i r ! THE, 11EPUBLICAN.. " C LRA It KI KLO l'A tVKDNKlAY WDHNINU, OCT. 11, 1874. Terms of Subscription. 1 1' paid in advanoe, or within lb ret iuombf ...II vO l puftd after throouNd be for ill months I BO If paid after theoxpiratlon of sli months... I 01 It i:i,K;l4IJN NOT. (If. Mi'LlwilUJ Kilnu)tl CJmrf H Urr, A. D. fori! a, PiiRtur, I'niillc rlorvleo evory ftabbeth it lut A.M., nndTJ P.M. HljtiLh Sotitiol at tf A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, itt TJ P. M. Communion Horvioe, Aril Sabli.ii nf vary month, at lu, A. M. rftlivterlnu lUtiiich-.-llev. II. 8. Huti.k. tttitilmth serriees morning and evening Hab hittli Cohutil at I P. M. Prayer Mealing Wednes day vet.liig. Ht. Kriiiicl' Church Catholic Kev. P. J. Hirrnip.-Urt- at lui i'cioik A. M.;a tha 'tuiid I ml fourth Ann ilny i of rack montUt v. v l.utticrnn I'lturrtn Her. I. M. Muatcn. Preaching every (Sabbath, morning and evening. Snhliath (School at V a. m. Prayur meeting every Wednesday owning. Ol't K IAK lKI ( TOItY. timk op oui.nmn gt'AUTrn siumnNs rornT. V,H0(l Mtitiday t' Jamiir. , Iblni Monby i-r M.eh. Firft .Mim-diy r Jiitm. Fuvrib Wom,4j Qt Huj-triuWr. ,f !(, TIHR OV Hiil.IMXO roMMOt I'l HA". First M'intiiy of June. Hvounil M'lixliiy or Noruitilxr, ri'DMO Dt'PlCKIII. Irrilmt JutliflUw. Cbarlti A. Mftytr, or L'.ck lUwn. Anittnt Zaw Jmhjf-Hat Jwlm H.Onl, uf itfll.'l'nntr; Horiiil Jml'jft William C. FvtuYj' CtearflfiKl ; Voltn .1. Uattil, .Luratiirillf. - y f . Pretlnnntneii Aro C. Ta'f. Hffitt ati JlvetrtltrA. W. Lo .-.f, ihlriet AilnrntifVttnk Kirlilmg. 7V(fm'r Oa. id XV. Wtaa. .VAn XX'illiiim H. Mcl'hfron. ('NNfy jfwrxry.il- Siuuut'l K. MuCloAtty, Cut- tiHiif ViwmiuiantnY, F. Cnulcrfl, Kurt. BUI ajniia if. inuiipnun, vutufiiKuiii 1 Ilrowo. l.le arllt'ltt. ; Ibu-tf A..or.-llriilM-n MPhrr.a. Clear-j flv1l t Jumei II. Ililr, Lumber l ily i Lfwii G j llluont, rii'rfl-M. Jury Cmminior Jukn W. Hhugktrt, Jntnet Mttcbull,t:ii-.rllil. SttatrittttHiirnt f. r.6ie Srkooh- - Julio A. urrirory, ti.Ttn. 111. IH1IY1 RAI.1.VII 11 AMY 1!1 )KMO( itATlC MKKTIXfiH. Mcvtlnga uf the Ut iuwracy, and of all who aro onioned ttt the prment corrupt A win la in t ion, to Negro goTeruutent, d to the policy that produce the prvai-nt bard timet, will ho held aa folio ira i Al NKXV MIM.rOHT, fur Ferguioo,' Knox, Jordan, and upper rnd of Pike, on Thursday, Oti I, S2J, at 3 ed'Hik, p. nt. Henalor Wallace Inravl TVr-t, K-n .DuJWm. M. MeCullough, Eaq., will poiltivcly bo prvavnt, and U-m. Jacob Zcigler hn been inviti-d and ti e ported. At NKXV WASHIN(iTOX,fif Cheat, Burnaide, and Hull, on Friday afternoon, Oct. f.ld, at 3 o'clock. To bo addreiKd by Senator Wallaoe, irrtct Tcrt, XV in. M. McCiillough, and otber. At 0.aCKOLA. on Haturday evening, Oct. llth. To bo addniafrd by D. F. F irtney, F. Fielding, A brain Humphrey, and oibcr. j ; Al ANSONVITXK, on Tueaduy anrrcoon. Oct. i 37lh, at 1 o'clock. T-i bo addrrucd by lioy.i, Teat, aud otbera. AtOLKN HOPE, on Tuesday tn-nlng, October 37 b, nt U u'aluck. To be addnnied .by Iloyer, Teal, and other. , At WOODLAND, in P tfurd lortibij), on W.donilay aranlnii, IM. 2Mb. To b aildrJ by Wallnoo, McCulUuxli and lliiMplir.y. At IIOFFKITS PIOUK, In Karlhuui l.,on.liii. on ibur.day .fl.rnoon, Out. 2tb, at S o'.lock. Tn lir nil.lri-1.. J ly W.ll.c, Mnok.y and Tift. At rUKXl'HVILI.E, on Tliond.y orcning. Oct. !lh, at "J o'clock. To b. aiMrcarrd by W.ll.ci., Mockry and Tint. " 1 ' Al KYI.nrtTOWN, on Friday afternoon, Oct. rflllk, at 2 o'clock. To ba addraaacd by UcCul. lougli, Dnycr, Wullnco, Trat and Humphrey., Al Moll ItlSD.M.K MINKS, oa Friday aTralng. Oct. Hflrh. To b. ,'I.Uocil by McCollougb, Doycr anil Iliiiiiphrcy, We conli.llj incite nil to allcnd and ben a eattu di.cu.slon of the l.auc. Inrolvcd In tbe pri rent election. ,-lVM. M. HrtTLl.Ol'Gii, . . . . Chairman, A. II. Milton hurt lrnioveil liis liar - nchop to Curwttuville. See .dv.rliictnont ol Mitlon A Ji4r111.11 in llii. lr.uo. A.il.r,.. l'.wir-j.,un w. rii.7. in. .... : ..rj....,. u jH. Anxaivlllo I h.an., J...,,h . Ir,n,( or.rn.,,11., J J. Lin- Knol ....,,, Ill, N. Millport 1 ' Jianiaia.... '. . piiaw ...... ,, nnrPl BBB, RfcOrCTION Dr. A. M. HilU Kivtttj tbcqueitivn by awarding the XV ..Jmm parly 15? oidee Hm week of iur.orlanl reduetiuaa tn tbe mlf. MsEnally party I2ti After the prise or artificial teeth. He hi card In another ; Judges had rendered their drcialon, A. I. Bhaw, C'tltunfi ' " .. . ... one or Walters rMentna, cams blundering In witb ' - ' aa ea I ten scalps, thus making his Ihe winning aide, but T. A. Klrck Co., in an PXtomlctl, tl,e Judge refused ta open tb caee for a re advrrtUemrDt In thla lilur, makcsomoluiportnut 1 bwl M hf WM tou fcr .behind time. Waltera fUtcii.cuM to their pn'roni which Jt would bo well ftir thorn to read. A tntnl rli)no of the moon will take pis re on the 4th and 25th or October next. Il will eRinu-nca at 11:13 o'clock on tho night of the Stili ami ond at 4:4e un tbe morning or the 2Mb. i e i - KorNitv A Imnch oi' nix koyH.it- rluding a watch key, and a luoae brass door key were picked op at Ihe corner of Fourth and Mar ket streets, on Monday noon. Tb owner can bare them by railing at this place. Lorn: rfl Ikaii. Miwt J.ouie, ono of theColeimin children, who have frruently per-! formed In this place, died in Colfax county, Call-; fvniis, wcok Ufor Uat, of iaiermitientferer, after a week's HluMs. Hhe aulrcd a renowned frpo tstion a an aetrcss. Mr. V, (i. MaUon, of Jlnokvillt bix received tbe apputnttutnl ut seooud Route Agent oo tb Low tirade Division nf tb A. V. R. R-, and has entered npon th discharge or hi dutler. Mr. Scott, who appointment was hut a tem porary one, has been taken olT. CORRECTION. TIui HntUW n liiM ' Tor tba Karthaos Meeting wero by misUke dated the 2th, Inatend of Ihe Z1:h, on which day the meeting wilt he held. The apeaken are eouiptdlod to be at Woodland on the 2ib,and Iberefor it be at Karthaus on the same day. Rkmoval. Wo notion tlmt MwHrrt. Daniel Strwarl A Son, oloihler, have moved Into Itiuir nw quurUrs on Market airael, a little east of lh old Wester Hotel corner and opposite Ibo Court House, where they will be found rendr to wall npon all who faror them with call. Wo iiiiik'rMtnntl Hint tho eonoort liven at New XVsabiugton, on the 22d Init., for the bene 01 of the M. E. Bunday iob-ol, wuat off very nicely. WiH Adn 0. Hoover, of Mileaburg, Centre eonnty, and Mis Carrl J. tlohblns, of Hughi-aviDe, Ljromlng county, partictpatrd In the exereiaea. . IB 01 1 1 1 - (JolNO Up. T ho now rtulnwt ln-idc la being put kipan lh piers, ta Logan ' dam, a ahfirt dl-tnnM abtrr xti jilaee. Th materia! .vi plsced on tho ground on iloinUy and Tues day, and it will take aboal fos weeks' to put It ia rotdlneee fat erwslng. ' Tb struMur m eon lain ana hundred and fiftr thousand feci ofllmher and forty ions of lr"n M ONOlt ILY I'trTAToM. M r. John Maw, JrM of Idowrene towaship. baa left a earn plirvf wl po'ai ernp lh our mew- They betrmg 10 (lie Chilli and Chailt iton tied TirWUI, and are of enormous si. Hodag in busbals out or forty-, eight ordinary sifd hilla, and some or these In ear "poaacMlon weigh 2 pounds. Several of sneh fellows would Hpply ordinary tlmW JoMur Ing.hairor tb winter " J "t'lu itcji. 'Dedication. Wo .ro iu- boriied to slate that the new Church building Tarkey II UI, Lumler City circuit, Rev. R. II. f barton paater, wild b dedicated on Sunday, the it day or November next. Rev, J. Curna.pt Uoofis. iiM Revs. A. P. Y'ouiu, J. tl. Vonog, iv W. Unoee, R. U. Odbarn, aiu W. 8. Uaraba rflpett-d tw be present. BevrleOf Ure' irnoe on tttr Snttnday aveninj preilflm at t Telork t ' t Sunday, morning ud reBilig. I II B SW A Swindlr. Two men citllinR thorn- live K. Houtberland aad A. 0. J. Mmith, and ifirteBtlDg ihemaelv as agenli of B. B. Clark, Itnflale, N. Y., wba eUhsM to ho tha palealoe ar certain impiovemt nia In faaatng mill and rod ctoeaoia, dispsaeaj of ibe right to said paten h land ht Mitliio oouuty to Joans Eeok.aadi oviid UoatiUer, of Miiouo toaukp, an JUd4 ouniy, lr a valuable oonaideralion, aad alae romiaed to ship te their arder a a em ber of tbe aahtuta, taking th4r note for seeeral bend red lellars. At son as rhe parties saeeeded In gM Ihnj It money fa Iks notes, they deesmjfM, driving o Meont Datoa tn boggy, vewteb ihoy seat baek to ibs ptaeo tn ewre of n boy and dsmbttos taksng tk ears livire far eoea disuns pasnivi A evVarw nf one bsjneweA dellara to wHrd lor tka arewet-of thiwindlrs. ltmm Gtmm The Kahtiiai a Railroad. In pur. Mane, of ta wmDKHiiiiat mule two ..k ami, tjnll. ,plrllel aialjng Mm. offal Lock Haven, 'on lli. Uib.'looklDg ts lli. building of . rail ro.il along lb. rim from lli. Boat a ol Slnne anhoBlng creek to Karlhaua bridge We are un able hi (l lb. irececdwga at length, bid we, proautne our Lock Iliv.a rachnngca will' fiiiniak them la detail thin week. Tb. Bieollug waa oignul,td by calling Col. A. f Nwyr. to tho-t.nlr, v,,l .tiellai; . H.ftal.,i Liq., Secretary. L. A. Maokoy, Kq., we. tli.e called upon to il.t. Ibo olject of lh. meeting, which ru fur Ibo pnrpore of otgnniaing auil t.kii.g neec.ry .tru lo bulM a r.llrouil ai abor. lmll.al.il. .1 a. rail; a day ai tmnailile. Da niutiob of Judge Mayer, a ei.niiuiltce of twtnty wai eptiolhtid lo proceed at one. .nil .o licit ..brl.tluiNc.n .La rlKbt of way and laic H'h fjtbt iu f as may U iWm-d HhI ry, looking to an curly beginning of tha work &1...ar I...... II n,ut,n... W XV II.... Dr. 11. v. Wilkin aora t.uxtttWr fmia tki ' i horuUKh. TUry tofurtu ui lhatthe Karthiui lata hm plcil((l a l'R.UUO ubterltion to (tart with,, and that tbiro h liu'douii tint flint-tba tmjl taMplalcd mail will bt iiati)vDl i fc.ag, anil will uot ilnp thort of ttili plaoa hy tlit rivar ruuta. and tU.it a brani'li will ba farrted op tha MuabMi&iit to Phillir-fWiit. . XVbut a' fflorluui prrlod thit will t In Inn blrtory of ('ivarflt-ld 00 only ! -Awtw'KH Kt.UT von 1K7.V-iAh tljo ptriuU fur mabtiig Ibo animal aiifiBiiictit la uji I poaching, It will Dot bo ooniiiliri-d out of unkr to giublUb a Ht of tbtr iimni t.f ibu Amnrt alwitrd In, thli eaunty at rhar I-i.niary otfetkiw, togelbrr itb lbrir)i'iitlfqoiwJilrrfv bo4kt)U calei will bt itnly ft the Aftrison abuut ibo In ol NovcnWr i Iit. V"; Nmrfr. ' 'Hnitaal. ClrarRvId XV. XV. XVcirrtll ('Irartiold Curwfnpvillp.,..,. David p. M"ra-...t'urTnii illi lhmfnl(ile.;,......lfimcp Oulin i... . '. HnMndnlP Lumbar H) J. P.t Kwni n..,.T,B- f t'ua- N. XVliiiiiun....fiibn Orr New XX'al.injtinn Oaotstla.... H,..R. A. t'auilcll 0crol Milla Wallottrfun... M Kifdj1...i.).,..jn...XVliiiortUa ltroearia ilniry A. lVrinlil Nlvn H fx- Hell Jacob XV. CHiiibull Curb llluoui Wiu. L. XVuniU Forvil llt'(;c..,. Suutiml Liiil)(irt.AlU'r' l Hridfltt HruillurU Unvxl lltlcltiiig X.hJUui1 I llniJy tlflo, II . XV ingcrl I.ulhcr-lmrj; t'hi'll .it.naNian Mivvr.. ... vttvt (-(-,,. I(."J, pu,,,"'" oirard "" , '"' joiin ai. I'tfarn r rrucviiiu hJvidtlMrliari....vPb.l.iRbii-gj Luiokr City Mllehi'll Sbopp-LeeuaH-'a aiillnl W ,1111,. v iir-hmn Morrii , Pen n ., . Pike.... XV in. JohnatuB.,....M..Kjlfrtwnl J"1'" I'"1" Urampian Hills .....lliehard Fret-iuaa...Cuiwinaville Philip II. Crick Ilockt.in I n ion oodward .XX in. Luther Madera 1. I'alton waa eke ted hi JlouttdiUe, int n alnce removed from the borough, and inc iiif miaaioncra have appointed Jemea Dunn till the rncunoy. The diath of XV m. H. AUxmuUr alao rauaed a vm'ancy in XVnodwaid towuahip ami 1 lie) lienrd- hat -unpointed Wiw. LutbV As-rnfer-lfr aJd.tabip. e. A For the llcpulilicfin. THE BLOOM FAMILY. Mh. Kdit(a :Alfow mo ti'coiart you lo re gard to the Illoom fanillj. In your iiiue of tbe 7th Inatanl, In referring to Ibe dealh of the laU Abraham Ulonm, ynn ray ihnt the ouj ueiobara of the originul atock ocw living, are one brotlnr awl one filler, lo wit i ' Ilenjamin, and Mra. William Price. Mia. Price li not a eMcr, but a nieee. Benjamin, D If true, U ibo cnlj bi other now living, and fruiu pivet-nt ttpn:erancci bide fair lo lira many yeara yet, lie l 4ww In bit 7Stb ytar. Flu! three aialera ar yt Hln. to Wit : Flrat, tbo widow of the lata WHtiluw OiUn, realdirig with brrdnugtiif r, ft,ftH two mtfreeatt of ClearBeld, and it In her I'lth year, and tbe moth, or of seventeen children, and can peiat to a larger number of progeny (even reaching to the loortb geacrallo,) tHnu rurhAi dufothlr pa aon, male or fa male, in Ihe count'. Second. Hi. widow of th. rut. Malllicft Cald well, who wm tb. mother of twenty.ono al.il dr.n, and tb. nuinlicr of whore dcwcniliint., per. hop., r.ry nearly approach Ihnt of her rirtcr, Mn. Ogdrn. Tin) third .nil lilt I. Iho widow of tho lata Riehard Rowl.a, who.. lU-aoondaBl. probably nutabff taroral Horea. Ai you Juilly remark, thli f.mlly I. tb. moft nnmemn., and among lh. mort re.pcclable aad worthy in' the county glviug ev.ry prorpcot topro.per.ndu.iuri.il. I deem tki. correction proper to be made, well aur.d thai ke error w.. inaii.erl.nl un your part. Al. IV. tbank our curre.ponjent for tbe correction. J-En. , ,. Tint Nimiioiw in Amis. Morula- wai a tad day among Ihe ilctiiiens of the for.it witbin ten uiilea of thil borough. F.arly on that morning aa army of hiinter. pftnetVatrd Ihe woodi in crery direction, under C.pUlna A. W. Waller, and E. M. MeHnally, who bail e.i'cli about twenty braVea In hi. command Tho depot wai tho Sh.w llou., and 8 o'clock, p. u., wa. tbe hour flxrd lo count the walp Thejudges settled hnd SO aoalps j MM rial Attorney Fielding fol lowed with 2H ; Jnhmton next wjib 2.1 ; Bauketta, 2U; Roienoran, IK; MeOanghey, 15 ; and othen with leas. About one fourth, uf .the party weif -bunked, and tlta exit lunuiiteft on all other "ra tion at that. Tbe, affair uidVl.wltb a grand supper on wild beasts, at Ihe Phsw House, on Tuesday even In. Tbo total amount of game foots np as follows : 140 fhcnaauls, A rabbits, ft groundhog!, 10 crowi, 20 pigeons, 60 pino squir rels, 10 black squirrels, aad IA gmy squirrel. J I Drath ok Mr. Fjtcii. Kvcry Sun, quehnnna lumberman knows A. L Fitch, who has been tha lending esMern Surquebanna luulwr dealer for nearly forty years. His el l acquaint- J ' I .nces will regret to learn that bp I. nomore.,, Af- r a nngertng liincsa. no ripirvn m ma .mmr m erarj vnjr, a rriuny invi iiiu, m tin mtu jvm ol his age. He, togetbor with our Worthy towns man, Mr. Jonathan Uoyntoo, ware the first deal er to ftoal Susquehanna, runt be r t Xew York. This occurred in 1835, nearly forty yearfngo, nnd tboy have kept It upevirirlim. Many ethers, bow ever, aotn after lollnwed their example.' He was highly esteemed by tho drnlcrs of Ibe. upper Sua qcbannn, and hl dealh will ) regrelled by all wno wire reriuoniD p , if vvvmutp p-TOfi!' acquainted with him duitng bis active butincU TJailroad Kxtf-xmion. TliwtatJ'itK or the new e i ten i. ion from btoeBa;, ka eeot pleled and ready for the iron, wheh WiH be iatd in a very short tita. Kit timely eetrrri wdl develop a largn e laat of watry ta tbo beaut 4 the CleartWd ool ragtn. ami wiil aot only add to Ibn Knoeral husineaa of this vicinity ad sjuaj men! the carriage on ihe Mnabannon llmneh, but will nwakro rent-wi-d tat rest la other dircctl'ia'. This eilenalun is known sa Hie Hots Hon Rail road, and was eonitraeted under lb superinAead enee of Mr, Whitsheai, s the firm of Wbitelioivd A J annus. The ronto waa oriKiaally surveynd by L. U. Linitle. and wan MUeoofUdT kmtked per- manentl br Mr. Don. St. Ueerae Fraaer, alter repeated ruaninga ta ibe vain allsnipl to pleas all the property holders aPag tbe route.. . The entire length of Ibe mad ia about two and one..fourlk mi let, and It will nn'batly belended aeverai mlleJ furthai Wilkm sV H-w yokr. ttu brid-rrs on the road were built by the Penosylva tiU- HaUlruad .ComiaattV. (kmiw.rtY., llil tnpi party wilt eommene latin it ihe trlt trrr -weea, ami win lake charge of I lie rond nt-snnn aa It ia ready for Mierwltan. i .i ---" ' The Oret one! openfnir ta bat of f. eV Mtalf, of Hootingdan, arte) eh next Iwn -peaitasrs notonrf to rbomos A V who.- have a-lerraraea-a ol no a I ready lor ahiweaorrt iwiaoralong taaroao. XVhltehead A Jacobs kosw aaino os 4k rsgart hand M-ie, and are now ready to abip aix orstoi himdraa tea a. .near use. savinanun en sna msia. PisiVr A Miller have mad an ."p' t'' Irom which lhi-y will soon be rea to uTiip. The Inl ter U oa Besm's farm : Dlair'l hpinitig la on Ibe Bhaw farm, and Hi Whitehead A J-bl tnl.P' ar on Ihe flendriltiXi fkrwi. Ofthe-lwo opefiinga made by Thonaa A f , d h on KPphiirf'p farm and th other Is Incited on property of tht? Jlimti hrlrt The latter Company iH prnbawly wpeti another bank a ahtrt diwtanoe hrtotid th pre"""' terminus if the fna-t. - (ht ibmttt. ' " A 'Wilflv'P vet elly wa present at the Aeadr Vm 1Mifdny evening to witness tb play of "Woman against Woman." At the elnee of nnfc d'f th aetl, where Robert Sheridan, Ihe hatband, aeeased Kugene Bently, tli oartndaat, wilk I top roper flmimaey wilb his wife, th owrlalo fall M it Tableau el Hheridaa and Beat I v enraged, and ahont to en eare la fearfnl combat. The or! a ler had beeoiBtj so bnried In thonght, no daepfy tnttretoff In thi drama, tnal oe lorgoi woere ne nr wy wnnm h was enrmonoVd. and sboofed at thtp nf hit voice, "Oe for him, Hberiwan P' -ffsire wa a aH.Mn barst of lauchter. soeh as Is eel does beard In that pepotar reoirt, avH two ! anh down ajrev! ineneo t) bla ea wlmr be reaHeed the naH bo Wad so niiaariiwiiwluwstf -ro- In Ibe rendering of th play. Wiilimmprnf vew Huifritn ' ' 1 . . .. t . i i.BB-fsa-oVaaaiii j . a1- f "Darwin's Inilintfr In tho title of an amalenr aaassniwl tipef at fynbui ad milling that thy ar ealy "imprevod monk ays. ThU aaar bo neet kW tho beye, ami in is a Itttr rongS em tbefr paeorrta. - t Karm Soi,iv--Th farm of il.- -V- UntH, M ItnM IMfr Valley, WiHatnlng f ere (formerly tbe Jaod raffiWifra), ha rwwt purekeaetl by Jeoae taahaark and 11. Vandyke tor IIT.IW. VHwtm itmmmi - ' ' I ! Iiiur IH'lil u....A. C- Inl. .:ilrDu.li..l i llulii'h 1. . Smith riiuiili . Mill. I ... ., Ilu.liin Ilrnrv W. llruwn IVnlirlil BptciatB Krm UaMtai allrtte.WIUiaMfport.Ookll -HI nRffftYV MMPAltY. Tkt Stw i'foy of Wmo mgnintl Wwiaaw Tht oudriMjr H Smutting AYtaittf. Tb new flva aot drama of "Woman against Worn nn" wai fur tha Ant lltua placed npua tba buartla at the Acadruiy of Mutto, on Haturday ovarunit, afiuaudlenee bring prtMOt. and froai the )h tllf; h(4 until tba cloiing Meav, wbaa tha niftnurici of Ihe pant well up brfure a partaoatod wilt, tti grfaltil iatareit wai glvao the wall Hnlvolrd Irotine. The author of thil new blay. Mr. Ilrnry. hm wuven iolo the plot eu inuvh of vvery day lit, that tba audience eannut fall of .reaJtali afuliy th nveirat avert ryt ft human nature in Ita alnoorliy and pvraayeranoe. It li a Mxiloty rrprtavntallon of merit, and aa iuoh met ibeWrtrm aitruval of tbie who wit netted It Z&vwZ to bum- ndvabtoi tannic Carroll nevarapiieared tiwKf.ad ber falthlul rondertni won her manr fneu.la: Mr. R. U. HheriJaa and J. Ogdon rUfveraaelfid will their rciperliveparta V. r""' " MV V"' ui iinvnj me iiroullar laouliy oi auaiilaltoa, bile .Mr. T. f. lta.ii.er. the well Known oomodien. added frtah Inttreto hi proleeaionel rtpaiallon ( 14) bnv itrp i,ia gentleaian in many dramatic ireritiiaJiotw,ijl.ij nunc vbaraba m admirably etinrtnl Hie li'innMuiToli' aa in ibo play of ''W. murt againat XVomatt." Tbli aa evidenced by i he fruiiient outbural of laughter- The remain riier of iba truuiia perlorint'd well the peril aa alined tlicut. It ii a fine organisation, an I lor era uf jn-nulne draniai, nlieneiar 111 Henry ' uuoibiiiatii'n may peer, onnnui psen et rung til -re .leaiifly, Tlmn In wltAr the rendition ol Ibla new play. It beare a aigmlloant lttle.and U a t-um-ct jiuriraiturv or lore, hate aud rurtnge. I,ir. of li ttcrH romniiiinx uncluiinvd lo tliu, JSmofliue at Cltiftrflcld, for tbe wnea anding October "lOih. UU ( u ,u "; : ' Uurnhnpt.Wi(lard Keilyi Martin 4 Uniwii, Mra. Jrtiuie Mead, IWaeitie lliiwn, ill re. Cellie llboadt, Cyroi L. Uldpv-t ! NMf j ; &obioewa. SaJlte, Curatin, ifaillitih ftiutth, t). L. Charle. hatid Hfif(le, Mra. E. Cornwall, ,1. A. (31 Fkeaeef, John ' Viinel, (Ire.-n ' ' Rnlder, John C. ' F'llbta, XVtlliait Kerry Thuuipaoa, Fred. J. Ilnva, Olivia A. XVilliauia, Pbebe Ann Hall, Al'trrt XVaring, Martha Kvn,dira1i,l. J ; r, Ce-riu P. A. U A (J LIN, P. A tUmctioi Cabil Aaot.r r.duelloa In Alllllclat Totlb. ilri.. u mil thoa. p.olokj tin.... 8. FuKTEIl HIIAW, U. U.S. ( lt.rBi.IJ, I'.., Mepl. .Ill, IS74..Sia ,Ct).ova lli fill Jin. at Plack'a. i i t- ,...1 , . A k i i FllU , of ,hBdaB0f Kiryptlaa and Nabiaa apv .hon. Kt T A li.jTl (,-.. ,; . . r , : - . . . , ,, J Urllliaotin! of ere re ahade, all wool. Die. onala in rarloly at lowcit price, at 'J on Fleck 'a, Kbad H 'M. M'tiialry j frtvartlarment la re- gitrd tu t.ii Inaoranof. augll-lj Ulaok Praia Silki, good but ebtap.at Fleck's. , 0U JwiUaga la greeA vaeielp, bet Wa. Rttetj ulc( kep,oppwiie Moaaup'a. , , i; T, A. Flhcb 4 Co. ' . Uaot Cihmera of tba ry beat, lower than efcr rtA Ut UU "Beak 'o odl W flaea $. Table Cletnf , alt linen, very low, bt Flaek 4 Cu.'a Notion and Fancy tit ore. Uau Furnlahlng Uooda, full line at a small margin. Uo to Fleck's. : , 1 -y Lataat ttylea of Hals and Uonnetc, Plumes, k'eaiberr, Hird winga, Hpnye, Wreathe, Pie wars and Jet trimmings ia-eduwat endless variety, ai T. A. Flank A Ce.'e. .. MpUU-tf The best Hhnwla for tbe money nt Fleek A Oo.'f. Itatmnral and Felt Kktrtf, cheaper than arer, only $1 fS at Fleck's. . Alpacoa Luatra. la full Una at FI.ek A Ce.'a, " Trotion Rcppa, perf.ot b.aiiliea at T. A. Fl.ok Lu' .... ... . ... ' .(... at!.- fl:il... .V. 1l .k . J I. ladiea' bataaad bonau. ba. r..n.d j nice (or the la-iiea nf Clearneld and vicinity Eafty calls will secure prompt attention. Besdod Luces, yaek acd guiinperf, plain aad bugled, at T. A. Fleck A Coa. 4 -a. --. , f . Lfeai TrftnBufhge, ire urpa seed in etyle, ar let y and ehoapneaa, at Fleck's. tlermanlown XVool and Yarns, tbe largest Btiackerfi Voujtit t town, ak-r laraf A Co' a I . 1 I a.Kldtllorea, Ladles' Tnoforwesr, N'ghl Cor.ala, Dresaea, bildren s Dreasee, longeleered i nder weHr f. r Xedn ia feet, wey have Latlee com-; plate oulfits at T. A. Fleck A t'e.'s. Woolen Lawns, most beautiful shade, at Fleck A'Ca-'s. , . , 11 i-wao - 1 r -r-T ; Full rafli ly of Waterpovr Cloth it Feek't. ' Oo to Fleck's' fr what yon want to decorate or make oanilortabla tbe outside of your eorper. aW budlea. fur we (uvbdc4 tell yen all we have, but if ym will e owe and ace, In tb language or uur predewssor, wa wilt abow yon all nhsn yon 0OUI0,,,,.i ' j l-'!'-'' .: f Call B. M. U'Kually and g- t yuur life in iiued in tbe Old LuutiueiiUl LiCt Jniurance Com psmy, of Uartord, Conn. , ...a ., ..-MI,-,J -Brexltwa PmcH ts.-at. Kewton Bbnw keeps a full supply o( Fredonm Uuggiee and Plaltorm XVngons Ti.r lale To be cn at the Hhatf Honee yard. CeJI on or addreii him at Clearfield Penn ;'ania. WFood and Willow Waiodedl Aerriptsosj fat sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. " RECAPITULATION. ;t Illrel vagea. ' ' i 1 '--t: . M' Wood and Willow Ware, , H , , -; i , j All k'nds of Hardware V Japanned Ware. Painla,OiW Varniaha. ll I, Calcined Plaater. r r .-,. WAran and Ornlt-t" llaberaf s-ipidie. All ol the above for aale at the mammoth Hard ware Brora of II. F. Big lor A Co.. Heeood atroot, Cleardeid, Pa. ;"t ' Bve Time! Pv Labor! Bar Money! Bav CIm1 Tlil Novelty Wringer ? is t.h beet lo the market. Buy It, try It. For al by tf.F Bfinn A Oo. lIelnijd Pjailar for sle by II. F, Bigler A (jo, ' PAisraVn PAiarnna Finnnoa. Our stock or Paints and Palmer' WMeTtal I eoraplete, In eluding .1. T. Lewi' Puro While ld. John La eas A Co Pure While Lead, F. H. A Co s Book r,wr jntwrrt-rt nltlaeapet braans or waise -a . l IU-K.Aai:1ia'a.aHlBAal W AUaW aUlf ft UiZ of Urn.U, .nd a full Bn.of , , w It, P. Blown A Co. , mjto u ! U.ktiiowr Slate Paints, for naiatiaa booses in Ids aad Oiitai.ieCotlagea, Varta Blldioga, A. llcautifnl, durable and oconomieai. ttrouna ip pure I.i n aeed Oil. If. F. Bid La a A Co. Bird' fageg-l large aTtaortnfi'nt at tf.'F.BIf ler A U.w. ! i.i.- " : AX-).-fcHcviit7 nv woton Crearield Wood ehnrinVr A tea at ' .-..' -t r":Tl- V' ? F. BlttLWR A Ca'. fnll fTrierrf Hphnldnoxl,JpnniwJ Wnrt, AA. for sale by H. F. Wlrter A Co. ' Itf L T.i.l l"arwn. oliMoateeaplste balldlag will do Well to eott anil .1 amine air Moek .1 rll'II.MNtl MATKtilALH. Wa bar. In .loaka full Una of Nelldrri' Hardware, Nalla, Falala, Oil., til..,, Tulty, C.Ioined IMa.t.r, Ao. mv'IU II. F. lltoLaa A Co. Ay,',??: Saw.. DUl'.n1. droaa'-eut Paw, (treat AnwriUB Saw, ItoTnUn'a Ugblai.lt S.w, at . O.Ji-,3 H. F. BioLaa A Co'l, II. F. Illgier A Co. ware beea hiking aatea.1,. nddltiona to their aloek or Hardware Ihe le.l raw KrerMhiaa BOW la Hhelf ll.rdwua, Sad- dl.'r.' Hardware, I'armara' ilardaara, Iluildara' il.rilware, anil Hardware oi an ainu,,e.n oema at tlicirtaVicw,-" ' ' " tl. Fnnn ! Fnaa ! Fnnii r Among Ihe many repa ration, lltal we bar. for 'o.ghe, t'.ld.. Oronp.ejr any Ihro.t or lung dinlcolty, non. of them are eqn.l lo lr. Jle.ria" yrp wl Tar). Wild Cherry and llorehnitnd. If yua are aniiet.il, e.ll at OBr irra and w. wfil (he yn. a aampl. bottle rre. eAnrna 1 Ageatl: Harrawtea Irwta, '.tcrnelo; Holt. WomI.kI. A Unit, albmtoe I U.K." II- , llama, William' flrote. (Marek ll-ly. Oiteivt nil lead, a 1(mrm raii.f'.oii-.iplnli. nni." ....... . 1-25-72 II. r. Htal.aa . vo l. ti.- a. f ' - - Pnlnlr, Oila and Varnlahee for 'ale by H. Bigler A On. A'l .V M'AM.I l nY NoTira to Waoot .an CAanuoa Maaana. We hare Jnat roeeived a general aarortmeat of Wagaa and Carriage Wo.d., alao a foil liaa of Bplinga and A ale., ' krhiek w .nTePcheap for aaab. H. F. Biei.ta A Co. INFLATION I INfLATlrtMl Jam.a Kerr A Co., regardlaaa of lb. aotloa of tba Fro.id.at, are InBau.g. ana Aa.. vaaala thMl almdy Urf atook ol I'loUuaa, aalU M embraeaa Iba ftwaet MaartaaaaA 4 ilbtbiM aa4 ruaaukia. aoeda ka aray iatail Mara ba Feaaayl r.aia. lUlow aleaa. Sad ndwad pin. H.l ei few of Ibe arllol 9mt4 i. Iboir MM.. . MEN o) V'lf rilNaUB HtUH, OMLV 14 00 t'.V4 tAOaJalkRH HVlWrOllht ,. , MKM'tt ALL WOOL CAfill. wTUbV i '. U MKNH 1NR BUIS MAIJbUlId. ..MM VOLTIIb'St'lllt, . . - 4M. I. It 00 child 8 Hbt il.CK CLOTH it'118. A e CHILI)' FANCY OIAIJ. 8UIT8, . 10 M CHIkdJRklNg eUU'rHaamttwaa.lrl.lOUIt 00 llmbrell.aStlk, Olagbaa, eettoa-4 tmrf. an. One araerlmoal. wtr.1ty M..i att "TUcmI. ' ml, Ooltnn and Koall.k aapar-atoal koae, akuk mill be Bold al from I eonle ap. HhlrBwOar awek af aklrta la aark. u4 eom. nleta. amOraclaf tb. Ual.mal. Fra.h Fereal. Ooltoa, Caaaim.re aad eolor ffhirta. ba great war4t.' ' " J ' ' ' '' We wwol lf t' owr MetoerrrO Ikat a.rH twioyatgood, at 10 pw nnt. kaae tkaa waMofnr.. w. m,roarw r eoll faem at ft al wl rMftr aewaHh wrybdT. Call early aad mo ht yoaraelrea, JAMBA KaRB S vv. Old Wartwra SoM Olirwar, OlearHald, FA. I irrlfli On Tb.rni.r. Stnl. Itik. 1874. la Trrooa. b? R.r. J. 8. lliLi aa, Mr. AM08 KORS ana; Mill rannii uumhaimikii, aom or WallaHtoB! CkwrtaM aoaali. i . i .... , , ., AtWllllaaport,oa Tbandaj.Oot. Ill, HT., 07 n.v. n. n. hick bbt, nr. w.r. M.UAiti.r;!, or Cnrw.n.Tlllr, CtMrflHa oountr, anil Mlaa MAkV WKIHH, or WIIII.ia.port, Pa. ml li i. i. i-ii i.. m in ., ' fill.'-' -t At Clearfield, Pa,, on Munda morning, Ootober IVtb, ISH, Capt. 2. C. MrC'ULLUL'Ull, aged 39 yeara, mutttba and M daya. Satljfts. 11 n;! ( ' Clearfield Markets. ; 1 1 Ooannornn Waaai.r by K raiser A LyUe, Whole sale and Heuii dealers ia lry Uooda, Urooerics Flour, Feed, ete Markot street, Clnarfleld, Pa OLiAnriaLn, Pa.; Oct. SO, 197. Apples, green,..,,., u0( M Applea, dried 12 Apple butter, ) gal Duitar.H,m m., M.itt.t UBw bu beanf.w ...-.-..........-.. aSO UOhli S 24 Buckwheat. I On Buekwbeat Bourlt lb ' " Oo Beaf, dried. . H 10 ' Id Beef, fraab.M H(i I" Board., M ...12 0U(I4 nu Corn,ineietj.H... , 1 oi' Corn, ear ... 00(g) 0 Corn meal, Vaaek...t .. , t( 7 Ctiup, owl f...., , . , ,.3 u Clovoraead '. ' 7 "0 Cheese ' ' Oharrlea.'U .. AM,.H.M..b.. . lOija 18 r.hkakmn: dreaaod. tt tt.u.M....M . . . IH RlflTa- 1 Vlaiaeed.... ' " 00 Flejr....A..... T Oor t Hay M...- . r.00. ll Il..ga.dreaefd....,...., 7 I . ; J ,? IIieat greenM ' x& Hauke M ' ' ' ( Hhonlders M.a.M.. ,, iW fiidea,.H.u , ...,IM.M....f... , , " Lard ' 1 Meee Pork, bbl .. H " OaU.....M ... I. 86 Omi'ii..,..,.., v.h ... ., 1 Polatoea . Penehes. dried, lb ? '' 11 li Hye.....!. v ; 11" Kega, 't lh Halt, sack t lfi(M s ffhiaglea, 18 lneb-.... M Hhmgles, 30 inch . . 10 00 Tiuolby aeed A 00 Tallow ' ; 10 Wbeat.......... . ,17 Wool d0 Wood, V eord 4 M Pennsylvania ltBllroad TV HON S CLEARFIELD BHAN'CH. O N and a'n.r Monday, HAY Sd, 1874, lh. 1'Ma.ng.r Traini will run dally (.ie.pl San daya) kot.Ma Tyrona aad Claarlald, a. follow. CLKAtriBLU MAIL. LKAVK SOUTH. LEAVB NORTU. 01.arl.ld 1.4. r.a Tyroaa - I. !.... OmmIb 10.4.," Pailipabarg...lO.V Clr.ld .....11.00, " Pbillplburg.....4.31, " ooia Mia..o. " Tyron.... .l0, " Ol.BAKFlKi.U KXl'KKSH LRAVB BODTU. LEAVE M0BT1I. Oloarl.ld 1.15 1. .l Tyroao.......00 f.m. Pbilinabarg.. 0.i " Inlano.lioa..7.ll " Owoola ...... 0.S0 " Oac.olai......l.l. " iBloraMlloa.. T.4 " i Philip.linrg ,... Tyvm... 1.0 " Clrarl.ld. or... Jo ' TYRONE STATION, BA.Twaaa.' a n waaTWAnn. A n Mixed Train, 1:14 Ctneia H Kipress, iM Paeiflo Eiprees, 1 3t P.lflo K.p.e.., T:M Harrl.borg Aa. BI, 9:40 War Pasaenger, Mail Train, Feat Line, 1:13 nSs FARE FROM CXKARF1ELD, TO BelLfont., Pa Middletawn $& 01 Marietta. M Laneaeter h PHILADELPHIA 7 ilk Altnona I t& Look llav.n Williamniort.., Haotingdon m.. ... I 70 ... I no ... 1 M Lewlatown. Mnrynllle. 100 411 Jnbnalnwn.. ISO BAUKIHUIIHO... 4 It; PITTHBUHtJ a U Close connections mad by all trains at Tyron and Lock Uaren. 8. B. RI.ATH, ' ylT'tf. Ho peria tendon t. Hftr fli-rrtlsmicntj. pUDLIC SALE 0. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT! Tk Pennsylvania Railroad Company will offer at publio sale on Haturday. Or to ber, Rlat ibi. ly'emmeaeiag at l a dock A. u,, tiis fol lowing described articles, now sit the several sta tions, as designated, unless owner or tooslgnees ay chargoa nndt remov the same on or -Wore day of aale:. , lt! , . , , f,.(j ;r.,.tl , ; OSCIOLA. , I sewing msebUe,- Beavar A Co, 1 box nidsu. Beaver A Co. I doors, ..William Cramer. 1 lray,w.... kjame Cole. 6 buaea gtaswsrrax..m.Uraadell A Kiumeod. I keg liquor in eaik...,, ........XV. II. Danesr. I not mi ae Ia. tf earn art. I keg (trnuor M,...H.......H..J. 0. denderaon. I bnekoU battor.MM.a.1 ,..J. C. Headacn. 4 box fruit m..J. C. lleoderon. 1 bbl cider- ..... Jaa. Hobborihn. 2 bbls whisky. .m....M Jae. Hebbonben. 1 ukgaxle....H.w.M,W.... Martin A Bos worth. I bbloaatings..H..H.........Martin A Boa worth. 1 box hanlles..M fl. D. Night. 1 bbl rofd oil,.,.. .........Alex Robinson. 1 bdl tool.w,,..,H.Mw..iM.M.H...Wsa. Woodl. 2 bdls ropew,.H.,H....nM..nM,..W m. Woodl. 7 bars Iron F. H Zisglcr. ' ( korrniALn. I bdl leather...... '... .Wm. Chew. t ossievea eastings M 0. W. Rei, 2 bdls and pa atiaga...w J. Haley. ...,i -I-. ' " aiouin. - t k: ' . I Mwlog machine............ ww.A..at. Hloks. 3 boie b bgoods,......M, ,. E. Ilieks. 1 bdl rope. ,., ,J..vT. M. Uraham. ' ""oLKAnrinLn,' 1 bain rope ','', ,: ........Meo. Lord. 1 balropOa....,,.id,...w.U. ,w.....Ja. O. Btoem. 1 1 bale rv pe.. (M...d,,M..M, .,,. 4... J. li. Illoom, i 1 hhleakea M.. ,K.,.....J. Andru. I bdl bags .C. C. Read. I Urope andal...u. ,...Roe A MeCail. I boa nidsn.M..H..,..,.Mara Modettook. I stov (bi4eoodition).....tr,,....,....Jaa. Irwin. , 1 bdl m tools , J.Halnes. 1 bdl rofO. aa. Bamoel Hole. Boa enn.H ...M.dlM.n..Hi,n.U, Charlton. 1 Wl eaitings.,Ma,.1.HMtwM(tt.."t A. Boyd. 1 farm bell M. Hwergood. I bol bed bottoms .Cbal. Marshall. I eblcieUr -....-.,....,.. J, W. M scomber I box Bedwiae.nM,t,M.,.l,,,.fW,.nrt..B. blnrt. , 1 bdl mda :-::c- bl"l'PT- 1 bdl rvp, 8 pes stamp machine... J. Kama worth. I nolo and nook yoka.. ..,.,,.. ....D. C. Sullivan. 1 boxoi toel.., HiLii F. FlsnoL I bills (4 ebairs) J. A. Kleiner. 1 bbl baooa f. K. Ragerty. I twyer iroo ...w4-.....i.... John Dalpb. 1 eoil rope, ij,.,,,iW4-.....R. f. Daabar A pkgs rafting leoli...v.MH...,.J. W. Camplioll. t bdl rope -J. Lambert. I bdl tool ,'....-.t...........L..J. Lombort, 1 alof. 1 bdl rone ,,W. SaneeHlo. I bdl rope M.....A. R Bloom. bdl roiio ,. Xcllowsll. 1 trunk. , , ,..... Jam Murray. 1 bdl raft loole-...-,,.,-... J. 1 UamnimlL I bdll rope.M.....MM..M...M..J, h. Campbell. 1 w mac bine M..A. Miller. 2 plow. John DotL 1 bdl absnnv.M..b........i..MM.(iK.ijidk Do 1 bdl raft tooU-....,M.,...,...r--P. kL emith. I bol mds a. F. M. Uurrk. I lot Iroa M...(loo. Betts. I bdl ropo.... a..tte. Belts. 1 soil ope..MM ..M.....w....m...J. M. H art sr. 1 stov ....-. ,....J. A J. Byder. I rafting stov '. Ilarrv Shaffner. 1 bol tadee ....Jeeob Bartlott. 1 rat edarwar,...,,,,...i ..B. Aakmoai. ,. . JOHN RKI1.Y, , f)ct 14, IIXTI-Si.J ' ' Sunt. Transportation, j mT op j trnoi..s.-' 1 ' '('n . List of Jareri drawn fw Norfeaner Terw), A, D. 1874, eommsneang oa tiM oeoend Monday, besng tb 9th day of tb month i.-t , , rinT wnn lacona woanav, tb tn A. N.rtlng,mllMearU gerdaa Hollay..r.Uirard ft. F. "haw Uo.hea RNIt W. Kranl.tlrah.m O, O. Haaau Uantadale Philip TuliM, Job a DIIIM. ' ' Tlartthy !..-,. ..Ml NatkaB lloovu...llogga J. Lirlogaton..tlradloril Job. U. byler...Brew Diaama Wallbwrai Jnba llaalapMH.rade Jo.a King, m. KHeb...'..l.'.miaat K.J.IJIllilaod,..karhi J. A. Menrid4,1.awrcnne M. II. Ant.,, Wm. Borg..,.'! Juh. Hnoer.4.V.r7la John II. Irwla, , ; LaratMIe Hoor; k"1 Rlahanl i eaa. Corolla Jamaa Clear, Jr,.Faan Klieha iJa.ia, , " .lo.bae Hert.hbr.. tike K. B. U...UWhM J.C.Haaw.lljC.tweaa'la T. W. Moora. : ' .... .rodij. John M.f.. -.lieaatar Job. I. BW.BV ' A ad raw liMrbart, Vran.ia freel, lnM8hlmeil,lVallaee'a H.Baughmaa, Wtwd'ard aaroan wata---Taia, woapar, 16ra. W. Oamt.bell ...Bell W. nroome..Carwrnav'le Honor W. Motl, " RoU. OreoawBradfard Wm. Powell, Hrary Irl.er.i Bdy AmeeBoaaall,Jr N i nam I Poatlethwalt, ' Joe. BayAe., ' Aaaxaw Kaarr, i 1 Pelor Beak...nBara.i4e Wm.HomerTillo, " Mam'l Kll.h.., " Ila.1 Uyphar,...(loahcB Fraadt I'elgw.., n i fl ' Mia-W, Taraar, laaaa Kykaa, ... Ml D. MoKadrleV.,Oallcb Jnka C. Tyler... II. na Wm. Log, .r., Wm. Jariia.M..,.Janaaaj Jam.a M Bloom...Raea Fred. Irwl....Uwr.aoe le.ee Ogdea, " jMMH.Waple. 1. 1. MaMaeaam J. A. Aale., - Aadtraw P.lmaa, MorrVa II Imaia Taae,da " Jeaai Me4lane, - A. V. Dee,a.lae,U.uaaai 4Mar BwH. Jr.n..l',wa Waa. N. Priee....... Plk. . W. Wvrall, WILLIAM ' HKXKT, JdwTioi a, Tea Pbioi an Bon.aaaa, LBHRIR OITT. Called. a. eaada maA mmwy peomptly mabl orer. ArUaam eg emraamam. maA 4tt .1 aneayaaea aeelly eajrmA.d at, pana.UA eoe reet or a. aharg lljyll lit W iVtTtl$mtUt$. 1 , gXECUTOil'H KOTICB. 1 . Notice la hereby given that letters Wetamcat ary on the aetata uf AURA 11 AM BLOOM, Sr., late of PUe twp., Clearneld oo.ialy, Pa., dee'd, havine? been dule f ranted to tbe andareieaed. all penotw Indebted to laid eatatewitl pleauwinnka tmsaaijiate paymeem taoaa aaving aiainu or demands will present Ihem properly authenticated or leiiivuiiHb wiiMu. mi.;, WM. A. BLOOM, N.w Mllliiorl, Oct T, ldT4.-t.) Kioialor. DISHOLUTION OP I'AHTNEH rill II'. Tk. oo parlamblp harotoforaox .ulng bitBHl FaTlak Curl.y and Bama.1 A. C.lilwall, al lll(l.r bulloo, In Ilrailloril tnwa ,klp, wa. dla.olv.it by aialual ooaa.nl oa Iba Utb d.v . ol July, 1874. Tba book, and aa ooiuita nl lb. arm ara l.fl 1b lb. band, af V. Cnrl.v A Co., fur Mtll.m.nl d ooIIhiIob Thoaa haowlnff tb.in.olr.a Indabtod to tba Irn ar. raqaratod to aoai. Ibraaraj and Mill. talr aoeouou. . tunuai vu. Wllll.m.grora, S.pl. 10, H74-4L ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTItJH.. Mutiee ia hereby given thailaUereof admin Isiratiun on tbe estate of JUI1N A. THOMPSON. late of Uradfurd twp., CleaiOeld Co., Pa., dee d, having boon duly granted to tbe nndeealgned, all persona Indebted ta said estate will pleas rake immediate payment, and taes aaving claims r demands will present them proper!) autPeuueaieu lor eeiiieeieDT emnouT aeisy. NAN CY K. THOMPSON, Bept. 23, 174 0. Administratrix. Notice Is hereby given that tetter of ad liituiatrmtion on the estate of JAM KM KENTON, dixt'd, late of Lawrenoa townahip, Clearfield (X, bating heeu duly granted to the undersigned, a'l pertuus indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims or demands will present then properly authenticated for set tltimoiit. , JOHN W. XVHIULKY, sepl.lO-Ot ( Administrator. F()H lAl.K.Th undersigned offer for fade n valuable town prnparty in tbe borough of Clearfield. Lot 80x186 feet, with a good two story plank house thereon erected, witb three rooms down stain and fenr bed rooms up stairs. Also, sewing room and baih room on eeeond floor. Ilouae flnUhed complete from cellar to attic. Uood double noreb anil Aod water. Price rea sonable and payments esuy. Zt)aug79 n H. M. MrCt'l.i.VUUll. Attentions Lumbermen! WBare now manulaeluring our 1MPROVRD STKKL-BUCKET DHIV1NU CANT. JIUOK8. superior to any other In nae. W hav alco In stock a large quantity of Cant books suita ble fat rafting purposes, which we are wdllag nbeap for eaah. AMOS A B. KKNNARD. Uiearneia. ra., saaren ia, ios. , Q.UNSMITniNO. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. ' fthon on Third street, ovr Hi lev's blsckiuHh jbop, CLKARFIKLD, PA.- All kinds er uinea and Hoot unnsonaanej. Repairing dune In a first-class manner and at fair prieea. :2B 7 s TOREKEEPKH8, ATTKNTIOWI W desire I eat) your attention to our extensive Commission business and lo our facilities for dis posing of eneh prodne as oar eonslgnors send ai. Having n largo trade with elty flora, we ar a ablvd to make quick rot urns, ai fulljiriee. Storekeepers having Chiokens, Hotter, Eggs, or other produce, will do well to give as a trial. Where aroeeriea ar taken la e I change, no oas. lesion will be fharged. B. L. KIRK, SON A CO., Wholesale Oroeers and Commission Merchants, ho. 130 M. Third street, Fhitad'a. aprly Js. S. I'mnons, Pres'L B. K. BiKCHaa, Bec'y; CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, or HARTrOllD, COS.il. A.ela. .1,J!0,000 Ratio of AiH to Lialillilie, HI Haraiabee ieanraaee at Iba eery low.at eeat Poliey-boldcra Barlioioata la tha prollta ol Ibe company, thue oonltnually reiluoing tne annual paymenta. For rata., Ao., call on or addrar. H. M. S4. KSA1.LV. Afeal. Offlce la Sbnw'e Kow, Cl.arl.ld, 1'a, . 7:1 i'H. TjA K M LA N I Yon 8 A LE " We would state forthelaformation of parsons wanlleg farm lands in Clearfield eonnty, that we havn re surveyed and divided Into 10 aero lots, good farm landa in Jordan, Penn, Brady, Bell, Durnside, Bloom, Knox aad Chest tnwnabips. Many of these lands aro specially adapted for fkrrnlng ynrioaee, being smooth, or slightly roll ing, if timbered with ehestont aad oak, and well watered. We bare prepared dralU of tko land so weeaa show their locality in oaohoflbeabore named townships, and will sell on easy terms nf pavnseax. Fur further information apply at oar efflee I Curwensrille, Clearfltld onuaty, Pa. Ang. 26, 1874 2m. I. A. A W. D. IRVIN. The Bell i Bun Woolen Factory, r ' ' Fena towntbip, Clearneld Co., Fa. '' .'.I - .:' " ' i . BU H N KD UVTI . , j t. i . ' kn. nut ' " BURN E D U Pi' The subscribers have, at great oxpeas. rebuilt aelghborhood necessity, in the erection of a flrat etase Woolen Mawofoclory, with all the modern iirevotnants attaebed, and aro prepared to make alt kinds of Cloths, Cassimerea. Bat t net U, Blan. kets, Flannsls, Ac Plenty of goods on band to snpetly all ourold nnd n thousand aew eastomert, whom wo ask to omc and examlae ear stook. The bneiaeai of , , CABD1N0 AND FULLING will receive oar especial at teat Ion. Proper arrangements will be made lo reeetv and deliver Wool, to fall easterners. All work warranted and don npon tb shortest notice, and by strict attea tion to business we hope to realise a liberal skara nf pabiie patronage. IIMMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the highest market priee for Woo and sell our maaafaeturee, good as low as similar goods eatn bo bongbt In tb eeantv, and wfaaaovnr we fall to render reasonable satisfaction wo eaa always bo found at homo ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by latter. JAMKS JOHNBOM A RONS, v nprilSAif - . Bower P.O. 1874. FALL A WUTEE. 1874. ..t. .' . ' I. . 'I-'' I '' ' ' v: rll . ' ; .-nt WILLIAM REED - OF THE- 1 5 ' . ' ! kl't'-StOHE 6to a e , ' -ti ' ' '. PRCOND BT., CLEARFIELD, sf AM t t a it Has reeei red a very cholo sleok of . DRY GOODS, N0TI0NS,.,TRIMMINGS, "' FNCY GOODS, ' v , , , t TRIMMED HATS A RON NETS, KID GLOVES, I ,- : ' : . i . HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER flOOHS, ' To whisk th. enaction of teak bayara Ihraagk oat lb. eonnl. I. lorilMl. Ila.lag had .aperiewoa la tki. ela.l of go I aa tail.heg I eaa gl.. rali.faetleB la any wba may giro me a call. I am determiaed ta il good, at in.h prlc.a. thai a litll. nion. will go . apnea oa. 1 Any oa. Ibraagkeat Iba oaaaty 4aj aoad el good, la my liaa, wtti .. w.u ao g... bi. yr K.mrn.h.r lh. plae.. WM. RKKII, OeA. f, l74. K.yitoa. iter., Ct..rOrid, Pa ,.Wa H. M o eFn RU Ei i .it tonxE r-.t T-t a tr ' Real JSalato Agent eail Inrureace Braker, Umuttdalr, lltmrMUd C Pm. Agaeil tot Oalgalaa Bad InaCmlaf Htaaajen. raMage. neearea oy Bay rwnw .in o.t.174. i-HRAP GROCKRIES1 " 1 i ... l.llatBKfl rrTT . lb. aaderalgaed amaoaaaaa aa Ma .M frlead. and palroae that ba .. fntt a goad liaa at .,u..:.uB,bd xin.-ivicrriKa .k- .u of Kirk A SpoaMr, lor wklek k. aoO.il. a liberal patrcaaam. i ' n. w, areata, lawiabar City, F... Hank 10-41; A DMINISTRATOR'8 NOTICB.- r. Nolle, i. hereby giro, that letter, ofadmla iatrMMB aa Ihe aatate of Un. BUHAM BYLBR daaaaaad, laae of Hoeaaai lawBakip, Clewa. OeM eeoaty, Pa ka.lag kaaa emly (raMael aa Iba aaderrigaad, all peraau ladebted la aatd acute will pleaee make Immedlat. mnyaeoat, aad laaMM Bft.lagaiaim. m a.mooim w.w prawrw. wmwm rcMrhr aalawwAlaatcdfrreotliceaealwilbeatA. lay. , ; . B. iH.W, Oet. lt wl '"" AdmlalltraUr. ' Dime, nm ob uiih aauB- JL . , daelrei Apr!) M, 1010. . Jaet raeaicad aad fa. Bale br . W. BI0LBB OO. Sotrti. ' "i T JCOSAItD 1IOU8R, i l).ao .it.a.ftviui.r. 1 A tbara of nobllo natron... li roniaelfnlly H ll.lt. 4iltl4 . a. KUW, fraa'r. SUAW HOUSE. .... (Con. or Markot A Front street,) CLKAKF1KLD, PA. Tb undersigned bavlag taken eharg of thil noiei, wuum respeetiany solicit nnbite patronage, 0a.ll T.l-' - ( H.AIWTUfl ttllAW, WASUINGTON HOU8K, , TT NEW WAHlUNlilON, PA. This new nnd well furnished hour baa been taken by tb undersigned, lis feels confident ol being able to render satisfaction to those who may favor hint with a call. May 8, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. JJOMTOUII HOIIK, , i . Oppoalt tb Court House, , ' LOCK HAVEIf, PB.NN'A. " 1 ' JeU'Tl 1IAUBEAL A KROM, Pn-p's. B ROCKKMHtllrir HOUIIIC BKLI.EFOMK, pA., . , ; D. JOIlUhTON A 80N6J, uollo'71 ,i Proprloaora. T OYD IIODSE,'' ' ,',,'' XJ Moin ftrcct, ' PIIIMPHlUIRtl, PKNN'A. ' Table wlway. eappll.d with the beat Ihe markrt allonli. Tbe U.r.hag publio ia Invited looail, uil.'IS. K011ERT LOYI). THE MANSION HOUSE Corner of beeondand Market Btreeta,., ( t CLtARFlLI). PA. THIS old aad eommodleaa Hotel has, daring Ah past year, beea enlarged to double its former oanaelty for tb entertainment of stran. gera and guests. Tb whol bnildtng ha been r famished, and the pronrteiee will spare) a pains to render bl gusst omortabl while staying with him. rh 'Mansion now" utaninu ran t nnd from th Depot on tb arrival nnd departnr of ach train. JOHN DOUUHKKTY, aprA-70 tf Proprietor. AI.UKGUENY HOTEL, (Market CL. b.1. Second and Third,) CI, UAH fit LI), rA. . The auhaoriber bariac beeome proprietor of tnta aoi.1, woata reapeetlolly a.K liberal anare f pabiie patroaage. aplI'TS OIORQI LKII'OLDT. SUSQUEIUNNA HOUSE, . CCRWK.NSVILLB, , ( Clearneld county, Penn 'a. This old and well eatahltlbed Hotel, bonuHfnlly siluaud on tb basks of tb Hosqaehauaa, In tka borough of Curwensvllle, ba boon leased fur a term ol years by tb undersigned. It baa been entirely roltted, aad ta now open to tba poblie goaorally and tb trnveliag oomm unity ia par tlcnlar. Mo pain will be apared to render guests eomforUbl while tarrying at Ibis bona. Ample Htobling room for tb aceommodattoa of teams. Charges moderate. i Kept, 28, l7-tf. KLI BLOOM. Jnitistry, J. M, STEWABT, D. D. S., OfBce orr Irwtn' Drug Store, CtRWINSVILLR, PA. All dentaJ operations, either in tho mecbaaleaJ or oporatira branch, promptly nttendod to aad aatis.'ectlon guaraateod. (Special attention paid to the tramtment of diseases of tho natural teeth, gams and mouth. Irregularity of tb teeth so. eesafully eorrectod. Teeth ei tree tod witbowt pain by the nse of Bther, and artificial teeth ineertod of the host malarial and warranted to render iau tafaetloa. april2'71:ly County National Bank, OF CLKARFIKLD, PA. UOOM In Masonic Building, oao door north ei C. D. Wataoji' Drug Store. Passage Tickets to and from Liverpool, Qoeene towa, Qlaagow, London, Part and Copenhagen. Also, I) ran. Tor sal oa th Royal Beak of Ireland and Imperial Rank of London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Preel. W. M. BHAW, Cashier. tl:l.T4 3. D. M'tilrk. Edward Pork. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE - - or i mcgirk & perks. BsMoessor to Foster, Perks, A Co. rbUlpobnrsT, Ceirtrw Connty, Pn. 1 WHERE afl th basin' of n Banking Hoa wil oa tnasMotod promptly and wpoa ti most tnvornol tarma. r marTtf DREXEL & CO., No. at aoBth Third fltrtwt, Philadelphia And Dealert in Government Securities. ApplieatiM by mail will receive prompt attea m, and all laformatioa eberfully furniihed. Hon, Order, oelletod. April It -If. II. F. BIGLER & CO., naiLiafl it HARDWIRE, Alto, Maaafaetnrorsof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. OLIA1FIILO, FA. pARMINO IMPLEMENTS of all -h. i ' kl lor oale by , II. r. BIO LER CO. R AILROAD WHEELBARROWS ,i'.:l.ii .f.r M.V by -i ,.i . " . H. r. BIGLER eV CO. QIL, PAINT,. PUTTY, GLASS' lJ , KallaiteJ, tor wl. y ,'. ., f t i - .! H. F. BIGLER t. COM II ARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE ; Fiadlngi, for ,ale by , t ' ' H. F. BIGLER CO. Q.UNS.PISTOLS 8WORD CANES , . . Fqrialebj . , , ! . . . U. P. B10LER A CO.! gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND oii.a, tor in. oy ... ,i U. F. BIGLER k CO. I RON ! , IRON IRON I . IRON I . Far aal. V ii. ...i t ' H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. TORSE SHOES Jt HORSE SHOE A A. . . , ' VAILS, for aala bf , i i i - H. F. BIGLER CO DULLEY , BLOCKS, ALL BIZES I . ' . ( Aa. Mil eiBBaraetare, t.r e.i. . l. t . : . ' i H. F. BIGLER 4 00. flltMBLE SKEINS JINT)' PIPE ' BOXRB.foT.al.by " ,i , "".''ti, r. nioi.ER I c.o. : pODPER CUTTRRS for mIo by r.30.70 II. F. BIGLER at CO. i 1 ll..TFCTr, , . ,(., vni .'i .l I t i'i n Tba andmlgnrd ar. bo fully prepared to nrr, an ,n. ...i.e.. . ; , , IXDERTAKIt., ," T RJAHONABLS RATM, i ,', Aad rerpe.Uagy eetfrft lb. petr.aaga af rbeaa aaadina Mla Mrataaa. . , ... J0HII TROt'TMAN, J Cm.rg.ld, Pa., Feb. IB, !. " PAUTION.- r no. i All poroon, are kmhy war.nl agala.l pnreb. aalag er I. any way wwddllag wltk tba follola deeeribed property, laiA ml, kaa, Oa..,,. I COO ata.a, 0 .hailw, I taklaa I VAa aad d dine. I doaahtr... I eaabimfd. 1 irtia ketila. I tab., grala cradle. All lb. bay aad oau la tk. beam, a bat al rya, aara aad baekwBjewa, Baw k IB. a Miai.il. ef Jeamb La., ad Baraeld. ban. ekla, Be tk. .Bl wee .areheeed by aae at aheriff eaie aa. ia ion wita B,m aa .eaa aaajoei i. my aaAar. ' dAalKa IMLalAUHB. MWaaVaaga.lna,Ul..,.r..iit . .i J parte gar ak cnaorrAaLBav VI Wa kao. ariatod . barf aaakm af tk. t FIB BILL, wd ai am Ik. eaa, ay. af Iwaa tn eaala. mall a eaay l. an aldim, at i $rf Kseds , Qntttitt , tttr. 'iWE7T"r,TTr IIAVB NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILI.EI :U)U iv;itm am I am awai-a that there ar some persons a little hard to please, and I am also aware that Ibe complaint of "hard times" la well mgb universal. But I am to situated aow that I eon satisfv tbe lormcr and prove eoneluslvely that "herd lintes"J win no. snoot luose wno buy their gouils from me, and nil my patron shall be Initialed Into the se cret of HOW TO AVOID IIAItD TIMES I hafivira4a.nugh to .apply .11 rhr lnkai.l lata, la too lawerwnd Of Iba louexy V(i.dl I loll at caenedlng low raiea from my m.Dmolh ature In MIILKOMIIIKU, where I oan alwaya ka foaml ready to wait upon ..lien and lupply tb.m with Dry Goods ol nil kinds, a Such as Clotht, Hallnetts, Caaaimens, Muallus, Delaines, Liuen, Drilling!, Caliooes, Trimmings, Hibbons, Lace, Ready-made Clolbing, Boots aud Sbwa, Uata and Caps all of tle best materia) and uiudc lo order -Hue. Hoc KB, UlflVvs, Mittena, Laces, Kibbona.Ao. UltOClvltlEH OF ALL KINDS Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rico, Molasaes, Fi.h. Halt, Pork, Linsoed OH, F'b,iyl, CrWn Oil. Hardware, Queenawnre. 'Tinware. Caslinra. Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Hpikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Yarnlih, Glass, and a general - aseertment of Siatlonere, (I n fi n V 1 Ci TT If UUUJJ SJsUUIt, Of .dilTopiint kralide, alw.y. oa hob.!, an vfilj he ' ' cold at aha loweat potaihle flgurel". i, II. MoClaln'a MedKlaea, Jayne'a kfedieinea, lloatetter'e and Uooflaad a Bitlera, 0000 BoaBda af Wool wanted for which th. bigbeat prioe will be paid. C)overoed on hand aad for aala at the loweil market price. ' Alao, Agent for Stratloavlll. and Canramivil. Threablng ktecbinee. nVCall and aae for yoareelrea. Yon will find e.erylbiag qaaally kept ia a retail .tore. L. M. COI'DRIKT. FreBokrUla P. 0., Aagaal 11, IHT4. ' R E AD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tbaattantloa of tho aitisoaaof Clearfield and vicinity 1 directed to the fact that Uoudfetlow A Boa ar th agents of M. .Niece A Co., and hare Just reeei red a half dosea oar loads of Flour and Jreed, wfaien they oner at the lowest possible Bg nres. A large stock of FLOUK, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWnRAT FLOUR, BRAN, - : ' ' ' Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Cora In ar, lo., As. Part leu lar attention I called to M. Niece A Co.' brand of Family Flour, which Is th boat in tbt market. Floor and Feed ean and will be fold cheaper than it eaa be obtained elsewhere In Clearfield anty. .Ar Store oa Market street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin'a residence. UOODPKLLOW A HON, JanlOtf Agents for M. Niece A Co. , ,, -:, , A -ATTllh'- CORNER STORE, CURWENSVLLLE, PA. T ' imv ! .--..'I "fi'i'' OFFKR8 ItlABONABLT A FI:LL STOCK OF . .GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ' rt.otn, .ticrr, risn, s.ii.t. kopk, Ke.i 1 ';' 1 alwaya oo baad at loweat ea.b price.. LUMBER, aiiALf, irO0K, tc, ! . t f . ' t taken In cxehange for goods at highest market priee. ' nnglR'74. MARBLE AD 8T0.E YARD! ' . ' "..!. Mrr. S. S. LIDDELJ;, Having engaged la the Marble huiineea, doalrea ta inform her frieada and the public that ibe baa : now and will keep cooitantly on Band a targe and well .elected Hook of ITAL1A3 AND Y Ell MONT MARBLE, and I. prepared t. furoleb Oo ardor TOMBSTONES, , , I i V BOX AND CRAlUk' TOMBS, .. v-a Carba and Post for Cesnelswy -.ets, Window fills and Caps. alaor th'-t- -4 1 BtTRBAtT, TAI1LS AND WABII STAND TOPS, Ac, do. . auYarlon Reed ttrart, near tho wi 1. Depot, Clearleld, Pa. JcT,71 F. O'LEARY BUCK, General .Insurance Agent and u Real Estate Broker, "',.', Repreient, tbe following rellalile lnnnrance to e: Nortk Brltl.h A Meroantll. Tin. Co, ,?5,00.000 Waahiagloa Life lnanraoce Co 4,000.01)0 Fire A.aoelation lnanranca Ca...., , S.MO.OUO Amaaoa Fire lnaur.no. Co A,TII,l4t Pbtroiix I nan ranee Co., N. V 2,009, OtiO l i a. non. nun Wat art own Fire, insarea dwellings if, i t . 1 and farm buildings only...m.fl.M, ili.UOw Torb, Pa., Htock In aara nee Co. Ilvrsoa kisoiaMi against deatk and theft. , P. H Parttwsln tbo oonntry dirlng IneorwnV on their Mvoa or property oan bav it promptly atteaded to by addressing as by letter, orewlling in peraoa 4at onr offloe, In Pic's Opera House. Hooin Ho. IpCieebrttotti, fa. -i , . augi ? JJ R. FUM-EKTfN -i j j WIT1I W. 74 NCOTT "h; CO., Wholwale Dealer, la DatH, Caps, Fun A Slraw tloods, 1 !)'(.'' V Ma..,'',"i r!.'fAP!-fW.u'. . angtO-tf LEATHKIt nnBAST-HTRAPS .,..i.i .. . " fll PKRHKHtll BY . . .v. C'OVF.RT'rTr-NT MI'iTAI.I.IC BREAST HOLD-BAC.1 M.decf lh. U.t Mallea. .1 , -.u ...i..l I '- bHaB?bMhTiwt 1 M 'J'aH kinds of Architectural Adornments. fnapever invented. It is eaaiiy anu quicaiy put on, and ttt en t a the whipping of the horses hv lh pole, liot liable, .tt V m rf-repair. k I Willlaat for years. All w aak Is a fair trial, to I eon rl nee all parties ua- I lAg tkioTBa ihaa thoy arej ' f nnsarpaased tn value fur I Ihe purpose for which they are Intended. i HACK KTT A RPMRVVPH. .. 8AW8! 8AW81 8AW8! i;!t.lii ..llU.i'.'.l..' DIHTAK'S CROPS-OI'T, MILL, DRAll AND crRc.ua RA.i. -,.; v-i i Boyoton'i Llghtaidg Oroaiout Saw, n'lem i i ,.il'.tiVao, u, ilr,: .,.;. FATimrPRrf)hATF.D ki'CTStc'rlelwi, ,. ... ,-i '! T - rt.l.a,. Joa .,... Jd inivV,.V m i '. Bii'iia HOUSE AND" LOT rOR sALfc Tk. Bcaa. aad Lat an aaa earwef Of Ma aaaaad Fifth alreele. Ckaaewadd. Fa- la lor aB. Tk. lot nal.la, aearly aa aero .4 araaad. the kaaa. ia . large doaOU fnoa,, aoaUiaiad Bin. name, far larea. aa .tkar lafaraaaleaa aa, t. Baa aaBeeitlmr, ai una real vmaa. a.fll F. A.OAI'LIN gntflg Vitil mrllriuri. QnA'NGED IIASDS?' ' ' " Would M-nMlfllllv Mnllfv Ik. naaktU a.amll thai ka km n.i rl. ..( I U u al Hior. Inbhaw'iJlfvr. wberf b (nteadi ksejiing - iwn imoj u an o ' 12 it ii:n. ttAiiii, eniEii HKicF.nii uiii).'' H !(1 A HS au.l S II r Vt, of all grade . , , . (.I ( I. 1,1 I I,. hV) . I .Al TK.iH, tlrocn and llln k. C0FFK1J, Roarleil and Qteeu. FLOUR AND rUOVl.SjONS, v.i.r.mt t in its, All kind. In tbe markot. I'itisLEaV ja .ail laWriail ,11 vUi'i HI'Icrfl, In ecety fmm all J variety. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. K1SIIKI'II,C KI'HX. n ',!.'. .f!j4:l.il . .'.'I Ui 'l.'.i.'IIC BOA I'M, .WA'N'Hta), , it,' 1)111 Kl AIT1.K.1, - llltlKO I'KACIH.B,'- " ' ' iiiiu:d rtiEitnitis. .1-1 Coal Oil and Lamp Chimneys. l Liia.d j,i.rii.nt of lli. lhini a.oally ) kept la a gtooTryatora, which ba will aacbang. fur marketing at the uiaikcl price. Will all for ea.b aa cheaply oa any other one. Pleaee cell and ao. hi. atneh and Judg. fur yourarlf. . . , ' "I "JOIIX MiOAlUIIEY. Cloarnrl 1, May 37, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Oppoille Puat Office. New Goods I New Prices I ,1 ,-t l a., -. ClltlK'li I INK OP TKA. 0O1.0N0H, , . JAPANS, IMHOltTKD, ' - ' rorso nyso.v, KNOI.I8U BREAKFAP1 l'urcat la Market. . III TTl:rt AMI KLtia Will he kept nnd told at fir.t eoat. Canb ptiid for Country4Veduoe . . , 1 - OKRHAN CUEBaiKS, ' '. - ' TI'UKEY FRCNKS, I'llKSKRVRD PKAllsl, PHII.AOKI.rHIA HAMS. . ' vwu. M.ckcrcJ, Lik. Ilwring. Co.1, Ao. , , i - . ,.t.i I I J V . I . HK kl.lJI. Barrel Pickle, .ml Kngllih I'irklei. I ; : ; 1 -t i. t t ' ' I'l.OI'rl AMI I'F.LII. Flour, Corn Meal, Oat ileal, Ao. fchJi" liTd y . LYTLE A MITCHELL. Ttt ,r IM I. W . t t I C A It A M. DEALER IN ' GENERAL MEECjIAJJDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Uaa yoM opened, nt tha .Id .tend, In tlraham'a Kow, a eompl.t. ataoK or - t jM" II H'j'fi OODI, t of crery dcMriptlun. DRY'OOOPS, onocEniKs. . 4 - .' . UARDWARR, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' t,.i., .. - CLOTIIIXO, it-ritv., IN C,REAT VAH1ETV. ;.. '' FLOUR, All l.ii , . .a ! i I OAT! tr.iK .11 '' pi II.WAYH OX llAXD A XI) FOl OATS, :i CORN,f F LOU 11 lltceltei I IkeWrlond, aaA ao)4 al a .mall advance. , A rupvly..f HOrS MBiUutly on band. . SpMial iadooemeuta offered to Iboee gvttieg oat Hanaro Timber and Loaf, aa wa deal lareely ! I. Lumbermen Foppllei, and ara pre- j prcd at all limca to purcliaae llm- j .- I her and lumber. t I ' : B " " " ,yTp ya 'i lit, Hi 8triV; , i : ; i i ' CLEARFIELD, PA, (let. ts. 17?. " -THE CLEARFIELD; FIRECLAY CO. .i t' a. ''-.-i . .Mjti wm nana " rut ii r.ititii Furnace Blocks, (ins ' Retorts, : y, it i Tur. x. im ; 7 '.i i! i Stove Luiiog., Taving TileSj, A.o. j .. ( i : .. ' pi"i! f'tlnincaf Top, iriinfoir 'j,,j ' " , ., . , ul I'nara. - ' . . -W1 1 -i a ' ORIfllNAIa DESIrtN IV fKlllIA 1'OTTA ,k :,maiKito uauaa . ,1. .TI-' I With luinr.i. i d m.i liini r. fir.l cl..P material .im. .klileri -workmen. We can wan ant all oni mannforlnrra lo be In If not .nparlir In nny in Ibe markcl. ! ' ' ri - a " ArlU'lea of iiur ui.iiuliutnr. can lio aeon at the Worh., near R;ln..d Depot, Or al Ihe llar.la.re Htore ol II. V, Uijler d bo. , j 111 rrmn'. ilhaidK.k'iail.lrrai.d'ln Ihe Oeaeral hupcrintercnt, Bill receive prompt at tealioa. . -a. 17. 11AH li." ,t rv, .inttN l'KRfl I. HUN. Ilrn'l rlupt. of JlcubtaH. uaeokitk, HewtLod, , ' " Honl. M.nnl.elnring Oept. maro ... art! w SETT I.EMKNT NOTICE. 1 Inkf ihl. melacd ml kafonal.a aiy aalrona that I hare plenty ot time Jon now to ae.ue np oiu m oounA., aw. I Pwe..f piaaeuce rw an ene'e wiw Bar. miimrTm.1 aocudnl. with me to eome rnrwarn and hare tlirin oloaed without delay. TtioM wh. fail to kwl Vhl, Botlee weed bol be nrprld it they are called npoa lo aettle in a le.al manner. l4kaaaa.noBtg,n Mirariano. pay . o.... ' L. M. COlllRlKT. WANTED, llie ClorBcltl Ex eel.lor Cant llnok Compaay, Wood for ,.. 10,001 CANT HQOK IIAMDLrA, .. t af kJl .0.111, kard Sugar, epllt t. d. For la formaalua.alra al ak. Tobaeaoud It ar klere Vf jnnl7lf) AI.RX. WATHON. Jljrdiwf, tTinuarr, tf. JjOOK OUT FOR THE IIUBBAKD, & .WAPLE, IlKAI.KrtS IN I S '1-1 -t I -4 .'I"' STOVES & RANGES, AMI MAMTFAf'TI'ltKRd OF siiciit'lron -.7 i i .' t & Ctippcr Wnii', i in PLUM HERS ft-liAS FITTERS - Kca'r Market Nlreet, Cl.arllcld, Will keep oa band all tha beat Cook Vtoree, H.ngea, Heating Htomo and Furnace. In Iho market, amung which wa mention tb. Argand It.nK.i Victor Cook, Jli.moBil btate and b'fllipae, all ol which fur tioa.ty ol dc.iga aod .heapner. cannot be .urpa.aid in Ibe market. All of our Kturee we warrant to give entire ..Olfaction, or . tb. bi..v. .i . reiiirnnil i. Un day.- uta rl pay for new otica. We keep alovc, taken In part pay toe new ot oo band nil of the l.uat and b.rt HEATING STOVES AND RANGES. j Particular atteulloo paid to th repair tug of I all kinds o! Btovea, Ksnges and Furnaocs. TIN AYARE. Of oar own tnatiu factors, of all kinds, which whieh will he sold cheap for cash, by wholesale r retail. All our ware is made out of ooe nnd two rnee-tip, aud warm o led lo ho Jest a we represent It. Tin Roofing- a:d SpoutlnR don at short notice and on snost reaeunabla tmis, and repairing neatly and promptly exo euled. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING done and all jo tie warranted perfect. Will keep on band lies Fixtures, of all kind', end fit up bouae witb Kangia, Bath Boilers. Bath Tut.s, hhower llatbs, Warb Stands, Pinks and Water Closets Parties wishing anything don In our line will do well to give ua a rail, aa we are determined to please alt ia regard to priee aad style of work uiansfeip. I.J. Jluiibard will personally taper inleod all work eiLruted to our care. I.J'T1"I oeptM,74 II IB HA HI) A WAI'LII. ffptX-WAKK, STOVES, -E AND HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., f VRWENSVILLE, PA. Having hnught th Hardware Store and Tin fihrfp formerly belonging to W. A. Dale, w intend keeping fur sale everything belonging tn the busineas, and will endeavor to sell oa low for caah aa eon be eoegru this aide of Philadelphia. At uur eatabl ithment may bo found at all time a full aupplj of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, SHEET-IRON AND TIN WARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, 'shoe .findings, Hails, Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, arming implements 01 ail junds, IM I IHE.., - r 1 ; ; ' ' , ' r PCYTIIE-PNATIIICS, (inAIN CnDLES, BAKES, A. . tr .vi i.i. f BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, HOIIPE-SIIOES, ,. , ,. IIORSK-SnOK NAIL!", BOLTS, A. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, ic. cf TIN HI-OI'TINO done low and bet of materia! arod. . WATSON, NICHOLS A CO. famuli 111., Sa., Jane A, 1874. . JliONSTDES STORE. , i'f.l-U.li'"- , .' I'i':"' G; S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOV FA ! HEATERS, k, UANI.1..S, , HOI.I.OW-WARE, TAINTS. ' ' . , OILS VARNISH. rUTTY A GLASS, ," "." ., '" ROrF-S, ... STPPLADOERS, ! ! v ,vi -U 1 u v u I A?JPVIfl.OVl WAREI Tlie coii'arat.d Tolln Antl-Freeia( O.lr.ailcd i IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. f Ho boiler Pump, in the market. LAMP."5, ClIANDKLlERH, (.ASTERN8, LAMl' H.I. K8, ofallkinda, LAMP FIXTt'ItRf, Ao. All al lowt prlcel. ,' I-H'TA, Pre.quel.le Ml reel, IMilllp.barg. Pa, ' J 1ME1 I.IMK1 1 he ao.let.ltrned II new prepared to furobik tb. juhli. with na .acell.nl qu.llly of Bollefonta Wocd-6urned time; for Maeterlng pnlroeea. by lb. largo or email quanlity. Caa be f.aad lor Iba praweal at Fl.'a oe, building, oa Market alreet. 0.11 tf . L. K. McCVLLOTOB. J. R. INFMURH AY wrt.t Rrrn.T yoh with ant abthh.ii (IF MKRCHAVDI.se AT TIIR.VBRlt bWkM pallia.. , vums ass aaa. (iiO:7i M NEW " WASHINGTON.