.,1 firflr, Clnwxrt.ltr. I1CIETT 4 SCOilVEE, nuiH in HARDWARE, Mid auwtetart r of Tta,Copper A Sheet Iron Ware, Beaond Strati, CLBARPIBLn. "A. H.vlng largely lneraiad oar alotk or H" ware, we la.ita Ihe public I lot our Hock and prie... Cartieatera aad pereooa who .nBt.mplBte - IBg Will ttO W.ll U KftBIBO TOOLS ft BUILDIHO HAIDWAKB, whl.h la aew and of tbe b.at menofwlim, and will bo lold low for mm. NAILS, GLASS, FCTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, Latches, Iiinges, SCREWS A II Had. of Beneh Planet, Sew., Chleela, Squam, Hatnmen, HataheU. Plumba and Level., Morticed A Thumb euagea, Bevels, Brace Blttt, Wood tod tree Beneh Benwa, and tbo bait Boring Maabloe la the market Double and Single Bitt Ares, POCKEf CI TL1HT, do. Ayinti for Burnell't Iron Corn Shelter, w.rranted. Alan, agenta fur Rieberda' ioriiic ring topi, which eoectually ton Braoky Final. Farmere' Implementi and UardeB Toali of ..try deMriplioa. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which wt warrant to giro aotlrfaelion. Portable llange and Putnam. aha-Konfing, Spouting and Job Work don. on rea.i.nalil. t.ru... All onion will rocoira prompt aliantioa. Jun. 11, iurl. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SaecMtmn to Bcjutoa A Young.) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MhifltWartri of POETABLE & STATIONARY steam engines Corn or at Fourth and Plae Street., CLEARFIELD, PA. TTAVINfl enraged la tba aanntaatara of Irtt- -IJ. olaai MACHINERY, we raapeeUally latere tha poblia Uiat wo ara now praparad ta III all ordera ai cheaply and a promptly aa eaa ba d la any of tba oltiee. Wa raaaafaatara aa daal la Mulaj and Circular Saw-Milli Hoad Block., Watar Wkeelt, Shafting Palhryr Glflbrd'. Injeotar, rlteera Osagee, Staan Whlttlae, Oilara, Tallow Cupa, Oil Copl, Oauge Coeka, Air Oooka, Olob. valval, Check Vulvae, wrought Iroa Pipoi, S'.eam Pumpa, Bollor Fee Poaipa, Anil Friotioa M otrof, Boap Stone Paekiog, Oaaa Paoh- lag, and all kiada af HILL WORK, together witk Plawa, 8M Soloa, COOK AND PA RLOH STO VMS, and otb.r CAHTIM09 af all kloJl. aT-Ordori toliolted and tllad at my prleei All Uttara of Inqalr; with raferoneo ta eaaebiaar; of oar autiufaotara proraptlj aniworaj, hjr addrra Ing ai at Claarttld, Pa. J.nl'7 tf BKll.KR, Yul Nll A RREU. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining nnd Fire Brick, kept eonrtaatly on hand. STOXE AM) EARTIIEV-WARE OP EVKRY DKr-l'RIPTIONI CaOCKS! POTS! CROCKS! KlahtrU Patent Airtight Half . McallnaT rnilt Canal Bl'TTRR CKOCKB, with IIJi, CRRAM CROrKS, MII.K CROCKS. APPI.R - BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE rkorlio. FLOWRR POTS, PIR DISHES, STEW POTS, A ad a graat nanj albar tblnia tow aarntremi ta nantloa, in ba had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Conor ol Chorrr and Third Straata, CLEARPim.D, PA. aagj FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BT It. F. Illgler & Co. IRON DODBLR-RROyRI, PLOWS. WOOD DOl'BI.B-BtlOVIL PLOWS. WOOD SINtlLE SnOVEl, PLOWS IRON CtlLTrVATORS, WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. HAITI'S BRt.LEFONTl PLOW! ROBBRON'S aad THOMPHON'S PLOWS, -Sharaa for all al tha aboa. Plow, aon ataaUj on haad. nrllMI Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COURSB Tn CHEAPESTI A Proclamation against High Pricejf "TtTt aa aow apaalag ap a Ut af tba haat aad TV aioat oaaiBabla Uooda and Waraa a.rad la thia raarkat, and at prim th " no gooo aia aa;i ar ahaap thln.a, Thoaa who laoh faith apoa thia point, r dra gallon, aapartaoua, and bnt Clf, jtT OtlR STOHK, fcaraw Fraat and MarkM .lrata, Wh.ra lh M.a aaa, fa.1. ha. anj l. .. -".. t? fan, hl. .art ha d... W. do . , ,a aaamoral. and it.a.1). .., ,,. f.'?""7 far a ta auta thu ""ough We hare ETomhing that is Needed ad aanaaaiad In thia m.rkot, aad at print that aaroalrh both aid aad Tonng. ' ' U,M J09EP 11 SHAW t HON. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE 1I0MB INDUHTKI. rI' aadanlg4. h.rlaw .uhll.k.j . w- ..,v"r,T;v;r;.rd 'r7 aMoat., ta, AddraM. '- , 'i i i J. D. WRIGHT, i . etrrart vh p.. ,.w. w. ma. CLF.ARFIF.LV, PA,, Araefertng,ut Ihe old (toad af 0. L. lUod d Co. Ihetr atoak ar goedi, aoaatatlag of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, boots iimns, HATS A OAPS, HARDWARE, QlKENS'ifARR, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4c.,' Ac, At th ma$i raastinabla for L'ABll ar In lehanga fr Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, or coi ntrt pRonrct. JtBT-Advenoee Bada lo tkoaa oagaged la get Uog oat qnra timber oa tba aaaat adraaUgooaa ana. pdllJeaTI T. A. FLECK & CO. (Tw. door. ..at af tha Shaw UoaM.i CI.I:AHKIR.I, PA. Millinery and Fancy (ioods AND NOTIONS. RECK RUFFLING. LADIRfl- t'NUEBWEAR. 1WVIS, all kinda aaj aiaii. COTTON RTfli'KINtlR. an.arpa.ud hoik la qaaliljr and rliaapa.... WniTK AXD 8WIS8 OOODS, all r.rl.li.L COR'dLTS AND HOOP RKIRTM, af th. I.I.M patlain and lowar thna tha InweM. HAIR (IOOI)S,afallvarltlial. Call and ..aula, oar itork Uforo To. bur lHwb.ro. tllad to .bow our w-iod. ei. all na caiioai Oar aiolio la "SMALL PROFITS ti QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Rfiaaibof tha placa oppooila Moaaop'r, la m. nood'a old aloud. T. A. PI.ECK, A. M. HILLH. aprllli'Td KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET ITRKET, fit! HFIELn, PA. , Hlara la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. flROCEIll KH, HaRDIVARC AND QtJEK.NMVARE, Boon, Shoes, Hata, Cap, At. tr-Shaaaiakaro auppllad with LEAT1ISR aad SHOE IINDINOS at radwaaA raua. SALT I SALT I SALT I al whalaaaU ud null var aba. p. PAINTS, OILS, 0ALC1NKD PLA8TXR. Aa. A llbaral dlMonal lo halldm HOUSEHOLD OOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHAUES, OIL CLOTHS ta larga qaaatiiiM. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL aad CHOP, alwaja aa hard. ar-Allaftba aW. good, ara annli.nd iolu.lr.lj fur .aah, aad tharaforw aoa aad mil ha aold ai thaap aa tha ahaapoet aprill-14 'po THE FRONT! GREAT KXCITI.-.MKNT ' AT THE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTEE SALOON I Tha anitaralanad havln I. .n . a- miiiirww. room, on ataraot riiwL Bear Third, rraitorlfall iftfuri. Ik. .kli..k.. ha aow dnparad to aooommarlata thoaa with e.arjthlag ia hia Una oa abort wotta aad at all hour, or Ilia daj. Ila bri oa haad KRKflll BRRAD, nUflhrl, ROLLS, FIRM, CAKES, aH kiada. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, aad a goa.n.1 anortrarat af CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Aa, All of which will bad.llr.rad to oaaauaa.ra al Ihalr raaidcnoaa, wbaa rM,a..tad te do ao. ICR CREAM, by Ih. dlah, aarod In a naatl; lar- alahad ruoaa Thaakful for tha gonaruaa patronage baatowad la tha p.at, ba bopoa la aarlt and raaalrw a oaa. Iinu.no, of lha aaaaa from hia old nto aaara, and othtra. JOHN STADLKIl. Jua. 11771 tf. JJANIF.L GOODLANDF.R, Ll'TllKRHBIinil, PA Drain la . 1 ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, H0S1KIIT t GLOVF-S, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A BHOKS, Tobaeoo, nmoarlat and Fi.k, Xalla, llardwara. . wan mi a... ara, aaaa a aaa Ba;a' Clolhlag, tlrnga, Palata, Oil., Hobool Ilooha, a larga lat af Pataat HaalialBaa, Caadka, RaU A DrUd Pralla, Caaaaa aad Cnak ara, Raak aad Nil. Pwwdar, Floor, Grain and Potatoei, Clovar aad Tlatolhj Saad, Sola Loalhar, Moroana, Lralnga, Biadln.a aad Thmd, Bhoamabora' Taola d Shoa Fiadinga, No graatar Tariatf of loadt la aa. ataaa la Ik. oaalj. AH for aala Tarj law far aaah ar Mantra C", c,r""' AS- it, U7. JhTEW 6T01CB AND NEW GOOD? JOS. SHAW & SON , liar juat optaed a Naw 8ron,o Mala8t.,CuAariau, Pa. lalelv eeeapled bjr Wa. r. IRWIX. Thalr atock eoaalata ( Oaocmaa of lb boat qualltw, QuctnawARc, Booti anrj stMwav j. r. mm,.. and every artlole aeeeaaarv IW , one't eomfort. ,. ) Call aad exaaalaeoar ileek bafore pur. I ehetlnel,.a,har.. Wa-, , ISM tf. 1MB LATRIt NOVRI ;. ! Y 1 I ?! .J 1 ill THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S I) UD Q ; STO RE, . To Ihalr a.w kalldl.g on Racoad Slnal, ararl; eppualla th. ilor. of W.arar A Bon., CLEARFIELD, PA., Whara tha) will .onllau. la aapplj Iholr old aad aa aiaa. a.w oatnai.r. .a aia euiaa, with I'll RE 1)RTJ(i8! c ii n m i c , i,8: PHARMAl'KI'THMI, I'rlKPARATIOXS, (tai'luillng all aew rawiedlci.) ' Pal.at alodioin.a, P.I.I, aad Oila, Ola., aad Pant, Hehool Book., Hlalioaor., Paaor, Ao. alM, a rail liaa af Drug. " , giali'Saadri.., Il.lr ! Toaiea, ' 1 Coiaiotlo., Porfuaarl... Toil.t Artlelaa, Braih.a. Tollot Boap., Pook.t Book., A., all of tba U.I ,U.IH,. fi . PUtK WINES A A I) L1QV0RS, far ailcal i u.raMoa.l parpoaaa no I, Para Whita 1ad, Color, of all kind,, Raw and IMM l.iaarri Oil, V.ral.hwt, Turinn. Una, Coal Oil, P.int A Vanii.lt .truth... Flavoring Kitrartr, Caafart'ourlaa, Blnl Bwil, HpU,, gruuad and jngro.nd, of all a in. I.. SMOKEns AND CHEWEKS Will Had nar alui-k nf Chaalag aad Kiaokiog T.ilianut, 1 aiportrd aad bo. rnarllo 1'lg.ra, Hn.lf and Fiit. .t ta ha or Ida ttt U.i brand, la Ih. aaarkat. LAMPM ANU ClltMNEVn, All kind! af (I LASS WARE MAKDE.V gRKtlH, MI'SICAI. INKTRir.MENTS aad Marlcal Trlaiailnga of .vuj rarl.lr. Ha.lag a loag oin.ri.aM la th. bariaoaa. aad " - - wmi wiavim aiaoa or naat. imma. w ara aa.baNl to III Oi.. ..!..' .... . I tha ahort.at out in aad ua tho moat roaaonabla : tormo, il.v and eight. c. a u ""TSWlrK A IRWIN. . Claarlald, Pa.. Ma. II, uri-ir. UttlJfrlUarotis. i 'MIR LARGEST - - A.VOHTVKXT OF HTOVKf I NTOYKN I am hrouaht lo Ih. onuolv. or. !, th.HardwaraK.t.bllakaalor M. V. BltiLKMl - vtr., aompnalng tha tallowing Cook gt.vaa XPKAR'8 CALOKIKIC. SIT.syilKIIANNA. . ( ,, , , REailLATdH, KXCEWIOR. , TRIUMPH, GOV. PF.KN. IIEADINO NATIONAL RANOK, AC. AC. AIm, tha foUawlng Hoatlag Slonai SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER. SPEAR'S RNTI DUST. hpear's oRnicri.An, . HrKAH'8 PAHItll riM)K, V: MOItNINO I.KIIIT, BON TON, oipskv, VULCAN, KUNBEAU, , RUBY' dauphin hoo, chester eoo, VOLCANO. PH0KN1X, HEAVY BAR R(K)1I AND STORE ROOM HTOVEN, AC. CU.rt.ld, Bapt. 1J, ).,;, O. 1. V. WHKRI U hup or DRY VUllS, (1R0 aorlaa, Qaaaaawaai', Ulamaar., llraga aad iiu.iuM, voaioatMoariM, cnaap lor aaaa. Tha aubaorlbor braa laava to laforai hia ah! and aow omatoa.ra that ha baa o)iencd A VARIETY RToRE IN ULKN JIOPEPA. And will aril gao.li at lirltt. to .all lha tlm.,. A liberal tedaettow will b. m.da ta M.toaior, bo lag at whol.aaU. Call aad aiaaalaa Bar atoak hefeea amha.lae ala.wh.ra. A llharaj abara of pa.lt. aalrenjag. ta aolklud, ... . 0. J. RRAQY. lew Hope, Pa., Jam. 14. 1871. JJ P. BtGLER (."O.-S SPECIALTIES BVkLDKRS' HABDWARI, ( -!!,. ; ' MECHANICS' HARDWARE. LtlMRBRItlR'S HARDWARE, FARMINO nmgiLS, MILL SUPFLiaS, IRON a NAJLS. PAINTS, OILS, VARNIMHRS, PAINTERS' FINDIROS,' " ' ' ' " ' ' CALCINED PLABttR. Mar IS, II7I. JF ECONOMY 19 AN 01IJR(:t7 BUT VOUtt . C LOT H I nr o, Furniihing Goods, o., AT 1). STKW A Uf Br. SnNf.. , . . ., : Vm.. i vVAC, CLOTHING STORE. They leap a full Una of AftV., YtutU A aVoyi' CMAiaf. : Also, Vmbrellaa, Hatehelli, Overalls tlata, Hbirti, Uodorahirta, and . , Drawert, Ao., Wkiah laer wssl aafl al mal rwaaoaahla arleaa. CU..B.U Pe Aaril t IBT1 ' ' , " j"'T ""'""nUT IKTT0 Bll. ?lA?l!lt.. ; ..i . I J!o - ilicmau that produced this r TtTILLLAat tf. IIRNKY, Juamia "wit. "1 1 taank him for it. It la a 7T. e rnm Paaew awfrSranraaaa, LUMavR great bleaaing that IMrt . aoradrTnes OITT. e.nM... auak aart amaay rreaiwthr i un .l..,,.d..... ... .1 l. laeJd trear. Ar0J.saar agraawM tal'dwdi e . j I amwayaaat aaaaaly aaaaitaa awA wartaat war. . rest or aa ehmf. ' 4 CbntirtHni Jtvm firtl page. Thow arc the kfnrl nf nchnol honmn wo liRii when 1liU fttmrd ol' Hcliiuil Dirct'tnm tniilcrt'iok to miilil ft irfw one. Pcrlmps it would net havt. (nwi. j.t. j wnnt , ,M 1IC Kra1in, a. built, Imt lor tins af the l-'K" i,,u whU'U I W M ,h nml ilwl, turn pnimiilHUtinif llio fiiiiiiiii.n m lnif.la L w,..1,lli , !,. i..uin.l li.r if thiH horoiiL'h with the 'roai(UHd Academy. 1 The people of f 'lenrlMd are Inrely Indchtcil to William Wal lace lor panning thia) act nf Aaaembly, and for putting it in operation. Hut no matter who wo are indebted to; no matter who took tlm Initiation iteiw; no matter what ele hat bccndonii f In ,. , , 1t.il lil thoHO (InyaytMi can ilo very liltlr with- out money and without, price. Had it nor been for our venerable friend .11. I . 'I II...- I I -a III... I.. a 1 1 i"Lf to '.r....t"Vr i!'"h,!h 11 . . ,wbi ab...,t it eilbnr be. lint 1 know lie Uoea not vain me to v.-',.-',:".,.,,.,.. .ii . fok, h,, ... or iH.hi,,d ..I k. .., I will any IT there h any one ll.lng in the hiatory ol ( Icutllel.l horougli that hat. called forth thu gintilmh tho iHoplenioretbnuuuotiicr; U" I tic-it? baa lieen one public enteririe dewrv ing of laaling pnilM) ; if one mun do-' iwrvos credit mom I ban another, for J that nteriiriM; tho erection of tho Leonard Urailed iScIkhiI building i tbat cliterpriMC, and . the honorable . 1 . ' . .... gentleruno, wnownamelt iH-arAwtliat man. 1 ' Talk about your rattniadxl They arc all very well when wo are away from home and w ant to get there. Talk ubout your cJiurcben I They are all Terr necewarj', nnd aerve a high and holy purnone.' But lake away the ineana ot iMiiuaiuui, lako avtav Jhuu the tienple of Pennsvlvauiit, Ihe com limn boIiooI aVKtcm, d.-prive the chil dren ot'ilH bcnclilri, and it gloom would aeltlo down over the people ti. ih i l ominonwcnllli, aa Hark n nigbl, ami an terrible a .Ictith. TIh-l.. .le mn-t I... A.l..n.U,l LM I. ... !.. ..II a I XfV t.-Ml.l-iiit'W, J.UUl IIU'MJ 1M lilt IIM branchea thai ait- now ' itiught in our common K-hnnla and .lleg,,i eaacntial and neecsHury meiiiia ol plug - rcaa ana enlightenment ns kwpmg up me .ciiun'iieH, ami inoni ciieruny uie one precetlea the other, .seicnee ami religion go hand m haml. ' I am, alhiid uovernor jngier nas got a j"Kc on me. Laughter. 1 aiu alhiid he ia not coming. (A voice-jqie will lie here.) Will he I am glad of it.' Now, ladies and gentlemen, 1 have said thia much in regard In the nehool j that no pcrrioii offering to take the ' impiniiiptu meeting ycatenlay of a few lioaiit of thia iKirongh, In irganl tojoftlce of collector, ho wna appointed ! men thoroughly inlereHted in the ma what haa been done to further thia im-' thereto, and gave honda approved aa lerial prt-aa of the country. I'reni Hirtunl cnterpriM, aimply to give you re.tuir.Hl by law lor the due perlbmi- dent tirant apent aevcrnl bourn in the Bomeldeaof their work. They have ance of the dutlca of the reapective ampliitbeatre. and cxprciwcd the warm erected thia eclMiol huilding, mid ofjolHeea. The plaintiff now movea for a iiilereat. be b it, not only in tho im conrae you know everybody kuuwa . preliminary injunction to restrain tho' provement of atock, but in even- do that tho achool lionrd do all tliia work collection of any part of aail tax by 1 tiartnient of material progreaa. With lor nothing that ia, except the Secre- Martin 1'urcell aa collector, and to pre-! him, aa diatlhgulidicdgucata, were Gov. tary, he geta paid a nonibml aiim. vent the colleelion of three milln, part I lligler of t'enmyhauia, and bia ace- llllt nil thia llllxir haa iM'Cn (lone nil lllia nl' uni.l liiv lie llm liaH.I nl' nnv luiium niIkv t U'i.ImiI.iv hiiiI ll.tn A T work haa been perlormcd by Ihe ach.ud ooaro, wnat lorr w nv. that lhvir:iiiUiielion i akeil ia uiiteiuibl.'.: he children and yonrchlldren might hoed- collector la nt all eventa an ohlcer r ucatetl. I tell yon, latliea and gentle-'lirro, the validity nf whoae appoint - men, there ia a grander idea, nHiiUimer mcnt can not be inouiivil into in thia thought eonnected with the- tirrmard Graded School, than ia ordinarily a-wo. rintn.1 fill, 11... ,.r....,...l..-.lo..c.l... -' . .. v ............ m . i," -in .., i i,v i .mi. nm, Mm .-.,1 iwih ... ..I uvlHi ...IV. J.lp.irr vi no pj.vu.. .u- Stale- Here, in thia town, will. S,SilO achool taxo. unlcaa we were aatiaficil , lereatud in iho exhibition, and wua lieojile, their are nt leat Sil t-hildrcn. ! that irreparable loa would be aualained 1 alrongly ili.spoaod lo negotial for the J'ho great majority ot those rliililn-n j by the tax payera and the dint net, un-j winiuiig borne. being the children of poor parent.., It ia lews we did. 'Nothing of the kind iaj Alter a little timo apent in diwcua. comliirting Ut be atwuriM that every alleged, and for that reaaon alono, Wei Ing the rxccllent refivsbnieiita funiiah onc of them ,ll have an npiwirtiinitr would refuse the iuitihction to rmtraln ed at theiiiroutora' table. Charlca Todd. .to Iw c-lttrntcl. The gniml central jiden of thia action! ia to pinvidc the nieniin 01 a gtuHi tiiucniioii in every man'a children ; high or low, rich or poor; to give them a thorough, and cunipietu com anon jumi n iiKH-nugii, jnwt aa complete na in nnv aemitiary or .u.ll....n (.. .fca I--.I !... coll.yjo 5n the land. W hy can it not Iw ao, if we have competent teacliora. It ctiu la; doliu, .1 tell you, thia thuight haa comu to mo with a greut d.-al nf ooml'ort. 1 am a young man. It in trne, bnt I have three little children tn edit, rate, and two of them go to the Leon ard Grarlrd School, ,1 cun scarcely hope lo be able to avail thorn away to achool. Jiu 1 1 will tvllymi what 1 can do what 1 intend to do, and expect to do. expect togivethem a thorough education in thia achool. This I can do; there are other K-ople here, in my mtnatton, who an uVi- thft-awmetat thia point Got. Miglcr apiieamt on thr atage ami wna greeted with loud anrl long contiuncil applauae. Jt r. Met 'ul-lollgU.CMM-llldiMl oa liillowa.') a 1 have juat accomplished wliut I in tended to aocompliah. I have aiaiken till tiov. Itigler luii eoaoo. That ia what I tokl yHi 1 would ilo. -1 am xinccri'lv glatl that litis ruidicncc cheer ed him ao heartily, ami gnvo him auch a cordial welcome. 1 t bought yim wore nover going tontop. I.auglitcr. I thank you very klnA for your at tention, and will now iuke my acnl, tbat you may listen to the Govcrnor'a apeeon. . , , , Mr. McCullongh concluded amid hearty applause from tho audience 8PKZCU OP rX-.HIV. BKILER. Kx-Gov. Biglcr, who came directly from the depot, having juat arrived nt home, made hia appearance on tho stage, amidst applauae, just when Mr. Met nllough waa cloning hia remarks. Being introduced by tho latter jrentle man lie spoke briefly as followa: , ' yiihcannd Gentlemen anil Children !--I am quite overwhelmed with the hearty waleomo whk h you have given mo. I take it lews as pcnvmnl. than aa aignifying that yon know I take a. lively interest in thia cuiiae. Thin mat ter of a perfect system ol education, or rather the means of education, has ticen one that baa excited my greatest Interest. I refer with great plcaaarar tn tho fact that I had something to do, in my humble way, with bringing about tho rault which haa caused ao much gratification to you on this occasion. I think we hum all greut reason In rejoice. Wo could not help but tiicl that we were quite la-hind in this mat ter of tho meant of a lanincr education for our children. Titers were other thinirX'wo were a irreat deal cnr.rcmail i about. Only within a few years have I tn "' "nt at the date of Iho enact we been lUvorcd with railroad fjcililies. went. and our hotels vein the sublcd i.l'i I C-Slircad Clllicism. tine clmmlm meil in the anrne ttmdition. One'sirtlnM the erection of nnv tmbliel by ono we overcame thcao difllciilties, I and r.ctt.l cliiireliiH.u-liw.li 1 tliinL ara iiniVcrBally cniumled lo be n credit to tlm community... Ourotluu- public buildings are also creditithle. Last taf ail, nut moat iinimrlinit, m.Mt interest ing, and most noble, cornea the achieve ment which we celebrate tn-night; that of caring for the young ol lrr. mailing them the means of education; hero at heme. : t . 1 cannot to-night I have traveled all tha way from Bt. lula, dfrecijy. having spoken a great doal 1 cannol enter upon tha wrneral question of ed ucation. Yon do not expect that of me to-night Ton know how 1 appro eiato thia cause. You can only Imag ine how 1 rejoice in what has been accomtrllsbe.1. I am very thankful to my li-ientl, Mr. Wallaic for having l'wJ i taaal aUtHeteull" men of the lloard of iMrectors, who have lalioretl to erect thia buihlinv : 1 thank our excellent MtpenntviMlenl of Kdncatiou for Ihe great Interest he has iinniitinusi in una cause inim tno ne giniiing ; hut, abnva all, do I thank my friend JMr. leonard ; ISrr all we have done with our law, our Hehool Hoard, our high desire, our deep aenaihilily of tbo heed, wa tliould have utterly failed without hia gononaus help. . ., ., Children, yoa weh-omcl me ot) thia atand ; ilo not forget to woleomo that 1 1 -. ,.w. an ""Llu r" amplny thetr mean whiMItl to Let me nut tmubl ynu iUrthur. 1 know you bars hvard litis aubjoet ably tivatoa tn-iUtv. 1 liaTOBOprouumtliiii whstovor; iioitlivr have I, at tlita(Air, the iliyiiTil atr'iiKtlitoli)llow thlmiul Lie Mrimuiiitnittinn. 1 have ihiImwI lor ymn linw much our hiojiIp hnvflm'ti fnlliul tim t bi'iir, nut only in khu - niiiry HnrriH(w, nut "lily in oxK'inli - tiin-o, uuv tni-y niivii in milium ine civaw or at liool )utuoih'h nccurdiuK nnxity of Ki-ntliiifr tliuir cbildtvn jto to tho cxpntoi lanKuaKO uf thu wt ivinotu (Kiinta lu Ut educated. , might be rrjmtt to 1he amount thu. In I tbniiri you, Icllowitiritm, fur the j I'ruawd. If tliia lie o and it in too fittiniif.1 in ...I.E.. I. ...in m.u..i;...i.I ..... ..I .in. I... .I....I.....I ' 1. CM :.i ( " " 'in 1'iiit . i. Vli iu ll tw ,,iM uvw,illtj. tKm,immsii,. upinWO ' At the foncluiiion ol tiov. HlL'lcr'a ivmiii'kis Hi'. Wiba-iii intitMlui'itl Ev. I-.- ...-. I. - . I I. ... .1 . ''hibhen, ajter ci.iw-lur.tnn , of which ,, , ! M.lMMC.V -' SCHOOL TAMKS. ' ,A.,W (W, , Xn.u,.M M Cn., ., lr c I if J bn lorran ami olb.r., Kcbool 0 r.ct.ir.. .nd aiarna mrMiM, i.'niialor or l.ttw ar Unattig- barn towa.blp arhool Uiattirt. Ij Kikiti. M., for npr.llialn.r)' fnjaaa "'in . ,.r..r..li., h. Mil I. Raollr to ro.tr.1. lb. ralWtion of feho.l t.ir, ib. aoart alll not raqulra Intn lb. ..ll'lily of tb. appoiataarat af lb. eolloiHar, bo baring glroo twn 1 with aurolio. approad a. rxinl i.r taw. I tk. . u a .... a tho art of kl. I, Hit, did not oHabll.h a Iliad rata of l.a.lloa for retool p.rpoaa. It Mtarvly provided a 8liuii.nl, ly wbi.h tba HIXI ai'U rata oould be aartala.il .1 lhi ttma ih. tan u Ivriad i lo wit i lb. .mount of both Slat, aad ouunlj l.i.a, .utboriKii hy law. lit. lei nf 23, I'.ii. I.uan, .intipllug rr.l a. -lata Iruitt th. tbr.. mill t.i fur Hlala parpotaa, opaiatad a. a ra luotinu af a liko amottut oo that -prclr, ot properlT lor aruool purpoM. A lt. of (hill.M-li Mill. n. ril .KI I. Iliraa xiiii la .if... of wh.i ih. law ilo. ti, Irt'tiuu ol turn a. fir, may K. rctralnrd br la janrtlna. I OPIItlON HV EI.HKLI. r. J. Mi.. Plaintiff bill allc that Mur - tin 111 II .aPllW fni fit t 111 UfhfUll . Miix-clnm .rfConviiuliam townahip. waai . !... .1 .. .11 .... i'.l. . .. L .. I . ... I U1 Hll't I'lHKI ll't HI lilt m IIUT1I lllAiH, and al.. that ihe hi-.l director, of 1 twn milln on the dollarol the ttdjuntod valuiilinn ol tlietr real t-ainto which 1 iii.Mieieniiauia are iroe4-Miiug to cl lin t.; It ia-churned that Martin riircelll waHiiiipropcrlvapMiiiileicoll.t ttirand I that the tax aimve ten milium a dollar, . in illegal. It apM-ara by the aimwer j of tha defendanta, that Martin PurcellJ being one of the achnol director, wnal AtuougAt the pleiiaantoat thiiiga cou dulv elected trcanurero! the laiard. and nected with the ureaetit Fair waa an ! The ft rat ground upon Which theiOorihorih. Uirecior ticnernl of the In- cnllatenil proceeding. And if it could, I we would not put forth the atrrmg arm r,K. I ... 1 1 i.....: ...! Ihe collection of the lax generally. Iiitiw.. fornierlv I'real.rent of tho St. ! another cuae, Xo.JSHl.Sciit.Terni,' 187 , ; lautia l air Aina iation, was called up- u u mirrimto nguiiist Jlurtni J'urccll tiiaboit hy whatailtlu.ritv heexeiviwt' ; the tlntioi of the oltii of collector til': achiK laxca ol I'onvhgluuu acb.H.I dm- trict, in an opinion 'itiat liled. we held. ' a-. -! '.i . tiir rcaxona given, that he was dulv npiMiintcd to the office and gave judg ment in his favor. That judgment Is coarftMi'iv of hia right while It stands unreversed upon the record. Bui the direct. rra went beyond their authority- wheat they Urn-red a tax of more than ten mills on the lnat adjusted valuation of the real estate in their dis trict. At the time of levying thia tax,! tbe rate per bent, for county taxes waa limited by law to ten mills on a dollar. Taxation ia regulated wholly by stat utes. H-db tho subjects fir taxation, and the amount of tax authorized con lie ascertained only bv reference to actaof Asacmbly. In order that school directors might ho provided with aj ready and convenient guide, both an to anhject of taxation, their values ami the amount of tax which thee r authorized to levv, the legislature pnased the act of May, IH!ii. the 2!th ! Itevoiunon, and that the ooiumem section of which rcipilren the commis-i,,rt,'i f their virtues and the festive sinners of the county to furnish them ' rej""'1"" ovr he ontgrowtha result wilh a correct copy id' Ihe but ailjiiHteii ing from them belonging to all alike, valuation of nroncr snbiuctaainl ihinuu to Missouri as wellasto IVniiHylvania, made taxable for State or county pur- porioa, wnicu atinjecia umi things are made taxable for achool nurnosea. Having thus ascertained tho objects of taxation, the next auction regulates tho amount of tax thereon. Not by any (pccilled rate per cent., but by a maxi mum, to be ascertained by reference to other laws njam the suhjoct. The 80th section of tho act provides, that "the board of director shall, oa or More the first Monday in June, annually, pro ceed to levy and apportion the aaid achool tux, pursuant to thia act, not exceeding the amount of State, and finality taxes authorised by law lo la assessed on all objects, persona ami property, made or to lie made taxable iiir State or county pui-piwca." J he anion nt is not lo exec-d that authorized by law for State and county pnt-)Hiae. Authorized when f at the line ol passing tho act, or nt tho timo !' '"vying the lax? If the Ibrnier was intended, the law makers could acuroelv have omitted the word "now" and thus established a fixed rule not be varied by aiilmcipicnt legislation ill riagard to State or county tax. 1 submit that the amount of tax which could he leviod was to.be aseirtHinel bv iJiwi sUiiniaid lurnialiifil Iv the ai t af 1HB,J. ! which waa and is Ihe lilnount author ied by law of th? lime of levuina the The act of Ai.rilS lUil r.,...l.l. . I...I trrnnl Iiir nt ti ii.iel ,.. lk works -em-led or in progress" under tbe an ilmriiv nr.... n..t nf h.li.i. tinv until ,1,., ,.., . , .:.ir....iiand Missouri must roan iucaleuluble thimngeH were dld,l, Arf.. that the! i.u-..i-lj-ni,...i,.,l ,,r., .v...r .f... i lo, were mrt limilctl to the date of the ! enactment but that the law applied to tho timo when resort waa had to a Court ot equity, ( Wiallert va. tha city ot Philadelphia, 12 Wright das ph rnlca of construr tlon thero applied are appiicanio to tun act ol iD4. Aha Ul Iw Uira are required annually tn levy a tax, ami the law in force at tho time, aa to tho amount, is tho authority un der which they act. In lH5t tho law Imposed? a tax of three nulla on a dollarol tbe valuation of real estate for State purposes, and ten mills for county purposes, llul on III lid of Kola-nary, lili, P L. 83, an act waa mcd exempting real astate from all taxation fr Slate purposes. From that limo to the present the amount uuiimnaisl ny law tn be Irvraxl upon real ealale l'r cither State or cotinty puriioawa. or liotli, ia limited toi ten tniiis on a flollur ofthc valnatlou. I am unable lo concur, in tlae views (KpiTSHcd by ike SiiHrinlendenl of. i ommon rschnnu en this auiiject. Ho declare it to havo been tho "(ibvlotis liiteiitiiin of the law to fix the kmonot uf tax at thirteen null ou the dollar,! aaxt Uiua avoid tit per) ilex ing change that would otherwise cripple the flnun t lal managements of achool affairs." lUekoul decimona 1H73, page 74). Witk all due respect lo th opinion of the Superintendent, I am compallod to differ with him, and to bold that the manifest and plain InUnt of the t Was to rilhirr to be ImtjoaeO each year fur M'hool uurvoeee, niui h a the Uw ullowoj lor both State anil county lWirtMIHtlrl. 1 hold, Umi. lint tf thu loiriitlutiira hIiihiM aild to I bo lint of thing mmtoi taMtiUo, arium thlnuTi not tixuhlv (nr. Stutf or (imiilv imruiM-a In 18Ii I. . h : , Hulijccta wouM at onw bwtiin taxahlu lir aclinnl purpmm; And H' thv rani' i pr vnt, wortt inoreawed froin what it' 1 win in IKfit for Hult iiiiqimun, the in-1 I.IVHI w liv IIIIIIUIITU, IW-JOMOIVN Willi equal reason, that when mibivota of taxation Rid reduced in iiuuiher, ortho i 'n1'" for State and count v pur .nU.d u La a,J,...l,... i the act of istiG the a nut of i . ,i ,i ' c. ,..i i. I I .". l" " '" 7-y tax being' ,iiiai unioiiui. i a 7, 'ur-. "z , rcaleHt,,tether-d..K,ddire. toln,cxe,,M n.i, ..,.,i.,i,v , ,i . ' " , " . va.-vtw. .int. .'iijuuieu.-rSriilllv I vn. lillcher S, J'. F. Sluilll IH I. In (iorrell vh. Murphy, 1 Legal (i'h I "M0 UrV-. 'r! '" ,ho eouuctnr, lioioiug tlutt alt liougli irrega larly aaiumried, the tax levied in that cam) wan not illegal. In the argument we went further than won uecerwary, but the point decided waa not in con flict with what wo now hold. And now, September 2!UU, 1H74, the motion lor a preliminary injunction cuino on to tie heard and waa argued by counael, and upon due counidcration the! reof it ia ordered tbat a preliminary injunction lie burned to real rain the tle I'ciulanta flxilu the colltH'tiou of mora than ten milU on the dollar ot the last adjuHtcd valuation of the real eatate of ! ' :h,."l,lr. . ' T?V tt" lW? " "-I",'"-' PV,V" ini-fi iiiiniirt'ii ii mi u m. an ri'iimn'ti 111 , ... ..... II... .1 ; W ki'wrxi' l'rcat. Jiid-e, ,a a , - . 'J'JC 'KS'J.'KJ!(lAlt, jS I . J tie l(al edilor ol tho Ml. l.otua Yff. yMiain thua noticca the preHcm'e of Ucn. tirunt ana r.x uov. ingiur, wna were preaent at the great Fair held in that city recently : , turnaliomtl ( Vnlcnmal. Theae and! an. iia m.t nnvmii other gentlemen of note )eht an hourl l" " 1 or more very pU-twuitly al the pagtxla XViuV.' 0".!!" of Ihe amphitheatre, oimcrving the ac- nr.a on th. PrriMa lion of the magnificent ring of trotteral brought tiiam the arena alniut olio ! . .... :.. I on l.i preanlv at an intortinil Init very interealiug meeting. Thu gathering waa composed In" part nf tlov. Higler ol lVnuay Ivauiia, at tbe hcatl ol the B nance committee of tho Centennial Kx- positioiij lion. A.T. Goahom, JMrect. General of the aame Institution, to gether with otbora of our citizens ; at tho close of the report Air. Toild made a few graceful and appropriate remarks, aa he knows an well how to do that thing, and invited (Jot. Hi.-ler to tell tho coniHinv eoutelhing about tbo Cen-1 toniual. The request waa reaiMmded loi in the moat happy manner, and we ... , , give a brief outline of the Governors remarka : Ex-Guv. lligler acknowleilged tbe oompliinent iiunlied in the aeulimeut expressed by Mr. Todd, and said that the gathering nt inuiviiiuals about bun jtVorn different sections of the country something of a type nf what the gathering of the people would bo at 1 1,10 '-enlen uial celebration in 1876. After reminding the audience of the j wisdom and sacrirlcre of tho aagea of j eloaed by apiealing lo MiaMiuri to ilo her whole duty, expressing hia con victinn that Missouri will do her part. Gov. Higler'a remarks were received with hearty applause, and at the close of hia BH)eeh, Mr. Todd, the chairman, invited (inn. Goahorn to ad drew the couiany upon tho same subject. This he did in a happy and moat effective manner. While he expressed the highoat admiration for the Kt Louis Fair, he showed that the perfection of all our fuira would bo exhibited be coming together for a grand national and international exHMiuon, that would show to the people what we have and what we make in America. Gon. Goahorn waa handsomely re sponded lo hy President Walsh, who expressed Warm intereat III the great Centennial, and a disposition to coo tribute to its success. Kx-Presidcnt Barrclt expressed similar sentiments, and indicated that the St. Louis Fair would naturally contribute largely to the aucoeaa of the Centennial, and that its exhibition in Octolier, 187U, instead of being remitted, ought to he longer than over tietore, Geo. Bain, Ksq., one of the Cenlen- "ial eonimisaionora IVmn Miswmri.he K "tiled hion rxpreaaed hia earnest approval oi tnv great eiil.-rjiriHe, anu Ills puryaaM to uso every exertion to have Missouri tillty represented at the I'hil a, lei phis exposition in INTO. The meeting waa nioat pleasunt and Jncli.aclinu t"" " niirininn.-a- niannmi uieir "early sympathy with tho great Na- r!ll,,l1 flltrl"''"f- ' ' atranife that this Khoiild tie ao, (br St. ..onia "'vantagea lYom thia grt-at display of, the arta and industries of AmerKa. ea. iwijilly of the ivaounwi, charatdoristicsJ woaitii auiu waiiiai w vun west. OvsaaoARii. The Hon. Win. H. Ray, a Republican memberof Congress from the tenth district of Illinois, de siring tn bo renominated, haa been re jected by hia dlstriit H waa an Influ ential and popular man, and no fault waa charged against hi auta in CW groaa ; hut ke had appointed hi own son to he a cadet at West Point, and Hint hia constituent would not ttand. It i oheering to notice that, notwith standing the eorruptinrt Infinities of t.raut. tb people do not regard an olllcinl atatiim aa the mar puraonal property of the Individual who holds it. HtranRO aa H may seem, Grant did the snmo thing, yet theao jieople S elected him, ami some evea want to try him hit a third tamai. .... To the Point. II "wHI be romom bcred that tbe Flghth (jhlo ItlHtnct, hi conventioa, refuaed to condumn the salarr-grab, lest It should "hurl Oar ield Now the Jldinocrata of lhi Eighth say i . , -td, Thai th, RapaMoaa parly la thia, dlalriet, ia eatoig dews a reaataliaa AaaHaaalag talarp.grahaswf, aad aamlaaMng a aaadldata tW Cawgraa. wha waa eMeaed whaa lha eeierr warn . par au.a, aad leak ,M, aad -waaagaaa Hooted whaa tha aaaarw Wa. S,.0, wad aft... tarda loeh 70t, have prtaaaled eaedlaale aawarlhy tha aappwrt Wlaawaepla, ; . . On Toweday. tit 3d dav of Novon. ber, PeanaylTuig, m.j dlow In tit Mater- of Ohio and Imliana. ' , ; C L A We dtisire to cnll the I lent ion of llm citizens of Clenrfieltl county to ihe Tact that we huvo ociied a MUSIC STORE IN CLEAR IELD, Whore we intend to constantly keep on hand n full supply of riANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL Our stock of PIANOS will ctuisiat of C!IiX)RGE STtXK & GO'S PIANOS, STEINVVAY At sON PIANOS, HAINES BROTUEIIS' PIANOS We are prepared at all timet to furnish uuy of I lie cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo tenns as to prices and terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new nnd populur . ItYNDER ORGAN, (with Kynder's Knee Tiemolo and dowtittard Octave Coniiler.) ihe SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN UVS OKGANS, MASON Af HAMLIN'S ORGANS and the .NEW HAVEN MKLODIXJN CO.'S JUBILEE, TLMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Beside these we furnish to order Organs from any factory dcaired. We sell on every plan kttowu POPULAR AND EAST l.hASiK fl.A.M. I On our easy lerina everyone can hnve a i;cnkI iualriitneiit, Inniount will tend so much lo MAKE HOME HAPPY. i ILTWe shall be glad to hove oci'ia-Ti-Iy WiJffUaiifOus. YALIABLE FARM FOR SALE I IN CilRAHIr TOW NalllP. Ttt. underafgnrd offer, far aala th. tana oa whiab h now rMioVe, attaai. ia Uirard towaahip. t'laarfirld touniy. Pa., form.rlv awaed b. Jaaua i. Pi. Tba farm nontaHii l.a arm, aad la v.rr d.'Olral.l ktoaUd. The buildiog. an.ll a.w, .nj anotM of a largo fr.aw ho.aa, having good cellar aad.rwia.h, and good nalar eeateeieat! larg. fr.tne tutra, bl.ak.milh abup, w.gua ah, apriug bwi., dr. lb. huildiaga ob tbia farm are a. good, af aol wellar, than a. an. farm ia Clatffield eoouly. Tha land ia of aaperior qoalh y and ia a rf ."ll'n givaa la tha rprfag, ar at any tim. mo.t eonveni.attn tha parrhaMr. Tha aia. rerwiae daalrae. of ihaaabrilier at Lreoata'a aoaiiir, Pa or apply ia p.ra on th. prrwOMB. r"on.w.u.g any laf.rmail.n in regard IT '"a."'." .'"J.ttaflr'.r.'ihiV b.on A.., . gal ll Informatloa b7ea I- lug aa Fharif Pia, la Claarlald. aa ba award Ibe fa.au fur a auaabcr of Taarr. and .f mnraa It Bow, allaboatll. WK.vnKI.I. XMiaxn, l.-oal. I Mill., Clear.ld Co., Pa. JanaarT II. IT. JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE, 91 ATTltllHSEW, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAKKir STREET, NEAR P. O. Tha uadrraignod hrga lean la later lha attl aaa. of Cleern.id. aad tha aablla aerllT, tbat h aa W.laat, Chaatnai aad palatod Chamher Huitoa, Parlor Salt.., Korlining aad latM.iaB "?.HT.'' X'VJt'. roraled Dlorag aad Parlor Caaira. Caae BeataaM windw Chair., Cioihaa tan. Step aad Eitew- ha haa aa haad a tea a,Mrtm.at af Peraitere, alva Laddara, Hal Raeka, Serahhing BrathM, A. MOtJLDINO AKO PICTfRB KAIIES. Loathing 0 loan., Chromaa, A a., whloh weald be J .oit.oi. for Uoliea prannta. lt)l JOHN TROUTMAN. NlfttV A CHDiaT, KRTDRR A CO. T, T1I0SE INTERESTED IN THE PUR CHASE OF A 8TUICTLT PURE RYE WHISKY, Per MotlUiBal Farywi w HUr jRnllfv'M lure Kyr, PrU 13 ia pr fa I lata, awl will afcip la ymek ax (a tail panbaaar. Wa alaa aaatll-a largaljr a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, IMaa tnm $!.0 ta ll.ti. IV iMport FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, . Aad ara alao waaafantarara af , DR. 8T(EVERS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Read for prle. lie. HUEY k CHRIST, apr.lMm lil North Third St., Pkiladelpkia. JOOK OUT FOR THE SIGN OF TUB 1BIU CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. Tha aid Clearleld Kiaalaior Caal Hook Co. I. diaaelred. aad t aaw oaa formed by Amaa (.ca nard and O. B Marrrll. af CI.arl.IJ, aad U. al Allard. of Emporiumt Caaaoroa eoaaly, aa part aara, and Jaa. E. Wataoe,af Claarl.ld. aa Ueaer al A real. Tha aaw eompeay will terry oa the haiiaeaa of maaalaotariag, aolling aad abippiag the Caal Hooka, with all their iaapreaomrate, wbiobj ara aow aarfaek AU ardrra promptly Ila. JAS. . WATMIN, Jaly lat, 1171. Uoa'l Ageal. FAIRBANKS' NCALEH, r ttt. aiaa.i B"IIn Barrawt, Warahaaa. Tratka, Capylag Praaaaa, Improved Mmhj Draaaa, Aa. row a. La tr II. F. BIOLKtt a CO., nwalera la Htrdwarw, mohlt tl U- Soon4 SlreaL CUarl.ld, Pa. THK CLEARFIELD WO0D-CHOPPER8' AXE! Maaafaatarad eapeeklly fwr THS CLtARriKLD TRADE, awgJtt , I. f . BIOLER A CO. F0R SALKI A larg. aad Wen ialaM Briah DwelHag, .at a at aa Ihe Hree hash, la aha kerawwh of otaac I, eaatalaiag eteeww raami. with aaa aear, arta the ftilehew, aa all lha m adore aawaa aiaa aaa. Panlrtee, Bath-foMB, Otaha-piaMiat Ae. Lot alaly feet float aad two hwadrad aad thirty that hark, with a tw-eaty rant alley aw the eaat aid.. Bald batldlag, with all tha apwwrt.aaai.t, (II b Mid aweaa, with aaymeata la awh) aateha. aet. Applieatlea aaa ba made la tha aadao atgwe. or to A. C. Tate, Ba.., wh will give all weary ratanaetiee t theae Wa. daetn la Im. apaat aha aroperly. . lava... rajlibbUUOII. ' Map Hal, lata, at ...... ... , MITCHELL WAGONS. The Brt ii t'hs OlMpeitl ' Thorn., a.m. k.. . . k i t. . MiaaheN Wagaaa,'' wkiah an ataawg lla vary Wet BMaafa.ta.ad, aad wkiah ke wlU eoU at the aat raaaaaaala rwAaa. MU ataoh laaradaa alaaaot aUaaripiia af a.aa aaagaaad taaaa, wia Wad aa.iap Iraakh CmHml aaa thaei. aee'tr . . , IKOMA RtlLLV. MARKET STREET, R F I E L I), 1 to tho trade, cither CHKAP FOR you call and see un, whether you desiro to jjurchiine or not. JtYSIKll8 .TIlr.HI ISTOItK. WiSffllnnrous. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY, THE Pt aaderaizn.d. to REED A POWELL, bare erahaeed tha CLEAR FIELD PLANINU MlLL, and raltt it for doiag aa exl.a.i. beaiacaa. All lha ataebiaerv will ae added aaeoaaar te maka it one of tba moat oomplete ..lab iahmeata ol lb. hind la tb. State. Ta.y are now prap.rd t. reeaiv. ardar. for any warn, ia that tine. Th.y will giveaparial atlaatioa to all eaetcriala for houaa building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOUS, BLINDS, OF ALL 8VVLK8, ala;a oo kaii4. WORKED BOARDS, ami all artialaa rr for aaildiaa. will ba aiabaaad fur LlKY Ll'UBRR, aa thai perruai at a UiaUnra mj arlmg tkvir laaibar, viokaaa Ii far aad ratnra oa witk ma aBantHara artMiaa. Tba CoBpaa will alaayi hara aa kaad a larft Bta-sk or dry limber, to to bt abla lo fill aa ardar ea Iba ibartaat Boliea, Oalj tba bftrt aad oat kill fa) haadi will ba ploj"!, ao ibat lb paaita aiay rai- apoa fao work. Laailw will ba workad ar aold as low aa It aaa a parcbaaad aaywaara, aad warraaitad to fin MtUrutiuw. As taa baslaast will ba doaa apoa tba aab priaeipla wa eaa aford ta work for snail aroais. DUY LUMBER WANTED! EtpMlally oa. aad e half aad twa lark paaal aluf , for wbiah a liberal priae will aa paid. Th. barf neee will a. aaadacted ander tba name of Ibe "Clearfield rianing Mill Co." 0. B. Mrrrall will ps-rtoaallj suparinlaatl tba barianM. Ordrra rnt.ctfully aoliclM. 0. B. MEKRKLL. R. B. TAYLOR. M. U. BROWN A BR0. Claarlald, Pa., January I, 1BT4. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C M P A N Y, OSCEOLA STEAM KILLS, LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS Saieed A Patent SMeit Shinglea. H. II. SIIILLtNOFORD, Praaldcnt, OBoa Foreal Place, No. 115 8. Ilh at., Pbll'a. JOHN LAWK1IK, Ueaeral Supl., Oaooola Alilla, Claarlald ooaaly, Pa Auo-TOWN LOTS tW aala la th. borough af Oaoeola. Aiaa Heap Ihe LAR0E8T AHHORTMENT of Uooda la Cleat Aeld aaaaly at Ibair Maamoih Store ia Oaaeola. jani 7, . The Lightning Tamer. THE aadaralgaed ara Ih. aol. Ageata la Ikli eoaaty forth. "North Amarlo.a Ual.aalard L10HIN1NU RODS." Tn.aa ara tha aalyaaf. red. a.w la waa, aad ara .ad.r.d hy all th. aeteaUat aaaa la lha eoaatry. Wa hereby aerify aha tltiaeai af tha aaaaly that wa will pal ihea ap a hollar red, aad for lata moaoy, thaa la ahargad hy Ut feretga agaalt who aaaaally travarta lha aaaaly aad eerrp af ear little eaeh, atrtr u ratara. ENCOURAGE UOMB LABOR. Tkaaa wl.hlng Ltghtalag Red. araated aa th.lrhalldlag. aaed botaddre.. a. hy l.ll.r, ar aall la peraaa. Wa will pat Ibaa wp aaywhar. letheeeeely, aad tmal th.m. Tha Rod. aad Flitara. aaa ea ma at aay lima hy ..Iliag al earotara. rj, r. eiULan oo. Claarlald. Marah (a, ItTt I" READING FOR ALLII BOOKS a "sTATJOXSHT. Market at., t'learteld. (al Ih lat (Mica.) TUCaadaralgaad hega leave ta aaaeaaee ta aha altUeaa af Clearaald aad alaialty. that ha haa Sue ap a ream aad hat jaat relaraad from tha aity with a larga amaaa. af reading aatter, aeaaiatiag la pert af Bible and MuoellaneoDs Books, Blank, Aaaaaal aad Paat Baoka af arary da awriplloa , Paper aad Ea.alopet, Freaak prataad end pitta I Paat aa Pta.ll.l Blaak, Legal Papart, Deed., Martgagaai Jadgmaat, Et.ma Oaa aad Praaaiaaary aatal I W kite aad Pareh; meal Brief. Legal Cap, Reeerd Cap. aad Bill Cap, Sheet, Mail, far either Pleae, Plata ar Vlelia aaaalaally aa haa. Aay aeeka ar tUUeaar, daaired Ikat I map aol ban ea haad, will ha ar. ordered hy I rat aaproat, aa aald at wteleeale er retail le aall eeeuaera. I will alaa haep parladlaal lltaratara, taah aa Magaainaa, Newa. pepera, aa. r. A. UAULIR. Oloarleld May I, lltl ll Lime Tor Sale I THE aadaralgaad, naldlag aaar taa depot kaa mada aampleU arraagamaaU with Lima wuraera eaat al tha aaeaalalB, wh.reby h. I. .aa. bled la heap aaaalaally oa haad a larga a.eeatity el . PURE LIME) whiek h. off are ta raiaaan aad hailden at a trine aware week Tteee la aaed of lha art vale weald da well ta give aaa . wall, ar addraaa ma by letter, he art atfellatlag uaear lime. UKO. C. PASSMllRB Clearaald, Pa., Jaw. t. IN. IArrj Stable. THE aadoraigae kagt Have ta tatarm Uoa pah. lla that ha la aew fully prepared ta aiaamma. dale all la the way of faroiai.lv g Horoea, Baggiaa, SaddKN aad Haraaaa, ea the tb.ru at aetiee aad atoMaa Third aa Foarlk. uHu. w. oaAkanMT Hooriald. Fh. 4, let! 9 NN'A. MERCHANDISE. CAII, ON NOTES, or on the and no other invcstiiiinl of liko . "iUiscrUaiirous. "yriN'KQAn bitters. PI RELT VEUETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S . CALIFORNIA V IN Eli A II BIT T K R S. Dr. 1. Walker'a California Vlorgar Bitten ara a purr-ly Vegetable prt-paration. naada cbiafly from lha native hcrta loubil ob the lowrr rangra of tha Sirrra Navada moantaiaa of California, lha madicinal .ropcriM of which .ra caliarlrd thorrfr m will... at Ilia at. of Alaohol. Tbeqace. tloa ia almoal rlnity aakad, -What la tha earn nf tho nap.r.ll.l.d aueooa. af Viate.a Itmtn.v" Oar aaawar ia, that Ih.y retaova tb. eanra of dir. aaaa, and Ut. patient roouvtra hia bdlh. They ere lb. grant Moo porla.r and a life giving priacipla, a pcrfaot Riaovator aad In.igwralor ot tha ay.lim. Never before ia Iba hi.tury of Ilia wurld haa a aierlirlne lieen eompoundad poa oeaaing lha mn.rh.hl. qu.lili.. of Vistula Bit. ran. in bawling tho oirh of cv.rr diaraaa maa ia hrir l.i. Itir-f are a gentle Puixaliv. aa aell ae a Tonic, relieving Conge.tina or Inflaminatlun of tbe Liver and Viwral Organ., la Bihou. Dla Mttea, Tha proparttea of Dr. Walker'a Via.gar Bit l.r. ata Aperient, Dinpborelic, Canaiaalna, Nn Iririnaa, Leiallrc, lliuralir, Mali. a, Coonlar Irrilaal, udorila, Alteralire, aad Aatl Biliuaa. Uratul Ihoaaand. proclaim Vinegar Billen lb. moat wonderful Invigornnt that ever raataia cd tha liaking ayMcwj. Ne penoa caa tak. Ih.aa Billara ancordiag to dlreetioea aad ramaia loagaawcll. provided Ibeir howe. aio aot deatroyod by mineral pouwa er ether me.. a, aad vital crgaaa. Billoaa, R. nlll.nl and Inlcrntltlent Fetera, which ara ae prevalent ia tha eaHeya of ear great rfv.rt throughout the t'nlted Stale., eapeeially thoaa af th. attaaiaainni. Ohio, liiaeoeri lili..i. Tnaanea, Caaberiaad, Ark.aaaa, Bad, Colora do, Rra.ea, Ria Grande, Poail, Alaaama. Mobile, 8avaonah, Roanoho, Jama., .nd many otbera, with their vail irihutarin, ihroogheal our oalira ooanuy during tho Summer and Aoluma, and remarkalily ao during aeaaona of aaa.ael heat aad drynau, are larariahly aKomptaiad by aa. trneire deraiig.meat of ibe alomacta and liver, and albar ahdemiual Tiaarra. in thair treatmeat a purgaova, a.avnog a pawerTal iataeaea upoa tbeaa rari.u. org.ua, la a.aeallally aaea.aary. Then I. ao eatbarlio lor lha nurouae i. n. J. Walki-r'a Vineg.r Ilillara, aa ibey will apeaoily rrmora ina Hart .colored r.ac.d mailer with which tha bowel, ara landed, at the eeme time alimulat iag the eceretloa. of ta. liver, and generally re unng lha hrallby fuaotioaa af lha diicalive organa. Forllfv lha b.nlr nffaiaat diaeaae br nurif. in all itt laid, with Via.gar Dnltra. Na enidcraia aaa uk. hold of . ayelew taur Ion aimed. Dyaaeit.ia ar Indlweation. IU..Ikli. !.:. I. Ihe ahoulan., Coagha, Tlghlaraa el the CaaaL Diaaiaara, hoar Kractiona of iho Stomach, Uad Taaie in Ihe tlaotb, Bilioaa Atlarha, Pali.iletioa ol ina Heart, Inflammation or the Langa, Pata is tha regioa of lha kidae.a. and . ...J other paialal eymptoma, ara taa ofipriega af Uyapap.ia. On. bollit will prove a Utter guar, aalea of ila mania lhaa a UnalLv ndrerUaemenl. Serofula, ar Kina'a Evil. Wkita Rweliiae.. I'l. oen, Er.i,l.., Swelled Neck. Uoitn, Bcrofa- loaa taaammal.oaa, alercarlal afoctleaa, Old Hone, Erupttona af the dhia, San Eye., aia. la thaw, aa ia all other eoaaUtatioaal diaeeaet, Waller'. Vlaetar Billen bar. ahowa l..:r .real oaratlre pew.-, ia Ih. moot ob.lu.ai. and ia- treeiani. oaaeiL, Fr Inflammatory and Chnni. Rhenmali.m. Ooul. Bilioaa, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fever., Dieea.ee of lb. Blood, Liver, Ktdaeya and tha Bladder, I hen Bi.ten hata ao aqaal. Dork Dia aaac. are caa. en hy VitiaieJ Blood. Mechanical Placeee. P.rnna engaged ia Palate and Mlnerala, auch aa I'lumber., Trpe aetura, Uoid bealan aad Miaera, aa they advaan ia Ufa, an eabjeet te paniyel. of Ih. tlewda. To gnard a.aia.t thia, lake a doaa af Waltri'a Vlaegar lliuan aeeaaieaally. For Skla Diaoaaca. EraplUaa, Toiler, Sell Bheam, BM.hca, rtpola, Pimplee, Paalalaa, Boilt, Carbaaclea, Ming. wnrma, dcald head 8on Evea, Rryalpelaa, Itch, Scarf., Dlaaoloralleat of Ina 8a ia, Homen aad Diaaana of the Bhia af what ever wean ar aalara, ara lilarally dag ap aad a led oat of Ihe ijalem ia a .hart lime by lha " di .neaa on. era. Pia, Tape aad ether Werme. herhiaa la Iba eyateal af aa maay Iheataade, an eeecluallT da atroyed Bad removed. No aj.tam of madieiae, aa rermllngea, aa anlhalmlalilaa will rree tk. yH.m from worm. Ilk. tkcae Bitten. For Fernet. Ceualalata. ht taaaa ar eld. mar ried ar .Ingle, al the dawa of womanhood er lha lore af hie, thaaa Torn. Bitten di.nlnr a. da. elded aa Induce ea that Improremeat ia wt.B pcf eopllUe. Cleaan lha Vlllalad Blood wheaavar va. lad II. Imnurltiee tenting through tha akla rt Pla- tlea, kruatioaa, er Bent I elcaan it wkaa oa ad It eeelree4d aad awaeiah ta the leieai eleaan ll shea II I. f.ul yuar faeliag. a. II I'll yea wbea. Eeep tho blood par., aad lb. health af Ih. ayeura Will fellow. a. a. McDonald a co, Drugglala aad dew. A.ta., Baa Fraaclaca. C.H- aaw coraoT af Waablaatee aad Charttna atraela, New T.rk Sold hy all Drugglila tad Uealan. eetlllt-lj. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL 1N STRKMBNTSI Oewaaa. aow aad at thw Morfa a.M eoooai.. UaUc. . Fwraitan atera. AN aeraea. iaaareeted are tari led le eoU aad otaaalae a wew style of Ovgaa aew oa eaalatteoa. 8 heat Maaia ae Meete Beeh. aaaalaally aa haa. . aplM IKI