gardvvaK, Ilnirare, ftr. SACKETT A SCHRYVER, OSiLBM III HARDWARE, and manufacturers nf Tln.Coppe r A Slirel Iron Ware, Second Street, CI. EAR.' I ELD. IA. H.rlag largely Lrreacd our sloes of Her are, w levito ill public to ml nd prices. Csnisntera Mil perpone who contempt.! M lug will de mil ki iiuln TOOLS ft BUILDIHO HARBWAHl hlch Is K Bad of menufaoiur., Bad ill b Kill low for eaaa. .NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, .LOCKS, . HINCKS, SCREWS II klBili of Bench Planes, Saws, Cbleela, Sonaron, Jlnmtnert, Uatcheta, Plumbs aad Level. Mortised A Thumb Goagea, Bevela, Braeei A Bttta, Wood ead Iron Benoh flarewi, and (bo boat Boring Maobina In the market. Double and Single Bitt iiesf POCKET CUTLERY, Ae, Agents for Burnell't Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FLUB TOP, which effectually ear Smoky Final. Fnrmera' Implements and Garden Toola of evary deecriptloa. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which wi warraat to gin satlsfsetloa. Portable Ranges and Fnmates. m.Roofinf. Snouting and Jok Work dona aa reasonable termc. All eriirl (ill receive prompt attention. June II, uwa, BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sueeeaeora ta Borates A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS NuaufaetBrara of - PORTABLE & STATIONABY STEAM ENGINES Corntr of fourth and Pin Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged la Ikl uaaatectare of trst lui UiillllNKRY. we reeDeotrullr Inform IB paklia Ikat wa an aow prepared M III all ardera ai cheaply aad at promptly as eaa at none la an of Iko cities. Wt manufacture ami Awl la Mulay and Circular Saw-Mill. Head Blooki, Water Wheals, Shafting Pulleys, OiEord'e Injector, Blaaa OaafM, Bteem Whletl, OlWrs, Tallow Oapt, Oil Oapa, Gauge OwU, Air Cocks, fllok. Valvw, Ckaek Valraa, wreagnt In Plpss, Slum, Boilar Fs4 Pempa, Anil Friction Mains, Soap Stone Paektag, Qam Peek- lag, aad all kladi of MILL WORK) together witk Plowi, Blad Solas, COOK AND PARLOS STOVES, and oth.r CASTINGS of all kind. Ordan Rllolled and tllad at eitjr price All lattan or inquiry witk nfanaa to mashlaery f oar maaaiaotar promptly answered, ky addree- . lag a at Claaraeld, Pa, , janl74-tr BIGLER, YOUNG RKED. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatantlj oa kaad. ' . STOVE AXD EARTHED WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTSt CROCKSI Planer'. Patent Airtight Self . Dealbif rrwil laaei BUTTER CROCKS, wllk lldl. t'RRAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLH - It I'TTKR I'KUl'KB, PICKLE CROCKS', FLOWER POTS, PIH DIBHIS, BTKW POTS, And a graat many other things too anaaroal ta m.atlon, to M aad at ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Cornar ol Ckernr and Tkird Btraata, L'l,KAKriKLU, 1"A aagl FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR BALK BT It. F. Blgler & Co. IRON DO! BLI-BIIOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLK-BHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SIN.OI.E-SIIOVEL PLOWS. IROH CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. (10WANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURO BTEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'B BELLEFONTR PLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. r-Skarf for all ol tka aboi. Plowt ma alaally oa kaad. myll-TI Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURBK THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! WI an aow opaalag ap a 1.1 of tk. kwt aad molt awwonabl Oauda aad War) it. oflVrwd la tblt market, aad at prtoM tkat rem lad n. f tk. foot .Id daya af ikap tbloci. Thoaa -wko iMk faith aaaa tkii polat, or daaai aar aU. gallon, aapwrnaoai, mm bat CJLL OCR MTORE, Corawr Front aad Markat ttnata, Wkan tkey eaa an, fMl, kaar aad kaaw for Ik.m Ml.aa. Tofallyaad.ntandwkatanek.apfoodi i.i. bi.h a. aona. rta ao a.t am It anwaiij to eaaamata aad IKailn aar atoak. It U aaoaaa for ai to itat tkat We hare Everything that ii Needed and aoataaHd la Ikla atarkat, aad at prlaat tkat awMian mi oio M. yooaw. daoM JUBKpB SHAW A SON. Clearfield Nursery. encourage home industry. fTHI aadarrlgard, k.ri.g tauklUkad a Rat JL a.ry .a tk. 'Plka, akaat kalfway awtwaaa CLartHl aad Carweai.Ule, la anparad k IH lakallklada.f FRUIT I RBlC(ataa4ardaaJ dwarf,) B?m.aa. Skkb.... Qnu vl.m tlMMkarrtaa, U.uej lkMkatrn, laawkarn, tndRa.k.rrpVi.M. AW. Slkwiaa Orak Tnaa, Oaia, aad aarly aaatUl Rkaaark, A. a)rwaaw kramrHy MUad U. Addnaa, I. D. WRISRT. tapM-tl-F Oarwra ? lilt, Pa W. BRTfa '. I I ( .1 U 1 WKA TER A DETTH t'LKAUKIKM), PA., Ar oFarlng, at Ik. .Id itand of a. L. Rwd A Co. i ; tkrfr Mk ut gd, kaniiitlng of! DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, boots a annus, HATH A CAPS, HAHDWAKR, ,: , QUKKNiiWARR, , FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tk. moil najonabla ralai for CASH or la xrkang for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. , ap-Adraaoaa Bud to tbon angagwd la gc. tlag oat aqaan tlatbar oa th moit dvaatgooj tiraL pdllJaaTS T.A:FLECKi5cC0. (Two doora aaat of lha Shaw HnnNp) CrUARKIBLD, TA. , ' i f a 'n ; Millinery and Fancy Goods and'notions. .'i I I' H . .: NECK RUFFLING. LADIES' l-NDKRWKAR.' GLOVES, all kind. anJ iIk.. COTTON STOCK INH8, aaiarpaiud hoik la qaality aad .hMpaau. WHITE AND SWISS OOODS, all rarleUcf. COR8KT8 AND HOOP SKIRTS, of tk. latnl pattara aad lower tk&a tk. loweft. HAIR GOODS, of all rarittlaa. Call aad .x.min. oar .lock kafon yoa buy elaawkcn. Ulad to ehow oar gcoda oa all oa aaionl Onr motto il "SMALL PROFITS 4 QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence Is Better than a Slow Shilling." Remmbr tba placaoppoi.ta Moaaop'a, In n n. neau a oin aiaoa. . t. a. Pluck, nprltl&74 A. U. 1IILL8. KRATZER A LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CIiE'lRFlELll. PA. ' Dealerl la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ' ' Hardware and Quebnswarf., BooU, Shoes, flata, Caps, 4c. a-Skaemkan lapplled witk LEATHKR aad BHOR FINDINGS at raiiood rata. SALT I SALT I SALT! at wholeaal aad retail Tory ak.ap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, A. A Ukwal dloMaal ta kalldera. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTRS-la larga . , laaatltlM. . FISH, FLOUR, 'BACON, CORN MEAL aad CHOP, alwaya ea bend. . ajr-All f tk aboT good, are pankaaed eielailraly for aaek, aad tkrter. eaa aad aWfi a ald at akwp a tk ekeapctt. aprill-T4 A. H. MITTON'S (Baccnaor to Crela A Mlltoa,) Hew Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. THE andwaigu.d, kavlfcg Iratad room, for tk manafaetun af all kind! af SADDLES, HAR NESS, aad all tbe lataet improvmeata ta Hone Farwiiking Ooade, il new anpand t III ell ordan at prioo and qaality tkat will carpr!!! wk favor kirn witk a call for tbelaipocttoaof bi work. Ha II detarmiaed ta pleaa. aad hi! ai MriMN aad obcorvatioa la aaatera and weateni aaablee him t DEFY COMPETITION la tk men. racier, of Geld, Silver, Oreido, Rabkav Crnd aoel UUt-bitwd MoaaUd CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I Ala Flat RIDIMO AND BACIMO 8ADDLRS. Ilia mta and otpmaat balng Hrht, ha will aall th. Mm gradaa af work 10 par aant. ah an par than thoy aan ha bought In th aaatern oitla. - Rapnirlng and ndjuitlngBaddlMp Uarnaaa.ASa., nantlj dona, nt ramaonabla prioo. PnrttanUr nttantlon paid ta all ordart by aiail or otharwiaa. Call and aaa bla work bafora baying alaawbora. flV'-Hooni la Irwia'i Stor, nut door to Kay- atona 8tara. A H. M1TTUN. ClMrftald, Peh, Uny 12. 1S7. JANIEL GOODLANDER. L U T H At noo V RU, rh, , f baalar in - t DRY GOODS; NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tobama, Grocer! ea aad Flak, Nalle, Hardwan, duaewan aaa uiaeiwan, mm-, aaa Boya' Clothiag, Droga, Paiata, Oils, Bekeol Books, a large lot af Pateat Medicines, Caadlel, Nats A Dried Fruits, Cbeeaa aad Cnok are, Rock and Ride Powder, Floor, Graio and Potatoes, Clever aad Tlmotky Seed, Bel Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Bindings aad Thread, Sbo.mak.ra' Tools aad Skoa Fiadiaga, , Ho tnatar verify f goods la any stork la tke aoanty. AR lor Bale very row lor cesa or eoaniry prodao at tka uaaap voraer. Aag. it, isra. XTKW BTORE A.NDNEW GOODS JOS. SHAW k SON Uave just opened a Naw Stoai, on Main 8t.,Cuaariii.D, Pa. lately occupied by Wa, T. IRWIN. Their stock eonalete ol UDX3XXT 4t0CDEDSt G social of lb boat qnallt,'1 QrjEENSWARE, Boots and Shoe, and OTerjr article aeeexearT fori ooe'e eoenforl. Call and amino oar etock boforo par obain( oleewhoro. Map . 1864-tf. ; CHEAP GR00ERIB8I , Lumber city, pa. Tk. eaawcalgaW Mamaswee at kia eld Itlaads aad patnaa taat ka kaa apad a d lie el ttROCEBIRB A PROVISIONS at Ik eld eUad f Kirk A Oaeairl, t whl.k k MlMt. a likeeal amtaaaaga, ' . W. RPINCIR. ' 1 loa-kor City, Pa, Mwk te-tf. J. V. VliTRR Jruflj and idlrinK. pHR IATNIT NIIVII Li.l'!l'lii ! i J Ml I n v mini's ' . .'i ,:.!.! "i, i :: ! j THE LATEST MOVE I ' . ,vi'--i '. 'ri.'i'f HARTSVVICK A IRWIN'S ! t !- . . .!( l .... . , i j DRUG STORK,. , To their a.w building oa Boeond SlrMi, nearly oppoeii. in. nor. ol weaver ilelle, CLEARFIELD, PA., .ti i 'it : ..I .. ' Wker. tkey will eoatlaae la eapply their aid aad aa many aow natuman at may ooava, wiik M , l ..I PURE DRUGS! ; C H fi'Mliriis i .11 . PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all aew remediet,) , il ";c t'J!V. I, ill Pateat Medleiuea, PeJat aad Oile, Oleii and rally, Benool uooki, PUIIonery, Paper, Ae. alM, a full lia. ef Drug. . gUU' Suadrtao, Hair ,.j.'J Tuaiec, Coemeliee, Perfamerlea, Toilet Articles, Brnehea, ioiioi ooape, rooaet uooae, Ae., all or tbo heat quality. PURE WTXES AND ItQUQRS, forinrd.aal A aMrmaanUI parpoaaaonl. Pura Whita UaJ. Colon f all kind. Haw and Bollod LiDSMd Oil, Vnrnlihoa, Tarpon Una Coal Oil, Punt A Vnrnlib Bruibai, Flavoring .titrtvcla, ConftolioDariMp Bird Boed, Ppico, gronnd and nngronna, of mi tmaa ( - SMOKERS AND C II E W E R S Will (ad oar itock of Ckewlng and Smokiot Tobaoeo. ImoorUd aad Do main. Cigare, Sn.ff and Fin.-eut to be of Ike . aery noil brand, la the market. , LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kiadi of GLASS WARE GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Muairal Trimmings af every variety. Havlag a long oxuerieaee la the bnitaoaa, aad an exteaelre and well ooloetod clock af medicine, we ar enabled to III Phyelciaoe' preecription, at the bortt aotloo and an the noet raaconable tarme, day and night HARTRWICK A IRWIN. Cl.erll.ld, Pa., May II, 1871-tf. Dtisrfllanr ous. JEAD THIS) FLOUR A FEED DEPOT I Th attantio of tba aitlaatu of ClaarflaM and Tloinity la diraeted to th fnet that Goodreftlow A Son ar tba anal of M. Nlo A C.( and bava jnat ralrd a half doaan anr load of Floor and Faad, wntab thy offer at tba lowcat poaslbl Ig mm. A larga stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potato, 8bcllad Oori, Corn tn Mr, A A. it Partleutar attantlon la aalled to M. Nleoa A Co.'a brand of Funlly Flour, whleb la tba boat In tfeo nrkaa. , i i Flonr aad Faad ann aad will bo aold abaapar tbon It ran ba obtained aleewbara In Clanrfiald oonoty. urntor oa Narkat atraat, aaii door to Uoa. Alaiandor Irrin'a ridno. QOOUFRLLOW A HOlf, janlttf Agrato for M. l a A Co. MARBLE AXD STOH YARD! Mrs. S. S. LIDDKLIi, Havlag aagaged la the Marble baalana, deelree te lafora Bar Moods aad the publb, tkat she has aow aad will keep eoastantlyoa kaad a large and well selected stock ef ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and la prepared to furnlak to erder TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLR TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Carbs aad Posts far Cemetery Lte, Wladow , Sills and Caps, a!o, BUREAU, TABLE AND WA8II STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac m. Yard on Rwd stmt, new tk R. R. Depot, Olearaeld, Pa. JT7''! 8AW8! 8AW3I 8AW81 DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR RAWS. - Boynton'i Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALBO, PATENT PERFORATED A KLRCTRIC SAWS, For sale hy Mt11,r BIGLRR A C0. IiEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY ' A. COVERT'S PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK MdoftbbatMalla- ' kta Iran. mu4 la ttuhtnl to tba Hamaa by tb bat Bnap laTntd. It la aaiiry and qntekly pwt "'' en, and prermta tb whipping af tba bora by tbapola. fcot llabl to gat ont of repair. I i j Will hut f. yaara. All j , i we mb la a fhlrtrin), to AI eonTino all partia m 4ng then thnt tboy ar nanrpaaaad In Talna for tha purpoia for wbiob tbay are intemiad. KACkKTT A BCHRYVKR. Clearfield, April It, U74. JRATZEK& LYTLK, . AGENTS 1 CLBARFlBLfi COUNTY FOR IdORIIdliARD'M Celebntcd Brand, ef Smoking A Chewing Tobarros. Wa n aabled t wkoleeM la dMlen Ikrangk U..tytityprl.. I I CseuAsM, Pa. gTOREKSEPERS, ATTENTION I We deeln ta call ymrr alteatloa 10 oar .lUoslva CwmmUalM haslseoe aad to aar raallitias r dla poriog f macA pndtev a aareraslgaan avad as. Ilavtag a ssrg wllk ally stone, we en ea ahled la make a,aloh Selena, at fall prices. tmkeopen ka'lag Oklekeaa, Batter, Banc, or ether peadaeo, will d well I iv a a trial. Wken tlrooerlea an ukea la eiekange, a aom mlariM will be ekargod. . . . , I. Ii. KIRK, SOU A CO Wkalaaald trkrerf ed Commissloa Herabaati, N.. ISO N. Tkird street, Pkiled'a. aprly OOSK AND LOT FOR BALB1 The Hoan aad Lot a Ike eoneref Mar. kwt aa Ftftk- einci, Cknrteld, P t far sal.. The tat daaatlab ksartv aa aen ef gfeaem 'Th. U a larga doable freaee, eeatelaleg alee Pad lorn eat ether ralkveaallM saulv aaa eabscrlhsr, el th. Pea 0. awe 1 1 - - P. A. GAt'LIN. THEnUEmJLlOAN. ; j CLEAR FIELD, PA t i , i t ' i j i r , -f fellNKSDAY MOKNINO MMMhT Ift.'lST. TKUE CHARITY. 'Tli not to pain wlion at my door A ahivarioat broibar vlartila, To ak tba mna that maila hlw r( Or why ba help iiniunlt, J'Tla not to arnthni brithr'a prayrr, Pr r.val t ti nnco ha (taawn , 4 Ti not to knva hi in in ilamlr(' 1 And nay that I bara nun. 1 f ha vote f charity ta bind Hba tblnki'tb nothing wrong. To vry fault ih tointb blind, Nor vauniatb with her Wnguo. Tn Pfnittnr aha plarath Faith, Hope fimiUth at hr door ( , r ' R-licrrtb t.nt-llian auftly aallh, ,"! "ilo, brother, tin no mor." COV.XTY SUPERIXTEXIEXr,S HHI'UIIT, t 'J'lio lnt yt'itr Iiiih Iiuiii nuu nf iim pt'rily in tuir wIiim1 wtirk. Jly coin itriiiK tliu IiihI SlnliBiiiitl licpnrt with tlic pivoi'Jini; olio, a marUoit iiiirivc DM'ilt h tmiiil, w lilch hIiowh, (hut hilu I ho county Is bciiir rnpitlly di'voloiu'd in oilier iiitiiri'Htu, the (iiln nro not inp tliolr whiiol work and tht oliicntionnl wants' of tliolr childivn. It is truu, liiiiny iliHailvuntnPH urn found in iiiiwt of tlio iliittrictH, whicli ulioukt be obviated, but tlio umny nuw hoiiHi'S tlmt tbo iuiprovrnuiiitH in tlio ctumty dunutnd, kot'p the titxus ao liijli that ollior ImportHiit inturoHta miller. WORK DONE 11 V MKKtTllllH. Houtn Built. Ten holmes worn pom pli'tiil duriiiB the year; ono in Heita. ria, two In Ilull. one in lliiramdo, one in Ilrndfnrd, tine In Deenliir, one in Clearfieltl, one in (iuliili, one in (irn bnm, and one in Hunton. Tlieyaro all flmt-cliiHii builtliiifra, and well venti lated. . Tlio building in J ItiHton Din tiitt wan, when coinpleted, tlio fluent in the county. It in built of wood. Mnin building in &2x32, with win, llixo. Jt ban two Ptonea, the upm-r fourteen feet ill height, linil tlio lower fifteen feet. On eneh fliMir uro two larj'e rvjintil rooniH, ontl two ppoilatinn mount, ft ia fiirniHlietl with Hubntan. tiul pntent tliBkM, and hah t ho nevcHNnry fiieilitii'Hfortboroiijrliveiililittion. Tbo builtlinrr l anrmonntetl with n dtuiio eoutuininir a tine toned bell, and Htantln on a lot two hundred feet aipiure. Tin) entire eowt wan (10,1100. 'I he hiiililitif; was oonntrueted for tlio iiiirpono of e tnblwhiiig n "(Vnlnii (ll(;li School," that pupil in nil liHrUol the dixtriet, could rvecire the uilvuiitiii'itt of a high er education, without the great cxpeime ineurreu ny aentlniK them away to ut- tentl arhool. The oelinol Ih diwined to bo kept open ten months durinif tlio year, and nince the orjpinizntion, haa proven a nuccitw. , . . One of the hornum in Hell towiiHhin. being tbo rlneHt in tho dixtrirt, was built anil furnished by Mcniira. John and Henry M'tiee, and pivaented to tne tliHtnct. A birf0 h id rommodioiitt biiek builii. ins Imri (een eiwted in Clettrtield luir- otih. It it) ariimired to ucccmimixlnte lour huntlivO pupils, and ih tho tn'Mt in tbo conntv. The Htvlo of nrchiteettire in (root!. Mr. i'.tnx Ale, an architect of cnnntderiilile experience, from Clear fieltl, formetl the deniin both for the Penfleld and Clearfield hMiltlitim. The iiwtitution will be termed, the "Leon- nnl f:n.,lA.I W.1,1 " f .1....... Hon. Jnmeci T. Loonnnl, who pnwnteii tbe urouiidB and otbcrwiw contriliiiUtl liln-'Ttlly to itH aupport. Aa tbe build- inir is not vet l'urnihed, a further de scription will bo delayed until my next n port. it., - , i f I The irroundH iiihiii which all Ihe new buildings have been erected, are of sufficient aiae, none conlaiimiif le than-half an acre. The houaer) are all supplied with go-Kl atuila, but all need good aiparattiH. MlrJCKLLAKKorR. Tho diroctoni of ('urweiiHville lxtr ough have fenced in their school grounds, planted shade trees, erected new outbuildings, supplied the schools with all necessary apparatus, repainted tlio buildings, lucrcoHed tne teachers salaries 110 per month, and supplied nearly llOOtoincreasc the public school library - The directors of Knox towimhip have had all their school grountls sur veyed and a plau drawn ot each and pi need in the bands of tho secretary. J hree new schools have been estab lished ; one in Bell, one in Decatur, and ono In Huston. Tho salary for teach ing was increased in Dell, Clearfield, t urwensville, Huston and harthans. Tho majority of tho schools hove been visited by the directors each month. and a great interest has been mani fested by them in mostnt the districts. WOHK DONE BY TF.ACIIKRS. Dirtrirt httituit$. Tho teachers in tho following district held institute meetings during the winter school term, vis: liell, Bradford, Hradliird lndp., Itraily, liurnside, Bridgeport, Chest, Clearfield, ('urwensville, (iulich, Hus ton, Knox. Lawrence, Lawrence lndp., Lumber City, New Washington, Penn, I'iko and ( nion. An iiiiproveiuent was made In the manner of conducting tho institute work, by the teacher, when the meeting was held, keeping tho school in session during tho Nilur- dny foreiHKin, in onler tlmt tho other loncuers nttgitv are inn iitutiiier oi ai-aeii-iiig. A part of tho term in tho aftor- nisin, was then employed in discussing tlio methods adhered to in the lore- noon. An evening session was Md with each day session, to awaken an interest among tho citir.ens. The in- stitut were nuiro aticeessfnlly con ducted, and liiiit h better atlendiil by toachers and citir-ens, this year than last. COI NTY INSTITI'TE. The County Institute convened in Clearfield, on IIccchiIkt 22d, and con tinned In session live days ; ono hun dred and seventeen teachers were pres. ont, with thirty-eight directors, and although the time was not allowed by directors, and the roads were in such a condition as to render it difllcult to get In from miiny distrk ts, yet the teachers sacrificed much tn attend, ami while present, labored faithfully forthe advaucoment ot tbe schools. The subjects considered in tho Insti tute were nntv Ihoso stiu-ifestetl by teachers and directors, as not being fully understood, and tbe iinpmvo- monta that tne wonui "j ' moml A irreater amount of work waa tlono this year than last; ami it was also rendered more practical by teacher coming prepared to write an mi tli no of their work upon the black board. The Institute owed much of its success to tbo presence of tho Mate Superintendent, Dr. J. 1'. Vt tckcrshani and Dr. Wm. Cat tell, President olXafiiy etto College, Kaston, Pa. Prof. J. A Cooper, Principal of the Statu Normal School at Ktliiiboro, and Mrs. A, M, Martin from Pittsburgh, were engaged aa instructor. Tho following gentle men rrom Clearfield hornnghacjiverod Inrtnictive leetnres; Hon, Wm. Bigler, Hon. W. A. Wallace, Rev. H. R. But ler, Wm.- M. McCnllongh, Kstp, ami John H. Kulfoni, Esn. Tho eitirem of Cleariluld rendored overy aasistance tn mako the Institute a success, and to make it agreeable and pleasant for tho teacher and instructors present, and richly deserve tho thanks ol all con nected, fur their generous hospitality ann interest tnamicaicii in tne worn, It trivc me pleasure to report that durinn my visit tn the schools. I found a great Improvement In the teachers' era what they want done, antl are care work. One hundred and three houses j ful to visit the School each month, and properly cleansed; on hundred and sco that this work required by them Is sixty two kept properly ventilated, n heat the condition of the honne would permit; a call-bell was found In ever' bouse but eleven ; a programme of ex t'poiscaj n all hut six, titwl n rnuny It I was tifiilly trained iiiiiI liuiig on the wall, r.very teacher ailbeitil toitcon- VliiiiiY'f''x'Mluiit ThJvAintl system "f gNleml leasons'was tlscd In twenty- two schools, with good success, Liter ary exercises were held onco a week In elghty-aoven schools. Kducational works were taken by fifty-six teachers ; eighty-plx teacher held public exami mtliiniN nt the cIimc of their term, and umny of tbcni reKirfetl to the jmrenls, by menus of a certificate, stating the number of days in attendance anil the progress mm'lo by tho pupil. All the lonelier reported to me once a month. -fit. All woniiik. Death fn Invaded our ranks during the year. M iss ( 'larn P. I rvin, having taught her first year, tiled, 'i ' ' " ' . ' i WOHK DONE MY SI'PKUINTENIIKNT. RinniiiiitHiiiitJlrlil. Thirtv-ftmrMib- lie exnniinntioiis were held, at which iwo It u i id rot! nud thirteen applicants wereexumiiied. Ofthtwe. four received professional, anil one hundred and eighty-six provisional certificates, and iwenty-lnnrverereicctod. Wo private examination were grunted, and no certificates grunted for one year. No ferlifientes were granted to persons who had not matlsoitie work on "Theory of Teaching." One hundred anil eight directors were met at the examinations, and three hundred and fi fly-six cttisens. I mis.-Made two hundred and four teen visits to schools, averaging two hours each, by whicli one hundred and seveiity-six wore visited onco, and thirty-eight twice, and one school was not visited. NORMAL INSTITUTE. The County Normal Institute was held for term of twelve weeks, In the borough of ('urwensville. Messrs (ioo. W. Weaver and J. F. McKcndrick assisteil in teaching. It was well at tended by teachers, and the course of nistmctiou wus suited to tho wants of tho schools in tho county. Instruc tion was given each day in "Theory of. 1 caching. - f 5 ' : MIM'ELLANEOU. 1 ' During my visits to the various schools, I graded a card with the lead ing subjects that would muko a success ful teacher, and points necessary to be arrived at by every toucher, antl pre sented this that many of my sugges tions would not he forgotten ;ulsn, that it would form a system for a grade on Pructice on t Tmehing." Spent offi cially, two hundred and forty iluj-s; traveled 17KH miles; wrote throe hun dred and sixtv-tnio official letters; held twenty-ono educational meeting; cop ied anil forwarded to "School Depart ment," thirty-four Annual District Ite porta. twelve Smicrliitcndent's Month ly Report, one Statistical Report ; at tended seven District Instituto meet ings anil held one County Institute for five days, and attended the ennferenoe ot County Superintendents at llarris biirg. During the past your, It has been my effort to so systematise my work, that all districts would receive equal advan tages lit mi my labor, believing that if any improvement would ttonetit ono school, they should lie suggested to all. I he sumo method wus adhered to in conducting each examination, and tho method explained to tho teachers and directors. Distributed equally, public documents to each board of directors; kept tbe sumo two office days each month, ami suggested, as nearly practicable, the same methods for im provement to each school. Knur copies of the school law were distributed to each board. hi:oiikstioN. Vrsf. The opinion that prevails with some school directors, that they are elected to discharge their Inborn accord ing to their own judgment, independent ol a regulated school law and school sys tem, is certainly doing much injury. Year after year, a great number of tho schools ro rvjiortcd without .proper outhouses. ;o apparatus worm men tioninir : irnmnds not suittthlvinmmved: house not properly ventilated ; poor stove and poor blackboards; schools not visited by directors, and schools not properly graded, and many other glaring detects, which keep the school work from advancing a rapidly a it should, and vet theso are all lubjecta to bo consitlercd by every director elected, and duties incurred upon him, as an officer, to attend to. Tax-payers do not desire that the schools of the succeeding generation may be first- class), but that we may uavo good schools for the iinprovment of tho pres ent advancing pupils. Home directors oven desire to dictate the number of months to he taught, and how the term should lie divided, claiming that they nro willing to lose the State appropri ation, liocause it is line than the cost of keeping tho schools open one month. Also, in scarcity of teachers who have been examined, they will employ persona who have not been examined, to await the coming ot the superintend cut, that he may examine them during his visits. Those are privileges not yet granted to directors by law, and hence, are departures from correct system which alone can mako our work successful, t iiisens do not com plain of high taxes with good schools, but high taxes with poor schools; and they elect directors, entrusting to their care the duty assigned by the law of tho laud, of giving them a sumcient numlier of good schools for tho ad vancement ot'thcir children. All other interests are demanding means for their support, and to any extent that tbe school work is neglected, other im provement encroach upon tt and get tho moans that otherwise won Id be employed for its advancement. Many director labor faithfully and discharge their dntios with much credit to them selves, but some strive earnestly to get the oltlco, and then complain that it does not pay sufficiently to enable them to put in much time. Kiiongh efficient men can bo found in any district, who feel interested enough in th school work to discharge, this duty without a salary, Scomt. In referring fo the Decisions of tho School Law, we find that "over fifty pupils cannot le taught success fully in ono school ;" also, "that un graded common school aro Imperfect common schools, and should only be tolerated whilo the circumstance of tbe dial net render grading impossible. Also, "that graded school decrease the expenses of the district in propor tion to tho amount of instruction im parted." There aro now localities where sixtv or novutrtv Diinils are at tending ono school, and very littlo ad vantage is derived in comparison with tlio great benctit tlmt would result from a system of grading schools. Of such wo find the borough of New Washington, Lumber City and Hotitx- tlalc. The villages of Hurnside,ln Burn sitle township; (ilen Hope, in BofCBria; Jayncsville, in (iulich; Bigler, in Brad ford ; and in tac t, every locality where sixty or nxsro pupils could bo collected t one whool, sbniibl have a graded school, : t ' TAifif. Proper system and proper controlling powers aro more needed In tho country, in the common school work.thananyotlicrmcnsnns. Boards of directors are too willing to be satis fied with teacher wno are mwmi-iT tn a vicinity as good workers and are too apt to condemn others, who by of. tut, 1 1 i ! ! a rti n 4 kml m J mmuSh bocomo utiHi)ulnr, , The school board is tho teachers support, and they re the persons who have entire control of, the school, and it is on them the miecwsrirtho sctxrot depend. 1 If they aro careful in elootlntT ifood teachers. and then are able to inform the teach- done, the schools will progress, The elect the directors, and tho directors . employ tho teachers; ; hence, tbo tencurs are working for the director aro but to carry out the! Iiieiiauivs adopt ed by the school hoard. During my visit U) schools, J havo! loiinil tcacliem who were vigorously carrying nut a thoniiigh course of truiii ing, w ho were condemned by who had never visited the schools, antl also faulted by directors when ol her teacher in tho sumo district were commended for advancing the pupil rapidly, without heingthoroin;h. Thus system wns not adhered to, and merit was not upheld. Were each sccrclury employed by his reiective board as a District Su perintendent, with a stipulated salary, untl required to visit all tho schools once a month, mid rcsirt tn tho board their condition, it would improve this work. He could receive a list of suir- gestion for the Improvement of the scIumiIs from tho County Siiieriuteud- euis at the beginning ol the term ; also, thedctW-t pointed nut during the visits could bo presented to the school liourd by him. The many suggestions given in the 'oo Journal, which is received by tbo Secretary, and tbo many sug gestions given by tbo Superintendent, are lost by there being no lverson In the district to enforce them. There is a way of coin'lliiig iiicii, in all other positions, to do work as the employers wish It done, and why not with kcIkkiI work? Wore director to sec tho many pupil that are placed at the be ginning of the books each term, tor four or five tortus, from tho opinion of each teacher, claiming that his prede cessor was not thorough in his train ing; were they to see many pupils leaving school each year at the ugo ot eighteen or twenty years, who could not pas an examination in one-third of tho comniou schtsil studies, and also find many in each (list net who do not get inside of a school room (Inring the entire term, they would certainly see the necessity ol a closer supervision. Fourth. In districts where parents do not visit tho schools, a great advan tage i derived by sending a small certificate to the parents, once a month, setting forth the number of days the pupil has attended, ami the progress made. Many parents thoughtlessly keep their children at homo much more than they desire, anil refuse to furnish them with proper upplianccs from day to day, until several weeks, andoften months intervene, before they are really equipped for school. A no tice from the teacher, given in tho right manner, otlen causes parent to re double their diligence, from seeing the many absent days during tho month and the neocasary wants of their chil dren. Fifth. Thogluriiig mistakes in many report book should receive more at tention from tho secretaries of tho school boards. According to the direc tions given, very few could l justly approved. A great many refer from month tn month by the mark, "samo aa previous month," making a term and not a monthly report Many teachers neglect to mako "tardy marks," on the ground that, "it gives tho book a bad appearance," ami they thus destroy the object of the liook ls?ing kept. The reiHirt Ixsik is an nWcr to the teacher's work. Sixth. The school room should be kept in a healthy condition, and made attractive and plcaaunt for the pupils. It cannot bo kept healthy unlet it is scrubbed out at least onco each month, ami then suitable arranirenienui mado for ventilation. Pupils had Is'ttcr re ceive no education than receive it at tbo cost of their health. Tho walls should lie decorated with suitable pic tures, mottoes, o. Tho house Bhould contain good desks, inxsl stovo, a suf ficient amount of apparatus, and a good blackboard. A cheerful teacher can then make it the most attractive' and pleasant place in tho neighliorhood, and citiaen, directors and children, would not think it a punishment to be present. In conclusion, 1 desire to thank tho editors of the several journals in the county, for the assistance they have given our work by printing many no tices and rcixirU. I also thank the many kind citiaens and director that 1 havo met in my visits during tlio year. APPENDIX. Condition of the schools in Clearfield county during the past term : OrouiuU. (iron nds suitably improv ed, a ; grounds ot sumcient sue, Kill. Howe. N umber of first-class school house, 87; number without suitable privy, 103; number badly ventilated, 54 : number unfit for use, 27 ;' numlier built during tho year, 10 ; number of log, 8 ; numlwr of brick or stone, 1 ; number nf frame, 172; number in dis trict, 17. Furniture. Number supplied with furniture during the 3'ear, 12; number with Injurious ftimiture,-46 ; number with suitable furniture, 106. Ajtfiaratu. Numlwr in which ai paratu wa increased during the year, 4 ; number without apparatus worth mentioning, 74 ; number well supplied witn apparatus, in. Schools. Number of schools well classified, H12; numlier of separate school for colored children, 0; num ber of graded schools needod, 14 ; num ber graded during the year, 6 ; num ber of graded schools, 13. 7ii'AfT. Nnmber of failures In teaching. 4 : number who hold such certificaUaunwnrthilv,0 ; number who hold permanent certificates, 9 ; number who hold professional certificate, 4 ; number who havo read books on tesch- ing, 180. Visitation. Numlier nf patron met in thoschools.SO: numliorofdiroeto'rsae- eompanyingSupt.,t0; nnmber of schools not visited, 2 : average time spent at each, 2 ; number of visits to whool by County Superintendent, 226. Districts. Estimated number of chil dren of school age not in school, 94; numlier of district with libraries, 1 ; numlier of meeting held by County Snperintendent,10 ; number employing a teacher not a director a District Superintendent, 1 ; nnmber employing secretary as District Suieriiitcndont,0; numlier in which a district institute Is held, 23 ; number of school regularly visited by patron, 155; number of schools regularly visited by directors, l.w. Private Schools. N umber of teachers employed, 9; number of pupils attend ing such school, I mm; nuinbernt acade mic or seminaries in District, 2 ; num ber of private ungraded school in Dis trict, 4. School. N umtier in which any of tho higher branches are taught, 11; number in which vocal music is taught, 00 ; number in which drawing is taught, 69 : numlier in which the Bible Is read, 129 ; niiiiiber in which hooks aro uni form, 172, Kraminntions. A vomgegradoof cer tificate, 2 ; number of certificates re newed, 0; number examined privately. 0 ; nuiulwr of applicant rejected, 24 ; number receiving professional certifi cates, 4 ; nnmlier receiving provisional certificates, 188; number of directors present, 103 ; number of public exami nations held, H4. TWifSfT. Numlier who have gradu ated at a Stat Normal School, 4 j num ber who havo attended a Htnto Nor mal School, 20 ; nnmber who intend to make teaching a permanent business, 169; nnmber who have taught more than five yearn, 51 ; number who havo taught le than one year, 39 ; number who have had no experience. 35: Av erage ago of teacher, 24 ; number of I females employed, 80 ) numlier of males employed, lirll. The nnly Republican elected to Con gress from North Carolina is a negro in a ntroug ntigru uiavncu . , " There ae 195 male and 194 female patienta in the Slate Lunatic Hospital at iiarnapqrg. We desire to will the attention of tho citizens of Clonrfiultl-county to tlio fact that wo havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where wo intent to constantly keep on Imtnl n full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our slock of l'l A NOS will consist of GEORGE STECK & GO'S PIANOS, STEINWAY & SONS' IMA NOS, HAINES BROTHERS' IMAN0S. Wo are nrcpnrcd a( all limes to furnish nny of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo terms as to prices and Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new nnd popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Knco Tiemolo nnd downward Octave Couiiler,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OKGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and iho NEW HAVEN MELODKON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known to iho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tlio popular and easy LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, nnd no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. LOWe shall lie glud to have you call and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. oci23-'72-ly dlYXDEK'K MITNICJ NTOHjE. Uisrrllanfous. VALUABLE FA EM FOR SALE I ! IN .RARI TOWNHIIIP, Tba uBdtrilf nad offer for aala tha Urm oa whiob ba mow raiidea, aituala in Ulrard towubip, CiMrlthld aironty, I., fom-rly awnatl Hy Jnnio J. Pia. Tba farm aoaUiaa 120 aaraa, aatl fa rtrr Jeaintbly boated. Tb baildino araall new, aod aoaatrt of a larff frama houM, baring good ecllar anderaeatb, and good watar aaaToaiont ; targe fruii bara, bUokitailh ihop, waga abed, aprlng bouaa, Ae, Tba batldiaga an t bis (srm irt ti food, if not bailor, tbon oa any form to CloartWd aoMalj. Tba land ia of nperior quality and tn guod atftt of oottivatiou. Poaataiioa will ba givon In tha apring, ar al any tin noil ooavvaiontta lh pnrcbamr. Tbe I em i will ba roeetiuble. l'erauns defirosa of byrcbtuibg eaa nddre iba aubaoribor at Leeuato'a Vlill P. O.. Cloarfttld oonnty, Pa., or apply In peraon on tba prenisea. Any poraona wanting nny Information In regard ta tba quality of iho land, tha kind of bniltlinga thereon, Ae., Ac, enn get the information by nail ing an Pbartff Pie, tn Clearfield, aa ba owned tbe farm for n number ef yean, and of eonrae koowa aliabontit. WKNDK1.L fcNDHKS, Letwnte'a Mtlla, Clearfield Co., Pa. .lanoary 11, 1874. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALKR IN FURNITURE, ATTItKKSKK, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STBKKT, NEAR P.O. The aa4craln4 tea leave te Inform tne eltl- ssaa of Clearteld, aa4 tka pablie generally, Ibet ae has ea hanA aae aeeartmeBt f Pnrultar, sack as Cneetnat aal Palate Chamber Sulua, Parlor Snitca, aad Estcaatoa Ca.irs, Ladles' aad Ocata' Keejr Chairs, tbe Per forated Dletag aad Psrl.r Chairs, Caae SeaU ul Wladenr Chair., Clothe Bare, Step and Rilea sioa Udders, Hat Raahs, Seraableg Braahea, Ac U0DLD1NO AND PICTURE PR A MRS, Looking Olaaees, Chrome, Ac, which weld b aaltabl ler nolle prwenia. decl'7t JOHN TROUTMAN. HUEY dk CHRIST. fiaeeessors to KRYDKR A CO. mo THOSE INTKRKSTKD IN TnE PUR- X C11AHK OP A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, Far Mod Meal Parpoeea wa offer nallVy'M Pure ltye, Prlea II to $4 per gallon, and will ahip In pack age ta antt pnronaaara. Wa alee handle largely n COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Prlc from $:.MtoI.TS. We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, Aad are alt maaafaetBrere ot DR BTtEVEU'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend for prhM Uet. - HT7KY CHRIST. apr.ll-im 111 North Third SL, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD aCALEN, OF ALL KINbl Bftggngn Barrawa, Warahonaa Trneka. Copying Preetea, Improrad Money Drawer, Aa. II. FT BIGLER & CO., Dealer la Hardware. BehM::e.lf Recoad Street, Clearteld, Pa. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! ManafMlured eapeeially for TllR CLKARFIKLI) TRADE, a " aAi.i it nngS'Tt n. f BUI LRU A CO. SALE! A larga nnd well lnUhad Drlok Dwelling, altn. ato on tbo river bank, In tha borongh of Clear eld, containing alevaa rooma, with good aollnr, water In tha kitaban, and nil tha modern eon re nte n ere. Pnntrlea, Bath-room, Clotbea-preaaea, Ao. Let aitty feat front and two hundred and thirty feat bank, with a twealy foot alley oa tha eaat aide. Sold balldtng, with all tba appurUnaaeee, will ba aold abeap, with paymentato init perehe aar. Applieatlon eaa ba made ta tha nnder elgned, or to A. 0. Tate, Btq., who will glra nil neoeatary Information to thoaa who deitre to ia apoat tha property. THUS. al. MLfvl'idbUl'IIII. May Hat, mi, tf. i Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWILL'l,) Far all dtaeaaet laeldaat tn Roma, CatUa, nnd Hnmna Fleih, retiring tho no of an atonal application. Tkli Imbrooaiion m oitanaltalv naed by lha Qeearamaat dnrtng tha war. for aala by Hortawlck A Irwin, Clanrlald Jeacnh H. Irwin, Onrwanaellla. Pnnlol UooaV unat, Lntharahnrg. af. Attention, Lumbermen! WE are aew saaaalactarlng e IMPROVRD BTERb.BOL'KVT DRIVlNtl CANT HOOKS, saparlar ta aa; ether ia aee. We have ale la ataoh a large a,Mlity f Oaataohs suita ble tor raAlag yarpeaaa, which w. ar. mdliag rmnf rov eaaa. snub n. aartflAHU, ClaarSeld, Pa., March IS, 1ST I. QUNSMITHING. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shoe ea Third Street, ever Rile', hlaeeemllh ikp, CLRARglKLU, i'a. All Binds t RUal aad Shl Qeaaea hand. Repalrlag la a tnl-alaas aaaar aad at hlr prteaa, s " ia a) MARKET STREET, (ILEA II F I K Ia 1, 1' K 2V N A . terms of payment. 3Pi$rtiUiurou$. c LEARFIELD PLANING MILL'stovemi htoyiwi COMPANY. ffII E onrtrraigncd, aneeeiaora to REKD A X POVKI, L, have tiurrliaactl Iho CLKAR VlV.Llt Pi.ANlNtl MILL, nnd refitted it for doing na eitenaiee busineee. All the maahinery will bo added aeeeuary to moke it ooe ef tbo moat complete eatab iahinenle ol tha kind in tbo Rtate. Tbey are now prcared to reeeire orders for any work in that lino. Tbey will gireirperial attention to all material! for home building. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARUING, SASH, DOORS. BUNDS, ilRaVKETR, erlOf IJI.rf.,Af. OP ALL STYLES, nlwnya on hand.. WORKED BOARDS, nnd nil ariiclee necraxa ry for building, will bo axe hanged for DltY Ll'MUKR, ao that persona nt a dUtanrc may bring their lumber, ei change It for, and return home with tba manufactured artlelra. The Company wilt el way have on band a large tioen or dry lumber, no aa to oa nine to nit aa order on tha aborteat notice. Only tha best and most skillful hands will ba employed, an that the publie may rely upon good work. LumWr will bo worked or aold as low aa It aan be purchased anywhere, nnd warranted te giro aatisfnotion. Aa tba bualoess will be done upon tbe eaah priaciple wa eon afford to work for smalt proBU. PRY LUMBER WANTED! Bapoclalty one and-a -half and two Inch panel atuff, for which n liberal prioe will ba paid. Tha bailneea will ba eon ducted under the name of tha "Clearfield Planing Mill Co." 0. B. Merrsll will pvreoaslly eepsrlnlend th. bueinee. Orders rcrpclfullv aollcitod. 0. R. MERRKLL. H. H. TAYLOR. M. O. I1R0WN A I1R0. CleerSeld, Pa., J.aaar; S, 1874. READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS P STATIONERY. Market Ht.. Clenrfleld. (at tbo Pont Offire.) fpliB undersigned bega leavo ta annonnaa to 1 tba eltiiana of Clew-Held nnd Tialolty.thnt he haa Itted p a room nnd bna Jnat re tarn ed from tha ally with lnrga nmonntof rending attar, consisting In port of Bibles and Misoellaneoas Books, Blnnk, Aeeeunt nnd Pass Book a af every de eeriptloa Paper and Bnvelnpea, French pressed nnd plain i Peaa and Pensile f Blank, Legal P-.pere, Deads, Mortgagee Judgment, Ktenp Una and Promlasory notes) Whita nnd 1'nrehf meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Mnslafor either Piano, Flnte or Violin constantly an hand. Any hooka or atntlonary desired that I may not have on hnnd, will be or ordered by Irat aaproaa, and aold at wboleeala or retail to inlt eus torn era. I will nlao keep period ienl literature, aaah as Mageataea, News papers, Aa. P. A. QAUL1F uioaraeia nay j, laoa-u OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY. 08CEOLA STEAM MILLS, asaiirAcriiRaa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS awe Sutrrtl Patent Pibbed Shingles. It. II. SllII.LlNUFORD, Prealdent, Onto PorMt Piece, No. II B. 4lh St., Phll'a. JOHN LAW8IIR, Qeneral Bup't., Osceola Mills, ClearSeld county. Pa. Also TOWN LOTS fur rale la Hi borough f Osceola. Aiso-Kcep the LAROKST A3S0RTSIKNT af Uocd. la ClcarA.ld uaty at tbeir Memmolh Store la Oseecla. Jaaa-74 Lime tor Sale I Till underlined, residing near tbe depot haa made eompleta nrrnngementa with Lima Burners east of tha mean tain, whereliv he is snn- bled to keep tonttantly on hand a large quantity of PURE LIME! which be offers to farmers and build en nt a (rifle above eost. Thoaa in need of tha article would do wall to give mo n nail, oruldreaa me by latter, be fore negotiating their lima. UKO. C. PABSMORK. Clearfield, Pa., June I, 1A. The Lightning Tamer. flMIR aadarilgaed ar the sol Ageats la tela I eoaaty (or the "North Americaa llelvaalted LIOHTNINv RODS." Tbeae are tha aaly safe rod. aew la aaa, aad are endoreed by all tba eeteatlSe'meB la the evaatry. W hereky aoilfy tba ailleeas af lha ecnty that wa will pat them ap a Better red, aad tor leea moaey, thai is abarged by the rnrelga whe eaaaally Iraveree tha eeuatt aad aire ef aar littlo cask, .ver I ntarw. ENCOURAGE I10MR LABOR. Tinea wlahlng Llgbtnlaf Reda erected a their bwlldlaga aeed bat eddreee ae by letter, at all la pereea. We will pal them ap aaywher la theeawnly, aad warreat them. Tbe Rodaaad Pillar na be eaea al any tlma by Bailing al r.t.r. U. P. BIULKR A 00. OIrSld, March , 1.1 very Ntnble. , THE BadcrslgBjed hege leave ta Inform tbepnb II that be le anw fully preparvd le accnmai d.le all la tbe way of rarnlanlng lluraea, Rugglaa, Baddies and Harness, na the aborteal anllce aad en reaeea.hl. terms. Reettteace ea Loraatatreet, katweea Third ad Poanh. list). W. OEASnART. Tlaarlell, Pah. 4, KT4. rtisrrtl.nufoniJ. I' rnil K i, A HGE8T T ASSORTMENT OK over brought to tbe cnoaty, err lwlng rrcclred at tht Hardware K.l.bM.hmrnl of H. V. BlfiLKK V CO., compriaing tbe following Cooh Store : SPEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUSt.UEIlANNA. KEC1UI.AT0R. NOPI.K. EXCEL8IOn. TRIUMPH. GOV. FENN'. READINO NATIONAL RANGE. AC. AC. Alas, tbe following Heating 8lovea: SPEAR"? ANTI CLINKER. SPEAR'S ANTI IWST. WEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK. MORNING I.ltlHT. HON TON, OIPSEV, VULCAN, - SUNREAM. RUBV OAITPIIIN E0(1, CHESTER EHU. VOLCANO. PUOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM 8IOV US, AC. Cleerleld, Sept. ti, 1STJ. rpo THE FRONT! (iRK.AT EXCITEMENT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Tbo undersigned having just Itted up new, Urge and comfortable rooms on Market street, near Third, frspeet fully Inforfi tha pablktbat ha now, d rep a red to aeoommodata them with everything in his linn on short noliee and al all hours of tbe day. He keeps on hand EUF.SII DREAD, RUPK8, R0LL8, PI EH, CAKES, nil kinds. ICK CJIKAM, and a general aaaortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRl'ITS, NUTS, 4c. All of which will ba delivered le euitomeraattht-ir naidenoaa, when renartod to do ao. ICR CREAM, by tho dlsb.aorred Inn neatly fur airhed room. Thankful for tba generons patronage bent owed in the past, ha bopei to merit aad receive a cou tinuanoa of the name from hit old ensto tnvrii, nnd othera. JOHN STADLER. June lS.'TJ If. O. I. (3. TI 7" II ERE to buy my DRY 000DS, ORO- f orriaa, Qunwnr, tllaasware, Drug and Notions, ConfeoUoneriea, Aa,, cheap for oash. The eubaeriber bega leave ta inform bia old audi new onatomera that be haa opened A VARIETY 8T0RK IN (1LKN lini'B, PA. And will sell goods al nrloea to auit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to eurtomera buy ing at wholesale. Call and eiamlne my cinch before purehaiing elsewhere. A liberal share of public patronage ia eol .cited. C. J. KB AMY. Olcn Hope, Pa., June U, 1871. II. F BIGLER & CO.'S SPECIALTIES- BUILDKRS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, 1.1'MIIERMKN'S tlARDVTAItB, PARMINO ttTENSILS, MILL fiUPI'LIES, IRON NAM.?. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' PINDINIIS, CALCINED PLASICI1. Mar II, IS7J. UNDERTAKING.' Jli-.anoaa.ft '-Tl .,! t The undersigned aro arry aa tha busiaeis of fully prepared to IXDKItTAKIXtJ. AT REASONARI.E RATES, Aad reapecllully solicit th pstroasg cf lb1" ceiling euch servlera. 1 JOHN TnOt'TMAN, JAMES L.LKAVV. Cleariel.1, Pa., Fob. la, III. WILLIAM M. 1IHNHY, JrsTnif orvna Paira awn Si aivama, U'MIirS CITT. C.llecllnne made and mnsev prompll paid aver. ArtMleeof agreement and derda ' oavcyance aeallj axecaud aad warraalrd cor rect ar an charge. a'Jy'TI