It 4 ab .at M w at att at Ml -It ta .1 ta at 4 1 4 - M THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINO, JULY It, 1174. Terms of Subscription. i If paid la adeaa0a,or within three BoBihe...9I II At uM after (brea aad before ell BMnlhe.,,., S II eed after tba aaplralloa of tla Mondie... I 00 ; RELIGIOUS NOT! C KB. r rthsellet Ki.l.f ontl Church Rev. A. D tjan, .Paator. Poblle S.rrloe ertry Sabbath tt lot a. M., aod 7 r. M. Sabbath School at I A. M. Prater Meollal erery Tboredty, at tl P. M Oowmunloa Bereleo, Irat Sabbath of erery aonth, l I U( A. M. . i ' Praabytarlau ChareDRee. II. R. Butlbb. Sabbath larvloea morning and evraltit. nab- balb School at I P. M l'rayar Matting Wtdnta. dar atoning. Mt. Fraud.' Churtht'athollr Ror. P. J. SattinAM. Man at 10) o'clock A. M.,oa Ibt leeoad-eBd Mitrtb Huadaya of oath month. j 1 4 . '-1 1 ! . . - - - i . . A camp mooting coinmonooB to-Uuy (Weaneidfty ) a Mir vrciiBceion, wis voaniy. Oon.mcMiwmoi.ti1 have boon ttll tlio rg the put few tNki, od her drlrcn til the boy and girl home to spend thslr summer vo tlons. m m s Th-f Clinton Dttinnmt tmys that Judge Meyer will rrlr it homo In month, with hit heelU. folly restored. TUI will be pltwuut ews to fals numerous friend I this ooonly, - -Ijoht. Tlio HpponUunt of an ame thyst cor-rlng iu loft on the evening of July Id, somewhere between the Presbyterian Obarcb end K, W. (Irs hem's corner. The finder will b llber l)y rewarded by .coring be ssbjc at t Mi onlo. Comical Cunly. -Our roadujn will bear Ik Hind that tb ((rent musician, mluite and man of May (Mai, Vak A. Coaly, will gi two of hla entertainment In Pie's Opera llonse, oa Friday and Saturday evening, July 14th and 1Mb. 8m adwttseueot. Thb Park Rack. Wo uuOerHtuinl lbt tbt Park Association now out second best at the close of tbe July nee Bnarjcinlly, wa mean. Tba attendance it eiB wu too alia to no aha op the largo premium offered, and tba re sult ta that a few persons aro compelled to bleed rather freely ao aa to make bo to aada meet. The wlitor til' the Altoona Tribune baa boon prevented with a fl wIM-tat by Messrs. Jones, Allport A Co., of Phllipiburg. What a pretty (aally pUytliing, aayhow I Wa way touk for tome aoratcbing tditoriala from that aourae, aboald Meatly" be pernittad to lake a hand at tht buaiaeai. 1 ' ' ' . No vm than three burluritw were eonnitted la Uwleborg, latt week. Ia two la-1 k itaoeaa tboaclotbing of gratlemen wara taken from 1 thatr bedaldaa and robbed of poakat booka and 'v, watobei. Ona grntlaman followed the thief la tba dark t the front door, when hi aaati and vaat war thrown In bla face by tbo burglar, who aaada hit aaoapa. The toachers and piipiln of the M. E. Sunday -School, of this plaea, hvl a vary pleaaant pto-aie at Cabin Spriagi oa Tlio red ay lait. The I "old folka" aaanad greatly tihaaited, but the youngttara enjoyed tba fun hugely, and wa under- J aUnd they would hare no objeotlon to going through a iimilar "eoune of prouta" autnetima i In Septtnibor. ' A New Coi:ntkkfeit. A counter- X fait of tba recent inue of lirty etnt aorip hu Jmt made Ua appearance. It la one-aixteentb of an ineh shorter la length and width than tbo genu-1 v too, and tbo Una connecting tht two upright llnea of tht letter N In tbo amoll word erareJ, en- fron'iif and printing at tbt end of the aerip t (' roTanedin avary lnatanoo bnt one. In the ooun : tarfelt there I no diitlnctlon between the white V eravat and ahirt boaom of Samuel Dexter, while Itn tba geaulnt they art well defined. List of letters remaining unclaimed In the Poitnfflee at Clearfield, for the week ending July 13th, 1874 t Huron, hamucl noddy, Aiatnew Banea, Hobert Smith, MIr Mary ' '.illaipie, John , Stinar, Willie HiMTer, Emery ' Sawyer, Frank Illrl, John W. . Williama, Hilaa Joaea, Daniel ' Williami, Sarah LannWg, Mr. Walty, lira, aiaggla Matlaak, Timothy C. P. A.OAULIN, P. M. A New Fiatthi. An imKrtant ehanga baa ooaa wtada by the Legislature in the granting of leltera of admiuiatralton. Ilaroaftar all executors or parties applying to the Register for letters of administration must make an afli da Tit before that o IB ear, setting forth as noarly as possible tht day and boor of the docodeot'a death, before letter! will be granted. It will be wall enough, therefore, for parties applying for letten of administration to bear this fact in mind and ascertain the preelfe boar when death occurred. CiirRoii Dedication. The new United Brethren Church, at Fair law Cemetar, In 0 rah am town ship, will be dedicated U the worship of Almighty Ood on Sunday, July Zftth, 1874, at 10 o'clock A. a. Rer. J. Shearer, Pre siding Elder, Iter. Mr. Miller, of Tyrone, Rot. Mr. Fulton, of Waltaocton, and Rer, Wa. B. Dill, of Clearfield, are expected to be present and participate In the exercises and scrrtccf, Mr, Samuel Lansberry, for the Board of Trustees, ex tends a cordial Invitation to the public to attend, No PimTAtiK. Our MilMnnher re siding In Clearfield county, according to an act of Coogresa, will be exempt from paying postage on theRnrtTBLirikM on and after the 1st day of July. On all papers sent out of the county, we will be com pel led to prepay the postage on and after the 1st day af January next, at tba rate of two oente per pound. Thtt turn of the official screw Is in effect tarn lag every newspaper publisher Into a Of cane collector or tbo UovtrnMnfc, aud without any companaation), .All right, gentlemen, so tbat yon do not allow some greedy Credit Mobillcrito, or other "Christian stateetneo," to gobble tt up. A (VtRKOTioN.- We anion," many : others of the newspaper fraternity were led into error la stating some time since tbat an Impor tant change had been made In the defining the rights of landlords and tenants, Which purported to be "aa aot ascnopUng property from levy and sale on tbe executions and distress for real, etc. ; virtually repealing the IM exemption law of 1849, Bweh a bill was before the legislature, but : waa not passed last winter, as stated, and as the publication Joey load to misapprehension and dif ficulty, wo make the correct loa for the benefit of all whom It may concern. Tbo law remains precisely tbe aasao. ' "Wiw fliui I iwi Vrt ' liAotrn .riot i. B. SpEese, of Harrlsbnrg, has compiled a oqbv plete digest of the game laws of Pennsylvania. ' This Utile book (containing 31 pages) bas been 1 carefully compiled after an exhaustive research 1 among the "Acta of Arsembly" (running through ;the past teen years) relating to tbe taking as well as preservation of game nnd lab. All eels or parte of acta tbat have bewn repealed bare been strictly icloded, to that the laws therein published form a vmpleto and rollahle "digest" or "resume" of the Betas and Fish laws as they stand to-day npon Ik statute hooka. They aro well worth tbe perusal f everybody lotereeted tn the proper protection tad preservation of game and game lib. The tall price of this work U lfy eenla. . To elubs t tea or more at reduced rates. Address I ptese, 1)1 Walnut street, llarrlsburg, Pa." THalMnT.VaWEM, K. DlHTHMT varanaaca. Daring iu sesslona at Hootch Hill, no ltd, 14ih aad ih, tbe Coafereaoe adopted following reeoltutoeje, aa reported by the Com Hot on Ttmpwranosi , A ,9mm 4be fart tenet trrteMperanM has been and I yet om of the meant by which Satan Is mot! eeeeosfnl In bringing woo upon tbe human rami train npon fbo body ftnd damnation to tbe at, and also delays tbe com lag of tbe hiagdot Christ, and prolong! his dominion oa tartk; nreforo, rasolvrd. , , , , . 1st. Thai tbe laity and clergy of the Brookvllle t. Diatriet Conference do pablMy and private it polltioally aad morally, dclne tba word "lem ranee ta moaa total abctinepoo from all intoxi suing drinks at a beverage. ' " i . 3d. That af parents and pastors we will ever bitbfully nsernet 'Our ebildrsa aoncornlng the s3 f'i J M . possible, bavtotwry M. f . Sabbath snoot be a Tern rwan nee foeialy. mk bevwarW famish ibean wRb tbe nee bwary model ahd toeahl lo aid tbem IB tbe great I Id. Tbat wt do moat heartily approve of the P waft aaen1eP' fa) H4 th ttsjper i sistert In el ties, towns, rllleges and eonn- hriea elsewbtre. aad pray M that tbe tamo pure lreeranat spirit may eaase every sister ea eaeb Barge ta awake, SB lift and toMU 1be naotMtai dosaon wntll be no driven from evrry home, vll aage aad town In tbe Brook? Hie District. 4th. That this Conference regards the use of tohaawa moat ftttty and tateatperats t t That tbe members cf this Ceatfertnee tn an orgaals4ioa.abavbg its leaai- uanal seeelons dnrtng anew ccleslastical yens'. P, W. Waarun, Caatr'n. Oi r Bkick Works. Although not a m om bar or stockholder la tht Oloarfleld Fin Brick eoiiipaay. wa navertbcless tall them "oar works, boraate of their proximity. Matters ban recently been quite brisk about the establishment, tbe oompauy by a ounanliaoua rote having near ly doubled Ut, stock a few weeks ago besides this the uanagese erected a test furnace and pro. oared samples of the standard Ore brick of this country nnd Europe, for the purpose of tooting them. The quality of those brick were severely tried in the furaaoo lad looted, tide by side with the far-famed brick of Qalnk irk, Scotland, and Mount Savage, Maryland, bssldca others, and, having watobod the "cremation" process onrself, we caa say that (be result was highly favorable, tbo Claarlcld brick standing tbe heat equal to any la tbo furnace, and showing greater strength thai some of the others. The test was up to the boat of fusing east steel la a few minutes, and was continued for several hours, and tbo brick com pared with arc the best kuown. Tbt workaof tbe company were erected uader the direction and after the plan of Mr. John Far. guson, recently from Scotland, and who has fol lowed the holiness of manufacturing day, In nil I la p haves, from his boyhood. There aro ao pre cisely similar works lo these in the United States, but tboy art extensively used tn 8ootland, Bag load and Walts. The principal features are three seta of revolving rollers, Ikotwecn which tht day is pulverised, from which It passes Into a higher tempering pan and thence through a pug mill, and U then dropped en tht Boor, ready for the mould. It has tbo enormous capacity of forty to fifty thousand brlok for a day of ton hours. Tbt o!ey Is brought out of the bill within fifty feet of tbe mill, and emptied out of tbe car at the faip per that keris'to tbe crusher. Probably greater facilities cannot bo found anywhere than those which surround tbo Clearfield brick works. As well In the ereetioa of tbe stack and kilns and other outworks, as In the eroetiou of the mill, has Mr. Ferguson shown himself a waster la his profession. Tbe Clearfield Urlck Company, of which Bx Guv. Biglor ia President, is In possession of the most extraordinary deposit of Are clay probably in the country. It covers a thickness of over fourteen ftet, and Is divide Into four distluot, though connecting slratas,differing somewhat In the elements and physical condition of the clay The lower two strains are composed of clay, of exceeding floe texture, admirably suited fur the manulscture of terra eotta, tilt, piping and all manner of ornamental manufactures. Tbe upper two stratas, covering about eight feet In thiokneir, compounded la equal proportions, contain tbo physical condition for Irst-claas Are brlok. These brluk works are richly worth a visit from everybody Interested In the Improvement and prosperity of our county. ia m THE "INDEPENDENT" MEETING., Pa., July 7th, 1874. Io conformity to a call Issued by the Chairman of the County Committee, a number of representa tives of tbe different townships assembled ia convention to determine wbat course to take in tbe fall campaign. Session was called to order it 1 o clock, ?. by the Chairman, Henry Kerns. On motion, S. G. Kunta was chosen Secretary, ytro trmport. Townships called, and over ono-balf were well represented. i Oa motion, it was determined by unanimous consent tbat we continue as an organisation, nnd at such make a nominal ion for the November elect ion. On motion, n committee of ten were appointed lo draft resolutions. The committee consisted of S. U, Kuuli, John Uilllland, Othello Smead, Jas. R. Caldwell, Joeeph Fry, J. R. Reed, Dr. O. W. Caldwell, F. O. Miller,' John Clcary and James McUheebftn. Convention adjourned to meet at 0 o'clock, r. ., to receive report of committee. avatuian axsaioit. Convention met at o'clock, r. ., when the committee reported the following resolutions whioh were unanimously adopted! WaanBiB, Tbo corruptions and frauds proo- tictd throughout our county In the nomination and election of county ofltoers have become so numerous that we, the Indt-pendeot Doraoerate of Clearfield county, deem It nigh lime mar. mere should be an uprising of tbe boneet voters of all parties to break op all these rings and factions that have so disgracefully infested our political parties, and place lo posltioa men who regard right and Jatioa, before honor and wealth, in offioe i that wa are now aa wo ever have been loyal to lbs true and juct principles ot our party, anu all that wo ask is that its time honored principles be ftdhrrad to in tbe nomination nnd election of officers, and It it only because we have felt that those bare boon Ignored that wc have refused to stand by the nomination which have been forced upon us tn disregard or the well known usages of tbe party therefore, be It, That we, lo view or ati mis ana in order to maintiin our rights as freemen, proceed to nominate and present to tbe voters of t'learfteld county candidates for tbe various offices to be filled at the November election. Httotd, Tbat the Chairman of tbo Coouty Committee appoint three Democratic voters In each township to hold delegate elections In their rcsitactive townehip. ZfrMttW, TbU the Democrats of each township la the county meet at tbe place of holding their election on tbe first Saturday of September, (be ing the Mb day), between tbe hours of 2 and I o'clock, r. n., to elect delegates to meet on Tues day, tbo 6th dev af Kent ember. A. D. 1H74. in the Court House, in Clearfield, fur the purpose of nominating a tiokot to be supported at tbe oom ing general election, and that tbe following rule shall govern the delegate elections and theoounty convention, vis: "Kvery township poling less than one hundred Democratic votes shall b en titled to two (2) delegate, and all townships liollnr over one hundred votes, three It) ilgatns each. The vote of the last general erection shall bo taken as the basts." JiiMotvtd. That llun. J. W. Potter, our late reitreientative in the LegUlature, fully met the expectations of bit friends. Ills ruure was stiah as to render very general sauaiaoiion io me peo ple, and under tbo uineus of tbe party we feel that he is entitled to the n urn in at ion for Assembly Ibis fall, and we consider it a fair and reasonable re quest that a man who haa faithfully discharged ate duty at a representative be reiurnod lor an other term, aa it is ia parfeot accordance with Democratic principles U aominaletherepreseaU live fur a eooond term, unless he baa dune come thing lha first term to forfeit this right. li-ohtd, That lion. J. W. Potter be chosen as our repress n tat ire to the Oemoo ratio State tun- tiott, to be held at riltsburtib, '. JtVsofWff. That the nrooeedinffii of this conven tion be published In the Vientfield Omtnty Timtt, UMCARriKl.n FtBfrmifAw, Knjnmnnt jomrmmi, and Oterofa JVefe. 0a motion, convontion a'ijonrned sine oVc. .,...", II UN II Y KKKN'fl, o. O, KrxTS, . C bair n Co, Committee. Secretary ptro. few. PfHAfvrRot'ff Fir ft. Wo 1 nrvt to learn that tbo txtcnHvt flouring mill of Hagerty A Stewart, at Union Furnace, ncarfipruoo Creek, oa the Pennsylvania railroad, in Huntingdon county, together with all Its contend waa totally destroyed by Aro two weeks ago. Thar was stored io the mill at the time some 5,001 bushels of wheat, 1,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 bushels of rye, 1,000 bethels of other graia, and about 100 barrels of prime floor, all of which were burned, together with tbe books of the mill and tba I1 a Ion Foresee PostofBca which occupied a portion of tbe building, llagcrty's mill was one of the most widely known In Central Pennsylranls, the floor manufactured there being of tbe beet quality and eagerly sought after by all good housekeepers. In addition to tbo burning of tbo mill and Its contents, n pig-sty wu eon turned and serea hogs horned to death. There waa no Insurance on tbe mill property, consequently It Is a total loss, Ibe Insurance baring run out about a pear ago. The loss will fall heavily npon Mr. Hagerty who was the sol owner of tbe mill. Tbe total loss will roach 25,000. Mr, Hagerty formerly resided at Jantsvllle, la this eoonly, and It well known to many of our sit I sen, who deeply sympathise with him la his loss. Unpatrntisd IiAHns. There is ntill a large quantity of land la this county npon which the title of the Commonwealth has not been eg- tlngntsbod, nnd which will nltiBaalety involve tbo owner la a large amount of eotti If the Common wealth la oempelmd It bring nits to recover her jnet does. Tbo Surveyor Uenerat has Issned tbe following aire tar to (he several county Surveyor throogboat the Commonwealth, which ox plains ItacfTi , ' HAnaitBona, June 1, 1874. To the County Surveyors and owners of na pat rated landtt Kirs i rietwitbeianding the faet that talttenuld havt k oTongni at enmrr the payment of ar rearaget an aopaUnted Innds hut fall, at least so mv as nj iraeia were oonetraod. lac Boa.-sl Property UMaght best to poetpvee tbe maUr for a short time, wa arcvunt or the flaam-MU condition or ine country, wnttnoribc Hoard .! direct suits to bo brought Ibis summer way depend on the spirit manifested ia pajiag off theae claims As the aaownt duo on eaeb tract la coRAoaratif ely small, if suits were brought, tbe nosts woeJd, in most hulanoea, double tbo mm. I would there fore urge all owners or such lands, whether notices bar bora served trpoa them or aot, to take prompt ncjic io nave invse icioc iiquioaiea, ana thereby save this heavy additional eie. , I'nder tbe new Coastitntios) additional duties will devolve npoa this efnee next year, and there fore it Is desirable that moat of tbe work minting lo patent inr lands mar be disposed of before that time,. The VBtorortf of the State and the owner of en pa tented lends will be subserved by giving saw euujeet menieoj aiieauoa. very respectfully, j , . ROB Kit T M. BBATH, Sarveyot General. Those par tie who ere aware tbat they havt ao Patent from the 6WU ftr tbeirtaada ahoeld soeaic tl at one, aad avoid Htlgmilea, In wbiefi tboy wlH tawM of "teeond best" eoty. Don't ftirirot that Comical Conlv will perform at Vic's Opera Hons next week. Bptcimlt Insure yonr tils la the Continental Life Iamr an oe company, of 11 art ford, Connecticut. A. M MoBoally. agent. SuTTLa Up. All persons Indebted to Thomp son A Co., arc requested to tall and settle the tame without deiy. II. B. Tnonrwon. Cur wen .tills, June 24 1872tSt Call oa R. M. MoBnally nnd get yonr life la. sured In the old Continental Life Insurance Co., f Hartford, Coda. Lancaster Buggies, F radon ia Buggies, Fredoala Platform Wagons, Cooklin road and farm Wagons, for sale by R. Nan ton Shaw at the Hhaw House. June H;St Read R. M. Mo Boa I It 's advertisement In re gard lo Life Insurance. Craln A Mltton, oa 2nd street, make the flnest harness manufactured In the Stato. A sample of tbeir work tan be seen on tbe ohaw House boss team. June 24 St. SntLino at Coatl W have concluded to change the manner of doing our business, aad now offer our entire stock of good at cost for oah! THOMPSON A Co. . Jua 24-SL ' ' DiigoiBB Fob Sai b. R. Newton Shaw keeps a fill I supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagons for sals. To be seen at the Shaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania. may U-lf. Wood and Willow Wan of alt dcsorlpiioas for ale by 11. F. Biglor A Co. Axes. Seventy-II v doaen Oloarfleld Wood thoppor Axes at :2i:7t. H. F. BIQLER A CVs. A full Hoe of Household Goods, Japanned Ware. Ao., for sale by H. V. Bigler A Co. - INFLATION I INFLATION! James Kerr A On., regardless of tbo notion of the President, aro Inflating, and have inlaled their already large stock of Clothing, until it now embraces the flueet assortment of Clothing and Furnisbinc tioods in any retail store la t'enasyl. vania. Below please find reduced price list of a row or me articles moraoea ib tnetr sioan i MKH'fl COfTONADB SUITS, ONLY f4 00 MKN'S CARSIMKRE SUITS, ONLY A 00 MKN'S ALL-WOOL CASH. SUITS, 10 00 MKN'S FINK BLUE DIAU. SUITS, IA 00 YOUTHS' SUITS, H. to 20 00 CHILD'S FINK BLUR CLOTH SUITS, A 00 CHILD'S FANCY DIAU. SUITS. Ill 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, all I.M to II 00 Umbrcllaa. Silk, Ui ogham, Cotton a large and one assortment. I lottery. -Pifty downs Lisle Thread, Silk Cotton atid English super-stoat boar, which will do soia at rrom a cents up. Hhlrtn. Our stock of shirts Is large aod com plete, embracing tho Universal, Frenib Percale, Cotton, Cast! more aad colored Shirts, la great variety. We would say to oar customers tbat having ouugnt goods at it per cent, less tnaa aeretoiore, wo are prepared to aell inem at prices tbat will really astonish everybody. Call early and see for ywurteirea. jamim hivuh A l'U. Uld Wostern Hotel Corner, ClearAeld, Pa. 29 RECAPITULATION. , Bird Cages. . ; , Wood and Willow War. Household floods. AH kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paint, Oils, Vara is bos. Calcined Plaster. Wagon aad Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Storo of U. F. Bigler A Co., Eooond street, uiearnaid, ra. it Save Time! Sav Labor! Save Money! 8av CJothcsl Ths" Novelty Wringer" is the boot ia tne mar km. Buy it try it. ror saie oy u. r. uiolbb uo. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co Fnaa ! Faai 1 Fnsn ! Among tbe many prepa rations that ws have for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any throat or lunsi difficulty, none of them ar equal to Or. Morris Syrup or Tar, rt ild Cherry and Horehound. If yon ar afflicted, call at our store and we will live yon a sample bottle re sAtircc Agents ; Bar wtca a irwia, 'Jleamcld; Holt, Woodside A Holt, Wallace! on ; 11. K. Wil liams, William's tirov. March 11 1. FROM OHIO. The women's tomnoranna war aow raging la different parts of tbe country, particularly in the west, with sncn unparalleled suoeeae, recommends for persons who claim whisky a necessity for me dicinal purposes, to use Ureea's August Flower, whioh oontaias no Intoxicating spirits and Is n gentle laxitive and a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigeetion, Coitlveoeaa, Soar Stomach, Siok Headache, coming np of the food after eating, puriAec tbe Blood and System. Just what Is needed la the spring of the year by every body. Try iL Sold by C. D. Watson, Clear field, Pa. ang20'71y Paint a PAtwrans Finotnat. Onr stock or Paints and Painters' Materials Is aomplota, ia elodlng J. T. Lewis' Per Whit Lead. John La oas A Co Pur WhlU Lead, F. R. A Co s Buck Lead, and a umber of cheaper brands of Whit Lead: also. Liaseed Oil, Terpen tine. Varnishes of all kinds, a full lino of Brnehes, aad a fall I in ef color, dry aad la Oil. my2o'73 u. r. BiOLBB Co. Montonr Slate Paint, for naintinr house la- side nd outsideCottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Beautiful, durable and aeonomtoai. uronnd tn pur Linseed Oil. iyz a u. r. DiaLBB uo. RaiD Tata I Ponoa. wboattnuraptat. balldlng III do w.ll lo call aad ai.mln. oar atoeb of Bl'ILUINU 3IATKRIAL8. W. kan ia aloeka foil liao of Baildera' Ilardwara, Kaila, PainU, Ulla, Ulaaa, 1'ulty, t'aleinaa I'laalor, tc. myz'79 ll. r. uieLaa VQ. Noticr T4 Viooii ah CAaaiiai HAainf . W. kavelual rooalrvd a Moral aaMrlraaatof Wats, and Carriajr. Wooda, alao a (all lia. or Spiinga aod Ailca, wblca wo oner eneap ror aaa. Bird Can a larf. aaaortauat at H. T. Blf- l.r A Co.'a Bitta. DIalaa'iOroM-eat law. Grail Aaaariou Saw, Bnyntob'a Lifbtaing Haw, at - - - I-II-7I u. r. iaia, va a. n. F. Blcltr A kara bata aiaking Mtaaalr. addlttona to thalratoek of Hardoar tb. laat r.w day., Kr.rytbtng a.w in Bfa.lf Uardwaro, 8aU dlora', Farmara' Ilardwara, Bulldara' Hardwara, and Ilardwara af all kiBda,oaa boa. at .lor.. Hay II, R. R. WhMlbarrowa, Baby Caniacaa, Toy Bl- pro.a Waroaa and w baolliarrowa, at ' aayzB To It i r. uiaLaa a, Joat raoalrad, a larg. lot of Boa-.iploalr. l..mpa ana bantaraa a, 11-71 H. F. Bioiaa A Co'a. PalaU, OIU aad VarnlabM for aala by II. F Btrl.T A Vn. At th. roaideno. of tb. brld.'a paranta, oa Turt dy, Jan. JOch, I H7I, by R. H. . Butlbb, Mr. WILLIAM K. 1HWIN, of Lalb.rabarg, and Hiaa n KLU1K PHAW.ol HbawaflllK Tb. prayart ftf tb. Bjriatot. aoaoaipaiiy tb. abor. happy toapla, aod thalr Joaraay through lir. will aoaa.iiu.ntly b. itrwa with lowari. On Tharanay, Jan. 11th, 1174, by R.v. D. W. n AMM.Kn, Mr. M ! un ailUNH and Mtaa Ijlb 1.1 K POKTI.KTIIWA1T, both of Loth.rabarg, UIHrn.ld .oanly. At tb. L.tbaraa Paraooag. ik Lalberabarg, mi TlmrH.T. J no. 1Mb. IS74. ky K.t . K. MAoaa. Mr. 1IAN1KI, RTKIINKR, or Brady towo.bip, Clrarll.ld ooonty, and Miaa KLIZABKTU VAH NKK, of i.ff.ra.a eo.iwy. , , At tba raaldeaoo of tbo brld.'a father, oa Batnr d.y, Jon. Mlb, IH74, by R.r. Wa.ana, Mr. WAHKKN B. FOX and Ml.. JOR1I 8. BILL, bolk of New Millport, Cl.arflald aounty. Ia Cl.arl.ld, M foaday, Jan. II .1, lJI, by Rt. A. I), lim a, Mr. HIMII1 u. KHIBkaod Miaa MAHOARKT BUMuAKBNKR, Oa Moaday, Jon. lid, 1174, by R.r. R. II Couavaa, Mr. 1IKNRV II. MrOKK.orBolltowa. abip, and Miaa OLL1S McMURRAY, of B.ra aid., ' i r a Oa Wednarday, Jaa. Hlk, 174. hw R.r. 0. W. Bouaa, Mr. JOHN W. NK1.SON, af (lo.b towo.bip, aad Miaa ANU BLINK BUMBARUKK, of Bradford lowaabip. , . At tba MaaalM Moaa., ClwioM, Pa,aa Fat day, Jaly IM, 1X14, by Oraaaiva llowa. (aa Mr. WILLIAM O. JOHNHUN, at Morrladala, ( Inrk.ld .oanly, Pa., aad MlM ilKNHA P. aaiiu, oi Mala.. t , . At tba M. B. Paraanaga Mr Lotharabwrg, a. Ratarday, 41k, 174, by R.r. D. W. W.aa taa, Mr. IHAAC COVKKT aad MlM MALI8H BAKU, both of nraoftyllla, ra. ' : . Sird. " "" In Brady lownablp. oa Frl4ky, Jan. Itk, 1IT4, AMKI.IA ANN I.ONd, dao,hlw af Uaoaoa Bkuaaaa, tgWI M paara, I Uoalka aad II 4aya Oa Friday, Jan. Illb, 1174, MARY, wifa af jnaa HoLLopKTRa, ag,4 7a yaara, l Moalb aad . aaya."- . -i i" n. Bb, aa a M.Mbtrof Ik. Irrl M. 1. fMMly oa lb. Lolhorabarg ebarg.t wbteh wal argaaiaad Ik III, la ahara, aaa-rMMk .(a Mil. waatat N.w, BaktM, thai awaad by BwaJaMba Caiaaa, bat aaw owa by H. Soodraedor. 'I COUKT PJiOCLAMATtON. W-raa'l. Hon O A. KiTFH, Praaldaat Judga vTUi Voari a. CoMbUMTM . Oo ta. ly-lltb Jadl.1.1 IMrtriet, MMpoMd af lb. Mm In ar Clrarrt4 Calraaad Cllataa. aad Hob. WM. C. FOLKY aad Ho. JOHN J. BRAD, Aa aaHat. Jadn. of Cloarwald aoaala. kara iM.rd ianrwrao.pi, ra a wlraaoM, for tk. kol4lag af " nain.w mn m inaan nil i at ia. Coart Hoaaa, at Clnrl.ld, la aad fat lb. aoaa. ty of t'l.arl.14, onniMaa.liig ok lb. THIRD MONDAY, TUB 1TTH DAY OF AUUU8T. I4. ad oeatlaolaf aa Woak, NOTICk la Ikanror. konky glraa ta Jarora aad wltaaaaM, la aad far .aid aaaalr .f Cloarlald u ba aad ar paar ia thalr propar poraoaa, at 1 1 aa look A. M. .f Mid day, la do tbo.. Iblaaa wkini la behalf awtara a b dona. piVKK aader My haad at CUanleld, ItU lalday oi .my, ia yrar 01 oar iiora aaa CBaaaaaa tgkt kaadrad aad atr.aty.fear. ; , W.MaPHKRBOll, BkwrlB, I na pbibtiho or evert descrit. I Uok Maiy aaoMUd at tail .Sat. .. glarirtf. Clearfield Markets. Coaaacraa WaiaLl bj Krataar t IjUa, aal. and R.UU la Dry Goad,, OfoMliM. rioar, tm, tU, Markrt Mrwt,, Pa. flL.iaruLa, PiJaa., 30, I lit. ApnlMif r..a,HI(S Mi""!1! ara.Md. 1 iSrUd, l2;ilUu,ia.a. .. Appl.aalUl.Mcal, lillami 0(a It Vutur (SO 14 II b, ! I l (!....... ...M( IM Vaolmbaat IDIiUia 11(9 It Sour Ib, .M. p.rk, bbl...M M B..f, 4ri.d IM Ik'OM. M Baaf, ft..k... )0 10 Oai............ IN Board., M II OUiPoUlo.. U(jS IM Corn,.b.ll.(i.. 1 10'P.MkM, drlad, .. It Cora.wr 00(4 N'Plutw, V kkl...... I N Oora aiaal,l,a.k, tllRya. 1 10 nson. ik at luua 1 U KlII. t . Clo..r...d t mIh.Ii, ....1I3(4 III Ob.,H. iiM.iaia i.4(o)IN Ob.rrlM, B. H(i III Oklokaaa, and, lb, 111 ttt - li riaiaMd... 100 rioar ttoia III Hay MljiM Bblal,i,llall(0llU Tlnotay hu.... n Tallow....M..M. HI Wb.t...... 1 U Wool Wood, rd 4 M Pennsylvania Railroad TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON aad aRar Moaday, KOV Id, 1171, Ib. fumpr Traia. will naa dally (.iMpI Baa day,) kainaaa Tyro a. aad Ouatkald, a. follow. CLEARFIELD MAIL. LIAVI B0UT1I. LKAVR N08T1I. Cl..rl.ld......l.40.r. Pbilp.lmrf....4.ll, " OaMola........ll " Tyroa 1.01, ' Tyroa. ....,A.H. Oraola..- 11.40, PblllDibar...l,.lo," Cl.arl.ld .....11.50," CLIAHriKLD KXl'RKoB. LIAVB 801TU. LKAVI NORTH Clearil.ld t.ll A. . Tyroa... ..T.M r.l. Pblllnabarf:.. 1.9k Oaeaola- 1.90 InUraaelloD.. T.4I Tyroa... 8.11 0.r.l.. ....... .1.10 " " Cle.rl.ld,.r...l.J ' FARE FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bell.rbnl., Fa II 19 Look Haran 1 71 Middl.towa ..... II Marl.lla. , M Laaeaatar . I II PUILADELPBIA ? II Allooo...... ...... 1 li WIMI.m.port....... 110 HaatiBgdoa 1 M Lowiatowou M I II Maryarill... 4 it HARRIHBURO ... 411 Johaelown.. I II P1TT8BUHO I II Oloaa aonaaetioai Mada by all traia. at Tyroa. aaa ijook uar.a. 8. S. BLAIR, BapertatoadaBt. E XECUTKIX HQT1V1L, Notice Is hero- A by niven that letter testsjnMtarv na lb eslate of 11KNKT HWOOI'K. deooasod, Ute of llradv township, C learn eld oonaty, Pnn a. having boon duly grnntcd to the nndersfgnod, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and tboaa having claims or demands win present tnem property auiueniicaieci ror set tlement. BARAH JANH 8WOOPK, Executrix. Lulheraburg, June 10, 187l.-t rpKACHEUS WANTED. Th Bebool Directors of tbe boron rh of Clear f eld giv notice tbat applications will be received from teacher, for Ibe various departments in the KMie so hoo Is of said borough, until Aagnat th, IHT4. At least fear teachers will bo re quired. NeaobatUebotwillhoaoMptod. Tb Principal must bo a man of experience, with a weroogn doeallon, and ati lo teach in ! gnagea if necessary. Liberal wage will bo paid. By ordor of th Beard, J-U WM. M. MuCULLOCQH, Bc. HDRSE STOLEN 1 Prom tbe stable of lb ndrigocd. In West Huntingdon, on the night of JnnoScth, n BHIUIIT BAY HOK8K, medium site, nbont even year old ; also, a saddle aad bridle. A suitable reward will be paid for tbo re tarn of tbe horse, or for any information that will lead to bis recovery. MAKUAKlfT MAHT1N. Julyl-Jt ISSOTU "CO-PAUT- NKHfiHIP. Motlea Is bcroby givea tbat the nnderslfoed bar this day disposed of tbe one-half, being tbelr eetire inlerott, ta "Tbe Hope rire-urtcK Hanniaeiurtag i;ompaoy, ' at vtooo-. land, to tbe other members of tbe firm. Tb new Company will receive all assets, and pay all lia Utiles of tbe f orator Irm. H. A. RICHARDS. Woodland, Pa., L. U. YYILB. June It, I874jlyl-lt. 1)ARIX)N NOTICE. Notioa la horaby glr.a that aa applleatioa will ba Mad. to tk. Board of Pardoaa, at Harrla barg, for a Fardoa for TboMaa Waplo, eonrUM ia th. Coart af U Barter iMMioa. af Claarwald mtalj at BaptoMbor oMaioaa, 1171. . WM. M. MeCULLOUOH, J. !4:lt.B Allera.y for PMIlioaar. 0 KPHANS' COURT SALE. VALVABLM TIMBER LANDf By virtu of aa order issoed out of the Orphans' , Coart of Clearfield county, Pa., aad diroetod to the undersigned, there will b exposed to public sale at tho Court House, la tbe borough of Clear field, Thureday, tba Any an Jnly, IMA, at t o'clock, p. ta., tb following noMrlbed tract of land, tbo estate of Isaac MuKee, deceased, , lato of Knox sownsbip, to wit r Tb ontbeast corner of tb Benjamin Ponltney tract, containing Klghty-lx Acree of timber land, situate in Knox township, Clearfield county, Pa., having a rargc amount of valuable timber grow ing t hereon and Is ecBventcatly located for taking off the earn. Tbo land I well adapted ta farm ing and grating purposes. Txbhs or Balb. Ten percent, of the parches money at ale, oo-third of th bataneo nt oeo Irmatioa of sale, and the romaiador la two equal payments six and nine months tbereafUr, with interest, to b ecourod by bond and mortgafre. JAM BA M. MrKGHr i, IHWIN McKKK, Administrator, July 1 -St 0 UPHANS COURT SALE. VALVABLM UN TIMBER LAND t By vlrtcw of an order Issued ont of the Orwhaa Court of Clearfield oonaty, Pa., and to nt direct ed, there will bo exposed to public Bale at the Court House, in tb borongh of Clearfield, on Friday, tbe if 4 lb day ? -Inly, I at 4, at S o'clock, p. m., a valuable tract of Pie Timber Land, the estate of John McCulIy. deceased, late of Chest township, to witr On Hundred aad Forty Aero, mora n lass, situate ia Chest township, Clearfield oeanty, Pa, being n part of th "John Uandekar" enrvey. This lan t one of th most valnabU timber tracts now In tbo market, being advantageously si tea tod for removing tho timber therefrom, aad having a large amount of tbe finest quality of pine, oak and other hind of Umber thereon. Tnruis or Haim. Ten per cant, of the purehase money at sola, one-half of balaaee at ooanrnaniion of sale, and the remainder in one year thereafter, with iaterost, to be scoured by bond aad mortgage oa tb premises and by good ollalleral onrity aaa to no approved oy me uoun. JOSEPH FATTRR80M, AdMlaiatralor. jalyl-lt 0 nrflANS COUKT SALE. By virtue of aa order Itsaed et of tbe Or phans' Court or Clearfield ooanty, Pa and di rected to the undersigned, there will be exposed to liublio sale at the Court House. In the borouch of Clearfield, on Tuesday, tha Hlb day of rniy, swin, m I 'cwek( p. at., the follow lag deeoribed promises, the property of Andrew Han tor, deceased, late of Morris township, to wit t All tho right, title. Interest and ataim tbat th aid decedent bad at and Immediately before the time of hla death of, In aad to all thai oortala tract of land, known as ths "Hunter farm," situ at la Morris township, Clearfield county. Pa., ooatatalag On Hundred aad Bint. eight Acres, re or leo,adbondod by lands of Uoorge Welt, John Irvin, (loorge Johnston, J. 0. Brenner and others. There aro about 100 aero cleared, having a Log Hobs aad Log Bam thereon c rooted, aod other i bb prove oata, Tbbms or Sal. One third cash at aala, aad th balnue at confirmation of sal. - - DAVID H. PARK KB, ,.. MABTliA HUNTh-H, July 1 -It Adaialetraoot. 0 RPHANS' COURT SALE. VALVltLt rAkkllO LiMDt By -rlrtaa af aa ardar keaaed aal of tko Orpkaar Caarl af Cl.arl.ld aoaaty, f .., aad diraaUd ta la. aadarai-tiwl, th.r will b .xpoaed to pablio aal. at tk. Coart Ifnaa., Ib th. borough of Cleer l.ld, aa W.daia.d.y, Ik S4 Hay af Jaly, at I o'aloak, p. m. Ika (oltowia, 4albo4 raai .atata, (ha pruperty of AbraM R. faoalaa, daiwaead, lal. of Kaoi towa.ktp, to wit t '. All that aortal a Moat af Lad, en aural., 0a. Haadrad Aaraa, Ben m iMa, koflad aa tba Bort. by land or tlaorn Daanaa, oa tka aaet by land of A. A. Wlnfnrun.r A Co., ontb. asntk by laad of Joha M. Chaaa. aad tka we kr hud af Frio. A. Rowlaa, aaoat II Bans of wkleb It olaarod, wilk a Lo, Hoaaa aad Lo, Bara taaraoa noted. Tbie properly U wall lolled ror fana la parpoMa, aad titan tad aaar Big Olaarlald uraoa, ia a toaa aattaaaraoaa. Tbbbi or BallTmi pt otaL af tka Btarskaat Moaee at aala. aaa-tklrd of tba kalaaaa at tea. naaMn. af aal., aad tk. nMaladar ra two at oat Way. oat I aad 4 aaaatka tbaraaflat, aitk laHrart, M at taowraa by rae aad Mortfaaa. , , KATHAlt B. fEOPLBS, ' I-SiCS A. tow LIS, Jalyl-St - . - AdMiaiatratore, TilVORCE NOTICE. J la tka Ooart af Oommbb Plaat af ClaaAald toaaly, la (at Blata af Paaaaylraatt I Barak M. Clark, by 1 Babptiaa Bar Dlraraa, Na. ka, Mt frlaad, I III, Marok Ttrta, IIT4. To. I Aliaa l.oa. Na, II, das. atiitt 4. uiars. l Tana, IB74. Yoa, tka laid MUee J. Clark, an horaby Bell, ad aad najalnd to ka aad appear before ear tald Coart, U be held at OUarwold, oa aba ITtb day af Aagae! Beat, ta aaawat toe awllaa a Ukal af tka aald Barak 1. Clark, abara aaaBoa,aa4 akow naaa, If aar yoa kaia, wky Ika ..Id Barak J. Clark, yoat wife, tktaM aat ka dlraraad Bad Maaral.4 trtaa tka loot, af MatrHaaay, aaAttad beta with yoa, BMordlag It tbt Aatt af Aawaeablr at taA m. mbAb atd prorload. W. R. MrPHERnON, " ' HkarkTI Btlaa, I ; Ctaatwald. Pa.Jaly 1,117 4-41 f Pibx, warn a roan lir in. bkus darl raaalrad tad fcr aal. ky April i, ui. a. r. siua a ox ruvtSasistis. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLKABFIEU), PA., ANorACTvnuu. FIHE BRICK, Farnacc Elceks, 6as letortt, Store Unlngii Faring Tiles, Ao, CMmnew Tmpt, snnCsn Gmjm, 4 rvtw. All kinds of Architectural Admrtwrrts. ORIGINAL DBBIdRB IB TERRA 00TT4 MADB TO ORDER. . Wllk laaprand Maaklawry, IrM ataat Malarial aad akillad rwhaM, wo aaa warraal all oar aaaaafaetaraf ta b. afaal to if aot eu parlor ta any ia tba Markai. Artlala. af oar MaBBfaatBraaMa kaaaaa at tk. Worka, aoar Ralh-oU Dapot, ar at Ibe Hardwara Blora af n. I, Bigler t'e, All ardera Praak a dlatanaa, addraaMd t. Ibe Gaaeral 8ap.riBUad.Bt, will naatr. praMBt at. nnoB. i. O. HABTBWICK, JOHN FERGUSON, Oaa'l Bapt. af Healblold, Uarakirk, Boollaad, Bapt. MaaaraalarlBf LefL May'7l H. F. BIGLER & CO., II AKD WlltB, AUe, Maaafaataranrf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 0LEARFIELD, FA. "CURMING 1UPLEMENT8 of all klada for aala ky H. F. BIGLER A 00. T AILR0AD WUEELBARK0W8 fr aala by H. r. BIQLXB A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, N.lla, au., for aal. by - H. r. BIQLER A CO. ARM ESS TRIMMINGS ft SHOE FladlBf a, for aala ky H. F. BIQLER A 00. Q.TJN8, PISTOLS SWOKDCANES Per aala by H. F. BIQLER A CO, T0VE3, OF ALL SORTS AMD liu, for aal. by H. r. BIQLER A CO, rHONl IRON I IKON I IBON1 'Far ala by H. r. BIOLER A CO, IT 011S g SHOES ft HORSE 8HOB AA KAIU.rar H. F. BIQLER A CO pULLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad bMt Maaafae,tara, far Bale by H. r. BIQLER A CO, HIMBLK SKEINS AND PIPE SOXBI, tm aala by H. r. BIQLER A CO. JpODPER CUTTERS for m1 by caSO-70 - B, r. BIQLER A CO. JOHN TROUTMAN, DIALER IN -r FURNITURE, ' AND Improved . Spring Beds, ' ' MARKET STREET, BIAS F. O. Tka amdtretfneel keca Mara ta la form tka ertl at, af Cbaarlaid, aad tka pablkt fnarally, that ha kat M kaa4 a Aaa aaMrtMnt af Faraaaara, aaek at Wtlaat, Caaataat aad Palatal Ckaabar Salter Parlor Baltea, RaaHalaf aad Btlaa.ios uaalra, lMiar aaa uaatr Ka.y iBalra, tat rar foratad DlalBf aad Parlor Cbalra, Caaa SaaUaad Wladtor Ckeira, Clothal Bara, Btap aad Etlea aio. Laddert, Uat Ratka, 8arabblB Brathat, Aa MOULDING AMD PICTURB FRAMED, Lookiag OlaaaM, CkroMM, Aa wklok woo Id k. aatiaaie ror uellaay praraata. dotll'71 JOHN TROUTMAR po FARMERS I And all Penoni who wish to do tho Labor of Ten Men By aaa mm tad Ib. laraotaatat af a mw aaHart la MatkiBtry, wa offer Woods' The Buckeye Mowers, wkltk kara ftaad tka taat af Iwaaly yaara, at wklek tiaae tkara kat kaea Mara af tkeae ta. oklatt Mad. aad tald tkaa af all ataar Makiaaa aaMbiaad, la tka Valtad BlaMa. Tbe Waodi aaaekiBa took tko Irat prtaa at Vmbbb, Atwtria, ia toMpolilioa wllk all Ika Batklaat af tka world, tfa alaa Mil tka Itkiaa, Hagorttawi aad voarey all warraaaW kt ba taada af tk. koat Batarlal aad If tkoy do aot do their work riakl, wa will take tkoM kaak aad reload the Maaey. Wa alaa Nil HPROCT'f OR EAR AND RILLIB' HARPOON FORKB, PULLIEB, AW, : . TBREBHIHO MACMINBa. af all klada, kat avarity SHU A Hofaaa't mm. BDCKBTS .RAIN DRILLS, CIDBB MILLS, . . f AHNIN0 MILLS, aad all attar attakntt la war Raw. Tw. aar nada tl a.bitM yaat raaalrad. Da 01 Ml to tall. M. 8. BROWN BRO. At Meat Markai, ta Marktl ttrttt, Craartobi, Ft. i tawtT4 T lT Or JURORS drtwu fat aaadewwW Jj Coart M to held aa tka Urid MhU.t tbe lUa af Aagaal A. D. 1ITA. ' M. Oewaa SaaiMlt. B. WataMa-OraartoM H. MaCliaoy....MBaWM. Maaboltatat " , I. n. MoCraakaa " R. B. Tayiar JokB Bralb "I Wlta. Kaaaait...tteealar J.B.Baadnlla . D. . Koabart TkoMal Parkt....Botgt V. B. Holt Bradford Aaa. Maataww.Faigaaak Joha P. Hail .alker WIIIIimi Fred. Mla.rt.... Olrerd H. H.rl.fahr....Brdy II. Loaaabarry...tlaekta tioa. w. Uarlt...Uallak Ckrllllaa btotT lordaa (Iwirre Bait, It. Rlag Beraiide Joha PowelLLawroata Joeeph Walla Klwea Falla. JohB Oaaatr Wt. Fallertoa aorga L. NerrbJ ' " reaar atayat...Barrtt AdBM Maitk Pill. DarMWay " I. F.F.Roll.y.Carlagl'a rraaai. at iaot uaary naaa Veviaw' Blejb l as CAUTIORV-All p.itaatart kataky taat lea. I agabjal aayta, at aageliatlag far a ttrttta aroMltaary aoto glraa by at le Ira . ntllla.a dated taat. Ra. la daaaary Met, aalllag lor TWO HUNDRND aad BIFTT DOLLARS, Btryakla w Aagaat Beit, aa we bara tjarar tataittA aaraa for tald aala, aad wa ara dotal and Bat ta pay " T 'i ll IV '"'fa taTua n ' ' ' ' B. dt i. RRSASB. ' a MikVart, Jaaa 14-M. .. -rtXBCCTOB'S NOTTCBv-NmIo. Ii aere- I j by glrta that kalian lialiMiiilary karlag koaa graatad ba Ika lakinllM aa Ika aatat. tf SIMON BTANLST, linttit, lata af Uatiek aawaakia, Cloarlald aaaaly, Taaaaylraala. aU atrtoat laaVbtad la laid eotAAa at raaaaattd la aaaka iaaaatlata portaeat, Bad Siata karlag I KMBO Hit BOAS ALSXANDBR, Biiam. aaa ra, lltl-at.. CAtTTiOBWin ,ntaat ara kereby aaaU aw ed aot taaataktaiarataldli with aaa bay karat, aaa aaa Wat. aat) aaa baaaR eew. aow la tba a loa af Jatwak Faaa, af Ball bewaakla, at (ba taat. bataagt u at aad It ar with kta aary takl eat tt My ardar. . an allralti BaMWrger, Jary I, lit -M r !, T0rUi, Hit. J. M. KRATZER, IIS PIE'S BUILDING, . DEALER IN Dry Goods, Dresa Goods, Csrpols, Wall Papon, . Lodies' Slioei, Children's Shoes, Groceries, ' Provisions, ic. It jatt raatirlag a aoMplttt ajeortaaeat of good., aaait m aMtat aaa Mwaat prutt. GOOD PRINTS, AT TEN CENTS PKIt YARD. GOOD YD-WIDK BLEACHED UU8- LINS, TEN CENT8. OEAVY YARD-WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, 12J CENTS. APPLETON'fl A MUSLINS, I2J CT8. per yard by tub hkce. AND ALL DRY GOODS AT LOWER RATES THAN HERETOFORE. DRESS GOODS, IN OREAT VARIETY. OARPRTS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAHPKTB CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTRY, INGRAIN, and nil lower grades. OARPRTS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAHPKTU CARPKTS CARPETS CARPETS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPKTS CARPETS PARASOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. GROCERIES, BY ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SHALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, FLOUR, , BACON, ALT, to., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED. Cltorlold, May IT, 1174. J. P. IltVIX, AT THB- CORNER STORE, CUfiWEKSVILLE, PA., WILL 8BLL CHEAP FOR CASH, AND REASONABLE ON TIME, Hla ailea.lre Blook af STAPLE DRY-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, , MEAT, FISH, CANNED FRUITS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN-WARE, 8LASS AMD QUEKNSWARR, HARDWARS, ROPS, T0BAOC0, Aa, Ao. e FLCII, SALT AUD TLASTEI BY THB CAR LOAD. Cottage Sets and other Furniture, LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES, AfATLnmnor aad Conatry Prod sum taken In aenswf rer awod at tb klftitirt market price. unrweosTiiia, ra Jane a, IB74. rjpHB BCPKRIOR MOWER 3t REAPER 1 scaa-ar rowemi SIMPLE, H0ISELIS3, DUKABLL Tba taoaaribar leala aaaldaat thai tbla aea. aklaa la adaptad la tka waau af Ika brraan tf vajartMB toaaiy, aaa woald rotptaUallj aak o .eewiaa r. tana aayiag a mbobibb. 0RSR HAT FORK! AND RAKES, ORAIN uatLUl, THUKBHINU MACHINES, ate. Deeerlptlrt aaaipWt. fraa. , dOSBPS H. KIRK, Ageal, JaMlI M Latkereberg, Pa. QONXLIN WAGONS I Tba aaaarauTatd haa aa haa "Bkaw aala,'' CUarieU, Fa., a Celebrated Ceiklla Wafrsns, kkk be onVrs en very toasanablo terais. Tko Wafona haw n national iatatfaw, nnd farmor io asi cissn win oe we, ta eaii aad Became Fm. AH tko laformatlow deetred Soaeeralai tern wilt be farwlaked wilk ptasnr. yalt lm R. NNWroll ftRAW. B OOT ASDBHOB MAKING. JOSEPB I. DEERINtl. oa Markai Mrtat. la Skawl Sow, Olaarlald, Fa., baa jatt reaotrad a, ka bat at Foaaak Oalf Bkhu aad Klat, Ik boat la tk. faarkal, aad Ib aaw ataaarad ta aaaa aratyiaiag la Bit uaa. aa will taat kla wtrb tt be a. laar.a.ttad. Tk. tMH.aa af oiaaraant aa rtalatty tat iy tBneta e g.ra bim a tOH. ae at than aoUe. tiirtly BARGAINS US MUSICAL IN ITBUMBNTBI Orgaaa, balk aaw bad Brand haad, at tke Meat. Blora, aaaa.Ha allek'a Faraitara Itara. All pare. a. iatenet.4 ara ta.i lod at eall e4 twaMtaa a aow atyla of Orgaa Be aa aahtbtuaa. Ratal Maato aad Mo.le Boaki taaa. apllllW WANTtD.-My tb Cla.rll.ld Re. aabwar Saat Stak OaMaaay, Waad Mr , IlrMf OAST BOOK HANDLES, af beet oalHy bard tagar, BplM la tlet. For la. aaa an. a. aba lata pre aa IJaBlllfJ. ALBS, d SogBrBtara WATSON, Sry 5w0d, tSrsrrrlrf, (tit. ttli. 1174. UNDER FULL SAIL! THE KEYSTONE TO THE FRONTI Headquarters for Dry Goods! Am OTvenlot my Beeood larBO tprins, and nor Mock of Porctf a aud DoaMstl DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, LADIKS' A CHILDREN'S SHOES, Jc, c, Ac. The prleaa win ba eaek ae win aot be aioellod by aay other plate ia tha Stala. Cell aad let lor yourtelvte. WM. REED, Marll Sttoad ttrttt, Citarfltld, Pa. QHANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUCHEY Wo Id respeetfnlly aotify tke pnbll fonerally ikstl ka hu numhkiAtd. J. ft Hlinkwtu-'a ..Mdktvrw Store, In Bhaw ' Kow, vber ke intends keplns? . fa.ll II.. a QROCERIEd. HAMS, DRIED DEEFaad LARD. SUOARg aad Si RUPS, of .11 gradea. TEAS, drtaa aad Black. COFFER, Routed tad Grata. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All kiada ia tka Marktt, PICKLES, ta jara aa4 btrrtla. 8PICE8, la erery fora aad rarlety. FAMILY . FLOUR, ALL KINDS OK CB ACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Cos! Oil And Zatunp CUfflasys. And a load attoriMeat of (boat thlore aaaallr kept la a grooary atora, wbirk ka will eiekaage for Marketing at tha Harkt pritta. Will ttll for aaak at tkaaply aa aay ttktr aaa. Pleaa. Mil aad aaa hit atook aad jadga far yoaraair. JOHN MctJAUOQBT. Cloarlald, May 17, 1174. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opposite Post Otfleo, New Goods I New Prices t CHOICE LIMB OP TBA", OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, T0UN0 HT80N, INOLISH BREAKFAST Parrot la Marktt BUTT ICS AND BGCR Will ba boat aad (old at Irat aoal. Caah Bold vwoo.ry rrauwoa. j OERMAN CHERRIES, TURRET PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS HUH. Maaktral, Laka Urrriag, Cod, At. PICKLES. Barrel Pltklet and Baglltk Ploklai. PLODS AMD PESSD. Floor, Cora Meal, Oat Moal, Ao. f.bU'74 LYTLS t MITCHELL. ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IS ' - ' ' ' GENERAL MEECHANDIS2, SQIAIB TIMBER A LtMSEa, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hit Jatt apaaod, at tht aid ttaad, Ib OrahtM t now, a toMptttt tiotk or iir a o o os, af artry deaerlpttoa. DRY GOODS. " OROCEUIKS. HARDWARE, BWT8 A KB BUOBS,; c' . , CLOTBISO.rfu.ift).. IN GREAT VARIETY. KLOUR, . MEAT, ' "t 8 ALT, RYE, OATS, '"- ' - CORN AIWA YS OS HAND AKD FOR SALS AT A SMALL ADVAlfCS. 'FLOUR' V Rttalrad b Ika aw load, aad tald at a taaal A tapply af ROPE aoartaatly aa kaad. Spatial iadMtavaatt tdttrad la tboaa gtttlag aal Beara TtMbar aad Laga, aa wo Jaal ttrgaly la LaMbaraMa't BappHat, Mad art ara pared at all llataa ta terebaje tlM bar aad laabtr. an. w. a a a a n, Markai Stroei, - CLEARFIELD, PA. OK. tl, 1171. CURLET 4 01IJ)WtLL, : , i. ' . BtALaat i ;; : ; , Agricultural Implements, ' IISLER STATION, FA, W. ara aaratt far tka 'Ohaaepteo" Raaaar aad Utmt nablaaw. tka Fraat Hart Boko aad CenwtaaV Foddar Caltar, aswtM at far a ftlada af Siarat aad Htalart. Baaiplat alwayt ta aaad Crf oast adatatltjt tA WIBJaanrawa, Ctetr StJd aaaaly, Pa. Jwatll NB gPUnlUnrsttj. MISS E. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, FA. THS WINTER AND SPRINU TIRMS will ak May Hlk, 1174. .... ... TBRMB OF TUITION. Saadlag, Orlbagrapky, Writlag.ObJaal Loa aoaa, PriMary AritbMatit aad Fritaary Uaograahy .. . 7 N Uiatory, Loeai aad dattrlpllra Oaagrapby vllh Map Drawlag, UraMMar, Maatal aad WrltUt Aritkmetie....u I II Algebra aad tha tioiaaott. 11 M laalraotiaa ia laalraMiatal M..U.....-... II N Oil palatlaf, 14 Uwaa-.... ,- 11 N Wat wark I N For fall partiealare Med far Cimlar. Cloarlald, Marok 11, 1174, l:7:7l-y The Bell's Inn Woolen Factory, Pana towaaklp, Claarltld Co, Pa, IDIIID ODTI kT aar BURNED UPl Tk sabecrleers hava, at great xpons, robwIH elf hborkood nceoocity. In tae ereetioa of a iret las Wooloa Maanfaetory, wllk all the modern Improf esaeata attacked, aad are prepared to snake all kinds of Cletha, Cassis arcs, SatinotU, Blan kets, riaansda. Ac. Plenty of food on kend to sopbly all oar old and a tkoosond, wkom w ask to oea aad xanilna oar stook. Tk nnainc of CAEDIMQ AND FULLING will reeolr onr epeUI attention. Proper arraof aaients will k made to reoatv aad deliver Wool, to colt customer. All work warranted aad doae apoa tae shortest aot too, aad ky strict at ten tioa to basin w kopo to reaJla a liberal ska re of public patroaaajo. 10.0UO POUNDS WOOL WANTED 1 W will pay tne hlgneat market price for Ws aad tail onr aoefaoiarvd snwds a low ae similar goods caa bo bonf kt la tke oonaty, aad wkoaevsr we fail to reaaer roasoaabto aatliatiea w caa always be fonnd at kom ready to mak proper explanation, ait bar I parson or by letter. JAMES JOHNHON A SONS, aprillflif Bower P. 0. JF KCONOMY 18 AN OBJECT, EIT T0VE CLOTHING, Faraiflhing OoodB, 4o.( AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. They koep full lint of - Affit'i, Youttu' t Boys' Clothing. Alio, UmbralUi, Ratcballs, Oreralli UkU, Shim, Uodersbirts, sod Driwers, Ao., Whioh thty will ttll at MO.t rtaaoaablt prloea. Call aad aiamtaa tbeir gooda borort parobatlag aletwbara. KooM la Maaalaa BBildiag. Claarltld, Pa, April. 1, 1174. JJEW 6TORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW it SON Hat jut opanwd Ntw Bto, oa Mais St.,CuAiriiLB, P. lalalr ooeupiad by Wnt, T. ISWIN. Tbeir itack eouiaU Oaocskiia of lb baai quJity, Qukknswars, Boots and Shoes, and artry arUola kaoaaaarr for oaa'i eomfort. Call aad tumia ear i took bwfar pr- ckating alaawbara. May , 1844-lf. A. H. MITTON'S (Saaittaet to Crala A Mittaa,) Hew Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. TUB aadaraigatd, karlag laaasd raoMl for tba MBBBfaetBra of all kladt af SADBLKS, HAR NKSS, aad all tha lataet iMpraraaaaau la Horn Fora labia. Ooadt, ia aow prepared ta ill all ordora at orleee and aaalily that will tarpriee all wka farer klM witk a eall for Ika laaaaatioa af kit work. Mo It dotonaiaad to ,Maaa aaa tw ti porioaaa aad abttteatloa la aattera Bad wttltra eitlea tatblot bla to DEFT COMPETITION tt tbt Maaafaotara af Oald, Silrer, Ortidt, Robber Cararad aad UIlt-Maod Moaatoa CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESSI aim ria. RIDINO AND RACINO SADDLES. HI. mil aad atptataa belBg tight, ka trill toll lb. aa. gradaa af work M par ML akoaaat Ibaa (bay aaa aa aoogat la tat oaattra maata. Repairlag aad adjaetlag Saddles, Ueraeee, Ae,, aaatly doat, at raaeoaabla arlooB. Partltalar attaalioa paid ta all ord.ra ky Mail ar athtrwlta. Cell aad tot bit work before bay tag alaawbara. JmT-Koomi la Irwia a mora, aoitaoorto aey. ttoNStora. A. H. MITTON. Clearleld, Pt May 11, 1174. nXECCTORS' SALE. Jl J Tka andoraigBod, Eistatort af tbe aetata af kritr. weoeotoa. will aRar at aatllo tola la KyMrtowa, CImmIoM aoaaty, P.., aa atoaaa), tka suta aay at ty, una. tka IbrM kaowa at tba "Jotopb BcaMt rana, aoaad- ad aad doaeribod aa follows ; Oa tbo wnt br bad af Joba B. Krnr. ea tka aortb by randt af J. B. Kylar aad la. Mbbh, aa lb. ait by laad af Peter Rayhora, aad aa (be aoalb by Itadeaf Pe(er Raybora aad Leoaard Ky. lor, aoalaialBg ElOHTT-FOUR ACRES, aad allowaaea, with a haaee, bara, aad good orehard tbereoa. Tbo laad ia aador a good Hall af oalli ratios. Tbbbs or Bti.t.OBa.tbird af Ika parekaea astaar ta ka paid a. day af aala t oae-third la aaa tear, .ad tk. kalaao. la twa yaara, to ka atoaraa ay aoaa aaa Mortgage aa tat prteaitea. a. ranan, WM. I. RUTH ROCK, jell-It Blaaatarl MITCHELL WAGONS. The Best is the Cheapest I Tbeaaaa Redly kat reatWed aaalkor larg. rat af Mitebeir WagaBa," whieh aro aaoog tka eery oat aaaafaararsd, tad wkiok ka will toll at tba ott raaaaaabla raua. Mia etoah raeradea alMttt all daaarlptloa. af wegoaa largo aad small, wide aad Barrow Iraak. tall aa I tee taett. aprl'14 THOMAS REILLT. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! Tha HaaM aad Ut aa Um aaraar af Mar- bet aad Fifth ttreolt, Cloarield, Pa. la tor tab). Tbt lot atalaiaa aearly aa aora af greaad. Tka kooet la a larga daabla fraata, toataiarag Bias a. Far tarwia aad atkar BjforMataea ewsir ta tae taatsnaar, at ta. rea vejoa. aell F. A. SAULIN. aTIHBAP GROCERIESl J LUMBER CTTT, FA. Tha aadartlfBad aaaaaaM. to bia aid frleado aad patroaa that ho boa opoaad a goad Haa af GROCERIES A PROVISIONS at lit old euad af Klrh A Speaaer, for whieb be aollelu a liberal paaroaaga. M. w. triflvBB. bBMaer (.iiy, r. aaraa is-u. J. R. M'MURRAY WILL Sl'PfLT TOO WITH ANT ARTICLE OF MERCHANDISE AT THB VERT LOWEST PRICE. COMB ABD BEE. (I:lill:y) NEW WASHINGTON. I IME1 LIME! Tba gndtrtlgard la Bow araaarow la fwrkisk tka paklla wllk aa eiaaUoat teality af Beltsfonts Wscd-Burmd Urns, lor ptatbarlag para aaaa, by tb. larga or ombB tjaaauty. Caa ba loo ad tor tba fiaieat aa PWe asw kaiMlBg, oa Market at root. satl4f k. a. WVLIMValal. EcBBtali EchCraet Lai, CPBWENSVms, FA, MOSIfl taralaaed aw Ftaalaa, FeMrrata, Coa- tate : B, B. IIUMBR. Saa-k. ayl aa. CarwaarrUla, Fa. DHINrWi-MATtrS'S HOTlCaWNMloa Is borebr aireo Iballettort af adataletraUoa D. S. N. 0. T. A. aa (ba aatato af JOAS SIDES, aat'd. tato af Oarlaatta towaabla. Olaarlald Oa- katbw kata aal grasaad to Iks aadartlgatd, aj aataat ladaktal to tabl aatato wta twaeo aak p. re. eat, aad tkaaa karlag atolBAt at lia tats win aroooat Bkoal biibmit aetteatleai.t aa, at taaai. WILUAM BIDBR, jaall-M ' ' ' Aiaalbrb7a4M. RwflaVirr, liavars, ti. OOK OUT FOR THE DIG HON! T. J. HUBBARD & CO., DEALIRI IS STOVES o RANGES, AND MANUFACTURERS 0V Tin, Slieflt-Iroo k Copper Ware, PLUMBERS k GAS FITTERS, Wr Market MrW, ClomrlcltU Will keep ea haad all the beet Cook Stores, Raafea, Ueatiag 8(otob aad Fnrnaeo In tb market, among vbick wo men Uoa tbo Arcand RanfC, Victor Cook, Diamond Stato and Kolip, all of wkich for beauty of desira and cboapaeaa oaaaot bo sarpasaod la tb market. All or oar Store w warrant to giv entire aatisfaetloa, or tko Stoe can aw retarnfd la Ua day. Old atoTos take la part pay for aew one. We keep oa aaad all of tk latent aad beat HEATING STOVES AND RANGES. Parthralar altaatloa paid to tha rapalriag af all kladt ( Suroa, Raagw aad raraataa. TIN WARE. Of aar wa MaBafattar., af all kladt, wbltk whitk will bt told aheap for aaek, ky wboleeale ta rotalL All aar wars ia Mads aat af aat Bad twa srota t'a, aad warraalod to ba jatt aa wa ftpiaaaat it, Tin Hoofing and Spouting at skort noiic ami a moot reevsonabl astd repaiHag aeally aad promptly exo- PLUMOTQ AND GAS FITTIN3 oa. aad all Jobs warraBtad aorfoat. Will ktaa aa kaad Oaa Fllleree, af all kiada, aad It ap with Baaatt.fiatk Boilara. Balk Taba. Shower Bathe, Waak Staada, Blnki aad Water Closets. Partial wiakiag aaythiag doao la ear llae trill da well ta aire at a ealL at wa ara deteraiaed ta pltata all la regard la priaeaad styls af werk aiaatkla. I. J. Habhard will panoaaUy sapar ialaad aU wark aabraatad ta aar aara. J tail T. I. HUBBARD A CO. rjttK WARE, STOVES, ABD HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS ctoT"""t CURWENSVILLE, PA. Harbag boagkl tbe Hardwara Stars aad TIB Shot foraerly btJeagiag to W. A. Dale, wa iatead kaepiag far tola ererytkiag baloaglag to tba baalatst, aad will aadaaror to Ball aa low (or aaak aa aaa ka baagbt this tide af Philadelphia. At aar ettabliakaaat aay ka fwmad at all UaM a fall awpply af Sbelf and Hear Hardware, SHEET-IRON AND TIN-WARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SHOE FINDINGS, VtvOs, flints, Oils, Olass, Fatty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Faming Implements of all Kinds, SCYTHES, SCTTHS-8NATHKS, ORAIN CRADLES, RAKES, Ad Ausr jmiLL rurDijrvB, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, HORSE-SHOES, nOREB-SHOE NAILS, BOLTS, At. Wood end Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, &c -TIIt BPOUTINQ aoae low aad bait of Material aaad. WATSON, NICHOLS A CO. Cartrsaerlla, PaM Jaa. 1, 1174. rRONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IS HARDWARE, 8T0VE8. HEATERS, , ' R A NOES, HOLLOW-WA HE, . FAIST8. 0IL8 VARNISH. ' PUTTY OLASS, : -' ' R0PE8, ." " 8TKP-LADDERS, 1 ! r tCI 1 ;,tc(I WOOD, AND. WILLOW WARE I t . i i. i . i . i Tka BBltkrtltd Toledo AatLFraaalag ttarraalud IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Ka kettar Pwapt la tks BurktA. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, af all kladt, LAMP FIXTURES, At. AR a toweot l-lltl futtjatltla kHrawt, PkUlaaaarf, Fa. s TONE'S SAW GDJIatERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wa kere reosired (bo agaasy far ika asm aal 'IN aaal tkaaa at taaaMfaatararw arlata. UaM aad ataadaa aaaa. They ara tka kooa. jera-Ti u. w. it) baa a vv. TJIOfJ BAlftV-T J" ear. a raaaaaAt tewa proaart- wtlMBraawa sfWaarleld. Lat MlIU lata, a A a I Matyadaab hoaaa Ikarssa rooota dowa rtaire aad toarS 4 raeajs"- -a, Aiea, tawtag roots aad b- rata -- Moaaa l.lih.d aaaa- tt aoaMe parok I ' k. e- atraatjtl A