THE VBEPUBUCAN. r lrL'-r - t! ' 1 CLBA UI'lliLl), 1a WEDNESDAY MOMNIKO, OCT, t, 1874. ' -.MBMeOOrerWmreWWJmwrerO) Terms of Subscription. ft' paid in ad ranee, or within thrar e)onlhf...r'3 M (i paid after three ami bcfowiii anontba..... S 64 (( paid after the expiration af aK nontne... 1 ltl.LH.IOim NOTM I N. MelhlwUet VdWlseupal CUiirchHav i- li. Wen, Pastor. I'ttblio Sorvioa every Sabbptb it 10) A. M., and T) I1. M. Nab hall hehool at V A. M. Praver Meet in if ann Thumli. at ft P. M . Gotuiaunioa tiervioe. tut. UU of afarM month, at III. A. M. Preabyterlaw CUurcU Hav. H.t. Durt-an. Sabbath eervieea morning and evening Sub bath School at P. Jrl. tvayer Ideating Wednei day evening. Mt. KraitcU Church Cathollr IWv. P. J. PmuH l,iat ,4ttWk A M.,,)n,tpb ooftad and oboVtn etuadajra of anali nsiiatk.t a . Utbsraa Ckurt-h. He. D. . Muaaa. Preaching every Sabbath, wornlog and avaakng. Snhbath nohool at ft a, ta. Prayer Boating ovary Wadnaadajr availing. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY timi oa iolihm otiARtaa aoaioxa rafiar, ' HaoU MandarV. Jaar fJi'l ftAj mini munuay oi Aiarcn. First Monday of Juna. Foartb aiomtay f a)afdanibrt.4itt tt till OF BDLDiaO COMHOX PI.RAX. Firit Uonday of Juno, fleeond alunday of November. pulio orrirana. l'etiiUt JmdutWun, Charlra A. Mayer, of Look Haven J.ct'f. Jt. Will,iu C. rolfy(-Cfrirrlldii JahaJ. Kaad,.tvwat..tilM. ) ,, 1 J ' i A Anp C. Tta. . , Rfiir mmd Rarrfar-A. W. ? l-tt.. IhHriti iitomcy-Krank f'ielding. 7VMfr liartd W. VVIm. , Sktriff William R. MoPharion. I faarjp Simgor Samuel , MoCloihry, uf.'f wrnirUlo. i Viji VmmimitrT-y. t. Coutaret,. Kort- L haui Juhh l; Thotapaoft, Carwanafilla j Clark0a SuquhaBua river and atnall UrowB, Clcarnrld. f.Wwry Attrition Reuben MoPhoraoa, Cleir fliddt Jamas II. Hi If, Lumber City J Lawta 0. bloom, Olearueld. t . S, Jury CuM,'ttuHrraJohn WrthugaH; Juaiaa Mitehell, Clearflcd. SpriUdtt uf PhIH A aoofa Jolia A. Urcgory, Claarflrld. Notmrin fmUieli,mm W. Wrlgl.y, H. Ra. debsngh, tvrua L. Uordrtn, C It:. r fluid i Joiiah Kvans. Jotih K, Irwia. Carwpneville t J. J. Lin- glo, OataaLa KR'aj aU'w,. Lara-j . BAl.i yvJ. rMAI I.yn RAI.I.Vtll PKMOCHATI MKKTIMIS. Meatlnga of tba Dcmorrary, and of all wCo ara oppoacd to lha prevent anrrnpt A at nil Irk t ion, to Kfgra gafeaaaiont, and to Iba policy that prudiioea lha prevent hard times, will ba held aa follow i t - j . i i At JACKSON 'SCHOOL liUlK, Bradford township, an Cat unlay tvaning, Oct. Itith, at 7 o'alock. To-b Wriatt'byT Meaar. Bnyer, McCullough aud Walters. At ULOOMIXllTOX, Pikatuwa.hlp,oa fiatur nrday evening, Oct. 101b, at 7 o'clock. To band droned by JJaisra. Wallace, Teat and Rants. At OOSIIfi W llOOB IIOUBR, n 4)oah"ea towathip, oa Monday avening, Ojt. lltb, at 7 o'clock. To he ajdrcaacd by Meters. MeCnlloagh, UuuLthrej and Bantu. I " " i At WAIXACET0N, on TuvaaVy evening, Onto- ber J3jh, at T o'clock. Ta ba addreapad by Maura. aioCuUuugb, Dor and Huiuphrey, At LU.MBKR CITY, w Prldny arming, Oet bar Ifltb, at t a'vlock. To be addrasscd by Maasra. Waliaoa, Tvsl, and otUctr- ,,,, ... . ; At PRNNVfll.K, Prak townahip, oa Saturday eviuiug. Out. 7 o'clock. To be addrasied by Maaara. Fialdiug, Bayer and Uaiobray. ' We cordially invite all to attend anil hear a aalw duoaKSion A lha lasaea Involved Io tha prasaat tWatloa. WM. M. MttCtLLOlTtiH, Chairman. Tin conififlils throughout the coun try aia now la a "shocking" state. The name of lhi!ipHhur'npw pnt-l inaslcr ia R. v. A. MoKinney. The Lawrt'liOO township fanneni Rroi still pushing the Market House enterprise. Theru wain ft slight full of -now nt Dallitiin, Cambria aounty, on Wedneaday of last Wt't ta i m Cameron comity ha A tcmptmmce tiokat la tba tlald for Rcpresentatira aud coonty otteers. The Centra county fair) commenced ; yesterday (Taeadny), and will eoatiooa aalll Frl-1 day next. IW. Mr. Baker, of tho Firnt Luther-; an Church of Altoona,. preached la tba Lutheran Chareh, la thlaftlaao, Ust SahUth. I.kforii. The JtmmfA want the) . Pennrylranta Railroad Company rastratned, aad the street lamplighter discharged. i a an There will b a Democratic incctiu at the Jackaoa Beboal Houaa, near Woadlaadi an Rafurday even tag aait. 1 t Grand Openinu. It will be ob served by reference to ear "Spool!" column, tha lha ReereUry af oar Sobool Board ' gives nottea that the formal opening of tha "Leonard Graded Hi-bool" will take plaoe oa Bait Friday avening. The County CminiHaionem of Jef ferson oounty have agreed ta offer a reward of 9jf0 far tba apprehension of Ami Pibley, the marderer of lleary Parry, of Bnyder township. This, with tba 50t offered hy the Buparvtaara or Sitydr townahip mahct tba reward 11,100 now offered for Bibley't amat, a aim large enough to pat profaaaioual deleetivaa oa his Irack. , . ( " The Ebeiwburg Freeman f last wwk remarks aa follower "Ten thousand do flare Is the amount stipulated for about two millions feat af plna stem page on the bead-waters of Clearfield track, near Loretto, which Messrs. Palriok and Jamea Flyna brought oa Monday laat frm lleorga Ittagham and A. L. Holliday, Kaqa. Mr. Porter Kiaports, of Cherry Tree, also told laat week, SSl.tUt worth af staad Ing lumbar to a YVllltamaburg (Ulalr aoanly) aompaay. - mmi New Banh. We learn that the goad people of Reynoldsvllle ara about to have a acw bank eatabliafatn la their town, Mr. T. K. A mold, formerly engaged 1b tha ansae busiaeet at Latheraburg, havtag asaoelated with him a ana. berbf Cnanoiat rata and mad arrangemenlt to tonmeaaa businaaa within a vary short lima Rayaotdavllta has for ttane time hit Iba aaed of aa iaatltatloa or Ibis character, and we are platted to knew tbat they ara now to be accommodated. Krooaetfa lteaa. i irt... t...i:-- ru., Tho Indiana Democrat aava : "A re- wan) af M haa bean ralaad between tho Odd Vellowt, Maaoaa, and Bont of America, of Flat grove, whUh it offrred at a reward far I a forma tion e owning tha whereabout a or ret ara af Francis Ilnber, who la supposed to bare wandered from hit bene during a temporary ahtrratloa of lha mlad, , Ms it a married mao, about thirty years af Bgt, dark eoeoeJealoa, haa a anarn af tli week' growth, hat an impediment la htl tpaach, ta Ava feat alt iaehat In halghL, and had oa a dark Una aaai grey panta, atripat ahlrt, black hat and oUlh boola." Anotiikr Klkttioh Piktrkt. The tillage 4 fiarnaide, In fiarnaida township, wat list aroek aveeted lata m horangh, nader tba lawt of thlt Coninn wealth, and nil! hareaflet ha aa Loarporetcd la.niclp.lilj oa lh. ram. footing wllh oihar Iwroughe. Tb. Cart ardered aa leelloa to ka bald at tk. p.hll. Beboal IIo. hi Mid oorougb, oa Frld.j, Oct. 10th, 1174, for Ik. pnrpoaa of .Wtlog tko aeaal .neon, aad ap. aolaled Darld MeharTej Jadge, aad Job. C. Cot aor aad Caambm R. Palriok laoaooton, wko ara required ta kU Ik. aoaanarj ebellaa. , Fatal ('(ii.i.ikiow on the Bknnictt'b RaiLaaAB. A oellioa, allftBdod witk loot or life, oeeartcd ito.t aooa oa Wedand.j of bat WMk, Mlwoca a mail irara ml ul ft trait ofomplj oil cart weal, aa laa RoaaaU'. Braaok, ar Low Railroad, tkreo mltoc M.t af Raw BelklekM, Cl.rlot MaatJ. It wat kj Ike foliar. .1 tk. Iilegnpk oporalor al Raw Balk, kkeat ta kold Ik. m.ll traia for ardara, wblek al.Hod from Red R.ak twoatj mlaatoi lata. Tho k.ggago ear, wllh Itt aaateatt aad th. mall aad tipren matt. wort haraof. I.mat Retlor, aa g.aeor ot th. mail traia, aad Rlekerd P.JH, al koaaokajilll., a aacooagor, wore hUM, tko fomaor laok-atl,, Haar, Wtrte, kagmii m..tai, ana It hot faullf lalarod. TV. Irotaaa of tat .iprook waa kodlj aaallid. . Ja,. Ragga, ooa d.clor, Joka Bpaoa, ft WrabMmaa, aad t fttcaVar , of loo p..i..g. ri weo. .h.4mL It ru roaorwd tk.l Joka ttantaoaawf aVoakTuta, aa ftanaaat, lajarod, Vat wo km rtaoa taareod that aa treat tk. EUfo ataaoh u Cl.rUja, aal MBatuarBtl, waa aot oa tha tnta. I - I Tll hAiNAUn HfHnol. Hl'llT-INM 1 Tit editor T the feoMlft BmUU. la hi. Is-str, aT last weak, aj t On Uit Saturday, it tha Invitation of Judge . a.-uera, in lounuer anil patron, we iaul alilt to thii truly u.iigo.l.fjentai.d praleeworlhv tael.tullon. Tbo building a very large and liu. puelngin ill exterior, la lis proportions, and built of brink. It oontaina eleven roitmi lurniihed with the luteal ! proved seate and It tin, lor the ai-oonniodatiun of pupil, wit It bat wMuoinBK room ana an fleireaiary eoi.vun.eocri, It is heated from tha a .liar and wall .-.inMleia.,. Five or the priueipal rouini can be thrown Into one, by boietmg parttllous, by the mar tuoh n mo luitil. siiaieely ittiiiitva ar they on Ilia mil- .yi. Taking Ibo building aliogi'ttii r-eilohor and hilrrlur w ara of the opinion that thrn I natblng io tee central part of tba Htate that will The Imai ia we wart aot prepared lor what no mw, and eMueqtionlly were peneciiy iroiud at ua enormity, wo pjcro told b ita Juiiee that Ibara would b about live bun- JrtU loiw t nltemlaue lhia winter, for it hii UMaminatlon tbat noo ah all ha turnrd awav who m Rppnoaiioa. iia nmiii aro bounuiif and all within raavb ara kavltrd. , Karat; aaeh a utaa aa Jnrlga Leonard ) a Hot, aand to a auaiwuoiiT. Would that wa bad hia oountar part hera, Tor "MuliUry and aloue, h put tho ball la taction," Utiifawawtra faMitg IlirouIJ (b butldlng via vara acooMpanlad by a ragimant of boj i, all an x tow to get a gilmpia of what tbcjr aupposail waa to b their prtaon bout tha aumiug winter t aona barefiioli'd and la ragt, wbila other wan wall draaaad, but mm f tbaoi, pwaVtal, will llva ta blvaa lha unaalttvh and anagiiautniooa mind tbat aoaoalrad tbia aobla alraolara, and tha pa if fuut hnnd which haa guided It ta eompktit' Uug nfiur they are oaluly raaoalng Ja '-XUaala Otat kaowa no waking." - ' 4 i i I 1.i:mhkr in 1'rnnrylvania. The following la Uia wport of 0. VY. Lanta, Jtta., af Winitaipt.rt, of tha Oouraliiaa cm Luasbar 8taJ tlitlca, anada to tha Lnatbannia'i CoattaMoav rraantly bald at Baginaw, Mloh. It li lha raault of careful Invaatlgatlon, and howa tha quantity af atabdlng wbitt plat, htailook, and hard wood I tinhtir. aait and ef lha AlUarhcnv mnMninlni On Plna CiW aVid'Ha braicha...A.'U(l,(Kif,(M Oa YuagaaDan'a Croak UO.Odfl.oflO Oa KoltlaCravk and iU hraaobu..., T&,0t)n,(l0 Oa Cauh'a Rua..H.rt i,.. ' ia.tfflii.aou On Itunt'a Kua 75,tmo,tnH) On FintForkioftheBlnDfaiahonihg and tranche ft0,0nP,r0D Oa Baaoett'a Uranab of the Hinntf.' 1 atahonioi mtd braooha ao.ftno.Qiio lie, ooo.fino Ob Ank.rnu' Cnvk and rVnoh branebca XOO.ODO.AMi IUII.(1UI,00U )OU,0uU,i(00 Oa Clear II fid. Creek and branches... On Mnrbannua Creek and branolire. On Drift wimm and branebaa uf Hiune- maboning Ob MuquiloOatkMoClaarlild. On Wiekog Hun..... H, On Raker and other Hun Oa RvaaJi Cre4d,to..,.rf,,,..M,, Oilier amall itrvaina adilitional K 50,011,0(10 ff36,4lt (MJQ 60 ,1X111,(1 DO SMOIIUUQ eO.lllllf.lilHl i kuiMt'Ui - M-'.OOit.otHj i Tan awat..aaastof Allegheniea...flOU,lMl,00l) I i,uu,fMtn,ttH Makrng r tvm - totar of standing wbila pine cast and writ uf Iba r Allegheny eatMHitalB.,.,, ..S.AOO.OOH.HvH T'tal auiout of hemlock In Pe-n.'a,. 7,000,010,000 " " hard vund Jo.IVon-. 11 slvanln, fit fur saw Ivgt 4,0(1, 000, OIK Fatal Acviuknt. A yonn my nature) Uaiiu nraa norislralan flvtt f ith vol amid inatantl) ili1, oa TmiJjay,uha itd la!., at tha boned of Daniel Kline, son of Dr. Kline, who rraidvs Io our town. Mr. Daniel Kline had a "log, rulliug" on that day, and aa Ufual on auab (laaaalona, nearly aH tba neighbor, far and Bear, aerewblrd to ai'lat. Among others, Mia Barto had aalled to rwain during (be day, aud ia oqatpany with Mr. Klina'a little UaugMas axat up atalr ta get a piaa of tailct aoap thai Woald find In the peket of a Mat belonging to a young man nntnetl Kllnc. In attemptliTg to reaiova tba artiuloe aha waa la aearuk of, her band cwM eootIlct raiolver, which alio drew .... .k. . i. . ti l k . k. ,UB r-" -Ufc. I fait in acute way, preventing bar froto removing the piatol, and arbila in tba act of looking into lha bnrra), perhaps to ascertain If it waa loaded, bar band slightly tetaxed, and the tmoiiiiet bar ing been partly (prong, en toe down with sufficient forva ta riptodf the cap. The platoi waa of eouraa dliebargod, and tha ball took afTent above ooa of kcr eyea, hilling bar laataatly. Wa aevar could sea tha aeaesally af keeping a loaded pistol about a house, especially la Iba pocket of a ooat left banging in a room wbere oicuiImts of the family ara snppoaed to have free acaeaa. It that young waa had posaased brains enough to have originated tho forethought to remove tba oapi or dtaabarga tba aieat antiraty, lha yoang lady would ba living to day, and her Mends aad neigh- bora wuuld aot ba sorrowing over ber antlmely fate, 0eoU Ktttiiu: A CoWAHOLY Ol THAI It. At fillOUt ll o'alock on Monday aight, aa Mr, Jamos Karr waa going hoaae from hia store, ba was attacked aa Third tlreot, between Cherry and Walnal, by a teoundral ba detaandvd hit money, hut Mr. Karr proving too aawch for hia aaiagoalat, aud finding that he would ba wonted, lha villain dis charged a revolver, vhootiog Mr. Kerr la tha left arm, near Iba shoulder, Inflicting a very painful though not daagcrout. wound. Tlia etonndrel fled without taeesM, and made good hia eeeape in the darkness. Tha outrage It of aucb a grata abaraetar that all baa. batter ba oa tba lookout ; because It would aaeaa from tbia and ether acts that havt iteeotly htea parpetratad la enr taldat, tbat aeiiaer paraow owr properly ara Vwiy aafa tbeaa Uia time. It behoovas otleart aad tiliaens to make erery effort to detect the villain whe per petrated this pereaal aad public oat rage. Why aot offer a handsome reward for tba apprehension of the highwayman and thereby secure his arrest, or drive hia. from among na t Barm Bi'RNEn. A correaiioiifluiit in- forms as that lha large new ham of oar esteemed friend, Oeorge Heokendorn, of K art haul tonaship, was struck by light qtng on last Thnrrday aight, tha lit in at, and buraed with ail Ita contents, in cluding a tow and a large hog, together with twaaty buahta af wheat and ona hundred and fifty haihals of oata. His loaa will aot ha lata than from $1,600 to t)l,M0 j aa lusoraaca. The fire lead hat visited Mr. Ileckendorn oo two former oooasloaa. His dwelling house at Bait Lick was burned tight yean ago, and a little leaa thaa twa year a age hia barn aa tba hill wss burned, and ha rebuilt It on the same ground only one yrar ago, to bow ha eoniaiaee, by lightning. Ha bad aa iasurantu of H0O on tha first barn, but tha aomnany tailed) and be aevar recovered hia policy. Mr. Hoc kendo m is certainly unfortunate. but ha beara up wall under all hit low, aod Is already at work and proposes la erect toother Anothk.r (.one. Last week we an noaneed la theae eolumns tho deiniao of Abraham Bloom, In tha 80th year of hia age. He belonged to a family of savoB atai and fear daughters, but twoaf whom aro living Benjamin, who realdas ear Curwenaville aad Mra. Win. Prion, near BteaMiagtofl. Tha rest bare all been Hgathatod to their fathers. Abraham waath fatherof flv eooi-Wm. A., Hugh (dead), Baatatl (da td), Levi Jamas M4 aad Aanot aad foar daughUrat Mra. MoeoeW.ea(dead),Mre.J. M. Ret, aod Mrs B R Carry. Tho tlsvon members of the sealer family all raised large families, aad tha aaeond, and even some af tha third, geatrattta aro .mil at lag their araMd-.vf Hrrrr, b? ' af tha Bloom1 family far eutuoenbet any other In the eoanty. Bmti! Blitr!! OH fnor Blit. the world renowned magician, with hia traiaad birds, will glva an entertainment In Clearfield, on Saturday evealag, Oat. 17th, 1174, at tha Optra House. This will bt good aewt for bia old ad mlrera, aad for the thUdroa ha havt read at traeta from his Ufa aad have long deelred to see tha original. Thia It hit farewell tear, and bia iwaeptloB at tba Academy of Mask, la Philadel phia, where tab thoaaanw par aona, taeiadiag the elargy, taayar mtii ftffleUlt of tha elty, greeted him an hia farewell aigbt, shown haw mach he la beloved ia tba oily af hia adoption. Let all who would aaa Blita, and apend an hour af Innocent pleMure, ha at tba Opera Ho waa lo great tfld wtftaara ki bnrat, f; i .,.-. . j ,. . (tuNDAT Rcubol CoNVENTIOM. At t amllng of la. Raooatif. Cm a Hue ef I ho Clear- ,m Ooaat, f. . AroaolaUoa, It WM geolaadto hold Ik. foarta aaanal onnrentlim at Oioool ob Woaaud., ud Tkarid.J, Kor. Itlb aad Itth. I U7. aomm.aotag at II .'alook, A. I, aa Wad- aead, Tb. aakoela tkroaghoaA tk. ooaalj ar. roo.eltMl to lend ... or mora d.lei.tea tt ,atd en.fealloa., will h. made for tho aaurt.lnment of delegate., ftotinol, Iw th. ad Joining Oftaatloe .r. rvapoetfallj la. Hod tn owl d.lef .tloa aad to ,.rllrtp.t. ra the proeeodl.g. J. E. Borroar, Heerot.rj. t- CotT OrmriciD. -Th accond wttk of tht Jtowumbor term af oar Coart oaoaod aa Moadaj, at It a'.leok, A. a, with Judga Major aad Aeaociatoft, Road and Feky, ol tk. boaek. But lVw jaran rwport.4 attaaopealng af Cart, aad awMa a aonakar wara ttlH ahoeat whan Cart aa Moada, allaraoaa. A aaai kor ar OammmawaaMk aama ajadliaoard of lam work will be aettlod tbl. wrek kmM, II looke B.W (Taoadaj ) aa taoog k ao fo drll taaao. woalt ka Idea Mi. wooa. Lint of Irtteni remslnini nnclaimrxl la ta. P-uuaVi. al rjta.ra.ld, rV. Ik. woek eadl.g Ociooar Ilk, l7 i BhM, Mlaa Rortka . C.lllaa, R. R. biaUaa, Mra. . Sagor, Willi. ' OMOiaor, CkaHi. Hetloa, D. R. Kmc, Jaook H. Moor, Mia, Aauada HiMia, rriliiam u. Barak A. fyLoarj, Oeorga ' I rbllip Harrj Btofer, R-arj W. Tarter, D W. W.I Bltara, Amot Wdek. alck, William P. A. flAI'LTTf, r. M. Aimittkj Ttio following nnmod putlrui In till M.IIM MM lut' WMk rwoA) ln. ffnlolrj .llftn.j. I. Ida MftVftl Cuurliof I'lcrBeiacountr l ' -T ' (It mullun of John 1. l.ln(U, K.q , W. Ms. Kuru., I1'.!., of W.Mblngtun oouat i itid on wo Mon ir lluo. W. A. WILor, Urain. I). F. Purl-dk)-, K.q.t uf Dt'llormitv, nd Julio P. Totter. Ui trlol Attumtr or Crntr. eunnty, wttro .11 .tlmit M u ctiolnj( itllinnitjri .t our b.r. Tho rnrd tf ll(o furijit irillb. found In Dili . u. JUIIIK .MAI KM. J hw IftMlUcillllll, III- l.r . Iwk .Iii.iioo, .rrlt.d In lon on 8lurdT I.. I, .nJ rr..a hli I. .bout lb. t.l n..nnioltalniu. ImV. .vor IM. " HI. trlior- oui ii,car.t,ca . vlilblj .r.tlrjio( to ha nan; ptrioni! ftlomli In thlil.o.,whooordl.lljf greeted hia rejurn, toilaty onoa mora, and ha, ao doubt, alio iSrtly cnji'i hit rtitorcd balih,,whleh wahunawlll laat until old an shall bear hi tn twM 1 Bprclata rt'.iw tilt lilil tlJoie linporti d at Wi. IbrrMl1. llandaonicat Ilreaa Ouoda at Wui. Reed' HhawU real ebeap at Wen. Rood'a, School Oprxixu. Nottoa la hereby given that thi i fonaal publia anaalag or tho Le.-narJ Oradrd . lohool, -o CltartHId f.rotKiK will b beU (un. Friday avening. Oot. lh, at t e'olook. i Iluu. J. V. Wiokeribam, Hlata Huptirintcndent, will adtlrara tha people. diatingalibad speakers will also ha preeent. Wu. M. MrCrLtuiian, fivcrotary of tho 8rhuul. board. n i llntvaji Taaa. The pUavy Jiraa, art. inua aavrral saiKllos, bridles, rulios and blaiikcta, aor ramrf by pari I tf a during lha u miner. If tho per oa n having than 1a tbir poascraiun wiR (let na anow wnere to gci itiem. wa win cnu unn Ih.n. LEAVY UIIUH. ! ,1 uo'.y-t. ; ., . i t A Sr.niciiM Ca.u. Anolh.r radnrllol In ' times. B. POKTKR HHAW, D. D. B. i irAM P. u..t rii i4Ti jtM , Caliooaa tn fnll Una at Flaek'a. Fall thKida with asw and lata ilylra, and Invita j ! TulV liirt aflihudas of Kgyptiaa an Nubian ; altlb.TaryqhoaT.rat T. A.FIeokACo's. . J . a ' 4 " 1 'J Ara you gidngawav on the early Miiruloglralnf Jf ao, get your hut ooffre, MyaUrs. brand aud hut- j tee and uthnr idbitulitiulrat KnTilnl'. oiioikte (ba a.aai4.Htuaa. . ., !j;! Mntir..3t THrtS. HOniS'S. Pro'r . ; aeptHi-;it TH0S. RO! , Drllllaatlboa of avy ahafle.aH sronl.' Dtag- anKa if, Tiricl, it towoat prices, at 1 out Flcok'a. RrlA1 n M- ji Eimlly'a aliit la r tntll io i.n, nBUrBI(Wt. auglMy lllaoh Drara Silks , good but cheap, at Fleek'a. "PRUVB ALL T11IN0S." W kII .nur .tunlU. I. mi .i.w . ft.uvt.d In. r.ntiott, nur nnr oi .nntrf.ti ,itnt I rl(bt, but to wbal i, now jltouird an .b.ulut. nacaflity In .v.r imuaennlfl, "Tna rvfacrab Family 8i'okr Hi:wia Al Arm n., winch hu bMa triad .nd pro.Ml br llMnM.ndi t .r.rr In lb. I'niun, and ..ur .tnlial ntion la lh. world, Io n. th. aurNt .nd th. uioat iwriMt wnrhlnir. hVirlnff M.rthin. 'nr all hind. of olMh.. Tb. Ilgbi.l n.lrloa or lh. hrnrM.1 .a.l iara4 cloth ... h. a.fd with the na. eart.ioty of giv. la, a.ti.laoltoa In (hi, I ilt gu.rnte. tk. kmg.r Mnuhln. I. km ,ou, allur fm iu,v.: provMl It lo rour .nllr.Mtifla.ti... t'nil anil uf lh.) AUohloa on M.rk.1 .trnl; op poil. lh. Uonrt Hon... 1 bar. .untetbtDf n.w m an ext.n.iuu uble a.d tttmmtn .ttnai!d t. otrr, to.oblnr, .t plicht ulvniMo In eort, for the d.iriba ooav.oi..o.. N Iwl .wuld do wtlboiit It. Htmtmbrr lb. !., ojipoan. tlwt tonrt llouiv, on M.rRrt ItrmM. A. II. MITC0N, Ajt-nl tnr IkkarfliJd t'on.iy. Vlnrirld, I'.., rVpt. 3, HH-Hl. . ; tlodln. bulling, in great ..rial,, wkor. Wal. n.d n..d t. k.i'p, Moel.p .. i T. A. Vucn Co. 1 Blaek Omhrnera of the vary bait, lower than ever offund In thia "oark o woodi," at Fieeht- TaWd Craih. all liaan. vary low, at ;iik Ctt't KotioR ana Faooy Ssurt. fl i . L' U Oaata' Furnlshiog tiaoda, fall Haa at a amall margin, lie to pleok'e. Lataal atyleaaf (lata ana) Hoilusts, IuutJl, Faatbars, bird wings, Hprays, Wreaths, Flowers, and Jai tiioiminga in altnoat endless variety, at T. A. Uttk A Ut.'s. f r Tha bast Hbawls for tha money at Fleck A Oot. Da I moral and Fait (Skirts, chraper than avar, only JlUa, st .riaaL'au, 'Wii lilil Alpan. Luitrea ia full Ita. ftl Floak Co. 'ft. ' Ttreouft Repna, a.rfoet koa.ttoi at T. A. yi.ek A Co'.. Worn that MlM Mlllm.a, lh. a.tnpll.hd la l.di,.' kat. .ad koawou, aa. r.ioraod tn T. A. Plerk A Co.'., ta do th. ale. for th. dla of Cle.rl.ld e.d Utah, Ear., oalla will awaaro prompt atltatl.a. B..ded LaeM. yaek .nd siilinti.r., plala aid ktigled, at T.'A. Kl.ok A Co.'.. I Dr.ii Trimming., aaaurpMOldla atjle, rarlety and k.lpa.ia, .t Ploek'.. -i Oarmantow. Wool and Yarn., lb. atuok aror brought u town, at Pleok A Co.'.. ', Kid dl.t.a, Ladlaa' I'adarwear, N:gkt Ur.u.t, Cbildraa'a Dree..., I nd.r- wnr for Udlea la fact, tb., Ladiu e.on pl.l. outota al T. A. Fl.ok A t .',. I Woolen Lawta, Fle.k A Co. . , mon beaoliruV aballe,, al Fall r.ll.lj af WaKrpoof Clolb ,t F'tok'.. O. to Flock'a what job lo d.sorate or make comfortable tba oalaide or our corpor. .u bodl... for we canaol tell Jo. all w. net., but if you will com. and a.., la th. I.ngoag. ol oar pred.xMor, . will ihow j.u all wb.a oo oorto. ' ' " ' ' Call on R. M. M'En.llj .nd nt Jour life la cured ia lh. Old Continental Life ineurane. Com pan, of Uatl lord, Con. I ..BujII-lJ j rit ooiaa Fob Ki... H. N.wlon Bh.w . full .upplj of Fredoma Lluggi.c nud I'l.ltorm n.goni lor aai.. io o. aeon .. ... o... ... jard. C.I1 oa or addrcra bin at Clearfield Fenn Jlralfcv I ! 1 'j ",'' 4 H I'- Wood and dcKrlplloa. for i.l. bj II. F. Bigl.r i . RECAPITULATION Ilird Cagar. Wood aad Willow Houiehold U.nmU. All falnrf. nt llsnlw.r. Jipaonad W.r.. . - P.tuta, Oil., Varniahal. , " ' C.lcln.d PI..I.T. -. Wagon and Carriage Makera' nppli.l. All ol tb. ahoro for eol. at the mammalh Hard w.r. Bloro of I. F. Elglor A Co., rjenad ctroot, Cle.rl.ld, P.. . Bar. Time! R. Lalmrl S.r. Monejl B.r. Clothes! The1' Novell Wringrr" il th. belt la the market. Uut U ) IrJ II. ' ! For ..I. bj II F llioi.ra A Co. Caloiaed Pl.aler for l.le hj H. F. Bigler A Co Pai.t. A.n PAiHTana' Ftanuroa. Our "took of Pai.ta and Paioterr' Moleri.l. wMmpl.t. la oludlng 4. T. Lewie' Pur. While lrad. Joba Lu o.l A Co'. Pore While Lead, F. U. A Co'l Buck Loaikud a aimbar of .bropor kr.til.of Whim tread 1 .ICO. l.lBeoed, (ru, Inri.mitM- TAmi-cr-ST all klnrie, a full line of Dru.bea, aod a full Haa of colon, drj and la Oil. my2n'T3 II. F. Biulrb A Co. Montour Sl.t. P.inli, for p.lntlng houioft Ib alde and ouleide Collagea, Farm llullilinga, A. Be.uliful, duralil. and ooonomieal, Uround in pur. Llnieed Oil. mj2'7H n. F. Uioi .B t Oa. Bird Cage. s nrgataeorluMnl at II. F. Blf l.r A Co. a. ' i laivaa roar life ra Iba Life lari ranco flooipoo j, of H.rtford, Cona, , . E. M. tt , ,.uglll; Aiat. ft.nt,-tr. doWB, Claarleld Wool .hopp.rc Aim at . ,"24:71. II. F. mOLEIt C, l. A fall Ha. of Oounhold floadi, Japanned Ware, Ac, for aala kj H, r, Uigur a t-o. . , Eatli Tnta ! Pereooi who eonteaStd.f. !aildlng will do well to nil and .lamina aur atoek of HIIILDLNO MATKHIAI.9. We bar. la atoeha foil lin. of rtallderi' llanlware, N.lla, Painti, Oil.,, Putlj, C.leiaed I'laater, . m,2'7l E,"'-, c- dAWa.-Lllhitan'. Raw, Oratt Amlrlol. Saw, Borntaa'a Lighlaing raw, at l-M-ti 'I t- BtotVk A Co',. .: 'a i , i. ,i, ,. It V. Tllgtar A Ct. V.r. bi.a mihlag aralnaira addition! lo IholroKtek of Hordomr. Ibo I..I few Krtkfn o.w ta gb.lf, naa dl.rr1, Farmmf Hardware, HalW.aa' Rirdware,.ad H.rdwaroof aU kinda,.aa a. area atlhalrlWra. ' "f - e i -(,itj ... F.aa Fnaa I Faaa 1 Among the m.nj prepa ralKna that w?wktrr t'ougka, Ctldl, Oroup, or aa, throat or lung dinloaltj, timto of thewj are quit. Dr, liorria' Mjrap of III, Wild Uttrrj aad Horobaand. If ooa aro afllictod, oall al tar atom aad wa will gl.a job a oamrle bottloree o oiorref Agoabit ilaruwlok A Irwia, Cl.arflrldl H.M, Woadeolo A U.1, WallaoetoB t U. E. WU. llama, WIHIam . Uroro. . . Muck ll-... I "' ii .... Jatt roaatood, a largo lot of aoa-oaploaloo Lamp, and Loo term at I ' I I ' - ' v , It 71 H. F. Rmiib A Ct.) P.l.ti, Ttl f1.d Vkfal.hW (or tare bj H. F llgl.r Oo, ,''. ! ' ! F' 1 1. 'A t Rortci ta Waaoa lab CiialAti Mal W. bin raoalred a gtwaral aeartmoal of Wagaa oad Carriage Wont., alio I fall tla of "ptleg. wd Alio,, wklck wt ofor ekna Iwr m. H. F. Biai.ta A Co. ' Rep l. 1.1th, IIT4, bj K.t. P. II. Mr. C. t. ZINHHI.Ii, H R.o Ukun Omilr .id HIh UAni 8 UKUWJi, .r KulkMi Utwuhif, t'lu.rltulii ouuatx. At lh. rojUlftnao of John Rowlfl, In Plk. town hlp. I.t Jakfi MiK, Mr. IIANIKL (Mikity, r Knoi Uiwn.blp, to MluHAlllll tU. IfiKU,, V.rgujim tuD.bii. .IM B.n.ta;, BoMcuWr 2lk, lH, kj W.J. McOor, En., Mr. FHANK Mc llll.L ud Mih KATK llAVIO, both of llMo.ri. towmblr.. Al lh. IDiitt. Roni. AHoon.. r.., OS Wodnn- Mt . jh'sTVJl JIKUUMAN nj Ml.. CAUH1K luu.uN, bolfa of lll.bvlllr, llurbrld oooulj. A rt, v,., ,.hrch .impi,lr,, Tbur..l.r, On. lit, W.M. CANNOCK and ANN IB PAI'I.IN, both ol Morrtill., Cla.ra.ld oonntjr. : i .: jJUfl. II ,1' , - At Haw MUlpurt, ClearKpbl (Hiuatv, an Balur- day, April ina, mit, uaiihi, aaogntar af U. and Mauiarm iltooa. agad i yaara, 1 uiunih and I day, At New Millport, CkarAetd oouo'y, on Wednea day, Aug. IWth, 174, WILHON P., ion of J am an R. and Wanda at K, Uluoh, aged II yoara, 7 inuatha aud daj a, , At Lntnber City, Clearflvld oounty, on Monday, P-pt. 1Mb, 1874, FREDDY L , aoa of Wa. '1. and M. C. Hn.a, aged IK tnontba and 18 daya. At Clearfield, Pa., al tba realdeoseof bia broth- er, (laoauR 'I'mormi Htm., on Monday aaorolng, uotubar atb, U, Mr. Jo.HKPU IHtHlN, la tba 6i,h TBftr of hie a. ' ' Clearfield Market!. Wr.Ki.T br Kralior k Lytl. Whola a.l. Mid HM.UdMl.r. In DrjOood..aroeriM Klour, Pwid, Mo. U.rkot urMt, Cla.rt.ld, f. i ' , BL.i.nni.., 1'.., OeUl, 111. 1 Aipl.a, (m,.,.,.,.... .......... M driod....,:........i..., g'1);' b""' ' M HI . 7 oft (3 ' no 2" I 'T" Biioawnaa.... ..IB 0U(9 t 2 i- i te Buokwiieat floor Oa : Beef, drlwl.... lf 2i Beef, frsh ( 10 wr,akJollad...MM..... I 1J Chop, V wt j ' I Clovaranou-- b - 7 Chceaa ...... ......t.... ; . I Clierrioa.y lb , 10 IB Chlokena, dressed, .y 1JJ Kgg - ' Vlaiae4.... . Flour.. 1 ( I 01 lgs( drMd Uww, gveen.. ... V. t lit 1 1! I. Itoci 5 tot T li 6 11(1 I . t III ' III 0U ,011 . I I I )t lr: " 4 40 ' Uama , ShnuldL-r ,... SiJ. ., Urd MtM I'.rli, bW. UU. Ooiona Hot.tora..... P.aoliM, dri.d, tt..,.. I'lulor, V bbl.. It;. , K., V lh, uk....i.i..v.l. Shi.gloh II inch.,.,, rjlmiglri, 2A inoli.... TiinothT ccd Tallow ....I.... n boot,.,.,, ,M., .,... Wool niod, V e..rd FeiiuNj'lvuiiiuHailrbad TYKOXS A "cLEAKFlKbl)" BltANCU. ON and nfter Monday, MAT 10, U7i, the ftUkooKer Traiua will run iaily (oavept Lun-da,y-aj betwoen lyrone and Clear Hold, aa follow! ' 1 CLKARFIKLD MAIL. ' I . LKAVK bUl'Tii. LEAVE ISOllTii, Clearfield J.40.r.-. Tyrone I.M.A.a. Philipbargn...4.Mt " Oaceola 10.40, Oicaola.-d, 4.0, ' Phlllpsburg...1.$a, ryrauo ft.tO, M jClaartield..,.k.U.tO,' ' Ul.EAItFlKLD BXl'HKSHi LEAVE SOVTU. LEAVE NORTH. Cle.rli.ld 5.14 4. Tjron. ...." r . Pbilipiburg. vM " Intricelion...T.II ' OtOOOlO. . " ( OMMlft t.10 Inl.raMlioft.. !. " i Phllipih.rg .... " Tyrot........... 8. CI " , Clc.rbeld, .r... tt " TVllONH BTATI0N. aAwrw.ftn. PmiA. BiproM, -Uarriiburg Aoc'm, . k WR.TW..IK Mixed Tiaia, Cinoin'ti Eiprcei, Paoiflc Expre.M, Ml Train. - : Waj Pimngir, Cinoin'tl Kxptrii, 11:21 (Mail Train, Phila'da Eipreu, 18 51 F..t Lin., FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bell.r.ute, 1'. ...... : 0.V Look H.r.n t Tt WIIII.B.porV........ I 10 Huntingdon .....'. 1 to LwiMuwnM ........ t to Middletowa fi Ot Muletta. t It Lanonrler t tt PHILADELPHIA 7 e Alloona. M.n I tt Marrnlll... 4 at d 14 Johnetown.....u., S tt I'lTTrlBVHU. ...... I It UAKHISBUHtl. Clone connctiona mad. kj all tr.laa al Tjrono aad Look Jlaraa. ' 1 ' :, g. B. HLAIR, mjlT'tf. 8uperint.nd.nt, THE ' F It 0 N T ! ' CHEAT nXCITKMETtT ..' AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ' . AND . i ' . ' i ' . ICECREAM SALOOH I The onJeralgaed having juat fitted ap aew, targa and comfortable rooms oa Market street, Bear Third, reipertlutly iafoma tba publia tbat ha bow drcparad to aoaoaimodato them with everything In hit Una oa short aotlaa aad at all hours af tha day. lie koeps on baud EKES II DREAD, . RlK8, ROLL, PIKH, ' CAKKA, all kinds. ICE, QBEAM, and a geaerat aeeorttaeat tf CONFECTIOKERrKfl, FRUITS, NUT3, At., All of which will hedplirerad to eastomara at their residence!, when renin ted to do to. ICfi CRRA M, uy the diah, tcrrtd la a neatly fur nished room, Thankful for tba g aoroat patronage bestowed In tha past, he hopes lo merit and receive a eoa ( Hnaeaea of Ihe same from his old onsto mart, and others. ;JOHN STADLEIl. ' juna ll.TI-lf, 1 V K A D THIS. FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of tha eltlient of Clearfield and Vlclaity fa d I reeled to tha fact lhat tlaodfellow A Bob ara tba age aia of M. Niaoa A Ct., and hate Jit received a half doaea ear loada af Flenr aad Feed, which ay oner al the lowest poaamie tg- nrtt. A large ttoak of FLOUR, COHN MEAL, CHOP, (...,,.' BUCBWIIEAT FLOUR, BRAN, j Potaloei, She tied CnraConi lo tar, it., At. Partita I r attention it tailed ta M. Niece A Oo.'a broad of Family Floor, which ta tba beat tn tht market. ,M (j , , Floor and Peed aaa and will ht told cheaper than It aaa ha ohlnlnotl elsewhere la Clearfield aounlv. ar Store oa Market i treat, nait door to Iloa. Ale lander irvtn a reainenot. OOODFHLLOW aV OH, Janlltf . AgdratafoaMNIaaeAOa. MARBLE A1V D 8T0E YAED! i Mrs. 8. S. LIDDKLL, Ufttlal cago4fod It tht Marblo kaalfton, deilrt. to InVa kor Mead, aad tbo pobli. that ah. ka. at aad wIS keep aaaatantlj Ml kand ft targa aad well .clotted Hook of IT ALIAS' ARD VERMONT MARBLE, and ia prepared lo furnlab to order TOMBSTONES, v " li . ROX AND CRAM.S TOURI, ' ". y ' ' : ! MOJftTMErtTS, Carki aad F..te lot Oemctcr, Lota, Wlaaew , Sill, aad Oapa,akw, ( , SDRRAU, TABLE AND WASQ STAND . i. . ... TOPS, Aa, Aa. tj.avT.rd oa Reed MnoL ohi lai R, R Depot, Clearteld, Pa. Je7,TI aiALaaa ta. - II ARD W A II 15, . .. Alto, Xanafaotarara of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. i .. CLIABIIILD, PA. ,. 7ARMHNO IMPLEMENTS of all kind, for ! bl H. F. BIOI.ER V JU. JAILUOAD WHEELBARKOWS tor ! bjr " H. F. BI0I.EB CO. qTl, PAINT, PUT1T, GLASS, .. Nalli, aU., for ky H. F. BIOLER k CO. JJAHNESS TRIMMINGS A 8UOE Il.dlngt, for iklo kj II. F. BIOLER I CO. QUN8, PISTOLS SWORD CANES ' -i - ' "I , . . H. F. BIOLER A CO. JgTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND i ,, . . Sli.i, f.r i.l. bj II. F. BIGLER CO. JKOKI IRON I IKON t IEON 1 1 for aala hy IJOKSfi SIIOK3 & IIOR9K SHOE NAILS, for aala by 'IJ. F BIOLEK A CO nvv nlnrn TT IM 7 If d 1 lyLliil ULiUAg, AiiU oidbcto Aad beat Manufaetara.or sale by II. r. BlGLKR k CO. QUSQTJEUANNA HOUSE, ,..r-.r,' . r. nintJ.'lO ' CURWBN8VILLE, MlUtlUUn Dlr.ino Aiv "" - 1 1 ' ' ' , ... DOXBfl, foraalaby H. F. BIOLER k fX). JpODdOEU CUTTERS for buIo by ch3O-70 H. F. BIOtEH A CO. Tbc Bell's Ran Woolen Factory, Pea. town.hip, CkuA.ld Co Pn. ' ' n V R N 14 l O II Tt ' BURNED U PI Thenibaerlber. bn... .t groa4 eapouM, tobailt Boigbbttrhood nrcoaeitj, In the enetion of. Irat cla.iWi.oloa M.nofaclorj, with all th. modern attached, .nd to m.k. .11 kind, of Clolba, CaMimcrM, 8.1ip.U., btam k.ta, Vlannele, Ae. Hl.nlj of good, oa band lo aopply .11 our old .nd ft thound n.w euatotnora, wnom we aia w eon. mu ...uiiii. wi wui.. Tk. builneaa of CARMNO AND rULl.INO will rorelva our aaetal attention. Proper i arraagemeata will oa maue io reoeivo uu ucnr Wool, to mil euatomera. All work warranted and dona upon lha ahurtest aotioe, and by atrial alien tioa to buainaaa wa hope ta reaiiaa a liberal ebare af publia palronaga- HMHM POUaNUB WOOL WANTKI) I . Wo will oav tha hia heal market price for Wo and sell our manufactured goods aa low aa similar goods can ba bought In the coonty, and whenever wa fall ta renuer raaaouaoie ioiin.q w alwava ba found at homo ready to make proper ainUoalioa, either in person or hy letter. . uo lAtt vanit a BOMO apriiflif Bawer P. 0. rp)WNSUlP 8TATEMENT. Annual report of tht Auditors of Ftrguaoa township for 173. ISAAC MOORB, District Trraaarer. la account wllh th Bobaaf aod Reavd Vo4aaa ea4d taww ship for past year t - ' . BCU00L FUNU. naiTon. Ta balance due laat sallletaenl $9 n To t of school tax levied for U7I-. T" 10 To amt of State appropriation S TO Ta amt duo from Bell townabip....... , 87 at Ia aiooBBt oft duplicate. ,.... Total raanrroft. Ilj amoeat paid taoekor... It, amoaat for repair... H Ilj ami for fuel aad ooalingaacioft.... Uf collector! and IreeoulOf '. flMH.... Ilj ooliUadiog ord.ra Bj ..ereUrj'. mlar Bj.amoaal an..lletad.... ' Totol ROAD FUSD. nBtroa. To tmt af Akaar Olona'a dualle.ta.. To aaditon' ardrt Total - caaniroa. ft. work Oft roadc av uu I,SJAJI fST W II 00 , 41 10 M 7 l0 tt I w 107 17 l,31t It Bj mekleg doplleau aad oikor oip. Bj .aporttMrt' w.go. , Bj hai duo from til.BB-...H..H....... Tout 4 4t 47 til 21 17 1171 71 To tml of Jobn If. Illl.'i To audlioro order ..... 101 17 40 It Total. , - 731 17 . caxnitoa. Ilj work oa roadi 47 IO Ilj du. from llil.. 144 17 Tatal. J. '' i IlKNERAL ACCOUNT. " ' hawToa. Ta amoaat roatteod bj laaae Moart from Cobbij Tre4uurer....... 10 00 Tolal tlt tt our.MTuB. , It J touekrri redeemed Itt 00 U.I duolw, from Mooro....... It tt ftl 0 00 aatimvi.aTtOM. Ta balanoa due tebool fund.. ta To balance i!ua road lund... To balance la dtetrlet treae, bands. Total ......$307 87 , Jfi7 at It to tm tl Wt, tha ladortlgBtd, Audi tort af Forguaan township, having eiamlaad tba neeeuata aad vouchera of tho reapaaiivt officer a namei, cer tify tba foregoing to ht trot itatementt ef tht tea own as avmve aot fortb r v. ssr heads thlt 11th day af Joae, 174. , , . . . (IKOR0K HTRAW, ' WM IL NKWCOMRR, JAM Hn rt.KUU0ON, Audttora. Fergana Tp , Sept, d, H74..1I. T IUAL LIST. 1 List of eauaaa tat dnwa for Heptaraher Term, 174, Id and fid waaka. Ho otvll caaaea wart sat dona for the first week. taian watt. (loaa n ,...,... vs tftelner. Ihomaa vt Bumphrey, Marsh, Amor A Co....I vs fray, (lean 7 ird. ta Cochran. Ht , Tl Wilaon. , ta trbard. , ta larger. i , ta Lambora. , t, MrUbr. , tl LVIxir. , o tlaj. , tl W.T. . n Wllhtrcw. , tc lit In. , tlJrj. , B-enn.r. . tl Rllli.mi. ' , tl ttraag.r. . re Plo. , tc Skaw. , Tl Sloff. ' , T. Lather. , ri Cidwallader. , Tl Wrigkt. , Tl Fore.1. A O. TATS, ProWj. Maya. Forel. , WitharowH...n(....M.. Walhoa , Bhaw Tbaaapaoa .H .. Hartaock Rrhard Tliaaripaoao......ettit.wa Alberta i. ti.wHwwit wt.. i Pork. Smeal'c cdwtnlilratora. Sh.w.. Foroot. EiUaaaing Coal Co.m. Phof. FerguMB Wtng. , H.g.rtj.HM Htr.wn , lepllt Tj'ARll LANDS l'On SALE. W. would lUt.rortlieinrVrmatlonafperina. waattag farm wad. la Clrarthld, lb. I w. katt ta-eattatod ftftd drridod iota tat .ere lot., Sood una load, la doraaa, renn, araor, sen, ore. id.. Bloom. Eavl aud I tul toWBlhlpl. Moaj af there hadl ara at-oiall, adapted for larmlag ftaraaoM. kotag amoatk, tt .ligkllj roll l.g, ta umbered witk okeitaat aad aak, ..d well W. kava prepared dralta al tka laad eo w. ... .kow loo.lll, IB aaek of Ike .bar. A uomahina. oad will aill aa aa., tana, af For farther lafarmatloa apulj al aw .ilea la C.rweairille, .naalr, ra. Aug. It, It74-lm. I. A. A W. B. IRTIrt. TtrtmCKS' dl VOHBTFABLKaV rBBS W. kata ftrlfttod a larga aamkar af laa aaw PER RILL, aad will aft tho metal af twoatt Ita own, mall a ooa, ta aat tddtm. mgta ;i i LEONARD HOUSE, (Noar tk. R.llro.d Drpol,) CLKAHPIKLI), Pit. A of uublb) p.lron.g. U r..i.aotfully m llrllnl. .ill'tt R. 1). HOW, Prop'r. SHAW HOUSE, ' .. ... , (Cor. of M.rket t Front .tract!,) CLKAHF1KLD, PA. ' ' The nder.ignd having t.kca ob.rg. of Lbbt Hul.l, would rcapoclfullr aoliolt puhlio pMronogo. m , , K. HUi IOM BUAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WAKMINOTOIf, PA. Tbia n.w aod well furnlahcd hour. h. boon Ukon by tb. un4.reigned. He foal, ooolldont of bring ftbkt to rsodar wiMtion to tkoo. who faror hia with ft. .all. ... U.jr ,!?. O. W. PAVIS, Prop'r. IJIIITIIU. II OH SB, Oj'porlte tit. Court IIuuh, LOCK HAVEN, PK.NK'A. J1471 HAUBBAL KB0M, Prop'.. JROCKERHUPP HOUSE, , BBLLEF0NTE, PA, " D. JOI1NST0! A ON8, ' octSo'71 Proprt.tora. LOYD HOUSE, Main Strecl, PHILU'bUllUli, PENS'A. tlw.y. aupplM with tb. bolt lh. nt.tket forda. Tb. trtr.lmg public I. Invited to O.IL norl.'TJ. RObfiltT LOYO. ' THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Baoond and Market Btraota, CLEARFILD, PA. 4 Tllli old aad aonaiodlaaa Hotel haa. during tha aaat rear, bean anlararad to doable ita ,.V7r,u.;bi. n, ,Vm. taK.. Iiub-. raturaisbad. aaa tna proprietor will apart aa paint to render hit guests aonforteUe wklla auylog with him. pmT'Tht 'Maaaloa House" Omnibus runt ta and from tha Depot oa tha arrival aad departare af aaobtraia, JOHN DOUUHBRTY, aprO-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGUENY HOTEL, (Market 8t., bat. Heeond and Third,) CLEAHFIIiLI), PA. " The tubaeriber having baooua proprietor of tbia bote), would reapaatfully aak a liberal ahara I publia patroaage. puoiie apl2';S QG0ROK LKIPOLDT. Ckarleld oounty, Penn'a. Th ia uld Thi. old and wall MtaMilfaed Hotel, beaullfullj altuatod on Ibo banka of th. Hu.qoeh.nn., 1. th. borongh of Curwnnevlllo, bo, boon leoand f.r ft tarn ol Jin b, tin undmigned. it hoa bow .ntlrejr rentled, and t. now op.a to tb. publio gnoerallr .nd th. tra.eliiig community tn par. lic.l.r. No pain, will bo ap.rrd to render gue.tft ewntforUbU whit, tarrrlng t thia hou... Htftbltng room for tho ftocoftiniod.tlon of tcawft. Cb.rgo moderate. Bcpt. 28, l70.f. EI.I BLOOM. gftttistri). DENTAL CxiBD. . , Dr. A. 11. HILLS Would aay to hta patients and the nun- lie Kwitrally, that, caving diaaolved partaarebip with Dr. Khaw, be is now doing lha entire work Of hia office himself, so tbat patients Bead aot feat being put under tba bands of any other operator. Clearfield, March 3i, Ira-pd20iaob7a J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., , Office over Inria's Prug Btora, CtrKWKNSVILLK, PA All dental operations, elthor In the machaoloaJ oroperatlra branch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed, ttpeeial attention paid to the traatinent of diaeaaaa of the natural teeth, gums and mootn. Irregularity or the teeth snt eesitolly eorrectpd. Tw-tb extracted without pain hy th sae of Kther, aad artificial teeth inaartod of the beat material and warranted to render eat Israelii. apri!26'71:ly lauht. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maeonie Building, oa. door ftorth at C. D. Waleoa'a Drug Dloro. I'a...r. Tick.ta to and from Lircrpoot, Quooa town, til.agow, Iandon, Pari, and Copenhagen. Aleo, Dralla for cat. oa ue Hoj.l Baak of Ireland and Iinperial Bank of Jondon. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Pree't, m. M. BIIAW, CMhler. atliliTd J. 6. H'Olrk. Edw.rd PcrklT BANKING a COLLECTION HOUSE OF McGirk & perks. - Saeeaaaara to Foatar, Perks, A Oov, Phlllpaburtr, Cautra Conuty, Pa. - W UK HK ali tho haainaaa of a Banking Hon" wil oa tranaaotod prouipUy aod upoa tl moat favoraole terms. mar7-tf DREXEL & CO., T No. SI Uoulh Third Ml-set, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatioa bj mall will reoetra prompt attoa tion, and all Information ohoerfullj fumiibod. Order. Mlioted. April U-tf. DMINISTIUTOR'S NOTICE. L Notice la hereby given that letters of admln- 1 IK rat ion oa tha estate of MARTHA BOM ER- 4H TO i V ILLS, deo'd, lata of Durnaide township, Claar . 40 00 j field aounty, Pa., having bean duly granted to 1 j tha under igned, all persona Indebted to tald MTI 70 tstale will please make Immediate payment, and '-1 B tboce kaving claims or demands will present tbem k. I properly authenticated for settlement without da- - I:ilJ- OTHELLO BMEKD, N. Washington, Bet l,-t Admlalstratof. LEATHER BBEAST-STKAi'S BUPEHPKDED UY COVbRm PATBNT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madaof the beat Mallea ble Iron, and la attached to tho Hamea hy tba heat Hnap avar Invented, it la easily end quickly put on, and pre rente tho ' whipping of tha horses by tbo pole, hot liable to get out of repair. Will laat for yeare. All wo aak la a fair trial, ta convince all partiea Be ing them that they art nnanrpaaaed la value for lha parpoea for whioh they are intended. HACK KIT A flCIIKYVKR. Clearfield, April 14, IK74. 8AW81 SAWS 1 SAW8I DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-out Saw. ALSO, PATENT PRHrunAtnua SLnCTS'CSA?!, For i.l. kj aotll,7t 11. F, nilllER A CO. P KCONOMT IS AN OMKCT, BUT YOUR : ... CLOTHING, Furuisliing Goods, &o., AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STOIIR. They licpp s full line of MenU, VotKAt' ioyi1 Clothing. . Alto, Umbrellaa, Satcbtllt, Orertllt - tlakt, Shirts, Undorabirts, and ,.. Drswen, Ao., Whj.h tkej will Mil al moil ro.ion.blo prleei. Call aad ei.wilo. their good, before aarobacla tlrewkero. Room ra Maailoa B.ildia,. . Cleort.ld, Pa., April I, 1174. T OOK OUT FOR THE SIGN OF THR ' BIG CANT HOOK! MARKET STRERT, CLEARFIELD. Th. .Id Claarleld loolclor Caat Hook Oo. I. aard aad 0. R. Merrell, of CrearMd, aad 8. M. Allard, af Hmporlum, Cameroa onoalj, a. part oare. ud Ju Wtfaa. ef Ctaarlold. o. Ooaat- al AgMt, Tka a.w oompaat will aarr, oa tko kaaiaoaa af maaafWrtwrlag, lltog aad Ikl.prog tko Caat Hooka, witk all tkair Imptotomoata, whlah art Bow poritot- " Ftompwj IIM. JAB. I. WATSON, dolt lit, 1M4. teoal J. M. KRATZEIU IN PIE'S BUILDING, 7'ij' deaier'in , I A in Dry Good, Dress Goods, Carpets, Wall Papers, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, yy. :i pi Groceries, bit Ii juit reotlrlng a comploU ajaortacnt of good,, bougkl al lateat aad Jowaat prlooa. GOOD MINTS, AT TEN CENTS PUB , , YARD. . . , ..i I '. s . i GOOD YD -WIDE BLEACHED MUS LINS. TEN CENTS., , . J . . . f . : i ; . M :i . I 1 HEAVY YARD-WIDE UNIUEACHED MUSLINS, 12 CENTS.- '. APPLETON,'S,t) MUSLINS. H PEIl YARD 11 Y TliB fIJ?C AND ALL DKV SOODS AT L0WER RATES TBAN HERETOFORE. DltESS (iOOI)s!, IN OREAT VARIETY.. . CABPETB CAKPETd OAK PETS CAHPET8 CAKPBT8 CAKPKT8 CABHKTS CAKI'KTS CAHPETH CARPETH CAHPETH CAHPKTfl CAHPETH CABPETB CARPET BRUSSKLS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTBY, INGRAIN, and nil lower CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAHPKT9 CARPETS CAKI'KTS CARPETS I! CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS 1 CARPRTS 1 CARPETS yrades FAR ASUJ.S OK ALL DIvsCRII' TONS. g nocEiti es, 'hy bit i o i n a l rick- AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ' ON COST.. ' 'f ' FISIT,. rLOUR. MACON, . ..: i ...... I .. - i- ALT, Ac, CONSTANTLY OH HAND. . ' ! , ' I WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED. Claarleld, Mij 17, 1874. 44t-'J II ARD TIME8 t ',AVi NO IFFSOY S tj r-r. FRENCHYILLKL IN I am .war. that .ra rem pereoai a littl. b.rd to pr..r, aaa i am aire aware thai 10. complalat of "hard tlmof" it W.H algk aalroraal. B.I 1 em to rJlo.tod aaw that loaa eotiifj tk. form.r and pror. ooBelu.iTalj thai "hard time." will aot .Boot thoie who kuj Ikeirgoodi from are, .ad all mj patroft, .kail ka indliato lata tka M orot of HOW. TO AVOID HARD TIMES. I have good enough to supply all tht inhabi tants ia lha lower and of tbo aounty wgieh I toll at eaoeeding hi roleo frvta my McsdsBtawrta eWte U M I' LSOH B U RO, wham I nan al way a ha found randy to wait upon aal I era and tup ply them with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Saoh aa Cloths, Rallnette, Caaiimeret, Muelint, Delainaa, Linaa, Drillings, Caliooaa, Trimminga, Ribbons, Lnoo, Ready-made Clothing, Boots aad Shoot, Heta aad Cape all of the boat material and made to order Hose, Books, Ulovea, Mittena, Laota, Hibbont, At. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molateos, Flab Salt, Pork, Llneeed Oil, Fish Oil, Carhoa OIL Hardware, Queeneware. Tinware, Cattlaga, Plowa aad Plow Caatiaga, Nails, Spiket, Cora Caltlvn tort, Cider Prettea, aad all kinds of Aiat. Perfumery, Palate, Varnish, Olaat, and a gaaaral aaaortanent or stationery, GOOD FLOUR, i ( Of dlffereot brand., alwtj. oa hand, atd will ba old at tka towoH pocaiblc Igureh J. 11. WcCl.lo'i Medietaoa, Jajn.'l MUclacc, Uoitetlcr't aad lloolaad'a Blll.ra. 1001 aoaadl af Wool wul.d for walok tko prlo. will be paid. ClotarNod oa taad aad for aal. .t tka loweat atarkat prioo. , Alio. Agent for StrattojiTlll. aad Carwaaatllb TBroebing MRchln.l. t-Call and re. for toaraolroc. Tow will Ind ttrjlhlng anallj la a retail ' - L. M. COUDRIET. Fr.nrh.ill. P. 0., AuguM II, 1174. j p. i vinr, AT THE CORNER STORE, . i CORWEflSVJLLE, PA. OFFKR8 REASONABLY A Ft'LL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. n.oiR, rum, tuftr, HOPE, He.,' ' alwajc oa hand at loweat each prieta. ' LUMBER, QJIAIX.'WPOL, ic, taken I' oiekaogo rat good, at Mgka.1 maVkat prlooa. Min4. F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Aeent and .Real i " " Estate-Broker," " Repreoeatl too foltowlag ffoHablt Iaaaraaoi Cat Nortk Rrlllik A M.roaalih) laa. Co. 111,11,101 Waablagtoa life la.arane. Co 4,otrt,oot Fire Aiaooialloa Lantraneo lo.. a.aoa.ouo Amaana Fir. Inmraaeo Oo I.t7l,l4l Iaaaraao, Co, R. I !,., Walortowa Fire, iB.aroa dwdHflg. a.d fan. balld nic oalt BT.,oow Torb, Pa., Stock laawraaoa Ca, HortM lerwred evaJoet dMtk aad theft. J I F. 8 Perttoo la tbo oountrj daalrtog laa.raaot oft their ntot ct oaw awe. H wtoa atundod lo ayaddreoceoatm kj letter, ar eallla la panoB at tar otaofaflo.'pata n Koom BO. I, UnarB.lftVrO, . . oog.o .. WITH ....., WV, LIPPINCOTT A CO., . f' . Ma. Ml atAUMt SrtBBt, aft,. If ' 4 ' mtATIItJlir, M. Srt Csatll, rf friii, ftf. fJUAKGED HANDS. ' JOHN McGAUGHEY tWoubl NcptMfallfaolrrj. tho pablte goaorallj lhat ka kaa parehaMd J. H. Shower'. Urarerr Store, la Sbaw't How, what, ho laLaadl k.ilng o i.ii na. oi. i ; ; , i i I (JllOCEKIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. , . . 8VSARS aad SI RVPS, of all gr.dM. TEAS; dnaaaad Bltek. i I . ', ;,'t, COFFEE, RoftrUd aad Oroea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, M CJJTJTEO IRI ITB, ' All kl.d. la th. market. ' PICKLES, la Jam aad karrola. ... ..: : ,.'lX , . .1.1 .. 1 SPICES, la atorj form aad tarlatj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIHM Of CRACKERS. SOAPS, ,.. .). -i . i '. , MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, ' ' DRIED PEACHES, .. DRIED CHERRIES, Coil OH u& Xfttmp GUiaaira. And a goo4 aeMatmaat at thorn fbinga aiaalrt opt 'ta groaerj otoro, whkk bo wll ( for markoUug at Ike market prioot. Will nil for oaik ac .kmplj aa aaj other .... Pteaoo Mil aad ao. kl. atook nd lada. for toarrolf. , ., , , .UU9 ftU-UAHIIUKT. Cn.rl.ld, M.J 17, 1874. GROCERIES! ;;n. I f'i.'ij. j in ! NEW STORE, Foal 0oe. New Goods I New Prices I CIIOICB LINK OP TEAS. 00L0N0S, JAPANS, ' .1'; '.ti'. IMPORTED, , V0CK0 HTSON. ENOLIsn BREAKFAST Purrat la Market. ' BL'TTIiH AMD KtGH Will b kept and lold at irit au.1. Cik paid f,r Coaatrj Produoa. . , . . r . OJ .;. .' jlii',1 Jtr f. M i " : ' J. " ' GERMAN CHERRIES, , , , ' ' TrRKEY I'RtTKES, ' '' PRESERVED Pi: A 118, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. HUH. I .1 v . Mukml, L.k. Herring, Cod, Ae. ,3J"i L riCk-Ltrt. Barrel Ploklel aal Eagliik Flckwi. VLOfja AND FEED ' Floor, Cora Meal, Oat Moal, Ac f.bli74 LVTLE A MITCHELL. ED.1 W: GRAHAM, : DEALER IS ' , QESEEAL MERCHASDISE,. SQI1AIK TIlBEk A LtHBEl, i ; ii i CLKABFIKLD, PA., " . .I.T ..,,,l - . ..I - : ... . ' . . Haa Jart opeood, al Ik. aid auad, la 0 reborn 'a aw, ft romplota atook or jrmtr aoooi, af atarj daatriptlaft. . DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTBINO, ofo., tx. IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR i -"r ! " i ! . ,x. MEAT, SALT, ... .... IlYE, !!.,. )..-. :. 0ATSi . ... CORN. aI.wa ts ox Bisn ASn for ; 6AI.K AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Roelrad t th. oar load, aad Mid ll t luall adraaoo. A tupplj af ROPE aMataatlJ aa kaad. Special ladareaoati ofarod to tkoo. getting aal Square Timbar aad Log,, al wa deal larger . la Lambormaa'a Sappliat, aad an pre pared at all Han. ta parchaa, tua j aot Bad laaoar. ''"i,-. ED. W. O A U A M, Mark Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Pet , t7l. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., ' WAwrtAfttitaaBt op .'ill,.',. .... ' I . ' Finn: itniCK, Fnrntre Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paring Tiles, Ao. raimttre Tajts, IfOtofaw Cotaw. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIOINAlr nRSIdNS IN TRRRA COTTA 1 , MADR TO ORDER. WHk Improtad maoklaer, tret tkat ttatarUl ad .hilled worhmoa.wa eaa warraat all oar oaaf.otaroa lo ao 00. Ml I la II aat taporlor to aa la tkc market. Artleloe of oar maaafaetar. aaa ka area at tho Work., aoer RoMrood Depot, ar at tka Hardware Store ol B. F. Bigtor Co. i ,1 i ) ',' r I . , , All order, from a dtataaeo, add re. red to la. Qoaoral 8ap.rtataad.Bt. will reoMr. prompt at toe tioa. .. , .4, u, H Atttw tr 11 a, 3- Joww emorsON, Ooa-IBwaa. of Hoalhteld, U.raklrk, Scotlead, Sort. Maaalaotarta, irepi. avj. ia CKTTLEMENT SOTIC'E. -I take k7 IhU motaoa 01 laiormiag mj pouooa m 1 boe. wmoit ot not laa, aaw ia atuio ap aia aa. aobbL. aad I boreb, glr.aotloa to all tko. wko kata aaoatilW ...... U witk BM u com. forward aad kata tbem allied wllboot Selat. Tkoo. wko f.ll la kood thle Bailee aood aot be aarprtaad It that an aal ret aama ta aatut ta a Mgal maaaar, la taeprereaooaf aa aSkrar, aad pa ooete tialdct. "- r l- . to - w.ruiraaai. Frwoob.lUa, Ah. t, llto-am. WANTED Hj- tha CVasrlalcl K Eli nbilii Caat Maak I'll , l.J, woot aw ' ItAtwCART BOOK aAHDUtS, : ef Voot oooHtTkord Segor, eptH M aoa. For bt- Nimatieaotolrl at ta. Titnuaad Sagar i rf M)wtrtfl , ALRE, WATI SVohnrtj tlaan, tr. JOOK OUT FOR THE mo NIGKI HUBBARD & WAPLE, DEALERS IN STOVES & RANGES, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper Ware, PLUMBERS ft AS FITTERS, , Hear Markat Mrttt, ClnrlelA. Will keep oa kaad all tka boat Cook Sterol Rang... Ueatiag Stotea and Faraaooa la tha market, amoag wkiok wo montioa tko ArgaaA Ruga, Vletcr Cook, Diamond Stat, aad Bcllpco, all of wkiek for bcaatj of declga aad akaapaaat . aaaaot k. aarpataed ia Ike m.rk. All f oar Storea wa warrant ta giv. .ntlr. aatUfaMioft, or tko otoTe eon bo rotoraed la tea data, uia etotM tab.a la part paj for bow oaea. W. kaap oa kaad all of th. aad beat HEATING STOVES RANGES. Psrtlrulir altntloa paid to tba repairing of all kiadi .1 Biota., R.agH aad F.rnaore. TIN WARE. Of oar own aaanuraettre, of all klnda, wfalah blob will ho told cheap for eaeh, by wholceaia or retail. All oar war ia made out of ana aad, two cross tin, and warranted ta ba just aa wa represent It, . Tin Booting and Spouting dona at abort notice .nd oa moat roawaabla term., and ropolriug soatlj aad prompt aia- e.tod. ' ' PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING doo. aad all Jobi warranted perfect. Will keep oa kaad Ooa Fiitaree, of all kiada, and It ap koaoe. witk Range.,, Bath Toba, ebowor Batbt, Waak Staada, Biaka aad Watar ClowU. PartlM wlaklag aattklag don. la our lino trill do w.ll to git. ai a toll, aa wo aro d.tetmiaod ta plea, all la ta prioa aaa atjie oi ..ra. maaakip. T. J. H .board will poreaaaUj aapor loUad .11 work .Btraeted to oar oaro. aeplU.t HI BBAHU a WAl-LB. rpiN-WARE, STOVES, AND HARDWARE t WATSON, NICHOLS ft CO., CURWENSVILLE, PA. . Ha.lag nought tko Hardwara Store aad Tla Shop former! boloagtag to W. A. Data, wo iat.nd keeping for a.1. atMtkiag kaluaging ta tka katiaca, and will mdeaTor to ell ac low tar ooak ai eaa be boagkt thle aid. of Pkiladalpkia. At eu retobluhmeat ma aa foaaS al all timu ft full a.ppl f Shelf and Heavy Rtrdvtre, SHEET-IRON AND TLN-WAJIE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, Villa, Paiata, 011a, OIavu, ?utty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Fanning Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, ;; SCTTHI-SNATHES, ORAIH CRADLES, RAKES, Ad ur jatit rurDijrtsa, BLACKSMITH 8' TOOL8, HORSE RI10E9, HORSE-SHOE KAILS, BOLTS, Ae. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, 4c tr-TIR BPOl'TIlta toae low tad katt af material aked. WATSON, NICHOLS it 00. CarwoBatilte, Pa., Jaaa 1, 1874. JRONSIDES STORE.. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IH HARDWARE, 8TOVE8, BEATERS, RANGES, UOLLOW-WARK, PAINTS. OILS I VARNISH, PUTTY GLASS, ROPES, STEP-LADDERS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Tbt talekratad Toledo Oaltaalaad IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Kt kattat rampt la tko market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LAKIERNS, LAMP FLUES, af all hlada, LAMP riXTCRBB, Aa. All al loweat prteoc. I I4T4 Prwfwaklt Mraat, PkUlpokarc. Pa. T 1MB I LIME I JUd Tht aad.r.lned to ae artnaroi to fatak tht fakUt witk aa .10.II.M ajaalllj af Bcltefonte Wood-Burned Lime, far pUototl.g aarpoaee, bj tk. tarft tt amall aaaatila. Caa be .aad lor tka praaoal at FU't aw kalldlag, e. Motbet It root. MUI b. K. McCCLLODOa. X. R. lM'MURRAY WILL SOPTLT TOO Will ANY ARTIC1.R OF MBRCHANDIHR AT TH1TIRT LOW Sot PRICE. OUMS ARB BAR. (IiA.IIi) NEW WASHINGTON. r