r 1 f i I f THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAH FIELD, PA WKDNKSDAV MOHNINO, AUfltMT I, ' Terms of Subscription. irpeid In ad vanoe.or within throe month! ...ft to ff paid after three end before six months,. I II I paid after ths expiration of tit mouths... t 00 HKLKilOUH NOTICE. Metliodlat F.nUcopel ChurchRev. A. D, YoiHta, Pastor. Public Bervioo orery fcebbstb at iu a. m., inn ti r. u. Bebbath School ut I A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at 7) P. M Communion bervtoo, Brat Sabbath of UTery aomu, ei it a. m. PreabyterUu Chureb-Rv. II. 8. Butlbb, Babbeth cervices morning ud evening Bab bath bohoui at I if . M. rrayer Meeting nM' daf evenlnc. Ki. Praucla' Church Cat hoi le Rev. P. J. 8h HaM at 10 o'eloek A. Jd., o the oeond and fourth Bundaya IllMh mooth. OFFICIAL DIHKCTORY. f 1MB Of OLIHMO tt'AHTBK IKWIOXI OOVHT, Boeond Monday of January. Third Monday of Meroh. Renond Monday of Jan. Fourth Monday of September. Tim or oLDina mm hob fliai. Pint Monday of June. Firtt Monday of November, rutuo orricnM. Pftaidmmt Jdu lion. Charles A. Mnyer, of Look Haven. Anhta- lam Jmdpllun. John II. Orris, of i tile ton ta, Anociaf J-fy.. William C. Foley, Clenrfleld ; John J. Road, Curweosv ill. Jf-ofAoMofary Aaron C. Tate. RryitCr and ' rd r A. W. Leo. Vittriet Attorn Frank Fielding. i Treasurer David W. Witt. SKtriff William ft. Mel'berson. Otmmtp Smmyv Bamuol Jf. MeCloskoy, Cur weusvllle. rV.fn Cam mi foar F . P. Cog I tret, Kart- hausi John D. Thompson, Curwensrille, Clark Brown, Clearfield. Oounty Auti.tort Reuben MePhsrsou, Clear field) James II. llile, Lumber City j Lewis C. Ulnnm. Clearfield. Jury Committiontrt John W. dbugart, Jamee Milcholl. Suvrimttndtmt f Pmbtit 8kooU John A. G if gory. A'atmriM P-t..,-JUbn W. WrirleT. W. Re- debauuh. Cvrus L. Gordon, Clearfield i Josiab Evens. Josenh R. Irwin. Curwensville i J. J. Lin gle, Osoeole Mills ; Johnston Hamilton, Lutners- burg. Mr. (too. Thorn's now liuiing mill waa in operation on Thursday. Mr. L. M. Coiulriut, of French ville, publishes a card in tbia week's Uauo which la highly Important to hi patrons, m A camp-meet iiitf will con urn' net nt Wallaoeton on Thursday, tbe 13th Inat., under the auspices of the M. 8. Church. All well dls poacd persons am cordially Invited lo attfnd. . i m a mi "Tom Collins" is giving nom of our people as muoh troabla ai It ia poislbla for one wan to give another. What thraanings be will get son or the daya. If he la erar orarhanttd. ... i A Bpeoinl term of Court convened on Tuesday, Judge Orrll presiding, for tba trial of the Ilontadalt borough e foot ion ease and for the disposition or oau'os on the argument list. Loot. A gold car-drop, set with a red atone, waa lost about threo wetkt ago soma when between the Market street bridge and south Third street. Tha finder will be liberally r wardrd by Waving it at tblioffiot. i mi m Prof. John A. Light wantntogo "up In n balloon" from Be I Mo ate on tha ltttb. lie was to bars taken a night from Huntingdon to day, but wa did not tee hint. II evidently did not eome this way. Camp-Mf-etino. The Bollefonteand Bald Kagle Valley eirauita of tba Cbureb of the United Brethren In Christ, will hold their eamp meettng one mile west of Port Matilda, oomtaene log on Thursday, Auguat 2ttb, 1874. Christians of every denomination are eordialty invited to attend. Tents will be rented for tbree dollars. A Lono Term. The Judges and Attorneys have agreed to hold a three week's term of Court, aouuieneing on the fourth Monday of September nest (the 18th), and continuing over the Bret and second Mondays of October. The election not occurring until November, onr Sep tember Urn of Conrt eaa be made useful in a business way hereafter. List of letters remaining unclaimed In tba Postofflec at Clearfield, for the weekending Anjruat Sd, 1874 Cbambera, Mr a. J. W. Clifford, Frank Gilmore, Joerph (looser, A. W. (t) Habn, Mrs. Mary B. Kambelts, Lee Martin, Wn. MoCall, John Moore, Ella Bcbrader, Charles Beumahl, Freidrieh P. A. OAULIN, P. M. Clinton Countt. The DomocraU of Clinton beld their primary election on Satur day last. A dispatch from Lock Haven on Tues day Informs ui that the county has unanimously instructed for Maekey for Congress, Orvis for Judge, Wallace for Senator, nod Augbenbaugh for Assembly, livery borough and township to the county was fully represented, and without a single dissenting voice the Convention Instructed as above set forth. No Mork op That. Wo have often been reproached by our patrons for not having a sign bung out, so at lo show our whereabouts. This business defect has been cured, as all will notice by easting an eye up at the southwest corner of Pie's Opera House, where the "CLian- riBLD RarvstiCAK" is strung out to the length of thirty-three feet, in letters thirty Inches In height. "Hen" Ribling put the spots on It, nnd If noy. thing is wrong about It blame him for it. We learn from the Philipttburg Jomrmtl that the Mosbanon Coal Company are opening n new mine and will build a aiding 8,100 feet lo length and oreet a plan 1,100 feet long to connect the mouth of the new drift with the aid- L lug t and, alio, that the new taw mill of Hesars. - Hoover, Harris h Co., Is nearly completed and i will be In operation within month. It la I Improvement on the ono burned, which waa an oieellent mill, and will be one of the best, If not . the beat, in this region. Mn. Shaffer. An Mtvcmud porn- : pondent la Brady towmblp furnlibed oi wilb the following additional facta In nl.tlob to Mr, Bbaffcr, wbo wal killed on the 4th ult., after oar paper bad gone to preti t "Frederick 8h.ffw waa born tn Dauphin ooualy, Pa., on lb. Ulb day of January, 1701, and, with all f.tb.r, mo,aeI to CLarleld eoenty In 1111 H. nelded two joara wlrera Rumbargw town li hi looated, and ia 1814 mored two allea farther ip OR Bandy Lick eroek, when kellred nearly 4ity yean." A Blender. Two wecki &w wo latod thai Benalor Wallaca bad a bill paiied rough tba Leglilatnra, appropriating ,7,000 ward tba Improving of tha Suequohaaaa rlrer. N baring been In "tb. ring" while the act waa aorgolng iaeubalioa, wa did not know all the te in tbe CMC. We are now Informed by d f Dr. Patter that w. bar. done that gea eaa Injailloe by not atatlng that be Introdeoed bill In q.eatlon In the llonae, aablng for 0. Wa won not awan of thli feet wnen vanned our Item, and proenm. that tha pubtie Senator Wallaca will award Rcpnaaatatlro m proper ercdlt for hta action tn tb. matter. Vakino Up. The rvtiviitod rob- M that bar. reeeatly been wmmitted la our 4 have wuacd o.ulu a eommMlon amng tbe .Ha men, wh. In .ouaoetlon with the Town cell, h.va employed aeveral walehmaa to pel tee itnete during tbe night. Onr em- dty la all. .Terrun with -bggan. It look, bough a apMlel nld wai Juit now being made ua by a band of hoaeebreahen aad beggan, from lb. feeing thai pervade, tbil Mmmaalty farmer tribe bad bMler bvava tf they d.n'1 rl Ibelf bldee punctured with leaden p.bblee. be law aad Ita ageaU will not beep Ihl.ve. , W aur dwelliaga aad alone, we ataal da It bMt Iblag defead ouredvea, aw tn am AovRRTi'RRi or Kit Oinaon," from faou Narratid by Himeetf, embraotag evcaU tbe Llfetiave ef Amenta'. ttreaUM flaaier, f npoer, Scoot aad Ouid. iaeladiag vivid ae- mciii ef la. everyday Hfe, raaerbaraeler h4 neculier ouatml of .11 ladian Tribe, ef tb. Per Wert aleo, an Aecur.1. Deeeription of tbe Country ita Condilvaa.Proipmrti and rUaourvac, 111 ClimeU and Scenery lie Mouaulae, Riven, Valleya, DeMrli, Filial aad K.lerel Woaderai towMber with a Oomalete Hlll.ry af tbe He- doe ladiano aad the Medo. War. By Dowitt O. Peun, Brev. LleU CM. and Sarg .,.(. 8. A. ieib la Ibe aemewhal leegtby till. M t nry latmetlag hMh, wntnlnln, o.w 404 page.. Tb. wwh la HUd with raaialitaoao and IbcMmU that maet eveateally pm Int. Maadard hlaUry, aad n poruan M Ita page, will richly repay tbe reader for hta lima. Tb. aget far thli aamty, Mr. Jeha M. Baatlaga, will faraiak Ik. boot lo aay an. darirtag Ik Aa tha warb to cold ealy by tabaarlptleai II win b. wnaaiaaiaty ee try le eb tela M la aay athet wa, thai tbreigh the ngtltt nMt. I NftTRUCTIONS TO RkUIHTKM. The fol lowing circular his bora addreeeed to tha several Aweeson and will, o doubt, be as useful to Ibe citlaen as tha oBoer, nnd we therefor plaoe It before our readers i Coumissionmm' Orriru, ) CLUAnriiLD, Pa , July 80, 1874. f Tha Commissioners herewith band you two copies of the list of registered voter residing lo your dl'trlot, as corrected and returned by you In June last, and on file In this oflo. You will plea eiamiae tbo Hats oarefnlly, and see that tb designation or made. On eopy you will at one poet up nt, or on, the door of your elec tion houa, and retain the other in yourpucaeaalon for the Inspection fro of charge, of any person resident lo your election district wbo shall desire to ace the aame and It shall be your duty to add from time to time, on the personal application of any on claiming tb right to ut, th name of such claimant, and mark opposite the name, "C. V,"j and Immediately nsacss him with n tai, noting, as lo all other cases, his occupation, resi dence, whether a boarder or housekeeper; If a boarder, with whem ho boards nnd whether naturalised or designing to be, marking In all Stick eases th Utters, opposite th name, "N," or "D. I," ac the oaae may be. The second section of the Heglstry Act requires yot to be present nt lb lUon houa of year district for two days, sitty-on days previous to the day of the general election. You will there for repair to your election bout on Tuesday and Wednesday, th firtt and ascoao! days of Bop Um ber, and remain then from 10 o'clock, A. K., to i o'clock, r. m., and also, from o'clock to 0 o'clock, of each f said days, fur the purpose of bearing and acting upon all applications to be made to you under th provisions of tb law ia question, re lating to tb names upoa said list, or that are sought to be placed thereon, or elrnok therefrom f and It I made your duty ta oorreot -said list by adding there l tb aam as of percons entitled to vote, not already lucreou, and by striking there from fictitious names or name of persons who may have died or removed from aald district. ' ArteryousballbaveeomptetedyouraaecMmeat, (which will be silly-one days before the election) you will, on the next day, or as soon aa conven ient, make return of your duplicate to this office, with all the uooeMary corrections made t hereon. You should carry a paw-book In your pocket, so that you eau use It to register those wh may pply. uod need not therefore soil th onpy tS registered voters' names, nor uao It only to make th necessary examination at your homo. You are herewith furnished with btenh sbeeU for the purpose of making a separata alphabetical list of th names of all persons you may register after the Irst of August, so that the aumc oan bo filed in tbia oBloe. Enter no names on the list of voters sent from this office nor In the copy posted npon the electioo house. The poatera herewith cent, you will hove posted op In the moot public place in your diet riot, You have a eopy of the law In your possession relating to your duties i if mislaid or lost another will be furnished you on application. Btudy it, so that you may understand It, and thereby be enabled to discharge your official duty under standing. Whatever errors you may dissever In th copies before you, mak the necessary cor ructions, so that a perfect Hit can be made fur tbo election officers. Bi roi.ary. ilouHohrvaking is gun erally considered the most heinous crime after warder. The uiau who deliberately enters in a clandestine manner tbo dwelling, store, or office of another In the dead hour of the night, takes his life into bis own hands and would not hesitate to kill bis victim If overhauled and caught at bis ungodly calling. A little over a month ago we nordcd thu fact that Mr, Moasop's store had been entered by burglars and robbed of a quantity of goods and soma money. Th thieves have not boon discov ered. Last Friday night tbo tobacco store of Mr. Watson, on Market street, wa entered In n similar manner and rubbed of n large amount of tobevio, cigar, pipes, etc The robber, wbo ap pear to hav dropped out of th lata Indian bow, wa arrested at Peufield by Constable MeCleltan, oo Saturday afternoon, with a large pertion of lb plunder In hi poeeeasloo. The culprit, whose nam ia Edward Leslie, is now In prison, and will no doubt turn up in th Penltcn-; tiary after September Court. i The third and last robbery w bar to record occurred on Sunday night. Bom rlllian, yet on- j known to the officer of the law, broke Into the merchant tailoring establishment ef Mr. Henry Bridge, and stole therefrom large quantity of olotMng. The entrance wal e (fee tod through a back window. Thus, within about a month, ha I this daring erime been committed tbree times and i only on f the scoundrel secured. Base Ball. Tho tirst of a series ol game for tba championship waa played at Cur- wensvllle on Friday last, between tbo Boomerang club, ef Rcynoldsville,aad the Susquehanna si ub, of Cunreniwtlle. Th roughness of the ground caused a larger number of runs to bo made oo both sides than would hav been tbe ease had It been la good condition. The Boomerangs war tb winner by tb following More i u so. eau a it ma. o. . OOMUftAKa. o. a. 1 1 Irvin, Id b.. 4 Arnold, 1. f H I Gathers, R., . f.. Hamaker, M b. Thompson, F.,. f- S 6 Brown, p Reynolds, R., ..,. Cat ben, J., 1st b.. Ileokmao, J., . e, HrainarO, . f Pattou, e .1 7 Tbotupson,W.,3db, 4 Craia, n I 4 Ferris, r. r..., Bloom, r. f S 1 Heekman, W., I. f.. S 0 ReynoldB,W.8.,Sb, I 7 Chambers, 1st b..M 0 3 Total M...27 4fi Total.. ..17 62 it si hadi lAcai linn). i t t 4 i s r 8 f Boomerang......... I I I 11 I It 4 I 0-SJ 8uoqoohanaa. 11117 114 440 Umpln A. W. Beott. 8eonn Boomerang, &. T. Oathera Sueqnebenan, J. 0. Jenkina. Narrow Kucape. Un Alondny a little eon of W. 8. Burrrt,Jwat eight yean old, waa enjoying himielf with other boya on tbe bridge Mroee tba Molbannon, near the npper planing mill, watching tb. drift wood floating down the riaing and npid atreaa. He law a barrel eom- Ing and thought it would be fun to clop It with a pole be had In bil bend and ao be thrnit It Into tba baml, but to hil larprlia the barnl did not atop, and tho audden elevation of tbe end of tbe pole te wbleb be waa allnglog wbteta formed a lower, th. bridge being th. fulcrum, th. barrel orl by Che current tb. power, and the boy the weight wat blm headlong Into tbe water. Mr. Wn. Maya wltaeaeed tb accident and ruoning te the creek plunged la after tbe boy, wbo bad been dried dowa nearly oppoalto tbe mill, and barely aueoeeded ia reieulog him. It waa a very narrow Meep.. -PkiHpkurf Jommal. Dead Them Thointruetion iiwucd by tbe County Commiiiionen and Boot to the eavenl Aeeeiaon la tbtl county will be round In thll lain.. Their poruial and eludy by the eltl- aeni ! ai ciewtlal aa by tho ofltoen Indicated. - Court. A Court of Common Pleas will begla on Monday, tbo 171b Inat., for Ibe trial of civil eaueea and ia cloa. up the uaflatihed buiineca af lb. Jan. term. Some thief inturviuwuil the Loonnnl Ilouee loe-houa. on. night laat weeh. The loaa ii triflingj Th List. Tho trittl lint for tho Auguat term will b. found In tbia leaue. Special!. Ru.alRl For S.li. R. Newton Shaw keepe a foil aui.nl of Vredoaia Batglee and riallona Wagoaa for lala. To be aeea at tba Shew Houm yard. Call on nr addneo hint at ClearOeld Fena- ylvaaln. may -tf. Wood aad Willow Wan of all deieriptloai for aale by at. w. mgler e v. Aiaa. Seventy-Ire dona Clearteld Wood ehoppon A lea nt tM-.li. H. f. BIQLKB Co'a. A full lie. of Houeehold Oooda, Japaoued Wan, .., fur mm by M. w. Bigier wo. RBCAFI1ULATIOH. Bird Cage.. Wood aad Willow Wan. Houiehold Ooode. All ki.de of Hailein. 'd.peeined Wan. Palate, Otic, Varalebea. , Calota Plaaurr. Wagea aad Carriage Makera' ceapllee. All of tbe above For eel. at theaumeiBth Uard. war. St.n ef H. f . Bignr HmoomI itre.1, vioaraen, ra. . g, Save Timet Rare Labor! Save Money! Save troiaeoi la." itoveuy wringer" ti tbe bell In the mftrket. Bay 11 1 try ll. For nle by H. i. Biataw 4 pp. Cl.laed Fleeter for leie by B. F. Bigier I Co Pi.BTt awe PAl1rTRal, PtnotaM. Our atocb ef Painta aad Piletere' ef.lerieli la eomplrle, la. cladiag J. T. Uwle' Pan White Lend. John Ln ea. Co'a Pan White Lead, P. R. Oo'i Plach Lead, and n namber of ebeafrar bnnda f White LeeJ i alee, Llneeed Oil, Terpentine, V.rntikeaof all kiada, a fall llee af Bra. Roe, and a toll nr. ol celm, dry aad It OU. naylt'll H. t. BtaLii 1 Cw. Montaur Slate Pulnta, fr natatlag honaaa lld. aad ealalde CMUgeo, Farm Baildiaga, A.. BeaatifaL danbl. and eeoaonleai. (1 round In pan Llneeed OIL ajyia'TI H. F. But-aa ft Ce. Bird Oege. i a Una aaeartmeat a. fl. t. Big bur ft Oo.'a. FROM OHIO. - Th women's temperance war Mow raging In dllerent oartl f tb country, pertlralarly In th woai, Willi ouch uaparalleled Mooes, recommends for person wbo claim whisky a ueocsalty for me dio Inal purposes, to us Ureen's Auguat Flower, whip eon I alas no iateiieatlng spirits and Is a I untie laxltlve and a certain cur for Dyepvpsta, liver Complaint, Indigestion, Coattveneee, hour Htouiaeb, Hick llttadnvhc, coming up of the food alter eating, purifies tbe Blood and Byatem. Juat what la UHoiiud in the spring of tbe year by every- uoiiy, iry tu Boia by u. u. wauoe, t iner field, Pa. . . eug2Q'73y pRuut Fnxu! Fnuit .nong the many prep' rations that we have for Coughs, Colds, Croun, oi any throat or Inng diflioulty, non of them are equal to Dr. Morris' B.vrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horebouud. If yot are aOtietod, on 1 1 at our store and we will gite you a umfle bottle ree of eAiirwe Ageolsi ilartawtok A Irwin, Jlearneiu Holt, Woodiido A Holt, Wallaoeton II. K. liama, William's Uruv. LMerob ll-ly. RiAnTnist - Persons who contemplate building will do well Id call and eiitmine our stovk of HI IUUNO MATEUI ALS. We have In cloche full line of Builders' Hardware, Nells, Painls, Oils, (Unas, Putty, Calcined Visiter, Ac my28'73 II, F. liioi.au A Co. f e -. Nonet to Wao aid Carhiiou Markt.s. We have lust receii edauennral assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Bpringa and Axles, wbicb we oner cheap tor eaab. II. F. Bio Lie A Co. Saw. tilitan's Cross-cut Raw, Great American Saw, liny n tan's Lightning baw, at V 26-73 II. F. JliaLfcQ A Co's. II. F. Blgler A Co. have been making extensive additions to thoir Block of Hardware tha laat few days. Everything new In Hhelf Hardware, Had dleri' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can bescai at their store. - May II. INFLATION I INFLATION! ' James Kerr A Co., regardless of the notion of the President, are Inflating, and bve Inflated tbolr already large stock f Clothing, until It now embracra the finuat aetortment of Clothing and rurnlRbhii unils in any retail store In renmyl vauia. Below please And reduced price list of a lew or trie armies embraced in ineir tieon i MKN'B COTTONADB (UMTS, ONLY t 00 MKN'B CAHSIMKRS SUITS. ONLY 8 "0 MKN'B ALL-WOOL CAKB. Bl'lTB, 10 00 MKN'S FINK BLUE DIAO. StllTH, - 18 00 YOUTHS' SUITS, , M. to 20 00 CHILD'S FINE BLUE CLOTH Ktll'H, 0 00 CHILD'S FANCY MAO. SUITS, 10 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, all price, fr 2.60 to 11 00 Umbrellniw fiilk, Uingbani, Cotton a large ana one asior-ment. Hosiery.-Fifty doicns Lialo Thread, Bilk, Cotton atid buglish super-stout bone, which will dc sold at iroin a cents up. sthlrta-Our stock of shirts I large and acta plele, embracing the Universal, Prcuoh Percale, uoiion, Uttsmmvre anl colored coins, in gi rarirty." We would cay to our customers that having nought goods at lo per cent, leis Uiad uerrtorore, we are prepared to sell them at priees that will really asiouisn everybody, (.all early aud sec t youMdves. JAMKri KKIIK A CO. Old Western Hotel Corner, Clcarfleld, Pa. 20 Just received, a largo lot of non-explosivi Lumps and Leo torus at ; 0 26-72 n. F. Hiolku A Co's. PainU, Oils and Varuisbc for sale bj II. F Biitlrr A Co. iHiurird. At Trrou., l..,.n Thund.r, Jul; 2.1il. 174, bj Knv. J. S, Uiu.rM, Mr. UAKVliV W ll.SdS D.l MiiiSdl'IIIA I'UWtLL, bulb l Cluilold .uuntjr. At llio AMrtl.rhjr Hut.I, Clc jrtel I. 1'.., on SmiJay, July SOlh, l74," by Iter. A. D. Yarm, Mr. l.I.MoUK WIHKMAN, of N.r.rr.. Ohln, Dd Miu ANNIE Ul NLA1', .fJ.no.rlMc, I'.. At th. first M. R. ranonnK., In Altoon., on Wrdn.KliT, July SUlli, 1DT4, by llor. J ah Hi Com., Mr. WILLIAM M. IIAVIH. of Truf.nl, Michinn, nd Min L1NNIK U. CONRAD, of 0epoln, Cl.rflelil eounty. Ft. SUA. Tn Clearfield, Pa., on Fridnv. July Nth, 1K74, WILLIAM, son of Joint and Barraiia CttTi.au, aged 13 years. Clearfield Markets, CuRRirrRn Wkrxi.t by Knttinr , I.ytle, Whole- Ml. .nil KM.ll doHlflr. ID Ury uood., urontrm Flour, Kwd, Mo., tl.rb.l urnt, OI.arS.ld, l' OLRARriKLD, P.., Aug. 4, 1S74. A)il..,rOB,U,(j, 1 2&.Hk, dr.Mod 0 i 18 U, 14 Id urioa, y m izj'inuo., groon Anl.l)uiur,Vir.l, 7oll.ini 0ll(o) Button uilCd) .10lHhouldorlH....IIU Bnni 0 00lo ' ,b Side'-- Buokwba.t. 1 00 L.rl ....124 Buokwhoftt flour tb, ;MM pork, ft bbl ..10 00 Br, dfiM l(a 2d U.li do B..f, fr.h II 10 Onion. i 00 Bo.rd., M 11 00(014 00 PoUto.1 0l)(ul M Oorn,.bllod.M 1 Io'PwmIio., drlod, .. 10 0-,.,-r M( - tt U, y kkl A M 0.ramo.l,Vuk, J Ry.. , 1 10 Chop, V owt ll'tia i 80 Hug., 9 lb I OloT.riMd. h t 40 S.lt, flMk.6 Hi iv Sbiagl.i,!BtB..HIo? o. Ch.rri.., IS. 10(d) lH8biHglo.,2e!nl.(gl 00 Cbiok.nl, dnd, Ik, 12) Tliiilhy aMd a 00 KKgl H.,.WHM a" Tallow. I. Pl.irad J00wh..t.. 175 Flour -I bOCd) OOiWool 40 Hay 00 0U(r,10 oo,wood, 1. lurl...H . ou Pennnylvanla Itallroad TYKONS t"cLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, NOV ltd, 1873, tba CuHnnr Traim will run daily (.xo.pt rJ.R- d.yi) betwooo Tyrone and GUarDeld, ai folluwi CLHAUFIELD MAIL. LEAVI SOUTH. LKAVE MOUTH. Clorteld 1.40. P. n lbilipaburgH...4.3al " Ooelola 4.60, " Tyron 8-"0, Tyrone ........ .;!,.. UmooIh... 10.40, " I,bilipiburg...l0.0o, " Clearfield 11.(0," CLEAKFIW.D KXI'llllSS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE K0RTII. Clearfield. .... Phillpiburg.. Oeoeola Inteneetioa. Tyrone. t.li 4. 1 . " l.b " .4 ' 8.00 " Tyrone Interiection Oeoeola 7.00 ... 7.U 8.10 Philip.barg...8.1o " Cleerfleld, Hr....J0 ' FARE FttOM CLEARFIKLD, TO Dellrfoote, Pa. ...! OS Middletown ..., 00 Marietta. i 60 LanoMter t 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Altoona .... 1 86 Jnhnvtowo.. I 60 Look Haven..., Willlamiport. Huntingdon M. Lewlltown. Maryiville I 70 I 00 I 84 1 00 4 61 HARKI8BUI1U 4 71 ITTHDUhl) 1 16 Cloee inneetloae made by all traim at Tyrone and Look Haven. B. S. TIL A IK, ' vlT-tf. Superintendent. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tho partnerebip heretofon dieting between Cberlea Sebnarro and Fntlerlok Schnarra, la h.n by dlnolvrd by mutual conaent. The booka will remain Inthebandaof (.liea.A Kmannel nrhnern, by whom the bualoeii will hrrcefter be eirriod on. l ll A f . inipiAtinn, FIlKIlKRIfK Sl'HNARIIS. Clearteld, July21, 1874-t NOTICE TO HORSE OWNERS. The underfflunedliavlnir been informed that certain John Mavs is traveling over the county griding stock, and rrpreecnting that be was for several years under toy Instruction, I would therefore inform the public that he never received any Instructions from tne, and that he knows nothing or tna nuiineis wnaternr. Those naving stock to dress are Informed that I employ no one to visit my customers, and that I will attend lo all calls at the proper time as hrretolore. Pike ti., July 13 t LKWItt I. HLO0M. or tiik MIU CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. ' The eld Clearfleld Eioelslor Cant Hook Co. Is dissolved, and a new one formed by Amoc Hen nerd and O. B. Merroll, ef Clearleld, and U. Jd. A Hard, of Kmporium, Cameron eonaly, ac part acre, and Jas. H. WaUon,of Clearfield, as Uener al Agent. The new company will carry ea the halluces of menu lecturing, selling and chipping tbe Cant Hooks, with all their improvements, wkieh are new nsrhct. All orders promptly llled. JAS. U. YYAT8UN, July 1st, 1874. Uen'l Agent. HX) FAUMKRS 1 And all Persons who wish to do the Labor of Ten Men Ry ene man and the Invert men t of a few dollars in machinery, we offer Woods' A The Buckeye Mowers, which have Mood tho toot of twenty yearn, In wbieh time then bae beeei more of then ma. ehioea made aad cold then of nil ether maehiooo wmblaeul, la Ibe Halted Sletea. Tb. Wood,' auchlae took the Iret price at Vienna, Aaclria, in competition with all Iba maehioM of tbo world. We alio Mil tbe Ithica, llageritowo and Oomlcy . . H.ir njKKt, all wamaled te ha made of tb. beat materia aad If they do not do tbelr work right, we will cake them twek aad rafaad Ik. money. We ale. call SPROUT'S MIF.AR AMD NRI.LIS' HARPOON FOHKS, PDLLIKg, ie. TH It Rum NO MAOIIIBJKi,, of all hlndi, oat meelly Bllla ft noffmaa'! on., hone Ueed. BIICKBTB 8RAIN PRILLS, C1DIR MILLS, FANNING MILLS, aad all ether maehlnea In our line. Two car Vend! at vechlaa. juat received. Do not tall to call. M. . BHOWN ft BRO. At Man! Merket, ea Market at reel, Clearteld, Pa. JaieJ:74 UsrtUnnfous. 1 THE CLKARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. 'J CLEAKFlKLl), PA., f UAurrrrt'tiRis or ' rati: mtii Kf Furnace Illocks, dins Retorts, Stove Liuinga, Paving Tiles, Slo, Chimney Top$9 Window Capa, and I'nwfa. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DK8IUN8 IN TKURA COTTA ... ... MADfl TO OKDKIl. . With traprovod inacbinnry, first class materliU and skilled workuien, we luu warrant ail eur nianufatUurcs to bce(Ual to H not luj-eritrt any In tbo market. Articles of our manufacture oan be seen at the Works, near Hailroad Depot, or at tbe Hardware Hloro of 11. V. Blgler A Co. . , All orders from a distance, addressed to tbe (Jeneral Hupcrliituudcet, will receire prompt at tcutlon. 1 J. il. I1ARTHWICK, JOHN FRUOUHON, Urn 'I Suit. of Hrathfluld, tlarnkirlt, Hootland, Bupt. Manufacturing Dept. niuy20'78 H. F. BIGLEll & CO., niALuna ia ii a it i w a st i: , Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. , CLEARFIELD, PA. pAUMINti liU'LEWJiMS of ul! kind! for inlo ly Ii. . BIOI.EU C). R AILItOAI) WHEELBAKHOWS for ml. by II. F. BIGLEH A CO. PAINT, PUTTY, Slash N all., etc., for lute by II. K. BIOLEK 1 CO TTABKKSa TRIMM1KGS i SHOE finding!, f'r late by II. F. BIOLKH A CO. Q.UNS,PISTOI,S SWORD CANES For aale by II. F. IllOLER 4 CO gTOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND Btiea, for aale by II. F. BIOLKH t CO. RON! IRON1 IRON V IRON! For sale tj II. F. BIOLKB ft CO. II ORSR SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for laic by H. F. HIOLKU A CO pULLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bcit Macufeeture, for laic by II. F. BIOLKH ft CO. T IIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for lale by H. F. I1IOLER ft CO. pODDER CUTTERS for tale by RCH30-70 U. F. BIOLER ft CO. TOWNSHIP SETTLEMENT. Annual report of tho Auditon of Bngg. Uiwrnblp, for tho current yean OF.O. TURNER, Sr., Treitunir of laid towaiblp, in aeeoant with the fundi of aaid l.i.triit lor thoyoar endinit June, IH7.1i MCIIOOL VVKD. DKlron. To amount of tax aiaeieed To amount of State aiiropriatlon.... To amount from County Tirnlurer To amount from Iiaao llievh, oonit.... To amount front other eourcoc .......... Total !. 81 rnautTolt. Byorden rclremed (I,I4 40 By Troaiurer'i penentege .. S4 28 Hy .mount uooolleeled. 1,744 70 By making duplicate end advertiling. 4 00 Balance due from Trraeurer. 12 85 Tolal ,2,U8 82 JAMRS H. WAPLR, Tri nrer of laid towuihlp, la account with Ilia fund, of laid diitrict for the year 1872: SCHOOL Tl'RD. Balance doe town.hip t222 T2 010. TURNKM. Sr., In aocount with fund., etc. HFECIAL KUA1I. PEaron. To amount of lax a,in.ird Sid 7 To mount from I. Blr.li. contatile... 100 00 Total ritrniTon. Ry amount of orders redeemed.. Ily amount uncollected... lly amount from other nourovs... Ralanee due townslilp TotaJ..... ST 124 ft 342 l 0 0& Balance special road aA1-iv.r fund due from James H. Waplc, Trees, lor I87... $m !U FOOR FUND. DiaTun. To amonnt of tax nMfitcd for 1 373... 4.10 47 To amount paid by I, Ricsh, con M able lit OU Total- ... 045 47 CMRnrroR. Ry Touchers redeemed Ily amount uncsllected. Hy Silas Turner exoneration Ry percentage. Hy msking duplicate Balance due from treasurer. Total tM.1 47 ROAD b'UHU.. JOHN' COULTBK, Superviior for l73i naeron. ' To amount of duplicate... , 808 80 To order oa trea.urer... , 14 10 To amount paid by oitlten. 10 70 To order gilcn Jno. Holt A Son 124 00 To order to B. Merrltt for plank 18 0(1 loonier to n. jiorrirL. , tu uo To order to Wileoa ll'iovor...... I 00 Balanre que atiprrviior 100 72 Oca. Brown lal bo Total . tvi8 82 CRROITOR. Ry citlaena' workH.....M Ily alauk hy riegal By balance on Flrgal part M Ry work and plank by aclfand Plrgftl, By nonerntlona Total 98 14 4 0.1 e 4:1 2M 22 I 411 tuna K2 Ih. Trraiurer baa no aoaount of thll. We, tha underiigncd Auditor!, having culm. Ined tbe reoelbte and voucher! ef the Iliitrlct Tlwaeurur, certify tbe foregoing to bo a true and cornet etatement of tbo aebool boitdiag, read aad poor node .f lloggi town.hip. JOHN RIESn, I. C. nol'KlNK. SIMON THOMPSON, iolytt-lt Audllora. i; T I ON. The underslfned would earnestly Invite all who are Interested In the moirt impor tant Industry of our enuntr, to mnet at t'lrarfteld. oo Tuwaslay, Auguat iHth. N14, at t o'clock p. m., to tMtnsiiler what is beet for the interests of the trade, that neb mftasorec may bo adopted as to reduce tho stook of Timber the onmlng seasfm to tho actual wants of the market next spring. We cordial ly Invite all to meet with us, te gtvo tharr pretence and their eounselr, so that we may Inaugurate aad faithfully axettteciiuie plan that will protect our Interests at heme as well as Ifaoao of our euntomers ia the East, from ruinous saort flne, which must result lo the event of potting tbe usual stock of timbsr oa the market next ssasou. Signed, John Irwin. J. B. Walters. Bamuel Arnold. W. V. Wright. Jno. Pat Ion, Arnold m llsrtihorn. J. Kilkntt Kratsor. Weaver A Bella. John Wltbsrow. . Jas. T. Leonard. I. A. A W. D. Irvln. Jons. Boynton. J. B. Oreham A Sous. B. Irwin A Done. T. H. Fereey. 1. A. Bigier A Oo. L. M. Ooudrlet. Jtu. Mite kill A Oo. Cleartsld, J si; 2S, 1874. -St. K.IOI 07 1.16 05 00 86 60S on 44 tb 5r &00&S, Gttxtttit, U. J. M. KRATZER, IN PIE'S BUILDING, DEALER IN Dry Goods, - Dress Goods, Carpets, Wall Pupcrs, , 1 i Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoos, Groceries, Provisions, &c, Il Juit rcoelvlng a comiilet. ailortmeot of goodl, bought at latcit and loweet prlcec. GOOD PRINTS, AT TEN CENTS PKU YARD. GOOD YD-W1DB BLEACHED MUS LINS, TEN CENTS. ' : .1 I IIEAVY YAUD-W1DE UNllLEACIIED UUKI.IN9. 12J CENTS. v AI'PLETON'8 A MUSLINS, I2 CT8. PER YARD-lfT TIIK TIBCE. AND ALL DRY UOObS AT LOWER RAIKS THAN IIRRKTOPORB. DUKSS GOODS, IN tlllKAT VARIETY. CAIIPHTH OAKl'RTS CARI'KTS CAIII'KI'S CAIH'KTrl CARI'KTS L'AHPKTS CARHKT8 CA11 PETS rAlll'ETS CAlll'KTS CAlll'KIS CA II PUTS CARPETS CARPKTS BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTRY, INGRAIN, nnd nil lower grndes. CARPETS CARFKT8 CARI'RTS CAlll'KTS CA11FF.T8 CAHPKTB CAlll'KTS CAlll'KTS CARl'KTS CARl'KTS CARl'KTS CAKFKT8 CARPKTS CAKPKT8 CARl'KTS PARASOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. GROCElilES, l:Y ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, .' FLOUR. BACON, ALT, o., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTIIHU PRODUCB WANTED. Cl.nl.lil, Miy IT, 1874. .1. 1. I It YIN, CORNM STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH, REASONABLE ON TIME, His extensive Stock of STAPLE DRY-GOODS, PRESS (iOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CARPETS, OIIi CI.OTns, MEAT, FISn, CANNED FRUITS, ROOTS AND SHOES, WOODIN.WARK, OUSS AND C.I7RKN8WARR, HARDWARE, ROPE, TOBACCO, Ac, Ac. FLOUR, SALT AM) PLASTER BY THE CAR LOAD. CottftgcScts nnd other Furniture. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. jMr-Lumber and Country Produce taken In eiohange (or good! at tha bigheit markit price Curwcnlvilli, Pa., Jnne S, 1874. rWNKLIN WAGONS I Tbl Shaw I Tbe underalgned baa oa hand for aale at tb. 'Shaw Boom," CIcirBcid, Pa., a lot of th. Celebrated Conklln Wagons, hleh he offers on very reaeenablu terms. Thoae Wagons bare a national reputation, and farmers ami all others will do well to call aad examine them. All the In form at lot d wired concerning them will be furnished with ttlf enure. jelO -3m H. lSKWTuM SHAW. B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH II. TIEEKINO. oa Markit atreit. In Shaw'i Row, Clearleld, Pa., hil jail received a In. lot of Preach Calf Skim aad K 1,1,1a. beat la tbe market. and laaow nreoared toman. ufaeture crcrythlng la hla line, lie will war rant nta work ta be a. repreeenua. I be eltlieni ef Clearleld aad vlelllty an reipeeuuiiy invited t. give aiaa a call. Work dona al akort aoliee. TiKTIy riOURT PROCLAMATION. J WunaiAa, lion. O. A. MAYRB, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of tho twan- ly-fllth Judicial Dlstrlot, eomposed of theeoun tins of Clf-arflrld, Centre and Clinton, and Hon. WM. 0. POl.KY and Hon. JOHN J. Kit AD, As soelato Jodcc of ClearAnld eounty, have issued their preseiit, to me directed, for the holding of an Adjourned Conrt of Common Plena, at tho t"iurt House, at t iearneld, la aad ror ine eooa ty of ('If artl rid, oommenetug on tbo THIRD MONDAY, THH 1TT11 DAY Of AUUU8T, 1874, and (wntlnuing one week. NOT ICR Is th-reforo hereby given ta jurors and wltoosses, In nnd for said eounty of Clearfield to be and appear In their proper persons, at 1 0 o'clonk A. M. ol said day, to do thoae things whloh in their bfhslf prtlo to be dona. UIVKN coder my hand al Clearfield, this lit day of July, tn tho year of oar Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy toor. - W. R. MoPBKHSOlf, BherlC TITANTED. Hy lb Cic.rfield Er II oelsior Cant Hook Company, Wood for lt.OM CANT HOOK HANDLES, of best uoalit hard Bauer. st1H to aiaa. For la formation Inquire at the Tobeeeo and Hegar Btoro rr ijunmrj alia. wAinun, T)INK, WBITI ROAE LININ BKINS- X .net rM.l.ae and far eel. by AprU H, 1871. H. t. llttLEft A 00. Dm tSstlf, dtomitt, (6U. 1874. 1874. UNDER FULL SAIL! THE KEYSTONE TO THE FRONT! Headquarters for Dry Goods! 1 opening my second large spring and sum mer 1 took of Vorelgn aud Uumsstio DltY GOODS, Carpels, Oil Cloths, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES, ilc, itc, ile. The nrloel will be inch ai will act be elMlled by aay other place in tbe Stat.. Call aud eee for youreolr.l. WM. REED, mart! Second Itroet, Clearbeld, Pa. QIIANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY Would re-pBCtreltjr notify the puhlle generallj that be has purehaeed J. S. Hhower'e Ureeery Store, la thaw's How, where he iatenda keeping a full Hoe or 11 O C K IK I K H, 1IAM8, DRIED BEE, and LARD. SUOARS and SRUPS, of alt grade!. TEAS, Omen and Black. COFFER, Roailid aad Green. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, c.urjrvn rnriTB, All kinda la tba market. PICKLES, In Jan nnd barrel!. SPICES, in .vary firm aad variety, . . FAMILY F OUR, AIL KINDS OV Cll ACKER. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil tn& Lump Oimneys. And a good aiiortiaent of Iboac tbinga uiualty kept la a grocery atore, wbicb be will eieheage tor mariMing ai too raaraw pneea. Will aell for cub ai cheaply ea any other on. Plcaie call an1 ace bli itock and judgu for yourielf. juim airuAuuiiai. Clearleld, May 27, 1174. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Oppoelle Pcit OBea. , New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINK OP TBA. 0OL0NQS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, YOUNO DYSON, ENGLISH BREAKFAST Purrit ia MnrkiL nUTTliB AID EGO Wilt bo kept and told al Int coei. Caak paid tar voaniry rrouuou. QKRMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FIH. Maokerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ac. PICKLE. Barrel Plcklel and Engll.k Pick lee. FLOUR AND fBKIr. Ploer, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ac f.bJJ'74 LYTLE A MITCHELL. ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, FA., llu Jail epeaed, el tba old atand, la Qrahea 'a now, a Mnpiet. euMK ot jf s H' a o o n a, of .very deecriptloa. MIY OOODS. tiROCEKIKn, HARDW AUK, D00T8 AND SHOES, CL0TIUN0,r.,6o., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OAT3, CORN', AlWATS OH 1IASD AKD FOR SALS AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR th. car load, and lold advance. Fleoelved b the ear load, and lold are ama advance. A .apply of ROPI conitantly oa baud. Special tndaoemeati offered lo Ihoee ttlag ani Siiuare Timber and Logi, al we denl largely la Lumb.rmen'1 Buppllea, and ant ,n pared at all time. t. pnrchaa. tiei. her and lambw. CD, W. QIAMA M. k'arket SUwet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. ,, utr,. CUELET A 0 AID WELL, Agricultural Implements, BIQLIft STATION, IA. Wo are uents for the "Chamaloo" Reaaer aa Mower oombiaed. tho Frail Horee lUko nnd Cumminge' Fodder Cutter, aa well aa for all hinds of fltoves nnd Hsaeero. Mam pies aHraye oa baud ret exaauaaileo. . Call on or addratf at Wllllamsgrwva, Clear old eouaty, Pa. junolt-Rua IrtisrrllnntouJ. MISS H. S. SWAFS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLKARFIELD, PA. THE WINTER AND BI'hINU TERMS will oloie May link, 11174. - TERMS or TUITION. Beading, Orthograpby.Wrlllag.OhJoel Lei. aoaa, rrlaiary Arlina.ii. ana rrimary (leoeranhv- IT M nillory, Loeal aad deMlllAlva licogripb, , with Map yrawmg, iiramtnar, aiiniai and Wrlll.n Arllbaeti " Algebra and the Solenoee II DO Instruction In Initrunental mullc I. 0t Oil painting, 14 lonon II Wnl work M For full partioulare .and for Circular. Clearleld, March II, U74. T:70-y The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn townehlp, Clearleld Co., Pa. Tn , ; . ; . BURMUD () U T 1 BURNED UPI Tbe subscribers hate, nt great expense, rebuilt neighborhood necessity. In the erection of a first class Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern Improvements attaebed, and are prepared to make all kinda of Cloths, Casclmarec, Hatinetts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ao. I'lenty or goous on usna to supply all our old and a thousand now customers, whom we ask to eome aud examloe our stock. Thu business of CARDING AND PULLINtf will reoelre our especial attention. Proper arrangements Will be made to reeeire and delirer Wool, to suit cuctomera. All work warranted and 4on upon tho aborted wotloe, and by strict at ten -tiou te bustnecc wo hope to realise a liberal share or public patronage. MMKJO POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will Dae the h (chest market prioe for Woo and coll oar Btanufaetured gade ac low aa similar goods oan be bought la the eouoly, aud whenever we fall to render reasonable catlifsctlon we ean always be found nt homo ready to make proper explanation, eitner in person or uy iciier. ' JAMKH JOHN HON A HONfl, apH136tf Bower P. 0 I F ECONOMY 18 AN OBJECT, BUY YOUR CLOTH I9T G, Furnishing Goods, &c, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE They keep full line of Men't, Youths' Boyi' Clothing. Also, UmbrcllfiR, Ratchella, Overall UaU, Hbirls, I'ndorshirts, and Drawer, 4c, Which they will tell at aoit renonable prleca.- Call and eiaratae their gooda before purobaetng eleewhera. Hoob In Kao.ioi Building. Cle.rB.ld, Pa., April 1, 1S74. XTEW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hive J uit 0cned N Btoat, on Main St..CLlAllL, Pa. latclr occupied Ly Wa, F. IKVV'IN. Tbelr clock ooniiall ol UDlXl"Sr C21 CD CD 3-D 5S. (Ikocmu of (lie bral quality. Qubensware, Boots and Shoes. and every article neceaaarr for . - one'e comfort. Call and examine our ntock before put- ehaalng alaawhere. May 0. 18C6-tf. A. H. MITTON'S ' (Raooeaaor taCrala A Nittoa,) New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. THE andertigned, having leased rooms for the manuraeturu of all kinda of BADbLKS, HAR NESS, and all tha latest Improvements in Uoree Furnish lug Uoods, is now prepared to All all orders at priees and quality that will surprise all who favor him with a call for the Inspection of his work. Ho it determined to please aud his cx- perionoe and observation In eaitem and westtrn eiem onshles him to DEFY COMPETITION in tfce maauAMituro of Odd, Hilver, Oroide, Rubber OovoeuA and Ullt-Llned Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I AIM Pino RIDING AND RACIKU SADDLES. llli ronta and aincnaaa being light, ho will cell the aame gradee of work lu per cent, cheaper thea they eaa b. bought In tie eaetern etliee. Repairing aad adjuiting Saddlee, Horace!, Ac., ncatlv done, at raaionable prieea. Particular atiaatloa paid te all order, by mail ar etberwiee. Call and ac. hta work before buying eleewhere. flaT-Hooau la Irwia a Store, aext door to Key tonVstor.. A. II. MITION. Cle.rl.ld, Pa., May IS, 1174. MITCHELL WAGONS. The BeBt ia the Cheapest I Thome. Reilly hai received another large lot ef "Mitchell Wagooi, which are among tho very beet manufactured, and whirh he will cell at the moit reaeoneble ratei. Hie atock laclodM almoet all deaoriptiona of wagona largo and email, wide and Barrow track, lall an 1 eee tnem. apm'74 THOMAS REILLY TTOUSR AND LOT FOU SALE! Ai The House and Lot on tbo corner of Mar ket aad Fifth streets, Clearfleld, fa., la for sale. The Jot Mn tains nearly aa acre of ground. The house to n largo double frame, containing nine rooms, ror terms and ether information apply to tbe cuboeriber, at tho Post Office. uovlS P. A. fJAULIfl. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITY, PA The unders!xad announces to his old friends and pat -on s that he has opened a good lino of UKuCKKlKo m rKilVlSlUflS at the old stand of Kirk A gpeneor, for which he solicit a liberal patronage. n. w. ernvDv Lumber uity, ra., uareu zo-u. J. R. M'MURRAY will siipri.Y You wrrn any article OF MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE. 'COME AND SEE. (l:t:7:y) NEW WASHINGTON I IME1 LIME! Tho undorslned Is new prepared lo furnish ine puone wiia aa axoaueai quatuy 01 Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for fleaterlag parpoec!, by tbo large or email quantity. Caa be foaad for tb. ,ri.at at Pie'f aew awtidlng , oa aaraet etreet. etl-tf L. K. McCULLOUOH Mountain Echo Cornet Band, CURWENSVaLE, PA. MTRfO furnlibed fbr Plcolce. Peetlvell, Con- eerti, Leetaroa, Ac., aa naeonehfe rerme. A4droee. m. m. bbhpimu, rieoy, may.m Carweaavllhb P. T IKT OF JIIHOm drawn Per an adjourned Xj Oonrl to bo hold .a tha third Monday ta. litn ol Aaguai a. v. icie. U. Cowaa- BeeeerleJ. B. WaltoreCliarfleld PJ. McCllaey Bell Wa. Mulkollaad R. B. Tavlor I. . McCraekea " Joke Bretk ' Will. RephaK...Decatur D. a. Eephart Joi. McoroM...Fargnaoa John P. Hoyt " Frad. M'.gnot-...OIrard I. Lunioerry...Ooebea (lea. W. I.vll...Uullch Chrlltlaa Bhoff.Jordaa J. B. Suaderlia " Thomae Park!. Bogg! V.B. Bolt Bradlord Lunar Wiiiiaeaa " H. llertef.HJr....Brady Jaoea LI ac. " Own Bella " m. Kieg......Ilraill- iosepk Walla " I Slnaaa Valtoa " Jofca Coaner " J.P.P. Rolley.Oevlogfa InaeU Mlgaot " Hoary tWe...Qloarld fp. PnWell.n!AWI wm. ruiiertoB Oeorge L. Monlt " Patw Meyer Morrla Adam Smith Piho David Way Porreale Dbma BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS I Organt, balk ew and eeoead baud, at tbe Merle SIom, oppoelt. U.Uoh'i Pwrultore Stora. All poreeae InlereeWd ar. lavt Ved be call aad agaenlee a aew etyle of Ovgaa aow am eiblMllen. SlMet Malic aad Mndi Book! aewlaatf, oa head. aplll tlif Hirdwarr, llnaart, tu. JOOK OUT FOH THE IIIO NK4N! T. Ja HUBBARD & CO., DKALRRS IN STOVES .& RANGES, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Slieol-lron & Copper Ware, PLUMBERS & OAS FITTERS, Near Wurket HI root, tlcirfleld, Will keep on band all tho best Cook fitovea. Uanxts. llsatiui Htoves and i'urnscee in the market, among which wo mention the Argand Hauge, Victor Cook, Illatnond Bute and Kalipso, all of whiah for beauty of desin and ehespoess eannot be surpassed la tue market. All or our moves we warrant gtv Miir Mtiia(U'D. or the 8tove ean be returned In leu days. Old stoves taken in part pay for new onss. We keep on hand all of the latest aad best HEATING STOVES RANGES. Particular attcutlon nald to the repairing of all kinds ot Stoves, nanges ana rurneces. TIN WARE. Of our .wa manufaolf re, of all klndi, which h(h ill Ko .old eliiian for eo.k. br wboleiak or relet!. All our ware la madi out of one and two oron tin, and warranted to be Juit al we repreaent it. Tin Rooting a-.nl Spouting don. at ihort nolle and oa moat reaaonable lerma, and repairing neatly and promptly eie oated. PLUMBINQ AND GAS FTTTINQ dune aad all Jos warranted perfeet. Will keep I I fl.. L'l.lneaa af all b I Alt at. ainil fit Ull bouses with Biingfs. Hslh Boilers, ltath Tubs, Shower Uatbs, nasu tunas, muus ana t. ar Closets Perilec wlshlnt aovthint done in our line will do wsll to give us a call, as we are determined to please all In regard to price ana siyie oi -u mens bip. T.J. Hubbard will personally super intend ell work entrusted to our care. jn3 T.J. UIBBAHD A CO. T 1N-WAKE, STOVES, AND HARDWARE ! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., . CURWENSVILLE, PA. neviUK Sanaa in iianiwRi fi L . i k.1 W A IlU. intend Beeping lor sate everyining dviuhkuih at.. L.! 1. -J -ill , au.il m. ,m tar cash as eaa be bought this side of Philadelphia. At our eciaDiisomeni may ee iuhhu biiu- n iuii suppiy oi Shelf and Ilea-- Hardware, SIIEET-1UON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Healing Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, Nails, Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, SCYTII B-8NATH ES, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, Ac AUeTM jniLV Ft.rni.rGs, BLACKSMITH8' TOOLS, HORSESHOES, nORSB-BOOE NAILS, BOLTS, Ac Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, itc MTTIN SPOCTINO done lew and brllof material aatd. WATSON, NICHOLS CO. Carweuvllle, Pa., Jane I, 1874. fRONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, 8TO V E3, UEATEI18. RANQES, HOI, LOW-WARE, PAINTS. OILS t VARNISH, PUTTY A GLASS. ROPES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Tb. eelihratad Toledo Antl Prole, Oelvinlied IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No better Pumpi In the Birket. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, of ill klndl, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac All at lowed prieea. 1-1474 Fraeejaolale mreet, rhlllpeborf, Pa. s TONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We hav eeeatvad the ageiMy far th. above and will Ml them at maBafactaror'a prlcM. Call and eiamtn. eaem. 1 aey are ine neii. Jell-n H. F. BltiLER A CO. TOM SALaU-The uuder.lg.ed ofen for X eale a valuablo town property la tbe uwreagn of Clearteld. LM Ml lee feet, wltk a good two. atory plank hoaoe thareoa eroetod, with tbree rwoma down cum aaa roar mo room, up eiain. Alao. erwtng room and bath room oa eecoad door. Heaea Salihed aomplet. from mwllmr ta attic Oood Ceukl. per. a aad good water, rnoe ran aoaabla aa, payaHBli oaay. loeugTI WM. M. M.OULLOUOH. 2ai.Ii. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Meaotilo DullJIng, on. door north of O. D. Wateoo'i Drug Slore. 0LL.a In .ml from l.irernnnt. Duhl 'tleigow, London, P.rli and Coenlaga. ''""' -.for loll oo the Royal Bank of Irelaud , , , . na oi ,.onnon. and Imperial u. , - . konaRD. Prci't alAAalt.. LLVal W. M. SHAW, Clhler. BANKING & COLLECTION HCFSE mccirk & perks. Suoceiion to Foitor, Perke, A Co., Plilllpiburir, Centre County, Pa. WilKHE all the buiincu ef a Ranking Hou ( will oe tramactwl uromplly and upon tl moat favoraole term. murl-tf DREXEL & CO., No. ai South Third Htreet, Philadelphia UJMTKERS And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reoeivo prompi aiton linn, and all information cheerfully turnUhed. Orders solioted. April -U Sottls. T EONARD HOUSE, XJ (Ncir the Railroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PA. A ibire of public patronage Ii reipeetfolly eo. Halted. 4:1174 . B. ROW, Prop'r. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front ifaeta,) CLKAUFIULD, PA. The undcriigned having taken charge of thlc Hotel, would re.peetfully aolicll public petronage. 00II7J R. NEWTON SHAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, tlBVT WAOIIINOTON, PA. Tliia new and well furni.bod home bee beca likon hy the und.nigned. He foell oonfident of being able to render catipfaction to Ojom who may favor him with a cell. May 1, 1171. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. yjONTOIJII HOUSE, Oppoiite the Court llouie, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. jell'Tl IIAU8EAL A KROU, Prop'a. KOCkl'.ltllOl K HtlUKU, DKLLKFONTE, PA., D. J0IINST0.V a SONS, oct2S'7l Proprlctora. LOYD HOUSE, Main Ptrct-t, PIIILII'DHURU, PENN A. Table aluari lupplied with tbe beet the market afiordi. Tbe traveling public ii invited toeall. ovl.'M. " RODEKT LOYD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer of Second and Market Streets. (LEARP1M), PA. rimiStd and commodious Hotel baa, during X the pact ycer, been enlarged to double Its former capacity for the entertainment of stran gers and guests. The whole building has boon refurnished, and tba proprietor will spare no pains to render his gussta comfortable while staying with him. trrbe -Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and from tho Depot on tbe arrival and departure of each train. JOHN UOUUIIKKTY, apro-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY IIOTEL, (MarkM Pt, bet. Rrrood and Third.) CLHAItFlfcXD, PA. The subscriber having become proprietor of this hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal share ef public patronage. ap)27l (1EOROB LETP0LDT. SUSQUE1IANNA HOUSE, CUKWKNBVILLB, Clearfleld eounty, Penn'a. This old and well eatablilhed IJutrl, beautifully situated on the banks of the Susquehanna, in tba borough of Curwensvtlle, has born leased for a term ol years by the undersigned. Il has been entirely refitted, aud is now open to the public generally and tho traveling community In par ticular. No pains will bo spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling room for the accommodation of teams. Charges moderate. ' 8ept.M, IKTO.tf. ELI BLOOM. DENTAL CAKD. Dr. A. 31. HILLS Would say to his patients nnd the pub lie ceacraiiy, loat, oaring aissoivea partnerebip with Dr. tibaw, he is now doing tho entire work of his office himself, so that patients need not fear being put udrr the hands of any other operator. Clearfleld, Mareh tO, 1871-pd20mehrS J. M. STEWAJBT, D. D. S., Office oror Irwin's Drag Store, Ct'RWRKflVII.T.R VI All limnf.! n-..4l .t.Li iL . . , a nr nnnnllta k..k . ,) ... . . . vtutcL, irvniiiii7 i.rnatyij I KB a satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid .evwiaaavann ul uinamg, U VtiO HMym lOTlO, gums aod mouth. Invgularity of tho teeth sue oeisfully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Kther, and artificial teeth inserted of the best material and warranted to render sat isfaction. aprilJo'71:Iy ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUB OR EAT REDUCTION OF PRICES! BY B. PORT Ll K KIIAW, !. D. R. IMPORTANT TRUTIISt Having suooeoded In ttettinc a litrhter Urlffon material, hence the few and merferots charge for partial aod full acts of Teeth. I use the best manufacture or teeth and other material. All operations registered nod warranted to giro ser vice and satisfaction. Friends, reflect that mv char res for tho Inser. tlooof artificial and tbo saving of tho natural teeth are now tho most reaaonable in Pennsylvania. (-reserve juer -wn ana yon preserve your health. Putting of tbe natural teeth In a health r. ftre- servatlveand useful condition Is made a specialty. Diseases and malformationseommontotbo mouth, (aw and assoeiato parts, are treated and oorrected with fair suococs. Examinations aod eonsul lo tions rnnn. It would be well for patients from a distance to let mo know bj mail a few days before coming to the offioe. It Is very important that children between tho agfsofsliand twelrt years should have their teeth examined. Anmsthetiec arc administered nnd Teeth re moved without pain. Dispositions and character are judged hy all the world hy the expressions of tbe faoe, henoo bow very disastrous may It therefore be for per sons to indulge nn expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) eomforts and pleasures, respoot aod obey natural simplicities and instinct. P. I'OKlhK HHAW, l). i. h. Off ee In New hi tannic Boildin. fieeond street. Clearfield, Pa. mayU'TX IHfillriil. yiNEGAR BITTERS. Pl'RELT VEGETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. PR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Dr. I. Walker'l California Vlneoev BHbm an a parely Vegrteble preperation. made eblety from the native herb, found on tbo lower range! of tha Sierra Nevada mountaiaa ef California, the medicinal propettiee of wbieh are eatiaeted therefrom without tb. aaa .f Alcohol. Tbe .m lion le almoit dally aaked, "What la the eaue of iaennpftr.ii.ied $vmi or v tannin Birraiir ' Oar aa.wer Ii, that they remov. th. .aui. of die. aeea, aad tbe patient rocorere hil health. Tbey are the feat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Keaovator aad lavigorator of tbe ayetem. Never before ln the blatory of the world bae a medieine heN compoaaded poo eniing the remwkeble qoalilie. of Viaeeia Bit. man In heallag the lick ef every dieeaee man le h.ir to. They are a gentle Purgetivo ae well aa a Tonic, relieving Congetlioa or Inflammation of tha Liver aad Vleceral Orgeoa, la Billoai Die- Tb. proportion of Dr. Walker'! Vinegar THt tore are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Oarmlaaliv., Nn trieloue, Laaativa, Dlaretie, Sedativa, Cenator. Irritant, BadoriSo, Altetttlva, aad Antl-Bill.ua, . n. Mcdonald a co., Drwggieta nod Oca. Aria., S.a Fruaeleee, Call, fornia, and corner of Waektagtoa aad Charlton etreete. New York. Sold hy all DrwggleU aad Dealare. Wlllllf. I OH PHIMTINO OF EVERT DE8CRIP. I lion neatly eleculed at thll cBoa,