, :,,.TUB "CLEARFIELD RKPIBLICW PltBI.IIUKIt BVBRf WRnRBanaV, T MOO 11 LA I) till UiUKRTI, , r,' '', ..CMiABFlKtO. PA, ,';,.; . , " umta ni.mn p.n in imt. ra largeet Clrrulatlo of any Nawepaper la North Central Pua)lral i B.,,t , Terms of Subscription. r paid la adranod, Or within 8 month.., If aid after I and before ft month! If paid after the expiration of II month., . on in a tto Eatoaol Advertising. rrftattaat dvertitmf nti, por iqui Of I " UnM" 8 tlmai or $1 VWrauh iHbMqjn(inirtiuiL , 911 Adtttnlitret"' nl KuUr' oolloo I 0ftitniu4 Kitmyi4 .M.tHfHf ' 60 ltlPniiiun nmnvw ...ti - Proflonl Ctnlt, ltM or len.l year.,,.- Loftl noitwi.pM Un YRAHLY ADVHTiaBUEM8, I tnxMT S I 0(lumB....,..$i 0 1 ....urti.. 0 4 column- '.. 1 W fnuwei. ...(...i ,30 AO 1 tjilmnnM .. ,130 I ruoi. B. Ht RRAV. 1 i VriM'H oWHm, MURRAY & GORDON, .TTORNKYS AT I.A.W, -' FRANK FIELDING, , , ,V f T O I! N K Y - A T i in n . CleorfltM, P. )ioiiillj Uill.lullri joutins.. W.....MM A. WA1.I.A DAVID L. RHKDt. .JOHI W. WRIUtKV. H A nnv r. wou.tr. I WALLACE . KR.EBS, .. OtniKi.iirdu WaIIuot k Violdu(i) A T T O I? N V. Y - A T - L A W Jl-UH Cluarlltlil, r. - r.'tt. ' 1 'ta,i'"i " DBS, WILSON & VAN VALZAH, , ,'. ' t'leorlleW, Ho.. .. i ,' Oeo l riVulenno of Itr. Wilwn. Orru H,.u.. t ruoi II to J r. v; Vali.h oon b. fnuod t nilit In hi. rw.., oit duor to llrtwlK lr. , J." "P .uir,. , ,:.J"!"'T tSr. JKt'KKRHON 1.1 T Z, . II wnnof.ANli. PA. . Will vru'uipllr Attend aH ll In tl lino of hit j . ;V ' 1 OOf.lO-lS , McENALLY & MoCUEDY, Al'TOUNEYS-AT-LAW, InArHold. PlU ... ' i .I.I ho.inetiotlended to promiitly wilkj tdulllf. OB ob Hoeond itrnt, aoore th. Klrat Notlonol DauIi jn:l:M G. R. BARRETT, " AtTOBNKT AND CotlNBKUtB AT LAW,. Cl.BAKrtr.1.". ri. lla.iat r..i,nod hi. Ja.l.hlP. h. 'l""' i th. prtolio. of th. Iw la hi. old offio. t Chiar. , Klk .ouollo. whoo .pooiai.T i.i.m... .n with mldoat oounnl. :' ; WM. M7 McCULLOUGH, A1TORNKY 4T LAW, Clearfield, Pi. " OtTiue lo Court Houw, fSlim Lgr.lbiiiinM1.priiiiiptljUeB'li.a 10. t tlVlt trauxbt and ni win. , " J. w. BANTZ,. AiT'lKNEY-AT-LAW. ( loArl.olil, rt-irraw .1 .-in. All lo id hotinov ntrata.l to h oaro pnimplIT atloaiioAto ) I fJJ)L K-nt!loola I'i.'. Opora lloo.a, noom ko. . I A, W.; WALT t K, ATTOItNEY At ,(.AV CIca. Ufld. Pa. 4..fa,0uV. In Grajmin'. Row.'!( ' '' (dool-ll H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LA Wf, tl:l: : ' ' Clearllald. Pa. W ALTER B ARRETT, A'lTfiftNKY AT I, AW." IBw on oond ft.. ClaarH.ld. Pa. orll,M ISRAEL TEST. : "ATTORN K Y "AT UV., , Claarfleld. Pa. aflrOOea la I'i.'. Opera II on... CJT1 1 JOHN H. FULFORD, " A'll'OIINKY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. " BB-Witm ia P'w'. Ooora U.iufo, Booat No. .. Jan. 3, 1874. .. J O H N L. C UTTLE, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. . . ...... A Miit. i'immmAmlA. P. . lllll IIH.I .'II. " - " ' " " . OIKo. on Third tr.t. hot. Charr J A W alnat, pit- K.ap.etfull nlf.r. ht. .ofTtoa.lo a.lllag mj auvtni land. In Cl.arll.ld and adj.laln -auctl.a t and with aa ap.rl.neeot aTtrlw.ntvy .arl aa a .urvornr, Dattora hlmaotfthat ha .a r.nl.r aatl.faolloa. l"b. jaS.lf, FEEDEEICK O'LEABY BUCK, RC1IITF.XER i CON VEYANCKR, General Life and Fire Ins. Agent. Droila r flonv.jAno., Artiel.. of A(ron.nt and til li-'il '.Aper. promptlT and noallj aaa. eatad. Office In i'ie'. Opera llnu.o, lloorn No. t. Cl.ar(leld, Pa., April 1, l74. J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Saw Jjok anil laiimber, CLKAKFIELl), PA. Offia. In drahAia'a Row. 1:24:71 , J. tl. LIIHULti I ATTORNEY - AT - liAVV, 1:11 Oaraxila, t'loarBeld Ca Pa. ;:pd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, Wallarololi, tloarfield Count', Peuu'a. BVAII legal buain... prooiptlr att.nded to. Dr7t7j. BOYER, ;T PHYSICIAN AND SU KO EON, " 0oa oa Marhrt SUwel, Clcainold. Pa. ffomm hoont I to II a. ra , and I tat p. aa. rjR B. M. SCIIEURER, ' IIOM.EOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, . r- OAo. la naidenco oa Market at- y April 24, 171. ' ' ' : CI.ArflohU'a. DR. W. A- MEAN 8, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, LUIllKKSUlTRll, PA. 1 mil ... I ..H,r..al,.n.l ... n.nmntlr. auaI07(I J. S. BARN HART, I J ATWK.NliY - AT- LAW, i llillcfiinle. Pa. Till practice la Clei.r tl.-ld And all of th. Court, of th. iMi Jntlclnl rll.triet. Real e.talo hoainea. And eolleellon of elaima ra id. apeeUltlea. nl Tl ... JAMES CLEARY, BAEBEE & HAIR CEESSEE,' BKOUD BTRKKT, '" c ' " " ? ' "JL n'- V-L. j. ,(l JAMES 0. WHITE, BARBER AND HAIR 1KKSHER lleajwi. ia the Loonard Honaa, aepill'ri . . Claarlleld, Pa. r. a. kc, , ' t t; a; fleck & co., t Apale ia CUarlloU aaBBt far Ua aala af 4 ' E. BUTTCRICK CV '' fasbionabla Fatterna of Garments, (.,...- I,,, i . , . 1.. c i- ,,oA..t AT1LM AWP tlARI, , , M Market Mtrcat Cleartlld, Pi. ' ' TrM. ''ROBINSON, ' ' ' ' .' ataaaraatwrar kwd d.akr la , 1 1 Harness, Baddies and Kridles, , Callan, Wbiaa, Braahaa, tlj NeU,Ttllaft liora. ktaahala, Ac. Varum, Vravrk Miller'a Bad Neatefoot OIK Ageat for Bailej aod Wilaoa'a Bagfiaa. Order, aad ronalrlac wrawiptlr AUeaded ta, Rhop oa AfarRft rtroet, Clmrleld, Pa (a rooa. tarraerly aeeapte y Jw AMtaadar. 1:IT4 TAMR.S K. WATSON C04 rr nKAb nr. tat hhok nnn, H - CLRAHKIKLI.. PINII'A HnaeM and Oflleea ra lot, folteettMa pmaaptlj aaaAV, aad tret-ata.. 43aot and Ptra-Clar Laada avad Tmtb praaarlo far aa. trMoa hi kfaatarw Holol lulldiai ltd oort.rtoroBdlll. (yl7T J 1 " ii i i Mimiii:i.fEliylifr ift', 'If i' WW .'!.;,' 'in Is ' .lim?;-ihj6t fctn'i 1 ''" ' -''; . .1. V ..ww a. w m y .., ,,, v ,u rvr. j .' !-.!. iii'i ..it i iT'i.'i )i . t.,i'i ;, j'. ' ,', ' 4-..VJ-.....I, t.M7i..rMM-l .t: I'lil.;' I ' -.i-i.i. .1 n ..id ,w,t . .....yJC: i ' ,.. . - - II:-..... II ....... IM . '"""" m-C -'W II 11-4 " ' II " II II " '"" ..! f V". ' f i.tf.i ,. i'"" " " I , -.. f........... .......... ....,',;..! ,.',,,. .,:i,m . M h , -'I!' " "!,.! ,; '' " 1 " -;" ''' . ,1 .. ;, ' , , u--i . l- -.-- ..,.- i Jul. t.; u- ......u.ioa . jl -..jAIai ,, . -, t..J - i , ...JL-ii . .-l aMrt..tili all -tr,ju.,i.tl ..-...'' J. QOODLANDEB St HAGEETY,' (VOL. 48-WHOLtl KO. A" qT KRAMER, ' A T T O Ii & JC Y .,A XtLAW,' HmI EitAto And Collocllun Aj.nt. ' : I flUAHflPLI), PA.. !, -.- Will prjmpllj Allemt to ttl Irgnl tlnitnflMf ill tru.Ud tii 111. onri.. - ' - r(lflioA in Tio'l 0icrA Jlouir; lefoni floor. oprll 1-Bin " , ' ' tohn It. Orrll. O. T. AluoiuNf. U. t. Lwwom 0EVIS, ALEXANDEE&B0V7EES, . ,. ttoi;nkys at aC i. . HolUlouts. Pa., . Ui)-'S.'Y- "jT hkunei'm .. d.; PHYSICIAN 1 S U K G E Q N,, IT AVINU locArtfl nl Poimtii!, Po.i otr HI. J7X pnifrnlonn) .rrvlMi lo the poopM ul lA. plAoi-anil AurroundliitfooimtrT.- Alloiitl. proinplly tttnubdto. 1 " ' GEORGE O. KIRK,. .1 iaoUoouf Un Poa, firMr .n4 jJuoiJui.r. l.uthol-AburfC. - -i" ..' AM l.n.h.r.. Inlni.ldl to hi in will lwroip.l,' l.emliil lo. I'rrin.ni l.liln to Tin.lu)" w- . :u .1,. tn rtt him n Mil. n ih. iinii.. kim...irtl..t hp pun i-..i.l.r,lllFf.l.tiott ti. of i onnvtTtnoo, arlli-lrt of tr"-". awl -oil ' papon, promptly a,l nrAliyfAfpoh-il. oijnaoin I ; J J 6 H IN TdTt H 6 MPS O N , ! Jut'ioo of lU 10U uMd B'Tlvi-ncr, 'nriro.inil. P. . ivolivCiu'lt K) ai4oH. , . . . " .. !' an -I linlm-V prampllr rr-ti:ri7H! oro. At.nitaT......tlrTtir ium. Akaaar W.: ALBERT .Sl' BROS., : MnfrtTrtMnivol)OAlrri-. ... Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &e., WnuDbANU, l'K!(a"A. XB-Ordor. toli..l.d. Bill. lld o rborl lio.i" .. atid rvAaontbl. term. . t .. AdHrrM Wod!d 1'. O., Crrarlald Cm. I'a. jj.,T ... . ..W AUlfclll A lllt'iil. FR ANCiS COUTRIET, uehchant, ' " ' ""' , Vranchvlllc. t Itarfluld toulitjiPa Kwpt .o..AMlj oa h.od a full -a.it.o..t of i.'.i..j. ll ,,H.r.. Urooorira. and oror.vth.Ofj Ilrr tloodt, llArdwaro, Urooonea, ana .tot.,....,b a.otllT hop' r"" "''' WB1 ' for nah. a. ohoap aa .l..wbro ia lh ooiu.l. , FmiohTtllo,Jua.;, lf-l. a . ... 1 . ----- " J H O M A S H. FORCEE, nALt U tiKAHAMTON, . .'n Aim. .Aton.lv. unnuWoror ami .li-ler In Hf,i!.r. . . liBbar and Sawed LoniWnf all ln-.' yMJ-Ord.r. oolitllisl nail all .!.. P'" Ih-'d. - i " '", Ord.n avcaliaUua noil all W" Pr"'JV" REUBEN HACKMAN,' j i"t huvy lyvn t woiity tliotisitiift l'f U.m.. on,i :;irn Pnintnr ' flflfl PantT H"n" l"'-'''"' I never witiuwcj nueli House and Sign raintor ana raper j tf Hflnffer, Clearfield. Priiil'a. !oai.VVill aiMUt. lob. ill hi. lino iV ntlv' .ilid I rl,f!7 a Awarkraanliko oiaaoN-. i. G H H A L L .i,. '1 practical' rujir. maker. , ,NE.It CLEAIiriRLB, 'PB!A. ' l-'ump. a'. ! on hand and inndo'lo il'nl.r on abort avtiva. l'ipo. bored un rr.iroli.lili' term.. All work, wan-anted to runder .iiH.fiip.lon, And d.ilr.nd lfdo.ir.id. ,, ,., , . aijJ5:lj.J; e7a. bigler ico,,:: SQUARE TIMBER, and mnnuraolartrf of ' - '. 1 : ttl.'lkll.DIHIl'I.AWKD l.t,Mltl:il. , IHJ CLKARPIBI.D, PP.NN'A. " - JAS. B. GRAHAM,;.. . dtlcr Id Eeal Estate, Square Timber, Boards, - . BIIINdl.KH, LATH, A PICKKXS, ' .;l(f73 OsrieM, Pa, JAMES MITl'llElii, ' ' " " '-' 'prAir.lt tw :- - - " '"- Sfjuaro Tinibcr & Timber IawU, Jetl'TJ OI-BAIiPIUI.D, PA.' -..I. DR. 4. P. BURO H FIELD LaU garc.oa of th.:id Rogln.tn.,PeDnB)Ivania Ml V.li eff.ra hia prwf.aalonal a.rvtcoan Uiaoiliaeiia Volaauara, uvlag r.iurn.o A.n.. .roiaari.ldauBntT. ... . ar-Prof.i iiaiorial.alla prorupllr attan led t". ! hctlltH of twenty thoUHllld )Col. If oaoad ,trat.JoriaailJoauy4kJjljwy (i.Jt aa 1 did, meiy one existed 1 '1 '- to be aliiln: lie nnnoinircd to theptti'- Otlea aa Soeoad Or. Wooda, Hi F. NAUGLE, tt-lTfll IIILin X IVUTIUn niiii.il hi -in a. .a i r a. .a ....A...) and dealer in WfitchcH, Clnckft, .lewflry, Silvur . and ritttud W aio, 4x., . ta tel.'TI -1' CI.KAKHbl.l), PA, S. I. SNYDER PRACTICAL WATCIIMAKKM . Aim naAi.aa w -.- ,. . Vatuhos, Cloclta and Juwelry, Qmlnu't ffera, Unrtn fltrerf. " - t I.KAIII IIII.I), I'A. '.'. All kind, of repairing In my lia. pminptl.v at oA.l to. April tl, lata. "ZVT KbHVAaT' ,' .", i,. REIZENSTEIN L BERLINER, GEMS' HHMSHl(i (.(1(111., tlaro removed lo 17 Chilri-h atreet, between rranblln and IVhitr II.., Mew York. k :l-. Miss E. A. P. Rynder,- Ckl.k.rln'a,Stolnw.,'..ndElr..n'iriAao.l.lillletl.ou ll.u J,l'liu. Jll, uppsttr Will Doitta a. aiaaoa a tiaui.in a ano r .loune. I , Organa and Uelodiiona, and Grovel A . .Daker'a Sowing AUrblnoi. ,lt alio r a at na.t or - . . Plaae, Oaiur, Orgna, llarmonj and Vooa'l alw- eie. No pupil taken fur leaa tbea half a term. pm Uounir oppoait Uiihe.li q liirnnur. hbiro. Cl.li.ld, Ha) i, infill if., , . I. M01.LOWIUr.ft T .' '. V . V tfArit rAllr f V ' HOLLOWBDSH tk CAREY, Ll : BOOKSELLKluS, Blank Book MninifHfturerR, el. A kill STATION Ekei, . ... 318 .norktl SI., Philadelphia, aajuPapwr Flnof R.ekf and )., Klacp, Uller, Not., Wrapping, Cartatn and Wl Papon. " " - fl.t4.a.lTpit II. BIWI.KR At -:o. ' w .aa for aala ' ' CARRIAGE & WAGOX HOODS, )" '."',7 811 AFLS AND l'OLKr) ......... H UBS, 8POK lis, KliLLbliSia.- Carriaga and Wagon alakora ahoald aake a aala of thta aad Mil aad aaaiwiaa Ihara. Ibojr will aa Bold at fair rieaa. aaafrU 11 s TON EH SAW GUMMEllS AN1 V. have raeoivad the aReno fur the alio, e and will aall than at raaaufao.lurr a prleaa, Call and .gamin, tbera. Theg ar. the he.t. j.l-71 i . ,. . II. t. D1U1.EU A CO. Mountain Echo Coruet Band, CUnWKNSVlLLS, fA. 1" ., . ,. AtllSIO (araiaawd far Praiiiea, Jie.Liialr. Oua arrta, Laataraa. Aav. an roaaenablo torn... Addraaa, ... KKU Milt, 8oa, aaajlai ... , ... lfmaaill, I'a. BOOT AND SHOE MAKI(g-J,...U"J"1',u',,' u'"-v "ru.ult.irial at . ., . . h jiaye tartbor amrtnt thstiijtiw hinetrtiarh. JOFBPH n. tiERRlRU. oa Markat etrefUa I H Mit"r""A fide) Tmmnkln: fir 1hnn. Ik..'. Row. OI.Ara.ld. V.. h.a la.t taoiiard a Bna M of BrtCllktMBBdKlpJ,li.lulr'l''''''"-" " ' .-.- Ami I. ik. ao.ba.a.Aaal lo MBaaitlaM.. fi' ,;ea. a. I ., afaetara oowrahlog ta hla 4taa.- aver wai wt.. raw. wwi woe. o ww o .. o. - UtSnTi -'Itrr'-T r Wh 4oa at eaen aotiaa, ffltfrajr Publisbors. '2390: v Hi. M.I r H P i -i l ui ai i . BKi -i.t. iw.l t.. CHARITY. : 1 i ... ... . :(.,V'.WM.Hitii.. .. ,., at J nfttur A n.hr. nf fli'iolnltih ilnrk tl.i thro. ' ' riiei tv ihcllini. tthih tnnrtnl. rhnnld ftnhfflra Thi nhnnro of ranllnr nnufBr hr-artl to tlnw Whta-roird In roboK, whole wnriatb th. piorctn i air -. ' .......i . Oanont w4lh Ml It. f.rr aonotrata. ...' .'H With Kotioruui luulflof at.llb. ouaht lho, lo l-ll I -U I ,. f I ,11 l),Q truly injata. . I ! lo.ho u.Ii-ir.rrr.rj- frm tftyiiffrt-H 1 And fool nn Int-ir,'.. Id Ihy lirothorS. ftit ;a Tii. liiflNin ntarh lw-tw.al Hi in twrpart-- i Criinfort anil hup. to tlmeo of tow oatato. 'Vi For alttltv gifli a hat of araall avail , . l;nlt.Alho hviMt'.ao latei-m ia-ttve diwd.... tl t.nia would, barutru. euruv provi rovrtiL iNMil' lyie.1 Etui nil! tiling ntuit bUniltli ji Ot witul,.thuti Vwbntn With Rnt fainul 1 Tin llnd rIiovo lina ItuiUmI Nitrltf ly MNi; I Loolt on iba fhuiir (wl luHi-nuf ia Ui UbIi . t - Aul tun -itrnw ii in ixuiu t)i Jour.., Spurn tint tlmt it.rin, . ho nutfr iiiti lun af.J).. . 4 . fi ir ttuitk lti(h Jt iufflAJr tu uMii.j ... ij F'r lie who li riiifd im liuth tildiin run leo , 1 lift v'ttui.riiit (utorai -(jrintlMDu fOn llic LijuUry ucravtltfJ oiniu't 1.0, . it ' , f ftlill tutuo, , , ' . , ( ' 1 , i;m,a VVliikt.J'-,, $v'W o'tB fH'Ufni tuTuuc , . ) A ntcilf'ul ht.1110 cult) not m utucb nluiin., 'II uut lot mm tn la''tio I mi lt n iltrn At lllfe Uifliw;ij.ut -Jin-luf liiu. I Ituow Tin IV w mi tiiii)Y, kiiilxt tlis iminy mourn ( . , V'cr Lurtibiii, lltul mler ..ire below. If Huortil Writ I'fi irut, Ihrit h H1.0 Hre'i ' Upgm.lk'iy ul' t'ifl wnti if .1i(ik ari)un., 'f Vi'Ua, ttir j;hhiId, uotliiitjt rr .vot Tli wj puiii uiiirt curtly t?.iiilint m uut bt fuuit; Xiid iiH ll.e Ifj-ftclfri h! Wfklth end tin. I Btifficit nt will nut . l luritMi o'rr ' ' A iifflfHr-.Tif.', rTlji.-li tu)!y t?oH!i rc-'.gr.M , Winn H J.1 An J it euuJl sol u.' Ii morr. HTOH Y A ftOIT (WN; JA Ch'SOX HV AT I1AV TW KM V TIHVS-VM m .MlvVt Ahi'.l'XTI. A llOllhK JUCK., " Jltinr ttfo tlio ititoruKtinr; wiuica of licit. JucKmiii lllo yliicli Ms lijogru- I'licf, i ultigi, Iut3 omilluL tmil, tin! l.n.tiiflit to li'lit. WIkii n lvv. HftTn ntt Ji Jjiiil!fnirtn " wlto tvna It hoy in XutlllwOhlK' ul till) tin if, 1 w llilll Mitru ami J111I to llitrlit Iwonty (Ikiu omd liu.n. The opcrifitin tvns thin: (.ivy llotinil, n Ki'iilucky Ikiini1, l.nI hcuUu, 1'iM.bk. lli'iiil. it -'J'tniuMrw lioixn, iukI linn with itlt-iviti-.l littlchnl fur livu llmtt siitnl nI!iiih n i.U'. o he run tin thv Crovn Hot Ion. ciiiirxo. My imcl., Jo ri')lnin 11. (.'otin, (ttrrii il nip inti li'irw l.tti k I vliiiiJ hint lo mi tl.o riteo. I l,mt lilt) Oil the m'tlgir luitou UII1 tohl mio f to ri.ninili utitil1 hi. rvtiiMiTMl - 'rht.iii M.itit'i' ilriit iicwti tvero tint nn. A larfjc ionnd wnn filleil with hornus, iintl tteirrouti Ik.I on tltu lvsull tf thin tHce. 'i'lif timr ht.tl ttnw timvrd li.r tlieoorft. lu tlUirs .to tiui0iii' mi , the tracts, J Ltiwl -Houie lontl talUii.tf. uml lookinl down the trni-rr ttnd anw, liip thn titut time, fieii. Jarbmin riding slowly on a Kitty hoi'ivi, v illi lulii; birtluU held in "rti'li linn'!.' I think tltvy were n lnj as my unii, ami had n nifinth' lhat it Ktouinl nquiuvi eould aiii". in Lio wiikr ftillotvijil my lineliv 1'r.im, Htokr ly, pon:ili-oli, ' IV.lon, ' AndeiNon, nn.l at vuritl. wthuiii, tut lii leo sh hull tlotfrt. An (.en. Jnokwon leH tlia ran and iip jimtiched the jmlyru' fitulid, tic wait mp klly tulkiii); and froiilieulutiiiir. . Aa lie mine hy m, lip mid thttt ho hnd irre frfisihlo pnjpfthnt thin vtn to he a joeluy' Uau," tlmt (Uy I.iund. tens mod in tlttf whant field the i.itfla lie foi'i"; which .lii.(tiRlitiotl him lot- tho riier', mid tffnt Ida rider with to twoivo five hundred dollnra to throw It off, And hy thx Elei l.til ho would shoot the tirat niiiu vt hu .htiiutcht hin horns upon the tiwk : -UiHt. tii iMu.tilei'a mnnoy u)tond not hf. afolm tiMirl llient in thia trgtn wt.'i He tullud, incesfiantly, while the .itt)o rolled ftom his luoittli Hiid the tin' from hit. ye i Imvo acn Iwttrn itinrrtilvcn pTit fit hny, hnt he wncer- tuu,y Uiu 4noeit loluciulla) hloltillK Allli ,, (h. , l,,,!..,,. ....Mi. a,,,,,.. - ;ii - anne mm inniiniT Hinn'tt ii'n-or itno in' IU - a il they wunte.l lead in their inden, j..t h.inK ln.ir horn-, on the ti'aek, ,,r ,,. ,nf, j.:t(.rnni fit -woniii Hill th tltr.-t 'itiiiu that uilejuiiled todono.- Iln-ru. a no n..Hnirw to tins elial U ni;c, nnd niter wnitintf Borne time, nnd the'v tiiilinff to np)n'M-. fien; Jnekon vnt.i it wna n great mistake In the opin ion of home (hut he ucicil hardily und witlioiilfotrMiilet'iilion. If would ftvo the wmtndieH ft Ihir triitl, nnd to tlmt . lid 1.0 Would toiihtiluto u-court to in vv iliiiiutu this matter who wixdd hoar the proof nnd do jttaticn to nil pfirtien. 'nieicnpOU he npiiointed t( rjhcrilT to kucp oi'dur. uml five judtfea lo hear the maoi I'rodnnintion wnn mndo thut thp oliriit was open and wa.i ready to i roceud to Luii-i.uKn, and lot- llw niiiii' to appoarand tletend themaelvcw. Not fttTjwui-iiif', den.' .fnelton itttrodnVed Uio wilinrrMrie pruviiiK tUu bribery of 'lint Nound' riiler, who wna to re VeivV r.(K tft throw MT the rnee, hnV iny reeeivoit S2j() Iu udvuneu, und thut (iti.v J I on l ill hail Iweu tnriioil into Uie -a hrint fiflrt iliondrhf hetlrrr. ' lliairnin (uiunlidiiot. iliiia'.priNd .uud vi.iilira.te thetrtnniiCfiitw..' 'rhiV failinfr do-ap. pfur, flciLJiiciiiui tol'd (he loiii't that thai piiniff twaa ptilueinl, mid fur U.alil to rfmli'i" thfir jndt;ment In tlit'piiMnrwf"!, Tfhieh In a few inlimciii 'tvus dons. In a. col Jmiey-wilU lliu furta. imvtiiL I wnai ft ill nit ti.a lirpf.fi tontiitiif nna line of the hii'ge Jnfflnd em.tnininjj theprnp- cily I 'tl mi thu race, i i-ucu tu.iii wu attat roua-lA irtft hrvk hiartpiraairty. 'I. en. .Tut kaon irjirrr! Lla hnrrd nnr! nnnonrtrerl ll... - .1. A. .....1 ..!.! .'l. V.... 11.. nHwt, fit-ahaly mid iitirdcf,4inkeah tnko. hla mm - wmi-m.'1 When the I ...:.: ':. I. .... l . . j..:.i. nuiu vt.o.tieu luc. i.lij.u cii.i.u.nuu ii riuth Ji, vh mora t'ii-U.I thatt mi army wildt lnuinora. Tltfyenme luil inif i.(faiiH.l thf tnitti) antl in the artiitr idr In ffft invrr they UnfiekH It down !' v... ....' v .' .. .......i., r- luv,. Aiuiiiiicu-i u. juiiin. , a n no uu i - aV UaaAavailt'l V 111 t hHU 1 III rlaalll ll tnttn p.n W propi Mr: and thiia ll)e liuiioiiuiit ny.e ttaaljrokeu up py uut uAUiiiiuia til. t. m iniau cxti-aoiTii- AM.nM..FBM O .In rlld , I... rinw .( It wittiM' iinrrf. tr,iired 2,000 nrnied met) to , lu.vti t Uocloil. J.U Una wga rriontod hy 4w TrT'''fr and action nf one tnrtti find Withi.nt the tlrtwing nf 01.0 Ul'op 1.1 Lloov. ". 'X! fattwi was a fuHncr ticforo lnc, and I thank (oh1 Uiat I am a farmer hrrrtt." -Hitch waa -th'1 antVaoap ta-tth Whit?) A well knrtn'it Wentern lawyer xKlexl Li nool do the (.ntiiira on the rrciwfrin rrf moptinf thcni inat re46fe 4n electioti.' It reminded a pcaker,of, uit jlunoia oralor, i tvuo atiluroarwii a rural awlrancri r Hrfjntti'mf'n,'' aaift he, "1 niff Mvinl to he trtifj f von." If v fat bur waa a Jaruiur, and 1 aui a farmer Iwa-ra-Ywav-amT-tnilT avl waa tinrrlerttTrf tviti trrxn irf fnrn "". At I I r- A . . , . , . . ---a atll a -pin n yonotjr -wrrrvr ami wnr ia picBloa 1 fail flit CKUTiy UltlT JltT 01.1 iW d,hdiK...W W. -no trnfla. , I . I . . a 4 . . .1 .1. i . -1. f-M .1 t-itit.ii ItlUuf. .i.( I U. H4)it I . . i , . ' , 1 CEAllIELD, THK UHlteTVEXTMMLUi..-A ' The olllcemf irnr" rtht Ni.iM'ft. Exhil.ilhm Which 'R to "come tnT nt l'hiladelphin in I8T1I, fiareneloeted Y',X- tiovernora Midler ana I'ldlock lomiiku a wiMlei'ti tviii. tliinutr Uti) lull Otonthn An- t nlbfiiuelie Mli.lo,, ineclinH viw Mm at liuii:iM.titJie-tiii (.npitiil nl lite .Slata ul iiuliaua.a.ii tle a lb nil., 1 wbtch i T. JliM.il. iclK iiilroilucfil, the two i'fniiylviii Ex.tiovoi'tiorr'.,.! .Vc tnd the hpewla uf I iov. lli)thiri'epoi'tt:d in full in tho Judiaiiiipolm liiitiiol, ttnd ib lollowa: ,,. i- iuriciii't :i un -11 .hit OitMiiy-MKN ! . A iiise to ad.lrciw yini u ilb ra.uii w."t.iil. , ,1 htiv ctiiup amvnit. you up lui.eiini lef imlioiiul ii.iM liuic-r-oi.u tliattijcuc.) Ut tlni hut Ion of ull that. t.ualiiuti' liutiif.tiata. WwImt'D beini Ktenlly tfiittitiod (iy the wiii'in hearted iri-cctinH nnd knul a, fnttlonn 111M v iaT,xrenclevt tTYtw. AW. think wu eau'tK-q in tJi'iut Jioiue thiiiif tnnrti tlinn U4 iiiriiiul.iiriaidroiHi juunrtuay which intiM aJMIio, Wt.l, w iiiiiloiiiily iiitintk.t v.iflniHit h In ckiiic aiimuK tbunil . Wtvx tni inaiA' Du uppli eiitinii of tliH ivtirMUMvll-xwo, oxevpt 5 ti.r an it nliewrv n i.iintliy li.r ua an replvscntativrH "1 the idiittiinud work. Yoa are nwupc that; tmitui of ua arc hoiti i aa the t.lUciu) ritiii'.ii-iiitiitivcn nf tlmt worlt, Kmriilvd Uitilia hy nela of trOnjjri'Krt, and that lOlbcii. Ill n iiuv anient ntlvmntcn for thai )frand ci.Uir primi nnd wUlitiit-Aiianjikcru in it. Whenever, we have btvtv in your beau tiful city, nnd with whom ever wo Jiavo convcrrH'd, we have! 'fmuid cnii.-o for hope mid coniatnlnli.iii. We etui not construe your welcome liri aiirtiilyiiij; ii.i'lit clc limn that yim ar in accord with ua, and that you nve (jiiilo willinj; to hear uonte tiling:, from toticbiuir the eeiiteiiiiii.l, T'Iioul;1i ivy aio bcije ill ..tint capacity of, icpnsciilavcHif the cciilci.iiial, jticl have som Ai"Kt lo niy, explaining I lit: exuctnaliire of thu, velvinoniea itdoplcd, 111.1I tl.o va-'t jirnjriyKs ,(hnt has been made in p.ii.h ui ii.rward the pi'opitn,imis I'm- ihcni, ye flu Hil!, were we nt liberly to d oo, atfcnmf to itciiiriicale the kiuducM you Itavcj, miiHli'-lcil to ua, by i tun ccro, ittid coiilial iiiviujinii to yyu lo (.onto and purlycipiilc in " ". . , ,TUK itt.i.lillllAXlO.t ,,,,;; 111 1'fiHivl vnti.a 111 lriita. hut such ac tion u our i.ati inu'lil properly be necountetl priiKuiiipliou. lia the eoirbra- tiotiol ., a i i,- i ...;.! 1 V 1 - i f..( till RIUTrfi -'-i I if tlic' ni.tiiiii is as imi'ch.'t'otir wi.rVr'lir) airs, hiid'ynhr duties toward 'It hre liinilar to onlK. You have, trierefoiv. flill the rl.'l.t to invite Vis; that We bnv to invite vttti.' But if we do not HeT nt lll.erty tof invite yon t.iii'tlentl the fjde hr.itiou, for the i'..nsrina that' It is as much : voifri ni inirs, rind that our Ire, tOivntd It nr-c ' tile antiic," tre can nt leant assure yni that the period , nl'thc celebriition nt l'liiladelphin will he a timu of jubilee, auclt as this na tion nor any oilier hiia ever Rcett. hnd our Illicit strings will all be on Hieont-i side. It U soitietimea tillered that the pood old trity of brotherly love dear tovry American for Its revolution-1 art history, for liciuir the, siriV. where our indcpcntltincc was proclai.ned, if nothiii; else, Is tlcllcieiit 111 hotel ac commodation" ; that artscrtinn maybe uii njipfixlmnte truth, hut I do nssure yon, in nil sincerity, there will be nol want 01 Inich atnnpn on the nutstiie. . I'liilndclphia (rreator rlwcllitiir (-' pacity, in proportion to population,! limn any large oity in tnc world, in 1K70 ahe'had a tKiliiilntinn of 074.00(1, lodfrcd tii J12,3(ili dwellings, nr bnt six pentoiia to ft house. You see tho new t it lo ot the Outtkcr l itv. niimcly i The ('it' nf Homes, "ia well deserved. and that she prjuaesses the'Huslit' canac-1 If V to nfcotnmndnln 200.000 to3llO (R)0 I'riendK, ' tt ithoitt tho uligblest 'Ihchn venienee. tfiirco the cciiktis she has added at least 100.0(10 tft her popitln-i tion, nnd built 20.000 comfortable brick houses, for fnunfj house nre prohibited with ns. t mil to-tlav. I thought there, vviis tin cflv ITIte" iii.'t.i Ttcr'fnr domestic comfort but a ridivtliroitiih this marvel , of encrjiy this heaittiful cnpiliil.Kriotva me thatyMP" ftvet tiaTiUity 01 an are crowded with biiildinir inaierial, Hud, that the sound of the trowel, the ham mer and the suw, iiiakinn the best of music, prevnils, tft into wiiat (ptiirteri ' Willi JChcM is1 nm) liiorf ilitit 1' tv Mi "yori 'aiiccffllr) tr. iiotJ. J I is this: That we do not Come hero to instruct wo bnve no such vain idea. Wo well know that wo can not tench the pcoplo of , .' . 1HK Vt:rrn:iiaj ktAtm' anything about expositions. AVe ex pect to lenrn ii)iicl front them. We liuvo coma lrfif to see ho invut thiiii;s are done, to neqiiiro rather than im part. Ti-it. Pnin haRia worrlil ancin to bear in some measure tho relation of piirent to most of tho Western Htntes, lint you know it in no uncommon thni(r J rml.riiiiirrt lonrywff lOiotid T-tlioar Vii li'cnt ichi Airicilfl and iino accomplishments. Now, in 111 eeiueuuuu wink It ut uilouuedt hut the whole1 tiittiiry luill 6omi 'tiSyt'ther, and thai each member shall contribute somcthiiiff toward the ciitniiitm needs nud Interest of the occnsiim. You know (liAt. wbcii tln.i is to l.e h'kuIIi crinir tojetlier of nn immenso fremiti- schtill, us our (toiiuaiiji lends call one of their licniitiliil domestic festivals, it will emliraco .clulilron, irraiid-clnldvcn and grrat tfmuil-childn'ii, nnd .il is quitu out of tlio qu.-stion thai tlio lui.nc stend, in itseli; should provide for nil tltlA 'Tinnicroiia ftnnllvV fn IhKfitnn tliis, il is e.xiw'cted thai eutli branch oa ttiu titniily will cane with its own product",' af thnt Mhcre 'tnn ho fin aouniiaiice, 111.0 11.n1 ineninuii iug mem ber rimy tUMt what (treat thuifrs the (1111111)' ilin ncwmplihf " ''" s , Very much nlilu to lids wWlie the frreat eeiiteui.iitl cclchrnl ion. it will o a if.illii-rli.if nt the close nt thai first one hundred years nf our national tx- latcnc nf the whole family right down in the lap uf one. of tho nu.ihui-s. , Ew h member will lnii.i aloaiif lb beat Hireoi- tnvna of Ha works of rta, tr mnrtMrtic. turea. ila invej.tions, natural rcunitvcs and all I lint ludicaic the true causes of 1 th (trowth and proancrity of " !! I A UHRAT RATION! ' ' Wo admire yntt fop yoorrirTYRtnf find power, and reioico thai yoit enjoy the pleasures und bcncliU of the new oiHat of Uiinnav the aeliievtimeuta in axitinee, the arts, lnhor-aarmr; machinery, the telegraph, and 111 railroad transporta tion, but ia .hvonld ivut biiva vou.aAjr. pet entirely he old order of 1 hirrpaa 1 our iiareitta (Jul not cmhrrRto to tho Waa in parlor curs at the annuel of, forty milc an hour. It my rccollec tion. a.aj;(ri Hit, Mu, tl.eiP.'iYiodo or transpnrtion ,was, more Jtko that nl Hanicl lloono when he moved to Ken tacky trt eacttrve tho fyrrlclotta intrrfer re aTvciWliaatiMI lU.tHhMt'lMataeg aud pack-aa.J'llt'a,., 4..j,tk what. I know whan 4 dooVTiaxitlea stats of mi ffrnlion to the Weat, aa I weawed it. Vi beti CU j-atigf iara, iaHKJ, ciy parenta wiitrraM troaa thw oiaateTTi , PRINCIPLES, f:OT MEN. . -.11 -..-( I -.I-' I l,A(i,;1FF4)NpAY, OCTOBER, 7 1874. pari of Pennsylvania, to what wds then tmUcd'"The bat Woat',' but they rtet tied ill MertXT ooaitjrt(rf tont (Suite, am bo.ioaatert 'sale oa'-tlia Ohio iino iriiutr 11101I11 of titnaiiartfttioti tva by irrvana of two korsrsinr J a small waron nmired- bv flimen crrvasa, and from tlmt nnw liome Mientaltnr i witnoaaotl mluivawr-Uocno eoUn.t tnl with "The I'nr Wiat.Mi',j'ltosticuia weroiwiaod bv 'tlifV T-attllf niCn lrnliiur IWun ii.cirn'srsjrtjvu ticmet to settlotu that Ihr.ill' anil unkiioam tfrinn. . Borne of yon nmy ha tnMt tha inipraaaioti that .lie out r-tnt. a aomrvnitod nothing to your' wajimcniii tfrxratiiTliat would he an cmitii'iiua naipaKdin: Fatitrayl. vkirlaA'Pievti Jeiry, AlawaclnimHta and ifrlhemloiitnbulco. a.muully htindradfi rtiid thfinaarrda ot remly tnud met and " An llo.f.d, atthxly? Lhl ifty claw, who within twoiity..ar''"i'"''(tt.r,wltiie; dvfhtiiTai ttlti'liy i llliip the tinvHta, cnltiratinfr thv anil Olid pntiii -iiitn4)wraioi all the pro- ccatM tindei-.'whiclt "The wildernesH haa been imidolnblosNoni like th row," c KmT Tim see in all thia iintceari that wo nro hone of the wtmo bone and flesh of the aanie flush, u ' ,-'. tl . I ii,,,l to. when a yonajr- mnti,' hear oratom inihwrihrng 1 ... ';-, .,. " "' till! (lltott'TH Of TilR WKSf,'' ' " ultcr the axiom that ''Westward oni- pii-o Inkes ita.coumv. I wasnotal- ivnys ccrl tun how "cinmiu could do lliis, but 1 iinilcrstood exactly what a stream of utmill wagons coveml with citnyiissvero to du. I knew IhnUlicir cotiiwi was westwunl, imlccd, IVom cpoclito epoch, as Stato afliu- Plate nine into Iho I nion ri'oiti . t lie . ti est. I watched, with profound interest, tlio teiidchtics of the tiniiirc of muni. cm, nnd y o ee the result all aIoii"j thu Ohio, nnd Wabush,' tho ifissoun tho shores of tho lakes, and the Mississippi, and 1" think It is Conceded ' that' such vast nnrtilicru rrcvivr before added down til wo brtet'R periial. --"' '' "" ' "lint, 10 he little more T'i"acticn, '1 desim to remind VOiithnf thcl'iynirrerw of 'the ' United rtlntca, by a law dated tho ad of Mnrch, 1KT1, did prowido for a proper Celchratli-nr of tho completion of the flint century of our national e- fstence, Aittr prciacvil that In By tlio followiiipiMoquentrr'asonafortliesiitme: WnmiFAA.' Tho iteelnhitiOn of Inde- pefitlctico of- the'. VnitctF' Hfatc' of Atncrrca -WnrV preiumsl, Hipned 'and pnmnilir..cd In the year 177, in the city of I'hlladeliihift; and, when-aa, it tiehorvvea the people of -thJ" Cnlted Statist to celebrate, liv initn-on.4ate rwr. monies-, the ceiitennm! aiinlvemnn-of this memorial Anddeeisive cvent.which ermstit ttted tltn'4th day of July, Anno iHvmnit 1 1 70, tno filithiiay 01 the na tion f nnd. tvhercaa, it is deemed flttinn Hint the eoinpletion of the first century of our national existence annll ho eom memorated by an exhibition of tho nntnml ninn-in of the t-ountry and their fllTfl'ipment, and of its pniCTesa in those nrl which licnclit mankind, In comparison with thoso of older na tions : and, tfliercns, no place ia ao an- priitiHate ffrfslicli nn exfiil.ltlon as th city In which occured the ovivnt it ia rtesiprtort to ronimvnmrwr r. ; and, -whereas, ns the exhibition should bo a na tional celebration, 111 which the people of the whole country should partici pate, it shonld hnvo the annction of tho t'ontfrcsji of tho Pnitrd Htnti. ' 1 hut act provided that tho Cclehra- tloii and' exhibition should be held "under the auspices of the covcrnment of tho United Ntntes." thereby bestow- 11. p iipou the work , ' TIIR NATIONAL rRKKTIUR. , It also provided for tho mauitircmeut of the undurtiiktnp by directing that it abuuld bo under tlio control of coni- miwiioiiijra, who aboitld bo appointed hy the irovernors of tho rievoraf ISIutes and Territiii'Ku., aud appointed by the 1. R"U'inii(,,illi(l l-wpuriiiir audi voiiiiutrv aiyliniK U. uiiluii'oioit of nil t hair duty, from time to lime, to the President, in Juno, 181 2, another law was pnsscd by t 'onirress, the preamble to which tuny rccoL'uinn tho importance of celebrating tlio centennial anniver sary of tl.c declaration of independence by tho holding of an international ex hibition of arts( manufactures, and pro ducts of the sod and mine," in tho city of Philadelphia. Tins net incorporated the -, ' .'. , , . , CKNTK.XSIAll.OAtiD ut flNANCK, with the usual powei of a corporation to aeeuru, aubseription to its capital otoc k, to an cvletit not exceeding 10.- 1100,000, to, b. divided into shares of. 10 oiick. ''iho prociHMla ol such stock. toKUtlotdv wjtlt tho ,r..coipta from all other sourova," to ba aaed by tba aaid corporation tor the erection of suitalile buildit.Kri, with their appropriate fix tures and appiirtuiitnoea, and for all other uxpeiii.itiirwi requisite in enrry- mp out the ohiects nl tue aaiu act ot CiNiKruiM. lite 1Mb Isoctioii provides lor a uortitlcuto ot atock tor the board of iiimucii, and tho ldth for the aellinp of all tlio property ol'tha eorjiorntimi, ut the clone ol, tho txlobrotion, and di viding nil lite pruceeda that may rt niain uiuouKtheatoekl.oldera.i Vnder thia ai l tho capital stock of 17,000,000 was to. bo npiMirtioned ainoiip the fSttitos. on the basia.)fropiilntlon. This iliiMieol rulsiitK theoiipilal wraaadopU'il by the board of tiiiatico, and inimedi- altily put iu oM'ration in Pennsylvania, mid iiri'nnpenieiitHKvre in rapid oourae uf prefjiirulion, in all auctions, of tho country when the fulliirooi'Jay Cooke & to. devcloK'd a freiirral nnanctul and coHimorcial depression which as sessed all tii ellofU of tlio board of Simiico 4o ralae aildiuonul oai.itaL Thia was tin exigency which no one had lbnwMMI, nnd raiainst which I10 remedy oouid havo bi-en intcrporesl. And iiy thia lire wliolo iirocwew was brouftht to a dfiadda k, loaviiiK the oouiilrv iu.a most l-aiiiful Condition. lonlily iinlul bocuvae the President, 111 .iniv, iiv. proclamai.on, tutu coin mended the ureal Ittonintinnal exhi bition to foreign dlivcriu.u'tits, and hinny or them, Brazil, Notherland, l.llaurift, Chill. Mexico, Spain and others, had signified, their purpose to take tmrt In, tho eihihition. There seemed to bo no altenalivo but lo do on a bedtllng scale what wo had prom ised to. do. or to Bul.jei-t tho nation to lnstlng m.roacb. Cider thia alate of fieiilennial aflairs, it bocamo tho duty of thq coinmissioiicri to report to the rniilciit, for Lite list' of ( ongroae. And thim the finacini condition of the tyork .littcainc a tia in Cotigreaii. I need not trouble yuii,with the debated tbnt nccnrrtal in tlifit body. . While it ohnctcl'iicndly 'Kiiilatiirii ,hi Uie '".V"1 ol... . . ' '1 ...1 ol ', AN ItARNBST IhVlTATIOM, , ill the uanio of tho United Statog to all loi-ci(iu jaiivernmeiita to be rarreatAted and to take Bart in tl exhibition, and Dnivuled, also, tor tk Rdmiaaion. ot good Ji.r th xhil4iiift free of duty, and fair tba ieeua nf- tamwrMl Maxlftia, it cft to the pcoplo the duty of raiaing the necessary capitnL,,7'ba aame con dition of things, which rendered it Im practicable for the people to oontfirinte. ) ' 1DFDI1D :. - I I. l-.n.li . . I. aocniod to restrnin Congress 'from the appropriation of any money not al.so llitely ncceanary for the expense of tho gove,rnment. , It, was undur this con dition of things that It bocamo neces sary for tlio board of fiimuco and the eonmiission lodccido whether the great ana, aofreii purpose sbould bo aliou doned, our country brouphl to shanio bclore all the world, or whether, trust ing to the patriotism and generosity of tbo peoplo.they should struggle on for Hucce). That theso, waa hetiitittion and painful solicitude I know hut 1 am proud to any that when the doeis- Sion was taken It was all olio way. uui wuiint taM is so, x think j am quite sate iu aaylng that Lad there Ihioii nothing involved bnt the exhibition, the decision would hare heeri th othet way j I rut w oouM not turn our trackx on the ileiilaraUuB M indnvendence. nn tte tdorioua memoirfoa of the past, ami I Hiaaiievcr dtn rrrf vireworv rrlrrar'awi have any part in the aceond centennial Wo must narticitiat in the fiml. or atmntlon the idea 01 the coiitennutl oeb obrations lorevor. I'ndcr aueit aus pioes and with capital exceeding .. uuo.uiiu, in tioard dotonuined to enter uimjii the pnu-Ucal work, and to snug gle for auncwM and lor honor. With tba capital the muiti building have bocii contracted for and are in process of unction. The i'resident'e invilntion to fi.roign nations haa been sent abroad. mid tit great tok hration must conic oil', aud that, too, in thn prawnc of ine rotiroewnlativcsol all other nations. To l-aine the capital still needed, tho boHi-d of fliianoe boa given to tlio coun try a aystom, under wbicU it will be made convenient fur , each . cilir.cu to coatnmtUi what he ttn,i,,,. .,. , .. rHOAt one DOLLAR vpwahu, , I'i and be furnished with the cvidetido tltat he baa ho contributed. Thia is to tic accomplished hy furnishing memo rial merits at one dollar each, others at two dollar, at thrae arid at five dol lars, and shares of stock, with aatipcrb- ly engraved , curwicato, at ton Uollars per si. are. Thone who hold stock be come owners ttt the builinp, partici pants in all the receipts and resulting prolita, have tlio right to vote for di rectors of the board of finance, and at the close of tho exhibition, will be 011 tttkil to a dividend of all that remains. The holder of a medal will have the imperishable evidence that bo did what he could, and beside that, his name will be Inscribed amontr tboaa who contributed toward the celebration of tl.c Drat hundred year of the iudc.iioud- ence of America. 1 1 mnst leave to oth ers the enforcement of tbo practical benefits if the great exhibition. That they impart useful lessons is evident, for no 0110 can dent' tho ctflejoncy of a system of physical signs teaching in many brairohiM, and estrecially in the mechanic a art. ' It may bo difficult for luo mind lo comprehend a process 111 an otreration, deacriptionally or theore tically only, but whcn'ORO Witnesses the operation his task is comparatively easy, tor instance, th mower and reaper, the cultivator and saw mill,the sewing machine and eleotrlc battery, and the aountless- machine used in Iron and textile manufacturer.1. A great international exhibition will be, to our people, ouch a luaaon as tbey hare never enjoyed, nnd will impart to them cheap and mora important les son iu . radical lite. , Hut 1 desire to tlx your thoughts more especially on the celebration of the event that added America to the family of nations, and have yo fully appreciate our attitude before tho world in all that relates to that interesting and sacred parpono. It is sometimes said that had not Congress avowed the purpose to. distinguish tho event by f .roper ceremonies it might he paaaed .y.' But no sentiment ran ho more unworthy the American. Tho willful neglect would be atill more disgrace ful than failure after the best effiirta wo tan make. Put there ia no oc casion to accept either the one or the other of those humiliating alternatives. But . LH I S LOOAt AT Tkl CAH - as it now stands. Why Congress has commendod the celebration to the favor of the people, it haa provided laws under which the entire work is to bo conducted, and every man who has accerted any one of tho trusts croatal, is in some measure an agent of the govcmmctilr in other words, Congress haa gone ao tar in thia work that it can be carried out only on tbo condi tion and in the manner prescribed in tho laws of ('ongreeve. Kven mora, (Joiigrom has authorized tho President, in the name ot th United Slates, to extend cordial invitation to nil other nations to be represented and to take part in tho exhibition, and many of them have adopted most liberal ar ntingcmenta to enahlo their subjects to attend.. Under each a elate of facta how can' the American people for a momont entertain the idea of neglect or tailnro. ' Much a consummation would render otir nation a renrtmch and a by-word throughout the world, and no American citirjen would there alter dar to attend an international exhibition in any other oonntry. Neg lect or tailurc would chang the im pressions of all other nation about the American character. Instead of being regarded a tho most enterprising peo ple in this world, we should be looked upon a vain-glorious pretetiiler. Suppose thai July 4, 1776,had been simply the occasion for th introduc tion of an additional monarchy into the family of nations under the auspices of (ioorge the HI; that Government had accomplished in the first hundred years all that baa been brought about by our young republic, wbo can not see that, in that event all ti rent lintian would bo ia a blase about tho com momorntionof lire vent, But in our carte it ia-:-. ,l'-.n ' .... . oairruimi urratkb and uranpkr. It waa the inauguration of the prin ciple tho (iod liks principle of self government as agalnat tho 1 "divine" right of kinps. ' Oh how I ahoald like to talk to you about th great men who sent this principle for the flint tfmt) In IU proper form abroad upon th lac of th earth to serve aa a cloud hy day, and a pillar of Or by night, to guide the friend of right of human government. My friends yon mnst not lorgci that it waa nmier tno ngnt of this princrnre that nil thia vast coun try haa been occupied that It was under it, that thirteen teoDi colonic in lees than one hundred years have become sovereign Stato and their popn. Istion of 1,000,000 now exceeds 411, 000,000. American Independence and seu-gwernmenl are th event ot mou. oral un row, biiia uwi aiiuaa uo nr.ii...v...- orated as becomes a great and prosper ous people. The- following rnritaph appear on a tomtwtran Hi Thniwprtaaa, iinsinerittout "tier ilea UrtiKKt rot Jobnathaa uwn ardson. who never aaorioood his reason at tlio alter of superstition's God, and who never believed that Jonah swallowed a whale." -I , ii. ! ; ..I . i in il r ...I ...'i ti; . i'i Ii i-l -. ,,',, ;jAKIS(i. COLDS.,,; ,.,,,, Of all tho erroneous motions, per tabling to the urescrviitloh of beullli no one is fraught will) more mischief tbufi that aliont taking cold. Accord ing to tho popular, ami, I may also say to Homo extent, prt.fetsoiial view, taking Cold is the greatest disease and death produci-r in the world.. Fully eighty per cent, of those who consult physicians premise by saving, they havo tnkon cold..' If a rchipso occurs during cu. vul.wcei.cn, ten to Luo the blame ia laid 011 thooction of nold. ' 'Kv pniu is greater, I must hnvo taken cold; 1 do not feci a well . tlda morniiiH 1 think i have taken cold, but I iloil't ace bow," are expressions : wliivh the physician hcara a doten liiiioa .u tiny. Thu bitter is ol'tuu led to the refloat ion that if it were not for dcatli-deiliug colds ho would have little to do. and ntiited. Hut il tho physician taken tlic trouble, to think tl little iiiorunpon this subject, be will he convinced that to hia own trail ia duo this storcotviicd and nover-ending complaint of bis pa tients about Inking Cold, Tho sick and their frionds. uusrlt -always take their oure about ilisuusu ami its causes from the trusted ISim.lv doctor ( und he aix'ounts very often indeed for nu aggra vation of the symptom of thoso under charge ( the ittuno of which aggrava tion by tho way, may bo, and niton is, vert' dilllcult to dctuct) by tho easy and sntisfying. .explanation of having taken cxilil- .. In this way he ttcts over the trouble of attempting to make (Jain to untutored minds what is of a ptir. xling tiroblem to the most trained, in tellect, and ut the same tiino sliilm tin' ressnsibilily lor th. relapse on the uuconipluiuingaiid much ah. wed weath er. 1 ho It w that men and women haw been led to regard climatic changes ns the greatest enemy to their health; if it were not iirrthom their health would be next to perfect iron, tho beginning to tho end uf tho yeur,, Thonsunds of conaumptives, ruiucinlly in tlio tirnt nud second stages of the disi'asc, are firmly of the opinion that if they could only escne t lie malign influence of one cold alter another, their recovery wcmkl be assured. To this end precautions of tho must thorough chnructcr arc scl'U pulously obscrveii, and yet cold after cold is taken ; the patient, mother or nurse knows not Low. Wl.cn tho human body is at its prime with youth, vigor, purity nud a good constitution on its side no de gree of ordinary exposure to cold gives rise to any 111. pleasant effects. All the ordinary precautions against colds, cough nnd rheumatic pains tuny be disregarded and no ill effects ensue. Hut let tho blood become impure; Jet tho body become deraiiirod from any acquired disorder ; or let tho vigor uo- 111 to wane, nud the inhrn.itics 00 h it y occasional 'derangements iu -some vital parts, either from inherited or acquired abuses, and tho at tion of cold will cxcito more' or less tlisonicr 01 some kind, and tho form of this disor der, or tho disease which will ensue. wilt lo determined hy tho kuid ol pre-existing MishI impurity or the pre existing fault of tho organic processes. If the pre-existing fault bo 111 a defi cient secretion of lactic and uric acids hy the kidneys and skin the disease developed by the cold will he rheumat ic; if the lungs be nt fault, cither by acquired or inherited iiIiuscb, inflnma tion will bo likely to ensue; or if there bo conjoined with pulmonary fatilt an impure condition nf the blood from the long-continued rc-Lreuthiiig of hreathedair, consumption will not un likely show itself, Iu no other way can the influence of cold in thif, devel opment of divers diseases lie account ed for ; developing (his disease in one, and that disease in another; this tlis-' cttso nt nno timo in a person, und an other disease at mint her time ; while nt other time and seasons, great and prolonged exposure to cold is 1. armless. DOA T DO IT. ! Don't iinngino that every "sound is a delight." "A Bound whipping never delight" tbo recipient." Don t advocate crcmat 1011. One bu ru ing ought to satisfy any reasomiblc man. Don't ruin your neighbor's reputa tion to build np your own. A struc ture built on mins will not stand. ' Don't make your boy "somka" for a light offense. It is wrong to tench children bail habits. . , .... . , . Don't buy pools at a rueo truck. Betting is iinmond, siiocinlly when you bet on tho wrong horso. . Don t sutler yoursult to no moved to tears on account of tlio premature ovor fluw of tho lacteal fluid. It's worse than crying over spilt milk. J)on t learn to "koop books. a lie man who forget to renin, n borrowed book is worse than an infidel. Don't respect a man for his title only. Gcncrul loafers are son. climes excellent judges of whisky, Dont dream that you inn work in cessantly. The most vigorous marks man needs a rest. . . . , . . , . Doo't advocate thu doctritio ol Chris tian perfection, (rivo a man a chance to vritieiso hi wile's millinery bill. Jlou t forgot to pay tbo printer. .No man can make a good impression with out muuey. Don t attempt to punish all your anemias at once. 1 011 cnu t do a large business with a small capital.. Don't say, "I told you so. I wo to one you pevor said a word about it.. Hunt worry annul another mans business. . A littlo acUishncsa is some times commendable. . 1 Don't Imagine that you can correct all the evils in tho world. A grain of sand is not prominent 111 the desert. Don t mourn over lanciea grievances. Bide your time, and rcnl sorrows will como. 1 Don't borrow a conch lo please your wiflv Better mako a little sulky. Don't imagine that every thing is weakening. Butter ia strong in this market. Don't publish you nets of charity. Tho Lord will koop all .your accounts straight. ' " " Don I linger whero your 'love lies dreaming." Wako her up and tell her to get breakfast. Don t turn. uu. your nose nt light things. 1 Think uf brand and (amnion. Don t insult a poor ma... lira muscles may bo well developed. .... Don t put on airs 111 your new clonics. Remember that your tailor is siill'uring. Don t stand still and pmnt tlio way to heaven.. Spiritual guide boards save but few sinner. , .- . . , . A Cane May youth used the deed of nis lather s mnu ior gun wans, ip stamp on the bottom of tbo document . . .. . 1 ' riM. wtvsn t anything' liko tho Impression th old man made on the same part of th lad' anatomy. ' 1 , ., , 1 A man who had a Tory maitrl wife, being asked why ho choso one so small, said, that he had heard it (mid, that among evil things Chooae tho lcat ' lO A AT i .! j i.l - ,1 I .. ! ,.. -; . . i ... ' TEEMS$2 psr annum in Advance. NEW SERIES-VOL. 15,' NO. -10. I ! H PEU11.0VH VOHITJON. ' Rain Jones, brother of Senator J. P. .tones, and Superintendent oft hoOrown Point mine, in company with (Jonrgo Williams, stutioii-tonuer, ami Mr. (..'Iuu.il, underground lorumiiii, hod a niirroweHcapelromdvath while ascend ing tl.c main shall of the Savage mine.. Tho Nevada Entr-prise says: The three men pot on the cage nt the 1300 level, which is at the bottom of tbo ikt pciidiculnr ahull. They liad with then some sjiotiiiicps of rock, which they laid upon Hie cage, and lanterns, which they carried ili their hands. They placed 'themselves on tho eago, and taking hold of tlw hell-rope, struck three bulla, which, being iutorpreteil, mcui.s "hoist witL; men. Obedient to the signal struck on bis bell above, the ,.-w.1. ,.... l,..,n i...iu.:....i.A ........ All .....,. ..,;,. ...,..,. K ,vw s... wont wen n.iTii ttw eago nmi awienuen 1 MUIAAia.lAUltrllAAaiAU.WlA od imt id Iho guides ami was J.se in tho shall. It was dashed from sidu to side with siteh "rmbrnee, 4bat the I1111-I terns wore kimckod out of tbo hands of the inon, tboir Ntuii.viui of ore wore thrown from tho cago, and they must all hnvo been shaken oil', but for the 1 iH'cnliar constnicion of the coge, which ; lias cross-bars at each end which mnv Iw' grasped, .t'n tboy wont, banging I tiMiii side to aide, M r. Chase trying ,,11 i the wliilo to seize the bclbroire and strike tho biguul lor stopping thu cage. This rope is in a Corner of the shaft,; hut when1 M r. Chaio did oeciiHioiiully (Tit hold of it. be u a u nablo to make the siguul, owing to tho rapid and ir i'i gi)lar i.iiinncr iu w hich they were as- i.iling. 1 tins they were dragged up the shaft fiir A' distuneo of over 300 teef; exTieHing every moineut that thu Cago would notch on some tirojoot ion in the sbaJt. tlio cable bo broken, and Uie eugoiind I heniselves precipitated to the bottom of the shall, which would have been instant rieuth. Finding they could not signnl the ruirtiietj by iiieoiis of tlio bell-rope, they began yelling, ."stop, ,tho cage! stop the cage !" in the vum hope that they 'might bo heard above. Sum says he I "yelled like a horse-thief." All their yelling was of no avail, however, as not a wliisper was heard on the surface. The bunging alsint of the cago caused the heavy iron cable to be swayed vio lently, and tills was ut last observed by the- carman nt tho surface, who called the attention of tho engineer to it, and had him stop hoisting, it being apparent tlmt suiuctbiiig was wrong. By moans of tho ladders, a mnn from the surface then climbed down tlio shall, and, as certaining tho situation of tho men on the edge, returned atid had a cage sent dovru aiinlliarcninpiirtmoiit to their re lict Tho three men were kept sus pended on the cable for over an hour before they finally got out of their perilous position. Even after the cage bad toped they wore not safe. They feared every moment that sonio of the men nt tlii"bolloui of the shaft would ring tho bell aud start tbcm cither np or down the shaft. To prevent this, 0110 of tl.o men got hold of Uio bell rope, and winding ittwo or three time round his band, thus held it till the re lief cage reached them.' When they reached tho surface, it is said that all three of the men looked like the last run of shad. They wore drenched with water tuid covered with mud ; Chase had R cnt on his head, nnd Sam Jones had Ms left shoulder badly bruised ' one, which wo cull from the li'oiu hia being jammed .gainst tl.c '"1"m"8 of llt""7 Journal : cross-bar of the cago. Sam suvs a sin- "A year or two ago it chanced that gle unexpected jar in a cage surtleiently Rvalnahlo camel, working in th oil frightens any man, but to bo dragged ' mill, was severely beaten by its driv and banged to and fro a distance of 300 j tr, who, perceiving that the camol had feet rs simply terrible. PAltTnTDaE-S MIST A EE. I havo before mentioned tbo fact that it is a common practice in Phila delphia to build thirty or forty houses, all precisely alike, in a row, so that a man who lives in the middle has to Ihi pin at tbo corner and connt in onler ta -roach his rusideinje. My friend Partridge, who occupies one of these houses, has been siiciiding the summer 1.1 the cnlllitrv resilience being closed in the meantime. A few nights ago ho happened to be In town, nnd, niiMaiiiir bv Vis dwelliiiLf. he saw lights 1 In the second storyr' jlcknew ntoncejthrown carelessly on tho ground, re- tliitt burglars were engaged in Trading out his valuables, and instantly flow to the polico statiou and Aihtnincd a squad of policemen to capture them. Two ollieers were sent around into the back yard, and the other pried open tho front window abutter, and togeth er with Partridge entered tho parlor softly with tho intention to snrpriso the burglars. Tho parlor nnd bull wore dark, and tho squad proceeded quietly up stairs, feeling that they bad everything in their own hands. Just as tbey reached tho first landing, they met one nf the burglars coming down in tbo darkness. They grabbed him, and as he yelled a good deal they knocked him on tlio head a few times, and after manacling him, laid him out 111 tho entry, rroeoodiug to tho front I room, they broke tbo door open, and leave their island, and Alaska is the found nobody there but a woninit who very place tboy like. They suggest was half scared to death. The ofll-1 as advantages to arise from the eetah ccra were about to soizo her, when lishmciit of un Icelandic colony there : Partridge cnino in, aud recognized her 1. Tbnt Alaska is too far north and as 51 rs. Kellogg, tl.o wife ol the man too cold to attract any but their cottn wbo lived t wo doors below him. In fact, try men ; and that Uie territory will bo it was Kellopi; house, ami ivciiogg was lvinor below ill tho entry will; chains 011 his legs, and a lump na lug as an egg plant on his head, nnd mad besides. Partridge's house was salb us ever. Then the policemen swore,, ami went homo, and Partridge ro niuined to soothe tho Kellogg. H cost him $100 in cash, and even then they were down on him. Ho is going to move. Ho wants to find a pink house with green cupola, iu the centre of a thirty ucro field. He wants a conspicu ous house that be can recognize nt a distance, Max AMrr. . Dryden and Olwny were not only cnnluiiiporiti'ie but near neighbors, living opposite to etii street. I o maintain, earn 4uer 111 uie however, that either the one or tho other of these two great poets was at nelly exemplary, even in his daily walk'' nud conduct, towiy nothing of hiscmn.iiii recreations, would, porhais, bo maintaining too much. Dryden, ou reaching hi own domicil lutti one evening, and knowing that Otway was on "winding way homewards, crossed over to the lalter's rosidenoo, and wrote oil hi door ; ., . Her. Uvea Tora Olwar ho'i a wit" tltwnv waa nol too tar trono fully to perceive aud appreciate the aatiro, and at once turned round and wrote on the ilis.r of Drydoii'a residence 1 ij1 Hera llrei John DrydcB ojto.i!e. Green Kay lias decided Ibat a wid ower ought to mourn nt least three week befnrc shying around for a sec did wile. , . , ,; A fop. In company,' wanting lii" er rant, called out : Vt'hero's that block head of mine T" .'"Onyotir ahotddcrs, sir, said a ladv. A DIPLOMATIC SECBET... - freta Ike Ohleag Tribune.) Few pcoplo know how deeply in debted the United State is to liussia tiir kindly sen-ices during the war. It has oltcu been vaguely whispered that Kussiau influence prevented the armed intorlercnco of France, and ier hnps England, In behalf of the South. vt e are eiiuiueu to my boiore our rcau ctw trustworthy Information, never bo fore published, in support ol tho trnth of this rumor. . . When (iovcruor Curti". ou the evo of his return to this country, went, in his capacity na Minister to "jiussio, to tuko lor.iial lcavo of tho Emperor, tho latler closed tho conversation substan tially in these words 1 "I wish, air, that you would, upon your return, ex press my hearty thank to the Ameri can people tor tho reception they have givun my sou, the Grand Duke Alex is.'' This, it will bo remembered, was shortly after General Grant had ro . : .1 . 11 1 ,u- lused to return Alexis can, aim 111 hitter hud loft Washington in disgust. GovernorCiirtin noticed tho Emporor'a failure to send tbtttik to the Govern- ment ns well as the jicoplo. He sup posed, bowover, that it was a slip of tho tongue until tbo Empress bade him farewell in almost precisely the same words "I shall be very happy," said be, Ho carry the Majesty'ttbnnka to my Government nnd people." "I sent my thanks, sir," the Empress re torted, "to the people and only to the pcoplu." Governor Curtin after wards complained of the alight that had thus been publicly put upon tho (lovcrnment he. represented, no was invited by GortschakofT to a confer- . n. lv.voJr , - " were t'roegnt in rroin ine nrcuiv-w. v. ; ic rorcign Trmce. The f"t contain. autograph letter from lVapoleon asking Jtussia to join with fcng- ' R"U i' ranee 111 nnniong up mo Federal blockade and guarauUsjing the independence of tbo C.ifloracy. 1 ho letter oswrted that liugland had already pninusiMi her coiperniion, ""h"'1' " l)ro1"''ly Tho second ,,0,,K contained tho Kmperors reply. He flatly declined the alliance proposed '' npm, Rnd Ueciaroa tht,ui the event of any European interference in the war, ltussia would actively aid the North, The third book bad within it copies of tbo sealed orders given to tho Uussian Admiral who, asour read ers will remember, brought his fleet into Now Y'ork Harbor during tho war. Tho orders directed him to pro ceed at once, with his whole available force, to 'cw York city ; to remain at anchorage there for somo time ; and, in the event of European interference with the blockade, to put himself ami his whole force at tbo command of the Cabinet nt Washington, ttnd promise abundant and speedy reinforcementn. While Govornor Curtin stared dumb founded, at these unexpected proofs of Hussia's steadfast fidelity to tho Union cause, GortschakofT said to him ; "Perhaps you can npprccinto now, sir, why tbo Emperor and Empress sent their thanks to tlio people who have honored the Grand Duke Alexis and not to the Government who ha insul ted him. We saved your country ,and now your President insults .our repre sentative. It is too much." Curtin ' quite agreed with him, and Uie inter view ended. Wo havo every reason to trust the gentleman from whom we have re ceived this story. It will probably be found substantially correct, although there may, of course, be errors in de tail. ' ,. , ., A CAMEL STORY. That some animals are very mind ful of an injury and eager for revenge, no mutter bow long delayed, there ia ample pi oof. All our young readors rcnicmlier the story of the elephant who took the tailor'a alight, to heart and gnvo that gentleman a thorough drenching ; and you may also remem ber numberless stories of how the same unwieldy beasts remembered in juries for years and waited for a chnnce to vent their spite. Bnt one of the most remarkable cases on record treasured up the injury, and was only waiting a lavorabie opportunity tor re vengo. kept a strict watch on the ani mal. Time passed on. The camel perceiving that it waa watched, wna quiet and obedient, nnd the driver begun to think that the beating waa forgotten, when one night, after the lapse ol several months, the men, who slept on tbo platform near tbo mill, whilst, as is customary, the camel was stalled in a corner, happening to remain awake, observed by the moon light, that all was quiet, the animal looked cnutiously around, rose aottly, and stealing towards a spot where a bundle of clothea and a bernouso. semblod a sleeping figure, cost itself violently upon thorn, rolling with all its weight, and tearing them most vi ciously with its teeth. Satisfied that its vengeance was complete, tho camol was returning to it corner, when the driver sat up and spoke. At the sound of bis voice, and perceiving the mis take ho had made, the animal was so mortified at the failure and discovory of his scheme, tbnt it dashed its head against the wall, and died on the spot Such is the story as related by the dragoman." What to no wuh Alasxa. -There secerns to be a prosjroct that Alaska will bo more useful lor something bo sides ftirns and fish. It b now well settled that tbo Icelanders wish to lull entirely to tho savages, utiles they themselves nettle in it. 2. That If the representations of Pali (who is th latest authority on the aubjoct,) are correct, they will be able to raise vast numbers of cattle and horse there, of tho hardy Icelandic stock, and enn supply tho Pacific State with liecf, butter and cheese. 8. They would manage the fisheries of Alaska, which are said to be wonderfully fine. i. They would utilise, tho forest and supply timber for the Pacifio Statos, hcaidc building ships themselves. t. They would supply seamen for the na val and 1norcl1a.it marino of tho Pa cific. 0. That by their Immediately es tablishing a colony there, they would form a nucleus which would attract all future Icojandio emigration ; whereas if tliis ia not done, the nucleus will probably he formed in Canada. The Icelanders are described aa an honest, manly, hardworking, and well educated people. They are also pro lific ; and might, at no very distant fu ture time, cover the whole remote northwest cm portion ot this continent, whore perhapa no other peojdo will desire to eel tie. In ethnological and politico-scinntiAo points of view, th proposed colonization Is intcreatiiig. In order to secure physical beauty young girls are recommended to eat meat one a nay, picaiea ono a week, and weetuiout once a year ; take a daily cold bath, and walk five mile every day. ' ' no of tho old aetllcni at tho Ib1o of Shoals, seeing the nam Psyche on the hull of a yacht the other day,relled it out slowly, and then exclaimed, "Well, if that ain't lb dtundoat way to sicll flh I"