THE REPUBLICAN. CLBAIU-MKLD, PA WKDNKMMY MnitMNi), AUGUST M. iT4. i Terms of Subscription. I' paid in advance, or within three mMht,$3 09 It (mid iifter tlireonad hefurtt mix months 1 &0 t paid After the expiration of ill months... OO notici.j. Metlimllst r,plcopal Church Hev. A--D. VocitH, INiator. Publlo Service every Sabbath it lOt A. M., and Tt P.M. Sabbath School at A. M. Greyer Meeting every T liucaday, at 7i 1'. 11. Communion Servian, drat . KtUlmlti ef .at-ery jionth, at 1U1 A. M. Preabyterlau Church Rev. II. B Dim it. Sabbath services morning and ev.-nl.iB; Hb bntfe Muhoul at X P. M. Prnvsr Meeting Wednes day evening. Ht. fraucla Churrh C&tlioltr Kcv. P. J. KiIbmuam. Mass at lOf, o'olork A. M on the . inriin J kiid fourth Sundays of eiuh month. . i OFl'ltl U DIKECTOHV. TIMB Or HULIHIU UlTA'lTER BKA8IO.fl COURT, Second Monday of January. Third Monday uf March. Pint Monday of June, Fourth Muudiiy of September. , ': TIMB Off HOLDINO COMMO Fint Monday of June. Second Monday of November. , , . s rt'RLto orriciri ' ' Pruident Judge Hun. Cbarlrs A. Mayer, of Look 11 uvea. i4i tula nl La Judge Hon. John II. Orris, of lie m-l unto, Attociitt Judyt Willi nui C. Foley, Cle&rflold j John J. Hoed, (Jurwentrille. Prolkonotary Aaron 0. Tuts, . , - Hegieter aud Recorder -A.. YV. Le. ' ' ' Vittriet Attormey Frank Fielding. - Treawr David W. Wiio. Sheriff William K. MoPhnsnw. Vvumty Jfniwyor Siipiuol F. McCloekoy, Car wensvllle. Canty CommieeiontrtY, F. Couterct, Kart haui Jiihu I. Thompson, Curwens villa, Clark Brown, Clearfield. CoHttfy Audi tort Reuben McPhemtn, Clear field) James If. llilo, Lumber CHy Lewis C. lilonin, Clearfield. 1 Jury Commituouere John W. tshugsrt, Jitmes Mitchell, Clcarfled. Superintendent of Public Schoote John A Gregory, Clearfield. Aotarln PubttJon W, Wriest. Win. 1U debaugb, Cyrui L. Gordon, Clearfield; Joeiah, Joseph H. Irwin, Curwonsvills ; J. J. Lin. gie, Uioeoia mtlia; Johnston union ud, ijuiuers rg. Mr. A. II. A! it ton, denlor in Middles and harness, haa changed bis quarter. He will hereafter be found on Market street, opposite the Court House Anotiikr Hia Shin. Wo notice that Messrs, T. J. Hubbard A Co., have eome to the front and placed a bandiome aign over tbelr Ilard ware room on Market itreet, opposite the Court Home. e - Lriiuru Bi:rnki. Wo umU'rHtHnd that a larjje quantity of tamW wai burned at Owem A MsKnally'a raw mill, In Pccittur town ahip, on lant Friday night. The fire ea quite visible In tbU place. The lumber wia Inaured. - . . ii.i Wo notice tlmt onr townsman, Mr. D. R. Fullcrton, la traveling ai ealeaman for t be hat and fur houte of W. V. Llppincett A Co., PhHadolphia. MReg."li a clever gentleman, and we hope he will make hit mark In hli now field, e e " ' ' The now comet will ho viwihle with the aid of a telcaoope In the evening till about the end of tbli month, and In the morning during the whole ef September. It la not likely to la ootne brilliant enough to be teen with the nakud Good. Mr. W. P. Item!, of Lawrence townahip, eihibttrd to ua a few daya alnoe a lot of ten pcara, whioh grew on a bud two yoara oM, tho imallcft of which mcaiured eight inohea in eircun.ferenoe. Rather a productive bud thai, we ahould lay. ' ' New Hank. A new Innkinghnii8e hai been itarted in thia plaoa (Ridgway) by Je rome Powell, 0. R.. Farley, Chai. R. Kline, and John 0. Hall, with Charlea R. Kline ai Caihier. , The bank li ityled the Elk County Bank and la located in Ilatl'a new brick building.J7i Conn; A dtoeale Elk Cor nt y Covhts. The time for holding the regular terma of Court hereafter ln Elk county will be at folio wn Bern pt ember terra, j on the third Monday of September) November term, on the third Monday of Wffvember j Janua ry term, on the fourth Monday of January ( May term, on the fourth Monday of May. Mb." GrKOORY'B liKPORT. Tho sec ond annual Report of the County Superintendent of Common Schoola of Clearfield eounty will bo found to full on our (earth page. The report well arranged, and the appendix giro a blrd'aeye view of onr icboola, which will ho aieful for refer ence. 1 Di sen a ro ed. Ho v. J. J. Davis, who had been Beeehcrlng a member of hit eongrega tlon, and far whioh be wai imprisoned, wai dia eharged last week and allowed to go home and provide for hit family, which, we understand, was supported by the good neighbors during tho Im prisonment of tho notorious team p. The Roiuikrh. Tho scoundrels who broke into Mr. Jirldge's store, several weeks agn have been Ir acted eastward. Some goods and lothlng have been recovered, which wore sold to farmers In Morris township, this county, and Port Matilda, in Centre eounty. It appears that the parties are peddling the goods over the conn try, oiling them to the farmers at panle prices. We hope the villains will be overhauled and receive their merited punUhment. Camf-Meetino. Tho Juniata Val ley CaiDp-meetingoommeneed yesterday, and will eontlnue In session for ten days. The grounds are located on the tine ef the Pennsylvania Rail road, a little north nt the village of Newton Ham 11 tonthirty -five miles below Tyrone anil twenty one miles above Lewlitown. Tho dip lance from Clearfield is, therefore, seveniy-sit miles. Per sons oan leave this place in the morning and arrive on the grounds lu time for the morning service. For information, address J. K. Rhodes, Beorctary, Newtown Hamilton, Pa. m a Lint of lottors remninini? unclaimed In the Postnffloe at Clearfield, for the week ending August 24 lb, l"M: Brown, D. J. , Jones, Atesatxlr-r Camble, L. Mason. Miss Mlna Drinrql, Timothy Marshall. Mill Maggie Dicker, Mre. William Powell, Fred. Kckerd, Miss Jenoie Bteitt, Win. H. Knger. Stephen Pmith, Heckle 0. Fall, W. P. Tyler, Mrs. Mary 11 e I vane, Q. P. Watson, Frances Henry, It. W. Woodlln, Thomas I sett, R. B. P. A. OAUMtf, V, M A Market Boras. Sinfftilar ns it may seem, it Is nevertheless true, the farmers of I.twreooe and Bradford townships are moving in the matter of ereetioga market house In tho borough of Clearfield, while the eitisena of the borough seem to care but little about it, although the most Interested In the enterprise. Meetings have been held in the townships named, tho proceedings of on of which will be found In Hi Is lasue. This Is a more In the right dineUont and If eonsumalcdj will result In much good to producers and con sumers, s mm pKRTRrcTiVB Finis. On Mondny night, (the 17th Inst.,) the steam sawmill f J. M. Outbtle, of this place, located about two wiles to the right of Pine Flats, waa discovered to be on Are, and by the lime assistance arrived was wrap ped in flames and totally destroyed. There was about 900,000 feet of lumber piled about the mill, which was also destroyed. It la not known posi tively how the flre occurred, bat It Is supposed to have been eauaed by the spark arrester, which had Mown off on that day and the mill men leg lected putting It on again Minnm JDemoerni. Saw Mill Hi rnkd. Wo learn that the dwelling house and raw anil), together with 4OK.0OO feet of sewed lumber, belonging to John T. Rishel, of Brady township, was destroyed by tire on Friday last. The lots Is not less than from ail to seven thousand dollars. The greater pottion of the lumber wit owned by ether par ties, bnt Mr. Biskei's lota is, neverlMai, very heavy, and will fall severely upon him. AH that he posreesed, he acquired by Industry and strict economy after years of labor, and bo will no doubt hare the aailstaaoe of his neighbors, who know full well how to appreciate his loss. The origi ef the Ire la an known. Fire. Wo learn hy tho Cambria rrtB, that a line large dwelling house at fit Augustine, owned by Dr. J. J. Krlse, who now resides at Lloyd's Station, and occupied by Dr. J. C. Kmlgh (recently of this place) and Dr. Krlse1 leather, was destroyed hy fire between 2 and 1 o'eleek on Sunday morning laU The flea Is bo I let ed to have been the work of an Ineendiary, aa the oeeupanta dcelaro that (Ura was no Sraabent the house after six o'clock (he previous atoning. Dr. Kmlgh tared all ef his furniture, bat Mrs Kriee, who was abtrt at tha tine, wes not so fbrtanate. We did net learn tbo loss, bat andor- ttand thai the building was la sated for 94,000, LETTER FROM NEW WASHINGTON, Nsw Wasptfcoieji, Pa , Aug. 2 let, 187 J. Mr. Spitok t "liL're-eoejoa to boaootethlng as suming In writing and thrusting Into public notice tho local ewati of a counuun lly, but I have ootu'ludtd that If no abler poq than tuine will aasuius thia dty I till) dt-avor lo Mmtiibute my mite. I am rorry tlmt I httvc nothing of im portance to offer In favor of uav village. The In evitable bard I tinea teem lo bavu burdened our oititctit with a spirit uf diipeiulbnuy, Instead ol enterprise, rhlcb, of course, has proven detri mental to progreaa. Only a fi-w utnJer this con suming lethargy are able to "paddle their own canoe, " and even tbt-y arc "pulliug hard egaiut the atreum," ltabuoU only with tbo cbtriintd hito of by and ty reaching a mote.prosperour period. The Sheriff is the most frequent visitor wo have. Ho niakt-a himself vty familiar, llo entire tho homes af tbo uufurtunatr and' tu congenial and happy style, strives to make his visit as pleasant as possible, .) - f,; ;; ( (',; The partnership between Johnston A Hnlo, iu me it urn ware business, lias uueii utssolvoil. Jtno I. Is still lv be fuund at hia post, always nal to aocosiftodato fell fiho fcnry Jhvo him wit a coll. - Our joung frtvnds, crpecially the ladles, S4 to be stricken with a kind ef muaieal mania. ( No tuattur where I go, I brar nothing but tho plain tive and melodious voice of eotuo fair damsel, and tbo richness of the familiar strain Intensified by the eceutupaultncnt of pUno.oc organ But t fur- give, knowing that it li intended only ai a forctnste of what they intend giving ua at the concert, lo be held at Bumsid, on Friday evening, August 28th, under the direction of Prof fthaler, or this plaoe hence, I eagerly await tli sjiproaoblug musical treat. It was my pleasure yesterday, to attend tho closing eaerelsea of the Ncwburg school, which consisted principally of select reading!, orations and addresses. The house Seas orowded with eager spectators, all anxious lo Jieteuf to the pre gramme of the day, and I was glad to say that none went awoy diiappointed. The most pleas-, tng feature which characterised the exVrelset, was the prompt and positive manner In the stu dents performed the duties assigned them. After the students had completed their part, the people were sntertained with an address by L. J. Ilurd, Kq a be presented a few plaits and practical thoughts regarding lbs mission of the School teacher. Ho was followed by Mr. Matthew Sav age, who, in hla entertaining manner, delivered a just tribute te both aeholara and teachor.' It Is only Just to say that the alllilb-e of Mr; J, B. Neff, as a teacher, were fully manifested in the closing exercises of bis school, and Wo bollove duly appreciated by his const Ittit-nts, judging from the many words of coium dilution which be received from them. The base ball club uf this place ( AtMtiios Nu. 2) arc preparing to play tho Wuito Slocking, of , Bcllville, a match game at Bethlehem, on Satur day, the 211th Intt. Mr. Kditor, will yon not come and see the bnniier game oftho season, played by tho champions of the United States 1 Yours, truly, a a m- i -FARMERS MEETING,. ' . 1; At a meeting called by the farmers of Lawrence township, at the public School Homo iu Mont gomery District, on Thursday evening, August 20th, for tho purpuso of organising a Farmers' Association, the tollowing persona were nomina ted and electid as officers of Ilia meeting : Prest dent, Thomas MePherion ( View Priistdints, II. Uulich and Abrarn Humphrey; Trcnrurer John McBride ; Secretary, U. L. 'lullh. . The meeting being called to order by (be Presi dent, John McBilde, Bq., doliverefl an addreifl, stating their object In coming to together, and impressing upon their minds the importance of forming an Association by which to protect and elevate tbelr honest labor. That If U is noevsrary ' for physicians, lewyen and mechanics to form As sociations in order to protect tbelr profits tone, why should not tho farmers of our country have an 1 organiiation, whose Interests are aa great, If not greater, than any other class? Ho stated further, that it was net only necessaryHo have an Ataocia-, tion In which to protect their labor, but that they might by this means bcoume hotter farmers, and produce a belter srtiele by a careful study of tbo science of agriculture. ( Abram Humphrey, Henry tjuliulv and others addrsssed the meeting, after whioh tbo President appointed John McDrlde, Gto. Ouiich and Wm Broclns a Committee to confer wi:b tho Town Council of Clearfield borough, as to the condition of the market lot and the building of a market bouse, aVd to report tho same at the next meeting. The following resolution was ofiorcd by Thomas McPherson and unanimously adapted i j lltiotttd, That it is tho duly of fcrmera to aUnd by fanners la all bonL ufforta to ievale their etnas morally, politically, or otherwise. i Adjourned to meet at Mount Joy, on Thursday irrning, August 27th. M ii, uirucn, necreiary. i Pennsylvania Teachers' Associa-1 tios. The twenty-first annual ten bio of the State Teachers' Association convened In the Cum berland Valley State Normal Sabool building at Shippensburg, on the morning of the 11th Inst., 0. J. Luokoy, City Superintendent of Pittsburgh, presiding, tico. P. Beard, of Sblppensburg, de livered an address uf welcome, which was replied to by James L. Harrison, of Pittsburgh, Ad dresses were made by Hon. J. P. Wiokersham, Stale Superintendent ; Hon. T, J. Dighain, State Commissioner of Statistics ; L. H. F-atoo, of Pitts burgh, and others. At the afternoon aenion President Luokoy delivered hia iunugnral, taking tbo ground that the foundation of true education la In the development not only of the intellect, but of the moral and physical power of man. No lyitem of education is complete tha has not for Ha object the edooatloB of the whole man.. Ed ward Phippcn, of Philadelphia, real a paper on educational antiques, The 1deti method of teaching, old school books, old fancies and oddU ties Id great variety ware presented. At tbo even ing mil on, F. J. Duncan, of Pltftbnrgh, deliver- od an address on the co-education of (he texts favorable te tha subject. ' Tbo attendanoo on Wednesday was very large. Aa able paper on vocal enlturs was rend, followed by an address delirered by Prof. C. F. Hiines, of Dickenson College, on the relation of natural science to popular education. Dr. Woods, of tbi Western University, read a paper on technical education. Wilkeebarre Was selected at the place for the next meeting of the Association. The following nominations were made fur omoort for the ensuing yean W. W. Wo idruff, of Uubs eounty, for President John Morrow, of rttts burgh, for Trfcaaureri J. P. McCloskey, fur Secre tary. At the evening ferslon Prof. Curry lee tured en "Ueotnetry,1 whioh was followed by a lecture on the "Money Valne of Kdiieatinn" by Dr. Hayes, of Washington and JcEersoiJ College. Our County Superintendent, John A. Gregory, was present and participated In the proceedings, The attendanoo throughout the entire session was quite large, all parts of the Stale bo represented. Tho "National Game" in heinic re ed in this section, wbick had, until within a few weeks nasi, become almost cMtnct. The Cblnoleclamoose club, of this place, haa made ar rangements to play a strict of match games with several of lu neighboring etuba before the season close. The first of a series of three games waa played last Friday afternoon, between the Hickory base ball club, of Kylcrtown, and the Cblnolecla moose base ball elub, of this place, on tho grouods of the Clearfield Psrk Association. Below we append the score t cnmcLBct.AiiooaK. o. n. mrxonr, o. Mrers. p 2 Mr ml I, H.,0 4 Hunter, 1st b 2 Mull, 2d b 6 Ilrennor, 3d b 4 Pluiowcr, I. f - 2 Merrrli, ., e. f... Jarksun, r. f 4 Oalsr, t. s 1 Johnson, 1st b... 2 4 Rosenarani, Sd b 2 Moore, 2d b - A Chorpening, r. f... 4 Wallers, p I Wallare,H.F.,s a. t Krale, e. f. 4 Wallace, W., a 8 Hows, I. f 4 Total , ....27 22 Total ..5. 11 HI NS MAt'B BAt'H INNIXU I 1st 2d 84 ttb 6th 6th Tib ftlh th Cbine'mooeo 14 11101 0-22 Hickory.-.. I 1 0 6 11 1 0 011 Umpire Abram Jackson, of PhlHpiburg, Time of game two hours. . . . Great AVinhfall, Tbo storm whicli passed over our oounty en W ednesday a week, mads aad hnvoe la Elk Bounty. The Ridgway Demount says i , The rain fell In torrents, gl tog the streets a deeidodly Venetian appearance, tho only two things requisite to complete tbo eome being the historic gondola aud Ike no less reaoword gondo her. Other than this Ifas storm was not ssrere. What was oar surprise, therefore, te learn lb along Bearer Meadow ran, between Uardner's and Monlaorenoy, there was a fearful windfall, leveling everything te the ground in Its track, which waa about fifty rod wide by more than a mile ia length. Immonne treea of hemlock, pine and bard wood were hurled into a heterogeneous mass, lurmiag a complete ruin. This deetruothe current pasted within Iwsnly rods of 6, O. Wear er e shanty, and eaured anile a consternation amoBi its inmates. Fortunately no one was is jurrd, though giants of the forest were fnllmg all around tt. Tbo coarse of the stotia was from ihe bead of Bearer Aleadow run, la a aoulheasltily direction, crossing lbs turnpike between Oardner's and Moatmorewey. The fire Iter was owned by Jsrkson S. Sebulta, Jerome Piwrll and Grant A Hurton. Probably from 201 to 300 acres were blowa down, which le about equal I v dividual be tween Ihe beforenentioned vwaers. As the scene of this little freak of "Old Boreas ' Is only about four miles float still be seen that ws had qulls a narrow escape. Had this windy demon passed ever our town, the destruc tion of property would have boa foarfuJ, to say nothing or tno inss oi lite. Fatal AYtidknt. $mmivl, Imm-! brignt, aou.of Mr. D.akl Lfinbrlgkiiif thia plaot, met with aj satsfdatt on lyeiOuj SMU'lng. from whieb he died a few hours thereafter. He wna in the employ of his father who le a painter, and wus, at tho lime, painting tbo bow bouse of B.'M. Aulti, Hi-q., in this place. Ho was on a scnuiiid about twenty fet from tho ground and by some means lest his bit lan on, falling to the j; round, hit hands and side of hla head striking Ltjp' gund Jnt, fracturiug bis skutl and produe. ing concussion of the brain, and also fraoturlng both writta. Ho waa conveyed to hli home and Dr. J. M. Smith oallod In, but It was evident (hat ha was beyond human bulp. The accident on. eurred about 10 oVI'ieb, a-u, and Jib died about 3 o'clock, V. w. He leaves a wife aud one child, aa also parents advanced In years, to mourn their loss, Tyrone Dimocrar. t r i nt' i a A 'Windfall. Tho l'hiliplmr Jvurwtt, of last Haturday, says : , , "Rot:" and Hurry Iinho.lun.frT thfsplaee, well known to all uf our eitiaens, have Just oome into a fortune of 1,'Ht.itOO oash, which his been lying in tho Deposit Hank at Aunvilla, Lebanon oounty, for soma jfears left (ti tlsrro, by mttldcu aunt who dad fc'fue men years ag. t She ioyo loft that part of the country lung au, and having no Communication with the deotiasod, their wherea bouts haa juit boen discovered. Their Identity baa been t'aallisti-il and the papers have been sent on. ' Kpcctats.'"" ' Tom Robluson is still ahead in the matter of good and i-hoap harnoa. His establiibment is in Urahaio's Run, on Market street. tipMcvmn Fi'smrraa.- John T root man has just roooived a large lot of very One fu roll ore from the eity within tho put week. Those who really nood none to-day, next week, or oven un til neat rail, wo uft do well to call and a see ruin prices and examine (he new styles. aug2A It . "A thing of beauty la Joy Snow," a faot wntcb la undoubtedly tno reason lor the joy ex Kroaicd i(i look and action of iboso who purvhote arneso, Ac, of Tom. Ilobinaon. His tela are ot-rtainly bnndsome, and are is good as t bey are INFLATION 1 INFLATION I Jumcfl Kerr A Co., reg:irdloia of tlie action of the President, Ore Intaling, and have inflated their already large stock ol Clothing, until it no embraces the finost assort men t ot Clothing and Furnishing Ooods In anv retail store in Pennsyl vania, Uelow plcaio tin (I reduced pries list of a tew nt i lie urnuos emnraoea in ineir sioca : MKS'S COITONADK ST ITS, ONLY fl 00 llli.N'rt UANS1M Kit K Ml' ITS, ON LY O 00 MKN'H ALL-WOuL ?AS. PIIIT. 10 WO MK.Vtf FINK HIAJU IU AU. -HlUiK. .10 00 YOUTHS' HIMTS, $11. lo 20 00 CillLD'H FINK ltLUK CLOTH KUITH, 8 00 CIllLD'H FANCY D1AU. Hl'lTS, 10 Oil CIIILDRKN'H SUITS, all prices, fi ISO to 12 00 Iimlirellaa. Silk, Ulngham, Cotton n large and ft rut assortment. . i , t . t t lloalcrv, Fifty doicna Lisle Thread, Silk, Cotton and English super-stout hose, whioh will be sold at frusa conU up. - Klilrta. Our stock of shirts Is large and com plcte, viiibrauing the Universal, Froiiih Percale, Cotton, Csisiit r 4 mdered, Shirts, In. great variety. i'e would sat to 'oaf eaitcuufr that harina noii ir bt goods at 10 tier cent, loss man neietoiore. wo are prepared to sell them at prieoa that wilt reaJlv astonish everybody. Call early and see for yoiinelves. JAMKS KKRH A CO. Old Wooturn Hotel Corner, t'iuarleld, Pa. 29 r.BAn R. M. M linolly's advertisement la re' gard to Life Insurance. .,. aug!2-ly Call on R. M. M'KnaMy and s?et your life lo- rurcd in tho Old Continonlai Life Insurance Com- paiij, of Ilarttord, Conn. augl2-ly Bcu(.tF.a For Salr. R. Newton Phaw keens s full supply of Fredonm liuggies and Platloru Wagons for sale. To be seen at the Shew House yard- Call on or address bim at Cleartield Penn sylvania, may 13-tf. Ixsuna your life in the Continental Life Insu- ranoe Company of Hartford, Conn. it. 31. L.iAiitii, nirnt augti-iy Wood and Willow Ware of all deserintiona for sale by Jl. F. Ligler A Co. Axr.n. Seventy-flvo doien Clearfield Wood hoppers Axes at 9:UiUm H. F. RIQ LER A Co's. A full linoof HoofloholdUoode. Jenanaed Ware, Ae., ft.r sale by II. F. Riglor A Oo. - RUCAPIICLATION. Bird Cages. Wwod and Willow Ware. , , . r Household tiooda, ' , I ' ' All kinds of Hardware. ' Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. j. l falolned Plasteft - , Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All ol lbs above for salo at the mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. Biglcr A Co., Seoond street, Clearfield, Pa. , - ' r ' 8t Save Timet Save Labor! 8ave Money! Save Clotbosl The" Novslty Wringer" is ths best in the market. Buy It ; try It. For sale by H. F. niotaa m Co. Calcined Plaster for salo by H. V. Bigler A Co pAtxTa Avn pAiNTina' FmnwoB.-Our stock or Fainta and Painters' Materials la onmpleto, in oJuding J. T. Lewia' Puro White Lead. John Lu cas A Co'a Pure White Lead, F. K. A Co s Buck Lead, and a number ofchoaiier bran de of White Lead: also, Liurccd Oil, Turpentine, Ysrnisheaof all kinds, a full line or II, and a full llnaof colors, dry and in Oil. myBtS 11. sr. 1UOI.SB m CO. Montour Elate Paints, for naintlna: houtea In side and outside Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. iieautiiui, durable ana economical, uround in pure LinstMid Oil. tnyaM'73 H. F. Biolxh A Co. Bird Cngfs a large aasortmont at H, F. Big ler A Cj.'s. . Rbav Tina (Persons who coatctnplato building will do wull to call and examine our stock el UUILDl.SU HATKRIALH. We have in atocka full lino of lluildi-rs' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, Olass, Patty, Calcined Plutrr, A,, mylS73 II. F. lliyi.tu A Co, Notice to Waoos akr Camriaow Makbrb. We have just reoeived a general assortment of Waroa and Carriage Wood, also a full line of Spiings ani Axtra, wnioa wt oner cnip ror oath. ' II. F. Biqi.eb A Co. Sau b. Pi ten's Cross-out Saw, O rest American l.iw, Hoynton t Ligbtnina new, at s 2-;a It . F. llfQLBR A CO'S. II. P. Bigler A Co. have heaa making ax tensive additions to their stock or Hardware the last few daya. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders1 Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 22. Fair. ! Fiiita I Par: 1 Among the mny prepa rations that we have fur Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any throat or Inng difficulty, none of them are equal to Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hotoboiliid. If yea are afflicted, oall at our store and we will give yon a sample botUern o ennrye i Agents : jinriswicR a irwtn, Mearneld; Holt, Woodnido A Holt, Wallacctnn I II. H. S il liams, William's drove. Msrcb H-ly, ' Just received, a largo lot of Boa-explotlve Lamps and Lanterns at S-2&-72 II. F. A Co's. f e Paints, Oila and Varnishes for sals by II. F BlirW A V ! illarrira. - . l( At Lon.t I,nn, Indl.n. emmty, oo Thnrail,,, Augu.t lth, H7., hj Vim. 8. Lw, K.q , Mr. J. A. M'lIT f CIvnrDrld (rnuntj, nd Mill JANE lOZKft, otlndi.n. county. Oo Thursday, August 2tth, 174, hy Rev. Wn. M. Bi -nriinjELP, Mr. W. 8. HELL, of Bell town ship, and Miss MINERVA ARTHURS, of Penn tonnsbin. : t- 4 - - - ; - i -"5 . v Slrfl. In Clearfield borooirh, on Friday morning, Ausust 21it. 1H74, MABEL A., infant dauehlor of Joan C. and 8 a tun A. Harwich. eed 6 months aod 26 days. In Pike township, Clearfield county, on Snnday, August uth, F74, Mrs. MARV WILLIAMS, rel ict of tbo lalo Jukri'R Williams, la the 77th year of her age. Juniata county papers please oopy. ;; ClearfieldJWarkets. Consirritn Wrrki.? by Krnlter A Lytlo, Whole sale and Relail dealers In Dry Uoods,Grocries Flour, Feed, etc., Market street, Clearfield, Pa Cl.B ABFIBLD, Pi., Aug. 18, 1874, Apples, green, V0(fA 1 26 Apples, dried Apple butter, V ffal. Batter. Beans.... Buckwheat. Ruikwheat flourjfl B Beef, dried.. Beef, fresh........ Boards, M ,.m.m Corn, shelled...., . Corn, oar Corn meal, t sack Chop, ewt, Clovereeod.. A Cheese Cherries, V Iff... Chickens, dressed, $ lb.., KttHF .. Flaxseed. ...., Flour Hay Hogs, el resseiL,. ............ Hfues, green- llMll...l.lWH,.,MH,iM,. Shoulders ..,.... Side Lord Mess i'erk. bbk.-.,.. Oats..w. Mk. Onions .1.t..., poteloos,..,. , Peaches, dried, lb, PlaMer, bbl RyO.... . . y mu,.M .. v n4.-..4".... Kail, ifk..... HhinirIA, 1 Inrh Mbtiiilt l ln.faAn..M. Titnothj l4 Toll.. ,. ......., W bMI..... w.. ....,, WMl Woml, iz . ' 16 ,. ' 00(9 " M ..(o oo y, I 2b 1 tt .5 .. ISfll J M 10 .11 XKkU oo .. - l 10 .. , 00 M I 40 r oo to 10(9 19 12) ' ' ' 10 .. , I 00 ... r lo oo ..00 ooi.iu on 1 til o t . : - i . 10 , fun , I 14 ... ' I ,., , M oo (IS , 0, I Ml , li 10 ! 1 1 I U,l tl t to f 10 .; , .in III 40 4 ' rtrfliral.' yiNKOAit niTTEns. "i i " PlUtlilV VEOETABLK. FUKK FBOU ALCUUOU . DB. AVAIKKB'S , i CALIFORNIA , viNEaXn.ixxEBS.; ! ,!t tit f .. . 1 ,.: Dr. J. Walker's Callfbritlk Vinegar Bitters are a pa rely Vegetable preparation, mado ohiofly from the native herbs found oa the lower ran el of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tha medtcin proper'iea of which aro extiaeted tbcrefrisa without the use of Alcohol. Tbequoa- uoo is almost uotiy, "n iiai it ins oause oi lbs unparallelaa suoeeft ol ikko Alt Uittihs r' Oar answer is, that they remove the cause of die easo, and the patient rue vers his health. Tuoy are the groat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invlsurator of the aystrm. Never before In the history of ino worm nas a me ai etna neen oompounueu uua seising tho reuariutble qualities of V into a a Itit rgiia )& healing tho sick of every diseaae man Is hi Ir to, Tliev are a ten lie Purgative as well as a Tonle, relieving Congostlon or Inflammation of the Liver and V isosral Organs, in Biltoua D)t eases. ! f The profiles of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Hit ters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu tritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Antl Bilionj, i ; I :t,;i: ' ; . . , - Oratcfnl thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters tue most wonderlul Isvigorant that ever sustain ed the sinking system. , No norton can lake (hcM Biltera aeeordiii to di notions and remain long unwell, provided Ineir Dunva turn not aesiroyou oy mineral poison or omiT uioaus, ana f iui organs was tea beyond ro- Pttir- ... i . ..... ....... ; Bailout, Remittent and Intermittent Ferera, whiub are ao prevalent hi the valleys of our groat rivers throughout lbs United States, especially mi-Hi ui ma u nipp i, unio, juiaaouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red. Colora- do, Bratoa, Rio Urande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Hosnvke, James, and many ethers, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire noun try during tho Summer and Aulumn. and remarkably so during aeasona of unosual beat ana aryneas, are invariably aocampinied by ex tensive derangements of tho ktoannob and liver. and other abdominal viscera. In thtiir treatment n purgative, exerting a powerful inlluenoe upon iiicoi van owe organa, is eisent tally necessary. There la no oathartie tor the nuruoaoeoual ia Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which tno bowel are loaded, at the same lime stimulat ing the seorotions ot Ihe llvor, and generally re storing tbo healthy functions of the digestive a"" Fortify ths body against disease fey purifying ell. its fluids with Vinegar Bitter, Neoaidcinio Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Di i tineas, Sonr timed one of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lunea. Pain in tho region of ths Kidnevs. and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tbo offsprings of "pvps'n. uno oouie win prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ul cers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Uoitre, Scrofu lous IiiUummatlons, Mercurial affections. Old Sores, Jim pt ions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, eta. In thee, as In nil othor constitutional diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their greet uuraiiTv powers in me most oosiinate and m tractable eases. Fur Inflammatory and Chronlo Rheumatism. (Tout, Bilious, Remittent aad Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and the il Wilder, tbess Bitten have no equal. Sorb Dis- min sis osBiea oy vuiaiea uiooa. Mechanical Diseases. Persona engaged In Plaints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setters, Uold-beatert and Miners, aa they advance in life, are sobjeot to paralysis or the Bowels. To guard against this, take a doss sf Walker's vinegar Hitters occasionally, . For Skin Diseases. Emotions. Tetter. Salt- Rheum, Blot chei, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Roils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-heed Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, biaooloratiens of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of what ever name or nature, are literally dug np and oarried out of the system in a short time by tbo use ol lucse imters. Pin, Taps and othor Worms, lurking In the system oi so many tnoutands, aro eSeotually de stroyed and removed. Ho system of medicine. no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. 1 For Female Complaints, In young or old, mar. ried or single, at the dawa of womanhood or the turn or lite, these Tonic Uittere display so de- eiuen an innuenoe tnai improvement is soon per oeptlble. Cleanse tbs Vltiatod Blood whenever yon find its impurities bursting through ths akla in Pint- Sles, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yon nd It abstracted and slngfrish In the veins t eleaoas It wbea It is foul j your feelings will tall you when. Keep the blood para, aod .tbo health ui me system win luiiuw. n. ii. McDonald a co. Druggists and Qen. Agts., Ran Francisco, Cali fornia, and corner of Washington and Charlton streets, New York. Sold by all Druggists and rt1a ..IH'll 1 - Pennsylvania Ilallroad TYRONX ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON aod after Monday, MAY 8d, 1874, the Paaaenger Trains will run daily (except Son days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. leave North. Clearfield. 1.49, PhilipeburgH...4.3r u Osceola 4.60, " Tyrone e....6.oo, " Tyrone w M0,a.. Osceola... 10.40," Philipsburg... 10.6a, " Clearfield 11.60, " CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LIAVR SOUTir. LEAVK NORTH. Cl,rl.ld.... LIS l. .' Tironfc T OO p., I'hilinbur,. &.U Olmnl. 0.60 Int.rn.tlon... T.4N Tyron. 6.00 luUTMOtion,..f.l2 " o.o.oi. ' Cl.w(lld, r....I0 TYRONE STATION. BA.TW.ttn. A M WRITWARR. Mll.,1 Train, Puiflo Kxpms,. T:oO llmtaburg Aoo m, M.II Tr.ln. 1:2.1 Otnoln'tl Kspr. (1:21 Pbilo'd. Klpreu, 10:2t Clnoin'ti Kipraa 4:Xfl PiHll, Ka,nn, t:!4 P M W.r P.f,enf.r, 1:lfl Mali Tr.ln, ' :M foal Line, l:iS FAKR FROM CLRARFIELD. TO B.ll.fnU, P. ......It 01 1 Mlddiotolra ,6 00 LHik Il...n t 70 I 5, Willi.m.nort..v.... I 01) n. , 0, Hontlngdon ....... .PHILADELPHIA T 9b Lawlstown... I 90 Altoono 4. 1 01 Jnhnatown.,ta,... I 00 M.rjrrlll.. 4 40 UAHrllHUIIHU... 4 75 I'lTTSBUKU . It Cloa. oonn.etions mad. bv.U troloa.t and iioe. ii.Ton. B. S. BLAIR. ivl7-tr. Rnp.rint.nd,nt, rjiE. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. An eiamlnallen far Teachers In and for lbs oounty of Clearfteal.for the eehool year 1874, will be held for oaob of the screraJ uislrieta as foi lows, via : Uosheo and fl Irani, at Congreashill, Friday, Aeiust 18th, Covington and Kartbaue, at Dr. Qllliland'a, Saturday, August ZVtb. Lflwrenes, Lawrenns Independent and Clear- nem, at uiearneia. m on a ay, Augoet am. Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Bigler. Tutmday, fleptember 1st, Morris, a) Kylertown, Wednesday, ftept. Sd. Oraham, at flrahamton, ThursdaT, Sept. Sd. Boggs and WaJlaeelo, at Wallaectoa, Friday, September 4th. Oseeola and Decatur, at Osceola, Saturday, September 1th, Woodward and HoatadaU.atThe. nsadereen's, Monday, BepL Ttb. Oulth, at Janesrilln, Tnevday, Rept. 8tb. Beeearia, at Olen Hope, Wednesday, Sept. tth. Jordan, at A neon Oils, Thursday, Kept. lota. Knea, at New Millport, Friday, Bepu Uth. Pike and Pike Independent, at Bloom ingtoo, Saturday, 0er.L 1 lib. Fornsoa, Venn and Lumber City, at Lumber Oity, Monday, Sept. 14th. i Ball, at Bower, Tuesday. Sept. 1Mb. Rurneide, at Barn side, Wednesdnv, Sept. tflth. Ntw Washingtan. at Vnw Waahlngins,, Thurs day, Kept. 1 Tib. . ( ., Chest, at Wesloeer, Friday, Sept 18tb. Kismlnallons Will begin at 8 o'eloek, a. M. All Dlreotora are mueated to be present. Teachers are ex pooled te be oi ami Bed only la tho districts where Ihey Intend teaching. Those who have beeo examined wiH please be proeertt and eater the elass la Ino distrU where Ihey Intend teaoh ing, If reqaested by tbo Diroetors. KaasaiojaOoaa will bo arlaelpally wrlttea, Raeh teaeber ahould eve with pen, Ink and blank-bwb. J. A. fiRIOOftV,' County SuperlnUadeat. 5ru Cooflj.Cromhi, tr. J. M. KRATZEIl, PIE'8 BUILDING, . .,: I , - .,...1.1..,. .: DEALER IN Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Curpols, ' Wall Pnpors, Ladies' Sliocs, Children's Sliocs, Groceries, Provisions, &c.r. U juil rw.l.lii2 . eonplet. uiortm.nt ot good,, , , bougbt t .oa lo.Mt prtM. GOOD PRINTS, AT TEN CENTS PKR YARD, GOOD YD-WIDE BLEACHED MU8- '., LIN3. TEN CENTS. ' UEAVY YARD-WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, 12) CENTS. ; APPLETON'8 A MUSLINS. I2 CT8. PER YARD BY THE PIECE. " AND ALL DKY QOODS AT LOWER RATES THAN HERETO FORK. DltESS GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. CARPKTS : CAHI'ETS CAHI'KTS CAItPKTS OAKCKTS, CAKI'El'8 CA11PKT8 OAltPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPRTS CARPKTS CARPBTS 1 CARPKTS BRUSSK LS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTKY, INGRAIN, and nil' lower . guides. ' CARPRTS CARPKTS CARPETS CARPKTS CAHPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPETS CARPKTS CARPKT8 CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CAHPETd CARPETS PARASOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, OKOCEHIES, 1IY ORIGINAL PACK AO E, AT A SHALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, FLOUR, iiACON; . ALT, Ac, : CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED. Cl.u-0.ld, M.J ir, 1874. IIA RD TIMES HAVI KO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE I I am aware thai I he re aro some persons a little hard to please, and I am also aware that the eompfaint or "nam times is well aigb universal. But I am so situated now that I can satisfy the I former and prove oooelaaiToly that "hard times" I will not effect those who buy their goods from me, I and all my patrons shall be initiated Into the so 1 oret of j HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES.! I have goods enourh to supply all the Inhabi tants in the lower end of the eonnty wgieh I eell at e -needing low rates from my mammoth store In MULfiONRURO, where I oan always be found ready to wait npon sailers and supply thesa with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Buoh as Cloths, Batlaetts, Cattimeres, Muslim, veiaines, Linen, iinnings, uaiteoee, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laoo. Ready-made Clothing, Boots aad Rhone, Hats and Capeall uf the boat material and made to order Hose, Books, O loves, Mitteoa, Laoet, Ribbons, Ae. QR0CERIRS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlee, Molasses, Fish, Salt. Pork, Linseed Oil. Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qoeenaware, Tinware, Cos tin rs. Plows aod Plow Castings, Nails, Bpikes, Cora Cultirs tors, Oider Presses, and all kiads of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnleb, Glass, and a general assortment of Stationery. Q0OD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be soia aa ins lowest possioio agures. J. H. MeClaln's Medioines, Jayne's Uodlelnes, m os tetter s and tiooaand s Bitters, 8000 pounds of Wool wanted for whioh the highest priee will be paid. Clovereeed on hand ana ror sale at the lowest market prion. Also, Agent for Strattonvllle aad CurwansTllle Xbretbitag Machines. tBCall aad eesfor yourselves, Toa will Ind every thing usually kept in a retail store, L. M. COUDRIKT. Frsnehrllls P. 0., August IS, 1874. J. P. IRVIX, -AT THE- CORNER STORE, CDRWENSVILLE, FA, OFFERS RIA80NABLT A FULL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. FLOl'R, FMStt, HALT. HOPE, sYc, always on hand at lowest oath prlees. LUMBER, GRAIN, W00Lt de.t taken In eiebange for goodi at highest market prices. aug!8'74. Jab. S. Pabsos, Pres't, &. K. Bbscubo, flee'y. CONTINENTAL Lire Insurance Company, 1 ' or HARTFORD, CONN. A mta... -...M,t l,o Ratio o( AaMla to Liabilitiaa...... Itt Fnrniah.a Inaarana. .t th. rwy Inwvataoat P.lloj.bold.r. putloip.U ia Ik. prolta of tb. Cmpa.,, laao Mtmaaallj ndwatag M...U pRTmanta. For rat.,, Ao., oall on or adtr. R. M. Mi SNA 1,1. Y, Agont. Odoa la Sbaw'a R.w, Clwlrid, Fv. , MIT4. T OOK OUT FOR THE SIGN OF Till BIO CAST HOOK! MARKET 8TRKIT, CLEARFIELD. The afd Olearileld Bioeltlor Oaat Hook Oa. Is dissolved, ana a aew eaa Ibrmed by Amos Ken. aard aad O. E. Merrell, of Clearfield, and . M. A I lard, of Emporium, Camerea oouaty, as part ners, and Jae, 1. Watsoa, of CleaHleld, oo amor al A feat. Tke tjew soeapaay arlH eairy o tho batkaees of maaafaeturing, selling aad shipping ths Cant Hooka, with all their Improvements, which an bow perreet. All orders promptly sas. wainvn, Jaly 1st. 1871. Qanl Agent. frg &to&$, ftvofrritu; tf. 1874. - 1874. UNDER FULL SAIL! ,. Tiiis I, . .. ..i .. KEYSTONE TO THE FRONTI Headquarters for Dry Goods! Am epsniog my seeonJ large spring and sum mer stoek of Foreign and Domes it o DHY GOODS, Carpels, Oil Cloths, LADIES' A CHILDREN'S SHOES, dc, ic, etc. Th. urleu .111 k. .urh .a will not b. Mmllod Ii, an, othar plu. lo In. Stat. Call aad Ma for youraelr.a. maris i Saaond (trMt, Cluriald, Pa. QHANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY nrn..U M.nMirntl .fttlfr th. nubllfl a.n.rallT (hat b. baa purnh.ifrd J. 8. Hbowar'a (iroMrr Stor., in Sh.w'a Raw, wb.ra b. Intanda ko.pinf a full Una of " O It O C E I K H. HAMS, DRIED BI5RF and LARD. SUGAR8 and 8 RUl'S, of all fradM, TEAS, OrMn and Blaek. COFFEE, Roanted aad Urean. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, c.tre s'hi'its, ' , All klnda la th. market. PICKLES, in jan and barrala. SPICES, in arcry furu and rarl.t;. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OV CR ACKEMH. SOAPS, MATCHES, . DRIED APPLES, ' DRIED PEACHES, . DRIED CUBRRIES, Coal Oil a& Lamp Chlmaeys. And a good aaaortmaat of tboM thtntB aaaall, kapt in a frooery atora, wbirk bo will zebana or maraaung ai an. narm prion.. v Will nil (or nub aa oheapl, aa an; alht oa.. Plaaaa oall and h bia atoob and Jadgo for yoaraalf. JOHN McOABOHKY. Claariald, Mar IT, 1824. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opposite Post OAeo. New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINK OP TEAK. OOLONQS, . - JAPANS, IMPORTED, TO0NO DTSON, EKOLISU BREAKFAST Purrat lo Markot. , , BUTTER AND F.OGR Will bo kept and aold t flrat ooat. Caah paid lor uoanir; rroaneo. OERMAN CUBRRIES, : TURKEY PRUNES, ' PRESXRVBD PEARS, PHILADELPniA HAMS. FISH. Maokorol, Lako Harrlng, Cod, Ao. PICKLED. B.rr.1 Piakln and Rngllak Piokln. FLOUR AND I'UEI). Floor, Cora, Oat, Ao. r.b57l LYTLI A MITCHELL. ED. Yf. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LUMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ilu Jnat op.n.d, at th. old atand, In Qrahala'a now, a Mfltprot. .took ot Jf E tt' GOODS, of aw deaorlptfon. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. UAKDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTH INO, tfc., rf-o., IN GREAT VAKIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, EYE, OATS, CORN, AIWA l'S ON HAND AND FOR SALE ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Reeeived b tbo ear load, and sold at A small ad van oe, ( A supply of R0PI eonstantly oa band. Speelal indueesMats offered to those ftttlag ant 8qaara Timber and Logs, as we deal largely i ta Lnmbarmen'B Supplies, and are pro . r per, at all times pnrehaoo ite. bar and I urn her. BD, W, ORAHAM, "" Markst Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oet M, l7f. CUBLEI A CALDWELL, Agricultural Implements! DIOLBB ITATION, PA. Ws are agents for ths "Champion" Reaper and Newer aomblaedi tho Pratt florae lUhe and Camsslnge' Fodder Cutler, as well as for aH blade of Steves aad Heaters. Samples always on hand for eiaenlaetloa. Oall oa at addroos aa at W 111 lautsf rove, Clear- ytie- THE CLEARFIELD' v. FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., I .,, HAivtAti.aii. or i 1 liny: mtiCK, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, etc 1! V?!l ir. XDr.''lHAH Chimney Top; Window Cap; and fate: All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DESIOKS IN TERRA C0ITA MADE TO ORDKR, With nachlniT. flrat olaaa matarial and workman, wa oan warrant all our manufaoturoa to b. aqnal to If sot inporlor to aoj ia too aaaraok Artiola. of oar aiano( van bo aen at th. Worka, naar Railroad Depot, or at tbo Hantaan stor. oi a. I. uigior lo. All order, front a diatanM, addraatad lo tb. uoral Bop.rtnt.ndont, will raoeiro prompt at ..niion. i i. . HARTMWICK, ' JOHN FERGUSON. Utn'l Sunt. ( llaathlld, Darnklrk, SMtlak,, ! ' opt. Hrt.l.M.IP lspi k m.rl.'Ta H. F. BIGLER & CO., DiiLaaa ia HAltDWAIlE, Also, Manafaeturersof ' Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARTIRLD, PA. ' F ARMINO IMPLEMENTS of ill klnda for eate by ",, ' II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. JAILROAD WHEELBARROWS ror aalo hy ii. F. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nalli, a., ror aal. by H. F. BIGLER A CO. II ARNES9 TRIMMINGS A SHOE i; findings, for ,al. hj H. F. BIGLER A CO. QUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES for aal, bj U. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Sii.a, for aala b. ; U. F. BIGLER A CO. TRON1 IRON I IRON I IRON! For Ml by ... ... .' H. F. BIGLER4 CO, TTOKSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE JUL RAILS, for aal. b ' U. F. BIGLER A CO pULLET. BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad M.t Maaaraatar., for aal, bj H. F. BIGLER A CO. MIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE , BOXES, for aal, bj H. F. BIGLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by CH30-70 n. F. BIGLER A CO. MISS E. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OI.KARFIELD, FA. rpiIE WINTER AND BPRINO TERMS will X .loaa at.y ivta, B7. TERMS OF TDITI0K. Roadlai, Orlbofraphy.WrltlnK.ObjMtLM. Mna. Primary Aritbmotl, and Primanr 0rapby.... If tt Hiatory, Looal and dMoriptiro Ooograpby with Map Drawiaa, tirammar, MonLal aad Wrill.. Arithm.tio M Alftbra aad th, Eaiaw II .0 Inalrnotlon la Inatrnm.atal moai, It Oil palatini, 14 laaaoaa 11 10 Wai work I il For roll partieolara aoad for Cirealar. Cloarllold, Marak 11, 1874. tiMO-y The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Poo. townahip, Cloarlald Co., Pa. IUKIBD OUTI ot lot ' BURNED UPI The subsert bora hare, at great expense, rebuilt neighborhood neeesslty. In tbs erection of a flrst elaaa Woolen Manufaetory, with all tho modem improvements attaehed, and aro prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Casslmsres, Batioetts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods oa hand to supply all our old and a thousand neweoslomsra. wnom wo asa to eome ana examine oar slook. The baslnsss of ' .. f , , CAHDIN0 AND FULLING will receive our especial atteatloa. Proper arrangements will bo made to reoeire and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted aad doao upon the shortest notion, and by strlet at ten tlon to business ws hope to realise a liberal share or pooiio patronage, lO,(KM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED) Ws will nay the hi sheet market nrioe for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods eaa bo bought la the oounty, and whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we eaa always be found at homo ready to make proper explanation, ei trier in person or oy tetter. JAML8 JOHNSON A SONS, aprlllStf Bower P. 0. JP ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, ; i , t I , r' BUT TOUR CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, dec, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. They keep foil line of Men'; Youlhi' Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrella", Hutched", Orerslli , UsU, Shirts, Undorsliirts, and Drawers, Aa., Whl.h tk.y will Mil at moat Kaaonabt, prloaa. Call and aaaialao tboi, f mdf br.r, pwahaalag alaawhero. Room in Manaloa Bailding. OloartoM, Pa April 1, 1174. MITCHELL WAGONS. The Beat li the Cheapest1! " Them as Kollly haa raoolrod aaother largo lot ef "MitelteU Wagaaa," whieb are among tho very bast mauulaetured, aad wbloa are will sail ol tho moat re ase sable ratea U la stock laalndee almost all deesHsAtoBs of wagoae larga aad ssaall, wide aad Dorrew Iraek. Call an 4 eoe thorn, apro'M THOMAS EBILLY. J, It. M'MUItllAY will supixt tou with ant article of mbrchandisr at the vskk lowght PRICE. COMB AND SKI. , (td):7t:y) NEW WASHINGTON. JUHTIC&aV dk COMHTAalLBBV sVfelUI We ban tTrtad a targe Mmbar t ttsa new FBI DILL, end will oa the roooipt of twoaty. ve eaata. mall a eony to aa? addraea. asyM Hardtva, tlnwarr, f tf. OOK OUT fOUTUE 1 1II CI- lHl3Xf T. J. HUBBARD & CO., DEALERS iff STOVES &. RANGES, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Shcot-Iron '& Copper Ware, PLUMBERS & GAS FITTERS. Tear Market Street, Clearfield Will keep oa hand all tho best Cook Stoves. Beiges, Heatrjg toee' apj Fusnaccs in ihe market, among which wa lOenaien the Argand Range, Victor Cook, Diamond State and Kolipao, all of whieb for beauty of design and cheapness oanaot bo surpassed in the aaarkot. All of our Moves wa warrant to giro entire satislaotioa, or the btove ean bo returned in ten days, uld stores taken Ut part nary for ew ones. Ws keep oa band all of the latest and best HEATING STOVES , vAND. , RANGES. Particular attention paid to tbe repairing of ail ainas ot mores, nanges ana rarnsees. TIN WARE. Of our owa manufacture, of all kinds, which which will bo sold cheap for cash, by wholesale or relail. All our ware Is made out of one and two cross Un, and warranted to be just as wa represent it. Tin Roofing and Spouting done at short notion and oa most reasonable terma, aad repairing neatly acd promptly exo- PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING dent and ell Job warranted perfect. Will keep oa hand ties Fixtures, of alt kinds, and fit up houses with Ranges, Bath Boilers, Bath Tubs, Shower Baths, Wash Stands, Sinks and Water Closets. Partiee wishing anything dona In our line will do well to give us a call, as ws are determined to please all in regard to price and stylo of work manship. T.J. Hubbard will personally auper- intena an worn onirostea w our care. , junel . T. J. HUBBARD A CO, riIN-WAKE, STOVES, ' AND HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., CURWENSVILLB, PA. 1 Having bought tbe Hardware Store and Tin Shop formerly belonging to W. A. Dale, we iatend keeping for sale everything belonjtinf to tbe business, and will endeavor to salt as low for oash as ean bo bought this side of Philadelphia. At war astabl iebotoot suay be found at all times a imi supply At ; ,r Shelf and II eat j Hardware, SHEET-IRON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Healing Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, Nails, Paints, Oils, Qlass, Putty, i;, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of 41 Kinds, ; " " ' , 5 a', : , Scythes, . , scythe-snathes, : drain cradles, RAKK3, Ao S.tir .HILL FiJTDIJfCS, BLACKSMITH 8' TOOL8,' noRss snoKS, " ' ., : HORSB-SnOB KAILS, BOLTS, Ao. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, 4c. -TIN SPOUTING dan. low and beat of mat.rial naad. WATSON, BICH0LS CO., Pa., Jan. 1, 1174. fRONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, ' BBALBR III HARDWARE, STOVES, ; BEATERS, , MANGES, U0LL0W-W4RK, PAINTS. OILS VARNISH, PUTTY A OLASS, 1 ROPES, " 8TRP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ths eelebratsd Toledo Antl-Freeilng Oalrajnlaod IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No battM Faaipi lb th. market. LAMPS, CUANDBLIERS, LANTL'RKS, LAMP FLUES, of all klnda, UMP mTLRKS,,.i . w AllatlowHtprlM,, . , , lll'H Prac.lal. Street. Phlllpab.rfr.S.. IIMEI LIME! J - .'....... .- Th, wnd,raiira U wow pr.rar.4 t. farnlaR tha pabli, with aa oiaallaal q.ality of Bellefonts Wood-Burned Lime, far plaatttloR pnrpoaM, hy th. largo r amall o,aa.llt. Ca. b. found far tb. prM.t M PI.'. a.w balldlaf, .a Marhot atrrai. aall-t, li, n. tuvkkouun, tt't'- "f TTANTI.!.-.My Ih.Clenrtl.ld Ex, IT owl Mot Cant Hook Conapaor, Wood for , 10.M4 CART HOOK UASULra, ; ' atkMt .nHtt karS Soaar. milt t. iIm. . Far Im rbrmattoallnaalr, at tb. t ob.Mo Hi SMar Star. II IJ.alltll AI.KA. W A twin. r t ' County National Bank, 01' CI.KAI1FIKI.I), A. ROOM In Mufonin Tluil ling, una door nuitk ol O. D. Wataon'a Drti; ttura. 1'uasfljreTiekr'ta to nn, Iruiit l.iver,.viil, (Jiirrna .,iwid')liaY'lw I'tfi.lli.lil'irtitl and Cp. uliacn. I,5r-(nfr i, lu:i ,1 lidund and iiulx-rial Bank of !.niln. JAMKS T. LLONAIID, PrcVl. W. M. SIM', Cihlcr. il:l:74 J. D. M'flirk. Ednard Porka. EXUja AOOIXECTIQg pSE McGirk & perks. Sueoessors to Fuster, 1'erka, A Co., Plilllpa-burg, Outre l ouuty, I'a, WjlRKK all the buaiosss of a Uanking Huu' wil oa Uaniuteted prumpUy and upon tt most favorable terma marT-tf DREXEL & CO.. ' No, i Houth Third Mlrttl, PbiUd.lphla iMJtrKKHH. And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatioa by mail win rccoir. pnitupi au.n tiun, and all lufiiruiation ahaorfullr furniabod. Ordon aolioud. , . ... , Al"" H "- gout.,- LEONARD HOUSE, (Near thr Railmnd Drliut,) . I I (,'I.KAKHIil.l, I'A A tbar. of public patrcinaK. ia rrmoetfulir llaiud. , 4:11,74 S. Ii. ROW, Prop'r. SHAW HOUSE, ; (Cor. of Markot A Front atrMta,) Va.EAKFU.t,U, fA. Tba andcraljcnod bariaa taka chara, of this Hotel, would rMpooUulij aolioil nurilte patronago. 00117. ... it. bUAW. WABUIilGTOS DOUSE, KKVT WA.H1IINUTON, PA. Tbi, kcw and Well frarniabwl hour, baa been taken tor tha nnieraign.d. 11. fla oonfulcnt of being able to reader oatiafeetion to tboa. who ma faror bim with a oall. M.t 8, 187J. Q. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jyj-o 6 c it ii it Use, Oppoalle tbe Court Ilouae, LOCK MAVEN, PK.NN'A. J.1471 HAUSCAL A KI10M, Prop'.. JKOCKKRHtn'!' IIOIISI;, - ii . BELLEFONTB, PA, ( , ,, JOUNSTO A SONS, ocUo'Jl Proprietora, t otd house. ;: ; : JLj Main Ftreet, PHILIl'HBUBO, PENN'A. . TaWe alwaye supplied with tbs best the market affords. Tbs traveling tpablio is iavited to call. HOVl, J. ilUJi,Hl' LUVD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market Streets, cli;abfim), pa. pni3 eld and commodious Hotel has. during X tba past year, boon enlarged to double iu former capacity for the entertainment of stran gers and guests. Tha whole building has been refurnished, and tha proprietor will spare no pains to render his guests oomfortable while stsying with him. JT-ejThe 'Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and frota the Depot oo the arrival and departure oi eaon train. JU11 JJULUI.fc.KTY, apr6-70 tf Proprietor. 4 LLGUtNY HOTEL, . (Market Ht., bet. Peeond and Third,) imAHFiiao, pa. The subscriber having become proprietor, of this hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal share ef public patronage. ap.2'7S GEORGE LKIP0LDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CURWENSVILLB, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a. This old and well establiibed Hotel, beautifully situated oa tbe banks of the Susquehanna, in tbe borough of Curwcnsville, has been leased for a term ol years by tbo undersigned. It has been entirely refitted, and ia now open to the publie generally and the t rare) log oomm unity in par ticular. No pains will be spared to render guests oomfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling room for the aeeommodatioa of teams. Charges moderate. Sept. 23, 1879-tf. ELI BLOOM. i . JftttistrB. DENTAL CAED, . Da. A. JK.. HILLS lr,.atlri m to Ma n.d.Ml. A AL 1 lie genorally, that, baring dissolved partnership uinr i no enure worE af hia aAm tilmulf u .a , . '-" nvsa noi tear being put under the hands ef any other operator. lllaarll.lJ U ..k HI 1G. Ion. I . T V......U, -mm.uu ,v, AOIA-paiiWBlOOId J. M, STEWAET, D, D. S., Offloa orar Irwln'a Drag Store. nnnvTKat'TriD n. . . . i n . ill J..I.I . . L . . .. . " . vp.rK.iona, eiioer in tne tn.cb.nicl oroperatlre branch, promptly attended to and tatiafaetion guaranteed. Spatial atlration paid to th. treatment of dieea.ea of the natural teeth, gam, and month. Irregularity of the teeth no oeaafallToorrootod. Teeth .itreetod witboat pain ? Klhri "! arlinoinl teeth lnaerted f tbe boat material and warranlad W rndr aaU "f""0'- aprilJO'riily ' 'ANNOUNCEMENT ' I OF TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I " BY . rMtTKR KIIA1V, ). D. 8. IMPORTANT TRUTIISi Ila.lng aueeeeded In getting a liahl.r tarif oa material, henoe tbe lew and atorfrear. eb.rge for p.nial and full aete of Tmtb. I uae the beat uaoafaatur. of taatb and othor material. All o perationa regiaterod and warranted to giro aer Tice aod aatialaelion. Frienda, rafleot that my ohargoa for tbe laaer tloa of arliBoial and tb. aariag of the natural teeth aro now tho uoetreaaonable in PennarlTanla. Proaerre your teeth and you preaerr, your health. Potting of tbe natural Uetb in a healthy, pr,. oerTatiT. and aaehil oonditioa ia mad. a apecially. DieaaM. and maKormattnaaoommon totho mouth, law and aaaociate parte, are treated and corrected with fair aaoooaa. lix.miaatjoaa and oonaulu tiona ran". It would bo well ror patient, from a diatane, to let me know by mail a few daya before oomln. to tho office. It la Tory important that children between th. agea of all and twelr. y.ari ahould ha.. Ihetr teeth ,ajincd. , .. . ... Aoaaathctica are adminlatered and Teeth re moved without pain. Ili.poailioni and ebaraoter aro judged by all the world by tho elpreeaiona of tbe faoe, heoe. bow ry diaMtroua may it therefore be for per one to indulge an exprraaioo of diatortcd feature,, eren apart from a hygienie Tlew. Now, to enjoy natural (not artlnclal) oomforta and pleaanree, napeot and obey natural almplieille. and inntinet. S. POItTKR SHAW, D. V. 8. 0V. In New Maaonio Building, Second atreet, Cl.arl.ld. Pa. m.yl47 r0 FARMERS 1 And all Persons who wish to do the Labor of Ten Men Ry on. man and th. In,e.t ment rtf a fat atnllara in machinery, we offer Woods' A The Buckeye Hovers, whieb bare flood tb. teat of twenty yeans In whieb time there haa been more ef theee ma chiaee made and aold than of all other marhinoe eombin..!, in tbe I nile.1 St.tu. Tha Wood.' macbln. look the Srat priae at Vienna, Aaitria, ia eompetilioa with all the machine, of the world. . W, auto aell Ik. Ilhioa, llagerat.wa Mid Uofb'y , , , . , . : all warrants lo b, ma.1. of tb, belt met. rial and If they do ot do their work right, we will lake them buck and refund flio money. Wo alar Mil SPROUT'S (111EAR AM) NET. MS' IIALF0ON . roniiH, riiLLiiis, a.. TIIIIKMIIINa MA'IIIKII. rtf ,n klnda, but moatly Ellft A nollioan'a oao bor,. tread. v, , BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILLS, CIDER MILLS, FANNINU MILLS, nd all other machine. In onr line. ' i oar inaiia oi mnrninra j'j.i reeelTed. u. not fall to mil. M. U. BROWN A OHO. At K-t Jiait.f, '.11 1 JSa.i., u,ttt, n...r..U, jnn.S:74 BARGAINS IN MUSICAL 1N HTRllMKNTUt tlrrana, both ire and Meond band, at the Mn,loHtor.,nppealt.UQlleh'a Fern it are Store. All rramona Interaated are .Tit. ted to eatl and oanmlne a aew atyle of Oran anw on eakibitlea. WiMt Mull, awd Me3 Hooka eonatantlytm b.nd. ' ' -" ,pn,.7if yoH HAI.i'.. Th. nnderalgned oflcr, for ' .ale ft rala.M. rrmfl rnnerlT in the boreavh otriearleM. Lot Wl1 "I feet, with a two- atr Flax. k.M. thmma ,netl, itk threw wnn,.wi aratr, and fmir bed room, wp atain. arra, eewrng romw aw. TMtb rnom ,n lee,, ad nnor. HnwM -Unl.hed eewiwM. frora welter f. Mtte.-- lod ..hl.eee,b aael gnoet Water. Pete. Tea miai. .wa pwya.i, ewer. IiaUBa , M. MMJTTU.OJ(, I Jim PUIMTINd OF EVERY UKMCRiP. Ilea neatly eieeated at thia oftle..