Sarfaan, tlstrirf, ft(. SACMTT A SCniYVEX, HARDWARE, ad BafetlareTt of iV MUZ UifH! Tln,Copper A Sheet Iron Ware, SeaMd Sit!, (JLBiirillD. Me llarlag largtly Imtmim aar W.M, w. IotIU lot pabll, tnalat mi prietl. Oarnentert and ptrtoa. eonlewplaln oalld- tg Will WOII tO lIBmins ... TOOLS BUILDISO HAEDWARI, whloh It . nnd of '. "d will b aold kiw for tee. NAILS, , . GLASS, POTTY. GLUB, LOCKS, ' "' " LATCHES, HINGES. " SCREWS All bind, of Ben.h Planet, Sewt, Chittlt, Sqaarat, . Jlamnert, llateaett, t'laaa Md lievou, M.rttted A Thamn 0aage, Barel,, lltiM A Btttt, Waod end Inl Benoh Straw, aad Ibe bttl Bering MeahlMt th arki. Double and Single Bitt Aim, POCKET CCTLBRTV A. Ar BwneWi Iron Corn SheUer, warraaiew. f All, agaat hi BleharaV COTHIC FLUB TOPS), whloh fieotaellj nn Saoky Ptaea. Ferneri Implement and Otrdea Toolt at awry aeeoripuoa. A larga variety of i COOK' STOVES, whloh wa warrant to giro eatUtotlaw. . Portable Ramget and Furmmct, .Rooflnf, Spooling ud Job Work don on reasonable terms. All orders will imlti prompt attention. JUt 11, 197. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saeoetton to Boynto 4 Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manafaetarer f POET ABLE fe STATION All STEAM ENGINES Corn, of Poart and Plao Blraati, CLBARFIBLD, P. HAVINO en (.god la the aeaaahetara of Irat elatl MACHINERY, wtrtrpeetfelljlafbrw tba poblle that wa ara aow prepared to III all orden a cheaply aad a proaptlyat aaa bo dae la any of tko oitlot. Wo aaaafetlara aad daal la Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blook., Wator Wheel. Sbaflla Parley, Oilard'a Injeetoe, ttoaai Oa, Beta. WMttlet, Oilon, Tallow Cap, Oil Capl, flaof Ooekt, Air Cook., Olob Valval, Chaek Valrea, wroaht Iroa Plpet, Staaat Pampa, Bollor Food Peape, Anil Friction Metre., Soap Stoaa Pukltg, Oaa Paek lag, and all kiadi of MILL V0BK aogathor with Flowa, Slad Bolaa, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, ' wad oHiar GABTrNOB af an klada. " aTOrdert lolleitad and Bllad at att priaaa All lattan of inqalr; with rafaronaa to maehlaar of aur aaarhotara proaiptlp aniwarad, bj addraa inf ai at Claarlild, Pa. J.nVTt-tf BIOLIR, YOVNO A ABED. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, 'HANGING TASKS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt aanitantt, an hand. STQE AD EARTHEX-WA1E OF IVIRT DBSCRIPTIOIfl CfiOCKSI POTSl CROCKS! Fl.har'a Patwnt Alrtlg-M Mr.SnUnf Frail tana I . BUTTER CROCKS, lth llda, CREAM CROCKS, MII.R CROCKS, APPLE BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, FII DISHES, . TEW POTS. And a real mmnj otbor thingt to mat ere bj a otiea, to a aaa at FRED'Ki LEITZINGER'S STONE-WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherrr and Third Elraata, CLEARFIELD, PA. at FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR flALl BT BlgleF .' iron DorBit-snovii, flow. WOOD rrOPBLE-SHOTEL PLOWS. WOOD SIWOLE-JinoTiL PLOWS. IROH CCLTITATOBS. WOOD CULTtTATORI. OOWARDA A ntOH BEAM PLOWS. PITTPDl'RO STEEL PLOW IIAUPT S BKLLEFORTI FLOW. ROBESON'S aad THOEPSOM PLOWS llbaro fat all at tkt aaoe Plow! ana atanll, aa bead. aM-fl Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AKD Of COURSE TBI CrTIAPISf I A Proclamation against High Prices? IT TI an aow of.lf art a let of tha boot aad H Boat eaaaoaeble Uuodi aad Ware erar offered la thii ajarkat, and ftl prieae that mind na of tha Rood old dafa af aheap thlaga. Tbaaa who laeh faith apoa thie polat, r doaai oar athv gatieni aaperlaoaa, a aaa bat CULL UT Ol'H MTOHt, Conn Fraal aad Mvket atraat, - Where tha, oaa aaa, feel, haw aad kaow far thaai aalree. To fall, andarettuad what areikeap (aee thit aiaat ha doaa. Wa d aet daaw H aaaaaaar, t aaaraanae aad Itaaiiaa ear ataetu II la aaowah for aa I atau that . We nare ETerrthing that ii Heeded Md aoaaaajod I thia Barkat, aad al peieeo thaa otoalih both old aad yaaar. doatt JOHUfU BBAW BOB. Clearfield Emery. KNCOtJRAGB H01H INDU8TBT. TBI aaderelgaed, hwatag MhahUaha a , , 7 Ik 'Plho, aba I kalfw, heiwee J.1"' d C.rweae.llle, la amparad at par lehllhla,.r FRUIT TEEES.tHil dirla ,Va line berry, Saawwheii,, T7 "- AleaterhaaOMhrraaa, "aptlj ttteaded ta. Addraaa, atiMU . ' WIMBT. ( aapM.H., 0r eUte, Pa fry 6tJ, 6rtrtrir, (Mr. 1. 1. WTlt.M .. W". ilTTi WEAVER ft HETTS CLEARF1BLD, PA., Are aVartaf, at Aa aid tUad af 0. L. Read A Co, thatr atoak af goodi, oeailHlng ef DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS a SU0E8, BATB CAPS, BARDWAHB, QUBINSWARB, FLOUR, FEUD, SALT, Ac, 4o., Al Ik moot raaaoaabra ralaa far CASH ar la aiohango for Square Timber, Boarda, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. .etaTAdTaaaai aude ta tboaa angagod la gat Uag aat iqaara tlabar aa tba Boil adTaatageoaa tanaa. pdtljaaTI T. A. FLECK & CO. (Two door eat! of tha Shaw Bouae,) CE.II All FIELD, PA. MUUnei7 and Fanej Goods AND NOTIONS. RECK BCFFLINO. , LADIES' UNDERWEAR. OLOVES, all kladi and iliaa. COTTON STOCKINGS, aatarpamd both In qaallt, aad ehaapaaa. WUITB AND SWISS 00008, all rarlellei. CORSETS AND BOOP SKIRTS, af tha l.leet patlara aad lower thaa tha lower.!. BAIR GOODS, of all aarlotlot. Call aad eiaalaa oar atook aafora aoa bay elaewbore. Olad to ihow oar guodi oo all oo eaaloaa Our aotte la "SMALL PROFITS 4 QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Rtmaabtr th D.aMODDoail Huaaoii'a. Id T. A. PT.ECK, prllim A. M. IIILLH. KRATZER k LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLBABFIBLD. PA. Doalara la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Quekmswari, Boots, 81ioes, Hats, Caps, Ac. TSbaBakara oapalled with LEATBBR aad SBOB FIEDIN8S a! radaaad raUa. SALT I SALT) SALT! a! wholesale aad retail rer, eheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Aa. A liberal diaaoaal ta balldara. BOOSKBOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW BUADE8. OIL CLOTBS-U larga a;aaatltlaa. FI8B, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL aad CHOP, alwaji aa haad. (f-Allflk abate goodi ar paiahaiod aialatiaalj faraaah,aad tharafora oaa and will a told aa ahaap aa lha ahapet!. aprlll-74 A. H. MITTON'S (Baoaoator la Crala A Mlttaa,) New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. TBB aadorelgnad, having leaaad rootal for the lannfeaMra of all kiada of SADDLES. IIAR NESS, aad all tha lattit iBproTaoienta la Horie Farnlahlag Qoodt, It now prepared ta ill all orden al prloot and qaalit, that will aarprlae all wba favor hiai with a call for the taepeotion of bit work. Ho It determined la pleaao aad kit ex. narlanea aad obttrratioa la eaitem and wattere titioa oaablat hla to DEFY COMPETITION la lha aaaafaotaro of Hold, Silfor, Oroide, Habbor Oararad and Ollt-Liaed Moaoted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESSI Alto Flat RIDING AMD RACING SADDLES. Bit rati aad ataewata balm light, ha will eel I tha aaae gredea of wart It par eeat. ebeaper thaa the, oaa bo hooght ia the eaatora eitioe. Repairing aad adjaitiag Saddlea, Baraaat,Ae., aaatl, doaa, al reeaoaable prloot. Partioalat atlealloa paid le all orden bp Ball or otherwlaa. Call aad tat kit Work before boring eleewuere. JBE-Rooat aa Market ttraat, betwren Raaond and Third ttreou. A. H. M1TT0N. Clearaeld, Pa., Ma, II, 174. JJANIEL GOODLANDER, Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIBRT GLOVES, . ATS S CAPS aad ROOTS a SHOES, ' lebeeee, aratariad aad Pith, Belle, Bardwara, gatwra ant uiaatwer, am aa Bejt" Clotblat. Drag, Palala, Olla, Sehool Eooke, targe lot af Fattat Maditiaat, Oatdiee, EaU A Dried tralta, Cheeee aad Creak art, Beak aad Rita Powder, , Floor, Gntia and Potatoes, Clat at aad Tlaath, Seed, Sal Leather, eforooooa, Llalagt, Biadlagt aad Thread, Hkoeaaaerr laolt aa Shoo Fiadiagt. Bo Araatar f ariet, af goodt la aa, rtore la the eeaar,. At for eaie ear, mw ror oaea or eoaaira preda l the Cheap Coraof. Aeg. 17, Ilia. JbJBW BTOBB AND NEW GOQOE J US. S11AW 61 SOW Ha jo eptntd a Mir Brcta, oa Mala 8l.,CLiiiniL, P. UUlf eeoapM hj Wm. P. IBWIX. '' Tblr iloek eoiuUU of a aoo ii a f tba bwal qaalltw, Qukbnswark, Boots and Shoes, ' aad arary ariiela aaoar for aaa's eoafbrt. Call and tnab owf atoek Wfera par tiaiahawaar. M.tHMA-U. TtHKAP GBOCBBIK8 1 V i i lsmbsb cm, pa. The aaderelgaed eaaeeeeoe ia hla aM Meade aad peine thai a ha eaaaed a te) thaa al ROCRRIRS A PROVISIONS al tbMetad of Kirk a Bp rataa, for wbleh ha aelteMe a H banal paait. . V. SPSacBR, Uabar Oil N, Marek M-M. tinrrtlanronif. Sheriffs Sale. BY vlrlnt of writ of Fttri Fntimt, tiaaad m Ibt 0nrt or OvraBoi Mm ef Oltr Mi oouhU, m. to dirtoid, Ibtr will tipottd to PUBLIC BALI, al tbt Uoart Uobm, ! Iho oroatli of ClMrfloid on Hsinrtloj, Ibo ivio oir or Rouioaiuer, ibt4 m i o oiooh. p. ., Iht followlif Hl .UU, to wilt All th liuriit of Job Slim war, Iho dafeod- ant, In Ibo llabor itamdini, growlnf, llng or bolng on o oorUtB plow or Irani or land aiiuftlo ( Ull lowDahlp, t'loorfleld emintj, P., balng poa land owned by Philip KliaDar, tod wblob aid tlnbor, with Ibo rlbl to ontor upon aaid land fur Iho pnrpoao of eoitiiig and ibo ana Ii mirrtil to and balunita to Iho Hit Jo eob lllmnar by n rtaln artiola or aKraotnaatp Ae. Holiad, taken In mo Hon and to bo aold aa tbt prtjpartjr of alaawb tylinmor. Alto, all tbt right, till and Interval of Jantei M. Reed of In nud to Ibo following deMrltdMv oral trnota of land iltnnta la Lnnrenoo township, oountr of Clearfleld, and HlaU of l'ennajlvaaia. bouauea and aeeortboa na reuowa, w win lNo, 1 beginning at n poll Ibanot north IA do- greea weat VI paronea to a poet) Ihenoo north 80 degroea tail lol) ptrohoa U a poatt Ihenoo aoutb II degreea onal IV perohaa to a heuloobi theneo onlb 69 degree weat I4e perehoa to tba plaee of oaginnuig, cuniaining nv aorta ana 01 pffrobu, bounded by land a of Anoa Hood. Jot. ah Thorn... ton, Jamea l.ytla and olhere, and being part of notmr oogge aerrey, wnn ov urn, noro or lata, eleared tbereon, with a two-atory frame bouae, largo banb barn, wagon abed and other ontbuildtnga tbereon oreoled. A good epring of wmot nna irott iroaa growing upon iu Mo. I. Alao one other tract or plan of land ad jolnlog the aboTt, being alao a part of original aurrey ia tba nana of Robert Bogga, oontaining 84 aarea, more or leer, boundad by land of Mary H. Reed on tbo north, by land of Joaiah Tbomp aon nnd Lytlo on Iho onat, by land of Milton II. Miller on Iho aoutb and by Ian da of Aaron O. Tata on tbo weat, having about SO aerca oleared thoroot) with a bearlog orcbard. Mo. I. Alao, ono other tract or piece of land adjoining Iho aboro, being also a pari of the Robert Bogga traot, bounded and deaoribed na followtpVlat Beginning at a poit oo townahip road) thaneo nlong anld townahip road Berth 13 degreea weat 38 perch n to a poal on anld public roedj tbenoo north H drgreea eatt 24 perobee to a poal la lino of original Robert Bogga aiiryay; tbenoo aoulh SI degreea enat 38 perobea along aid original lino of Robert Bogga to a poat t Ihenoo aoutb 881 degreea weal 18 pvrehoa toplaoo of beginning, oontaining four aerea, mot or leta, and being a reaorration out) of Iraet aold to Mil ton H. Miller, with a two-itory frame houea and ulhor outbuildings thereon erected, and the land all being oleared and umler cultivation. Seised, taken In execution and to be aold aa tba property of JamoaM. Reed. TaaHi or Bali Tba prion or auia at whloh tha property aball bo atruck off saust bo paid al the tine of sale, or tueb oihar nrrangenenu made aa will bo approved, otherwlaa tbt property will be Immediately put up and aold again al tba expense nnd rlak of tha person to whoa it was atrnak off, and who, In oaatof dtflaltoev at aueb re-tale, ahall anaka good Ibt aama. and In no inetaaot will tbt Deed be presented la Court for eon fl rotation nnlets tbt money la actually paid to tha HheriflT. W. R. Mrl'HBItHON, Biinmrr'a Orrirn, I IS her iff. Clearfleld, Pa., Aug. 18, 1874. 1ST OK JURORS. J List of Grand and Traversa Jurors drawn for September term, commencing on tbo fourth jaonaay t;zQinj, ami oontinuing ror to roe weeks i nnANO Jtinona. J. Q. Otaagow, Dacca rla tlao. W. Meohley, Bell Jeaeo Qosa.. ....... Bogga ft. R. Taylor Goshea D. Persing...HUoutsdale Jos. Mc.Neal Jordan 0 Ueekendora.Karthana (1. W. Snyder, Lawrence aaiah Hancock, 14 D. L. FergneonH.L. City Robt. Arilcry...H. Morris Knmet Key era.. .Osceola Juhn Piynn.rt Pcnn David Reama Brady I R. II. Moore, I Jonathan Roland, Chest Fred. Hehnarrs.Covlnn'n J. A. Fausl... ..Clearfield II. F. Blgler, -D. Fauat. ..Curwtnirllle A bran Oatea, " Hugh Mullen Hike N. KcpbartM...DocaIarl Wm. Lather, Woodward THA V Cits JUtinitS rmaT WBIR. Jot. Passmore Bell John W. tlinter, Qulich A bran rearer, Bradford Auatin Bliss Huston John Fetere, Tboa. My era, Kariltans Kd. Hayea Brady James Kalakcr, Jesse Carl lie, M J. B. Ilenaud, Covlng'n hd. Motlnrvey, J. IV. Johnston, Jordan Jostah Lansbury, W. L. Rishel, Uwrenoa Jaek llagerty, Clearfleld Henry Uwena, " R. J. Coklin, M Jonathan Ogden J.Mc(lan.rnlin.Jr." Jacob V. Bnoke, " Joa. 8tcpbenson, " Jno. A. Oregory, M n. r. King, B. Ardcrv, Cnrwenavtlle Wm. L. Merrell, Morrla Henry Aildleman...Pika Tboa. Waring... Decatur Joseph Ooae, i John Ratuna, Frank rullcrton, " Wm. P. Kile, - Daniel Barger, H M. K. MoDiritl, " B. McUovern. ...Oirard Wm. U. Hhaw...Ooaben Oeo. Boweraoi.,,. Union aaooan vtii. B. Armstrong, Becnaria John Connly Cbrst George Weaver. ..Blooa John 8. Uearbart, Bogga Ooorge Turner, " John Miller, J. Bunbarger, Bradford John Dale, M Jacob Burgo, Ualvtn Hterens, F. Lililiigcr..,C'laar.ield A. J. Jackson, J. W. Rpiter, Covington J. Eisenhower... Uraham M R. Dickeman,tinlioh Hobt. J c Murray, " Prloo A. Rowlas, Knox Bit Mult, -Mart. Wilson, M David McKinnty.Brady A. Bpackman, Lawrence wm. l. jrwtn, J. Augbenhaugh, Henry Uullch, Christ. Korb, J. M. Poatlethwalt, 44 Geo. W. N older, N Jack. lloover.M... Morris rnmp Arnom, -BHiah KafaenfelUr, J. P. Feath.NewWaah'n Allen MoDonald....Penn J ere. Brick ley, Burnslde Jamea Daily, John Ittricker. " M. L. 0. Kvaniw...PIkt TH1BO WBBX. 8. B. Row Clearfleld John Porter, " PerTy Mattern.Dncntur John Uogbot, w Wm. Conrad Qnlleh P.Uallagher, lloutidala Jamea Koofleld...rJaeloB CratoB Wandall, ' Henry Reiter, Karthatu Jaa. Fereet..,Lawrence Wtli. P. Tata, Abram Pearet...H Morris leo. Ardery, " M. W. Johnson Pena J. P. McKendrlck..Pika Elan Passmore, H John Owens, R. Waring....Woodward David Mitcball Belli Bavld Bell, M Adam Wear or, ..-Bloom Samuel Irwin, M Isaac Beiah oofes Jonas II. Patera, M Joa. Winney... Bradford John H. Kyler, 14 David Hitcbioge, R. H. Kirk- Brady Lneiea Heyler, ' Uenrr A a rend, N John Ueighee S. MeCormick, Burnslde Beni. Klinger Chest Wm. Mctinrvey, " Wm. Kunts... Covington Wm. Uilliland, u pEACHERS' KXAMIXATIONaS. Aa oxaminatlos. for Teachers la and for the county of Clearfield, for the school year 1874, will be held for oaoh of the several di at riot a a fol lows, via t Beecaria, al Glen Hope, Wednesday, Sept, 9th. Jordan, at Anson tile, Thursday, Bept. 10th. Knot, at New Millport, Friday, Bent. 11th. Pike and Pike Independent, at Bloomiagton. Saturday. SetiL 12th. rtrguson, fenn and L umber uity, at Anuibcr Vity, Monday, Bopt. Utn. Bell, at Bower, Tuesday, Sept, 1Mb. Burnslde, at Burnside, Wednesday, Sept. 16th. Mew Wnshtniton, al Mew Waahington, Tburi- day, Bept. 17 tb. ubest, at wtstovar, rnaay, oepi. ism. Examinations will begin at 8 o'clock, A. M. All Directors are requested to bo p reset. t. Teachers are expected It bo txamined only in tha districts wnera tney intend tenoning, rnoee wno nave been eia mined will please be present and enter tbt alaaa in tbt distrlet where they Intend teach ing, If relocated by the Directors. Examinations will he principally written. Each teacher should imt wun pen, ibb ana oibbb-oook. J. A. GREGORY, naglS County Superintendent. (JAUTION. AH persons art hereby warned against par chasing, or In any way meddling with tbt follow ing property, via : One sorrel mart, ont bay bono, two sets of harness, ont horse and baruoet, ont mart and hartttaa, two aaddlea, ont wagon, two bridlea, twelve acres of wheat, three tons of bay, lot of rakes, fanning mill, forks, eutting-box, ropes and blocks, twelve acres of torn, seven aero of oats, ail acre of buckwheat, threw plows, one barrow, threw etws, ont hotfer, lot of chains, ont sleigh, ont set of harness, ont Jack and saw, one baggy, ono log sled and chains, tnt grind stone, ono kettle, one cultivator, two hogs, three beds and beddings, tore tablet, lot of carpets, three stoves, ono library eettee and ebalra, now ia the possession of Jamea M, Reed, of tawreneo township, as tbt satno was purchased by me at Sheriff's aale, and is left with him on loan only, snhjeot to my order. AARON C. TATE. Ulaarflald, Aug. , iH7-. UUTION. All net-sons art hereby warned acainal tmr ehesiac. or 1b any way meddlins? with the follow tng property, via t two tows, tore nogs, two sheep, aboat throe acres of torn and buckwheat, oae-foartb of an acre of potatoes i also, three beds and bedding, ont stove, ont table, tnt cupboard, one boreau, and ono set of chairs, now In poises etea of Cherlee Rea Inter, of Bradv townahia. ni the sane have been nurobaavd by me, and for HKNRT IIRBRRLINO, JeffersoB Lino, Aug. 18, 1874-lt. UlUTOR'S NOTICE - Cotoran, Bubb A Co.,) In the Court of Common vs. ritaa or Clearfleld Co. 0. T. Roberta. J No. II, Jane Term, 74. Tbo Bndersigaed Auditor, appointed by iho Court, to distribute tbo proooeds of tbo Sheriff 't salt of defendant's real aad peraonal properly on the several write af lerw fnpiat la the bands of lae, gives boimb mat no win aliens, to tne duties of bis arnolnlment at In the bor ough of Clearfleld, on Tuesday, the 1Mb day of rWutenber. A. D. f)T4, at 10 o'aloek, A. M-. when and wboro all parti ea interested may nttend If they proper. ivun u. rvurinut, aoc28 M Auditor. TJEAD TUI8I Tb nd.relgned baaing ratelrad from the ore and aljlea for all blade af patiBtiog, be woald therefore reenoetfoll, inform tboeitlteneof Clear, aold aad eieiait, thai he la aow prepared la do Hi aia ei House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, la Ik moat aedere aad apprerad .tylet. PAPER BABOIRn) AND GRAINING MADE BI'ICIALIIKS. All work doaa at lha mo.1 reeeoaeble prlwa ad asura aatiafaeuoa gvaraaaae. Ska, aa Mofkat ttraat, opaeeile lha All ghee, d. L. KRAULE. apru 1, lB7eta. . ThlBK. WBITE A ROAN LINING SKUS X ' raa. I red aad far eaie bp aarH aa..itTt. a. r. siULin cu. THE REPUBLICAN. 2j ygM 'X ""clear KI KLl),7A 7 " WRDNKRDAT MORNING, SKIT. 9. 1S74. BONO OF THI FLAIt. t 4, r. rnowiiiiuun. ' In tbt autumn, when the hollows All art filled with flying Isavvs, And the colonies of swallows (Jult the quaintly atusooed eaves, And a silver mantle glistens Over all the misty vale, , . , Bits tha littlt wife and listens ' To the beating of the flail, To the pounding of the flail . y By bar cradle sits nnd listens - ', 1 ' ' To tbt flapping or the flail. The bright summer days are ortr, ' And her eye no loniter seos 1 The red bloom upon the clover, The deep green upon tho trees, Iluafaod the aongs of flncb and robin, 1 With the whittle of iho quail) But she hears the mellow throbbing Of the thunder of Urn flail, The low thunder of the Hall Through tho amber air tba thrtbblng And re verb rat lug (Ull, In tbt barn the stout young Ih rather Stooping stands with rolled up ales ret, Beating out bis golden treasure From the ripped and rustling shoavos Oh, was avor knight ta armor Warrior all In abtning wall Half so handsome as her farmer As he plies the flying flail, Ai be wields the flashing Hull f Tba bart-inroatod, brown young fasenor, As ha swings the sounding flail t All the hopes that saw the sowing, All the sweet desire of gam, AH the joy that watched the growing And the yellowing of tbt grain. And tbt lovt that went to woo her, ' And the faith that shall not fail All are speaking aoltly to her In the pulses of the flail, . - ' Of tho palpitating flail Past and Future whisper to bt-r In tbt mualo of the flail. In Us crib the babe Is alucHng, And tht sunsbii.e from the door All the afternoon Is creeping Slowly round upon the floor; And tho shadows soon will intrkcn ; And the daylight soon must pale, When tht wife no more shall bearkun To tht tramping of the flail, C ' To tbt dancing or tha flail When her heart no more shall hearken To tha foot (all of tht flail. And tht babe shall grow and strengthen, Be a maiden, be a wife, While the moving shadows tragi hen Hound the dial of their life f Theirs the truat of friend and neighbor, And all age serene and bale. When mac M not shall do the labor Of tht strong arm and the flail, Of the stont be irt and the flail Great machines perform the labor Of tbo good old fashioned flail. Bat when, blessed among women, And when, honored among men. They look round them, can tht brimming . Or their utmost wishes tbfn Give tht-m bappinets tompleterf And can ease and weatlb avail To make any muslo sweeter Than Ibe pounding or the flull T Oh, tbt Bounding of tbt flail I Never music can be sweeter Than tha benting of tbo Halt I Uarptr't Ungatimt for SiUmbert THE DRIFT. , The politic ul tt'iKltMit'itMtoftlio Ameri can H'tiilo linvo lioi'ii thorough!)' "nanirru" by the Slnto I'loi'tioiimil' Ihu imnt MX monthK. 1 ho ioMilur toclin lino l)n tt'Kk'd not only in ono spot, but in aovoinl nut only in oneawtion of tin) country, but nil over the country. To ilhiMinitc : Stute (k't'tiiin hnve liwn held tliiH yenr in New Huiripslitre in tho oxtrcmo Kant, ami in Oivron in the extreme Wont, in Kentucky and TennoRHoo in tho centre, in North Caro lina on tho South Atlantic coBxt, and in ArkaiiHax in tho valley of the MiHi Hippi. Tliua ull imrtii of tho Union havo bwn "nampled ;" New Kiil'IiuhI, the Pacific, the contra, tho Soutli, the Soulhwtwt,. anil (iucluilin the New York town clectiou) tho mitlUto Atlan tic. Without a amnio exception, Vt'litr. over thoro lias Iwen a content between parties, the ltepiihlicnnii Imve been din antrounly beaten. Jlere i tbo record of the change in two years :- 1811. ' IS74. '. Vapatieaa. Dfmotrolu. N.w llaap tblrt, Arkeama, Keataekr, Coaneetiaut, Tenaeatre, North Caro lina, Oregua, 1 RtpubticvH. .Mocrec'e. . Rentaekx, Ti-onreaec, Arkaaeae, Cooneociqut New llatup birr, . North Caro- lia. Oregon. In other words the Democrats carry this year not only the two .States which they carried in IH72, but tho live States which gave their electoral voto to (ienorut Grant With the exception of lihodo Ittlnnd (in which the lemH'rats noniinatetl no cantlidutes) evcrj' State havine elections So far this year lias gone Jlcnioonitic. Tho Democratic (rains hnve not been confined to tho States hitherto Itepuh lican. The same remarkable progres sion towards the acceptance ol Demo cratic principles is apparent in the Democratic States. Kentucky, which jravo (ireeley 0,000 majority, now gives tho Democratic candidate on the State ticket nearly G0,000 majority. Ten nessee gave tiroolcy 10.0IMI majority, anil the aggregate liemocintic nnyority in tho recent county otectioiw ia not loss than 00,000. Kast Tennessoo, tho stronghold of Bwliculism in that State, has been revolutioniied. 'l'hc follow ing returns, taken in tho order they camo by telegraph, afford some idea of tho .weeping changes going on in J eu nessoo : , 1 87 . , 1 871 , Orfl'f. Ilrant, J)tM, Rtp. D.rld.a t.titt MIT 7.W 4.11 1 Hhalbe t.MS MM 111,5X1 l,fUl tlila. 1,1S 3.11.10 t.m 1,11111 Williaraioa 1,11ft l.itb l,l 1,171 Mieon ton 429 !:I7 4M Trounlale 7C1 178 I3 fA Smith - I.IUD ! MM . r)l Hatherrord I,M3 1,3211 4,01.1 1,113 These eight counties, situated in dif ferent parts of tho Stato gavo (.rant 401 majority in 1872, and now give a Democratic majority of lS.IU.'l. With tho drill all one way since New Hampshire opened tho political cam paign of 1H74, wo havo tho best reasons tiir expecting a like result in the elec tions which occur during tho remain ing months of this year. Hotweon the 1st of September and tho 4th of No. vemlier next there will bo elections in thirty-two Statin, All but six of these wore carried by Grant in 1H72. From Iirescnt appearances kite Itcpuhlicnus lavo a dead certainty of Hat'tiring but three of tho twetity-!x which wont lor Grant Vermont, Mississippi.antl South Carolina. In the forthcoiniugclections of this year 272 reprcsentativea in the Forty-loiirth Congress will bo chosen. In tho olootlons already held 9 repre sentatives have boon chosen (1 in Ore gon and 8 in North Carolina), and the party proportion stands : Democrat, S; Itopublicans, (Jack llynian, a ne gro,) I. Of counto this proportion will not hold out through tho following elections, but it cannot fail to bo near enough to leave the Kcpuhlicnns in a lnriro minority in the next House. The result of tho last six months' testing of Eublio sentiment, therefore, ui in the ighost degree encouraging for tho aiiecdy return of tho American Itonnb lic to tbo mfe wavi of the era which preceded the civil war ami its train of liatlical corruption and imbooilily. Xett York H'orM. Parson. Tho Itcpubliean nominee for Supreme Judge is Krtward M. Pax son, of Philadelphia. Mr. Paxson is notoriously unfit for the position and goes into the campaign with a charac ter tainted by corruption and Jobbery, lie first attained stale notoriety by bis unblushing attempt to bribe the legis lature in 1MAS to elect Dr. David Jay no, of Tetmifttgo and patent pill reputa tion, United States Senator. Ho was afterwards appointed to Ilia bench ofj the court of common pleas nt rhiia dolnhia through the influence and in trigue of Wm. I). Jlunii, the loader of the Una. 1 hero Ii scant' v a cotintv lawyer in tho State of KuieetubMi landing that does not posses higher inaliflcation for tho Mrtlim.-'t'r7-t WAit Mail Til K RADICAL CHURCH. fpllLlOATION IIP AnTICLU OP PAITU IIV AN OIIUAN. Wo want our reader, to give the fob lowing article, taken from the Mow York JViifiVm, an attentive poninal. This journal until recently has shouted amen to everything (irant & Co. have put on tho boarda. Jto J every word ; "'i lia Hill text of the nddroiM to tho iiooplo of tho iteptiblicuu ('ongnsslnnnl ('omiuittee bus been published. Tho signers bim mostly polilieiuus of a not very high tinier, r.ltirting nut with Mr. John A. Logan; but tho document Is ingenious and perhaps elfeetivo, and is intended to influence tho coming ('on gresslonnl elections, and will probably do so. Tho most telling part of It is in the opening, in which It compare the career of ihu Jiepulilioun party with the preceding period of Democrutio rule, and In which, as In ull such com parisons, there is u great variety of curious evuHiona and oiiiihhioiis. 1 liosu, however, are baiilly worth notice, nor Is the portion of tho paper which Is de voted to an enumeration of tho lteptib licau service to the nntion since 18til, as It is very llimiliar to the ptiblln ear. "When the address propose to the liepublit aii voter an indefinite contlnu auco of the confidence hitherto rcKisud in the party in power, it brings up again a point of a gnod deal of impor tance, which wo bar more than once discussed In these columns, nnd that la, the lenglh to which this confidence ought to be curried. As the managers stale their enso, there Is really no reason why tho party should not con tinue in iiowop forever. What they say is in sulmtwtco, that it Is quitotrue Unit there are ninny abuses stilt need ing correction, but that the llepuhlicun party is sure to correct them if we give it time. Hut the party hus now been so long In power, and has effected such sweeping changes iu the tiovernineiit, that a lurge majority ot the anuses which now call for rectification are rcallv of its own crention, or havo grownup nnilcr its rule. Tho moiety system, the Sanborn contracts, and the "salary grab," for instance, to enumer ate tlioso of latest date, which tho last Congress lias swept away, were the direct result of Iiepublican legislation. I he conilition ol the civil servico, though not Hcpuhlican in its origin, has reached its present pitch of bad ness in Itcpubliean hands, under the enormous multiplication of the duties of tho Government which lias taken place under Hcpublicnii rule ; but the party as such gives itself no concern about it, uutl ia apparently lrostilo to any change iu it, and yet this abuse may he said to lie tho lonntain ot all others, and tho ono which , most dis tinctly imperils tho Government The condition of the South, and its relations to the general (fovemmeut, constitute another abuse of tho most dangerous magnitude, and vet tho Congressional Coinniittoe pass it over, as the majority iu the hint CongivHU passed it over, nl mont without notice. The condition of the currency is another most alarm ing abuse, and all the committee have to say about it is that if tho Republi cans do not know hint to deal with it, neither tin the Democrats which ia very much as if Jones, whom you hud taken to pilot yon ulong a dangerous coast, were to confess that be knew no more about tbo coast than a haho un bom, but could assure yon for your consolation that his rival Smith, who wanted the job, know nothing about it either, lino were to advise yoa to get out your lines nud go cudtisbiug. "A party in power which calmly con fesses In a periiHl of suspended specie payments that it has nothing to say about the currency, and yet proHwes that it shall coiitiuuo in power as long as it tuny be necessary tor it to make up its mind, really claims the status and privileges ot a church. J he church is a peniinueiit institution created for the regeneration and salvation of men which cannot be overthrown or dis pensed with, -nud which, though it may become corrupt or time-serving or luke warm, nevertheless contains within it self'tlic reformation and its onorhaniiel of grace. This is virtually the kind of position the committee claim lor tho Republican party. Under this defini tion ol it no valid reason for putting it out of office can ever arise, because, no matter of what faults or follies it may be guilty, it can always abandon or re- form them. It may, lor instance, cre ate tho moiety system, and breed Jay lies and Sanborn, but then, as soon as the people get angry, it can sweep the system away, ami uismiss juvnc and Sanborn, it may pass a salary bill, but if it finds tbo country is tlis- pleused it can repeal it at the next ses sion. It might propose n muoHiiro of repudiation, as some ol its leaders did in 1H08, but then If it found the coun try was. not ready for it it might drop it "Now, this is a delightful theory for the politicians, because it means per petual olllco lor t nem anil t neir menus ; but is it a theory which voters are really ready to sanction or adopt in a country ruled by party f Would there be miller such a system any means whntcvcrofcnfbrcingany responsibility or of infusing any se,iousness or cure into legislation? if a party need nev er fear dismissal from power as long a it is ready to undo the mischief it has done, what cheek Is there on its wrong doing? Take the moiety system. It was in operation for live years; it do ninniliKed the commercial world j it converted tbo custom liotiso Into a dcu of fraud and extortion J it subjected tho most respectable merchants toiiiihcard of penalties; it converted their coiifi duotiul clerks into spies anil informers, put their private correspondence into the bunds of the lowosl order of adven turers, and enabled a tribe of disreput a ble people to make fortunes by black mail. Now, no party plight to dure lo create such a system. A party is hound to foresee tbo consequences of such a system, but what party w ill over take tne trouble to examine such legislation carefully, and tHIow nut Its probable working, if it knows that it can get rid of the burden and odium of it by sim ply repealing It afler the knaves have filled their piskuts under it? Take again the Sanborn case. Tito three most important olllcora of the Treasury were convicted we do not think this is to strong a word cither of the grossest negligence or of connivance at fraud. They were armed with the imwcr they abused by a careless act of Congress. n lien tho anuses wnicti occurred under it were exposed, but not sooner, the Secretary of tho Treas ury n't i red, but ho was forthwith put on the judicial bench for life by the ap pointment of the head of the part v, and hwit!i tho ooiiflrmntion of the majority in tho Senate. miw, was tins a prop er way to deal with such a matter ? Is this a proper example to set to the ser vants of tho Government and to the young men of the country? And arc wo really to have no remedy for such things exenpt prayer that tho mana gers may undergo a chango of heart ? "The validity of thccluimsofa party to continuance In olHoe can only, as it scents to ns, bo tested by the spirit in which it deals with tho real questions of the day by which wo menn not only the tonic which occupy men's minds, but tho prevailing tendencies of I the tinie. Mr.nig onnviciion a horn slavery and the national unity were valualilo during tho war, hut Iho "limn ing questions" since tho war have been tho disorder in tli finances, and tho enormous force of civil servants created by tho war. With those the iiopubli ciui party has shown no disjiosition whatever to deal. A curious illustra tion of tho limitation of its powers and aims were exhibited In tho settlement of tho Alabama dispute with Kngland, After that had been arranired bv the Uxocnllvo, and the money handed over to the majority In Congress, thoro was neither wisdom nor grace enough found in the body to order the distribution of even this small sum upon any rccog nizod and established principle of Inw or commercial usage. The total col lupso of Loth Houses In the presence ol the currency problem was another oxumplo of the uinio hulidessness ; anil, indeed, it would bo hard to say in whut question now bclbro the people the party take more than a perfunctory interest. It might Hl'i,u of many errors and shortcomings, establish solid claims to populur confidence in the future if it showed any disposition to bring forwnnl able men nud put them in tho front. Hut more determined discouragement of talent Was probably never witnessed in our history. Kvery now election sees the number of its ignorant brawlers luoreaso, and also the number of Its ablo men who retire into private life." THE PERIL 01'' AREATA' ESS. It is wonderful how ninny men who havo risen to greatness huvo bad fools and scamps for their friends, and it is wonderful how much mlsrhiol those friends huvo dono them. When General Grant wasatillan ob scure man, fighting at once tho doubt ful battle against his own insignificance iu the world and against the Southern rebellion, he had friends worth having ; men of souse and integrity, who told him the truth squarely una roughly if necessary, and who never fluttered his weakness or encouraged his tonneiiey to vice. John A. Kuwlins, bis Adju tant General, and Jumori Harrison il son, his IiisiocUir General, wore friends of the kind described ; gentlemen of In telligence, and merciless enemies alike of the hoohio, protondor, and jobbers that often camo ntiout him. Without their talents, their ideas, ami, abovo ull, their frank admonitions, it is not likely that Grant would over have become great, and they served him because it was serving their country. licHiilea, in tlioso days he was himself modest. His previous expulsion from tho army, growing out of drunken haliita, und his low fortunes afterward, living as he did in poverty and insignificance, a pensioner at Guleua upon the hard bcticvolenco of his shrewd and griping futhor,had alldisposed bis mind toplnco a very moderate estimate upon himself, nnd to roceivo and appreciate thecoim- 1 and assist mice ol such mends, lint after ho had become great ho no long er wanted friends of tint kind. Men liko theso are never flatterers ; flattery tlicv (lesiuso and will not leal in. and so Grant took friends liko Boas Shop- herd, Secor Kohcson, and John Patter son, course, dishonest fellows, whose hoiie is plunder, whoso moral creed is "Addition, Division, and Silence," und who lead tho President and tho coun try together on tho mail to ruin. Another great man with an extra ordinary blindness in the choice of his frit mis was the ltiteChief Justice Chase. He was endowed with a powerful initio, and had linnoraiile aspirations, but he kept about him men utterly un worthy ot Ins companionship, and al though he had integrity and ability at his command, he was apt to choose for important places those who were both knaves and fools. To one of these friends he confided his private journals und correspondence, that his biography inii'ht lie written, ami this trusted iu dividual has rewarded his benefactor by magnifying every foible and doing his utmost to destroy his great rcputa tion and to prove that the lolly figure which tho public had so long revered vil alter all nothing but a braacn idol. hollow in the region of tho head and heart and with loot of pensltahlo clay Still more unfortunate in his fViends ia the eloquent and eminent preacher whoso name is now so tragically in all mens thoughts. Alter all, has any thing been suid of Henry Ward Uoeeh er more injtiri'"! than the fuct that his nearest and most intimate friends were such persons as Theodore and Kliiabeth Tilton ? Of the womnn in this case we tlo not now care to speak much, but rather deaire to pity and lor- get her ; but take her own letters nnd her recent statement, and consider what a dreary compound of maudlin jargon and gushing sentimentality, of that emotional sham which with some passer) for religion, of contradictions, and untruths, and transcendent non sense they are, and the wonder is how such a person could ever bo an intimate friend, mspirer, and counsel lor to a great man and a teacher of re- ligion and morality, tint when wc look at Mr. Tilton this astonishment is more than doubled a strutting scnti. nientulist, inflated with vanity, trifling in intellect, volulilo in words, religious. Iierhnps, as his nerves were excited, Hiving no fixed convictions of truth, divine or human, and swinging loosely buc k ward and forward on superficial inanities ol opinion, now saying his orth odox prayers nt Plymouth Church, and now learning the philosophy of free love from Victoria Woodhull, with courage to defy public sentiment ns Ins only quality, and through it all tho special friend', the more than brother, of Henry Ward linucher, until some catastrophe occur, either that which ho alleges or somo other not yet explained, by w hich this friendship was transformed into an enmity as strange as the friendship. Is it not most true, then, that great men stand in special peril from their uieniis, ami that some mysterious reason leads them often to clioose for friend people of so little mind or so little moral value, or of such preposter ous tiistesand iinwholesomedispositions that their friendship is hardly better than death and destruction ? Perhaps, however, this is only another one among the mysterious compensation of life, designed to prove that intel lectual greutness is merely hinnnii, and balanced with such nn amount of little ness that its possessore are still kept within the average of mankind. -iVctr IVi S'. Wiiv Hun TtAN Diun't Work. The Pottsville (Penn.) Mwer't Journal is responsible for the following story ; "A Phienixvillo maid, quite old, becoming anxious about her matrimonial chances, recently concocted a plan to doceivo a young fellow as to her ago. This was thoaway she tried it : The old family lliblo contained a faithful record of all births, marriages and cleat Im. This volume the maiden took to her chamber, and selecting tho birth page she man aged, by dint scratching ami writing, to change the date of her birth to a period clevon your later than what it had legitimately boon recorded. Then the liiblo was placed on tho sit ting room table in a conspicuous man lier. That evening came along tho lover, liu soon began to finger (he lliblo page, and finally reached the birth record, whoro anil when ho dis covered, to his surprise, that his An- frcliiia wa just ono year younger than ic. He thought it strange, na she ap peared older. He kept his mouth shut and continued to fumble over the pages. Next ho begun reading the death list, and made the very astonishing discov ery that tho mdient maiden, according to tho lliblo, had actually been born ten years after the decease of her fat Iter. 'J he young man quietly arose and bid Angelina good-by, and now swear Ihat "eternal vigilance is Indeed tho prlco of liberty, RATtica Thin. A ronawny couple wont to Ktigeno City, Oregim, to gel married. Tha clergyman and clerk both wahtctl proof that the young lady was of proper ago. Strategy, which has proved so efficient in other scenes, was resorted ta The figures 18 wore placed in the bottom of the shoes of (lie maiden, and ono who wa in the secret slur mod that she was ever ruh trrn. Thia brought the lieeno and the clergyman they wore made happy. (! L E A We desire to coll tho attention of tha citizen of Clearfield courtly to the fact tliat we have oieiiel n MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly kocp on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL Our slock of PIANOS will consist GEORGE STECK & CCS PIANOS, stein wav m sons' pianos, Haines brothers pianos. We are prcpnrcd at nil times to furnish any of tho chenivcr wakes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo terms as to prices and Our stock of ORGANS will HYNDER ORGAN, (with Hymler's Kneo Ticmob nnd downwurd The SMITH AMKK1UAJN UKUAJN I,US Ul.UAN.S, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any fuctory desired. We sell on every plan known to the trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the porutAR and easy LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to DCPWe shall Ik glnd to hnve oct23-'72-ly jrttiSftUniKous. YA LI ABLE FARM FOR SALE I IN CilRARD TOM N1HIP. The uDderaitned offer for tU tht frvt un whtoh he now rvaidrt, in title In Ulnrd (Qwnantp. Clearfield mhbIt. I'., furtaerlr ewtitd br Justin J. Ft. Tlia Tann contain I'M turna. and 1 Terr dm i looatrd. Tins buildinica tr all new, mni eonsial of Urg frame boiia. hiving cmm1 ot-llar antieraoalb, good water tomnnicnl ( larK frame bars, blaakatnilh ahop, wagon abed, spring bouae, Ac. Tb buililioga on tbi farm ar aa goud, If Dt better, than on any form In Clearfleld courtly. Tba land ia of tnporior quality and In a good flat ef cultivation. roMcaatoa will be given in me apnng, or ai anv lime most the warebaaer. Tb terma will be teuton able. Person de'lrou of purchasing een auMrrta ibe lubaoriber at beeonle's Mill 1'. U.. UearUekl eonnljr. fa., or apply in person on tb premise. Any peraena wanting any Information In regard to tba quality of the land, Ibe kind of but Mings thereon, t., i.,aa get the information by call ing on Sheriff Pi, in ClearfleM, as he owned Ibe farm for a amber of year, and of course know all aboat tt. hkmim.l hi-urm, loOeoaU't Mill. Clearfield Co., Pa Jauaary SI, 1174. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, ItlATTllKHHKN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NBAS P.O. The aBilarrlanoil eege lcara lo lafara the elti aaaa of Cleernekl, and tha habile grnerallr, Ibet he hat oa hand a laa aeeortment of Karnliore, each at Waleul. Cbaelnat aad Painted Chamber Seitee, Parlor Suite., Reeltning and Eaten, Ian Chair., L.iW and 11 rata' Ear; Cbairt, the Per forated ilining end Parlor Chain, Cant Seat, aad Windaor Cbairt, Clolh.a Ban, Step and Ellen ion Ladder., Hat Raeha, Sornbbitig Urvrhaa, Ac M0ULD1N0 AND PICTURE PRAMKA. Looking Ula.Mt, Cbroaoa, Ae., whloh mould be Bailable Tnr Hollear protean, drain 71 JOIIX THOt'THAN IIUKV ok CHRIST, Bueoeator. ta KIlYDER A CO. TO THOSE INTERESTED IN TUB Pl!R CIIASE OP A STRICTLY rJRE RYE WHISKY, For Medicinal Porno w offer ISiilley's Pure Hye, Prlee $2 to $6 per gallon, and will ship ia pack age to suit purchasers. Wo alao handle largely a (OrPttt DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from I..S0 to 1 1.74. W Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And ar also man n fact a re ri of STOJVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send fur prir. Ii.t. . HUKY k CHRIST. apr.It-oin 171 North Third HI., Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD HGALEN, or ALL I1HI-SI Bgfff Barrows, Warehouse Track. Copying Press. Improved Money Drawer, Aa. rOB SALB IT II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers Iu Hardware, cb3t: 7t If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. TIIK CLEAKFIFaLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Meoafeiurcd especially for TUB CLEARFIELD TRADB, augS'TI a. r. Bt (H.k r a co. $ O It SALK! A largoand well Inlsfaed Brick Dwelling, Un- ate on the river bank, la Ike Honing b f Clear field, oontaining eleven rooms, wit!: food cellar, wator In the hitehen, aad all tha molern eoav nlenoea. Pan trie, Uatb-room, Clo,hee-l'rese, A. Lot lity feet fro a I and two handr4 and thirty feel ksMJk. with a twenty foot alley m the east Ida. bald build sag, with all the appnrtenanoes, will bo sold cheap, with payments to salt purcha ser. Application eon be made lo the under signed, or to A. C. Tate, laq.. who will give all aecooaary Id format Ion to those who desire to In sfteet tha property. 1 HUB. . mcVUbbUaJUII. May Slit. 1A73, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI POWlLL'l,) tot all dtieaes Incident ! Hnrses, CettU, aad tinman rlsh, req Iriag tho oe of aa ei tern al application This Embrocation wa lUoslvoly s4 It tha Government dnrlna tk war. For sale by HarUwick A Irwin, Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Carwenetlll. Uaatel Ueoo. aader. Laihorebarg. if. Attention, Lumbermen! WE art aovaanalaelarlnlnar IMPROVED STEEL -SOCKET IlRlVINU CANT HOOKS, ..parlor to aao ether la aee. W hare alaa In ttorh a trf qaaatitr af Uealheo. .ait, hla for raOiag ureee, whkh are ara ealliag -bp AMOS A R. KKNNARD. OlMrleld, Pa., Mareh II, lift. G UNSMtTHINO. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop a Third afreet, am Rll.r'. Maotaallh Jaon, CLRARPIBLD, PA. All klada of arSea aad Shot Saaa aa head Bepalriaf done I Sret-tltta Meaner aad at felr prior. Irll'il MARKET S T il E E T, It F I E L U, L P E terms of payment. consist of tho new and popular can hnve a good instrument, MAKE HOME HAPPY. you call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. RYXllKR'c. M1!NI STORE. IHisreUanratts. (JLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TUP. undersigned, sorsors to RFKD A l'OWKLI,. have pnrcbaat-d the MiAK- HKU) PLANING MILL, and relit ted It for doing an eitensive business. All the aiaehitierr will be adiicd nceeaaary to make It ono of tb moat cotiiplete relab lahmeats el the kind in lb Htate. They are now prepared to receive order fur any work io that lino. Tbey will give special atienitvu to an ananriai lor louse tiuikiing. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARbING, S3 II, DOORS BLINDS, OF ALL STYLES, always oa hand. WOU K Kit BOAItn.t, and all article ni ry fr building, will bo each an red fur lihV I.rXlHKlt, so that persons at a distane may bring their lumber, eicfaange it for, and return home with the manufactured articles. The C"(pany wilt always hurt on hand a large st een or dry lumber, so ns to lie aiilo lo Till an order on the shortest notice. Unly Iho beet and most skillful hands will be employed, so that tb public may rely upon good work. Lumber will fee worked or sold as low as It esa be pare based anywhere, and warranted to give Miiiiiacouq, nm anc duiiqwi win wv upoo the caak principle w eaai afford to work for iul'I profits. DRY LUMBER WANTED! Especially on and-a-half and two Inch panel stuff, for which a liberal prloo will b paid. The bnslness will bo con dee ted under the name or the "Clrnrficld Hailing Mill Co." O. D. Merrall till portonnllr .uperlntend tho bu.inee.. Onlrre rcipeotrullv Mlieitcd. 0. H. MERRKLL. H. 11. TAYLOR. M. U. 11KOWN A BRO. Clr.rO.IJ, Pa., January I, 1171. READING FOR ALLI I BOOKS it STATIONERY. Market HI., C'lrai field, (at tho Poat Offlca.) s'l'MIK andsrsigosd bog leave to annonue to 1 tkeeltisen of Clearfield and vicinity, that be ha lttsa op a room and has Just returned from tha city with a large amount of reading attar, consisting la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Acconat aad Pass Books of ovary de scription t Paper and Envelop, French pressed and plain Pen and Pencils Blank, Legal rptrs, ijseas, Mortgage rfuuguent, Biemp tlen and Promissory Bote r Whit and Parch; men t Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cop, aad Bill Oap, Sheet, Music for either Piano, Hute or Violia constantly on haad. Any book or stationery desired thst I may not hav oa hand, will b or ordersri by first iprot, and sold at wholesale or retail to ult ntmr. I will also keep period) ea literature, aea as Magastnea, r.ewa. papers, A. P. A. ttAULIV. Clearfleld May T, IHBo-tf OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C O M P A M Y, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, Rtarpai'Tcaat LUMBKR, LATH, AND PICKETS Saved Patent Ribbed Shingle). H. II. SIIILLINUFORD, Pra.ld.nt, Offloa foroel Plaoa, No. IIS 8. 4th .1, Phll'a. JOHN LAWSIIH, Qeaeral Eap't, OmooU Mill., Clearl.ld ooaaljr, Pa. Auo-TOWN LOTS for tart I Ih borough ef Oooeola. the LARtlEST ASSORTMENT of Oood. ia t'learleld eaalj at lk'lr Maaaolh Mora la Omul. jaaa-it Lime lor Sale I 1111 K undersigned, residing near tho ttVpot has mad complete arrangements with Lime Burner east of the mountain, whereby he Is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large qnaatlty of PURE L I M K! which he offers to farmers and tofldors at a trifle abovo eoaU Thooe la need of the article woald do well to give me a eall, or address m by letter, be for negotiating their lime. tin", v, r ADfjuuu K Clearfleld, Pa., Juno , I Hols. The Lightning Tamer. Til B ad.r.iga.d ara tha tolt Agent, ta ibt enantr for lhe"Noith Aatrleaa Oalvaai.ed LlOIITNINtl RODS." Tlitn ara the oalt eaft roda ao I ., and ara tndorted h all tbt teltatilt aaa ia lha eoantry. W herehe aeHfr tha .III aaaa f lha ! Ihat e all! pal thaa a, . hollar rod, aad let loot aoaav, thaa la ehargod he tha roreiga ageata who aaaaallj .reverts tho ooaalj aad aarry off ear little cash, attar It retar. KNCOURAGK HOMB LABORl Thoat within Llahlolaa Rod. seated ea their halldlag. aead bal addraa. a hr loHon at aall I. aoroaa. Wa will pal thaa ap aapwhtt I IheeeaBl. aad warrant Ihea, Tha Rnded rill. re. oaa ha taaa al tay lima at oalllag al aarotere. " F. niOLKrl HI. ClMrield, Marrh M, ItTl.H . I Idlvery Nt Able. IIB urdertlrn.d hoae leave te Inrorathepaa. . lit the ho I. now fnlla preparod t. aroneaaa- d.u all la the way of faral.ning Hore., Baffgie. Saddle, aad llarnaaa. .a tha ahorloet aetleo aad oa reasonable lerma. Reeldonoeo Lotal .Irtet, ktWM Third aad rrarlh. OEO. W. DEARflABT. OUarleM, Fell. 4, 1ST. N K A. MERCHANDISE. of Octave Coupler,) and no other investment of liko UUsKlIantotts. rpiIE LARGEST , ASSORTMENT OF HTOYEN I STO Vi:H I ever bronebt lo Ibe eountr. err bcli.g rrrnirr'l tt the Hantaan E.labli.haient of H f. HIUl.tH A. CO., th. following Cook Slot n : SPKAU'S CAI.OHIFIC. SUsyUEIIANNA. KEOULATOB. NOPI.K. RXCKI.SIOR. TltlUMPH. GUV. PENN. REAPINO NATIONAL RANUE. iC. tC. Alro, tbt following Heating Stuvet: Kt-EAR'S ANTI CLINK Kit. RPEAK'S ANTI DI7ST. rTEAU'SOilWCULAR, SPEAH'S PA RLOR CtlOK. MtlKNINO LIGHT. BON TON, 01PKEV, VULCAN, 8UN11EAH. RU3Y' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, PHOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM BTOVEf. C. Clearlcld, Sopl. JS, 1171. rX TUG FRONT! GREAT KXCITEMGNT AT TIIK CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Th undersigned having juat fitted? p wew. Urge and comfortable rooms on Market street, near Tbird, respectfully lo forms tb wuMie that ho now drcpared to accommodate them with everything In his lino on short notice and at all boors of tb day. He keeps on bawd ebes1i bread, , rusks, Hulls, pik8, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CREAM, and a general assortment of CO$FKCTIONER!K.S FRUITS, NUTS, Av All of whisk wilt be delivered to eastomers at their mldences, wken requested 10 do eo. ICB CREAM, by th dish, acrrrd in a neall; fur nished rooia. Thankful for th gvneroai patronage bellowed its th, he hopes to merit and receive a con tinuance of the same from his old custo mers, and others, JOHN STADLER. JaoeH.U If. 0. 1. c yf HBBR to buy say PRT CrOOFUl, 0R0 yy cerlea, Queenewof, Ulasaware, Drags and Noliohs, Confellonrtoa, A., oeHssap for ensh. The subscriber begs leave so to form his old and new customer that he hoe opened A VARIETY 8T(lRK IN QLKN HOrB, PA. And will k II gooil at price toontt tbo times. A liberal reduelioa will be made to nstemer buy ing al Wholesale. j Call and eiamlne my stork before purchasing lae where, A liberal share of public patronage ii solicited. C. ?. KKAUY. tilea Hope, Pa., Jan 14, 1871. II. F. BIGLKR & CO.'S SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' 1IARDWA,;. . . LCMHKRMEN'S llWIUWAH, PARMtNO rTBNRtLS. MILL BI PI-hfBfl, WON NAJM. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, PAINTERS' FINDINtlfV CALCLNKa PIASTER. May J, llll. TJNDERTAKINH. Th nn'lertlgned ar wow fully r re pared t. oarry an tbo business of , AT SKASONAOLB BATES, And ntnrettnSy tntleR tha patroaaga af Ihow- aeaditg taeh arrtaoa. dOIII, TKOI'Tal.", JAMES L. LSAVY. Clcatlrld, Pa., Ffk. I, 1174. TLi.lAHIlTNRY, JiwTin aaa P.iriaawSrai.aaaa.LrMRSR CITf. OlleolioM awla aad awaey praaptlf paid aver. Arlielel af agraeaeol aad dredt el ornr.T.noe neatly aieealod aad uarrtated o.r reel or ao ohargo. IJ1S