J 4 '! . i I' i i I 1 I" garfluaif, ginirnrt, rtr. SACKGTT & SC1IRYVEK, HARDWARE, ud uanufaoturere of Tin.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Beoovd Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. tiering largely Inereateu our eio.. -in, we inrile the publlo to eaemlne oar ftooi nu pnoee. Carpenter! end pertont who oontemplate kelld- TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWARE, which if ocw end of the belt raaftufaeture, end will be fold low for often. KAILS, GLASS, rUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All kind of Bench Plane, Saws, Chlieti, Squaree, Hammr-re, Hatchet, Plumbi and Levele, Alortiaed A Thumb Ouagei, Ren.li, Bracea A Bitta, Wood and Iron ilonoh Sorewe, and the bait During Machine in tbe market. Double and Single Eitt Axe8f POCKET CUTLERY, 4. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agonU for Rioharda' GOTHIC FIAJE TOPS, which .(Tvclueilly cure Smoky Flue. Farmeri Implement! and Garden Tools of erery dcicription. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give atlafaotlon. Portable itanges and Furnace. t-ejRoofing, Spooling and Job Work dma on iraaonahle teruie. All order will receive prompt attention. June II, 1871. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, tSupcemori to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDEKS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of f POETABLE St STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth end Tine Streetl, ( l.i;itl'li:i,n, PA. HAVINfl engaged In the manufacture of flrlt eleit MAClllNEltV.weretpeetfullj Inform the pnblle that we ere now prepared to 811 ell ordorf nj cheaply end at promptly ff can be done in auy of tho citlol. We manufacture end doel In Mulay and Ciroular Saw-Mill deed Illockl, Water Wheelt, Sherting Pulleye, OiOord'e Injector, Steera Oaogcf, Steam Wnlitlee, Oilerf, Tellow Cnpt, Oil Cnpt, Ueuge Ooekf, Air Cockf, Globe Velref, Check Valvee, wrought iron Fipee, B'.eain Pumpf, Poller Foed Pumpf, Antl Frietlon Melrcf, Soap Stone Peeking, Oum Pack ing, and ell kindt of WILL WORK; together with Plowe, Sled Solef, COOK AND PA RLOR STO TES, and other CASTINGS of all kindt. ff-Ordcn tollcltcd and tiled at cny prleee All letterf of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly ene wered, by addret tng uf at Clearfield, Pa. janl'74-tf BIllLKR, YOCNQ A REED. rpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, I , HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, : kept eoBstaotly on bend. STOXE ADTlRTlio-WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CJIOCKS! TOTSi CROCKSI Flslier'e Patent Airtight Self Scaling: Fruit Canal BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, Al'I'LB-M'TTER CHOCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, ' FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, 'And greet many other thine;! too nutneroaf to meution, to be bad at ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. aogS RlM FOR SALE BT II. V. lUglcr A Co. IRON DOl'DLB-SIIOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS. -WOOD BINOLE-SIIOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. ' WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL FLOWS. . H AU 1TB BKLLEFONTB PLOWS. '.' ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. jaajr-Shair, for all ol the aboTe Plowe eon tta'ntly on hand, mylMI Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST AllillVAL AND Or COURfiB TUB CIIKAPKHTI A Proclamation against High Prices? X1TS are now opening up a lot of th beat and If noit Malonabl Ugodi and Warea vr offered in thli market, an at price that remind on of the Rood old daya of ebeap thlnge. Thna woo iark una upoa tnu point, or deem oar alle gation a npcrfluoui, need bat i.n,L f r am store, Cornar Front and Market itreata, Where hfy oan ace, feel, hear and know for then Hrea. To fully Biiilrrntmnd what areeheap gnoda tbia muit be done. We do not deem it neeeuarr to enumerate and Item lie oar atook, U ia anoagh p.t at to etate that , We have Evenrthing that ii Needed Md oommtfrd In thia market, and at prieei thai avetsnUh both old and young. de20 JOSKl-il BI1AW a BOK. Clearfield Nursery. ! EXCOUBACK EOMK 1NDUSTKY. 'll i uderalgaed, haeiag eiukll.h.d a Kit I ery oa the 'Pike, about half way between tleertjeld aad Oarweaetllle, It prepared te fur. "k .11 .f F K u I T T It e! LS, ( Kaadaid end .'(.) K.irgreent, Bhr.kb.ry, Or.p Viaea, l.b.,rtt teitot Blackberry, Strawberry, and Hub.,,, vinee. Alto, Slbrlea Orab Treea, tlelne.. am ,;, w,, lilnhark, Ao. ONert promptly alMM.d te. Addrttt, ... a. . D' WRIOHT. W. W. Iltffc WKATSIl A I1KTTM CLEARF1KLB, PA., Are offering, at the eld etaad of 0. L. Road A Co. their ftoek of goede, eontletlng of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, 4UKENSWARB, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., &o., At the noil rantonabla ntcs for CASH or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Sliingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCI. btT'Adraneea made to those ogaged la get ting out aquar timber en the moat adrantageoaa term a. pdtljan71 T. A. FLECK & CO. (Two doore eatt of the Shaw Iloute,) CI.UAKI'IBLD, PA. Millinery and Fancy Goods AND NOTIONS. . NECK RUFFLINS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. GLOVES, all kindt and lllel. COTTON STOCKINGS, nnturpatted kolh ill quality and eheapnaoe. WHITE AND 8WISS GOODS, all rerletiet. CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS, of tb'o letett pattern end lower than tho lowett. UAIU GOODS, of ell rarletiet. Call and examine our ttnek before yon buy eltewbere. Glad to thow eur goodl on all oe eaiont Our motto It "SMALL PROFITS 4 QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence b Better than a Slow Shilling." Re mem er the place onnoalte Moeaon'i. In Win, Heed ' old aland. T. A. FI-KCK, prilU74 A. M UIU.8. KRATZER & LYTLE, mask st street, ciearfield, pa. Dealert in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queensware, 'Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps, ic. ' " ay-Bhotmaktrt tupplled with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduced rate. SALT I SALT I SALT I at whelaeale aid retail very aheap. ..,( PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ac A liberal diieoant to baildera. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTHS-lo large ' ' . (uantllilf. , ( FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and ' CHOP, alweyf en bead. ' , i J9Al of the abora goodi art parehaeed eioluairely for eath, aad therefore can and en7f be fold at cheap at the ehttpeft. aprill-74 A. H. MITTON'S Haeceaaor to Craln A Mitton.) New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. TDK dndvFlgned, having bme'd fooma for the manufacture or all Kind! ot PAUDbr.n, iiak- NKS8, nod all the latent improvement in Horee VfirnlakintT Ooodi. la now nrenared to 811 all ordera at priotM and quality that will nrprtte all who faror him with a call for the tnnpeetion of fait work. Ha ia determined to pleaae and hie ex nerituiee and oWerratien In em tern nnd weitern oltiea enablee him to IKFY COMPETITION la the mannfaetnre of (laid, flllrvr, Oreide, Knbber Corared and Uilt-Lined Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESSI Alto Fine RIDING AND RACING PADDLES. ) Hie renti and tinrntef being Hint, be will fell the eeme gradet of work SO per cent, cheaper than they can be bought in the eaetcrn eitlet. Repairing and edJuitlngSaddlee, llera.u, Ac, nctly done, at reeeonable prioea. Particular attentloa paid to all ordert by mail or otherwise.' Cell and fee hit work before buying eltewnero. I tteyHooma in Irwio'f Store, n.ttdonrtn Key. .Ion. Store. A. II. MITTON. Clearfield, Pa., May II, 1S74. . DANIEL GOODLANDER, , t 1 Denier la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, noSIERT & GLOVES, , , HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobeeoo, Groaerief and Flth, Nallt, Ilardwara, Queentware and Glaetwara, Mcn'f and Boyt' Clothing, Drngt, Peintf, Otto, School Hooki, a large lot of Patent Medieinee, Caadiea, Nutf A Dried Fruit., Cheeee aad Crack ere, Rook and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clorer and Timothy Seed, Bole Leather, aloreeeoa, Llnlagf, Binding! and Thrwd, Hhofmekert' Tool, and Shoe Fladlngi, Mo greater variety of goodt fa any ator. In the eonnty. All for tele Tory low for eaih or country produee at the Cheep Corner. Aug. 17, H7I. fiTEW KT0RB VND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hay jutt opened NiV Broaa, on Main 8t., Cumrtaxa, Pa. lately occnpled by In. F. IBWIN. . Their ttock eoottali of m ux (JtXDQDQDSB . . ...... Gaocum of tht bent quality, ) OuEENSWARi, Boots and Shoos, and erery article ueoeeearf for ' 'ft:, l 1- .' il ,.,Kl T , ode oomfort. , Call and examine, our etock baford pat- h . , ekaalng eleewhere. May 9. lSCO-lf. CnEAP GROCERIES! J 1 i LUHRRR CITV, PA. Tba ladertlgliod aenounMe te hit eld frleade and petront thai h. hae opened a gnad Irae ot 0H0CKK1IW A PROVIHIllNB at the eM elaaut af Kirk A Spaoaer, for whlck a. eollelle a llkerei patranaga. H. W. BPINCKR. Lumber City, T:, March IS-tf. J. r. WBATlfl,.. rJIHB LATBIT MOVUI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Scoond Street, nearly oppotite the ttore of Woavor A Betle, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to annply their old and M many new eaatomera na may ome, with rum: mtuus! CHKMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedial,) Patent Medicine, PalnU and Oili, (,! and Patty, 8ehool lleuka, Stationery, Paper, Acj alao, a full line of Drug- I giate' flnndriea, Hatr Ton lea. Coamettca, Perfumerlea, Toilet Art I plea, Dmihee, xuiie. oonpi, i'oorci unoia, o., nil or the boat quality. . f t i PURE WISES AND LIQUORS, for medical A eacramentel purpoaca only, ' Pure White Lead, dtlnra of all hind., Raw and Roiled Linaerd Oil, Varnlshra, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniah Hrnshe, r'laroring Eitraeta, f M Con feet' oner lea, Bird Sord, Spice, ground and angrouna, 01 all Kimu. SMOKERS AND CHEWEUS Will And ear atoek of Chewing and Smoking Toheeeo, Imported and Do- i meitio ClKtra, Mnuff and Kiiie-eut to bo of the very beat prnnda In the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, . AU kinds of GLASS WARE GARDEN SEEDS, ' Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Maaleal Trimmlngi of every variety. Having a long exnerieaoe In the bu'ineaa, ud an axtenaire and wHI aeleeled atoek of medleinea. we are enabled to nil Phyiioiana' preaeriptiona at the ahorteat notice and on the moat reasonable terma, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Mav SI, mi-tf. It KAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I i The attention af the eitiuna of Clearfield and vielnity ia directed to the faot that Ooodfellow A Son are the agenta of M. Niece A Co., and have Just rveeired a half doien car loada of Flour and reed, wbieh they oner at the; loweat poeatbie ig area. A large atoek of A FLO UK, CORN MEAL. CHOP, , BUCKWHEAT FLO UK, BUAN, . , Potatoea, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ae. Particular attention la called to H. Nleoa A Co.'a brand of Family Floar, which ia the beat is the market. Floor and Feed aan and will be eold cheaper than it oan ha obtained elae where la uiaarocid eountr. JeT Store on Market atreet, neat door te Hon. Alexander lrvin a reatdenee. UOOUVRLLOW A SON, janlOtf AgeaUforM-NieeeACa MARBLE AD STOXE YAED 2 Mrs. S. S. LIDDKLL,' Hating engaged In the Marble butlneet, diflret to Inform her frlendi and the public that the hat now and will keep eonttantly on hand a large and well .elected ttock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and It prepared to firrai.h tp order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMUS. ... , . MONUMENTS, Curltt and Poita for Cemetery Lot. W'indow Sillt aad Caff, aleo, . ' .1 BUREAU, TAR1.E AND WASH STAND , , . , TOPS, Ac, Ac t-avYard on Reed ttreel, near the &. R. Dci.ot, Cleern.ld, Pa. . Je7,7 8AWSI SAW8! 8AW8! DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. " 1 : H .Of Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. , ALSO, "'. V PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For tale by cetll,7 II. P. BIGLER A CO. LEATHER BREAST-STRAl'S 8UPRRSBDED BY COVERT' PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLDrBACK Made of the best Mallea ble Iron, and laatlnebed . . . to the Uamti by the brit Snap arer InrenUd. ft la easily and quickly put on, ana prevenie inn whipping: of the.horaea ' I ' by tba pole, kot )lalln In era nut af retialt. (1 Will laat for yeara. All wa ask la a fair trial, to eonrlnea all part lee na Ing them that they are nnaurpaaaed In value for the purpoea for which they are Intended, SACK KIT A SCHRVVER Clearfield, April 15, 1874. KRATZER k LYTLE, : ! i v AGENTS IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY FOR laOmMiAIlU'fl r Celebrated Braada ef V . , Smoking & Clicking Tobneeos. We are enabled io wholiaeM he dcaleri fhMjh. oat the county at ally prloee. "" KRATF.BR A LYTLf, JeS:7-tf ' ' . j ': Cleern.ld, Pa, gTOREKEErERS, ATTENTION I Wa deelre U eell your attention to our attentive Oomaiitcioe bueioeeo and to our facllitlel for die Joeing of eueh produee at oar euailgnori tend at. levtug a large trade wtlh city ttorn, we are en abl U naka qalik return., at fukVprleei. Storekeenera having Ubiokcnt, Butter, Egrt, flr fiber praftace, will d.w.11 to fir. at atrial. neere irroeeriee eT. i ,i i eecuange, no num ralltlea will be eherged. " ' ' 1 I i B. L. KIRK. SON A 00., Wboleeale (lrorert end CanaiiKlen Memhantf,' Me. lie N. Third timet, fhiled .. , aariy HOtJpK AND' LOT FOR ALE! The Hour, and Lot on the cornet ot Mar. tee aerd Fifth etreetr, ClwrteM, pa, la fra eele. Tba let aeeeoiee eeerly aa eera af groaed.f .The ewewe It a targe doable traaia, oealainlag nine reorae. Far tarau and ether informeUua apply te the tubterlbar, at the Pott Oltee. aorll P. A. SAULIK. THE llEPUBLICAN. 1 ' CLEARFIELD, PA L - WKDNBSDAT MORNINd, At'OTST 1. 1874. TEN THOUSAND A VEAN. Wa preeoat tbla bit of wrapped-up phlloaophy to oar feverlf b wealth hunters, who eaeriRoe ovary good of life la their mad deilrt for euddan fortune. It Ii from Londoa oomlopaport f , If I bad bnt a tliouaand a year I tblnk I oould manage to apend It) Could aquaader tba half, very near. And, aa fur the rest I eoutd lend 1U Could eq kndcr the half, I ahould any, On fully, on vice, nnd on eorrow On dreary debauchee to-day, , , Repentance and headache to-morrow. Could purchase with half of my wealth, Or leaa, If I eared to diminish, Had morals, bad oonanionce, bad health, And a bad-lib look -out at the Oniih. And the reat of my gold I eoutd lend The friend who in want had atood by ma, And loee both my money and friend For thenceforward forever he'd ahy me! If I had ten tbouaand a yeet, The eon l Intent may eei-m clap-trappy, i I'm bleat if I think It'aaoelear, -1 should not be aiok and uuhnppy. At prent I've frlrnda very dear lloahb and oomfort, aa long ai I'm thrifty j Bo 1 dou't want ten thoueand a year, I'm content with a hundred and fifty. oorAAxiA'.vr as a ituxsm OF HAILUOADS. Wo clip the followinj; oxeollfiit arti clo, lvliilni to nil importunt puMiv qiicrition, from I lit' 1'illHlmrirli Post, Hud ak our ruadvtit to pa it uu attentive pcrtiKul : . "If tho Government liuililx n rnilroud for Government ptir)Hmes, it i pro MUinulilo tlmt tho linverninent liua the ril.t nnd known how to run it- Tlie (iiivernnient then iippnintx the men Ut conduct it, nnd crlullirdien, thmunh tluwo oftlcom, tho ruleg lirr it yovern liut'c. All right. The queHtinn iei, does the more nuthorixtttion (by the uutiouitl legirilutiire) of indiviiliuiK n a coi-tiortttion, to coimtnict a ruiltviud entitlo tho Government to run the road alter it in tiiiinhoil, uiiIm it ia ao xpeiilUully Htuted ill tho net of incor poration? The (ioverniuent In, in other wonln, tho whole hody of tho jieople ; tho corporation i a Hinall por iion of tho RUino people, deputed or authorized to Ixtild the ntilrond and trnniHrt freight nnd piiNcnr;oin thero on. tVhea the Government (or the peoilt) grant the right to thcBC intli viiluulH, it, in uudemlood between tho put-tiffi that the individual)! nro to fur uih tho money needed to build, equip and run tho road. The Government require; theno individual, to pay the ownent ol pnvuto property when they take it lor railroad urocx, even in cuHe heu it in unite ul'Vieii.i that vei-j- wmid the reniduo of the aaiiic proper- tier) may be largely enhanced in value in consequence of tho constmetlon of the road not with Government money, not with the money of theso property owners; hut Willi the money oftiiein- dividunla who build the road on the strength of tho grant they havo re ceived from tho iicoiile pnrcntlcxs (or the Uovcrnnient ). It in a Imrgam. Jt uiay lie a Kuod one ibr the stockholders, it may be a bad one ; but it is sure to mve additional facilities to the tiovern niont (to tho neople.) Whether the bnrgain be a gooil one or a bad one for the stock bolder, It Is a hnrgain ; and neither party has a just right to break it or to infriniro imkhi its terms with out proper consideration, anil adequate compensation. t ''tCfiiWmiiittii m 'inn erriiul if. in but an ciilin'ged society: J tie rfgKU ol all belong to all ; but society, and (iovern inent, equally, muxl bo invested with power to delegato dutica which must he performed by cleototl individuals, who Itecomo eocinl or (iovernmental otlleiulsi who niUBt lie rexjiected accord inglj'. These are not nelectcd in a chance way, but in accordance with a C'onxtitution, under which all live. Men go on Ami acquire property, lawfully, under this Constitution. They become capitalists, lawfully. They farm, they build, they manutiicturo, they trade, they ship, Ac, lawfully. ' They build railroads, lawfully, (lovernmout (the body of tho whole people) doea not say to tlio farmer you shall charge only tlfty cents a bushel for your wheal ; does not say to tho house or ship build er you shall charge only five hundred dollai's for your house or your ship ; docs not say to the iron manufacturer you shall (.Large only ten dollurx a ton i'or your product ; docs not sny to tho tradesman you shall charge onlv- twit per cent. lir your work as a middle, man ; dw not sny to the shipper (whether on the ocean, lake, or river,) you shall charge oidy one mill per ton pur mile i'or transporting freight, or ono mill per mile for carrying paxxen- gcrs. oovornmcnt una never yet sain any thing whatever to any of our peo ple thus engaged. . Jlow then could tho Government say any thing in tho premises, without 'destroying itself? Wo should then bo without Govern. incut. So ono disputes tho right of (ioverninent, that tsot tltu whole oouy of the people, to tax the people tor legit i. nutto end.i Jio one will obict to tho pnipergtivenimentalreguliilion of com-1 morco between tho different States of. tho Union, but the regulutinn (d com merce has never heretofore been bji (llttid by Jlio i"J!i tin) l tttli lirg of rates that lildtvldiitils Or bflrtt til individiiuls.in tho sliupo of corprntions, should chnrgo for carrying freight or paseengei i'rom one, Stute to another State, or from any point to any other point. Whether in our coastwise com Mien '( frnf internal lake anil river commerce, tho (ioverninent has not taken it in hand to any or do anything whatever in connection with that part of the business of tho people. . !Uus been left where In a troo country it naturally, belongs with tho people themselves, " For example tho Ohio and M ississij) pi river navigation embraces ltl.OOO mile of navigable waters, upon which all oral! nnviiato mid carry pnssengers nnd freight, tho prices of which servico havo always been and are now wnony regulated by individuitl competition and not nt all by tho Government j not withsfcudiiltf that ,1lrt Government claims Jurisdiction over these rivers, and does not regnlato commerce there on so far ax it may legitimately do so ; that Is, by prescribing rules anil regu lations for the meeting and passing of Btoamors, rule, for the boilers, Vo., and other ircgulations for the safety of passengers. So on tho lakes and coastr nir vessels, and with tho ocean vessels, On trudo with ftuvlgn nation the. Gov ernment prescribe a tariff of revenue ; hut it has ncveryct undertaken to pre scribe rate at which vessel should carry paxscngnrs Or fVcltfht, either with foreign nations, or between tho Stales whether along our ocean front, on our hikes or on our rivers. , Jl wo then ad mit for tho sake of argument that a railroad conies under the power of'Con- gruas in liko manner w ith the coast,, tho lake or tho river, whin rigut lias C'onjtresa to say or do anything more in the case of tho railroad than it has to say or do in the case of tho coast, tho lnkb, br 'the river? What right has Congress to say to an individual that ho shall not transfur his capital, in nnv wny, that he may plcaso, from one Itntn tn rmither. - CHrngreea) bus no coirttoi orortbf bugmoe rnj individual excepting through general law , or by special coptracl and should not have in UiW'MEioatJiiiijtlUtgpJiviii.; nt. morco hot Ween HlutcH tloes not 'iieniiif. Congressional running of railroads."' ', ..' President Grant "Waii-ml to consult his Cabinet repent It, arttl wnamrfrinoll. ed to aend wont to but six distinct watering place for his advisor to Ap pear Rt the llrancji, OX THE BEACH. Tho editor of the Willlumxixirt Bui- (tfin evidently know how it, it himself or bo would tie nnablo to givo in detail an "inning" at Long Branch, or aome other branch. lie tolls it in thia way : "it la a pleasant eonoeit aotno pooplo have in the imagination that it ia essen tial thoy ahould spend the hot woeks ut tho aca-ahoro, rolling in the surf, it is necessary to tho health, but there aro some tilings pertaining to tho aver age lile on the beach that requiro tho most vigornusconslilution to indulge in. The ovurlavtiug bath is ono of these. : "Naturally your first consideration on arriving at tho beach is a bath, and to that end you roof yourself in a but h honso. These bath-houses aro among the most attraotivu feature of the beach, lending grandeur and sublimity to tho scenery. Thoy aro ordinarily about twenty Inches square, and so co.yl A Ittrgo portion of tho floor ia occupied by a tub of wator, and if your feet aro not much less than average size, you will have to engineer pretty carefully to not a pluco to put them. There is a board two indies and a half wide placed along tho side of this coop, which somebody iu a fit of sarcasm has culled a seat, but it is so high up that you couldn't sit on it if you wanted to unless you should sit on tho buck of your Head. XH-ur the root you will lind ouo hook nnd three or four short, rusty nails. You put your hut on tho hook we nro nieakiug now of how a inun does it your coat on one nail, your vext on another, and trousers on the only ono remuuing. It is a warm day, and you have a good deal of; trouble getting your confidential gar ment over your heud. This is always a very delicate operation, hut in a bath house twenty iru lies square it is most, affecting. If you can accomplish it without loosing your temper you de- servo tho Presidency at least. Your knuckles come in contact with the rough Ixnurdit in front of you, adiuon isliiiiL' you o retreat a xtcn. in this retreat you get one foot in the tub of wutcr, soaking your stocking, ler bups you niiiy stop to talk a little on the subject ut thia juncture, after which, feeling renewed oourago, you go at tho garment again and ailuiirnlily succeed in taking olT un inch or two of skin finm your elbows. All this socms to put you iu uooej ' condition for the en joyment of the bath. "With your shirt halt over your head yi thrust and punch around nwhile like the holder of ; the cnumpiuii bolt, until it ultuuutcly conica oil' in two sections. "Soma additional pleasures crowd upon you now. You discover that in the struggle your trouserx left the nail and willed into the tub of water. In straightening up, after fishing them out, your head dives up under your ooat, which coiucn down and us there is no other place for it to full, it too is iMirno Into the tun. fly this tune you have probably concluded there is uoth iug so delightful as lite in the ordinary baili-houso. Hut don t lie discouraged. "In timo you tret yourself into ouo ol'i those Stale prison-like uniforms, am biguously culled a bathing-dress. Then you are real happy, and flsh your hut out of thewatertulifor theseeond timo. and tinlitxten the door and take a look out. A young holy iu the next apart ment docxthcxame thing ut exactly the samo moment, says, 'Oh gracious me!' and tliuwe bac k. Instantly you hear hear a gratifying splash, nnd you know very well she bus fallen into that ever lasting, nefarious tub. Then you come out. At once yon make up your mind that everybody is lot iking at yon, and making remarks alsiut you. til course this is not so, for why should every body lisik at you? Still it is tho only thing you can imagine under the cir cumstances, and you walls off down the beach on tip-toe, and wade into tne water, ami sit, uown ami nut autait, and refresh yourself with gulping in w hole quarts of salt wator. Of course you enjoy this hugely.for haven't they all said, "this is just too delightful for anything." Hut somehow uoxt year tfiids you sponding the summer mouths somew here else. JiEPEESEXTA TI VE MEN. A Congressional committee was re cently apiiointed at Washington to manage too approacning campaign chosen from the two Houses. It con sista of tbirtv-five members and four delegates. Of these, flmrtecn are from the Sunatu and twenty-one from the House, and of tho latter there aro twelve; in bout oi third, wlionro new members. In milking up this commit tee ordinarily, the utmost enro is taken to select men who are not only free from general objection, but whoso char acter wud conduct inspire confidence. ' .This wise rule of diseriminatjou has been wholly sot aside and despised in the present iusiuiice, and an insulting dixrcgnrd ol even decency sutistiuilcil wir it, which makes the act doubly offensive.'.' A glance nt the standing of individual members is sullluietit to de termine their uufitucew for such a posi tion. Here aro the names : John A: Logan, Chairman, back-pay gruhher and extreme inflationist. A. Ii. Cragin, bark-pay grabber and jobber In the navy. Simon Cameron, back-pay frabbor and llfe.lotig corniptlonist, '' J, K tatvi btcK-pny grabber and rVftllnwajr, . ,. '. ; i George E. Spencer, back-pay gnili ber ami carpet-bagger. t - -. .-, 1 : J, it. West, back-pay grubber and confedemto of Kellogg. ' L; H. (,'otiover, back pay grabber and carpet-bagger. J...W. J-'Injiiigan, baek-jiay grabber anil xcallawag. A. Ti. Borcnian, back-pay grabber. W. M. Stewnrt, back pay grabber and F.iuina iline trader, r W, Hitchcock, buck -pay grabber, ij'wrlltjiiiyton, 1'iwik-piiy f.fabbor, cariiet-hagger and Arkansas jobber. J. II. Mitchell, nliu Mitchell-Hippie, much-married jobber, j V ,"" Ziii hiti'iiili ( baniller, dealer in tem perance, morals nnd political purity. E. L. Cobb, buck-pay grnblior and small scnllawag. K. 11. WhitiMey, hack-pay grabber and ail?t-lmggcn ; iiii., George C. McKco, back pay grabber and carpet-bagger, H. O. lloughton, back pay grabber, i Ji. , li.. SliirkvtiMtthcr, contldeiitial ally nnil wliiluvrilshcr' Of ho Wash ington Ring. A .'it 'VM The now ruuuibors are almost entire ly unknow n, nnd servo as mere figure heads fiirthi majority. Tho fourdclo gates Hum tho TeiTitories, with Chii ninn of the lhY(rii't of Columbia at tholr head, pocketed every cent of the btick-pay. So that In fact this eommlt luu rnaj'. bo, eujd .to .lie ..composed of grabbers, carpet-baggers unil sealla wngs, and sotnft of them nra the vrry wtingl rtfJjtfirhfiigS 'tif Ihll tlirmi briboa hr 1oiiri'1s,.k 1t i crifiy tos (iiiftgino rlif mort'iof , rtturu, istieh ulllitts 'would pi'vuuh.,, ,'' . ,' , ' . ,' ' '' ' 1 An Acikp Mstiti)(iiif ItiviNR, Vrob alilvtkiv ohloxt ii ulJiodixt divine in the I'n'ltcd Stntes, if viot in the world, is the venerable Fnthef llunry Ilochin, who rtwidea at the residunee uf his son-in-law, Mr. Emlcyv on Lnfayetto street, Jersey City, lie recently critered on hia , ionthiilnrtWiay, r Vt tien.h was born I ho lHxlaration of American'In-1 deiiendeneo was not written, and tba frUftof' Mjrey Yi-k,l'hilirl,iaiiK, I Iliilliiuore and Jtoston Were nicre Vil lage. Ho harr "llvtul tinder nil tho I'restflenta, from Waahinrrlon down; lia bfqii in the miiilstiT over aeventy tjirey yiwrs, and probutily prcaclied its many, or more arrnwaiis than auy man since the day of John Wesley. Fat h-i er BiKihm ia in tolorably gootl health and sjiirits, ami say be eolilldeutly hopes to lie able to attend tho Phila delphia Centennial in 1871), ' 1)1 fid USTED WWII El HE It I A. The ICiperlenre of a Tenueteee Colored Man who doe. uot Hcll.li a Diet ol Hixita, . Hiiaket, Llaaarda aad Mcurpluua t'reia the Kneirllle (Teas.) Chronicle. Si UATTiiKiiay Plains, Juno 12. Dun Price, a briiht, inUiUigeiit mululto.who loll this neighhorhooif tho 23d day of lasinoroniber in company Willi thirty two others for Liberia, arrived in our town on tho 10 o'clock train this morn ing, on hia return from old Africa, tho iiutivo country of his rneu across the dcej) blue sou. Han tells us a very distrcaiing xlory of his trip and of tho late of many of his relatives and friends. Ho says they had not been in Libe ria a month till they had buried nine of ihuii litllo parly, all of whom died of lever, including hia wife, mother, grandmother, and his oldest child. He brought two of hi little children buck with hint, who wore fbrtuiutto enough to escape tho fatal dixease. Tho remainder of tho party are nearly all sick and anxious to gel buck to America, but us a trip this w ay costs (50, uono of thein can get the funds to return on. Itut few uf them have bouu able to tlo a day's work sinco they ar rived in Liberia, and when they can work they get only twenty-five cents a day. He says that the agent of the Coloniza tion Society groasly misrepresented the country to them or they would never havo tliought of leaving Kast Tennes see. The natives with but lew cxoeii tious are of tho rudest type, and ueurfy allot them live upon roots, frogs, slmkex, scorpions, lir..uiils and insects of vari ous kinds, ilacon being titty cents per pound, and flour from 112 to lti jior hundred, of course can be used only by the rich. Corn, wheat, outs and oilier staple productions of this country can not no grown there to any advantage. He never saw a team of horses, mules or oxen, from tho time he left New York till ho returned, the soil be ing cultivated principally with the hoe. No one ever thinks of going out with out an umbrella or something tn pro tect him from the intense heut of the sun. Settler are often overrun by the different savages from the interior, themselves killed and their houses rob bed and burned. Many of tho natives dress in regular burbariaii si vie ; that is, they go entirely naked, oxcept when out from their place of abodo; thoy thi n dress up with ono garment, a hip cloth. The olh'ccx of the Government are all filled by negroes, who are generally mean und tyrunnicul toward tho com mon people. The rich will not in any way ussociuto with tho poor, and when tho poor negro works for the rich ono ho is scut to tho kitchen tor his minis He mailed a dozen letters at this olltco, which were written by tormor slaves to their old masters iu this coun try, ull axkiugthut money be sent them that they may lie enabled to get buck to their old homes once more. He brought the letters to this country uml mailed them, because none of the writ ers hud the money to puv the high lute ol postage charged in Liberia. ' Take it nil in nil, Dan snvs if lie could have his health iu Liberia, be would rutber lie a slave here than u freeman there. Dun reads and writ well, and has for years been considered a leader among bis race in this section. He advises bis people to quit publics und go to work, that they may be proxperoiiH and happy. . . a wa smxa tox jioma xce. From the Cinciunetl Commercial) The wedding was that of .Mr. Con ger, member of Congress from Michi gan, Willi Mrs. Sibley, widow of .Major Sibley, United Stntee army. She was Miss Humphries, daughter of Judge Humphries of tho Supremo Court of tho Stute ot Ohio, and twenty-seven years ai0 was nflianced to M r. Conner. then a handsome, blooming youthu They quarrelled and parted, in six mouths tho quarrel wax forgotten, and they were again eugagud. Mis. Hum ph rim woo pretty, a belle, and a flirt Her flirting propensities did not ploaxc Mr. Longer, and ho remonstrated with her. licing a bo'li-siiintiil enl, she uc-uin und finally broke tho ciumiru- ment, telling him slio would never marry him. - ' Ho left tho State. Sho marriej and he married. Major Sibley lived twelve years. J hero were no children, and at his death sho went abroad. Mrs. Conger lived a few years, and left thrue children. In October, weary of Kuro- pean life, Mrs. Sibley determined to return to her homo in Linciiinnti. Ar riving iu New York, it occurred to her tooomelo nshiugton for a few weeks. Oh, woman, how mysterious are thy w ays I One day, time hanging w earily on bur bunds, sho wandered (?) tu Congress ; of course, never dreaming that in this august body sat hor ulllni ty I An hour passed ; the debutes were proxy and tedious. So, gathering her wrajw about her, sho prepared to leave the gallery, when there was a tap on her shoulder. Tinning, who did she be hold but the lover of her youth t . , After ioiunionpliice ctvetings in tui ngilatrd VPice, fhe nuiilo the tilqirlrv', "1 anppoac your fiunily is with you "Did volt not know that mv wile wax doud?" With tragic stnrt she nTerfcfJ sho ditl uot. They chatlvd some linio, and on leaving alio said,. "I am at the Arlington, will you come and see me?" Hesitation on his part, blushes on hers. and then in a low voice replied Conger, "i win come u you tune nacK wliat you said tn me twenty -tivc yetirxago.' "1 will," she answered, and she willed. The engagement was very brief, and tho happy twain were united last Sat urday morning at 11 o'clock. The bride wore a puH -colored xatin bro cade, with diamond ornaments, and looked very well, albeit sho could not look sentimental, for sho i not very young, and weighs about one hundred anil innety-fivo pounds. 'Wanted.'' The editor of the Clar ion Piwucnif, w ho evidently fears that his sculp may be injured if G rant s Indian policy is riot changed in some manner, puts liliuxelf on tile record In thi way : " Wanted nn liidiaiixtales mun, tiratatciiinh io lay flro ground work for tho treutment and irovora- liicnt of the American Indians, so that they may Iwwomo useful ciiiaemt, nrat louxt sale residents. Tho lives of the whites along the Indian Uirdcrx are ngniit iu joorardy. . Alihisigh the ne. gro race Jiad a Moses, John ( hlnamnu an advocutu, Alaskans a Ineiui ui ton- grt-s,- Mormons a repeisetuiUiUve, uid other cjiie,urj -tieitjileraavli Jivo their chaiujiion, vet (hose ' A lio "essay to champion the cnii-w,t l,o, mltcrly full to master Ute nulgceto irl't some ono of the gli al minds, who "I niggle tor icrutorshiu iu hnaucial, .naval, illplo- nmtie or law nlVuira of the nation li t some of these great mind study the Indian sublet:!, auu givu Us a policy that will insure snl'oty to t citizen scalp In every nook and corner' !of ihis rod. nian'it country.", ,,,,",, ! , i iim ae a i il -rt- ', r. . ' Two St. Irfirtirt women were refuaed places as drivers on street enra nattti-' uihly liKcaitxe they couldn't niaiiagti muhix. Thin was frlvobwe, , flMu-y ibad both been nnuTled for years, , r ' The people of Tnulonse1 tnnxt b i Laixl set,. A wrilvi4 speaking Uf tb eity any : "It is a hire town txmluit 1 Ing OfliHifl iblinbitant built -entirelv ; brSekJ1,,,, " '. , There i much tmcaslnexs anion ' Iiolitlcinrifjof Mhrchnrtts. I Until-! locpihg oniiiiouxly tpjlt't iiu .tlAtef I tho timet when they aro most lifted I mm.' '"' ui.',i v, , i ,j . In wiiiiri plucr ther 'trrn nmiiit busine pien'g najidjiliitcs' llir X'o grexs.n A beeinese man in .tuongiy wmilrt bo a novelty these ilnyxv ' QTOBOQ'S HUBS O L E A We desira to call tho attention of tho citizens of ClcnrfiuUI county to the fuel that we have opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply 'of ,'.'' '.' . '''" ' " . -i , ., ,, ... , . ,. , . TIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of GEORGE STECK & CCS PIANOS, Wo aro prepared at all times to furnish nny of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo terms as to prices nnd terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular HYNDER ORGAN, (with Hymlor's Kneo Tiemolo nnd downward Octave Coupler,) Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OUGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and tho NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS. , Besides these we furnish to order Organs from nny factory desired. We sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CIIKAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho popular and east LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every ono can have a good instrument, and no other investment of liko amount will tend so much lo MAKE HOME HAPPY. " . rjCTWe shnll be glad to hove you cnll and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. oci23-'72-ly ,. Y.G'N 3TIHNIC KTOIIE. yUsrclUutrous. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! IX feinAHI) TOWNMIIP. The uno5tjri((nf"i oLTori for enle the fnn oa wlich he now renidt t, eifaete In Glrenl lownptii. I Iturik'ldj twinntT, !., ftirwrrly uwnei liy Juilin J. rie. The form cnt.ta.ne U'O ion, end le vrrr Un irlit y lueeUti. The bui.diniri ere ell new, J fiotintft of t Urge freine hoes, beriitf tjftHtil rrlUr itnderorelb, sod (fnd weter eitntr-nirnt ; lerge freme biro, hlncksmif U nhop. gn ihwd, eprt'iK tonne, ae. I he buildioics on tbie lenn ere (too1, if not better, than on tor farm in t'learflnld eoanljr. Tito lend ) of inpertor ((utvlity end la ft good Fteto tif eullivetioo. VowtUm will be given n tho 'prng, or at aiir time tnoit eonvt'oirnt to the purrheier. The (ereD nil. lie riinHobitbJe. Perone drsirouf of uiiroliaiiuf; enn B'Urcf the luLecrilmr at I.roontr'n Slilli P. 0., Clrarflwld comity, 't.t ot fcJT1 ,h jierfon on the jirirninot. Anr pcrimu wtntlnr any Inforoialton In rrftard to the quality of the land, the kind of bildif(t Ihrnxm, tto., tcn net Mir informalton hy nan I tig on Sheriff I'ie, in Ckarfitdd. m be oword the farm for a nunibcr of vtum. and of rviuroe know all about It. WKNUia!. FM'HKH, IevDte'f M till, Cleartield Co., Pa. January 21, 1874. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKAI.IR IN FURNITURE, Improved Spring Beds, MAHKKT 61KEKT, NEAR P. 0. The on drrt lined brje Uare to fnforn. the eltl eae of Cleartield, and tke ftutilio generally, that he Itae aa hand a fine aiaortai;i.t of Karoiiare, oaoh ae Walnut, Cbeetnat and i'ainted Chamber Huiiei, i'arlor PuiUe, Heelining and iCitnmion Chaira, Ladiea' acd tlenti' Emty Chain, the llcr furtvted liniag and Parlur Chain, Cano Srati and Wieduir Chain, Clolhei Itari, Ftep and Kx ten sion Ladder!, Hat Keeka, ftomtjtmtg Drutbee, Ae MOULDING AND PICTVRK PnAJJEfl, Leoktng QlaaMi, Chromoe, Ae., vhioh would be HttAbte lor llelioay preeenls. ticlt)?g JOHN TKOUTMAX. ; CMHIHT, ' tfaeeeeeora to KHYDKR A CO. T I TlWfiK tNTEnKSTRI I TUB YVH CHAHE OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, i ' Tit Me-Hrlnal Porpom wt offer ' llalley-M lu re 11 e, Prica $2 to tl per (tsUcn, and will eJhip in pack age to wit puiMtiaeer. , . We itloo handle largely t i tDIM'KIt DISTILLED WHISKY, 'Vl Prire from $:. tofl.rx We Import " ' ; FINE, WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are also manufarturere of ''dr. rkkykus ' TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend Tor price lint. ' l' 1IUKY Si CHRIST.' "'" ajir.22-0iu 121 North ThirJ HI., l'biliulcl,liia. r?r FAIRBANKS' iA N C A L E N . , or ALL KlPi . , Baggage Harrawa, Warebouee Tnioka, Copying Preeeei, I m proved Money Drawer. As. - o aALa r .... . II. F. 15JG LEU & CO Dealer In Hardware, meh.10:70 tf ' ' " Seenlid Street, OleartlelJ, Pa. THE CLEAKKIKLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE1 ManafatMnrod etrpoplally for t 'fJJE CLEARFlKLIt, TRADE, , auRVTft n. p. biolrb k co. joit S ALE! A large and well-lnUbed Brlok DwaUiog, ilta- Me on the rirer bank. in. Iba borough! Clear flt'ldmtalniair, eleven rnome, with KlM'd oellar, wator Id the kitchen, and ll the uodera ooore. nlenoe. PenlrtUAth.room,t'luhe-)rfffM. An, M eiity ft-M front and two buodrod Mil tbiify fret back,1 wUk a twenty foot alley on lle eet lidf. btilldikg, with all the appurlenaooei, will be eold ebeap, with payment lo Wit pum ha ter. Antillcallua ean be. mads le the under. ftjrned, or to A. C. Xate, Kiti,, who will give all neoeaeary tnlermalioa to tbuia who deelre to in. Ipeot the proMirty. THUS. 4. Siv VUUVK UU. May lift, 1873, tf. . ,.'j - w. Beale's Embrocation (LATl POWItt.'Hji,'. For at) dlieatei Incident to Here Cattle, and 111 man Flewh, rqmng the af aa ' e i tenia t appltcatlon ' Jbli Kmbroeatlon wu ttenelffel e4 by tbe Uorerntnent daring lb war.- L i Pot aale bv Hartewlek A I net. Cleartield Jeeeph R. Irwtn, Varwenrrllle, Daniel Good lander. Lntbertburg. tf. MARKET 8 T II E K T, It F I 13 jL I, V K STE1NWAY & SONS' QLEARFIELD PLANING mLlj " C O M V ANY. Til f. undfrained, lucrrveora to It Y.Y. D k PdW KI.L. hare porrhaeed the CLKAK Hm.D PLANINO MILL, and rrflu-d it tut doing an exU-neive busiueaa. AU the msebiaery will be addod niiary to uiahe it one of the uuiftt complete eetnb ithiucnt ol I lie kind in the .u(ato. They are now prrpurrd to receive ordera for any work in that line. Tliey wilt gireepeeial attention to all materials for houae building. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARLjING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OF ALL STYLE., alwayi oa bend. WORKKD BOA RHP, and all art idee necoeea ry for building, will be etc ban fed for DllY Ll'MHKK, ao that periona at difUnee may bring their lember, eiehange It for, and return home with the manufactured article. Tbe Company will alwayi have oa band a large tors of dry lumber, aa a to be able to AM aa order na tba horteet notice. Only tbe beet and moat ekillful banda will be employed m that the publie may rely upon good work. Lumber will He worked or ald ae low ae It ean be purebaeod anywhere, and warranted te giv teilflHIIUp, n lliej II11liaaeiS will M ejtinej Bpr the eaeh prine iple we eaa afford to work fur email profltt. DRY MJ3IBEU WANTED I Especially one and-a bair aaJ two inch punt! stud, for which a liberal price will be pnid. Tbe baaineM will be endnoted under tba naiae - of iba ,. . "Clearfield JPlanlng Mill Co." O. B. Uerrell will pcriownlly tufuinntcDil tho buioei. lt. , Order! rrrpertfutly lAlieitoil.' 1 0. B. MKRRKLk. . . - K. U. TAYMK. II. O. BHOWN A I) HO. PTrarfipM, Pa., January Wll. READING FOR ALL I I BOOKS A STATIONER 1'. Market Ml., I leartleld, (at the Poit (Htlco.) fMlK madereigoed befte leave to announce to X the eltteene of Clearfield and vicinity, that be hat fitted ap a room and baa joet returned from tbeetty with largo amoant af raadinf matter, coneiating part mt -. Bibles and Miscollaneoua Books, Blanb, AMnwat and Part Boobi f every de tPHptlon r Paper nnd Kn vein pee, Prwneb preaaed and plaint Pont nnd Peaoila Blank, Legal npere, Deeda, Mortgegeei Jwdginwnt, fiienp tlon and PmtnlMory net; H bit and Pareh; ment Brief, Legal Can, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Muele fdf either Plane, Piute or Violin constantly on band. Any bookt r ttattoaery deal red that I may not a on band, will ba or. or4ered by flrat aipreai, and sold at wboleaale or retail to auit eui torn ere. I will alio keep periodical literature, anon an Magavine. newi papera, Aa. P A. OAUL1M. Clearfield May T, 18rlg.tr OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER ' c o m r a m v,' " ; OSCHntA STKAM 'MIMA M Attl: r ACTI' nil ' ' '' LUMBERLATH, AND PICKKTS ' '' ' , t ., Smceil it PtitaiL Uilhed Shingles. 1 H. II. PIlILLIKOFOItD, rrerHrnt, OBcf Foreat 1'lece, No. ill 8. 41h It., Pbil'e. JOIIS tAWSnrt, Oenerol Pop't.. ' . Oeoeola Ullle, CrearOeld eeaatr, Pa. Auo-TOWN LOTS for tale la trie boron, h f Oecenla. ALaOr-Kerp the I.A11UKST ASS(HT.VIiNT or tioou. in tlrarfleld eouutj at their llammela Htor. la O.eeola. '-" ' -Jaal-I u Lime lor. Sale 1 .' ,.' r1IJK an.Wrelgaetl, fraidtng ftcatiha. tieot hit jl mad . oirtupiata arraigeaala , itUi Lime Harmraeaat'nt tlr mown tat a, wbereiiy bo ia ena bled to keep etaaiiaut.y tm Iwikd ltrgr quantity of wbiob ba nflera lo farmera and build ore at a IriAe above ooat. Thoee in neml of the article would do II tn rire me a call, or adttreai me ny letter, be- Tore nrgotiattng thtr nme. . ttMI. (J, rAMMUUltK, Clearfield, Pa., Jwn Hlatii. in 1 ' TI '. ,,. rt '- , 'The Lightning Tamer., rpll K anderalnaml are the iota Agaata In tkli I annaty far th "Hofth America a UaJvaataed LKaliTXLlSti HODS."' Xlieie are the only eafe rode now In ua. and ere endoracd by all the fclentifie men tn the ennnfrv. ' w beroy hotiry mi eitiinni t lira trnnty that we will ruA tbeaa an ja better rod. and for lei money, than ti charged by the foreign agonta wbo ananally travarae th county and carry os our titi cam, never to return. ENCOUKAGE yOMR LABOR, Tboaa wtaMn ItirMnlng ttodb eTerlefi n their bulldlnga n-ed htiT addrMi ae by letter, er call la pereoa. We mill put Ibeitt wp anywhere la iheeeiiaiy, and warrant mem. I ne node aaa rlkturei cmi be een at ey ft mi Ivy eel Met at ouritore. H. t. BmLRK CO. Clearfild4 Warcb f, lTQ W' t 'm TjI very Ntiihlo. ( TH R undcrilgned Itpgi leave to Inform tbe pub. lie that he ia mm fully nrrparrd to eemm mo te all in ine wayoriurntehing Rorwre.ihtrclee. Baddlti and IftrneaiL nn the ahrtrtet natiW aad on jeaaonnt'le tcrtfii. Relt1fnioa ItotraH atreet, Utwaan Third and fowih, ' 1 ' ' ' flF.0. wr OBAnHaRT. ni4rfleM, Tb. , WU1 '. . 1 7 i v BWmE X XAV PIANOS, IIAINKS BROTIIEUS' PIANOS. iUiSffUnnfou. LAIIGEST ABSORTMKNT OP IHTOVEW ! STOVEH ! erer !rfuflit lo the eounlr,' are Wire rrreired at the Hardware E.l.bli.hn.nl of II. I. IIM;I.I: Ja l-'O., eoenpriiing the followiog Cook Biuret : srEAIt'S CAI.OniFIC, SU.SyUKIlANNA. KEUULATOR. K0PI.K. KXCELSIOR. TKIUMl'H. GOV, TKNN. KEAD1N0 NATIONAL It A NO K, 4C. C. Alio, the following Heeling Store.: Sf'EAIfS ANTI Cl.INKUt, SHEAR'S A NTI DUST. " r-rEAn'SUItniCULAK, ' RPEAH'S PARLOII ClKIK, M01ININO LIGHT. HON TON, - - GirsEY. VULCAN. SUNBEAM. RUBY' DAUriJIN EOO, CHESTER EOG, . VOUANO. PHOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND. STORE ROOM STOVES, 40. CUeet.14, Sept. Ji, UT1. rjX) THE F 11 0 N T! , . GHUAT l:Xt ITICMI..XT ' AT THE CLEARFIELD BAKERY "' ' AND ,, ICE CEEAM SALOON I - Tb anJct'lgned having just fitted np new, Urge and oouilortable rooma on Market atreet, nar Third, rrprrt fully infarme the public that he nnw drrparcd to aecommodat them with VTvrytbing ia b4 line aa abort notice and at all houra of the day. He kcrpt on hand KRKSH BUKAD, BTSKS. ItOLLf!, PIES, ', CAKES, all kinJi. 1 ICECREAM, -, and general aeurtmcnt of CONPKCTIONKKIliS, FBU1T8, HITS, it., A I) of which will be d tire red ta enftomer at tbrlr r, reaidencea, wbaa rrtjiietrd to do ro. ICK CRKAM, by the dib, ieri od la a neatly fur i . , air hod rouut. Thick Tu I for the gmemUa patronage beaU'wed ia the p net, he bpci to merit and receirr a eo& I liboenec of the uao from hia old muto- mere, and other. JOHN, STABLER. Jwaell.TS-lf. O. I. lirilEIlK to bur mv DRY UO0I. GRO- eeriee, Qnernnrarelasaware, Drug and Nation, Confeouonerice, Ae., ebeap for oaab The aiibecrlbrr bege ler to Inform kit old aad new eurtomert that be ba opened A VAIllIiTY STORK . IN 0LEJT IIOPR, PA. And will a 1 1 rooda at nrlee to euit the timaa. A liberal reduvtluu will U imimU io cuftumcri buy ing at Witolcnale. Call and etaiuine ray atoek bifir purchaaing etxenhoro, A htwral suara ol public patronaff u ouciira. 0. J. KKAOY. lllcn Il.'pe, Pa., Jane H.UTl JJ F. HIGLER A CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BIJII.VKKS' 11AHDWARR, i. , MliCHANICa' HAllDWATtR, , . , I.UMIIK(lMKN'r! HARDWA11, FARMtNO CTKNMI.S. 1 ' MILL fU'PPUM, IRON NAIlSi PAINTS, oils, TAtmrsnM, " PAINTKKS' MNIIINU", ' " " " " : CALCINED PLASTER- " Mee , liTJ. ' ' The ainlerrlani-rt are bow Mir prtrtre' te earry aa the tiaeiaea, of " 1 . VXIi:itT AKIM-. AT BKAaONiDI.E RATES, Altrl rr.WcHetlr Mw-rt the bar,aae f IMMIIlf twe tenlaea, JOHN TROI Ti" i ' JAMES U. WAV V. ClreHlrtJ, a, r.a. IK, 1S74. . . WIIiMAM M. HENRY, Ji'Trr o ta. Paxa ... Br.,..,...!.! "!1" OITT. Cotleetlon, aieoe end moaeT preier"' nald oror. Aitlele, .r ..nm..m and deed, aoaerranoa aeatlr tieeateel eed werraeted ef rae er aa, f aarga. " " XJNPKRTAKINO. '1