Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 23, 1874, Image 2

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for junoi of mr bi'pbkmk cot'itr,
Subject to tbe District Convention
Subject to tbe District Convention.
Subjeot to the District Convention.
It gives ns pain to chronicle the
i .1 ., . i . , i
ueom oi ims uigniv csieemeu young
man, who
has been connected with
1..., nA;.. ....!.. :.-!. ...... .
tuio mm... ui ,..niV
That clandestine thouih notent do-
stroyer of our race had marked him
early as a victim, and has thus preuia-
turcly closed what might have been a i
lone and prosperous life.
Iu Juno lust ho conceived tho idea
of taking a trip to Colorado, for tho
purpose of recuperating if not restoring
his declining health. But that has
proved a delusion. His relatives in
this piuce were uppiintu by telegraph
on Saturday morning, of his death,
which had occurred at 7 o'clock tho
previous evening, at the (irand Cen
tral hold, in Denver, in the 2(ith year
of his ago.
A brother loft this place on Thurs
day morning to Iwk after and care for
him, but of course failed to reach his
destination before the death occurred.
The distance is about 1,740 miles, and
it usually requires from flvo to six
days to make the joumoy. Up to this
(Tuesday) morning, at 8 A. M., we have
no further aflvice as to tho probuble
return Of the brother with the body ol
tho deceased.
A Faithful Servant (Ione. Bev.
J. II. Brown, a prominent Lutheran
clergyman, died at Lewistown on Mon
day a week, aged 49 years.
The Devolution in Louisiana has
nearly crushed out the Beecher-Tilton
outrage, and brought Crant back to
tho National Capital.
Simon Cameron is on a three weeks'
tour to California. He is going there
no doubt to look after Blaine's Presi
dential interests.
Still Another. Tilton is out in
a sixteen-column item, ns an appendix
to Moulton's story of Bccehor. Tho
"ragged eilgcr" is certainly getting an
awful ftailimr
Tho Easton fit ntiml, in alluding to
the now Chairman of tho Democratic
State Committee, says : "M r. SI iller has
had much experience in marshaling
our forces and, neyt to Senator Wal
lace, Ik the best organizer in the State."
Attention. An cxclmnirc savs : All
those whkc voters who aro in favor of
compelling whit children to mix on
grounds of social equality with colored
children In onr shools, should, by all
moans, vote for the Badical StutoTickot
it stands on a platform pledged to
uoh social equality.
Another Chance. Last year tho
Modoc's and their allies gave Clcarftold
and the "ring" a good cursing hreunso
the major portion of our nominees re
aided in this borough. Now, wo sup
pose, thoy will sail in on Curwonsvillu,
because three of our nominee reside
there What awful men these "ring"
follows are, anyhow.
, Tin True Doctrine. Wegivoroom
this week, on our first pago, for the
excellent speech of Hon. Ueorgo H.
Pendleton, of Ohio. Tho speech is nn
excellent one, and relates to things
Ijoncrally, and will richly repay all
who peruse it. Like all the produc
tions oi iimt old school statesman, he
has the gift ol saying a trrcatdcal In a
few, words, and in an hour gives more
uosuuiuai truths thai, ,ny othor pub
lio nan now on tho stage. , ,
Get Beady. Democrats, gat viwuiv
for our meeting in the Court Boom, on
, Tuesday evening, the 29th. Several
of the best speakers in the State will
ho present to address the people on the
imjHirtant issues now agitating the
pnblle, ant upon which every Toter
should pa, on the 3d day of Novem
ber next. Th time aro awftuir out
of Joint, and must be righted by the
P-oplo. The policy oursucd by onr
oriponetrts in g.,to ,nd Rational affairs
P-sttwelvt) yearn, ha al
most brought u, u,, of
d m.t do to throw
off this political nightmare
In Mr. Moulton's last "stiiti-mcut,"
bo rclVrrctl to Hie crime of Mr. Beccher
with another woinun, whose name not
being given, few persons knew. Misa
Edna Dean Proctor, however, has en
lightened tho world by coming foiy
ward and suing Moultim for $100,000'
dnmages done to her chamctor, which
we suspect has Imjcii most Injured by
her own course. She is snid to ho a
highly cultivated woman, who has
traveled almost all ovor Europe, is
about forty years old, although sho
does not look to bo over thirty-two.
She is slightly above medium sir.t), slim,
but well made, with luxuriant dark
hair, durk eyes of a soil and lancinat
ing expression, sliaded by long, silken
lushos, with sallow complexion, bright
and rosy lips, frequently curved in the
most winsome of smiles, and the small
est of feet and hands. She is generally
admired in Brooklyn, having reniurka
ble conversational powers and being
of a very amiable disposition. Sho re
turned but a short timo ago from an
extended tour in Eumpv, having at
tended tho great fair in Kiel Novo
gorod, Itussiu. Sho attends some of
tho most fashionable parties, when In
Brooklyn, and is received by tho ''best
families." It is easy to imagino what
a shock Mr. Moulton's statement cre
ated in those circles. Her literary
talent is well known, as sho frequently
oontibutes to the Atlantic Monthly, and
is the author of several works.
Had Miss Edna kept quiet, millions
of people would never have known
that bIic was the character Indicated
by "our mutual lriend." How natural
that she should ho a contributor to
that '-hightened and refined" monthly,
published "down to Boston." This Is
indeed A "Gilded Age," ami Mark
Twain hit tho nail on the head when
he made that remark. ' i ., . .
The anti-tiurAeld Ilepublicau Con
gressional Convention of the nineteenth
Ohio District, (Western Beservc) after
unanimously nominating Rev. B. II.
Jlitrlliurt, Presiding Elder of the Erie
Confcrcnco, in opposit ion to C'rodi t Moh
llier, salary grubbing Garfield, adopted
tho following platform :
Jfeeeeeef, That tb peril of tbe floe ernmeat Hat
out m much to high ambition ai in lew
and that Inn perpetuity ana welfare of (Jie Ke
pablio la.perat.relr mtulree aa to emphatically
condemn the sole of Ite publle aervanu. who, by
their onpport of tbe back-pay and the inereaae of
..lane., .uennn .n.nenrooeena 01 ni.nunaeiurea.l
Mobilier ewindl.., by pro.til.tioc and eelllng j
tnclr ooolal influence to promote the acnemee ol j
eorruntner, al Wa.lungl
,4 ,nJlia.b. , s,T, breu,hlpro,cklBd
eorrupinera ai na.umrion, ana otner wrongtu.
"KrE ...
loyally .buuhl make nc fortet oar manhood and
Ueoae men fcnarca by .pproTlni or accepting
' meroeiuulee at tbe dictation of
parly menarcre whom we believe te be die!
or corrupt, and we aftUm that tbe only toil of
politiral preferment ebouid be enund prineiplee,
capacity, and suneaty ! the diMberffe of official
I ..... ai tank JmIu. Iht h ...... ....
ooune be (aided.
11,0 resolutions are excellent, ami
both candidates being clerevinoii, the
citmpaign will no doubt bo conducted
on strictly religions principles. Gar
field quit preaching in 1862, went into
tho army as a chaplain and came out'"lM,n movement with suspicion.
a lieneral. Ho soon after entered
Congress, and like those other "Chris
tian statesmen" Colfax, Scoflchl, Ames,
etc., soon became corrupt and began to
"grab" for everything ho could lay his
hands on.
Hurlliurt, about eight years ago,
served as Presiding Elder on the Cluri-on-Luthersburg
District, and was look
ed upon as an able man, and he will
no doubt make it very hot for the cx
Bev. (ieneral who has so completely
betrayed, dishonored and sold out his
constituents. Garfield is about the
last of that flock of "Christian States
men" who have succeeded so capitally
, B. 8
v ...... v..,.. -..
' "We Claim." It seems that the ex
Chairman cannot quit business, al
though superseded. Ho lust week at
tempted to reply to .Mr. Wallaces facts,
and tries to overcome them by such
nonsense ns this: ' ; 1 '
We claim, (and O wnitot to rfemVf) thai s "ring"
eoneooted tho Infamone ecbeme of pondlfte; at
leeeteer Ifwee the amount af money aeeooeery
for tbe oooiuuotion of a jail of proper eiae and
This is supreme nonsense, coupled
with gross ignorance. Tho writer
should know that no county can erect
a new prison without tho approval of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth,,
as to its design and proper tli.
mensions, To intimate that a proper
structure could be put up for $20,(K)0
or 125,000, as contemplated by the
acts of Assembly and tho necessities of
the case, Is the cheapest babbling and
unworthy of any man who lays claim
to common sense. Our county prison
cost less than any other prison in the
State, erected within the past ten years,
w hen wo tako tho difference ot the
price of lulior and mnteriiil into consid
oration.. Again, it has been demon
strated a thousand times, since tho now
prison was built that thoso who con
tributed tho least toward its cumplo.
tion usunlly make the most fuss. The
"wo" ex-Chairman hail better turn his
attention to something he ran treat
more sensibly.
Bcared. The Philadelphia and
othor Itaulioitl organs are great lyalamt.
ed at tho utterances of (ion. Bobert
Toombs nml a gentleman at St. Lonis,
when they hoard that Grant had or
dered tho army to, Louisiana to sub
jugate the State government instituted
by the people of that State. Mr.
Toombs said no Federal troops should
pass through Atlanta on their way to
Louisiana, and a prominent lawyer,
Garesche, of St. Louis, who call the
President Vlysses tho First, cries,
"Havoc, and lot slip the dugs of war."
1 he rrt asks :' "W as ever such In
sanity beforo witnessed." ' Yes, thoso
who become alarmed at such uttomnoe
are just as insane, These men are
about as true testa of statesmanship
and public sentiment as Beccher Is a
virtuous clergyman, or a representative
ol sound morality. Ono is about
effective fiir good as the other. And
no sensible mnn shonld bo frightened
by either.
Ik Bankruptcy. Th firm of Car
Tier and Banm, doing business In the
western portion of onr county for a
nuinuer ol years past, are going though
bankruptcy in th. United State Court
at 1 ittsburgh. Their Indebtedness, as
exhibited by the United State Mar
shall 's circular, amounts to over 1240 -000,
as follows: .
K.'T ""V" i-..
Clalmt eteiact Oanler...
Clalaja aiaiait Bum.,,,. ,,
Total ......,.. mi aaa
Then are still a larmv nnrr nfl
oiaim against ih firm ansettM, th.
Rifirregateammintofwhfch is unknown.
Those acquainted with Shakspearo's
Mudieth will recollect that after the
hitter had slaughtered Ihinnm, and
while I'onU'raplutiughU double treason
aguinst his King and hisguont,iu which
ho Moluted both his olitical and er.
sonal honor, lookingat his bloody hands,
ha oxi'laimed t "This is a sorry night."
Such were our reflections upon taking
an outule viow (they would not let us
inside) of tho few persons who locked
themselves up in tho Court Boom on
the 8th inst It was indeed "a sorry
sight," to see those who had been
highly rewarded fraternizing for the
time being, with the most antagonistic
iikiuuul of both parties for the) puivJ
pose of playing Macbeth on a smaller
It was plainly visible to all
men that the alliance was too unnat
ural to accomplish any good purpose.
Those engaged in tho plot must be
very blind if they do not see that every
noyenient of tho kind works to the
injury of the Democratic party. Those
who wish to remain In the party, and
have engaged in this method of disor
ganisation, should know that if they
persist in their course they will do the
party more harm than the open enemy.
Thoso who wish to break down the
Democratic party are on the right road,
and by thrir falso position will be more
potent than the Badical hosts com
bined. The tendency of the Fatton-
Potter movement js as plain as the
noses on their faces.
It is well to remind our readers that
under tho new Constitution, ovcry per
son ottering to vote must show
1. That ho has been a eitiaen of the
United States at least one month.
This will cut off all persons natural
ixed after the 3rd day of October in
tho present year.
' 2. That ho has rcsiifcd in the State
a year, or, if formerly a resident and
removed therefrom shall have returned
six months proceeding the election.
This is the same provision that pre
vailed in tho old Constitution.
3. That he has resided in tho elec
tion district here bo offers to vote, at
least two months immediately before
the election
, 4. That he has, within two years
and at least a month before the elec
tion, paid a State or county tax assessed
. . . i it j a At ,
0 month prior to the cloC
Let no man movo from one ward or
district immediately before tho elec
tion and expect to vote.
Very Straniie. The editor of the
Bcllefiitito TfrflVnntflii has for two weeks
insisted that tho Modoc meeting In
this county was "a largo one." If 18
delegates are a majority of "a large
meeting" tho editoris right But why
shouUUhis Centre connty"straightont"
meddle so muck in this disorganizing
movement in this country. VYe look
Wo - are satisfied that is the way he
would, view the matter were wo to
meddle with the local officers ot bis
county. Thin constant caucusing with
disorganize!- is unliocoining in him.
His love for "old timo Democrats," Is a
new departure! Ben Butler, Simon
Cameron and John Soott belong totbat
ctlins, and If lie 1 mttj- Lrre. e tkc
school he has certainly undergone a
grcatchange lately. Gray, you had bet
tor takeoareof your own family, and lot
yonr neighbors alone. If you must
talk about them, tell the truth, any
how. ,.., ,
Oi r Xominees. The names of tho
Democratic candidate put in nomina
tion last week will be found at our
mast head. , And we feel proud of them,
knowing that they are fully competent
to discharge the duties incumbent upon
them. Beside they are all represen
tative men and natives of the county,
oxcept Messrs. Whitobeadand McClos
key, who, however, have resided nearly
twenty-five years among us, and un
derstand our wants fully. Messrs,
Hartshorn, Bloom, Morgan and Ky lor
represent four of the oldest, largest and
most influential families In the county,
their forefathers all having settled here
previousto 1808. Voters who favor up
right and competent men for th offices
indicated, will of eonrs deposit their
ballots In favor of our nominees on tho
3d of November next.
Beconstritctiow Fruits. Tho Stato
of Louisiana underwent two suoceseful
revolutions lust, week. , The pooplo
arose in mass and drove the carpet
bag Governor, Kullog, and all his
hanger on nit of the gubernatorial
chair, and put tho officers whom they
had elected two years ago in. Grant,
however, sent the United State army
down there, and at tho point of the
bayonet re-Instated the same ungodly
brood. This is tho greatest crime of
the age, and had it occurred at any
othor than this period of debauchery,
it would have sent the President into
exile, h twit to the penitentiary. It
seems as though tho people had become
as abject and docile a the former Af
rican vlavo, and Would pocket every
violation of tho law and Insult given
them by their agents at Washington,
A Stranor Freak. Last year "the
puro Democrats"(T) refused to votefbr
tho regular nominees because they re
sided in tho borough of Clearfield.
This year those saint cot right bare
and pick up a man and put him on
their ticket. That which seems to
have been a crime last year in the esti
mation f the "incorruptible, is tortured
Into a virtue this year. What a jewel
consistency is, anyhow, ' More, these
snmo men Who declaimed fed loudly
against "the ring'Tfaslycar, form them
selves into "a ring". and. nominate a
ticket without ever letting th people
kiow who their candidate were until
after the Court room ioor was unlocked.
If that Is not " ring" measure w will
confess that we know nothing about
ring diplomacy.
Clkrical Visit Tb Nsw York
Hrrutd, MiggMta to th "popular clergy.
men" of that rlty and Brooklyn, that
horcaficr when they go to call upon
tho lady member of their congrega
tion they be accompanlad by their
wlvoi, orifthe sisters are not "on sneak
ing terms," to take a Sunday chool
scholar along, so as to give no room
for giwsip, ami thereby avoid walking
on "ragged edges" wtukion professional
duty. A good idea.
n nun i .!, ,
Portsmouth, Htm Hampshire, held
an erection best week and went Dt
rratle for the first time In fifteen years.
Tuondav. September 15th, being the
day fixed by tho Primary Election
Bales of the party for th assembling
of tho County Convention, the dele-
gat irom the several Dorougns anu
township assembled in the Court
Hoaso. at 1 o'clock, V. M;
The Convention was called to order
by Wm. M. MeCiillough, Esq., Chair
man of the County Committee. Order
beine obtained, the chair announced as
the first business tho selection of two
persons as Secretaries.
On motion of Mr. Dotta, of Beecaria,
and Mr. Broth, of Bell, C. J. Keagy
and Dr. Bennett were chosen Secreta
ries. . .' . : ! : ' i
Tho next business in order was to
call the election districts for the pur
pose of ascertaining the names of the
delegate, so as to have a oomploto list
for the us of the Convention. The
clerk then proceeded to call the roll,
when the following name were hand
ed in, via i
U.ccuiu. Philip Polti, O.J. Keejy.
Hsu Hebe. N.b.tey, II. Ilretb.
Bums. George Wesver, William Llsee.
1 llouae Job W. Kyler, Jaoob Dimoltai.
' BsjproRn, Daslol Stewart, Jaa, Luaoerry,
L. a. UIU.
BAr. Dr. W. A. tliaai, i. . Boeder, on,
0. Wnierl, h. Sheet.
IsauuiDS. Daniel Semaa, Darld Meeatay.
Cssef Jooepa H. Broth 'Jobs Cuanuly.
OoeiHToa. jobs 1. rioaTd, t. . Nl.llel.
CLBaartii..AarB 0. Tata, Thee. Deejber
gt, Job Jehaetea.
CuswBMevtu.a.aaaei Thomaoea, WUllam P.
UncaTra. Rlcharel Ru(bef, Rami. M'Clarraa.
encoi. jeae a. aewiaa, ueera sua.
Oinino. Daaiel Krlee, tiearge Urea.
Ooesaa. J. A. L. Fleial, A. H. Bhlrey.
Diuu-Tkaaua H. Veraer, UeaekUk Lane.
Ilwucti. Jeaei Fljaa, W. B. Dleklnean.
HoVTIDAI.W JaaftM I. Shew, Veeviek !as.
IltraToa. hirem Wayward, Joaa HaebeU.
Joboai. J. W. Josnewa, leaae Bloom.
KaBTBttii. W. J. BoSer, I. C. Mot'loekey.
Kw.l. S. I. Sloppy. Daeid Krhard.
Lweaiica. Jtwpk Oweae, R. at. Reed, Jae.
vougnerty, anae, iigue.
Lu.eaa Cur Juba A. MoDlrett, Jobs T
aloajin. Dr. A. L Taort, Jeeee Beam, Wm.
Kiw WxiBiauToe. Dr. A. D. Bennett, Cbr.
ObubuU Oeerge M. Bri.bia, Jae. H. Lllte.
rsB Jaaeea V. curb, Wm. r. Jeaiaelen.
L'smb. Tkomaa Brookbaabe, Siaeea Welly.
WaLMCBTOB. J. H. Turner. I leer Bhinei.
Wueawena. William Luther, Thornae He.
dereoa. ,
N hen the list had been called over,
it was ascertained that Mr. Shoch, on
of tbe delegate from Brady was not
present, causing a vacancy iu the dele
gation from that township. On mo
tion of Mr. Owens, of Lawrence, An
drew Pent, jr., who was present, was
admitted aa a substitute lor Mr. Shoch.
There was also a vacancy in tbe
delegation from Gulirh township, Mr.
Dickinson having failed to answer. On
motion of Mr. Dotta, of Beecaria, Mr.
Flvnn, the delegate present from Gu
lich, was allowed, without a dissenting
voice, to cast the full vote, no one els
being present from that township.
(However, before proceeding to ballot
ing, Mr. Dickinson apiieared, and was
admitted to his seat by the consent of
It was announced that two vacau
vitM existed iu the Lawrence delega
tion j Messrs. Ogdcn and Dougherty
having failed to answer when called
by the clerks. The delegates present.
(Messrs. Owens and Bead) asked that
Messrs. 8. H. Shaflnerand JoluiShaw,
Jr., be permitted to fill the vacancies.
The Convention, by unanimous con-
scut, substituted those gentlemen for
.Messrs. Ugden and Dougherty.
The vacancies having all been filled,
the clerks proceeded to call tho names
of tho delegate, when it appeared that
scventy-one pel-sons answered as such,
making tbirty-eix vote necessary for
Tbe roll of delegates havimr been
completed, the chair announced that
the next business in order was to open
tbe returns and tally the vote, and as
certain from the sealed returns tbe
number of vote cast for each candi
date, as well as for delegate.
(ajuite a numlier of gentlemen object
ed to the ruling of the chair, and in
sisted that the name of th deletrates
should be called over, and at Die same
time cast their vote for such candi
dates a their respective districts bad
instructed for, Th chair yielded at
this time to what seemed to be tho de
sire of tb Convention to proceed to
ballot for candidates. (Tho ruling
of the chair was right, and had it be
came neceesary to proceed to more
than ono ballot tbe Convention would
hv been thrown into mnfiialon hv'Mllih of Januarv. At tlint oliM'tinn
BOniA Of the deWatM mat knnwiiiu
meir insiruciiona, irom the iae( that
such instruction were sealed np, and
not vet tefora the CVmrention. Thai
name xnerimetit hd brtter not b ro-
peatttl. KitprmTmt.) ;
1 here being no opponition firr Con-
Krew, Jn.lfreor 8 nl.r, M r. Upton,
of Oaoeol, m.rvcl thrtt h. A. Mm kry,
rq., oi . unton oonnty, ne nnminntnl
hy cflnmtion. l'nnimoly Bfrnsxl
On motion of Mr. Brinlim. of Oaevo-
1. Hon. John II. Orvla eif fVhtm
evHiniv. waa rin.lo.evul ihm ....h..L.ri .iii.,i . r.. r
choice of aearflold county for Addi-
lionai iaw juttie.
On motion of Mr. HhafTner, of Law-
renee, lion. William A. Wallace wm
ananimottaly declared tho choice of
Clearlleld county for Senator.
1 he l .invention then prncwyM lo . Col. M C lure t ai;aiii bocomo a can
ballot for Anacmhly with th following.! didate, while letilinir iililiciun. from
Rleaarw ha, Jr., f tawrWBee,
Abram Hamhrv. Of Lawreaee
W, Ree. turn born, af Carwearellle,, JK
Mr. UartMborn havinir roorived a
nutjority of all the vol. cant, waa, on
notion of Mr, Chamber, declared the
unammoua clioko of the Convention
for Arwmbly.
The Convention then took a ballot
fur l'rothonolary, a follow t . . .
Job I. Meklamaa, af wuHeh,,......,...t
ueorje v. nirt. ol oredy,
Kit Bloom, W Carwoaerilla, .41
Mr. fihalTner, of Lawrence, moved
that Mr. llloom be dovlared th noml.
nee for Pmthonotary. Tho motion
waa unanimously adonted.
The next buainea In order being th
nomination nf a candidate flir lteifiter
and Itorordcf, the clerks protieerled to
can 1110 name or delegates with the
following; roault :
(Delore proceeding to ballot th
deleirate from Curwensvillo announc
ed that there was a tie vote in that
boronl. between Mr. Ferguson and
Mr. llloom, and asked leave to divide.
the vot. Th Convention, by unani
mous consent, agreed to the propnsi-
tiun) ' V , i
Oaa. M. Fargaewa, af aad, w ,.,!
W, I. Ogdoa, af l.awrwBa ; 4
U i. Morwes, W Wallai,B,.,.. rt,
Ferreelee kleM, ef Fta, ., .
Mr. 0IU, of Bradford moved Uiat
Mr. Morgan o declared th anani
mou choice of th Covention. . Tb
motion being; put ky th chair, th
sound of bnt one " no " wa heard by
ine reporter.
The Chairman then declared Mr.
Mora-an the nomine for the office in
dicated, ., ,.
Tb Convention then Mooeodud lo
ballot for County Comniueaioner, via :
lamaal IhaaT, af eeeaela,M ,.m....I
eal. Klutawt, .f Ca ....... M.1I
v. w. ayler, ef rakaai,.........
Onmotlon of Mr. Briabin ofOacce
la, Mr. Kyler waa declared the unani
mous choice of the Democracy for
t ommwattoner.
The nrat buslnes fn orrler being the
nomination of Anditor, Mr. Breth. of
Cheat, In view efth fact that o other
name thaw that of Mr. Whitehead wa
beflrr the Cfsnsjivawion, moved that be
be taossinaUd by aauttiirQ. Agreed
tV It-V i: I . .
At thisrKMnt Mr.Tt,'tWrold,
stated for tb information tttlm C'otv-
ventioa that a vawaiary would oooaj in
Ik oSte of OaaDtv Surrey or tWs)
aUI, and a no mmAiMM had been a.
Roane) ander ta ' ralea. he adTtaad
tb aoninatloa of a candidate W Lb
Conventimj, . .
Mr. Dotts, of Beecaria. then offered
the following :
(Weeal, That Raaasl V. HeClaikey, of Car.
weaerilla, be ra-Bamiaated for Oounty Kurtejer
ky the delegelee al thli Ceareulloa. i
The Chairman put the resolution
before the Convention when it was
unaniiuously airnsHl to, mid Mr. Me-
Closkey declared the nominee for that
ontce. :
The nominatiuiis having been com
pleted, the next business in order wus
tho selection of a Chairman and mem
ber of the County Committee liir
On motion of Mr. Tate, Writ; M.Mc
Cullough was unanimously re-elected,
and the following named gentlemen
selected as intmlwnt ot the Committee:
iBTBitT. bins or mbbbs roHThrrtcs.
Beeearia, ..0.J. Ilea Hope.
BeU Ilewy U MS, ieOatead. - ,
uiooae, H....Mnai. j.tao roreetM
one.. ........... Joke w. Kyler,.,.Wallaeetos. .
Bradford,... U M. illlL.. Wallaoaloa.
Brady Cbai. aebwem Lulbcriburg.
Uaraeida, ..baaiel Uarmaa N. Waeli'(l'a.
Cheat, .....L. Killlaa, atcdart.,.
Ceeiagton L. M. Coadrlol, Frenehrillo.
Cleeteld,....A. I, T.te,..........CIreM.
Crwewavilla,.Jami Tbompauar..OarweBirilte .
Ileeatar J.g Barbel, Oreeola blilli.
Fergweeai, .,... (leorge Blraw, Lumbar Cily.
Ulrerd, .Daaad Kriee ....Leooan'i Me
OoebaB,..Mu..TbiiapeM Radbawellle.
tirabam, ..Amoi llabler HilrahaiatoB.
Oallob J.B.MoKlaraaa Smllb'c Mllll.
iloeUdelc, ...... Hokl. Bailer ...Iloutadale.
Nuilea,.M Joha Haeket ........P.ofl.ld.
JerdaBt...H..MVU. W, JobaieB Aneoavillc.
Kartliaaa,....v.laae C. MeCkkey,..8alt Mek.
Knox, ... Peril Krhard, New Millport.
Lawreaee, Joe. Owobi,.. ClearSeld, ' '
Lember CllyJ. D. Uufy ...Lumber City.
llorrla t.Jae. L. Blewart....Kylertown.
N. Waok'gtea,.. D. Beanelt Mew Weeli'g'a.
OaeMl,.......Jamn L. Lipte,...0MOolB Will".
P.ea,.......W. r. Jehuioa Uramp'a liilla.
l-iee,.. j. r. HrKenrlck,.Corwenirllle.
eaiao Bimoa Wclly,.....hocktoa.
WallaaetoB Iaaael!blmmel,.Walkteeioa.
Woodwar,.,..Tbea. IIeedorUB,...Uoa!adale.
After the CoiwJW had lecn set
tled uon, Mr. Ltpton, of Osceola, of
fered the following :
Jfreefeeif, That A. 0. Tale, .Dr. R. V. Wllioe)
aad Thomaa II. Funtay he, and are hereby ap.
pointed Unagreeilonal Ceaferoea I). W. Moore,
ueo. w. BhoD, and J. J. Lmgle, arc Bcrotiy ap.
polBted Judicial Confereee I and B. A. Bll.r,
lareel Teat end Fkilip Bene are hereby appoint.
ed Boaalorlal Oeefrreeo ta reireeent Clearleld
eiHBty ia their rrrpecllre eonrerenera, with tbe
power of eubetitalioa i end Ibey are hereby In
tracked ta eapport the aoiniseaa af thli ooeaty t
L. A. ajaekey, Heo,,, for Uongreu Hew. Jao. II.
Orrli, for Additional Law Judge, and Hue. Wm.
A. Wallooe, for Slate Senator, aad to a.0 all hoB
erabla maaae to aeeure their soialaatioa.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the resolution tho chair inquired what
1 action would tho Convention take on
the resolution offered by tho gentle
man Irom Usreout 7
Mr. Flrirul, of Goshen, seconded br
Mr. Turner, uf Wallaccton, asked the
adoption of the resolution, ami the mo
tion being put . by tho chair, it was
unanimously agreed to.
At this point Jir. hhaflner moved
that tbe thanks of tho party through
their delegates present, be tendered to
Mr. McCiilinagh for the energetic aad
impartial manner iu which he had
oonducted the Primary canvass. The
motion being put by Mr. ShafTner,
seconded by half a score of delegates,
it was unanimously agreed to.
The business having been rotirluiltxf,
tho Chaimiau was called upon for a
speech, and in an sppropriato manner
h thanked the Convention lor the
mark of respect shown him by his re
election, declaring that to the best of
his ability he would endeavor to dis
charge the duties of his position with
the single punxwe of consulting the
best interests ol the party.
At the conclusion of tho remarks of
the ChiumiBii,Mr. uffhM muvml that
tit Contentful .ojourn which
rillLAIlKLPHlA, Mopt 21, 1874.
Vnw ':i.. wrt.A n-
kivtv Stv,! wMfJm HV ate
iiiunt of tho lT. H. haa written a letter
to Mayor HUkley, of ibis city, in
which he request the Mayor to torero
hia hostility to Col. A. R. M Ciure ait
n liepuhtican Candidate for the Htate
Senate, thli little local matter ia in
vented with entioiMhI importance that
warrants me in giving a oriel' rvmime
of the situation.
The fourth senatorial district of
Philadelphia baa lor the patt three
Tears been iretventwl in tho Htate
Lcinlature hv Col. A. K. M'Clure. In
Octoler 187 1, Uon. Goorfire Council
waa elecUd for his tilth term, hy a lio
puhlicau majority of 7,.'J41, and two
weeks tin-run flor he died. AVhen the
Ijegislatura mot in January following,
SjK'ukor Broalhead iwuvd his writ lor
Bimial elwtion. lo (uko hIhi h nn tho
Alnvand,a If Hmm,- nn
Independent Jtepublican, on a platform
! that enihracod "local, politital ami
mnnh inal ivimiinn W .ili(K
woulil not entlanvr Rt'pul.lit Mi hiktow
in the Senate, or in tl.o .State or Nttt i.m"
waa clotl over tho rejrulnrly nonii
nted randidatu of tho party hy a
majority of 210.
. 'l'he term of Benator MTltire Laving
expimi at trie la ttewiion, a varancy
wm creattMl tor which tho iunnb learnt
and Democrat mado nartv noniina-
tiona H'Ka ..nniinmi .if tl,n 1...,nt,li,..i
the eanva and the convention ia to1"'"'1 'hrj,.Kveniment becoim
be re-convenvU nn next W odnewlny to
make another nomination. In the
: meantime quite a rwpoctablo number
of irentlemen. roifanlle" of nartv af-
filiations, have united in a rennet to
Vice I'residcnt Wilnon.down lo James
M. Hellers private citixen aro lubiir-
" 1 ing aHsiduoUKly to bring uliout hi"
nomination by the Kepnl.lican caucus
next week,
ThoOovornor'sSec rotary M.S. Quay,
Stato Treasurer Hubert W. Mackey,
Hhcrlir Elliott, DiHtrict Attorney Mann,
City Treasurer Widenor, and plain
William 11. If I oxcept hi"
title as Bank President arc t he gen
tlemen most active In tho effort to
make M'Clure the party canillilale.
Against them are Mayor Ktnkley, Al
derman McMullin and the lion. Sum,
Josephs, who are working like hoc In
a tar barrel against M'Clure.
Precisely what tho reeult will bo
cannot he predetermined. In tho
vent of the Contention nominating a
candidate who is In accord with tl.o
legislative record of Col. M'Clure, this
gentlemen will Mot lie a enndiriato. If
a tool of the ring- is put forward Col.
M'Clure will yield to tho request of
.1. L !..!.. L!.- t L. - -
ditlate and will' enter into the contest
with a determilation to win. If Mack
ey, Humblo, and Quay cannot get
away witn too. Mayor anu ma two
1 ...... ...J.. r. 1... l.i
jjluuLenanis imy iv vuoiesneu.y vwi
manager. i
President Grant awl hi I'mmiur
purchase all the butter thoy is fn.m
th Darlington brothers, tanners in
Dulawar county, in tbia State.. It is
no Fksb-ytaleil twit Iu aunouneing
that U J'roMtirtit anu ni nim timn.
tary nay on dtllar iwr pound lor tins
Pentuiylvania luttor, and all oxproM
charge. J arc anil Jeseo llarlmgton
who lumisU Ue bead of the nation
with butter, mke no cououaluiunt of
th ear pewasrauo, lor faraiit a a third
term Prealdenti and hero let me ol
tent 1 an lioi.t likely to enter in.
to th national canvas and what a
strong element butter frequently ia
Uiat may make Urant tho candidal
of the Orangoru, as Well a the nrcad
andvfYrr brigade. 1 fin order to main
tain dollar a iound Ibr bntter, It be
come nrwwRry to again elect ( limit,
what butter-prodnelng fttrmer Is there
In this country who will not stand Ky
Jared and Jesss, of Delaware connty,
in meir rrosinontiai nreiermcni.
fxnkstivakia's ntmnnr. ,
, lie sober wenmA tl.euht leads the
More oonsiderite of General llsrt
mA' frisnd tn this city to regard th
sftioa Of Iht) Ilarrisburg Convention,
in fcrikrrawintingiGovernor llait
ranft a le ,e,lel t$ nnnylvani ftir
f resident ia 18711, as nreayitnre and
of doubtful propriety. That act, they
uclievo, makes tiov. llurtniutl a public
man whose every past, present and
lhtiiro ofllciul act will bo closely scru
tinized. One of his most circuiusnoct
friends retiuirksd to mo tlutt : To
blindly serve the Kiliticiuns who sur
round him is to discount himself More
the nation he seeks to serve; while to
refuse purdou to the Bunnell's of polit
ical society is to vex, beyond the limit
ot foi-benrunce, the party innnnirers
Hm whoso favor ho w dependent.
The rewind of ff2.r. 0(1(1 tillered bv
the United Stale for the cant lire of
jonn ii. mirrait was sulllciently tnrgc
lo tempt llcury Jlciiuimin ht. Jluncto
disclose the whitronhout of his friend
Surratt. St. Jlurie died in this city a
few. days ago, as poor as a toothless
horse led on chaff, and as friendless as
a mangy cur, covered with fleas. The
Government nasi St. Mario only (10,
000 of the pledged reward, thus leaving
a nice nest egg in the Treasury for
the 'human sharks, ' labelled claim
agents, that swarm around Washing
ton ns thick as green flics around a
dead monkey to scramble for.
Thomas l'aul is the must beastly
man in this city ; he plead guilty a few
days ago to a namelcsa outrago iiism
his (IniiL'liter aired I t years, and then
offered to provo drunkenness ns tho
cause, ana trissl character luinltiL'ation
of the crime. District Attorney Munn,
however regarded it as a crime that
deaih'netl the impulse of human sym
put by and Paul vnis sentenced to 13
yenrs hard hitior in the Penitentiary
and a fine of J 1,0(10. The purity of
that child's mind cannot be restored,
by any physical surl'cring Imposed n
on the nmte; certainly the torments
of hell are the punishment for all such ;
still I would not fin-get to express my
gratitude to the Court that sent this
mini to the penal solitude and sum-ring
of his gloomy cell. '
In my letter of August 1st, 1 told
how the People's Fire Insurance Com
pany of this city cheated Commissioner
roster by their borrowing stocks and
bonds amounting to $ inn, (Win, w hich
were returned to their owners immedi
ately alter Mr. Foster let! the office of
the company upon the occasion of his
making an examination of its financial
condition. 1 have now to record how
another similar fraud was perpetrated
a Kin tho Insurance Commissioner.
This time it is the Central Fire Insur
ance company of Philadelphia, and
not being able to eotno tho borrowing
dodge, the company purchased five
certificates in ono share each of
Penna. If. K. stxx-k, Lehigh Valley It.
It., and Philadelphia A Beading B. B. ;
three certificates of New Jersey Cen
tral, and two certificate of Delaware,
Lackawanna ft Western B. H., making
in all 211 ccrtithitto of one share each,
with a par value pf each share fixed
at 150. These certificates, represent
ing a total par Valuo of (1,1100, were
slionVI by "raising" to represent a val
ue of 1128.0110. and had the company
retained them in their possession the
briery Ti.tiiht have rotnAino1 iwcrct
hut the Ciii'rt. hankintf corn run iv hav
ing lofit 10,000 by iH-fftitintiiifr on of
th) cwrtiftiwtni lor the innurnnni
Cnmjiiy tbe IVaui! hm hwn mnle
puiuic. tho t-nnifnt amniea ftndxew York, lm boon diwoviwl tit tho
nut U..afT10.IMK)hil for 1 pnHnri!jTn.asuo. ltTartmi?!lt wnonR t!l0 na.
T' J 7 . i "nB " ?
d" V." ' ,n lbe m"tl
nVntml aiii! lipmnmh'H tli.i cliwin in.
oi in ootuvrn mil jnot;o i 'fHiwm, oi
iiiw j'aiipiiin . iviiiii v Mriin, ot rrruntj
tho action of the OmiRitafoiier and
pnvo tho tx.iiimnj ix vookit time to
nmicv tFnni tiimiii!iiii of !t cj
ital. If KoniolMxly oonnwtwt with tiio
ooiircrn ain't ntukin U(hm in tbe
PoniU'i.tiiiry bolore the clone of Jude
i'oarHoti B Nix wtH'kr, I will confom to
my buii i ir a ioor proithot. An thin
company ouithmumI hranchijig out in
flashy atyle nil ovor tho country I ail
vine tho rva'Ioni of the "Atwociated
rrtiM Ijottor" to 1 iijKtn their guard
when the agent of the Ccntarl of l'hil
adolphia come along.
I stood upon the comer of Sixth and
Cbcntoiit -troot jiiM M tlM mnr wan!
cm uKn w iWM Mjtr imilolin
UMinl: iret croira imintxlintelv u -
bk i nu i wourn no aenun in my
,...v . - . . ....
in Kiaiiui now iiic now, wuh roinrtira
liy tli.w pnwnt. On (reMlt'iimn,
prominiMit bUKini'wi mail iviiiui kwl : A
1 " ......v.
I So,'t,.ft,,d '? lwi-tiventHxwHity fur
: a tluru term lor l.rant will become so
npparvnt that ho will bo without an
oihmiiik canuiilaui.
, Anoluer ici'i.tli nmn wpiully ok prom-
iiiunt ana inilui'iitinl anil even more
carnwt in hit uutnnor olii.'n'ud
inti'rtt'riMierliv the I'rttMdont inthetiu-
; Iwrnatoriitl rontvitt iu Lotiixian which
displacod Mi Kitry to make room lor
Kt'lloiK haa brought about n witle
spn'H'1 tinifi'ily ; thia lliin will go on
i a it ia evidvutly iiilciiilcl it kIiuII
theoulypi:.t:ti,.n forlileand prop-
erly and tl.o military rule that will
miutitaiu order in tho rSouth will make
tiranl aguin Prtwideiit anil to which
I hero n. tint l.o aubmiruiiou or revolution
tliniiigl.init the nation.
Tho Xceniiu) Tdet)raih i liqpiil.llcan) !
holds Attorney Uoiienil Williimm and ,
., J ., , , ., ,
tongivns rentMinsiblo ; while it regunls !
.. . ii i .. i ..... i; . I
Kellogg as an uuncr who brings tlis-! upon liis iuily ami tliHoster iti-;
on tho conimiinily i.kiii which ho has
I'ustvuctl himself; it tleirccutes the ac
tion of the citizens hieh, it fears, will
U (egarded . by tl.o .North only as
rebels against tho re-organized State
(iovcrnmcnt nud aguiiwt tho I'liited
.States, and ali'ordiiig a propur ptvtext
for Federal interference.
The JVWic LtilycT, published by (ieo.
W. ('hiltls, who is a warm personal
friend of tho President regards it as
deplorable because tho oxeeutivo iow
crof tho United Hlntc may have to
bo used in support of a State Govern
ment which tlioro is ample reason to
believo was never elected. Hut resort
to violence for the redress of Mililieal
grievances must be met, , when the
constitutional call is made upon the
National Kxovutive, hy the military
force of the tiuvornmimL The LnUjtr
put tho blamo wholly upon Ciingrusa
which tlid nothing but appoint a com
mit L-o to investigate tho subject of the
conflicting giibernationul claims and
then permitted tho controversy to
drill its own way. Each person
seemed to be influenced in his remarks
l.v the political prelutlice nrevailinir in
his mind, while all repanled It as the
inevitable duty of the President to stop
the Itirther slieil.ling nt Wood. .
Notwithstanding-that low pave
(irliiit 60,00(1 majority, the Bt. Paul
l'hnnr Informs ns that there are well-
grounded hopes that not only will the
opposition ticket lor mnte pincers bt
clcctod, but that majority of the Con
gressional delegntion of tho same par
ty win no cnosrn.
1 A delicate lady who went to th
n hue Mulphur nprlngs on a mnttresa
was so restored to liewlth that she
marritnl a man worth 1200.000. The
water of those ,irinira, then, are
wealth-giving a well as health-giving,
it would sevui. I i
Tho New York Sun savs ; At a re
cent Capo May juvenile ball two Phil
adelphia missus exhibited between
them 1,000 worth nf diamoniK
They were ewtcrs, and their , mother
uae io utKe in washing.
There 1 very fair nrosnottt of a
row between the rarnet-bairirora ahd
calawags of Bouth Carolina, When
these thieve (all out, it 1 to bo lurpcd
that honest men will stand tome sort
of a chance to get their own,
A cavo half a mile iu extent has
been discovered In Somerset county.
Counterfeit J5 notes on the Tin
der1 National llimk of Chicago arc In
circulation. ;,
The fanners of Lycoming county
have organized a mutual fire iiiHUiitnce
company. ,
Any person who desires space in
the centennial ImiMiiiL'H may now make
The Allentown Ikiilii Neir has
suspended publication on account of
the hard times.
They are cullivatinir tobacco mo-
cossfully us far down Eus as Aroos-
tisik county, .Maine. .
I'jxiii condition Unit he It allowed
to exhibit Charley Boss, Barnuin offers
(,ri0,IIO0 for his recovery.
Henry Benjamin St. Muric, the
captor ot John 11. Sumitt, died sud
denly In Philadelphia on the Kith.
The registration of voters in Phil
adelphia is llD,ti!lt, which looks as if
the ring were preparing for ballot box
Hon. B. B. Little, of Wyoming
county, has liccn nominated for Presi
dent Judge in the Wyoming and Sul
livan district.
Williamspnrt proioses to collect
specimen of all the woods of the coun
try, in a rough and prepared state, for
the cejitennial.
About three hundred veterans us
scmldcd at Altoona on the occasion of
the reunion of the 1 251 Ii regiment, on
Thursday last. .
John Harper, the senior of the
firm ot llarM-r Ill-others, publishers,
is lying very III nt New York, nud is
not likely to recover.
S. B. Benson, of Eric county, well
known in this community, has been
apiointel acting chief of the V. S. nc
cret service division.
lion. Flunk P, llUiir, of Missouri,
is so seriously ill that bis brother. Mont
gomery Blair, hits lieen colled from
Washington to his Iwdxide.
Capt. Joseph Grafliia. one of the
oldest native resident uf Williiimsport,
died on Thursday morning, September
10. He was in his 75! Ii year.
ItndclitT, short-stop of the Phila
delphia base hall club, has Ih-cii ex
pelled for nn attempt to bribe the nin-
Jiire in a game played at Chicago, on
Inly 20th. .
A company of Buffalo capitalists
having secured ll!,0(IO acre of coal
land in McKcnn county,, have com
menced building u railroad to ,l!nlln!o.
a distance of 100 miles.
The highest church steeple iu the
United States is over the new Presby
tcriuii church, corner of Madison anil
Park streets. Baltimore. It is 2,70 feet
from the cajMoiie, of the spire to the
Mr. Bayard Taylor arrived nt Ce
dnrcroft, on Friday, the 11th instant,
where he will remain tor the present.
liriAiiii vml, and
hIiowh noiit? of tliu eflw-tN ut hi toil-
' wmo Miii(voxr4HlitHn timnijh Iivlmitl
A coniitorfc-it twontv Ifllnr
of lhc u.mnts' Nntionul Hank of
tionM lmi,k I,ot0 y wt hack
ft,r h'in.ti.m. It Shm well m-vutri
. . .. .1 . ' ... ' . '
. K.inif dotoototl.
Mr. Carroll and .Mrs. Kord. twin
siKters, living in South Hfthlohfin. IV,
each tfuvc birth to twins latelv. The!"!11
attontling physician says thctw con sins
aro almiwt of an ago, within nn hour.
These sisters were married on the same
day ; their firnt children wore horn in
tho same month; (heir second in the
same week, and their third in thoNitnic
(. Thomaa Bell, a young farmer,
living near Altoona, pimhnMod a hub
loon fnm J'mf. John Wise, tho aero
naut, and m title a sntH-esHlitl ttMCftision
fnnn AlttKina, on Saturdtiy, the
inst. lie ascended to the height of
1 1 nvn- 1!''lltt f'.uit mwl K.rl.l.l s... tl.
fllnn of' , Mm! Ml mr lle.lli.lnv -
t ,,1rK wi,011t ,,.!,,;
1 ...... i...... ....i ... , n:' ....
,, wtmion will l.o m.U In...! Ty
ff,,,,, al ttn eBrV ,,vy.
TlieoM'i.ini,'.)f (lie ('inciiirinti Kx-
nosition. on the lid Instant, mid whir h
I ... : : ' ,
mat ill III opemtlon. Kind to linlay born
a trrnml amtir. I here wn a ci'nnil
milititrv di'phiv, an iinwin,r nnicea-: "'" ''r '," Vr"f; ""m-hy )""'
l 1 ... ,.na."g and eart by lot of T. (Inrmoe. rl-iled,
Bion llll.l (.OVeriK.m Alien, Ol Ohio, ailll ,.ken in execution end lo be .l,l . the property
llendrickl.. of In.liaiia, delirrivil nil-1 of Nany A. Mitchell and Samuel T. Mitchell.
dreaneB. Tho Jutlinluoinlia Kxi.r.Mitioll Abo, one lion.e and lot ,ilimte in the vlllajre ol
opened with ani.n.nriute ceivuionies on
, , , ... . . . .. .
I nwtunt, and that ol t hicagt)
im tt.w 11. im. j.jv-.nn v. .torn mnic, .
I'oll.xk and Ciirtin arc attending the
latter in the intevst of the Centennial, j
The V,lvill MW..VV... .,..
I . . ' , , .
townnlllp. Celebrated bin lllL'.l l.irtlldllV
on Mom av l.t-t
Ue IH l.vclv null lie-
live, walk. long.liManee. without p-
parent luliguo and is in much better
health than he wa two Vcant at'o ;
when we recorded his centennial. Mr.
I'errhr was married at the aw of 17.
. 'it, i, - .... ,
his credit than any man in the 1'iiitc.l
HUite, via : 8S veara. He has a daugh-1
. ... . ,, ... i ut i. 1
'or remding in lliitlnlo. K4 years oltl, i
..... ..... .' . L- .... - i
, Illu. mom iiii.i 1 1, , i nn- in j
ami genernliniis of tho Ihmilv lire now
Two roec home entered for a mile
dash, one ridden by a white jockey anil
the other hy a colored hoy, collided at
full speed In front of the judges' stand
nt Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the 8lli
Inst. They Were cxeivlning prepara
tory to tliu start, and ridden nt full
sccd and collided as above stated,
striking forehead to lorehrnd. One
horso was brained outright and tell
dead In his trucks. The other whs se
riously Injured. The two hoys were
thrown forward high in the air, and
wen) taken np apparently lifeless. The
colored boy revived, but the other was
in a comatose stato and not likely to
recover. Tho owner of the brained
horse snid he had Ihvii offered S 1.000
for him that day.
Tho First Nittioiml Dank of Wclls
boro. Tioea count v. was robbed bv tivo
masked men on Thursday morning of
last Week; who gaggetl anil bound the
occupants of the President's house, and
then Compelled tho Cashier to accom
lany to tl.em to tho hank nml throw
open the vault, w hen they helped them
selves to about InO.OOO principally In
currency, i no iinnk is nnimpmml,
having a largo surplus nn hand. One
of tho robbers, named Ciwgrove, alias
McMustors, waa arrested nt Wnverly,
N. Y., on Saturday morning. Ono
thousand dollars was lluinil upon his
person, and iixn searching his houso
1 12.000 in stolen bonds and money, to
gether with a watch of Mr. liobinson,
cashier, wore fiiund secreted.
Tho Into Sportrinicu'a Convention
at Ningara Folia adjourning
adopted a series of resolutions declar
ing that , tho objects of tl.o association
are: F'in.1, the protection of game ami
fish in nil tho .Stales and Territories in
the passago of nntional ami Itsral Isws
prohibiting the destmrtion of flsli and
inline during the breeding, nesting and
spawning seasons, and for a rcusonnhlo
time preceding and succeeding such
seasons) and prohibiting In our rivers
and lakes tho destruction of fth by
nets, traps, dnma and chemicals. Sec
ond, to ensure the enforcement of ll.esa
law. Third, to establish the right of
prop,rty in usorul hunting dogs.
Fourth, to aocuro na passage of laws
prohibltlntf at all times tho destruction
of all song and useful birds that are not
gamo birds, and to ostnblish clubs and
associations throughout the country
ftr the promotion nf the nbiects In
2fiv lU'ti'tisfmciiti
Nutict ie hereby given that Irltcrt of ednin
Iftralion on tbe etlaleof Jull.N A. 1 IIomImoN,
Ule of lirutiford twp Clra-field Co., I'e., doe'd.
having boon dull granted to the under.leued,
all pvreona indubied to laid eclnle will .ceie
ireke immediate parmenl, and Ihoee having
elitlne ar drm.nde will prceint them properly
aallienlieated lor aeltU'nteat without dflny,
fir.t. 21, 11.71 Ate Ailtuinlrlreiiix.
All p'riitiii irn LitcI.v wiiiismI cnlni't iiur-
Lai'iuff r in in, wnv iiii'iHtini with tlia filiur-
inft proper. jr, v.i : '1 wo ti.t, two 1 rir oll
eilvri, four bugt and two f'S'i tbrei bfditeadi
and Lcddliifr, une turtmi, u. Mt ot chirf, od
cooking alt ml utedtii, trul ou lot of otti In
lbs littf, now In tlit jonemuu of Hubert Hfd,
of JotittiD low n ll. 1 p. Tho ibiiro f rcpfriy wfl
pnrrlmfoil bj w at Cooilablc'i rala mrd ii left
with u.ra bu Joo tifWjt, it-iOi'tt to oi y ottier t
nny timo. I .-A AC V. Uf.uOM.
Amootilla, Sqtt. Z3, lt-l
AtiBual report of tb Audilora of 1'cri.uiOB
lowntlilp for 1
n a a u mwwui.. uiitrici j rtavurrr, in aefount
with ilia ScIwhjI and Itoad Fundi uf raid towii
ibii fur p I tar i
To balnnra dtia lat icltlrim-nt
To -tul of letioul tax lavitd fur 1B73..
T'j aoit of Hut apprnriatrn
To a tut due from lfall tovrnfLip
To amount on dujllcfll..
t'niiii"t. ,
llj amount pil tcitoherr.
Ht amouut for rttpairt
Uj anil for fuel and tuaUvnvHt.,.,
liy ttllretors and Ireaaurrr'a fret.
lij ooUUDlin( orrlcti re-iceuud
Hjf aeerclar'a raUry
Itjr atnount tiiici.jiecu J
jto mi
Sti7 fc7
To awl of ALrar (ilenn'a dujilicula.... 70 j
I To audilora order . 40 On j
Total , - $TI 70 l
cittMTon. j
Vy wo i k on road 7fi
lly tntikinit dupilralo nui oilier tip... 4 46 )
llr mtpervicora' wag-ft 47 bV
Rj bal due fr im (ilpnn -2 87 '
To 11 '.1. 70 j
ttTiirt. I
To ami of .'ufan N. llllo'i daifl'.eatr... 97 ;
To nudiiora' trnlur v 40 vt
ToUl.- 1751 Wl
tltr.tiliOR. I
f'j work on ruada- 47 fit j
1j balaoeo due fiuta llil 2' 17
Tatnl - KM 7!
To amount rcctlTad I7 Iraat Mior
fit in Count; rtiiuror.,... 1 00 00 j
cm: intuit.
V.j Toitrlicri rcdcrmd
al due Iwp inm Mcoro .
To Lalanea due tt hool fund ,
To lia'anco iius rwad tnnd
To balance in litnet tieaa. band .
fO 00
29 Ot)
. . , . ... ...
V, ine underaigncd. Aaditon of ferguion
towtrhip, hating ixatnined l ha arcuuati and
voucher of the lefpcetive ofiicea r-ainfj, eer-
tHy ibe foregoing to he true Matoinpiits uf the
airemnt t forth for lUi'.:. Wiiarra oar
hand tbia 1 lib duy cf June. li;t.
(JKtilUii: M'ltAH",
Auditor a.
Ftiguion Tp.fvjt 2'J, lS7i.-3L
SherilTs Sale. .
Y e-lrtua of a writ of Veil Iaed
ad I of the Court of Common Pica cf Clear
held rountv. and to tne directed, there will be
to fUltMU the Court Hi
im in onrougn ot Cieartieia, on rnlurday, the
ath day of hoptemher, lb4, at 2 o'clock, p m.,
die loliowmg Ileal & taia, ta wtt :
All defendanfa richu title and infer at ok la
and to a ee.tiin i.teee of rround aituate in (be
tuwmliljt ff Ilurtmi, Clmtfield eAai-ty. 1'cnnFjl
vanin, l iitf tv I'Jfl fet and bavitg a !o
atury fratno huuae 16 by ;t2 feet, houndrd and de
athbed aa followpt On tho north by public read,
on tba onrt, went and mulh by land of Hiram
W oodward.
Nu. 2. A lo, defen Janl'a irttenat in Itlof ground
66 by lVfi It-el, with ono-Mory frame hp, bound
ed nurifa ly pultlic rond, on tiie aooth end eat hy
landa nf 11. Wondvarl and on tbe weat bv land
of P. L ii field. Seiiei, taken in execution and to
i6 nW " th ipwty f tJe"ry fisswaitar.
AWo. about aere of land aitu.T.d la Ftll
lVH't' T?-?Wv"!.b'""'V
and weat by land ol John Hell and eaat by land
of Wm. MK'raoken, decrafed, having thereon
erect id a am all frame houee and lug it a Lie, wltti
about li arna cleared and a atnail orvbnrd. tSfitrd.
taken in execution and la be hold aa the nroncrlt
j of 1). K, Sbarp.
A.,wr.VTOr? " of gronnd ailnate ia theWr
oRh of New WathiiuMB. 00 he 2U0 and bevine
em-ted .hereon a tvro.tory pl.nkbou... In by .11
rt, twumM , f.,i!ui, north l y rtre.i
?""'"-: '"' "i" J tn.hip. raid lot b.-,ng
feel fr.mfand 171 fret deep and baring er. eled
,aii ,,i., h,r, u .torlo, high, with .itoh
ueo, wnu urn oi f.oa, eita .itiundeu
" '' y pieni.r.ed.on ihe h b, .trect,
3-!!iJ "uteTT. "ZZZ Z
!,,!!!, . V?'.,"".", 'Wl m
i Int. ie.l in I.'id.. and lot in llouti.l.te, a eh onl-,s.. .ilonti on 8.1V. c.rner of Clinrlre ..reel
and l.ecr alley, lot ln, Ii':! in acner.l nln of ,.i,l
n,.e on tix muib. The i,u,!.e i. . i-,i,r
f.. Bciieii, t. ken in execution ami to be id
" l,r"l"J " J"" '"' '-uk 't-
,.,"N.' '', '' "J "
Itrct In a certain two ato.y farme Iioum and la.
m oi,lrdlr, toge.hrr Willi out bu I.I i nK, eituate
n .... .id. .,r itri.f.m meet, end known and
.nerai pt.n nf aaid bor-
ouKh. bo Bde,l on the noitb by .mui.-rlY of Mia
t.Bi,i,, ,i b the ,,h Jt nr'nriv of in
..... - " 1 r
No. 2. All the ,1, f. u'. rinhl. lille and In
terest in a two-.lnry l.imie dwelline hoit.e anil
lot, together n.lh oittbt,Tldi.ig, in ll iuli
date, ou e.mti.we.t corner of and tlcirc
.t.rct., mill loiliiilrrl on tl.e eon.h by ix.crt V of
William Parker, known mid dcignAted a. N,,'. 81
in ge.icrnl nlun of .nld l,orotin. el.e.l. tnken
in exccu.ioo and to l.o ,-il.l ,i tbe properly ot
Jam. Ilalrr,
Al.o, all th- rigM, ti:le and Intcrc.t of tho de
fendant in Ibt I eo ttury finiue dwelling hon.o,
togethi r with lot ai. nelt.iiil.lihg. eoiineoic.l, lo
cated on Ilia nnrlhet.t rnrner of Hue end lluod
etreet,, In the horonh nf llnuti.l.ln. The lot ii
jl fd-t front hr li'.O feel, anl rxtctnl, worth to
Mooee nlley. and If known nnit dc.ign.ted a. No.
3?2 ia tho general puin of e.i.l b.irough, Belied,
token in eiu.iou and to he enld a (lie projt)
of John A. Storm.
Alio, all ttoec ec.tain tr.iot. or 1-i.reela of land in k.ioi ti.wnrti.ii, Clearlltd'l connl v,
bonnded and dccrlWd a. follow,: One thereof
beginning al a rock en k theaoe north forlr
ten perohea, tbenee nonth Ibirt- aewo and one
in oegree., ee.t one hundred and
nan cirffrrca, raai 111 ree numin-u nml iliirly perch,
ea, auuth Rfly degree, weal nlnete-f.iur nrrehea
thrtii'e north forty digne. weat ibit-o hunJnd
antt Uitrty perehri la nn nf bejrmaing, (utd
otinmiDing two liuthtnU ami ten aerea, aaure or
I tea.
'Xlie other pWf Ht-ftltniing at a fjiat ou (rant
Hue, (hence north Dfty drgrt-ea, eott ninety two
pnenee more or lea to atotiea, thrnca aoath Ally
two degroea, weet ninety-lwo percbea to atninp,
(banco north thirl , .-even and ono half dr
weat ono hunilreit nnd aeeenly pereliea, more or
iraa 10 piare or neinaing, and oanlnining nlBi ty
Ihrra aotva and fllty-ono perehea and al!,wi,V
The other ttiereof, being tba Jobn Hioaa amn-
erty, furmerly hnnndid by lamia of William Ir-
vio eatata and l'airicl, i'l.vnn. and adjiiintng tht
imr, two nanareii ami un aerea a be re tlef
rrlbed. and eonlaining flDy-nine ai-rei and two
tenth p-reliee. HfitH, tnkm in ofeutina ami
to bo aold aa (lie preset ly of Samuel l.ainlicrt.
Alao, dradnnt'a inten-t to and ia the rut low -iVR
pnipcity aituate In Uraity luwnalitu, Cbar-
ni-ld eminty, I'a., e-'Btainitig ahotit ana anre.with
am all plank houaa areetid thereon ai.d bounded
aa fulh.wa : on Hie nmlh by land of liananh Mul
der, aomb by tiirnpilip. and on eit b? landa of
Joiepn Heyicr, jnnlnr. (Mae-d, taken In eteen
tlnn, and to be aold at Ire prf.perly nf Jam-all
Alan, drfpndant'it riil, lltle and Intrrear Hi a
two etory frame dwell, a k.ue and lot of ground
loeal-d ta theboh.ngh i.f Oreeola, and known a
lt No. SOI, bminilid M foikiwa i Fronting on
eoa.Ui eitie .f . ltr-t antt eewner e-f trriag
allry, aaid lot being Ally by una hundred feet,
and adjoin iar tot of M. MrCullmirh. H.url
takf-a in axerutWin, and to ba rold aa the prop -
Tanwi or B-i.a -The prleo or ama at wbirb
Ina property ahall ba atruck off m nit bo paid at
Urn time of aale, or aueh o her arrangement
mad aa wtll ha arroveJ, otherwiee tho (foperiy
will be la mad tat nly pat op and aold again at
the eipena and rltk of tho perenn to whom It
waa airnek or, and who. In eaae or rMeleoy al
aeb re-aale, make goed the earn, end ia
no laataneewlll lha !ad ba proaenied In Coart
for man met Ion anl-a a ih mnn.i u ta..ll
paid In the Sheriff. W. R. M. I'llrlllHON,
flnanirr'a Orrim, I bhrtlff. j
riearMd, Pa.. Pent, f, IAT4. J '
O We have printed B larva Bwmaer af aha new
FKH llll.l,, and will as tie meelM a
Ira aan.a, mall eeuT addr.
... i-
lieu; drntisfrnfntfi.
SherifT's Sale.
1 )T v.rtuaof wrltiof VHittQi Erpammt, Im4
1 1 oat ar tb Court r Cu-iMoa fit
U of CUar-
iiold aountTi and t ma directed, there will
le expoeod to puklio aale, al tb Court Uenaa,
In (be borougb of Clearfield, ot Moadajr, tba
2Mb day of hep trio brr, U74, ! 1 o'clock, f.m,
tli a following dtirrlbed real teUle, I wltt
A eertaln trait of land altuata In Lawrenoa
lnwnbp, Clfftr fluid ooastj, Prnat UsntAt bouad
4 at followi t rJoalU laode of Kicbard tSbaw,
Hr , vaat bj an -vilt-y, wett by road le-vdiag from
ClcarlUld to Frunfteld and north by William
itreel. Lot 06 by lu fert m aite nud bavins
large frame boupe and olbrr outbuildiuga thereon
tree-led. firiaed, Ukfa In aieeution and to bt
old aa lbs properly uf Jeitph Annarnian.
Alio, a otrUin traet of land eitaate fa Oarweaa
vllto borough. Ctcarficld eonnty, Pennrylmnia,
bounded nrlh by lot of Waa. Herd, wtti by
McNettl itrrrt, cmt by alley and looth by vaoant
lut of John Fatton, and beinff W feat front by
UU lt deep, and bavmit a tan all fraaaa dwelltrjf
toae lliereoo. He i ted, taken In eieaotio and ta
be aold aa tba property of John 8. Korria.
A a certain traet of lend aitaat in Barnaidt
towimtiip, ClearSeld county, Penniylraala, bonnd
cd and decrfbcd aa fullnwit On the weat by tba
Huaqnelianua river, on the eaat by land of
ratobin, on the north by landa of A. W. Patebia
and on the wmlb by Unda of anid i'atobin and
the ttaqnehanna river, ttuntainin( aboat two
bo i.d n-d serea and having about bit term e lee red
and a 1-rjja dwelling boiue, bank bam, tenant
liotire and aaw toill therton creeled. Seiied, ta
ken in eieoutlon and to be aold aa.tfae nronartr
of ,-viJ f, 8uiilb.
7A IU ; Alao.a evrtaln traet oflatd tltuetcd fa Goibea
t'-l 70, town Lip, ClfarCcld euunty, Ptonaylrania, begin
D7 M ' ning at a white oak on the bank ofihe river, above
4itl 00 the mouth or Trout run, at tba end of line of traet
No. lMad lfc-i'i; tbnee ap tbe river 4 rod ta
l,r..'iO lfl poat; iheDi-o north rndi to alont tbanoa north
j i"tt dvgrtjca weet 44 nerch n to white oak j thence
1 aouth B ptrcbet to locait at tba rivar; tbraoa ap
717 Otl ! the river by the aercral couraoa and diataneea
. 0 00 tberaof to ptt on line of land formerly of A.
41 CO; IStiaw; north I d gree eaat 63 percbee to poet-and
!2 2V ', itono; thence north CM degreee eaat S3 prebae ti
li.U Oti rbraotut oak ; thenea north one-half derrna weet
K0l!2 pvrcboa to aliiteouk; tbenee ii drgreei weet
V perfhea Ut white pine; tbeaee north Ifdegrara
nnt 6 p rcbea te a double hemlock j thenoe aoalb
XV dfgreet weat !2i percbea- to white oekj tbenea
nimh -S V-lU perr-bci l while oak f tbonta aorta
ti$ dfjcitci weat M percbea to white nina; tbanoa
no rili fit di'frreea wet 31 perebw to email ebcat
not; ihrnrro north I degree weat l&Ti perebue to
pi 14 on old tine ; tbrnoe by tho eeveral aourtea and
diotencea of aaid old line to "old maple" north
eaat comer of traet No. 184 ( aoath I de
greea weat 3H7 -10 poreUaa to white oak on bank
of river and place of U-f inning, oontainiag 464
aeroa, mora or leer, and allowance, being part of
tract No. 1 and lWia, and having eraoUd
Iberroa iio4 two-rtory house and good barn
etfto, a good aaw mtH, eireularaaw aad water pow
er. Ht'iiod, taken ia e.eeotioa aad lo ha aold aa
the property of Tboinaa Uraham.
Alro, a etrrtila lut of ground aitnala in the bor
wntlt nf lloatidale, CleerQcld counly, Penniylva
iiia, liavifg treelod thereon two frame bouaer.
Ktriatd, aken in execution and to bo Bold aa tbe
property uf Thmuaa Uugboa and Mary Uugbea, -
AIm, a certain treat of land altaat la IeoatNr
towufbip, Clearteld county, l'enntylvanit, begin
ning at a heailuck ; theuoe by landa of Abraham
lock ; I Lt: nee aoulb 51 degree w et fiOpetrfaea lo
hem lurk thence north IM di greet weat 61 rrb
m to hemlock; thence north tiV dt-grera went 141
perchc to hemlock ; theuoe north SI degreo eaat
Vil prtehea to m pine; thetiea aouth fttt degreea
eael ihO perehea to hemlock ; thence aouth H it.
grcca weit I If perebei to the begioniag, eonuin
ing 20fl aerci and allowanee. heiaed, taken ia
exutitto and to ba aold aa tbe properly of S. II,
A 1m, a certain traet of lead, aitualt la Pike
townabip, Clearfield ooauly, Pa., boaaded aod da
aeribed aa fulluwr, via: lleginning at a pott oa
the arnith aide of the writ branch of tbe iiiton.
I ha mm river ; thrneo north 56 degrees aat 16 per.
Stffl 6" 1 to a poet j thenoe aooth 17 degrcee 76 percbea ta
I a wbiie oak traet thenoe north 68 degreeeveat
148 percbea to a poit on the bank of the riverj
...:?.W7 K i tbt-nue op the river by it e feral oouraet and dia
... "7 ft tsncei lo the place cf Iregianing. containing 74
iftl OU ' acrrF, with the u'ltal allowanee, having one plank
J and one log boueo thereon erected.
iil I No. J. Alao, the nmllvided one-half of all that
, certain tract or piece of lend lit ua ted in Pike
j 0Wtl,ii,p, Clearfitld onnutr, Pa., bonnded and de-
errihrd aa fidlnwn, viai llegioning at a peat oa
lite aombweat bar.k of tbe Kurqucoaana river;
ill (!) by laud of Puter Hoot er north 18 drrree.
east 61 pi rube to a pint ; tbenee by land of Pe
ter llouvrr aooth BJ di'greoe, eaa 70 percbea to a
white oak tree; thence north by landa ot William
t'aldwrll 50 degrea, aart H percbea to a a-uat f
ilioace bv Und uf Wm. Caldwell aouth a7 degree,
eaat lt-6 percbea to a pott ; tbrnce by land of
Wm. IVi -e aouth fil degreea, weat 62) percbea tt
a post; thence aontb by land of W. Price IU do.
gr ea, eaat Zi percbea lo a ataka ; thence by land
uf Wm, Price auuth 11 degree, weat &J percbea ta
a pnt; thence aertb J4 dfgroe, weat 19 perehea
to a hickory i tbenee weat 44 perebaa (o a poet oa
tie hank of I he river; tbenee dowa aaid river
with varioBJ eourao aad diataaeo of tba rivar 244
' petrhe to place of beginning, eoatatBlag HV acre
I s;i parch, with tba amal allowance, having
a email no una ana uarn ineraoa erected, and an-
"f'1 w ith coal with a bank opoa and ia good
I worWne or,k'r' eootiin aod
workinc ortkr. riaed.
10 bo euld a, Ibo lironertjr of 1?. K. A. Huorer.
Alio, A fannee and lot eilaato ia RamBerfer. ooun.y. Pa., bounded aoula b lot of
Jobn Km-,1, eept hj iowosbip road, Burlk Ity lot of
U. Wolf, and writ by an efi.r. Heiaed, taken ia
exmutivn and te be eeld a, tbe property af J. II.
, ALM,
By virtue of one of the aforeeald write, to ma be eipvwd to publie Bale, at
the .am. plaer. ob MoabAt. October Sd. 1874, the
followine, real eetate : e .
All that eertain tract of land .ituate la CoTing
too tawn.hi), Cleerf.ld 0000.7, IVaaeylraoia,
beginning at white oak ob land heretofore aold by
tVilliam Ituaiel to Stephen ; tbeaee along
aid line eaM ferty penhee to poet t thenoe north
two hundred and twenty. three prrohe. te poet la
old line ; thenoe by old line two hundred and
twenty-eight perehea to poat; thenoe eouth two
hundred and fuarteoa perehea to maple earner of
lend heretofore conveyed by H. J. Blearer to
T "er.noi , tnenee oy .ae at rem. eaat eighty.
. ","r P'rehea to while oak eanreri tbeaee eoata
r. i.. Marmot ; tbenee by Itae or eaaieeaat eighty-
nine ncrche, to place of faegionlB. aontaiaintf
one hundred and eixty throe aeree and oca Iiub
drcd and forly-tbrcn perebe, and altowaneo, Beora
or Icm, and baring .cventy-nra aeree elesred.
with large frame bouM, freaia bar, wago ahe4
and orchard thereon, Seised, taJten ia exaeatioa
and lo be .old a, tbe proporty of Jobs Reeaa and
Mary Bcsa.
- Tansa or f.t.B The price or na at which
tb, property shall be atruck off maet be paid al
tbe tim of ,ala, ar aueh ether arrangemeBU
made a, will be epproeed,etherwiaethe proper
ty will ba immediately pat np asd aold agaiB at
the expenae and risk of tba pereoB ta whom U
wel alrwck or, and wba, la eaae cf delelaBej at
aueh re-rale, ehall make good the anme, m! 1b
no in.l.noe will the Deed be preMnted la Coert
for eonSrmalioB Bale, the money 1, aetaalrr to tho Sheriff. W. R. Mi 1'HKP.SON,
f wanirr'e Oreica, I Sharif.
ClearSeld, Pa., Sept , l7e.)
SherilT's Sale.
1)V el. to
i ued ou
na of wrlta of Ummri W.'aa. ia-
out of (ha Court nf Cvaaaioa Pleu of
cii'trticiu ouunlT, and to me dirtlxi, tberai will
In cinrtl lo PI' 111, IC SALIC, at tlto Coart Uonaa,
in tU liorMh of Clrarftatd. on Mornlay. ih Hih
tlay of itemrr, 18T4, t 1 oloek, p. a..,tbo
lull.iwitijt heal Batalo. (o wit:
A feruii fraeua barn, Ihirty-Ara by forty foot
arl aittotn fret high, aitnala on th farm of Mr.
Nellie UougWrtT, la Lawtaar? ttjahip, Clear
firld eetmlT. fennajrlrftnia. Heiard, Ukt ia n.
ceutioo and to be aold ta tba property of Mr.
Ntllio tfoiighrrfT, owaor or rrta4 mmi aid
Cliriatian blaflortt, aon tractor,
A lo, a prrtnin frame dwellinf hoa, alitean
by tarrnty f-mr feot ta liio, lilual on Ibo korlh
woat aide ol Sua atrevt ia (ba borough of llonta
dale, Cleat field county. I'vanaylvaaia. together
with lot and curt il Uga appartoaaaH thereto.
8eited, taken in eiecalion and to aold aa Ibo
nrojicrty ( Peter Tipte.
Aleo, a certain two at or y Oatna dwelling hoaae,
tbiiiy ly aiitooa aad oaa hall feat ia aiao with
a une at try building altaoLed, with lot and rar
tilb.ap ipurtenant thereto, aitaalo ta tho village
of ttoini.iJii, t'leartcld county, Fa., oa the aon b
aide of Main afreet ar the ftiblio road loading to
Cleat Hold, fteiaed, taken in e location and ta bo
aold aa tho pn.ciiy of Wwaney, Alhoru and
Aim, A eertain (rapt of land aitnala la Brady
luwnFnip, v.ienrne4j eoaniy, ra., bonndtd and do
rltd k fblloea, tit: Begtoalng al maplo
atump adjoining landa of Oeo. lihalTm l theaeo
etuuatng aioug itia aatu (leorgo Kbaffera' land
aouth 111 drgreea, weat ISO percbea to a poatf
thenoo north TT degree, weat 144 pareheo to a
poat, thuioe north 21 degree, eaat 114 perebei
tea pott t thrneo loath Tttfj degree, eaat 14
peroboa lo plane ot beginning, containing IDS
acre and Ut perebe s being n part of tbe Carper
htivrr anrrey. Bciied, taken in execution aad lo
be dd aa the pmpprty of Levi Moorebooae.
TaaMt or Hale. The prleo er earn at which
the iriertr ahall he atrooi off meat he paid at
the time of aale, or aueh other arrnngemea(a
made aa will be apprered, otherwiee (he property
will be immediately nut ap aad eeld again at tbe
expenae and riak af (he peraon to wbon ll waa
at run k off, aad who, la eaae ef deloieaey at aaeh
re-aale, ahall make good tbe eaiae, and la ne la
atanee wU the Ured be preeented ia Coarl for
eoiiflrination anleea (he monev la aria ally paid
the-Sheriff. W. R. UrPHKKH-lN,
Fnnnirr'a Orrtf, 6 her iff.
riearfleld, l'a., HtpU ft, 1874. (
Hy tfrloa of an order of the Orphana Coart ef
Clearfield ooaaly, and to ma directed, there will
be eapoaed lo pablia aale, in dearie Id, p BB
Saturday. Ariobera,
the following draenbed real eetate, late the iree.
eriy of Kliia Planigan, deeeaead t A eertaln
lot or ploee of gmnnd, ailaate in tbe aeroegh of
vlearlH'ld, i'a., bounded and deeeribed aa followe,
Tin On the north hy Pine eUeet. oa ihe aoath by
an alley, on the weal by kl a una her tt and mm
the eaat by Ihe entt half of lot aember ITf and
known la tho plan of aaid boron gh aa tho weet
half of lot number aad harlaf thereen
er-etrd a good two atory frame hooee.
f aawi. one-lbird eaak oa eoolrmatloa ef aale
and the balance la one and two yeare, with bend
and mortgage to aeeure tbe earne,
JAB. B. URAHAM, lieeeter.
Clrarfli'ld, BepU t,
Notice la hereby gitaa that let t era of ad
minlatralion en the eatale of JAMK8 K KM TON.
d-e d, late ef lAwrenoe town hip, Clearfteld V;
having bee dwlr granted to tho oadetetgwed, all
pereona indebted to aaid eetate aU pteaee make
payment, and Ulnae having elalma er demand
will preaent taem property eiMtteted, fee aei
llament. JOHN W. WKlttLBT.
P Adaiawiatraee.