THE "CLEARFIELD UENIDLICAVi Vver.iaiiKn kviur wiiniatrur, if '-- ' s1 Ollllln'.ANDl'.H k II AC KIITY. ! CLKAllrTKLD,' PA. ! HHTAIlMSHIBtT IN IHII'1j, : ii Ilia lal'goait Circulation f auy Xeweuajier! ' Ih Nana Central Pen)lraala. .. , : ' 1 " ' xn, -i -I,.- Terini of Subsoriptioii. '.".?:. i r pid In advante, or wllhtn S inontlia.,..t ? 00 ' (r jiaid after s ftnii before 0 tunntka. 9 5(1 1 If ittil after the expiration of A mouth.,.. 9 OOj ajSlSS,,,,, ,l, 3 liinl or 1dm ....$1 Kir e tch tfubsnnuent insertion 59 ..m.nitratrV owl Kiooators'nutlcci t 51 Aui. ton' notice ,., S Aft; Cfttiom and Bxtrayi 1 SO ( , ti solution nllnct .....,( f AH P mien ion tvl Cimlt, 5 Uno or lif,l year & ftof Lal notifies, pur Uno..,. H JM! i v YBAKLY A UVtitTltillK.NXS. j I naiir. ..' M 1 1 oiilumt.,,..,,,.,.,..ii Ittiuiue. to Wl I t (lupin ,..M, 90 I (.urti 20 tt i 1 on!oin.,.....rjit 00 riKOHUK HA'JKBTY, FnblliiiSera, (farils. F R ANK F i E LD IN Q" .. ATTOKNEY-AT-L A W, Clearfield, Pa. Will attend lo nil bueinoei entru.ted to bin plfiuiit1j and fiiilliritlly. rv!2'73 W1I.MAH A. Wlt.LAt'R. HARRY F. WALI.ACR. HAVIP 1.. RHRRH. OUR W. WRIOkRY. WALLACE &. KREBS, (Su'rcriflort to Wnllaot A rilili() 1 T TOKNKTS-A T - li A W ( 1 1-127-1 Clcai Deld, Pa. R. vl Wll-HUt, J. D. H. - Tf TAI.IAIf, M. fl. DBS. WILSON & VAN VALZAH, ClearHclil, I'a. Otfiv In reii.leuce of Ir. Wilwn. Ornri lliirnii From 12 to r. . Dr. Vn Valtnk can In fnond nl n'.nlil in hi. mom., dior lo Hurt. wick k Irwin". l)ruj Btorf, U) Main. . wnW.t , DR. JE PKUSON T.ITZ, ' WOODLAND, PA. . Will iirompll; alliliJ all call. In Hie lini'uf Ml probuiou. ... nof.H-JS n.ira a. AU.r. 0Airi. , a'ciinnr- ' McENALLY &, McCUEDY, ATTDltNKYS-AT-JjAW, CleRrHald, Pa. . V4rL.l ba.inf.p nttendd to prnmitly witb. a.ii.i mn.a n. riocond itraet. above tha FiratJ national lliik. Jn:l:. G . rT B A RR E TT, ' ArTiiitNtr and CoUNsKf.on at Law, (M.F A RKI KT.D. PA. flaaiug re.ln''! bt. Jii'ljje.hip, hiw rP.tmicd tlie priuuoe til' Ilia law in bi. old ofllfle at Clenr- n-tltl, ra. ni hip Ijlk tfimiiti.1 nbun iccially retained in oonneetion witb resident eounacl. a. it.,. W M . M. M C CUL LOU G H, ATTOttSKY A.T LAW, Cloarflelil, Pa. ri"0e In Court Hon., (Sborlff'a Ofliee). (,"Xal promptly attendod to. Iinu!fht aad eettl. ; Rfilitiit jilL'7:t J , W BANTZ, A T TO RTKV-AT-L A W , Charllrld, r. JrOfl.-: in I'io'i Opera HuiC. Room No. 4 A II k.-ftl butinitd jntriltJi to b care jirrtinptly nicij.-d in., 2jJ7,i T.' H. MURRAY ATTOUVKV AND COUNSKI.OH AT LAW. VroBipt attention given to aM Itgal bu.ineai utrmtod to hta oaro in Cloarfiold and adjoining rntioa. UlUue va Murket id., opposite Naulc . Iaairf titora, Uloaioold, I'a. , . jiH'7:l aT w, WALTERS, .,' ATTOKKF.Y AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. lVB-OIUce in Orubara'a B.iw. deoS lj H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, M:l-n ' Clearfield, Pa. WALTER BARRETT, A'lTOUNEY AT LAW. VQae F Buond St, Claarjeld, Pa. no Jl ,M rSRAEL TEST, ATTOBN f. y at law, , , . , CloartteW. P.. , . , ftroff aa Pie,-. Dpoia iliiuta! ' l)ru:J'! JOHN H. FULFORD, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, " Irarfleld, Pa. $r&-Offifo la Pie'a Opera IIcuh, Room No. 6. Jan. , l7l. ... JOHN L.' CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. mi Real Katal Agent, Clearfleld, Pa. Offlea aa flilri .treat, bot-Uaerrj A Walnut. erUe.raaefiill; oiler, lua aarrloai la ellinf md bojlaf kaaai in OlearlaU aad adiolnion lountieai aad with aa aperieneeol owartwantT leara aa a inrTeyar, tlattara bimielf that ha .an r.aiar aatlffaolioa. Ifob. lS; FEEDEEICK O'LEAEY BUCK, SCniVEXEIl li COXVEYANCEIl, General Life and Firo Ins. Agent, of ConTayaooo, Artiolai of Afreeaian and all li'ifal paiiera liroaiptl; and neatly exe cuted. flee In I'le'e "pera H. u.e, UootA No, 4. Cleardeia, Pa., April 211, l74. ' j" BLAKV WALTERS, lifiAl ESTATE 11BOKER, 1 ; AJi MALtlt 1 iiw 1mh mid liuiiilier, , " CLKAHFIEI.D, FA. OA in Qrutiom'! IUw. " jTj." Lingle, AlTOKSEY-AT - I.AW, l it Oaeeola, ClearfleM Co.. Pa. jyi .ROBERT WALLACE, attoknky- av-law, . avallareiton, 4'loarfleld County, Pcnn'a f.AII legal bn.lneea promptly attended to. CYRUS GORDON, A T T O J( aN E Y AX LAW, ' Market .treat, Inoith aide) Clearfield, Pa. jMtA1I IcjaI baaineei promptly attended to 4aa. IV, 7.1. m . " DR. T. J. BOYER, P II Y S f C I A N AND SOKQEON, . ' OHiaa mi Uarkat Ulroet, Cleartelil, Pa. te-OMca noara: to U a. a,., and I to I p. JAlT'B. M. BUIIEUltER, , jioMHiOPATino niVrHciAit, ; , OIBce Id rerletoie. an Marke at ' April 24, 1172. - ; i Clearlleld, P DR. W. A. MEANS, PDtSICIAX SURGEON LllTllltUnUllRil, PA... . . i Will attend profe'eional call, promptly. aK1n'7v J S. BARN HART, , 1 ATTUUNKY - AT-LAW. . ., 1 . llellelouU. Pa. Will pra4le la Clrarlield and all of tb CourU of the .MR Junieiai tiiunoi. nn niii oiiBeit arid oo.lewUit ul olaiiai made apMialtlea, nl'Tl ' JAME8 CLEARY, BAEBER & HAIR DRESSER, HKCOHD BTRKF.T, 1.111 CLRAnflKMI, PA. (U T, A. .LWR. a. m. bill.. A. FLECK & CO., Aralailn ClearA.ld county fkr Iml .ale of JU tHITTBKICK . .. .. Foshioruible Patterns of GtfiuSu.s. SiA. (Trvl.r. ARri Rti.a. . . .. v lt:ls Market UtrvM Clearflld, Pa. ' T,: M." ROBINSON," - Uantjfaaiatwr and laaiar In Harness. Saddles and Bridles, Colkr. Wbipa, TliuU?, Fly Ni.Triiaaiii,g. Horaa UUakett, Aa. . t Vaeaan. Frank Miller ani Keatffiot 0ll, Afoert tot IhMray nd WUeaa'i Rnjriiee. Order and rtptirinc proainlly atteaded to, Rhop tra Mark itrejet, (weapaaldh I'a., in nraaa Tormtny aeeaptiMi ay Jae. Alexamler. 1 3.17 4 JAMK3 E WATSOS CoXV' u. i HKAL K8TATI II HO Kk IK. ...- " .UbkAHUkl.U. PINN A Hoalet and 0eM t let. Caller liaae awaainUv aiade, aatl Irlt-alaaa Coal and'Pire-Clav Land, .nd Town property for tale. Offlea Ha Waetera Hotel Rulldlnf lid door), Keewid (It. .lt Jly ' 1 '' . ' A '" . QOODLANDEE dt HAGEETY, ,.4,,. ... ....!,., J ... VOL. 18-WIIOLE NO.: . i .-... . A. G. KRAMER, T O II N K Y - A T - L A W Ileal E.t.t. .nil Oulletitlen A,enl, i CI.KAltl'llll.ll, PA., A T Win amniplly allend la all lal butlaou -tru.Ual to ni. oarr. . .. t irOlllue in Piy'i Opera Ilnu.a, cond flimr. april 1Biii - lohn II. Orril. C. T. AlTlao.l.r. C. M. UoweTl 0EVIS, ALEXANDER & BOWEES, ATTORNEY AT LA IP, ! ' lltillalonlc, Pa. ()anlB,'4r-; "Tj7H.''KUNE71rDT7.r''.'.. PHYSICIAN & BUHGEOH, HAVINU located at Pennneld, Pa., olTen kl. irol'e..ional .ervloel to the people of that, place ami inrroundiug ooitntry. Allaall. promptly Attended to. Oct. M tl. . .. GEORGE C.' KI RK. I. Ju'tlne of ihu Prnwie, tinrveyof ami Ouivoyaiwiin All bit'ine" I nt riiPtud t Mm wilt Ire prflUy Attomlod to. rrDI wi-lmii lu rniJoy ft Mir- wnvn, .111 Jl, rrll lu flivu liiiu r.Jl, nit In-11 niter kimuir thut ho mill roii'ler ii t . f-ftic-t Ion. Dfftl I eoiircvanop. urUcln f aBrijiwit. am) all Krnl papars, irtnpt1j huI Maily aieoulet.. ll3nov JOHN D. THOMPSON, ' Jitatlte of tie Peace iml Sorirctirr, , Curwcnuvlllc. r. Culli-otIona mtvla am, mr pruni)tl pata ovr. If';- aau. A La rut hit aliebt. w. Ai.tmiT W. ALBERT & BROS Manufacturer. A exten.ire Dealer, in Sawed Lumber, Squaro Timber, do,, WOODLAND, PKNS-A. XIT-Order. Wllelted. Ill", filed on .h.irt notice and reaeonalile tcrme. Addre.t Woodland P. 0., Clearfield Oo. , Pa. o.lT AIaHKUT A I.11U8. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEllCUANT, Prenchvlllii, 1'learHcld County, I'a. Kerpa conelantly on band a full neortniont or ti. il,u..l.. Hardware. Urooertea, ana everyioina u.ually kept In a retail etore, which will baaold, for oaab, a. eheap aa elsewhere in the county. Frenckvillc, June 11, leni iy. THOMAS H. FORCEE, GKNFI.AI. MKRC1IAN0ISE. , CRAHAMTl.N, Pa. i i Alio, eiicnHra iimmifiiolarer anil daalr In ttuar Tiuberaoi. SawtJ l.umljarol all anim -Order aollelled ano all Dili. pro., p.iy jv"j.l i REUBEN HACKM AN, House and Sign Painter and Paper p. rlanger, ., , ( learlleld, Pciiu'a. . tfA- Will exeonte Joba In hi. line promptly aod In a workmanlike manner. I rl,7 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, NEAK t'LEAKPIKLD, PENN'A. tfl'amf alway. on band and made to order on .hurt notice. Pipe, horvd nn reaennaiila tenaa. All work warrnoted (o vendor aatlifaottoa, end delirarad If deiired. , ... .. ,, aiy21ypd E. A. BIGLER & CO., DIAI.KIU t SQUARE TIMBER, Dd nanBfioturar w all ok ,MW.n i.l Hfil.H. . 9T1t CI.KARPIKLP, rUNN A. -r- JA3. B. GRAHAM, 1 T dealer la ' . Eeal Estate, Square Timber, Boai'dti, , BUIKOLW, LATH, m pit hltl, flint Clearilcld, I'a, JAMES MITCHELL, , DRAb.a 1. : Stiunre Timber &.Tlmbi'r I.nrnls, lain OLRAIIPIBLD, PA. !' DR. J. P. BURCH FIELD, Late Surgeon, of the atid HeglnMDt, PennaylTatita Voluato.r. navina ramrnou iroiw .n nmij. alTeri hi. prafeeaional aerviea. to tha.itlaena oruiearBaldeoanty. . 1 " . ' aBae-Praf.aaloaalealli vroiaptly attoniodto. Clee aa Baeond .treat, (ornierlyoaeupled by Dr. Wood.. lapra.neii hTf. nVugle W ATCH MAKER & JEW ELER, and dealer In . , u WateheH, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, sc., " j.1872 CLEAHVllil.U, PA., 6, I. S N Y D E R," PRACTICAL WATCHMAKKU i A.n tiim.K. 1. . ' ', Watulica, I'luoka and Juwolry, tfrolaai'e ii.w, Mark Slml, 4 i.i'.Aiti'im.D, rA. All kiuda of rcpalrlna la ay Una promptly at- ended to. Apnl 2:1, la.'.. . , MKMIIVAL. ; REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER,;.;; wholeule dealers in GEMS' HKMSlll(i GOODS, Have removed to 1H7 Church rtroet, between Pranklla and Whita IU., iiew Xork. jy3l'7 Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aet f oa Cfalokr.n('i, BUloway'i and Kmarion'i Planoif Biolth a, Matoa Hamlin? ana reioatrefa Or (an and Malodaotie, aad ttroTot , Baktr'a ewin(t Maeklnaa. , alio ti acm aa or Piano, Oaitat, OrRan. Harmotiy iud Veat Mn U. M pwpll telle n for lata tbaa balf a 1otm. IKoonte uppoitt Uulleh'a furnitora tor. tJlaarleld, k(r ft, lHnO lf. j. MoLtowai.a, e a. navil eaaav HOLLOWBUSH & CAEET, "',' .. BOOKSELLERS, Blnnk Book SLmufacturcrs, AND STATIONJillS, . . 918 Jtlarktt Ht.r fMlaHflpMa. aauPaper Flour Rack, and Daga, Foohrftp, UUac, Mete, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall Papers. ... ) .... ..fal.24.T.lypd II J BIGLKK ft CO, ' , kava far .ale CARRIAGE & WACO WOODS, , i SHAFTS AND P0I.KH, ,u .. , UUBS.SPOKKS, KKLIlRS, Ao. f i A ..'i t Carriage aad Wa,oa MakavR abaulA uak. . aota af Ihie aad eeal aad aaatalaa Ibaaa. They will be told al fair prleai. ( . kajSI 71 , gTONKS SAW OU.M MKliS' AND SAW UPSETS.!,,. Wa kava raoalved tka aireno for the aliav.and will rell Ihem at manufaelurer price. Call and a.aejtne then. They arr the lict. j.H 71 II. P, BIOI.RR CO. Mountain Echo Cornet Band, I' CURWINSVILLB, PA; MllSfO furel.h-d for Plcnleal Peetlraln, Ci- t rte, Leetaraa, Ae., an rearonahle tcrwiv, Addre.a, . sawRAn. nee y, . Bert ... ... , , tajwaoivllla, Pa. JOOT AND 8HO(i MAKIXQ." JOfllPH B. PRRRINU, aa Markat attaaa, la ihaw'a Rear, Clearleid, Pa., kaejaet reeelvad a tas lot af Preaet Catrvklsl aad Klpe, the beet la the anra.l.aad la a prepared ea aaa araetiuw everythla, la hie llae. Ila till war. .ant kia work ta be aa rreaoated. Tbo of Cloarteld aad vWattf art, la. Ite4 ta (tea Rial a aall. Work dose al thorl nollea. IdS'TRy HELD PubMers, i :..;! i.Jji; - - - 2380::; , . , ' , - MV MOTHER AT THE OATE. Oli, llirro'i n arjT a loralr plelurt, On uirituiryS nlknl wall t ' ThttiVp tnaoT a eaearfal ' i i ' '4' J Ivnilitrij Mdiili I ,. Ttmt iwtt homo of my rh:IJliaint, With It ninKiiitf l.rniki and bird J ' , Tl fik-nila wliw grew act'lo me, i Willi Ilicir loviiiR l(kl and itfinlii (' Tli flowtri lliat tti nlldifWut, Tli rtiM R frwh and iwottt, ,1.. Tin- liluclidla and tlio dnimt-, t bluiMin at inj fatl, 1 ;iA1I, all nro Tarjr prpgioiw, , t , And oftpu eoiuo to bi, like ilm breast frum beitarlatiil ' ' Htyoud hfa'c truublad i Hut ilio iwtcti'it, dvarvit piotur t ' Thtit tnrmvr can araala, la thta lmH ot my nolbw- , n ' iiy tuolbor at lbs (at. . Ii U tliuro I aati iff atandiafti : Vlh Jmr face o pure and lair, ' Wlfh tb tnnliht pnd (ha nhaduwi On lir mow j oai and hair t I oun fttl the n, warm iroffture Ot tin band that alapd any awn, : I en iOaj loult of ktiiduaaa , ... , XI' at In bar blu atiouc. I wti lieitr her iiariiiif ble.iln,; ' Tl.roU)(li I be lpau of wrary yem, 1 Pin tec throutfia uli my ion ow i ' litrown awcrt and allrnl lean. -An t jiaiid Uiu darkft trlala i 'Ilial littvo tiuuglnd i(b my fU, t Iiavc lw mil te dial Ji'nr ixnaw My tnathrr nl iM jaie. lint tbp kh inaxid tli Hrer : She ta with thn anah ouw t fiUo hat laid ojidi' tartb'a eriaaaci, , , , Ami ilie vroHn li n bor lirow t Ptiv ! c lo tin-d In rlean while linrn, AiiJ bo walkH (tin irttti or gold j 0 lovnl una I lufV? fiirever Within the Rnvior'i fold, Km otrowing ibougbli eaq n-oli tboe, . tio urirf it thing to day Ooil (ifn thca Joy fur niourninf. Thy trara ar wiped away. , Thou art waiting in Ihataity j Whi ri! llie ,niht. kik) unit. An' I'll know thw, dearfit tnothrr. Whin I roach that pearly (rate. Till: BALLOOX A SC EX XI OX. .MAIINIFK'fiNT SCKNEIIV lNK Hll.t AMI A-IIAI.V AIIOVK TI1K KAHTII. Aii in. wont In proas yoHtoHay, the lutllixni wim Ht ill in ij,'lit, n)i)iirontly liuvrrinir ovor wmie point a luw miliw wiutnwtwi 01 lite city, ut R irroat Loitrlit. in u mi iionn tniit v,u reooivwl or it won by.l h return (1 unoof the ourrior. iiiirwiiiHor J'nink HowcIL which nrovod iLsilf n lilim.lcil hinl by flying Btriilit to ilH colo.', Fur a tiino, however, it wn no exiili'd ami nitittv.l over its eH'iirl. thill it could nut li imlncil tn ,,, ..., . ... . ,u - ,1,,, ,,.,,, .mm it ti ... - i.:..i. i. t.....r ; hnlf hour it m wcnrctl and the card j tlll" 0"',t.1'B- 'i'hi.iimori,tion there ion it'ft(t rm loiiaiww ii ovt Savh JIaiuk.r 4:L'0 u. in. l'iHoeu lioiidred leet hiifh j thcrniimio torTO"; itilcoinforlnblu; (runil wonory. U'lHK AND JollNM-ON, Jiftllooll. An tho liiivl nrrivod here Ht 4:50, It had dimiIo excellent tinin, mill Mr. II. may eonnttilnto hmmolfiion hiftwic otwa in raising thin fltuw of liirdn. In the ineiintinie diiatch wur received aiiniiunoiii tlmt the balloon had boon obnerved uimr W riihtHvilln. Tbeite "ro. orl from the eir" were (Inly prwtud on the bulletin board of tlui liiMlujenccr, and were read by liiindrel who jiaHiiod by or enmo to liear tho neA, m (jen erul wan tbc interest Ivll in the renult nf tl,A irin i. ... Litter iu tlio eveniiii tho llillciwinif tliniiatehuii were roeeivt ; VuIiK, i'u., 6:-7 n. in.WiriB aud liia Imlloon Hcvenil miles utli of (liiHplnco, moving southwest. loitK, l it., I rot. Vt inc w on the I inciuimti I'.xiiwh, liaving hiuded ulxiiit one unci a half miles this aide of Shrewsbury Htiition, York county Another ot tuo piireoiii! arnven in Huh city abut It a. in., thinniornnig,beiir inff tho followinj' niewareo!1 ' MiiRV.WflBritr, i orK t:o., i'a. 7 p. m Ilnvo landed mfi'ly: Will bo homo in tho tuiirninir. ' '1 hix in 40 mlloa from Lanoaalor, 'i Wirt, and JoiiNnmn. It in RiiiHined the bird roontod ovor nii;lit and reRtnnod hi. tlijflit thin morn InK. i. Thi:i nrullio nntcmer-iiirot)n en r (tout from or nrrivod at thin city, and tlieir pfridrinancos nra rorrdid Willi dtnat jioimiar inteiwt. At 'AA'.) tliii. inornin( Moanrw. Wiao and JuhiiKton arriTed Hofo in thia rity, and wo will mow Jut tho latter tell tlio story of bis trip : . . ; ell, our (rrand ImiIIooii ascension bus tttkuu placa. Wo IntvO "gone up," made our voyatjo and returned homo, and it is now expected that wo shall wrilo a description of the trip, De scription in' nut our forte ; but in lieu of that wc will tlid down in a homely wiry Homo of tho incidents attending our first journey lo tlio skies. l.nno; before tho time nf atari lug, Cunt re Sijvmve was Oiled with pooplo wntrhing witli much interest tho infla tion of tlio balloon, nnd anxious to seo it ascend.. Prof. Wise was no Utile annoyed by' tlio over-ofiicionsness of inonos, who. in tneirnusiuKen onuenvur to assist blin, kejit him buck very con siderably in the tlclicnto work ho had to lK'riiirm. Aa tiir tho hiatorian of tho vnyaiin. ho waa early on tho ground, and anxious to remain there durina; the inrlntion, but waa mora than once driven off by tho flood of queries that were constantly being dinned into his earn by the crowd, which, for the nonce, ho watt a central figure, and every other omv of i whom scorned ile terminod to.rtntorvtow" him. ' homo of' tile iiiieWioiiR.nskcd tveiv in tlieiu selves vcry prtKjr one,, hut when ono is obligotl toaiiswer,:in tbesanio wortla, Ilia siiuio question asked by thousand different- viutKiiiR.-, tlte iuVrrviuw be- oouitti. U. say tho lutisL monntonoos, Hero fi.llow It iinv of the qnestiiHia we Were xiectuu V answer, or uvknowt otltfe tout wooiilln t aimweri - . ' hen will you go up? tant will you stoji ? lieu will you come homo? now .Digit win you go vtu you nut get aiddy away up there,? Ain't you ni'nutl 7 . Cdihu, won't you take a drink be lure you go? J)o you intend to take all Ui"c siinu-liags banging to the bal loon uloug with you 7. lluve you got your life insured 7 Do you think the Imlloon w ill be likely to knock down tlio monument 7. ie., ic;) iTc. , . A thououuil Warniiiin reiiroofa and admonition alto fell tiKn our cars. Hun t you tliniK yon arc tempting I'roviihuico in thus hamriling yniir rirocious life? Stick, old boy, dou't nu'k out. I'll bet filly cents yon don't go nri, ' Telegraph to mo as soon as voit land. .JJo enrfu! and don't fall ovornoartf.1 I'll glvo filly tlollam for yonr sent, l woiililn t go up ror the world, (rtxsl hve. Otiti hlesa you. flopc, hut tint fbrgolton, Sc., Sc. Then wo wore calico all manner of pet names, sucli ns "iiniily"fora?ronaut ; "loonoy" for iialloonisl j "gassy," "little angel," Ac., Ac. Similar aayings nd qnorloa were poured upon n o constantly, that It wiol a gunuino relief w hen tho time came for ns to atop into the basket and bid tlio multitude adlen , I flic, ascent, a, thousands ;'wb.f. wlt ucssoif Jt will testily, was a moat inc- ... I ,.l I,....,,, ,r,.l r.r.ft I ri..M ITW.1.1 .IK. .UVpilllW .,,V. , VM. M- hlp arose from tho midst or the dense mass ty which it Waa sul-roiintlod, and nasaca alroetiy over tne Atnenenni being groeted with lou (niMias anil Wavhig of handkerchiefs. The. com plimcnt was return od on otit part tiy tho waving of the atarapanglod banner CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1874.- by Master John Wise ami the vigorous swinging of hills by 1'mf. Wise und Ibo reporter, aud then .tho nir below us wus tilled with a shower of smull priiite.1 circulurs thrown from the luts kot nttneheil to the bulloou. Thus lightened, the balloon soon shot up lo an altitude of 4.000 feet, and iW Wiso made preparations to throw nut tbo dnig-roe, w hich bad been coiled in the bottom of the basket, in delcr. once to tho fear, of some worthy gen tlemen that if coiled in tho Square it might become entangled in thcKoldicrs' Monument, and carry oil' that exquisite piooo of sculpture I Tho rope became much tangled and required tlio exer cise of no little time and patience to unravel and throw it overboard. It, was accomplished at lust, however.ftnd then our lubor for tho voyage was over. and we had full tiino to look down upon the world from oiiveluviiteil soul And what n magnificent sceno it wus It included n view of nil Lancaster county from tho Illtie itidgo to tho Maryland lino, mid fmm tho Ootorara to tho Kiisqtiohanna, iuit at an eleva tion ol lour or tiro thousand leot.ovcrv- thiiig was no much reduced in size. tlmt tho largest buildings looked liko (oy-houRcs : the streets anil roatls liko well-swept paths: tho newly plowed fields ami fields of grass, stubble, to bacco anil corn, nnd tlio patchtw of woods, each varying m size uml color from those adjoining, looked liko a ifreitt colored map, or a vast iiwgulur eiiesn- iionnl: wbilo the streams which work their devious ways to the Siisquehnnnii, looked liko great serpents of n leaden color. The frequent and graceful curves oi tne t,onortogu added greully to the oeatiiy oi mo picture. At a:n p. in., wo passed ovor JHillom- ville at a height of 5!, 0110 brt, ami were greeted with loud applause by tlio cili aena. Wo returned I heir cheers and showered upon them hundreds of print ed circulars. Continuing on "our south west course," at a vory moderate rate of eod, wo crossed tho (Susquehanna river not nir Hum lork Kiiniace. ut 4:30. From this point wo had a bcati- tilul view ol Side Harbor, W ashington, borough., lolumbm, ilillemville. castor, and ono or two smull towns in 1 ork county. I ho river iiiimedialolv beneath lis looked liko a great rotter ruud, With the aid of Col. Met lovem's neld-glass, wo tried to get a view of Chesapeake Hay, but tho atmosphere 10 tne HotnuwuHi ot us wns so Imr.v t hat our wisn was not gratified. The sun shining brightly on tho balloon caused it to oxpund and rise rapidly, and we soon attained a height of I'.OOO (bet. From this clevaled point wo got a good view of the river from l'ort Deposit to a point iiir almvo llarrisburg, though unto except mo river could bo seen at these extreme limits, ilenenth us. howover.every tbi ng was su perbly beau tiful. The lower cud of Lancaster and Vork counties being much more broken and wooded, than that part of Lancas ter county ovor which we had already passed, presented a much moro pictur esque iippcurance, though from our great height the Itu-m houses and hams ttrtitph rlnrtetfl eh mm. U.kl m. I . than so inany dog hoxes. Soon wo began t tlosceud more run. Ily than we had urisvn' Tho circu- laiw were aguin given liberully to the brcor.o.. Ihey rose nbovo us and Iltit terod around tho balloon liko great snow-flakes. At a height of S,800 foot we could distinctly hour the cheers of those below lis, and still moro distinct Iv tho crack of tho rides of some gun ners, Tho themometer which had fal len to Ml degreoa when we wore nloitr greatest height, rose several tlegtves as we approached Iho onrtli. As tlioro was all no open space ahead of us, i'roi. n l dotoruiineu to nitiKe a lauding, and called lo tho people below to look tor and take hold ot tho drag rune. Soon moti, women, children and dogs were aeon running hum all directions toward tbo field in which tho balloon was oxiiected to come down. Hero an amusing incident oceurod. 'Two large dogs, evidently mortal enemies, lielong ing to neighboring farmers, met upon the field while tlio balloon wns some hundreds of feet alsivo them. Not ob serving the halloou, and probably sup posing that tlio excitement among tlio ticoplo was got up fur Vuir esHM inl icuclit, tbo dogs went for each other likotnio terriers; "Ihey tH,they growled nnd they yowled," and there is no knowing what might hnvo been the result of the fight, hud they not dis covered the balloon coming right down upon them; but as soon as they saw it, they let go their holds, yelied in con curt, and with their tails between their legs, fled ingloiiously from tho hattlo- neld.. . . . In tho meantime the balloon landed nkelv in a buckwheat field on the farm of r. A. Jloattio, siluuted in Chancu- foitl township, York county, neur tho indsor township lino, and not more than a mile ami a-half from the new Narrow Criiuge liuilroad fnnn Oxford, Chester county, U York. Here we woro stKuf surrounded by a orowd of people who rendered us ad nocessaty assistance, anil towod tho bulhsiii from tho buckwheat field into a gross field, where it was anchored by willing hands. Our lunch bankets were inspected, und tho relutive merits of Hotel Copland and itostauran! Miller impartially dis cussed. A vote was taken asto which set tho butter table and the result was one ununimoiis "aye !" (oiK'ner.) A council of scientists was now hold. Wise proposed to rot real ; reporter prn- f lotted to advnnoo. Wiso demonstrated ly actual trial that the balloon wouldn't go up witi passongers, ovon without a pound of ballast ; reporter Proposed to leave a passenger huhind. Wise siiggostod that reporter should be lelV behind ; reporter auggosted I hat YV ise, Doing the heaviest, would tin belter. Finally a eompromiso was cflootod bo- tweon tho "high cont rooting pnrtiosny making a sacrifice of littio Johnny. and. ulthough Johnny protested against the injustice thus done him, he was so en tirely in tho minority that his pro test was unavailing. A few dollars were crammed into his pocket aa hush money, he was placed m charge ot a vory decent-looking man named Kinnn- uel (Smith, of Windsor township, who contracted tn give him conveyance to the nearest railroad station, and pre parations were at on e made for anot her ascension. . i ... jiaviiHr Itius diwirisKul of Master John and taken in about fifty pound of more disposable ballast, l'rof. Wise and the ropnrtnr re-aseeeded amid the hutsas nf the yeomanry of ( 'hancetord innd Windsor townships. Un attaining an elevation of 1,600 feet, the view was magnificent Aa evening approached, tho light and shadows fell mnch trinre beautifully ttpon tho earth than was the case earlier in the day. Says the reporter. "I'm sorry for little Johnny; hut it'a good to be hero." Hays Wise, "yea, I'm glad that I granted yoar re quest lo make a seonnd ascension." and quietly throwing overboard a bag of sand, be sent the balloon ap, anrl tip. and np, until wo had attained a height of 7,800 foot, and the gas again began PRINCIPLES, BOT. MEN to flow fivelV triHir'ils nwk. 1 Not a woi-d wns spoken fbr ining time, tho oeoiipimts ol the istKt bnng nhsorlio m conioinpiatnig liiuifMndeiiruiiil Im ineiisny oi too scene, i nere wo hung in mid-air, thousamls'tt leet uboro the earth, which seemed to bo mi immense basin with a hot loin of britrht mosaic which became dim and Indistinct near its outer cireunilercue. Tho sides of tlio Imsiii were of an ashen huobecom ing grudnully lighter nntil, towanls the upper rim, all tho colors of the min now woro distinctly marked. To the west, and jnst above iflie golden rim of tne onsin, snone ino (trout sun, more thiin twice its usual' sir.. It was so near tbo bonr.on fhiit it could ho easily looked upon williont any ittiiirv to the eye. in color the upper hulfi "a. .-.Miiiisru'iy iiini'o iiTini too ini(w lemon, to tbo decpe j..u-iinge, and tho lower hull' front the most brilliant blood color to the darkest purple. It slowly nnd niiijcstlcully tlissiiiM'nivd behind tho Win of the great basin over which we nlone seenicd to ho suspended. While gazing at the gorgeous sunset wo bail gradually fallen to nn altitude of about 3.000 bct, niul Prof. Wise de termined to inulio a lauding lunr Shrewsbury, which hail been in sight tiir snmo time. Calling loudly, bo at tracted thonttention of sevcrnf persons, but they wore slow in comprehending wmu no wnnted. A man who was plowing In n field near by left his horse standing in tho furrow unit hastened to our assistance; bat just then his liiimo also discovered the hull. win, nnd utter half :i dozen iuintis. got loose from the plow nnd made n bee-line fur the hiini, miming nt a gait that would hnvo done no discredit to Pcllowcnifl. A hid of 16 was the first to seize the drngropc, and us he wns pulled alonir nun uiiii,r.i niii-ii innii iiir icei, tiy a gust of wind which struck tho balloon, ho quickly let go, causing the balloon to drift from the grass field in which wo intended to land, to a cornfield ad .....I . i:i...l i . ... , joining. Hero the Professor throw overboard Ins gmpol, which stsui took hold and wo came down very grace fully among the standing corn. We were soon surrounded by a great crowd of pootilo, iinu'iearnod iroin fliem tlmt wo hud landed on the farm of Christo pher Si-brooder, (Shrewsbury township. one and tt hull miles north of the town of Shrewsbury and Ihreo or lour miles from Shrewsbury railroad station. The crowd towed the balloon from the cornfield to tho grass-tield where in less than ait hour it was emptied, loaded on a wagon and onnvoyed into the town, and thence to I lie uoarcst stitlinn the Northern Central , Itailroad. where Prof. Wise and the renurter awaited tho arrivul of tho (mm for llarrisburg. ntioit which they took passage, and reached Lancaster at I o'clock this morning. On reaching Shrewsbury, and in quiring for the nearest telegraph sta tion, wo were much gratified to loam that Mr. li. F. K oiler, the wide uwko coiTcsptmdont of tho lialli moro (liizrth and York Uaalte, had already sent to Iho IiiMliqtimr a telegram aunuunciug fie found oui wLo wo tteiolioUsiiidl'lie picked up one of tho circulars which wo hail thrown from the basket some timo before we hinded. Mr. Kollcr will accept our thanks fur tho favor dune us. Wo tiro nlso under obligu tionsloMessrs. F. A. Beat lie, of Clianco fonl, and Christopher Schroeder, of Shrowsbury,on 'huso farms wc landed, for vultiable assistance, us also to Alex ander lciilmi't and David (iliitl'cler, for conveying ourselves and the lm-. Itsiii to tho ruilroad station. Mr. A. Miljor, Squire linker, nnd muny others whoso names wc did not Utn ii, ren dered us ussisliiiH-c. , .. To tho Lituciusler (!nr C'ouijiaiiy and its efficient miinuger, lluh t'orenrun, the UToiiuutsuvciuilcbtc'l iuf siipilying at eheup l utes a full supply of the best qualify of gas, manufactured ess'cially lor theoceusiiin. To Joe Cromer, John Sides, J oil n Copland qud (iixugo U. .Miller we are indcblcd for abundant lunches of the choicest cafahUs, which were partaken of with the givafost relish al a height ali'c the earth to which an cngle would hardly venture to soar. . , . The Mayor of the city, tho police force, and tho citizens generally merit our thanks for their coiirtosies and Iho good order cutiirocd during the infla tion of the bulbsjii. ,. , To Messrs. (.list and Wood, of Pbil'lphia, and Frank Howell, of this city, wo aio indebted lor the use of well trained pigeons iur tho voyage. Doth of .Mr. llnwell s p geons eiiiuo in promptly wilh their messages, ono of tho birds having been dropped from tho Imllouu, wheu nt tho altitude of 0,000 feet. ... . , l . i To tbo Franklin Intitule, and to Mr. j tho instrt,nent tnukci', olT'hihidelphia,aiid Col.ktl. M'tiovorn,, of this oily, wo are iii.iebtod lor line instrunioiils, though we, fear we have added but litOu totim'Tunsc ofsciuuee.'' 'I ho day being clear ami pleasant, the j only '"observations" wo oould iiuUmvus flic full of Iho thcuionieU.r and burome-j ter as wo wont up, und ihe riso as wo descended, and IhcrH,1, pbvlloim'UU ciiired ns regularly as we rhangud our hoight, , ,. , , ..... , ..., Wo cnu only add our testimony to that of uli those who luivo preceded us in n'risl iinvigntlon.'fhlt in (ho bands of skillftd mromiufii M tho Wises, the balloon is tbc grandest, safest and most pleasant mode of (ravel known to nmn ; and the only drawback tonneoted with our Journey was w hen WiVwero obliged to leave our pleasant (cut in tbo bal loon and got into the diuty, dangerous, rickety, rattling' rant of the Northern Central ami Pcniisylvai'a liuilioads. Tho largest sheep dvvtlcr tlmt the Highlands ever know was Cameron nf Corrichollie, now ilend.t Ho wns once examined before a confinilleo nf tho House nf Commons, aid came to lie questioned on thestibjel of his owner ship of sheep, "Yon lui.'o some fifteen hundred sheep, prnbaoty, sirr said It,i,...,,;,, nt ( "AtUiiiR wns Corrlcholle's 'qitic look n pinch of simff- reply, n ho iiiblins I have n tew nioronorthnt fl'wo thousand. then 7" "Yes, 1 belicvj I have' that and a few more form).," calmly re sponded the Highlander with atMithiir pinch. "Five tbniisniilT' 1 M)h, t, und a few more," "Tnty thousand. sir," capping with a luitkt his ptwcint, bid. "Oh, ay, and tom mora torpye, waa (ho imierttirbahle rtsponse of (Mr riohnllie. "lit henvon'4 name how many sheep hnv yonl mnnT" hnrat out tho astonished' eut'eliist. " "I am noTorvsnre of a thnitsrsl nr. two." replietl (trrieholllo, inf ils dry laconic way, and wilh an extralMg pinch "but I 'm bwner-of Ibrty llniiaaml sheep nt the lowest reckoning. ' i ' Pemcnibor' that OcAils'r 2d Is the last day for1 obtaining Dual nntfirttllv.av' turn napont, and tHtoner M rne rvu day tiir tbt rravmciit ot tar If to" would exercise your right nf suffrage In November. A STUIROliX FIGHT. On tho ZZtl, within two ami a-half miles of Allundulo. Ila.. on the farm of John Davie Terrell, a most remarka ble Bceuo oecured. it was a terrible reninnnterbntween a dog and a rntllo snako, Which ended in Ilio death of both. About dusk that ovoning, us ho and his plough Isjy and a white woman ho bad hired to boo were wonding thoir way slowly homeward after tho duy'a lalmr .wa, over, loadini? thoir horses along a pathway near the margin of tne corn new, the woman who wns barefooted and. walkiitg in tho path before tliom, suddenly snrana buck, ex claiming there was tlio biggest snake she evor saw. Mr. Terrell then ad vanced with n short pine knot in hit band, avith the intention of striking It when 'flic boy cautioned Win, remind ing him of the Imminent danger he would incur by attempting to kill such a snake, with such a frail weapon. Ho tnatlo no further effort to strike it. but the motion with tho nine knot no doubt Manned ids snnkoship, for he instnnly I limed mid glided into the bushes and briers, and as ho inove.1 his nifties moil" Iho well-known sound, which wns also fitmilinrtothodog, who, hear ing it, at onco sprang upon tlio snuko und, it is BupiMAsed, caught it by the tail mill tore away its rattles, ns their sonnn, w as not afterward heart. Then commenced a death struggle. The snake would, strike at the dug. and ho would scizu'il in his mouth and shake it.' Hofore ho go,'; good hold on it, it sfrnok him several times wilh its fangs. The dog had previously killed several rattlesnakes, and under-1 stood how to fight tliem upon a fair open field, but in this case he fought ut u very great ilisadvaiitazo. being impelled In his movements by the thick jungle of vines, briars ami bushes, uinnng wnicn tne snune hud taken re fugo. Tho fatal wound iutrst have been given by th snake very aoon af ter the contest commenced, as the ting wns misorvou to neconio weak und stag ger, then he seemed to renew his at tack on the snake wilh terrible energy nnd fens ify taking it by the body ami shaking it most vigorously from side to si'lo, and tenring great slugs of flesh frum ifs body. As sisDn ns ho hud subdued (be rop (ile he enrried it out to tho open ground, where his ninster was, and luid it down. Then, reeling like a drunken man, un der tho workings of tho deadly poison, tho bravo fellow placed his feet on its body, nnd with the energy of despera tion and doafh already grappling with him he literally tore out its vititls and strewed them on tho ground. In a moment aim nt tlio very climax ol vic tory, tho fiiithliil ilog reeled and fell to Ihe ground, and lu a few minutes was stiff in death, notwithstanding every jiossiblo effort was mado to save hini. l'lie snuko was an enormous ono, and from Mr. Terrell's account must have been at least five loot long. MOXKKY SAOAOfTY. w-svW.iia'nTTaTTpurt'ol the coil ii" try, on the plains of India, while jour neying, thatone dayafriend anil myself sat down undur the shadow nf a hnrivnn live. We were enjoying a meal of vuriousedihlcs, when we woro disturbed by the arrival aud tho noiso of a troop nf largo, blitck-tiieed monkeys, Tho nrancnes overheard literally swarmed with them. They looked on us as in terlopers, no doubt; and for some timo Iheic gesture, nppeurod so luoniKiing, that wo wore npptvhensive they would dispute tbo gryuud with us. .,. , , Wo had just risen from our meub v. hen, to our surprise, one of the mon keys (a young ouo) fell down from u high branch at our feet. Jt was quite thud. 'The' clamor that nroso above ns, on tho occurrence of I bis calamity, wits deafening. The w hole assembly of monkeys clustered together for a coiillili. Long and loutl were tho chat tering and various the grimaros of tbo tribe, each individual vicing with tho other in Ihe loudness of his tongue. Their looks nnd gesture made it ap parent that they tuspertsMl Ds of being tbo causo of the sudden death of thoir juvenile comrade. Hut wo were un armed, and tho goxsl sense of the mon keys seemed to toll them that their must ho soma othei culprit. Having comedo this conclusion, one. monkey, apparently the senior and b ailor of the whole tribe, aopanibrai himself from the rests ran to the spot on tbo branch, and then glitlod nimbly down one of the pillars or pendant roots, aud dime to tho oorpso of the monkey, took it up, examined it min utely, particularly the ahouldur, whore there was a smsll wonnd. Instinct immediately turned nuspiiqon into cer tainly. . ile placed tho corpse nn tbo ground again, and turning ids gate in ovory direction, endeavored to pierco tlio loliago In his search lor tho ntiir- lorer." i . After a while something seemed to rivet hie attention, lu an instant ha hail mounted the tree, sprung to the spot, and wilh one clutch had seised a long wliip-suuke. with which ho hual oikkJ Unthu ground. Now occurred a must oniious scone. Tho whnlo mon key rubble, billowing I hear lender, waro on the ground almost aa eoon as Lo. Tln o. am many as could rouged them- solvcsoiicach sido of the snake. Ivach monkey put his hand on the reptile, clutching hold of the akin of the back tightly) -'At a given signal the execu tioners dragged tho writhing snake haokwArd and Ibrward on the ground, till nothing mu loft of tho murdoror but the backbone. The mod) of exe cution was cll'ectual, and in tho way it wns carried out, showed the clear un derstanding which tho monkey lan guage conveys. , . ,, , ., ., . An , Astonisui.d Yoi no) Mah. A Nashville paper gives the following sample ol social iiiaenities in that auc tion . i PA -Nashville youth asked hi sw eet ness to go tn some entertainment with liim last week, but sbo declined on the ground thai hor shows wore out ot re pair, whereupon the young man offered lo Ituvc tiieai lutnded if sbo would have (hem sent nii'und tho next day. A lady friend ' who overheard the t-on- vcrsation, aocutvd a well-worn lutit' of brogun belonging lo her colored cook, nnd itnd them conveyed (o Die enam oured wining mnn curly the next morn ing. The hitter wa astonished, ns he luid boor, minor the impression that hw linlt-ina wn the possessor of (he neat est foot in Nashville for pair of them for thai matter) but bravely concealing his feeling of dlMbpointmeM, he look them (o Ihe nearest shoe-maker, with a rrsittest that they be mended at onc. After the shoe, had been repaired, the yonng Mlnw escortctl them ' t' the home of the nrr of his heart, eJCjiectinft; be overwhelmed wrth thank. On tke contrary', half an hiwr of glib talk. lag on hi part was required In order to cvMivinc) tne iny mat ne nan no in lent ion of Insulting bor." NEW TIKI) TO T1IH TRACK. Onu of Iho most atrocious crimes ever commit toil was perpetrated nt a point nenr Hcnryvillo, Iml., about twenty miles back of Jofletiioiivillcnii Saturday night, the 29lh nil. A brief account of tho afluir wns given by tel egraph, but tbo following detttils from tho Jofl'orsonvillo correspondence of! iho J.ouisville founr JounuU will bo found interesting: As freight train No. 10, coming sonth on tho J. Jl. and I. railroad, due at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, in chargo of Conductor Watcrhouse, had reached a point about ono mile this side of ilenryvillo, tho train was hailed and stoppetl. A number of men, prnb ubly n doxen, were gathered around a man, anil Conductor Wuterboitsc wus told Hint tlio man bad born run over bya previous train, ami wns dylug. 'Ihe conductor bail tho injured man taken on board tho train, in compiinv with Dr. Ferguson, of Ilenryvillo, who had been culled to rentier medical service. I ho niiured man bad his left leg torn off by tbo train, nnd was weak from tho loss of blood, and for Home linio uftor ho wusnhourd w as unable to talk. Ho revived for a time, however, nnd told the following story ; "My iiamo is August (iardiicr. I was born in Franco, and hnvo been from tlmt country but a short time. I aid but twenty-tbreo years old. I have no relations or friends in this country. My father is dead. 1 was going down to Louisville in seairh of employment, und as I had but little money I thought I would walk. It could not hnvo been much pnst ten oclock last night, when three men camo up to mo as 1 wus walking along tlio track. One of them demanding my money. I told them that 1 was poor, having' only a few dollars. This tlitl not tlo any good, for they seized' ine, two holding mo and tho other one searching my pockets ami taking my ptx'ket book und every thing else I hail. They threw ine down on the track. I thought they wore going to kill me and I begged llioni to spare, my life. They said nothing, but ouo of them produced a long piece of roM3 from his pocket, nutl they commenced to tie mo lo tho track, over a cuttle guard. 1 wits badly frightened. 1 told them that I never knew tliem, and had never dono them any harm, and If they would let mo go I would snv notiiing of what hail occurred. While 1 was talking and pleading with them they still kept on tying mo to tho track over tho cnttlo guard. They tied me lengthways to tbo Hill. The rope was tightly fustened around my body, legs and arms. When they got through 1 could not move my arms and legs. While I wus begging them not to leave mo thero they went off. 1 knew that the cars would be ulnng soon, and I triod my utmost to free myself anil loosen t ho roos that bound me. At first 1 did not think that 1 would bo able to move at all, but, after repeated onorts, 1 succeeded in work- &JE&MK.M Wrtl'T vHcrwrV Mt leg oft, but could nut. 1 yelled with all my might, honing that some body would conio anil save mo, but no one came. It was ruining hard at tho timo, and very dark. I bad been lying thero alsitit an hour when I heitrtl the Curs coming, i cannot tell yoti my feelings. A proeoptible tre mor passed through tho framo ol tlio dying man. In a few seconds tbo train was nearly up to where I was lying. I gave a wild shriek and closed my eyes. 1 ho cam passed over mo. tho wheels cutting off my leg, anil cut ting the ropes loose that bound inc. 1 suffered intense pain, and crawled and j dragged myself a few leet from the track. I fuintcil ttway, anil when I catiic to 1 was very thirsty. It wus sf ill ruining, nnd 1 dug n liulo in the ground by my fnce with my fingers, so that it "would till wilh wiitcr. liv doing this I nmuuged to get a lit lie wuter. . I wns so wcuk.thutl could not move, und l.luillnocd frequently during the night for help but no one camountil morning when I wus found." The man has sinco tliod nnd the cit iaens of Uunrysvillebiive offered (11,000 for the perpetrators ol this horrible crime. . WHAT A XKORO PKEACKKR .SAW. A Salem ( Alabama) preacher lms, ac cording to a Southern exchange been telling Ills Congregation n strange J am. We hope bo preached "to the marine" but his audience, wn colored, and ho himself the huo of ebony. The negro is credulous. , ,., , , .. - . , ,. , .llo said thut a young man,' living in ono of tbo many towns ho bud visited, asked a young lady to accompany him to church on tbo Sabbath day. . She replied, pettishly, that hcrhnirhad not been curled, and that sho would go to ("the bnd pluco with iter eyes wide open bclnro she would venture to church with hor hair uncurled. Ami she went not at that time ; but the next Stmdny, having gotten her curls ndjusted. she ventured out and listened patiently to tho sermon until its close. Winn the congregation bnd been dismissed she moved Inward the dour, but fell on reaching tho portal, 'with her feet (o the door and head toward tho pulpit. A she fill her clothing cracked liko Chinese crackers exploding, anil on ex amining bur face, it was impossible to close her eyes, because ol tho loss ol the lids. Vlion her friend crowded around to raiso her up, they found themselves unnble to move her.' The sequel showed that it took twelve strong men to lilt her from the floor, and twelve to put ber in bercotlin. It also required tho united exertions of twelve minister to preach her funeral sermon-Ann exceedingly heavy Job, doubtless, When the Inst sad rites were being idiserved, tho lid of tho collin suddenly rinsed ot its, own ne cord, and something "about the sir.o of a black cat" leaped out ; aiM B Ibis creature jumped from Ihe coffin to (be door it cried aloud to the petrified mull once: "Wait I wait! wait nntil I curl my hair I" "A 1 expect to answer in tlio uny of judgment, said I lie sable di vine, "1 saw this scene with my own eye, nnd It wn just n" I hnvo told von. . An afcornmodslbm train' between Jamestown and Lako View was the ncene of a little incident on Thursday. Ten don t think that boy Is nntlor ten, boy, ton won't pass him for half fare? .1 list look at thai, will ye T" And from out the old oarpet-bag'thenld lady wilh trembling eagerness, brought the well- worn lltmily Bible, ami turning to the pago reserved for births and death held It triumphantly up nndor lbs con ductor's nose, with "Doe that look a though I wa liar, young man T" - With- snch testimony before hi eyes tli conductor eonRl no m te than rata the hoy (br half rare, amid siibdneil applause from the paamnger, who had been amused spectator otthe-acene. TEEMS-S2 per annum in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 15, NO. 3D. I'OHMOSA. . ITS UKOIIItAI'lilt'Al, MUTATION ANDOlN IHTION HKETCII OP ITS IIISTOUV : TP'om Ibo Sacrainrato (Cal.) t'uion.) ' js, origin, supporting (his idea. 1 l onnosn. tho scene of the present In the curly part of the present ecu difllciilties between the Chinese, und tiny tbo luoe-nmniilnctories in Honi Jnpnncso govertiinciifs, is nn island of. tun' und the neighboring villages om 15,000 sqiutro miles in tho Cbiiin SonJ ployed sonio 2,500 women and children, between 22 and 25 80' N., nnd long!- j slimeing (but at that time it must liavo tu.lo 12(1 lilV and 122 K. It is about been n Ineraiive oinpl.iymout ; but the 215 miles long nnd 100 wide nl Its introduction of iho bobbin-net miichin. broatlcMt part. The whole const of Iho island facing the main land, mid a con siderable distance inland, belongs to China ami forms pnH of the province of Fokien. from which it is distant ninet y miles. The remainder of the island is occupied by aborigines. A ridgo of snow covered volcanic moun- tninii, culled jiuh linn Sbun, tbo high ri", 121". " '''' ""'."'rj""""! bo 12,000 feet above the cvef of the sea, iiiteiwotthe island from north to! She nccnribngVy ordered her own wed south. I he declivities are clothed with ding-dress to bo muilu of this material; luxuriant tree nml pasture grounds, and it is msxllcss tn add tbi llm,ii,.n men give tne island n very beautiful appearance, Iroin whence jt derived ilsj . l!llllC.i;r,myn.,0ll,- On the west side of the i.-lund a num ber of mountain stream run down to tho sea, and the soil on -tho mountain slope Is extremely fcrtilo.und well cut tivatcd. The trade in rice, which is of miiciir,riiiuiuy, nciwoen rormosa arm the main land employ about '100 ves sels. Wheat, millet, maize, sugar cane, orange, pineapples, gunviis. ctrconnuts. aroeiinuts.eBcic. npricots.figs.grnpcs pomegranates, chestnut, melons nnd vegetable of vnrions kinds are also grown in large quantities. In addition rieo, camphor, stilt, sulphur, maize, fruit, timber, nnd other products are exported from tho islund. The Com- merce ol porniosa is confined chiefly to Fokien, ami a few other eastern pi-ov- incca nf China, from which it imports green ten, raw silk, and woolen and cotton stuffs. Tho domestic animals of the island are bufl'aliK's, horses. nssoA. goats, sheep, hogs and cuttle, nnd the custom pnrt is said (o bo infested witb tigers, leopards and wolves. In 1818 a large urea of coal of excellent quality wns discovered near the village nf Kil- lon, in tlio northeastern pnrt of the island. The aborigine, who are slen derly shaped, and of olive complexion, wear long hair nnd blacken the r teeth They are divided into different tribes, hnvo no written language, nntl arc said to lie honest in their dealings, but re vengeful when provoked. The Chinese portion of the island is divided into lour districts, and the capital is named 1 upon a cushion, which ia known us the Tai-wun-lbo. Tho Chinese did not I pillows ; pins are next inserted in the know of tho existence of Formosa until1 perforations of the pattern. Then the year 1403, and their authority over Jcnmo tho littio bobbin or spindle, , . n ..n nor. iKiiiiiiisneti until ino your j ltiHH. since, which fintn it lia. ,v.,..,ua,l satisfactorily under their rule. Lufge - .. ..,",,, u;;u r-i-i , lumitities of land have been nurchnseil by speculators, who encourage emigra tion from the mainliind nnd offer con siderable inducements to settlers. The wealthy colonists are dissatisfied witb tho Chinese government, lo which iJifX OK (UiJUlfjll.SQlirv&of, uucimiuM. Literature nourishes on Ihe islam! and many of tho residents of Fokien send their sous thither to be educated. For mosa hns few available harbors, ami tho sou l hern channel is remarkable for iU violent northern winds and heavy seas. 'J ho Hutch became musters of (he island in 1032, but were expelled by tho famous pirate Coxing, whose followers ruled until tho Chinese ob tained pogicusion. Tho climate of Formosa is snlubriotis and its pnpuln- (ion is estimated nt 2,5(10.011(1. liV.I T WEVOX' TLJKE TO SHE. Wo dnh't like to see handsome young i men (that is, hiititlsnmely put np by ii tbi ..,'. ,,nlv tin dono at large mann mcrchiint tailor; ih sonio cases on factories as tho cxponso attending it credilj cut a awell on tho at roots, lipj is too great for the slender nurse of a tueir nciiver gnicciuiiy, smile uiion the ladies fascinntingly, and making a grand flourish in society 'jrohemlly. wliiie they owe tbo printer for tlio ccssful designing can only bo accom advertiscmont which, indttcoa trailo plished in conjunction with tho actual sufficient to supply them wilh spend- i niantifnilnre. ' While any artist can ing money lo keep up delicious npiH-nr-f draw ofl'ectivo and pleasing pat toma, antes among their -hail fellow, well thev would nrubablv lie ciilinilv im.i mtn eumpuiiioits. Wo dou't liko to see the upstart ot half a decade less (Tutu maturity, pa rade lino clothes which bis mother fins paid for from earnings at tbc wnh-tnh. or tho poor father by earryingthe hod j or sawing wood, put on tho nirs of men, attempt tocaptivato silly long-trailiiig girls, by purling their liuir in (ho mid dle mid standing sentinel on corners, insult old Indies and 'gentlemen, run up bills nt the lec cream saloons, wiulr they . (lo not posse wil enough to know Hint even" sensible being regard l,o.n a ...... t.1.. 'VCn .i t hem lis unniltignted fisil.''.' We don't liko to see gootl, kiuil-lioua tcd mothers roasting over I ha kitchen rnngo. knesd- ing bread, nntl washing the bitnilv lin en, while thoeigldeeuyeui's ulildaiigh-i tcr sits nt (he piano screeching toll, to the delight -of Mr. Jones, the pathetic litty, "Who will cure for mother now?" We dtm't. liko to ucttr Istys nut vet. out of their toons, cnll fnther.the "old mnn, and mother tho "old woman, squirting tobacco juice around Ihem, and puffing long nines to the annoy ance of passcra-by on the streets, while their oiling and strut all iiitliruto a luck of guts! sense. All these thing wo don't like to see, nnd a good many more things which ivu may mention hcrentler. Jtaticorter Iterirw. ' '."A DISMAL TLACli. ' Mr. .Tunic, Uiieo, in uu nrlii to in the dirnhin Mni)tizir, describe Iceland In u chilly wnv. He nuv there nrn no trees, though apparently there were plenty in tho tenth century, when wu I . . . ,. ' , I heat' of men hiding among hem and. being hanged from them. No corn is grown, nor nny other crop, except a tew turnips nnd potatoes, which Issto only half riie. The only wild quadru ped, are the blue lox (who has proba bly conic, nx the white bear now and then docs, on Ice-floes from (irtH-nbiiuh nnd the reindeer the Intterlntrodnced nlsitit a eenttuy ago, and slid iniconi- : : . . : nmn, ranging orer tbo ilcnerl luonn- tliins, ; There is no town except the cnpital. a city of 1.KII0 people, no oilier place deserving to bo culled even a v 11 Inge, nub's it be the hamlet nf Akn revi, on the shore of the A tlio ocean, with sonic filly houses ; no inns (save one in Hint village whose resources consisisoi tan liens, a single ..... basin ami a Inliiani bible); no hrna. ... . L i : 1.. I...- - I lucks or geese (oxcrpt wild goose), no pigs, no donkeys, no ronds, no curringes, nn shor, no rniuinliicdirvs. no tllssen- tor from the established Lnlhcrnnlsm.t no nnnv, nnrr.1 volunteer, or other I guardian of public order, except ono policeman in llcykjavik. no criiniiinls. only (wo lawyers, anil nnully, no nnKc. ' "What, then, i there 7" ask Mr. Brlep, and replhsi, "Snow, moun tains, glaciers, hot springs, vnlcanoe. earth-quake .northern liglifs, CHverna, morasses, and almvo all, desert." The police in Heading III, keep list of the ladle who flirt in public. ,U Uoww'Uw 'ill 1 I III the county of Devon, Knglnnd, Is Ihe Invele vnlii nl flunit,,,, !,!,. I. Im j ccichruled not only tor tbo richness ami ii rniity or the valley and tho pic turcsqun bills which enclose it on cither aide, but for fhu muniifuciiire of iuj wonderful Itieon.,. This production kfuumi therein grout portoction so bittiufiliii in design, and so delicate in workmanship, as not lo bo excelled even by the choicest specimens of Brussels lac. U i ; m. ..(,'); ftni ih iiii.i,iii',.,.iM,J. ..r it... ..... ... ..,.., , - 4."I,IVI luce is not confined to lloiiiton alone. Jl is in in lo in various parts of the ,,,,,,, I,- ,.!' II.., ,..! ..,.,. I..II.. 1 J ' ' ""V wwa; the citxtcrii nnd n part of tho Houthcrn coast .u' a tli-dniico of iibotil 30 miles, innd i nines minim. . i I It is very generally believed nd the tvudilioii is a probahlo one (hut ' ! luce-making was introduced into Dev. nlisliii-ii lit- tin, i.t'itinii (rum (.'loiiiliitsi in the year 1507 tlio names of some of the lur-c.iiuikcrs. which lire of Fleni. cry, over rfifty years ago, caused a depression in tbo trade, owing to the fuel that previous to this tho whole of the net, "grounded," as it is termed by tho initiated, wns mndo on tho pillow. llonilon lace owes its present, pop ulurily lo the Itindableofl'ortsof Queen Victoria, who, commiserating tho miserable condition of those lnco-mak- determined -to assist them by .,; I... ; i.; i, .:' nt once became the rage, nnd has con- tinned to bold the popular tltvor and 'oniuiiiud high prices ever since. A report ol (ho great exhibition of ls.'il edimntod (he iinmlicr of person einrilove,! in this disl rir.riri,liiili,w j tho Valley of lloiiiton at about 8,000, though this was not considered as en- tnvly reliable. Tho nature of this article which enables tho parties em ployed in producing it to enrry on tho operation apart. U'utu each other, and wilbont ilTtel'terinir with their domestic urmngeinenta rendered it exceeding. ly ilitlicult to slab' tho exact number employed. This beautiful fabric furnishes a . household work which is found in the cottuge of tbo ioor rather than in largo factories, ns is tho case usually with tho prodnction of similar articles. - In ninny of those littio villages of Devonshire the traiclcr seen both (ho young maiden und aged mnlrou, wilh her pillow on her lap, seated on a rus (ic doorway, arched over, perhaps, with the clematis or jassamino vino, busily plying her bobbin, which bring slow but sure remuneration. Cowper, in a few lines, describes this picture, as it may lie seen any day ; Von eottager who weave, at her own door, Pillow and bobbin, all ber litU etore, Coutrnt tboub mean, and cheerful if Dot ,ay, SiiulHinr. ber tbreade aSoe. tba livelong day, Ju..t earn, a aoaaty pitlanca, aad at night Lie. down .eeure, ber heart and pocket light lloiiiton luce is mndo by first fasten ing a "pricking" that 1 a perforated pattern of cardboard or parchment leruieu 'thicks, uputi which is wouno. tl... At,... ,1. .....t c... .U- ...I.-!- uiiu iui. ui. .... iiiaiviiiu iue munt. these licks are thrown under and over each other among tho pinB, ill various directions, bo asto lorm tho' desired pattern. Tlio great industrial exhibition, of London und Paris have brought about sumo iiuiiortaul unprovements both in li'.-JkliJ JruiY'twi.Ua, Alov'Luo introducing designs of nutural flowers in plneo of (he grok'sqtio forms and figures which all Inco-makera inclino to: and to those who are successful In currying out I hi idea arc awarded premiums. ,. . r ,, There hns always been much diffi culty experienced in providing- and keeping good design. Tho pattern, iroiu Iroqucnt handling, is gradually dragged out of shape; und, unless the worker possesses which they rarely do a : knowlodgo of drawing, and proper appreciation of form, this ia not easily remedied. Consequently, put terns have tn be redrawn from tim. fo time by some enmnotont desi.mer and pnvalo lace-mnker. l AnoiheroliNttti lu nreaenls itself in Ibis iiinttvr, frum the fact that suo-i practicable. The designer must have a knowledge of the capabilities of tho liuilui'iul ; iiUhj, questions of cost may not bo h t sight of in preparing tbeso designs; Then. too. old laco-makora are very jealon of any Inlcrflronce with tlio original pattern; many of which have beun bunded down through sevotul generutions, until thero has , grow n to be a feeling with these class es that any alteration i, not desirable.' There are aotno curious names given ' to these old pftt(otn, often" furnisncd with no npparenr reicrenco to the ob- ject designated. Tho "turkov-taii" is U wolbkuown liortlor-sprig, wliieh do-1 ,euds on the imagination to discover, resembleuco (o (bo snread plumairo of (he bin! from which it takca its name. In edges, various fruit and flower are supposed to bo represented, ' as the applo, peur, violet, rose, etc, while fly-whecis, flies eyas, and names of celebrity hwc.IL the list as Marchioness of. Sligo odgu, : Mar chioness of DtMiro odgo, eto. lloiiiton laii, as now known, it dl vidod into two kintls "Point" and ' "Appliqnoifc 'Tho term "point" was ' oniiHitly-art.idiad to Inou that was mudu wil I, the needle. ; now it it given . to thut luce tho separate twigs or bor ders of which nre connected by threads '' called "sporns." Tbo "Appliquo" is distinguished from the "Point" in that ' these sprigs or borders are fastened on innehinc.niudo not, (ho sprigs being mado on 'iho pillow. ' ii .These pillows, oi' cushions, are cir cular in limn, and nimlo of canvass -.,'...l ...:,i. t i -......, ti . nn v tl ' I en a . iwjevu . jlltlit lace district, whore their man- sorf dusiry, throw Kuglish shillings each. ' ..t In these sumo district luce schoolt t are established, where ubildren , are . curly instructed , iu thia . useful art, which is not only patronised by women i unit nnd girls, but by men nnd boys as well, , vllll ,v K, ,(l,,jIW ,,lrina ,i,eir lei. ,,.,, dealers tend out ..oii.trn,, w,o go altont from house to boiiso buying un those bits of work, small sprig of w hich are made in aud less ijiinntiloa and sold by the dozen, when (hey aro sewed together to olv tain the required lengths. Connois seur in lace can readily debtH the Old Devonshire by noting thy want : ' . . ft . ,'1Vfriilarity Intlieiiet-gToiimlcdascoin. ,.,mi tt.,i. ,i,nnot made hv machinery. , , . An iifl'islioniito busbnud took a wa-. terntclnn homo from mnrkct yestorday mttrning. and told his wife to prepare) It for dinner, She went to work and i boiled the "wogetable, and now the husband is looking for some ono to leach ber the art of cookery and wbnl articles need boiling. A new game tailed "granger sew,u, v ill. are nniiM.nvvi , aiuiv wvirain UWI i- for a elm of oysters. The Oral maa mil gets ine oysters, tne last man out , get the oyster can, and the "middle mnn" don't get anything.