Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 22, 1874, Image 2

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The offloe of the Ci.nnmi.D A will
hereafter be In I'lo'i Opera Hiuo, on Market
trol, botwoen Second .n.i Third. The buatneie
olBoo will bo found to I In left of too main en
trance, on (ho aceond floor, where all onr old and
now patrone r. Invited to coll. Tin pro" .and
composing rooma nre on Ibo ihinl II oor.
By request wc last w-k putlisliuil
llio iirococdings of tlio so-willed iiido
peiident PilwK-rolii- Convention, which
met nt Ciinvensvillo, on the. 7th, under
tlio cull of Air. "Henry Kcihb, Chair
man." This i the first apncai-unce of;
tlio disorganizing element thin year.
It st-cms to lc under tlio auspices of
the same gentlemen who lod it lust fall.
It met nt the amo place, and tnke
eoimsi-1 fi-om the name source. The
ontensible reason for disorganization in
1873 was fraud in our nominations and
our vicious system of inuking thein.
What are the reasons in 1874 for re
newing tho crusudo ajriiinst the Demo
cratic party ? What justification have
tliesn gentlemen for their action at
this time? Wo have no ticket in the
field, nor can wo have before tho mid
dle of September. It cannot thoreforo
he dissatisfaction with the ticket, nor
is it because of tho system. That has
been chunked, and a new one, fuir and
just, adopted. Besides ull who claim
to be Demounts have been invited by
the Chairmun of tho regular Demo
cratic Comity Committee to take part
in tho preliminary action of the party,'
and his hist call explicitly recognised
tlio right of those who wished to act
with the party i' the future., to join in
mid help correct tho evils coaiplaincd
of. Would it not have been wise and
prudent for these gentlemen to have
awaited the action of the regular nomi
nating convention? Or do the "inde
pendent" leaden fear tlio nomination
of particular candidates? Again, why
is it that a delegate to the State. Con
vention is named ut tho meeting indi
cated, if disorganization is not the lead
ing Iciituro with the leaders? We
suspect very much, from the actions
of the independent leaders, that they
are determined to form an alliance with
the Radical leaders, unless they are
allowed to dictate our nominations and
rule and direct the party in their own
individual interest. Is it wise for Dem
ocrats to aid iu disorganizing the party?
Would it not be better to assist in heal
ing dissensions than in committing
breaches, and be found hobnobbing
with tho common enemy ? Why not
spend our time and talents ill bringing
ulwiitliui-inony, and sec that first-class
men. are nominated to fill our county
ofllcofi ? Why not labor liko patriots
for victory, instead of fostering ambi
tion und personal spite? Jlon who
lmt oC, mid iuiiIjb "honesty" point,
should be careful of their consistency,
at least, if they have no love for the
Democratic party. Honest men should
practice ' w hat they preach. If they
are Democrats, let them act liko Demo
crats, anil thereby divest thonisolvcs
of tho churge of hypocrisy. .' . .
U NRlHTt'NATKLY TtUiB. Wo Call the
attention of onr readers particularly to
nil article copied from the New York
Sun, entitled, "the Administration and
the press.',' The recent purchase, by
tho corrupt Washington ring of all the
newspapers in that city, and the pur
chase of the Philadelphia Prr and the
Chronicle by the "addition, division and
silence" ring of that city, closes out
tho last newspaper thoro w hich has
heretofore feebly assailed corruption in
high places. Washington and Fhila
dclphiu are to-day, without a single
journal courageous enough to, assail
public robbers and expose tho rascals
who arc robbing the pcoplo of their
hard earnings. This is exceedingly
humiliating to us, but there is no use
iu trying to conceal the fact. Editors
iu our large cities are becoming nearly
us unstable anil corrupt as Attorney
(ienerul Williams and iiis band of freo
Isjoters. ,
' Black I.noratitodii. Tho Nation
which for years has boon quoting
Grant as a wonderful specimen of the
American raco, now lets him down aa
follows :
' "Tho President, who eeema to have a iWTor
foiling lenderneea for o mow on whom on ineeeti
gatiun of any kind boa fallen hoevily, it once
tromotod Ornrral Howard to tho commend of tbe
iortntntof Columbia.." .
i Now we come to another ezocutive
function. Of the nine years smooths
war, moro than half hnvo boon tinder
the Grant domination, and then wo
road :
' "Tno management of tho Troaaury ainoe tho
war baa beon national disgrace. Tho reform,
wo now witneie might to bnro bees e"eobpanicd
by preparation for epeole payment, r inatead of
which, epeele payment, were lem oeiue u uo
'' worthy or attention, aud the Trceeerj we. terncd
Into on almitiiooee for tho relief of hclple old
oldlera and hlplo woman. Mr. houtwoll, ee
enrding to ono of hia report,, carried It on for a
wbilo no an inrtitutton for tho education of di
Tinit.r and medical tudenti, and than, to envi
all, Mr. Hlehardou tnada It a place la whloh
thlaraa could flora thoir plundor, and 'cheek
againat It,' aa the hankora any."
TiinSiiABr'a IIifi.i I'BKAciiKn. The
Jloechcr-Tilton scandal has assumed
n new phase. Mm. Tilton has desertud
her husband and family, turned "states
tivldcnce," und lin gone to reside with
"a friend of Mr. Boechcr's." This we
presumo will fully satisfy tho moral
jiioiiKors, who have been trying to bring
I'lyinouth Church into disrepute, lie
cftnse II r. Beechcr and ilix. Tilton
"were very intimate and warm personal
friends I Of courso Tilton will be prrt-
, iiotinoed crazy, ami Beechcr crowned a
nint of the Brighum V'jimg persuasion.
t Is no wonder that lii-w-lu-r has been
frying for yearn to persuade his hearers
.'that ticrc is M hell, Ho can evidently
; rnirw. enough of that in Ilrtsiklyn to
render any body uneomfortnblo but
hiniatlf. ''
Tiia L'jm and Downs or Tbadi
. Two years ago (icorge K. Anderson,
Hinalor from Crawford county, wa
' pointed out to lis In tho State Senate
Jt km tho wealthiest man In that body,
1 Unlay ho is a bankrupt , Tho oil biwi-
: gem did it. Ooorge 11. Anderson, who
w nf speuki'T (,f that body and a wealthy
nttsmrgn inatiixr dealnr. was utn pro
nrmnned very Hch. He is also bank
rupt KnflorsiiiB; for friend clofced
hiia OMt. " '
Tho time is not fur dintuut when the
Democrats of this (XXth) CongnMsinn-
ul district will ho called upon tomlcct
a standurd bearer. ( Fur twenty years,
Clfhi-deld was chnuked into a Itadical
district, as black as iniiliiiglit, and only
through the eMbrtV1' seriaton allaee,
hnVi our county teen rescued' and put
Into a district decidedly Domocratio.
Notwithstanding this rare opportunity
of sending a Democrat to Congress, wq
have not yet learned that wo have any
aspirants in this county for tho position,
although all the other counties, except
Elk, seem to bo prepared Air 'tho can
vass. Llinton county presents with
great unanimity the namo of L. A.
Mux-key, Esq., who led the forlorn
hopo for the sanio position in 18C8.
Centre, it is beliuvod, will put forward
C. T. Alexander, Esq.,whilo Union will
undoubtedly instruct for Hon. John
Walls, and llifflinwilljnit in her claims
through Mr. Heed, of that county.
Personally, wo know all those gentle
man, and can say that they till tho
JofTorsnnian measure honest nd com
petent and cither will be an Improve
ment ou tho Kepresciilalive, wo have
had for tho past twelve yearn. .. Neither
of them is as ignorant as Scofield, who
confessed that he was not Frenchman
enough to know what Credit Mobilier
meant, yet Oukos A mos and other liiuli
cal celebrities stated under oath that
ho bought tho stock as readily as " Eric,"
or "Luke Shore." Scofield Is a dema-
gogue of no slight pretensions, and it
behooves every Democrat to put forth
his best efforts to send a Democrat to
Washington, so that we may not be
misrepresented in the future.
Wo quote tho Philadelphia Preit, ono
of tho most anient and dovoted of the
lato Charles Sumner's friends : '
Taka tba condition of tbo ehnrchri na an Indi
cation of nnblio fooling on thia aubjoet. la no
oouimunltr la tbera a milturo of tho racea In th
boiiao of Uod. Cuatom, whlob la tba unwritten
law, una to far ordainod it-parata aaaoclation for
tma purpoaa.
In all mattara ontaida of political quality
equality before the law-tbo eolored man muat
work out hia own miration. For one hundred
vearl the white man bai been afrnggling to feat
hia ability for eelf-government. While thia labor
of iniproromenl and olevatlon baa beto in progreaa
the black man hea been reoet-ing in the work of
ciriliantlon boooming constantly more anDtted
for erory nation in life. By ft Bidden emergency
the alftro la made free by the recognition of hia
natural righte. Uut thia rrredo-x baa endowed
him with no qualification. Thai be muat acquire,
and when he etrirea to do thia ha muat expect to
tiaaa through the aame ordeala g iron to the white
man. He muat win hie way by the prooeea of
gradual improvement, and not by tbo force of
political expediency. When the race fail to do
Ibia they will naturally deaoend in tho aoeiol
rale, no matter what their political adrantagoa
may be. When tbey win tbey will need no ilatute
lawa to make them the equal In public ball or
priral drawing room of all their brethren, be
they white, red, or Mongolian yellow.
That is tho most sensible view upon
this subject that has emennted from
that source for a long time, and is the
true doctrine in relation to "civil rights."
HAnicAi, Hows. Leonard Myers
and A. C. Hanncr, radical members of
congress from Philadelphia, were
thrown into the same district by the
recent appointment, and both ran for
nomination. . U armor was declared the
nominee by tho convention, but Myers
announces himself as an independent
candidate, declaring that he won cheat
ed out of the nomination by false counts,
dishonest returns and corrupt delegates.
In fuct ho charges and proven that the
radical ring of that city flagrantly and
with impunity violate tho ballot box
and cheat tho voters. Tho fight waxes
warm, and tho prospect is that some
honest doiuocrat will 1)0 Mooted con
gressman in that district.
In Allegheny in the 22nd district,
tho prospects are that Hopkins, demo
crat, will be elected over salary -grabf
Negley, who has purchased a renomi
iiution. Howard, independent republi
can, is running in tho same district,
alleging that he was defrauded out -of
the nomination by radical ring robbers.
Oua Niw Plenipotentiary. Tho
Cincinnati Enquirer says ; ' ' '
"Mr. t. Bancroft Darla, who ineeeedl the fall
torian Bancroft we Mialater to Berlin, ie ft ayee
pliant and bribe-taker. iJe la a pari f the Civil
Bert ice Heforia f lho ooanlr.'V . . . .
. That is certainly plain enough. The
Springfield (Mast.) Republican, in al
luding to Davis' appointment, toys :
"The Preifdrnt nai made another lamentable
hlimdor in nominating Bancroft Daete to h Mia
latr to Berlin. Thia poet rMuirea ftad meriu the
enpaeity of a atateitnan of the 8nt rank ; bo far,
at leaat. people In Waabington ought to bare ad
vanced in knowledge respecting the Imnertftnoe
of Uermany. All that enft Do known ot unvia m
Berlin eonalata in tba aomeraaulte which he per
formed before the Oeneen tribunal, In the hoatlltty
In Uermany which ha mnnifeated during th war
with t re nee, and In hia unary intrigwra ageinit
Baron llerolt. Indeed, the nomination ll apeofio
ally an Inanlt to tho Oermwn Ourernment.H - -.
? "r-r
.... ' THE FIRE ElESD.
On Tuesday sftemoon, tho 14th ir,
fire broke out in a paint mtmit.ic-
tory, corner of TwclHh and Clark
street. Chi'niro, wmch lor a tine
thrcatener'. to rival tbs pn-at nre or
1H71. J he boundaries ot the burned
district urc as follows! Tho fire btirnod
a small portion of Clark street near
Twelfth, where It originated r tLCijco
took Third and Fourth avenuea lie-
tween Peck court and Twoltih street,
and burned them an lar ns Harrison
street; Htato street was burned from
Harmon court to Van Huron ; Wabash
avenue, from No. 4B2, near the comer
of Peck court, to No. 267, near rBn
lluren. Michigan Rvonuo has heen
burned from Harrison street to Van
Buren street, a short distance. - Tho
business buildings burnt out on tho
not olrln nf fttntn ntmflt nnmbertwentv-
nine, on the west sido ninety-six : on the
east side uf Wabash avenne twenty -six
on tho west sido thirtv-four; on Michi
gan avenue twelve : on tho east smo oi
Clark street fourteen; on the north
sido of Van Buren street six, on the
south six ; on the north sido ol 1 oik
street eight, on the south sido fonr;
on tho north side of Harrison street
twelve, on tho south sido sixteen; on
tho south sido of Twelfth street thir
teen, oh the north sido twenty-two.
In all, the oulldinBS on aoout fllteen
square wore destroyed. Among the
principal buildings burned were the
First Baptist church, two other church
buildings, tho postofflco, Michigan Ave
nue ana M. James uotcis, the lnter-
Oceanic.iind other elegant blocks erect
ed allcr the fire of 1871, and a number
of fine residences.
Tho losses are estimated as follows;
(lark 'street, .'iO .000 ; Fourth avenuo,
1173,000; Third avenue, $250,000:
Stato street, ll,HO0,000; Wabash ave
nuo, 1 1700,000; Michigan avenue,! 150,
1100; Taylor street $50,000: Polk
street, $10,000; Harrison street, $50,
000; Oonirrn trwt, $73,000; Van
Duron street, $50,000 ; Conrt between
Wabash avenue and Slate street ,$1M),
yivfi , UIUM f--t-'-"i"-'-'
Ciiicaoo. Julv 16. Thus IUr, seven
persons are known to have lost thoir
lives oy tho nre on Tuesday nteht.
Strenuous efforta are being made to
furnish those deprived of thoir homes
hy the tiro wnn the neeessatiea or lttu
aii sin sonnies are giving tneir neip.
Rebuilding has already cornmeiieed
and contracts haVo lxn made fbr many
fine structures M replace immediately
those aesiroyea.
Th Dwtnoarktia Kut Convention
will be held at Pittsburgh, on the ilh
of August.
Mount Vesuvius is to have a railroad
to tho top costing $4,000,000.
Brick laying has commenced ou tho
new Lunatic Asylum iu Wurreoeoulity.
T))e 'rc-lit Mobilier nase will come
up before the KunrMiio Court at Wish
iugton, early n lleoemboi- next, j
' The strength tif tho 1re' railroad
bridgo across the Mississippi river, at
Ht. Louis, wus tested by the weight of
fourteen locomotives on it at one time.
A. T. Stewart, tho American dry
goods king, is worth $100,000,000, is 74
yearn of age, has no children, nor a
single known relative on tho face of the
earth. ' , ,
Two safes in tho warehouse of A. M:
Lloyd & Co, in Holliduysburg,.. woro
blown open on Monday morning of hist
week, about threo o'clock, and $1,700
in bonds stolen. , ,
Hon. Tod. H. Caldwell, Governor of
Jwirlh Carolina, died suddenly ut Jlills
boro, in that Ktato, on Huturday, tho
lltli inst., from an attack of cholera
morbus. , .i , . . r, ; , .
W. 11. Iiippincoti. the woll known
lumber denier of Philadelphia, has
made an assignment. It is understood
that his assoU arc ample to pay all his
debts. ' ' ' i ' i -
Tho Cambria Iron Company have
started a douMo' turn In their mill at
Johnstown, thereby giving employ
ment to about one thousand additional
workmen. 1 ...
Both Green will spend the summer at
tho Government fish station on the
McClond river, California, at which
point fish will ho hatched and sent to
stock eastern rivers.
In Germany, when the vote of the
jury stands six against six, the prisoner
is acquitted. A vote uf seven against
five leaves tlio decision to the Court,
and by a vote of eight against four tho
prisoner is convicted. , , j
Gen. Win. MeCandless has been nomi
nated as tho Democratic candidate lor
Congress in tho 1st Philadelphia Dis
trict, and J ton. Samuel J. Jtaiulall m the
3d District. These are both excellent
' The St. Mary's Gtttt tte savs tho min
eral land ot the Toby tYeek Coal and
Iron Company was sold at the Court
House, In Kidirwav, on tho 0th inst.
Dr. Earley purchased tho entire prop
erly. I'nce t.j,uou.
Ofllciul returns from all the counties
in Arkuusus show a majority of 71,500
in favor of tho Constitutional Conven
tion, and Democratic jnemlierH woro
elected in nil but two or three counties
in the State. .
While seven boys wore crossing a
fence, immediately under a telegraph
wire, at. Indianapolis, 1ml., on the 10th
inst., they wero struck by lightning.
Ono was killed, and the others, though
severely injured, recovered. ,
Boston Corhett, who shot .T. Wilkes
Booth, is living in Camden, N. J., and
on week days follows the pnrfession of
hatter, in Philadelphia, lie preaches
every Sunday in the Independent Meth
odist Church in Camden, where he is
very popular.
Gov. Hurtranft has appointed Auirus-
tus Steinur and John O .NciL of Alle
gheny county, and John Archibald, of
Alorcer county, commissioners toexum
ino into the conditiou of the bituminous
coul niinos of tho State and report the
same to the next Legislature. ,
' Ontheeveningofthc4th,at6o'chHk,
a large balloon ascended from Buffalo,
N. Y. In ft were Mr. King, tho aero
naut, and two- Hufialo editors. They
hindiMl next morning at Salem, N. J.
This balloon passed over Centre county,
this State, just a little slier midnight.
Jcremiuh M. GrofT, of Frederick
township, Montgomery county, threw
a grain crudlo over a fence, and in at
tempting to climb over, caught his heel
In the fence and fell forward upon the
blade of the cradle, cutting himself so
terribly that he died a few hours after
wards. A Washington dispatch says that in
formation received from all parts of the
country indicate immense grain crops.
The tobacco crop throughout the South
is in fair condition. Cotton is in better
condition than last year, and it is ex
pected the crop will fully equal that of.
last year,, , , .,, . , , ,
The grasshoppers Bvo cleaned out
Minnesota. A single wheat stalk, en
tirely stripped of Its leaves, was received
at St. Paul, on tho 1st inst., accompa
nied by this message : "This is tho Iwwt
to be found ill eight hundred uc res of
wheat on Hiitterheld s farm, near St.
James.' "' . ..
Tho Hepiibliouns of Jefferson county
have nominated tho following ticket :
Congress, Silus J. M arl iu, of Hrts k v i lie ;
Stuto Senate, K. C. Winslow, of Punx
mitawney ; Assembly, Isaac C. Jordan ;
County Commissioner, S. A. Hunter;
Auditor, John II. Robinson ; Coroner,
Dr. William J. McKnight ; Surveyor,
James Caldwell. " ,, ,
Tho Philadelphia Sunday Prens has
been sold to Win Hourdmun Heed, who
baa been coiinootcd with tho 7t3 lor
the post five years in aneditorial capaci
ty, and under whose management the
S'ss.';y Yeas will doubtless continue to
be a spicy and suecunsful paper. 'The
namo (4 the pu)ier will be changed.
Tho steamer Ohio sailed from Phila
delphia on Thursday last, having on
board as passengers for Kngland the
Athletic and Boston baseball chilis, who
Intend making a professional timr in
Europe. They will be gone about two
months, during which time they expect
to tench their" English cousins how to
play tho "National Game."
The Philadelphia Sunday Timet Buys
that Hon. M. litissell Thayer, of the
Philadelphia District iCourt, resigned
his scat on tho benob last week. The
Governor tendered the position to Wm.
L. Dennis, Esq., who was then at Long
Branch. When tho telegram ruuehod
Ixuig Branch, M r. Dennis waa dead,
having died instantly of apoplexy. ,
A cable dispatch, dated Kissengen,
July 13th, soys that while Prince Bis
marck was driving in the country to
wards Snlino Springs, at noim of that
date, he was fired at hy k young; tnan,
The ball grated his Wrist, as he was
touching his hat The wonnd ia-tnsig-ninYant.
The . would Is! assassin wos
Sromptly arrested, and has been Identi
ed. His name hi Kullmiin, ofMadge
bnrg, and fs a coojier by trade.
The Denver Jfoci (Hep.) refuses to
accept the appointment of E. M. Mc
Cook, as Governor of Colorado as a
vindication of the charges against him,
but cells it a victory for the carpct-hag
eleiuont of tho Slate. Concerning tho
effect Usn the party in tho Territory it
say : . "Tho 1 'resilient may have won
a victory in 1he Senate ; he bus hist
Colorado to the Administration and the
Republican . party. This contest has
now ended at Washington j It has Just
begun in Colorado. Iho grent result
of this confirmation will he tho election
of nu anti-Adininislrntlon delegate In
September, next Jy a largo fhajorlty."
Another reservoir in J Uuwhiro ooun-
ty, Mass., gave wny on tho liih iust.,
and oanswla great destruction of prop
erty. The rumrvuir was erected alwut
Unity yean ago, and covered about one
hundred acres. A smaller one, erected
about twelve wars since, situate above
Che largor one, gave way on account of
the heavy rains, aim this great volume
of watvi coming siuhlonly made a largo
brotvob in, tho.. Hu-iki reservoir.., The
oonaeqnooca was the flooding of a large
section ofoountry, sweeping away road,
ways, railroad and ether bridges, groat
Injury to large maiinuortunng establish
ment, houses, larnu anu omer proper
ty. . Tba ka la estimated at $350,000.
Fortunately, warning was given In time
so mat no lives were lost.
Piiii.aiiki.i-uia, July 18, 1874.
These notable bankrupts aro likely
to conic to grief. Some time ago, a
Si'iierul creditor of the firm applied to
10 Register in' Bankruptcy liir an
order to compel Jay Cooke t Co. to
appear bofora the register and muke
lull disclosure nt all minsters or proper
ty made by them, the conveyance of a
great amount of which, it is alleged,
was mado in violation of law. The
order wus duly made by tho Heglster,
and the bankrupts, with a formidable
array of legal advisers, appeared before
Heglster Miiiison and refused point
blank to bo sworn, or to answer .tint-
questions concerning the ooliVeyauues
ot property mude by them. This laet
was certified to the lion. John lariwal-
adcr, Judge of the Bankruptcy Court,
who, alter patiently hearing too argu
ments iu tho case, issued the ibllowuig
order: ,. ,.
- tin Register's certificate, this tiny
tiled. ., ; .
By tho Court Tho duty of a bank
rupt is to disclose whatever it may
concern any parties interested to know
concerning his debts, business or estate.
The iwhcdiiloa mpiinsl hy tho 11th and
4'M soetions ot the act ot Congress may
constitute a very insufticicut disclosure,
In this case, it' the bankrupts had filed
the proper exhibits of a lost examina
tion, or had asked the appointment of
a public mooting lor the punswe, or it
the trustee or committee of uroditom
had compiled full disclosure, it might,
perhaps, have been proper to rostriol
the proposed examiualiou to speuiul
written interrogatories. But, on this
point the expression of a positive opin
ion is not necessary. .
The Register's conclusion is approved
by the Court. But with reference to
his reasons the Court is of opinion that
tho same conclusion might have been
correctly reached independently of any
question of prospective application tor
a discharge.
The examination of the bankrupts
will proeoed without interference by
tho trustee or the committee of credit,
oi-h, who, however, will bo authorized
to participate therein no fur as may
promote or facilitate its proper purposes.
As this bunkmpt firm have creditors
residing in every Stato in the Union, it
may be in place to remark that thoso
creditors will be kept duly advised of
the result of this investigation, through
the medium of the Philadelphia Asso
ciated Press Letters. . .
Judge Codwaladcr sitting iu the
Court of bankruptcy on Wednesday lost,
ruled that ho would permit any credit
or iu bankruptcy who Itad given his
assent to any character of compromise
to withdraw that assent at any tiino
previous to the final examination of the
bankrupt. , . i
A genuine case of kidnapping has
taken place right here in our great city
of over 700,000 issiplo, that for the
audacity of the abduction, the secrecy
that enshrouds it, and the cool demand
for $20,000 to bo paid for the ransom
of the child, causes it to tidte rank with
a first class case of t'orsioun brigandage
under the Genoese denomination.
The stolen child is named Charley
Brewster Ross, his parents reside in
the upper end of the city and are mod-
orately wenlthv pcoplo. Between tour
anil five o'clock, of the afternoon of
July 1st their son aged 4 years, and
another child 0 years of age wero lifted
into n wniui unven oy i wo men ; alter
driving into the heart of tho citv the
elder chihl waa uiven some pennies to
purchase fire crackers for the two luds;
immediately alter his getting out of
the wagon for that purpose, it was
driven off nt Hill speed with Rons still
in it. 1 ho oliler child on making
known the fact of his being lost was
tuken to his home by a gentleman ; the
next day the station houses were
searched for the lost child without
avail, A few Havs thereafter n reward
of .'tlt0 was offered hy tho father of
the hoy to the person returning hi in to
No. 5 North Sixth Stroet.
A few days thereafter there appear
ed in tho advertising columns of the
I'UMie Jjfinrr the following: "Halt, w
fire ready to anirnnVrfs.'' - The same day
a note was mailed to Mr. Horn statinir
that the child was well and in careful
hands and that fbr the sum of Twenty
Ihnumnd dotlirl he would be returned.
To this the father of tho stolen child
replied through the Leilner. "Unit will
rome to term to the exteid of hit ability."
Hoping that tbo villains would again
respond through tire columns of the
Miier, a corps of detectives surround
ed the building, hut the kidnappers were
hot to be trapped so easily, fbr, after
Vainly laying in wait for them several
days, Mr. Hons received another note
written in the same hand, stating that
no other terms than those already de
manded would lie entertained,
Here the matter rests, and in the
meantime ovcry effort of detectives
rom tins city, Aow York and Jlaltl-
more is being made to effect thcnpturo
of the brigands and tho retnrn of the
child to his almost frantic pnretitH. Mr.
Ross was recently ono of our leading
wholesale merchants, known through
out the country ns ftosn; Shott Co.,
which lulled a short lime ago lor a
large amount. There are not a few
who believo that tho child was stolen
by ono of the creditors of tho firm in
order to make up by this mentis tho
amount lust by the fiiiluro of the firm,
of which Mr. Ross was -fho senior
' , , in uK rnopiTs.
The city passenger railway oompaii
ics have just announced their semi-annual
dividends. Some faint idea uf tho
profile arising fVom these concerns may
he formed bv tho dividends ,thov du.
clare. The, llnion company, owned al-
muni, vxeiusivciy ity ir in, ji. nomine,
Wm. V. M 'Grath, both Ex-State Treas
urers; Jacob Kidgway, Ex-state Sena
tor ami a few other notable irentk-inen.
has declared a half-yearly dividend of
lour uoiiars per aharo. As scarcely
mora than lour dollars par share were
paid in on the Capital stock of this
tympany an annual dividend of eight
dollars a share yields a handsome in
come to the gentlemen who had the
forethought to obtain Die legislative
enactment ineor)M)mting Uiiscouipany.
The bonded debt of the t'ooipauy is.
$500,000, which hall! and equipped (Jio
concern, requiring little or nothing as
payment on stock from the few persons
wuo were the original incorporators.
This company doubtless piys , moro
than 100 nor cent per nnniim upon the,
capital actually paid in. The annual
average dividends of all the passenger
railway Companies of the citv. is HO ocr
cent upon the entire capital invested in
them. , . , . . . . i,. . ... ,,,
A gentleman connected with the Ex
perimental farm In Chester county re
quests ns to advise farmers not to use
Paris gren to destroy the potato bug.
Being a mineral poison of anch power
ful deadly effect It remains in the anil
ftir many years and ran be absorbed
by growing potatoes ten yearn after
being nsed, to such an extent that ono
mashed potato would poison M entire
mmiiy. i - - .. -.- ; i , i.w,.
The same irentlemaa also informs u
that the wheat tn t'hwwter county Is
sfflicted to a great enrlent fcy a worm
that eats the entire wheat grain. After
the wheat has been threshed and placed
In bngs for a lew days, the top of the
grain will swarm with these maggnt
hkc worms which are exceedingly de
structive 1 1 1 i i i '
Tho American steamship Pennsytvai
nia waa launchccT'last fall, and soon
after began plying' between Philadel
phia anil Llvorpotil. Since then five
other steamers have been added to this,
the only American line of stcanioM In
tho United States, fill of which are do-
which concerns Boston and Xcw York.
Thoro have been a number of public
meetings held recently In Boston at
wnien tno Mayor and the most promi
nent business men took part in the
proceedings; Committees wore apnoiut
ed "to ooncurt measure and secure aa
urgnnlxallon lor the purpose ot im
proving the trade bolwutm Boston and
the West, and fbr building up the busi
ness of Bontou." - , . "
New York conlincnds Boston for her
action in the matter hut strongly urges
her to give up the struggle as u hope
less one, End, if her lucre hunts will in
vest In commercial cutoi-priso,
to bring It to New York. As the cot
ton, corn, sugar and rice growing re
gions of this count ty are south of New
York, tho Boston j capitalists ctuy get
ll)0 miles nearer' Ihone soil prodneing
sections by carrj-lng their capital anil
enterprise tn Philadelphia. -" -
The agents of tbo railniad compitnies
have just concluded an estimate of the
peach crop in Delaware which was
made tor tho purpose of transjKtrUition.
The crop for shipment will aggregate
800,0(10 baskets, which is lets thou hall
a full crop.
In a large city like Philadelphia it is
uxjHiotedthat crimo will alsnind, and
in view of the fact that Coggio's comet
was expected to give thecarth a "swish"
our people liavo been endeavoring to
determine whether good Or evil pra
dominates. If we measure the crime
ot the city by the "true bills" louiid by
Grand Juries it may be set down as
immense, lor an average of iuu "true
bills" are found each week in the year,
ranging from the theft of a rusty mack
erel to tlio rovislier who murders his
six year
To th
Iiis dark pictuue there is no
brighter side. than the cnjKextendcd to
the sintering little chlmivn ot our city.
A children's "sea shore house" was es
tablished a year ago at Atlantic City,
where 55 debilitated infanta wero eared
for during the season. This year no less
than 2KI puny children of poverty
stricken parents will be treated to the
invigorating brceaesi of old ocean.
through the generous contributions of
liberal-hearted philanthropist.
Three thousand dollars hove ulso, ul
ready heen contributed to the "Chil
dren's Fro Excursion" Html. This
amount alone will give five free ex
cursion to 7,500 children, or 1.500
little ones to each excursion. These
free all'uirs uro managed by a matron,
and the excursions are made to a shady
retreat in onr city park. At ten o clock
the little ones are given each a light
milk biscuit anil a paper of "nick nacks;"
at 12 o'clock they aro given a bread
roll, soil gingerbread and as much
sweet milk us they can drink ; at 2
o'clock, more particularly for the bene
fit of mothers with ailing infants, tea
and sandwiches are given ; at 4 o clock
sponge cuke and ice cream are deult
out to the joyous little ones. Corn
starch, and other low diet, is always
prepared nMin tiie grounds for siuk
nullum, ami iwiev n net-K uuniig uiy
mid August 1,500 poor little children
are made exceedingly happy tor a day
And inasmuch as it is douo unto so
many of those the smallest of God's
creatures, I lor one apprehend that tlio
Engineer of tho Comet, regarding the
good deeds of the little ones, rather
tliun the record of tlicGraiid Jury, will
cause tho comet to hit the spot right
where tho earth was a hours and AA
minutes before the "swish" was given
Travelling at the rate of 18 miles i
second the earth will lie only the little
matter of 10,140 milenaway when the
whack is given. if
The Goddess of Lils-rty seems to be
greatly annoyed at "tho government"
recently, and very sensibly bus selected
IIarH'i's Weekly as the chunnel for
communicutiiig her contempt. The
editor of tho Altoona Sun elaborates
Upon this point as follows:
"Nast,theinimitublccarricatiirist and
special Cmlsdlishcr of tho acts of Gen.
Grant and the Repiibljean party, seems
to have somewhat ehuugcu his course
of late, ceased his cousumuuito toady
ism which was nauseating the public
tuste, and dually drawn some truthful
pictures for the edification of the think
ing portion of tho community. In the
lost lloqier's Weekly ho has depicted a
scene iu which Grout is cowering be
fore the indignant and insulted GHirh-ss
of Liberty, while Richardson is steal
ing off with his "cluiius" in the distance
and a scroll is laying at her feet on
which is inscribed words to the effect
that " -Boss' Shepherd of the District
has just been rejected by an overwhelm
ing majority." The guardian of our
liberty remarks : ' Wcliave hail enough
of this ! It is a good trait to stand hy
one's friends, but " here ensues a
significant pause which iinpHosa scorch
ing rebuke on (ho President for his
persistent friendship and protection of
Richardson and "Boss" Shepherd, w hose
characters for purity w ill not stand the
test of an obsequious Senate. Kvcn
they are disgusted with the attempted,
almost forcible, vindication of", these
worthies, and have placed the seal of
condemnation on tlicni ; no, doubt to
the surpriso of tho President, but to
tho great joy and comfort or a long
suffering people at large., Wo are glad
to see that the genius of Nust ie look
ing for rulbrm at the foiintuin hend,
and has at last noticed some weak
points in the Presidential policy. He
may erliups arrive nt tho ultimate
conclusion of a fuct which is patent to
ull who hsyo observed the actions of
our rulers in Washinijtoii-i-that "all is
not mild that glitters" there, but is
only tho putrescent brilliancy arising
ftxim the decay of polilicul mackerel
and other ancient Jim. ,
How the Cuk aho Bask Bai.i. Cm u
Was Wklcombo llimie Tho Chicago
base ball club was highly niiKticcesHful
on its tour this season und the Inter
Oeean thus welcomes them back :
"It has long been the ambition of
the world to produce a hne hall cluh
capable of being defeated hy every
othef has ball club. During many
years it was supposed New York had
the credit of success In thnt direction
by virtue of licr'.'Mutiials." ' Hut oven
tlio "Mtitnalrf," nnco In a while, found
clubs they could not help beatln, and
the honor'went begging Until Chicago,
with her 'usual enterprise and hick
reached ont find soenred it. ' Wo have
tho only hftao hall organization in the
county that everything clso can sk
(beg pardon), Chicago and our pride is
swollen to an extent commensurate
with its rase, ' We are glad to welcome
back "onr boys" onr own boys, with
immaculate linae and a perfectly white
record, a 'record so frequently oalcb
mined that chalk1 would moke a black
mark upon lt and when they next do
go abroad may we bo t here m throw
an old shoe after them our old shoe,
with a ftmt In It. . -;
rnn.nnri" KwArTKii.l-On Monday,
the 13th ftiat,; a circuit exhibited nt
Nicholson, Wyomlnfc county, -and after
it had left tliere, a Mrs. Kolitnson dis
covered that her two daughters, aged
twelve and f mrteert yearn, who had
gone to the show; Wore missing. On
Wcdm-sday, Mrs. Rtibmson eanght up
with theri'rt-nsat DiiBTrmr. In lAiseme
ennnty, a-her H was exhibiting, and
Innnlred Ar her children. Hhi was
ahnowt muted with iniletf. To tier
horror, sh learned Unit the men who
had abducted her daughters had heen
discharged the da KwVrre, anil no one
knew whither tiny had gone. , The
police of Herstrtow war iaiorwwd and
are trwklag tho faiermt; 1 i p.-.-
' hAfTT Botttn CAaot.twa. .Twanty.
ntne hundred pieces of real estate haw
heen confiscated by thefitateof Scats)
Carolina during May fbr deliDqusnt
tales in single oeuBtr, whose ui
pyer, according to tbs Charlostoa
Nev, hat tot a wlitsrr repmeata
tlvw In the Ireglslatar of the State,
Bulow will bo found some of aula of
Assembly passed at tho session of 1874,
and published for general inlurination.
Thoso who full to read thorn ran go
and consult a luwyoi', if they wish to
know what the Legislature did last
"im-of- ';,; i i
AN ACT relntlng In fb aaaeiimntil uf dalnagea
ariiuig irum Hie opening ul rueua ana ulguwaye
and tba eusalruetien ul britlgee.
Suction 1. Ht it enacted. Ac. That
lioreuller It sliull be tho daty of all
persons appointed In tho several ooun
lioB of this com nion weollh to vlow and
roviow any public or private road or
bridgo, if limy shall douide in favor of
Itieulipg sold road or bridge, to ondoa
vor to procure from the persons over
noso innd suou location may bo mado
relusscs from all claims for damages
that might arise from the opening of
sueu rouu or me bmniinu- ot such
bridgo; and in overy case whore said
viewers shall full to procure such re
lenses, and it shall appear to thorn
that any damages will be susluiued, it
shall bo thoir duty to assess tho dam-
agos and make report thoroof, signed
by a majority of thoir number, and
return tlio same, together with all re
leases obtained, to the court of quar
ter sessions, and the damages so as
sessed shall bo conclusive, or may be
subject to appeal, roviow or modifica
tion, as may bo provided by existing
laws In tho difforent counties of thia
commonwealth. .
Section '. Tint all acta and parte
ol acta Inconsistent Herewith be and
tho same are horohy repealed.
Aitboviu Tho 14th day pf May,
A 11. If it. J. r. ilABTBANrT.
AN A('T to provide for the recording ef dcttba
of teetalota anil inleatatea In tbeeaioe of regie-
ter uf wllle.
Skction 1. He it enacted, if-c, That
all persons applying for letters testa
mentary or letters of administration
shall, before the issue of said letters,
file, with the register of wills an affi
davit, (citing forth us nearly as can
bo ascertained the day and hour of the
decedent's death to which said Icttora
respectively rulnto.
Skction 2, All registers of wills are
hereby required to tile said affidavits,
and also to reoord said date of death
with tho other records of said dece
dents' ostutos respectively.
Ari-aovrD Tho 15th day of May,
A. D. 1574. J. K. IIahtbanft.
AN ACT to prorata for tba appointment f n
ajeeiBl deteelire oSleeff Is any of Ute eounliea
of tbie eoinmonwcaUb.
Suction 1. Be it enacted, &c, That
il shall bo lawful for the district attor
ney of any county in this common
wealth, with the approval of the court
of quarter sessions of tho proper coun
ty, whenever said court and district
attorney may deem it necessary, to
appoint un officer as a spociai detect
ive, whoso duty it shall bo to assist in
obtaining such evidenco as shall be di
rected by the district attorney fur the
commonwealth In all criminal cases,
and perform such other duties as the
court may direct.
Api'BoygD Tho l!Hli day of May,
A. D. 1874 J. F. IIabtbanit.
AS ACT to regulaU damagei pending a writ f
error and (be oeeta seeming tbereon.
Slction 1. Re it enacted, it-c, Thut
in all cases in which a writ of error or
an appeal from a decree in equity
sliull delay tho proceedings on the
judgment of tho inferior court, and in
tbo opinion of tho supremo couit tho
sa:no shulfhave been sued out merely
for delay, damages at the rate of six
per centum per annum shall be award,
cd upon the amount of the said judg
ment or dcerco hy tho said suprome
court, and an attorney lea of twenty
dollars, trad the cost of printing the
paper book of the defendant In orror
or appolleo, shall bo taxed aud collect
ed us part of the costs of suit.
Arpnovr.D The 25th day of May,
A. D. 1874. J. F. Habtranft.
AN ACT making- an appropriation of two tbos
sand dollara towartl tba Improvement f tbe
riiMfuruanna river, ueiwecncnmniofeinsani nnd
Section 1. Be it enacted, d-c, That
there shall be and there is hereby ap
propriated out of any moneys not
otherwise appropriated in the state
trcaaury, tho sum or two thousand
dollars toward the improvement of
tne descending navigation or the Sus
quehanna river, bctwoon tihntuokin
dam and Uarrisbnrg, and tho aame
shall he paid upon the warrant of and
expended by A. C. Nnvos, J. B. Gra
ham and Joseph E. Uilliugham, who
shall nlo too vouchers tor the expand
fluro thereof in the auditor general')
office, verified In tho usual manner.
Ai-i'RovtD The 6th day of Jaaa,
AN ACT fbr the annciatlnn of boroughs or
lownxblp, or parte of townrbipa, to adjacent
Slction 1. lie it enacted, ttc, That
any borough or township, or part of a
township, may he annexed to any ad
jacent city, in the following manner,
vis i in the caso or a borough, the
town council may pass an ordinance
lorsucn annexation, waonovor three
fifths of th taxahles of each borough
shall present a petition asking thoro
for ; in tho esse of a township or part
of a township, threo-fifths of the tax
ahles shall present a petition to the
council of said city, uskinir for such
annexation, which said esse
only part of a township dosiros to be ad
mitted, shall be accompanied by a plot
of the samo. . , ...
Suction 2. t'pon the presentation
to the councils of such city of a certi
fied copy of the ordinance, in Hit case
of a borough, or of the petition, in the
caso of a township, or of the petition
und plot, in the oaso of part ol a town
ship, said counoils may, by ordinance,
annox such borough, township or part
of a township.
Siction 8. That the action of mid
city councils shall bo final and conclu
sive, unless an appeal therefrom ba ta
ken within ten days to tbe court ofj
quarter sessions of the county ; upon
such nppou! the dorks of said city
oouncils, and said town council, shall
certify to tald court all the papers and
proceedings in tha caso, whereupon
said court shall examine and inquire,
and if the proceedings appear to have
boon in conformity with law, shull ap
provo tho siime
Sbvtion 4. Any borough, township,
or part ol a township, annexed to any
city under this sot, shall imntediataly
be arranged hy the councils of said
city Tor tho purpose of representation
in the said councils. , i
Ar-PBoVBDThe 8th day of June,
A D. 1878. ' J. F. Haktranit.
Who Gum to Hi-ssia. Tho imm
null Advertiser ami other Rcpuhlicuu
prints, in connection with the ntiptsnt
metit of a Minister tn Rnssin. predicted
but few days ago that the President
would sp)Hiint a gallant ox-(Joiiflslerate
General to the vacant linssian mission.
Later information Miuts unerringly to
Iron. Imnlon, ot tioorgia, as t Ire coming
man, although the names of General
Lniigslrcct of Louisiana, und Colonel
Mushy, of Virginia, ana also prominent
in the discussion as f who will sat-cved
Jcwclh ' How could "the loyal millions
of the Nort H" stonil sutih "a rebel" diste?
' in t I em,,
A PaAcnoAt, Issua TttaOolamhla
(3. C.) Phoenix has the following ap
peal to one of the principal colored
statesmen ot tha eounlr
l-int.t-MMA. . C. for r. I
ilry t -r,
Tlon. It. J.
V KlmutT, Efember to CongreOa of tbe Third
Oongreelona) Diitrlet of the Stale of floata Car
olina Pleaeo call at Frlli Cardanlll'f and art tie
ynnr tallor'a bill, which baa been atandlnn einno
Jannary, IB7I. F. CABOARRLhI.
9 Cherleftos tftm and OenWee eopy three
Hbm. ... .. Jwlr I Into
Missouri man. wheeled Iiis wife.
who Is. a cripple, three miles) to see a
fhncral, . The poor ladt said it was the
firs day's real vnjoynitint she had seen
fbr seven years.
The iMiwer of tho nuwspaiier press,
Independent aud unuwod, is to tyranny
and corruption what water is to tiro. It
has at length become in those United
States about tbo only seouriiy for life,
liberty, or projwrty.
We used to Dilute that when rulers
took tha oath to supiort tho Constitu
tion, they would otisorve it as to tno
limitations, as well us to tho grants of
liuwur, nuii ui miu jvuie fwijuij. una
beeomo the rule instead of the excoi
tion, and that solemn pledire before
God and man is a mockery which af
fords no protection. The judiciary was
designed not only to administer justice
between suitors, but as a safeguard
against the encroachments of the other
departments of the Government; but
the Federal Judlcinry has been packed
and prostituted, bought here and in-
ti...l.l...ul 1...M u.ltl. l.n TTti!ul Htnt.Mi
represented in its tribunals by such as
Williams and Harrington. It was
originally supsod that the Executive
might tsa restrained by the power to
impeach reserved to the representa
tives of the people ; but we have seen
the two combine for the most shame
ful raids upou the public money (It Is
hunlly necessary to recall the salary
emb). and Conirrons has complacently
witnessed the liasest kind of personal
corruption In tho President, altornat-
inif with flatrrant usurpations, not only
without resort to impeachment but
without a murmur of dissent.
We need not enumerate tbe multi
tudinoiis offences of the present Exocu
tive, which, notwithstanding their ad-
uiltted enormity, have provoked no re
buke from Coiiirnitwi. Even- intelligent
reader will recall Louisiana and the
long list of pure deviltries practised in
the South, not to mention Son Domin
go, Babeuck, Richardson, Williams,
Delano and Shepherd. Our fathers in
dulged a fatuous notion that the fre
quent recurrence of )opular elections
would serve to check excesses and,
purge of corruption; but experience
tiiis shown tho ballot alone to be utter
ly impotent against tho great rings of
skilled and organized scoundrels, wnien
aro to-day the striking feature ol Amer
lean potmen. nuiu uu wnwunui wiiu
venality riot with more impunity than
around the ballot boxes, which are
theoretically supiMised to express the
people s win r vrur cieeuoiis ana in
many places friirhtful evils in them
selves without regard to tho fraudulent
results which they aro made to enact.
Money, patronage, terror, mobs, police,
iranirs oi repeaters, Tweeds, Kclloggs
Caseys, Manns, Mockeysand Shepherds
govern and control theiu.
What security, then, have we left ?
None, absolutely none worth a thought,
hut the inleieiideiit press. Anil it is
for this reason, because it is the lost
check airainst the tyranny of Govern
mcnt and tho organized corruption of
(ittrties, that Grunt and bus partisans
are making such prodigious efforta to
remove and destroy H. Joe anynooy
doubt that they aro moving to this end
with a clear, defined ana, concerted
purHmc? They would last year have
baled the editor of tho Sun to Wash
ington, and handed him over bodily to
tlio ruffians of the Ring, but for the
fact that Now York had a Judge who
remembered his oath and regarded not
a thief.
To be rid of such hindrances the new-
gag low of Frelinghuyseu and Poland
was passed and siirned, and not with
standing Senator Carpenter's denial
thut it was intended as a cheap method
of kidnapping editors and dragging
them under the jurisdiction of tho ju
dicial creatures of the Administration,
the famous ease of Chandler against
Buoll is the first one to which the in
famous statute is applied. Old Zack
helped to make it fit his own case, and
he actually believes that the Criminal
Court of Washington is base enough
to whitewash his personal character in
an action lor libcL
But this is not all by any means.
Look over the country and note their
proceedings in their strongholds.
hcrcsoever the Grant Rings rule the
press is practically silent. Jn nash
inifton every newspaper is boueht and
mur.nicd, and every editor, with his
pockets stuffed with worthless shares
of paving companies, attributes his re
cent misfortunes to the Sun, and is
screamiiiu- at us like a jackdaw with
the worms. Jn Philadelphia tho press
speaks with bated breath. Forney,
who was for while supposed by those
who never knew him to bo able to ex
press on independent opinion, provided
he was paid for it, has been bought
nimin by Cameron, and the rest are
not worth the space it would take to
name them. 1 hey oppose the King!
Which of thoin dares to print tho par
ticulars of any one of the numberless
felonies of "which the practi
t itinera of Addition, Division, and Silence
aro continually guilty? They know
full well that at a word or syllable mis
placed the hero of the slnngshot will
set in motion the deadly machinery
which consigns them to prison. And
IlartranfV is Governor I The Ring
ruh-s remorseless.and thocityis doomed.
Kelloirir and Casey have done as
much for New Orleans and Louisiana.
By a series of outrages unparalelled ex
cept In the annals of their party else
where, they have throttlect the press
and thereby subjugated the people.
jnt we snail not multiply instances.
An Intelligent glance over tho country
reveals the situation and tho danger.
I ho time has come when men must
determine whom they will serve tho
nbusiHl country or this hideous combi
nation oftyrants,marauders, and thieves
which nppeopriaten to Itself the hon
ored namo of the Republican party.
The Sun has made its choice. A'. V.
Woman's Rimers. "I have been,"
says Judge A ott, at the bar and In
the military service; and my experi
ence leads me to the conclusion thnt
women aro as well fitted for tho one
as tho other. The light breech-loading
carbine demands activity rather than
strength. Woman, as a soldier, would
have llttln to do besides marching.
ami , shooting, and being shot It la
said that a well-bred, intelligent honest
women will moke a better attorney
than an ignorant, vicious, unscrupu
lous man. This is true; but it is equal
ly true that a healthy, active woman
will make a better soldier than a de
crepit man."
Somb Tbbb. Tho Mifllinburg Tele-
graph says tha biggest and oldest ap-
pio true 111 uniuu eoumj. nuiiiun un tua
iroperty ol nr. John Jt. itenscii, in
dmestons township. It i 14 feet In
circutnferencs a foot or so below the
limbs, and at a certain point the dis
tance between tha spreading branches
on on lido and those on the opposite
side is at least 50 foot. One year it
yielded one hundred bushels ol apples,
wuicn proaueea iu oarreis oi uiuer.
It la tbonirht to be not leas that 10
years old, and this year it promises a
goodly yield.
"Tiir World Still Movra." The
editor of the New York World remarks:
Wo are sorry to bo obliged to correct
a Canadian contemporary, but it waa
not ten. H. F. Biitler who died of hr-
ilrophobia In Brooklyn. Jt was another
(lot. Moaea, of South Carolina, on
Thursday pardoned the three county
commissioners of Marion oountv. lately
convicted of malfeasance in office and
sentenced to imprisonment He par-
uoneu uioia wnue on their way to too
i entienitaryi .
lion. Carl Bchura declines to ba a
candidal fbr re election to tha United
HtaU Setratw. trola MiattMri Ilia
purpose is to adit a Genoa paper ia
N.w York city.
Annual report f tbe Audltora of llogge
tewnahip, for th eurrent roar i
QK0. TUHNIB, Br., Treasurer of laid towniblp,
in eeoouat with tha runde or asld iiutrlot for
the nu endlna- June. ISm i
. fiCHOOI. !ND.
To am oust of tan aaeeaeed
Tonuonntef Btete appropriation
To gtnooot frost County Traaautwr
To amount from leaa Bleeb, eooat....
To amount from other eouroea
Hy order redeemed
Ily Trenenrer e peroeauge
fir amount unoolUeted
By mnklog duplicate and adrerlialng.
nalanoa one iron i reaeurer.K
!, S3
JAUB8 II. WAPLR. Treaaorer of lild lownihlp.
Is aeeount wltb tho funda of aald dielnet lor
the year 1871:
Dalanee dne toweibip (321 Tl
010. TUHNKB, Sr., In aeeount with fund), elo.
. nnnron.
To amount of tal araeaaed 19 87
To amount from I. Dloeb, oenauble... IHO 00
Total... IJIJI7
By amount of ordere redeemed...
By amount anoolleoted.-
By amount from other eouroea...
Melee ea duo townahlp..
ToUU - - h
) 17
Balance epeeial read and poor fund due from
Jaoxeo ll. a.p, Troaa. for 1171... 1131 10
To amount of tax aieeraed fbr 1871... 470 47
To amount paid by I. Bieih, oomlablo 111 00
Total .' till 47
By vottobtri rfMeuiJ 1JI6 01
By amount c-olleoltxi IAS 40
By Bilu Turner itontrmtlou 4 0
ftj pvrtwoUi; OR
By Miking duplicnt... 1 00 dti (rom trwsuurr.M 30 lb
ToUU tUift 47
J0IIK C0lTLTKIt, Huprrior for 18731 ...
To tvmoktat f duplieftte 6V 00
To rdr on liaviirT -. H 80
To arnouBt f mid by eitiieni 10 JO
To ortlor "veo Joo. Holt A Bub II 00
To ordor to B. Murriu fur plank It OA
To ordorio B. MorritL w.. 10
To order U WiUo iluirirHH.WM 6 00
bsviaor duo iD)arviMr 10 72
On. Ilrotrn ul - oO
Total ions M
By otllkW work................. 086 14
by plank by FlF-gal 4 3
By balanot on flaga! part. 0 43
By work mod pi ink by wlf and Flen-I. 280 Tl
By otoBemtioa . S 40
Total M
Ibo Trflaviarar baa ba account uf thii.
W, tba aadcriirncd Auditor, having axaa
iud tba raoaipta and Teachara of tba Diatriet
Traanrort earttly taa lorrguing to b a true and
forrrct iiatviBeot of tba aoboal baildiag, read and
poor luuiu of ogt tonabii. ,
I. C. ndl'KINU,
jly22-3t Audilgr.
XJ TH'N Tba andarsifned would aarnaatly
mvilaall no ara iBlai-aited in tha mon minor
tant indaatrr of oar eounty, to uift at dual-fluid,
on Taa4ay, Auffliat IHth, at 1 o'elork
p. .. to twoiitier what fa baat fur tba loterr-ta of
tba trada, tlat foeh utaauraa tnay ba atlopted aa
to radaoa tb iloek of Tim bar tba eoninf aaason
to tba actual wantc of tha market aeit aprinK.
Wa aordially fanta all to natH wltb up, to fire
Ibair praacnoa and Ibalr eooatcU, ao Ibal wa may
tnaufurata and faitbfally aiaaataaoaaa i)an that
will protaot our tntnretta at buna aa wall aa tbuaa
for emtomfrt ia iba Kaat. from raiaoaa aaerl
flra, wbiab Hart remit ia tba a vent of putting
tba aaual atoak of timber ob tba market oa.xt
aaaaoa. oignad,
Joha Irwia,- J. B. Waltara,
Hamual Arnold. W. V. Wright.
Jno. Pattoa. Araold A Htrtr-born,
J. Klliott, Maartr A litla.
Joba Withcrvw, Jaa. T- Leonard.
K. A. A W. I). Irrln. Jona. Boyntoa.
J. B. (Jrabaoi A Sobj. K. Irwia A floni.
T. !1. Foreey. B. A. Bigler A Oo.
U M. Coadriet. Jaa. Mitoball A Co.
Olaarflald, July St, 174. -It.
Tha undaralroad bavlag beaai lnfonsd tbat
a aerial a Joan Mara la travelina; aver tba eounty
geldlnf atoak, and repraaaatiag tbat ha waa for
eeveral yean aadar ay tanrootiona, i wouia
there fora iaforaa Iba nublnthat ba never received
aay l&atruationa fruai me, and that ha knowa
Both lag of tbo buaineaa wbatarer. Thoaa having
tack tdraea ara inforaid thai I employ no one
to Tiiit any eaatomeri, and that I will attend to
all ealla at Ibo proper lima aa hrelofora.
Pika tp , July 22 St LEWIS I. BLOOM.
for bath eeiee. A fall aorpa of eipvriaaoad
traebaro. Uaaarpaaaad ia tba Bute ia applianeea
for aoqulrlng a thorough educatioa. Bludanti ra
eetvad for a atagle tarn, or fbr a longer period.
Charge moderate. Fall letiioa bagina Augoit
27th. For further Information and catalogue ad
draaa, Kav. BUWAKD J., Prua't.
Jalylt It Williamfport, Pa.
J partnernhip heretofor aiiating between
L'aarlea Sebnarn aad Frederick Sebnarra , ia here
by dlaaolved by mutual eon tent. Tha booka will
reaaia ia tbebaadeef Cbaa. A Emanuel Sehaarn,
by wham tha baaioeat will baraaflar be tarried oa.
Claarleld, July 22, 1H74.-SI
July 2ith mi 25th, ID 71.
Comical Conly Is Coming!
Tha great Ulmi, Vooaliat and lluuoriat,
In hia aejeliratad oomblnatlon of raflned and real
titia Maaia, Mimtary aad Marvelloui Jdatauer
pboaea, antitleA
or as "Kraaing of Fub." Original Portraiture,
Mimia llluatraaioaa and Kenned fcmbodimenta of
Character) Honga af Rente and Satire, Mueie f
Mirth aad Humor Alee, hia new and popular
entertain meat, entitled
Intrudnelog him In many of hli grrat ehararlara.
Na Song, aaw charartara arh araotng.
If you want to hava a good laugh, ra and bear
A dm laa I on .,....,... .... H..S& eanta.
Raeeread 8aata ... iO renta.
Tiokeu at tha aaual plaeaa. juljH Jt
SherilTs Sale.
BY tlrtut afawrll of VarV Fint, liaaod
ut of tha Ooart af Oommaa Plaaa cf Clear
Held aoaaty, and to ma directed, there will ba
eipoeed te PUBLIC BALI, al tha Ooart II onto,
la iba borough af dearie 14, aa Batnroay, the
1Mb day af July. 1R74, al S aaloek, p. m.,
ba foimwiaf Kaal llate, ta wtti
Berlnalnt al ttonea aa tha aeutheaat aoraer of
trvot Ho. 104 Uenae aorth degreaa waat lUf
Derchee la a iMtat and atooaai thenre aortb I aa-
graea aaat 101 parehaa la while plnaatump i thaaoa
eoath M degreaa aaat 104 r orchaa ae't i
Ithawea Math I degreaa treat iOO perabea U ataaaa
ana pmaa of begiaaiag, aoaUiniag VH aerea aad
14X pereaea, wna aitowanea. ana Daiag aatt ut
warrant No. 1934, and having a large frame Huuee,
frame BarB, large Orebard, aad other outbuildiaga
ana unprovamaata tbereon, Heiaad, takra in
aiaeutioa aad to b told aa tba property of Joba
B. Hoyor.
TimM ar 0a lb. Tba arlaa or aam at whlah
tba praaarly ah all ba atraak af atuat aa paid t
taa Uma or aaia ar aaea ataer arraageaeau
made aa will ba aaBravad, atharwiaa tha property
will ba Immediately pal ap aad aold agaia at
Iba aipaaee aad riak af tha parte a U wham It
waa etraek eC, aad who, la taaa af deAoiaaay at
tuoh re-eale, ahall maka good tba aame, aad ta
aa taauaee will tbe Dead ba pmeatad In Court
for raatrmatloB aalati tha money la aataaily
paid to Iba 8 a art. f. W, ft. MtPUKKiiON,
Bauairr a Orrira, I . . ghwiff.
ClMtrteld. July I, 1174. I
or Tin .
Tba old Ctarfleld Btaelalor Canl Hook Oa. t
dtaaolvad. aad a aew eaa formed by Aatoe Kea
aard aad O. B. Marreli. of ClaarOeM. aaat . M,
A Hard, af Kmporiam, Camerva eoaaiy, aa part.
Bare, and Jaa. 1. Wtlm, of CtaarOeld, aa Outer
l Aml Th aew eomnaar will earrr ea the
awatneee af maaaiaeiunng, aemng aaa aatppiag
tba that Hoeka, wttb all their Impmemotita,
whiob ara bew aerfeet. Alt ardera promptly
Jaty let, U74. ' Qml AgeaU
Wa haw printed a largo aam bar af tma a
tU BILL, aad will oa iba af twawty.
lew aaata. mall a aoar aar addraaa. myM
Jom pRirnivo or itiry dwcrip
Mat. aaatly aiarated oi UU mo. .
2,1111 OT
I3 15
W So
est on
it to
15, e! 81
l,tl4 4
If !
1,T4 10
4 00
, II t
Ken; di''rtinrafnts.
X Annual atateaent of tha Auditor of flirard
towniblp fur the ourrenl yonr.
ClIAKLKS Ml II NOT, Illalrlet Trweurer of 01
rard towniblp, in aeeount wltb tho Rood and
ttcbool funda of eaiil towoihip for 1873 1
HOAI) rt'ND.
To nmt unieuted road tax from troaa'r
prerlou year $740 OS
To Inlereit en tbe aaiuo 00 IS
To ami eaated toaea aMeaoed for IStl. 400 10
1,200 40
Hy work on road by t-ltiten
Ily nmt paid forbftokl, making dupll-
ealea, Ae.
By abatement to taapayere
Hy percentage-
Ily pereenlage prevleua year...
Ily exoneratioua..
Balance due townehip ,.
1,0111 77
I It
18 SO
14 27
14 J4
70 to
Mini 4
' URBToa.
To balanee nt laet irtlleinent
To amount of b'tale droit..
To militia tax from Co. Trraeurer.,.,,.
To aehool tax aeeoKeedfur 1874
Tu amount from Co. Irearurer..
11 It
14 00
11 60
ion 05
loo oo
Chain to a.
By aehool ordera reilccinud
By Kohiiol Journals ,
Ily aeeretary'a feea.M..,i ,.,
Uy troaturvr'a foei
By axunerallona .. ,
By abatement tp tatayeraM.
By atuount iwtd for aue w.
By amount fur glam and lumber..
Balance dua dirtriet
Total ; w, .
II, I. u s
901 &4
ft 20
l& 00
12 44
12 2&
12 60
10 0
4 01
to SO
I1.IS4 719
We, tbe antlenlinie'l aolltora, having met ae-
ivuHing to law and duly eiamiot-d tha aooouata
and Touahera of C faerie Mignot, Treaiurer, Ind
ttieia aorreotly aet forth in the abova atatemeut. '
Tho balanea dne tha read fund ii $70. la, and tho
balance due tha aaliool fund appear to ba 040.SA.
In teitiinany whereof wa hava hereunto tat atir
banda thia lal day uf June, A. D, 1H74.
Attbut: H. LEIOBV,
lae. f. SrKxvKi, Clark. Auillton.
July li, lH7i..n
X Annual report of tba Auditor of Qrabaia
township for the current year
JOHN W. TLltNER,TreaurerofOrahau.towo
abip, la aneuuat with Iba fchoal Fund of aid
diet riot for tha year ending Juae 17, Ittili
To balanea from lat ycar-.....h $200 02
To dnflicata of 173 1,311 49
To Slate appropriation.- lt'2 00
To militia btiei 0 (10
To Mra. Uiabam'. Ui...,H 22 4i
I,70 66
By pub. laat traas'r'a ertllemenl Z 00
By exonerating pari of Weaver'a tsM 4 ou
By 0 per euut. on duplicate 07 17
Hy per at, dtMouot oa taiea paid... 17 32
By aehool ord rf re Itemed 1,41 1 i3
D n.c eaoaa o.i.n.lm.. )
28 23
Balanoa ie treatarer'a band
2110 41
Ii,:n if,
Wa, tha nndereitrned aor It in, hnvlngexafniaed
tha aeeounti of Julia W. Taraer, Kq., Treaaartar
of Grab am townehip, penify that wa Ond them
aorreet aa ahova ttairH, tla balance la the Treae.
nrer'i hand being $238,-11, 1 object to riant-raitoa.
julyl-8t Auditora.
JL Annnal report of tho Anditora of Cnvingtun
luwnthin for 1H7I :
CIIUlf-rlAN UUOWN, Iiietrict TroaMirer, In
aeeount with Ihe fua.le of aaiJ tunmbip for
To Ul. reeeired from i. 1. Pieaid 107 i!
To acaonnt of duplicate for 1S7X KO0 04
To atoount of Stale afipropi-ialion 110 00
To auicaal of mililie ui. 41 2i
To ami reo'd ol W. trbtiarrr fur board I S7
Te emonnt nneeated land tnx S00 "I
To amt ree'd rornaeol eleetiuo bouee.... S IH)
Tolal .
fir ordere eaaeeHeftand pal(L..
II. Treajurer'l fee, H.
Hj oxonernliona
He eollerter'l 6 per ot. on H2A0 H.
Bt Treaanrer'a I per el. on S4S.1.02
Uy lexpayert' I per et. on llflVOS
Dy lieluaoe eaib on liando I
By batanee not eeI)eoted-...H. 7I.ST
13 00
t .t M
!3 U
100 83
ti.m io
To amount from A. lieu dnplioate....
To amount from I.. Leieey dnplieato.,K
Tu oafh reeoifed of J, J. Pieard
To A. tluUoaaotc .mH
To amount of nneeated lax..
To deduction on ilennie' work
2(17 It
231 10
4 (0
371 tl
10 11
By amount paid A. tiett, auperrior.M
Ily " I.. Leieey, ....
Ily work on road by taxaMe
By error ia A. tieu dnplieata.......
Dy axoneraliona
By peroentaeo I per et. Uett dupiie...
Hy " " Leieey - ...
II) A Oett for 1 day eetllin ,.
By L. Leieey " .........
By eundry ordera paid
By Treaeorer'B pereenUireM. .
By Treaeurer 1 day aettilBf ...
Total ......
To balanee from M. Crotaer
To araoaat of duplicate for 1S73
To eaeh or bal. ree'd froia Jao, VarloU
Total '
281 3D
lis) 47
171 72
11 8S
1 OS
13 IS
II 71
2 00
I 00
01 SI
If 11
1 ot
84 m
141 II
270 34
II 43
By aundry order paid.
By bill of P. Kou.xy Wm. Miller
Ily kill ofT. Valimont.
By bill for paupera
By eolleetnr'r I per et. on $27S.I4
By makios duplicale....H..,
By one dey mttlins..
By Treaeurer', pereenUre.Md. ........
Balanoe due townrbip.
1.15 13
4 00
15 Oil
II 01
13 ,1
.' 1 00
7 06
it 20
S443 31
Balanea of poor lx $52 20
Balance of eclioel tax.- in? 83
Total balanoa dne to wo. In $22 ol
We, Ihe anderfifrned Auditor, harlot; exam
ined tbe receipt and eonehara of tbe Dlelriet
Treaeurer, eertil- tbe forepotng lo be n true and
correct elaletiicnt uf tbe School, Bead and Poor
fund of Covington townrkip for 1873.
, J. J. I'lCAHU.
Juljll-ll Auditora.
tHfdlrat. 1
Y"INKGAll lUTTfillS.
DR. WALKliU' :,, x
Dr. ). Waller' California Vinegar Bluer are
a pnrely Vegetable preparation, made enielly
from the native berbe found oa Ihe lower ranse
of tho Sierra Mevada mountain of California,
tho medicinal p rope rile wtiioh aro extraotcd
therefr im wttbunt the lieenf Alenhnl. - The qne,
llon la almnat daily naked. What I tho eauee of
the unparalleled eereee of Viatoan UmnnaV
Oar anewer la, that they remove Ihe oeneo of di
eaee. and the patient reeovere hi health. They
aro tbe great blood pariSer and a life-gletng
principle, n perfect Honnrator and Inrigorat'ir
of Ihe ayetom. Itevwr heore) la tho bllory of
tbe world baa a medicine been compounded poe
oroeins ihe remarkabloqiiallUee of ViaBOen lire-,
enna Tn healing the aica of every dlaeaee nian ta
heir to. Tbey are a gentle Porgetlro aa well aa
a Tonic, relreeing fjoageellos or Inflammation of
tho Liver and V teeeral Organa, ia Bilione l)i
Tho propertlea of Dr. Walker'e Vinegar Fil
ters are Aperient, IHaphorelio, Cermlnati--e, Na.
trlcinna, Laxative, lliuretie, 8eiative, Counter
lrrltaat, Bndorile, Aftoratlro, aad Anll.Biiiusa.
It. R. Mi DONALD a CO.,
Drngglete and fles. Agte., San Franeleeo, Cali
fornia, and nersnr of VYaahtagton and Charlton
ftreete, New York. Bold by all Dmgglalt and
Dealer,. ootli'71ly.
H 1
Ja. 8. FiBfosf, Prrt't fl. I. Baantan, llee'y.
Conllncnlal Life Insnranre Co.
, Or I1ARTP0RD, C0lr.
A""" i ...,.-..3,tlS,0(M)
Ratio of LlaWllti........ . IU
Faraiihea Inaaranoo at the very Inweel corl.
Peliey.boldere paetieipato ia the' pnlta of tha
Company, tha continually rodaeini tho aaaaal
fot mtoe, to, call on or addreea
tt. If. MrlNALLT, Afreet.
Cdlet hi Shnw-a Row, Ctoerteia, Pa. 1,1114