-St. JIST OF JVRORS. Lift of J.ron drwa for Ko?mtr T.m, A. D. 174, MnM.nolii, th. Meonil Montl.jr, b.ia, tb. 9t. Amy of th. i riKn .... .RCOKD MORDXT, T8. Btlli A. Hrllng,...HB.elri.R,rd.B Kull.r....Utr.rd Philip Tuliba, P. Hbaw Uo.hea John bill.., TiHolhj U Dell Hov.r...Bo,. J. l.lrlng.toB..Brmdlord John H S.jl...Bt.ilT Sixra Wallers, " Joba lal.p...llurnlldc Joaa Kit,,, ' a. KttcaM Ohtt N. O. Lm Clartld,'lr W C. Araold, ' . T. W. Noor " " John N....- ...DM.tar Andraw UMraMt, M Kills W. Kraas.tlrahsai D. 0. Oatas...Hoetadal. K.J.Uillilaad...KarlbBiis J. A. MrUrid,Lawr.Boa M. It. Aalss, W... Margaa. " Joba lloovsr Morris Jobs 11. Irwia, " Lsrsystle lloorer, H Riehard Uess....Oseeola J.B..S Cleary, Jr..Peea Rllaha Daria, " Jo.bua llartahora..Plka Joka I. Uloeai, " laBaeSbiaaell.Wallaee'a U.UaagbaiBB, Weod'ard ITraael. frnl, .Bros. WBSg TBIBB BONPAT, loTN. W. Campbell .......Bell W. Broema..CarwsBar'l. Homer W. Molt, " Hobl. UrarB.Bradford Wm. Powall, " Hoary KriB.r.....BrAdy Ames Bonsall, Jr., " Daa'l Cyphers...Us.hsa Prank Colgrere, 41 Joha W. Taraer, laaae Kyler, " I D. MekoBdrlch...Oalleh Kami Ponlrtbwalt, " Jos. Baydsr, Joba C. Tyler. ..Haaloa Wm. Loag, Jr., " Wm. Jordaa Jerdaa Aadrew kasrr. " P.t.r Beak Baraaid. Jam.a M- Bloom ...Ksot Wm. Sontartille, " S.m'l Kllebea. Kred. Irwia... Lawrence Iraea Ogdea, J. A. ABlea, M Aadrew Pallmer, Morria A. V. Cara.Bl.r,Oaeeola drier Bell, Jr Psaa Wm. M. Priae.....Plba itatld lraMKBr....Valea Jameell.W.ple...B.ggs E. P. M.MsaUra...Cbt Hol.moa Toser, Jr., ' Joba Mrtlarray. Tboe, tvihay.Olearleld W. W. Worrall, ' D TSSOMJTION.- Nettee h hereby gUea that tb. pertaar.blp hasMrfora siistiai beweea O. B. Merroll, Amea Ksaaard aad U. M. Allard, aader laa aamo af 'Kaoelsier Caal llsch Ceeipsay," for the maaa raetara aal sale a, eaat hovbe, waa dieaalr oa tha Ilk af Oerobe,, ld, by nleal swaaaal,0. a Marrell hs.lag aoM hla ialareet la said Ira mid Ib lha pateat la Amol Keaaard. aaH-tl O. B. MRRRELL ' ' ' 1 ... . lm Ht. at.t.ta ar) ta lha tt. g. Dlatrlat Carl. J.a II. Dale, I Baabrau. I Ra. IStT la Baahraatay. I'm anllealloa af A. Irwia, aaetgaee af th. .state af Jaaws M. Dale, tt Is erdsrad thai a aaeead sweral saaettag af lha aradiasrs af saM Jas. II. lisle ba held at lk.ra.ld, la said dislrlat. aa Ibe If lh af Oetoaer, IBM, at I. e'eloeh.B. m before I. E. WeeAraaT, Reglatar la Raakraay. - , . O. M-CANDLII8, , t: Clerk of Ih. II, B. Irlalriet Csel. T7XECUTUit'8 NOTICE. Notloe Ii hereby given that letters testament ary 0 a lh aetata of ABRAHAM BLOOM, Br., lata of rik twp, UMaraeia aouuty, fa,, deo'd, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all persons Indebted loeeid esUte will pleaee make Immediate payment, and tboaa having el aims er domnads will preeent them properly autheaticated lor Htuvmeai wunoui oeiaj, WM. A. BLOOM, ' New Millport, Oct. 7, Uri.-ftt. Kxooutor, F)a kALE-Tb. .ad.r.i7iiad olT.ra for wl. a ralaabla ton aroport. ia lb. barauib ol Claarl.ld. Lot fail, with ,oo4 twa- ato-; planb boa.a tbario .rmtotl, with thrw room, dowa ana roar a, rooni up .talra. Alao. arwina rooaa aad batb rooai aa .Mouil floor. Uoua. Iliiiabad eoupLta rrom Mllar to attio. tiaod doulde porok and Rood watrr. Prlo. rta atinabl. aad pavaanta .aav. Uauf73 WM. M. UcCULLOUOH. gTOBEKEEl'KHS, ATTENTION I M'a d.alra t. oalljrour.tteatioa too.ralt.nalr. Coiamiaalon buaiaoaa aad la our faolliti. for dla- Eoali., of auoh pntdaoo aa oar aoaaigaora aond aa. arlug a larga trad, with ally altirra, w. ara an abM la aiaha ojulok rataraa, at full prioM. BtorekMpara baria, Cbiokraa, Battor, Kg$, or olb.r prodBoa, will da w.U to alva ua a trial. Vb.r Urootrla. ara Ukaa ia aiobaa,., a. eon. iaaioa WiU ba ebargad. S. L. KIRK.ROK A CO., Whol.ral. Orooara and Conmiaalo. M.rrhanla, No. 130 K. Third atraot, PbiUd'a. prlj Ja. 8. Pabiobb, Pm't. R. I. Baacaaa, Sm'ji CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF IIAKTFOKD, CONN. Aaarta... .1,IIO,000 Hallo of Aaaota to LlablllllM. 11, laauraaoa at th. very lowoat Boat Poliojr-huldara partloipata ia tba profits of Uia Company, thus ouatinualh raduaiug tba anaual parraBBU. For rates, Ae., eall ob er address H. M. Mr.jjAI.LY, AkvbI. Otlos 11 Sbaw'a Boa, Cl.arijd, Pa. 7ilt'74. 1874: FALL & UI.MER. 1874. WILLIAM REED KEX-STQHE 8 TO R E, SECOND T CLEARFIELD, PA lias rredvad a very ebol.. stork of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, FANCY GOODS, TRIMMED HATS BONNETS, KID GLOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, AND A VARIETY OP OTHER 000 US, To whieb tb atlealioa ef saah buysrs through oal lha eoaaty Is iaritsd. Haying had axpsneaoe ia this slass er gooda, I am aaliaded I eaa give aali.fMtloa lo aoy who ay gira aie a eall. I am drlerajiaad lo aall gooda at auob prists, that a little maeey will go a trsal wars Anyona througboBt IBS saunty la DSSd or gooda la my IIbs, will dfl well le gira me a esll. HTKeraroibsr ths plaee. K M. KHEU, Oct. t, I874.J Keyatoae Store, Clesrield, I'.. gTOP THIEF! flow often that cry la heard la our larce towns : but bo one ever thiaka of stealing from T. A. FLECK & CO., For their good are s cheap, It pays better to bey than steal tbem. Purchasing entirely for ea-b, and sailing for the same, we are thaa eaa bled le offer goods at a smaller margin than caa possibly be doe hy any te)edelagerea ihc small est part of trust busiaaca either way. We have aa entirely KKW purchase o . . DUY GOODS and LADIES DRESS GOODS variety unsurpassed and prions te cull tk scarcity or money. Our atoek of MILLINERY GOODS. Bonnets and Ladles' Hats, has asm bse. squsllad In the aanoiy. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR a eoaapleto asaortmeat. Ladies' Dress Trimmings, I. Full Lias. Lalral Styles. Gents' Furnishing Goods, a larp raristy, both soar., aod laa. WINTER GLOVES, YARNS, WOOLS, EEPHYRS Waterproofs, in Great Variety. All are larllad le eall and siamlae oor goods and priees before bnyiag alacahere. We maks bb wry faeea beeaBSe you doa't buy, bal believe this to be a free eoeatry aad that arary eas has lbs iaallaaabia rlahl to life, liberty, Ibe paraall of bapptntaa aad lo bay roode wbrr. tb.y eaa aacare we SmT goad, for tba trser moaey. At Wat. Be.d'a old steal, appoaits Massoa's. i. A. , LKUIi. oeljni A. M. un ILLS. M1TT0N & HARMON'S New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CUEWENSVILLE, FA. THR under.lgned, hsrlaglaasad rooms for the msnafaelare ef all kiads ef SADDLES. IIAR NKnS, and all the latest iMprovoaseau la Horee rnrolabing uootls, sre aoa prepared le ail an orders at prions and quality that will aurnrlH sli wb.farer ta.m with aoall fur thelhspsetloaortbslr work. The. ara aetermlaed to pleas. Bad their ea- perleaoe aad obaervstloa in esatera and w.atara eillss aaablaa tbem le DEFY COMPETITION la the manofaetar. of Hold, Silver, Oroide, Rabbor Cererad aad llllt-Liood Moaalad CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESSI Also Pin KIMNQ AND RACING RADDLES. Their rent aad ei pauses being light, they will sell the same grades ef work It) pet cent, cheaper than they can be bought lu tbe eeeteru cities. Hopetrlag and adjusting Beddlea, Harness, Ae., neatly done, at reasonable prtoaa. Particular attention paid to nit orders ey man or otherwise. Call and see their work before buying elsewhere. M1TTON A HARMON. Cnrwensvllle, Pa., Oct. SI, 1674. ADMINISTRATORS SALE -OF- Valuable Personal Property! TUB andrralaatd. Admlalatrator af lbs aetata af Saeea Kyler, dreeeood, l efer at pablte aale, at her lata reeldoaee, ia uaebaa lowe.sip. Ulesr.aM eeaaty, ra., eat WVEUajUDAV, NOV. II, MM, tha fallawlBa asrseaal areaarty. la I I ha i sows, I haed ef eallle, abeea, I hogs, eara. m aad baekwbeel hr tha haabel, lei of he, aorafedder. I roekawer hagay, haegy aad tag haraem, I gead lead ealHW, bees, boaoobeld faraitare, taoh aa bade aad baddiag, ehalrs,lablea, nak aad parlor ate-ee, aad maay ethos arlislae Im aamsraaa la mearlea. 8ala ta SMataaaea at II s'elesk, a. m.,ea said day, wm. terms aUI h. mads . A, B. BHAW, Adm'r, Oat II, HT4 II ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Notice le hereby glrea that h-ttare af admla unrutee a. Ih. scute of Mia. USA II IILIR, daaaasad. lata af Beahea tawaabl Cleas- i.ld aaaaly, Pa., hariag aee. del, graatoe) la lh. aaderalgwed, all reaeeas iatUbud to said aetata will pieaae make immediate pay meal, aad tbeae hariag claim, ar demaada will praaeal them reverie aatbMllealadfaraMtlacBaatwilhewlAa A.B.SHAW, Oct. 14 111 Admlalttrator. I IEONARD HOUSK, J (Near U. Railroad Depel,) OI.KARKlliLD, PA. A shara of aubiio nalroasg. ia reapaotrullv w lleltad. 4ila-t 8. B. KOW, Prop r. SHAW HOUSE, (Oor. af Market A alreaU,) ' CLKARP1KLU, PA. Tha aad.ralgned baviog taken obarge of tbl. llolal, would re.peetfallv sulloit nublio patronage, aetl'fl R. NEWTON BlIAVV. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WAHUINUTON, PA. Thle aew aad wall fumiahed hrasa has Iraea labett by the auderaigued. lie feela ooalideul of ueiog able to render saliafaotiuB la Uiosa wbo nay lavtir bibs witn a eall. Mbj , 1171. a. W. DAVIB, Prop'r. JJOKTOUII IIOUIK, Uppoalls tha Lourt Uuuse, LOCK HAVKN, PENN' A. Jal4'7l IIAUBKAL A KROU, Prop's. B ROCKKRIIOI'b' 1K11IHE, BBLLEFONTB, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors- IOYD nousE, J Main Blreel, ' PIIIL1P8BUU0. PENN A. Tabls alwaya supplied with tha best tba market Hurua. .u.u-aiing puotio i.irtii.u iu mil. aorl,'7S. HOBEHT LOYI). Corner of Heoond and Market Street, CLEARFIM), PA. THIS eld aad commodious Hotel b-u. during Iho past year, been enlarged te double iu former capacity for the entertainment of stran gers nnd guests. Tbe whole building baa been refurnished, and tba proprietor will spur no pains to render hi guests comfortable while staying with him. grThe 'Mansion House" Omolbna runa lu and from th Depot on th arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, epro-Ti If Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market He, bet. Pnrond and Third,) CLUAHtlKri,, PA. The tnbaeriber having beeomc proprietor of iuisboici, would reepeetiuiiy asK a liberal snare ci punno patronage. aplJ'71 GBOItOR LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWEK8VII.LB, ClearAeld eounty, Penn'n. This old and well establilhed Hotel, beautifully situated on the banks of the Husqoehannn, In the borough of Cnrwensvllle, has been leaeed for a term ol years by the underslined. 1 1 haj b entirely refitted, and is now open te tbe public generally and tne traveling community to par tieular. No pain will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample stabling room lor ua accommodation 01 teams. Charges moderate. Kept. Ii. 178-if. ELI BLOOM. ftfutistru. J. M. STZWAET, D. D. S., Offeo over Irwin' Drng Store, CURWEN8VILLE, PA. All dental operations, either In the mcchanleal or operative branch, promptly attended to aad aatisraction gaarnateed. Hpcoial aUantloa paid to the treatment of diseases of the Batumi teeth, gums and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teeth si tree ted without pain by the use of Kther, and artificial teeth Inserted of the best material aad warranted to render eat Ufaetlou. Bprll36'71:y County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM hi Masonic Building, one door north of 0. D. Wataoa's Drug Store. Passage Tickets to and from Liverpool, Queen town, Olasgnw, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Alee, Drafts for eele on the Royal Dank of Ireland nnd Imperial Bank ef London. JAMES T. LhONARD, Pree't, W. M. RHAW, Cashier. 011:1:74 J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perks. BANKING h COLLECTION HOUSE OP McGirk & perks. Hneeeasora to Foster, Perka, A Ccw Pblllpeburg, Centre Ceuuty, Pa. WURKEall the basiness of a Bankiug Hon' wil ee tranaaeted promptly and upon tL most favorable term a. mar7-tf DREXEL & CO., Ne. at South Third Street. Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities, Applleatloa by mail will reeeire prompt altea iIob, aad all Informatioa eheerfully funtiabed Order, eolleUd. April 11-u. H. F. BIGLER & CO., MiLia. ia IIAKDWABE, Abo, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all hind, for aals by H. F. BIGLER A CO. JIAILROAD WHEELBAKROWB for sal. hy H. F. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTT, GLASS' Halls, ale., far sal. hy H. F. BIGLER A CO. H ARNES3 TRIMMINGS A SHOE Fladlngs, for aale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. QUNS.PISTOLS SWORDCANES For sale hy II. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVKS, OP ALL SORTS AND 81 tea, for sal. hy II. F. BIOLEIl A CO. RON! IRON I IKON I IRON I For sal. hy H. F. BIGLER A CO. II ORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE HAILS, for ule by II. F. BIGLER A CO DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad hast Maaafaelor., far sale hy - II. F, BIGLER A CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE JL B0XK8, fer asla hy H. F. BIGLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for aalo by c30-70 U. F. BIGLER A CO, u NDERTAKINO. Th undersigned am now folly prepared te carry an tb business uf UNDEKTAKINtt, t ' AT REASONABLE RATES, Aad raapeelfally tha patronage of thaa. Beading each service. JOHN TROOTMAN, JAMRS L, LRAVY. CUarteld, Pa., Feb. I, 1174. QAUTION. All psrsaas areherehy warted agalast parch aai.f ar I. .ay way meddliag with tba fellowiag deeerilMd prepeny, els I 4 sews, I hnga, akeea, 1 aaah store, ehalra, I Uklee 1 bed. aad bed dlag, I Aeagbtrey, I eaphnard, I tram hetlle, I lake, grata cradle. All tbe hay aad acta la the bara, a let af rye, ear aad baehwhaal. New la lh. Beeseaelea af Jaeb Lee. f Bararlde lewa. chip, ae lb. eems was pwrebased hy me at shsriaT Bate aa. la am wna aim aa iwbb eaajv. e,d.r. JAMES UALLAUtUK. New Wsshlagtaa, OH. 14 II. JVATTtCaM dk CUIHTAHLKm' VtKM We bar. artatad . Urga aambar ( lh Bew FEB BILL, aad will aa lh. rseetpl mt tweatr. Ire Mta, mall a aay la aaa addrsca, apM 5r 6o6t, Gtttttltf, (ttt. HARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH YILLE I I am awara that (bar. ar, saute paraoas a little asm ta pieaae, aaa am alao awara mat tat eompleint of "hard timea" la well eigh uBiteraal. But 1 am so situated aow Ibat I eaa satisfy tbe formsr and prora eooolB.irel.r Ibat "bard times" will not effect tboss abo buy their goods from ms, and all ay patroas shall be initialed late ths N ort of HOW TO AVOID HA liD TIMES 1 bar gooda enough to supply all tb Inhabi tants la the lower end of tke eounty wgtob I sell ai exceeding low rates from my mammoth eUre ta MULHONHUMO, where I ean alwaya be round ready to wait upon callers and supply tbem with Dry Goods or all Kinds, Sieh aa Cloths, Satlnetti, Cassimerec, Musi ins, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbon, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aad Caps all or the best material and made to order 11 om, Books, tilorea, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, As. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlee, Ifolacses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Linaeed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Ilsrdwere, Queens ware, Tinware, Castings, Plows aud Plow Castings, Nails, Bpike, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kind of An. Psrfumry, Paints, Varntih, Qlaa, and a general aasortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Or different brands, alwaya on band, and will be oia at tne Hweot possible Bgum. J. II. MeClaln'c Medicine, Javnc'a Msdlrme. Hosteller' and lloofland'a Bitters. 6001 wounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Cloverseed on hand and for aale at th lowest market price. Alec. A rent for fit rat ton-Me and Cnrwenartllo ThmhingMachinca. sVCall aad as. for yoBraelrea. Toa will lad ererytbing Baually kept la a retail atore. L. M. COUDRIET. FraaohTilla P. 0., Anguat 11, 174. It EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity ta directed to the fact that Good fellow A So arc the axent of M. Niece A Co.. and have Just renelred a half doien ear loads of Floor and reed, wbtcb tliey oiler at th lowest possible 8g arei. A large atoek or FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, P autoes, Shelled Cora, Cora ia ear, Ae., Ae. Psrtlealar attention Is sailed lo M. Hleee A Co.'s bread of Family Floar, which la the best ia Iks market. Flour aad Feed eaa and will be sold ehesner tbsa II aaa ha eblaiaed elsewhere la Claarleld OBBty. MTBIat. oa Market atreet, Bell door to Ho.. Aleiaader Irvln'a reaidenee. aooorELLow a son, Julftf Agents for M.Nieoe A Ce. J . r. i it v in, AT THE COllNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA. OFFERS REASONABLY A Fl'LL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE " fhOVH, 3'18H, 8.1 LT, HOPE, Ht., alwaya aa head at loweal aaah prices. LVMBER, ORAIS, WOOL, ic, tsksa ia aaehaaga fnr gooda at highest msrkst priees. aaglB'74. MARBLE AD ST0E YARD! Mrs. S. S. LID DELL, Hsrlag eagsged la tha Marble baal.ass, dsslras le iaform bar frlsads sad tbe pablle that eh. has aow aad will beep eonstaatlyoa head a large aad well eelseted sloekof ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, aad Is prepared te fttraiafa to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Carba and Poets for Csmstery Lots, Window Sill, and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ae., Ac m,Tard on Reed street, Bear Ihe R, R, Depot, Clearleld, Pa. F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, Rapreeeate tha folloalag reliable Iasaraaea Co's: North British A Mercantile lee. Co. !e,l.o WeabiBgtoa Life Inaeranee Co....... 4, . Fit. Aeooeiatioa laaBraaee Co.n ' S.doo.el. Amssoa Fira laaareaea Co MH.. I,.7,I4B Pbteail luaaraaoo Ce N. Y l,eO,oa WstertowB Fire, ioiarM dwelllaga and rarm boildlnga OBly. tfi.Onv Tork, Pa., Stoeh laaBranoe Ca. Horses iaaared egelnrt death aad theft. P. 8 P.rtlea la tbe eoeatry droirlBg taearaaea oa their lire, ar properly eaa bare It promptly alteaded te by addnealag aa by lettsr, er eatliog la peraoa at Bar olliee, ia Pie's Opera lioare, Room No. I, Cleerteld, I'a. aug2 ;4 JJ R. FULLERTON WITH W. V. LirPINCOTT & CO., Wholesale Dealers la Ilals, Caps, Fun & Straw Goods, No. Ml Master Srasar, BBglS-tf PHILADELPHIA, PA. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY COVKRT'e) PATKNT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the beat Mallea ble Iron, aad la attached to the llamea by the heal Heap arer laveated. It la eaaily Sfld qntekly put aa, and preveate the whipping of the boreee by the pole, hot liable lo gel aal af repair. Will leal for years. All wa aah Is a fair trial, ta eonetitee sll partias aa. lag tbem thet they ara atiaarpeeeed ia valae for th. parpoa. for whleh tbey are ielendcd. SACKKTT A SCIIRYVKR. Clearleld, April It, 1171. 8AW8 I SAWS I 8AWSI DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR RAWS. Bojnton's Lightning Oross-ont Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A KLKCTRICSAWA, Faf sale hp el!,T. H, F. BIOLSR A CO, WILLIAM Jt. HKNRT, Jc.ticii Faae. aaa Srlai.BBBa, LUMBER 0ITY. Oalleellsas saaAa ead maaey promptly aald aear. Artielae ef aaiaaca eat aaa waas ai i , Mjy 10 PINK, WRITE A ROAR LIRIN8 SKINS Jaet roeerred aad tm sale be April Iw. Mt. . V. B14ILRR A 00. $rtt, r.od WtMntt. QHANGB'i) nANDS. JOFiN McGAUGHEY Would iespectfnlly notify tbo public general) that be has purchased J. ft. (Shower's Grocery btoro, In haw' How, when he Intend keeping full line of ; ( G II O C E It I M. tlAllfl, DRIED BEEP aad LARD. BUUARS aad 81 RIPS, of all grader. TEAS, Orccn aad Black. . , . , COFFEE, Roaatad sad lltai, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, C.r.X 1HI1TH, All kinda la ths mark. PICKLES, la jara and barrels. SPICES, la svery form aad rarioly. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL K1ND9 OP CRACKBRIf. SOAI'H, ... MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, ' DRIED PEACHES, IlRIKD CIIERRIK8, V0U Oil Mil LsVmS ChimaOTI. And a good assortmeDt of those things asoally - " kept la a graeery More, whirh be will oxebnage v, wa, M.v ji'HM' Will sell for eash as chssply as sny ether one. 1 Please eell and Me his stock aad Judge fur yoorsslf. JUllfl MrUALUIIKr. Clearleld, May il, 1874. I II f If 1 1 It I IJ U lJ XV J j Tj IV 1 Vj I NEW STORE, Opposite Post Office. New Goods! New Prices 1 CUIIICB LINR Of TEAK. 0OI.0NUS, JAPANS, IMPOKTKll, TOUNO HYSON, ENOLIfll BREAKFAST ' Purest la Market. BUTTER AND Ulilid Will ba kept and lo!.i at Ir.t etiet. Cash paid for Ceanlry Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURRET PRUNES, 1 PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FIHII. Mseherel, Lake Herriag, Cod, Ae. a PICKLUH. Barrel ricklee and Eagll.h Piekles. FLOUR AND l'KKI. Floar, Cora Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. febli-74 LYTLE MITCHELL. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENEEA1 MERCHANDISE, SQIARK TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has jast Bpeaed, at tha old etaad, ia Graham's How, a somplete atoek or E M a O O D M, af arsry dsserlptlea. DRY GOODS, OROCERIKS, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, f-c.,f!., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON 11 AUD A SI) FOR SALS AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Received b th car lead, aad sold at a small edvaaee. A anpply of R0P1 constantly en hand. Special tnduceaieots offered to tbo getting ut Bquar Timber aad Logs, as we deal largely It Lumbermen's Sapplica, aad are pre psred at all time to purchase tlai ber and lumber. E O. W. G.R A U A M , . Market Street, CLEARFIELD. PA. Oct ts. wr . THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., FIRE lilt I IK, Furnare Blocks, das Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, sU TMmur Top; FlfNcfotf tisicf flaitrg. rif, All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIOINAL DK8I0N8 IN TKRRA C0ITA MADE TO ORDER. With Imararad maehiaery, Iret clsas material end ekllled werkmea, we aaa warrant all aai maaafaeterce ta b. eae.l la if aal .opener aay ia Ibe market, Artlrlea of oar maaafeetara aaa be eeea at Ibe Worba, aear Railroad Depot, ar at tbe Hardware Stare af H. F, Rigler A Co. All erderc from diaU.ce, addrweed ta Ibe Oaaarsl Sapertateadeat, will roe. I re pr.mpi at- leauaa. . J. J miTBnita, JOHN FRR01SON. (l.o lH.,1. f lleatbleld, llarahirk, Seetltad, Sept. Maaaltclariag Vr- ay ia s ETTLKMENT NOTICE. I take thla method ef leformlag my patron! thai I bars pi. sir of time Jaal aew ee Hit la ap 014 a. Mwnla. bbiI I hereby glreaotlee la all IhoM wih bars aaeetllad aeeoBBt with me le eome forward aad bare them cloacd wlthoat deUy. TbOH wbi ail la heed thla aotlee aeed aet ba aarprlead II ihey are calM. apaa ta scum i. a legal maaaer. ia lha preceae. .1 aa emeer, aad pay enete arald u. m. t,ui'tiniai. Froa.b.lll., Aug. 1, 1174-Sm. . , TTTANTED Hr lh Clwrfleld Rx V V eel aloe Caat Heel oempaay, wood far IMM CAST BOOK HANDLJW, . afhcatcjoAlllyhatdBagar.apmi.llaa. Ver la at lha Tchaaae Bad Sofar aaaea frf OaaHlf ALEX. WATSON jSwdtrarr, finwarr, it. OOK OUT FOK THE mo Niaari HUBBARD & WAPLE, IiEALGRS IN STOVES Sc RANGES, AND MANUFACTURERS Of ; in. Sheet-Iron & Copper Ware, PLUMBERS & (JAS FITTERS, Near Market Hlrcct, Clearfield, I Will kerp aa head all lbs best Cook Stores, V . r .1 . j . l- I . ,.tu( kuv. i.nNn IB. ; market, amona which wo m.otioB the Araand ' Range, Viator Cook, Diamond Slate aad Kelipse, OI woicb ior o..nty oi aaalga aad eneapnas. ! b T' ' th market. All of oar i Storee we warrant to giro entire aall.f.ollon, er the Btore San he retorned in Un dare. Old j stores taken la pari pay for now ooes. We keep i bb head all of Ihe Istsst and beat 1111 1 rr 1 . fimTTlin 1 1 A 1 1 1 Ur DlUVJliO RANGES. Parlirnlar attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of Htorea, Kanges and Furnaeec. TIN WARE. Or our own manufacture, of all kinds, wkleb whirh will be sold eheap for cab, by wbolenle or retail. All our ware Is made out of one and tw cross tin, and warranted to be Just as wa represent ft. Tin Roofing ii:tl Spouting don at short notice and on most reaaonablo terms, and repairing neatly and promptly eic cutcd. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING don aad all Job warranted perfect. WiU keep on band Gas Futures, of all kinds, and fit up bouses with Ranges, Bath Boiler, Batb Tub, (Shower Baths, Wash Blends, Sinks and Water Closets. Parties wishing anything don In our line will dc well to give ua a call, aa wa are determined to pleaeo all in regard lo price aad atyle of work manebip. T.J. Hubbard will peraonally super intend all work entrusted to our care. sept J.V74 11 UBBARD A WAPLE. rJiIN-WARK, STOVES, AND HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., CURWENSVILLE, PA. Having bought tb Hardware Store and Tin Bbap formerly belonging to W. A. Dale, wa intend keeping for sale everything belonging te the business, nnd will endeavor to call as low for cash as caa be bought this aide of Philadelphia. At war establishment may be found at all tiosc a full aupply of Shelf and UeaTj Hardware, SHEET-IKON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, Nails, riints, Oils, QUu, Putty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, 8CYTII B-SNATIIES, DRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, A. S.M .FFLI. .., BLACKSMITHS' TOOL8, HORSE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, BOLTS, A.. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, &c. JaaT-TIN SPOUTINQ dee low and belief malarial aerd. WATSON, NICHOLS A CO. Carwensrllle, Pa., Jaae t, U74. I RONSIDES STORK. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDAVARE, STOVES, U EATERS, RANGES, UOLLOW-WARK, PAINTS. OILS A VARNISU, PUTTY A GLASS, ROPES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAREI Th. aelebrsted Toledo Aatl Froetlag OalTaalsad IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Na better Pamps la the msrkst. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, .fall klada, LAMP FIXTt'RRS, A. AH at lews at price. 1-141 4 Pnscji.lalc BtrMl, Phlllpsharj, Pa. IiuEi lime: A . . . t Tha BBderalgBcd Is aew prepared ta faraleh the pablle with aa aieellcal e,aaltiy af ' Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, far ptertertag porpose., hy tha large ar small qaaatlly. Caa be foaad lar lha preeeal at Fla'. aew building, aa Mark.l street, aaiMf L. K. McCULLOUOI. JTR.M'MURRAY ILL SUPTLT V00 WITH ANT AKTICL1 OF MERCIIANPISR AT TUB TBRT LOW I AT PRICE. COMB AND SEB. (I:M NEW " WASHINGTON.