garfliMW, linumrf, it. 8ACKETT & SCURTVER, HARDWARE, and itaauiaetuxere of Ttn.Copper ASher! Iron Ware, goooad Stmt, i CLEARFIELD. PA. Havlag inoreaeed ir .look af lh were, w. lavlt. lb. public to ssamms our Hook end Brio,. CarnenLra and persons who ontemplel build ing will de well to mto our TOOLS BUILDING HABDWAHB, which ii new and of Iho hut manufactor, tnd will be told low for teak. , NAILS, GLASS, PUTTV, GLUE, LOCKS, Latches, UINGES, SCREWS All kinds of Bench Planes,6ew, Cblsela, Square, Hammers, Jlatehots, Plumbs end Lavels, Mortised A Thumb Ouegea, Revels, Braces A Bitta, Wood and Iron Bench Screws, end the beet Boring Maehio In the market, i : Doubla and Single Bitt Aim, POCKKI CTJTLIRY, A. Agents for Burnell'a Iron Corn Shelter, warranted Aleo, agent for Richards' ' ' 1 ' ; GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, which offeotuall core Sinoky Flue. Ferners' Implement! and Oarden Tools of vry deaoription. A largo variety of '" 1 ' ' COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to give satisfaction. Portable Manrt$ and Furnatet. toaj-Roofins;, Spouting aod Job Work done on reasonable terms. All ortlore will receive prompt atlenUoa. Juno 11, 1173. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSaeccisori to Boynton 4 Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of POETABLE A STATIONAET STEAM ENGINES Corner of Foorth and Pine Streets, CI.EAK FIELD, PA. TTAVINO engaged In tli manufacture of iret- -1 A- elui MACHINERY, wtrerpeotfully Inform tb publlo that w ar now prepared to fill all orders as cheaply and as promptly as aa as done la any of to olties. We manufacture and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla Bead Blocks, Water Wheel, Shafting Pulleys, Qlford'l Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cops, Oil Cups, Qauge Cocks, Air Cook, Qlob Valve, Cheek Valves, wrougkt Iron Pipe. Sleaae Pump, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of HILL WORE, together with Flows, Slod Solas, - COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, . i, i . on other CASTINGS of til kindi J&0t4ti oliltd ud Ailed at nuy prleee All letter- of inquiry with reference to machinery Of ow manufacture prompt aniwerod, by addree log ot Clearfield, Pa. Jann-tf BIGLER, YOUKQ 4 REED. RRA COTTA STANDING VASES, niviivn tr i m.'a . Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonttantly op head. STOVE AND EARTHED -WARE ; OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! FUlier'i Palnnt Alrtlrlit Rolf - Healing I- mm t.aiiai BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, Mll.K CROCKS, AFl'LH-HI'TTrfK CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, I'll DISHES, I HXKW I'UTH, And a great many other thinge too noiacrous to meotioa, to bo bad at , ; FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Btrcete, CLKAHFIF.I.D, PA. aug FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It. F. Blgler A Co. . IRON DOUBLE-gUOV EL I'UlWg. . . WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. ' 1 WOOD BIN0LB-S1I0VEL PLOWS. IROK CULTIVATORS. 1 - WOOD CULTIVATORS. " ' OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. 1'lllHBUHy DJttL, M.VWS, i HAUPI'S BELLEFONTB PLOWS. . ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS, ' Shara for all ot th abov Plow eon- taauy en aaaa. mju-it Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL ' AND Of CO U IIS B TUB CIIBAPESTI A Proclamation against High Prices! Wl are new oponlaf op a lot of the beet and tort eeaeoneble (loodi and Waree ever offered la thta tearket, and at priemi that r-mlnd m of the trnod old deyi of eheep thlnirw. Thnee who lank faith upon thii point, or dean ov alio gatloni eapertaou. need bat . CAM, -IT, OVH BTORE, ,, CofMT Trtmi aad Market ttreett, - Where the ean fee, feel, bear and know for then entree. To felly andtretend what are eheep goodi tail am do oone. im noi ana n oeoeeeer to eatuoerato and Iteaiie oar itoclu It U aopuil for ae to eUte tael r W hava Evervthing that is Needed aadeoaeaeied la thii aiarkettaad at prioac ihat etoaiea aota ei aaa yoenr. deaN JUKkF'H SHAW A SON, Clearfield Nurserv. IvNCOTJatAOB lTOH! ISDTJSTRY. TBI awjdireitneA, kavtog Mte.llihea a Mai eery m tb. 'Vlk. aboal half way iMtwee aad Owmmvtll, I araared S. far. sk all beads f fUlT TAMyg, (elawAard a wavf,) Ivergraaa, gkrakkwrw. Wrap. Vbaaa, .T ."' bswws Rlaebberry, Smeskwrrr, IStkaibwnVi , i m . i . r k t-.. J"; nrlr ar,t jlk.kark, A a. 0r r- as, Asian, 1. D. WRIGHT. "--f CnrwMi tUls.Pa gru Coeds, rori5, tt. l.t. WBAVin.. WKAVEIttl 11KTTM CLEAR K1EL1, PA., Are offering, at the old dead af Q. U Etc a A Co. thtlr itooh or goodij ooniUUng of- ' . t DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, E00T8 A SHOES, ' OATS A CAPS, flAHDWAHB, QUKKNSWARB, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o., dec, At the most rouonable rates for CA8II or In oaoh&iigo for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCB. 4FAdvenoe mad to those engaged In get ting out square timber on the molt advantageous terms. pdtlJsoTS T. A. FLECK & CO. (Two doors cast of the Shan House,) CI.UAItFIKMI, PA. Millinery and Fancy Goods AND NOTIONS. ."''.! ,-. :. KECK RUFFMNH. LADIES' I'NDKRWKAR. 0 LOVES, all kinds and slice. COTTON STOCK INUS, .unsurpassed bulb in quality and elteapnea. : , WHITE AND SWISS GOODS, all verlelloe. CORSETS AND UOOP SKIRTS, ol Hie latest patlorn and lower than the lowest. HAIR (lOODS, of all varieties. Cell anJ esaiitiuo our clock before vim buy elsewuera. Ulad to show our goods uu all 00 oa.ione. Our motto Is ' 1 - 'SMALL PROFITS 4 QUICK SALES." U'l.l- C! ! rj-sa .1. - n milium oixpoiittj is oeuur wan it Slow Shilling." Hemrmber - th piece opposite atoeaep'e, I I'm. Heed's old Claud. T. A. FI.KCK, eprill574 A M. HILLS. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET STREET, C I. I! A II I' I F. I, l. PA. f Dealers In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, , , GR0CJJIUE8, . .. it i . J Hardware and Qulxnbwarf., r ,- ? r "- " i . : Boots, Shoes, Iltttn, Cni),4io. r-Sbomakr lupplied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduof d rat.. SALT I SALT I SALT I at wholesale and retail very ohesp. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ac. A liberal discount to builders. HOUSEHOLD HOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW ' SHADES, OIL CLOTnS-ln larg ( , . quantUI... .- ; , - . FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and I CHOP, always an hand. . - ftt-All of th abov goods ar purchassd loluilrely for lash, and thorefora cos and will b sold as ebssp as th cheapest eprlll-7 A. H. ..MIT TOM'S. (HuoecMor to Craln A Uitton.) Xcw Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD. PA. "''''JLL'-L " '" nY - 'it ' THK nnilerKlsneil. hnrtnt leentM roomt for tne tnanufaeture of all ktnli of BADbL&S, HAH N KrtH, and all tho lateit improvementii in Horn Faraithintr Ooode. le now rrenereil to fill all orden at prieei and qunlity thnt will eorprixe all who faror him with a call fur tlieinnpectionof hit work. He Ii deterratned to pleaea and hie ex porlenoe and olinerTatinn In eriKt?rn and wmtrrn eiliee eneblee bin to UK FY COMI'KTITION in the menu fact ore of (lo)J, Hileer, Oroide. Hasher Corared and (Jilt-Lined iloanied CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS! Ale fina RIDINU AND IIACINO SAIJDLKS. Ills rents and exnenses hrlnc liitht, h will ell the same (trades of work 10 per sent, cheaper tbao they ean b bought In the eastern oities. Itrpalring and adjusting Raddle, Harness, Ac., neatly done, at reasonable prieei. 'articular atrcntiv t t ell or Jors r "a'1 or otaarwis. .'',ivl I Call and ee his work berore buying elsewnere. V-Hooms in Irwin's Store, nestdoortn Key stone Store. A. II. sail ton. ClearDeld, Pa., May 1J, 1SJS. TA4NIEL GOOPMKDlin,, jS XJ ' 'LCTnEitsburio: pA.J 1 1 ' Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY i GLOVES, ; " ' flATS A CAPSfad BOOTS A SIIOKS, Tobaeeo, Oroeerle and Fish, Maila, Hardware, Quvanswar ana uiasswnr., mnn . ao Boys' Clothl.g, Braga, Paints, , Oil, Sehnol Ilookl, " a large lot ot l'alent Meiilolnrl, Candies, NU A Dried Frnlts, Choes and Crack ars, a oca ana niue rowuur, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, . i l, Clorer a.d TloVithy 3cetl( i i . Bala Leather, Mornoeos, Linings, Bindings and Thrsad, snoetnaserr sooia ana Shoe Findings. No greater variety of goods In any store In the eninty. An tor eni very ,w ir nrnduea at Iha Cheap Corner. . Aug. ill, r. ..-,. .-e -'- .......... TkaTEW BTOHE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SIIAVV 6i SON just opened Niw 6 ton., on Mnln 8t.,Ci.iariLB, Fa. lately oocupled It Wm. F. 1RWIS. ' , Their flock oonsiil. oi ; Oaocsataa of tb beet quality, t QuKEMBWARf.,, Boots and Slioca, tad .very trtid) Beceasarv for 7 .' , . on' tomfora. , ,' '-. '... Cell ud examine our stock before pur BUuuii elMwlwtiy, JUWO-lf i, CHEAP GHOCEniESI LUMBER CITY, PA. The wfidareleneA annnnaeea tn his old friends and natrons that tie ha opened a good tin of HKOl'KIUKS A PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk Bneneer, for whieh he aollells a liberal patronage. H. W. HPKNCKR. Laasbar City, Ta., March ID-It rp H R Ii A T K 1 1 NIIVUI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Pcoond Street, nearly oppoiue tne etore 01 wearer m umr, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will eontiouo to etipply their old and ae nan new eaetonien nj may come, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all now rcmeJiei,) Patrnt Mdlielnee, Pelnti and Oili, nine and Fully, behoul Uixiki, PUtluncry, I'eper, Ae. alio, a full line of Drug gitU' Sundries', Htlr Tonioi, OoiBirtlc. Perfunierlea, Toilet Artlflee, Drunlicr, luilut Honp. Pocket Uooln, Ae., all of the beet quality. rVRK WISES AND L1QV0RS, for mrdical A eacrainental purpuem only, Pure White Lead, Col urn of all kind-, Raw and lidilcd I.innecil Oil, VirnUhfH, Turpen tine. Coal Oil, Paint A Varniab liruthop, Flavoring Ktlraote, Confcft'onorUf, Itird Bcrd, Pjiirc, ground and aiiground, of illkmds. SMOKKRS AND CIIEWKUS Will find our stork of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imporu-d and Ho laoolio Cigars, SnuIT and Fine-cut to Ii. of the very belt brands In llie market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinrt.- ot I1I.A--S WARE UASDEN SEEDS, MI'AICAL INSTRI'MENTS and Musical Trimming! of very raritty. Iiavlog a lung espcricnoe In the hu.lnc.s, and an extensive and well eelcctcd itcnk of Biwlicloeii, w. ar ennbK-d to fill Physioians' proscriptions at the ebortest notice and oa the most reasonable terms, dsy and night. HAHTSWICK IIIWIN. Cleerleld, Pa., liar II, 1x71-1'. SJUsrtUntuous. J E A I) T II I 8 I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eitleeniof ClearAeld and rlclnity ie directed to the font that Uoodfrllow A Sun are the agent of U. ISieoe A Co., end haft jnet reeelred a helf doien ear loade of Pluur aod Feed, whieh they offer at tho hwcet pouible flg. arai. A large ttoek of FLOUR, COltN MEAL. CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. BRAN, Potatoet. Shelled Corn. Corn In car. Ac., Ae. Partieuler ettentlon ll called to M. Kleee A Co.'e brand of Family Flour, wblek le the beet ia tho market. Plnnr and Food ean and will be told ehoaper tken it eao be obtained cleewhera In Clearfield oounty. 4T-Siore en Market itreet, next door to Hgn. Aleundrr Irvln'e reiUmee. OOOUFKLLOW A BON, JanlOtf Ageata fur M. Niece A Co. MARBLE AM) ST()E TACD! Mrs. 8. S. M D D E I. Ii, Having .ngnged in the Marble business, desires In inform ker friends and the puhile that she hai now and will keep constantly on band a large and well selected stoek of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLR, and is prepared to furnish lo ardor T0MI1ST0NKS, BOX AND CP.AIII.R ToXIDS, JIONUMHNTS, Curbs and Porta for Cemetery L"t, WinJow Sills and Caps, also, Rt'RKAU, TARI.R AND WASH STAND Tore, Ac., Ac. fe.Yerd od Reed street, near the U, IL Depot, ClearteM, Pa. , je7,I SAWS! 8AWSI SAWS! DISTAN'8 CROSS-CUT, MILL, II HA II AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. At bo, , : .. PATK.tT P.llKOUATKD A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by octlJ.TO U. F. BIIILER A CO. LEATHHI. BKEAfST-STHAl'S" SUPERSEDED BY COVERT'll PATENT METAI.I.IC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the he it Mallea ble Iron, end laUaehid t the SJemvehy the bnt Bnep ever Invented. It ia eeillr end ejutntilj put on. and prevf-nte the whipping of the bnreee by tne i. ot llae'i aet eat of repair. Will lent for yean. All wa ate: ii a fair trial, to eonvlnee ell partiee ni- Ine; tlieta that tbry are oniuTpftiied in value fur the poxpoee for whieb ( t j the are inlnded. HACK K I T A BCIini'VEQ. Clearfield, Aprlllt, 1874. ' TT HAT7.ER k LYTLE, - ' A0ENT8 IN CLBARFIRLD COUNTY FOR I.OItllslsAltDrS i Oletiratea Dreads .f Smoking A Chewing Tobaccos. . We "are enabled t wholesale to deskrs through out Iho county at Hy prices KRATZER A LYTLE, ' :.ft': 1 '' ; ' Clearlield, Pa. C1TOIIKK.EEPKIIS, ATTENTION! .- . W. deea U call veur etuulle. lo oer aalonaiv. Coiamieeioe bnatness and fsoililiee Mr die peeing af eoeb prwdue. as our .aaalgnor. aend us. Ilsvlng a Isrga trad, with ally suiw, w. are en abled la aek. anlok ralnrni, at full nrlresa. Hlorakaenar haviag ChlehM., Halter, Eggs, or lhr or'd.iee, will de eH w. five es-a trial. Wkere Urcrls are atkal la aobaogaj to cor. """,h;gLd IRK,aOrT CO., ' hleal Oroeers and Ooesmlesloe MwahanH, Jlo, 1. N. Third straet, pkilod'e. aprly HOOSJl'AKJ) tOU' FOU.AtB! Th House and Lot on the eoraer of Uar ket and Fifth .trwats, OlMrl.l, Pa., I f.r l. Th. hat eoelat. oearir an aara of groaad. Th heae. 1 a terg doable fraase, aoaUlnleg aln nam. Fir aarsaa asiA atbar InfonaatUa apply lo th. eubeerlb.r, at lb Post . ao.ll P. A. OAULIlf. THE REPUBLICAN. J I -CLEARFIELD, I'A i . . WKDNEHDA Y,MORNIN(l, AIKHIHT 11, l7t. ABOUT HAIH-DRC8SINQ. If parting the hair In tho middle by men lie ooniitlt-red a sign of weak-mlmlednces, thvn For a woman to part her fair locks at the side le clearly an Indca of masculine pride. And provoe for tho wearer a title le bo ItiKba jrorlby of breecbee and everything fre In love, law and physio and voting, but wlilo From tho virtues wo woo and would seek In a bride. To woman the hair, ae In times past I known , As an euililrin of beauty and modcity'e erown, When Its dark or light treises are fashioned to lay In sniouih, shining lulds, or In ringlets to play O'er the brow and the neck in their natural cliarml, Whose neatness delights, aud whoso witchery warms, Hut to wanton presumption all prsle le drilled To a women who parts her friss'd hsir attbssido, Not better the habit, but reocntiy grown Into use, to out short the fore-lurks and let down A curtain of frow.y and brl.lle-iikc thread To hide the lutelligent pert of the bead. The fashion Ii frightful, anil only provokes Reproof from the wise.frum tho vulgar eoarse jukes, Vi bo gsse but to oeosure, to null and drride, As Uier do tbos. who part their bold locks at the Thes thing msy look "nobby" and "Jaunty," but then, If you wish to be wives, out tho fouls, and to men Of sense aad good taste appear modest, and know That "Lady (lay Spankers may do for a show, lint not lor a home, where a true wife le wsntod W ho never eucb fulliee ties wantonlv daunted. Who wears no tow switches or chioons of pride, Cute her fure-bsir, or parts ber fair looks at thu side. a WUKJtK DO YJ2STAXDt It h from no hit-It of l'ailli in ivml- iifllll illHlitlltiollH tlllll WO lVL'Ul'l lliu pntMnt Hittitttiitn of tli its t-ouittfy witlt I'xtrumo unxicty, or titut wc Hoiiictiint'H crttvo l'tiuii lite ni'Uw to whom nmy o intniKtt'd oitriU'Htiii)'t(imt word of revo lution of tho how mid thu w hen of iln iwnjx. ltut "tho onit-h's nro thiinh." Wo coni'lntle it, thori'lore, In he tin1 nrt of wisdom (o einlrsiYnr in iiii(h'rntitnd the pruri'HH hy wliith those perils wi'iv lmili;li( llMin us nnd to tlx I In' ivitpoitsi hility for their existence. Tho pool t'owper Hiiyti in his tiddivsH to Yurdloy Oak : "0 cenld'Bt then rpesk As in Oudona once thy kindred trees Oracular, I would not onriuus a.k The future, best uuknuwn, but at thy muutb luquieitive, the less onibiguoul past." And ho questioning tho iinnnihitiotis past, tho iinswcr tlittt timteH to ns, eleiuvr und Bhnrperin its riiic tliitn liny thttt was ever hreuthed in lloihrniun or l'j'thinn responses, is thnt the duller to our n-pulilicnn iiiHtitutioiiH is cunseil hy tho violnlion of repuhliciin jirint-i. pUH. Our political instilHlions were lutsed on tlio principle thnt there in it fiindnnicntul hiw, tixeil utid inllcxihle. tmhle of clmiij'o or rttt'itilion only hv a process pivsorihed hy itself. This Is A merit tin rcpuliliciinii'iii; und tliisfiin diimoiilul l;iv.', n riltcn, mi I nut tra-li-tionnry, is whttt we(-itll u constititlion. Hy it r pnlilii nn Ithorty Iivimj without it or outside of it reptihlicnn liliertv dies. Such is our ilesliny, ft't invvcrm lilo its tht dccives til'iiite. Mowtbcre Came to .ass, in llie ninth !u. .;uuge of the people; not of the decade of our national existence a slate : critical few, but of tho uncritical limi t's' things which required the utmost : titude, mid arlisis spring from nnd are fidelity to the principles of conslitti- trained union'; the ncoiile. This is ac tional government. 1 Ins was nothing less than a civil war li.r the pivscrvti-1 1,,,,, ,y n writers. Hero, however, it j Veld us one of those curious but happy tiou of tho Constitution itself. O ;ir, ;H ( i-ecognited by thecrilics. Senree- j coincident es which mark tho changing government is noccsMirily ndminislercd i jv unj tliiiig w ill piiss iniislerwilh them temper of tho times. Viewed in this by parties; and w hen tho eriiis of' (mt is not designed aud wrought ' light, und ns showing in a culm, dis-lKtil-2 wus ndtninisteiisl by ii : jl,,,,,,, ul,d the roiiscqurneo is that u.; passiiumlo, historical way, that there spciionnl luirty wluwo (Kililical success 1 print part of our nccrtilited nrtislH nrelaro always two aides to a ipicsiiou, nnd in obtaining possesion of power had ; peiiiienenlly domiciled abroad, nnd our that nhrupl political jtldgntcnts, always irotlucel such n fear in the siuve-hold- people are judged deficient in art feel- i harsh, lire nearly always unjust in their ing Slates for their local institutions; .i ... .i.. I. ....i..,.. :.. ,i... .1. unit liny soiigiu ior r-iueii in iuu.oes tK'inle remedy of scccssionund disunion. The issue that was thus made between the section adhering to tho 1'nion nnd the section renouncing the t 'nion legiti mately involved nothing but the right ol Stuto secession, Jieing a war, tbero- fore, on the part of the Federal (iov- eminent in defence of the t 'onstiliition, it especially behooved the Federal pow er to do nothing that the Constitution did not warrant, either in the progress of the war or at its termination. Mcv- 1...1 1 ,1... (.. lo. u,l tiH iHn riirn ".if, in v in. !.jii " n noes, 111 HOT, CXpiTSS SOlUClUllllJ Ol want of true statesmanship on the part j tho popular idea of Jackson. The of the Fttleral (iovennnent thut beside i ,m. iH u powerful nod leurlesscrciit lire, all ulmost countless number of minor in tliu act of s)ringing forward, obodi orrors two grand errors were commit -lent to the will of his tall, sinewy, stnnd- leii, ironi ino consctpicnccs oi nnicn the rotintrr has not Jet extricated it self, and from which it cannot bo ex tricated by tho party that is responsi nio lor tlicm. t'ne oi tnese enorinous- blunders was niadeut the outset of the war, the other at its close. Tho first blunder consisted in carry-1 ing on the war by menus of n paiier; nioney, w hich, being mudo a roinpul-us a mechanic, lie look up ni l. lie hud j rest upon a foundation of pquali'y, ro smy fegal tender in payment of private, never been abroad, und therefore it did I spoct, und esteem. XtW York Yorlti. debts, broke down tho constitutional standard of value, enormously increased the cost oi the war, nnd entailed upon tho country on tho return of iicnrc n currency which was only palliated and i bo w us so unsophisticated ns tosympu npologized tiir hy tho alleged neccssi- thizo warmly, was really great, nnd ho ties of war. 1 he paper-money scheme was a iiuhmble blench of tho Constitu . . i. . i i . i i. , l. a i :, .. tion, w hich never meant thnt the man sion for tho use of money should bo n measure of the Government's power over thorciiresciitativciu" value. Thut roprcscntnlivo was a fixed thing, in-1 temlcd to be tho same at nil times and j under nil eircunislniices. Hut even up on tlio ihs-triiie of wnr necessities ns a ineasuro of eonstitnlioiuil power and as innkiiig a diHcriniiiuilion between whiit is tolisUttttional ih'lintv of War nd! what is iinconstitiitifuud In lime f pence a most dangerous ns well as ,,,,i..l,l,, disiiiii.iion .the Ih-iiiihlii'itni pnrty, although eight years of peace ' riptri Imildiii'rs nit in course of rwr-l Church Commilteo, the Now York pub huve elnpsed, during wWh it has had tion. The 1'ivsideut of the 1'nitcd lishcrs, und tho w hole press of the the entire eon t nil of legislation, has j Stales, ns requested hy (Vmgross nt tho country ni-o now printing in full. For been utterly incnnnhlo ol ntiy hist, session, hits extended u cordial in- doing this she was arrested by the measure hy which tho country can he vilalion to all other nations to join in United Stutos authorities, committed rescued from tho oonsciiuences of this! this work nnd a larg number of these to jail, und retainud there for several great fmnneiiil blunder. The party bus j havo ulready signified t heir Intent ion weeks, i he pretext ior these proeood employed itself only lu the work oil to accept tl'uit invilation. Exhibition 1 ngs was I hut she wns wilding nhscene I :.. ,1... ii U lL.iM.,,ll. it ti.e, V...,. tlu .,..,1 nnil Heiirriloua mtlir 1 lir,-tuirb the ll-USlllieailoll, loci e.en in nun n on" rjiu.-w . uma ....o ,,,u , - - ought nothing to puss hut u judicial liireign countries, and every iniiiiiti-slu-l mails ; hut tho real muse was that alio cisioti which a vast lnaloritv trf tlie i tion on tho .wtbjeet sta nin to indicate was telling tho very truths which Til .. . , , ., ' . '...,... . .... ...... ..-. :i -i: i. ...;...,, l. ,11:.,.. .,,,,1 ih., u.l.,,1., ,.n.a. brought ttw luition knows to bo both unsound nnd disgraceful. I Tho other ircnt blunder roninntted ut the closo of the war eoirsisted in un act of incro force, hy which tlio South ern States were treated as conquered : countries subicct to tho unlimited' lominutionol tho Federal power, which overturned the whole haws of ws iety uud rendered it lniMissililo to be gov erned by its intelligence and its prop erty. i( universal suffrage is theoret ically or practically a great good, it cannot work anything but mischief un less intelligence anil property arc al lowed ut least a fair chance wiih ignor anco and poverty. Hut with no titter disregard of ull consequences, the re construction scheme was so devised that iffnoranco and poverty lieouino nt once the controlling power, ugninst which intolliircnoo ami property bail no chanco whatevcr.i Some advice giv en by Mr. Howard to the leading white men of tlio South, through Mr.C.iiyurro, of New Orleans, alter tho war was over, and that irontlcmuii wasennenv oring to lenrn M r. Seward's views, has lately been puniisnoo. 11 ntigni to sink Mr. Sewnrd into lower est inintion ns a statesman than anything that he over said, lie advised tho Southern whites to "eat dirt," to "crawl on their bellies'' iacki into tho I'nigii, telling .1 them that although lit first they might luive to suliuiil to Jjreut humiliations, nnd although flW first erfoot Woultl he that Uieic blaUia f )uld Lu represented in Outgrow and govejnied at homo by unpriiiciplcfl ailveiilnTcrs, siiilnwags, and scoundrels, yet that all this woultl bo tcnipomrv, and in due tliuo the in telligence and virtue of the South would regain their proper aacendnney. Uf all- thu rocommenilstioiis ever mailt' to a people who had been nnsnit. oessftil In accomplishing it silitlcal revolution of ull the advice over given to iitisorrcssful rels'l. this was, con sidering the situation, tho most ahsnrd that history linn recorded. A Inio slnlesmiinHhlp (lpnntnded tlmt tho wtty of return to tho I'nlon Bhtnthl hoiniufe us insj' Ui ttif'J of prilicijlleo nnd chut' notev lilt It eoitld I hi'eonsisloni y with tho mere siitiivmiii-v of tho fVslunil Constitution, und Unit nothing should Iw uono winch would suMoet Ilioso Hlutca to ho govorni'd hy tho votes of n (lopiiliition which would eortuinly plneo their frovt) rninents in tho hiuxln of tho worst of men. If tho Federal power Intd heeu nil Imperial or royul dynasty tlmt hml just eruslted a givM ivhiillioit, und thut wished tostiiinpoilt mi cntiro rtteo of men, precedents enough could ho found forpluciiiK tlioir llei ks Hurler tho heels of iitiother nice. Hut such prctiudnntH in L'enenil wuiihl show that tho prefeivnco has eominnnly heen (jiven to it superior race, und con sidering thnt thu I'otlerul powor wits neither un imperial nor a royul tly nasty, hut a constitutional government, inter ested heyond all thinH elso to prevent reptihlicnn institutions from hocominir a fureo nnd a mockery, Mr. Howard, even if ho is not hy reason of his non committal personally rcsiionsihlo for tho particular construction measures of Ins purty, was bound to luivo done bis utmost to prevent the whites of tho Houtli from being guhjected to tho iloinlniiltou ol tho Mucks. In rojrard to this great wrong, also. Iho licpiihlican party has now hut) eight yciirs of tniiiitucrtititi'il police eight yeara of lis patient, auhniisNion nnil w iiiting hy tho white race us could in any reason havo boon expected to bring uhtiut good government in tho Si xi t h . It has dono nothing towards it. vt Ital Jlr. howard, who was so torn! of predictions, predicted would be tein norary. has heroins chronic. It is tho established onlef of things that tho South is worse governed than any civil ixed country on Iho face of the earth. and tho Federal Swer, us wielded by mo I.epiiDiiciiiipiuiy, la entirely tneapa hle of applying uny ivinedy. Hither tho licpulilicuns iikihI he turn ed out of powor hy tho Democrat ir party, or constitutional und- honest government ha wen ils hist days in this land. ISy what means and meas ures wo arc to rectify these wrongsund avoid further centralization .in tho remedies which wo apply, the intelli gence and patriotism of our statesmen ami 1 lie fidelity ol our lnassm to princi ple must determine. The thing Hrst to 1 done is Ui meet the responsibility hy assuming it. If tho 1 Icniocriicy cannot rescue the country from its present peril it will not lie rescued. I hla is not prediction, it is tlio state ment of u plain fact, patent to every intelligent nuiii who is capable of see ing that with alittiiiluiit tune aud the full possession of power tho Kcpuhli eans havo dono nothing to repair the mischiefs of their own misrule. .AVir Yuri IIVW. TlHi VIFl EUKSCh:. Hon. Monlgoiiierv Hluir, in u recent address before the Mutylatid Institute, made tho lollowing point on tho critic nnd the multitude ; "All is not only a hiniriiiiL'c. hut it is .rented as an incoiiti-otcrtiblo iirooosi- ,., bei-r.tiso llicy nro not enraptured . . . . - . .. w ith their wsjrlc lind prefer a home made article. Ihero aiit two statues in Washington which illustrate this conflict of opinion, lireonough's nude Itoinnn tlgure, said hy Mrs. Jarlcy to repivsent Washington pointing to tlio Patent O lllce. where his clot htviuro to bo found, is much admired hy tho critics und lint nt til by the people, whilst the equestrian siatue of Jackson, which is universally condemned by tho critics, is generally admired by the multitude. Tho oeoiilu admire this statue because I ! .1 . L. .!.!.. , ing-luiiivil, stem -looking rider. I ho work does express herosim, active enerj'y, fenrlcssnoss, eniliiraiico nnd lone, ideas thoMiithlv nasoeinted bv (i. W,p with a lace and liguro they , recognize us that of 'Old Hickory.' t'liirk Mills, the artist, wus a plasterer in rharlostown, uf w hom n w itty South fnroliiin woman said, that haviin failed not occur to bun to make Jackson a Human, und scat him in u curalc chuir. Jackson, according to the popular idcu. which lie untie rsbKHl, Hint with winch i thought would look so if he cm ouhl por . , . , tray him us ho was, uud his success Willi the people is because his work has a inclining, and is intelligible, true, und noble language to them. The Iloinnn liiruro of Washinuloii, on the contrary. signifies nothing to tlicm. though it is thought to he very lino hy (hose well versed -in the jargon of thoiiiarhleiirt."' ''; CKXTEXXIAL. To tin- VoiV ollm Unilal AK.if.'j ; , Arrangements arc steadily progress- Ing for the Centennial Celebration and 1 uiiuiiutinnul JJxliibiliou. 'J'he mill- eminent stircofw tin- our ( 'entennial dis- tllltV. Hut to carry out tins iidei'f liking on n scale duo to the gloi ion event to be coinincmoralcd, nddilional Ihmls will be needed Ihr while .'ongress bus hecrfully thrown nroutni the patriotic winli Vlto itfst itliuJ prtntlg. nnd ptViitip. ly promoted it by uppropriato laws, it lid not lurnisli the- liewsnury coiiilul. That part was left f 1 von, and not , I ..I 1.. .. !.ll,ll.. J.... 1011 tiling llllll, lllMi'oc'i i-j iiiv memories of tlio Tiiuft ami tlitl blessinirs ot the present, you will cheerfully pcrtiirm it, lllltl to the f nil lliav IV niay ue eom'ffli icnt for y to do so, wo have adopted a plan tor raising tho revenue which ...hi 1 1 1,1 1...I,,.., , l... l creirted flip that riurjtosn. Htid ai-tingt iinucr the general uim-unii oi jton. Williiiin lligler. st iiwiulur oi' this body, and who is commended to yimr respect,. fid conniilcratioii Hi tlu' TiertiirlnTinec of his arduous duties., Jn addition to the use of this iihin, any person crtn subs .... ' .. I . ' scrilsi Ior ono or jnoin snun-s ot tne centennial stock at $10 each, by remit- tin,'? pnymenl of tlie same in posiotllt'C drafts, or chocks, to Frederick Fruloy, Triinsurer, Not M04 : Walnut tiiH!t, Pliilnilelphla, fnrwhieh evrtitlcntes will ho promplly returned. , '. Hignoii a i- . joim t ei.i'u, President Centennial Hoard of Finance. PuaAliKU'lliA, J ill 28, y.i 4. Tiih-"HpiHiTFAt. Itrustr.tu!."- Mr. lloocbor talktsl in his Ply mrftith ( 'httrch IceUlltl lew nights siuue about men who lundo a biiKimwa of eieekiiig in prayer meetings. "4 I know l hem," ho suitl, ,"thcy niv spirilul btiiiiinein, why go aiiiuiid from lueetinj' to nitH'tilip stringing togcthur texts uud religious cunt, ns though milking n tail liir a scriiilural kito. They are always ready with fattlliiK siKfchesprtraml heliiria hnnd, and tho people , piiek up their ears and suy, 'liooi huuveut who'v a-o pit horoY1 1 Oh, 1 know them, and estimate them lit their value. ijtttl Tim ii x ve AKD run an ay. It wus unnatural perl, u in, but not so very rcuiurkahlu alter nil, that such resolution us Mr. Sunnier oll'orcd in re gard to the biiltlo flugs should oiniiiiiile from him. llo w as alw ays prone to the startling in mutter nnd tho stitoeulo in maiiner. It made level heuds n little giddy to Irani that tho best eulogy pro nounced in Congress over Sumner's dead body wait hy n llro-oator from Mississippi, and tlmt that generous orator's mime was l.amar. lint when wo eonio to discover that Sumner's iVicnd, Motley, the pnlriotio Motley, tho "enthused"" Unionist Motley, hus written in two volumes a history culled ''John of ISamovold," which is neither more nor loss thun un elaborate defence of Jefferson Davis from "tho charge of treason, ami a sovcro arraignment of thosu who imprisoned him und refused him a trial und when we know further that "John of liarnoveld" Is published hero In New York by Hurpei'4 llrolh cre) aseimoof political vertigo is al most irrositihlo, If Dr. Illedsoo hml dono this thing und indeed we believe he hus tried it in his own forcible, fee ble way or if Dr. jlrowimon hud at tempted to add this to his numerous other flights of fancy and tinuceiiden ctes of iiict, wo should not have won dered, nor, sooth to say, felt much per plexed, lor "to what uses sliull wo put tho wild-wood flower thut simply blows?" Hut how shall wo interpret Motley's doing it, nnd doing it hetoro the people in anticipation of upplauso? John of llanieveld, otllcialol Holland in the sixteenth und seventeenth cen turies, wus the miirtyr of Stute rights. Ono of the most eminent statesmen of tho Dutch ltcpuhlic, ami distinguished fiir his noble services during tho crisis which resulted in securing tho tluul in dependence of that State from Spain, ho was still more energetic ill his asser tion of Stato sovereignty and in his vilorts to preservo tlio autonomy und independence of Holland In tho States (leneml ot tho Dinted Netherlands. When Maurico of Nassau, Studthohler lor tlio .Netherlands, seemed to tbrciiton the integrity of these principles, Harno veld proclaimed himself u citizen of the Stale of Holland rather than of the United Nethorlaiid Stales, and flung Inmsell into active opmisition to Man rice. For this ho was charged with t-ason, nrrostod. .tried, condemned, und executed. ' This is tho 1 1 1 it n whoso cuso Mr. Mot- Icy reviews nnd whose cnusc hedefends, both upon the ground of cruel injustice dono to a man eminent tor past public services, and also upon tlio broader foundation of constitutional rights mid civil liberties. It is a very curious cir cumstance, wo think, thut such a hook should havu come from such an author at such it time. Viewed from a strictly logical standpoint, tho hook either proves too much or it proves nothing at all. In tlio lot tor cuse it is mere excrescence. In tho Ibrmcr, it is an explicit vindication of Mr. Jefferson Davis and a partieulurucd palinode on the part of Mr. J. I.othrop .Motley. Hut seriously, there is no particular reason why the nook sbould bo taken upon exclusively logical grounds, and we much prefer to look iiioii the fact of Mr. .Motley s'siudten tiu'ving led hiui ut this junctuif into the life of liarnc practical effects, it is easy to irivo it pluce us indicating a healthier tempcr of tlio times. In this light wo can set the life of Harneveld with Sumner's batlle-flag resolutions, willi Lowell's pmiii on Agossix, with the manly re ciprocation of soldierly courtesies in tho South beside tho ginvo of warriors blue nnd gray, and with the endeavor made at llnrrisbiirg to unite tho sol diers of Lee with tho soldiers of Grunt in a common symphony of patriotism. us cumulative evidence that tho cud of tho war is indeed ut blind and we arc to have genuine pcaco at Inst. In this light, too, wo rcjoico Over tho victory of tho auti-Koiitimoiituliam of that ex cellent nnd scholarly jonnuil, the A"t- fion, over tho prcdjudiccs and passions oi us purty, as siiown in a recently published article. All those things in dicate a much more rational, sxiitaiio oiis, effective, and striking method for celebrating tho contennury of Ameri can independence. The Union is ours, indeed, and perpetual, ill spite of errors ill judgment and mistakes in practice ; but to inuko it a Union of value it must 117 Y KOTt Why din's not tho t'nitcil Ktutcs com missioner at New York arrest Mr. Heechor, Mr. 'I'ilton, Mrs. Tilton, tlio Plymouth Church Committee, and the proprietors of nil tho newspupom in New York ami put them, in jail? Are they not guilty of a violnlion of un act of Congress In making public obscene and scurrilous matter uud sending it through tho innils, contrary to the dig- ! ""J" " I10"''0 "nho Unttetl Slates ? ' The oi'Casioii for these questions is tins: Two yenrsngo tlio woman ihI- w,, wr' 'i,,,(, IH-rson, but who after all is not a more wicked per sun than either the pastor of Ply moulh or his present accuser npjs-ar to Ikv mudo tho first disclosure ol this very ahomiiiation which the Plymouth is publishing. Jtoeeher whs so groat a member of tho Hcpnbllcnn party ami so stout a champion of tho licpnlilican rajimr, thut tho United Status tjovein ment IntertVrwd to protect him from tho exposure of his crimes, by arresting tho woman who was trying to toll tho truth about him. - Kut-, if the United States authorities wiinr doing their duty then, w hy do tin y refuse to do it now ? If tho wo man WiHslhtill was violating an act of Vingrosa by sending obseene and eeuiv rnoim nuiuvr iimxigu uie union, un ; Plymouth rommlttoe and all the pub- nailers ill tne country nro vioiuung mo sumo act of Congress in a tenfold greut- er degree hy printing and transmitting tho statements of the scandal. Why does not tho servile and olticiotis United States Commissioner at New York act i ns nromiitly now as he did then t ' t tlio real answer to these question - is that lteocher Is so far gone that the I I'..:. ...I Ll. ....... t ..ll:... United Slates Government, with ull its ontninfssloners and ninnhala and the Uepublicun pni-ty behind It, cannot stive Jiim, and it is of no use to try. Itsitttcnipt to stop the Woodhull wo mart's mouth hy puttiugherlnjail.two yearn ago, was nothing hut an officious effort to savo the Plymouth Church I pitator-Hi proceeding flip which th 'nitcd' Ktittes ConimissiorifT at New York ought to havo been eummnrily dismisoftt from oltlim. The ministerial ngi'iitsnf tho Kepublicnn reronr are tlnding out that too tusk of shielding the great chiiuipioiis and uxomplura ot thnt rnjhne IVom expfisnrismf)redilH-,j cult limn they enn accomplish j and this ia why they permit this tide of lbul revolutions to flow out from Plymouth Church without an attempt to stop it, iSf. Xoui't r7WV'in . The llochcster VVcsg speaks of a pk tenisirary Who hires a boy to come In at intervals with a step-ladder and dust otT tho tops of his enrs. II ! Ii K A Wo desiro to cull tho nttontion of tlio citi.ciis of Clonrfiulil "county lo tlio fuct tlmt wo luivo opnnod a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, VVIicro wo intend to constantly kocp on hnnd n full sttpply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our GEORGE STIXK & CO'S Wo nro prepared Dt all times to furnish any of tin; cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorablo terms ns to prices and lenns of paynicnt. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tlio now nnd popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Hynilcr's Kneo Tiemolo nnd downward Octavo Coupler,) Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OUGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW-HAVEN MEI.ODEON CO.'S JUIilLEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Uesidcs these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to the trado, either CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho POPULAR AND KASY LEASE PLAN. , On our easy lornis every onu can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. DCTWo flinll lie glad to have you cull and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. oci23-'72-ly ' " i2YNIIBfS MUWI STOKE. UarilLnifous. VAUMBLE FARM FOR SALE I IN (ilRARI) TtltVSXIIII'. . The undersigns.! olTnrs for sal. th. farm un which he now rt-ii'l.-l, fiUiaU- in 0 irnril luwni-liip. Ckarliclil eounty, 1'., frtriuerly owne.1 hy Ju.tin J. I'ie. The farm contains ll't) acres, and iavei deslrahljr loeatcil. The buildinRS arnall new, enil enn.l.t of a larir. frame house, havinK .oo.t clUr unurrnslh, anil Rood water convi-nietit ; larc frame ham, hlsok.mith show, wafron fhra, .riijt house, Ae. The building on lliie fermaiee lo,il, if not better, than on but farm in Clesrtlolil eounly. The land is ol uwrior liunlity and in n good rtatfl of oultivation. I'.oiarssiou will b. Riven In the rprinr;, or at any lini. mot eonvenient lo the purchaRer. 1 he terms will b. n-. .unable. 1' ile.iroue ol pur'-hsiinr. o.n ail.lra. th. Ruh.criber at I,.coo!e'a Alilil I. O.. C'learlleid eounly, Pa., or l'oy in person un the premises. Any nereons wanlineany information in regard 1 to the quality of the lauil, tU kind of buil-l'-g 1 thereon, Ac, Ac, oon get the information I..V ing on Sheriff I'ie, in Clenrnd.l. as he oirn'-d ttiv l.Tboa'i ' ''VrNOr'u.NiVaKs"0"' j l.e"tnt t i nil, ciceiu-iiti in. January 21, 1874, JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE IIATTIIENMIM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STKUEr, NEAR P.O. Tb undersigned bega leave to inform the elll eena of Clearfield, and tb. public gr-urraily, that be bae en hand a fine aa.ortinrol of trWniiure, saek as Wulaut, Chestnut and Painted CbamlHT Sniti-s, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Katenaieu Chain, Ladies' and Oents' Kaay Chairs, tlie Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane bVats and Windsor Chairs, Clolbos Han, Step and Kitcn ion Ladders, Hat Racks, Scrubbing Uruihcs, so MOITLDINQ AND PICTURE FRAMES. Looking fllaeees, Cbromos, Ae., which would bu suitable for llolicay nresenta. dec!0 73 JOHN TROUTMAN. IIUI '.Y A f 1 1 II 1ST, Huccnaori tu A CO. Tc i THOSE INTi:llEaTHl IN TUP. PI R I'HA&K OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, For Mrdkinel Purpoeca we oiTer Itailj-'H lnre Itye, Prioe $2 to H per (tllon, end wilt ihip in pack ago to euit purohatwre. We ol'O htindle Infely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, rrlc from!'. .30 tol.76. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are alio manufsetorerj of D. STtEVEIf.S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for price list. ' 1IUKY4 CH I! 1ST, apr.JJ flm 121 North Thlr.1 St., Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS' or a 1. 1. a i BaKaTftfC Barrow , Warrhoufie Tmikt, Copying I'lfnw, Improrcd Money Pruwrr, Ae. ro kali nr II. F. 'UIGLKU & CO., Ienleri In llarflware. mcli.lO:TO If Pecond Slreel, CteaiteiJ, Pa. THE CLEAliFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for rut: vt.EAnFiKLU tiudk, ron lai.h nv augS'Td ' F K II. P. DlUl.KH 1 CO. 3 A L EI A large And srell-nniehrd flrlek Dwelling, all-1 ate on the river bank, In the borough of Clear field, containing vleven renme, with good cellar, waler ir the kitchen, and lt Ilea modern conve niences. Pantries, llatbmom, t'ln'hee-VtreeaoB, 4c. Isit siity feet front and two hundred and thirty feet bank, with a twenty foot alley on the eael aide. fSalrt building, with all the appurtenances, will li sold cheep, with paymentstn sait parch., srr. Applicstion can bn made lo the under signed, nr to A. C. Tnte, Krq., who will give all necessary information lo thoew who deeire t. In spect the property. TI10S. J. MeCtll.l.Ot'tlll. May Slat, IMMf. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI POWIU'H,) Por all dlieaiei Incident to Horaei, Cattle, end Human r leib, ret; ring the nee of ai eiteraal applioatloa. Thla Katbroeatlon wae aiUnitreW niett by the Aerarnateat eeHng the war. For aale by llartewiek A lrwln, OlearBeld Jeftepb U. Irwla, Ourwenevtllt. Daniel Uood ander. Latheraburg. tf Attention, Lumbermen . Tin It are how niauulncturlng onr IMPROVFTi t 8TKKL SOCKET HH1VINU CANT- HOOKS, auparior to any ulber In u. Ws have slao in stoek a larg. quantity nf C.nthnoka eaite hl. for raninf purpoaca, which we are a.lllng etienp air enah. AMOR A It. KKNNAlll). Clearfield, Pa., March II, IS7I. QUNSM1T1IINU? r i Q. W.WOLFE, ' 1MUCTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop on Third street, bvr Wley' blaekamllh jhop, CI.KAHlflrtliO, PA. All kinds af aide aad (that (I una on hand. Repairing done le a fiiel-alees maenw aad at mlr prices. M A It K ii t S T It E E T, 11 JV I K la , P K stock of I'lANOS will consist of I'lANOS, bTEINVVAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES yUsffllniwous. J LEA Pi IT ELD rLAJNliMj 'MILL'KTOYjEH!' ntovksi C O M P ANY. rpilK nnl-rl;ni"l, rueee.ieri lo Itl'KQ. t H 1'OWKI.l.. hae nan-haled the rl.KAII HKl.l) I'UM.MI HI 1.1., and lelitlcil it for loi,. all esliii.irc burinuss. All the tnaahinery wilt be n-l'lcd nrco.iry to make it one of the oio.t ulo.n:e netab i.hinunts ot tlio hind In the i hey ere now pri-parra la receive orders t,.r auy work in tiiet lin. They will gircsrwcial .ueritiou to ail ms'.eriuls for huuae building, rLOORING, WEATHER - BOARl-ING, SASM, DOUHS, nLIJJDS, UltACHETSi JIG I." Lit S.S U, c. Of ALL fTYI.KS, alwBy on bund. WOK.;.'.)' BOAIIPS, aril M aniclei nrcp-. r? TT huililioir, will be enrhangod for DKV MIMUKR, 10 that pnrtouo at a diilanre may brinK their lumber, exebance it for. and return huiue with the matiufaoturcd arlici. Th Cnmiinne iH el way i haveoa band a Urn atari, of dry lumber, to ae to he ahle lo nil an ordnr on the cborteet no lien. Only the brat and ono. killlul hftttdi will be employed, eo that the public may rely upon good wurk. l.nuiWr will be worlM or fold as h.w na It ena bv putchaeed ant whtre, nnd warrnuirff tn fivt satfaction. A tlie buftrtfim will bv done npno tiii fuh principle we can ef'ird t work fr euiall prcifll.. UUY LUMBER WANTED ! Kiic(ijllr one and-a half and two inrh pmol Huff, tor wMcu a liberal price will be ppld. The kuttueia wilt be ennducted under tho tiame , uf I bo "Clparnold Planinz Sill Co." 0. D. Mtrrell buiinera. ill pfrnonalty iiipnriatrnd the Oidetre niievl.rtil!y ulicilid.. 0. Tl. MEKHKTjL. K. B. T AY Lull. M. ti. IIUOWN A lino. Clearfield, Pa., January 8, 1871. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS it- STATJOXERY. Market HI.. Clearfleld, (at the iit Ollice.) f 111 hi undersigned begs Isava to anaonncete X the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity, thai he has fitted up a room and has just returned fiom lb. elty with a large amount of reading matter, eoniisting in part uf Bibles pjid Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Dooks of every de seriplion Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain Pons and Pensile Ulaak, Legal Pipers, Doeds, alortgages ; Judgment, Kxen.p tion and Proaaileory notes t Wails and Psrohj ment Brief, Legal Cap, Jlecord C.p, end Uill Cap, Sheet, Music for sillier Piano, t-luteor Violin constantly on bend. Any books or stationorr desired that I may not have oa hand, will be r erdcred by firat .sprees, aad sold at wholssals or retail to salt I will also keep periodical literature, snob aa Msgaslnee, News, pspere, Ae. P. A. UAtlLIM. Cl.artleld May T, ISaS-tf JOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OPOI-OLA STKAM MILLS, HiarrACrrnaa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS Sn ird Vnlcnt Itibbeil tihinylrs. II. It. etIILI.INl!roD, President, Office Fnroel Place, No. 1 2i 8. 4ili at, l'liil'a. JOHN LAWflli', Ocneral Eup'l., Oaccola Mill., Clearfield raunty, Pa. Also TOWN LOTS f.r aaj. in th borough .fUsraula. . Ai.o-Krep llie LAItUKPT ASSOBTMKNT of lloode In t'lesrat-ld oounty at their Mnmtnutb Stora In Oaecola- JanS ft Lime lor Sale I rilllR underaicned, rMldiltR near the dene! hai X made eomplflto arrangemtfrte wit b Lime 11 urn rra eaat of the mnnntain, wliirttt be la onn bled to keep ronttantly on hnnd alurgv qunntityof PUKK LIMEI which he oil or to far met i and Vuildnrs nt a Irille abuve eoat. 'f hot ia need tf the arilcle WtitiKI do well to give me a call, or ad'lrvi ine by letter, lte fure nrgotiating their lime. . UKO. C. rAPSMOHat. Clearfleld, Pa , June V, Ibiitt. Tho Lightning Tamer: riMIK nnderalftaed ait the aele Agrntalnlhli X nnty for the "North American Uelvanitrd LIUUTNINU nuiS.' iLieevare theoniyaaie mda now In uae, and are endnraed hy all Ine iclenti&e men tn the country. , Wa keroby notify the eitiaena of the esunty that we will pat thorn np a better rod, and tot leea money, than la oliarged by the foreign agenta who annnally trurerie the oounty and earry eB our little caab, nerer to return. , . ENCOUUAGK I10.MR LATJObV Tho wishing Llghnlne B.da rel.d on buildings need hul sddreaa ua by leller, af cnll le peraoa, W. will pat there up In thaeounty, and warrant lhwi. The Rode arid Plitoraa can be seen at ny llm by .ailing at our etore. II. P. HltllKK 00. Cleerleld. Merck . , Ilvory Ntablo. f trtllK nndcrllgnrd t,era teavalo Inform thapnh 1 lie that ho la now fully prepared an accommo date all In the w.ynf fnrnl.hing Horses, Haggle, Saddle, and Harness, eg Iheshnrtnel notice and on reaeonabl. terms. Rra Idcac. oa Lacnal ttraat, between Third and Fourth. IIKO. W. OKAItllAKT. Ilesrflold, Feb. 4, 1SI4. X - N A . BROTHEUS' PIANOS. Usr(Hanfou$. T A HE LARGEST ASSOltTMKNT Of ever brought to the county, are beirf receivel el ! the Hardware Katabli.hmenl of H. V. IIKil.KH I At tt., ooiupri.iiijr the following Cook titovasi rEAU'S CALORIFIC. -SUsyUKIIANNA. . It EOULATOR. nopi.k. kxcei.sioh. TitlUMI'Il. GOV. PF.NK. KEADINn NATIONAL llAN'UF., AC. tC. AI.o, tho following Itcat'u.g Stoves: SPEAKS ANTI CLINK Kit. SPEAIt'S AST1 DUST. Si'EAirS OKIIiCL'I.Alt, SI'KAlt'.S FAULOH COOK. MOKNIStl LIGHT. HON TON, GIl'BEV, VULCAN. .SUNBEAM. KUBs" HAUFUIS K(l(l, CIIKTEREIIO. VOLCANO, PHOENIX, HEAVY 11 A K UOOII ANDSTOKB KOOit STOVES, 40. Clesrtcld, Sept. J5, U7S. rjV) THE F It ONT! t.llIC tT I'.Xt iTt;inr.NT AT TIIE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CEEAM SALOON I Tho anderriitrnrMl baring jaat Rltod up new, larro and eomfurtable roomt on Market itmt. nar Third, irapertfully in forma the public that he now drcpnrrd to at-votntnodate Ihem with eTftrything in hi tine on ahnrt notieeand alall boar of the dey. lie keepa on band rtlFSH tilt RAD, 1UTSKP, HOLLA, PIK3, CAKES, all kind.. ICE CitEAM, and a general .aaaortmcnt of CONFUCTrOKEUlK.S, FRUIT8, HVT?, Ae., All of whirh will bodilivcrrd lo euftoiners at thrir retliofra, when rrquerted lo do to. U:l. CUKAM, t.y thediah.icrvcd in a neatly fur nixhed room. ThnakTuI for the grneruui patrtmaga nuatuned ii tV.e paat, he hipca to merit and reeelre aa Mnuonoc of thejatne from bit old euito mert. and ethtra. JOUN ST AD LEU. JunelS.'73-tf. 0. I. AtTIIKIlK In my OllY 000I, I1R0 lY series, Quecnsvmrc, tllnsvware, llrugl and Nelinna, Confretioneries, de., cheap for cash. The auhaeritier begs leer In Inform his old and new enatomere that be bos opened A VAUIETY STOKE IN GLKN HOPE, TA. And will acll goods at prleea to suit the timet. A liberal re.luoiion wilt be made tocuetumcrs buy lug at wii.'icaalr. Cell and eaainine my atork biTi.r. purchaaing elsewhere. A libi-r.l aliar. of puolie polntnage ii aclirilcd. C. 1. KKAOY. Illcn Hope, P.., Juue 14, Istl. JJ, F. BIGI.KU i CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- ItitLUCKS' HAKUWAKK, MbCHANICS' IIAIIDWARK, , ( . lliMilHRMEN'S IIARUWARI, FAR MtNQ rTKNfilt.S, MILL SLTPLIES, , . IKON NA"' V,lNIrl, OILS, VARNIRIIKS, I'AINTEltS' FINDINllS, I.ALflNKD PLASTER. May Jg, ts:S. TJXriKttTAKlNG. Tlie antUrelgned art aow fully prepared te earry ou the buaioeai of AT RHA80NAI1LK RATKH, And reipeclliitly 4otlctt the patrnn.g. f I'"" needing such lerrtee.. JOHN TROt'TMAN, JAMK8 L, LKAVV. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 1, 1874. WILLIAM M. 1IKNRY, JuaTU-i rre tww Pbacb AnaSenrvawBB.Ll'afRria OITV, CatlnUow aio.1. and aa.B.y prersptly paid over. Article uf agreement and dee.ll onveyanM neatly exeenled and warranted enf reet or no charge, Jjl'"