Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 15, 1874, Image 2

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    - -nr-.- ' . ii i 1 1 1 .1 r iMWinwjWii in' i i r l t-' -r-rirTrr -rrf i ' -r -' ": y ' Ti'm1 1 - -r " Ctf:T",,2.?r"!' 1 " ' V- 'TT.f t:"" T.--r.".' .jJ.-'J;ix:-r."i.z-: 'm'Z'Ji. " "''
. - - ... aiaa.a...,.aM..aaaaaaa.
j "CLEARFIELD BEPtBLICAy - . . - ; , ..;f . , T ..'i": .XV:.'1.. ;::"3,r4ARFlELD . Jt'U , '
Cha largeat ISrettlaltwai ifny Nawapaawi-
In Mart. Central IPaaaay IvaaUu
Terms of Suhaoription.
ff niil after ) anil bafnra 6 nnth 3 to
) ir r aar lM apirauta at a atoataa,.. uu
katei oi ldvertUiug.
Jf rs&Jtaat 4vrtlMmsBt. r? tqsara uf Hnaaar
, Uu, S time ptUi.. ...,.....-. ,....vw.l 1'
Kur wh lubisiunUBMrtii'S SI
(ltiiliililrtiri'iitlacttUTt'ntli I St
f ; PrucwiusKl fWJ, S line Um,1 Iov , 1
,: 1 tmian..,:..:,.'.'... ) t ntmni..:; fS H
i t nmi: I M f t mUmn 41 H
f asm . ..t4 MM mIiimi. Jl M ft
J'kmi FIELDi NG,
t. Alio UNB V-AT-LAW,
UtrUeld. !.
WiU Mad la tl buiiMM uitrMtwl to kin
HAvfl) L. K.Kit.
11-151 1 CIrkrfitlil, Pa. '
. V. WILKIN, M. . W. E. Ti VALltM, M. .
C'ltarf eI4, la. rf ,h
" 'Olfl'j l reildeac of Dr. W.Lwn.
OrviH HoLuti Pruta U U2r. h. lr. Vii.
Ttvltib rui tw found at night I hU rcxjiR, wit
tW l litvfiikli A ItwiBf Lift &w VP
itAUrt. , .,, . BWi
U'UI prot)y aitoiid all wUs I l tiaasfalf
Miira a. a'BiiAU.T.' aivtat, . n'ciiaaf.
nearneid, ra.
oneiny. on DMona iumi. rbt
Vfetiaaal llank. jn:l:Ti
Attorn kit and CnuiiiKioK at JLaWi
tlatlftK tr!n4 hit Ju l(tKip, rnio.J
th prwitlcn -iT tli lt In hli M ofli t Cw
lelij. Pa. WiU alltn-1 tlia ourt of Jaffertoa ai
Klh ennniUi hon peotallj ralalnad la enniiMtion
atn rwiiteat auUJlieh ,, I1U1TI
V. .A.TT0UNKY AT UW,.i ....
' eiearflwld, Pa. " - '
0tWa- la CimiM HnuAW, (Hbrif' OHm).
Lefrai batlaaaa proaillf atlaadad to. Ural natal
aaifai and aatd. v jall'TI
ji'W, BAN T Z, "
, - ClaarllaW, Pa.
X-0ffloa ta Pia'a 0ar UotMa, ftoaat Na.4.
AH leal baatnaaa aotraatad la bia aara pptiaaatla
atuadadta. . , - .. i))U
T7 x7 hT mU r ra y ,
Prompt attonllon ijlran ta all IcRal baainaia
ea trusted to hia oara In Claarflald and adjoining
unontlu. Offloo mt MUrknt at., upuoalta Nanta'a
awclrt mon, Claartield, Pa. Jal4T3
Icirltrla, Pt.
. IbtvOIIift in Uitbtw'tlUi.. .- tUai-lf
V;. T. wZsMiTHTTr7
tl:l:TI Cletrlleld, Pt.
MM a. IhartK KL, ClwrttM, - (MI.M
t':.,",ATT0KNK? at law;
letrfleld. rtw '1 . . '
VOftot U Pia'i .).rt RoUM. ifiWtl
. A'ilUltNBY AT LAW,, a
. Dtsarfleld Pa. - J
a ytfrOIDca la PiaVOpaaa- 11mm, itoswi No. .
Jan. 1, 1 117a; 1 - ' '
4wrl Kur aiatwta AMI, tSaearM Pi
. Mm a Talrd rtrvat, W Clmrr a Walnut,
-BpHaatfaHy a fan alt nrrtoM la aatllaa
tad buvlng land la Okaaraald and al)lwl
wnntlaa t and with a" aiparlaaea ot oar twaatr
faara aa a aarrayor, Oattara hlmaalf Ibat ha aaa
randar aallalacllol- u ffc I "
scuxrrjrjsu t coNTEtAJ!CEti,
" General Life nd Jiro Ins. Agent, ,
Doeda of Oon
ivanoa, Arllelaa of Axratmaat
and all
Kal iiajeri rinnnpilj m
Wp- In rirt tm llnu
Id, V., April , IH74.
i and nt-atlj aia-
, nuuna Ha. 4.
1 1 ""'""l!Ja iaXtra Hi 1 '
Haw I' iir f AtmWr,
UCaj la Uitatai't lluw. , - ,1. . OJfl '
:H - ilamalat :iaarlaM Owt r..ur yJ
" . . ArtOKNF.Y-Ar-l.AW
aallamMt, UMraWld VomMy, PoUK'a.
t VAI t-g-l I kIKmm!I It.
r"5v Ruao 6" r d6n7- rr-
M Jlttkaraa,49iakaU.,fUtMav Pt.
All kitl bailBMt proBtplljr tlttadad
'aW M.i'lA .. K - i.!
-uDR. T J. BOVER. "
T-Mftat avtH:4 a, U av.twd.lau4 a. M.
I& S'"kfwjViitjiii7
. B4 ta rdaaiu.i'a oa'altratt'it. '
April 14. Ht 'I1" :iUHtU. Ht
. M-dt lallWIUawra4. ai U
rtai.fwhV law la 4aaet4 rt ai wf fwalaarw) f
iJm Mah wHaial wwarlM. - Kaw awtatw aw
ad'welrataawTaHlatwtwa aaaataM.. alTI
'. , . UIUD HUkKIb ,,..., I. .
jiiji. ..(M.a.ananii. pAa'-' f.
'r t -wt n '
t. A. rurrv. mi I .dMa.M.
H I, laMrtftt (HrMt -arai4, Pt.
'-aatdTlavUWial aVaawU "'
. )Uan,iipa(,flrfaawJ.iiU JUjh Trl4wto
mtrm AtlAUAtaU. a-
a.aaawwta. armna ji, wi.ui
Afl far bMlaf an4 W Uaa'a I'aaWin
"rdnt and rpaiHagi guwawptli .auaaw
'T w Matkat attnat. CtaarAald, Pa ia
lortwMlf aaa r id ty Jm, Akaaaaar.
I - f a"rT "r '.aa 1 afajja . 9
1AMKHK WathiiN A hi.
W-f fc.'AldfcltAliii,,!!'
"' " ruuuui.b. rtsl
. ' AtIIHV. w '
.'.4 -dl BallMMrW, Pa. 1 ' I
kM. u-1 ... rtlaT!aLa MknaMt aa. Vaaaaa Matea aa
rTV faaaaa,. aaa a I aaafaaa, a.n m aaaaata..
".l.., illli,,i,)t,.w,,)lil ,, u., , .
,T,,a' u"aaa laa, 1 11 in a. pMHatp
VOL ' 48-WHOLfi NO." '2378.
. V A. Q. KRAMER,. .
- JUts U.KJ (Mtaaltoa At, i
' ' 'Cf.BAM'IRI.D, r., ' '
Win tr.itii.Uj (t til legt tmi'tfi.l W
(rt.UI U Di. otrt. i
4r0fflet la Optrt IfwuMf MuH Ar.
..if'li-Aa .-tl.
ftt B. OrrU. ' C. T. AltitodtK ' C. M. B.ra
u VtollataMi, PA. i ()., IJlj
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
HATINd loatiad at PennflMrt, Pa., ftftrt' Kfa
(.rufaMlonal rie4 to Ute pfopU C laat
pUoe ami lurruaadiitg Ooutirt. AH ualli ijroiitpt
aUanUat) lo. , , 00 1. 11 tf.
Jaallaa of ta PtaM. fl aa4 Coa.tynwr,
LtathrlHirCt !
All baflnati 1ntrnili1 t hlai will b promptly
atUoJad t. Penvfia wiiblnc ,0 np7 Hur-
..Kur tuill dn la a fa biai a all. a ne nariri
kimiflf that be can randarfatiffantlun. Mi of
aaiivnaBM, krlirlai of ajtracmatit, anil all Itfal
part, pffttuplty anl naall; asaenUd. lXOnoT4
Jaitltw of taa Paaea ami Berlrcnrr, t
CtirwWMvUI. Va.
.0iMMloai natta ana pTotii.tly
Haaufaclnrara A ailaoiiva Daalara ia
Sawed Lomber, Square Timber, &o.,
jaay-OnUra aolUUtttL BtllRnlUdua abort atrfloa
ant) raaaooaala Una a.
Aditraas Woodland P. 0., Ctairtald Co., Pa. -tft-ly
' W tLUbUT A llHufl.
PranchvUU, 4 la ar Held Coaiity, Pa.
Kaapf aaaatanily on hand a full aaaortaMnt of
liry liowda, llardwarn, urtxtariea, anu a?rjtnmB
aanallv kaut la a fetall atora. whlnti will a i-I4,
(ar oath, aa nbap aa alarwhera in tha avwitr.
rraaeavuia, juna i, isoi-iy. , -
URAUAHTO., Ft. , 1
Alf.l.ntlt BitnarMltr.rftnd la Hqutra
TlBibw tad tttwtd LHIthtrof til tiaat.
JMTOrdm toltcILd tnd all bill. rmtnpHj
' Clotrflfld, Pa.
HAVINO nnlid Mr.' Kntr..' Vnwn b
bopn. by ilriat atteatlna to bnalnrii tnd
lb. aitturuPtar. of t tuperinr trticl. or ilhl-.H
U rae.1. th. pttroita( of tU tbi old and ntay
atv .titomti. atf34U7i
Market Slrefrt, f?leHlfM, P. ' --CUOUOti.JiADK
NBttATIVKft atiuta la atawdf aa avail aa la
alur nth or. ComUnll on bawd a awatl
aartaiant f PHAMNK. (STKRKOHCUPKli and
STKHKIIflCOPIO VIRWa. Praaiaa, from aiJ
ityla af aaauldiav, ataJa U order. apria u
"re u b e n h ac km A N ,'
House And Sign Painter . am. Paper
ajlaarttelw. Pewta.""
te. Will Mita Jnha In hla Una bnrmplli and
laawarttaanlllttwinBnBt. ' afT4,(IT
Q. H. "h ALL,
M-Pampt tlwtyi at htnd tnd ntdt to ardor
aa tbovt aotiM. l'lpo, bond on roaitintbi. taat
All work varrtatod to raador stll.ftpll'ia, and
dall.tnd lldulrod. mjll Ivpd
" "e. A. BIQLER & CO.,
i and raaaufaetarara af .
" AI.l. fclNIW llfMVl r'l) M MHIiH.
Ill CI.mHPIELU, l'KKS A. :-
TJA8. B. GRAHAM,"' ;!:
t doijal in 4 . , , i
EelJ Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
James MrroiiRLriv '
giiuaro Timber it Timber Lrmds,
Vif H M A v-. , , . ,
""practical mttwuionT, ;
. I.UTnHIUnURl. PA. . 1
" Ant for tha A-arlaaa Doabl TurMn Watar
WbrM and Aadraw A Ktlbtcb W'bfl. Can fur
nhh FartnUta tirirt Mill, on ,bort aotloa. jrll'Tl
DR. J. P. BURC H Fl E L D,
Lata nargaaa f tha i.ld RaglmarH, Panna)anta
vaiaauara, Hifi rtiarnaw ma ma nrmj,
otara hla profaaa tonal arvteaa m thatltlaena
afOlaartaldwnwat. '
AwaTProlWalMalealla wtaantlt attandad) ta.
OwiM aa Satowd atraat, fnrtuaHyoeeapUd by
Pr.Waada. l"P"
t aa4 drilai. law .... m m
WMcben. ClocltK. Jewelry, StVer
mid I'laU'd Wre, Ho.f
-jam "cr.Ariiii,PA.,
6. 8N y p e r.;;.
Tklioi ClouU. Mid Julry,
Vaaaai'fnla,' IfarAu ,.Tf',,; ,u
. CXliABr-ll.I.U, dW ..... ,i.
All bladi of rrpalrtnrf Bf Iftr plamiirta a.
andadta. '- ' ' Apadl t:l, lTy '
Z'i 7 afcHllVAW "Ja'.J.
" 1 ' 1
(.fcK rCRMsni'tr Cook
Hra tmM tn 1T' CWrrVri tft, nwrk
rraahlla aad wwu aU , J TirT.- yyTi
Miss E. A. P. Rynder
aaaar roa
Cblakartig'a, Stla4yaa4 kiatraaa'a Ptanoa)
fliallhi, MaeB A ffinami-a ana raloaiat a
'' Wfaar and wataaaa, av Mr T
''- wahar'a Kawtaf MarVAwai' '' '
ttl ...P)M f'1 "1
lhaaa, Oaltwr, 9rx9, mrwiniry-kat VhCil ftttft
tf. Wa papri takaa (wrUta thaa hdlft lrk.
' dbj9totr nfpnrrl Hallrk'a jTuTBHatl
' Vtaarl-ld, May t, - r ' - '-
I. .lA.a.aat. . .i
it. BOOKfcKLLKRfi,
Rank Boek; MBnarurtarm,
.' -r AB TAII0I.. ..
Iia' Market U., FhtMtlphtu.
rkt and Bag, Paafwa,
lur, Kala, .
ma aaa wall
a r. t- .rr.
E. F. BIOLRH dTOOl--" -
t-.iv ut
4 WAlivS WCvaaS,
i t. i.a K. I .
hubs, sPOKta, BEix)e9, :'
a...,v I aiTaai..'. A 'A" ,lr'
akaaM aaaaa
County National Bank,
- OP n.HAHPTRLft, PA ; -T 1
H6nM In Mittooic Ifuil'lirtcsDv duura4lb tf
C. D. Wali' Drug rftuta. ... , ,
Vtag Ticket ft atul fruuj Livet) Jul, Quociia
bwt, t.U)fnw, Locilun, Paria au.i CttBLmfi.
Atio Draft, fur lalann llio Hnjrai Bank of Irttupd
and iiaperlal II nn It nf Iudon. . r
W. M. PBAW, CMbii.. "11:1:74
J. t. M'Olrk'. ' Edward i'ark.
McGirk & perks.' ;
Huccuvra u MttUr, 1'ark, A Utv, a , '
Phlllpatiurff. Centra CohuIt, Pa. .
T11KHB aH tht rmHncwt t.rii11 .nkfn Ut
If il aa lranaetd pni
Di)tl and uhii tfyi
Bioat favoratrte mnt
" 4 DREXEL &.C0.," ,'
Ka. SI tloulta Third Hirer L, PhUaJcliiU
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Amai'-atioa by awttl will roanva prvmM aUet.-
Una, anil all lufttraialion cliocr fully lurnirucd,
Ordan auliotcd. Aprd 11 -if.
( Raar t? Hatlron-f D.-pnt J
l.f.KAKI'f Kl.Ir, YA.
A thartaf pul.lUi ialrunaitc It re netful! au
-Ited. 414 , 6. U. ItnW, I'mp'r.
. (Cor. of Mrkot A Frcnl Urrat;,'
Cl.KAIiUKLD, j' A., .
Tha ondtirtinnoil hTin(f takrn rharijn f tliii
Ilatel, would ra.taotfut)T aoltnil mihlto p.trnnrie.
.aall'7i . ... H. BJIA W.
. ' XKW WAMirNUTftt. PA.
Thii m and wHI farnliheJ h-m hm kn
tnkw by thr an JcrKljtnnit. lie ft-ali roof-. lent at
bruipT able ta ramlar rati.factlon to tboaa who may
farnr bin with a nail.
HayS.JSTt. 0. W. DAVTl, Pnipr.
Opionllo the Cmirt Hon, ' ""
JaUTI llAl'SHAL A h'TlOM, Prup'a.
H(l(.ki:Hlllll'l' UOISK. . ,
nm.i.EFoxm. p'a : ," i
I t ' . II, JU1INHT0K A SOKS,'
, ( Maia Btrott, - 1 " T';
Tal.Io alwayi aupplied with tho Irt'it tW mntkut
atTiirda. Tha Uatvaling pahlla I Invtiatl to frill.
Bfl,'73, KUlllKT I.OVD.
Cwrnuraf Hatjond and MurkM ritraeta. r
""'.,f- CI.KARPII.n, PA.
THIS aid and aammodtctwa Hntal haa, daring
tba pait yaar, btiea anlarced to doubla ita
(urnar sapaeitjr fur iha.aaWraaiiiitoaLaf at rata,
gefa and gucita. Tha who la bwtldiuK baa-Uaa
r.rurotchad, and tha propriatnt will tpaaa Bo
saloa to render aia gaaaU aaanluilahia wMla
atalotT w,'b him. - a
vina 'Aian.ioa uoua u mo mot rum t
andfruia tha Dopoton tba arrlral and daaartura
at aaoh tr.ln. JOHN DO HO II KH TY,
aprO-70tr Proprlalor,
(MarhH Ht.. ht. F")n. nnd TliiJ.l . H
i:.KAHKIi;i.. PA.
The aiibaerihrr havf-; L-i-ci-oio prupijotur f(, wnord roapretrjH. ak a lilt.rJ liafo
f public patruDHge. ,
apH7l mSotuiE i.Kiroi.pT.
ClcArAaJd aaunty, VaBli'a. "'' ' "
Thtadldani. wall aaubtilhird lioul.bmatifwlly
filuaJed ua tha nf tha HaxaaahanBa, ta a
buruugU of Crw.UMrjlla, haa bnw taaawl tr a
tar ia ul vrM lijr tha aaderaliaaw. it taw
an lira! j rufiitad. and ia now apaa ta Ilia pathliQ
generalljr and lua UaxrUnir aainmwwitT ta jar-
tlcular. l'o piiip will laa up rod ta tandtraaaata
oonifartabla wbila ariyili)t at thia houta. Atnpla
Htatawnjf, raoat 4" lltf accommuUMlnn or traina.
CharKef modrratWi ' '
6e,t. 21, IhJO-tfw f - Bl.T l)UOM.
-1 V. A V
. . dental caed.
' a. jl mm.;
WnI. aay to htafnlient and the nub
llo (pwrally, that, tiaviajr diaaolaaw pwrtaarahlt
iih Dr. ribaw. he la aum data thntlr worl
of bla ffl3 hitu thaapaikanta awed ant rar
briwR put uti'Ior tbu banda of anr Mfh-rniarntaf,
Utoarfleld March 28, 1871-pilWHWhra .
J.H. STEWAET, D. D, 8.,
OHdWhTtrVTrwin. Dmg Store,
riTRAVnvtr.u., pa.
At) dental ptiraUuDi. vUiu In thu mtcbantaal
oroperalira branch, promj.tlj alUinU J ta al
BlUrfarllon Ktiaraiitfi'd. t-'pecial aUcnliuii paid
10 the treatment diaeaaea uf tii untuml I art a,
jfnmi and mouth, frrpularitj of the 1p th io
cr "i fully co)Terteil. Tr-lh eilrarlpd wiltwalpaln
by tltauaaof lit her, and arlifiri! Wth in.ertcd
of the Ik.l jaUrinl and waiualati tu rrlant
urncti..i."7 . ..,..r ' PlutiUb'Ji:!.
f,.,riH Hit! H I UP dA J,
BY N. FdllVLH Ml AV. II. 1). X.
! 44rAf VI aJlU
llaviag paarwfilt4 ta attla a liAtaaw tariff
matenal. brnre Ibr tow and mutliruti rhariia fur
parlfat and fail Ml f Tovth. 1 are tho Wt
tpanunafim-s ur mit anu antfr rnafrihi. All
ri parwltinH tel-Awfad lid wartanttll li) gt lej.
WatrA fMHrrarHha. ''' ' -
Prlfn1,'..;.3i .'uai-rirrA.'fttTH lV4t-
tTrin nf art., tar nam tti irfits a M tim itVuUI
tnth ai (in tbemoM ee.pnat..elft frtintyTvniili.
PYcwt p ywitf tartb jtl preaerve , tff rVallh.
' Pnttlng tif the Hhi)-al tefh IN n'hrriflhT, ilta-
Dt!t-!taw and malfurnatiaiieeamth'in ta (fiHVi1"Ulh.
law and B(oi iaie.p.rlP, are uantud and.cof rcrtad
With fair aneto'ka. Rvaitiltifttliina aril lotitutla.
lat aia anoWiaty auatfa. war, afi aai'ira auming
to the nfflp.
ttlawr kwparrant that rMldran hwaT fc
Wff.of .li-awd twaNw yir ah-hl at ifl4r
laath.aAan.inad. rf, ...-nr k -a
, AutAt4.4iUra are 'IiiiatAitw' W I1
VvW tuihfiatifaia .. J ,,.,a
Di.p". it n a and enaiartrr are )H'lgtAd LfAaJl
(he war Id hy tha atpre.lrri. af the l.ip,hiii(1a
how very diaaamaja "iaa yt daarataVa Hafar p-r-
a ta
La hri'tolra aaaaaterajnaf di.ti.rtcd fealurea.
ti ll ri ir.r'.Ti auiufoiU i.J pltuur...
aawa ai
rcepMl and
OaVr la Na.
few M.aaio llgtldii.r, ftn.nd rtrAl,
lt tl'1 I Atuiftaf U lit
General Insurance Agents and Real
Narlti Krlllab A Mereaatihi Iaa. Co. (3 MM, toe
WaahinRloa l.ife In.vranea li a.OOii.iiliO
Tira AMc-ialtyn liisr.h (,.,. .ti.lini
Arak'aw.ti PtrT fTiAifBr tV...' ... ",VH",14a
r3owa.MorUarew dwalUrbaa , i -n
da ana, i, Jf...,, 21 71 A A
Tnrk. IV, Ht..-k In.itranr Co. Il'it.ea in.ared
afaaJaaw4ilrafc-'4. i'.. -,
P. 4k. Varttaa la ta dawWIrWalaMftrif rwwarftawa
a their llaa ot pTaperty aaa hda ft f rtaapltf
attdfadad U by aj'.rr ninr Ul it'l.'r, ar eallina
la rA ffl.IT.tfciv.A Pia H- ,
Roaaa Hu. 4, OeaiBeld, l'a. a2:'T4
. .. t ' m i . ai
"TA.ld 'trAH at' aiWJ
Wa tr. aathV-d la knl.aara aa dMlar. Uirllrffar
aa aaa aaaU at ,11. briaa.
.Uiaatial. Pa.
t Kt.t ,:... ...TH&aMCCItlw.. -u.t
' M ' 'iir''p! wriinti i, noi.t' '
Wo anant laabf-koa If ra Jhl ttrt -f.r,
Wuaro llif IWMi-wailiiig iiugrri llamUrri; . ,
Hut oVr Itmir .tlat .i.tur . Ircut ,
Tb tld wnwakr wko Will rtaap U waiabar f
A lwaB Intra tow aingia Hnlf,-; i
Aud ii"iyr Im ' 1'taud l (bart i .. ,
AUa for llte U'T flrvfr in((, ' '
': ttnt di wHh aH lliflf ihtota tbeaJ II ' F
Vif f-r(r liftTor Ida ilrkil iMn, "" 't! tI'"'
Wbawaanr ku told tMlr awwtr aai ttarjr f 1
Vtp forth tiaaf hava kaona -h,
Ibe crw liH nut ilw crtwn f ftlfj)' ! ,
O'ar feppiiVa . aanatad aHlaw) - '
Uui waart ta' paartiijt nxht-4flwa mn," - ...!
Ua uautalias uria'i tlmrpl. jard plJu.
b, ltrUtbal bnraa and iv. as aifti,.,,,,,
UrtM! wliitwitkg lit and fuJttig tra.Mi,, '
Till D'a'h pmtrf out Mi nurtlitl win,
ajilrpd fraa niaaTy'a truiAlaf praaaiav
J( iiN(tHi( iinalh ar aaWnf akofil -
Ta at'cfT hiddi'O p" wan- fivm, ( t r
Wlint rn llew iDi'Iti iif). Were pnuw!, '
r aal aaaanti, aaawwatw haaven.' " "1 1
THK tollfiKRRti
A ('OitVd4p(tiulvnL,ot tlit tit iiouiH He
jtiUunih tfivAft. avd4Vw, piutiwaUrii ultiHit
liiu (Jciiuiii- XiiipliiU kuowii m tins
Uunktira, wtn Imvy Iwi-n liuldiiii tlioir
iiunuui niuimmi viiijicdi r a npy
tint ell IlitMluiiii'iitd nH guiiurul rtxlofii4
litn tlirutiAi: imu-Xurtl Jiwum (.'lirmt,
uitd Itold iliEt, man btttifitiinoritltiK'"
TJiyy hIu tvlk-va iu (by tiuvuitiv iJ iti
Ituit Hilvtitittn, Dn( Uii IwtvJiiiK bitltufMt
Unit i Jij-ntMui ruut-ntiiun tvuiuxliii'it
ilrKiritl(A'rbullV..ItI(ll('IUiU on Umhih-
wurld. utatuU'ttliitx tliu buliol" hy ylniu
ltipH laiul HJiitontiitVoi dtX'iwi. trulll Itauu
iukI WKiium; bfcuuti in hit the luwuvntbly
iiouw of Ue tuatvv tixJtiUtwl any uutrii-
ottt, tiirlKjIuvva r ruwulry, l"U iuativul
MPc ntUivliu ilajituiiHitwt (Vri niuiiv
fl thvm iu t-ulit it, una uu, UilU om hiiu
yuunn;, Wita puuntuin t u ttit-li ttny
ruuuvo wijit m tlmnOi, nu ll um liitv-
iiajfC tm her i.v'l u plain nay xi 8wtH
muniin,! Miiur urn w. w ot uur
uuut-AnitiMtiiuilUi'rH. Tbo uivk wuir
tin.' iylu (Iiohm liHiuiiU - otlt'DUHl by
iIm- WmikJiK ttrni in unHjiiinr a Urt'ttirr
aiilutt hy Kiiaknin tlit' "una jiml Hivui
(ho kiKu ot l.nftht'hv lovo.
,iu tltuir iuoml twiit'U thr v art op.
otsud hu huttriiji fuitia, tuid will iwt rv-w-rt
tt tho law, bu (ullut 4k iluht.-
ht'ii UtMlhaa i intlorluimLu liuitii-
uiiilly. tWy routhx him ttwHiaiuiico, itiicl
nn wr (tvi uiit tmy ol Uitir nu uitium lo
ho Kuiiiionutl hy i omit v or htntu tihan
iifod f u iMfLjryuwivu any out inu nuni
bfiwUih who UUiwitrn lo Lhi'uw. 4o uot
ttUtrw muiitiHiiw 10 ituukQ (oum-u wan
(rCVHUJtH, uitllUB' 4) Will I. olIlWWitM)
iL tiw omit it, wiiitu tut-y UtUUUlV ItU.
AwyHiMJMiJri'r lituiui guilty ui thm aib-
It'flH MIlilrH'll tlMlim-lpliiiOAil lluclittnh.
i'ruHuh Unuixfiii(-tj iii uvtu-vlnuiit. Hint
iiruhUit tliur uuimjttya iduni Uuiliivf
iu (ai- iuiUAUltiiUiriiii iuxjuirt MfJiriU,
OwiHil.UM'irJ'iijLhi-tiuiitiL tiihUUuUiro
iMX tOAOtU, tAajgf4Uly, lt-,jliliiw, oi..)ftr,
UU(l-4ilVlMU.4iutJiiA'Otat.OB Ulitf MUV. Ul
lUI-i'ML Ul biU A.VHJllUvW:: tUill-t'U'l
atiicirisat-1 Uiil Wllllwll .lint to tyl
jviuuaU Ditpv L'iu ph that it ban
u tiidvivty ,Vu lt-tui tlioir inioild, 4Wtmy
oij rviligiHo, tttuUviv. Xbric 'ituuujil
vuiilcivnro irt hi,li-iiiti'nmttly et it ml
M ont of thu Ohio inw, liiimiiiiAr tut
Huutluy. ('iiuii TjwU'p. Thu p nifipul
clmtx-lnw ot' tliiav. lUiiuuminatiou iuv U
tu tut I in tltr yvnU t' J'uniiru IvRiiut,
Virtfiiiiu. iwili (,'aixilini, Ohio, Mst;
littiX lLluvurt), JtiTiAiy, lii'timitt,,
lkliuow, hiKUii.,,,iliiiuolii. ItUUui,
CMoi'iiui, limn. ' Jvi'kt-iMMrt, ; Oniffou, ,
t.Vloiiui. and Jklitpwuii, Willi -Jilur-ujH
xnt'iulci'MUiji in tVu tixti'uuii' tyttHik',
urn 4ii tU Jsajw r,ui4liAi4 iiU. (ul jk
(.huivli yi'iuuiJliuu ((li' ki-yiMt UoUy
tiuuit; in M.uuuii V lalluyv jUluu. ..
Ah to tho liuhiiVr of nuiihiurahi It
Ml iiujMiiwiUiv to ttivi jMjythiirt mmu
Uiun tm nii"riii(MiUi .luiitUJ. th.
UoMihif lli' doctriutikliiti thu SuripLuro
loi'hul-i tliv nuiithui'iiii oTtlju Livtliruu.
Thwiv DiUtit'y.M.Uiviilf4 iiUu. Qhw
t litanvs, thu limt huiiiH U hwti tu-jf-lioi'lci-
aUj-Jv iuU;uuu'L wli' tljumi
wtjjlliy 'Ui, tho fuutii(ihty tu, putorui
Uiu ti.urriuiw ritvis.nd tivcntuallv to
lin ulRuti of liihliiij, ty tho lyinr t uf ,
liiwi'Ui, ,. iUuy rcuvivo ju, dtauAi'y. ut
ucct'pt what tho ItrvtliKU vulmtUu-ily
! bCKlu.v. unU MM At lilwrty uach't, with
uiiavnl nf liiy thtAi'tli, llioii oi'U
liur. uMomliTt iv wcolvttti hy vuW,
uuU wily hy irmq nuiucrHiout tutU tin
iiot pi'iiuiltul V jtaruko ul thiu,uift
okuu with.iuiy othur tuliiipuw tli'iionii
uuliuu. , 2'huviiMoriuttrriiiij; hy tut
UitiuT OI. tl't (,'iVll ItlW itHVIlllUj juv
Juw HUtlinuAWikwu-i, I'xtont tthui'o littt
t;ivil luflff tjuiUlioltjvilJi ihcU-.yiwwa of
pruUr tu tan Ufit 'hw pt' ltlluT
tJiau Micfiiii .thou- ixUirOUH huuuJl
Tiwy uljH'tU JpiOiiia 3umwr in tb"
uuoii'utineiuujc.iiv tt ahiDJUwlt"ji luul
kir of bUity'ly luyt;., , Xliu chitivhuH
niv at lilivity,! uh-Hirvf; tliit nrdinjtuw
mj( ttmuM uiii inij thoywir, g uejjjf, ouc,
fin .,khi.iy nuty .yltxt j.Iji'lwU'y tin th
j'Uilul ii tjw utl'tjrH Kjitrk-Ily rvuii-uj,
uixL Jill huy.iiAiJotuut tueiuUna huoii
iucf Uitiw la tif JVUpjiMtt.p thvm if
Itf.MlU'd till" t'IMVllUiilV (if llIHITUUfl' lxa-
'""I'n n w.'i oniivii jy .yi"iij'i'. jiiT
riloiy. . .TVi- JvUVt-f fnririvt ui'i'iit
'.tTattiit'c tjji tjhw' lifl'iijr, iiiivl Hiiy'ujhat
al,I',tU ttjjivinony vtW tyuiph.-tAil tin'
juttit'i' iiiiyj'h(ot tltf wnull but tn.hrt.
iiii'IiuH.prtriijT Jliut ht itfwjy wcj-
h tl Dililr' WWtf uK i l c'ulliZl'Uililii4t
iiml ii)iiUnnyijiuulj ,w,iuvi'1I.-U'1 nv
Kiiowll 'rn iiiitivijj of lirt wtlut
Tinp'thj' .fltiahiiiA nU hijfiiviir nj'uu'
iim nvH4.'iit who niipiht .coinyiicr il
mi unji-cu .Uauu ddjtyjujJiK uii(.KapMii i
tkKtul lillAIAAMulu. At AiL .liltTA. ArtaUttlalAtlilV
r . i . , ' J
Uk"i.a..w al J iih. iumJ aLvu .hiwUt iUmr,
li'wHltwr Utai tla uajtxtiauAM. khawt'
V-hMiwtuijtVolin-ttfUija oi- MawwWrabk
ku.ia'iB4iAirWi.ri Ua .niitwviiwtttt Hni
aw MavfriuJ inTrwM itwi-iiL -.irtt iu pro
vent mii Ii -at-aWt-M 'lCvt WiiwUiiir
I'hianw aim i aiiili Imil atnpi
in riLAvi(iuM-.)(,iUi UnwrliH. in
CiiliintV ilil (id'cst.'iKiVi. Iiill jinifttav
.bLM.IiltUwm.ui Ah Uii, rv4URT40Ki ntuva
laWiAlajaa. iamMiaatffriMh faawawra p.
ijaia j,lM.luU' rtM.lrvl W41 lituu. ukltK-
a.. Haa a.f.wra)a tw. up tolka
nlfrlNrl fitfrtf m trfM1-tr,(. flTr dam.
UUiVlili Ll bi'ail llw t'lVaii. j lila.iu
itiaitj- ma.iM. Him iha, hut dl.jrtwr.
llj. tlUNUI Ut.'tUMtV.a),h. atfraf JTM1.
im.'BR-.mBvaNF pa r.a)ajnniai4 IS'
lliri'-ifin-;-"ft iB thUr irfr.f4 (It-
mmitig y fitw'( ..AAaiiiu'
atirai-ai.m iMarcKaa.anoaiiri.Balaia aiiad
nie iiiirwii. or mnmiwirrT. tr
WrH m ilium, HlaTr llJT tttuilaan ii
adlorta Hit tifiit. ami tM m-
V.!' 1 rv. (,riMuilalaaMTiKtaUr
. . Ji aaH.h ia n tin anav
A U .ni lUL'iil Uiiartl Ua
A TirfiHfftl fentlvrntifi 'trhohnwrrtmni
I'ninmoti fw-nfw mi ft ponNmrahlu
nhiotint of tMoitr, htm UtHv Hwn
ppittKhff In)"TnvtA TntrerH in AntWa
J-n liotrlr vvltrrli hkw ittoofj thv text of
rtmiry ywinrnTtd t yt IViwh. pntcrtofn
i.f fif) nwf)it, cud mnlffM to a
rtHtivnit wkiflt-'ninvtiol bo iew to
mnrtv nf onr fwnJei hut f ncvfrtliltM
TttliiahlpJ "Thnt tke rHallirtnn f well
brtN. fhrtiiliwi of Anthinn utock rnn be
tbtnimii nrwuiiniiT. hiitth bft brvil
miirffi m'Mom tttr iHrrw. The hniior-
tHiit'P Vf -pH'lfiothif the riflt dAin hi
hnwJin, pnrriint i tot) wtnmiety urfjed
upon an who a if endeavoring tu im-
mtTfl ir wtw Tti norpwwt; nnr inero
bIwi BTaiheP iahtt which hrvexhT. in
Jit'lrfrnl haw tint t-nnniihrfM mifflHr titly
m th'ir trrtit pmtliitw exwllcnt
jt)fii:iirt, niiit tht iit tho nMurn! ditt-
p-wKtoti trt' loth'wiT? aim rfnm. - Jitat H
the fiitWmim fn more itkely to h
couruwuiin than the clown, the pnns
fnlly hrt1 hmiw MhottM not only have
the rapacity tfk ffff otrra ivrn mjirco
in m gircn uinc, aixl the uiidnrance to
allow hint to do it when ftlu'd, hut ho
uhould have ull tho guiitlotuw ami ca
pacity tor liuirmntf any uwclul habit or
work that ia artcrilivtl to tho thomuih
Lrtii Arahiun. A hud U'Iuimt will not
only make a homo unplcatutnt to up.
but tvilt Luau him to waste uiHHtrctiitii.
At this tiuto when honw hrttnlurH an;
lliiiikiiitf only uf Hi'tt for a t w Inin
uti'K an thv im'&tetit dcrtiilt ratum uit-h
an i3X()uiuiU3 Lit of common rViw m
contained m tho uIjovq, in truly rctruati
nig. We w ant our horsiut, cloiunt and
we want them iiitulligcnt its wH a
Tiie Peitiwylvaiiia mrn b a try nony ni
f'jr capawtr. tponrcnit-noe, and econo
my, and the ptoemiiifrly disproportionate
aiEtt of wmio of them to the wmtll nntn
her of wrm whirh tnfl(ce to till thorn
ia n proof of the tertility of the noil, an
well an th akill of the farmern who
oiiltvvat it- Tho following ht, I fear,
an nm tint hii ry doHtriptirm oi' a bam
hnilt hy Mr. R.N. How land, ft funner
of Vincent, rboatcr County The main
Nun la 74 Hut lone hy M itut wide,
and 24 tvot Kijrh from Hoop to plate,
with a liaKOincnt underneath of H feet.
There arc two drive-way aide by aide
npon the main floor, one rained aeven
tret above the level of the other no that
when the hay hi tilled from one drive
way tho wholo of the floor ia tilled
Irom the other, and the hay upon the
othifp aide.'- Thaa the pnre which ia
iiarmtty Appropriated for a drive floor,
and ao loevt, ia utiliiud and matte to hold
a rnlnntttv of hav aeven eet in thick-
nesA ' beneath ilie tipper drive floor
arc the rrnln inna, piacfM for onaff, ar.a
fnnnulH. hy which hay or atraw iauuHt
wl to the irtaMeti hclww. There in, a
witijr atfaehed to tlrt harn feet loiio;
hv 'At feut wkle, and lOtodlhiih to tho
plftfon.Witha 10 loot baaetnent bcaeath
hit cattle. The front ot thia hiwenicnt
iatnpiorttd tit von noeta aet vmni atrmea,
and ia oien to the barnyard, making a
tine aholter tor cattle ann eoer nvr ma-
nnm The wiiiff la divided into two
mnwa, oiftcn za ieec wine ana ns iwi
lonir, and a dnvo-way IB 1M wik be
tween them. One of theae mowa eoni-
numlcateH with the main hani. and ia
lined to hohl the straw from the thnwh
iiiir-machitre. The thnwhinir ia done
nnon the ut.per floor ot the main harn;
ihfKtrnw in then pitched over tho lenm
fill thht mow in the win, while the
clean ram la run down into tho hum,
and the chaff htm tho ehuff-room be
neath t he floor. A covered bridffe-wav
h'ada 1f the upper floor in the main
ham, und beneath thia brl dire-way ia
ihecart-houite and atom-nain fortooJa.
Adiotiiinir tha earl.hntiHn there ia a root
cellar, with ttoorwav into the teed en
trh la the haaenient, and ovoP the root
foliar la the granary, feet long; by
M teet wwie. I ne imrn iMmiiit uiion a
hillnWe, with ft alone of eitht ttet fti
hVi the Irorrt drive-way naoa 3, feet,
ann nv reannn m the Mope -or tno
ffrormu, it ia bronirht an to tho level of
theuppttr part nf the winir. AnvthiniF
mttnitMl, tfaercfor, from tho upper
wiain barn ftoor into thu winiz pitchoil
down, and not up. aaving a ereat deal
of lalor. At fhe fiwf end of the wain
harn tho floor jointa project anfflcicntlv
in lorm tho loiiiHiution tor a com crib.
At tho end of the winjj in a nhccp-hounc,
24 ft-ot loiif. ' Tho whole rnngo of
hnildin in tliercfore 104 fcot loiiff. and
furuih perfect protection to the yanla
una the in tin -non tic I nun the north am
went windi.
Villi liillirwillU tillKtly iualnMiulad
iu ffivrn in ti,,' i'ltirif atrw UU Jimnm.
Ah lito Jianilliutf ami nahiic of dry
l'Ari. atn. aaNi.lly by pumtna un-
nci'iiiaiDrmHi h uh cmo, ia .tt.iiil,al aviUi
ciniiUimlirt risk, and oAn liilltiwial
by IHn'.iifl oiuiwijiiiMreo., yte mak Ura
IwUuwiui; KULTifriUiis. timndvd on our
xrH'nurjc u tiutNiuiKxarpm : p.
ll ijiai'JtAarrai,
hWhiKI ii tjiitiiMy raarkotj puin.
Thi'n.i. ffniaA.ilniifjer ta tlraxr-.tjUtaT
ul 4dua aritu lor fMNuto tHiff allU wit-
torti worm poirxm, owiiir iu Uir riiau
..IiiHt wbtiikarfiHMi in lb. provi'tai, whirlt
aa iuutuou auti ntrutiiy aoMM-iaMl liy uhi
port ol the akin, oain'clauly u IdLIHir-
wm iiainir H ahinrtd ar in a tint of
IwnimtWiL To (piarrl aitlnali thia.
Tttav-lirtii.M Mul IniMt TpartiMlary ftOA-
tr(laahmilrl I ainifotH a tiniih
pnatM,..tHl ahimlrt b. raMully wadhiMt
liar -rToi klnft hi It. nr tn aiir nf tho
prrimrmiAm ni wnipt, it l nn IliitrMl
rnt 'Aa tf t,nrtnltt tar1 nulanni
hh1, Inio th. amirw anrl friTirw
oT rmlolm tnarln of rwtnl, ami rt an into
wirtlii nwur that rt ull prTO,ll
froiiafboifi ntianalla. dtr anrthiniriii hani
Htnlk lirch rattlr or ttnnaw noild
bar. ansaj fco, hi which tho nrtii'l,'
imrf han-o hn nfzJ, or from hi.-h
It Tiaa won- iK.ial, ftltrtrMit ha iimfiHV
M wiito, and not or aarwh .l for any
nnar inrrpMai. v
MiiHrynnnt ir(ai.ronol.iiifnpiwitlv
oairaril Ir' aotalrlnia th. (.kin whon
tti-Mn m irrltatod lran hamllinn; th.
tfrroa. It aliotim he oottNtanUv homo
tn mind that ft ht a mof dftnronn
awl iirailtr p.iawfi thnn arwiilr, and
farnwa, -platitm atnl othara, vhrn
parfhAAiiiK. aiioiiiii laa nuir mntrmioil
10 exi'mav I lie titmim tru in uainjr it.
aa a remedy for Hi. jKiua.n. tho Ireo
ur of milk an a bavornizn la hooin
mciidi il. bnt wa bare fonml liviintU'd
jmj'.oxiijy iff iron (a aimpU., httrmloan
rt'iiiodyjOKbtwlaiitlilnt.. Hftn'acaiiaoil
hy tb' giwn Miould W wvll roverod
with it, aa ilb an onlinary rwjru, anil
a trMuoonfuJ tl a .Kiiatt-iclaaa of Water
alimJ. bo iakaa taw a ? tnturmllr
Llail. worjrir witk tlie urtaiii, Ti
Mnaaals tatn, n oataman Iroto any raruar
mt at altawiat. , , ., . i . .
tb raaauipiii oi ratia irwa baa
I larirely UhatajMaBtajKiUtti! A l'w rrmnt,
Mai km, anptM to anrh
wirtar pananiaa. ihM aajrviaiai
in ita aa ar ii in naai.ii of tM Uadjtr
'la"u . i nua jiMiiaiABji wi th. part caf
. . wfjoatae n.rmrmm nrtioflnce
tn. avwt atrpabraww rfraama, f
AcciiiiHiigtothcN'cwOrletuiri T'Vi
Mexicuti corrcHindciit Vera Cruit hiut
arwhlic wa.h-hoi.H0 which uiight lw
aifvautitgcourtly imitated in thorn; cilice
iu thia country where a lihcnt! euphly
of water tunnot he procured hy nil at
their home. It in an ojk n building,
nunpoiied by columtia, occupying two
aidea of a aqua re. It ia kepi acrupu
loUrIy clean, and through the niiddlc
are two large marhlo tmuhn, with
fifty auh-divifioiM on each aide. afT.inl
ing Hiittli-ient room for a wunlierwumun
undher work. An abundance uf ftvnh,
clear water ia provided hy iituccta ti
each aulr-divirdon. The accoimxlationa
aftorded at the public wah-huM0 are
trou ol charge. UundrcilH ol washer
women may 1? wen here at any hour
ofthcduy,buMy wlthhandttand toiigucit.
The portion of the arjunre not covered
by-the building ia kept aa a lawn, and
tided excursively for bleaching and dry
ing tho clothe. Water in Vera Crux
ia brought a ditaiico of fifteen mi leu
from the river Jitumpa, near the town
of Meilcllin. Tho waters work are
owm'd by the city, and ivm-inLle thtmo
of the city of St. 'houiH. The water ia
cool and clear aa crynttil and cota to
each houNeholderwho ban it introduced
into hia Ijoiihc a monthly atipeiidof
Water ia procurable free fnna tho nu
meroua public totintaiiw.
In flyria the pcoplo never tike off
their rraiw or ttirhuna when entering a
hotiNO or visiting a friend, but they
always leave their ahoea at the door.
The rcawin ia that their floors are cover
ed with clean mats and ruga, and in
the Moalcm houtwja the men kneel on
the rnga to pray, ami prt-rw their fore-
iuuiIk to the noor, ao that it would imi
be ilecent or rwpectful to walk in with
lirty ahocri to noil the aiijady on which
they kneel to pray. I hey have no
toot mat or acnuHira, and it in inueh
cheaper and simpler U leave the nhoea
dirt and ull. at the door.
11 ia very cunoua to uo to the nynun
rH hool-hoiiac and eu the iile of hIhhh
ut tho dKU. There are new bright red
hoeri, and tattered ahoea, and kiibkohi-j,
and black hIioch, ami aometinioB yellow
almea. The kttbkobs are wooden clog,
mmlo to ruino the ieet out of the mud
and water, lutving a little atmp over
the too to keen it on tho loot, iou
will often s4.-e little boya and girlx run
ning down atopd and paved atruotM on
thcao uaugoroua kobkoba. nouictimcH
thev alip, ami then down they go. on
Uiuir iiohuh, aud tho kuhkolM fly oft'
ami go rattling over tho atonen. unci
little All or xtmel. or whatever n
mine ia, lieirniH to uliout, "ta Imnm!
Ya Intnitt!" "O nty mother!" uud criea
jhhI like httlo chiUlreu in ollior conn
But the fuuiiient iart ia to aeo the
ooya when they come wit ot achiMil and
try to nnd their ahoea. J hero w til lie
filly boya, anil of courw! a huudivd
hIiooh. all mixed toircthrr in one nilu.
hen achool ia out Ui boys nuike a
ruKh lor Uio tloor. I hen. com en tl
uir of war. A doiun boy am ataiid-
nir and ahuniiim i the pile of ahocri,
KHiKini; down. Kirn m if away tno oiu
ilioen, runuing their toes into their
wn, stumbhnt; over the Kmikobw, and
then making a duh to gut out of the
rowtl. iSometunea ahmti will he ku k-
cd, and hair nulled, and UuMHxwhew
thrown off, umi a great aewnnang tola
hw( which will only crane when the
teacher cornea with "Aaa," or a atick,
and quolla Ui riot. That pile of hIioch
will have to annwer lor a good many
Hchool-tKiy ligiita and brained noaca
and hard feelinga in Syria. Xoi will
wont.ur how they can tell their own
ihoca. ou do l. .And tno ttoya oil
wear olt' each other a ahiHM hy tuiatnke
or ou piirtMjae. uid thuu you will Her
Soliiu running with nun "hoe on aud
ene uf lhraliini H in hia hand, ekoutiug
d, curviiiB Umtbim's lullier and
gm ih! fat her uutii tic gelt back hia ioat
pnijrerty. i . ( , t , ;
When air. Cooley cuuia iiitu t hurch
lust Sunday, ho pluced hia now high
hut junt out Hide tho pew iu the aide,
rrtacntly iLm, INtnmn vutorod, and on
nhu pnKtiydutl up tho aitdo, her abound
ing akirta actKiited looleyfl lint und
nJlod it uu nearly to the nuliiit Cooloy
purauod hia liat with Ibtuiiiga of indig
nation, and when Mm, I'll man look
her Mout, he walked, Un k Jru;lujig the
hut With hia weevo, A lew iiuincutH
hiter, idra. Hopkina can to into church,
uud aa ( tailey had agiiut nhveed hta hut
ill thoaidlo, Airs. llopkiua nkirtaalrutiU ,
it and awept U tUoug hliojit tu eiity
feet, aitd vi it I3 ing on the eaijit in a
demomlixed couditioii Coohy wa
aingiug a byiiiij ut tho tuuq. ami he
dtilntmiaa tu liut a jiuunent later,
when ho lookud over the indol' the,
pow tu auu 11 U wn aahi, uu waa .turi-j
oaa U ueiiccivu that it won gone, , lie
akuuiruttHl ut) the aialo aJWr it uuivin,
jxm! in tho titcu, and uttering aeutmjvn
which wura borrihly out oi place m
UtO aunctuary,, ilowovor, ho put U
hat dowu airaiii nnddutumtinod to liwii
hit ayaon iL, but juataa ho had.tdiiiied
hia head away lor a momotit,, .Mp,
Hmitey eamo in, and Cooley looked
n rou no omy 111 unto to which xnv nm
being gnthertd in under Mm, Smilev'a
akirta and earried away hy Owitir... ilo
atartcil in puratiit, and inat n he did ho
tiao hat muat have rfiWi'd. axniuat. M m.
Siuiley's auk lea, liir a)ta gaw. jump
rnal acmamed -nht out in churtai.
Whexi her huahtuvl aaked her what
waa the matter, aho avid, litem in tint
ho dog under bar tlrfirs n gnva
her akirta a twmL Out nMim ijtH''y n
hut, Mid M r. tSmHey being itir, r
MiHuU'd, thtHight li waa ailog. atv I
inawwd iately kit ked it ao aAitj(fvly
ohwA ,rt flow ap iuUi th aralhirv. aial
iMtifeai 1 upon thir;1m 04 tun ovitao-
tjoolej-, 1 HirtUwtly - f ran tie with : nutr,
torirot where be wtwt, and, holding hm
eiineiiml tiati utalcr tSmiiey'a noae. he
ahrioknl; fw half a mind to heat
you ww tlaoaaootl'' Tbeti he ri'utg
iwn hia hymn bitudc InU niahed from
the church. He went hoi 11 harcli wj
ei. and tho rwjxtoti brought hia bumi-
hatitig hat around alter dinner. AH
thia, Cooley intend to goto (Quaker
meotfng. where Ke can ay hU praycrw
with hla hut on liiaiVnd. Ar 0 Aftitrr.
1 P-t.k? pra Iftow A rflTtw!o,idi,nt
'tifthe lrjfinh .VrVAitai'r mva that hu
aacd the following miph with ih heat
anceeaa fer the fwinnting of Iron ' rail
ing topa, li'tfratinira to atweft. etc,.
arm wnn wnrn an rrrrrx aa Toreaiar tne
Mown of rtn Hleflgti hmmer: Take
eTuafl Jtarta of anrrrttnr and whtta fca-1,
Wrth alifmt a sixth f War; Inetirptv
rate tit thtve m m to frrrm ove hotno
gmtia maan. I Whvn going to sTply H
wet, it with at pong atihinnrte aa-hf and
irhkcia; a thm layer nf It betwwri the
twa pitoa of hMn, which irhatiM ihen
w Tiiivtaea Ttefher. lit tfta tlim It
wffl be Bertecliv -Hrr, adl tmraHt rSI tft
r cement having vanirihed, and tftMron
will hav tnw Mertme of having
I uwn wnura ognnrr.
A iiw'tory for the production of con-dt-naitl
milk baa rocuntly lievn eataJt
liahed at Chum, canton Zug, on the
liordcr of the lake of the autne name,
in Switzerland. We lind xa Itilluwiug
dicri(jtii'ii of the pi-ocom iu one of our
bxclutngua: The nit Ik ia furnihcd by
peaxantH, and aa aoon aa each person
delivura hia aii)iply, a riumple ia taken
from the pails, numbered and allowed
to mnnin quiet overnight. The ob
ject of thia h- to judge of the quality of
the milk for tho rining of cream. Ciiee
of tram I, however are rare, ua tltf pea
tmitrT are generally honeat, aud tito
penaltiM impoacd ty luw are extremely
ho find operation ia to weigh the
milk, wliieh to litis end ia conducted
into a copper huain atiiiorted by a bal
ance, Ua weight being ootiuued, the
milk ia allowed to eHntjw into huge
wooden i-cmm oirjt, lined with line und
kauted in the cellar. Here a careful
rnminittion in made with the lactome-
tcr, and the fluid iadntwn oil into large
cclindrictil ctnmcr boilcrR which nre
i meed in a vnt lunnahed with a lulat)
liottnm, tmder which at earn enter.
i . . . .
The milk ia thu alowly healed, lait uot
boiled. For the latter puriKiae it n lu
lled out into a Meliorate boiler, whence
it iecaiTicti to another tank containing
a quantity id' white atipir. in onler to
hieiluate the aohttion ot trie latter, the
liquid i repeatedly paiwed along timet-
ul trough troni omvvnse to another.
Whcn the oH-ration la completed, it iali.ou paid Ut font walking than hcreto-
drawn off into evaporating chamber.
1 hene receptnclea reacmide the aimiiar
uputratua uwil in augur inanulacture, 1
and hnvo douhlo uottuna, heated oy '
i4 team. They are unitutl to a column
if coudemtation which coiuiuunicatea
with air numna. lTnder thene oondi-
tiona the milk boiUnt HOdegn-ea Kah-
ivnheit. hvcry little while tho work
niun take out a hiiiuple from which he
judgea according toMMVincofity wheth-
the coudeiiHation Ih Kiimcient.
When the hitter point 1 rcacbwl. the
liijnid ia led down into the cellar and
into n tin receptacle which Is aurmn tid
ed by cohl water. Tho milk ia thor
ouirhly airiluttHl hy hand for hoiuo time
until com plot ely cool, when it ia carried
tr other rotten 01 nt and thence uruwn
off into hoxcrtAird atwled. The daily
proiltiet ia about 8.01)0 Ixixea. each
weighing aliout 13.5 ouncea. The milk
may be diluted with live time ita
weight of watr.
lttmtt yeara k-tiiro tho American Ha
rev a nttiiio waa heunl aa a "honac
tamer,'' a aecrct exiateil, ua a family
hcirluom. amonir a brunch of tho O'
SuliivituM in tho trttulb of livhtnd. ThU
family waa known ua "The Whiatwr-
en,'' and tiiey noHaepwt'd tlie power of
n'liuyniij; nn ijuivi am a imiiu iuv mini
atublKtrn and uuinniiugiuible borao that
ever existed. Whether theythd any
thing mora ton home than breathe inu
hia iioatrita ae know not, but by doing
thin, and by kind, soothing and othet
wuya known to themHclvea, they effect
wl their purpow and Kt allied tlioir
lame. Putting tb qucMtion of dntjr
nr atimulaiit nr other laectiiatingnu'
uu rcat aaitlu, tunl coining to the toil it of
pure and aiiotlultenHlilonieHlitation and
tetK-diing, prcliapH there haa no person
in modem ttmea achieved so muehaue
taM hi animal teaching na H. Hiaautt.
Thia man wua an humble ahoemuker.
He waa bom iu HcotlaiHl, iu 1721, but
he afterward ivniovcd to Lomlon. where
ho uiavried a womnn who brought htm
ttoiuo proiiorty. ihoiu turiiintf to
bixiker, be necuitiuhitiil money until
the yeur 1751), when hia attention wua
turned to the tniiiiiugol unimali, uirdt.
ami HHiiea. lie wiut led into tlim now
rttuf riy irtiding an aceottnt ot a re
markable horHo ahowii at a fair at Ht
1 BiweU Iwjught a horse and dog, and
stirceeded beyond h(ft expectations in
reaching them to pertonti varKaia tcnta
Ho next ittiiThnaet It wo monkeva, which
he taught to dance and ttimble on a
rope, nnd one would hold a candle tn
0110 paw and turn tholiarrcl organ with
tho other, while his coinninion danced.
lie next tuught three cut a to do a great
many wmidurtul thnura, to nit hvtorc
inttHic joolttuid to aqtinll notea pitched
to ihtiercnt key, llo sylvertiaod n
"cttla oiMii-a ' in tho llaymaikeL and
aucotttHalully tutrrie.! out 1m proirrttmmo,
tho caU accurately fultilhng ull their
lartm. Ho puckvlt.Hl aouie thouHumla
!iy t iw-M.' ihji toi nmncuK. j lo next taitirht
a leveret, and then several ttxK-iea 01
mniM to spell the name ol any person
in the roinpntiv, nnd to ditinufsh the
hours of ihe tfuV optiiirht. Six turkey
cocks tvxre next rendercfritmt'nnhlc to
n coimtn tlurce. nm! after nix moulds'
tenr-hing Ut trained n turtle to fetch
and iiirry like n dog. and having chalk
ed the floor nnd blackened its claws, ho
made ft trace out the name of any given
person In the compimy. '
crxtk fiiA L hi til vtxas.
Tlw 'Memorial Hull for the Centen
nial ut lo be built with the tl,bO0,OG(.
uppropriidiMl by the I'cjiiiHylrnnia Leg
inluture. , It wUl be UM'd ior I ho dia-
plny ui fliie nrft during llierxliibiljiai,
and w ill attevtvaail lie conveitcd into a
K'nnaueiil, muiH'um. The slructim
while not UL mi imposing, wilt be grace
ful and pleading, uud more iu harmony
with I,e h.ufjweupo thuu W'uulil have
If'rn the pl'eleiMidtiH, pulilic-itiMtitulion-II
he ."din', with ir lirfiy euola. which
wa at "hist wffiphwetl."'' Instvle It is
not unlike that prvtty Cnrsanl In the
Mtmlt FarU m Vienna, which all vlsh
ora t tht Anatrian ttiitrtl remember
with i-leiirinrw. ' Mh length will he HH'.i
at. width 1M1 lotM. general height ftft
1euU lielirht of irHVlhun m tctt, and of
oentral dtntt'e SUft IM, There w ilt he
three, mum piHtiua. H.i tU-t sipiare each.
and a it'eemion hall tEt-lwr fi H
The ceiling of the pit lure giillcrrea will
bo JO tro hi ah, and I lu- wait Mtiacq, ex
cluHive uf thiMiiiuii hall, riK-epitim hall
and MHTtUurtt-will Ins HO.Vtid Miuare
Jut,,. The intUeriul td the building is
to 00 gniiuU'. aiuJ U will ho alawilutolji'
. l-'or the iuuiu ralace, wvcrul plans
lutve Innui presented, and are aaautiug
Ilia (Jutisiou u4 tho oofiumUeo. Ihe
lirHt plan ia the nttHlifnsI aial rcduiAul
iiumuoii pm: ox AtAHra. iiaiiujru and
Vaux, which cimu-niplatosuithorl jni
vii tuna, cavtring 10.1 acrea, or 27 a-
vi Hons, ciivoring 4i acn. In tlie first
cute the structure would li.2Hbv
Mr! fvet, and n the last Mi by &55
Licet ' " '
The aecufid plan br h'ihe snnie
nrrbiteds, and Is (br a building with
threcrtraightart-adca: fUtftt biirh and
1.1575 fret lmy, under three wpnnn of
100 im each.
' KnglniwlVtm of the Vinmlasimi
has a plnn crrvering IH iktcs of ground,
with S building litW foot bnitf by 4C4
1M 1 tide, It hat five straiulit work
pavfllfrrni hi the centre ; the middle 1
iJfl fret aqnarft and the lour others 12tt
br 1ut fM. and from theaa extend
tltt phedlfWn stractumi on uwh of
two awca, with S length of (100 fW t by
a wMtb of 120. f
NEW SEltlES-VOL. 15, NO. 28.
One of the moot diintblo and valu-
alile enitH tiir a hone ia a walk, ami it
should ho the aim to nrat oeveiop inia, ...... . j i
trait in the handling of the oolt. TheK"?" ftt ,ld f".1 M
giKMt walker will always make good
time on the roud when a day a journey i
ii to he made, without wearying him
aelf. while the alow mopcr muat lie
coiiMUntly kept on tlto trot if time ia to
ho made. A horao that w ill wuik nvo
milcM uu hour will goon fur in a day, con
fined to thin ipiit, uu an ordinary homo
can he driven when kept half of the
time to the trot, and with much great
er tutae to himaelf. If omvhalf tho paina
were taken by utrmcra' boys to mako
fuat wulkentof the you n gut era on tho
farm that ia imualty taken to make
them trot, the reault would lie much
mora Itenettcial, and he would find
plenty ot team that could do their live
mile an hour with euae. Hut imdcod
of thin, aa wxm aa the colt ia bridled,
the sole aim f "the boys" la to make a! a "tM a nOT. mmwJ lue "7
muter of him, ami 'both gaita J cm tnd any hero yon are web
iMiiWd 00,116 to !t' yi,lrf which he accident-
Make the colt walk, boya; make )v turned M die biwat of hu mt.
thcmcxtendlhemHelvtinalong.awecp. oi htla teli 1
ing, wiuaiv walk, and don t be aati-tied tllC i,W(ldc Jf-?4-, l0 WIIikwJ h 9'a
with U than five tnilca an hourt '4 w"!kwl tT
When he geta to trotting be will go all rt,,rJ. 'b,M'h 1 d"lJfi,rta lhe ho" '
the liwter lor hia preliminary training
to the wulkinii tfuit,
nit, and if he Hiwt
tntt ho! enoiiifh to U'ttt Iexteror(iold-
Hinith Maid, or Occident, he will have
a gait that ia invaluable for buaineaa
Puiikhm. Wo hojo to aee more atten-
r and wo nispetdtullv urifo uiwn
agricultural societies the importance of j
iffennir lilicnil prir.os lor walking
horses at the lairs tor the coming year.
Tho sign of the cross poawweed pe
uliur ndiirioiis aiirnilicanco of Christi
anity upon tho earth, among the jhmv
tdo who knew nothinir of tho tmo (iod.
and in nut iourf separated Oomeach other
hy almost halt tho eircnmlerenee 01
the giolre. It is titund in a variety of
shaiies on nlunwt all the Kin ntian mon-
timenta, and upon many that mum nave
been erected heforo the arrival of the
Iriraelitcsin Kirvi.t. It i found usually
near to or In tho hands of figures of
U'itiea, aud one limn nf it isnow known,
strangely enough, to have reprwented
-the hie to come. '1 he cross ha been
Uncovered also iiimui bricks and pottery
and metal taken from the nuns ol ha
by Ion, and it appears so fnquently that
th theory nn-vails that it must havo
jMiwwarMMl more titan common aignin
on lien iitiioixr thn Hnhvloiiiniui.
it has heen tound also among the
rtMnama ol tho pcoplo who dwelt in
the lake villain ol Italy and nwiuer-
hmd, and who lived ao long ago that
they wore molted irom existence oetoru
the liomaiis upiHtared upon the Italian
peninsula. The cemeteries of theae
mysterious people huvo been explored,
and nnon uverv one of the cinerary
ania that have been tound tlie cross is
inscribed. There ia little doubt, there
fore, that it hail lor thoao people t spe
cial religious meaning, connected in
Home manner with death. The caves
of India nhnw that the croaa waa a i
ligiotis symbol among (he nations of
thut continent centuriea airo;it Waa
nlim a lltvorite emblem in the rites of
the llrnids, and it was the principal sa
cred token of tho Hcandinaviana, fbr
the hummer ot Tbor was a crorts; and
when Cortes hat! conquered Mexico,
the exploring parties aent out hy him
found tho cross standing everywhere
in the temples of tho Aatocs ip Mexico
and Central America, while Vuiarro
discovered that tho lncas of Peru worn
a cross amonir thciriieraonal ornaments.
It la oven more remarkable that bap
tism by water was a religions rite
among the Mexican Ar-tecs. The tb
ory is highly plausible therefore that
this general and wide spread veneration
of the cross was tho result of a myste
rious but universal conviction in tho
heart of man that the redemption of I
tho nice would come through the me
dium 01 that sign.
I'laca a piece of iron oreteol in damn
aahca, and it will soon wrrode with
mat. IMaco tlte ironorattHd in lime
mortar, and the rust will disappear.
How small grain whore a brush pile or
log heap has been burned, or where a
iiherui tircHaing ot athea has been ap
plied, and there will lie a rank growth
that Will prohamy lull and never ma
ture. How the grain where tho lime
Ita been applied to tho soil, and tlie
grain will grow with stout, at iff straw,
nnd plump hard he Is thut mature well,
AkIics cntmo a rank growth of the
herbaceous part of the plants, such as
leave, straw aud araaa; lime induces a
growth of tho woody part of plants,
und tho grain or ihnt. Anhua etimu-
Inte heavy muck and neb or virgin sou.
1 hev appear to disintegrate or make
available what la already in the soil.
Thoy aeem to act siociallr on vegeta
ble mold and manures from the barn-
yard. Apply them to the immt offonaivol
iiile of compost and they will render
tt itiodnrrms and worthless as a fcrtib
iasr, their effect being that nf releasing
thuamtnoinalrumliieoomiMtst. Ashes!
used with aomnnost heap ot docayiniri
vegctablo matter would ho wasted
)i)mMMnnr.wnM n-noiTiiiuipaniry Miaivea, and th like. Hrush
conrpost inert nn a fertiliser. Amhod
to aa otitftiHiva sink, sewer or eoHspool,
they sorvo nu execllunt purtrose as a
disinteeluiit. They promote the growth
of gnisa and ftirage cMroeially, (iroviug
rer- valuable on low Inmls; will stinv
ulate trees, etc., to vigomns growth
when the ami is strong. They exhaust
suniig soils and injuru poor omw.
Jiimc imjimves poor soils, OHiecially
sandy ones, by rendering them mom
compact and cnpuHc of retaining fertil
ity when applied. An a promoter of
health mill vigor in apple trees h ia one
of the beet applications that can he
made to the soil. nder Its influence
trcw in at urc well, the trait ia finer, and 1
the tree art1 Iixht from diNeitHc. i.iine
may 1h appliel with U'licflt on most
and niany plauta, but It Is of spe
cial value to the apple tree and straw
tverry pltujt, while a lies are valuable
on heavy or rich soils tor the grtisaer
fetvling of (tlants, such as our native
plums and currant bushes. (V. 7r-
A few davaaiHeea Mr. Llowny made
Home Interesting exptrimenta with tho
Vj " i .77 -i pinTM, rulloKl hm wile tn aaaiat Mm
ii.Sir(.illrtl. ..A.uearMiudenw,iKwlth a rhlael, h. eot bote in
... a.. ..ok"'""- " '" oeen win.i
thai ilynamile would only ennlode In
twoway. eltherhrro,,HonfHtwen.
iron and iron.
, ....,.nn, ,n,,n,
7. ""'""'"
a rap. To prrrr. thia Mr. Jhjwny roll.
m antno oi 11 la a liaiier. lain It mi tll.ln.nwl an,. .nK
aliimn of a ti. and alraek II with a
idadge hammoh it wan only nrrrieired
anil dirt not eiplndev Hrrm. of th. dy.
namit. waa then "hided In to. prraper
manner, and tbert atriinpii and boulder.
Were torn and rant aa under.
'Thia year'a maplo aegnr ykl In
Vmnont la i-timalod at 15 000,WKl
poWlda, Worth l,(l,"IO -aaaW. I
JiOGtt 0PT10X
' - Tb. way it ia managed In Oakland,
California, aine. kxvl outioii baaoarrltvi
th. day, and no mora liquor ia aold by
rvtaiL, ia thua :
Thinly Cuatomer. Mr. Bark'per,
what will five frallona aud a gill of your
beat whUkey i-iatt ?
Mr. l.m-i!t.
1. C. Cheap ononith. I'll take It
Demijohn handed down. T. 0. take
a nip, ainaeki hia Una, and inftirma Mr.
II. that on tho whole, be thiuka be will
not keep the balance, and Migmita that
Mr. li. nhall buy it bank. Mr. B. al
way ready for a bancain, ofTcra 130 10
for'it, whic h offer T. 0. aeeiita, layln(
the 15 cent difluroueo. You aee b.
"aelk altort" on Bourbon, "seller lfi."
Muwaihiuvtiii, if w. credit a writer
in tie Bunion Ua:ettr, furnube a pleat
ing variety in meant, but tbeaame reault:
We at length reached the hotel again,
and I proposed gluaa of ' brandy ami
water. My friend looked at me .,d
Ihen at the landlord ! and tit.
friend. Perplexity wontpread the
wmntenanca of both. "Such a thing aa
liqnor ia not to be had in tho place,'
aaid tho landlord.
"Bought, yo mean," retoiW my
"Bought, I mean," waa the anawor.
Then both eyed Ke aignincaolly.
I could not explain how uatu it rant
ed it, 1 could only give vent to my feel
ing in a aigh.
Without a word thy landlord diaa
peared within the i-ecee of a amall
room behind the office dottk, and pres
ently came forth with two empty
tumWra in hia hand. Theaa he placed
upon the deak.
"Hut where ia tho liquor f I inquired.
"The law fbrbtda me to sell it," bo
" to pravvnt u
""' "P"M"lu 1 WM,
hut I nmrvod inexorable.
"My private bottle kept Tor medical
puHMtew, and not for sale," bo moaned,
aa ho poured out the liquor for myself
and the worthy Chairman of tho Parish
Committee. "Have some water, gen
tlemen 1" he added with alacrity.
We drank, and 1 replaced the hottie
in tlie repository whence I had taken
It. J hen J put a oniiar in 111s uanti.
"What ia thia for?'' he asked, as ho
le mailed it in hia waistcoat pocket.
and gnve me a half-dollar in change.
"rura uunui'1 01 uum, - i " '
"Keen them until I send lor them.
"Ah, sir," said tlus htndlonl, with an
air of virtuous resignation, "the pmhih
itory law haa done a world ot good in
stopping tho sale of liquors. It's a
severe law on us, but U i a good one,"
When Washington Smith studied
n.mlirinA a irrawt ihtftl of dirKcilll v waa
exjierienced in procuring dead taxlies
for dissection, and tho studonts at tho
college used to make lorays upon the
cemeteries at night for the purpose of
maintaining the supply. One day
they beard of the Interment of a mys
terious malady, and thoy determined
to resurrect the remains. That night
Hmith and hia friends started out with
out a lantern, bnt with plenty of spades
and abovels. When thoy came to tho
place and aaw tho white marble tonih
stonoa, they climbed over the fence and ,
after a w hile found a spot where tha
earth was apparently fresh. Then they
began to dig. They dug fbr two hours
and wont down twenty feet
After they had excavated a big enough
hole to make a eouple of cellars and a
rifle pit, they concluded that they must
have been at the wrong spot They
picked out another place where the
tfronnd had Wtjjjygdji- mtfUtfttf
nearly bursting a olood vessel apiece
and getting out a few hand rod tons of
dirt, they knocked off, and aa they sat
lown on Ihe edge of tho hole to rest '
and wine off the pentpiration, they ex
pressed their aatimiahnient at the star
city of bodies in that part Senior burial
ground. It was getting 00 toward
morning then, but they deUirmiuod to
try once more. Just as they removed
the first shovelful of earth, Smith, who
hsd been wandering around the place
meanwhile, suddenly said, in a mourn
ful voice;
"Boya, I think WO had hotter go
home now."
"Why? What for r they asked.
"Well, I think anyhow wo'd better
knock oft now on aooount of various
"What do you mean? what d' you
want to go home for?" asked they.
"Well, ' said Hinith, "I think it would
ho judicious for several reasons, but
principally because weVe boen rootin'
round here ail night hi a marl do yard."
They did go home. They had gotten
over the wrong fence, the cemetery
being a few stem further down the
road. Tho members of tho class who
wont out after breakfast to see how the
ruins looked by daylight, said that
while tlto owner off the marble yard
did not invent any now kind of swear
ing when he came lo hosineaa, he in
fused into tho old variety a very unu
sual and pictureaqno scenery.
Tho Journal of CKmintrji irahllshea
a recipe thr the destruction of bisects,
which. If it be one-half as efficacious as
it is claimed to bo, will prove almost
Hot alum water is a recent snifirestinn
as an insecticide.
It will deairov red
nnu duck anis, cocKnaciiot K.idcia,
ehinfz bit oil and all (hi trvt'Hni. Twal.i
which inteat our liojnea. Take two
pounda of alum and dinwdve it in three
or lour quarts of boiling water; let it
stand ou tho fire tilt tho alum dhuip-
pears : then apply It with a binnl
while neariv hndmi hnf tnvi-v loli.t
and ciwice 11 your ekiaeta. bedatcwla,
tlie c review In the floor or the skirting"
or moji hoards, if you mispeet that thoy
harbor vermin. If, In whitew asbinir a
wiling, plenty of alum ia added to tho
llnae, it will also acrve to keep insecia
at a diatanee. CockniaciiM m ill flee
tho paint which ha been washed in
cool alum water. Hugar barrels and
botes can he freed from ants by drnw
ing a chalk mark Just around the edgo
of the top of them. The mark muni
ho unbroken, or they will creep over it ;
but a coutiuuuua cludk mark half an
Inch In width will set their depreda
tions at naiighL Powdered alum or
borax will keep the clu'iiU bug at a
resjMtctml diitanco;and travclorsoindit
always to eary a package In their
nanu-Daga, to scultdW over and under
their pillowa In placea where they have
reanon to buhiwcI the pr-ettuiicu uf auch '
Its ArWxa It aeems Impoaaihle to
edXMMgente tha horror 4 nitm-glyevr
ine. A man naintslDeyu, at PstttT.
au.M-n 1 Vn I-!..
I ...irnJ M .'1.1 tH M. i
! Iltkit mi R fcmt wnp he WJ;
w, proim-inff tn nae h rs a "vlar
) fc, , m!,n4, k.,k. Jl. muioad that
lho,n tube erwy hot , .
. ,,lo n ..,1,.., ao Degrvwiy.
it little Ihontrlit. lie bail nm
m Now, , (ft,!
tin proraal ta lie nitm-irtr-Devo
waa Moww fnatr ,
jAava hlmawir waa l
aurn of th. k.t 1
terrihra, the U'
rd from tho boe-aVxiHIal.