- '1 ...II'. , .dta. i til f 3!he lUpnHiciitu GEORGE B. GOODLANUhK, stirro Ann frobib-o. CLKARF1ELP, Pa . WgDNKSlMY MORNlNll, OCT. IU DEMOCRATIC UTATB TICStKT. FOn JlilHII or Til BIlPHKMI! COl'RT, WARHKN J. W001WAIU, . of nrnK mrnTV. ItlR I.IKI TKNANT noVFHNOH, JOHN LATTA, . Or WKSTMnRELAND COUNTY. ' PCS Al'IITOB "KNKRAI., JU81T.S F. TKMWiE, OV ORKKN COUNTY. TOB SKOHfc'TAHV OF INTKItNAI. APFAIIl". or I'HII.AKKLl'UIA. DIHTHICT TICKET. OR OONOBISS, , . . L. A. MACKEY, or LOCK HAVEN. rOR ADDITION AL I, AW JUIHIIC, JOHN 11. OKV1S, Or BELLF.rONTI. TOR STATI iKNATOB, WILLIAM. A. WALLACE, Or CLEARFIELD. COUHIV TICKET. TOR AaaEMHLY, W. 11. HAETSHORN, or cuawKiiHViLi.R. t rOR PROTI10NOTARY, ELI BLOOM, , Or Ol'RWINSVII l,R. rOR RROIHTER AND RbOORPKR, 10., L.J. MOHGAN, . or WALLA0KTON. roR COUNTY OOMMI8H10NKR, CONUAD W. KYLER, 1 year, or GRAHAM TOWSaSllir-. roR COUNTY AUDITOR, HENRY WHITEHEAD, 1 year, or UNION TOWNBHIP. TOR COUNTY aURVRYOR, SAMUEL F. MoCLOSICEY, or cvRwiNHVii.t.1. WHO MA Y VOTE. It is well to remind our renders that under the new Constitution, every per son offering to voto must show : 1. That he has been a citizen of the United States at least ono month. This will cut off all persons natural ized after tho 3rd day of October in the present year. 2. That ho has resided in the Htate a year, or, If formerly a resident and removed therefrom shall have returned six months proceeding the election. This ia the same provision that pre vailed in tho old Constitution. 3. That he has resided in tho elec tion district where he offers to vote, at least two months immediately before the election. 4. That ho baa, within two years and at least a month heforo tho elec tion, paiil a State or county tax assessed at least two months prior to the elec tion. Lot no man movo from one ward or district immediately before the elec tion and expect to vote. Bubt. The JTrnif man baa been busily engaged on tho ring and nego tiating jail bonds, for some time. Vc often wondorod why he dwelt so much on the jail. It's more bonds he wants. Mad. The editor of the Tyrone Herali is awfully provoked because the Temperanco party of Blair connty has put a ticket in the field. He thinks it will ruin the prospects of the Radical nominees and elect two Democrats to the Legislature, and may cost the "loyal millions" a United States Senator. It's truly awful ! , Grkatly BxiiiNb. Advices from "Washington are to the effect that tho roocipta and expendituree of the I'ost Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871, were furnished to Mr. Jewell. The receipts from all aoarcee were f 20,471,071.82, and the . expenditures were $.12,126,414 58, or apparently $5,65.1,342.70 in excess of re- coipta. - Thr Republic This is the title ot tho now third-term Grant organ, start ed in ew York, "Tho government has made a new departure by discard ing all the Hadicnl organs in that city and setting up one of ita own. The music of the Triliunr, tho Timet and the Herald and other loyal ortniua, grates heavily upon the cars of "tho powers that be." Hence the new or gan. All right. Tho days of Grant, liko thosuoi ilclshuzzer, are nuinW ed, ami wa hope that bacchanalian ast will end with his administration. Passrd Hr. The Radicals or Clin ton county, a few weeks ago, nomi nated Gon. Josso Merrell for Congruss and recommended Gen. Pattou, of Cnr wensville, for second choice. Tho Rati ical County Convention which met in tho Court House In this place last a ock Ignored Clinton's aecoud choice and ro coDimonded Merrell straight, thus Ig noring Gen. I'attoii. As the body in dicated was very much' demoralized, and did miiuy strange things, this "clip at lien, ration may bo act down iui one uf them. Up Hill V04tK. It, seems to be pretty generally conceded that (ion. Harry Whit will be defeated for ('mi gress by Mr. Jeuks, ui tho adjoining district. . The former is very unpopu lar, while the latter will run many yntos outside of his party. Besides, the split on the Rcfiatdriil question In Jof-1 ferson and Indiana couutics will ureatlv reduce the lladictJ majority and aid in Whites defeat. It would be good joke (f this strong" Kailical Pistrict would "end a Democrat to Congress, wnu nil as uie vs tiai. ' ; Ilow CHANor-u. It ia remarkable hptr quiet tbe Iadians have liecome on t he western border si nee the t roops havo all been sent Sonth to help mrry tho clectUint, We presume that as aoon as- tho elections are ovor, tha Indians will Tcaumo the war path onoe more, provided' "tho govern in nit" ranios the elections ; If not, the border resident bad bettor pi-eparo- to-take care ot tbeihaetvea." Unilcr the villuinmiS rnlo inaugurated by the present party In power, tlio. avrmy ia usod to carry elec tion instead of proUcUag the citiaen, n4 defending, tin. Nation.' What a wrteaqirs oar Repnblld Is. anyhow. 1 THE HAPPY FAMILY. Tin1 lliiilii ul "iiow-wow" In tlio Court , House, on Wctlnnulny cvciiiii of last week. tlciiioiistrati'il the met Unit I lie ' . liailiflll flllllll.V WBS HO I'lllg.'r U fnmily, nltlioiilhe Ifatlara rimless to', v ' , i i ,.i be 'contnilltsl iiy jri-anil inn ulcus.- , If we an- odo ..( ua.. af&ir, that ml tvns ncrcr chuamorl of Ili4litit ''in-1 . ... . I. it . ,i ICIHgi'lll lisociliuiiigv, " tlio Wniler prefaced ami .impugned cadi other's characters. ThOnrwf)i'ivilleimiovciit--Geiieriil Fntton wasnotmible,butlicfiirnibhcl j two enu-ieni iuiuuu in uie Kiinpe in l il fc. 1.ru. - ,n - .l.prunU..pn - roughly fur the 1m of Oho, Ui(h- ) outa aa he did fur relwU atmie twelve yearn ago. Tliuao aiildioni hud aluo I gi)hlilediiplbntyoiiii)''t'hrMitlBntaie man" Murray who, in wholly gov urned by principle, to aiwiat in dinur Knixiiin tho jmrty aa much an puaaiblo by virtue of hit Cbuirinanxhip, and to gether, the trio held iilxuit two-thirde ,.f ll,.,ir nnrlv n.l ...lod bv their 1 - j , -i vouiiiici iii compiviei torKuniuiK boat element therein, lino, II we niic-! tako not, tncir party in mr worw jiio- ikkkihi uHuiij mini me ieiuui-niK,aim i election day will convince the mmt copticnl uiKtn that point. A Clohk Siiavk. The Kadical Couni-1 ly Convention laxt week waa a goinl thing to look ut, but in point of eon. duct should never be imitated by those claiming civilization. The ma jority behaved outrageously, and acted towards tho minority like the wolf dnea to thn lamb. The Convention was set up at Ourwei isri ', riuI from tho I leiitcjiaiita '.. . ' the deportment of they nru experts in ring afl'aira. It 1. l:t.- .L 1! I was ) mufti pva uii iiku iov tuiai jiuut- . . . n,,,,rNU,Ml.,rpl, hers) ai it could possibly be, and the vurweiisviiie wiiue pin mroiigii, ai- r ill- ,..-- a il -I. i though, after some dcliato, it was very . , ' . , .. . evident that tpiite a number of the ilaithlhl would balk if a vote would he called for, from the met that their eves j were being opened anil the movements ; ! of tho ring ucro. being developed. i About enroll i taken, i tick and 40 squarely against their adoption, while88dodged. The rcsolu lions were 225 delogutca had themselves ' . " V . , ..i,: 1.. . ill ( niweiioiiv niiinoriKMig iiiu nnHmtiioii aim w , .,fhv-i i im xrnoe in uie last nuy ycais. i as ancb, w hen the vote was;of R H.hm fu)t M this kind of prop- lira,lt-' Uo"'11 t'atiiolic and was This is the mechanical progress of , (in effect adopting tho MikIoc ! ... . ,n .,. ,, ... r,, ... tslucated at the (ieorifetmvn Convent, nnr nmn. AVe have hsd vsrions m. t.) but 07 vote.1 for the resolutions I , " ' , ' . W '' "t h"' 'W''y i provemcts in that time. Hut it was declarod adoptqtl, and tho fiiithful In-! the Radical conferees iu the Cougmsa - vlted to partake of the Modoc lovo.ional district composed of Blair. Cam- feast to come off on the 3d of Kovcm - her. Fun ahead, bovs. . . . I VnL " , , w Jdaysburg, on tho 277th ballot. Cesa- I. t Position Agaix. Henry W ard i j ' . I Beccher has been m'eived with onen n4' Ku,,nU BI"1 Brkl'r wcru hl" !0m, arm. by the meuil.rs of the Plymouth;"" ZZTr.. I Club Honse. lie bamrod tho nnlnit in that temple more vigorously last Sun day than ever before. From report it would seem that the Tilton exioai tion has rendered him more Godly and zealous than ever. Besides his fieri- cal ciitci-)izcs, ho has now brought suits against and lias procured the in - dicttiient of Tilton and Moiilton for libel. Tho action seems rather Urd v. , . , .... lull hitlviuin Mtllftn'a h,,, (Xm j.m.,Ma MK Pmetnr'a anlt fi ,l.,.,-.. ...,l' Beecbci-s suit fiir libel the truth will X .. v- t. . m , . ,,i aa ntiieh of that In the courts, as there is virtue in Plymouth Church. If not, brother llceeher's ehanees are very slim. UiTr.n. Tho Hatlieals in their enmi ty Convention last week in effect adopted the Modoc ticket aa their ticket. Ono or tbe speakers, Mr, Conner, ad mitted that there was nn nnderstand ing between the trading or commercial wing of his party and tho Modoo Chiefs, that tho Hadicals should not put a ticket in tho field, hut adot that of the Modioj'a, and thus run tho cam pain in partnership. No Democrat can help but sou that the liadieala gather the stones and hire tlio Modocs to throw them, and do all they ran to .is a first-rate financier, and is courte hreak up the Democratic party. This nU8! Prompt and efficient in everything. commercial alliance must prove very offensive to all Democrats who profess to be controller) by correct principles, and should cause them to spurn the action of tho expediency mongers in thia county Tur.Gpi.iT Jnhi RANt iFaAl d. The Central Firo Insurance Ca of Phila delphia has proven to lie ono of the greatest, frauds ever developed in this Htato in the Insurance line.' All the officers havo boen arrested and held in $20,(1(10 bail each. Tha chief nmyor in this wholesale fraud gora by the name of Charles Kiplcv, w7,rs 'Charles Ostcnd, trftVrt Jack Carter, and has uli-endy served fourteen 'yrarit'la tho IK-nitontiary for forgery..,, lie speaks eleven languages, and ia ona of the most accomplished gentlemen In the world, is 57 years old and has no equnl as a forger. Ho was only released front the penitentiary about two yean ago n ' i;, n v t Sold. The Hadicals of this' Judicial district have porpetrnteti a huge joke on our fellow townsman, Judge lie. hnally, by nominating hun flir Jndge. The Conference has not met yet, but tho aeveral Ttwlicul counU' conventions in the district hsviuor otnlormxl him, he is in effect nominated alteavly. It ia rumored that the Jndge will fiecllne tho honor of running to be overwhelm ingly defeated by Judge Orvia., Thia would lie wiso, bocaitao he could not win a single frlontl by running and might gam htindreds by not rtitining, and feel mlich better all tho time. ,M KLicTioNrt.-i-JTestcrday was (lonernl Election day in ObiQ, Iudiann, Iowa, Nebraska and West Virginia, lioiig will the old voters of l'ennsylvania bear in niltid thattho second Tneadaf Of October for many year a com mon trumping ground, in a political sense, hut hereafter our oloctioa will bo held in 'owwi)ier oihis year on the 3l-ln accordance with ths new Con stitrrtlon, It is of conrse' Impossible lor us to say what the result has boen in tho above States, but we art satis fied that our party lrionds bavesde large gains In all of them, ' OoVirnmint CBAJUTr. Colored peo ple in Alabama who never aa any body of water larger than m mill-pond, are drawing government ration, oh account of tho overflow, rf tho Tom, bigbea rivor last spring,,, If they war white people the goverat-etat woald grant litem tbt privilege of trrowBiag or starving before n W01,,i foe ,nem Talk ahout "etas" Jegislatlon.' No nailun oa carta bat) more of is tain ours. Congress fcas i as-itr lawmkl tho rights of Um white raee, wnrtB has hnllt np and own tha ory. , O )' C EXERA I. A PPL 1CA 770.V. Tlie vlitir if lite VilliaiiiSKirt S'nn Kits n I'0 lillwiii(: "tVriaia Ii.mor.nil. mndldaia. wha vara da- f..ad fit. nialullKti. a. Boll timAu ! .nd n..v b.rt.ltal, ih.v UI ho hald rah..n., " " ''' Tr' ' l"'. I play aorak' o.d bjoImib the aioda of i j n,.ir mjidiii r.iwii, r wu - J"" ; L" IZ ' r.T. I. .EZ .IT, ww - Tb. .UotWn ol wt tlr tli' 1j baad'orao maturity, la a roragooa aonulu.ion. ui Hu,t, g.ntl.m.o, Jo, cm rail aMorod.'' The K'iiit?rata of J.vcomiiik; culm- t like thoau in t'lenrflel.l. have the kmt ticket in the field thin fall, that K ever offered to the iiiililio, nd it (eerve the upmrt t every ineiniKr . .1 .... i i. i lM),i pyerjv ouior eii.Mii una .ie- i to nee upright, intelligent men in I r publie-anieu it noinrtimeii banpenn, durinu (lie prinmry canvaKii, tliat nonio individii- ala Ixumo acalniydy engaged in (he clfurta to liomiiiatc acerUin individual ibr a purticiilnr otliuu, and failing, they iHicume chiinoniiia and violent in their opposition to the mieiwillil rimdidnte. Thin ia all wrong, mid cannot bo de- ........... "... .l ... I it-iiiicu any mail aim ihitowb i Ik, ojcvajnictl in all ui action-, by aouiid nJ,,,.!,,., Kvery imlmilual ahould .,UM)? , aurremlw to hla party In I ,atU'ni of fixed mica anil principles, B1Mi Bi,oulil nut iKtomc caplitma and jwipardixe the atieeeaa of tho iwhole party booanao a ainglo imliriiinal MM jto receive a nomination ' An ImwiRtant Drcihion. We no tice that Judge Klwcll, of Columbia county, has decided that all school tax exceeding 10 mills on the dollar, is il legal, since the Legislature baa re- ! . . , h. V B""6 ' 'r j kniK'ked tho ruling of tlie Department ill tho head Authorizing the, collection np mJ , . M .,, j"1 "A lill UllMK,W.V1,l,ltU' !, walohes. from Ibe fact thai there is nonet of Assembly authorizing any i .,. ., . . ,, ., . i i,! ., i there should le such a law .upon our j statute book, because they are just the kind of property that should be taxed, hut not by implication. Will some depart inent expert, or Kn.... id,,,..,... I. ibria, Hedflini and ,Bomers-t finally nomlimled lion. S. M. Blair, of Uolll - The Ilistnc, is Radical by .bet 1,0(?! uajunij, out, u tue ieiiiocraui nomi- nine a gooa man, ne win tie elected. r, ..'i'i. ,,. , .... ., ,. nii'iit. la tiow nn n vi.il. In tlio, liwliuii' Territory and Texas, and will return ! to l'10 Winter Capital Washington tlio latter lart of this week and will ! probably remain there until Sorinif. j 1 ! OU R DISTRICT XOMIXEES. ..... Alio llenoTO lMrJ. an independent journal pul.li.hetl at llenovo, t'lint-in ..t.siiK, ..Iua. in ll.u .... .A' . i 11 ..i' ,!.! 1 I ,u.-.. in inn p. At .... ieultivated voiw, , j reierrniK 10 ineiwnioiTOiif'"-"- f mva- reach the avomije. 1 here will ho fair . noliilliees. aavs : "Tho nomination of Htm. U A. Mackey, for Coiurress. hv tho Uenio - crats of this Twentieth Congressional District, is uuqurstionalily a wise one. Wise, because the people without re gard to party, hail tho announcement with universal satisfaction and wise becanao all are satisfied that he is one of the boat representative men in the district, and will fill the position of i.onirressman with Honor to our groat Commonwealth. Mr; Mackey is not a stranger to the people of this dis trict lie is well known to all. In deed his persons! character stands so far above reproach that we believe' if i any serious opposition had been bIiowd to him in this contest it would have thrown discredit on his party, lie is known to all as a gentleman of flue education, has iootl business ounlitUst. Mr. Mackov will rceivo a lnriro, lte publican voto and will carry Clinton county by at least one thousand ma jority. ,, Tho nomination of Hon. AVm.' A. Wallace for State Senator, by the Do- rn'icracv of the district, will, without noilbt, bo received with pleasure b his party adherents. Mr. WallacA I a politician of tho first order, and Is nciieved to bo an aspirant for United States, Senator. Thoso who will support hi in will doao mainly out of love mr Jiemoeratic principles, know ing too that in Mr. Wallace thty havo a leader able to defend theircause and one of the most brilliant law-makers I., it... Ui... ... The nomination of Hon. John II. Orvis, of Centre county, for Associato Law Judge of this District, by the Democratic party, is generally coinci ded to be a strong ono. While we do not approve of his conrse as a legisla tor, on the ground referred to in these columns subsequent to his appoint ment by ffovernor Ifartranfl, we are free to admit that bo is an abb) jurist and that his nomination was demand ed by the voice of the people of this Jndiclnl district." , " ' 0VR ftEXATORIAL tiQMIXEE. In the nomination of AVm. A. Wal lace for the Senate, the DoroocraU of this district have presented gentle man whHU experience ajid ability, tm tiro Atnncs and integrity, recommend him to their moat wolwinu coneidera tion and earnest snport. Hipe in tho experiences of legislative duties, fnllv qualified for all tho exigencies of tbe position, an able exponent of Deiuo- truucprinuipiu, unu a uigniueu aim iufluential nicmbcr uf the liodv here- ,l:TdrTrt1,'L.i..'ln: emphatic endorsement. Whilo those aro general considora tions that havo particular application to Mr. Wallaco aa a member of the great Dcmis rutio party, antl. atipoal giviUg,thoro.ro yet aomo local cou- siuurauons wnico aro worthy Uie at tention of the people of Clinton. ( Mr. Wallai has hcrcUifore , nuulily ro spondeil to calls npon liiin fur his mflu-. dice in behalf of the interests of this oounly, or even ol tins entire section, with its great lumber interests. At this time I ho people of Clinton aro en gaged iu tho erection of an Important educational institution. To this tho State has ouutributed liberallv. tia our has done more u secure those con tributions to the Central. Normal School than Mr, Wallace, and as wo aro atill lookinir to that source for tur ther favors, no one can be relied upon more taiuiiuiiy tnan be to assist us, and no one could do more for us than him whom We Drouoso lo semi, and who Is now soliciting J,ho siifTragos of in people oi t union, iv is your, au ty, tV'ow-Cltlretdl, toglvs him a hearty ujiport regardless of liaitr coimidera-J tiona, aad thus do the boat you can for tha advancement of tbo welfare of ,.,.r imaiir. itfinftaa Tnovrrwr, ( XliWH tTKM-i. Tho pniMmil tunnel miller llw NiiiKiini river U to Ik 2,40 leet loii(. j Peniinylvaniii bait more Odd Fel-1 fiw thauaiiy other StaK' hi l7ni". Last Fri.iav waa the thlml anni veiiar)' of the jfwat flro at ChieaKo. -tAii v.'ro w plentiful at Mya tie, Uninia) UuU cider l UHW wiling at five oeiit a gallon. Tho Htalo Fair nn-ently held at Kanton, in aaid to have lieeii a deeidwl aiirreMR in every n KH't. Tho Catholle Total Abstinence wK'leliea ill Peiinnyivaiiia are aaid to 1lvo jo Wi ineiiiheni. ' ) . i A ,em.,t Mii iiiwh-to p iteinntional rowing match on -m Hchiiylkill fr 1H7H. ' Thiiraday, October 2Dth, will he olwrvtHl aa a day genuntl thauka giving in the prnvine of Ontario, Mm. Jauveinv. aged aixty -eight, ivsiding near lUilwiu City, Kaunas, gave birth to a boy a few days aince. The third triennial re union of tho Society "f the Army of the Januw. to iP 1 '" " UI",W a' Oclol MT 21 Tl... ni.i.. Rl,,l Cn.nr'l ....,.. a,1()1,1 ,., ,ho. tinin aguint the pii.poed Uwiproc itv Treaty with t anaua, Altoona iMxiiile are talking aliout establishing night schools where young working jajople may receive instruc tion ami pass the evenings out oi nan nmipany. . - So many cattle and hogs are be ing taken into Iowa from Nubraska, that farmers predict that com wilt cammand sixty cents a bushel la-fore l next spring. Small:pox is alarmingly prevalent hi New ork city, and attention u be, ing called to it ill tbo public prints.- Vigorous efforts are to lie put tiirth to j prevent ita spread, John W. Forney vimt4Mt erHVO or iIIihui IVkii, in KiiL'Imid, mid writer tflowini; Hcrv cription of the hjhM whoiv the fimiiiier o! IViinMylvunln no fntonHrpd. rm n ! ; i i it v J UO I null III l KHllSlr H Alll'Ulll'll) - , f , . , , , county have resolved to station six la-!( 'T "ln that old press dies at each noli on election day f,,,.! make only 250 impnions n an fionr. tl,. ...... ;.r i,.' oo-i their votes lor the prohibition ticket. T 1,1, Slii-niiun Vr,mM uir n,l 1 V, '""P 1,,, i -.1 : ...:u A i. 'i Hilling iiiiiiw uiio snsu iii-iory, ui tiietl N. Y., with stock of lumber, esrlv nn that momliifr rif the ! lot inst I.o SftiMin Nn inanrnneii ! One hundred men were thrown out of! employment. ' , . M ? mou.,"' !"."""' cn- ,2' Xllandthetrtitm uf tl,o former rats jutid by the Penn sylvanin railroad company. Tho New Orleans HniMica re- conlstbe presence there of tlirecorfoiir .. .f . j thousand regnlar I'nlted Slates triH wui! cini. snips oi war, ami sars thai two bntlalinns of cavalry aiv on tboir '"' tnM'er. All this is to restore a i n1Tti"n .w,,ilu n ,,,ll.v a:ive oy sucn means. The Agricultural Department is ! u.l..lu...l il k ...1. . ..1... .:n 1.- ' - . 1 , " - ' er. ai et.ni. ,r"V ol' ,,t", polntoea and hay, hut ' i,m 1 "ft" Kr"P " l'ufo. Nineteen States will elect 17. 8. Senators this winter, to wit : Ver mont. Maine, Indiana. Nebraska, West iri'inia, lyouisiana. Delaware. Klori da, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minneso ta, Missouri, Mew Jersey, .Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Caro lina, I ennessue aud n tsconsin. The tobacco crop in Connecticut this year is said to ho very flue. The growth is very liberal, and the article ot tho very best. Considering bow much the American pnbllc is depen dent upon Connecticut for a supply of genuine Havana cignrs, tins news .;n i : i i.. . . , win tie receive! wnn great pleasure, joseiin ii. jiraiuev. who was ilo- barrod from tho Supreme Court of the I'.-i'n.w iviuiiiuia) uuriii me inai of John II. Harratt, in 1WI7, forallged contempt ol court, and who was after wards chartrwl with sentlinir a threat ening ineasam to the justice holding mat court (jtuige riniter,) lias been restored to the list of atiomeys. The baukiiiu house of K W. Clark 4 Co., in Philadelphia, which tempro rarily stotiM'd payment about one year ago, and then arranged with iudepoe. itora for imynient of all claims at des ignated periods iu the I'uUuo, the last extending to July 1st, ITS, now gives notice that it is prepared to anlicipiitt in. . uiiun,i,,i ui aia uAieimcu IIOIICU, and invites all holders to present them lor payment without tlelay. . ,h --Thfl Petinsvlvania Kallrnml com pany, says the Pittsburgh Errninj ifWArirpA, will iMiie on tho 1st of e tobor a new svstem of ticketa which will ho good for one thousand miles of travel, but must to used within one hundred and thirty-five miles of the dopot at which they aro purchased. inese are numiwrcti irom l to l.tum, and there is a coupon for evrrv mile. Tboy will lie fliniished for tlius affording a saving of nvo dollars on the regular fu re rates. .Scth Green introduced a novel feature Into tho Sew York State Fair, at Rochester, in the shaie of a pisca torial department, comprising aquari ums and tanks containing most of tlio choicest and rarest odlMe fishes, to gothcr with A varied collection of spe cimens of young fish, designed to il lustra Ui the progress of Itntehiiig in ita various stages. Mr. Green is in atten dance, and explains tho habifs of his proteifes, the mode of nronaial ion and tho working of the hatching apa- nuiiH. in which several Kmili are exiiiu- ited -The Philatlelnhi. Jh-W 1. .1. William ii. Keed aa the editor of his memoir, ami devised 0,0OU for hia compensation. Unlv tho latter nart. of this provision baa been carried in to efTect, and the executors, finding vnni iuere was uo prospect ot getting ''":'0"" P,Td Jhf "T" . ments and other materials In the hands of Hon. John Cadwalodor, who has now boon for soma., mouths Industri ously at work npon them." Murriago of Mr. Thomas Af. Pitch of the Knirineer Coma of Ihe United States Navy, to Miss Maria Ewing niierman, uuagnter ol Ucu. Sherman, took place in Nt. Aloysius Roman Catholic Chui-ch In Washington City, on laat Thursday a week at 11 o'clock. The marrWo was solemiiiseil br tho Moat Dev. J. Purcell, Archbishop of i Inoninau, a personal friend or Mrs. Sherman. The. church, which arata nearly 8,000 persons, waa densely crowded that number of Invitations having been iasned. Amting the giieats were President Grant, and members of tha .CalnneL ineinlHinf nf Ilm rlinln. matte Corps, distinguished army, and navy pfllcers, and prominent civilians, nearly all accompanied by JaUlos, The newly married couple Intend making 8t lipuis tbeir future residence, where ther will arrive about (he 1Mb lust. ANSOCIATKI) PRKSS LETTER. rillt.ADiarlllA, Oct. 13. 1HT4. ' Till CKNTOKNIAI.. j Tim huiicK of our city art) doiug iiiibln and cllectlvt iHrvi(w In tbo mat ter of raining ftiinla in aid of the 'n tenulal Kxhihitiun. They purKia giv ing n aci-im of six (oi turea during No vember, and have engaged JannwT. FicIdH, I'jxi., tlie einliuMit author of llimton, u the lectuivr. On the 2&I and i'M of February next, they )urp(me holding an Iiitornational fualival and a rimimittoe ia now making s avlcction of tho national eontumeiito lie worn.' Til K rtUNKMN INKTITI TK. The exhibition uf skilled workman-! hip .by the Piiiuklin Institute was foriiuilfy opened by Gov. John F. ilart raull. Alter Iheconchision of the (iov ernor's owning address, the Vlco Pre-1 iilent, Mr. Moore arose and said : Fel low citizMis : Allow me to present to you Mr. Hector Orr. one of the oldest printers of the United tStntcs, who is a true rcproHcnlatiw of American labor of the day. Mr. Oir who hid just been working ut mi old Kphrata hand press, on exhi bition, inking the forms by hand with the old fiishioned ink "bulls," laid down his work and said : Mr. President, friends and country men I take this opportuiiiny to say that I havo literally "slopped the pi-ess" toannoiinco thai tie Franklin Institute has resumed the exhibition of Ameri can luantifncturt). This is not the latest newa, but it ia good. Applause. It is not an old practice; we tried it fifty yearn ago. ivo havo tried both, "Its breach anil lit observance," and I think we shall today announce to the greet "third party" our own million of inhabitants that we havo decided that it shall never be intermitted again, f Applause.! I have auhl we havo stopped the press. That little affair yonder, which looks like a miniature gullows, is not very imnosimr. vet when 1 entered the business two-thiitls of the printing of Christendom, was done upon such a machine ; and to day, not tar off, there is a Philadelphia invention that com mends itself alike to mechanics and statesmen the Bullock Press. Yon will understand tho difference when I say that my friend Charles H 1 wbile yonder Is a machine that will do 25,00(1 impressions In an hour, four times the size. Applause. As one mm proveme upon such a common maehine as that ! mai. junins nu ttllKnt SHOOK Ilio inn ir m l.iwirirc ill utiii iiimiii in I n , i r ami. in lilt- yiiiiiiuii' luiriiii-ii 11. ill i-r. Thronghont our country lately there have been many Instances s'urh as various gatherings, festivities and ihanltsgmngs. I would like to draw your attention to ,. int between our exhibition aim inesc. i pon tms nroan area, no- ncath this spreading roof, there is not a cannon, nor a sword, a bomlishell, nor a percussion cap. Here is no horse racing, no game chickens, no bull ter riers. All that is here is human activ - 1.- .1.. ..i. .! .i: . . i l.Vl TIU . ..... I. r I ... , 4 i 11 J Ills IS true pn(rress. It IS all lish Coin torts anil necessities for to fundi our American homes. This is at once a canse and the effect of stnnly indc K,ndence. I have given the remarks of Mr. Orr in full liecaiise nothing could more fbrcibly port ay the rapid advance in t"l Amencau skill. Iiy it every man In "'the conimnnitv can obtain a newspaper ,)Wp r r . other t i nt: produced in this countr)-. ..'t.. 1 ..V. and the few if there are any who will not take a nwspawr under these circumstances ought to lie labelled "MikIoc Indian," and banished to the land of tbe Modocs. the slow at winding gait of the ox as compared witn the lightning ssed nt tlie easy, motioned railroad eneino, whirlinti along Ml miles an hour, presents a no more striking- contrast than the old Kphrata, doing its level best to get off Z&IHI copies In Ia hours, with the liul lock rolling off 23,(100 imjirestioni a hour. The display of machine bsils in thia exhibition is immense. Those Com petent to iudiro sav there haa never been so many or such fine examples of the machines tor making machinery brought together at one time, in this country. THE TlllKl) Tinn. Hon. George M. Robeson, the Naval Minister of Grant's Cabinet was here during the week. I called upon Mr. Kobeson to obtain his viewa on the third-term business ; ho expressed his great grief at the wrong the New York ,Vn correspondent had done him, as a minister and friend of I'lysscgj and at his request I took pen and paier, and he dictated mo as follows: President Grant will not step down and out simply to ohlij.'e Maine ; he will not humble himself before Morton, as Mor ton has done before his President ; be will not remember all the other hearts that will ache if Henry Wilson does hot step tip and in ; none of his thoughts ara running out tiller the poor folded np, falr-haircd child Conkln, ; ho will not even plead for llartniuli ; and he doe not wish Hen Butler were dead, fbr old Kssex mast live and others suf fer. This information, remarked Rolieson, has boen entrusted to me in confidence and I wonld havo protected it with my lite ir I hadn't wanted it published In your "Associuti-d Press Letter." the action or tlie v. s. court will probably put Jny Cooke & Co., on their leet (financially once more. - Action upon the report of the inves tigating committee or tho 1'ennwylva nia railroad -omiuiuy has tiecn lxwt- potied until tbe annual meeting in marcn next. Olir citixens were never before favor ed with ao quiet apolitical canvass. DisiiaAoitri'i, HisToar. The New York Tribune') Washington correspon dent give a compendious history of tho Louisiana iiiitruire, and very clearly shows, that Grant and Williams were members of the conspiracy that set up tho Kullogg usurpation. If Conirress does not iiiptw h him lor his connec tion with this matter, then public in dignation otigla to drive Congress out of Washington., The 7ViAttBf's corres pondent winds tip as follows : . In all this disgraceful history dis graceful to noose more than tha Prosi dont of tho Uifitwl States, wlxi seems to think it kit privilege to set up and overturn Governments as may suit the caprices ot his. ambition the ono ray of light is the bulief of the conspirators mat luo majonty ol niumtiera ol Con gross of both parties ill too honest to tako part in the fraud, il they only know what it meant. Grant, illianis, Kel logg, Morton, Butler, Chandler, all ap pear from first lo last iu the atUtuds of hoodwinking; Congress, Is It too much to hops that their successes in that lino aro at an end, aud that when Congress next assemble a searching inquiry will be made into the scandal anu a prompt redress lonnu lor tha cruelly outrsgnl state ot Louisiana J Tn KaNATtiasnir. This Is the wav the Hutler Herali pnts It: "Hon. Wm. A. Wallace had been nnminatod Ibr the Senate In the Cloarflold,r;ontra and, Clinton district. This Is a Inst tribute to the honesty! fidelity anil ability of one ni uia Deal pbnlic servants or whom this Htate can l -st 80 Inns as inch men are nominated by tho Democracy, wo neon nave nn tears as to tlie resntt." Jndtfe Ilendemon, of Harrisbnrg;, has dissolved the Central Kirs Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, hy reason of its Insolvency. ?fw IvrrtifimcnU. jf ITtlVATR SALK. Tl i.n Uralgiml, la Wl l.'l.iril.U, o, rt I p,Ul. ml Mm Kll brad buy Mara, w it b MM l.y "l.'titilrabaJ." a ftral via. .Irlvar i una light Iwa lewaa farH Waitoa t ana art af farai ar la lar bariiaa.i bjmIIuh brfl i alia .ul wf tbraa.aaatad Hul.., tmaurlabla Mala, n4r,iai Uraaivla vufbiawt, built bv Anra A L'a,, IVdliaiiiiporl, allh braha. a irrjr U.UD Ibi., aa I tra t ar li;Wl. Alaa, t ntltlil, ilnalun ttiwathip, t'trarflnitl euatij, ! f., u Muil, wltti (uroiiuro, ! of lot, iti 30 i una Hnll Hicirv ftntl lut Milvd t.4 lut RUilwa,!! with good ft DOC . Alwi, twUii guod Ulli, lind hf CuiirUnJ," ami good luataa. AIo, auma guwl land la KaoM., a uiika Miilb at l.awrt-pua, la An-larata aiiunt, a Milwa Iraia UarDtll, a.iutv aaat. tor torraa, Ao., Inqulra vf Iba an.Uraicaa.l, ra- " -i,u.ia. I''JJ ""'r. Clrailuli, Pa , 04. 14- W . (i EO. i. PKIK E & CO, Organs and Melodeons, Ta. OMnl, Larftil, and Moat Parfaat Mauulae lory la Iba UsiUd Hialaa, 64,000 Kov la a .a. No olbar Uualaal Jafiiumrni atar alula tba rama Popularllr, awraaaj for I'rlaa Hit, ArfSrtu ntlft'AI.O. N V E STRAY OR STOLEN. 1htr lrjtj frtiui Iba Dsttlir of lk dmt(r4,Tidlnjt ! Klrrtui, ott or atioot J Vi oi Uelwbor Ut, O MtlllT BAY UORbB, abaat t ,,, old, abort, kaar aat. liar Is forckaad, and a irt oa oaa aar Paiiooa arjr oi tba aoiaial ar af Ita oharaalioulfl, will Sa llbarall raojardad for ibalr truobln. OKIN BCU0KX0VKR. Klerloa, Oj. ll-3t o Willlata Road, at Iba K.j.loa Mara, ClaarSald, bal osa of tbo Sua itonka of liraai Uwodi aad t'anoj flooJa la Iba oouatrjr, Iw wbiab tba atus. liua of ca.b bnjan If tavlled. Ha daala la a ro llablo claw of gaud., aad ao gooda lll bo rata rr,roi'Otad. Call aad aoa for oarthra. D ISSOLU1ION.- Nti It rlv vlif that the tariarbiB barotoliir tsittiar bid)a O. 0. MarralL Am Ken bard ud U. il. AilarJ, aadar lb "haoll.f Cm Hark Luututiuy," fur ik nana- faetura and twk r twnt buuka, aa dialTi4 ibt 01b vt Oaluber, 174, by mtaal rot.tHa, O. B. M,rrl limtiai rmia hit ialvrat i aia lr aau la the puttitt t Atnat Kannant. eciU 41 O. U. WKHUKI.L, lm it: R.tala of ) la tba V. B. Dilrt,t ('..art alamaa II. Jala. Uattkrupl. j X. I.10T flank nip toy. I froB applloatioa wf E. A. Irwla, altlj-ttaa af tkt Mate vf Jaiati II. Dalr, il la arttarrd that a aeiind ftoar! maliri f tha ra-.il I om of laid Jaa. 11. liala ba M4 at I raaiftald, is atild ditlrlot. ub tua Vih ol UaloOar, Ih74, lit u'aluak, a. harura A. K. WuorJrNll, KfjifUr In Hankntptrjr, 0. O. MrCANI'LKSS, oatH Cktk at ik L'. 0. DiMriot Cuart, !C 1AUTION.- Alt narvooa aia barab ftt awlM.tbMa- aalng ar tm ana war Moddlias wllb tba folluoias daaoribad prvpMj. rii: 4 oowa, S buga, I tbaap, I aoak !, oliairr. 1 labial I bada aad bl dii:g, 1 daagbtrrr, I rapboard, I Ima ktttla, 1 wt. grata eradla. All tha bay and osta la tba aaro, a lot ot rra, aura aad buakwhaat. Now la tba boatoaaioa of Jaaob l,aa, of borwaida towa. abip, aa tha aai waa parabaaod br a, a at abanl pala and ia I ft alth bial on loan rnbjaet lo mj ardar. JAMhH UALLAII ilb'R. Haw Waabisgtas, Oat. 14 31. lSTRAYS " Caoja IroapaHii ai.iai aa Iba praajlaoa of Iba aab. I kH.adad aad daaoribad aa fallow., lo all, g is. llaioa towa.lup, oooraboatl No. I Uio..ng a poat j tbaooo aortb JJ da a.t laat, TWO STKmiS, akoal I P'"hoa la poati tbano. avrlb M Mribar, ra.ldtag Ilia lit af Aoj(a i joara aid. Tba; an both rod, nb ai7 larga ij ara bath rod, wilb .air larga a. aad tbo olbor baa aiaall bona. , , j . . , , boro. aa tba ooo. aod Uaolbar ba. aiaall boro.. I T" " k.rob,..lit.dto. fctw.rd,.-d.g.. ...tHp.b..l..b.,l.rt 1 "in .a aarawj aaiiaao ui aono rorwaro, prat, hla propwtj, pay abarga. and taka tboo. away, or lbj will ba dlrpoird of at lh. law dl- roata. UfcMlY I KMX. Hockloa, Oat. II, 1X74 M. E Cewe trMMtfiic M tbe preifeee ef the Mb. BcrlWr. ii BeceeiL towaahip, I white a)ff, ei eeitng one ..aTing two bleek apute tt, mp-'eee-l to Ite aboel ene veer Tbe eweer Ie r iUtetei in exHne furwerd, prr ereesvij. py ekerfta a take ibvw , r tkav will be io-ti of x,r'tir.gj lo Uv. J0. Vf. LULL, tilf Hove, Uai. U 1974 -It. JOCK HAVEN SELECT SCHOOL. Tbe eiflitk rar of Mira R.elaea'a Seleat i iT" 9t ,r,"!f-owa,TU: Bgiaaiag at a aoai oa iewaaHp ,j dlatoar aaa be boerdrd la taa f.aallj oltb tba , red i tlieeee ateug eeid towaebip road aortb til p...... p.., .,.. are ptrtoaai owe, MtSP ilDJtON, Look Havea, Pa. Rfrare Ha. 0. A. a-ajar, Uea. L. A. Uaaket, Kte. Jea. NeabiU, S. U. Peale, Eeq. Oatobar U, lT4.-4t D TSSOLUTION.- The aartatrahip keratofore ei let lac betweaa David Ki herd aad Joeerb Krbard, ia ibe ajereaa tile baataaea, al New Millport, wee diuolveel by aaiiaal eeaeeat aa tha lth af Juae laat Kitker af iba Mt-aiaerfl of tba tm ara aatboriaad H aaa -e eetileaeeaU. Tboaa kaewrag theeaeelraa tadvbtre, t tbe tela Irai ar reqanted la aoiae forferd aad etttlt tbeir areouata wiihoat del jr. IIAVID KHHAKU. JOCK CM KH1IAHU, N. Millport, Oat. 14, U7.-4t Ltat of Jarere drawa for NoTaaiber Tena, A. D. IH74, eon nearing aa the aeeoad lloodaj,! uamg me via ay or toe aioBia : rit wbbi cot Moan ir, rna traj. A. Nerliag,....BeearU fterdaa ltolley....t)lrara) rbtlip Tubbe, - K. F. Hbaw tJoehea Job. Dilla, - Kllia W. Keaai.ttrmhae Ttaaolby le TMl D C. f.Btea...lleatadat Nathaa Hoerr, . BojtKi B.J.tillllleiid ...Karthaea J. Livlagata..Hradford J. A. McHHde.Lawreeiee Job U. bjpler...lird M. U. Aataa, 6 1 two a Wallbore, Waa. Murg-o, . Joba Daalap...liunialta Job a lloorer Morrifl Joba King, - Joba H Irwia, Wei. kitobea Cheat Lafayette Hoaver. N. B Le Cleetlt-ld Hiobard UoM....Uaeeola J.C.Meiwell.Carwena'te Jemea Clwry, Jr.Pena W C. Araold, " KH.be Davia. " T. W. Moore, " loahua IUrt.bera..Pike John Nrff.... ...Deeatur Joba I. Uloona. A ad re w Uearhart, M laaae Shlaeetl, nallaee'a rraaila Kreel, M Jl.Baagb.an, Wood'ard atrona war a TejiBB BonaAr, IAth. W. Campbell Bell W. Rrnia..0arwtnvv'r Daa'l Uyphra..Uaahaa frank t'olgrure, ' Joba W. Turner, Horner W. Molt, Hobt, UrecB.-,.llradfurd Wm. Powell, M llcory K liner Brady Amoe BeiiaaO, Jr., Sam'l Foatkihwalt, " Joa. Snyder, Aadrew Kaan, " laaae nyier, D. MeKeBdHck..,OaMrh atuuai v. i;iT..,iiovnj ana, Jr.. Wm. Jordan Jordaa Jmbmi M. HIooh...Kboi Fred. lrla...Lawrane ZrBoa 0g ili-n, " J. A. Aatae, Andrew raUmer, MofrU I'eter Beak Baraaldo Wm. Hon.er.ii I e, " Sem'l KilcheB, Jaraee II . Wnple.,.Bgga 1, P.MeMaUn...Cbet golemoe Taaer, Jr " J-.hn Mrdarvey, " Thoe. Hlley....t'lrarl.etd W. W. Werralt, A. V. CarpBtr.0veevt drier Bell, Jr.M,.lkenn Wm. M. .Me Pike David Itreeiler..,. Helen E ?XECUT01t'S NOTICK Not lee la kercby glvea that Loiter Tact. mantary oa tbe Katate of IvLUA rLANlUA late of Ulearfield borvagh, dea'd., hav baea graat- eo to ine anaeraignee. Alt peraoaa tadeotea to aeld Ratet are required to tniake Immediate pay ment, and ihoae'havtag elalma agalnet It ar re. paired ta preaeat them, duly awtkaeitloaled, with out drlay, to Ibe undcralgned. JAM KH B, OnAllAlf. CUarleM, Oet. 14, 1874. 9t Kieeuter. s KTTLEMEN T NOTICE - all saraaai barlnf alalnia againat Iba 0rr- Mora or too roor ol woeuward rownahlp, sro harabj Rotilad Ibat a aoatiag of tho foor Oror rorf of aaid Ivwaablp will bo hrld al Happy Vallat Sffboolranta, wa MwtHroor, tha Hat Sav ofUclsbar. laid, fo tbo parpoaaof aaltllag mf an iwa mwo auooiog oaooooia lor roor oariuaaa. All partiaa sol ra.aiiliiig thalr elalma on or bo foro Ibat dar, will Furarrr tbaraaftar ba debarrod agalaal Mllaotlag tboa. ' . B. lil'NLAP, J. HALKas, Madara, Oat. Id, Ult ll'J Or.raa.il. riOURT l'llOCLAMATION- J Wnassia, Hob. C. a. MAYIH, lmtd.gt Jodga af tba Coarl of CaoioioB Pint, of too twas- IT-illb Jodialal Ul.lrl.1, aoarpoo.d of tboowoa tlca of t'laarflrld, Contra ssd Clleton, and lioo. WM. C. rol.KY and Has. JOHN J. UK All, Ai aoelala Judaaa of rtaartrM a..oaiaa bara Uaood tbalr roaatt, i aa dlraalad, for Ibo balding of ow 1. jti.ro mi vouri ai t;oisoaoa rtaaa, at UM Court llaoao, at Claarilald, la aad for Iba aoao Ir a ClnrS.ld, oaimalaa oo Iba PKOI'ND MOKdAY. Tbta ITH DAY or N0VMVK, tola, ana oowtiaolng two wooba. K 0T ICK la tbaralora barabt glraa to Jarora and wltwaiwa, la aod for aaid aoanty of Cloarl.ld to b.ood apaaor In tbalr arorar poraoss, at I o objok n. aa. oi aaia aajr, to so tsoaa tbinga wbtrh Ibair b.balf iirrtala t. bo dana. II I V RN awdar r band at ClaorlrH IM. I b day aa Oatabor, la tba ft ar af wwr Lord oaa lb i Mod olgbt.buidrad aad aavMii..wr. ' W. K. M.I'SKHflOW, Hbarlt . AnMiNisTRATorrs notice. Srtlea la baraby glrra tbal Ullara of Ad- lalatrallos V. B H. C. I, A., aa Ika aoUta of WM. s. DICSKY, lala of B.aaarla lawa.blp, CHMrSald oooalj, Fa, daa.aaad, ba.lag baaw dol? graalad ta tbo asdaralgwod, all l-raol to doblod H aaid ootolo wlllpUaao s-kslajajadiua parsMab, aad Ib oa karlag akiaa or jtaauoda ill ,raarat tball praparlr aolbaaUaalad Ibr aat. It aat wllboal dalay. JA-KI 0ICKIT, -loa Uopa, Oat. 14 . Adataiotratsr. 1 Jl'wtlt stai ' fioltBif AMllor J1 t s wa-gn aauibar of aba aa rSS BILL, aad WIU aa tba aoaalaa at ira ooala. aall s soar la sav addraoa. ayat irw dufrtUfmfBtf. pUtlLIt! 8AI, . j.,, t i; or ... , ; UNCLAIMED FEXIQHTI tkm I'tftnqrlvMlk tUtlr4 Coupon f l.rtTr l jublt ul u IMtlHrilay ctlort 9Ut IHU, OiiBiaMiiBV ml It t'.lMk A. M lb Ul IoWiSK Jnwrlbod trtlli. mum at ika MffM-il ' M if4, unlcia twMti r vontigDcw pay flbsif bu4 nmuvm tk mih m ur blur dy of Mlti OIOKOLA, 1 Mwlng naabloa,M. I bus l.lia,.... 1 d,Nir.,.IH I d Ir.j I boioa glaajKra. I keg ll,uor Is oaakH.. 1 bui udM..... I brg liuir 1 baabola baitar. 4 bosaa a frail I bbl altar bbla abiib 1 kg aalaa H I bbl ea.tinga H I b,,a baaUIra H,H I bbl r.f.l all I b.ll touli I kdla rba T bara Iran. , ...Bta.ar 1 Co. Uaator 4 Co. Wllltaai Cravat. Jauava Cola. .M.CraaJall A Hayaitmd. .W. H. Uaaaar. L. Ilrarluut, i. C. Habdaraos. J. 0. Ilradvraon. i. C. Hauilartoa. ..n...,..iaa. Habkorabos. .,, Jaa. llubbaraban. Martla A ilaiwortb. Martla A lloioorlrt. 0. U. Nlgbl. Aim Hobluawo. , .....Wui. Wao,lla. Wm. Woadla. t. U Xlfgtar. I UII la.tk.r t lira atuvaa oaatl aga 1 bdls aad m aarliaga BIBLSB. 1 aawlng aiaebtBa..H..M..HH 3 boaoa b bgooda.....MMM.H,M. I bdl roba,... ObSAMriSLS. I bala rupa , ; I balaropau I bala rv.aa.... I bblcakaa......... ,.......W. Cb.w. U. W. Hal, -..J. H.I.J. R. Iliska. at. liiaba. ,.W. U. Uraham. ...Oaa. Lord. .....Jaa. 0. Ul-ioai. i. II. lllooai. Aodrua. .......... C. 0. Read. Rooa A UaUall. Maraaa Madalloab. Jaa. trwlo. Uaioaa. Kaaioal Hulai. x JlT'rT: ""' i bu. d.a 1 Itora (badcowdllios)... t aai Miloolr I bdl ro,o Ris oaa w I bdl aatiaga..H,..,uH I lar ball . , .....U. Cbarlaoa. .. A. Uovd. 4M....M. Swargood. I b.il bad baltooaa Lbaa. aaar.La 1 I bbl aldar .... l. W, llaaouibar I out attdiaioo. H. Burr I bdl bJm.. 13. aiuuor. I bdl rone, a oca ataaip taoabioo., j. fvaawwrtb. i waio ana eaet reko u. V. salllraa. I boi at loola D. t. riabol I b,la4abaira) .......J. A.Ktaraar. I bill Oaano. .T. R. Raaarlr I Uj.ra iroa J,a Ualtib, I oil roi.a... K. V. lluabar a pas rafting loola 1 bdla ropa.... I bdl loola , 1 alora, I b.ll rnpa I bdl ropa I bdl rapr .. I trunk.'. , I bdl raft loola S bdla rt,pa..... 1 w oaaobisa I plowa 1 bdl rliaara ..... I bdl rail tool) I bos aidaa 1 lot iroa.. 1 bdl ropa. 1 soil rupa l"a . I raftiag alora I bns Mdaa. ............ 1 arata vadarwara .., J. W. CauipUII. Uabart. Lanbarl, W. aaad.rllo. A. R lUa .... -aUowall. ...Jaaaa Murray. J. h. Caiupball. ...J. L. Canubrll. - A. Mill, .... .Joba IlaU. ..J',ba uoll. r. M. Smith F. M. Rnrab. llao. Batta, ......Oao, Uaua. ...J. M llarlar. i. A J. Sar.l.r. .Harrr Sbiffnar. Jaoob UarllaU. ..H. Aahraaj JOHN RKILV, Ba, Tranaportatlua. OeL II, 1-74-lt. SheriiTs Sale. V.rtne of a writ af f!ri ., lanaed obi or me uenri oi vomaaoa riaaa er t leer- Said eoaalr. and lo a dlrootad, tbara will bo aapoaad lo PI BI.I0 SALS, at tba C'oort Hoaaa, la tha bonogb of CloaHlold, aa Saturday, tba Hat day of Oatobor, l74, at I o'alak, p ., Iba lollowiag Kaal H lata, lo wl i . Alaa, all tbo right, Ulla sad laloroat of JaM U. Haad of is aad lo tba following doaaribadaaf -oral traela ot land altoala ia Lawrcnaa tooaiblr. oaoot, of t'loorftald, od Stalo of Posa.rhaaia, , oagiwaa ." r " a pi : laoaro aoail ' dagraoa aaat M parabaa to s haailook 1 Iboaol MaU. aa Oma Ha mu . ,k. Kiu i d.graot aoa! 1 j porobaa lo puat: tbaora aualh ' ' mttnn aaat ao poreaaa oa s Baailoob 1 Ibaaoa . , ... p . haglsalsg, eoolaiaiog t aoroa aa-l SI porobai, bodrd by Uodi of Aaoa Haad, Joatab Tboojp- eon, Jeanee Ltie anal etbera, beina; put of in new ufe;e wrrr, mum v tarroa, mem mf lee. elrrc4 thenwn. witb s two-aturj frame boute. Urge bask ber. wejrwei tbeJ end otbr MtWildtejte tbetrva eteeteOo A fied eprisfvf wetct eetl rrvlt ireoe greeneg ioa it. Nu. t. Aim ue etber treei ot pieoe of uajtj jutHtng tbe ebwre, WiBg eJa a part af arif iitftl wrvey la the ruitae mf Kubert ti"Kft ooataiaiag 94 aerea, wore or toao. buaatleil bj Uad uf kUrj B. lteetf ua b aortb, bj lead ef Jonah Thoain mmA Let. tba eeat, by lead 4 Mtltoa H, Miller eatka aoalh aad b leada at Aaroa 0 TaU oa tbe oeet, km i lag abuat 20 oeree eieanrcd I tbereea with a iNMring erebard. Wo. I. Alra, vae wtber traet or lee of land .-a . . .Vi .:". . T- j defreee weM M prtdiM to a poet aaid fekl road tbcae Berth $ 4tr eat 24 percbe ta a poet la liae of original Kobert Bogga rarvey ; thenee aoath 81 degrwet eaat It perebta along aaid original liae ml Kobart Rogge U a peat; theaae twaih M dcgreei weot 16 parewet to plaet uf begiaaiag, evauiuiag fear aero more or Iraa, and beleg a reeervnttoa eat of traat told to Mil toa tl. Miliar, wtib a twe-atory frame heaa nnd ether aatbaildiaga tbaraaai ereeted, aad Ib lead all beiag eleared aad aader oallirateea. belied, takaa ia esreuliea aad t be aaid a tbe property ef Jameo M. Heed. Tbb er 8 a lb. Tha prlea ar tmm at whleh the praparty aball b ctratk af maet ba paid at the time af aate, er eaeh tber arraegeeatt mad a will be apareved, atherwla the property witl be Immtdiately pel up aad raid again at tba eipeeae aad riek ar the per eon te whom It wae ttraek ff, aad who, la eee af deteiewey at euch rt aal. ahall autke good tha aama. ad la aa Iaataaea will the Deed be praeeated la Coart far eoelrasatiea aaleet tha moaey la actaall peld ie ibe tlberir. W. fc. McfHKrWUN, Baaairr a Orrica. I Hktrx. Olearfleld, I'a., Oci. tl, IIT4. - ...... . . ... . k 7t..iI.. j:rr;u ...zi vi -."' ) or ,. jd,- elvee ef baaiaen on Uettvber 1, 1874 ; T V u i it T e iu-7 " RBaotiarBi. Loan a end blaeoemta. fttM.I M Urer draa..HH 4,V9 ft) U. 0, Honda depoaitod With U. S. Tr. to eeeur elreulatfna 100.AM M Duo from radeomlag It reaerve agwata IM"! M le from ether Natioaal Uaakt...m. Due from State Baaka aad Bankers... Ku rail ere aad ristara Carrent eipnaf aad lave paid ChackaaaJ albereeurh il-m-. II i Mi nt other National Bank a, Praotienal earreaey, iaflad'g aieklee.. Aperite(tMlud'ggold Treaary autaa) la-71 leader aotaan,....H U. d. tertileaUa depoait lr legal teadtr..H Ml l,9V H t.tdO M 1,9t 44 l,l.tV a, 1 4 0 e ,70t H s..i , i, VleM'TI 8ft " TetalttMsaH tURILITIRB. I rep It el ateek paid . I Hamlaa fuad ,....!..... . 9190,00a M , II, MO a Nei'l Ra.k Bui Mii..rtU- inuiviaaei uepo.tis Daraaad aortlloatra of lVwo.it 41. IM g Uoo lo olbor Nalloaal R.ak. ....,. .0'.'4 u Oua te siato Baaka sod bajikari,...., 1,97a 92 I sow uraaeribad by law to bo takaa aod ubacrib " I ad by olortloa onoora, thry abaJI aararalty ba aoiai. h rsor,07l ss ittila mf Paa.yaaai', CVtordrld Opaoff, 8S : I, Williaoi H. Ilill, Caibiar of tbo Flrat rtatiooal baak af CloartWd, do aalaaialy awaor that tba aboro auioaioat ta tr. to tba ba.1 af mj koowMgo aad boliaf, Wbt. U. SILL. C.hi.r. Rahaaribrd aad awars lo boluro a. thia Tib day of Oaubar, ISI4. WM. HA UKRACSi, N. P. Corraat AUaali I. U. NIVI.IMI, A. P. BOYNTON, HICHARD MONSOP, Oat 14, ISTd. biraolora. ' RICPtlRT of tho oonditlo of Iba COUNTY NATIONAL RANK of IWIlold, at tba aloaa or bootboaa oa On. bar td, lllti Louiand dioaoaaU.. .. ....) 1 4 1 .! It OrardraH M ,,s:g if V. S. bunda to aarar olmlaliaa ta.OM M Olbar atooba. honda, aad aiortgagoa... 4 10 M uo iroa rowoaralbg a taaarra agaMa, 11,11 ft. I)ua froa othar Nalloaal Baaba.. 1.1SS Is Ono Iroa Plata Baaba aad B.nk.ra.. IS, 924 t nvawi aaiooa, iBraiwr MS attarwi,,, Carraat aipanaaa aad laiaa paid Choaba A Coah Itoaajaolad gltaa! Billaofolhor National Bank a rraatlosal owrroaay.iaalodiog labol, Logal.laadar botaa.,...,,,,,...., rir ft aut. adaaiag taad... l.dTl at I,t99 II 111 99 41 09 1.144 9b J Jt? Mi ' 99 Total b. " . I... UABiuna.,. Cl.pllal alarb paid lb. Sorwl fand.. i ', ,..i..u Olbar mdirtdod proltii..., M, Natiooai Babb bto aautaadiag fnditldaal dapatila n., Tlaa arrtllaatoa af drpa.lt.. .......... Bo to alb. NbiImmI Uaaba m.'.Ti " a... ... a il'Ioa il I'JJJ IT ir 171 7.T1 ' ..'Itl .I I el 'Ami It 1! Talai ...,. 2TS,i'St H afeale e !mtyt9mm4t, CtmrMd (hmm49t 89 r a. W. N. Ihaw, Caahlet i'tka Canty Mattaal oaaa of vieeaehi, e aeieat-ly aWear that im ahora Matwtaeat la Uve to the beat of ajy kmml ada aad betted... W. M. BHAW. fJaebtar. - Hubiverad aad awora befeetaa Uia th day M weieoer, at. v, irtie. ( joHif w. wnrni.Rt, ir.p. Cerreet-Alt. at, JAK, T. LKONARD, i d JAM. m ORAHAkJ,, . OaLH.lMi. ... .. Wi A DMINISTRATOK'JI NOTlCfi.- J. JL rteiiee la hereby ftrea thai letter, of ertaai. iMraKoaoa tk aetata af Mrt. BUfiAH K T LK R, ". te af waehea lawaakip, Otwar laM aaatn ra., katiag mm 4u ejraat ba oaewpiBjapea, an aetaaat taeHbtod u aaid eetale will pleaaa aaafe laaaaedlate aayeiaat, aad tkaaa kavla eleiaae ar eaa4i trill wreeeal thew f raavariy aeAkaatttaa1 1W aetyaaaeeH wHbaajl d , A. S. HAW. i Oet. ll-lt)'' ' ' Adaalalat PIHK VHITt M MAM t mi MB ItMaV lt laaalaadaad faresAa a Afrl it iir. v. 4 00. , gLRCTION PHOCLAMATIOaN.- WHEHKAH, by aa Act of tba'Oantral At dnutiljr tba Coin-abuw4ftllb f Ponr nylvanta ahtllted -A. Aat U. raiilaletb.O.n.ral K(artt I I it) a fhla CuBamiwi'l, H If fijoin. ai.no , iba k-irlff of lh aavaral onanUaa tu g ha i.ubllti I outlea of Nob alaoMoa Iba plaeia wbaratoba held, ad tha offovra tu La lac bed. 1iicKafv I, W. IIOKH McMlKltBO.H, llitk rSfafrllT uf CUrirflold ouaotjr, do btrtby fe Pul,. lie Nutlut tv Iba alaetora of tba tuunty uf Claar Irld, that (vaaral alatl will b held oa Ti'vaeAT FOLiowmo thb nn? WnA or No-VKua-m (batag Iba Id day uf iba aoutb), at tha rTa-at alaatiar. ditiriota tq al count, a4 nbich Uata mm4 Uo ualttd f utafa will ruta r'or una pvr.oa fur L la -tenant Oovrrnor (rtho vo-t-BonwMita oi racatyirauia. For utta br-ron fur Pujiraitio Judga af tkt Com- tHQaaita i rantnivHtii . For una (tartou to rrprataBl Iba aiirlita 61 Claar I Bam, ucatr, uiincon, Km, aiimm and t alon n tkt Oragraaa af tit bolted 4uua.. . fvt ona nerauB for Haorclary of Internal AtT-lrj of tha twin-iuBireatta o raaniyirantn. For on naraun fur Auditor Manaral of tba Com- tBuDwtall1! at t'auB'jwaal. For ona iarm fur Additional liu Jadga In tba Jodialal Uirtriet auaapoaad af tba euualiaa uf fit arflald, Caatra and Cliatun. For una jiaraon for &ator, to raraaot tba duuiiiIm of '.'laarfiald, Canira and Oliutun In tba UtnaraJ Aiaauably of Ihia Oottnairnwaalth. For no perfoo to rrnmftil tbo uatr of Claar- llald In Iba lluuaa of Hrnraaaulatiria of thin L aan won aranitn a For una paraun for Prothunotarj, A., of Claar nald actuiiy. Fr oaa tiaraon fnr ltrirlilrr aad Raaordar. ke.,ot Claarbvld aauntjr. Tor ona fraraoa fr tbo utlna af Comity Cum in la loner of t'laarlold county for una yoar. For una fHroa fcr ik aftoa af Oauniy Auditor of Ciaarhatq Aouaiy. Fur una narnun fur tba oAea uf Cunnly fiurrayor oi tiaaraaia ciauty. Tha alrotora of (be county uf CWfielil will take aoUoa that Iba aaid aluctiua will bo 9"M at tba followiaf tflaoo. via t Boewia ioabij-, at tba Vnian Hotl, la Ulan ll'p. Bdl townabin. at tha honaa of RoUrt Mrbaffur, Blttom luwnahip, at tua bunaa of llio lata J attic piooan, or. JlugKi tuwiahi(j,i tba bonaa uf Kdward Albert. JtraAifurtl twii-lil, al tb bouar of Jarub Hivrva. Ltra4y townnliiji, nt tbo houvc Wm. BebtttDi, ia Lathcrabnrf. liuraaida townt.Ii, u Tounjr mdooi hanae, BuruMda botuujh nt fna nubha erbuol he In aaid berauith. tewarhi,, nt ma pui.li. aahooi noute near Blmon Koraluh Uearluld Uroub, al the Court Houae. (r.,,gtonlewnb.p,nttl wntHirg. ... (..,.. Carwt-narille horongh, at the fa.-o of tlie late laaao HlMtn. Ueoatur luwhtp, at Contra aehoo tom Ferawrw t.rwi..bip, atbe lv.u e John (ir.g ory, furmerl MipH hy nrri. RiaOn, Brod - WTt i. , . ' ii-it t. , . . t.irar. UwMat Lua i 11.11 aekwl buu. Hhawiville. . r r Urnhana luwnahip, at tk buuaof J&jvb llnbler. Uulieh townaliip, at tbo puhiie aoliool houae, in iaiier villa. II union lownahii, nt the buuae of Jcrte Wi!on. ltottlle tMirougb, at the pumie nouat ui " in. . naaa ont a tun reiura ui tua aaaie in trtplioate, Parker, ia aaid kjeruugh, . I with a return ahret in aiditiea, in all of wbieh Jordnn tarwoahtp, at ta pablie avVaal hinaae, la j tha voice rcoeirad by each candidate ahall ha giv. AnfMtnf ille. en after hia or ber name, Bret la worda nnd again liorthana loartirbif, at lUi'licen'a cli1 boyie. ' ia figuraa, and aball be rignad by all of aaid of linui tow iif hip, at Turkey Hill achtnil hotim. I dcera, ana oertiliad fay overrerre If any, or if nut Lawrence townnhip, at tho Conrt llonae, In the! au eertifted the oretatert and any oUeer refoaing boruugh o! iMearteH. , i to aiga or acriify or either of then, ahall write Lumber City borough, fet the pahlfe rrboel bonoe. npon each of the ret arte bia or tbeir roaaoaa lor MoiTie tow nihiii, at the htuae formerly oeeonied ' nut aigning or aertittiiJK them. Tkt role aa ' by Thorn a K yler. w atumgion uwrougo, an tue po.iie arnooi ( Oeneula borough, at the publia houae of Milo Hoyt, ia aaid boruuxh. Penn tdiwarhip. at the hotel fbrmeHf kejit by W. W. Anderxm. Pike lowDabii, at the houae of tlie Uie laaae Bioota, la tbe tMiroiiga ot turweaao-lllp. I'liion townahiu, at tbe houae of 0. B. Bm baker. WellaeeloB toruagb, at th pub lie aebool hoyre la said borough. Woodward luwitdiip. at tha houae of Thotnaa LlrlirierBoil. . ,.' . . .1 AK ACT regalatla4 ths aaode of voting at all elect tun a in tbe tv-trrei euuntiec ol Una tvia aaoaweelth, apprured tba tttfa dy of March, A. tl lHStW: - -iavTlwx I. Ve il e.wf br the Bcaate and lliiuee uf Ki'prcacBtativva ot the Cuiutuouwt'altb uf IVnnaylreBia in Ueneral Aaertuhly met, and it ia berriir enacttrd by avihurily of tbe mmr, That the aualiD'd vol era of the aoreml eountit-a of C'roantaoBwcatiJ., at all giner-l, towaahip, boroogb atid apecial elfctiuua, are hereby, hereafter aatlmr iaetl and required tu rule, by tivkt-ta, printed, or wnttea, ar partly printed and partly wnltio, nr. eraily elaaettied aa follow : Oue ticket aball em brace the ueuiee of all ja-tgri of oourU Totid for, nod to be LmIm-IM, ouUide, "judiciary ;" oi.v ticket ahell embrace the aamee of the atele omcera voted for, aud br labelled, auta," una ticket ahull em brace the fl-aiea of all aoanty offi'vrv Tuted fur. Including office of eenetur, member, and .aviulwre ufmeiH-tai ty, if voted fnr, and uietnltere of (Jujm " if voted fur, and be UlieUd, cnniy t" otie ticket ehall reabraeo the namea of ail twwoihip otficrre voidMi I', ana be labetlr-. "lownaliip f one tick, at ehall embrace the namea of all burungh ofloera voted for, and ba labelled, "boreagb ;" and earh elan aball be depoeited ia eeparato ballot boxea. A further raiiiltweftt to th Aat ffftilaiine eleetioai Ib thia Camwoawealth, approved laauary aw, and reeiaary ta, a. it, i.iti vbbn thb trotoUi aaa to airtoriB, far.!. At all electroa brfaaftar held aader tha lawa of Uii ConM-awtaKk, iba palla ahe.ll aa openea at aeven a oiuea. a. ana eioaed a aevea o'eloek, p. v. ' ArpoiKTMRrr or ioiKtaa i iBiractviU. Bsc. t. Ia all eleotioa diet riot a where a vara ey e i iata by reaaon af tha dieg,oahkctlia of tbe oBeara ar vtherwia ta aa e leet ten board beret. far appointed, ar where aay bmv dletritc abaJI ba loreaed, taa oluage or 4 ad gee ol tbe Loan of Lota, oa Pleaa of the proper oaa ehall. tea dara before any general er epeclal eteetloa, appoint eaeapeieat pcraoaa to til aaid raeeuteiee, aad ta aaaeiwot tba aieettoa ia aaid new aiatrieta, aad in lb appointment of laapoetora ia any elect ten diatriet betk aball act b of Iba tamt nuliUoel Earty, aad the judge of eleotiuna ahall ia al caeca a f tbe politwai party bar tag the majority of Tate ia aaid diatriet aa nearly aa the Mid iuiae oriatifei taa aaeertaia the fact, and In eaee uf l tae diaagrwament of the Jadgea aa lo the eeleetlon i anau eeieri owe or aajen lDipeecori, ana tbe mia tty ladr or lad tea ahall ae4esst ihm other, t Arc. 7. WbenvTerthervabarl be a rar aney ta aa eteetloa board aa tba moroiatt f eo eleetion. aaid vaoaaoy ahall a tiled la aoaformlty wiLh eaianng iawp; auau ar itt.criojt errtraaa, Stu. t. At tba ottaalag of tha poPa at alt alee- ttont It tball be tbe duly of the judarva of eleotioa ! for their ranpertlv diitrttta to drtigatU one of 11 we mepeeiora, wnoa auiy ii aoeii bo to bav in 47jeaetody Hia tfgiatry f verere, aad to mnke rhe OA j eat rice therein miulred by law, and It ahali be. 4-aVSIina duty or the other or tlie aaid ianptatori ta II M I reteiva and aumber the baJlota preronird at aaid worv.iwi,. mr I Sac. 9. All aleatlou by Ihe eltitaoa ih.il ba bv ' f very ballot voted ahall b aumben d ie w order ta Which It aaail Be reetvrd. and the aanbrr Kevvdad by the elerkt oa tha Utl f voter '. oppwati the aame of tha elector from wbum ra ce! red. And aav voter voting tw ar mora tiek eta, tba aeveral tiekeli oo voted eh el I each be an itrd wtth Lb nambreswr-peedtag with 99,9.9 09 the aamber la the name af tha voter. Aay elet 40,193 99 tor may write bia Bam apoa hla ticket or eauae Iba aawa to bo writus llieraoa, aad allaalad by a i alua.a of tha did, tel. In add 1 1 wo u lb a.lb awora ar anraias sot to dlaoioM bow uv olaelur asaii bar roi.4, atoM roqulra t do ao i wit aaaoaa t m Jadlolal broaordtag. All Judgaa, to apoatora, alarkf awd arararora uf any aiaouua bald umlar tblt act ihall, baloro anlartng apoa UitU dntlaa, bo duly awora or aflriard In tba prffrne. of aanti olbrr. Tba Jmlgo ahall ho tworo by tbo Minority tsapoalor, if thara aball ho auth bulbar ity taipaotor, aod la oaaa tbara iliatl basooaiDor ity Improtor th.s hy a juitica of tbo paaoa or al. darlnaa, sod tha tna.iaotora, orcran and tlerki anau aa aoinm by tha jodga. Cortlfrwta. wf mob iwaarlng r aMralng ahall ba daly aad out and algnad oy Iba utnoara ao awom, and altcltatt by tba ottoar who odiotolatrrod tba oolb. If .ay jodga or alnority In.poalor rafuaoa or fail, lo awaor th Siora at atontloa Is tbo uannar ra o,alrd by Ibia sot, or If any oAuor of olootiw ball aat wilboat balbg tratdaly awora, or if any oMoar af alrrlioa ahall iign tha fora of oath wilb owt balag doty atrora, ar if may Jadga or uHtorl ly ibipootor .ball aiirtlfy that any ollirar wai warn wboa b. wa o.l. It .ball bod.anipd aali doaaaaor. aod spoa ovteli, ibo ottoar ocoA oort to oSondlng aball ba ttard but aaoadlng a tbowabbd duliara ar tmariooo aaat not asocodtag oaoyaajrar holA is tba dloarottob of iba oouiu . Pa. 19. Oo tbo day of altattoa aar di, wboao oaao ahall Sot alipaar On th. tvglatr ot iolootH,B, ahall prowwat st lMt ana ,oalvlod l(r rf ,b, u,ir. u a wltaaaa la tha raaldaaa anl tar af tba uiatrlrl aa s witBoea la tha raaldaaoo af ! a oJalaaBI Ib tbo diilrlat in wbiab h abaia. to, a volar Sr lb. par kid al M l.aal uia Boalhi i laa.diolal. md... Mid Jhiu. akl..!. wii I ww .ww, . wr .aim,., ana .upwonoo t 1 "rtttaa. r rUy wrttteft And fmtUw aiiatd all 4alt to Ua laeta oUtad by bin, wbieh a Hdavll Boaa lhall o awora or aflrmod, and auhMrlba a Hdavll aelaa eteeriy Where th resident it aarea) edaiiitag a be a aet( and taa of the and taa porJba i MtBf (hi rilft U kKl' boHba a whiten, or partly wrlttea a aad tiartl pTiaiv-T a au ., 9tHia ( laTV over Of at BOW- rda "d Vellef wkea ad whet he Wei born; thai ba a beoa aetheea wf tk DaMed Atatee tor aaa oatk, aad af tba Cob. taaa wealth of ISaHaeyleaaUt laat be kaa taaiiled la Ua Ceai. aoaweaiia oae year, or If fomerly a qualified -iiw-iTiDi t asNii- vifiinipni leoTwo.t Ran aaa ra ujorod thorerrota and returued, ihal he baa reiid edj therela all aioatka a tit yreidlo raid ele tloa i Uat ha ka melded la the diatrtitt to whih ka alaiaia Ie ke a voter for th period afleart two aoaiDB laiBBcuiaiery pm-dtlln( aaid eleotioa i Uat ke kaa Jt atoved lata tk dtaulot fur the fawyata ml retina; Ureaa that k haa. tf I waa ty -twa year ol afa ar apwarde. paid a HtaU ar aoaaty tat wilhla twa yeara, whleh waa aaaaaa ed at leaet twa weatbt tad paid at leeet ana ainnlh befera the eteetfoe. Tha eald adldavN dm", alau atat whea aad wkt Ua aat elalwed te fee aaid by the aalaa I waa aaeeed, aad when aad Where aad te wbnai patd, and tha tat reeelrn therefor ehall be prded far etaaalaatlea aaleaa Ua af loat ahall atate bt afldae It Uad It ka ea ket or deelreyed, ar Uat 4 aeter reealved aayf aav, w a wneaaataa Muaeav aaaat aieaaiat wae, wkera aad ky wkad aoart ka awaataraHaael, aai akafl alaa pradeea kla aeetNaaaa-al aauraNiet-ai tt aaaaiteiatleja bwt tf U pariaa o ehUariBf Ua a4ekt ta nate akall Wahe end awbeaalbe aa aft datU that a la m aattew bo eUiaaa mt Ua Uwatod tfteaeea, a If bea aaewhaakaal aeaie U faet U kla aftdarft, ad akaN pr4wa art -ft "t - f-'-""f JaooJ lhat fca fail bvaa ni-rllH( ar M vtrtltla. lo aititaaiblp by raaaoft of hii fathar'a aatar-li-atioB, and hall furiher data In hii afldavit lbl ha il at tha tip. of making Uia affi davit of tha l'r "l""" 'ftll1t fiollad Slat-. . lfA. tmtM ... V9ax, If at atira-bnrm eitrwa of tba fiUta, and ra- nurati kbarafiaui attil taturaad. thai ba baa ra aided tbarain ail uiontii naxt praeadiiig Hid laotlun, and In Iba aleotlun diatriet twa won tba lintaadiktaly nraoedtna; uh aUetiOBV b hall bo anltUad ta TaU ailbouch ha ahJI aut bma jvaid laaj. Tba aaid aftidavita af all paraoni eaakioR ocb olaioia and the affidarttJ or ttio wktnoaaal tu tuulr raaldenaa ahaH ba pro aarrad by tba alat-tiua board, and at iba aluaa of Iba alrotiua thty aball ba aneloaad with tha MM of void ra, tally lint, and other p attar rtitrtd ly law to ba fllad by the return Judge with tba pro Ihuuutary, and altall remata on tie therewith In the protbinary'a otlaa, aubjuet te examination aa other eliwtiun pupc-re fere. If the election oft. eere aball And that ihe applicant poaaaaaaa all tha l gal ualinoallna vf a vular ba aball aa peraakt tad to vote, nnd bia name ehall ba added ta tha ht of taiablae by Iba elaeliuB oOteerff, tba wuraj "Ui" bttinf added where Ihe flliuiueut elaiina to rota oa tai, aud the wuid "a(e" where ba elatna to rota on age, tha aaina wurda )tuut added by the elarka la each eaae reapoelively on the liata of prrMtaa Tut lug al aucb elvcli-. CBAU.nxaa or nnaiaraaita voTnaa. flue. 11. Il aball be lawful tV.r nuy auali-ed Itiaen of tba dtelricl, nuiwilhalandibK the nauao of tba propoaed rotor ta eontainod an tha Hat of ro Ideal laaahlaa, to eltallriife the role of auea pi-raoo, whoa'supon the -a tue proof of the right of uinageaa dw mjuirod by law aball be publicly watia. and acUd on by the r-lect ion hoard, and the rwt admitted or rejected aeoording to tba avo dance. Every peraoa olalniing to be a Oat -rallied ottlarn aball ba required U product! hit nainral llalioDeerlifleate at tbe election before voting ex a pt whore ba baa been fur Ire yea re eonaeeutivr ly a ratvr In thn diatriet ia which ba oflvra bki role, and oo tbe vole of aucb ptraon being re oeived It aball be tbe duly uf th rleutloo eRioera to write or etainp on aut h eartikoata the word "voted," with tbe day, month and year, and If any elrotloo oflioer or offioera aball recti re a te ond rotewu -be aane day by virlua of tba aauia eertifieatr, rxerpt where too are entitled to vole becaueo of tbe naturalisation of tbeir fatbere, they and Ihe peraoa who aball offer eueh aeeoad vole aball bo guilty of a miad-aaaaaor, and oa eonvietion thereof he uneddk iptriaonod,er both at tho diaorelion of the eourl, hut tbe fine ahall not oieeed five hundred d"Ilara ia each oaae nor tha impriaonneot una year. 1 belikepnnitbinent aball he lutlivtad on eonvietion of lite oftioera of alectinn wba ehall neaie-1 or telaaa La taaka or ! eauae to no aiada the endoraeueat require4 aa afuroraid ua aaid natural itatioa aerllficaie. j bcolkct or nt tr or xt:crioi orriraka. Be. 11 If any election officer aball refoaa or fl9Ct lQ mn ,Utfb f oi (isht of u t trage na ia presented t.y ibia Uw, or the lawa la whlL.h (hi. Ta a eatiM-tat, from any peraoa of. ,u uU mo1. Byl UB7b, Ult of !a--ed rule re, or abuie right to Vole ia ehal- hugti bf ftnJ HWm,lB,a irtMtlt( ,hlll adiut aut-h liau,wn to vutc without ratjuiring auth t Q w oUl.odl 1 eon. - u , -f a mMt.mmMni,r a'all be , aimotM fuf .vrj, f UD , fio. uvi ! eiL'-oding five hundred dotlara, or tu undergo ao , p wt But tbw WfJfl Jw or Jlk i in alteration ot ttio oonrt. casvAaa or ma totm ar tub cot nr. 8p. IS. Aa rooa aa the poll thai I cloia tLa of Heera of tba aleetioa aball pitt-wed to eount all tba ola ajr-at tor each eaudidete voted for, and at emttum tknll aUo a ttMitlu aaa) fmlw rfeesWred yt-aai im wtmmvw to in eirn pitmtmt, mmd ' l irte aletiJitMil tkmnwimy tkt tmin rrrvtreef ey etid- eaeainnie anau ec maut ana tujnra Of tm Htrtko tffirt at eeoe oa rote ta eoaaftot, emo ve tmmM tkitii ix imtmttJiaMj pattd ttp oa lac deor e (ta ctrcfioH kom or iuormotion of thr aeite. Tb trip! irate rrtarn rhll be rnclvoed la eavelopta and be ara led ia Ua pruetaea of tbe eHoerr, and oita eaaloa with tbe uoeeelod retara fbeet giren to th judge, which aball eonUia oaa lut of ev'vrc, tally pajbdhe, end oaiaa of oBotra. aad enotbt-r ot aaid euvetopoaeball be giTealetbaaii. uority Inspector. All udpo Uviee; witbia twelve mike of the piotboauury a uttloe, er witltia trruiy (our milea. If their reeideuee be iu a town, rlUgtutity umn tb haa of arailruad loading lo tlie weoiy atat, ahall belure two a'aloek, poat aieridiaii, of tbe dey atlvr lite eloctiim, and all utii-T jkvdt.ee bal before Lwtlve e'tdoek a.eridiaa of Ua LtetLil day alter the election, di-lieer aaid r tarn, leptlitr with retuia ah tat, to the pro UouoUry uf tbe owurt of euunatia pleat ef the county, abir-b eeid retura ahevt ahall be lkd,aad tbe d.iy aiid hour of Aline; aaerked laMfreoo, and aball be prvevrrvd by the protboavtary fur pablta iarpeeii-Aa. At twelve o'clock oo the aaid aeeoad day iullatn aay aleetioa. Ua protbuaotary of tbe aoart of eoejtooa pleae abell prreeot the aaid reiaroa to the eeid eourt ; la euualiaa where there la no real. cat preaideiu iudge, tbe aasociale Juda ea (ball portorat the Uanee iaBtoeed apa the eourt af ouutaue plea, waioh ahall eoaveaa lur aaid purpuac f tba returaa prea-nied by the pro tbuaotary aria tall ba opened ly eaideoart.aodeoni. fjuled by aucb of ita utterr. and auoh awora aa aiaiaata aa tkiurt lill appulot, ia the free, one of tbe jejjfe or Judga f ud bjj.bpi, avaal tba retarua eerttfiHl atid etrttteBtea of eleotioa ia. awed under Ua aeal of t&a cuurt, aa la bow r. quired to ba dua by th return judge, and tbe vote aa to eomputed aad aertsAed eheJl ba taada a matter of reeord ia aaid eaart. 'i b eaertoa of aid euart luall be opea to thepublie.aad la eaae tba rttuia of any el tt tlaa diatriet aball be mitring when th tetania ara prverakd, mr ta eaa af 'Bi plaint of a qaaMIrd cleetor aader oath charging; palpable fraud or uteUke aad particularly afios-itying tba aHeged, aiiaiaka ar fraud, or where fraud er mistake la appareot aa lb return. Ua eourt ahall cxataioa the return, and If In the Judgment of the aoart It ahall be bos iiery to a Juat rt-tora aaid euart ehall I free auaaaaary proejeea afriaat tb oloelioa atteara, and orerarara If auy, ef theetH mdiatiietevai pUined of, to bring tbeta forthwtU to to eourt, witk all aJaatsoa paper ia tbeir poaaeaaioa. and If paUuabt aiiauae or fraud abaill be ditooTered, it ebail, upua auoh hearing aa way be deemed umomMwj to ealighlea tbt court, and be oorreated by the oourt, and to certified ; but all allegftttoaa of palpabl fraud or ntitakt ahall ba decided by tbe aaid eourt w.thia three day after th day tbe returaa ar brought late oourt for tetapatatioa, and tbo aaid iaqutry ahall bo dim-led only to palpable fraud ar aiiaUke, aad tball not ba dfaed a jadleial txtjadioatiea ta eouclude any ooateat now or hereafter U be provided by law, and tb other of aeld tripUaefa retarna aball be p!d ia the boi and realcd ap with tha ballot.. Nothing ia this aet shall re quire the return of aleetioa of boroagk orlwa abip oflioer lo be aiade to U oeert at directed in thlt aection, but all the reteraa of the election of lew&otbip and borough olflerra ehall be aa eltuled In a aealetl eater, directed lo the protfaaae lary of tba owurt of ouibibob pleaa of the prurer eouaty, aad fheH by aome ne of tbeaa be dellr. red into bUoflle within three day alter every ueh eleotioa and filed therein- la aoantiei whera thor ara thraa ar aaor Jadjw uf uid obnit. learned la the law, at lt twoJu lr ehall alt to compute and certify rvUiraa, aolau unaeoitlably prercnted. If any of the aaid jadg ee ahall himacif ke a candidate fur any otloe tt any el'MCioa he ehall al alt wilb the coart ar act ia coueittag the ret are of aeok aleetioa, anl ia euch oaae tbe tlier ja lgea, if any, ehall aeit and if In any county Micro ehall be no julge q,ual iaed to btM thaaldoart aader tha prefi'i w. of thia at preaent and abtcto act. then and ta every nb , Iba rtfrietar af will, th ' and couiily coioiniaaionera of th proper coanty hall be aid eonMttnte a Oeard, who, or a major ity af whom ahull trfev nod eiervie all tbe po era. and perform H the dalle veeted la ar ra quired to be performed by the coart ol eoamtil ploaaur tuck cuanty. ky d aadet the provi. loa of ihia erotioni but bob of the aaia ebV er ahall anl a a Bitaibvr of aucb Board ba hituirlf eendidate for auy offtVo at tbe olcetioe, the retorn of whivk the aaid lli-atd ia rewjnired Uaoaat under the provleloatef the caotiaa. bkv. a. In all cleetioaa hereafter the eertineett if nataraliutieng if etnam. aball ke eooelo-ite evidanoeof the fa?ta mvUned iherela. bud wber tha prraoa oflering to rot oUima U rkgbl ra tho i,rmnt of tax, the owe I pi fur euch at. If igacd by the BTuper effieer, ahail k Uideae thervcl ; if auea pereoa do aot prtrduc each re ceipt. I hen the puyiaent of the tat nay ke proiad by lb oaU of mch pereoa. or other ndee, atallnf beti, a here and I wheal auoh tat wal paid. Notice la fu.rt.ie Hereby' Clfen, Dial II peraoa aieept Jewflee f tk fear, wbe hall hold aa office or appolalmenl of traat andar the govern meat f iba Vol ted 8tata, ar af tail State, cr af aay Ineorpnrated diatriet, whetbera oum mini (ttrd mor u other la, a kordial iiflitcr hr hgeat, who U o tball bactaplyd aa der the Lagialatlveg KiecatW or Judicial de partment, of thil trnat or of tha Halted State. or any city or loeorpo rated diatriet, aod ale that every at am ber of Cottgrett, ar of ik Stat LegUlatAire, or or Ua ram m on er eelert eaefl' "f any city, or eommlaaloner of aav liicoraorated Utairtflt, era hy 4a) Inc. pah Id 4f MJing ar exeiriiiog, at ib atuo time, tk ofliee cr pointmcnt oi d,attf. dMpetor or Clark tl M7 election oi thia U uia moa wealth. Of pl.KL'HON 0PUCKR6,, la eaae the peraoa who thall have received ta teeond higheoi aaaaber.of rata for ariajtor, ahall aut attend aa the day ef elet'tvoa, Uea the pcrwa wh ahall have 'mwtTed tbe aeeond h if hut aum Urofvot-a for Jadg at Ibn ami preredmg elee Man, ahall aet ia iaapeetat 4a kla place t and la oaao the pwrtua wh oba.ll have raeeired the high at number of rotea for Inapeetor aball act attead, Iba peraoa alected Judge, aba.ll appolat aa inanee tor la kta plam, and laaae tha perate elected Judgti kt.B not Mftriid, tiia tba iaplar wh re ceived the higheat aumber of rotea, aball a i ('" a jadge la kl platie r or IT aay vrertrcy eltall aa tinue la the board for the apaee af one hour alter tb Hue fltrd by law for the opfutng af the elee lioa. lb qualified voters of the tvwaihip. ward er dt atrial fi-r wtitok aaek oAeer akall Uvc heca aleeted, preaenl It the place of erection, ahall tecf one out ot rntr number to ill rati vaeaney. Alao, tbal where a iuilzc. b air k am or aaa- VoidaMe axiltnt, la unntile to kttrnd aurh B.it lagaf Judg-a, then the cvrtilcete or ret era akall a lahea rbarg r fey una of tl Inapeetor er clerk or the election ol the dlttrbH, wbe ahall dc and perfrm the dot lee ranatred ef eald Jadg We attend, t . t , . . . UlVIff ndr tar kaal aat) teat, at OleatteM, . l'eaa., Utfl aaveata day af October, la L.R. tk year af r Lord aae Uoaaaad elgbl . . knadftd aad aevuty-fnar. and f Iadpeadaea f. U Hal tad State Ua t.iV HOUSR AND LOT TOR SALK1 Tk Hnaaa aad irat aa the ewracraf Mar. bet aad tftk elraota. niamrAM. Pa., la far mnV Tho lot aeaUlaa acarly aa acre af f roaad. The hoaee Ii a lartre doabl frame, coat ale lag alee enr terma and etber Hfbrauiea apcly the eakacHkat, at tk ct Oflcw. w TIOTIf . A VAUIaUfl.