Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 01, 1874, Image 2

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    itu pit publican.
annua km nmimi.
The olloe of the Ciuuiiu Ripxblicih will
hereafter Im la Ple'i Opera Houie, on Market
mat, between Booond and Third. Tin buiinttt
olloe will be found to the left of the main en
trance, on I be eeeond loor, when nil our old and
new patroni are invited to Mil. The preet nd
oompoting roomi are on the third door. '"
Col. John W. Forney, of tbo Press,
' sails for Europo noxt wcok.
Congress. This body adjourned on
Tuesday, the 22d tilt. And greatly
does Nast's Goddoss of Liberty re
joice over this piece of legislation.
The Massaohusotts Legislature pass
ed a license law, last week, and the
Govornor has vetoed the bill. New
England toototalers are oAoitoJ Ju
Postponed. The Radical Legisla
ture of Rhode Island, after trying for
nearly two months to eloct a United
States Senator, adjourned on tbo 24th
' ult. until next Decombor.
More Fisn. Grant Is evidontly not
satisfied . with one Fish in his cabinet,
, but . has appointed Lyman K. Bass,
congressman from New York, to the
' post of Assistant Secretary of the
. Treasury.''
Gov. Ilartranfl has our thanks for
a copy of the General Laws passed
daring the session of 1874. . It will be
a very nseful hand-book, because it
contains the new Constitution In full,
togother with the names of the mom-
. uors 01 mo uonsuiuuonai uonvenuon.
', Tho 'government" family was rus-
, licating in West Virginia the begin'
ning of this week, and designs making
Its bcadquartors at Long Branch after
tho 4th of July. ' Grant having got
rid of Congress and State affairs will
how give his attention to fast horses
, and pleasure gonerally. .
"That godly man," as John Brown
termod Boechor, in 1857, when he was
raising collections in his church to
purchase- Sharp's rifles, is creating a
greator sonsalion to-day than at the
time indicated, yet his reoent acts are
nnttliv vyiava Halrimonlal tn nnrtfitr1
J .......... . ........... v..
religion than they were seventeen
years ago. . Those who have patron
ized and nursed this fiend and arrant
hypocrite, are just as guilty as ho is.
Fire at Newport. A very des
tructive fire occurred at Newport,
Perry county, on Thursday afternoon.
A large hotel, four dwollings and nine
business establishments wore burnod.
The bridge across tho Juniata was on
fire five or six tiroes,' but saved from
destruction bv the efforts of the ladies.
who took charge of the bridge and the
furnituro moved into it, while the
men were fighting the fire in the town.
Tho loss is not less than $30,000.
Grant's Summersault. "The gov
ernment" seems to be as fatally de
moralized as the finances of the coun
try. : This all must admit, after read
ing the Grant-Jones memorandum,and
the commercial Kln-Klux bill passed
at tho eleventh hour by Congress and
approved by the government Was
Grant sober when he issued tho Jones'
programmo, or did Butler's speech
make him drank enough to sign the
now national bank, or repudiation bill?
Who knows? , " 1 ,
AppallIno Accident. Wbilo a fes
tival was being held in tbe Baptist
Church at Syracuse, New York, on
the 23d, the middle floor gave way,
precipitating those above upon those
below. .. Sixteen persons were killed
and not loss than 160 severely wounded,
twenty -five of whom are maimed for
life. . Tho leading member of tbe Con
gregation, Dr. Wainwright, and bis
wifo and the preacher in charge and
his wife, wore all killod. Syracuse is
in mourning. A similar disaster oo
cured at Newberry, near Wllliannport,
about a year ago. Church builders
cannot be too careful in this particular.
Government Oppression. Tbe new
bill requiring the prepayment of post
age on all printed matter has become
a law. In effect, this makes newspa
per publishers tbe collectors of gov
ernment revenues, but it allows them
no sort of compensation for their work.
The bill is simply an outrage, and Is
the first of a series Intended to break
down tho freedom and nsofulness of
Vh6 press. Tho Butlers, Carpenters
and othor men of that stripe, wbo
have had their scandals and frauds ex
posed by the press, fool like punishing
every newspaper publisher, If possible,
and adopt this method of punishment,
Not so Lovely. The Senate hav
ing rojoctod "boss" Shoppard, as one
of Grant's District of Columbia Com
missionors, tbe other two Cattell and
Blow who wore confirmed, rofaaed
to accept tbe appointment' ' Tho Com
mission Is therefore "blowcd up."
Tho affairs at the National Capital
have been so corrtrptl? managod, that
but few men who possess cither solf
rospect or the noccssary qualifications
to administer public affairs, will per
mit themsolvoa to be mado tbe "scape
goat" for the Cookes, Sbeppard ft Co
and thelroorrupt confederates. Tboro.
fore Grant must look around lor some
cheap mercenary matorial for the com
mission basinets, i uu ,i i i j., ; '
"Mlap Daft."
The United States Senate just pre
vious to adjournment, made"acornor''
at commercial quacks call it on
"tho government.1' A notorious froe
booler, named Sbeppard, has beon
playing Govornor of the District of
Columbia for some time, and being tho
bead of a corrupt ring, was well nigh
impeached by a congressional com
mittoo, which invostigatod some of his
fraudulent transactions, and In ordor
to save the party from the disgraco
which such an in vostiga,tion would have
doveloped, simply rooommendod and
had a bill passed through Congress
abolishing the office of Govornor and
substituting a Commission, composed
of three citizens, for tho government
of tho city in tho futuro. Grant at
once appointed this notorious corrup
tionists as one of the commission, and
sent his nomo into the Senate for con
firmation. The Sonate, understand
ing the character of tbe President's
friend, took a voto, when lo and bo
hold 1 but six of the sovonty six Sena
tors voted for Shoppard's confirma
tion. ' No President ever received
such a political castigalion. Tbe
Presidont-Bupporting six were railroad
ller Sargent, of California; tbo Presi
dent's "memorandum" manufacturer
Jones, of .Nevada, and lour i;ui -nag
gers from the South, among them our
own John J. Patterson, of Mifllintown,
who now herds with the South Caro
lina Moses. . ', "
"The Beeoher Scandal." Such js
tho caption of an articlo found in near
ly evory newspapor we pick np. ( If
half of what his yoke fellow, Theodore
Tilton, says about him is true, he
should be caught up by a mob and
drowned In the East river. This
clorical buffoon (llenry Ward Beccher)
first came info notice in 186G, when
he took up collections in bis church
and in the Sunday schools undor his
cbargo for the purpose of purchasing
Sharpe's Hides and banding them over
to tho "Massachusetts Immigrants
Aid Society," whose agents took them
to Kansas "for the purpose' of shoot
ing Border Ruffians.", . The Philadel
phia Frtss, in alluding to this fiend,
says: :( ; ;." ,.
. The Beecher eeandal, however, hat become lch
public property that ilenoe it io.poaiit.le. It i
the unfortunate eTont of Ihe are. It draga down
to the mire a men whoae nullity was akin to
geoiua. He had thoueandi of follower!. Hit
teeming pletj wai a glorioui example. . lie wm
the foremoit preacher of the day ) and now be la
found gntltj of the moet belnoui of Crimea, made
more to from the fact of hit calling and fait plaoe
in public eateem. Mr. Tillon't eard but lattice
one charge among tbe many, but that proveo,
then It little room to doubt that the othert were
equally well founded.
Butler's Farewell Gen. Benja
min "Franklin Butler, loader of the
Radical party in Congress. and Presi
dential Controller, exploded a politi
cal powdor boat in Congress, a lew
days before the adjournment. .Tbe
explosion seems to have been as barm
less, however, as the Fort Fisher nf
fair. Butler repeals the charge that
the firm of Phelps, Dodge & Co.
havo swindled tbe government out of
a largo sum of money, In tbe shape of
frauds upon the revenue. , He stated
also, that not ovor sixty per cent, of
tho taxes and revenue collocted from
tbe people ever reaches the Treasury,
and that enough monoy bad been
Btolcn by tho officials in the past ton
years to pay off half tbe national dobt.
Think of that, reader! . Over a thou
sand millions of dollars stolen from
the people by "Christian Statesmen"
and unexceptionable loyalibts, within
ton years II And tho loador of his
party confessos itlll Is it any won
dor we have hard times ?..:';
. RBHioNED.-Cborpenning Crosswoll,
who has drawn the-salary of Post
Mastor General for a little over five
years, has given up the job, and has
notified tbo President that be must
got another man in bis plaoo. ' Ho la
the last member of Grant's first selec
tion, and whs no doubt the most In
competent. ' lie was the author of the
prosont newspaper postage imposition
and the general disturber of ooarly all
the long and well established regula
tions of tbo PoBtofflce Department.
"Boss" Sbeppard would be an improve
ment on uresswoll. . ,
Malfeasance in OrncE. Radical
morality and official integrity .appear
to bo at a heavy discount in South
Carolina. A loiter in the New York
Times. (No. 1 Radical authority), in
alluding to the general rascality which
provaits in that carpetbag ridden Slate,
says : From the official records of tbe
prosecuting attorneys of the different
circuits in South Carolina it will be
seen that ono-third of tbe number of
persons holding minor positions have
been Indicted for some offonsea com
mitted during their terms of ofTco,and
a touch larger proportion Is charged
with crimes ot various kinds prior to
tboir election or appointment. Charts
ton county is pehnps worse in this
particular than any othor portion of
tbe Htato. p rom inn nignest to tbe
lowest State officer in i ho. district
noarly all have beon charged with, and
many of thorn convicted of, one or
more orronsos. Among tne cases citoa
by the Times Is that of Richard II.
Cain, congressman at large, who is
charged with fraudulent transactions,
but has not been proseouted, booause
be was high in tho favor of the State
guvoxuilivue I,
Grant Like. Tho Baltimore Wit-
zette says t President Grant In his let
ter to Senator Jones thought it quite
probable that Congress would not
adopt ms suggestions in regard to mo
finances, ' lie was quite right. lie Is
opposed, he inflation and favors
a speedv return to specie payments'.
The bill passed by Congress on Satur
day inflates the currency and protracts
indefinitely tue time tor Toturning to
speoie ' payments. ' As Congress does
not agree witn Dim tn bis views," ana
as be oannot airroe with those or Con
gress, he came to tbo conclusion to
approve of wbat be disapproves, and
so signed tne Din. , . ,
Tbe New York Nation very port!
neollv observes that the "momoran
durn'' of President Grant ia a docu
ment that shcmld have boen presented
to George 8, Boutwcll in 1869:
Primary Eltttion Jetties.
We roproduoo for tbe benefit of our
readers tho Domocratlo Primary Eluo
tion Rulos, as adopted in County Con
vention on October 1st, 187U, and un
der which we are now working. We
hopo oar party frionds will study and
ondoavor to livb up to thorn. - In lion-'
or we are as much bound to live up to
and support tbom, until tlioy are
amondod or ohangod in tho regular
way, as we aro tho gonoral election
law of tbo Slate. And this wo are
satisfied all Democrats who lovo tboir
party more than themselves will do, to
the utmost of tboir ability.
' 1. The orgnniaatioa of tbe County Committee
tball be and remain at now osnttiluted that it
one member fur every borough and townthip, and
a Chairman, which Committee aha.ll be teleeled
annually by the delcgatea, and their term of of
Aee thall begin at January following their elec
tion. .
ir The number of delegate! to which each dli
trlot It entitled It bated upon the following rule,
that it to lay: Baoh election dittriot ia tbe
oeunty polling one hundred Democratic rotet or
leu, tball be entitled to two delegate! abtolutely,
and for each additional one hundred Demooratlo
rotei or fraction greater than one-half thereof,
palled la laid dlitrict at the I art preceding tior
eroor't election, an additional delegate, and un
der thii rat tbe following allotment of delegatot
it noV made :
Becearia.. ! (lulioh. . S
Bell 9 Houttdale
Bloom J Button S
Boggi .... 3
Bradford .... 4
Jordan M 8
Kartbeua. S
t Knox S
8 Lawrenoe... A
8 Lumber City t
8 Morrit 4
1 JaoS''".h.B:::::: I
8 Pean .., 8
8 Pilto. 8
2 Union.- 8
2 Wallaceton.. t
8 Woodward..- 8
; S3
iue ..
Total ,
8. Tbe delegate election and County Conven
tion tball be governed and conducted ttrlctly In
aoeordanea witb the following rule, and the
Chairman of the County Committee tball be an
nually elected by the County Convention and
thall be ex.nlcto, the Pretidtnt of all County
Convention!. '
j-i Tl '0"" fordolegatet to represent the
different dittrieu la the. annual Democratic Coun
ty Convention thall be held at tbe utual place of
holding the general election! for each dittrict, on
the Saturday preoejing the third Tuetday of Sep
tember, (being tbe 12lh thii year,) beginning at
1 o clock, p. u, and continuing until 7 e'olook
r. of tame day.
8. The Mid delegate tlectiont thall be held by
an election board, to eoniitt of the member of the
County Committee for tuch diitriet, and two oth
er Democratic voteri thereof, wbe thall be ap
pointed or detlgnated by the Coanty Committee,
locate any of the penoni to oomtltuting the
hoard ih.ll be abtent from the place of holding
the election for a Quarter of
time appointed, by Rule Pint, for the opening of
the tame, bit or their plaoe or placet, thill be
llllail hew ea 1 a 1 . . a
- " " oe oonauoied eire) com by
tbe Democratic voten pretcnt at the time.
S. Every qualified voter of the dittrict, who at
the lew general election voted the Democratic
tioket, thall be entitled to a vote at the delegate
election! ' ,
' I. The rollng of all delegate electioat (lull bt
by ballot open which ballot! thall he written or
printed the name or namet of the dtlegate or del
egate! voted for, together with any imtmotloni
which tbe. voter may rfeilre to give the delegate
or delegate. Kaeh ballot lo be received from the
perton voting the lame by a member of the elec
tion board, and by biiu denoiited in a box or
olbtr receptacle prepared for that pnrpoie, to
which box or other receptacle no pernio but the
member! of the eleelion board bare aeeeia,
8. No inttructiont thall be received or recog
nited unleit the lame be voted upon the ballot at
provided in Rule Seventh, nor (ball inch Iattrue
Uont, if Toted upoa tbe ballot, be binding upon
the delegate, unlett one-half or more of the bal
lot! tball eontam inatruetioni concerning the
lame office. Whenever half or more of thi bal
lot! thall contain initructtoni concerning any of
Hoe, the delegatei elected at tuch election ihall
be held to be inetruoted to tupport tbe candidate
having the highlit number of votee for tuch
t. Each election board tball keen an accurate
Hit of the namet of all pcrtoni voting at rarb
electbnt l which Hit of retort together with a full
and complete return of tuck election, containing
an accurate ttatement of the penoni elected del
egate! and all initractioni voted, ihall be certl
Sod by amid board to tbe County Convention, up
on prilled blank! lo be furuiihed by the County
IS. Whenever from any diitriet. Qualified Dem
ocratic roteri, in nam ben equal to See tinea tbe
delegate! wnion luca antriet net la the Coanty
Convention, thall complain in writing of an un
due election or falto return of delegate! or of in
itruationi, in which complaint tbe alleged facta
thall be apeciflcally tat forth and verified by the
affidavit of one or more penoni, tuch complaint
thall have tbe right to eontctt the eeat of tuch
delegate! or the validity of inch tnttructioni.
Such complaint ihall be hoard by a committee of
Bre delegatei to be appointed by the Preatdent
of tbe nonventlon , which taid committee thall
proceed to hear the partiet, their prooft and alle
gation!, and aa toon at may be report to the con
vention wbat delegatee anentitlea to teati there
in, and what Imtructioni are binding unon tuch
delegate!. Whenupon tbe convention ihall pro
ceed immediately, upoa the call of the eaa and
aoya, to auopt or reject tut report oi tne eonietl
lng partiet. In which call of tbe yrat and eaea
the name! of the delegatei whoae teatt an oon
teited or wkoM toitrucliont an diiputed, thall
be omitted.
11. All delegatei muat retide In the diitriet
they repretent. Ia eaaea of abtrnoe or Inability
to attena, tubititutiona may be made from cttt
xent of the diitriet.
12. Delegate! mutt obey the Initruotlona given
them br their reipettive diitricti, and If violated
it ihall be the duty or the Preeidcnt or the con
vention to cat! tbe rote of luoh dolegate or dele
gatet In accordance with the Initruotiont t and
tbe delegate or delegate! ao offending aball be
forthwith expelled from the convention, and tball
not be eligibli te any offioe or place of trust In
tbe party for a period of two yean.
12. In convention a majority of all voten thall
be Decenary to a nomination and ao perton'i
name thall be excluded from the Utt of candidate!
until after the ai(8 ballot or vote, wheo the per
ton receiving the leatt number of rotei thail be
omitted and itrnck from the roll, and to on at
each aueeettlve vote until a nomination it made.
14. If anr rtenjn who It a candidate for anv
atmlnatioa befbn county oonventioni, thall be
proven to bare offered or paid any money, or
other valuable thing, or made any promiae of a
eoniideretioa or reward to any penoa for hit rote
or influence, te tecum the delegate from any dii
triet, or tball bare offered or paid any money or
valuable thing, or prom i ted any ooaiidiratloa or
reward, to any delegate for hii vote, or to any
ether penoa with a view of inducing or aeourlng
the void of delegate!, or If the eanie tball be
done by any ether penon with tbe knowledge and
content of tuch candidate, the name of tuch can
didate ihall be Immediately ttrlcken from the rial
of candidate!, or if tuch fact be aioertained after
hi! nomination te any oflioe, and before the Bnal
adjournment, tbe nomination iliall be itrnck from
the ticket and tbe vacancy lupplied by a new nom
ination, and la either eeeo aueh perton thall be
Ineligible to any nomination by a convention, or
to aa election aa a delegate thereafter. And ia
cue It ihall be alleged after the adjournment of
the convention that any candidate put In aomlna-
tion baa been guilty of aueh acta, or of any other
fraudulent prtctlcei to obtain mob nomination,
the charge than b Inveitigatcd by the County
Committee, aad loch etepa taken at the good of
the party may require,
li. If any delegate ihall receive any money or
other valuable thing, or eooept tbe promiae of any
eeniideration or reward to be paid, delivered, or
tenured to htm, or aay penon for aueh delegate,
ai aa inducement for bit vote, upon proof of the
fact to tbe tatitfaclion of tbe convention, tueh
delegate thaU bt forthwith expelled, and thall
not be reiotred at a delegate to any future con
vention and thall be Ineligible to any party nom
ination. lo. Cam arlilng under tbt rulei ihall have
protedeaee over aU ether but I noil In convention,
until determined. -
17. The County Convention ihall meet annu
ally, In the Court Houae, nt 1 p'oloek r. a. on the
third Tuetday of September, i
18. Tho name! of all the candidate! for offioe
ihall be announced at Iratt three week a prevloui
to the time of holding the primary t lection.
Grant Times. Hvorybody fools the
good times promised as by tho loadors
of tho Radical party, two yoars ago,
upon tho re-elcotion or ucnorai urant.
Tbo Philadelphia IVcss, of Sunday,
dolos out tjie following lamontation i
"A Now Jorsoy exchango states that
so (treat is the nnmbor of unemployed
workmen lu Newark, that tho gongs
engaged thore upon street work for
tho city are cbangod every fortnight,
st) as to keep the wolf from the door
of as many as possible When the
last chango was mado, upwards of 700
men crowdod about tho Commission
er'a office at the City Hall, hopinir to
obtain employment. This lamentable
condition of the working people re
sults from the general antf widespread
depression In manufacturing indus
tries." 'V;
a MHnanrtat Mill! .Id opted.
Tbo Confuronoo Committee of
Congress at tho oloventh hour hatch
ed up a now currency bijl. Well
posted Dnanoiors regard it as tier se
an inflation bill, and athfert that 11
adds to tho facilities and power of tho
national bunks, porpoiuaiing tboir
monopoly, and is just wbat tbot havo
dusirod from tho beginnidg of tho
controversy. Tho bill passed the
Sonato on Friday by a voto of ft 3 to
1!, and on ISaturuay tho lloust by a
voto of 221 to 40. Spoaking pf its
prospects boforo tho 1'residonL tho
Philadelphia liecord says : )
"The meaeure It one of tiirli decided liflallon.
without a tingle idea la It looking to tbe restora
tion of thi currency to a tolld baali, thai It doci
not teem to be poivihla that he oon gi it lila
Tho Now York Jlcrahl money
writor says:
"Can the Prealdont, after li in tlrong li nguage
on thii tuhject in hit veto tnd meuiurau um, be
to Inooaaiatent ai not to forbid Ihe exerciae of a
power, which, while fattening upon the ociintrya
oertain volumo of currency, will likewite etublieb
a dangeroua precedent r
Ihe inflationists wero oxhubornnl
on Saturday, and boasted that If vo-
looa tboy could pass it by a two-thirds
voto : but the 1'rosidont promptly
signed it, and thus ondod all Simula
tion on tne subjoct.
ihe most commonuablo provision-
of the measure is its limitation it tho
volume of the legal tondor currency
to 9382,000,000. This in e fleet legal
izes tbe action of tho Socrelary tlf the
Treasury in re-issuing t20,000,0i)0 of
the cancolled currency; but nroronta
any futuro socrotary from doiruj tho
.... t.i.. -
The bill authorizes tho redistribu
tion of $51,000,000 of tho national
bank notes, in furor of the South and
West, and roloasos entirely tho nation
al bank resorvo fund. This it is esti
mated will .expand tho currency lo
the oxlont of almost $30,000,000, and
will vory likely havo tho effect of in
flating tho prices of tho noeossarios of
lifo. .. ...
Ilutler on Power.'
No one will bo surprised ot any-
thing which may como from tho lips
of lion. liutlor, but some people who
navo innocently considered the gen
eral government only a machine to
serve the interests of the peojilo, and
thai omce holders woro tne servants
of the sovereign poojifo, may be eomo-
wnat nstomsiiod to lenrn that tho
goneral govornmcnt has power to
invado tho sanctity of a man's homo,
and Ihoro tako liberlios, with his
property, which even our local laws
cannot touch. Upon a bill being
offered in tho House of Representa
tives recently by liutlor, a Democratic
member innocently inquired whether
the govornmont had any rigjit to do
what the General proposed. "The
Government," was llto prompt and
contemptuous reply, "has a right to
do what it pleases with anybody
witinn its jurisdiction. Jlio general
government, if it chooses, can take
tno shirt off your back. Our readers
must bo careful how they incur tho
wrath of that terrible monster the
general govornmcnt or they may have
tho pleasure oi a call Ironi Jlvn. some
night, whon ho mny come as an attor
ney of tho great central power and
relentlessly ueprivo them ot thoir
linon. Bnt seriously, there is much
truth in liutlor'B remark, tho gonoral
government is gradually gathering to
itsolf an immense power which will
some day provo ruinous to our free
dom, if tho pooplo do not put a veto
on centralization. Columbia lltrald.
The Orabuers' APoloot. The nl-
toons Tribune alludes to the grab in
this way : It is claimed by some oi tho
political apolocisls of the Congress
men who voted for tho "salary grab"
that thoy dbsorvo credit because ono
of thoir first acts Was to repeal it "in
obodicnco to tno demands ot riiblin
sontimont and its own sonso of right."
uut t. oncrces first passed tbo ihcan
salary grab law against tho demtntls
of public sontimont and its own sin so
of right, and only repealed it wliert tho
strength of popular indignation mado
itself felt. To cairn crodit for this nort
of virtue is liko extolling tho honesty
of the thief who hands over tho stolon
watch as soon as he feels tho cram) of
a policeman's hand on his shouldor.
Tho TrnrriHhnriv Pnfrint mnvm ut
Grant stick to Jones of Novada." Tou
bot ho will ; Jones has fifteen million.
Arie Observer.
From the itahle of the underaicned. In
Weal Huntingdon, on the night of June I4th, a
UltlUllX UAX IIOltBK, medium lite, about
teven yean old; alio, a taddle and bridle. A
lultable reward will be paid for the return of the
hone, or for any Information that will lead tehli
recovery. MAHUAHET MAKTIN. .
Notice It hereby given that
tbe underaigned have thii day diipoaed of the
one-half, being their entire intereit, in "The Hope
rm-unrx manuiacturing lomptoy, at wood
land, te the other member! of the firm. Tbe new
Company will receive all atieti, and pay all lia-
bilitiei of the former firm.
11. A. RICIIAtlDS,
Woodland, Pa., L. O. WILK.
June IS, lS74-julyl-3t.
WurunAt, Hon. C. A. MAVKU, Pretidcnt
Judge of the Court of Common IMeaa of the twen-ty-fifth
Judicial Metric!, oompoard of thermic
tiet or Clearfield, centre and I'lininn, and lion.
WM. C. FOlih'Y and Hon. J OIK.- J. HKAD, Ai
tnciate Judgai of Cleardcld county, have iaiurd
their nreoent, to me directed, for lliff holding ol
aa Adjourned Court of Common Pleat, at the
Court Jlouie, at Clearfield, in aod for tbe coun
ty of Clearfield, commencing on the TH1KD
and continuing one week
NUT1CK 1 therefore hereby given to juron and
wltneaiei, la and for aaid county of Clearfield to
be and appear In their proper peraont, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of aaid day, to do thoat thing! which in
their behalf pertain to be done.
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, thii let day
or July, tn the year of our Lord one thouaand
eight hundred and leventy-fonr. '
, , W. li. Mul'UKItKON, tUbtrlt. I
CAUTION, All porinnt trc hereby caution
ed not to porch nee or meddle with one baf
bone, one dun hone, and one blaok oow, now lo
the Doeaoiiloa of Joaenb Peni. of Hell towmhlt.
at thi lame helongi to me etui li lift with, hi
only lubieot to my order.
- - J. It. KI.LIS
Kombarger, July 1, 1874-3t.
Tty virtue of an order It! ued out of the Orpaana
Court of Clearfield county, Pa., and directed to
the undenigned, then Will be etpoted to public
aale at the Coart Houae, in tbe borough of Clear
Seld, on Wednesday, the ti'M day of July,
1174, at 1 o'clock, p. tn., the following deanrlbcd
real eitate, the property of Abram H. People,
deceaaed, late of Knox towaabip, to wit t .
All that certain tract of land, containing One
Itundred Aorea, more or tela, bounded on the
north by kind of Ooerge llaiiman, on the eaat by
land of A. A. Wlnegardner k Co., oa Ihe tooth by
land of John M. Chaie. anil on the wott by land
of Price A. Knwlct, about It acrei of which ia
aleared, with a Log Houae and lcg llarn thereon
erected. Thii property la well tolled for term
ing purpoiea, and lilualad near llig Clearfield
Croea, tn a gooa neigiioornoon.
Taaut op SAi.a. Ten per lent of the purcbatt
money at tale, one-third ef tbe balance at roa-
Irmatloa of lala, and the remainder In two euuel
paymenta I aod 0 month! thereaner, with Intereat,
la be ecru red ny nona anu mortgage.
July 1 Jit 1 Adtniniitratora.
Dy virtue of an ordor laaued out of the Ornhant'
Court of Clearfield county, Pa, Snd directed to
tho underaigned, there will bt axpoted to public
aale at the Court Houae, In Ihe borough of Clear
field, an Tburariay, tbo Sad day f July,
lJ7, at 1 o'clock, p. m., tin followluf dciortbed
tract of laud, the eatote of Iaaae McKee,deoeatcd,
late of Knot townthip, to ait i .
The loutheait corner of thi Benjamin Poultncy
tract, containing Highly-air, Aorea of timber land,
altuite la Knox townihip, Clearfield county, Pa.,
having a large amount of valuable timber grow
ing thereon and ia conveniently located for taking
ou tne aarne. toe land li will adapted to larra
in a and amain nurttnaae.
TiHut or Salu. Tun lyrical. of the purcliaie
money at tan, one-tniraof tne tia lance at con
firmation of tale, and the remainder In two equal
paymenta ilx aad nine month! tharoafter, with
itcreir, to be icoured by bond and mortgage. !
,1 I I JAMKH M. tlcKKK, ;
By virtue of an order lamed out of tbo Ornhani'
Court of Clearfield couutv. Pa aad t ate direct
ed, there will be eipotcd to public tale at tbe
uoun nouae, in me oorougn or ty'iearneid, ou
i riuay, tue tt ltlt day ol July. IHH. at
o'clocji, p. m a valuable tract of Pine Timber
Land, the ettate of John McCullv. dooeaatd. late
oi uncit townauip, to wtti - ,
One Hundred and Forty Acrei, more or leal,
eltuate in Cheat townahlp, Clearfield county, pa.,
being a part of the "John Uuodaker" turvev.
Thii land li one of the molt valuable timber
tructi now In the market, being advantageouily
aituatcd for removing the timber therefrom, and
having a largo amount of tho finett Quality of
pine, oaa anu oiuer limn oi timoer tnereon.
jiiimb or dalb. len pcreont. ol tne puronate
money at aale, one.balfof balance at oonflrmatioo
mt.A lli MmalnH I- - , 1lnrwn,i
with intcrert, to be aeourod by bond and morUtiffe
on tue premiac! and ny good collatleral leonrity
anu iu ue ajtproveu oy inc uourt.
Julyl-St : .. ... Admiaiitrator.
By virtue of an order limed out of tba Or
phan Court of Clearfield county. Pa., and di
rected to tbe underaigned, there will be expoaed
to public tale at the Court Houae. in the borduirh
of Clcarlleld, ou Tueaday, tho iiMlli day of
uiy, im l. at 2 o clock, p. m., the following
acaorioea prciniaci, tne property of Andrew Hun
ter, deceaaed, late of Morrii townabip, to wit t :
All tbe right, title. Intereit and claim that the
laid decedent had at and immediately before the
time oi mi deatn or, iu and -to all that oertain
tract of land, known aa the "Hunter Farm." altu-
ate In Morrii townihip, Clearfield county, Pa.,
containing une itunnrri) and bixty eight Aorea,
more or leu, and bounded by laudl orOeorge Wcia,
John Irvin, Ucorge Johnatoa, J. C. Brenner and
othert. Tliere are about 100 acrot cleared, having
a i.og iioum ana L,og jitrn tnereon erected, and
other improvement!. s
Tauut or Sit,!. One third eaah at aale, and
the belanee at confirmation of aale.
July 1-31 Admiourtraton.
X Annual report of the Auditor! pf Decatur
luwuaoip, lor iota :
RICHARD H Clin KB, Dlitrict Treeiurer, in aet
count witb tbt fundiof aaid uwaehipfor 1S7.1,
. i - . POOH.. ;
DJtBTOa, " I '' .!..
To balance ree'd from H. Khowaltar... , i SI
To rent for 1 year, front let of April,
1871, to let ef April, 1S74, oa poor '
boniest Oaceola. ,....u...n. 114 01
Tola. tl9 Si
CRRDIToa. . . V'
By overaeer't order to J. Teat...'... ,' " ' $3 00
Uy Htate and county tax on Oaceola '
poor houae, 1873 '.4 61
By tax on Moor houae, I87J til
lly overaecr'i order to A. (learbtrt.... 4 OS
Uy " Joba Craia S 00
Ity tax oo poor home for la;.... . 1 II
lly 1 panel door j if
Uy bill of Walker Uroa, for lumber for
poor houae...,,.. ' I 64
Uy amt for repain on poor hooae...... , It
By achcol tax on poor houae for 1874. . 4 8
lly I lock 4
By 1 pail butti and binget to
By hauling and painting door.. I 3J
By hangiug door and door itrlpt. sO
By S peroent. eommiiMon on S14u.6t. 4 40
By attention to poor houae..... .' ' ' 10 00
By borongh tax on poor houae t 07
By amt. to Frank Liveriehl A Co. for
bill ol goodi for paupert . . 38 00
By overaecr'i order lo J. Harrii '' I 40
Balance due tewnahip. ' - t ft
tUO 04
To ami from D. Dora' duplicate ..
To anil from J. Hughei' duplicate..,..
To ami ipeeial tax col. by Levi Ooet. '
To amt ipeeial tax col. by 'fcejrff
Un o?
70S T
48 SO
' 141 80
181 10
10 ami uutcaicu money.. .i,.M
t1,4J 65
By amount! paid, at followi;
lioop, Jiumee a Co., bill for plank,
order to 8. Heete, i dayi' tetUing.
order to M. Oweoa, I dayi ecttllng.
order to L. (Iota, 4 dayi' Bottling...
Huiierviaor foe work on roatU...,,,.
ordur to Muaea Owena
John Hughei; for work on roadt....'
Richard Hughei enier.....
e. Reeae, for tcttling bookiaodpeat-
ing notice. ,...,
freight on 5,000 feet of lumber......'
It. Uughea, work on Dunbarb'dge...
Wn, Philipt, work on read!
Peter Philipi, work ea roada. .,.,
John Hughei, work en roadi.....,.'
Her entering bond :
for making out 4 duplicate!... .,m
work on roada, cirlif. J no. Hugliie.
" " " David Goat...
exoherallent la apeclal tax....
Hcihannon L. L. Co. for plank...
per ot. for oollecting a)ecial tax...,
par ct for colleclinc road tax. ..
$404 111
S 00
4 00
s oo
JS 00
. It 03
' to 00
' 4 00
... 4 00
S 10
' IS
14 40
t 00
410 01
240 80
44 81
ID 00
10 74
r m
1 86
- SO
1 80
t 00
" 6 00
' t 00
By error In J. W. Kjler'a tax.. ,.
Uy error la K. Walk ! tA.....m.....
By error ia J. Shugart't tax.......
lly uae of houae 1 dayi for aetlling
By 1 day!1 tattling
By cent filiate of David floe
By order to Ji.cs Hughe for making
8 duplicate!.. , k
lly I booki for lame
By amt paid P. Hhleldi for oae day's
work oa Dunbar bridge.....'-....
By amt lo J. Mock, 4 dayi' tetUing...
By oommlaalonen' order lo J, Hughei
" and D. Ooti.. '
By 4 per et. reduction in ipeeial tax
. 01
1 40
. i
n 1 oo
176 00
. '.. .
T 11
40 17
131 77
paid to treaiurer.
By 3 1 per ct. com. oa f 1,607.0s.,
Balanoe due towoihip.,v.
.:. . l . i. : ' ', , '
Total ..,... M.,.,...t.i. t..M .M.t.
BCIIooi. v-i:'
axtvoa. !'(!
$1,043 H
i - ,
$J,U7 41
, 177 88
lot 40
I' 1 M
' 140
120 00
To ant, of duplioate airetaed for Uil
To S, ate appropriation.,,.,,,,...,,.....
To militia Bniw ,
To Sana reo'd Iron. Jothoa Kerna..i..
Te ant reo'd lor teheol houae for elec
tion purpoicl i.h
To rent Of tho Homenlough houae....
Total., ...J..
S4.0JI 84
By amt ordert eeacelled aad paid ',
By repairing and taxel on property la .
ttaccoia, n 40
By collector't 4 per et. ou tS.ltl S4... lot It
By treaaurer't H per et. oa 3,764.Sd. , 01 18
Uy exitnoraliuni r tat 08
alaoce due townabip 872 18
44,0:14 1
.1 ,1;
' ' ' atca.r-iTUi.4noK.;
Balance on poor lax..... v, .....,.,... j, $6 Jt
llaltnoeon road tax..,. . . 131 77
Balance on tchcol tax.... n. ......... 171 28
ToUl balanoe dul townihip,,,,.... , .. 84
We, the umlinlgntd A ad I tore, having eiaav-
Intd tbe reeeipta and vouehen ;of the Dkttrlel
Trrivaurcr, certify the foregoing to bt a true and
correct atatement of the Poor, Road and School
fundi of Decatur townahlp for 1S7S. ' " '
At OH MOCK, V . ' ' a
MOHK.S OWKNS, ' V Audi tori. ,
Dtcatur townihip, Juno 14, IH74.-M '
"Til VORCJS NOTICE. .:, n i
.J 111 tha Conrt nf nmnn.n Pliu at Clktflsald
ouumj, io Iho HUt of lVnnijflvnl : ( .-
Sinli M, ClirV, t;1 BulifMBn- Eur THrorc, No,
t..S 4 ' I , n II U tV OM.u. 1 A
niT iiiiAt iricnti, at i v, ittarva isrsn. idii.
. vi. j'Allei 8. bp. N. ad, Juno
mnci t. viant. j . Terra, iH7a., , , ,,
You, the taid Milei J. Clark, are hereby aoti
ilrd and required to be and appear before our
aia uourt, te be held at Ulearncld, ea the 171b
day of Augnat neat, to anawer tha petlea or llaal
of the laid Harah J. Clark, above earned, aad
ahow cauae, If any you hae, why Ihe aaid Sarah
J. t'Utk, your wife, ahould not be divorced and
teparaled from tha Boadt of Matrinoay, entered
Into with you, according to tho Aota oi Aaaeeably
in men oaae maue anu proviuect.
' j W. It. MrPHRRHO!,
' Rherlt'l Offioe, H; ", -:t..u , .BbeflaT.1
viraniwiu, ra.,euiy I, iei-vi
1 ';' . ! l . f
1 mn MTwi)(
L Li J?
T. Ji HUBBARD &C0.,;
sTovfes A" ranges;
Tin,;. ;. , :.-,'-,.:.
. , ', ' i ' " ' & Copper Wari
Near Market Htreet, Clearfield,
Will keep oa hand all tbe belt Cook Slovei,
wnea lleatina Ftovea and Furnace! jn thi
market, among wtiicb we mention Ihe Argand
Range, Victor Cook, Diamond Bute and Kelipae,
all of which for beauty of deilga aad cheapueat
cannot be aurpaiaed In the market. All of our
Rtovet we warrant to give entire latlifactiva, or
tne move can be returned in tin dayi. Old
tovci taken In part pay for new onet. We keep
on band all of tbt latett and beat .
Particular attention paid to tho repairing of
all kind! ol Btovet, ..angel and rurnacea..
Of our own nuuftwUir, of II kiodi, whkfc
wbiek will W fold obtwp for OfMb, by whoUula
or retail., AU or war U midt oat of otv and
two cross tin. and warranted t b juti m we
represent ft. .
Tin Roofing and Spouting:
done at short notiee aod sn most raaeonable
ter-ws. aod refMiriag neatly aad proniptlj exe
etiied. , .4-c.
done aad all Jobt warranted perfect. Will keep
oa hand Gat Fixture!, of all kindi, and St up
houtea with Ranget, Bath Boilere, Bath Tuba,
Bhower Batha, Waih Btandt, Sink! and Water
Clotcta. . , ,
Partiet wliblng aaythiag doaa la our lln! will
do well to give ui a call, ai we are determined te
pleaao all tn regard to price aad itylo or work,
ttianihlp.- T. J. Hubbard wilt peranaalty .rap,
intend all work tntruated to our care.
JuneS T. J. ni'UtlARD A CO.
Sheriffs Sale.
BT virtue ef a writ of Fim Fmtimi, Iteued
oat of the Coart of Commoa Pleat of Clear
Bald eouaty. and te ma directed, there will be
tipoied to PDBLIO 8ALB, at the Court Houae,
ia ue Borough of ciearleld, oa Saturday, the
15th day of July, 1874, at 1 o'clock, p. .,
the following Real Batato, to wit t
Beginning at ttonti oa the aoatheait comer of
tract Mo. 1034 .theaee north 84 degree! weet 107
perohei to a poet aad j theaoe north I de
gree! eaat 101 perobeatowhitepiaettamp thenee
toulh 88 degree! eaat 104 perchee lo a poet)
theaoe eoalb degreot treat 140 pereheo to a to nee
aad alaoe of begtaning, eootaiutng 00 acrei aad
142 perchee, with allowance, aad being wart of
warraat No. 1VM, aad having a large f ranee Houae,
frame Bare, large Orchard, aad other outbuilding!
and luiprovemeat! thereon. Boitod. takca ia
oxeeutUa and to bo told aa tha property of John
u. noyer. . .
Tnaui or SiLa The price or turn at which
thi property ihall be itraek off mutt bo paid at
the time of tale, or tack olhor arrangement!
laoe at will he approved, otberwlie the property
will he Immediately pat an aad Bold again at
the expend and rtak of the per eon to whom It
wai itraek off, aad who, la eaeo of diScieney at
inch re-aale, ihall make good Ihe aarne. end la
ao iaitaaee will the Deed he p minted In Court
for eoaSrmatloa ualen tbt money li actually
paid to tho Sheriff. W. R. McPHKRHON,
nnuaurr t tirriru, - i Pnerlir.
Clearfteld, Pa., July 1, 1814.- ' ' -
. The nbacriben will offer at public tale, at
the late realdence of O. J. Yoaa, deceaaed, In
Brady townahlp, Clearfield county Pa., on Tbnrt
day, the 14th day of July, all the penonal prop
erty of the deceaaed, eonalating of household
gooaa, fanning utenalla, wtroni aad tledi. chaiai.
graba, canthooki aad plkepolea, aad a variety of
nae arxiciet, too aumerout to mention ; vhree
horiea, a lot of young cattle and hoga. Alao, over
400,000 manufactured 18 Inch SAWED BHIN
ULKS, the neat la the coanty, If tot ia the State.
Over 800,000 of laeie Bhlnglea are of the No. 1
claaa. Alao, Nearly 100,000 feel of lowed lumber,
eomiiling of different qnellllee, aad all kladt of
building lumber, front frame timber down to plai
terlng lath. Alao, cherry, Itnwood, oak, aak,
beech and birch boardi, plaak aad eoantling. .
Bale to oemmenee at t o'clock i. a. of laid day,
and continue from day to day till all it told. Lib
eral credit will bo girew. Termi made kaewa oa
dayoftaleby JOHN F. OHWALT. I . . ,
Luthenburg, June 14 St .
The undenigned, Rtecuton ef the ealate of
Abraham Kyler, deoeated. will offer at BuMie
ale In Kyhrtown, ClearteM county, Pa., oa
nonaay. ui xtrtn aay mi aiy, idi-j, the
farm hnowa at the " Joaeiih Seaeot Farm.' kouad-
ed and deieribed at folaowt !
Oa the weet by land of Jowa B. Kyler, oa the
north by land! of J. B. Kyler and Wm. at erne,
oa the eail by land of Peter Ray horn, and en the
louth by laud a of Peter Keybora aad Leo ward Ky
ler, eoutaiaing KKJHTY-VOIIR ACRR8, and
allowance, will a houae, ham, and good orchard
Ibereoa. The lead It under a good itatt of culti
vation. I ; ....
Ttaut or Ban. One-third of the purchaae
money to be paid oa day of aale t one-third ia
one year, and tbe balaaao la two yean, to be
ecurea by bond and mortgage on Ihe preanieei, ,
I v" Vi rBh, , . i
JeJI-Jt ,,, ,, Siaoutora;
T 1ST OK .IIRttRS drawa for aa adjourned
Ji Coart to be held oa tha Uriel Jtoada-f'-tbe
IHh of Auguat A. D. 1874. I 't . , . .1
M. Cowan......BoearmiJ. V, Walten.Clearllfld
H. McClincr Bell
Wm. Malholland
J, N. McCrackca "
John Breth
J. B. Bunderlla " '
Thomat I'arkl Boggt
V. B. Holt...... Bradford
Luther Wllliaxw
H. HartfeltJrBndy
Jeeao Lioet ,
(leorge BetU "
Wm. bing..u..Burnaide
Joaeph Wall! ,';..
Simoa Pultoa ! " .
Juha Coaaer ' H
J. P.V.Rolley.Cevlngt'a
Praaeii Migaot
Ueary 8loao,,.OIearaald
R. B. Taylor
Wilt. Ktphart...Decatur
l'. B. Kcnhart "
Jea. Mooro.H,.,Perguaoa
John P. lloyt .
Prod. Migo4,n.Otrard
B. LounibeTry.,.tioiben
Ueo, W. Davll-.tlulioh
ChriMleai HhofJerdaa
Jaha Powell Lawnnoe
Wai. P.llerua .
Oeorga L. N err it
Peter M.yer..... Morrii
Adam Smith Pike
David Watt
Porrettor Bloom
CAUTION.-. All peraoaa are berohy eautloaed
ag ai-aat paying or aegoaiaitwg for a eertaia
promlaaary aoto (ivea by at lo Ira B. Stlllmaa,
datod erne time la January mat, calling for TWO
la Auguit Beat, Be we have never received value
for laid Bote, and we aro deteruaed aot lo pay
tno aaaa unieaa ooaaptiiea ny law. -
... D. IRIAUD.
, New Millport, Jant t4-3t. , ,. ,: . : . i
1 ;. 1
I I '
July 2d, 3d and 4th; 1874.
Premiumr. - $2,500
rUIlflE No. I, tHO. For 1:14 Race. Mile
beeta, boat S in . $0 to lit ; I0 to li; )10
to Jd 120 to 4th. . .
PUllflB K. 1. tlOO. Running race. Beit 1 In
t, half mile. 460 lo lit; 40 to tdj 40 lo
Id) 82(1 Ui Oth.-. - ,
PURSR No. 1, $171. Pot 110 race. ' Mile hcali,
beit I la 4. $124 to Jet ; $70 to 2d; $i0 lo
. td $:i0to4tb. ,
PUR6B No. t. $li0. Uotcl-kocpera' purae, for
horaei that never run In anr race. Half milt,
. beat I in 4. $00 to lit) $40 to Id; $10 to Sd ;
ate t 4i.-
PI'RBB No. 4, $224. For three mln .te raoe.
Mile beata, beat 4 In 4. $100 lo lit; $I0 to
. 2d.)$IU to Jd $24 to 4lb.
PUREB No. t, $U0 Mcrcbantl' purae, for
borate that never trotted in any race. $00 to
lit I M0 to 2d S..0 to 3d 20 to 4th. .
PlIRSB No. r, $.100. For 2:40 race. Mile hcati.
$110 to lit, 400 to 2d 460 toed.
Pl'RBK No. 11, 75 Fool race. Beat 1 in t,
fourth mile. UD lo lit; $2 lo Jd $14 lo
PURSE No.l0.$2.'.0. For2:i5raoe. Mllcheali.
; beat t In 4. $100 to lit; $79 to 2d; $51, to
Jd ; f 25 to 41b.
PTJRB8 No. 4, $750. Kooning race. Half mill,
beit t In 4. $120 to lit j t0 to td ; $40 to Jd;
$.10 to 4th. ' ' - - '
PURSE No. 8, $515. Free to all trotting horaei.
41 ill beata, beet I la 4, ,$.100 to lot j $140 to
iU 94 9 ao ou. ,
National Atioclatloa and American Jockey
Club rulec to govern.
Entrance fee 10 per cent., which oiuat aeooni'
pany ail entrica.
A ny hone diatenclng the field, or any part of It,
ball paly ae ontitlcd te orit premiam. i
Kntriea elote Baturday, June 37th. at 8 o'clock,
r. M. Jtotriet addrelied to Uxo. K. Kolacxia,
Clearfield, Pa.
- K. A. BIOI.KR, Se Tnai'r.
" ' " 11KO. B. I10BACKER, Preiid t.
Clearfield, Pa., May 13, 1874.
Li U .'. u . . f. v -v :
' Having bought the Hardware Store and Tia
Shop formerly belonging to W. A. Dale, wa
intend beeping for aale everything belonging to
the butineaa, and will endeavor to aell ai luw for
oath aa can be bought thii tide of Philadelphia.
At uur eitabtlrhmcnt may be found at all time!
a full tupply ff . . j j ; . ,
Shelf and ' Hcaty 1 Hardware, tNDTIN.WABE,
Cook and Healing Stoves,
i l . ," , t. .
ITtvils, F&iats, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Forming Implements of all Kinds,
BCTTIIES, J , '',.") -
- , RAKES, Ac.
.w jHiLL ri.rnr.ras,
DQRSE-8H0SS,' J i) ! -; , ,
;i a a K i t a a ,..Bott..
Wood and Willow-Ware Oil Cloths, 4c.
JfOt-TIN Sl'OLTISa dona low and beit of
material mcd.
Curweuivtlle, Pit-, Jaae 1,1874. . v
I ' l , ';'.:. . '-
And all Persons who wish to do the
Labor of Tea Men
. , i
By one man and the lnveatment of a few dollin
in machinery, we offer
Woods' & The Buckeye Movers,
which have otood tha teat of twenty veen. In
which time 'there hat been more of tbete ma
chine! made and lold than of all other niarhinri
combined, in the United Btatrt. The Woodi'
machine tank Hie Oral priae at Vienna, Auitria,
la eompetitioa wilk all the machine! of the
world. We alio tell tbt Ithioa. llai-cntowu and
alt warranled to br mado of the beat material
and If they do hot do their ork right, we will
uue tiem tiact tnd re tend me money. Wc alee
tell .. ..... u . ... . ,. ...
i . .. FORKS, PULLIKS, Ac.
I THRRftlllNG,
of all klndi, bat mottly Ellit A Holfman'i one.
aone treao J t) IJ K , , , (
" rA.IWirtt MILliM, a
and all other machine! tn our line.
Two car hmda ot machinal Jutt rcotircd. To
not fall to call. . M. O. BltuWN A BRO.
At Meat Market, oa Market tUcet, Clearfield,
IXECUTBIX tinTICE.-Noticeli here
J by given -that lelteva tewtamentarr on the
ealate of llKNIlV HWOOl'K, deoeajed, late
of Brady townahlp, Clearfield county, penn'a.,
aaving been duly granted to the undoreind, aH
peraoni indebted to taid citato will pleate make
payuacat, and thoau hariag elalma or deeaaadt
will preieat them properly authenticated for let
tlement. BARAH JAMB SWtMll'K,
. ,.''! ' I "I I ' ! Sxecutrix.
, Luthenburg, June 10, 1874.-41 , ,
The Bohool Dlrecten of tbo bnruugh of Clear
field give lotiee that ip).lleatlimt will be received
from teachert, for Ike varluat department! in the
Snblie trhoolt of, tid bornatgh, until Auguat
UKau IH14. AI Jeaat fear teaohen will be re
quired.. None but tbe beet will he aeoepted. The
Prinoipal muit be a man of experience, with a
thorough oduoatlon, and able lo teach the lan
guage! If ncreiaary. Itinera! wage! will bo Bald,
jly Mdll el the Boanl, . ! c ti-i
J:10 'M.Ji.'CIJLI.OUOII, Bcc'y.
CAI'TltlN-AII pertooi an hereby eaullnn
ed agalntt purrhaetng or ia any way med
dling with tho Mlewtng properly, am la poeaei
Iob of Cooaeliue Crowel, of Brabant townihip :
I black itallion,-1- act doable haraeai, I plow and
1 harrow, aa the uamo beloagi to mo and It mb
Jeet to mv order. ... i
funeir-At i 't
Nitlce it aerel.y tlren fhat aa aotillottlen
will bo made to the Board of Per done, at llirrlt-
harg, lev a eHrdoa fur Thcmii Waple, convicted
IB tho Coal ef Quarter Beetle! of Clearfield
ooaaty at Hepteailior aeaomtit, 107 1 . 1
' ' Wkfi M. MeCULTiOlTtlllj
JO Mitt ' Attertwy fur Petllloner.
yi.NF.aAlt lUTTKlis."
...crcrrcm without Ihi . 5 ".XT
r.J:5.- f of
Our anawer It, that they remove the oauaTo"".!.
eaae, and the patient recover! hit htallh. jZ.
are the great blood purifier and a lif..,l,Z
principle, a perfect, and Invlgtru,
of the tyitetn. N before la the hi.,,rj Z
the world baa a medialnt been eompoundedio.
tiling the remarkable uualitlei of Vinxeaa W,'
V?, hi?linf ,ioi' ' nian )
heir to. They are a gentle purg.tlv, w,,
a Ton e, relieving Congc.tion ,r Indammai
Iho Liver and Viteeral Organt, in Biliog. DU.
The prnpertici of tt. W.lkcr't Viaega, im.
cr. an Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carmiaativt, Vi .
trictnua. I. ..!.. . ri;..: a...... '
t i. . 7 Z '. oeuanve, t'ount.r.
IrriUnt, Sudorific, Alterative, and AntLBuioti,
Grateful thouaandt proclaim Vinegar Bitten
ed the
r .w. "igoreni mat ever luitaii.
he linking lyatcm. "laia-
No penon can Ukt then Bitten aoco,Ji0, ,0
direction! and rem. I. I...... ., . . 10
.-. .. uuwvu, uroviueu their
bontuj a., not dc.troyed hy mioJr.l rZ" Z
other meani, and vital waited beyond !
Billoui, Remittent and Intermittent F,
Which rm ma bm Lt.i i- tt .
rlvert tkroDhout tho United ttltJ!t !ZSSt
leBaeutM. CnrnlMir ain.l A .k. i. ,' n "wiai
do, Braxoi, Bio arand".', Pib
Savannah, llo.noke, Jam,., Md mtB)
with their vut trihi.iia.u .1, ' '
and drTDi, are iorariablj eocompirmd by eT
a .1 . . ' VUltlAt'D air.U llrir
and other abdominal vitwra. In their trntBeti
7. r " " P""'ai lnnuenoeenoa
thete varioua nr..n. I. ... "l"
lbT! '? """;" the purpoKeoo.1 'dV,
. , u.iera,aa tney will apeedilv
remove the dark-colored rued matter wilk which
the bo.ela are loaded, at Ihe tame time itimuui.
ing the tccretioni of tin liver, and gcnerallv re.
ttoring tht healthy function! of the direatiT.
organt. , y , "'"
,.F.ortLf. 'll4 - by puriftict
all ite lluidl with Vinegar Bittern
can tnka hold of a lyitin tout fore-aimed.
Dyipepaia or Indigeation, Headache, I'aic i,
tho bhouldera, Cought, Tightnce! of ihi Chert,
Itiitincii, Sour Kructioni of the Stomich. Bad
Taato in tht Mouth, Uilioul Attacka, Palpitation
of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lunga, l'a
in the region of tbe Kidneya, and a hundred
other painful lymptoma, are the otTjprinja of
Hyapcpaia. One bottle will prove a better guar
antee of ill merit! than a lengthy advertiiemee!. m Vi..1. u-kti- o ... ..
' "a u.i-j cwciiingN, i.
oen, Bryaipelal, Swelled Neck, Goitre, IScrofi-
. ......U,U,..,UP tf.v-rruriai, Old
Sorei, truptiona of thi Skin, Sore Kyei, etc. It
tbeae. ai in all nth.. taH,.i,.i...i a.
Walkcr't Vinegar Bitten have thnwn their great
eurative poweri iu the moet obilinatt and it.
tractable catet.
Per Inltam.n.ln. ..J r-l Dl .
-....,, ... . u 1 ,u nnearauiiu,
Gout, Bilioui, Remittent and IntermiltcntPeiera.
111...... .... , . .... . V
v. iu, ...gwi, iuer, ivtuoeyi aod tbt
1IUJJ... ILm. ni... .... I o.. 1 ...
eatct are cauacd by Vitiated Blood.
fl,..t..l I,:.. n
ircuri. i-erauni cngtgru la
PainU and Mineral!, lueh aa l'lumbera, Type
lettert, Uold-beater! and Mlnen, aa they adraoee
-- v uw.1,111 ui tne ri'tweia.
To guard againat thi a, take a duet of Walker'a
Fur ftkln T. i. n. .a T.. .' . . n ,.
. , -..-, .rnuuvDi, leuer, paii-
Rhenm. Itlf.l... Q .. n: . r. , h
- ' "i rianpirv, ruaruiea, nona,
Carbuncle!, Ring-worma, Scald-head Son Erea, .
hryaipelat. Itch, Pcurfa, Diacoloraticna of thi
Skin, lliaon aad Diaeami of the Skin of bat
ever name or nature, are literally dug up and
carried out of tbe ryatem In a ihort time by the
Pin, Tape ahM other Wormi. lurk ine lu tki
lyttcm of to many thousand., are effectually 4c
atroyed and rrmored. No tyitem of medirice,
no vermifugea, no anthelminitica will free tbt
yitem from wormi like these Bitten.
For Female Complaint, ia vounr or old. mar
ried or tingle, at Ihe dawn of womanhood or the
torn of lite, theae Tonic 1) It ten diaplay to de
cided an inttuenee that Improvement it aooe per
ceptible. . -
Clcante the Vitiated Blood whenever vou (ltd
Itl iainuritiet kartting throuwh the ikla lu Pim-
plct, Bruptinnr, or Sorre; elranie it whea yoa
find It obitructed and alurrirh in the veinr:
clcanee it when it la foul your ft-clinga will tell
you when. Keep Ihe blood pure, and the health
of Ihe ayitem will follow.
r. ii. McDonald a co.,
I-rugglati and (lee. Agla., Sua Pnnciace, Cali
faruia, and corner of Waahingtoo and Chtrltol
itrcctt, New Vork. Sold by all Dnipfini 4
ircaitn. octto it-iT.
JOPKPH II. PKKRING. oa Market ltreet,ll
Shaw't Row, Clearfield, Pa., bat Juat received
a line lot of French Calf Bhim and Kipa. tht
beit in the market, aad la now prepired tenaB
ufactun everything In hia line, lie will war
rant nil Work to bi ai reprcaented.
me eltiaena of Clearfield and vicinity an
retreetfully Invited te give him a cell.
vtork dene at ehort notion. , 7:11 1-1? '
ADMIHIHTHATonS' N'tlfK'U. Nulirt
li heriky given that lotloraef admtalatntiet
oo the eatato of GKO. J. YOA8, deecaard, li
of Hredy towaahip, Clearfield county, Penn'a,
having been duly granted to the uaderaiguee,
all ptreona Indebted lo aaid tiUtt will pleaai
make Immediate payment, and tkoie htriil
elaiaa ot demand! will preient them proparlj
authtatlcated for ttltlement without deiay.
June t, 1174 fit v": i - Adminlitretcn.
MaHiafivetarer and dealer Ia
Harness, Saddles and Bridles,
Ccllara, Whlpi, Bruihca, Ply Ncti, Trlmn-ln.
llorae lllanketa. Ac.
Vacuum, Frank Miller't and Heatifoot Oil".
Orden end rrpiirtng promptly attended ti.
Shop- oa Market itrcct, Clearfield, Pa., la rwa
formerly occupied by Jai. Alexander. .
IXKCUTOR'a) NOTIC'K. Notice ii r
J by givin that letten telteiuehtarj bail"!
been granted to tho nndertigued oa tbe eilata
of K. P. M. MASTKRS, deceeeed, late of Cheat
townahlp, Clearfield county, Pennrylva" "
peraoni indebted to laid ectate are reqoeated w
make Immediate payment, and there ''"!
elaimi agatntt tht aarne will pntent Ihe" "'
authenticated for etttlimenU
, N. Waahingtoo, June 17, 1874.-41
Jby given that tetter! teeretuentirjr hiH
been granted to Ihe enbiaitibcr o the
SlMtlN STANl.BY, dewaaed, late of
townahlp, Clearfield county, Penneylvaaia,
peraoni Indebted lo taid eatate are reqai't "
make immedittt pavmenU and tk4a
olalma againat thi tame will preaenl Iheai 7
attheaticatcd for letttemeat. ,no
Onlloh, June 10, l74-t. ..'iw'"''-
oh pilHTiiia'or bvbrt dkscri'
tloa neatly necuted at thii oBeo.