REPUBLICAN. CLKAItKIKLl), PA WKUNIRDAY MOHNINO, OCT. 14, 1874. Terms or Subscription. f r paid la ad ranee, or wltbln three montha. ,$1 l paid after three aad before all montae..... fta It paid after the oKplret.oa of tit montha ... ft HELKilOUR Netaaauat KtuctMi l'fcarchk. i. n Vonm, Paator. GiibH evarv Babbath . i v , ww 1 1 r. aw. Bebbelh 8hol at t A. II. Prayer .Meetlat every Thnradav. at Tl P. U Cow in on Ion tier loo, tret Sabbath of every Preebyterlaa krch Hit. II. . Bbtlbb. Malibath aervteeo nomine ud iTulit. A!.. bath School at I P. M. Prayer Moetlne; Wedae- Mt. f rauela' Church CathalleRT. P, J. snmiM.--.HnMftl 11 a'aloel. A. II., aa the eoeaa ana nturxB ouaaaya ov, mob innate. , Latharau Church. Kir. D. M. Moea. rrMohiBf every Banbatn, moraine aod areata. gabrieia Bo boo I at I a. a. Prayer meetta; ovary OFFICIAL pIRBCTOMY. TINI Or OLMXl QUABTKB IBHIONI COURT. fteeend Monday of J a aery. Third Monday or March. VirM Monday of Juno. Fearth Jlody of September. ..,', . Tina or SOLDI KO COMMON ri.iAa. tirft Monday of June. Second Monday of November. rvoLio orricKis. PmiJtnt JtrffHon. Cbarlea A. Meyer, of Luck Haven. AniUmmt Lnm J4$-Hon. Joha 11. Orvia, of' ueiiefunto. Amtimtt Jmdg Wlllieia C. Foley, Clearleld ; ittna J. iieeui, uorwenaviiie. Ptvlkmmrtmr-Aenta 0, Tate, tfeytafar mm J Rnmr4$r A. W. Lea. AtWtVl Attvrnty- Frank FieMiaf. Twnr-David W. Wia. AaW William B. MePfaereua. (?uNrjp Surveyor Samuel F. MeGleekey, Car wenavllle. (hnml (bmmimitnfr, P. Coolerot. Kert baa) Jube D. Taompaoa, Carweatvllle, Clark U row o, ClearBcld. Oounfg Auditor Reuben MePberaoa, Clear- ariitf J a me ii. ii mp, .unmoor Liiyi iwia u. Bloom. Clearfield. . Jury Cmminiotr John W. 8hugart, Jam Mitchell, UlearBed. 8frimUdni mf Phoic &Ami Juki A. Orriory, CUci-field. iVotariii PmUii Jiba W, Wrlgley, Wm. Re dflUaugh, Cyme L. Uordoa, ClearKcId ; Joiiak Kvana, Joapb K. Irwio(Corwmirilla J. J. Lin rU, 0ocjU MilU) Jobnatoti lUmiltua, Laikora- "rc. RALLY I RA1XY1J RALLY III DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. HMllagfl of Ik. Denoenoj, ad of ftll wko rt oppoKd to th. preual enrrupt AmIqI. tr.tloat (o goroniaitnt, .nd t. tb. pulley tbkl prodnOM tb pmot bard IImm, will h. hriil a. follow, t At LUMBER CITY, o Frld. .e.lo, 0,1.. Ur Klb, .t Y .'elook. To b. ilnated by Mtur. W.IIm. TcM, nd otborf. Al P1NNVII.LE, Po lo.n.bip.o. S.UrJ.r viaiog, Oct. I7lb, at T e'olooli. TobsaddrMwd by IfoMra, FUldiug, B.ycr and Iluu'pbr.. AtLUTIIKRSUl RO, aa Tanday aftnaooa, Oot. 10lb, at I a'olock. To bo addmud by II oo. T. J. Uoy.r, I.ra.l T..lf r.q., aad otbor Al TROI TVILI.K, oa Toooday nMlog, 0.1. 3tlb, al 7i o'.luok. To b. addroxod by IIod. T. J. Boyor aad IimI Toat, Kq., la Iall.b, aad Prof. P. 8. Webor, In Grraiaa. Al KKW MILLPORT, lot ForfOMa, Kaoa, Jord.a, and apptr cad of Tib., oa Tborwl.y, Oc, II I, al I o'eluob, p. m. Bonalor W.ll.ot brad To.1, K.,aad Wai. M. UoColloab, Bio.., will po.lti.oly be proMMl, and Hoai. Jacob Eigl.r b. i boon tavited aad ll oxpostod. Al KBW WASIIINGTON.fol CUeit, Bor.ii.U, aad Brll, oa Friday afloraooa, Oct. i3d, at I o'clock. To bo addrtawd by Sonalor Wallboe, I.ra.1 To.1, Wia. M. MoCalloub, aad oth.n. Al OSCBOLA. oa 8otord.y.uia, OoL lllh. To b. addrtnod by D. F. Forla.y, F. Fkldlol, Abram Haaiphroy, and Al ANSON VII.LK, oa Tanday afl.raooa, Ool. 17th, al I o'oloob. To bo by Boy.r, Tut, and ot bora. AtOLEN HOPS, oa Taoiday .rrolag, Oelobor 17th, at 7i a'.look. To bo addmaod by Boyor, T..I, and Al WOODLAND, la Bradford lowaakip, oa Wodnaaday ovvaing, OoL 38th. To ba addroatod by Wallaoo, MoCalloagh aad Uaaiphroy, At HOFFBR'B STORE, lo Kartkaa. Uwaihlp, oa Tkaraday aflonooa, Oot ta, at i o'clock. To bo addrooHd by Wallao., Maehay and Tl. At FRENCHVILLB, oa Thanday oraaiag. 0t. llb, at H .'.look. To bo addrouod by Wallaoa, llaokoy aad To.1. At KTLERTOWN, oa Friday aftoraooa, Oot. illlh, at 1 a'olook. Ta bo addrooood by MoOal loagb, Boyv Wallaoa, Teat aad Uaaiphroy. AtMORRlSDALI MINES, oa Friday oraaiaf, OoL Mlh. To bo addrouod by MoCalkragb, Boyor aad Haaipkray. Haoordially iarlu all to atUad aad hoar a aala dlaMaaroa of tao Uaaoa larolfed la tho proaoat olMtioa. ' WM. M. Mt'CULLOUOH, Ckalnaaa. Pcmt yourself In price of .poocriea at Lytla A Hltoball'a, before pure baaing alaawbani. The names of Jurors drawn tor the November tern of Conrl will b foand la tbii liaaa. Clohk Siiavino. Seven ier cent baa beta knocked eff tbo wafra mt tbo anployeo of tbo Cambria Iroa Worka at Joknttowa. The temiwrance men of Blair county hero nominated Capt. A. U. Lloyd, of Oayaport, for Aaeembly, aad A. A. Sternal, Kaoj., of Tyro no. far Dlotriot Attorney. The Full meeting of' the Brookvllle on tain Park Aimlatlon will bo bold at Brook Till ob tho 2th, Hat aad 12d of Ottober. Preml ma to tka amount of l,iW an offorod. PriTLR Up. The Uvenweri of the Poor of Woodward townaklp, giro aotloo thia week, they in determined to tattle all ae- eeanta on tho Slat day of October, and thoaa bet oomplyiag with thi aotloo will bo debarred. mww a en Traohkim Wantbd. The School Ii rtotore of Brady towaekip Wleh to employ font eampeUat tcaobtra. Vagca from $31 ta 4I par month. Tho Board will bo la 001100 at Lut ben- burg oa tbo Uth loot., when applieaata will pleaao apply. 1 a 11 ' '-' The Cumbria lmixan fttateH that Mr. Jamea M. Kioporta, of Hollidoyaborg, 00 id eighty-four trooa for apara aoar Cborry Tree, In diana ooanty, for IS,4M oath, being ere $4 Ht taeh tree. They an to bo hauled neon mlleo to tb water. f mm Rklrct 8tiiooi Klaowhore will be found tha oard of Mm Sidooa, of Look Havoa, who kaa oatobllahed a Are! olaaa few tat low ia that eity. Her nferonoea an good, aad thorn wiabing to oond pop I la abroad will do woll by torrttpuadiaf with tbo lady ta quootloa. Oroans and M KLonRHd. We in- v tto atteattoa to tho oard of Oeo, A. Prtaoo $ Co. of Buffalo, W. Y., maaafaetanft of Organ aad Molodooai. Thli la tk eldeal booae in the oown try la It lino, and tbeir lattraaBoata nak among tko Tory boot. HI a-aWAa-wawM A human skeleton wait found on Saaday a wook la a lonely ear art, about fbortko of a mtto from ftwoMoa. by a Mr. Wat- klaa, wha wai aearchlng hr bit now. Tbo odltor of Iko Otooolo rlaltod the awot, hat fowad aothiag wbloh aoald lead to tbo Ideatlloatioa of tho nmalaa. whlek gare ladiaatloaa of having lara taro tmr aomo rear. ' i ITiroLAiMKB KRRiaiiT Goons. It will ho obomod by aa admrttaewtat la tkla ttea that tha Pennyilraal Railroad Oompaay prapoe to toll tbo aaetalmod gooda aoM for (night at tao tovoral itatioM la thia ooaaty, oa Saturday, tao Hot Sap of en obai. Aw oWMtarttoa of twiHit mat ktHng ta A aotloo of owaora when their good ara. . . A meeting of tho Madera Coal and Impraeomoat Oapaay la eeUled IW OoL ltk, to Oonaioer tao aeot onoaa 01 rauiag v ma tk oxtoaaloa of tao Mooaaaaoa Braaea from HeatBdal to Madera. Waotaar ar not tao Mo- dora Oompaay deoidM aaow a motaod of ntotog had, two aad a half a. ire of th oatoattoa wtil be belli, If aot wftk tao atotaUaoa of ta Gemaaay, then by yrirato eaterario.tAfe4of wmrmmi Trying to Skttlr.- The FtiUipebarg Jmi Biatoa that at two aMoUag of tao aiaitlwa of MeOtrk A Parka, at thoit Baa blag RowaOp aa Batarday, laa Id toaL, a pefiaUaa waa aMda Wj aary all otaiaH at Toty-dtt oa tho doRar, V faat aaaoal IMalUBaaU, with totoroot, whUk wm oaoftod by oW aaaktloat atoditoro piniat aad whkh Mda gakr to rooolro WMojaaataf a lamaliad aombor to mako M taa hanti of oottto-mmt. " I """ ''awma.fmv Tb Lati Aocikbm. The Clttrlgn ouowai to ut. ait. ao.ldka wLloi, Moamd a ha Low ttra ruliaad, aa jk s' J It appoan lha Ion of lit. . , gr,.u,' ' u roaorlod foar ponoa. karlng died, aad olbor ponoat iajorod aiay aol roooror. Mr. a. W, Palalar, of MIIMII.,ilo4 aL'o.rl oa laal Bal.rday aad gar. a. aa aoooaal or tk. MlMtropb.. Ho wu la tho float aoath, aad Jaapod of ju.t baton th. toooaioilToi . U. ... willing y (M do, .ig wtjilh. aaiy paaatngor who got out b. Moapod uahort. Ho aay. Iba oaglaoor wka W.I hillod, pal oa tka air brakaa, roreriod kla angina, and ilood al hi. po.t, aad waa hill.d wklio aobl. dlaebarolno hi. duty, Uo had ahao.t taoaaodod la otoppang ki. ..a eea IB. oll.lraln boon aoi.tly oboohod ap Iboullliloa OBldBlka.obo.aMdlaa.troul. Non. of tbo Pa.Mng.n who w.r. la tho f ooagn cara) roooi.od any l.jury. aicrnt, aliajlit; oraiari. vojt,, McCoaa.ll, Strong, and othor poaaaagcra wha wcro woiudod, had (oao lto lbobaggag.ur. 'Oa. of bad a d..g , and took tho otbora la along to aoo IL It ia doubllul if tbo ooapaay oaa bo bold re.pon.lblo fur paoaoa- gota who won no. ia Jh tropor pla. pro.idad ft IbcBi. t .... A gntloiaoa from Now giraa oa lha following laformallon Twaaty.gra oil car. ara a wi.i wrook , no baggag. oar with aiproaa aad Bail baraod oae painngor oar wrecked j J.m.i lor, oaglaoor, killod laalaally i Ulebaal Killiao. aaaldod and died ooaa aflorwardi ; Rlobard Itayla, oaoded aad died (aaia d.yi ll.rry Wlria, woaaaod Inlornally, and died Friday alornlng. T b. rrtaaia. of lb. drad wore Mat to friend. II I. reported bhal Job of lb. Injured paaaougrra died laot boa Jo.. . . Tbo wrook ba. boea all oloarod away, the loooaioU.oa wore pat aa wb..l. aad takea lo rtli.bgrgk for ropaln. M ,n iiofc Ur. W. Philip., Bancrlatondenl of Ike Low Orada Di.Uloa (aa Ike Beneett'o Biaaeh U aor aalled). da ioforauttioa kul Satarday before ' I.Nutt, E.O., of New Belbl.h.oi. aitoin.l Saaia.l MeFarlaad, Iba telegraph operator at that pUaa, woo Bogleoled lo dellror Iko BK.nga lo IB. aoBdoetoroftbopaaHBgor Irala. The obarg.1. aogleM of daly aod fallaro to obey ordorr. II. ill ametod aad gave f 1I,M ball for hi. appoaraaoo l oourL It aoero. MeFarlaad Iboogbl of the loaaag. tool after the traia .tarted. and ooat a boy ap to FelruiouBt, the ooal .uiien Ju.t above town, lo dolli or II, bat before ho gl there the trala kad atartad, aod Tory aooa aftcrwarda tbo oreah of tbo eollialoa woo heard el. tool point. , Tbeoalylwoaf lb. oat Ire .raw of th. atoll traia who oeuped death or anion. Inlorr ara th. ooadaotor, Mr. Jaaoa O. UfKi, and the aull agoBl, A. C. BeML They were both la tho Ball ar, aad were botk kurled ' Ibroagb the oar wia. ow oyer the BBBankBoat and into the awamp, a i.tauoa of ill fet. Mr. Berg, recclred .010. bralm. Mr. itoolt eK.ped with alight kralre. bal Ilia alothlng wu nearly lord from bl. bojj. The oaoape of Maura. Bogg. aad Soell war, Indaod, a Biracaloaa aao, a. th. wall and baggage ear. wore hurled holloa opward. d.ju" tao, while lb. oil ear. wcro hurled upua Tb.Hi.eara ioiuieill atery took Ire aad were dcolroyod with all tlulr ooutonti. . I Slndat Scihwl Convepction. The Suaqaebanoa Uiitriol 8. 0. CoaranlluB will tanl.l Ha Beit atatioa at Burnttde, Claarfleli county, Pa OoL lb, 1874, from 9 to 11:M o'eloek, l. a., and from 1:30 to 4 o'elook, r. M. Jubilee from 7 to o'eloek. r. a. rorica rot uiaci'iiion ( ' , ' ' 1. Fbat la tho beat gtaet-nl roatlae of Sabbath Sebool exetTeiaoa F L What ooBBtltutee a eoupeteat and aoeeraaful SapfHoteadent I I. What are Uio aotreta of tbo Sunday Sohool Uaobero luaotaa f 4. AreflonJay School teaebera'neellngsuroftt. able r ft. Aroebaroh mebn oblia;ailuaa to th Raa- day Behoola any lea thaa Ibelr obligationa to tbe ebnreb F , I. How oaa wo prorail apen tdke earolen and inaatlto to ooaao aad aeta f . T. Towkatoxtent iboold eblldrtB bo oneoar- iged to momorito ane. roolta SorlptaroF I. Qaettloa drawer balf boar la Ibe forenoon and Ib tbt afternoon. 9. Brief report from tbo Sckoola MprMentetl will be ealled for. ' - ' W kop all Sunday Sobool workeraaad frtenda who can ftttead Will do oo. Oivo tko whek day to eirneat work, and enjoy tbo Jubilee In the areola g. - Wilk the blotalng of tbo If after, let aa make tbe Corantioa a aoooeaa, aad our aeboota will all nap booelta. Reepootfolly, B. t. Cbowthrb. Prea't Obah. Pa.. Oot. Hfh, HT4. Bar Suppkb In a nocial wrv, the posial oosavioa of latt woek waa tbo banquet glrB to Judge Mayer by tbo mtmbora of tbo Dar, aa a welcome afoa hi return from at ex tended toar to Eoropa, when ko kad gone to re Mora hia dcoHaiag hoaltk. Only oa oooaaleaa like tkls doot tho Ifoa m4 tka Unib agroo to 11a down together. Lawyora wkobaratkalr Intelleot inflated by a liberal fee often dlaplay themaelvM to a dieadvaatage la tho Conrt room, whoa Mai- onily on caged la frfaulinf tUlr)a1leiiUpadaw oonoaqoeaily m lain terp rated by tho eaanal ob- aerrer. Bat oa oaoaaloai liko tka oaa wader aoaaidoratloa, they ataad unrivalled. Toaata and apeeahmakingp aa la weaal among lawyora, waa a potlalty. Aflor tao oxoeileat repast foraiabod by CapL UoOaagboy had been dlipoeed of, Jadga Mayera detailed elatemont of a ptreoaal inaide view of tbe Coartt aad tha trial of eon era la Row land aad Ireland wai dooldedly Interfiling to all prtnai. Tho aarly avpaiaUd kelWtta It aad J J o'eloekp fully eat lifted that a good aappor had beea dlrpoaed of, aod that a repel Itioa of tba oocaaloa woald Bet bo out of order. : Thi Ei.ictiok Imwiop PiNNtvi.vA- Bli ABB nta Mbw CoBartrorlox. A earofully mired editroa of Ike Kleeti.a Law. aad th. New Coeetitatlea af PeaB.ylraaia, with an aaalyttoal ladel, will be Luted by October 101b, which, to. gethar, foraa a book af rofemoa that Bo eittaen ahoakl rail la peeeeu. Tba Bleetio Low. hare boea dlgeated aad arranged wilk Bote, by Fraa aia Jordea, late Secretary of tho Coaiaioowoaltk. to wkiak la added the Judicial doeUlon., Baking a compact, eowBproawBelra aad tkweugk ataBaal, for tho iBfonaatloa of Ik. peopl. and tko gnid ane. af .teettoa oaVoara, Tka work aa a, wkobj la vary valuable aad aagbt to bo la Ibe p. .Ion of .vary alll.oa. It aaaUlai all tha laglalellow af raat nnIoA le rehroae. to .leetleiii, together with tk. forma of blaBka for Ik. net af tleotloa aad aeiweor. tbua readerlBf It entirely eoapUU ta an the braaoLoi of wkieb ft trekih B.niaaila Blngerly, llarri.barg, I. lb. pobli.h.r,. Prloo, by aielL po.t paid, la pap.r oevor, f 1 ,10 gj Biaalia, law abeep, 11.40. Third Witir-(Jotirt oimitmhI mi Moaday, .t II o'elook, a. a, with dadgea Crvll, P.ley tad Bead oa tha beach. Bclloen- Oved vary alewly ob Monday. Aa aaual, Dobodjr wee reedy. If tk. plalatiff la aae eewa waa rrady Ibe defondaat wea .are I. ko BbaeBt, aad rlee aerea bceidoa juren aeoaied to V. Maree, and 9 e'alooa. r. kroagkt about aa adJoarmiaeBt a. til Taeeday VMrevKg. wbob a . .w departwre Meaa.d la bare boea aaad., aad evarykady waa beuod ta be reedy aod deelrou. o bar. their aae. pvoatatad ts Ike Jary at oaee. rreal tho looka ef thlaga el preaaat writlag (Tawaday awn. leg), tk.ra will be Maaidarable bualaon diapoard "arlag tlieUrra.' '' ' ' ' ': i CJ A Hi: Bliti ! Blit I ! Old Hignnr UliU, the world rewowaod keglclan, witk kla traraod blrde, wilt glr. aa eeteri.lBB3.ot Ib Ctearteld, oa Stlarday evealeg, OoL 17th. J7, at Ih. Opera Hoooe, Tki. will ba good aawi foe ail old ad 4 aileere, aad for tb ehlUrew wk. here rood o free. bl. Hfe and have leag datlred to It. the eriglaat. Thia k) kll rari'oetl loaf, And kit roeetk at taa AaadMty af ll.iie, ta Philadal pkla, whart too tkaa.ead aoraoaa, laclBding the .hrgy, ua.yar aad aawlala af Ike eHy, (noted hia. aa hit farewell Bight, .bow. hewoaeeh ha k beloved va laa city af bit adopaea. lat aU waa weaM eve BHta, awd awead bb ker-wf loo octet ploaeere, be al tbe Opeta Meeao Bo gnet aad weleeer. kla bore. ;...lo.,.. TrtK DBICATrtrI.---NWrWrTrfflifl Ike cltleea. ef ikla koroogh ae fairy eajey Urea. Ml.M a. tkej did aw lea) Friday .rejileg, oa the l.a.H.. al eke dodlealloB of their akagalaaaM M nkwal kaildlag. TV. adell wrtio wwre highly eeUrtalaed, bat the little felka wen per rWtly delltblaA. Xke preoeedalgs. ar aatlrely lew leagtky for awr ecl.we. Ikia woek, awd we kara tkenfofo poatp awed pwbflrtlag .beta antll aoat week, wkea we will glr. thoea ia tup, . roerrpoHiD. W notice) "tbt','llli people of I'eroB, 4elre aad 4law eeaaUe.,- wko pi.p...t tabeldaui i ef oooaohrad to tbll pleoe hut week, kart prtoeod It ledodolt. tr. Beeh eatonrlaa te waadabta, wkea wibbi keted M prower aawal.a. Hewwrer, if they bev. aeikleg peroobM ow keaia M ao www oeeaUea, II Is prebebl; W.H eeeogb for Ikeat la Hi. op taaaeAgbboai.r r i.a Th blaM. Mar f aawMtia bwW aa laal wwat be Mr. Tkaeawa M.KesM.,1 afWayej. It Hot a i alio, j hn1l eai tort eowely by Jaeek HaaParava eoo-4 fare, wwave age. A atta was ewsdead skoet whrar .Mel aw. oa a wklts lhw steak af aw. Wbbo. tltaaeei mm b ta. Irs) frail. It h owe (wet 1a oaee, aad weigat owe peeaeV--twIew Thal'a a whopper 'w. anal Wee p. tlBunvon l.,.tV MtU. ... l...u JeOrarod Jeok ICaMoirf Freurlck L.nlla, and VUllgnt Finer to U'. t'ard.Bj of. ll Waj ora Pealteatlary. The two 'foriuur were each Hnleoood for oae year, anil the latter for two ye.r, Coraon bolong. lo Maiuo, and L.illo to Fbll.delpbiai bal tho tatp.y.r. of thli oouoly will beoomp.lled lo pay the bill. Fauver had followed a nreeoriou. aalllne fup o at year., and allowed blloeelf lo l,e "roned lotu" ot' foigary tcrprlH, of which both have bun .uiitivi.u onu too penitentiary I. ineir reward, Lint of luttorrl reniltillillfr llliclllilm ll in the HoatnlTico nt Cl.arlold, for Hi. wwh ending Oaloher trth 1M7J Araebl, W,,(l i il l , llMlua. il. . V U.rro, Allca MellunalJ, Y. M. K. Burleigh, Ror. M. C. lUiera, Kill. E. Calhoun, Cyril. J. Richmond, W. II. Krhoed, fetor r , . , Wood, MiKle lialoely,U:dwaed 11 Wood, Cm. J. Haruiun, Juhn W. Wl.llnglnn, Ueorgo Hi'llei, Jome. M. . Walker, Jullu. Harding, Jaaek 0 Ol fi Put. I" P. A. J A II 1,1 M. I. M. aereral aaddlee. brldlei, robe. aBd blankrte, eor. rowed by parllea during the autninnr. If the per ein having tbaat in their poue.aion will let u fcnow where to get then, we will o.ll end .oeuro iniK. LKAV1 llllus A hbi'cuqx Can. Another reduetloa In Arlllclal Teelb. Price, to .nit the., panicky tlmu. g. I'OKTKR BIIAW, D. U.S. Clearleld, Pa., Sept. 30, mil. .Hut C.leo looll;lio..t i'lo.k,,, .,. ' Fall Una of (bulee af EryBlhin Mil Nablea eloth, rary oboap, at T . A. Fleck A Co'.. BriUiaaUoei of ahod.. all well' l!.. onale ia variety al luweet prleea, at Ten Floek'a. Ra.n R. M. M'KmIIt'i eaKrliiuiiiti: In 'ie. gerd to Life liiaarenco. aogll-ly Blaok Dron Silk. , gHd but oboap, al Fleck'.. Oodlaa Rulllen In ireel earlele'. where Do. iteoa eaea lo aeep, oppoclte 3loeanp a. T. A. e-i .ru A Co. 1 Black Capkmtro of tbo try fctut, tbwor than Tr oatrod la uu "Btok o mooat, at rlvak a TabU Clatfcf.alt (.aon im low, at Wo ok A Utnta' FurnUhlng Uoodi, full lino at a mall Uo to Fleck!, !titaUi0r Uata aad) Honatta.'Pianta, Faaihari, Uird winxi, Hprayi, Wreatbi, Fiowori, and Jet tiiinminga iu aluioit ondleaa variety, at f look A Uo.'a. " vi.' ; MilS0.lf Tha bit Hbawli for the moaay at FUtif. A Co.'l. Dal tn oral aod Fell hiairU. choapor Lbaa a tar. on i f i.dij, at rieoa Alpaooa Luatrta lo full Una at Fleek A Co. 'a. T.riooa Roppa, periact bOd.ti.oa it tl flopli A Co'. We aeo that Miaa lllllman, the aoncuillhf.d caterer la Indira' bate and bonnota, be returned to T. A. kiosk A Ce.'a MtablUhmeul, to do tk ait for tko India of Clearfield and Tieinily Karty oatl will Moart prompt aUeotioa, Beadod LikiS ynok a&d gulanpor. plain aad hugUd, at 1'. A. Aleak, A Co., . ... lru Trimulogi, unaurpaaa.d la atjle, variety aad akaapneaa, at Fleck'. (.ermnntowB Wool and Yarui, tho Wgoat 1 tuck rr brought to town, at Fleck A Co.'. : CorMla, Kid UlovM, Ladiaa' Laderwrar, iV'gbt. DrtMoa, Ckildrvo'a liroa, longslMved toder woar fur Ladir) ta foot, lb ay bavaldadlea'om plet eutDtaatT. A. Fleok A Co.. ... - Woolew LawaMp moat WaatifoJ abatlea, at Fleok A Uo.'o. - . ,.. Vail vaiUty of Water poof Clath at F'eck'a. 'r Oo to Fleek a fur wba yen want to deeorat or make comfortable tbe outaido of yooc corpor ate bod lea, for wo cannot tll you all we ha, hut II y.tiu will coin and aee, la the language of our fiMdoacnor, wo WU ahow yu 11 wikeii you oomo. ' ' Call on R. M. M 'finally and get your life tn aurad fa tb Old Contutvntal Life Insurance Coin Dan.f llarllurur. I'uln. I j" it JkuarlXl I D toe ik Fun Ha ta. H. Newton 8 haw keep a full aupply of Fmluma Ilnggiea and I'latlnrm Wagona tor aoJe To no aeon t the ghow Huum yard. Call on or aJJreM him at Clearfield Pena ylrania. ,,' 1 3-if. Wood and Willow War-of aJI dcriitlnna for Ml by IL V. fiigler A Coi h$ .u.ijifi RKOAI'lTULATIOM. (.; ; Bird Cagca. Wood and Willow Warr.'' t ' Boahod Oooda.t i 1 ' ,t All kind of Hamlwafor -c ; ',- i j " Jatmind Wan. - 1 4 i ... Painta, Oile, VarwUbo. - . ' Calcined Plant. . i Wagon and Onrriago Maker' loppllea. 1 -All of tfaoabovo Fnr-oalo at themammotb Hard- Van Rtonof H. P. Blglor ACofioooad otmot, Clearl.ld, 4'e, ? ,i r 'I 1. 1 It Save Tlmol Rbrw ftaborf-ftrMowoyf Save Clotheal Tbe' Morelty Wrmgmr" i tba beatta th mark ft. Ray U , try It. - . For aal by II. F A Co. I P! II at. t.A ti; J Calelaod Plaater fur aalo by M. V. Biglcr A Co i Paium Aiin pAitfTKnt' Fmninns.- Our tok Of paiata and PeU.iar' MalcrlaU la qduulutr, in oludinkT J. T. Lewta' Pare Wbite Litd. -T'thn Lu Ma A Uo a run rrnite leaa, r. n.iLoi nui . Load, and a nnmber of eltcanar brand of Whit . Lead; alao, Liaaeed Oil, Turpentine, Varaifheeof 1 .ni:.i. n ii r II I...- - r..n II.. r 1 all hind., a full Unaof .VraiuVeVandA 'uUlineof eolore, dry and la Oil. aryJITI i in ; Bti.M s C. Mtmtowr Slate Paiata, for painting huoaee in aide and out.ide Cottage., Vaewi beAldlDas, As Beeuliral, dueable :aad aooaouiaal,:fUround ia pur. Unwed QIL . . I(i ,, M)IM if rr ; q.,r. nan-ea )yi Bird Cage. a largo aaaorttaawtat II. F. Big- ler A Ce.'a. : . Irl'anM year lilt I ib tontiueol.l Ilk lira- ranee Company, ol uartlurd, .onn. . B. M. M 'BMALLT, Agent. BUgH-ly Ataa. Sevooty-firo down Cle.rlcld Vood- ohoppsrl Alef i vl P. Broli; a coT Ui.orra. A full Ha. of IIouMbold (looda, J.panncd Tare, Ac, fur aala by H. f. Wiglcr A CO.; Rii.Tita t-Peeeonewhoeonteiunlatcl,uildluK Will do well to call anil examine ouf aliiohsifi BIJII.DINO MATKHIAL8. Wo have In alockm! foil line ef Baildrra' ll.rdwnro, Nail., Paint., Oil., Illoar, 1'ultJ, Calcined Tla.ler, Ac. Saw. Dlatan'r Croe-col Sew, Oreo Ataerl.aa Saw, Boynton't Lightning Saw, at ' I.IS-71 II. V. Hiotna A fVti .'1 : . . . " -j II. P. Bl.ler k Co. oe're lM.d -nilklag nioireteO. BdditioB. I. ttnwr aeoea 01 iieewware lee Ha. o. Soy., KV.ryUlWe, OCW IB one. dler.' Itardwaro, Parmer.' Hardware, Builder.' Bardwere, and llardwan of all kind., eon boeeoo at taelr etoro. . i---: !, ... i Paw! lenaat Peaw 1-.Amnng Uio Many proia. ralioao thai we BAve for Cotighe, Celdat Caopp,.. wny throat or lung difficulty, noes af th.ia- are onoal ta Dr. Murria' Hvruo of Tar, Wild Cherry end Ueraheaad. . If .run aro afflicted, call at our more and wo will gl yii aamrle bnttM-roo o lure. llart.wleR a trwlB, M.amein ; Bolt. Wood.kH A HolL.Wellao.ton: II. R. Wit- llama, Willlara'a tlrovo. March Il ly. . :i ,'''"i y r Jn.t received, a large lot of eon-eiploelee Lamp, and Laotera. at I 15-7? Tl. P. IIiol.u 1 To'.. ail I Palnll, Oil. wad VarwUha for aala by II. F Blglor A Co. Nora?! HWtlDi Atn OArrniWl Ma.ihi. W have Joel roeelrm a gceeral a..nrfment of wagna and Carries. Weeds, aha) full line af Bptluga aad As.).., which wo oler chenn for ea.n. j j I. '- . H. F. Biat-ra Cb.'H IMPI.ATIIIN4-I , INKI.ATKINI T V . n. .... . I... -r ih. f 'tie rrealdenL are Inflating, and hove inflated alreewy lara. etarkuf IHottna oalll it new; oCDbreeee tho Boe.t aeaorunent ol Llolhing nnd rurniabing Hoed, ta aay retail euro in 4'enn.yl. Below pleera flbrl reduced price Hat of a fhw of lb. Article, .mbracrd in Ibeir .lock; , MKN'8 COPflNADH HtltTH, INI,T - A 00 MKN8 CASH1MKHB 81IITS, ONI.V ' I 00 MKN'8 ALL WtMlb. vAK..riTH, 10 00 KN'8 FINK BLUB D1AU. BUlTrl, 8, iti oo KUTUH' BUIT8. .... I tiHILDi FINK Bt.tTt CLOTH 81' rlltI.II'H WANt'T IIIAIl. Hl'lTH. 1 CHILDREN 8UIT8,Bllptk)eafrlto:io(l 1(1 hi krllaa-8llk, IllBgham, Cotloa- el wad Ino Mtortmaat. RoaMn.- TlrtT dcirnl' Titj. "1111. AaMa. ..J rte.tilh inh.r.Hn.l hue.. Which fJriP) bo anld al front S Sent. nn. ' ...... ,jf ...M.:k,rf,.WmUh S!rr: plete, .mhreeidg tb. rh!rria",ree feroo, t i. mt ea. Sk m-SS-S A 'EJ' dr-mJeTt -Bolton, Ceeiim.rtand eolore Mlrt In ' j-C " .'' "w'woule o to mrw.tow.ere that ktrlnf1- AT BKA801IABLB BATB8, , . .-' bought fsodl al II per ent. I.e. tknn ereti.rore, w. IrenrenarWlo rerl lb.m at itrlcs. that wn reetly Mtoal.hdrtfyrtoilT. f.11 e.rlr and owtrl"'" esrvtae., , RnI,TU, yoeriolvn. " AB K ltR A O:- f ' ' MVl IKAVT ' 0'Wr.B.Cera.r.CIvlleld.PS.H.t f.CTgjf.T " , ; CSarrlfl Maaoaa, Mr. 1E0KUK L. OI.ASUIIW aad Mim Jl l.IA h. ELLIH, both of kumhnigrr, Cieer .idwoaiy. '' ' ' ul e4 r:i,.. S i.bmv ' H.UI iMkersbeelr Pao aav But. litro, lldKT, wileef Jean P. waemtdA- i oa riinrneyas or bvkrt descri b9ch tf tlae asall; STOceted at amc. " arttu. Clearfield Market.."!'!. . Cdnaai'iKn Wai. byKratwr Lyile, Wkol. Bale and Hauil denture ia Dry Uoodi, UroeeriH : Hobr, Food, (to.! Narkol aunt, Ulraraald, I'a CtaiariaLa, i't OoL t, UJt. Apple.,, OHM) 90 I Jri.ioJ. .,..,.,,,, 111 ! gj!, i'1."!'-.'".'. . I 16 00 fS 3D Bean....!.". ,1 i ft 011(1$ I It ; Uuakwheat auur v"lh! I, dried..... .... ... puewn.eii I 40 . , oj I"M , 81 Beef, fro.h. ' (, ' 10 00(o)ld oo Boorda, M Curo,ibelei.- ... Corn, ar tv. n Corn menj, lavb..,! Ohop, ewl....i, Olovoreeed.. ... Cb..a., t,,,,,.,. Cli.rrloa, 1 R) Oblckena, dre..od, Ifi lb.... Brr Fl.tH0dMM,Mt(M1'.' Flour., H.J..' Hoga, uV.i.d..-..AA,..t.,u. Ui.u, green.,.. .1,,. Hnin. , Shoulder.-.'..Z.. ...... HI Jo... ,-. Lard , 1 io ooQ to .......i ' ' ts ' 140 ....... , ;,. , I oo .ieM I . I" 1I U 9 00 ., r orif. a to no OOi-iilt N . .... r , I : , , . 10 . Oil in ii . ii Mil. I'orl,! blL .. Oatl Onion..'. tt , HoUtocaM..,..rt.,.M,,HH t ;., Peaehc, dried, Umv.m.m.. . . So oo i !' lOt 76 16 too i io , 1 1 . i 1 lt 16 6 01 It 00 A 00 10 I 71 40 M I'laiter, V bbl.. iiye....; :., Rage, ht tt .. Salt, t neb Khiiiglea, Itl inch Shingle., Ill loch- Tiatotby aerd Tallow .., ..,.,. V'keat... .. vtooI....: ...... Wood, V enl PcnnHylvuulallnllroad TVUONR aTITRFIKLD UUANCU. 0" and after MonUity. WAY SJ, 1H74, the Paiacngnr Traiua will run daily ;exoil 8un daya) betTFuoa Tyron and Cioortloid, no foltowo : UliKAKFIULD MAJL. ' LEAVB SOUTH. LGAVli N011I1I. Clearleld. I.0, p. a. Tyrono,i., rhilipallurg.4.3j, Oio.ola. ... 4. iu, Tyrone ......t. on. Uoeola... 10.40, " I'hilipaburg,..l0.t6," Clearllold,.ll.iO, 4JMAHF1MLU BXI'HKSS LEAVE 80UTU. LEAVB NORTH. Clearfield 6.15 A. M. tyrono 7.00 p.m. Phllipabnrg.. 0.:ii " ' Inter.ectlon...7.ll " Oaooola.; t.6H I Creole .I0 " Inter.ooUoa 7.48 i Fliilinilara...t.l6 " Tyron.. S.00 Clearticld,ar...i.30 " TV HON B STATION. . BAMTWAIlD. U Pooid'i hi. p. -..a. - Tilt Harriiburg Aoe'uv 8;4U ''' ' r b Mail Traia. . DiKI . . Miied Train, t'uiein'ti Kxprcee, Titeito Hpi-ea, , Wot Paaaonger, .Mail Tram, , Feat Lino, A a 1:14 4:31 8 14 r a 1:13 010 5(1 C'inein'ti Kx(re.a, 0:'il roil, oa bxjirr.a, IO:'6 FARK fKOil C'LKARKllil,l, 10 Bellefente, Pa ,...: 06 Middletowu,...$6 00 Marietta t 60 Lock Haven., 170 a no I to J 00 4 60 Willi. mnit l.nenalor t tt PIIII.ADKLPUIA 710 Alioena 1 Huntinicdon Lewiatown. Mnryirilk,. Johnstown............ I BO BAHHIKilUHU... 4 7Sl I'll TtiUtriU) S 16 Cloa. oon.otion. made by all tr.ina at Tyrone and Look Uaveo. . t . ... 8. 8. BI.A.IB, tnyl7'tf. SuperiolendcnL itdi' guli'rrtisniifiiis. c 1AUT10N. All ucraunif arq bereby warned nicainal tur obnaing, or iu any way metl'lling whk otie aeven ootav Piano, now la Ofttaeffton of J. II. Lam. (boni, ol Baroaldo towathip, Pa , aa the uni oeioega io mo ana m itaiy ten ia btj oara, tub- ject to ray order. 1 KM. tAMDORN. Wclwe, Pa., Sept, 10f liTt.-St . AjdVUnoN.---.., . ' V'V, All perron are hereiiy warneJ egalnit meddling with or p arc halng any of the following proper ty, riii Twooowe, on two-horeo wfi.a.nnd one ot of tug harticai, now la the poiMialoaof 0. 0. M err oil, of Morrla townahip, aa Lheaaiaa belong to me nd la lfl with him on loan.auhjept to my ortt.r. ADAM MOVKR, Jr. Kylertowa.Sept SO, lart-St, . -i c AUTION. ; , All peraona ar hereby warned againet pitr ohulngormaddllngwftkTWO Git AY JIOKSKH, new la thepoaaeaeiua of Job a 8. Mctfervty, of Cheat townahip M the eaia wore parohaaed by me at Cnaatable't nale, aod are left with him on loan, aubjeet to my oroVr. ANTnOTt McQARVEY, WrOarrer, Repl. SO, !H 5t, QAUT10N. - ' I All wereene are herolMi eeatloaod ajteiaet, ur B any way meddling with Ibe following peraonal property, via t On following p.rAonai property, vl. t uoe brown aad 1 bay bene, 4 boga, a .Beep, I eew, I log .led, I plow., It otiek. of pine aad ook tlejbw 11,100 feat), I ton of bay, I aetM of haraear, I Bar., of wheel In th. beaJ, 4 ecrea or eora, 1 J of buefc wheat, aow la tha penemlnn of MOllnan. of Bell town ah In. a thaaai aow fn the pne..lon of Jamoe panhaeed by w at ahorifl'a cole, aad it left ... i : fi..... ... bm waa with him aubioct to ror or.l.r. WM. r. JOIINSTOff. Orarapiaa llllle, RopL W, 1874-lt. ' f t.'t r . i r.. i 'i -f-Tr ' 'W. H. MoENRUE, ATTORXEYtA ti,a w,. Real Bitot A aoat aad Invuiwace Urakev, Hotitxdait, (Ifurflrltt Co.t Pa, Ageatt for Outgoing aad Ineomlog Steamer a. l'a-aagei Kcuured by any JDeiirable Lin Oot. t-74. 1871." FAIL A MIMER. 1871. WILLXMBEED -OF THK- 6TOR E, j OWtl iK(1lD T (H.ttARPIF.LI), PA.,' ,11a. rpoelved a rery oloiaa .lock ef,., DRY G()()1)S, ;notions, TBIMMLNCS, ; FANCY GOODS. ;' i T1U31UKD 1IAT3 1 BONNETS, !!... ' KID (JI,OVE4' (HOSIRRY AND UNDHIIWEAR, J l.AtlD A VABIBTV OP OTIIEB OOODB, Tuwkick tk. attention of aaah bityora through. . oat tne county ir mviieo. : Having had .Ipsrioaee Id Ibla elaH at geada. r. .uI.HmJ 1 ... ilti MtiofMntlna to one who may gi. m. a calL I am determined to aoll gonil. at auob prices, that a little monoy will go : a greei way. Any ana throe rhont tho Manty ta need of glioda la nip line, will do wall to giro ma a call. I ft lUtneutbtr Ih place. WM. HCKI), , uc(. T, I". "t ilUJU jA-. TTNDEIlTAJtiVNii- The andoraigned an aow folly prepared i ,,. ,'i , i. . . ,,in. tk. ...ujl,...j ao? Iktoa i And rssttsrtralr llt th. p.trenos. of Ikon ,1 "t : t ...I . AOtHU IN. OLBARFIBLD COUTfTa. IOR I.OUH.I.ARDfl . j C.l.bamad leonet af A rtc1rt?)rTlsrfti. Weaa.wthUd ts wholesale Is tailimUrewak- est tk. Mwaly al ally price.. , " .haiibb a i.iTi,a, J.J-74 If Ctaerleld, I'a. , - i "T" Notloe I. k.rebr (Iran that Idler. Inlionl. arywa tbo eolele ol BUIUM, B. lata of I'lha two,, ClearOold oonaly, I'a., dea d, havlne been dulv aranLd to tbo amleraleneil. .11 perron. Ind.bled lo mid .etate will pinnae weho laiB.dlalo payneat, ana .uoao naviag alalni. or demand, will preaent tbca properly aalboaliealed lor aettleoiool without delay. WM. A. Bf.OOM, ' New Millport, Oct. 7, Id74. ll. Einaler. JMPOKTANTNOTICE. ' A moating eftWowncn of land la tho town ahip of Kartbaua and Cavingion, ia tkooountp of CloarflvlA, aud tho towaakip tti Keating, Inlor e.icd la tb aonitruetlon of a Railroad from KettlBV lo Karlliaaa will bo beid Ib LOCK HA HH, Pa., oa r . Tburaday, Dclober lath, iHlw, At I o'clock, p.m., fur tb purpop or taking pre llmlnary atepa for tb organlaailua of th Keat ing A Rartkaui Retired Conmpaoy. MANY LANDOWNERS. Lock Haven. P-, Stpt. 80th, l7i 2t, , DISSOLUTION OK. PAIITNEU HlUl'. Tb oo-partaenhlp bentaforeeg. allng between IVrlck Curley and bamual A L'tiiuwaii, at ingicr Rtanon, ia uradiord town ahip. waa dlmov(l by mutual etmacnt on lb 14th day. of July, IS74, Tb book aad no eoual of tha Arm an left In tho hand of P. Curler A Co.. for acttlement and ool lection. Thon knowing themaclTOi Indebtod to tko Arm an raqaeatod lo oome forward and aettl their aoflouhU. i P. Cl KLBV A CO. . VVUiUioagruvo. yit. SO, 1S74 4t. AI)MiNI8TI.Afwr8 NOTICK Nutlet 1 horaby given lhatlottera of admit latratiun oa the oUt of JOHN A. TlliiMPtJON, lata of llradford twp Clearfield Co., Pa., dao'd, faartag ba doly granted to tho anderatgnod, all perooaa Indebted ta laid taint will pleuo make Immediate payment, and tboao having elaitat or demand will proaont them properly authenticated for aettlcmeni without delay. NANCY K. TIIOMPHON, Sept. 38, llfd i Adminiatntrlx. "Notioalt hereby glren ttrnt Mten of ad minletrntion on the onUto of JAM KB K HNTON, doo'd. late of Jdawreno tawnahiu, Clearfteld Co., having bren duly granted to tbo underalgned, all perioiia liuli'bttwl to tald eaUt will ploai mako pnyntent, and thoaa having elaltua or demandtl tlemtint. JuliN W. WRltiLKY, eept.lfl-6 Ailuilhixtreutr. M)H tiALKTb nndaralgnod A-flera for A le a rn I uaWe town property iu (be borough ul ClearflHd. Lot 80a I Hi feet, with k good two tory plank hoaa tberooa erected, with tkra noma down aiain and foar bed rooma ap ataira. A laa. aewinv raam and Lath room on loeond floor. i Jlouae flniihed ootnploto from oellar lo attic- tlond doulil. porch nnd good water, .onnbte-end eaor. Prloo r 2j.us7.1 WM. M. HoUULLODOn. Attention, Lnmbcrmcn ! "XlfB ar. now nanulacturlng oor IMPROVED M STEKL-80CKKT IlllIVINU CANT. HOOKA, .iiperior to any other la ore. We her. nlao ia atoek a larg. quantity of Cautbooko ralta bl. for rafting uri,c.e., which w. are Belling -li.'.p for e..h. AM OA A R. KKNNARU. Cl.atOeld, I'a., m.rrb II. l.i.I- QU1SSM1TUINO. Q. W.fVOLFE, ' . PRACTICAL. GUNSMITH. ;' Phtip on Third effect, ovr Rlley'a lilac ketntth Jbop, CLKARKIRLDpPA. All kind of Rifle and Shot Quht on band. Repairing don In a flrat-olaa manner aad at fair prleea. l:Jtnj Ca'ORKKliia'KRS, ATTKNTlOiT I KJ We doRlrc to call your attention to our cxtenalvo Commleaion bualnre and to our fact lit tea for dia- pnaing of aueh produce aa ear ooaalgaora aaae aa. llaring a targe trade with eity torca,w are n abled to mak qulok return a, at full price. Morekeepere naviog i;bickroa. Hatter, kmc. or other produce, will do well to give ua a trial. n lien Uroeanea an tnkea In oicbango, no ton miMloa will ba charged. tf. L. KIRK, PON A CO.. WtS'l'ale flrofert and Commieeion Merohania, Mo. 1-10 H. Third it reel, l'bilad'a. aprly Jas. 8. pAnaaaa, Prea't. R. B. HtrrBaa, Scc'yj CONTINENTAL Lire Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, CONN. . A nel. ... .J,lll,0n It.tlo of Aaaot. to Liabiliti.. Ill Parni.hca fneuranoo at the very loweateert Polioy-bolden participate la tba profit, of the Cuuipeny, tho. ooalinaally rednoing tbe anneal payment., ror rater, Afl., call on or eddrer. II. at. M, KNAI.LT, AgenL Olloe la Suae'. Row, Clearleld, I'a. 7:1174. pA rm La n DsToit balk. " , W would atate for the Information of peraona wanting farm landa (a Clearfteld eouoty, that wo hare ro-anrvoyad and divided into 100 acn lota, good farm lande la Jordan, Pawn, Brady, Bell, Ueraaido, Bloom, Knox aad Cheat lownahlpe. Many of Uiom landa an apeoially adapted for fanning purpoaea, being amoolb, or alightly roll log, I ttmlred with o beet not and oak, and well watered. We have prepared dralla of tk land o wo oaa abow their locality la eaeh of tho above named townabipa, and will Mil oa eaay terma of payment. Por further Infarmatioa apply at WV Oatc la Curwaaeville, Clearfleld eoanly. Pa. , j Aug. ad, 1874-2m. B A. A W. 0. IRVIN. 1 The Cell's Run Woolen Factory, Pan a townahip, Clearfield Co., Pa. , RfJItrtBD OVTI BURKED UP! Tho mhacrlnen hare, at great ex pen to, rebuilt neirhberhooil aceeeaity. In tb creel ioa of a flrct- clau Woolaa ManoMtory, with all th modern improvement e attaobed, and an prepared to mako all klnila of Clotha, Caaalmerca, Hatinetta, Blaa keta, Planncla, Ae. Ploaty of gooda oa kaad to auprtly all oar old and a thouaeod nw eaitetaeTt, wbuiwwc aak lo coma and a nam be our took. , The buiineaa of ;' pARHINO AND PlTLLtfftl will rccelro onr capoclal attention. Proper amngament will bo made lo receive aad deliver Wool, to auit eaclamor. All work war ran tod and don upon the aborteat nolle, and by at riot attea tion to buitneae we hope to nalla liberal ahan of pablle patronage - lO.0tO POUNDS WOOL WANTED) W will pay the hlgheet market prloe for Wee and aoll oar mannfacturod gooda m low aa aim liar good oa be bought ia the oounty, and whenever we fall to render reasonable atlifacUoa w can alwayt b fomid at borne nady to mako proper tiplanatlon, either la praoa or by loucr. JAMlfS JOHNSON A BONS, aprU?Atf Rower P. 0. II. F. BIGLER & CO., l' BSAbBM IB I II A It n W ABE, , m Afco, Manaftvotaroriof t Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CtlAirillD, PA."' !' I7AKMING IMPLEMENTS of all V - - . klads for tale ky ' t II. F.BIGt,EB CO, AIIiHOAD WHEEIjBA RROW8 i .j ; I. . , , , for sal. ky , . ., r - ' ii. r. BiQi.En co. QIL, PAINT, FtJTTY, GLASS, ' I ' Nail., .to., fo. sal. by 1 . ' n-F- Wflt-isn 4 co. TTARHERS TRIMMINGS 4SI10E M.M, '' v-l i PI. dirge, for .a), by , ti, f. niiLEtt too. VN3,PI8TOL8 SWORD CAS E8 :t , mi f ,i p.raal. k, - :' ..n ..u i-- -: -i! H. f. B10I.ER CO. JT0VES( OP ALL B0RT8 AUD 1 H aal, for .al. bp l ,.,! . r. . ) H. t. ttlGIiER k CO. fRON ! IRON I IKOS I IRON I ... r.l.t.,1,,.! Vamlskf'. ft,; .1 nt r: BlULRk k CO. riORSR P1IOK8 IIORSR fiHOK JLAV , .....':..:,.. , . I.U1.8,lnf lalehr H. F. B1QLER k CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL 8IZES ,,; J4 kortMsaarVrtar.,,. salt by ., I ; v.iii! r - j f. B101.KR CO. rjilimBLB BKEIlaS AKD PIPE . " 1 "" BOXM.feroal.kF' ' " JpODDER Ulo by mm n. r. biolrr a co. 7XECVTOU'S NOTICE.- r I LKONARIi UOVtiKr -(Near thi. H(lroi(J Depot,) CI.RAKFIKLJ). yk. A ib ara Of publlo iialroaaRa I rainoetroUy i llfiM, 4:Uf4 b. n. n-jw, crop'r. SHAW HOUSE, (Our. of afarh-i A Vraut Mrnu.) CMfAltriKLD, PA. Tha anIerit)iil haring taken chirj of tfata jum-i, woum rcciiuv.iy uiifllrui'llQ pat; ootrra H, nbwton an ronaia, DUaH Il:ASiIINGTON JIOUSK. f f ...., J . NicW WAHHINOTON. PA Thia new and woll fuinlibod ba h.e h- Ukcn by the undoralgnod. lie feeli tonfldont of ocmg aoi to mndar Mtiaractlqj) to thoat who may H.tai will) Hl. , . , ' . U7I. ,.. OW, DAVIS, Prap'r. jyjroNTOUa UOUBat. . Oppoalte the Cawrt Uoaae. ' I LOOK IIAVBN, paKU'A. " Jcld'7l, . JJAl'BBAL A K 110)4, Prop'.. B Rflt'KRRHOiri. MOURB.r BBLLBPONTB, PA., D. JOHNSTON A S0N8, OU367I .' ' '' PropHetora, T OYD HOUSE, ,, ,, , ,r. . lj ' Mala Htroet, . .1 PiiaifSUUHU. PENM'A. Table alwey. aappllod with the beet tbe market afford.. Th. Irav.hag 1. iarltod lo ealU -aevl,'78. MtrUHHT LOVB,- THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Boeend and Market Stnoto, CLEAKPILD, PA. THIS old aad oommodtoaa Hotel hai.dnrlag tbe paat year, beea enlarged to doable lit former capacity ror tbe aatertetnment of aeraav gera and guaata. Tko whole kalldlng ka beea return lanea, ana mo proprietor will a pan aa palnc to reader hit gueetl tomfortablo while taytog with kirn. ibe 'Maaatoa iioaM'f umnibao rwaa la nd from tb Depot on the arrival and de perron 0f aob train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, aprO-70 tf ' Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, . (Market St., bet. Berond and Third.) CI.KAHMKI.D. PA. The nubierlher kavlng become proprietor of thia hotel, would reepeotfuUy ak a liberal chare i pnuiio patronage. plJ7J . UBOIlffK LRIPOLOT. CU8QIJEU ANNA HOUSE. . IW CUKWKN8VILLJ., Clearfield countv. Poan'a. Thia old and 11 oaUblilbcd Hotel, Hati folly altuated oa th bank of the Saaqnahanna, Ib tbo borough of Carweaavllle, baa beea leeeed for a term el years by th anderiigaod. It kaa beea oatlnly -reOtted, and la now opea to tho publlo generally ana ino irareung community in par tiealar. No pain will bo aparad to radorguata comfortable while tarrying at tbi honae. Ample otauung room ior ma aouomuouatloa oi Mama, Charge moderate. Sept. t8, 187fl-if. KLI 11LO0M. DENTAL CAED. r ' Dr. A. M. UILL3 Would v to hia nat irate and tb nnh- llo (ti'tierally, (hat, having diaoolved partaerahlp wnb Ur. bbaw, ba ia aow doing tha entire work of hia office bimnclf, ao that patient need aot foar being put under fhe hnnde of any other operator. ' Clearleld, Manh 10, lITt-pdZOmekTI J. M. STEWABT, D. D. S., Office orer IrwlB. Drag Btora. . CURWIKSVILLB. PA. . All deBtoJ opeeatloBa, either la tba meebaalaal or operative braoch, promptly attended to aad aatlafaotioB gnarantoed. Special etteatioa paid to the ef diaeaee. af tha aataral teotk, goua and mouth. Irregularity of lb. teeth ass eeaafully corrected. Teeth eatrocted without paia by the auof Btber, and nrtileial teeth InxHed of the beet materiel aad warnated to render aal. lafaotloa. i , kprllld'flily County National Bank, OP CLRARPIRLD, PA. UOOM hi Masoale Building, on. door north al 0. D. Wataoa'a Drug Blere Pa...g. Tiekela to aad from Liverpool, Qaeoaa town, Hlaagow, London, Pari, and Copenhagen. Alee, Droit, for sale ea tbe Royal Bankoflnlaad end Imperial Bonk ef Lowdoa. JAMBS T. LEONARD, Prea't W. M. SHAW, Caabier. su::74 J. B. M'Olrk. i Edward PerkaT BANma400LLECTI0NH0USE , . ' 1 . I -op . . McGirk & perks. , Saeeeaeor. to Foster, Perka, A Co. Phlllpabart;, Cwnlr Coanty, vi. "" WIIERB all tbe buslnem of a Banking Boa will ae tranreeled promptly aad apoa tl moot favoraole terma.-- - aaarft DREXEL & CO., No. ad Soatti Tblrd StioMt, PliUadolpfala And Dealers In Government Securities Application by mall will receive nromnt atten tion, and all tnfonaattoa faraiakod. Orden aolietod. . . April 11 -it LEATHER B1U5AST-8TRAP3 '' BUPRRSEDED Bt ' "' " ' " COVERT'S PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK ' ' Mnd.ofth.beH Mallea. ' ' ble Iron, awd baitaehod - !-.t ' lo las II esse, ky tko beet ' , r Hnap ever invonted. It , , la oaally and quickly put ' ., . ' ! oa, Bad p rev ante tbo " ' :' whipping of ths horse. J I " by lbs pols, tiol lUblw ,.. ,, j, ' to got out of repair. ' Will last for years. All i -' ws aek Is a feir trial, to -. i i '. Boavtaee all partlea as- ' 1 -a ' i : i lug tkeaa that lb. 7 are ' ' un.urtesaed ia value for " ' ' " the purpee for whieh ' t ! tboy are intended, ' ' ' " 8ACKKTT A 80HRTTER, ' Clearleld, April It, 1174, - 8AW8 I ' 8 AW8 1 SAW8 ! PIFTAK'I OROSS-OUT, MILE, DRA ARB v OIKCULAg SAWB. ' " , i Bornton'i lightning Cross-cut Saw, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC 8AWS, ., ...... 1. ...For salt k, -i is ,,. sct 11,74 ,H. P. RIOLBB A 00. I F KCONOMY 18 AN OBJIiCT, bi t rom CLOT II I IT G, .-i -r- Fornisliiog Qoolm, Ac. " II, . ),''. AT , 'I D. STEWART & SON'S ';'!' ';; clotulxq ptouk;.' ",; .':';'.:' . I'l-i i .-I . TUoy Uoep fujt Jlne of ; l n (j "Jiffs', Yti1hif'' ftjff. pMinjl Al6, T'fnlirellBS, SBtt-hwlls," 0htll " UbW, BhiriB, rndf3tihlrts, and " 1 Drawers, to., " Which tbey will wall at most reasonable prices.. Cell end eaetulno their good, before purohestag ale.wh.ra. Room la Mea.lea Batldlag, 1 Oeerleld, Pe , Apr I, II7A. - t 1 T OOK OUT FOR THE SIGN XA - .. , ' i .u ,! r .,i i 1 OF TUB AJTT mo IIOOU! ; 1 WABKEt STREET, tLBARFTELt). 'i be eld CtoeraeU E.Ul-i Cut - ' dl.jolved, aad a new Bee formed by Amoa Ke. ward aad O. B. Merrolk f Clearleld. aad , M. Allerd, ef Bmwnrlam, Oaaiaroa eooaty,. aerb n.ra, aad J.a. B. Wanes, o( Cleerlold, sa Q.B.r al Tbs new ertmpsay will terry sa the hwolaeM ef maawfaetwelng, selling aad thlaamg tba Uanl Hooks. wUb all tbeir, wbl.k ate BOW p.rlect. All order, aremplly llled. . , JAB. I. WATlloN, daly 1st, 1174. 1 : . Deal Asset Beale't EmbrocUon, ': (tAfi powiit's,),", '. For all dltaatet laeldeal la lersss, Oalds, aai Bamaa Fleok, ro-lr1a tba ee. ef aa - aawaraal appiamWoa. . Tele Bsahrweaaiee we. aaeanalrely a tod kf OB. li.eo.ema.4 AmIbb tka War. .. For tat ky Berttwl.k k Irwla, OraartsW Jeeeph R. Irwra, CarweaMUle. baalal dee. aadw, testaertaarg. a tf oafl, lrorrrl,lLlt. TT HARD TIME8 HAVI NO CPFKCT IN FRENCH VILLE I HVOIv; 7FTITX ; i I am aw ace that there an aome peraona a little hard to plea, and I am alee twin that the complaint of "hard time" ! wall ih H.i..a.i But 1 aa m altnated bow that I oaa aatlafy tko i.r - p eoaemeireiy laot "oara time" will not Beet thon wko bar their mnaA fmn and all my patron tball bo Initiated Into tbo m ori oi HOW TO AVOID HARD TIME8. t (a'va'aVieda' .ao!.h iVul'a.'.tT'kr.Ajj Unta la th. lower end of the ooualr wgioh I aall Mm ,V;7, 7" . " "' ora la HULSONUURU, wher. I ..a alwara be found read, to wait apoa eallera and tappl. then with Dry Goods of all kinds, Back a. Clothe, Satinet!., Caa.lmer.., Maallna, -- u.H.o, vrmiog., tniieoee, TrlHlnga, Bibbona, Laoo. Readj-andaClatklag, Boot, aad Bhoet, Rata aad CM-II ef U,o boat materiel aad aiade to order Uoh, Sock., Ulo..., M, Laoo., Ribbon., A.. UK0CERIB8 Or ALL KINDS. Cofee, Tea, Sog.r, Rice, Molweaa, tub, Salt, . v, m, wwh. wu, M U. Utt, LBTOOB Ull. U.rdwaro, Queeamro. Tiaware. Ceatlooa. Plow. aad Plow CaaUaga, Maila, Spika., Cora Caltira ton. Older Preaaet,and all klad. of Ai.t. rarfaawrj, PalaU, Veratek, Slaoe, and a goworal e e aeaoriBMBtM ataAMaorr, GOOD FLOUR, . II ' I II Of lferl brand., alwav. oa kaoa. aad will be aoia a. taa lewaat poeeible Bgarol. J. II. McClala'a M.dioiae, Jajn.'a IfedlelnM, owiKHw a ana uooaaaa t utttera. 1001 woande of Wool w.ntJ r,.. ..M.k IV. aigaeat prloe will ae Bald. C oroneed oa bud aad for ealo at tko lewaat market price. Alae, Agent Air StrattonvMo aad CurwenavllU Threeking liaobiaea. Call aod teefor roorieKoa. ' Ton will lad everything a.uallv kept in a re toil etoro. . .- - L. M. Ci'PRIET. ' Prenohrllla P. 0., AugaH II, IS74. 10 THE ,.' , F it 0 N T I ORF.AT EXCITEMENT : .. AT TUB . .. , ,. . CLEARFIELD BAKERY - A till ' ICE CREAM SALOON I L .. The anderalrned bavins Inct ittad an a larg and ewoifortablo rooma oa Market street. i mini, reepeeiiuiiy laiorma tn pnbllelnat aow Arerarod to aeeommodata tkam with everything U hi line on abort aotloo aad at all aoar or urn day. if aept ea band BRKSH BREAD, , ' BUSKS, ROLLS. PIBS, CAKES, all kind!. ICK CKB AM, , aad a geaoral aaae rtm eat of ' CONFECTIONERIES, PRUITS, JtllTS. Ao., All of whiek wiU be delivered to eaolamtaatthot taatdaaaea, wbaa roe, a oa ted to d oo. ICE CREAM, by tacdiab, eerved toa aoatly far- alabod r Thankful for tbe eoronapfttrwnateheatowedi the paat, b hopee to merit aod reoelvo a ooa tlaaonoe of tho aeiae from hia old oaato mora, aad othens JOHN ST A DLER. 1 ' JaaeU.7l-tr. ' R eat'thisi' j i v.". LOUR A FEED DEPOT I The attention ef ibe .Iti.ena ar Clearleld aad rlelaity ia directed le tbo root that Ooodfollow A Boa ara taa ajreola of at. Nieee A Co.. aad bare Jaat rsewired a kalf doaa ear loada ef Floor aad Peed, which they eler at tk. lowest pcaaiblo If. a tern oiecB ol ...,,! ;r.,..u I - IA FLO US, CORN: MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, PoUtaet, Sh.ll.d Cora, Cera la ear, Ae., As, Particular atteatloa ll aalled at M. Kloeo A Co.'. bread af Family Floar, whieh is tha host ia ths marbet. . - ' Flowr aad Food oaa aad will be .old cheer or thaa II oaa be obtained elaawfeart la Olearleld sweaty. aar Btere oa Markot street, deal AVer ts Hew. Al.iaedor Irrln'i - U0ODFBLL0W A BOB, jaalllf .Ag.uaorM.Hieo.ACe. T. r. IRVIN, .1...1' .,,-41 THE,,, . a('.t.' 7(1' CORNER STORE, OTOWENSViLLE, Pi OH EM RBABOsIABLT A I'liLl BTOCK OF GENERAL MEnOHANDlSR. ,. rrw T i 1 1 a alway. on band, at lowt oarh arlr.... LUMBER, ORATX1; WOOL, dc, tea la eiekaaga for gabda at klgbeoi matte) leea. aagll'74, I pri. MAHELR AJD STCM YAED! ... 4.dA:i r.A'...; L I D D K L L, Hat.' an. Having engaged la the Marble kualaaaa, doalret te leform bar frlsads and tko peblla that abs has aew aad will keep soastsally oa kaad a Urge aal aoll eslseted Mock or ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLB, aad It prepared to farplak to order TOMBSTONES, ., ,'.. , BOX AND CBADLB TOMBS, ;. ; , MOKUMBNTtV Carha aad Posts for Cessetery Lots, WlodowJ p Sill, agd Cape, alee, BUREAU,' TABLE AND WAftR STAND " '-"' tr'-MPS, aa. Bat -t... m.TBrd aa Bssd street, in, tb. B, R. Depot, Cloerlera, Pa. w , . . Jsf,7l T F. O'LEARY BUCKv Ge-wlllio-rW Agrxrt in r" lei I , ,.Utte Braktr, , RepmeeU tb. follewlag tellable Ce'a; Nortk Brltllh A Meroaatlla Int. Ca. I,M,I0I WaahmeTsea lift lasaraaoe Co 4,000.10! Firs Aeaooielloa laaaraao. Co . l.aOO.Iet Ameaoa Firs Ie.uraaee Ca.. . 1,07 Mil Pkarall lasnrsaaa Co, . T l,IOO,et Weaortowa FilV lKt dW"'lgo ... aad farm boildLgsoely1.. -. ' Mi lt. York, Pa., Stock Iaearenee Co. Mens, lateral ewalert death aad theft. , P. B Perlle. la tbo ooBBtrr eVelrlag raaaraasO oa their Hrtaarpaspeety ana has. a psomoil; altsadsd te by addreetlag aa by letter, ar selling a persoa al aar emee, ia rie'l Opera Hoaaa, Boom Ke. I, Clearleld, Pa. awgll'Id roV FULLKRT wnn HP" W. V: LIPPINCOTT & CO., tn .1 it. ,i Mt IbtAledi bt i ! 1! 'If aa(M-tf PBILAD1LPHIA, PA. Jm.i'jnfl Sttfllrtiwa. QHANGED HANDS. :rrl0!W ?AUCHEy... Woald reraoelallv aetlfo the noklu - p. o.a purenaM. a. puowor e uroeery Store, ia Bbew't Bow, ho Intend, keeping a fall Ilea ef OltOCKItlEK. IIAMM, DRIED BLRFaad LARD. 8UPAB8 aad 81 Bl'l'r), af all grade.. TEAS, Orsaa aad Blaek. COFFEE, Roasted aad Praia. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJJTA'EB FR11TS, All kind, la th. m.rket. PItLBII,aiaun)Badkarrsls.- ' ' 8PICE8, la srery form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, AM KINDM Of CB ACKER. . 80AP8, MATCBBB, ' I V Jt i ' ' DRIBD APPLES, .; t..s , DRIED PBAOHKH, "'",, DRIBD CHERRIES, Ootl Oil, aad, lUmp CUmatyt. Aad w'gesd aannmmvt df IkoMtklog. a.eally ktt ia a groeery Mere, which ke will escbaago lur maraettng at ta. market priect. Win aall for aaah a. ahaaply at aay otkar oae. Ploass aall aad Baa kit stoek aad Jadge for dUrlrT BlctiACUUlSK. Clearleld, May 17, 1174. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opp'oalu Post Oloe. New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINE OF TEA. 00L0N08, , JAPANS, IMPORTED,. ", , ' TOL'NQ BYSON, ' BNOLISU BREAKFAST , . ... Paraal la Market. . ... BUTTER AND EGGN Will ae aeat aad sold al trst coot. Caeh aald for Ceaatry Prodoos. EBMAN CHERRIES, ' ' TCRKET PRUNES, . PBESERTED PEARS, ' "" " PHILADELPHIA IIAM8. I :J . ' -u ' nan. ' '" MsskoreL Lake liming, Ood, Ac ' " s 'i I j t . , . . ' ' . . . riCKLKH. Barrel Pickle, aad Eagllik Plehlu. M -. .1 . i . t . ; t t. I FLOUB AND FEED. Fleer, Cora Heal, Oat Meal, Ac. f.bf7d.''f-y LTTLE A MITC1IBLL. ', ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IS GENERAL MEROHAHDISE, 1. y -j r . I! - SQCAIE TUBE! A LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., : Bat Jaat spewed, at the eld stead, la Qrabam't aow, a ssmpmia staek ar jrm ir odi, " af srsry dessriptlea. t DRY GOODS, , . , OKOCEBIES. ' ' HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHINO. df., rfc!., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT," 'fn(i!)8f",EYE", " ' 7iHr'i '3doii ALWAYS OJV HAND AND FOH SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. - F BO U R"' ..'"v BMolred k Ike ear load, aad arid al a .null advwaoo. - ,A supply af ROPI aaastsatl, ea kaad, , , Sasalal iedwoem.aU eOVrod U those getting Mt Baaer. Tieaber aad Logs, as wa deal largely - la Lumkerarsa'a Bappllea, aad ara pre . . u Band at aU 0.a to purchase Ua. ; j bar aad lambar. e n. IF. OMAHA N.1 Market Street, ' : CLEARFIELD, PA. . - - Ore. IJ, 17t. ' THE CLEARFIELD 1W--..V - 'I ll , ,1 1 ll , K ' 1 "I FIRE CLAY CO. y I 1 'leumirAtrrtaalit or , ; V FI11S BRICK, Fnrnncc Blocks, tSas Eetorts, . r, . ..:: f", I di Btova Linings, Paying Tiles, 4o. I diMef Trite i. , : i .e.. ., I .- - M.f.:' ' . . , . . ' ........... i . . , . All kind of Architectural Adornment. OftlQINAL DESIGNS IN TERRA COTTA MAD TO ORDER. Wllb lmsrsved awaaklaery. tr.t clou ajat.ri.l aad .Hiked W.rkmea.w. saa warraal all eer maaafaelares to be saal te If aot aaperlor lo aay la Iba market, , , . .-,,11 Artietaa oroe saa bo eeea at tb. Workl, aoar Rellraed Depot, ar al tka Herdwtro Steel or B. F. Bigtar A t7o. ,c All erdorl freal dlrt.nee, addratsst ts tk. flsnwal 8apsrlatend.nt, will rotelrt prompt It. oT. Is, HIRToWlta, JOBS FEROtSONi' ' i dtoa'iawwt. af Heslkleld, Uarahlrk, Seetlaad, Bowl. Maaaraetartag Meat. f f may., n SETTLEMENT NOTICE. I Uke Ibis Masd af tafermleg my aaarsas shot I kaeo limalr oT tltae lest aow te eotlle ap eld aa. oewata, aad I keraky gleaaotiet ta all Ikasa wko keve eeaetlled aeeeeata with me t. aame forward aad bar, them eleeed wllkeat delay., Tbooewbe mil ts weed thia Mite, deal aot be serprlaed II taoy ara Bailed aae, te ewtuo la a regal maaaor, iatkoantta.tafda ediear, aad aay setts In aides, Fwraakvllls. Aew. a. Iltt tm. 1 ' ' V VANTEI) My livs UiaiwV4d f F tlNtal Peat Head Oamaam, Wee. for ' 1 II MI fHa-f BOOK MABDLfi. . ef keal awaUf bard tVagar. SBlM ta ama. f or Itv at tha Tebeeewwad derv Blare rl Oaaltlf ALdl. WATSON. Rarflicarr, Slnorr, tf tr. JOOK OCT FOH THE mo Hiuxi t i ; .- f 'i , .. ' ! HUJ3BARD & WAPLE, DBALEB8 IN 'i '-i " )' . STOVES ti RANGES, AND MANI FACH RER8 OF Tin, cz' ,- .. ; Sheet-Iron , , . ; & Copper Ware, PLUMBERS & GAS FITTERS, " Wear Market Btreat, Clearleld. Will keep oa k.nd all tbe boot Oook Stoves. Ranges, Heating Stoves end Faraaeot la tbe market, among which wo mention tbe Argand tango, Victor Oook, Diamoed 8 late end Eollpae, all or which for boeety of dealga aad obonpooee eanaot be aurpaaaed la tbe merkot. All ol oor Stoves we warrant la give entire sattaraetloa, ,r tbo Htove oaa be returaed la tea dove. Old stove, taken In pert pay ror now ones. Wa keep oa kaad all el tbe latest aad beat HEATING STOVES RANGES. Particular attonMort tuUd to th reaairinc of all hind of Htovoa, Uanajea and Faraaooa. TIN WARE. Of oar owa manafaetsre. of all hind, which wliioh will be aold eheap frr eaah, by wholeaale or retail. All oar ware 1 mad oat of on and two eroa tta, aad warranted to bo Jutt aa wa reprcaent It, Tin Roofing and Spooling done al abort notice, and oa moat reasonable terma, aad repairing acatlj aad promptly cxe- PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING done aad all joba warranted perfect. Will kop oa head Una Piataraa, of ail kiada, and It ap hoaaee wltb Bang, Bath Boiler. Bath Toba, Bbower Bath a, Waah Studs, fltnka aad Water Parti wiehtai aavthlat doaa la oar line will do well to give aa a call, a w are determined to plea all In regard to price aad etyle ef work- laaia. x. 4. ti aboard will aorBoaaiiy aaper- latead ail work antnated to oar ear. pts!3,74 HUBBARD WAPLK. rpiN-WARE, 8TOVE5?, AND HARDWARE ! WATSON, NICHOLS A CO., ;', CTTRWENSVIXLB, PA. Haviag boagbt tka Bardware Store aad Tia Shop formerly belonging ta W. A. Dale, wo latoad koepiog ror sals svsrytking belonging te tao baaiaeia, aod will endeavor lo aoll aa low far eaak a. oaa b. bowe-hl tkia side of Philadelphia. At oar oetabllahaeat may be fouad at all timea a fall sepply ef Shelf and Heavy Hardware, SHEET-IRON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, HiLla, Paiat, Oils, Glua, Putty, , CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implement- of all Ends, SCYTHES, "! ' ' - - -SCTTIIB-SKATHBS, DRAIN CRADLES, h. . . RAKES, Al gji h jti.Lt, FM-Di.rtia, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, . B0RSB-8UOB8, . ' 1 nonsE-SHoEHAlti, BOLTS, da. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, 4c sdrTIN sroUTINO doaa low aad belt of aeteriel eaodu . 1 i ... WATSON, NICHOLS CO. .. . Carwealvil!., Pa., Joes J, 1174. fEOXSIDES STORE. G; S. FLEGAL, DIALER III HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, , , RANGES, HOLtOW-WARE, " PAINTS. ' - " ' OILS VARNISH, . , . ... PUTTY GLASS, ROPES, STEP-LADDERS, W0Oji AaiO WIU-OW WAREf Iks etlearetel Toledo Aetl Pmalag Aarraalaed IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Ho better Pomp. It tk. market. ' LAMPS, CklANDBLIERS, LANTRRN8, LAMP FLl'SoLaf all klads, . . LAMP FIXTLRKS, As. AD al lowest priest. 11474 Frtaawolale Btreet. Iaillpabar(. Pa, n JlttE) ..LIME I, . Ta. aadinlaaad It aew aropared I faralah tko Bablet witk aa e.eelleet Reality af Beltefbnts Wood-Burned lime, hr plaeterbjg p.rrt.ees, by tka large ar tBaaN qoestily. Caa ke (coed lor tbe promt at Bia atw boilJlng, aa Market Itraet. J a.ll-ll . L. K. JloCULLODOaU. JaiLMTOiffiiffi wat, BPPTI.T TOO -WITH Snr IHTTf'tl OP ItBROMANDTSB At THI VBBY LOWBHT PRICE. COMB AMD SEE. (Iilllf) NEW WASHINGTON.