THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAR FIELD, PA WRUNESDAY MtlltNlNll.SKPT. . ISJ4. Terms of Subscription, !' pil In hi ranee, or within three months,', $3 90 It )i:iil nfier three aud be font six months..,., I to f tmiil after the o miration of alx months ..." I 09 iti.i.icioiiH notices. Met hod I at liuUropul ChurcliRrv. A. D, Vocru, Htr. I'uMio (Service evary Hnbhath it nt a. aim 7. f. n. Sabbath He boo, at 9 A. M. I'ryer Meeting evury Thursday, at 7 1. M. , Communion Her vice, flrit fiabbath of every jionth, at mi A. M. FruMbyterUn CliuicliRer. II. 8. Hutlkb. Sahlmlb serrtrcs morning and evening Bab hath School at 8 P.M. Prayer Aiceliug Wednes dnv evening. Hi, fraud Church Catholic Rev. P. J. Siiratiux. Masi at 10 oMook A. M., qn tba ouik1 u.d leuvtlt Santlitys of each aioutu.' t OFFICIAL lHHUCTOKY. tiur or ui,umi Qi'ARtr.a aKiaioiti rovar. 1 Second Monday of January. '1'liird Monday of March. First Mndijf of June.. Fourth Mondny of riepletnlu'r. iir. op ani-wso out no a ntti. First Monday of June. 1 1 ' ' ' Second Monday of November. : . t ; rV!tUP OFFICE Hi, , , , , ,' , it . . I'rtiidtHt Judge Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of Lock lluven. Afitlaut AuW JWye--llon. John U. Orvis, of HrllefonUi. Aiiociat J ttt -it Wiltiatn C. Foley, Clearfield ; John J. Head, Curwenst ille. I'rotkonotary Aaron C. Tatf. Hegiiter ana iVeorrfei--A . Vf. Lot. I Ht net AtUtrmew Prank Fit-ldiug, ' ' j ; j f 7Vf(irer--It(l W. Wise. , , Sherif William 11. MePhcrton. ? t'dKitfy A".dreyo. tiamuel P, MoCluekey, Cur wmsville. County VoMmiiuutrt-P. P. Couterol, Kurt Inns; job n 1. Thompson, Curweuiville , Clark It row n, Cieitril'ld. Ciiuuiif A'hiott He ii be n Mcpherson, Clcar-fu-1 l : James 11. Mile, Lumber City j Lewis C. Uluoui, Clear fit- Id. i Jury tittimiiii))icrt John W. flljugart, JaOie Milobtll, CleaiHi-d. ,Snpcriiitftlrnt nf 'ufilitt SrXooh - John A. tlrrirory, Clenrflild. Xulnric 'aWie-John W. Wrlgly, Wn, Ra-dt-buujcli, Cyrus I.. tlnrdou, Cli'erfleld ; Joiiah Kvniin, Joseph K. Irwin. CurwenstiDe, J. J. Lin-ph-, (ii-erola Willi; Jubniton Uauilton, Lulhert biirir. Di:iocnATic mi;i:tin(;. 'f ho annual meeting of the Demoornoy of Claar (1 old ou ti nly will bo Lold at tba Court Uauo, in Clcarlii'ld, on , . i , i ' v TV K-iDAY KVEMMI, 8EPTKM11KR V, 18T4, la-ing Ibo TiKMitay of Beptouibtr Court. : F IIOX. WM II. WITTE, of Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN LA XT A, of WoMmorelanJ. (Ui-uioarAtio rnndiilate fui Lleat. Uur.) (Jen. WM. M t'ANM-K.SS, of Philadelphia.. . (Dcoi. enndidato for fcfca, of Inter. AIT.) i ; and oihtT ditinuthoil fprnken hare born lo viltd od rtru txpaetcd to be (trt-Knt and addrea the mtf ting. All who arc opposed to tku inlterabla policy tlmt hi given ui "hnrd liiuei" nod no money) all who ore oppcifed to myro aoelal equality, and to ibe puiiagr. of the of.imuai civil right! and cutamon arliool bi!, which give tho nogro greater rights thnn white men poi-serv, are Invited to at tend. ltilly to redttiU your Hute. nalty to oarry the Legislature. Jlally to clcet a new CoBgren, and lurn out the lbice. . It ally for on energetic caiivui., for uuily, r,.r harmony, Tor Ibe right! of ' '' the white man. lly order of tho Dunotirntto Cv. Committee, WM. M. MrCCLLOUOH, Ann. 27, 1874. . Chairman. TllO Cninliritl Cdimlv Nnillii.iwi.Hier: arc ahout to en largo and otherwise Improve the Khenshurg Court House. mt i Tlio iioxl pssiim itf Iho Snsqitt'liHniin District Sumlny fii-huol Coarentioa will be held al llnrnsidc, on Tuc-iUy, the 20th of Otjiober. Nkw Hakhkii 6iiop. The card nf; James C. White, professional tonioriallit, appears In this issue. Those who want a shave ran be 1 acoommodati.'d. ' ' ' ' Dkatu or Miih. INittkb. -MiuAmolia Potter, wife of Geo. John Potter, formerly of Pot ters' Mills, Centre eounty, dip of paralysis, at her home in Mens iho, Wisconsin, on the 2Sth ult., la the 71st year of her age. A Nkw. Ii.PARTnnr. Our ruuderK .Till observe by a notice of the pastor la another column, that a local camp-meeting arrangement b&s been agreed apon by Ilia offlolary of tha M. E. Churob, in this place, m - mmu Mkniin(1 Vav8. Wo notice that ararly all lao editors over ta Olair, Hunting dun, Mifflin and Juniata counties attended thu Juniata Valley Camp-meeting last week. We may look for some spiritual editorials from that ilireclion In the futare. 1 MosiiANNi.N Bak8. Spvontoen hhnk V)ni have been placed In Moshannon ereek : ten P U fitcinor's dam, eight la Loch Lomond data aad , f nine bolow the dam. Aa these Ash are very pro t li no. It i ixpeetcd that la three years Ibe stream will bo poopleil by them. A line of fifty dollars will lie imposed for catching any of them In tide of three years. Lint Friday n wtk, Patrick Koh-y, a flagman on one of the freight trains on the Low ' Grade ltailrond. while attrndinf to bis duties at I Dullois station, his foot slipped while Id theaeof jumping on the caboose, and he fell to the track, : the ear wheela passing over bis am, wiasbing It :.f.-rf ully aod neeeastiattng ampatatlon. $ Sinwiiiironilt'iit Kouli, nf tho State 'lintch house, at Donegal, Pa., yesterday reported lu Benator Wallaee with an instalment of fine .fclnek bass for our river. Ttwy have been tskm te Curwensville and placed In the river at that pluce. Another instalment s expected net week, ( which will be daiiostled In the river at the woulh i h J of Ckarfiehl "eek. I XtlT THE MAN .lollll Umwn OllC of' Chairman Kera's commits mm. request, u. to! M.te that be Is not the Brown whose "soul s tareliinr on," nor does h train with the erew LlrtTeling tho same road, lie allegef that he I - T i I Hn.t A,mm mil nse the liart IO aratllv pensoaal spite, or seok to band It over to the etifiiny. John Is a Democrat from principle. A Good Tk-kkt. Tlio Domm-rata of f (Tenon eounty have nominated tbo following j .scclleat ticket: i Congress, Oeorge A. Jenks, St of Urookville ; , Isaembly, Dr. U. B. Brown, of Clover township tounty Commissioner, CapL John M Pteck, of 'raokvlllei Coroner, Dr. V Ro" " Br"- iU ( County Surveyor, Kb. J. Dram, of Puni- lUwiioy, Audltar, Jamci A. Minlsh, of Pun- itaffney. IIochr Hcrnkd. Wo loam that the: foiling of Daniel Plester, of Beecaria towmblp, destroyed by Ire, on Monday a week. Tbe tnti were absent at camp-meeting, and It ap art the children A 1 lei the stove with lbs sbav 4 and chip, beating the stove and alpe x lively, resulting as above staled. Hous ad the gouds aere destroyed, laons not less Ibaa m tflt'O to jfiw. ' : (J ; Finn at Link Havkn. Tlio fire d visited this city agala on Monday night of i t wek,defltroyitigf2i,000 worth or properly, tly incurtil. Tho bolldlngi burnod were Hcolt's warehouse, barn and corn crib, Mrs. Rail's tding.Mr. Veok's, Kinutog'earid Utrkenbaaer's a, with Hloan'a brick damaged eonilderahly Mr.Scotl i residence sligtty damaged. These buildings stayed the Are. Between them Is a It waste, where the frame building were that I destroyed. ' ii KNTAL t l,T1 RK.. We OPO HUthllT i to state that a Debating Hoelety has beea or iwd la Ibe Montgamtry lub lebenl nriet, ini trenee township. The next meeting will coa- ta at tbe school bouse, on to-morrow (Tharsdsy) falaf. the lih Inst., at Tl o'clock. Tbe sub 3 fr diaaataa wiU be, "Wbiub at tba mod cflolat lo tbo eoosty, farmiag er lumber! eg r Irm, J. A. McBrldej daay, J. L. MoPberioa. Msurt hours uannot bo devoted to a belter par- se. ,. - - sn m iglibort ef this gentleman were eomewhat l rmed at rtonlvlng a dl-pateb a Wednesday lit, aniounelng his sudden and eertoui Illness in fhiladelphla, where be It engaged with tbe Oeev fnnlAt C4mmlseloaert for soeae time. We are ttcaaed to announce his eat I re recovery aad ready enter upon bla western campaign blocked eat ky tba Ovateonlal omiantt. Ha kU jatt - I pletml s tiooestfal tear Ikroughoat the Hew Keg laad ieatee, ta which be no- doaht orerwetked himself. He hf oni nf Ibe most Inveterate Worker In Hip finU. Fur the Run'RUi am. t'ABMKBfl' M KRTI N(l, -Aoeoitlillff 0 pravlow Bttlea, the farrarw of Ml. turn UiaUiflt Katwt the pBhlie aehool haaaa, oi TharcJay, Sept. Id, On motion of IVlrr Uwena, Abratn Iluitipbray Wat rhoirn Preilefti or tho meeting, J. H. Shaw and Jusi pb Thompfou, Vice Pre ident, aad M. I., tiallek, Htrretarv. - i The prooeMlinga of the IjM meeting were rrnJ, after which general diiouixion took pluce upou the "raaikut houag urtln.'i , Abram Uauiphny opened the dl hum ton nd ftthera followed with hort addreMei. It was then deeiJvd that In or der to dlfpose of the qufdion properly, It wot aeoensnry to form a penuanent orgnniinllon In the way or a "Hubordiuato Urange," (Putfoni of llnabandry). After the organlxatloa perM aee patted wo can the oomo tellta fIiksi or mnto rial phaae of our work. We ean flu'0 carefully study aad mature our flam bature.iat Iato aei, iaia arer union g nurtelvca' what' wdetlie to do, and eompare opinions as to the best method - -"v....... v, .R,rru,r . ,r.0. . Tba CiiuiiDigi-. o. Conlitultt. mil ltj-l..w. j ri.rianrjwrilcb Itin frrFidr.l (tiniotrtlodift'ii , , ,ljr ., . 1 : r.rutn lo cb. Jllforonl dl.trloK, lio ,,r. : lo enter Ulo wn orxwitallom of 1UU kiod, tbv CommltlM lo nnott Weil ClnrO.lil irhnol I Iin.i. n..H I.. -..I O . t l tr Ilrlilo u ippoinlod for Ibo dl.ttlo! of Mont. I fomtty ; Joi. Tbom)hn, for Mi. AiofV'illltrlot Morrl. Co., for III. J.,j dl.lrlrl , M. I,, llullcli. I . u J ' I ror rartdlH dlilrlot. j Adjourned to uioot nt Weil C'lc.illeld icbool ' houN, n Tbnridujr Itenloj,'' Kt. 171b, nhera .11 .bo. re Intore.lod in III. ron M. L. 'Ilxicii, Soo'jr. : JrrMIK 1fAVKH' IIvi-kvW'.i ant ht.hi tn i..... r ii.. ...i... -e i. ..i... ,, ' , , ..... . . I Mayer to biiboui I. Look Ilnt,,,n tbntj.u.t. Tbo Clinton Vtwoerat oayi i - i f I ni,bt in tho 10 o'oloek "train JndKofayor relurnml tu bla Ihmm. in Limb iih 'l.i. ! funlly from lili Kuropoon Irip, rtptorwl in lflth I ind nil l.inilr well and III lu the bent or apinli. : Al tho depot they were met by noommittco on bo-1 half ol Clinton County liar and many frlendi. i Th.y rnrihwltb iroMVd lu bil rmideoeo. wborn many more frienda wore aueiubled, and oiler Iho ; larolly greottui;., tlioao tuero ttiet wore Invileil in and abaroil Iho liulpltnlltioi of Iho uianaiolt. Oil behall of ll.e liar, II. T. Harvey, K.o , delivered In a very aeeipublo manner a well worked and hap-! pily ooneelvod addreaa of weleome, which wa rc-1 ipon.led 10 in feollug termi b Judge Waver, who rratefullv aokouwIi'dMit 111. mud word, ona In-! drill feelliioa m.nife.t.d bo ibn. iire.eonn F an. many dear and familiar faec'i, eiproiaed hiKtl plea.ura in being reitored lo the oompaulnnehip ol uii nearly remoroliered friend, una motive., i anil deeliral kit inorme I demllon to ill. mitre land rrom what be bad Men abroad, and a more intou.e atTeotion for tbo leenri ol hi. nativity nnd the warmth and g.nialily of the people ol Look I Haven. Soon Ibere.lter ll.e Lock Haven Cornet J Hand lerenadeii bim. II. aeknuwlnlgnl Iho com. , plimenl, In the eouraoof wbioli belaid that lie bnd heard many bandl play during bia Iravela, hul 1 i.- i i i- . ... .i . i.... i di.oour.ed, wbieb welcoioo.1 blia baek lo hit lioo.. 1 he Band then enteroil and panK w Ilia noejii. i-...". . .. ........ , MaMMaavM talily. and upon retiring 1,. A. MncUiy, Kan... on burulnniona and To m. prlneiplea .-.. I ol Iho JudKe, verr bapplly llinnked Ihem 1 are ererylbing, men nothing. I havo eooeioded I l4n II MV 1 II IU ICllIIrOIIll for Ihelr pnwenee and gracefully bade thorn good i Hn't if deigning men mu.t rule and rum our , nigbt. fie party and left Ui. roei, I. party, I will iMt.v. It Ibat I partieipateil ! XVH0NB t CLEARFIELD IIRANCU. eiitiofthliftiendlTov.iioortore.h and ia ll.i if in the downfall of i.,.r glorloua old parly. retirement lo diveli upmi Iho naquiiitn ploaiurnof I return my molt hrnrlMUhnnka ta my Demo. .nrl after Moniloy, MAY d, IS74, tba having receivod iinon their return home a luarly f "a1!" friend. Ibroujhoot Iho oonnly, for tho great fLiMIengor Trwlm will run daily (eleopl Sun weioome Iron their follow oitneni, wbieb wai aa Interval (hey took In t wollare at (hi lime. dltJi) o,,,,,. Tyrone and t'learkeid, na follow, freoand .inoere n it muil havoheeii weleomt- and ! Vtin I Bnnentd to beoome i eamlidate, 11 waa CLBARl'IKLU MAIL. gralilying. a. Vur Ibe Uai'tiliLiOAM. I Tu it l.rTTi k f!il' Tlillil iviiutl'kil J1IAT JITTI.r,l.AMfc. I III1H lMlllll K.t tb. editor of Iho TyroneHerod "Wo would loy lo Uoodlandcr, the bnyi would ! nave giaaiy pie.v-u iu. .emu iuiiiiis u.,i hu.i boon .e nonr train tima." , I If that Is trnfl, why at that time, nnd liner, ball some of the Tyrone player, laid Ihey "wore nVoii . . , . . . . lo play lb. tonlh inning, boeouao l heir pitcbit waa pliyoot out t" It waa Jaatteo aiiautea ofl o'clock at the end of tha ninth Inning, and the train leaves at 3:40. There was lifly minutes to ' . . r. Pi'J a.a .our ... ., .L a 1 T-l. .. IV.I. . Al Ik. I end of tbo ninth Inning, Mr. Plutnror, the eon- j duolor of the (rain, said It wsi 8:20, whun it was planation hesaid that bemisstatod the time intoin- r . , ... .,..!.. t onally, for ha waa afraid to tm the teathianbg ! ... , I played. This is simply the whole story, and we are not afraid to appeal lu mcmbors of tho Agreeable for Us oonli rotation. Tho boy were I all Wfll liked, and then Is no bard fettling toWArd any of them on Account of tbe result of tho game, nor are they held refpunjlbla for in accuracies in eorapQtatiun of lime. Hahic Hall. Tho 'hijitIothmooMo base ball clab, of this plaee, played the seoaJ of a aeries of auee with the Hickory elub. of Kyler- tewn, at PMIlpsburg, last Frldny forenoon. Like the first game It resulted Id vieiory for tbe, MChlaki.H Following la the seare i CII!l(iLfXAilOOBd 0. Johnson, 1st b 1 Ilosencrani. I. f..... 3 Moore, 3d b - 3 Walters, p 1 Wallace, 11. P., e.s. 6 Krairle, f..... ...... S Wallaee. W.,e.... I Ale, ltd b 6 ntrauar Ptumtner, I. f.., h lit b" 3 1 ! it i ' ; IU Zll b... f, " ! Kullenbael McCartney Merrr-H, Merrill, r. f... ? J j J 1 1 orenner, 3d b.... tialer, a. s. Hbearr, p Tbuuia, e. r.... Total 17 43 Total...... 3? l IIBKB HAI)B BsiCI IKXIXa Vl' ' r. 1st Sd Sd 4th fttb 6th 7th &tb Uth Chiito'uiirose 8 It A Hirkory 1 0 0 3 10 1 0 A IA j I Z ll ' Umpire Abram Jack ma, of Philipfburg. Boorers For Cblueloelamoose, Chas. C. Park ) fur lllokory, liarry Hiuiler. Time of game one hour and forty-rU minutes' Family Apfi.ktion. Wo iVimi hy the Pbilipsburg Journal, of tbe U in it., that Diw ld Ueese, living lo Decatur township, this coun ty, was Handing about ton feet from mnn who was chopping a bom look log, whoa the axe struok a knot, aad a a harp fragateat of tbe knot atrtick blm in the right eye, rotting through the eornra, Ncdical attention was needier, and It will ro- f i,1t) ,.,, ud eolorcd Phirts, la groal quire some skill to preoorvs the sigkt of tbo eye. i T.riety. Onlbeaamaday Tuesday oneof Wo would say t. our eestomers Ihnl hsrlng boy, burned hi. knee quit, severely, sod b.iliul. ; "-"H"' '" ' .TJ"' " 1 ... ; we are prepared to sell thsm nt prtees that will daughter fell, striking her hoad upon tho ihnrp rw; .terybody. Call early and aoo for eorner of a roek and Inllletlog asoslp wound some ynunelvos..! i . JAML3 KI.HU Jk L'U. two Inshes in length, making quit, a chapter nf Old Western Hotel Corner, ClearOeld, I'a. Kit aoaidonla for Mr. Ueeae's family. r Main R. M. oTEnally'l advertisement In rn- , I gard lo Life Iniaraac. .ugll-1, Look OittI Hv tlto luvrMr ul lanli , , , week, w. Irarn thai a montb or two ngo, Cli or. B. M. M Knolly and , el your I IIV la . ,, i w , i.rod in the Old Cmlineaial Life Immanee Com- tvo hone, were llolen from Inlio M. Kirly, pny 0f Hartlord, Conn. .ngll-Iy oi r Hnun vuunif, pnu uiuujiut, m ui,uwu, ,i,la r mI.. Lash week Caul. Clark founil the borawt, one In posaessloa ol David Ooaa, i tt,nr' In A ""d1 r Ja'- I,nDn' b,th hor,ts! having been .old lo them by th. thieves. Mr. j E"" iPtifi M property and took the horses y- oinwm. 1 themiclvei to be Impoaed upon ly I """e iuhtf Anotiikr lloAitu Fikk. Never he-j fore has there been la so short a period such a destruction of manufactured lumber ia tblscoiia ty. Last werk Edward Albert's taw mill on , , i. .i j Morgan t Run, la township, was burned, HrgVIUer Willi BOOU tUV.Ul'V ICt'i VI J'i'' D"lu and 100,000 feet of hi'inloek Inmber. Mr. Atbrrt' bad sat a pile of slabs near the mill wn fiio which , eventually worked Hf way to Ike mill aod the 1 lumber yard, all of which were reduced to ashes, and tbnt removing another half million feet from I tha market. I TlIK (iULDKM PkTIIOD. Wu HOtift) by eui axebangea that Hon. Ueo. DUllflnbvrgor, (father of onreatcrtned frlrad, J. A. illallenliCTger, OfOaMol.,)a.hkia.lUabl. wile ceiabrated tbuir golden wedding at the old homestead, at Mouot Patrick, Perry county, Pa., on Saturday, the 29th nit. Mr.B.VMjoarioragi.hiitbnltulhnrty.l He It one of ti.aolJ school erJi.rTer.onUn statcs-j men, and was hitlmattly acfjualntail with Jinvtl Bucbsnan. Will,., WHkim, U.vld It, Porter .! dnif aaiiier. To tiik McnisfwiCKYH. The Clinton thmmru, mi tbe id lasl cava i St.mll Hunl.iti nf the MiTlrtfkMV fatltllV Will take ptaeaat Hytie.r'l Hun en the 16th ef Hnpttnn - If lb. weather be ferorebro, It will take place in the character of ha.kot plrnlo io Ibe woodat If unfavorable, II will lin bell In the obaroh. All member, of tbe Mel'lo.kee family by nam., 01 eooaeeled there with, are Invited .od .rged to ajo prelewl, .a. we are nusslea I. Soy that II is boned thai Ibis will In- taken as a uf O.l.-. I...I...I.M h .11 thr.M nr k. C-itl may ehanoe we It. . . ' 1 o - ' - ii.. ... ti. ,.r .t..: rt do. UM. imitot . gourd mmd ens, II. .od ll ether eberal went to PHIaburgh, a be areeksegw,! la we tb. lights, .nd erer. reeommended I. stub I at the Rash He asyi l 'We foolLLly rmkrd there, llwl lo pay to orota eock, I. adraoee, ft the naa ef oae rvnim with two bed., and Ihey were dirty at lhal. We tool aa breekreet al that boon, Wa hare trav. eled rroen No Vork t. Denver, hat neeal before vera Baked le pay I eewlela advene. for odiory bod, and a room wbw. ere bad lo hang our olelkos an lb. teas." j . ' ' " '"' Ll.t oflettort rwiuiolng vnciuiinod la lb. PoelM at Oleardeld, for tk. week eadiog rlentembar 7tb U7 i . . . . . r a augbasan, Henry ' Mortieb. StMr BoggB, I;. M. MoMUgnna, a. I. II. via, Ueorg. , Koleo., t: barley. . Ieer, Rokwt Powers, P. R, llray, Anale , I. . Hprlnger, U. W. . Ho.kaM. II Xkaw. J. L. Lean. I. W. (I) Wok, Jaeob K, NrXpadea, William Woodoock A Clark Martin. WUIIae. i I. . . P. A. fUl'I.IN, P. V. LETTER FROM JOHN 0. MILLER, HQ, ; t ' Ifvif," AuguVt II, IB74. U. B. flaoDLitritaai Will vou ilvi u rui In tho Dolamni of yuar wi4oly circulated paper for this note t 1 consider It a duty inenubenl upon mo to ittiie to many Detnuuralla friends Ibriuighout the comity, the eause of tny with- dtuwnl n n e iiidi'lni lor HoKisler and Koconler al I Lin lime, 1 w.ii Immght out by my friend, and It was aoiite uionths bvlore 1 would allow wy name to be ucj. 11 u font ootiaentlug, 1 wrote to some ir our best Luuioarnls throughout the oounly. Knob man ffataue iho aiiuraiioe of his eupport. Put lis tiuie parieil along, aoh one doing hla duly, we all dlHcuvored that 1 hnd started twenty-four mouths too late to win the race. One man in funned m that he had promised his vote to an- otuer canuiuuie two years ago. anotuer one eigu Uca wontbs ag, aod so on d..wn to ttw prateat lime. Mr. IMUof. oU know tlmt turn v.lrs auo 1 I hod mado evory arrangement to run lor Cuiii mlsiioiier, wheu 1 gnve wiiy tonotheri also, the two euuoceiltng yean. Last year I announced my tin me, but seoii d ipof rod that I was six months tinMnd 11.. limn I i,,uV. II. 1. Bn.,..BMt to lii. tho ndvaulaffe of fureslalliug nublie opinion and BuU Mw , lml,r ,mg ,,,, fr ,h1 Jiuunoimmt f Ui. nnuiBi of pii4iUlo,, lit. work ) ' lilt 4 nU In la o.ilj .uroofmo. prupor limo of, .0 lht .11 ruiKolh.vo , i,u, ,, d i eh ,IIJ.i. .i.nd on ki uwn luvrlt., .uco... mijilit not b. m my .nil A" l'""!'1' "''H1'1 ""' Ibolr vl.. mot. follj. lo ol.ll"B tloitl ill. oftlc. lOORbl tb. IIIAD, Olid In ll.eir bulinMi, but no luvto far di.laiio. Iho livat tlioo ovtT uado by Uolil.uiLtb '"' "" ""'m'T " ,rre",',l""UM ' tltrlr noootiut. ia cbariinbl. lo foil men get- lln lll0 )lowori wnl ib, ix )..jr liu lo fool Ibo billi. . i i "Ink tk.t Ikm oufikl to In . lu.e In WlMU( ,,,, ."foromllloj pobll. .,ll K rr In nd.anoo. 1 lie eaodl.Ulf I ibould bi oon- flnod to louie ri'oaiinable liuio any nino nionlbi tioforo tli daf of tleotlOK dolojtaloi.. lino of I Ibo rival candidate., Iii uriiiiijt nu lo withdraw, "aid (but I had boon .bcouobt out too Into In tho ,(,, tu.i (l M km child of day wlik int. ; ,Ntil 10 with him, for be bad been Maturing r1""" tor n yeur or more (rather on old bnliy lhat, full tuolhed whon bom). Tliero ibould bo "' difinlu tiuie lot in Ibii bu.inwl. A child "'" """"t- iro i. u- ,n.u, v. .UUIV- ap.ruiimaliii olo.ely thereto, aheuld u j ooniidired ilk nihim.le nnd treated aioordin(ly. I ' tbnnklnl Ibat nothu I did lilt year nail any beiirlng to bring abuul Iho unhappy "'!' i'""-j "."v- 'ion. ''""H ' toftf rrjrolUul. haeh Demo. ""' lu'lnff Ibc iiiliroat 01 bin .oilntry at honrl, ! ihonM aatnllen all bla peraonal auimoiily aud i uapiralioua, and labor lo plane our eounlry lu Ilia , po.ilion it wa in during tbo good old ilayi of ,, . m ,i wu. n o' i Putty in ISfiO bruUlht UI to. Our eouniry ll not governed, U Ul rolow on Ilia mimt approved plan ) ' doapotinn. and Hum ll hot one wny to relieve ; " i'"i'i v,,",,-n'. aru-a ib our Uni.glb a. nno man nnd rote the Deiuooi alio Helm, and by ao doing hurl Ibo pluuderon fr power. I a.k, ean tbii bo done by quarreling, baokbiting, aad blokorlng In our r""k" ' " lr. li.iitor, Iheio thmga wualeemin, mo.l muv. fm waiiTaa one man and then all Hung, will tojfother fir g"l. Hiutua lovod l! aar, bill ho loved Home muob lottcr. I wou il novo been tnnnli vratined to have i bwu .nwdo lkagi.Ur nnd lloaorder, bill t would i my inleutinn to eonteit tho Hold, but after more I matore relliiotion 1 have oonoluded to withdraw, It mav be for the linnetltnf Ilia n.rtv. 1 bono lo. I ''landa are at liberty lo oIiooh. whom they t n m M uk, . j,,,,, ft,, , eiihcrof tho eandidalei a.klng your mpport are .,.,. better oualllled to diaebariie tbe duties of I Kegt.ter anil necoruer man I am. menus. I one. more tbank you for your kindncu. Make whit yon may think Iks beat selection, end then d" ' duly. After the tick. t is choirn, go to Ibe pulli and role It in full, Voure, ., Jonn l. Mil.Lan. LtiCT. A llllly'lt watoi'-prtinf elotlk was luit on Monday toil, on Iho rond botween f'...-...!!!. ...I ri...fl.l.l Tl,ft,l.eilliwin. v ... - - fiel tAr M Ihs IllflflP k leaVlllLT it eltlllf Kt the residence of W. W. Cramer, in Cltarflcld, or 6- McCloskey, lo Curwcnaville. ...,., , bulloluhlendbrtbeirlbanks to Cant. McOaugbey w 1 . . , anJ A. V. Lt, for many pait fors bestowed. "May hry Bve !g and broapof." t Sjitctals. Vn.t.Aflif 0?i'HFtri!fl. A Village Camp aioeting will be h'ld io the Methodist Kplscopal Church of Clearfleld, euaiinenoing on Thursday, Sr-pt. Wtb. and closing on Hunday,?he Sitb. Tbe order of art-rice will be atftiilnr to tfaat usually obrrrd at wooqmratinge, Mtaiatere from sar rounding ehsrgca are expected to be present. A Dunlin I invitation Is ei tended to ttie nublie. A. J). Yw-i'il. To SronTiicvran. "Contraband" horse thinks' himself tha bt-t horse In this eoanty, and la aa well hru t os.ony In the I'nlled Htates. He is a kind, it ft. lie and ! leans nt drirlnghorse, Jie will trwt wilfl nJf hor,c wnicD nM u'11 0WRtl in tnl" im, wijcn t(,orB a horse that will trot with ,..... ... Ih. la three milts, bent three In Ira, or Iva mi Irs. best two in three, . OKU. K. HUllACKEK. i e, sopt. 2 Ji INFLATION! I NIDATION I James Kerr A Co., regardless of the action of tho President, are Inflating, and have inflated their Already large stock of Clothing, nntil It now emhriures the ttaiwt assortment ol Clothing and Kuriiinbtriff tloods in any retail store to ronnsyi- tan la. Uolow please find redueed prlee list of a few of ibe articles emorareti in ineir iioea : MKN'fl COTTON A UK 81'ITH, ONl.V ffl 00 MKS'fl CAfHIMKltB Hl'U'8, ONLY ' 8 00 MKN'8 ALk-WUilfj CASH. HTITH, 10 00 M KN'fl P1NH I1LUB lIAO. SU1TK, 10 00 YOl'THH KI'IT.S, 0- toOOO CIUI.D'H PINK BLV CLOTH SUITH, 00 CHIM' FANCY IMAtt. HCITK, 10 Ofl riiiniiHA'd MiTiTH .HtiriiHia.frt.MI to IS 00 . ., . .... r .i UntbrollaaSilk, Hingbain, Collon-a large I and One naiorlmnL llosUnrr-- Fifty ileum I.l.ll Tbrond, HH. Cotlon and Eogliah lupor-slout hole, which will bo told al from o conn up. Mhlrla. Our Block of ahlrlB ll lar.e and oom- ..I-.- 1.. ,k. IT.1.....I ImmI I.rnl.. ! ' Ri'noiK Fob rat.t!. R. Newlon hh aw Keeps a frill auiitilr of fredonta lluggies and n attorns w ' ( t.ltit Xw Htm fct the Hhaw House yorll. Call on or adtlrciahim at Clearfleld Penn- -ay 13-tf. f4flC1tR yovt ,tr ifJ ,h8 Contlaental LIAj Ibw- ri"co,, ' , , "BV,U,,' "UB' 11 M. M KNALLY, Asnt. augll ly Wood and Willow Ware or all descriptions for tale by II. a. IStglcr 4 Co. Axra. Revanty-flve dorcn, Clearfield Wood-! choppers Axes al .2ui7J. H. V. DIALER Co'i. - A fu neof Household Ooods, Jspanned n arc, I f F M , RKCAPITHLATIO.V. ! Bird1 .Ctgrs. ' - i "y Wood nnd Willow Ware. Honoetiold tlooda. . .... Ail kinds nf Hardware. Jnpinnori Ware. Paints, Oils, Varntahea. ' ' Calcined Plaster. We Km and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the shore fur sale at themammoth Hard ware of U. P. Dig Iff A Co., Heoond street, Clearfleld, Pa. ' , y,,,,, The Nortltf Wringer" It tho beat In, the market. Buy It j try U. Povsaleby U f. Buna A Co. Cakil(aJ ,jlitt f7i7l.y H. f. Big'.er A Co , li'XS"J. clodinB J. T. Lcn-Lo' Pure White L-ad. John Lu eaa A C'o't Pure White Lend, ' It. A Co's Brick Lead, anl a number of L-n caper brands of White levari t i,1 t Oil Vartilnhniof all kinds, a full line of liruJns, and a fulllineofi ' anion, Ury aud hi Oil. ' nij:'t';3 It. f. rilcll.l:n A Co. Montour Mai. Palali, Tor painting - la - I aid. and out.ide Collages, Farm liulldlngs, f. Ueautifol, durable and eoonntoteal. Ilround In pure Linseed On.. mjja'll- ' f i"rii. Hint., Cfc llird Cagei a larg. aiiortmcntal ll. r. Ilig. j MwtUn.'l. L'":!!'L"V7.r!rr.,'k,i'r':i:,:.:iwni I oil ,ln wi.ll lo entl and .tamino oor Block of Jiuil.lilNU MATKrllALH. We bare In stock, full lino of Hullderi' Hardware, rteila, Painta, Uils. Illaai. Potty. Calcined flatter, do. tnytt 71 II. V. t Co. ' Ran'eOren-eMlrlaw, elrealAnevail. raw, rti.yntoo a Lightning Hiw, al t-I.VTl H. t. Bioiaa Oo's. H. t. lnler On. har. bee making slleo.lve addttlons to Ibr stook .f Hardware tbe laet fcw days. Hverythrag new In Hholf Hardware. Had dlers Hardware, Parmers Hardware, HaildMr Hardware, and Hardwartof all hlada,eaa bnose. at their Itore. May 31. -r-.i... , I Pan I Par. ! Faan ! Among the many prepl. . J rallono that we Wvr Or fl.oglil.Boldi, Oroap, or any throat or lung difficulty, none of them are . 1 equal to Dri Morris' Syrnp el far. Wild Cherry 1 and llnr.howd. if you are afflicted, Mil at ear store and we will give yoa a sample bottle fm e .if,. Ageatt:UartawlekAIrwU,Clearfldi Holt, WoedsiJe A itom Wallaeelon , IX E. Wif lUavrlrl On Huaday, July tnth, W4, by Natnsr PiLaaa, Kiq., Mr. CllAHI.KH M MAHTKKH and Ulis KM MA - .both of Cheat tuwa. aliip, Cloarfiuld eounty. Al the reililcnoeof the bride's parents, on Thura t dor. Aiiemt Jdth, 1874. hv Imiao . Bloom, Km, ! nr. jiMin hi AtJiiAlt in, oi Doecana lowninip, and Uln UU HLAKKLV, of Jordai township. On Mondar, August SOth, IMT4, at New Waih ingtou, by Nathan Pai.HHn, Ku., Mr. JAUUU PKNNINUTON and Miaa LINN IK ADEN, both of Chest tuwnahip, Clmtrtleld comity. Jiffl. ' In Cloihrn towmhiii, on Thursday, Aug. ISth, 1N74, MAIITHA KLLA, dnighUr of Janm and j , . "I 'l ?Z .""V. i " "th" 1 V1" H UWM' rd 6 P 8 n0t,ik M 39 days. la Clearfiald, Pa., on Thursday, Aug. ITlh, U74, 10 HA t'STL.LI,i:, duugbur of Jo.armin and Id rxtiiai. W. Puitii, aged A months and 8 day a. In rtearfeld, Pa , on Tuesday, Prpt. 1st, 1974, Warbfta. CloarfidldJIarkets. a Coanacrao Wikki t by Kratier A Lylle, Whole sale and Retail dealer! In Dry (Joods, (Jroetrlet Flour, Veed, els. Market street, Clearfleld, Pa " ' OLKanriaLn, Pa., Sept. 8, 1174. Applea, greon Appl.i, dried..... Appla boiler, V g.l,. Butter..,, .... uora 75 in .. . 76 00(3 "0 (0 OIKio I 16 1 01 mrat a M 10 ....II 00(i14 00 1 10 00 Oil ..... 05 S 40 ..... ' r oo 10 I0 lr) 121 11 liaana.... Mu.kwkMt Duokwkeat Dour V lb.. urlid.............l Uoof, fre.h. Hoard., U Oorn.inellodMw Corn,nr. HH., Corn meal, amok...... Chop, y ewt Olovoraoad.. Chotao... .. Cherrioi, 'ft lb.... chlokom, droaaod, V lb. K(ffjp t M , r.iacd .,. prar, , tUy i)(,i dt,l i 7 Ui, UU 00 00(,,I5 00 o.i, ,r.ea ... M.. ,ml Bli,nlilor SIJ, I in Mru fvfi yt kbl. b 10 13) U 16 30 00 uati fininn. 1 00 I 00 16 6 00 1 10 I 3 6(a3 i i 00 in oo t 00 10 1 76 40 4 61 p0,.i0 p,.,e1Mi ,ril, (,..,., Pla.ter, ( bbl.. nye llagl, y Ib Salt, V lick.. Bhlnglti, It Inch rlhlnglei, 10 Inch Xiniolhy lord Tallow., Wheat u t VViaiuV'v'eril"V.V.V.." enmn lib A V A o v u 1 ... LEAVE NORTH. oi,eld 1.40. r.n.l Tyron 1.10,,. Philipibnrg....4.6, " Oaoeola 10.40," Oaoeola -.4.60, " Fhiliu.bnrg...l0.t6, " Tyron 6.00. ' Clearfield ...... 1 1.&0, C L K A H P I K L D EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. ! LKAVB K0RTH. Clearfleld...... 6.1ft A. a".1 Tyrone M0 p.M, Philipsburge. 8.5 " j lnterseetion...r.12 " Osoeola 6.40 " O-eeola 8.10 " IntersMtlon.- 7.48 ) Phillpsbwrg ...8.1S " Tyrone 1.08 " , Clearfleld, ar.-. ' TYKONB 8TAT10X. AMTWault. A H Pnclfic Kiprets. T:ftB llarriiburg Ace'm, 8:40 P M Hall Train. 3:2 Clnoln'ti Bxprees, Phila da Kx press, 10;I waaTWAun. Miied Train, Cinela'tl Ki press, Pacific Kxpresa, A V 1:14 4:86 I 14 r a 1:18 6: Way Psswngrr, Mall Train, Past Line, FARB FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefbnte, Pa .S3 03 Mldilletowa to Look Havea...i Willlamsport... Hunlingdon , Lewlitown-.... MarysrlHe...., 170 8 AO 1 80 190 4 60 4 7 Marietta 4 60 Lancaster . 6 8ft PHILADELPHIA 7 04 Altoena 1 6S Johnstown I 80 BAHRltiBURU. PlTTHllLRU ft 1ft Closs o tin act Ions made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. 8. 8. BLAIR, y)T-tf. So perl a ten dent. StWdirat. yiNKQAR lUTTKn.S. Pl'BELV VEOKTABLK. FliKK FROM ALCOHOL. PR. WALK Kit s CAI.IKOHMA V I N F. a A R B I T T R It 8. Dr. i. Walker'. California Vinegar Illttorl are a purely Vegetable preparation, made ehiefly from the native herbs fouud on the lower ranges f M Km N(1. ,,.. of California, B,ji0 p,ierties of which are ealracled theralriraa wilhunt tba um or Alrobol. Theques- ,ia a .ligoat daily aiked, "Wkat il the eaone of tho on tiara Deled sueeeae of ViTtaoaa BiTraaa V Oar answer Is, that tkey remove the sense of dis ease, and the patient reoovera his health. They trt the srreat blood purlAer and alife-iivloa principle, a perfect Runorator and Inrigorator I ol tne system, never neiora in ae nisiory oi i the world ban a medicine been com pounded pne- I sesiing the remarkable aualiliea of Viiroab Uit tirs in healing the sick of every disease man la heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tbe Liver and Visceral Organs, la Bilious Dis eases. Tbe properties or Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit ters are Aperient, Dlaphoretle, Carminative, Nu tritious, Lai at ire, Diuretic, Sedative, Conntwr Irritaat, BudoriQc, Alterative, and Antl-Biliuaa. Orateful thousands proclaim Vinegar Bittora Ike most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustain ed the sinking system. R. 11. Mi DONALD A CO., Druffclsta and Gen. Arts., San Francisco, Call fornia, and t-otB&r of Washlngtcm and Therlton streets, New York. Sold by all Dniggfstt aad I J''"'- mHV7fl-1y. i - - Jab. B. Pamois, Pres't R. E. Bxichbr, Sec'yj CONTINENTAL life Insurance Company, I OF HARTFORD, CONN. Areola.. .........J,IIO,0!l Ratio of Aaaol. to Liahililica 112 Fumlahes Insnranoe at the very lowest eoirl ; Polley-holders participate In the .rolls of Iks tympany, tuns .oniiousiiy reuueing tne annual payiuenla. For rates, do., rsll on or nddrraa H. M. M, ENALLY, Agent. Olfie. ia Shew e How, Clearfield, Pa. IJ47I. L OOK OUT VOU, TUJ2 SIGN OP TUB I1IC4 C'AWT JIOOK! MARKET BTHKBT, CLKARPIRLD. The old Clearfleld Ei colli or Cant Honk Co. Is dissolved, aod a new one formed by Amoa Ken nard and O. R. MerreJI, of Clearfleld, aad O. M. AHard, of Empi.riiim, Cameron county, aa part- ners. and Jaa. E. Wation. of Clearfleld, ai Uencr- ' al Agent. Tha new company will carry on the nuitneei of aiannfactaring, selling and abipping ! "" -'anl Hooks, wttk all their improvements. I am now n.i o,. r"""'"' lied. JAN. B. WATrlON, July lot, 1814, On i Agent, OC1IOOL KIIIINITIIKK. The nnder.lgned will eel) at private sale 3d .ingle dcztt tri'!: .iee t b.iim and an Organ, ' ","' '"'"'' ' rnraltnr which el. b. aee. ftl lbs Aeadamy bnlldlng. For farther partleularaeddrea. 11AT1 IK .. BWAfl, Clearfleld, Sept. Id, l74-lm. ARM LANDS FOR BALK Wa woald state far the Information of person! waatiag farm landt la Clearfield eoanty, that we hare re surveyed aod divided iate 1M acre leU, Enod farm landa ta Jordaa, reaa, Draay, veil, inraside. It loom. Kaoi and Chest townahlbt. Many of theee landt are specially adapted for farm lag purposes, being smooth, or trligbfly roll Ing. is timbered with ebeetant aad oak, aad well watered. We have prepared drafts of tbe laad ee we eaa show their leealii la each of the above named townships, aad will Mil an easy terms of pop"". Per further la format lea apply al anr oflUe la vorwensviiie, u lean old onnnty, ra. Aug. se, itJ7i-2m,j a. w . v. nvin, l 'o reeHfew, a targe lot of a ow -expletive Uaterii a4 $auounrr.nrti.s. Primary Eleotion, Saturday, Sept. 12. C0NUKKH8. We nr. aulboriied In announoe tbe nauo of L, A. MACK KV, of Clinton eounty, al . oandldal. for Congreai, lubjaet I. the rale, governing th. Demooratie parly. aug 10 " ," AliDITIONAL IAW JUboaT We nr. authorlied I. nnnoonee tbe nam. of JOHN 1I.0KVI8, of Centra eounty, a. n eandi. date far Additional Law Jadge, lardee! lo the ruleigoveruiugtbelieanMraU.pnrty. , Migl, " " rlfATi"KNATOa. W. are lolhorl.ed lo unonno. Ih. nam. of WM. A. WAi.LACK, ol UUar0old,aa a .andldaU for Ktal. Heualor, lubjcct to tbe ruin goreroing the Detnooratlo party. an, 10 AHBBMlJIiV, W. are authorlied U .naonnoe Ibe name of RK11AHD BilAW.Jr., of Lawrenoe lowmhip, m a eandidale for Aiacmuly, aubjeot lo the rulei governing Ibe boraoeratte party. augll We er. authorlied to announce th. nam. of AIIHAM ll!MPHKKV, of Lnwreaee towmblp, ai a oandldate for Aaaombly, aubjeol to the rule, governing tbe Demoorutie party. nog). We are authorlied to armonnee the aemeof W. HOSri UAllTKIIUHN.ofCnrwonirille.aaneandl. dale for Aiasmbly, lnheot t tbe rulea govern ing the ltnoor.tle party. nug20 Vhotu'onota RY.' " " We are authorlied to announoe th. Buna of JOHN . HcKlKKNAN, of Uuliob lownihlp,na. eandidato for 1'rothonotary, mldeot to tha rule, governing the Democratic party. augll We are authorliad to announce tbo name or OKOHUR 0. KII1K, .r Brady town.blp,ai a ean didato for Pretbonotary, Bnbjoot to th. ruin go., erning the Deaaooratie party. augll We are authorlied to aenoaaoe the nam. or KLI Ul.OOM, of Curwenivlllo, ai . oandldate for Pruthonolary, aubjoot to tbe rulei governing th. Demooratie party. augll ' RE(1 ISTSU A N I)ilC0HDKH. We are aulborliod to anneonc the name of OKOKIIK 11. rKHUliPONi of Bell town.blp, aa a enndidale for Kegiiter and lleoorder, aubjeol to tbe rule, governing Ibe Iremoexfllc party, augla, W. are aothorliod to anoownoe tbe name of W. S. Oil iKN, or Pike towe.hlp, a. a candidate ror Itegieter and iieoordor, Banjeol lo lb. rulei govern, ing tbe Dimooratie party. .ugll We are aothorliod to annoaneu the name of L. J. itoltllAN, of Wallaoaton, ai a oaudidate for Regular and lleoorder, lulijoot to Ibo rule. gor erning the Detnooratio parly. augll W. are authoriiod to announoe tho nam. of FoliKS'iKH ULUUM, of l-ike lowmbin, m oandidale for Regiilor and lleoorder, eubjoel to tbo rule, governing tbo Democratic parly. aoglV. COUNTY CUHMIHS1UNKR. We are authoriaad to announos tbe .am. of SAMUEL BllUs-r, of BcoearU lowmhip, na a Bandidale for County Commissioner, subject to the rules governing the liemooratle party. Madsra, Aug. l. We ere authorlied to announce the name f uKNJAUIN KL1NUKR, of C'beit towmblp, as a eandidale for Connty Cemmissioner.subject to tbe rnlee governing Ibe uemooratlc party. . llurd, Aug. In. We are authorised to announce the name of C. W. hYLKR, of liraham towmbip, a eandi. date for Connly Cominiiilonrr, lubject to the rulea governing tbe Demooratie parly, aug SO Al'DITOB. Wo are 'authorlied to announce the name of HKNRY WlllTnllKAD, of Union towmblp, na a oandidals for Couoty Auditor, luhjoel to th. rules governing tne uemoorallc parly. aug ZO R EOISTF.It'S NOTICE.- Not lee Is hereby given that the following no- eonnts havo been oiamiaad and passed by me, aad remain filed of record In this office for tho in spection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others lnttreited, and will be nreaentod to the next Or phans' Court ol Clearfleld eoanty, to be bald at the Court House, sa the borough of Clearfleld, eom menolngoa tk 4th Monday (being the frith day) 01 nepiemuer, a. w. met j Partial aoooant of Robt. M. and David John stoa, Kioeatore of Robt. Johnston, dee'd, late of Jordan town snip. Final aeeouot of Patrick Dal ley, Guardian of Msnna niyrter, bow aeeeaseq. tamnbi Sunderlin, Administrators, of David Huaderlia, deeaed. Pinal aroouot of Jaeob Roland, Admlnltrator of David Roland, dre d, laU of Chest townrhip, Pinal acoount of Wm. McCrackea aod P. M. Hock en bury, K locators of John Uockenbury, de ceased. Pinal aocount of Jaateo Mc Fad den, Adminis trator of Uobt. ftlvPadden, deceased, late of Chest township. Pinal eoeonnt of Bmanoel Hfltohrand, Trnstee of RobL MeFadden, deaaaaed. Pinal aooount of Emanuel Hiltobrend, Trustee to the estate of Robt. H. Keiney, deceased. Pinal aoeoant of Janet W rig ley, Kieeator of u. r. uuiioa, aeoeaaea. Final aeeount of Jaeob MoKee, Ad mist rat or of Tbos. Mo Km, dee'd, late of Burnside township. Pinal account of 0. 8. Llddell, Administratrix of Thos. Liddell. deeeaaad, late of Clearfleld bor. onab. Final aooount of Jesse Oust, Guardian of Dan iel Hiatal, minor child of Pvter Smeal, deceased, Final aooeuBt of Jahn A. Read, sarrlrlng Ad ministrator of David Bloom, daooased, late of Pike township. Final aeeonnt of Anthony Hlle aad Pusan Young, Adtaiatstrators of Robert Young, dee'd, late of Lumber City. ReoiiTun's Omra, 1 A. W. LKR, Clearfleld, Pa., Sept. I, l74-t. j Register. U Ji SEAT ED LAND APPEALS. Notioe li hereby clvea to the owners aad agents of Unseated Lands, that tbe County Com missioner! ef Clearfleld connty will sit aa a Board ofHsvision at their office, Ib tbe borough of Clearfleld, from the 21st to the 2Cth daya vf Sep tember, for tbe purpose oL hearing appeals aad reviling the trl-onn'al assessment of said lands located within tba eounty for 1874, 187ft and 1H7A. The holders of auoh lands will please na deriland that no abatement will be made or ap peals beard after that time. F. t. COHTRRBT, JNO. D. THOMPSON, CLARK BROWN, Ceua'ai Orrn te, 1 Commlesioaert. Clearfiald, I'a., BepL 3, '7 St VBITOR'S NOTICE. In (he matter of tbe estate of Henry Col grove, late of Bradford township, deceased. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute the balance in the hands of the Administrator, gives notioe that be will attend to the duties of his appointment at bla office. In tbe borough of Clearfleld, an F'lday, the llMli day of September, 1874, between the hours of 16, a. m., nnd 4, p. m., when and whsre all parlies inter ested may attend If they aee proper. wm. M. MrcrLLoran, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- In ibe matter of the Mtate of Jacob Mob gold, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to settle, ad lost and distribute the balance la the hands of Samuel tl. Kuala, Administrator of said decedent, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties or his appointment at bis office, ia the bor ough or Clearfleld, on Tuesday, Sept. 22d, 1874, at t o'clock, p. M-, whea all parties interested may attend. T. H. MURRAY, eptl 51 Auditor. JOTICE TO T AX PA VERS. " The undersigned, collector of Htate and eoun ty Taxes for Lawrenoe township, desires to notify delinquent tnxptyert that If they desire to vote at the next election, it will be noeaaary for tbem to pay up, on or before the .H day of next Octo ber. He can be found at his store, one door West or tbe Leooar Hoased, Ib Clearfleld. N. RIKHKL. I -.It. Collector. npi M B E R 8 ALE7 Notice la hereby given that the Committee of Ike I,ock Haven jam, will offer at public sale at the Montour House, Lock Haven, Sept, IT, M74, at 1 o'cloek. One good raft .f pine, bak nod hemlock square timber, eompeied of marked aod unmarked timber. Terms made known on day of sale. H. II. ItJTrH I la. Dept. 1, IMl IL In.pector. ADMINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby girea that letters of admin lit ration on tbe ectato of MARTHA BOMKR V1LLR, deo'd. late of Borntido towaabfp, Clear fleld county, Pa., having been duly granted to tne nndrrsigned, all persons indented to lata estate will please make immediate payment, and theee liavlna elalmt or demands will present tbem properly authenticated for settlement without de lay. OTHELLO 8MEKD, N. Washington, Sept. 2,-flt Admlalstrator. LEATHER BKEA8T-STKAP8 SUPERSEDED BT CUV;HT'M PA,TpWT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madeofthebesl Mallea ble Iron, and liattaebed to tbe llateee by Ibe bert Bnnp ever Invanled. It , Ii eaiily aad quickly put en, nnd prevents the wklpping or the horses by the pole, bol liable to get .at ef will la.l for yean. All r. ak Ii a fair trial, t. aonrlnoe .11 partis. M Ing Ikes thai tkey .re nnanrpassed In value ror th. pnrpoaa for whleh the, are Intended. HACK HI ICIIRTVIR. ClesrU.ld, April is, 1874. . 8AW8T8AW8i SAWtl DlfiTAN'8 C ROM OCT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR BAWg. BojBton'i Lightning Orou-cnt Saw, alio, PATENT PKRf ORATRD A ILRCTRTC RAWft, for tall b aiijj,n n. r. ntpm a cq. fjru floods, 6 forfrlf, tr, J. "S7 KHATZElt, IN PIE'S BUILDING, DKALKR IN Dry Goods, Curpols, Ladies1 SIioch, Grorcries, Dress Gooila, Wull Piipors, Children's Sliocs, ProviHioiis, &c, Ii juit reoalvlug a oomplete aieorliaont of guodi, bought nt latcit and lowoit prioer. QOOD PRINTS, AT TEN CENTS PER YARD, GOOD YD-WIDH lilKACHKL) LINS, TEN CENTS. MUS- IIEAVY YAnD WIDE UNDLKACIIED MUHLINi, 12J CENTS. ' APPLETON'8 A MUSI.INH, 12) CTS. rER YAltD BY TUB I'lECE. - ' AND ALL DRY UOODS AT LOWER RATK8 THAN HKRHTOFORa. , DRKSS (JOODS, IN UltEAT VARIETY. CARPKTH CARl'KTB CARI'RTH CARPBTS CARl'BTH GAHPRTH CARI'KTS CAHI'KTg CARHKIrt CARI'KTS CAKl'KTH CARI'KTS CARPRTS CAIIPKT8 CARI'KTS BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTKY, INGRALV, nnd nil lower gmdcu. CARI'KTS CARI'KTS CAHI'BTS CARI'KTS CAIIl'KTS CARI'KTS CARI'KTS TAR I' Km CARI'KTS I CAIIJ'KTS I (MHI'KTS CARPKTH CAllPKTS CAHl'ETS FAHASOI.S OF AM. IKCRIPTU)N3. anocEitiEs, iiy nnioiNAi. pack- AGE, AT A 8MAI.I, ADVANCE ON COST. PISH, FIAIUR. BACON, ALT, Ac, CONSTANTLY OM HAND. WOOL AND OTHKR PROIIlXE WANTED. Cleatlcld, Hay 17, IS74. jjard Times IIAV NO EFFKt'T IN FRENCHVILLEI I am awaiw that there are aome persona a little bard to please, and I am also aware ibat tbe complaint of "bard timea" It well nigh anivenml. But 1 am so situated now that I ean satisfy the former and prove eoneluelvely that "hard timea" will not effect those who buy their goods from me, aad all my patrons shall be initiated Into the se cret of UOW TO AYOID HARD TIMES. I bare roods enough to supply all the inhabi tants ta the lower end of Ibe county wgieb I sell at eieoedlng low rates from my mammoth store In Mi'LpOKaitjniJ, where I can always be found ready lo wait upon callers aud mpply tbem with Dry Goods of all Kinds, 8ueh at Cloths, Ratine Its, Cats 1 meres, Jlu'tins, Delaines, biota, Drilling, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbona, Laos, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Phoes, Hall aad Caps all of the beat tuatei lal and made to order Hose, Socks, (I loves, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, Ac. 0 ROCK R IKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlee, Molnsses, Pixh, EUlt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Pish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware. Queen aware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Rj.lkea, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axet. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and a gentral assortment or etationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be fold at tbe lowest possible figures. J. H. MeCtaln'a Medicines, Jayne's Medicines, Hosteller! and Hoofland's 11 liters. lOOg pounds of Wool wanted for whloh the hi chest prlee will be paid Cloverseed on band aad for tale at the lowest market prioo. Alto, A rent for Btrattonrllle and Curwensville Threshing Machines. feat. Call and see for ynurtelvet. Yon will find very thing usually kept ia a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. French rll Is P. 0., Aagust 12, 1 874. .fa 1. lit YI V, AT TIIK CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA. OFFERS RKASONAIILT A Ft'1,1. HT0CK OF OENEHAL MERCHANDISE. FLot'ii, .m:.T, risit, h.ikt, HOVK, He, always on hand .1 lowe.t carh irlee.. LVMDEIt, OltAiy, WOOL, .ft-., taken In elchaBfe for goods at highest aiarkel arice.. au,llt'74. F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, Representa th. following reliable Insnrane. C'ei North Brltl.h A Mereaalila Ins. Co. H.e00.ln Waabia,lon L.fa Insnranoe Co. 4,0i',00 Fire Assoeiatloa Inauranee Co.- Amaaoa Fire Insurance Co ,0T,H8 1 Phmall lamraaoe Co., V. Y 1,000.000 Walertewa Fire, lasuree dwellings and farm build in as only- ft7i,ft00 , York, Pa., Stock Insurance Ca. Horsca Insured against death aad theft. r. raruet ta iae coa o try deetring t at ranee aa their Uvea or property can have U promptly attended to by addressing us by letter, er oaiiing ia pertna at owr, ia ric e upera Me, Room Mo. I.CIeartleld, I'a. aigtA 74 SKTTLK&ENT NOTICE.-I take this BMthod of Informing my patrons that I nave picaiy ei time jntt new to eeitie up em ao. coaats, and I hereby give notice to all tboea who have aatottwd aoeaante with me to come forward aad have them closed without delay. Those who fall to heed thla not lee need act be surprised If they are called apoa to oetile ta a legal manner, la Um press nes wf aa aflloer, and pay costs besldee. L. M. CUVHRIKT. Preacbvllle, Aug. ft, 1ST 4-Xm. JOB PRINT! NO OF EVERY DB8CEIP tlon ate tly cieeuted at this nfllee, . . Jirii inosflji, 6roriru, mt. 1874. UNDER 271nosi2 m' FULL" SAl'i .,- I I - ,. .1 ..;.w,.it.l.o .i ,t ...I ; "'! I. TIIK KEYSTONE TO THE FRONT 1 ' I ii if V -r.-f - llesulqiinrtpl-s for Pry Goods! Am opening luy souond lain spring and sum mer stouk of Foreign tuid Ovaiestia 4 ., DRY; GOODS, Carpels, Oil Cloth's.-;3,": '. ."..11 ,J . . ..... -: .' LADIKS' 4 CHILDnKN'S SliOHS, The nrleoi will bo Inch as Will not be eieolloO by any olher pier. In the Stale. Call and ate for yourlelvee, . ' ' : WM. FEED, marl3 " ' ' rVeond llreet, Clearfleld, ra. c 11IANUK.D 1IANDK. JOHN McGAUGHEY Wnnld Verpertfiilly notify Hie gencrully that he has pnrehaied J. P. Shower's (Irooery ttlore, In Hhaw', Row, where be Intends keeping a full llniof ,1 ft O V K 11 1 K M. HAMS, DRIBIl DKKF aad LARD. . ' SIU1AR8 ond SCRIPS, of .11 gra.loa.. , TKAS, Oroen and lllank, 1 1, coFFtiK, RoaMed and tlrein. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, j C.f.V.rKfl t'HflTM, All kindi In the biarkot. . TICKLES, in jars ond barrel.. " , ., SPICE?, in evsry form and variety. , FAMILY FLOUR, Al.f. KINIMOf CRArKKIl. SOAPS, ' MATCH t, - ' DRIliO APPLES, 7' .', DRIKD PF.AC1IES, , ' '.' :' IinlKD CIIEUR1KS. Coal Oil and Lamp Cfcim&oyS. And a g toil assnrtmeut of tliore things usually kept la a grocery More, which he will ei change fur marketing at the market prlcet. Will sell for oaib aa cheaply at any other one. Please call and see hit slock and judge fir you no) f. - JOHN Mi (i AIM UK Y. Clearfleld, May 27, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE,;' ' Poll OIBce. i , y New Goods I New Prices I CIIOICK IISM OF TliA. OOLONfll, . ; ' .,' ;"; JAPANS, ": "' OIP0KTED, - YOI'NO HYSON. ' 1 ENIILISII BREAKFAST Purest In Market, ' IIIJTTI.ll AM) Ivi(i. WIU be kept and sold nt Ir.t cost, for Country Produce. fVh J.ald OKIIMAN CIIKIllllKS, I TI'KKKY PHINES, V 1 J'llKSERVED TEARS, ' ' ' I'lIILAIiKI.PIIIA II AM 9. . . . ' 1 I'IMH. ,i Mackerel, Lake llerrin,, Cod, do. . - i'U KI.ICH. . Il.rrel Pirklcs and Eualish Pickles. Il.lll It AM) I'r.EI). Fluar, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, do. robU'74 LYTI.a MITCHELL. EDeAY.GRAILiOr, DKALKK IN ' ' 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, v SQl'ARE T11UDER & LIMRER, ' 4 CLEAIIPIELD, PA., . . . . a t ... . . l . Hat Juit opened, at tha old ttaml. In hi.'t How, a complete ctoek or t r of every dosrrlptlfln. ' ' ' DRV GOODS, ' ; ti HOCK HUM. UAIiltWAHR, BOtTS AND SHOES. in CLOTIIINO, fv.( t(v.t IS CRKAT VARIETY - FLOUH. -MKAT, SALT, UYR, OATS, COftlV. SALE AT A SMALL ADVA FLOUR, ,, Reed red h the ear load, end nl,l at a smtil advance. A supply of HUPS ceMtaotty ob head. H,eelal Induarmonl. ogsred to tboM getting o.l j ll.niare Timber and Log,, n . del largely ia Lumbermen's Supplies, and art are- pared at all timet to pure base tim ber and lumber. ' 1 t ' , ' 1 K I). V. GRAHAM, . ' . Market Street. 1 CliEAHFIELD, PA...; OnL IS, , ODRLEY 4. CALDWELL, Agricultural Implements, CIULKR PTATI0N, PA. u We are agents fbr tbe MCaampotiM Reepw ahd Mower ewmhiired, the Pratt Horta Rake aad CflmnHngc Peddet Cotter, aawell asforaHkladi of Btovee and 11 eaten. Hamplei always oa baad tar awamtBavllnB. Call o or ad'ireei al Wtltkm strove, Oeari Hd fowate. Pa. 1 jnacOMtm .v, ,e$Hittttnnw THE CUCARITELD" CI.KAHFIKln, I'A., NaorrAcrrnKna op j n.-.h .1 . . i.i....ii ...;! , I lltlMSICK ItT. Hrnavt IHotki, 'casnKe(oris, . , i 1. , .. 5 Stove Liningo, Paving Tiles, &o. ' .- 1:.' Ili! 11 TU? '"All ihimnty Top, ll'lntlow Vij, nnil IVfJirn. I All "kinlfjf Architectural dofcrnerrts. OKJJiLNAL iii:mt.-i IN i3 Him DOTTd MADK TO OltDLU. Vfcl a. aa With Improved machinery, first cIsbb material and, skilled wurkmcn.eve con. warrant all ony maaufuelurt-s Oo be equal I If not atrjierk, to auy 111 me markot. !' 1 ''ft t'j Articles of our manufaoluro oan be seen at the Works, near Railroad Depot, or at the Hardware moreot ll..rt f,.lc, A I',. . ,,ik All orders from a distance, addressed to tbe Uoneral ISupcrinlondent, wtil receive prompt au mtion. O' 1 - 4T- V' IIAiHaltWlt-Kr UBN IKlleflSoN, i . iuenlaueli tiirpt of ll.alblleld, Uarnkirk, Hootland, nopt. Alanulacluring Uopt. ay!0'7l II. F. BIGLER-& CO., pBiLina ib II A It DWAKG, Alio, MjiiTpulja(turersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLKARflKLD. P,A. 17AHMINO IMTLliSIENTS of all kinds for sale by II. K. BIOt.EM 4 (Xl.'y T)AII.KOAD WIIKn.BA HHOWS for lalo by oi ir." p. Bioi.En i co. Q' J'J( PAINT,. PUTTY., , GLASS, , Nails, .lo., for lajs by f . -' If.: f. HIOLER A CO II A UN ESS TIIIMMING8 4 SHOE ii. v -Findings, for a'al. by ' '' 'r JI. F. BI0LER & CO.' JUN8. U 8TOLB SWOiiJ) CAM ES For .all II. F. by IllOLEk I CO; gTOVES, 0 AIsIj 80HTS AND 4 ... Siies, for a!a b, . .. . i j . II. F. BiOXEIl i CO THON! IRON! IKON! II!ON! H. F. BIQLER A CO. II01W5B SIIORB & HOIIfiB SHOE SAILS, for sale by II. F. BlOLEIt A CO pCL'LEI BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And belt Manufacture, for sal. by . II. F. BIGLER A CO. rpHiMBIB SKEINS AVD' PIPK . BOXES, fer ul. V, .. . ,t( j' ' II. F. BIGLEU A CO. JpODliKIJ CUTTERS-roraliT'tT mn3O-70 , m II. F. BIGLER A CO.. MISS H. S. SWAN'S ' ; school for ;girls, CLEARFIELD, PA. THK V'tMFR AND fPHIVfl TKIIMS irlll close May llk, lttd. ' .' TERMS OF 1UWI0N. Rending, Orlhograiihy, Wriling,01dect Us , pins, Primary Aritbmetie and Primary Ueogranhyri.rt.ti........H.t....(...Uo Biitory, Local and deocriotivo Ueuaranhy ,c 1: 1 17 01 Vila Man Drawtnavllrnuvaun Mental ' and Written AritbnateB.M.,.a.w..MM. Ill Algvbra and tho bclencoe..WH...;,.H...v. 1 00 Inilrnction in Initrumental tuniio 10 00 Oil painting, SI leinmi. ...., ,.... II 10 Wai work,.. .......... ttt For full psrtioulars send for Circular. ! Cleardeld, March 11, 1814. ,:l:IO-y The Itoll's Run Woolen Fnrtiify, , .. fuin towuevbip, Clciffipld Co Fa. . - J i. ( )lki:t- II II R N I: I) OUT! ,.;,-W':--i'n ,,B y R.N.E D U P,Ir ' The suWrlWr bare, nt great ctpeniCj rebuilt aeighborhood neeescity, in the erection oft Drat class Woolen Manufactory, with all the mod era improvements attached, and are prepared to make all k,niii or Cloths, Caaslmorct, Hatluetts, Ulan kettf, Flaaoela, Ac. Pleaty of goods oa hand to supply all our old and a thousand new ouitemeri, f horn we ask to oouic and eiamine our stock. The huilncss of ; cARDna Aivb ruLtma" ''" " will receive our especial erftentioa. Proper arrangements win oe mauc to receive ana aeiivar Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and doatinoi tha ahrt net n eiie. and by etrict attea- tloa ie baiineae we hope to realise a liberal share ol public psureaagCAa ( -e- ,1 '10MM POUNDS WOOL WAKTRDf 1 i , n c wiu pay inm nignesi mar act finer iur "oc ' Mist lull Anr m -inilfav.l ne-ea1 sariA.l t Aear limMai g'odr can bo bought in the county, and whenever w fail to render reasonalilc satisfaction wa ud always be round at home ttAy lo U...W prMr-ci osplanation, either la person or I-t Uttsr. JAMK3 JOIINBON A B0 KB, JF ECONOMY 13 AN OlMEC'V .r .a!,,, 1 .' eao j ' Yuruisluug GojsI toT, V" " a- -i..)i. i . . I r art. I ,.j I Cr,'0Tn'lNr.;'ST,0TtT!. ,TUey keep a full ljni) of, ,., . ... : , j .Urrl'l, YoiHht' j9'ye)' ClatisVirii .' Also,, 'Mud hell; '(Vriri ) Urtli, Bbii'lo, t'eiikriltirtH, null i ' 'lrfiw!r, it.,' ti'hleh they WiU aerl al naoH reaentrakle nrleeo. Call and eiamine their gondi Wfore purchasing .laewher.. Iteir. I. Munafco. luulir.a, ... J ClearHold, Pa., April I, l7l. MITCHELL WAGONS. , . a . 'a '-. " 1- - . ! jTln.cit is. the .CLeipf at L: c Thomae ReAMy hit roreirod anotbN large tat of "Mitchell Wagons," which are among the very beat manwfafliarsxl, and which ha will jell at the meet reasonable Hti stock inehidcc alnrost uil deseriptims of wngnns large and small, wide and narrow fraafc. , vail ani eevtnea. - t apr8 74 THUMAft RKILLY. J, R. jSl'MURUAY Wll.1. fl'Pri.Y YOU WITH ANY ARTICLE OF klEHCilANDlBH AT TH1 FIRY lAlWaWT PRICK. COMB AND SKK. (liSr.l'y) NEW 4" iFKl Wc have tt .bteft hirge nwwiKet ef two aew I BILL, aad Will M laattwcaMM eT twefttft. MvaecwM, mAr ijJt tnv addraN. mfW ; 3r4wm, Triiamri; tt. , JtH V 1 t ; It I U H I ft IV I :i)i.w u jrji. T. I HUBBARD & CO., UK JK; 11 r'4.'' v 1 ... v liaULKMrt IN . .l.l STOVES jiiii & RANGES, trail .... 1 - : , - ..' . , Afib m'a'iifa6tl''hk'rii of' in, 1 a irt ' Slt04)t'lror " i " & Copper Ware, ifpuMDl'I13 & (iAS FITTERS, I ,K. It'll .i Near Market fctrcet, Clearfleld, fit ...a -hand all Lha boat Cook Stores. WUI.Ir, on. RanciH JJeatiua btovee aad i'arnaooa la tba market, aiaosig patch -we. tneatioa the Argand Range, Victor Cook, lliawoad Hlal. and Kollpl., all of wbiob Jot beauty .ul dasign and shBapneae cannot be eurpaiard iu tit. market. All ef onr Stove, wa warrant to give entire eatiafaetlon. or the Hoard one bo returaed In l.n days. Old sloves taken in nart pay for .ew onea. Wa keep on hand all of laetest and boat HEATING STOVES ,'.!. .1 i.i i ;.. .l"4 Wl - ''( AND n v - '1 RArNGES. Parttenlaf 'alteirtloa paid to the repairing of all kinds of Stores, Uauget and Turoaeca. T IN; : AV A RE. Of our own manufaotgre, of all kinds, which winch will be told cheap for cash, by wholesale or retail. All oar ware la made out of one and two cross tin, and warranted to be jutt at we Tin Roofing and Spouting done at short notioe and oa most reatunabla term and repatriqg BeUy and promptly eae catcti PLUMBING AND GAS nTTINQ . 'I st 1 -done aad all joht warranted perfect. Will keep on band (.as Piituret, of all kinds, and fit up bouses with (Kangea, Batb Uoilert, fiath Tuba, Shower Baths, vVaeh Stands, Sinks aad Water Closets- Partial wishing anything done la our line will do well to give us a eall, at we are determined to pleaee all in regard to price aad style of work maaihip. T.J. ttabbard will paraeaally taper, intend J work to trusted to onr earn. june.3 T. . UrOtlARD A CO. TP- TTARR, STOVES, HARDWARE! watson; richols & co.f VTAVEXSVILtB. PA. , , I ' Having bought the Hardware gtore and Tla Shdp formerly belonrinw to W. A. Dale, mm intend keeping for sale everything belonging ta the holiness, and will endeavor to tell aa low for cash aa eaa be bought this side of Fhiladelphla. n'lUHiuiawi wy wf nniau ai mi tHaei full tup ply ef Shelf and Retry , Hardware, ; snEET IUQN AND TIN-WARE, Cook and ' Healing Sloves, .uia.'SHOH FINDINGS, ' " Halls, rtiati, Oils, Olus, rutty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Impiements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, 7, ?! ttV1lKATBIil, ' .' .'. , .. i QRAIR CRADLKS, - - RAKES, do : . n wi .& ri.rni.rti8, BLACKSMITHS' TOOL6, notisn-snoKs, ' II0RSB SHOE NAILS, . BOLTS, do. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, 4c. X-eT-TIN SPOUIINO do., low and best of mnlerial nwd. ' WATSOK, HICnOLS d CO. Curweoltille, Pa., dnaa J, laid. JKONBIDK8 RTOUE. aiS.FI.EGAL, BEALRR IN- HARDWARE, Stoves, BEATERS, ' ' - 8AN0ES, I :. .: i " ' IfOLLOW.WAKK, tTAIN,T.S. ,.. . . OILS A VABNIBH, " ' ' tllTOJV t C, lOD i . yj a I I o. v . L. A .t It i ml ,i HOPES,1 ' ' ' . STF.r LADDEItS, ! 11 r7?r(J 1 ;v; -.U WOOD, Afl .WILLOW, WARP.!, ul h i Is' n i. 1 , I Tk.alkl.ia Toledo AaU-Fr.algliWaalMd .IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS.. T, ll.lilet r0mpl in the matkit. j LAMi1l,'0nAVD,rlLtllh8,X.1lNTltHl, ' LAMrVl.rU, .rail. Ind., " ' 1.AMP flXTlfcaW, 4V i . r "ii--' iiTaLluaoal prleee. . '' .' . i 1.14'H . . ' Preaanelal. MrreX, Phllipsburc, T. " -i-U j u. t-,-t T 'f, TIME! LlMEt j , ...... t . . ' ! ' 1 ' The uader.ifned Ii wn. rnpind lo fbrnkiV the puSlle wit. an .Icellent qonllty tt, . , .. .vr. Bellefmte We-tkM iinO lor ,laalarlag aarnoaaa, fcy tka larga ear ssH I quality, t1.. be round for rh. vtresett at ?i.'a aew, Marks, afloat. J farllf I I.. R. MrCWl.tW0.- '. ait -rt b- i ii 'HI aV. jiIIii i i. i.aA-. '- ' J . MlakarCaM Hook Oosney. Waad I' , . 1I,M CHt WUAR IIANDLRS, " ' elf heW ejUsIM nrard rngr, split I. Mrs. ! fell t" rr.matlonlino.nir. tit th. Toherao and "agar fttort ".1 iTr'r"'1' I11" WA,T80S. .,, n 7