Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 21, 1874, Image 2

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i'i !
8ht IkpuHiran.
iat-ir - -
sditur inn roriTo,
or coNonr.Hfl,
. h. A. MACKEY,
or cuRwiMsvii.i.t
h. 3. MORGAN,
CONRAD W. KYLER, 1 jcor,
1170 MAY VOTE.
It la well to roniiud our roadttrs that
under the new Const Hut ion, every per
son offeriiiff to voto must show :
1. That he bus been n citizen of the
United Sttites ut trust ono month.
Thin will cut uir all person nutuiTil-
. ized Mftcr the 3nl dny of Oetoher in
the present year.
2. That he linn resided in the State
& year, or, if formerly a resident and
removed therefrom shall havo returned
six month preceeding the election.
Thin iB the srimo provision that pre
vailed in the old Constitution.
3. That lie has resided in the elec
tion district where he oft'ors to voto, at
least two months immediately before
tho election.
4. That he has, within two year
and at least a month before tho elec
tion, paid n State or county tux assessed
at least two months prior to the elec
tion. Lot no man move from ouo ward or
district immediately before tho elec
tion and expect to vote.
Tub Democratic Ticket. Tho Jto
docii and their Radical allies will no
doubt flood tho county with spurious
tickets by election dny. Below will
bo found tho lull Democratic ticket as
printed by tis for tho County Comintt
teo, and to be voted on the 3d.
JnuVo of the Supremo Court
Wnrron J. oodward
Additional Law Judge
John 11. Orvis
Lieutenant Ooveinor
' John Imtta
' ' Auditor Oeneritl
Justus F; Tcmiilr
Secretary of Internal Affairs
William .McCnmllrx
' L. A. ftlackcy
State Senator :
William A. Wallace
1 W. liosg Hartshorn
Prothonotary, Ac
Eli Bloom
Register and Recorder, ic
L. J. Morgan
' County Commissioner
Conrad W. Kyler 1 year
t Henry Whitehead 1 yenr
: t. i!ountv Surveyor
Samuel F. -McCloskey
liie ttoovo inrre iickcih mako np
a full hand, and shouM bo cut where
the nilo Indicates.
Absenteeism is tho only way In
which the Democrat of Pennsylvania
can bo defeated on the 3d of November.
Ohio and Indiana each gave 20,000
Democratic majority. . Last year the
former gave but 814 and the latter 1,.
360. JlehnM th change I
' Mr. Victoria Woodhull lectured
Philadclphians on last Friday night,
on "what is tiuo and what is fulsc
socially." ., Vic. knows a good deal
about that subject.
, Kdwnrtl P. JluCormick, of Lock
Haven, ia tho young man w ho is try
inf? to roach (he Senate from this Dis
trict. ! Edwani will be nllowcd to cul
tivate Jii ambition a little longer, be
fore he will make a Senatorial landing.
Tho DcnidPints, it appears, havo a
good working majority in tho Indiana
Legislature, and thereby secure a Sen
ator, which TOBiilt will nearly kill the
champion Morton, w ho has earned that
Stute in his pocket f,,r twelve year.
Poor Morton I . , . . ; . Movinii. U iooks now as
mough the Democrats would have
twAMtnnls or the memlwrs in 1lio next
Congress, if the great States of Penn
sylvanla, Illinois and new York imi
tate Ohio and Indiana, and we believe
they will.
Voti Earit. Democrats of Clear
field county and of Pennsylvania, the
people of Ohio and Indiana set an ex
ample for yon on the 13th of OctoW.
They want butter times , henco thoy
on that day polled the largest rote
ovtir cast In those Htntm everybody
went to tho election and turned out
"arty every effleo holder or the Rad
J persuasion in those State and put
wrsta In their stesd
Tuesday, November 3d, Is fixed by
law for holding onr general election,
and It 1b tho duty of all Democrats to
voto for our nominees, especially since
our party friends, havo nominated up
right and competent men to All tho
respective position. , "
Our nominee for Assembly, Gn
end William 11. Hartshorn, wa born
in Curwensvllle and still resides there
and is a representative of ono of,
tho oldest Jkmilic in the county. He
is of unexceptionable private charac
ter, and a Democrat of tho old school.
Ho entered, the army as a lieutenant,
and by bravery and integrity rose to
llio high ami honorable position id
Hrigtidior (ienerul. This fact alone
settles the ttalut of bis ability. Since
tho close of the war, lie has been en
gaged in mcrohRiidmug and tho lum
ber trade, and stands high among busi
ness men, and will inako an excellent
Representative. His opponent, Dr.
Potter, lias betrayed bis parly for tho
smallest mess of pottugo ever offered
to any man, and forfeited "his word,"
and should not ho supported by any
Democrat, because bo is on the Radic al
ticket and will be overwhelmingly de
feated. Eli Bloom, our nominee for Prothon
otary, was born in Piko township, la a
son of the lato Wm. Bloom, who was
known to nearly every in the
county in bis day. Tho son has in
herited the integrity and Democracy
of bis father, and belongs to the most
numerous Democratic family in the
county, and therefore deserves the
supMrt of every Democrat. Resides,
ho is a first-class penman ami will make
an excellent officer. .
Tho Rudical candidate, Samuel G.
Knntx, wo havo known since his birth.
Ho misrepresents his family and has
betrayed his party. His father, uncle
and relatives bc'ong to tho best familcs
nud are tho most undeviating Dem
or ruts in the county, not ono of whom
will vote for him. Ho is an Islimselito,
ami wholly incompetent for the ,Mjsi
tion bo is seeking. He is a mere in
strument in tho hands of a few design
ing men, who will make a first class
fool out of him, unless ho learns their
motives and takes the advice of friends
before election dny aud leaves the field
for some ono mom comc tent.
I j. J. Morgan, our nominee for Reg
ister and Recorder, is a citixen of Wal
laccton and is particularly well quali
fied for tho position by education and
c.cricncc. He is one of tho best book
kecers and accountants in the county.
His penmanship cannot ho excelled,
and that is just w hat Is needed in that
ofllcc. Ho was born in the county,
and lvprcHcnts a largo and influential
connect ion of relatives in therein, who
have always been realoustuipporters of
the Democratic party.
His Jtudieul opponent Smith, is not
qualified for the position either by ed
ucation or experience, but recently
moved into this county and is almost
unknown to every body except a few
Radicals who havo undertaken the job
of electing him. No Democrat in the
county owes him anything, in a party
sense, nor should business men of either
party want to put a man into that
ofhYo who is wholly incompetent
Morgan is upright and competent and
a Democ rat in whom there ia no guile.
Tho other man has not resided long
enough in the county to tost his quali
fications. He is a good tailor, and if
he does not allow others to make fcsl
of him he will succeed in that business.
Conrad W. Kyler is a native of the
county and reside on his farm, in
firnbam township. Ho belongs to an
old numerous Democratic family. Ilia
correct life and uprightness has long
since boon understood among his neigh
bors and throughout tho eastern por
tion of tho county, where he received
nearly a unanimous vote at tho prim
ary election. . He i ono of the best
business farmer in the county, and
will also make a first class Commis
His opponent, Mr. Hilc, was a can
didate several years ago, before our
I primary election, and. being defeated,
ho has felt sore over since, and conse
quently now finds comfiirt by hob-nob-ing
with tho enemies of the Democratic
jsirty, althought ono of the "worst
rebels" in the county during tho war.
Now tho loyalists kiss bis foot. The
alliance is too unnatural to possess
rtiileh GodllncK or Democracy, and
must prove abortive.' , '
Our farmer friend, Henry Whitehead,
Iioh been a citizen of Union township
for 25 years. He possesses rare abili-
llc as an accountant, and will make
nn upright and competent County Au
ditor, He is exceedingly modest in
Ins deportment, although a finished
classical scholar, well fitted for higher
positions. Ho is entitled to a aolid
Democratic vote.
James Thompson, who seeks com
fort in tho Modoo camp and bos formed
a Radicnl alliance, is following fhlse
gods and has made a wondorful depart
lire from tho views inherited from his
esteemed father. Ho will prove far
mora useful to his family than to the
puhlio m Auditor. - "Jimmy," as he is
familiarly called in Kylertown, has
nuidu a mistake which he will proba
bly not discover until too Into,
Hamuel F. McClofkcy is onr "third
turm" candidate for Burveyor, and oc
cupies the field without a rival. Neith
er Modocs noi Radicals seem desirous
to enter tho race witli him. Ho lias
sen cd two terms as Surveyor with sat
isfaction to his party and without any
olrjectlons from the public. He makes
an excellent officer. ' '
Wo have thus minutely sketched
tho candidates, being personally ac
quainted with all of them, and there
foro as a journalist we give our views
to our readers and tho public for what
they arc worth. Personally, wa arc
pn gixid terms with the Radical-M odor
candidates, but in a party. Mnse we
dosir their defeat for two substantial
reasons : Our nominees are far bettor
qualified fur the respective positions,
and the conduct of their competitor is
so outrageous that no wan governed
by f orrcct principles, cither Radical or
uomocrat, can auport them
A Cloiioi'i Vtctoar. The Pcmo-
erats gained eleven members of Con
gress in Ohio and Indiana, on the 13lb
and Ave Radicals were rlncted by less
man zw majority. This b the great
est political revolution that ever betel
any party, In Congressmen. , The peo
ple la those Btates have evidently got
tbelr eye open at latrt. Do Pwiot Ira
nian, see the point r WehoTWtbeydo
Great minds will differ In opinion.
Tho edltorsof the Pittsburgh TVoynipA
and tho Journal make a case in Hiint,
Th latter got off Inst week '
Tht Rtpubllun Htsla TleSM ll s o4 I
vtry rtiiMt, sad istrUi His sunBcltuM ssd up
port or tmy RusIIm Is tb CunmutnvMllli.
Wllk IMS bnu OISHUS4, Allts, Bulk sad
Piams, llsuilar tnsrtrt, lb Htbacn
rtjr Is Ikti Bui bsi saints I far M to tb
rMult, If RtuubltoMi mr bsl Uw to lbir prlnfll
psli sad Ibilrorganliatlon."
The editor of tho Ttittjnifh, though
just us Radical as his Clearfield brother,
drifts a little Higher tho truth and ro
inurksthus: W do not nnd to to "r rdri tbal
pMll nd aobuilsllnflir sdlM (b "bmltlng"
i Ibo tia MndtilatM dill foil, so manor fur
hu iffl Iboy art runalM. W bollos isilud
of aa Ml of dlilojrottjr ll would lit aa set of Ibt
IraoM jsmolhr "b Ibo aobloal aapiralloaa of
Ibo rttnablloaa nam, for a'T liiHllirnl and
ooiiMianlKiaa slllaoa to ajark wllk Iba Moat am.
ubatla illiaiiiiroral all Iba oaautdatoa "put ap
aod "aat uo oy that aaaalial oil of polltleal raa-
ii up
w tall "I'aaMraailia " lor inon,
allb Ih aodaratandln Ibat it aaihodiM Bob
MaukaaUta anil Bill Btaaaiaai aa ila laadara and
prophota. I'adartbia eataRory aa elaaa Iba Ka
iiubllias aanilldal for Hapraai Jaiifas R kt.
Faimn, s lawyor who la lllllo Ion Ik no Infiiaiul
at homo, and alao Uto easdidala for Auditor
Oaaaral, Mr. Alias, of Warroa eounly, irbo baa
takes aarrio wllk tho troaaar ring anilar lb
atoal haniUaUas IraaatatMooa, ooaaldorleg Ihay
waolail lo aall biaj oat a aouril f vaara aso,
abap, to naka tha ealling anil laollua aur of
Uovornor nartraart, wae But noaatij awnoraioo
tka graaUat iinis lb 'ring" war Haoleil from
aa of Ila nploA bf lolag tka fao and aalar;
bill, abioh draigntd I our Ih rottaooeaa
aad oormptloa of Fhiladclpkla and Stat politic.
We are glad that wc arc able to re
cord the fact that there is one editor
in tho State who is fearless enough to
utter the truth, and calls iimi his
readers to Mt tho ticket rather than
to vole for the notorious cormptioiiists
put in nomination by it party leaders,
l'axson is without doubt the most cor
rupt man ever nominated by any party
flir it judicial position.
Grittinii Their Tertii. The Had
icitl organs are in a terrible way since
the recent elections. . The thunder
clan from Ohio, Indians and other
States nearly drives them Into rebel.
lion. The Philadelphia Yes, which
has recently became tho most syco
phantic, cries out in this way
"Do far is th aaaapaira of lb la laar tka lid of
aattla baa baaa ranatng agalaat aa, aad aanoailjr.
That is about the only political (ruth
that organ hu uttered since Col. For
ney sailed for Europe. Hut this bit of
truth Is not all the writer savs. He
"Tkla tkiag aiuat tm aloppod. r tk day la kiL
And PeaoTlTania fa Ik ald whro lb tid
aaaat ba taraod.
Then he exhorts the faithful In re
sort to every personal and political ef
fort in their power until election day
to save the party from overwhelming
defeat in' Pennsylvania on tho 3d day
of November. There is a large field
and a good opening for the public rob
bers to oK'rate in, but the day of reck
oning has come. The Iteishazzar feast
must close, and the hanqiietting halls
lie turned over to the pcople,whohave
been robbed und plundered for the
past fourteen years by the worst h
liticol harlots that ever disgraced any
ace or country. The hriirund of It-
I olv nnil Stimiii am nn tiinli-li for
AwrtL, 1 Mir. it n I Two weeks ago
an election was held in the Statu of
Georgia, and out of 119 counties, 114
gave a Democratic majority, and the
carpet-baggers anil scallaways elected
13 out of the 225 members of tho Leg
islature. This overwhelming defeat
our opponents allege was brought
about by the White Ijeaguo intimidat
ing and driving the negroes from the
polls. To prove this allegation to be
a lie, wo need but point to the result
in Ohio and Indiana, which lias been
about as disastrous to the Radicals in
these States, as that above noted has
been to those of Georgia. Did the
White Leaguer also intimidate and
drivo from the iolls the white Radicals
in Ohio and Indiana? To admit this,
would be rather humiliating. Tho re
verse is tho fact A mil voto was
polled in Georgia, Ohio and Indiana,
and the overwhelming defeat which
has overtaken our Radical opionents
is tho emphatic expression of a free but
misgoverned pcoj)le,wlio by bitter ex.
perience have learned that the Demo
cratic party is the only party which
can govern and administer the affairs
of this country in conformity w ith tho
Constitution. , i
Ohio. The result in this State at
tho recent election ia truly glorious.
Besides turning thousands of liadicals
out of office In the several counties of'
that State on tho 2d Tuesday of Octo
ber, tho people have more than reversed
tho Congressional delegation. In the
present Congress the Radicals have
thirteen members and the Democrats
seven. At the recent election tho
Democrats olected fourteen riicmbcrs
and the liadicals six. Thia is one of
the eomplotest revolutions ever enacted
at the ballot box, and shown most con
clusively that the reoplu of Ohio are
aware of the crime that Radicals have
committed. We hope Pennsylvanians
are equally na intelligent, and will act
accordingly. i .
Anothm Kocndmno. The opposi
tion has at last found a randidato for
Senator, lie itt fourtiimu Clinton
county lawyer, named McCormick, who
assume the responsibility of raying
the Radical printers for his tickets.
Wo advise them to got their pay In
advance ; then they will be sure of it.
"A bird in the hand ia worth two in
the bush." IIo Is about as well fitted
for Senator as he would be fora Bishop.
Tho editor of the Bellcfunte Watchman,
who knows Mr. MoCormick personally,
saysi ' . . ' . 1 1
Th Radlaal aaadldat farOoaalor
Hos. W. A. Wallana. aaa. aa a aarv .UmvMlA.
but ba ia ao nor tt to rrpraaant tli aorl f
Ibi. dlalrirl la Ilia Braat.. lha. lb. SAaal Imbaalla
aaaab woald a U til llaarf Ward llaookar',
PIBC IB rlBlOSUl BBUratt. ,1 , ,.;!
f'o.MiEMNED Tho recent elections,
in their results, ara a fearful condom.
nation ol Jteechor Theology and Kadi
cal rascality, und should open the ei s
of all men who prefer virtue to rice,
and integrity to prodigality in politics
as well as in morals and the business
affairs of raon. Foarteeo years of Had.
ieal nilo havo 'driven this young and
vigorous nation to tbe verge of bank
ruptcy, in business as well aa in morals,
and unless the people throw off tb
Radioal party leaders, h-rotricvahle ruin
is mir Otte. ' ' 1
lsmA This Htatn, like her sister
Ohio, did glorious work on the second
Tuesday of October. Besides turning
thousand of liadicals Out of local oAl
oos, th Cotigreanional delegatioa was
nearly reversed. At present the dele
gation Itand ten Radical and three
Democrat. The next will bo eight
Democrat and four JUdicais, Uloii
otut, iradeed If tiva Decmicrata only
tarn oat en the 3d of November, tbe
retult hi Pennsylvania will be tb seme.
Tho Radicals, after a long hunt, have
fimnil a candidate for Congress in this
district. Several gentlemen had been
tendered the nomination, but refused,
until finally1 Cynta T. Alexander, of
Hellefonte, took tho bait and arrays
himself against Mr. Macltey. What a
pity that Centre comity was so nnfbr
tnnnte as not also to fiirnish a candi
date for Senator, and take all Judge,
Congressman and Senator. Alexander
is a small lawyer, endowed with great
self esteem and ambition far beyond
his intellect, ami very naturally, as
might hove been expected, has cony
milted political suicide.
, Tho Democrats of Centre county at
one time, silimosed that there "was
something in tho fellow," and foolishly
nominated and elected him to the Leg
islature. As soon as he reached there,
he tnrned "rooster" and sold out to the
lobby, and warmly advocated all the
measures of that corrupt ring. The
Democrats soon learned hit unfitness
for a Representative and droped bint
Now he sells out to the Radicals, and
wants to enter a larger field to ply hi
vocation. Ho aspires toa seat in Coil
gresa, where "divios" arc five and even
ten-fold higher than at Hamsburg.
Rut he will (ail in his object. There
are too many liighmiudcd honest voters
in this Cnngressionul district to send a
Legislative rooster to the National
Congress. We have been already mis
represented too long In that body, by
the Credit Mobilier gang of pickpock
cu. Alexander could be no improvo
niciiron Scofleld, but might even be
worse, because ho lacks the ability and
experirn to asxist In a first-class na
tional robbery, without being detected.
Henco the intituiy would full uihui the
voter, should ho unfortunately be
counted in as a Congressman. There
is intelligence enough in this country
to know that if u man misrepresents
his constituents at the State capitol,
bo will do the same thing at the Na
tional capital, only to a worse degree.
how the Radicals grind the Southern
outrage mill, please read the following
secret eireulai issued by the chairman
of tho Radical State Committee of In
(liana to the newspaers of that State.
This is some of Morton's work :
Rons or tbb RareaLiCAS Rrars
CaxtaAL CoMwiTTaa, Boot. I. lsIA. )
i ,'lor a lAa ('aira JTaaaatter, ad'aM.
llaaa Bib t I draire la aall yoaratlaalloa la Ik
harrihl aoaoaa of rlolaae aod kloodaked traaa
ptriag Ikragkoal tk Soalk, aad arat that
yaa lv tkaai aa groat p,ailaao aa puaaibla ta
yoar papar from 'aia Um safil airr at Warlioa
TsomabJ. Batar, Ckairaaaa.
It would apjieur from the 18.000
Democratic votes cust on the 2d Tues
day, that the Southern outrage card did
not take well with Hoosiers. The
ahove will evidently he llrady's "last
card." He will no doubt turn his at
tention to (living "n),"'lle"0 " '
miniflliiiiK else. I
(io To Tint 1'ot.l.s. In less than
two weeks each freeman of Pennsyl
vania will lie called upon to exercise
his highest privilege the elective
franchise the ballot, which nominates
his SL'cut in irovertinient affairs. It
must lie very plain to every one that
our agents in tho councils ot the Stale
and the nation have Iwtraycd their
trust and should be removed, and oth
ers put in their stead. This ran Ire
done with propriety on the 3d of No
vember. The people in Ohio and In
diana have adoptod this plan, and if
we want better times, tho voters in
Pennsylvania must Pillow suit. We
must havo a change thon make ft on
the third of November, by voting the
whole licmornitic ticket.
(h'a AcomrnT. It teem that as
a nation we arc still on the decline and
d rifling into overwhelming indebted
ness. During the last week of Kep
ttmiber, this year, domestic produco
valued at 15.178,769 was exported from
New York, as against .t!4,41 fhrthe
same period in 187.1, a fulling off of
l,210,lrB for th week of thia year,
as coinMtrcd with that of 7.1 Tho
iinrort entrie of general merchandise
at Now York, for the last week of
Septcmlwr 173, amounted to 7,21!,
767, and for the same period this year
afl.682.46ri. The nmlt is w are
$268,9411, worse off for the week
named in 1874 than the same period
for 1873 showed. .
WsSiiai.1 Sr.r. The Congressional
apHirtionment of this State waa made
notoriously in th interest of the liad
ical party, who then mid it was a lair
hill. Hut we now notice that our Rad
ical exchanges claim twenty of the
twenty-seven members, to which the
Stnte is entitled. Be careful, hoys,
that yon arc not out off with a half
doaen less on the 3d of November.
Rcmomhcr Ohio, Indiana, Georgia and
West Virginia. How , beautifully the
people ilaxod yon in those Htates on
the tilth. .
Ik a 'Jiakiiasv. Our townsman,
Judge .MrKiislly, was nominated by
the liadicals at ltellelbnte, one day last
week, for Judge, but np to Monday eve
ning he did not know whether he would
or would not accept the honor eonferod
upon him. lie may however by next
week know "bow it is himself." It
wonld be a Joke on his Excellency if
the Judge and his Radical brethren at
this bar wonld go back on the card
which they scut him last winter, ask
ing the npKiintment of Mr. Orvis.
Ut sTr.n. Onr Radical friends lu the
adjoining Senatorial district, composed
of Indiana anil Jefferson ootintica, havo,
after a long sit In conference, agreed
to disagree. ' Tho Indiana delegate
withdrew from tho conference and
nominated Porter, of thut couiitj-, fur
.Senator, and the Jefferson conferee
nianiinnled 11. ('. Wiimlow, of Punxsu
tawney. Now, if tho lemocrats put a
good man In the field, that benighted
district will be represented in tho next
Legislature by a Democrat
, A Ktas in th Faniit. The Sec
retary of the Treasury baa Issued an
order dismissing employe wher more
than two of a Atmlly bold office.
About fifty have already been dismiss
ed ami otkor are to follow. This will
be rough on th Grant Atmlly, should
tlie order be extended to the executive
department. ' 1 ,
Two years ago, tfen. Grant carried
West Virginia by J,746. The Drmo-
crota on tbe 13th tuned tbe thing np
toSlo. How is that for high f The
post master and nrvettue agent were
evidratly not rry otlt. k Uat h
maphrodite Commonwealth. ''
The selection of Alexander for Con
gress by the Radicals, now places the
election of our nominee. L. A. Mack
cy, beynad a doubt. Rut 'tis well
enough fur Democrats to lie on the
alert, and have arguments ready to
meet the enemy while canvassing this
tjio most important office to fill at the
approaching election.
Six year ago, Mr. Mitckcy was the
Democratic nominee for Congress in
tho Tioga district, with 3,00(1 majority
against him, ami of coui'se defeated.
Tho Chairinuii of the Democratic
Committee of Clinton county In IHiiH.
in alluding to Mr. Mackey, said :
"Mr. Maakaa la Cllaloa c.iuolj ia 1911,
ta yaara after ila oraaalaallon, a poor boy, and
oownarativoij aniaowa. lly praafaibo aad
boaurabia aaportajanl, a aooa aaron ror bina
aalf a rapulatloa l lb bar at prarlloing at
loraay. Ill lloarality and hlndnaaa rallril to
bla au ppert aaaay warn frianda. t armra, buei- !
aia a.en, and tka laboring poor, alik olaiinad
bibj aa taair ,nad, aad aaooraai aanitnaant afl.
erdd to klaa boaraty af parpoa aad a diaia.
Uoh loutiit ( atklac Cltniuii ouhdIv
y what II
lalo d.y. Ilia akarlly aad klnJutaa lava barn ' """ "" Huri'bn.lin .nllnly fur
fait and rrallitd by asasy akor pomly alrimrd : tm"' sod aalllai for Iba aama, n ar Ihua ana
bla ayaapalby. Daring Iba bard lima Ihrouih lcJ 10 '' imi ' "nallor uiargin Ihun onu
nBlob oar bava paaaad, bualnara aia can
to bla aarialABe aod dal Ih hour ol
tblr rellaf t kla HWrallty and rorlsarana.
Tkar i nolf arrhapa, Cbrilliaa eburoh In Ihia
ooBaBiaallji but abal kaa baan tho roiplnt of
bla banavulaaoa, and ropaaledly reerit-ru bia auji-
tort, alarbaalaa, aavratanla, and labormc fln
a aoaa aooouaiodated and toatainad la bual
Baaa b Iba ganarcialt of a aoaa abo furniaataan
yaara aaa aaooaMfaily coalrollrd tha dtparlmcnl
of Cliatoa aouaty. Tka aolilivr who onhatod
float Ihia aoanly daring lb war, obb truthltilly
kaar witaaaa I hi. kladaraa and liharalily.
Thlr faailiaa, dariag thair abaoc la th Bald,
fraquontly frit hit aid and racalvad anppiirl and
eoralort trial kla gaacroaa kaada. No poblla oa
trrprlaa la tbta aeonly kaa arer nairrd Mr.
Maukay'a rafuaal. Oar auhoola, okuruliaa, rail
ronda, iBubarlag Icraata, nouly iarprovprni-uta,
kooai, ndriavWJWrll ikat Diakaa Bi Iba proa
parliy af Iba aoaaly. kavu raliai4 kia arialaBce
aad fooad bin a Ira frlaad."
Kueh was the detailed local reputa
tion of our nominee six years ajro. He is
a bettor nntu to-dnv, and is at the
head of an eutcr"i'isc hich will mid
millions to the wealth of ClcurfleUt
county, lio is the Warm advocule of
the Karthaus railroad, and that,' like
everything he takes an Interest in, is
Imund to go tlmmli. It is in such a
time as this that we need men to rep
resent tlie eoile not a clique but
the whole people, and we know tSat
Mr. Jlnckey is not the ono to assume
a dnty he w ill not discharge with fi
delity. Let tlie people consider these
Whilo the Radical papers of this
district are attacking Mr. Mackey be
cause he is President of a Mationnl
Hunk, they should hear in mind that
that monopoly of which they blate
was created by the liadical party.
He did not create IL He has made
an ahle and um-l'iil officer ul' au insti
taliitn which they created, and if it is
an evil they are responsible, for it,
while he is entitled to the credit of
linviiijf, by his nhlc niaiinpenient, less
enerl the evil as mneh as Mmsilile.
And at the same time they should re-
1 .1.-. it t. I i ..r
i , , . ,. ,. ,i,
try, he is in favor
of the following'
resolution ased by
the coiivi'iilinii
of bis county that nominated him :, Tbal It ia tba aeaa. of thia roar en.
tioa Ibat Con. raa. aboald ao aaieod Iba trraool
l."oaal Bankia. arat.aia. to reajnirr Iba banka
or real ted aauer Iba aarae ia aubelhuta arer-a
tkaaka ia place af tba aational oaiik aarraory
aew .aaaed br tlx an, arte) thereliy aara to tbe
people iba pa.vaivnt ar atout FZt,uu,t)! or gold
lalerret aaaaallj.
The ImvoiiiK iTRolntiim irt pliillcnin
miritiirti fi r tlin n-liiiln flaunt tv Idititiiixl
" 1 " ""V
..n.. .....I am uatil tl,.l Mr
... ......
Mackey will curry it out to the letter,
if demanded by his constituents.
The Democratic majority in Ohio on
Congressman is2B,000. Inotherwords:
The majority for tho Democrats in tho
fourteen districts carried by them
amounts to 34,000, and in tho six dis
trict earned by the Radicals only
amounts to 8,000 (half of which is
made in the Ashtabula free lovo dis
trict), thus giving tlie Democrat 26,
000 majority. .
. i . i
Thi Ciusuit. Two years ago the
"Christian Statesman," Rev. Con. (far
Add, was elected to Congress from the
Ashtabula district by a majority of
10,5.15. Now his majority is only 2,560,
and the total majority for all the Radi
cal candidates only about 8,000 2.5fl5
less than Rarflcld's majority two years
Stiix MoRr (ii.onv. The Ocmocruts
have elected Ainsworlb to Congress
from the Dubuque, Iowa, district. He
i the first Democratic Congressman
from that Stnte for twenty yenrs.
The Democratic majority in West
Virginia will exceed 8.000 double that
of last year and they elect three Con
gressmen, being a gnm of one.
Democrats, go to the polls on the
morning of the election, and after you
havo voted look around ami sec if your
neighbor is thcra, too. If he is not,
end after him, so Ihnt he may have a
hand in the political revolution going
on In the East and in the West. Do
not let the middle come out behind.
What hapeiied in Ohio mid Indiana
on the 13th of October, will hajieu in
Pennsylvania on the 3d of Jalovcmhcr
20,000 Democratic majority.
To the Pmtxratic Votm anith ( 'on-
tnmtivt cititrn of rrnntylrania..
The battle fur Constitutional (iov
emment has begun.
The people of Ohio and Indiana have
declared I heir Independent of liadical
Tho victory at the polls in these
Plates on Tuesday last will be as mem-
irntilo as the contest ut lrfxiugton and
Self government is triumphant over
ccntralication and usurpation on w hich
tho Radical party depends for power.
Tlie next Congress will represent the
Tho right of the white race will de
mand the respect of the Federal fJor
crnment. Ohloand Indiana are sovereign States,
and their peotile, free from the tyranny
of Radical Dower, will maintain the
constitutional rights of their sister
A largo majority of the 1110111110111 of,
( (ingress elected in these Males are
Democrats. Det Pennsylvania follow
in the triumnhnl march" to a "restored
and undented Constitution."
Every Democratic voter In I'cniisyl-
vania should now resolve to im to the
polls in November and aitl in redeem
ing the State out of the hands of the
spoilers. ;
rarntcr, mechanics, laborers, tailor.
merchant, business men, tho time of
your deliverance has come.
Kla up I lilnl yourselves for the
contest on the 3d of November, and
join In the Kreat victory for ronstitu
tlonal Movernmcnt. (f'I'l anil silver
money, honesty rt public trusts, ocqn
omv in miblin .Ttmiisca fYen linnnal
and lair elections, revived industry,
peace In tho land, and prosperity to all
it people. I luto you, greeting.
Jobs; Million Chairman,
Dcmorratio State Central Committee.
Headquarters. 1014 Walnut itrreL
October 15, 1874, . . 1
TmrCiuniie. South llend, Indiana,
tho home of the'Chrislian Statesman"
Ciilfiix-, lust week gave 42 llemiH'ratic
majority. Last year and previous to
. ,. : . , 1
that, the Kndliml majority was ulmilt ,
3011. IjnUo u change in the Hinilor's
. ., , '
ii'iiiniiriuHHi smee rtiues- ei.-oornecit
Phlhldel '
The ballot. box stullein of
..I :.. I . .. l I,' e i, i
phut Imvun haul lime of it just now.
The Radical cannot m t lluir nun into'
... . i i . t
the -avy aril, because the Rails did :
not puss the Ihil'd-tei in resolution lit i
,. ,. , , ... .
the Kndical Male onvention nt liar-1
rishlll'ir Illicit' !
51nr tUfftisjiiifiita.
lluw uflrii that ery la litirj Id intr lnr lotrnt
but im quo rvnr Ihicki uf Mrtling (um
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
I iK'ir Bwu.ip ai au anrup, 11 pay iirin-r lu
II pay
i r"-"1".' yj "j "omi iinKi,ian ma aniai i-
ait part of trual buaturaa althor way
W. ha
an antiraiy puri'iiat or
tlcl tinMiritiwdwd nJ brloai In nil tbsi
aaaroliy of monfy. ur atoak of
Hounds niul radios' Hals,
acvrr lcrn Maii1ltd in th cnuii'y.
a coniplatf! aanrlmt-nl.
Liulic8' Press Triinmiiigts
In Full Una. Latiat '
a Urf ririely, bo In cnarra aad f. hp.
WatorpriMif?, in Greni Variety.
AH ara inrlted to rail aud examine our goods
and pricce ha fur luy ing rlaewhrra. W maka
no wry fare a heeauaa you don't buy, but beliava
Ihia lu be a free eounlry ; and that evary ono baa
tb iualianal l) right lo 111, liberty, th purautl
of bappineaa and la buy gooda whvre Ibejr ran
aerwie Ilia hrt gioda fur !) Lkait money . Al,
n ta. Head a oil alan J, oppoaLla Maaaop a.
otJI'71 A. M. 1111.18.
I - - 1 .urpiaa fumi
Men Saddle mul llai noss.
THF ondrrrirnril, Lainx rnni. Ilia
n.n.iliura .if .11 kln.l. uf HA Oil I. VA. II A It-
KrS, ami all Ilia Uta.t inirovu)anta in Jlurar.
rurni.hinx OtiO'lr, ara mi. firrnaraa to nil an
ordrra at iirleai and ifimlii.r that alll ruiirira alt
ahofnrorlhcia with Bi-alltur lhaiai..liiinr.f (hrlr
work. Thx arc tli'lrrniini.d toplraaa anillhair a -
rilira caaklca them lo HKFV COM I'K I ITInN la
,,.,. r n,. Silier. Or.i.1.. Ilul.har,
Cove re J aod Uilt-Lturd Mounted
Alao Fin
nitll.N0 AMI IIACIMI SAIlll.i'.).
Their rwta and e,kn.ei bring UgM, Ihi-y a. II
ll ik. Um. r..l. ..- .A.k yfi n.r a...r.i .h.oh..
,u.. ....... ...,hk... ... ...v .......
Hri'airinf aad a-lju line SaiMlce, HaraeM, Ac,
oeatlj alone, at raaeoaabra pricoe.
rtinnlnp all,nt(ri nlit In aitl liv mull
or othfrwiee.
Cell aad aee their work bffnraaaylnf e1aewhrre.
Curaeaatllle, 1'.., Oct. II, 1K74.
Commencing (till
Wednesday, October 21, 11.71.
Apparanea Of tho Tulterfal faroHte
aupportcd by .
SiKer Danl and Oreboatra will appear ia a peer
aenaatloB drama in live arte aril ten ecpa 11 Jj f..r
traa y w h f A D DAT T
Popnlar prirra of Admllon. RrerrveHl Seala '
nan I oMained at Poet Orflte.
Ill IIKNKV, 8lf Pnnriclrr.
Col. J0K CIIK.NKT, Agmt. .
Annnuneement enlranrilinnry ! Will Je aold
phla, tha rnlire atook rratd thia aea-nn br lha
ft) rent Ilnriiiiiu Show,
.omnriilnr 100 Mt'l,K. .ml 15(1 1I0I1KK9.
Mnat ol them ara in mira, well maled, large
itie and Itt gt- d oondillun,
The ala will r.-ia
Menoa on
Tuesday Morulas, Oct. 27, 1871,
at 11 o'aliiek. and alll b enntiauvd frua. day to
aay, oniia.nein( at IB. .an. hour, uutill all art
aold. Tha mnlee will ha anld the Aral dar.
Al.r'lIKU M. II till KNKSS A CO.,
Ullt Aiietioarra.
Valuable rereonal Propeiiy!
TtlH ntxlnaiflDnl, A Jmlnialralor of the aalata
of Buaaa Kyler, dtfeaet-d, will nffor al p utile
aaie, at nar laia raatdenee. ia i-oanen trwnnl,
Clearneld eoiiatr, Pa., on
VI.I)K.H1)AY, NOV. It, Wtl,
tha fol.owief paraonal properly, via i 1 barae,
3 eowa, 2 hta-l af yonnir eallle, X abren. S fanaa.
eora, rva anl batii'h wbnitt by tbe btiihrl, lot of
Bay, exrnloirr. I roeaeway btipriry, hngn? and
tug baraeaa, I (rttod l aod enlter, beia, hoaaehold
furniture, auoh as bid end bedding, enalra.laldee,
cook and parlnr at-ivca, and tunny olher artialei
too nitrneroua to meniioa.
riale lo tetaaanea at It o'atook, a. ai., oa raid
day, wliea Ifima will bo mail a known,
A. li. Ml A IV, Atlm'r.
Oct. l,
NotroaU bi rvljt aivao that Ullere of Ad-
mliil'lralloo on lha eaiate of Jl),N 11. Holt
HlK. lata or IlnutnUle, Clearflrl.l Ptiunly, Pa.,
deeeaaed, bavian beo duly tr.tntai la tba atider
i(ned, ail pereoaa ltilelHel t aaid rata i a will
li-aie mnke iiHinidha'e jajoiriil, ami ua
haviiijj rlii I in a or drman ta w prrii-nt thoiu
properly anthrntlraltd for Fetll-tMnt withiml
Madera, l a., Oel. SI, 'M Ol. Adininiattator.
A food and wall ariaippe.! nUokMiilIlt fihoii
trill ba aiibar aold ur rented. Ttia brat aland ia
tne eminty. Apply lo TIHM. J, BttOTH,
Oft. SI, IK74 tin. Rmnbaritrr. Pa.
A. M. H I L L 8 :
Wnald rv.naetrallr aatlfv hiai'Slleala
,ihat ha Itaa rrdune. thepria id A(T.
Vli:lAl. Tkatl ll lu.lioi) ..i
-a wv uir a eimiiia art. rur any t0 p.rauaa
oaailnf at tha aanaa tlraa, tn barn aaaa an aipar
aat, will (at lb. twa lei a lira lili.M, JHI.aO
Taraia Inrarlfthty Ctait.
Olearlald, ktaroit III, ISt.t, ' :
h a. K.lal of) ts th. U. 8. tl. Uriel Co.rt.
Jane, II. Ilala.
Ila. erupt, j Na. Ut ia, '
Cpa .piillnillnn am. A. Mrlrnes af
Ih. e.t.u al j.aia. II. 0.1a, ; la attar, that k
aead (rBaral Bieatia. of Iba raditat af raid
J... II. Il.l. b. held . Cleeld, la aaid di.lrlaL
a iU SOth f 0lohar. IS74. at In n'.l..i. .
hfor . It. Waodra, RrrlMar la Baatra.tey, "
1 ' . w. "irvAjTwr-SttM.
".lit Hark f b I'. . Dl-trlel CBBrt, I
"'' " '
SherilTS St16.
1V flriua ofawrlt oi FM Fatlu; lnuad
1 1 oatof lha tlourt of (,'eminim rlaa of Claar-
d ooutly. aad to nia Jlr.alail, Ib.r alll l.a
pod lo PIIUI.10 salk, at tk Couri llauar,
In Iba borough of CUarOeid, an Saturday, Iba
all! day of isjtuliar, IS7l,ail I oelouB, p ru ,
mo luiioains iiaai a talo, lu w,T-1
Hiiaiiirr'a Orrics, I . Blitrllfj
c''"'l,l ''' i
Alao, all Hi rlalit, llllo and Intaraat or Jain.'a
M. tri f in , ,,,. ,ni,,ollbj,
' ol '" alisaia ia Lawrrno innlil,
oounty i.r Claarfiald, and Sui of I'coniylt anU ,
imund. J ami daarribid rullowa, lo alii
No. I btalnnlni at a pom Ihainanorlh njil,"
graaa wail HI purobaa In a lioil i Ihrtiae norlb HO
,..t lio p.rci.r. iJ , ,,.,.t, ibano a.,ili
-II di'sraoa anat all parebea lo a baiiilnk i Ibeiinn
on lb OH i)txr wet 1 45 prrvhat lit h kUtt ol
bt'Kinninx. ronfiiinlnd fltt trv dI It pfretici,
boiiniU'tl iy lndi ol Ainui ltectl, Jiinh i lnin-
In.' Ho,. Bo rW; '.Uk W aorra, mw SI
! lit, rlmrt'd llifroun. with Iwo-ntorr frmno
j boufw, larfft benk barn, i(((iti ihett mid otlnr
l oulliUililinati ihritTttu pri'ftfd. A rood tnrinr uf
1 walrr Mfxl I rait irrti growing upon it.
Nn. 2. Aim on oilier tnwl or pice of land J-
j Julnlnn thu tboTi-, brloc alao a purl of oriltikl
j aurvy in llir uriiib uf H'ibrrI H"'Kg, ciMTtnliiiiiK
; 31 acrca, more ur le', tiouiKlcd iy Itttid r Mmy
E. HmnI do tba aortb, by In n it of Jvviah Thouiti
ann and l.ylla un Hit aal. iy ImihI u( Aliltoa il, on ll. aoulh and by lamia uf Aaiou 0
Tata ou tha wral, havlnx abuut HO at-rca rltart l
tbrrrun with a bearing urrliard.
No. 1. AIo, una giber tract ur yUcm uf land
adjoining tha alra, bilrtjj alaoanart uf tha
Itohert ll(ift IraM. bouniivd aflii diatirlbtil aa
folluwa. viii tUvgiauiax t w w-iwoiliiji
roadt ibenoa alung mti lawaabin road nnrlli t t
tUgrrrt waal 20 partltaa to ft wn Niul publin
ruad) ttu aw Birtb M d ir... .M 24 ix rubaa In
1 a poa, in iiiiu 111 original no'.en ihirk anrvey
1 tbnnoa auutb SI dagi-eea aaat 2H parobaa alon
..i.l ri...l .f 11 nl.. a.
thtooc auutb SKMltrtM wat 80 prhato placa
I of hag. lining, aunliiiuint four anroa mora ar Im,
aud Winf a rcaerration uut of trai aold to Mil-
tun II. MiII.t, wiib a two alory fr.uia huiida and
othrr uutbulMinici tbrraun crtwtfd, and tlie land
all being eleartd aad wodar fultiratlon. 8.1 if. I,
taken In rirpHtiun and lu b aoldaa ll frnpt-rty
I uf Jaim i M. lioi-d.
i Turmb or Rata Tha priea nr auin at wblcb
the pruparty ahull ba atrueb off mutt ba paid at
I iba tiina of aala, or auvb bar arranxDoanti
raadaaa will baiprovad, alborwlaa lb prcporly
i'l ba iumadiatel put up and aold agula at
tba aipanaa and rlait af tha pttraun tu wliuai it
waa air oak off, and who, io aaaa of dttttviooy al
aurb r tala, ahala naka good lb aawa, ntl in
no ittilanc will lha Oead ba praaentrd In Cuurl
fur ruBufuation unlaaa lha noaay I actually
paid lu tha HharilT.
f KIMIHT of lb funditiun uf Ih
at the
li NATION AL HANK ol Clearnuld,
olwaa of liuaineaa on Oj lobar V, l4 i -
BKatir h r.
1 Limn I and Dlooanta. ...1 1(14, IM 9i
I liver Irail. 4fVtf 81
l'. 8. Uunda tlt porilnd wilb U. H. Tr.
tu actiire nrculntiun.. ,
Dua from re let ulna; A rua-rr a(aota
' Iu fruta other Nuli'ttinl Hmik
I' Iu frum Stair llnnka and 1-aukera...
' ! Furnilur and Pixlnra
t'urrnt annrn aof tasaa paid
Chrfkiand other eaab ilina
liilla of other Kaliuno) Hank a
l.'MJ 72
442 47
l,i: u on
435 n
s,i;j on
c,;oo no
Fractional currency, inelud g nick It.,
: flpr( tnclud g gu'ld Trracury nut)..
t Legal lender Buta
; (J, t. errtiticataa of dopuait for laal
, ,. '
T'rtaL .... .-''?.f,7l f5t
I luaiurica
Tapitat atock paid in
Irnlividual Urpioila
Datuatiil lYrliAcNlaa of
llor In olhor Naiinnal llanka
Iur In r-ratr. Uaiik. and lianki-r.
Miir.nri J
.Vliil. r. fVNtaNtii. ClmrfitM A'.y ;
1, William II. JMI. Cai-liiiT of lua Fil.l
Naliiinal llanli of Clpaitlrld, do a!ainril.T awrar
I hat lha al.irr atnlrwont ia trur tu llie br.l ul hit
kaula.lrc ...I Im-IivI.
WM. II. DIM., Ca-liii-r.
rlulwrilinl anil .aora to iM-furr on- II. ir itll I-1Y
! of Oalobcr. 171. MM. It All KIM I II, V I.
t orrw .inr.i : 11. n. on i.i.m,
A. V. Ilo M"X,
llir 11 A 11 II MO.SOi1,
1 Oot. II. IS7I. llirectora.
Ull'liT I'liOl'IAMATK I.V.
.J Wir.a, Hon. O. A. MAYfc'11. I'rc.i.1,,,1
JuiIko of the Luurt of (lorouioa 1'lraa ( the Iwru.
.,.nb Jn.liei.l Klalrlut, woU,,,.ed of th. e...
tira or riearnt'lil, CVnire and riinton, and Hon.!
WM. ('. Htl.KV and Unit. J'lHN J. HKAU.'Ai-
eoo.aU J ud fee of l.'leartield eimolT, hare taeaed ;
tbeir prertpl, to me dirertrd, for Ihw bolding; of
" ,.UJV." T T wa 7 " " i , " ti I '
iourt Houtf, at Clearfield, in ana fr the cotin.
. IV of Clr.rr.eld. eomm. nvtum 8 the KKCOMI
: imviilY Tilt otii mv iiv Vol lu lull
MMNUAV. THK VIU lAV Of ,UV l illil U,
1H, ainl cuDltttuinf I wo ererVa.
iwiit-i. 11 larrriwr nerro. Ki. ei. i nuv
' "'""c. " in ir aaui rouugr oi tlearorid to
J IM'w ' "heir proper peraona. at I o eltk
A. .M.ot anitl Jur, to do tnoae tutiijc vliu-lt In
their beball iHTlain lo ba done.
Ul VKX under air battil al ClcerTirM. 1 Itti dor
of Orlober, inlbt yt ar t( our lord ouelboucand
eight bwiidred ai,i irvrnlT finir.
j W. R. Mc-i'HKIlfON', SlierllT.
..inn.n . '
11. mm
.. ; J7
.. to.iinn mi
.. tMii; mi
.. (I.Jitn n
.. i.H-'t J
.. i,o;s 112,
at private an la one full brad fen? Mare, wlih roll
by Comtraband." ft Irat rlaaa driver, one l.xht , toihtvkit nr Jt t-ura a iaai i:lT,.a. -two
tioraa la raa Wairait, ana aot af farm or Iubi t ttc. A. In all ereriioa ilial rota whora a v in
ber barnaaa, nteuioan hi-fi : oae atl of ihree-aaatad
Hol. Importable aeal', rr:iel. llrusst li rn'biuna,
bnilt br Art rt A Co., Vf UH a ma irt, trhh trittia,
in earrr l.iu lae., ah'i are rarT hfiit. Alao,
at I'eutlel-I, llaaioo lotraahip, ClcarliwJ eooutj,
1'a. a near H'ttel. with Itirnhure, it of !ni, Idk
Inn ,
i on araall Slorr and lat S0vlll6;B..d un
lit .iia.ivn.ull with B'ii
od fenoua. Alan, Ji.nia
, (aad Clilla, .irtd I.J f.iutralinn.l," Bi t joi.d
;fnATa. AIM, aew aa4 land in K.n.a.. ill
i aailea anath f LawrcaK, IB Andartau ..nnlr, 4
aiile. frnn ..iiiatraaat.
tor turn.. A. . Iniliilre of Hie amleiaicni-.l. r.
..un., n,,,T.r.m. . .eaineia en,,,,.,,
tiKU. K.
Pa., Iter. II Jl ; ,
AH peraona hmlnf elaitna aainal Iho Ou r
aeora of the Poor ot Wumttmrd luarnatup, ore
hireliy notlflfil that a meeting of the Putir Uvtr
eeer of aaid towotdilp will ha M4 at Hnepy
VaUer Nahoolraom, on Kntunlayk tha 3 1 at ilay
f'f'tirlobcr. lrM, fur tlie ur.e oi ariihuc op
all tha bark itauJinj a'0oun(a tr IN or iu r i a.
All parliea not prevenllrtft (heir eUtma nn or be
fere i hat dar, will foraror ll'tmattrr ha -fcj.jrrtd
Kom-I aolleeunf them. H. I). MMJI',
Madtta, Oct. 11, l.-Tl 2tJ Overaerra.
TI,. n.rlh.r.hlr. Iier.f,.trr e.l.lln bet,r.,h Kinard and Joeeid. Rrhard, ia lha mere...
til. t.n.i..M .i n u.ii... .1...
tile bnaiaraa, at Near Millport, waa dierulred by
nainai conical on taa Ji tn al June iat. i.uitor
of lha winlrera of tha Arm are autlirliail to
maka aoltletaaata. Thoaa knowing tbrmn-lrea
Indihted lo tha lata firm are rra.uialrd trroaii!
' forfard anil artlla ihrlr a?eounla wi'faut
N. Millport, Oft. 14, l7.-4t ,
cUToirs xoTir
Notice la berebv alren thai l.rllera Taata-
menlary m the Katate of KLI .A Pl.AilliMN,
Ule-of Clearlleld lon-ut;h. der'd., have br-Ti grant
ed tn the nnilerainned. A II (leraona ltiib'tf'd lo
aaid Batata ara rrnired tn ainka ItniaeitiHto p ar
med, and there baring elatfita agalnal it ara re
(fuired lu preaent them, duly auUiflitiilnl, with
out dflav, to Iho mitleraianr-d,
ClearQeld. Oet. 14, IH74 I.) ' Kiaoitter.
The alffhlh Tear of Miaa Ktdaan'i fllaw
Hohool waa epened Anguat lL I'uiiila fruta a
(tlflanea ea ba t.oaninl In tba fnlntly With tha
f rn eipai, ana win rewire Otr personal enre.
Pot parllealart atldrva
Irsock llarni. Pa.
nefVrrt)r-floi. C. A. Maver. Iln. I.. A.
Ulaakoy, Her. Joa. NVibill, I. K. Peale, K-i. (
Uatvber 14, lli?e.-4i ; , .. , f;
Koltea (a herehy gh rn (hut Uilc-H of Ad
mlnl1rat..n I. II. N. t T. A , on tlie a.tate of
WM. . IHUKKY, lata of Uatwar.a townabip.
CltarfiaU eovaty, l'a .ieoaied, katiag boea
duly granlrtl lo tha UDil ri((ut d, all pa-runa in
deblri to anld ealatr1 will plmae ttrnkc lmmr-dlntr
payiaenl, e4 fhiM (taring rlktma or detnatHta
will frraent (bam prupeily aathantiealed for act-
nmtni wiinuat ttelny. JAMh.S MH.kt..,
-urn nope, uct. H ot J
1;stjuyh ! i
Caei treloaaaia. an thaprebalaaof theaiib.
ar, ra.iilina in rnlon Innn-liiii. nn ftr nhun
Tiber, refitting
Ih. lal of Antnat lael. TWO rirKHUH. ahnnt I
yaara old. Tliay ara aotfa rod, with aery laraa
amna oa the on., aa. tb uthar baa aainll iMiru.,
Tha nanrr ia hereby BntiiieJ lo roina furrraid
prare tlia nrnnirtr, par nbarraa and laka litem
.way, r Ihey will br f Ra lha law dl.
not.. IlkMli 1'Jj.Mt.,
lUiktua, Oal tl, Ifll .11. ,
There aalrarad Irani the ktui-. r it,.
Heraigne.1, reaJditij In Ktlrrlnwn, un or aliunt
the t:M day o Or-to ber lair, MilHT UY
IIORhtH, ebual 0 yrara old, abort, heavy ae4, aur
n . wen oa aaa ear 1'ntaoaa
givlag lnf..rmatl wbi.-k will lead to lh rooor
jy ,r ha animal nr of Ita wheranbouta. FH bi
.-r.v a.uw(ii ivr,
K)ltrtown, Od. .Mt
ISSOIjU'I ion.
Ktle ia haral.a li-aii ik.t ll,. ....-..Li.
bnatofnr. ailatlci batmen 0. II. tlanall. Ian
Kaaaard Bad tl. M. A I lard, nnlar lb nam. of
"BteahSr Uaal Hark Coainana." tor Ihe. raoaa.
laotar had hi ar mat hooka, ara. diaaolrad ua
Ih Slk of betuhar, 1.74, by Bialual, O.
B. Hamll h.rlaa eld kl. ktlarrat la ld arm
sad la tka pawal to Aaioa (anaard.
oari.-.t I... , u. n. jTtKHflt.liU
SCffldl (IrfitlSfrafiits.
WIIKHRtH. lr an AH ofJb (lnerl Aa-
arnl.!o( llm C.i,.iiiwlllv.f Panrayla ""'n
a,l,l. d "An Aal 10 n giilll. III. lan.,.l lilllUB
tlttt hiriiri uf ll' m rttl iHuntit tu . ( ulilo
ulit'lrf ti oUoHun, Ilia pl.-i ntirivlobii
k $, i4 (tit oflifcr hf lio elf i frtxl.
' Tin (tir-.i-H, f, W, MjrilKHSON, Kh
.ti i rlffurni.' rllvU O'tmily, r?( htrtiUy glvu 1'uii.
hu Nllc l lh iteftori uf itm fminly uf Civnr
fit II, ilittl Kt'tiorril clfetmn will l ln-l l n
Ti khpav rui-t.owif.ti tub intr Mumdat ur
Vf uliRit fhrinir I ha U-J tnv f llie ..iiilith), ! tie
uimiiU itlt'i'lii'a li(tlctl m t J Qfunty. nt nbi.-h
tibia nnil v'j Hit) tinnJtttd txrUrt will rut
For ni uinn fur l-louuimut (luvirnor oflhe
t'oiumtiiiwtulth of I'mu-jhum.
.-,..i..,..,.nrr flutirnm. Jinl.. nf lU I'mr..
iunwiilil)''l I'lui'itvani
Fiir one iorAii tu t(prctt (tin
Uuld. Ootre, I l,nltin, Mlk
MilHIn kq a 1 aiuti
- ,. iWMt
I'or uno (lerfuii lir Hcu-turv ol Inlfriml Ali.tin
ol (lio Ciuitai.tiwt?altli uf rnavylTania.
Kr 011a p-TM-n f-r Aiulitur (Joiieral of tha C-iin
mumtull'i tl l'titiny Ivdiiiu.
l-'or f-nt Blrnii fitr A liilitMal Li.h Jm;- In th
Ju.hab.1 .u.aiiUI(j of lha auunh.a uf
Cliartield, Onfra and l'lint.n.
For ftia pra.n for Riotlor, to rfpr.aiit th
ronnitat ul ClynrtUrii, l-atrrt an-l Clinlun In
thaljabDml A.nfiHbly oi Una C uim rnwa-.UU.
, ... , .
fi.1.1 ia iba llumo of M,.rarVut.f oi tba
, 1 uuinnwa.iii. 1 man. miA tv t' d ou Ly liadclioi. board, and Iba
( F ir tpe jif ra ui for iVuilion'-tary, A ., t.f Clear- -t fadtuMMwi ittuUtil MuuiiUuit lu Uiv '1
(ii Id cuuniy. I ilfKCP. a-.trtry paraun claituiu tu m a nutuvnllicd
1 for ia, lrHualrt. mt-t ni3f. ciHi- n ahull ba rrr,Hral a. ptudm-a hia natural.
tU'artiLld vutily. ' liuilufi cartiflcata at the cleriion hpfwra vuIiuk ax
1 .. ' J. i. - f ...1. irnf whr ha ban bv fur nvt-yiuwa aoiiivruttfr-
oue , V, J. f 'i ,BVv'I-ar
j - -
;"Fr nn prrn fur Ibn.oflb'e of i'Hi.,y Ai' lltur
I ,.l f llniirfidtf .1 i-.uiiir - ' I f'
pwr wn Mran fur Ibt oflla .f P'fl'7 'trir
(;i0UrlioM euunty.-
. T, . ,tl0 v Lai(l, U -illj-ir
. . h- tJ ti:,a w;:j W UIJ cif the
i n,,,,!,,, ,,1,,,., vii
( j(.riirf, t,)rii' h'li at llu- l'ni.n M-d 1, in Uc
j .(( ; 4, ' " .. , -
j!, ,( (,,,;., 'Bl t:,vli-m'.f JJ. Ii.tfliy.
' It'.nii ttwnl.;j., al (!.. h jko of Ih Into Jauitra
, ninftn, Ur. i
I Unn u.n iiabii, at th hin?c ul K.Unnl AMe rt.
I lirn.Jiur.l tuwiitinii, ut tl,u Uwi "f .Itiinl. lVri-.
, Jiit.U t.iuiliii,, ul luc luti, uf Wm. Stliv-m,
in l.uibi rdiurg.
ltnruidij t"rruPLii, nt Vtiuu'r" ,'!:u;i! ltouu,.
turni'ie ouiut.ti nt Hit- public art ui D' li-o in
aaid It'i'n.tli
Tin tawraip, filiii i,itl''iu i-U'-iyl but noai
Hiinnn n'.ra'';inh'f.
Cb-nrtiflil 1-tir.iu!., at the CiHrt JI"Uff
('viii;tiiii tui ii-liiji. n' the tIi ih! h 'U.' lu Mul
ftiulxtrif. ...
t'urwutiavillr hurutili, ut llio buUtii.' uf litv lute
drtPC 11 U o 111.
Pi-pntur lown!;ip, nt Crntrc f-hutil h'itir.
F'TKtii'Dn torTiifhitt, nt tltf tiotiM- uf John (ireg-
ory, iforuM l3'-"",opi' I v 1 bcc HVim, (Urund
H'O.tJUO HI) way.)
lO.Ovt) M' Oirard tia nliip. at I'lnin" Illtl eebuol bona.
JfV tlj ; Uu'hrn tuwnilup, at lha puhlia aL l Un:rc at
M fjlhawaville.
' !.?til) (ll)' (Irnlmiu tuwn-i;!.. at the h"tl-p uf .laruh lliibhr.
tiiiltrti town.hip, et tin pulitie rhKtl bun hi, in
iluptun tottnukip, at th buuirt uf Jn Wi'.r'iti.
Iluattdalc iMtruuttli, al the inJilio huutr of Win,
' !" ,n ,orwuM:
JmpHb -.trr.rh,!,, .l il,r M-j liunw, in
Aiwjrtimn.-. - - ' . . .
Karth.uP Urh:p, Br g a wl,-.! huuae.
rnu, ,wrmp. lary .., a. j uoj nuua.
Larrrt'lico t'lanliip, at llii-' I'uurt llouvc.
1 tin
IrornuKli ul CKri Tltlil. ,
l-uinrn-r l ily liiinii.ii. nt tin- tmlilir -huoi iioiiw,
M.irri. t.ili-liii. nt I hf li'iir-.' I.mi'i'rlf ycnr(l j
br 'Ili.min. Kvlar. . 1
' Ni-W Wo. lJliiJ(l"H t...Knil, at tha rniMtr- M hi,.,l
koiiMk .
'D.4la haraouh, ul lite aoVt bvti. i.( Mile
ll.'Vt, in a.ii.1 liuriiurli,
I't-HB tiianiiliip, at tlit. ui.ti-1 f,iuii.ri;- ki il l.j
W. H. An'lii- li.
I'ika l.ioni.liii, at Ilia hi.tara.or lLr U to huar
Itloom. in lha Imrouiih ul t urai-tio. .Ui'.
I niiio t.ia nkii. ul llr ii-iuraiil ll. I). fliul'iilii r.
Wallni'i'li-U lul'.uii, ill tl,. ..ii.T i.- c i.i, Ijunta
ia aid lioru.ji'.i.
W.Midnanl lunii-lui, at I l;c hni-i- uf llininar
llci.ilai itua . - , ln j , , . ,
AN Al T n julalli i t!'0 rt iiln of tn il all
rk-jliima in tka tevinil ooaoiu.a l tin. Vuai
un wealth, aj'tirui . 1 .. .:u.h , it ul llar.-h,
A. ll, nt:
Hri ri-.M I. Itm tt eaojrfa lr the rJ.-nalo ami
Iloiiaonl B, .r.eiilaliii . ol Ibe Couiuuawivllb uf
l'i.ria.xliiin.n in lii- U . i..'Ui ! bu t, and il I.
hi n l.T rtia. leil bv aull of llir ntiu', Tiinl llm
qualified i.'j. iAi.f 11 1 cil r.mi,a of llm
I V-iiininn"-. ullli, at i.ll p.iu'r..!. ti.ailTfi.i., huruui-h
11 .BdaiaairallrelbiBa,.rolii'i.l7,lri'snra Bullmr
, .,.. r ,,,,, H.M 'ui iu'-
erally rlaaail. d lullneca i Dm; liwkt.1 eliull ( iu
brace llio natnea of ail jo-lfftaof t-jurlj luti J for,
toil li b laljfllt 'I, ouut'lr, "juJuiui uc fn.-kti
.bM.ll euifsrice I lie name uf (tie aiuti, taili;.,. t..,.l
,ftr' l ''"''."' i w "l cm -
Km.-o flv.. ,.J eit uri. .1 t...
,r ...LZ
7, ,. - . ,,,l,H'"
-.niMj,ir v
11 f-r. nTT'l Tnernhrranf t'ntireiia. I
(f'lr ?'f. M Jf l.l'.ll.'Jr'MfMitJ ;" ufHlui
"is -r
VfwiU c,)ih,-ii(.,. nuh,i
roud for. ami ho la-Mled.
taaraatiip ;" one tirk
it-u..,., .tu'udsiii fo.ou:toj4it-ra
votMl lor. aiul W Ul.t llr... " liortMli; an-I ewli
ctna alinll hnj d'VCUnl la etfrttrale hillot tol.
A further inMilr-mtrjl U I a et r. giiUii
elect.aua - u lhi C'oinmojvTei.Uh. ainired
Jannarj- "n, anil February I;:, A. 0. 1,4:
nrK Tin rot l.a ARK to ar. itnt oik,
' fitt. ft. At all elcclioaa hriratltr be'l utiler1"81 fr'Wl'bwnt ol a qoaliliM elmwr atidrr
' lha Uaa of Ihia rVnimMiWf al b, tn nolle ahatl
ey eita y irajii uf i lie iliK(Unhl)rainn ol tha i
uffifara or oihft wiaa la alt ah oii-o board hertlo
lore aj MinUl, or Jicra anr rn-rr dtrlnet ahall be !
lorrorti, tne aitttitfe ttjmiiimn ni rno tuurt w Votn-
won- PW-ni ul the )tuir ooanir lia.f, ten daT
Ik foro nnj k'M I'p'WI rfni-iuii, hfitoia
eaaini-atuit bulbil to f.ll eniil raeaoriea. ami tu 1
.eWika-lllia rtiatp.a ia i4J , irtettiai. artil Ui
111 .(.(mintueat ol iaaioli.r In Ah fiwaiw
dialhel laalk (hsU tat I ul the Baaui uaUUeal
liatlr, and Uie ju.lj. ul rJitliii.Liili ia I aae.
Wot the ...lit,el patty lia.iiijj llm. aug,.iij. ,.l
ulu l.aai. ujalua a. !lj Iho (aid .a.ljte
ar jiMHaw BAB aatftataia.llli. jmvI, Bud l ra.. ul
Ituaiasrtiiii iit ul the Jii.luel a. tu .clKliua
ul in.,r...ira the iulitii,al uiivjuiily of Ilia ju.ljje.
hall ai l.! oaraal ,i hai.i...:i.i, an I tk. uiaar -
' Mi. J, HtHt' .er thwaaMI IH' 'tMtirr -ki
nri ettetftjA im.ii-t ffn Hi inrtrtrlttx tfi HmVcfT,
a.ij vacancv rti4ll be b I let! in rt'ulnrmiir vitb
tiia'iptf litwio . ( , , I j y
or tLtf.rtlov flr irriil".1 '
."-"it . A? flic r.l-iini at ihl j.ufif'. alt N-e-linns
il rhnfl l- the forty f thejulf;.e uf rleetinn
f'.r their r'i-ll,e diatilt'li lo dt'tlDitta one of
Die lii-1'orlo-tWv.lte.utlul.r it 'ulntr bu to have In
eufltnly tho r((iiir "I "in, auU loniiLkatlie
cnfrlea t bfrcin tiiiiiu4 liylnw, anti it 1ihI1
tbe doty of the u-bcr ol the .tl ia,mcf,T, f
M-i"M en ail,. I ii in lii r tl.e lull Hit lirrjtri.l. 1 ut kaJ.l
n-eriie nud uuttiUr llif buliota prujedi. , (, nJ,
elwtii.ii, !, j . ii v
. li. All by the in'- t-a h t a la
bnltul ! errry 1ml lot rotfvl abet! aa nntniiend In
' ''" " - 1
"' "r'l"r '""' .' ."T
' nuinbfr rmirtU-ii by np cWt ka "ti the
r4uv.d, and the
opnii-lte tha name oi H:a ateelar Iroia' whuin ri'
cu red. And any vtr rtliug two ar mmctlrk
eta, Iba ar. tr.,1 tU Lt-U to.ioted ahull eiu-h be
niiinbi-red with mtui''t,r I'tirir'poinliiig Willi
tba mini bur to lhf 6 uie al fkl roiiK Avki oleo-
inr may vrit5l;ii uj on h( Hrket or e.iuae
tna aointi to ba w til ten t.H-raoa, ant) ane-trd by a
ei rum ul the dielH-t. lt aditmt. ta tbo oath
now a fewnt etl bt law-1 l-olnkt M-ai-arrili-
ei J..-e.etioa aOieera, tlw-y ,abnil avvarmly ba
awora or net io uiat'ioaa a my e.'ot
ahmll have voti'd, nnleia reritnied lo dw ao m wtt
nr-a roe'iitiig. '11 juJmi, jn.
airtdt. elftki ntid araraeofitif an i4cation hiU.
uioler thia aet haJlnlaUrB enteriujr upotbeir
dutiea. b duly atvtirn or aQiiiiied in tbo iiroaaihaa
1 oi aaL-h other., lite judgv tlia l ba a urn by the
j minority iup-oiwr, if tlierc ahall ba aiivli jainor
ily Infpot'ior, aad ia vaea lUere-lieli U no imnor
i ily inaKctoi tbia by a j.iliie t4 the jiejne or al
' deniiehii, ard Iba iiuiutai , tv(,irt-ia ud tlvibt
! ahall bftwoia by lha jteia. Curitfieauaol iiwb
I awiaring or nOi rn.itf aliatl ba duly ui.Atluw4 and
j -Ifiufil liy the oIE.cra ao awrit, aitoatvd (bv
Iho i.H,rer who adminiaterrd the oaik. If nny
.luiliro ar minority tnapeotur rriaeei ir fella in iaa a'kwia tr alartiaa tw tkeaaauwer ra
Hiilrel by titra ae,or K tin (ilfiW af 4ectit,n
ahnll act witbeat bt'lttg thru ila ly avofn, nr tf any
otlioer of eltrfloft rttalt alj(n tha form uf olh with
out batug luiy awe a. ir if y .Mrd ce ..r wiaaiV
ty -ian-rtnr atn If (ftiiy that any oiH-trr Wfl
awnra whru ha waa tw, il ahall b(iiermrd a tkia
deineannr, n u-1 Uin pitin iiH. n iln olliner or oH
eaeSaljaidinf e.lll bo ti. tl airafoiarf os
iboiiaaud di'llnre or iiiiprtnok,iiii hi, nt ejU'-'iting ,
ong eir'or h rh In llie -11 'rrrlllni df thij rtrf,
t - yl ; l aN-nr( ron:ita.
S.c. 10. Un lha
ice af lf.i-t one qualined ro-
nhtiae name rhall nol
rote re, and who rUima
eleeli.'i, ahall pr.nuep af h;tt one a u ah lied ro.
ter ol tl-o ..Uhit-t ap witmaa to ih naidcoee ol
I., ik , ..m.a . i
no e fatwacij Iri. thu uv trial
a a your ,r tba pHvJ t.t ieei la wtitbtt
tnimraiateiy pi-reeding aaid ilet ttuo. wlii. h wit.
oraa aball ba aen.rn or a On mud, Mul, itihiiaiilie a
wnuen, oepnnir witf.fl. ana i.,nflr rlrintt d ffl
davit to tbe laela atatetl by bun. wbi. h e itt. It
aball 4 hue olnwly win ra tua fMUdlttUi-e i yt l.t
r" " nnnn.naj ,-t ut m itnrr, nnu tna pmoh
ao eleiining tho riKbt to Tola atmll ale uke and
auiit rne a writivn, ur dumIv nritiiti l ita.n.
prlntrrl rtffltlnvlt
''V "linn -nl' wtft: Jte,fta KtUi
iImI Bf Uul been a eitlM' Ihe rnlictl Ruiin
r...,,,, ..r in; t'i n-? Mi
f lur -ww UHHitlvtad ol i AHMuVefrtell tj
IViiu-yHfiim; that Iiu h... MMj.d in tbe C 1
montfiniin vne tar, 11 b.rtaitrlx t nuntilled
rteeinr or natiiV aorb c.titrb llm-..f1 rn, hM re
aae4 IharutroaaaiHl laiuraii ibM WlkMiutri
ad (borwtn s Himilba aMprTWKUHg aanal elaaJ
.vii, inn Be nairaMkleit la tha .iMLriedY tm ck
nr nana wmi rviac Itaa Un- pei iod i tta-4 lt
moot be iuiiut'diate.y preeediinw aaid eitf-ltnn i
ir. he tpi, MrMd Mt4 tbfe WbHtotAWl
pdirif.t oi "f, itln it liierttnr Hilt' U 'rn ll I
iwrnty two yaara aga ar wpwarda, p.d a Hi ale
orauunty tat williia two tare, whrub waa aeaeee-i-dat
laaal twuiuila)aanits.riai lenaa-una aiaath
ttelura the aleeUoa. Ilia atd aUMaH akall ala
atala wkt-n aid where tha aai el aimed lo tea paid
by lua aUtaat araa aaeae4, and wliea aal .atbare
and lo wbt-na paid, and lha tax reeeipt Ihereier
ahaU bf pnf pkrMftra0tnjtnaioqalci9 tali, ft
flant ahftll atate in bit alfl iavlt thai it haa lifi I
luit or dratrnyrd, or that He nvar riaivod aay,
wliurq ait ty what aoai t 4io t
aliiill alao projuoa hi tjutt itit'i
(t exaiiiinniluMf Ut if tb
ii.i. ,i..i.t i n ..i .
u, u iiurniiiriiciiiiei,iuaii iMo atala whon.
Mat i.iit.,.tlitJ, aai
f -f exaiiiinnlluMf Itut if Iba lipriob yii ,'la.tumg
f liiiliirihliLAlLia
... iitih iw tin aii,i ii.Hu auf tt!iA,r..ijt an ut
tk. ,.n, is M.,,tt., .katl.rroiVne, rf I-
. hlatii.liutLk li"'ls iiiilmilUa i! M la MAitIM
lu ellitaniliili by raa'un of bla f-ilhar'a naliirall-
. . . !i .. n f...ii...- -,.i. I.. bAIiIuvII Ihnt
"",lu', .1 . .. .... LilJ .fflj.alt of tho
.,,,,n, ,j a,j,r l. yaari
I M l?' .u,,,,, f , Ti,.d 6ul..
An. mnmh .iid hki ni l(Hl Im Uie lilnlo uu ytr ;
or, U m nnUvo ltorn oiiin f lh Hultt mil re
wtivptl tbitri lrom ml n luninl, llitit h b r-
i. i-1 1 fhfrflin all " fnU vre'Nn
rlrotlon, tnJ tit itwtlMiliua tlitUlol I WO in on lit
iiiiufiiill rMUUig( uob fUcliou, hu (IiaII
U fi.liih.l lo v(c ltb..utb bfl flm.l Out
,.,- ti.lil ' Imtm ' lh Mid lflUftvlia uf
nil itri"i.a iimUinR link liut and tlie Bflidnvlll
r .. . ... (it thi-ir rMnlrnno fUmtt
tvt.,i ,y thr aUi'IIo b-mri, i4 l lb! Hone of
,tta, Mt tivn uWy ahall by tmulum l with tho li-t (
intiarMulijr Ins tuU utUar Mt$ ri,uire4 by
t bo by tli iwturii juiiifn wiili ibe nr.
tliulwliwy, RIKI 1111111 rviMIII in IIW t.n.-o.
tbo itrotli'iTi'itiir
Hie, til-jct lo vxainiiiatlun
Ot Ik
lir (klM'tiun iiBira an-. U Iho altlin oin .
jifyi ttball find that 1I10 aiilioaiit iiiii'aMi all tha ipiftllllfallifiii or itr lia ahafi u parwm
U I to vote, and hla nnmn thall I addl 1o lh
it t, --r (axaldoa y th lfvliii W.?ra, tha word
-l.v" bt iiig adilH whrralhu elaimanl elaiiaa lo
:U on las, and tha wrd "ag" whura alauoa
in turn mi an, lha ama word btdnn added by
llio olerka In curb eaar rr-npflctlf riy un lo lila f
.""" Ml." akrll-w.
ciuLLirNflR or nainaTKHKr vornna.
Hu;. II. It hll U lawftit Ar any ualillnl of thed.atriil, nlw if hatnitrtinic iba naiun
, tbpT.od ia aonUiuwi un Ua ll.i of
rirldnt taafttilaa, lo tliuHriiM lha rot ei aurh
M ...,uird by law .ball ba pul.iirl,
If - il.adiatri.-l in which ho ufl. ra bia
nw, "4' L to l 'l m"W W-tna; fr-
mir, j g jul v (IW firn-tlun ollli'tr
i ... v. n... .u. I
! "tott d,' wilb tb dfiy, nintb aud year, and ll
, any i-Uction uftcvt or uMurra aball rac ivc a act-,
i ond vuta Jba amuay by tirlua .f th aama
, f ti i lit. art( wbarf li! aami-tl lo rula
ibctaii-.o of ibe natutalUutiua oi bir Intbira,
! 'bev ,,tl ,hr Vr,itlt wtl" UmH "B,:r ,lJch -"ii
wiv rliMll bo Kulltr of a nitdt mranor, and oa
f-nvirtiua tharrul ba ..nvd or ijju.iiaootjd.or both
j ,us dt'rrfuuii ut tb aunri, but tba kna abali
1 n vnrcrd lire bun'lrrd d'ulur" in aa?b oare, nor
I 0.1tr)iiHiniit.l tmeyur. 'ihahbepuidhbuieut
' ihall bo infiictad nn ounvii tiua ul tho ottioata uf
ai-fioi, wo hll a kIi ur rriua to tnako ur
1 outtu to na uintlo tni mJrit'injt nnpiiri'd an
a!ureaid n aiid MtaraliiNtca attiiBcaia.
MLfii.m r or ut rr or KLKcriox omrrna.
rt:c. 12. If aoy flerrt.ea olUrrr tha II refuae nr
ngltct to n qui re u' li prnul ul tba riftbt of aut
ftag aa ia pi earthed ty thia law, ur lb lana to
which thia it a aapultuiiat, truta any periuo of
fuii.g to i.!e wtione ntruv ia aot ta tba bat af
nfced rut era, ur wbnaa right to vut ia cbtvl
himJ by any -u.lilied vol it preaent, and abali
admit -aui'b pai'ua to rule withuut rouuirtug iuh
pnuf. errry pi raon eo ollundiug ahali u ,un inn. 'in be guilty of a iui.niiuiHin'r, and ahall be
leutenoed I t every aucb oltvncu to puy a fane nut
'XcvMling tivo hit dr-ti dollar, ur to uudtTnu an
iuipiliuiimrnt aui In ire the a oo yeat.or iX'lb at
the dircredua al lb t vtt, f
lAXVaVMa or tub ox tin ar tub coibt.
Sac. la. At Hon ao the poll aball tloae tha of
fiOf ra o ibe ettt'tion ahall pructcd to euuiit all
tka Totoa ci't lor eiub candidate vuted lor, and
oak put a full return ut tha aamo in triplicate,
the votea r-c-.-ived Iv uicb dtndl,late rbaH he rir.
itti art tor a itrr in wiiiwioti. ta ail ui wnirb
j co gflpf blJ Brrt u Bfld agllll
: in finur, ai d ab ill berigaad t nil ol aeid of-
B4j 9rl W ,WWfl Jf , ur tf D0
w -,,,,,5 ,herfiaer- aud an Wcr
to ain or oeriiiv or cither ol iIilbj, ahull Blilv
upiiu eat-b of thr n-lnrni hiu or rtuaona tor
uul aianiiH; .i rtiliijll.f I oui. J aofa aa auoa
n. aojiar.if .Am' ul.u t jmliiVv daif ya.'fa deelnrH
from lac wfuinin tti far riMraa nraaraf, aarf a
.ria thittmtHt rla nrfna rterirrii hf rara
ruiid.'if'ia aftuli or aaoda naif alya.n' Of Ikt awrrlloa
tifllrrrt m aona oa thr rufa fa euuatrif. uad IA anw.
aur ir iajiMptnrrrf pntttft .an Ae o'.inr of It.
cCtiia i-int fttr f.nniNtrinM i (.a patlia Tba
ttljilirarr rrtunii .hall be roelOKd IB caieluiea
an.l be a.-aieil ia tba nrariaer of Ik oQioerr,
uul tat. um!ue With tka woM-al! ratura abort
Xirpn lo tb juila, wbii h riiall cui.tuin oo li.t
ul Tulerr, IA It, acil aalha of Bieera, anj
another ul ruiu aata-ljona aiiaU ua xiTi-u to the aii
unriir iapiTlar. A.1 juilra livins wiluin twelre
unlaa .1 tba iluthoaol.irT'a olile, or aittiia
liTrnl.uiir muoar it r.ti iejcc bo in a loan,
, ,,iia.,. r ritr u.on Ina lina of a railiga.l Iculm.
! io the . ayuit all, eliall licf .ro la. 'clo.dt, it
' nieriil'ian. ul Uin .lay altcf Ibo ti-Mion, at.d .11
' otbrr jtidriw .ball b.l.ih. Iwelra o'claatt mari'lia.
i of lha ai e-uj dnj Slier Ihi-aleeilon, dtlner rail
r. turn, lorrtber with relui a abt a, tu Ih. pm.
UisnoUrv uf lb mart of emninua alaa, ol lha
i ei.ulily. aliieh aald return bit bli ba tltd.aad
, il,e ilr aud hour uf blinr marked lb..niU.auJ
- ; ,bnlio fri atrial bi lb oIhoniilrT f..r uulnia
, I " .7:, J.r.. "iw .JZ?' "J
I tbe ivmrt o( ouuiuaon biaaa aball .reaeiit tba Mid .
reiarnr to the mil! euurl ; in t;ijutiea where thcra
. ia no roaitlent prcaiilent judjro, tbe aeaoelale jailf.
aa .bull Jicrluim tba duliea liiiinaed anna
1 court of Floaa, rifi.a at.4)l rooreoe ur
, . ...
1 . Purl ' "" I'reaentfO oj in.
ihonuii-rr arinii oo onenoa b auiit oourt-airdaom
mint, na theeuuit timll VlTol. ia tlie pr.
t Aitrf- (iriin- tie itttlarfe tadT ttu.l ruir( nrl
- 1 nu r..iufni i.rit.f.f ..! .u.,rMi .taf .tt..
u. ri und-w tt.eeeal at the tmart, aa ta now r.
'nalf- to bo dao by lb relura iuJ.i, aa.i tba
j vol0 w eulIlUtt d and oertiaetl ahll be mit
! m wuUvr ut MJ Lllt MfitD, of
I ewc ahall be out'o to'l in cat
(0B nturn of n, ekeHoo diatnei aa.ll t
t mi, in a; wben tita rottarM ara .trarntd, or ta
i "IU '""(ftig i-ine(Ji nana or mifuite, tin
nfvia Uie ali'itod aimaie or
i Iraiiil. or vaLtvr' frsui t ur luiatitkc la aiimrtHt an
ri'tnrir. tt.. eriurt ttt.ll rramioa Ilia rrtura.
an.l il in tia jadlaest f the urt it ahall ha
Den..arT tn a Jnt retnra aai. ahall Ua.
aumwarT inice.a aaaiat ttia alretian oraw,
mm Triii ra il any, m tha election ilitrteleiai-
itiiinnitt, tu brbi tadin ijrlhtrlta tutu caart,
with a elivtian .af.,rii to thair Hiaae.iii., and
il inti..Hc tuisuke ur frau. I .hull be ilinirar..l.
it itiiifl, til'Oft rlteli heieanr tna deiaiad
...rriet.d t.a lha ennit. an.l an mrtiat , lui
nectrrarr tn rnllrlrea Ihr rnarl, nail
all aU-fritinnf af r,Tli,TS! lr. nl vr niaUtr
. Be ternM sy na. Mr4 ennrt amhia Mrat
titir Ilia day Ilia Men,, ar trroiiaal raa.
ej,,rl lor rnmptjtaiiali. nlV aaid laquirr ahall
! I dlitel.4 uuly lo tinlliiWa fraud or mi.late,
BtaLBluM at ka aaj a iudadal MrJlca-a.
! 1. avm lad. ajiy ouiilut uuw ur liuraulur In he
frutideil h. t... anil tlie ulrnr is aa'ul iripUtua
l rclnrsa el. ill b aVcd. U.e has aad r..lid an
nh ibr) ballHa. Nolhinr in thlr aet afaatll re
quire lha rt-taina of aienioa of ho rough ortvwo
ehip alliesra ta be naile to Iba avort aa dinvuj
iti tbta aMttiD, Wot all tha rrtutva of the r-b-eitua
of lownahip and aoriMgb oUtrrra aall be ca
rtnard in a m Ic-I rover, oirerttd lo tho prtlbuaa
tnjij Uttyiiirt oanDiort iiaa af tle frs
et.nilv. ,iR vhTT! ty rfrtiie one i'f thtta --e tiilir'
erel iiwatluiu iiti Ihiea dny aflfr neir
atirl. c It-nn on an) I It-d ilieieiu. In cuuriirri
al-rre thrre are fl.reo- or mare juilr ol ad
cvuit. Ia4rii, d iivilia Inw. at l---t lwo lul -n
1 al.a;r.( U'eoatTrtBr kh4 eriaft- rtlar. -aulcel
, linflv.j,,ahlT pr,.v,.r,tcJ. U f,t ltie lBlij.
. ..,.,.. . . . 1 .
ea ahall himaelf he a eaiHdMe f r any office at
at eleelin ho aball aot att villi tlta roart ar
act in counting llie rernrna of eorh elrtma, an 4
in inch rrtUff 1tlgf, it ny, )iaI art.
tUtd it In jtny euunty there, eliall be no jn Igr iitial
iile'l fa hi, thirairrd ooart oalr U pro il nl
at Una a t art (eat, and nb,eti act, then and ia
tmry aoot eaie, tln rcgiitrr of '.)!, the aluniff
and.r.rQiity eotnaiiidwm ra of tli ptfec euntr
aball ho an.- itrtnrttote a r.,wirtl.rn. or a wj.r
ily of whowi.-UnU hfwe arvl aaetmat all the p
i. mi frt(naU lha ttattoa rcaied m. or re
Mu.trd IO iro priluiiied bjr tba 0urt vt t"tum"
pltaaul audi cuunty, by and on lr the ')
aiona nf l i-it tatieii ti.l niieof t Mid i
cara aluiH-a.-t K-'n WiMibrr of uch Board alira
aay oflur at tba eleonrw,
the rttttrnn of wliiih the Mud Hoaid la rrair
to etioWt ufidef ihe prnrtkianaaf lb;a aretion.
wi S. In ail ett'i'ti.a hereafter tba e-rt.tWtri
if iirftureliretion, ifgtBiuue. ahail bo eonelttiv
evidenoaof tho acta muntiaaid tharvin.and ntiFTa
tha prraun offering i Vote elatiM Iba right "I
Ihe pnvtneiit of tax, the reeeipt for aneh 'al. t
tignrd l.r tba limpet ofuner, ahall be tha aa if act
tlieirof ; If aura pcraou d'-r tot produca auchre
t it, lh-n the payment of tho las way be proved
by Isq ujtb of aueb peraon, or tthtr arideiaa,
atting wben, where aid to wh'nn auoh tai wn
iad. 1 A H f i A V '
Nttlko la iurlW ' licrfby glvt-n, TIim
11 (rHn ni-.njt tlu.Urca if tlie Peace,
aball held an oQira ot apointDtcnt uf Unt atultr
tlie go I-em mm l of the I'olled Htalea, or ol Ih-'
dtata, t of aay iuaorparatad diatrioi, wbethera
ooiutaia-ioned otllcar or otberwiae, a tubordmai
'fnirrr agent, hu.U of ahall krenipl'ved ai
der tba UiMaiKf, rteeairra ar Judl ial da
partmanu ul Ui Mat or af t I'thiiad otata.
r any city or iankrparalM atialrkt, and alia
baa awary aa Minor af Oangraaa. ar af tba flat
Laaia4aurL rnot alie eonmaku e eelaefc tnarad
uf anf it?i MVuiMtaitarwf aay tnearparatad ft. are by law Ineopabla of k-ddiag ar
! Hrl-at.f,d,., In.recT!,r or CI, ,k" of
t U,1 ' ' 't,',t' ' ,. ....
r "IP l""""" wnn tnaii nave rr""""' "
who ahall b,irn rtotirVl the (arand ki" ,iarT1'
(Iter ul Votpil f ,r fu nt the noxl prerdling elw-
aia.tfaaU jvttaa liMp-atr Id lit plana i on I
a:ao the peraiQ wiui itiejl .bave rartlvrd the I""'
't at uonibtr if oieafnr jn-iieelor aball nitatnnl,
-tiir i(iiiii tIm UmI judge, aball appoint aa
itur in hi t.lej anl in on- the prnoa -lrvtc4
jit tjrr hall hot altrnd, then ihe inupwthr wh.- re
oaivad tfiej f m irwvo1 tarataa, hJI apf,",
Ju lgvSal IrfV ftMof of-fTahaatiaiier alialt'a
t'a' (a. ttf bourd fur Uie Ppica of one h'or al'tf
the lime Hied tv law for Ihe opening of ll"'
"nn. the (ivltilaUttra twa ajowaaitip, ward or
diMriet lur which Burh o Direr aball hare brn
eleatid. prefwt tt ilia plaoa of alexhaa, abaH "
lact nnermt rT ihrlr nnmher to ftll imrh tacanrr.
! Alan, that where a,,jlge, kt arena
toidabl a-r.ilrnr, ia untitle lo atliiid auoh aieel
iigor jadsiaattert4dJtany natarn ahall
l-e tnkfit okarae nf br one ol the inl'erlor
rlerka i.t mr4t al V 4iatrioJLw(.o rtall dt
and pefiniith6 lri ieUlreJ 6faaidJu.Ig
at-lr to nitrnat. --t t . - i I.
Jl k' n.irr .,, -and aaa. seal, at
t'tt Kit, ttbta ta-rDllt da wf.fVtober. i .
L.8.J lha rear of aur Lord aaa tkaaaaad itfht
nnndrtrd unsl a...., r...-. ,n,t a,f lb
Independenaa of tha United ptated lha ulnn
eighth. '
.ti J ' ' '"'iA L j at t;t j .' .v i,
Came tropalnj( on. the prciaU1 of laatjuty
acribcr. o baa.ia tMai-lm, 3 .klfahoa,.
jrrptmg aaa la.f lag na bludfe at. it, tu
poarw iQ wa akoot ana rnrald. The owner Ii re-
IJlV Ha", raM? aTi."ti t J