SAChETT & MHUYVKR, IIUIM lit HAltDWAltK, and manufaclurers of f Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Bound Blrtct, CLEARFIELD. PA. IInla( largely Increased our Hock of Hani, were, wo iarite the public to eiawlno our stock and prices. Carpenters ml persons who contemplate build lag will do well to oiemino our TOOLS 4 BUIIDINO HAEDWA11E, which Is aew and of Ike but manufacture, ud will bo told low for cab. NAILS, CLASS, l'UTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, 1IIXGKS, . KCliKWS All kinds of Denrk Plane., Paws, Chisels, Squares, llammurs, HataheU, Plumbs and Levels, Mortised A Thumb Uuages, Uuvcla, Braces A ttitu, Wood and Iron Bench Screw, and the best Ilorlnf Machine Id too uarkot. Double and Single Bitt Axes, TOCKET CUTLK11Y, As. Agent) for Burncll's Iron Corn Shelter, warranicu. Also, agents for Ricbxrds' Gothic flue Torn, wblcb effectually cure Brnokj Flees. Farmers' Implements and Harden Tools of every ucscripuon. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to giro lattf fact ion. Foriabie Mian st a ml fiirnacr. Roofing, Spouting and Job Work done on reasonable terms. All orders will receive prompt attention. June 11, miJ. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Roecewors to Bojnton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers or PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES - Corner of Fourth and Pino St reel Jj ( l.KAltriEI.I), PA. HAVING engaged in the nanufaeture of flnt elaii If AC II LNERY, we re peetf ully Inform the public that we are now prepared to fill all order, at cheaply na u promptly as ean be done Is any of the cities. We manufacture and dcalin Mulaj and Circular Saw-Milla Bead Blocks, Water Wheels, Shifting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, 8 teem Ganges, Steam Whistles, Oilen, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cupi, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipei, Steam run pi, Boiler Feed Pumps, Antl Friction Metres, Boap Stone Tacking, Gum Tack Ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK j together with Flows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STO VES and other CA6TINUS of all kinds. 9"0rders solicited and filled at city prices All letters of inquiry wilh reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly answered, by agree ing as at Clearfield, Pa, Janl7Mf B IDLER, YOU NO A IlEKlK ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES. Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kopt constantly on hand. STOXE AM EARTHED - WARE W EVEHV UKSCRIPflON I CBOCKSi POXSI CJIOCKSI PltWt Patent Airtight cl' - Ai allng fruit tanel BUTTKR CHOCKS, wiih lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CHUCKS, ' APPLK-TIPTTER CHOCKS, l'ICKLB CUOL'KH, FLOWRR POTH, 1'IE DISH liS, 8TRW POTB, And a gnat many olbor things loo numerous to mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S " STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Comer of Cherry end Third Streets, 1 CLEAKFIKLD, FA. aug.t FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR 6AL8 BY II. 1 Itigler A fjo. IRON D01TBLK-81I0VEL PLOWS. WOOD D0l!BI,E-eilOVKI, PLOWS. WOOD SINQLE-SIIOVKL PLOWS. " IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM MOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOH'll. IIACPT'S DELLEFOKTR PLOWS. ROBESON'S ud THOMPSON'S PLOWS. SJrSharee for all ol the above Plow. eoV Itantlj on hand. my2e-7l Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I h Proclamation against High Prices WI are aow opening np a lot of the boil end enoct seesonsbl. UoodB and Ware, ever ofered In tble market, and at prlocs that remind ewe of the toed old dare of eheap tblnga. Those who lack faith npna this point, or doom oar alio, gationi superfluous, need but CALL AT ' STOttK, Corner Front and Market atntla, Where the, ean toe. feel, hear and know for Ihrm !, TornllndereUMidwhatareohep-M,j, thle ainal be done. We do not deem It neeeewry to anamerat. and Itemlta oar Itoek. It le enough tor aa to ttaia mat We hare Evervtiiing that is NeeJod ud eonnwiM In this market, and at prices that dealt JOSEPH FllAW A SON. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUHTIIY. fTIII aad.ralgned, karlng eiUbllehed a Nat J. Tfn the 'Pike, about kalfwa, ketweea y V1?, c'wen le prepared U for. II?.1 'deaf FRUlf TREKS, (eUadard awd aZUt!".''"' ". "" Vlnaa, ..TI a "'"" Klackbarr,, llrawberrj, aiJiV V "" ''' Crab Treea, --, '"c.r.v..p. ,.W. W. BM TTBi WIMVKIt A IIKTTM CLKAi! FIELD, l'A., Arc ottering, at the old iland of 0. L. Reed A Oo. their itock of gnedl, eoQiiitlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A BIIOES, HATS CAPS, IIAI1UWAHE, QUEENSWARB, FL0D1, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At the moil reaionable ralei for CASH -or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. jFAdvanoca made to tboeo engaged in got ting out Iquttro liralor on Ibo moat advantageous ternli. pdtljanfS T. A. FLECK & CO. (Two doon eait of the Shaw llouir,) I.IJAIII'IIOI.I), PA. Millinery mid Fancy Goods AND NOTIONS. NECK RUFFLIN'U. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. GLOVES, all kinds and iliee. COTTON RTOCKINIIS, nnsnrpaaied both in quality and chenpness. WHITE AND SWISS GOODS, all eerleliel. CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS, of the latest pattern and loner than the lowest. II A 111 GOOOS,of all varlotios. Call and examine eur stock before tou buy eisewncro. uiaa 10 snow our goods on all oo eariont Our motto is "SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence ia Better than a Slow Shilling." Ketni'mWr the place ojipoiilo Mussop's, in 11 in. jvccu a tiiti iiunu. T. A. FLECK, aprilli'Jt A. M. IIII.L8. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET HTREET, . c i. r. a n i' i k 1. 1), pa. Dealers In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GKOC E It 1 E S, Hardware and Queensware, Uool, Sliocs, lints, Cajm, Ac. rr-Shesmakers supplied with LEATUER and B1I0E FINDINGS at relneod rilea, SALT! SALT I SALT I at wholosale and retail eery cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLABTER, Ao. A liberal diseonnt to bnlldere. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW EIIADES, OIL CLOTHS-ln large quantities. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, always ea hand. 4fAlloftbe abora goods are purebased exolu'ircly for eaih, and therefore hi and will be sold as cheap ai the ehsapest. aprilM A. H. MITTOIM'S (.Successor to Craln A Wilton,) Saddle nml Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. Till, undcrciiriioit, having lfiil ronmi for the mnniifactur of ml) kimli of HAUM.i:, 1IAR- Ni;8H, and all the latest ImproremcnUi in lioriw Furninlilng (inoiln, Is now itrriiered to (ill all orders al prieffs and quality thai will sorprUe all who farnr him with a call for the tnnpoclionof his work, lie is dctermtnod to pleaiie and hie ex porience and ohferratton in eauttrn and western i-ilieseneliles him to L-KFY COM I'KTlTlUN in the mnnafacture of (InM, Hilfcr, Orel do, Rubber Co re rod and Milt-Lgtod Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I Also Fine HIUINO AXD RACINO RADDLK8. Ills rents and cxt.rnws being litrht, he will sell the same Kratl of work 20 per oent. ehenper then they ein be bought in tbi cm I cm eltict. KMifttrlng and aliuiting Hauilks, Harness, o,, neatly done, at renponable prioos. attention paid to all orders hy mail or oihorwiie. Cell and see hit work before buying elsewhere. Rooms on Market sLrual, hulwcnn Hecond and Third rtreets. A. II. MITTUN. Clcirtlold, l'a., Mny U, I7. JANIISL GOODLANDEU, LiITlIr.UBBUnU, l'A., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOS1EUT k GLOVES, HATS A CATS and BOOTS A 8H0K. Tobacco, Orocerice and Fish, Kails, lUr'lwara, Queen (ware and Ulan ware, Mens ana Itoys Cluthing, lrugs. 1'alnts, Oils, firhool lJooks, a Urge lot of 1'atoot Medicines, Candies, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack ers, Hook and tulle I'owdcr, Flour, Grain and PoUtoeii, Clorer and Timothy Seed. Sole LentW, Morocoos, Linings, Rinillugi and la reed, nhoemakeri' lools and Bhoe Findings. . No greater rarlety of good in wr itore In the county. All for sele rrry low fur eiih or enunlry produce at tne uneap vomer. Aug. it, ibjs, N KW 6TOJJB AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW tk SON llaye just opened a Ntw Stohi, on Main St.,Ci.irigLD, Pa. lalalr ocouplej l.j Wm. F. IltWIN. Tbolr itock consists of LE3m"a" fjOCDGDODES. Oaocxaria of Iba bft quality, QuKENswAnE, Hoots and Shoos, and over article ncccnarT for (ina'a comfort, ' j Call and xatnlna our stock befora pvr- cliaslngelsswbcre. May 0, 18C0-lf. riUEAP UJtOCEniKS ! j lumbrr crrr, fa. The anderelgned annonnoes to hie aid friends and patrons that he has opened a goad liaa ol UKIli KltlKS A PROVISIONS al the eld slaad ef Kir A Speswir, for wbieb k. solicits a liberal patronair. II. W. SPENCER. Lumber City, Fa., Marrh 91. If. J, F. grttfli and 55t(flldnf. rp II It LATIilT MOVBI , THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DItUG STOKE, To their new building on Second Street, nearly opposite uie store of Wearor m uetts. CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will emulate to supply their old and as many new eusiuineri m tuny eoiue. wits rilllK MlUflS'j C H 15 M I C A L S ! PUAftMACKllTICAL I'RKPARATIONS, (Inelutling all now remedlee,) Patent Medielnes, Faints and Oils. Olasi and ruuy, ncnooi tioon, rtaiionery, I'aper. Ac.) also, a full line of Drug, gilts' Sundries. IWlr Tonios, Conmetles, Perfumeriet, Toilet Articles, Brashes, loiici nonpi, rooaei jjkri, e., all or 4 the best quality. PURE WISES ASD LIQUORS, for medical A sacrAuunUl purposes only, Pure White Wl, Colors of all kind, Raw and ltuiM Linseed Oil. Varnishes, Turpea. tine. Coal Oil. l'.tnt A Varnish Rruehes, Flavoring Kx tracts, ConfecUonorles, Dird Seed, Bplee, ground and nngrounu, 01 ail Kinds, SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will and our slock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Snuff and Fine-cut to be of the very best brands la the market, LAMPS AND CIlIilNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WAKE QARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of tvery rarlety. Harlng a long experience la the business, and an extensive and well selected stoek of medielnee, we are enabled to III Phyeicians' prescriptions at the shortest notice and on Ike Daosl reeeonable terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearlleld, Pa May It, 1871-11. SUlsrcttnttfous. ' JEAD TIIIS 1 FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I TW. atUxtUa W K mH.nn nt PlMrfteld Bel Tieintty Is direo-ted to the fact that Uoodfeltow A Son are the agents of M. Nieee A Co., and have just rreeired a half doien ear loads of Flour and reeil, whieb thny otTtr at the lowest possible Dg' res. A large stock of 1 FLOUIt, CORN MEAL, CHOP, DUCKWIIKAT FLOUR, It RAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Core Id ear, Ac, A a, Particulir attention 1s talktj to V. Nieoe A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is the best la the market Flour and Feed eaa and wilt he sold ebeanar than it eaa be obtained elsewhere la (Jlearseie oouaty. L-4r Store on Market street, aeit door to Hon. Alexander lrtin'e rent donee. GOODFKLLOW A SOlf, Jan 10 tf Agents for H. Nfeee A Co. MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD! Mrs. S. S. LIPDELL, Having engnged In the Marble business, deslree to Inform her friends and the public that she has now and wilt keep constantly on hand large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARULK, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMIISTON.M, , . i , . VOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and PosU for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Cape, also. BUREAU, TABLE AND M A 8 II STAND TOPS, Ac, Ae. -tt-Yerd on Rood street, near the R, R. Depot, Clear Avid, Pa JCT,71 EAD TIIIS I The nndersijrned having received from the eastern cities Hie latest and most fashionable col ors and styles for all hinds of painting, he would therefore respectfully Inform theeltiiensof Clear Held end vieinity that hots now prepared it do all hinds of House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, In tht most modern aad approved styles. PAPER HANUINO AND ORAININQ MADE HPKUIALTIES.y 'f i ? All work dona at the most reasonable prlees and entire satinfaotion guaranteed. Shop oa Market street, opposite the Alle gheny House. J, L. KRAULE. April i, iiwe.-nm. jUATZKII & LYTLE, AGENTS IN CLEARFIELD COUNT! FOR Id01lIII.AltD'i Celebrated Brands ef j Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. Wo are enabled tt wholesale ta dealers throach- out the eounly at city prices. a HA i a Kit L 1 TLK, JrS.Td tf Clearfield, Pa. S" TOUEKKKl'KKS, ATTENTION I W. desire to eatlyoaratteatlon to oar ealenslra Commission business and taour facilities for die. posing of each produce as eur consignors send as. lisvlng a lorf. trad, with city stores, we are ea abled te make qaiek returns, at fall nrieeo. Storekeepers harlng Chickens, Batter, Eggs, or ether prddaoa, will da well la glea a a total. M'here Urorerles are lakop la eiehange, no eon. mission will be oh.rgsa. B. L. KIRK, SON A CO., Wholesale Grneere and Oemmisslen Merebaata, No. 130 N. Third stmt, Pbilad'a. aprly TjtOR KAI.E-Tb. andarelgaed ofers for X aal. a raluaol. low. property IB the borough of Cleartrld. Lot Sttxiat feet, wild a good two- story plank bouse thereoa erected, with three rooms aowa eiaire ana rour oca rooms np sieire. Also, sewing room aad bath room oa eeeoad ftoor. House Inlsned complete from cellar to allies- uooa porea ana gooa water, rrice rea sonable and pnymente easy. llaug?l WM, M. MoCPI.LOUOII. HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE! The House and Lot oa th. eoraerof Mar ket aad Fink ctreels, Cleargeld, Pa., le (or sale. The lot eoatalas aearly ea acre ef groaad. The boaea Is a large doable frame, eoatalnlng nine rooms, ror terms aaa other taformalloa apply ta the subscriber, at the Pact 0oe. ' j oU P. A. fJAIIMS. EAROAINS IN MUSICAL IN PTRl'MRNTrll Organs, beth new and eeoond head, at the Mueie Score, oppoelle Unlieh's Faralture Stare. A H aeraaaa laesreet.d are la? 1. 1 ted to call aad esamiao a aew etrle of Ortaa aowi ea aibiblttM. ' Meat Maala and Ma.le Ronlti eoastantlyoa h.wd. 1 apltt-Ttlf I PINK, WRIT! ROAN LlNINd SIINS-T Jast raaaleed aad for sale a April M, III. U. r. BlULEi A 100. j THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAHF1KLD, Pa. . WEDNESDAY MORNING, KEPT. W, 1874. THE OLD EARN'S TENANTRY. r , r. Tartoa, Tht wester stales ea the manger's ledge lit has a tale like sulmetai'e edge, A marshal's plume oa h ) afghan neek, j Aa admiral stride ea hie quarter deek, lie rulai thi roest and ha walk the hay Wltk a dreadful eole and a Turkish way, Two braadsldei Ires with hie rapid wings Thli sultaa proud of a lint of kings, One gutteral laugh, fear blasts of hara, . i Fire iBity lylables roast the mora I Jhe Baitoa limbs ta their woolta tabs Art playlag lehool with tht a, h, abi A, ti I, ! All tht eattle spell Till they makt tht blatant row sis tell, And a halt-laugh whinny Ills the stalls Whea down la tht rack the elorer falls. - A dove Is waltslng around hit matt Twt ektrroaa black oa all wings of slate. Aad show tog off with a wooing note Tne eatia skint of his goldea throet It Is Ord's"Arlof LoYe"re.tld In a binding fine ef hle aad gold ! . Ah, the baton girls that be!p the Uya, And tht nobler lie leas of humbler Troyt Ai they stripped the basks with milling fold From tlght-rowod eora as yellow as geld, By tlm taadltwllKht h patnpkla howls, And the gleams that bowed fea Utile holes, In tht qualat old lent era's tattooed Ha, From the henult glim tet ap withii ) By Ibt rarer light la girlish eyes Ai dark as wtUs, or aa blue aa shies. T hear the laugh whea the tar Is red, I see tht blush with tht forfeit paid. The eedar cakes with the ancient IwUt, The aider tup that tht glrli have hissed , Aad I set tht Iddler through the dusk As ht twangs tht ghost of "Money Musk !" Tht boy i and glrli la a double row Walt faot ta faoa till tht maglt bow Shall whip tht tant from the rlolla Aad tht merry pulse of the fret begla. Srribr't for 8ptmbr. AX ISTERESTIXa LETTER. Below will he limnil it K tU-r written ly Col. Jnrivtt while in (.'alil'oriiiu, liich will riclil)-1 my )vihhu1. A limn twpnly utilt'a lon and twenty inilttt whlo would lie titiilo a tii'ld in this, coimlrj" ; hut mm tlio k-ltor, which wo clip from tho Clinton Demuemt : Pan Fbanimwo, Cai.ikhiinia, 1 Auuat A 1874. En. Dkvkk'Rat: After our return from th? reyBcrn to Sun Pntnciaro, nnd niter a cluy'n rest, we took the earn tor Merced rin Stockton lor the Yo Semite Vulley, the Switzerland if AmericA. After riiliiie in tha tnm 140 iiiile we nrrived nt Merced, a fine town, and p lit up for the nii;lit nt the Kl t'njnian, nn excellent hotel. Merced is locatod in chimning Tilane, niuiilst fielils of wheat, lu Willie instance coiitniiiinu; from twenty to twenty-five thonaand nereiu Thin no doulit will niM'nr In cretlihlo to a Clinton county farmer, hut it is neverthelewt true. Wo hero uw the iniwt inturextinK viht In the wny of iiloiijrhing wo ever behuld, no Uwh tlinn SEVKNTY I'Ud llllS MoVINtl AT Till Mil TIME iu a line of n lielon, rocrdc hy a Mpittd ron of homes) antl ntnle of over 2K). The plniijrlis aro arranjreJ in platoon of seven to each team, anil are aup- iiorted hv three A heelti. Thia farm IB 'M lnilea lonj; by 20 hroad. We ankwl tho aiiperinteiideiit how many acri-a they irenerallv tilmiirlted in a day. Ho answered, 17 milua. lie explained hy Miyintf that the ploughing was done by eomineneiii); at tho boundary of tho farm and eontinuiiir nil day iu the same direction, and that they ireiienilly went nlxitit 17 miles per day, At liifrht thev form tin ecainpnient by piU'lilii)i their touts iton the fiuld, A number of wnDiia follow tlie rolumn of )liMiglia. Thcno wauiuia mw- tout., proviNiona fur the men, antl wnier ami feed for the Block. Tliia, we think, ib ploughing in eanieat. IIAKVEMTINO iH done, also, on a large scale by niu thinvry. A heailer, iKM'iillwl, i at tached to h litre wairona. The heads of tho wheat only are cut oil, antl the machine throws the heads into the wagon. Tho straw is left upon tho field nnd trampled down hy rattle and other ntoek. At Merced wo took the atage for the Yo Semite Valley. We rode two days over an exceedingly hilly, rough and crooked road, otU'iititnea very steep and the dtiHt about three Inched deep. This wns the moat uncomforta ble Ktago ride wo ever experienced ; notwitMnndiiig this drawback, we were well paid for all tho (liwomfort we had to endure. The acunery was onentimesipictiireaiiiieaiid grand. Af ter tho firxt day's ride we got among the pines of California. 1 llure we be hold trees from three to feren feet in diameter, and comparatively few acres would funiiBh as much lumber as we sometimes have in our boom at Lock Haven when full. After arriving in tho mltlHt nf this pine forest, the Hlngo driver reined uii liia hoi-Nca and wo got out of tho stage anil took a look nt Till tinOVE Of TVOLUMNE Bid TRIKM. These trees constitute a small grove of probably one hundred acres in ex tent. Here we behold trees in all their nmicBtv. Just think of trees 325 feet in height nnd 20 feet in diameter! At Culnrcrua Dig tree grow, antl at Man poaa there are treea 40 feel in diame ter, and aomo are 12& feet iu circum ference Such treea would aenre our wooilchopperaoutof their Imota. The only wny to loll audi treea ia hy boring them oil, ami aftar ihey ara down it ia nccoBBary to blaat them in order to re duce them to workable nine. A plank Hawed out of fragment of one nf theae treea ia now on exhibition at tho Me chanic' Fair, in Han Krancineo. Thin plank i 4 inchea thick, 7 feet wide and 20 feet long, and neither knot, aap or blemlah about It. After aalinHng our enrioaity amoiigxt the big treea, we again took atuge, and after another Ave honra' rid through an almoat continu ous cloud of dimt, wo entered the ' e aot'TH CANYON OF TO REMIT! VALLEY. The Yo Semite ia a long hut narrow valley, flunked on each aide by ierpon dieular rorka ofVun over a mile in height above tUe valley. To approcialo the anhllme grandenr of tliin valley it niuat be aeen, (or no language can deacribe it. Hera God ajicuKa iu the Hiiblimity of nature. l'on entering tho valley wo paMa two waterihllaon our left, ono called tho Itibbon Fall, 3,300 feet. Tho llridtil Veil on our right, 040 find. Wo next paati a monntaiu calletl the Three IlrothorH, 4,200 feet; tho Catliednil Itock, 2,400 feet; the Three (i races, 3,750 feet i'KI 'npitnn, 3.300 feet ; Senti nel Hock, 8,270 feet In height. ' Wo now arrived at tho hotel, took a bath, and changed our gnnnctita, took a little apiritiial comfort in the aamtilo room, i(joycd mi r excellent anpner of nrooK trout Unit two ol mo lugger Indiana juat timught in nn our arrival, 'and being wry much futigncxl, wo re tircxl for tlm nliht- Annan oarlv In the morning, enjoyed tho freah and bracing air, nnd ooutetnpialea llio . rJ MinllTY WORKS or NATt'RI around ua. Immediately in front of na we hehetd tho large "firitaly Bear," a waterfall of 2,034 feet. Thin fall ia grand in tho extreme. Immediately in our rear wo have Sentinel lkmne, 4.000 feet high. Northeaat f ua wo have Soul h Dome, 0,000 feet, and Norfh Dome, 8,725 feet in height ' After tiartaking of n trotit hrvnk (ant, w hireu a pair of huraea and a native t'alilomta guide, ami took the trail that K-d to the top of tho monntaina thai unwind the To 8emlto Valley. ineati ' . MOI NTAIN TKAI14 aro a curloaity. The pathway la very narrow ami algiaga tin tho mountain in every imaginable direction. Take a badly built worm fence and tie It in to a liow-knot, and you liavo a faint itlea of one of the mountain trnila. These ilggiiira are ao clone one above tho other, that when a number of toiiriHta are moving along and yon view them from the valley below, the hones aeein actually to Bland one uMn the other, It tixik ua ami our guide three hours to mako tho summit of Mt. Star Kim;, 5.000 feet Iu height. Tho trail by whiuh we made the ascent: waa ovur turea milua in length. Un such a tour yoi muat allow your horse to have his own time. Ho underHtamla liia btisinesa, ia euro footed, and tukea a rent at leant every four rods. To urgo or guide him might cause hint to stum Mo or fall, and lu that event the tourist might go to 'kingdom come" on horse back. After taking a good view of the valley from the summit of Star King, which was grand in tho extreme, we started for (ilaeier liock, 3,700 foot high. From Ibis iMiiut we hail a grand view of (irijtly Hear, Vernal and No vudu Falla ; also the following huge rockn ; South Dome, North Dome, Can nf Ijilierty, Ml Capitan, and in' fact all the high points mentioned above. We now commenced deacelitling towards tho east by a very narrow and steep trail, but Juat as we commenced the de scent wo met Dr. lloti'imtn (brother of (iov. Hoffman of New York), hia lady ami guide. The trail was too narrow to enable, na to pass each other with out great danger of being hurled into the abyaa lieliw. Fortunately wo had got hut a ahort distance from a point where horana. rhigjit paaa with unlet v. Wo dismounted and with great ditll culty succeeded III turning our horse and moved back, and thus enabled tho Doctor, his lady antl guide to pass. We now commenced the descent again, and met wilh no serious obstacles. Our guide now called out to na anying: "Don't you see tho TRACKS or A LARUE (IKI.ZI.Y HKAH ill tho dust on our trail ?" We haiked around ua for what in reality we had no great desire of seeing. Ileing satis fied thut the monarch of the Sierra -Nevada waa not in our immediate vicinity, wo took a good look at the great trucks tho brute left on our trail. They were as large as those of an ele phant. The brute was traveling iu the same direction we were, and often his tracks were very plainly to lie aeon. We inquired of our guide whether the brute might not attack us in case wo met him on tho trail. Wo were in formed thut the griaaly brutes always shunned mini, and would flee from us if we met one. This remark from the guide was decidedly refreshing, and we began to feel full of pluck, and to look right nml left, but, we must say, with no very great desire of seeing liU mnjestv. Had ititehie ami his tlogs been witli us, things might havo been entirely different? We Anally reached Nevada palls, under the great rock called the Cup of l.lhcrty, and In close proximity to Alt, Star King. The falls here are beauti ful. Tho I'pjmt or Nevada has a Oill of7K) feet perpendicular ; the Vernal, a short distance below, falls 350 feet. At the foot of the Upper Falls a hotel waa found, kept by a Yankee, called Snow, who hails from St. A limns, Ver mont. Wo were acipininted with this tirecn JUnuntain Yankee aomo twenty five years ago, and it waa an agreeable surprise to meet under the circum stances. We tarried all night at Snow 'a ; met a numlicr of tourists that got in from tho mountains and lodged at Snow's, A number of ladies came in, all riding astride, and il is found to be hy fur I lie Hatost way. I he siglit,liow over, is rather comical. To descend from alKive tho falls to Silow'e really looks fearfil. You have to twist among huge boulders like a cork screw, ami yon constantly fear that the top ling rargs you behold aWo you will leap from their tottering lied and crush you to atoms. In the morning we left Snow's, mounted tho fearful trail again, and went eight miles to the extreme pinna cle of a mountain called ' tl.OI 1)1 RUT. This is the highest mountain in the vicinity of Yo Semite Valley, ami is two miles ahove the ocean. Some tou ristBCXiH'riencoa difficulty inbreath ing, and their cyca tiecoine bloodshot, tho air here is bo very rare. We felt no difficulty it we sat down and re mained quiet, but tho moment we made an exortion in ascending wo became very much cxhuusled. The view from this point is subliino in the highest de cree. Yon nro hero In the centre of a world of rocks at tho circumference of which snow capjied mountains reach the sky. From the summit of Cloud's Itest you sec snow far below your feet in the canyons and fissures of the mountains. Aa far as tho eye can reach we behold nothing hut barren rocks and snow. In the valleys near tho streams aomo good pine is found, but when you reach an altitude of a mile and a half above tho sea, vegeta tion amounts to nothing. Towards the northeast of Cloud's Itest a beauti ful lake was soon. After satisfying our eyes with the grandeur of nature, we descended to the place where we left our horses. We mounted and re traced our trail to Snow's Hotel, baited our beasts, and then descended a fearful looking trail into tho valley, antl arrived at our hotel very much fatigued after a two duya' ride among tho mountains for thirty-six miles. On our arrival nt Iliitchiuga' lintel the stage just drove nn, and among the piutsengors we found Ex-(iov. Ward of New Jersey, antl wife. This gentle man and lady we met on the road as we were returning from the great gey- sera; (wo have just been informed that the JSx-tjovcrnor lias returned irom me Yo Semite Valley, and is now sojourn ing at tho Grand Hotel in this city). On our return from our two days mountain title we took a hnth, ate a good sniiper fiul went to bed.' At six o'clock in the morning we took the stage, and hfter two days' riding through dust ami rough roads, finally arrived at Merced ami put np at Kl Capitan. left Merced early iu the morning ny ran antl amvoo ai Nan J oae iu the afterhoon. i SAN JOHK Is a splendi'l city, in a lovely valley of surpassing ocauiy ami icruuiy. iicro we metouri)lil friend (icn. Henry M. Nagleo, fhrrlcrly of I'hlladelphia. The (icuorul at ncfl look tMjaaeasion of us, hair and Iisi'lukc, ami tisik us to hia elegaat establishment in the suburbs of the city. Here we tarried for three days, Thoifionoral has the finest ea- tnhlishmonl in nan Jose ; has a hun dred antl sixty acres In the city elegantly Ornamented with statuary and all sorts nf rnro tropical plnnt. Uen. Naglds has fhrty acres in vine and all imasrinaule Irmt trees. Kvery kind of plant, no matter what form, appears. to .'thrive here. We saw a t'entury'plitnt only right years oltl that was in full' bloom a short timo ago. This prove, that "Century'' plant ia a mianoiner. The main atom from which the blows nude their appearance grew thirty-five reel ill sixty days, and ia now abont leight inchea in diameter. After the tlant has been In bloom it porinhes ; ijie trreat fleshy leaves drop off, and tht plant haa answered the frposo fl which H was created. We saw another similar plant that la now marly ready to bloom ; the lowering stem has already attained a height of six to eiitht feet. The General distils all his graa into brandy. . He lust ten thoanaatiQ' (fanoTea ny tne act oi an Incrndiarv. hut still haa fiflv thonaand Uallona Ivli II baa never sold a (tal l lm, tint Intentla to Keep it in order to f live it ago. Great care haa boon taken n tho distillation, and the Oenenil thinks that all his brandy wants is ngo to make it equal if not siiieriiir to the beat foreign article. Wo were taken through the entire establishment, and shown all tho manipulations through which tho grapes must paws to be con verted into brandy. The great care, pmilenco and energy which tho (inn- oral observes in tho manufacture of brandy must ultimately prove a com- iileto success. Many judges, both ''reach, tierman and English, havo ex pressed their opinion that tho (ienend's brandy will bo of such a quality that no other brand can excel it. (en. Nagleo is now engaged In con structing a magnificent boulevard from San Jose about four miles to tho FA (IOCS HOT AND MINERAL Sl'lU.NIIS. Here we find no less than seven dif ferent qualities of mineral water, nnd in a few years these springs no doubt will attract tho attention of invalids and pleasure seekers. The rido to the springs is elegant. Just beforu you reach them you pass over a summit. Hero tho rond Is located with much judgment in a spiral form. This ena bles visitors to obtain one of the finest views of tho valley and city of San Jose that cnu possibly bo imagined. We left tho (ietieral with regret, nnd ean only say that we feel ourself under many obligations lor ins great atten tion, kindness anil uiilHiiiiuled Hos pitality. Wo now took the cam for San Fran cisco, where wo arrived on IIio2IhI lust. Tho 0th Annual Exposition of THE MECHANIC'S INBTITI'TK OF SAN FRAN CISCO was 0an to the reception of visitor. Vf e went 1 here antl siicnt several hoti In tlio moHi agreeuiilu manner. Here we find articles from the farm, the trar- ilen, the mines, the work-shop, the kcu anil the artist, all umingcd in the most oxquisitoorder. The flowers were most tastefully arranged, and the odor aris ing therefrom sent a delightful fra grance over the entire hull. Over five hundred varieties of roses alone were observed, and other rare flowers w ilh out numticr. Tho mechanical depart ment was well represented : steam en- irines, pumps, steam drills, and endless variety of saws, edged tools ; funning iliilclilclits,suchiiB ploughs, cultivators, mowers, reapers, headers, Ac, all of very novel construction, nnd entirely different frem what we see at the ex positions in tho eastern States ; medi cal instruments, sewing machines, cabi net ware antl furniture generally, the finest we over beheld. The needle work antl photographs in the gallery of paintings were all of the first water. The painting were innumerable anil reflect great credit upon the artists. Many w ere of the finest execution and taste. We must acknowledge that California, young as tho Stnte ia, has gone ahead, Ix'vond a parallel, in art, science, agriculture, mechanical inge nuity and commerce, nnd will soon ranli as the greatest State in the Union. "A Tired-out liepiiblican" writos fo tlio New York Evening Pout altout the new ten-cent bill ami calls attention to the fact that "thero is no promise to pay in the instrument. It is a con tract Payable in fuiiilihles or serv ices. Stripc(I of its verbosity, it provides that tho United States ol America will trunsort two ami a half ounces of mail mutter from your oltlce to your liotise, or permit yon to draw five checks without molestation or 'Jayning.' (I flatter myself Hint the use of Jay no, as a verti, is original.) it ia not retleenin hie even in nickliK." Ho concludes: ''Instead of the old-fashioned and mendacious statement of 'Tho United Slates will pay tho bearer ten dollars,' let the bill merely imply 'Ten Dollars,' and tie done with it. instead of the huge cartoon on tho back of the ten- dollnrbill, adopt the truthful ccrtilicate on the hntnbler X-cent note. In the miilille of the reverse, in the same green disk, express tho real contract : 'This note is exchangeable for a consulship when presented in sums ot one thou sand dollars, or for a land grant con tract, or lor an olnee when presented iu auiiis satisfactory to the representa tives of tho people of the United Slates in t. ongress assembled. Devilment An it a p. Tho Little Itock Gaziitt hays that an import ant conference waa lately held nt Hot Springs, in Arkansas, between Senator Morton, ot Indiana, nnd Clayton, Me Cluro and Smith, of Arkansas, antl atates that the object of it was to de vise a scheme of stimulating riots, as sassinations anil outbreaks 1st ween tho whites and blacks to have un in fluence on Congress, nnd to which the New York Evening J'ont replies : Tho Gazette ia a Democrat ie organ, and may be animated by party preju dice. Hut when such men as these meet in secret, it Is eertiiinly time for honest iooile to Im watchful. Kxkt ience teaebos that they uiciiii no pxsl to tlio coiiiitrj'. An Alarmikt. The CIiIumku 7Y;;;. says: r retl nouvias ia notinnii u not an alarmist. His Washington news pnH'r afreets to si-e in the reeent con llicts between white anil colored erimi- nals at the south a deliberate ilot, bav in if for its uir)osi) tho masaucre of tho wnolo iiero rncft Fretl abould calm bis nerturhetl sniiit. Tho Timet can inloriu bun that thero is no such iur iioae. As soon as tlio elccllims are over in thcKoiitii llure will be no fur ther riots, for then they cannot be. used aa a means of securing roles for scala wag cantliiliites whose election is necea sary to maiiitain Itepiihlican Biiprciii- It is a bitter thiiift, says, tho 11V', that a llritish journal on our l'ottrth of July ran any with truth of the Dec laration of Iiitfcncnili'iiee, made ninety oitfht years aifo : " In many of the southern States aiieakers to-day miiy take np the In dictment framed aifuiiiHt Kin Ueorjre 1 1 1 in tho Declaration of Iiidcientlenet and with perfect truth asaerl that the coiuluct ol tho ftslernl frorernmeiit Uv wanla tho eonqneretl south has been worm than that imputed to tho llrit ish King." Sua Dm It. I'hwlaj Carey wrote of Mrs, Tilton in a poem entitled " Theislora : " All her free Imnulslro acting le so eb.rmlnff, so distrarting Loeen think her made, 1 know, Only for a p leyfellnw. Coral Una, eonneallng pearli, ll.tb iha, 'Iwlsl dark rolls of sutli I And b.r words dropped eofl and slowly,' Seem half rarisbing, half hul. What a pity that alio waylaid poor Decdicr. Those furls did II. 1tHiKS JJi.i t Tho Diillas (Texas) httiliiienerf, Mepublican, says: "The election for members of Congress tills fall in Texas ia likely to bo like the hantllo of a jug, ao liir as politicti are. concerned. As yet no Republican can didates havo been ajiokon of in any part of the State, antl it looks aa though thero waa a ncnrelty of aspiring men in the party." 1'ooA Hot'TIf Caaoi.tNA Juat how much stealinfr has been dono In Honth Carolina seems not to be known, even to the thieves tlteinselvva. It is uncer tain whether the debt nf that HI ate is $15,000,000, or 110,000,000, or 12!!,- uoii.oou, ami novernor ilose in his late sjieech at Hiimler said that he neither knew nor eared. An Illinois irrand jury profcaaca to have made tlio Important tliaenvery that officials who pro lit by brilwry do not beaitate to rover that offenao hv nerjur)'. Tha revelation conies from Chifairo ) but human nature, nmlor the influence of bribery, does not vary mnclt aecoMinjf to locality. Ia U A Wo desire to cull tho attention of tlio citizens of Clenrfidil county to the fnct tlint wo havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where wc intend to constantly keep on hnnd n full supply of - - PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL M151tCliANI)ISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of GEORGE STECK & CX)'S PIANOS, ; STEIN WAY & SO.W PIANOS, ' HAINES BROTH WIS' , PIANOS Wo nro prepnrcd ot all times to furnish any of tlio cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorahlo terms as to prices and terms of payment. Oiir stock of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular UYNDER ORGAN, (with lender's Knco Tiemolo nml downward Octnve Coupler,) Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, nnd the NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS. . Besides theso wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. ' Wc sell on every plan known to the trade, either CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho roitiLAii ami easy LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one can havo n good instrument, mid no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. . 0Wc shall 13 glad to have you call ami nee us, whether you desire to purclmsc or not. ocl23-'72-ly tCVMi:ifS MUSIC STOUT. iSffUnnfoiis. Y ALVA CLE FARM FOR SALE! IN ;RAHJ TOU NHIIIP. Tho uotUrsigncej utTrs for sale tht furtn oa whieb ! uow rsiiilrs, situate in tl irurd township, Clearfield fonnty, '.. fnnnrrly owned by Jfftin J. Pie. The ftna contains 120 arret, and is Ttr? desirably luesUd. Tlio buiMing! are sll Dew, nnd eon flit of a Isrjte frame butane, bavinsHtoi:! (H)hr dt-racatb, and food water convenient larjre frame barn, blsrkstuith shop, wigon shed, spring bouse, Ae. The builtlioRs on this farm are u good, if not belter, than oa eny farm In ClenrlU-.d county. The land is of superior qtwlfty end in a good state of cultivation. Posses oa will be given In the rVrlng, or at any time snort ounvemcot to tho pim-haser. The terms will be reasonable-; Persons desirous of parrhasing esn address the subscriber at teeonte's Mills P. O., Clearfield eoooty, Pa., or apply In person oa the premises. Any persons wanting any Information la regard ta the quality of the laud, the kind of buildings thereon, Ao., Ac., ean got tho information by call ing oa hber.fl Pie, in CKartlehl, as he owned the farm for a autoUr of years, and of cmim knows all aboat il. YYKMKLL ENDKKri, lconu's Mills, Clearfield Co.. Pa. January 21, lei. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALER IN FURNITURE, MATTItESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, KKAE P. O. The nnderiiffnetl twee leave te Inform th. elli- imi of Clnrftelil. af4 th. nultlic ern.r.llr, that h. has ea hand a Qne assortment of Furniiore, sara as Wslaut, Chestnut and l'.inlcd Chamber Suites, Parlor Suites, Keclining and httrniion Chairs, Ladies' ar.d 11 roll' Kaiy ( hairs, tlio Per forated Dining and Parlur Chain, Cane Heats and Windsor Chairs, Clothes II. ra, Step and Kitea sioa Ladders, Uat Racks, Heruhliiog lirushes, Ac WODI.DINQ AND PICTI BS FRAMES. Lookinc (llessel, Chromos, Ae., ahich would be suitalile for Uoliraj presents, deelt ll JOHN T1101 IS1AX. IIUKV , CIIHIIST, Successors to KKVDKIIA CO. Tc O TIIOHI! INtKRKSTKD IN TUB Pl'R I1ASE OP A STRICTLY y'lTifl Ii'JC WHISKY, For Medicinal Purposes we offer Rnllt'y'N Pure Ityo, Price (2 to $A per gallon, and will ship In pack age to suit pu reliefers. If also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from !.fr0 to $1.75. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And ara also manufacturers of PR. STIVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Seud for price list. 1IUKY& CHRIST, apr.Sl-oin 111 North Third St., Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS' s v a Ia i: s, nr all aixMt BKKg Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Imprwred Money Drawer, Ae. 10 IALB IT II. F. BIGLER ii CO., Dealcra lu Hardware, mcli3t:7l If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. THE CJiKAKEIEi-D WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE I U aaa fact ured especially for TIIK CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa tAi.K tr ingS'T II. P. BI0LKB A CO. ? O It SALKI A Urge and well finished Brick Dwelling, slta- ate oa the rlrer bank, ta the borough of Ulear Aeld, aontalnlng elorea rooms, wilh good eellar, water In the kitchen, and all the modern eon re a knee. Pantries, Math-room, C I obes-presses, Ae. Lot siity feet front and two hundred aad thirty feet backs with a twenty font alley oa the east tide. Said hn tiding, with all the appurtenances, will bo told eheap, with payments to sun purcha ser. Application ean bo made to the under signed, or to A.O.Tate, Kq., who will give all necessary Infonnalioa to those who desire to la sneet the property, TII0S.J. MKMiLLOlHni. May list, 17), tf. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI POWKLL'fl,) For H diseases tneldent ta Horses, Cattle, and llamaa flesh, rtcj-iring the asa of aa eiternal applleaUoa. Thli Imhroeatlea was eiteoslrel e4 hy the (loTernsaeat nartng the war. For sale by Harttwieh A Irwin, ClearfiaU Joseph K. Irwla, OarweasTllle. Daniel Qooa. aader. Lnthersbarg. cf. Attention, Lumbermen! WB are aow maaafaelurlng our IMI'ROVKD 8TKKL . SOt'KKT DK1VINU CANT 1IUUR8, superior t any other In aso. We have also In stoek a large quantity of Cant books suits, hie for ran in g barposes, which we aro selling sheep for cash. A MOD A K. kKNNAUD. Clearfield. Pa., Marrh IS, k;. QUNSMiTiiiNaT"' a wTwolfe, PRACTICAL GUKSMITU.' ' fthew a Third afreet, orar Riley's black smith ifcof, (XBAHIflBLU, PA. AH kinds af KlaVs aaa Shot Owns ea hand. Rewaking dowe In a flrst-elnts meaner end at fair prlees. IflTl i MARKET S T It E K H F I H Ia I, PENN'A. "lUisrttUtiifouji. QLEAR FIELD PLANING MILL C O M P A N Y . ffpilK tirjJcrtigrted, successors tn ItKKD A X PUWKM., hava purchased the CLKAK, I' I ELD 1'I.AMMi MILL, and retlttrd It fur doing an extensire 'ieiness. AH the machinery will be added accessary to mako it one of, (be most complete eUb i bin cats ol the kind la U State. Tbt-y are now prepared to recti te orders for any work In that line. '1' hey will givefpiciJ attention to all materials for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, S3 II, DOORS, BLINDS, OP ALL STYLES, always on hand. WORKED BOARDS, and all articles necessa ry for building, will be axchanged for DKY I.TMilKH, so that persons at a distance atay bring their lumber, ox eh an Re it for, aad return home with the manufactured articles. The Company will always fanv on band a large stock of dry lumber, so aa to be able to nil aa order on the shortest Botic. Only tha best and most skillful bands will lie employed, so that the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will lie worked or told as low ns It a be purchased anywhere, and warranted to p-ire sattsfaetioa. As the buk incus will be dona upon the earh principle we can afford to work for itiial I profits. DUY MJMBEIt WANTED! Especially ono aad-a-aalf and two inrh panel stuff, for which a liberal price will be paid. Tho bnrlnecs will be eon il acted under the name of the "Clearfield rianing Mill Co." 0. B. Mrrroll will poreoaallr superintr-ad the lusiaers. Ordi-ri rtrpectfultj solicited. 0. IL HrilRKl.t,. II. II. TAYI.oh. Jl. U. IIIUIM N A r.r.o. ClearEtld, Pa., January S, t ST I. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS A- STATJOSEUY. Mnrkct t , t Icurtlcltl, fat (lie PostOffirc.) rilHB andersigned bcifs leave toannnanceto X theeltiiensof Clearfield and vicinity, thut he has fitted np a room and has just returned from the city wilh a large amount of reading natter, toniiillug In part of Jllaak, Aecoant and Past Books of erary de- scrip lion f Paper and Knvelopei, French pressed and plaint Pen" J'encHi t Ulank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, alortcarest Jndrmeni. Eiema- tloa and Promissory notes) White and Parch; men t Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. andBill Cap, Bheet, Muaie for either Piaae, lute or Vlolia constantly oa hand. Any books or stationer desired that I may aot have oa hand, will he or. ordered by first eipreee, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customer, I will also keop penouioai literature, iucb as stagastaee, news, papers, Ae. p. A. UAULIN. Cltarfield May T, OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCKOLA 8TKAM MILLS, MAXITACTrRXt LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKKTS SmeeJ rf- ralent BUM Shingles. II. II. 81IU.1.INOF0KD,, OlOee Forest riace, Na. lit S. tie at., Phll'a. JOHN LAWSIin, Ocnciel Sup't.,' Oeecola Mills, CloarlWU oountr, Pa. Also TOWN LOTS fjr sale la the borouga sf Osceola. the I.AllllKST ASSOIITJIIINT oftloons in t'loarflrlil oounlj at tlirlr Mammoth Store ia Oseeola. Janl It - Limo for Sale 1 rpilK nnderlgnid, residing near the -lepet Vas X Made complete arrangements with ltm Burners east of the mountain, whereby ho is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a largo qunnlitj of r U It E L I W KI . which he Offers to fanners and Iwlldera at a Irtle above cost. Those In noed of the article would do well to give me a call, nr address me by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. KO. 0. PA8HU0RR. Clearfield, Pa., Jan 9, IsflV. The Lightning Tamer. TlKandenleoed are Die sole Ag-entita Ms eeunlr forthe"Notlk American flslranlird LIllllTNINU HODS." Tbeeeara tWeealyeafe roAs aow ta aee, aad are eaaorsea be alt tae setratlBeamea la the eeunlrv, We herel). aollfr the eltitens of Iha .onnt that e will fat tliem up a hitler rod, aad for Use moaej, thaa Is ehariod hjt th. forelcn aironte who annnallv traeerse the eoantv and mrrj ea aur little caen, aeeer u reluna. . - ENCOUJ1AGK HOME LABOU.' These ttlifalnff Llthtalaa Itode ereeteA a their huildlnas aeed bnt address as tie letter, or eall la ereoB. We will pat them Hp anywhere la theeenniT, ana warrant teem, ine aedeaad ritlareeeaa a. ss.n al anytime are.lllnr al earst.ra. II. r. BIULRR A CO. OU.ri.ld, Marrh So, 1S7I tf lalvcry Stable. Till nnderstgtiei! fiegs leave In Inform the pub. lie that ha ie WAwfullrmvpafcw taaiwanmo date all la tht way of fern i thing Hi.reee, Haggias. Saddle and 11 erne, nn the aherteelaoUee aad oa reaMinable terms. Hesldcnce on oeutt street, between Third and Fourth. OKI). W. ORARflART. TleMlelJ, Fvb. 4, 1ST4. , t r -. T, ttortlaitfotis. T II K LA no EST AS.-iOltTMEXT OP TVJ:S! STOVI..S! ever brought to the count., arc hcii., ivecUcd at the Hardware Kftnblji.)jincm of II. p. lll;l.:K ea CO., eouprifiii, tho foltuaiog Cook bitn .TEAU'H CALORIFIC. SUbliUKlIANNA. llliiiULA'l'dlt. son.K. KXCICLSIOIl, riiiL'jirii. OV. PKX.V. 11EAMN0 NATIONAL It A NO E, AC. AC. Also, Hie following Ileatinf Stores: SPEAR'S ANT! CMSEfcR, SPEAU'S ANTI D;ST. PrEAU'SOKniCl'LAlt, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORXIKU I.10IIT. ' RON TON, GIPSKY, - V'L'LCAN, KUSI1EAM. ... . IIU3Y' DAUPHIN EDO,. . CHESTER EG(t, VOLCANO, FI10EN1X.. , . . IIEAVV nAU ROOM AN l STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. ClearSclJ, Fcpl. 15, IHr;. ro TUB RON T! (ilU'.AT ICXl' ITEM EST AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ICE CEEAM SALOON! The nnjertlfncd having j act fitted op ne, large arid cemtortable rottms en Market strort, oar Third, resprctfully informs the paMictliit he now drrpart-d to accnininodeie llicut with everything in hit line nn short notice antl si all hours of the day. He keeps on hand KKKS1I lULKAn, RUfiKft, HOL!, PIES, ' CAKKH, all kin.1. I C K C It K A M , . and a general ajoitmrnt ef CONFKOTIONKUIKtS FBIUTH.-Nl TS, ie., Atlofwliirh will be deli vorod to enitomtTiaiiotif rcfitlences, when rtqneftrd to tin . ICR CRl'AM, by tho disb.rerrol in a ncrvtlj ht aished room. Tliijnkful for the grntrons pitrnnagr 1 t-'c is . the past, lie hupes to merit aad receire a res tlnacnoc of the tamo from his old eu'to mere, and others. . JOHN STADLKIt. ' Jun. m.'rj-ir. (). I. i "llfllKIlB to hue mj MtY ilOt'IK, UM l eciics, Quwnswurc, (llr.arf, I1 na. and Notions, Cunfcetloncrics, Ac,, chi-sp for cain. Th. SHhwribtv beer leare e inform bis s'l teJ aew euslomers that h. has opened A VAKIKTY STUltB. I ULKN nnl'B, PA And will Ml to,Is al l.rlrci lo lull Ine liuui. liberal reduction will U made 10 euitomiTS esj ihg at whelesale. , Cell end eiamlne ai. slock before porrbiilsi elsewhere. A libera! tear, of pildic patr.Bilii' solieited.. C. i. KhAOV. Ulcn Hope, Pa Jem. 14, l;l. JJ" F. IIUJLKU & CO.'S SPECIALTIES- DUIMlKHS' IIAIIDWARK, MKCHAKICS" nAUDWARIt, , ,. ,' . Ll'JlllKRMKN'8 llAHIlWAHf. rAltMIHO t'TRVSIl.S, ' MILL Rt'PPLIK", "" - IRON VSM . i t ,. , i ..... PA1KTS, OILS, VAn!tIsriK, ' . PA1KTBIIS' FlMJINtie. - CAI.l'INKD PLASTCt. a. It, 1611. . Th. underlined are aow Mly prepared V earrjf ea tan basiaeae af .,, UNIIEIXlLlKIXt.. At hiiASONADLK MATHS, . Ami rerpeedlull:, eolleH Iha pstroaat. af lee cadiaf auok terrleee. , . , J0! ritnt'TMA. ' ' JAMKH h. LKAVV. Olcarileld, P. P.V. IS, lire. W4 Hil!iAMrlWrv7j','n,f1 ire ene lti.. w aret.ewtR. t,rblnsa CITY. Collections msile and aioaer proeir11! Paid orer. Articles of aftwaieat and deedisi conveyance act It tnwated and warrsnted rwl er ao charp. Vit " yj N ) K U T A K l N li. V