TUB "CLEARFIELD BEPUBLICAN," rOtUIHBD BrBBV WIDMMDAT, MJ UOOULANOBH HAGERTV, CLEARFIELD, PA. BSTAIILIHHED Iff 181. riie largeat Circulation of Buy Newspaper la North Central Peuuayly inli. Terms of Subscription. If paid In advance, or within 1 months....'! (HI Tf paid after 9 and befor. 6 monllii 9 fio If pold after the expiration or 0 months... a uu Bates ot Advertising. Transient edrertliementa, per iquti of 10 llneeor leBB, I time, or leal i 50 For each eubaequent inaartlon 60 Administrators' toil Kxocatcrs' nolioea. i 0 Auditors' aotioes , .... I 10 Cautlona and KstrnyB AO Dlssoletion notices . a 00 Profeflsiou.1 C.rds, I line, or leas,l year.... I 00 Looal aotleoa, per line o YEARLY ADVKKTISEMENTS. I eouare. ...as 00 I I column a.it 00 I aiuaree.. II 00 column., ........ 45 00 I aquaria... .20 00 1 column. 80 00 GKOROR B. GOOPLANDKH, UBOIIUK 1IAUEKIY, ' Fubllibara. FRANK FIELDING. - ATTOitNEY-AT-LA W, Clearfield, Pa. Will attend 'to all builooai A trusted to lilu prompt I j and faithfully. novia'73 WILLIAM A, WALLAflB. Altar V. WALL AC n. DATID L. KRKM. Jul If W. wmvLftY. WALLACE & KREBS, (iim lo Wallace A Raiding,) . A T T O R N K Y 8-A T-L A W, Il-li'73 Clearfield, Pa. a. r. wilbo, a. o. h. a. vai valxab, a. n. DES. WILSON & VAN VALZAH, Clearfield, I'a. Office In reiidenaa of Dr. Wilson. Orrica Hoi-ns: From 12 to 2 p. a. Ir. Van Valiah eao ba found at night In hi. room, next door to Jlartawluk a) train a Drug store, up lair.. uovtiVIJ TR.l EFFKltSON LITZ, JLS WOODLAND, PA. Will promptly attond all oalli In the line of hla profeaaiuo. nov.lli-IS Joanna . n'bsallt. daikl w. n'crnnr. McENALLY & McCUBDY, ATTOKN EYS-AT-LA W, Clearfield, Pa. aatrIjeKil buiineaa attended to promptly with, fidelity. Office oa ffeoond stroet, above the Firefl National Bank. Ian:l:74. G. R. BARRETT, Attorney and Counhklor at Imw, olkakfikld, i'a. Having resigusd hi Juijihii, hu rriuintyl tno practice 01 tuo law in mi old omr ni uiear 111 tl, I'a. Will alt ami ths euurl of JttlTrsun and Kk oouatias when sfjaotalljr retaloctl in aonnf-ctlon witb raitilont onunsei. 1:1172 WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. 9-0fflce la Court llouae, (PherifT'e Office). Le(.l buiineaa promptly attended to, Kiate.tate bought and aold. Jell'73 J. W. BANTZ, ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, Cleartleld, Pa, Office in l'ie'i Opera llouie. Room No. 4. All Iral Ituflinoil entrusted to hu care promptly attended to. ifjy74 T. H. M U R R A Y , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention siren to all legal buiineaa animated to hia eara In Clearfield and adjoining! aountiea. 1 Onee on Market at., opposite Nauglea Jewelry Store, Cleartleld, Pa. JeU'73 A. W7w ALTE Rs7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleat Held, Pa. tefA0(nae in Orabaro'i Row. daeS-ly H. W." SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 11:1:71 Clearfield, Pa. "WALTER BARRETT," ATTORNEY AT LAW. IBea oa Boooad St., Claarield, Pa. (noajl.oo "Israel test, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ClearHold. I'a. 9-Offloa Id Pia'a Opera lloaae. ' JOHN H. F ULFOR D, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cleartleld, Pa. ay-Office in Fia'a Opera lluuae, lluou Ko. A. Jan. I, 1874. J O H N X.CU T T LE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vnd Keal K.late Af(eut, Clearfleld, Pa. OOlea on Third atroat, bet. Cham A Walnut. asO-Reepeetfally offera ble Baryieeaia eelllng ind buying landa la ClaarAeld and adjoialng lonntlea and with aa experience of OTor twaotv raara aa a aorrayor, flattara hlraaelf that ba eaa reader aallafaotloa. Fab. 28:8S:tf, FEEDEEICK O'LEAEY BUCK, SCRIVENER & CONVEYANCER, General Life end Fire Ins. Agent. Deeda of Conreyanee, Article! of Agreement and all legal papera promptly and neatly exe cuted. Office In Pie'a Opera llouae, Rvom No. 4. Clearfield, Pa., April 19, 1874. J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, AXD DBALKR III Hiv ljogH and Ijumher, CLKARKIKI.D, PA. Offlco in Qrahaoi's Iliw. 1:25:71 j j L NQLE ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, 1:11 Oaeeola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y:pd ROBERT WALLACe7 ATTORN KY - AT-LAW, Wall are ton, Clearfield Comity, Penu'a. tuAII Isgal businesa prcinplly attended to. CYRUS GORDON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Market it real, (north aide) Clearfield, I'a, r All legal buiineaa promptly attended to Jaa. 2V, '78. DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURQKON, OSVe oa Market Street, Clearfield. Fa. atffOfllca houra: I to 12 a. n., and 1 to 8 p. m. jj R 'K. mT 8CU E U RE 1 llOMiEOPATUlC PHYSICIAN, ' OOoe la reildroee oa Market at. ' April 24, 1872. CleardoM, I'a. ' DR. w7 A." MEAN 8, " P1IYSICIAN & SURGEON, V Lt'TUEIte'DURO, PA. Will attend profeealonel ealli promptly. augl0'78 J. S. BARN HART, ATTOIINKY . AT - LAW, llellelnula. Pa. fill praetlee In Clearfield and all of the Coarta of a join jumelal dlitrleL H.al ..lala buaineea 4 aollootioa of oleiate made epaeialUea. al'71 JAMES CLEARY, , BARBER & HAIE DRESSER, . RICOH D ITRKKT, .JS C I. R A R I B I. D, PA. tit i A. ri i. I. a. a. BILLS. T. A. FLECK & CO., ajetite la Clearfield Meaty for the sale of li. IICTTtltlCkt dk CO.'K "tuhionable Fatteroi of Garments, am. BTTiaa a. auas, ill Market Street Clrarflld, Pa. T. M. ROBINSON, . Maaafafltarer and dealer la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Collars, Whips, Brasbaa, Fly Halt, Trimmings. Horse tHaekeaa, e)e. x . Vaeaam, Frank Miller's and rleatsfoo! 011a, Agent for Bailey and Wilson'a llugglea. Order, and repalrlag promptly attended ta, Bkop oa Market atroel, Claartaid, Pa, la room lormorly oeoaplo, by Jaa. Alexander. 8:4'74 JAMES K. WATSON A CO., RKAL 1PTATI BROKKRS, CI.KArlFIKLD. I'KNM A Iloasaa aad OfBees ta M, Oolleetloas proailply made, and flrst-eiael Ooal and Fire-Clay Lands aa. Town property far aa. Oflea ka Wast Hotel BallJinf (Id lor), Second SI. myll 74y CLEARFIELD GOODLANDEB 4 HAOEETY, VOL. 48-WIIOLE NO. Cards. A. G. KRAMER, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W Ucal Ustata tod Collection A font. lI.CAKnLI.I), PA., Wilt promptly attend to all legal business en trusted to nil oar. jf-&-0tHf la l'ie'n Opera llouio, fecund Boor. lolin II. Orvis. 0. T. Alexander. C. M. Jlewere OEVIS, ALEXANDER & BOWEES ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Hellef'onte, Pa. tJen58,'47-y J. H. KLINE,' M. D., ; . PHYSICIAN & SURQEON HAVING located at t'onnttald, i'a., ofleri hie profeiaional aiervieea to the pooplo of that plaoe aotlinrrounding country. All civile promptly attended to. oct. 11 tf. GEORG E " cTkTRK, afnstlet of too Taua. Barreyor and Coofayntfer; Lnthoraburp;, Pa All buelneia intrusted lo tura wilt be promptly attended to. l'treona wishing to employ a Hur- Teyor will di well to give hiui a call, aa ho nation bimauirtliai be can render aaililactlon. uecue ui cenrovanoe, artlclee of arrefiinpnt. and all local jtapcrt, promptly an J neatly ciecutcd. t20nov74 JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jaetice of the Peaco and Sorivontr, Curwenevllle, Pa. t&Colleotlooa pa.ii! uver. mada and uxmoy promptly 00. ALaRnT RKxtir Ai,aicnT.. w. aiawmt W. ALBERT & BROS. Manufaotorera A axtenaire Uealerala Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &o., WOOULANli, fKMH'A. Hir-Ordcra aollolted. Hills filled on abort notiea and reaaonabla terma. Addrata Woodland P. O., Clearfield Co., Ta. .16.1, W AL1IKHT A 11KOS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, Preuclivllle, Clearfield County, Pa. Kenna constantly on hand a full aaiortment of Dry Uoode, Hardware, Orocertea, and arerytbtng neually kept In a retail atore, which will be aold, for eaeb, aa ebeap aa elicwnere in tue oouniy. Franchrille, June 27, 1887-ly. ' THOMAS H. FORCE E, DIALRM 1 i WKNEUAL MKRClIASDISh; CH AUAMTttN, Pa. Also.cxteiisiTe manufacturer and dealer in Pijunrc Timber and is a wed LumiMiroi all Lioas. jtW-Orders aolicitod and all bills promptly nijcd. l jy " CHARLES SCHAFER, LAQKR BEER RKEWKIt, ClearUeld, Pa. H AVI NO reotcd Mr. Kntres' Droery he honee b strict attenttoa to busioMs and the nanofaeture of a so peri or article of ltLIKR to reeelre tbe putronago otall the old and many new ousiomers. .4.ua;.o J. K. BOTTORF'S niOTOGRAPII GAIilURY, Market Rtreet, Clearfield, Pa. r-tROMOS MADE A SPKCIALTY.-WTJ, NKdATIVES made la eloudy aa well aa In clear weather. Constantly on Imnd a good a.aortment or FRAMKM, KTKKEOSCOI'KS and 8TKUKOSCOPI0 VIKWH. Framer, from an; atyleof moulding, made to order. apr28 tf REU BEN H AC KM AN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, " - Cleartleld, Penn'a. ati.Will execute join In hia line promptly and la a workmanlike manner. arr4,n7 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Jt-fr"l'unina always on hand and made til order on abort notiea. Plpaa bored on reasonable terma. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delirered if desired. ' y2i:lypd E. A. BIGLErVcO., DRALxna in SQUARE TIMBER, and. uianuraoturers of A 1,1. KINIA OF HAWI'.D LUMBEH. J i pi nnvtifr t. Tipwwa l JAS.rB. GRAHAM,. dealer In Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, BIIINIILK.4, LATH, A PICKETS, kllTI Clearfield, Pa, i JAMES S1ITC1IELL, naabxtt in , . w Sniare Timber & Timber Lands', Jell'?! CLKAIIFIBI.D, PA. P'l. I 'll A M A W.'.UJ i !': ;. Practical millwright, H'TllKK.illI'lttl, PA. Airrnt for the A-nerlean Double Turbine Water Wheel and Andrew. A Kalha'-h Wheel. Can fur- ni.h 1'orlaliln t, rt it Mills un short nolioe. Jyl2'7t DR. J P. BURCH FIELD, Late flurffeon of tbe Had Regiment, Penney If aula Volunteers, Having returned fron in Amy, offers his professional aervloos to tbeoltisens of Clearfield county. f flf Pro foil Ion a I calls promptly attended to. OAc on Beeond street, forraerlyeeenpled by Dr. Woods. f aprVfle M H, F. N AUGLE,- " WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and doaler la Wfttcbcn, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, &c, iel,'72 CI.KAliFIKI.l), PA., 8. I, SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Ann iaAj.aa M Watolios, Clock, nntl Jowelry, (7roAoai'a Rom, Marhrt Mreet, ' t CI,BAHI''Il:l.U, PA. . All kinds of repairing la my Hne promptly at anded to. April 28, 187.1. .... HKlMttVAaT. ! , REIZENSTEIN it BERLINER, wboleeaJ dealeri la GEMS' HlIISIlI(i GOOD!, Kayo reweannl 18T Chareh afreet, between Franklin and White sta., New York. UyJI'71 Miss E. A. P. Rynder, AflkRT roR Ohtekcring's, Stelnway'sand Emerson's Planoa; tlmlth's, Mason A II am Ha 's and Pel tm bet's Organs and Meledeoat, and ftrovar A -Baker's Hewing Machines. ' also TttAcana or Pi sue, Qeiur, Organ, Harmony and Vocal M. ale. No pupil taken for lee than half a term. dfRooTni opposit 41'illfh's Furniture Ktora. Clearfteld, May , lf 9 tf. ' i. lateLowatiaa . , n. navin eaanr HOLLOWBUSH & CASEY, BOOKSELLERS, 1 Blank Book Manufnilnrers, AND STATION BRA, a 1H JtmrkH tit) fMlndrlphin, am-Paper Floar flacks and Baga, Foolscap, Letter, Note, Wrapping, Carlala wad Wall Papera. fehX4.7-lypd II. F filGLBR A CO. have let aal CARRIAGE & WA(i( WOODS, br a fry and ror,E9, 1 HUBS, BP0KE3, FELLOES, 4c. ' Carriage aa4 Wagaa Mak.n aboald aiak. a aeta f this aa eallaad .xamla. ta.al. Tbef will a. told at f.it prices. ayrt.71 Publishers. 2379. S.H1BS. County National Bank, OF CLBARFIRLD, PA. ROOM in Maaonlo Moll. ling, one door north ef C. D. Wataoa's Drug Store. Peerage Tickets to and I'roin Lirorpool, Quoana town, Olasgow, London, Parla Bad Copenhagen. Also, Dralla for aala on the Hoyal Bank of Ireland aud Imperial Bank of London. JAMFJJ T. LEONARD, Pres't. W. M. f HAW, Cashier. .11:1:74 J. D.M'tllrk. ... .' . , Kdward Parka. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE ' ' Of , McGirk & perks. SuoeesBora to Foster, Perks, A Co., Plillllisliiirg, Centre County, Pa. Wll Kl. B all the bunfnose of a Ranking lion wiH oe transacted promptly and upon tht Hunt fbtoraula Unna. snarT-tf . DREXEL & CO., ... Ne. 31 8.uth Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all iufortnation oheerfuilT furnished. Orders soliotrd. April 11. tf. Sottls. T KONARI) HOUSE, 14 (Near the Railroad Dopol,) CLKARFJKLD, I1 A rlinrs of publlo patronage Is respectfully to A. uollo pa 4:18 74 Ilcited. a. II. ROW, Prop'r. s HAW IIOUSK. (Cor. of Market A Front streeta.) I'M A II LM VI II 111 The undersigned havtiifc taken charge of this II tit el, would rtipcftfullr solieit publio patronage. . n. nnniun bit aw "WASHINGTON HOUSK, T NKW WASHINGTON, PA. This new and well furnished hnu. h.a taken by the undersigned, lie feola eonudent of oemg ublo to render aitiafaotiua to those who may Alayfi, 1872. O. W, DA VIB, Prop'r. jJ (INTflm II V H E , OpporlU tba Court House, LOCK IIAYIN, PENN'A. J-K'7l ITAUSBAL A KROM, Prop'i. JHflCKIiKIDIFP IIOI'HK, BELLEFOXTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON BON 8, 00I2V7I Proprietor. T OYD HOUSE, Aj Main Rtrcet, PlIILIPtilHIRtt. PKNN'A Table alwftvs aunulied with the beat lt.mrk. auorua. xoa traveling publlo Is invited to eat!. ovl,'7.1. ROBERT LOVD, THE MANSION HOUSE. . Corner of Heoondand Market Streets, CLEAHI'laLI), PA. rpniS old and com mod loos Hotel has, during I the past Tear, been enlarged ta doohl. it. former enpaelty for the en te ruin men t of stran gers and guests. The whole building baa been refurnished, and the proprietor will spara no pains to render bit guests comfortable while suyfng with him. dr-Tba 'Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and from tbe Depot oa the arrival and departure 01 Been .rain. JUllW UUUUJIKKTY. apr-7 tf Proprietor. 4 LLKGUE1NY UOTKL, V Market HI., bet. Pernnd and Third,) ci.i:arpii:i.i. fa. The snbwibt-r harins beenme tirnnrlettir of Him iitMBi, wnuia respeetiuiiy nil a liberal Share i pain to pairimage. apia 7 . OBUHOB LKIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. C11RWKN8VILLB, CIoarHnld eounty, Penn'a. This old and well eatllilhed Hotel. beautlfuIlT situat' d on the banks of the Husquebanna, in the borough of Curwensrille, has been leased for a term ol yrart by tbe andersigned. It has been entirely refitted, and la new open to the public gnnorauy ana toe traveling eota to unity in par tleular. No pains will be spared to render gussts oom fort able while tarrying at this house. Ample fftsbling room for the accommodation of Waine. Charges raodarate. bvpt. ZH. 1M79-IC ELI ni.OOM DENT AL CARD. , Db. A. At. HILLS fl7Would say to hla patients and the pub morally, that, baring dissolved partnenlili Dr. hhaw, he (s now dninsr tbe entire wori of bis office himself, so that patients need not fear being put under tbe bands of any other operator. viearoeiu, asaron zv, io(4i-paumoo7S J. M. STEWAET, D. S. S., Ofiet orer Irwin's Drag Store, CURWRN8VILLB. PA. AH dental operations, either In tbe mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to and satiataotion guaranteed. (Special attention paid to the truntuisnt of diseases of the natural teeth, gams and mouth. Irn-mteritV of the teeth sue oessfiilly corrected. Teeth extracted wlthoatneln by the uee of Ktlier, and artificial teeth inserted or the oast material and warranted to render eaU Ufactlon. nprlltV7l:ly ' ANNOUNCEMENT ' OF TUB OIlEAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BV H. POUTKK ffllA W, 1), I. N. IMPORTANT TU1ITIIH, Having succeeded In getting a lighter tariff on material, henea the few and eioicmfs charge for partial and full sets of Teeth. I us the best manufacture of teeth and other material. All operations registered and warranted to give ser vise and satisfaction. Friends, reflect that my eharges for the Inser tion of artificial and the saving ef the natural teeth are now the most reasonable in Pennsylvania. 1'retc rve your teeth and yon preserve your health. Putting of the natural teeth In a healthy, pro- erTiu.iTBii uwmi uwnuitioB u mauc a Sfreolalty. Diseases and malformationseommonUitlie miuih. aw and associate parts, are treated and corrected with fair aooeesa. Kzamlnatiom and oou ml tac tions rnaa, It would bo well for patients from a distance to let ma know by mall a few days before coming to the offlee. It Is rery important that children between tba agns of six and twclva years should have their jMttiti xnniintiu. Anwetheiiea are administered and Teeth re moved wilhent paia. Diaiiusitiens and character are Jndred bv all the world by ths expressions of the face, bene how eery disastrous may It thtrefnro be for per sons to indulge an eipmesiea v( distorted features, even apart irons a nygicnie vtvw. flow, to enjoy aaturai (not anmoiai; eomtorts and pleaaareo, respect and obey natural simplicities and Instinct. 8. POkTKK HH AW. I. D. 8. OOioe la New Maaonit Dailding, 8ooond street, I'leerfleia, fa. maytl'TS , BANTZ 4. BUCK, General Insurance Agenti ind Real ' -i Estate Brokers, Represent the following reliable Insurance Co'ai North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. 1211,1110,0(10 Washiagtoa Lire Inswraaee C.H...... I.OOO.IHIO Fire Aeaeeiatiaa lasaranc C.... l,floo,tlOQ AmaBon Fir. Insurance Co.... 1,078,141 naieriown nre, tnaures awelllngs and firm bolHr.jfe i.ly...... . 171,000 York, Pa., Rloek IaswranM Ce. Horaea laaarad against death and theft. . . P. B. Parties la tba eountry desiring Insarane, oa turns uvea or nropartv eaa have It promptly attended te by eddremlng as by letter, ar calling la person at oar .Inc., la flea Opera House, Room No. 4, Clearfield, I'a. maj77'74 JRATZKR k LTTLB, AflENTt IN CLKARFIHLD OOUNTT FOR LoiiiLisAitira Calebfwted Brands W Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. We, are aaablad ta wh.lae.1. lo dealer, taraagk oat tba aoaat, at aitr price.. VraTIHB A LTTtl. J.I 74.f Cstarleld, Pa. CLEARFIELD, BEAUTIFUL HAND. Surb beautiful, beautiful beads I They're neither white nor small; And you, 1 koow, would seareely think That they are fair at all. I're looked on bands whose form and baa A Sculptor's dree, n.lgbt be Yet are these aged, wrinkled hande Most beautiful to mo. Suah beaut ifal, beautiful hands) Though heart were weary and cad, These patient hands kept toiling on. That tbe children might be glad. I almost weep, aa, looking back To childhood's distant day, I think, bow these bands rested not - When nine were at their play. Bat, ob I beyond this shadow-lamp. Where all ia bright and fair, I know fall well these dear old hands Will palms of viotory bear. Whrre crystal streams, through endless days, Flow over golden sands, And where tbe old grow young again, I'll ciaup my mother's hands. rill MA R Y FLECTION H ULE8. We reproduce for lua bonofil of our rcatlors the Cemocrutio Primary Eleo- Hon Rule., at Adopted in County Con Tonlioit on October 1st, 18711, and un dor wliicb we are now workiiiir We hopo our party friende will study and endonvor lo Itvo up lo them. In lion or we nro aa miuli bound to li vo up lo and oupport them, until tber are amended or cliangcd in llto regular way, aa we nro the gonoral eleotion law of tbe State, And thia we are eatiiified all Democrats who love their parly nwro limn themselvrs will do, lo tbe utmost of their ability. 1. The organiaation of tba Cnunt n.mlitM .nan oe nua remain as bow aoaatlluted that ta oae member Tor every borough and township, and a Chairman, which Commute, aball be selected aanuanv ny tna lielegates, and their term of of. noe aoall oegln at January following their ejee lion. 1. The number of delegate, lo which eb Al. I riot la aulitled la baaed upon the following rale, that Is lo aayi Hack aleetioa dialriet in the oounty polling on. hundred Demooratie vote, or less, snail oa entitled to two delegatea abaolntely, and for each additional one hundred Deinooratio voIcb or fraction greater than oo.-balf thereof, polled In aaid diatriot at the last preoeding Uov ornor'a election, aa addilioaal delegate, aad aa. der tbla rat. Ike following allotment ef delegatea Reeearla... ., 3 Hill... J Bloom ... 2 (lullch. Houtadal. Huston Hoggs.., Bradford. .., Brady Huruside.... Chest Covington Jordan Karthaua. Knox ,.. Lawranee , Lumber City Horria New Waehington.... OsoMla. , Ponn Pike. l'nloa.......,.... Wallaeeton.. Clearfield. ....., Curwvnsville Decatur....... Ferguson..., Uirard.... tiosbee. Urahain Woodward..., Total 03 I. The delegate election and Count. Co.. tfoa ekall ba govaraed aad .oudueted atried. u aoeordawoe with tbe following rule., and the 1UB" ' me county i;ommiltM shall ba an nually elected by tbe Counly Conrenlloa and shall b. fljW, the President of all Coanly Coarentious. Th elaetloa fur delegates to represent the different distrlcta ia tbe annual li.m,u f... ty Coavatitloa ahall be beld at th. usual place of holding Ibe geaeral alectione for auk dialrlct, .a j me laira iiMsitey of Sep. .o, (oeing me iztn tnit year,) beginning at v eioea, r. a ana ooellouiog until 7 e'eleek ., oi iwd. any. I. Th. aald delxale aleclions shall L. k.M k. an election board, lo consist of th. member ol tbe County Comtniltee for such diatriot, aad lw. eth er Democrat!, voters thereor, wb. ahall be ap- Kiated or designated by th. County Committee, eaae any of the persons a. eoastltutlng tba board aball be abaent from tbe place of holding the election for a quarter of an bona eft., Ik. time appointed, by Hale Firat, for tba ep.mog ef .... u, u, .u.ir piao. or piacea, anall be lied by aa election I. be eonducted new aeee by the Democratla voters present at tba time. u. ,..rj quanoea voter or Ike district, who at the last generel election voted lb. li.m.i:.. ticket, akall be entitled to a vol. at th. delegate elections. T. Th. voting of all delegate .iMilnn. .tt.ii a by ballot; upon which ballots shall ba written or printed tbe name or names of the delegate or del egates voted for, together witb any Instructions which th. voter May desire ta give tbe delegate or drlegateo. Kaih ballot to be received from the person voting tbe same by a member of tba elec tion board, and by him depoelted ta a box or other reooploel. prepared for tbat purpose, lo which box or other reoeptaele no pereoa bat th. members of Ibe .lection board have access. I. No InatruMloas shall be received or recog nised aalcae Ih. aaiae be voted upon the ballot aa provided ia Hole beventh, nor shall sack Instruc tions, if voted upon tbe ballot, bo binding upon the delegate, nnlesa ona-balf or mure of the bal lots ahall contain instruetiona ooaeerulng the same office. Whenever half or mora of tba bal Inte aball contain Instructions concerning any ef. -v ... a-," eieciru ae auea eleeliou aball ba beld to be inatrueted lo anniwirt th. Ht.rfi.i.i. having th. bighasl aamber of voles for such office. , ... v. Knob aleetioa board aball keen .n list of the nameo of all persons voting at eaeb elections ; which list or volera together with a roll aod complete return of sack eleotioB, containing aa aooBreta statement or tbe persons eleo tea del egetee and all instructions voted, shall a. esrtl fled by said board to the County Conrenlloa, up on printed blanke to be furnish. by the County Convention. III. Whenever from any district, onallled Dem- oeralie votera, in numbers equal to five times tbe delegatea which such district baa la Ih. County Convention, shall eomplata la writing ef an en due aleetioa or ralaa return of delegatea or of la- atrnctlona, in which complaint the alleged facts .nan oe ipecineaiiy sea lurta and verified by th. affidavit of one or more persons, aueb Mmplaint aball have tht right to eoatest the seat of suck delegatea or the validity of auoh instruetiona Such complaint shall be heard by a oommlttee of live delegate, to be appointed by tke President oi in. convention , wnieb said committee shall proceed lo bear the parties, tbslr proofs and alle gatlone, and ae aooa aa aar be report to the con vention what delegatea ere entitled u seats there Ib, aad what iaetreetioas are binding anon snsb delegates. Whereupoa the eoarautioa shall pro oeed immediately, npoa the oall of Ibe yaws and noys, to adopt or reject the report of tba oonteet Ingparlun. In wbicb call or tbe yeas and .aye the names of the delegatea whose seats are eon tested or whose instructions ar. dispuUd, sh.U be .milled. 11. All delegates must realrf. I. she Al.i.ut they repreamt. Ia eases of abeenoe or Inability to attend, sobstitntions may bo mado from attt sens of the dlstriet. II. Delegatee must abev the latirontlnH. ( them bv their respective distrlote, and If violated n booh oa in. uuty or tbe freeidrnt of tbe coa ventlon to east the vot. of sneb delegate or dele, galea la aconrdanea witb Ih. raetraotloaa I aad the delegate or delegatea ae oOeading ehall be forthwith expelled from the ooavenlloo, and shall aot be eligible to any Okie, ar plaoa of trust la lbs party fur a period of two yaara. U. In aoav.ntloa a majority ef all fours shall be neceaaary to .nomination) aad ao person 'a name shall ba excluded from the list of candidates antil after tbe etria ballot er vote, whoa the per son reoelvlag tke least auinoe or voles shall be emitted and atruck from the roll, aad a. oa at each successive vole antil a nomination Is made. 14. Ir any p. rue who la a aandidal. for anv aemiaelloe before eouaty eoavaniiuae, shall be proven to have offered r paid aay money, or other valuable thing, or mad. any promise af a fronsideratloa or reward be aor neraon for his vote or influonc, to Meara Ibe delegate from any die- iriei, or snail nave enema or peta any money or v.laable thtng, or promised nay eoastderatioa or reward, te aay delegate for kit Ma, or es aay other pereen with a view of laduelag or seeuriag tbe votee ef delegates, or If the same ahall be dona by aay nther person with the knowledge aed aoBeeatt 0f seob candidal., tk. name af Back eaa didau shall ba immediately strlebea from Ike lie. of candidates, or if suck fact be eseertained after his nomination te any efflee, and befor. the anal adJoornm.nl, I he nomination ehall be attack front the ticket and tke vacancy supplied ky a aew aeai laatloa, and la either ease such persoa ahall be Ineligible to any aomtnalloa by a eoavealioa, ev le aa election aa delegate thereafter. Aad la eaaa II shall be alleged after tbe adjoaramaat ef tbe eoavanUoa tbat any aandidal. pat ia eomlaa tlna has been gallty of eaeh eota, or ef aay other fraedafeet pretlee en aklalw Bank eaaateatiae, th. eharg. ahull be iaveellgaUd by Ibe Ooaetjr Committee, and lack steps takea aa tk. good ef the parly may require, lb. If any delegate ehall raeelv. anv mnnev or other valuable thing, ar accept Ibe pram ice of aay oonaldaratloa er reward le b. paid, dell.ered, af semrnd I. kirn, er aay p.rsoa for leek deleg ate, as aa indueameat for hla vole, upon proof of the fact la Ike eatlifaotloB af Ibe eoareolloa. Back delegate shall be forth w Ilk expelled, aad ikall aot be received at a delegate ta aay future eoa venUan aad akall be Ineligible la any part; aoa- 10. Cam arising under Ida ralaa shall kara preeodenM oyer all other Dual neat la ooaveatloa, antil deunalaed. IT. The Coaaty OeaveatlM shag meet anna. aJlr, ta tbe Oourt Houe., at 1 e'aloek p. a.oa Ike vaira leeeoay ef rjeptemtxr. 10. Tee bbbbm of alt tbo eaaiMalea See eat m ha" be aaaoanaad at least three waebs arevrewa te tke IIbm of koldln, tk, prlaaary eteetloa. . r a ,s.w -i L-rLi k-ULr- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1874. CHWESK SUPERSTITIONS. We doubt if Any race of pooplo under tho gun la. or ever hnet boon, more giv en to aupvrrititioii than the (Jbineee ; they are, in fact, iiiteneoly euporttlitioug in almont every lOnceivable way, and it ia vory rare indeed to find even an individual who in wholly free front the taint. ' . . Like many other pooplo, the great mam of the Chinoee are firm believer iu the "inovltabio, 1 and one very distut troua eonaeqaenr of thia ia their reek lea carelerwneH with regard to fire ; thay kit off crerkora on the aliifhteet firovoration in tltfir Btroeta, temple or louses, and often too, in mat-ahed ; they are ronatantly burning "inot k or paper money' In honor ot dereanod relative, etc., under eimilar condition ; and iro whore you .willinto a temple, or ahop or a prive dwolliiiit ygu are aiinom Biiro to nnd funouiueiliiir auoka of inornae (foruifnorri call them joe. HMt'Kn) tying about, under thoae clr (.'iimatancee, and conaiduriiifr that nearly all their buildinira are, to a irruat ex tent, ronalruoted of the moat inflama blo mnturiala, it ia not very uririaing that, in a climate where everything ia oa dry aa tinder during a greut portion of tho year, their auporatitioua aiiathy ia olleu the cauao of tearful connagra tionn. The Chineae stand in much awe of evil HtiiriU and uunninitioua influence and conaoqnentl y are great believer in the efficacy of chamia, and pay con stant attention to omena. Aa a mlo, whatever ia red ie thought to act aa a tahaman ; no tl a man, when reading tho t'hinene clnaaiea, marks the atntia with red ink, ho ia thouirbt to adopt the surest means of warding off evil trom liimaoll. I or a similar reason parents commonly put red in some fonn or other on their children, some time even braiding red silk into their unintuitive queues. The Yi-ching, or Book of Changea, one of tho Five Canonical works, and the Ta llaio, or Urcat Learning, one of the r our nooks, are bold in high es teem as charms against wicked spirit, especially if nut under tho pillow or placed near the bed at night: and anv one who ran repeat long quotations from tliem when walking alone never need four molestation tjx)in the other world. A common charm in Ainu'liea ia the "money aword." This ia usually obout two foot lung and i constructed of three kinds ot things, each of which ia rogartled oa a nrottx'tion atruiimt evil apirita: two iron roda which fonn the boaia of the aword ; about a hundred enppor coins, either ancient or modern (11 ancient so much the better), which are ingeniously fasUiiied on these rods, concealing thorn from view ; the coins are tied on the outside of the roda by means of red cords passed through the square holes in their centers. Hwords ot this kind are suspended at the heads of sleeping couches and beds that tho supposed guardianship of the sover eign in whose reign the coin was issued may koep away ghosts and evil apirita. They n chiefly used in house or rooms where persons have committed sntrlrle or sitflVfcvi a rloletit drmth, and sick people sometimes resort to them in the hotie of hastening their recovery. Their cfllcacy is no doubt fully equal to that of a horse-shoo nailed over a door, or any of those Infallible dovicea formerly adopted in thia country against witches and ghosts. A stHX'ies ot silver padlock, called the hundred families' lock," 1 considered a wonderful talisman fiir warding off evil spirits tram a child, and, as it were, locking him to hie. This charm de rives its name from the way in which it is obtained, for the f kther of the boy goes round to a hundred different fami lies and begs from each a small snb- scrintion, and he cither buy the silver padlock or elae haa it mode from the silver be has collected, lie also pro cure a small silver chain or ring, which is placed round tho child' neck and litstcned ny tho padlock. Early iu the morning, at the begin ning of the fifth mood, Chinese families oHon "nail up on each side of the front door and windows of the house a few leave of tho woct flag (acorn gram incus) and tho artemisia. The leaves of the swcot flag are long and slender, tapering to a point, and resembling the general shape of a sword." The object is thus to prevent nil manner of evil from entering the honso, and to fright en evil spirit generally away from its neighborhood. A charm called the "wanling-off-evll coin" is in frequent use among children, lioing hung from their necks or button holes ; it ia mode of copper or Iron, and may he round, oblong or hexagonal. Both sides generally bear pome char actors with a felicitous meaning, such i happiness, riches, etc., and sometimes one side has on it the twelve animals which denote the horary characters, or the periods into whirh tho Chinese di vide the day. The Chinese lanirtiaie altounda in word and phrases which are looked upon as omens of good luck. Tho Chinese unicorn is in ponular use a an omen of good. This animal is described aa having only one horn, with a body all covered with scale. ror several thousands of years it ha eluded th vision of mortals excopting once, when It is stated to have been soon by Coullioiu in his old ago. Ho regarded it as ominous of hia approach ing death ; and they say that Coiifucitia wo Ui "ell ol the unicorn ; hence, herhttpa, tho origin of the saying that an extraordinarily bright boy is "the son of the unicorn," or "the gift of the unicorn." Bat (which tbe Chinese call "foi shoo", or flying mioe) are considered good omens and frequently appear a emblems of luck on various articles ; the magpie is also looked upon a a bird of Coinen, and if a Chinaman, when id about some occupation, chance to hear it cry he think, it a presage of good luck, it being a eheoriul sound, and, therefore, so to puok, a note of encouragement. The Chinese, how ever, have proverb respecting the HMft'iv, vim. "lui Tuievj in gtnju uui ilp heart i bod," the meaning of this being that it is ariven to flattery. The com ing of a dog to family 1 an omen of uiure proertty, but a oat I thought to indicate the approach of poverty, for it i uippoem! that it can foresee where it will find plenty of rat and mice in oo'iusmpirjnue uT e Louse tolling lata dc cay. Crows generally an looked upon a very unlucky ; but there is a kind of while-necked crow which is held in great veneration in China. The orowlng ef a ben I thought to be ominoni of something nnusnal being about to happen to Ka owner; but in this case th omen i aot neoetwarily a bad oae, a it seami bo be oonuidered at ttte present day, It will, perhaps, hardly be beiieved--but it i toot nevertheless, that during the summer oi last year, and only sows sixty mile from London, whea as unfortunate hen took to erowinre, the neighbor in their nipemitMU terror toroed It owner to H n n .1 m K. H P JL W U .A WL wring it nock, beine under the imnren- slon that that cruel proceeding alone enuiu save tnem irom tne evil which they fancied was imnondimr over them I The Chinese hail with joy the advent of swallows, and believo that tho own er of the buildings where thoy make their nests are sure to meet with pros perity. Tho cry of the owl is every where heard with dread, as portending an approaching death. Resides the foregoing, the Chinese also derive omens from the change in the appear ance 01 certain nowers, ana in several other ways. "But the strangest and most arcountaoie ot the thinoew sujwr stitions is what they denominate 'foong shuey' (called 'long ehue' in the court dialect) wind and water a specie of geoinancy or a Dcnot in the good or ill luck attached to particular local situa tions or asnoct. Before a house Is built or a burial place selected, it Is neeessary to consult certain proftitworM of the oc cult science, who, at the price of ade quate fees, proceed with much solem nity to examine the situation. After frequently perambulating and oxainin ing the ground and even deferring their decision lor month they will fix on some particular place. If, after all the expense and trouble of consulting the cheats who profos the art, ill-fortune rather than good should attend the parties, this is, of oourso. attributed to anything except the inefficiency of the loong Buncy. This term may In gen eral be constmod by the word luck, and it has been Supposed that in a country like China, where nearly all long jour neys are performed by water, 'good wind and wator,' or in other words good luck in a journey, has by degrees come to signify good luck in every cir cumstance and condition of life." We are inclined to think that Sir John Davis, writing as he did at a time when tho manners and customs of the Kin- pi ro were not so well understood by foreigner as they are now, doo not lay sufficient stress on the imitortance which the Chinese attach to their doc trine of Feng shui, for it is undoubtedly a very serious stumbling-block in the way of progress of Kuroean civiliia- tion in mo country, n non tne Chinese have no other argument left to or ire against an innovation they take their stand on the Feng shui, and it would seem as it no amount ot reasoning were sufficient to remove the obstacle, which to a civilised mind appears nothing more man a ridiculous superstition. In conclusion, we would say a few words resjiecting tho dragon (Lung), which holds a striking position in the anoctiona ol thia auperstitiou people. With thorn "it is frequently represented as the greatest benefactor of mankind ; and it is the dragon which cause the cloud to form and the ram to full." The true dragon, with five claws on each of its four feet, i appropriated to me r.inperor, as the emblem ot imperial powor. It likeness is embroidered on nismne ol stale, and his throne' is called the dragon's scat, "(The Kmpress is represented ny the phtrnix rong.) Dr. H. Wells William, in his "Middle kingdom, observes with some quaint- ness: "J he old dragon, it might be al most said, has coiled himself round the Emperor of China, one of tho greatest upholders of his iiower in the world. and contrived to get himself worship- d through him by one-third of the nan race." The true dragon is rep- poscnteu as Having no ears and with two honis on its forehead, through which it is supposed to hear, and it hotly is said to bo covered with scale. The fable runs that it never reveals its entire form to mortal man, always par tially shrouding itself in cloud. Ac cording to some, water-spou ts are caused by the movement of the dragon ; and in time of drought supplication are made to it, as a kind of rain god or rain king, by the Emporor and the people of China. The Chir.-'tw often make nsa of an inferior sort of dragon in pictures, de vices, etc.; and at the holiday festival of the ncV year "a cloth imace of the dragon," we are told, "is exhibited at theatres in the nighttime, and paraded in the public streets, being moved and worked by men. It is represented as pursuing a large pearl or ball, which is carried a little iu advance of it, the whole being lighted with candles. This is a popular sjiort, and ia called 'play- nig Willi a dragon lantern. All (Ae law Round. WE ALL II A VE FA ULTS. lie who boasts of being perfect is perfect in his follv. I hare boen a good deal np and down in the world, and 1 never did see either a perfect horse or a ltcrfect man, and I never shall until two Hundnys come together. i on cannot get wbite flour out ot a coal-sack, nor perfection out of human nature ; he who look for it had better look for sugar in the sea. The old sayings is, "Lifeless, faultless," Of dead men we should say nothing but good, but as for the living, they are all tarred more or less with the black brush, and half an eye can see it, and every heart has its black drop, Kvory rose has its prickles, and every day its night Kven the un shows spots, and the skies are darkened with clouds. No body is so wise hut ho has folly enough to slock a stall of Vanity Fair. Where I could not see the fool's cap, I have nevertheless hoard the bells Jingle. A there is no sunshine without some shadows, so all human good is mixed up with more or less of evil ; even poor law guardian have their little utiiing, antl parish beadle are not wholly of heavenly nature. The beat wine has its lee. All men' limits are not writ ten on their foreheads, and it' quite as well they are not, or hat would nerd wide ritnlm ; yet a sure as eggs are eggs, faults of some kind nestle in every man' bosom. Thore's no telling when a man fault may show them selves, for hare pop out of a ditch Just When you are not looking for them. A horse that is weak in the knees may not stumble for a mile or two, but It is in him, and the rider had better hold him np well. The tabby cat i not lapping milk just now, but leave the dairy door open, and we will see if she is not a bail a thief a the kitten. There's fire in the flint, cool as it look ; wait till the) steel get a knock at it, antl you will oe. Everybody can read that riddle, but it I not everybody mat will remember to keep hi gun powder out of the way of the candle. JoM rumgiman. To Cum Hlh MgR Complaint. Take about two tablespoonful of grated WMurroy root and th white ot on ogi beaten well together, then have ready a pint of boiling milk, into which Ur the oomfVey and egg. It will thicken like "pap" and it is not unpleasant to lKC. - Don't tell a child you will do any. thing for it unlearn you keen your prom. iae. A strict observance of this role may save yon th agony of seeing your ennaren oecome a liar, u you aa' 5 "i li akin Tort alive I go and ikln though It bring tear to your eyes. BlICAN, WALKING FOR EXERCISE. Activity is the law of life: inaction the fruitful source of debility and dis ease. Robust physical health and ro bust mental health, coupled with pro longed mental effort, are not antagon istic and irreconcilablo conditions. Rightly understood and cared for, they are the normal condition of true student life, and should and can always be iu penoct accord They would be were it not that man, with all hia trod like intellectual en dowment and his primal commission a monarch of the earth ho treads, so often (tumbles through life with deaf ears, blind eyes, and, tier consequence, a darkened understanding. An aveng- ing nemesis, however, folfof.s swift and sure upon every error, bother from ignorance or neglect. There i no vicarious atonement for a disregard of tne itinctionai laws of mo. Walking is the best, most convenient anil most healthful exercise for students and sedentary persons. But to make it effectual certain underlying rules and principle shoultl be observed. Fanciful notions must give place to physiological common sense. 1. An hour's walk, two miles and back, should be taken daily in the open air, regardless ol tho weather or season ol the year. Aimless sauntering is worth nothing, and on an empty stom ach is injurious. The walk aliould be with a will and for a nurnose : swiiur. ing along to get over the ground in good earnest. 2. It should bo taken in the morn ing, and always after breakfast, never before. A bout halt an hour alter break fust is the best time to start, when the sytcm ha been put in proper contli- .--.I-- J . . . 1 . . ! 1 iton tor tue uay ; sua prococuing mod erately lor the nrst mile. 3. Kever walk alone, hut alwavi with a companion; so that cheerful conversation may divert attention and pleasantly occupy the mind, to the lor- gutfiilness of physical exertion and the prevention ot introverted mental brood ing, Inseperahle from a solitary ramble. There may bo numerous pedestrians on the road, but they should run in detached couples. More than two are inconvenient ; less than two makes the thing a bore, and defeats tho hygienic put-pose oi the walk. 4. Whether the walk be lontr or snort, two nulos or lour, never givo it over until tbe perspiration is started and the pores ot the skin are freely opened. This is essential, a tint qua Hon. If this point be not gained the walk will be a failure, if not positively t..i..tA. i . .An.n ..r f .iijiii ivun, li ny ma; e ouiinw ui ivvviirii- nea and debility, instead of mental clearness and bodily yigor. 0. la connection with this and as a pro-requisite, a cold sponge bath as a tome, or a terad hath aa a sedaitve, ac cording to health and constitution, should be taken every morning on ris ing. A basin of water, a sponge and a coarse towel are all that is necessary. li. beginners should be moderate and cautious in thoir first experiments, not : . - r.. - J . . . . : l .1 uumg vtu itxr ur iuu lusi unui me, have ascertained their powers of en durance, and gradually brought them np to tno re-qntifxl etAtnosro. Letuteillustrate. A rranging in 1 83! to complete my taw siuuion in tne omce of the attorney general at our State capital, the office being occupied as ed itorial rooms, I noticed that that officer and O. Barrett, editor of the party or gan, disappeared every morning, cane in hand, soon after their arrival at the office, returning in an hour glowing with exercise and in exuberant spirits. Beintr the snrintr of the rear, thev generally came back with vest and col lar open, each with his coat on hit arm, and the perspiration standing in great drops on their forehead,. After cooling oil they would go at their day's work with a sustained power and hearty cheerfulness that contrasted strangely with my invalid way of do- ng things, ileing a shy yount. stranir- or, I asked no qncstions, but often wondered where they went and what they did while gone. In thenienntime I was laid np every fortnight with a bilious attack, the re sult of hardships, congestive lever and overdosing at a manual labor college beyond the Missisisppi. Explaining to Mr. li., one day, the cause ot these ab sences, he exclaimed, "That will never do I Throw physio to the dog. Come with me, and I'll make a new man of yon." bo next morning Ins legal comrado having Just removed to another city and left him alone we started out to take what I lound to be his usual walk of two mile out tho Reading turnpike and buck, within tho hour. But he wo Boon obliged lo slacken In pace for my accommodation ; and at the end of the firat half milo, 1 lay down on the grans by the rood side, complete ly exhausted. Alter hall an hour rest wo slowly retracted our steps, but I was fit for nothing the rest of the day. iny excellent nieno sain n wouui never do to givo it np so, and tho second day after coaxed me out again, making lite hull mile ana back with less eltort nnd prostration ; but ho was perspir ing freely, whilst my skin was a dry a powder horn, in three week I coula make the two mile nnd bock by taking time to it and resting on the way, and in two month could do it within the hour, but livquently could not start the perspiration till we wore on the homo stretch. When it did come, the relief from mental cloudiness and physical discomfort was immediate aud cheering. 1 n fact a good sweat, fairly arniKl iu this way, is blettsedness in itwlf one of the best moral Umica. And so we kepi it un every week day, rain or shine, Sr a year and a half with but two matoriul intcrrun- ns of a month each, carrvinir um brella when It mined ttvo heavily and contenting oumclve with half the dis tance, but equal exertion when tbe wind and sleet and snow made the pro gress "one step forward and two back ward, n hen tho wml ami cold wore too piercing, we resorted to the long covered hntlgo over tbe Husqtichanna, crossing three time and back for our usual stmt. During one of tho months referred to, we served late In the frosty autumn. as volunteer In a corn of engineers amongst the mountain, surveying a route tor a railroad rmm the coal re gion, an experience that very happily supplemented our nome exorcise. Mr. R., naturally delicate and con sumptive, became a model of health by tlii mean alone; and the tame agency, under hia fostering care, re- sTorca my neaitn ana gave m a new l.,t.ii rtf fifk TIuim eUilv, .mumImi. enlivened by hi ftmd of humor, ftili reading, large experience of life, and fine conversational power, were peri od of great enjoyment to me, ana are amongst my most cherished recollec tions. - Bui I was not able to keep them tip in after life. In locating else where, I could not get anybody to join me. A few would try it onee or twice. and give It up, being too inert to per severe. TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. NEW SERIES-VOL. 15, NO. 29. I this general outline applicable to young latlie as well aa to gentlemen ? Certainly if toned down somewhat to suit circumstance. English ladies think nothing of walking ten or twelve milo a day, and splendid health that n to oe envied u Jho result. Jlobust physical health and strength are more Imortant to women then to men, especially at this era and in this conn try. Let young lady student practice this system in plain, easy costume, and mick-soled shoes that let the foot set down flut, and they will be thankful lor it, not only during their student days, but in all alter lile. City girls can tire out country girls any uay in waikingj because they walk so much more, and in tbe midst of sur roundings that divert their attention, and generally in company. They will walk lour or five milo without think ing of it, unless they sit down to calcu late tho distance afterward ; whilst country girls would be footsore and exhausted. lion. II. C. Hickok in the hormal Monthly. NAKED JUSTICE ON A GATE I'OST. - Our old friend Judgo Tom Farrar, oi ijake rrovidence, who is known throughout tho .Suite as a lawyer and jurist of eminent abilities, and a gen tleman oi most lovable character, U'lls at hu own exiiense, and with the keen est gusto, a story which we think too good to lose. It appear that somo year ago while riding through ono of the prettiest districts ol iNorth Louisi ana he came, about sundown, to a creek winch was so deep a to necessitate a swimming leat.. Xho Judge being a man of vigorous and invincible deter mination, no sooner realized this emer gency than he promptly dismounted, untlressed himself with trrcat dispatch. and attired only in hi hiirh nluir hat and a pair of siiectoclos, beetrodo his gullunt cob nnd urged him to the yen lure. After a desperate struirirlo the other side was gained, and the Judge again dismounting, this time with a profound sigh of relief, was about to resume his integument, whon the horse, prompted l... ....... ,t:..t v. t ::. eouie uiuinjiii-m npini, BUIITCU IITJin hi aide and trotted slowly down tho rood. Of course, tbe Judge had no rocourso but to trot after him ; and thereupon there ensued ono of the most rcmarka- blo aud picturesque chases ever known in history or tradition. Ibe horse ap peared to have no motive save that of keeping a certain distance ahead of the Judge, and of finding some comforta ble barnyard where he might refresh himself after uch gigantic effort. The Judge, whatever may have been his ambitions, confined himself to the effort of keeping tho truant beast in sight. It must have been a choerrul and invigorating experience to see the Judge trotting briskly along that smooth and nndy road, his venerable plug hat pulled over his eyes and his spectaclos bobbing up and down upon hi nose. The chose wo loin?, and the moisture of great exertion would gath er on hia hrow, and then, when he reached around for hi handkerchief, alas I it was not there. All of which had the effect of impressing the Judtre with his very peculiar and unfortunate situation, and imparting renowed play and lightness to his legs. See tho two bowled pleasantly alonir. preserving a steady relative distance, until just as the setting sun was red dening the distant hill and touching the judges manly form with gold, the hoi-so whisked suddcnlv into a rmte nnd bolted with eager haste toward a stable dimly visible iu the distance. The farm-house sat in a grove of tree wnose snstiows mado a great durkueris round it, and from thia grove, as the Judge was scampering furiously after his horse and wardrobe there issued sundry yellow dogs, surely of moin and shagiry of appearance. The Judge felt that it would be utterly im-j possible, under those circumstances, to asminie that majesty of aspect and fearlessness of gare which is currently believed to he tho correct thing with dogs, and so, seeing a friendly gale Kwts near at hand, he gave one wild round and reached It summit iust a th leanest and fiercest of the dons snapped viciously at his legs. W hen the uproar had subsided, and the Judge, realising the absurdity of the situation, hod regained his custom ary frame of mind, a female voice was heard calling from the house: " Who there r "A fellow creature in distress, mad am. "Where are yon ?" "On the gate-post." mid the Judce. beginning to enjoy the joke. " v hat can l do lor you r It was too much. The Judire'a old humor and qttiuical love of merriment came over him. "Call off these doir, and Irina me all the fig leave on the jilaee. Aew Orlrnnt iicayvne LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS. An invention has iust been tried iu rris which ia said to render drowning a thing of th past It consist in tho employment of a pneuniutio India rub ber tube rolled round the body with a sufficient number of fold to contain the neeessary amount of air. This tubo is placed concealed in a doublo envel op forming a shirt It terminate by a mouthpiece, which shuts with the aid of a simple coppor button. Tbe opera tion is simple in the extreme, and the swimmer or immersed person has enough air for a whole day. When the uparulus oonies to diminish in Volume it i easy to expand it again by the principal tube In deep water without any enort or dimcully. tho trial was witmum-d at tho Henry tho Fourth Hatha, when tho inventor, M. Gosselin, showed it pniprietiea. lie stood up right, tli hands raised above tho head. when tho water did not come above lite ahouldurs; hu then floated on his buck with arms closotl. Tho apuratus can be worn under tbe clothes like a flannel waistcoat It extend from the nock to the knees, fastened in front by a row of buttons. It is comiMMcd of a double flannel, in the midst of which an India rubber tula) cirouluto, trting from the top of tho chest, ascending the left sido of the neck, and following the central line of tho back ; there it di vide in two branches, encircling the thighs a far a the knee. From the oentrol part of the principal tube twelve to fifteen lesser tube diverge to make the round of the body, and meet in front where the row of button i. This impnivement on the life belt is said to oe cerum to unemde all existing ap pliance in teaching swimming or av Ing life from ahipwreck. A Maud Ifuller laughed heartily at a young haymaker when the yellow jacket got an hi nankeen trousor. But when they got up hra 'two no JOKf.1' ' WASHINGTON'S COACH- A NO-SIX. BT JAKE PAHTOJf. No, Gentleman of the House of Rep resentative!, President Washington did not keep a coacb-and-aix and rhargo tho exietuo to a contingent fund. Al low mo, gentlemetf; to recall to your recollection the fjtcts relating to tbe first President' compensation and equipage. At tho first session of tbe first Con gross, which assembled in New York on the fourth of March, 17B9, a Com mittee of twelve members of the House of liprescntativo wo apoiiited to take into consideration the compensa tion of the President, Vico-I'reident and member of both House, and to report upon the same at their con venience. Tbe Committee had the matter under consideration for several months. Thia long delay was owing in part, to the very great difference of opinion among the niombor as to the amount of tho different salaries. Somo of them were disposed to fix the Prosi dent'o salary as low as fifteen thousand dollars, and other wero inclined to place it as high as seventy thousand. At length tbo Committee reported, ad vising that tho salary of tho President be twenty thousand dollnrs a yr. n,l that he lie provided with a ftirnishod house, secretarioa, clerk, plate, car riages and homos, at the public expense. On the thirteenth of July, 1789, tho House of Representatives took this re port into consideration, and debated it at considerable length. Tbe clause relating to the providing of a house and equipage was at once objected to, and it was moved to strike it out, which led to an animated dis eussion. Mr. Tucker was of opinion tbat lor a new President to buy plate and furniture would subject him to great inconvenience, unless he received a year's salary in advance and when he retired to private life, they would not sell for half their firat cost. He, therefore, wished the public to provide house, furniture and plate, but not homes and carriages Mr. Madison, afterward President, thought tbat homo and carriages would also cost a new President a great deal of money, and would not sell for much upon Lis retirement, lie was therefore of opinion that, if furniture and plate should bo providod, equipsgo should be also. Mr. Stone favored tho payment of a sufficient salary, without any extras. The President, he thought, ought to live in any style he judged most proper. "But," suid ho, "if you furnished Lim with a house, horses and carrioges,you declare that thia is the house, the horse and the carriage which ha shall use. But be may not choose to use them. Ho may prefer equipage more splendid or more pluin ; and surely, if a Presi dent choose to live in an economical manner, we ought not to prevent him." Mr. Vining, on the contrary, wa of opinion that the President of the United States, being the representative of tho Nation, was bound in propriety to maintain a certain appearanco of dig nity, and tho House bail a right to show what they expected of him in this respect After further debute, it was decided to strike out the clatiae assigning the President' homes, carriage, ftirnittiro and plate at the expense of tho public, and to pay him a salary large enough to admit of hi providing these things for himself. Then arose tho question, what should be tho amount of the salary ; and this led to another day' dobate. One gentleman proposed to pay the Presi dent twenty-six thousand dollar for the first year, and sixteen thousand dollar for every other year. Ho pro posed, also, that be should bo paid ten thousand dollars the first year in ad vance, to meet the great exponses of providing a house and equipage. Oth er gentlemen favored thirty thousand dollars a year: and at length, upon motion of Mr. John Page, of Virginia, the sum was fixed at twenty-five thou sand. , President Washington, before thin decision had been reached, had ordered a handsome coach from England, which arrived in the course of the year 1789. This vehicle, of which Mr. Lossine haa given the publio an engraving and a description, was a very handsome and substantial structure. The body and wheels were of a cream color, then vory fashionable, with gilt relief, and tli body wo suspended upon the old fashioned, heavy leather straps, like uiose upon wnicn tno auge-ooaebca were formerly suspended. Part of tho side and front wore shaded by green Venetian blinds, Inclosed by black leather curtains. The lining of the coach was of black glossy leather. The Washington arm were handsome ly painted on the doors, with the motto porlectly charactonBtio of n ash- uigton Exitut alio probat the result prove actions. Vixm each of the four panel of tho coach was a picture im- llemutic of one of the seasons, exocnted by an Italian artist of reputation. In this substantial vehicle the Tro. dent used to ride about Manhattan Island, which ftirnished ono of the most beautiful drives in the world, called the "Fourteen Milo Hound?' It led up what is now the Bowery and Third Aventio, then called the Boston Road, which commanded a beantifhl view of the East river, lined with farms and country-seats; then across tho np per part of the Island, and down by the Bloomliigtklo road (Broadway) to tho city again. It is impossible to im agino a more lovely combination of cultivated land, lofty bluff, and living water, than this ride must havo pre sented In tho early day. Usually, tho general had only four hotucs haincscd to hi coach, but in traveling between the seat of Govern ment and Mount Vernon, it was often a matter of necessity to nso six. Mom bora of Congress may rust assured that this coach, its home, and all it ap purtenances, were paid for with General Washington's own money. It wan an honest conch in ovcry rtwpect ; for at tho end of tho second term it bnllder eamo to America and settled In Alex, andria, where tho General informed him that not a nail or screw of the vehicle had started. Fifteen yenr af ter the death of General Washington, when it becamo the property of the lato Bishop Meatl, of Virginia, it pi still a sound, serviceable coach, though too heovy for ordinary use. Its subse quent history I th-J related by the Bishop : "Becoming an object of desire to those who delight in relic, I caused it to be taken to piece and distrilmted among the admiring friends of Wash ington who visited nty house, and also among a nunilvor of female association l)YI hKnevol.nl n .1 .): -J.,... M.UaS- . .... ....,,., ,.v IIU ,.,,K,,.n ,..,j,l,, which associations, at their fair and other occasions, mado a largo profit by converting tho fragments into walking sticks, picture-frame and snuff boxe. Anoui two third ol ono of the wheel thn produced ono hundred and fbrtv dollttrs. There can ba no doubt that at it dissolution it yielded more to the cause of charity than it cost tho build or at its first erection. Beside other momemoo of it, 1 havo in my mudy, ire Ihe form of aofa,the hind neat on. which the Uenoral and hi lady were wont to it." So much for tho Oenernl' coach. Even if Congrest hatl voted him a car. rlage and horse at tho public expense, 1 very much doubt If ho wonld have accepted them. Whon Philadelphia became tho scat of Government, th Legislature of Pennsylvania assigned him a very handsome hotis for hi residence, but h declined to accept it He hired a house for himself of Kobert Morri and paid the rent, which wal three thousand dollar a year. . GEN.