THE REPUBLICAN. i ; CLKARFIELP, Ta ' WEDNESDAY M0RNINO,'Jl!NlS2,, 874.' DONT' CROWD. - I Don't erowd ,- tbe world U broad enough for you as wall UM Thi doon of art ara open wide, .-i i Tbe realm of thought la free, la nil earth', placea 7011 ara right To abase tho bast 70a can, . , Provided that you do not try To crowd eoine other map. Don't crowd Ue good from out your heart, .11 r- J loitenoraJI tbat'. bad, , ) 1 Bui gay to ovary virtue room, me beat mat may do nau ; Be each day"! record inch a one . . , 1 1 9 That you may well be proud 1 ,. Olre each bit right give each hie room, . And nertr. try to orowd. ,.1. . , Clarice Violent. ilu-.-lJIJ-'-U-!. - ...The Feet. ft' if V .. t, . Offtll pai ts of tho body there ia not j one which ought to be so carofully ot- tondodto as tho foot." Evory person knows rrorri exporienco that colds And many other disoosos tbat proceed from tbe same aro Attributable to cold foot. The foot aro at such a great distance ( .r00i: "tb whool at the cistern" of tho 'system, that the circulation of the blood may be very easily chocked in thorn. et, for all this, and although every person of common sonse should bo aware of tho truth of what is horo stated, there is no part of tho body so mneh trifled' with as the feet. The young and would-be gentcol footed, cramp their feet into thin-soled, bono- E inching boots, in ordor to display neat iet, in the fashionable sense of the ' term. Now this is very wrong. In ' cold ;woathor, boots of good thick , loaihor, both in solos and uppers, and large enough to give freo circulation of tbe blood in the loot, should bo worn by all. Thoy should bo water-tight nnd '..warm, but not air-tight.., --.. It injures the foet to wonran air ' tight covering over them. " India rub 9 ber Bhoes or boots should not bo worn except in wet and bIubIiv weatbor, , and then takon off as soon as the : exposure to itis over. :. No part of tho 1 body should be allowed to have a cov ering that entirely obstructs tho pass age of the oarbonic aoid gas from the pores of the skin outward and tbe moderate passage of the air inward to tho skin. j Life can be dostroyod in a very" short timo by'Btopping these little pores of the skin. Tboro is one great evil against which evory person should be on guard, and it is one which is seldom guarded against the changing of warm for cokl boots or shoes. A change is often matlo from thick to thin-solcd shoes, without reflecting upon thoconeequencos which might onsuo. It is a dangerous prac tice, and many an individual has suf r fared bours of illness because of it. 1 Of1-- u , .. 1 t -. -li The Solitary Twin. The "Fat Contributor" furnishes the Utica Observer the following Btory of a twin : ) 1 : . ; : ; There was a woman out West who gave birth to one twin just 0110, that's all thoro was of him. SI10 novor had another solitary twin so long as she lived.- He was a melancholy child from tbe first, and wore such a lono some look. - He always seemed to be 1 watching and listening for somebody - who nevor carao.' lie appeared to realize tbat be wasn't all together ; . that be was a kind of human paronthe ' sis with one bracket gone, animated dumb bells and ono dumb bell missing, a "pair" that couldn't beat deuces and hardly worth drawing to. He used to moan in his sloon and naw around on bis pillow for bis missing brother. When that boy grew up bo was ainoront from any boy 1 cvor , knew, that is to say any one boy. He seemed more like two boys at least, he was altogether two boys-terous tor ' one. If be had a fight it was with a boy twice as big as he was. for ho soemed to fool, somehow, as though ' thero were two of him, or outfht to bo. He always managed to got two pieces of pie at the table, just as if one was for the othor of him who wasn't there, and there was a thin prutonso of taking ' cure of it for him, but bo always took caro to eat it, I noticed. Ho only half learned bis lessons, antl doublo entry book-keeping nigh about sethtm ernr,v because, lie said, it crowded 'cm. lie grow up, but ho never got marriod. Once or twice he attempted to court a trirL but loft her when it was only half done, as though tbe othor twin of bis won Id bo alone; and court tho other half. I don't know what be came of htm. 1 beard he died from sheer loneliness, but I only bolievo half I hoard about that boy anyhow. If ho be dead you can bot ho is only half dead.-- ' - !' MoLocn in Amkbica. In Ohio mound of a novel charaotor has recent ly been cut through, in ordor to mako the approach to the Nowton bridges noar Cincinnati. ' It was evidently tho . dtbrtt ot a huge sacrifice of children. A space twenty-five feet in diameter . una peon covered with an immonso ibenp of wood, then it was set on firo, and the children were probably tossed into it one by one, as in tho anciont sacrifice to Uolocb.rThe heat was evi dently intense and long continued, as .the ground plainly showed the effects '. of violent conflagration. As soon as the sacrifice was complatod and tho fire bad died out, tho remains of tbe . viclhus wero all raked togolborid tho centre, and thon the monnd was raisod in a vory romarkablo way, Soil was brought, apparently by different tribes from different localities, and each varie ty was carefully deposited by itsolf, so tbat the dincrencos were dearly distin guisbable. Tbe remains collected con sisted mostly of jaws and tocth of children; A pierced tooth of a rodent was found, whiob bad evidently been asea as so ornament, i bo remains will be placod in a museum at l'lain- Tiue, vjuio. An Asylum fob Disgraced Tln ical Politicians. The Court of Claims has booomo a harbor of rofugo lor obnoxious ' radical politicians Senator Drake was mado one of lis judges after his repudiation by tho poople of Missouri. Itichardson fol lows him after having beon driven from the Treasury overwhelmed by vopniar oontomnt. ' Orant rovenores ; thorn by putting them Into a placo of nonoraoie roiiremcnt wbore they can not be reaehod by a verdict of the people. ' , - j i i an i , ' The Rpoakers of the State Senate ..and Houso of Koprcsontntlvoi mot In the tienate Chamber, at Ilarrinburff. lately, to open bids for the nnbliahinir of the Legislative Record for the next lour years. Tbeeontraotwasawarded to weorsre Hergner, be being the low. voa viuuor. l.'l II 1 Leonard house; .'Ul (Near the nallroad Depot,) CLRAIlr'IKLD, I'k. f A elurn of public patronage la re'portfully in Ucltod.;. , :li'W I. B. J). IWW, Pmp'r. SHAW 1IOUSR, (Cor. of Market A Front streets,) CLEARFIELD, l'A. Tbe undersigned having takon charge of Mile II. itol, would respectfully solicit public patronage. oetl'TS K. NEWTON SHAW. aiu!tiTousk7 f ' - NKW WABUINUTON, TA. Thil new and well furnished huuie Inn been taken by the undersignod. lie fools oonlidont of being able to render satisfaction to thuic who may favor bin with a call. ' May 8, 187J. (I. W. DAVIS, rrop'r. M ON tour house:. Opposite tbe Court House, LOCK HAVEN, 1'K.NN'A. jeU'71 HAUSEAL i KROM, Prop'.. B ROC KKK HOI 'V HOUSE, BF.LLEFONTE, l'A., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, ootli'71 Proprietor!. LOY0 BOUSB 1 ( Main Street, " " '. FIlILIPHUUIlli, l'KNN'A. Tahlo always supplied with tha best tho market afford), Thotraioling puldic ii invited to cull. novlAa,. KOBIiKT L0V1). THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornerof Second and Market Streets, tl.EAItKIl.I), PA. THIS old aid commodious Hotel hei. during tha past year, been anlarged to double iu former eapaelty for the entertainment of .Iran gen and gueita. The whole building has been rafurniabed, and tha propriotor will apart no paina to render bli guostl oomfortabio while ataylog with him. ST-The 'Mnn.lon Ilomo" Omntbai runa to and from tha Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, . Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Second and Third,) CI.EAHU E1,I, PA. Tha tubsorlbet having become proprietor of tnnnotei, wouia respeetiuiiy ask a liberal snare of pohllo patronage apl"73 (1K0RQB LKIl'OLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWENSVILLE, Clearfield oouoty, Penn'a. Thil old and well eatalililhed Hotel, beautifully situated on tha banks of the Susquehanna, in the borough of Curwcnsville, has been leased for a term ol years by the undersigned. It -has been entirely refitted, and ii now open to the publio gonerally and the traveling community in par ticular. No pains will be spared to render guests eomfortable v;hile tarrying at this house. Autple titabiing room Tor tbe accommodation or teams. Charges moderate. , Sept. 28, 1870-tf. j 1 ! ' ELI BLOOM. . Down I 'Down 1 1 THE LAST A1UUVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices? WK aire now opening np ft lot of the bent nnd molt Hauontlil OooiU Di Wro ever offered in tbil murkcL and at prircf that remind one of the ffnd old dim of cheap thingi. Those who lack faith npon thil point, or deem our alle gation! luperuuoui, neca but C.fLL one STORK, Corner Front sod Market tHreet, Where thej can tre, feel, hear and know for thera eatves. To fully andfmtand what are chimp good tbii mast be done. We do not dem it neoMnanr to ennmertite and itemize our Ftock. It ii enough for ui to itate that We have Everything that ia Needed and continued in this market, and at prlcei that afftooUh both old and young. dco20 JOSEi'll M.AW HUH. HUEY A CHRIST, rUf eeort in KKYDEft k CO. mo THOSK INTEnRSTKD JS THE H'R X CHASB OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE WIIISKV, For Medicinal Purposes we offer Prioe $2 to $1 per gallon, and will ihip In pack age to euit purchucri. . We alio handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $1.30 lo $1.75. We import 1NE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, " And are alio manufacturer! of' DR. STIEVEITS TONIC HERB BITTERS. SeDil fur price list. 1IUKY CHRIST, apr.22.Gm 121 North Third St., I'hilailclpliia. MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD! Mrs. S. S. LIDDKLI;, Having engaged la the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and the pnblic that she has now and will keep constantly on hand a large and well soleeted stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARDLK, and la prepared to furninh to order TOMBSTONES, ' BOX AND CHADI.E TOM 1)9, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posta for Cemetery Lots, Window Rills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH BTAND TOPS, 4c., Ac. Yard on Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, ClearBeld, Pa. je7,7S OLLOWaVSI . DAVIS CAT HOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 313 Market fit., Philadelphia. mVrt Flnnr Backs and- Baas. Foolsean, Letter, hole, Wranning, Curtain and Wall Papers. feM4.70-lypd The Lightning Tamer. rilllBindersigned ara the sole Agents In this X ennntT for the"North American Galvanised LIGHTN1NU huuh." xuese are tne only ar. rods now In nse, and ara endorsed by all the selentlfte men In tha eountry.' Wa hereb. notify tha eitlsens ef tha eonnty that wa will pnt them np a better rod, and for ess money, than la onargea ay me foreign agenta who annnally traverse the county and earry off our little easn, never to return. ENCOURAGB 110ME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rode created on their bnlldings need bnt address ns by letter, or eall In person. Wa will pnt them up anywhere In theeounty, and warrant them. Tha Rode and natures can be seen at any time ny railing ai oar store. It. P. BIULKH m CO. Clearfield, March SO, WtMf c ON KLIN WAGONS! The under;. jtoed hm on bnd for at the "Shaw Homo, UlearDeld, I'., lot or tin Celebrated Conklin Wagons, which he otTcrt on rery renonMe term. Theie Wit Ron hare ft nttloDnl frpiitnttoii, ftnd fArmeri na all otben will ao won 10 can mo vxnminti them. AH the Information detlred ennoeming them will be fnnlihed with pleature. )el0-2m R. hKWTt-K FHAW.; afl AUTION All nerMDi are hereby eavtton J ed not to poreham or medille with on ha.y tnare and toll, na do, one Wheeler k Wllaon tewing naehlne, one let of blarktraith t OA Iff and on ael of carpenter tool, now la tha poiMtt ion of A. W. Raymond, of Morri towfiffbtp, m laid property belong" to ma and Iff led with him anb- jeet lo any order. junaltMt CUUIBTIA5 II ART Li. SXInnnrouj,' II Ii' Ii T Kl4t M Of K T THE LATEST MOVE! ,i. .r ...V 1 .1 , , HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DliU G STORK, To their new liiilillng on Fernml Ptreet, nearly ' eppofite tha store of Wearer A Dolts, CLEARFIELD, TA., WTicro they will continue to lupplj their old and as niftnj m-w rut"iaTd an may come, with ruiiE -imufls! C II I'! M I C A h S 1 . PIIAHMACKITICAL PUKPAnATIONS, ) (Including all new rcmcdioi.) Patent Medielnei, Pnlnti and Oila, tllam and l'utty, School Hooka, bUtionery, Taper, A o.j alio, a full line of Drug gilts' Sundries. Hair ' Toniea, Co nine tin, Perfnweries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Toilet Boapff. Pocket Books, Ac., all of . T the best quality. PURE WIRES AJSD LIQUORS, r for medico A sacramental purposes ooly, Pure White Lead, Colura of all kinds, Haw and Bulled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Pslnt A Varnish llrmhei. Flavoring tracts, Confcet'onerieff, fllrd Peed, 8pine, gmnnd and ungronnd, of all hinds. 8MOKKKS AND CJIKWERS Will find our slock of Thewing and Hmoking Tobaeeo, Imported and Do mestio rigara, nuft and Pine-cut to be of the very best brands in the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, , I , J ... A kIii,j ()T n",iAf:s WAR K OARUKK BEKD.V ' Mt'HICAL INSTRtFMENTS and Murlral Trimmings of arery variety. Having a long fn the business, and an eitensire and well aeleeted stork of medicines, we ara enabled to fill Physieians' prescriptions at the .hort.rt notice and on the most reasonable terms, day and night. IIARTPWICK A IRWIN. Cleardeld, Pa., May 81, 1871 if. O. I. c. "rHF.RK to buy my DRY OOOii, GRO if oeriea, Queensware. OlasKware, Itruir. and Notiona, Confectioneries, Ac., cheap for oasb. ' The subscriber begs leave to inform his old and new customers that he has opened A VARIETY STORB t , JN flLEU IinrE, TA. And will aril guails at prices to anil the tines. A liberal reduction, will be made to customers buy ing at wholesale Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share of public patronage is soncitr j. , . . j. ' 0. J. HKAOY. (lien Hope, Pa., June 14, 1871. JJ F. BIG LEU & CO.'S SPECIALTIES DUILDKHH 'IAltDWARR, MECHANtCS' HARDWARE, LDMIIERMEN'D HARDWARE, FARMING tITENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' PINDINOS, CALCINED PLASTER. Hay IS, 1873. U NDKRTAKINO.: ' aVaI aV Tha nnderslgned ara now fully prepared to earry on tha business of UNIITAINC.T. AT RRASONAULE RATES, And rcspontiully solicit the patronage of these needing such servlecs. JOHN TR011TMAN, JAMES L. I.KAVV. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 18, 1874. SAWS 1 SAWS! SAWS I DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, I'RAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'a Lightning Cross-cut Saw ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A F.LF.CTRIC SAWS, For sale by octll,7t II. F. BIGLER A CO. rp o i, ii in ii n n m i; n i PERFECTION IN CANTHOORSI The Clearfield Eieelsior Canthook will not wear out or break, being aenstrueted with ona aolid band from clip to point. It la pronounced by all practical lumbermen who bava eiamlned It to be tha most perfect Canthook aver Invented. ( Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Ao KnanAnn A Co., at ( CLEARFIELD, PA. CAII order! promptly attended to. nlS'71 '' M I. .'I ..It -. It 1 I IK.'f I I V Id E V Wc dtisiro in mil llio iiuontion of llio citizens of Clonrfioltl MUSIC Wlicro we intend to constant! y keep PIANOS, ORGANS (UXMU.F.STKCk & CO'S Wo nro prepared at nil t mcs favorable terms ns to prices iul Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new nnd popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Hyndcr'a Knee Ticmolo nnd downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S . NUW IIAVKN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS, , Ilesiilcs these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known . . . nn rr a POPULAR AND EASY IjH.AOI ILflli. On our easy terms every one amount will leuU so inucn to mam:, numn ni i i. ICTWc shall lie glad to hove you call nnd see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. oct23-'72-ly , . UYNHKiriH - M1TMIC NTOKE. Uisrfltantoui. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE I IS ClIHARU TOWNSHIP. ; '.. : , . j i ' ' "' ' Tho undersigned offers for salo the farm on which he now reiidca, aituale in (lirard township, Clearfield oonnty, Pa., formerly .ned by Justin J. Pie. Tb. farm contains 120 acres, and is very ,i...;..Kit, The buildines are all new, and oonidit of a largo frame bouse, having good cellar underneath, and go. water convenient, mrgr frame barn, Waokumith shop, wagun shed, spring house, Ae. The buildings on this Tarm are as good, if not better, than on any farm In Clearfield county. The land is of superior nunlity and in a goad state of cultivation. Possession will be given In the spring, or at any timo mott etinvcoienl lo the purchaser. The terms will be reasonable. Persons deniroos or purchasing can address the subscriber at l.cconte s Mills P. 0., Clearfield county, Ta., or apply in person on the premises. Any persons wanting any Information Irvregard to the quality of the land, the kind of buildings thereon, Ac., Ac., can get the inrormalion nye.ii ing on riherifi Pie, in Clearfield, as he owned th. farm for a nnmber of years, and of ennrse knows II about it. WKNUKI.Ij fcrlnnn, laconic's Mills, Clearfield Co., Pa. January 21, 1874. ' FAIRBANKS' STANDARD z&k)?'' ar am. gianas . Raggaga Barrcws, Warehouse Tracks, Cipylng Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. ana njtut ar J II.' F. B I G L K It & CO., Dealers In Hardware, mch.10:70.lf Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. JOOK AND UKAD! S.1DIH.E & limESS MAEHfl! JOHN 0. HARWICK, Market St., CLKARFIELD, Va., ' t- . . - i . ir nn ttt af new HARNESS or a n.w SADDLE, or anythiag else in that line. He turns out as good work as Is dona in any tliup in Pennsylvania, and his prices are very reasonable. Constantly on nand a lull una oi TMVTTTNrj GOODS. 1. (Tallin. nnnrlnr ftttll Khin RootS. PIKS ,iwimii'i. - --- Trotting Rollers, Whips, Pine llrushes and I ombs, A.. A line atsorluionl oi rtoiB, siors. misri, Knee Blankets, lluffalo Robes, Ao., Ao., kept In season. In fact anything that Horseman siauu in need of is always on hand. All of which will ba sold at wholesale or retail at the very fairest rates. Repairing promptly attended to. AH work guaranteed. Shop in room formerly occupied as ?. . ... . 1 A...II a lk?S fosl vimee. ii.. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, to sAi.n ar augHO II. F. BIQLER A CO. OR SALKI . . 1 I II AI.I..J llrlrk tlwrllilia. SilU. A large auu n-.,, r...- ... ... ate on the river bank, in tb. borough ol Clear field, containing eleven rooms, with good ccsar, water in the kitchen, and all Ilia modern conve niences. Pantries, liain-rnom, i io-ii.-.r., . . -i-.-. . r . lan Imnilreit and UllrLV 1,01 siaiy iwt ir. - . - feel back, with a twenty foot alley on the esst side. Bald nuiming, wiip an m t...--, will ba sold cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Application can ba .node to the unde signed, or lo A. C. Tnto, Esq., who willglreall neeossary Information to thoso who desire toln snect the properly. ' . J 1 T1IOS. J. MoClILLOIKll. May 51st, 1S7.1, If. I Beale's ; Embrocation (LATE TOW ELL'S,) ; For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human flesh, retiring tha asa of aj , aiteraal application, I ' Thil Embrocation waa .it.nslvely uiiU by tha Government during tha war. I For sal. by Uartswlok A Irwin, Clearfield Joseph K. Irwin, Cnrwensrllla. Daniel l) nod. ander. Luth.rsburg. pf Attention, Lumbermen! WE ara now maniilnTlnrlng onr IMPROVED M'l'tMM. . Klll'k KT IllllVINll rAllT- HOOKS, snnerlnr to any other In use. Wa lr also In stock a largo qaantlty of Canthook. sulla hla for raiting purposes, which we are sclinf r... .w a una an uitmnauIi. Mm, n.w "'.. ... ...... .. .... ... Clearfield, Pa., March IS, 1K73. Q.UlSMITIIlN(i. Q. W. WOLFE, I l'RACTICAIi GUNSMITH ! Shop on Third street, over HI ley's blaeksmltb ihop, CLEARFIELD, l'A. All kinds of Riflca and Shot duns on hand. Repairing done In a first-olass manner and at fair prko.1. ',,,) i .!'" a (CC I'"". op WOOl WAWTElr, w.WU By Arnol.t, Hartshorn A Hippie, for which they will pay eash, at their factory, near Curweneville, or at tho .tor. of Arnold A Harts horn, in Cnrwensvllla. feb4 8m ARNOLD, HARTSHORN A I1IPPLB. F ST; A 11 K K T , T U K K T, It r I 12 I4 li, P E have opened n. , STORE IN CLEARFIELD, on hand a full supply of AND MUSICAL Our stock of 1'IANOS will consist of 1'IANOS, - , STEINVVAY & .SONS' PIANOS, ' i .-, IIAINKS BROTIIKRS' PIANOS, to furnish any of the chenper makes of Pianos to order on the most terms of payment. , MASON &i to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR Tr can have a good instrument, "iUlsananroiti QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMP A N Y. rpllH nhflrrvlpifi!, Mflwwcn ti KKK1 k 1 rOWKI.h. hftva rtarfliaiiM tlia CI.FAR Hi:i,I) ri.ANLNU WILL, an.l rt-Attcd it fur doing an extcni.TO buiincn. All tha maefainery will ha ajtjfil npoerieary tu make it one of tbe moit comiJote oUbiiiiiiiurnti ot lb kltvi 1b Ihi htt. iney are now prrpirru 10 rreeiro oruen. fur ftnj work In tint lina.. Tbrjwill girenptrial attention to all material for bouM huilding. FLOORING. WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OF ALL BTYI.KH, alwaji no band. WOHKKl) BOARDS, and all artlr nftcrfna rjr f-r building, will b exchanged for 1KV Ll'MUKH. to that (tcnoni at a diitanre may bring thrir lumber, exchange ft fr, and return bonia with the tDaiiufaoturvd articln. The Company will alwayx have on hand a large stork of dry lumber, M to he able to fill an order on tbenborteM mUre. Only the bat and mo m nkillful hands will be employed, to that the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or told u low m tt ran be no re hmed anwhere, and warrrtnted to gire natlffartion. At the builn will be done upon the nil nil principle we can afford to work for tin all profit. DRY LUMBER WANTKD I Especially one and-a-half and two Inch panel stun, lor wbioh a liberal prion will na paid. - The business will b. conducted under the name of tha "Clearfield rianlng Mill Co." 0. B. Merr.11 will personally superintend tha business. Orders respectfully eolieitd. 0. B. M ERR ELL. R. B. TAYLOR. M. (1. BROWN A BRO. Clearfield, Pa,, January 8, 1874. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS .fc STATIONERY. Market HI., Clearfield, (at the) Pant Olllre.) f nil B undersigned bees leave to annonnea to I the eitlsens of Ol.arfleld and vicinity, that ha baa tttad np a room aad ha. Just returned from tha eity with a large amount of readinf latter, consisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pas. Booka or .vary de scription Paper and Envelopes, Prench pressed and plain Pens and Pencils Blank, Legal Pipers, Deed., Mortgage.; tloa and Promissory notea i Whit, and Parehi n.nt Brief, Legal Cap, Reoord Cap, and Bill Cap , Bhaet, Mu.ic for either Piano, Pluta or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery J-.I-.J il... f tnav nnl h.vs en hand, will ba nr. ordered by Orat eipresi, and .old at wholesale or retail to suit customers, i win aiso aecp periodical literature, such as Magailne., New., papers, An. P. A. (1AULIN. Clearfield May T, 18(18. tf ' OSHANNON LAND AND.LUMBER COMPANY. OHCKOI.A STEAM MILLS, NAauracriiniia LUMRKR, LATH, AND PICKKTS - ARB ' Sawed & ritcnt JiilM Shingle. H. II. 8IIILLIN0P0RD, President, Office-Forest Place, No. 12S 8. 4th St., Phll'a, JOHN LAWP1IR, General Pnp't, Osceola Mills. Clearfield county, Pa. Add-TOWN LOTS for sal. In Ilia borough f Oscoda. Keep tha LARtlEtST ASSORTMENT of (loods In 1,'loarlleld county at their Mammoth Store ia Osceola. . Jan8-J4 Lime tor Sale I T1IR undemlgnrd, milling nar Ihe dfpot haa made complete arrangementa with Lime Humeri eaat of the mountain, whereby he Ii ena bled to keep eonilMtlyon hand a large quantity of TURK LIME! which he offers to farmer, and builder, at a trifle above eost. Those In need of the article would do woil to give mo a eall, or address ma by latter, be fore negotiating tbelr lime. OKO. C. PASHMORB. Cloarnold, Pa., June V, lOoD. . BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN PTRl'M KNTR I Organs, both new and second hand, at the Musle Store, opposite Uulloh'i Furniture Htora. All peraon. Interested ara Invi ted to eall and examine a new rtyla of Organ aow on exhibition, Sheet Mu.lo and Music Rooks constantly on hand. p!2t 7Ilf K N'A. county lo the fart that wo ' MERCHANDISE. Octave Coupler,) ORGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, nnd the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like County National Bank, OP CLEARPIKLD, PA. f OOM In Masonic Building, one door north ol XX, t'. V. r) atson s Drug Store. Passage Tirkete to nd from Llvernool, Queena town, fllaavow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. Also, Draft, for sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial llank or London. JA.ME8 T. LEONARD, Pres't. W. M. SHAW, Cashier. tlr1r74 J. D. M'dirk. Edward Perks.. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE mcgirk & perks. Hnecemton to Foitcr, l'crkii, k Co., INiillpftbtirK. Outre County, Pi. TtniKRKall the banlneM of a nankins Houh Tf wil oe tranaaoted promptly and upon tbe tnimi mvunioie torme. mar7-ti DREXEL & CO., No. a I Houth Third Klrrrt, IMilladclphla It.l.VKVHS, And Dealers in Government Securities Application by mail will receive prompt atten tlun, and all lilformatioa cheerfully furnished UMers soliclc.l. April 11 tf. II R LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP stovj:s! ntovj:! ever hronght to the county, are being received at me Hardware list.lili.hmrnt or II. IT. llli;Li:H As I'!... comprising tha following Cook Slave. : PPEAIl'N CALORIFIC, -SlLStiUKHANNA, KKOUI-ATOIt, KXCELRIOR. THllTJinr. OOV. TENN. HEADING, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Also, tha following Heating Stoves: SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. srEAR'SORIUCULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, . MORNING LIGHT, RON TON, G1TSEV, VULCAN, SUNREAM, RUDY' DAUPHIN EGO, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, rilOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND 8T0UK ROOM STOVES, 4C. Clcarncld, Sept. 15, 1871. rpo THE F It 0 N T ! CRP.AT F.XC ITF.MENT AT TI1K CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON! The umlcri-tffned having junt (lttfd up new, larfl and eomfortable rootni on Market tlrevt, nrar Third, rvupertfully ioformi tbe publio tbat he now drpared to twoommodate them with ererythinfc In hi j line on nhrt notice and at all houra of tbe day. Ho keep on band KRKSI! PHRAD, RUBKfl, ROLL9, pIKfl, CAKttH, all kind. IC15 CUE AM, and a gonfral nooni-lmf-nt of CONKKCTIONKRIES. FRUITS, NUTS. All of which will Wdtlirered to ouilomere at tbeir rottdrnceN. when reqitantrd to do an. ICR CIIKAM, by Ihe diih, icrvrd In a neatly fur nirihrd room. Thankful fbr tbe encrouf patron go be utowod In Ihe pant, he kopei to merit and romlre a ronr -llnuenne of the Rame from hit old en to. men, and othen. JOHN 8TADLEK. Jun. 18.73-tf. IdUery (Stable. TI1R undersigned begs leave to inform the pub lie that ha is now fully prepared to accommo date all In the way of furnishing Horses, Ruggiaa, Saddloa and Harness, oa tha shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Locnst street, between Third and Fourth. ORO. W. dRARIIART. Clearfield. Feb. 4,1871. I on PRIltTINfl Ot KVKRT CK8CRIP. ' tion neatly execulcd at thil Sariiwrr, Ilnwarr, &f. , SAtKETT & SdlRYVER, . ,, tuuu , . , ,i .' '( . i ' ' HARD WARE, and manufacturers of I Tin,Copner & Sheet Iron Ware, Beoxtnd Street, ' CLEAR PIELI), PA. Having largely increased our stock of Hard ware, wo Invite tho public to examine our stock and prloea, ' Cariianter. and peraonswho contemplate build ing will do well to einiuine our TOOLS ft BUILDIHO HARDWARE, which ia new and of the best manufacture, and will be sold low fur cash. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE. LOPKS, LATCH KN, HINGES, SCKEWS All kinds of Bench Planes, Haws, Chisels, Squares, llammers, HatrheU. Plumha and Levels, Mortised A Thumb Uuagca, ll.vel., Draee. A Ililts, Wood and Iron llmch Screws, and the best Boring Machina ia tha market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ac. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelter, warranura. Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FI.UE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Fluea. Tanners' Implements and Oardea Tool, of every aesoripiion. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Portable Mlanfti and Pwttact VaL.Roofing, Snouting and Job Work dona on reaeouable terms. All oruen win receive prompi attention. June 11,1873. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED iRucceuors to Bnynton k Young, , FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mannfaeturera of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Rtreeta, (m:ahhli.ii, pa. TT AVINfl engaged in tha manufacture of Bret XX. class MACHINERY, we re.pectfullylnform tho publio tbat wear now prepared to Bit all orders a. cheaply and as promptlyas can bo done in any of the cities. Wo manufacture and dealii Mnlay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheela, Shafting Pulleya, Gilford's Injector, Steam Oaugea, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Caps Gauge Cocke, Air Cocks, II lube Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti- Frietion Metres, Soap Stone Parking, Quia Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Sled Soles, , COOK AND PA RLOR STOVES, and otbor CA8TIN0S or all kinds. VOrdera eollclted and filled at city price. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrea- ing as at ClearBeld, Pa. , JanI'T4 tf BIGLER, YOUNG A REED. rJERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. ST0.E AD EARTHEX-WARE OF KVERT DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POTS 1 CHOCKS! Fisher's Patent AlHIplit Self . Healing Krult I'anal RUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLK - BUTTKR CHOCKS, PICKLB CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STEW POTS, And a grut many other thing, loo numerous to mention, to bo had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, . L'UKAHt 1ELH, l'A. aug3 FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALR BY It. F. Hlgler fc Vo. IRON DOI'ni.R SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD lKM'DI.K SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD PINOLR SIIOVKL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STKKL PLOWS. IIAUPT'8 BKLLEPONTK PLOWS. ROBKSON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. ys-Shares for all of tho above Plow, con stantly on hand. myl!)-Tfl J F. niOLEIt & CO. have for .el. CARRIAGE & WACOX WOODS, SHAFTS AND rol.KB, i HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOKS, &o. Paa-Uu aa J tU -. s a . a . onna neri euouia nun B?n i?f nd M1 M min the. Thee ww uiw m iair pricei. mavzi-ii Kicfls, GmttUs, Cltr. . T. wavia,... W. W. BUTTS. ' ' 'i ii.;.'' i i i W1MVK11 A HKTTN ' CLKAKFIKLDrA., , Ara offering, at tho old stand of 0. L. Read A Co. their slock of goods, consisting of DltY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A BII0P.8, IIATd A CAPB, HARUWARR, .. , QUEKNSVTARK, i . . , . . ;.' ; . I FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o,( 4o,, At tho most reaionabla rates for CAHM or In ' aichange for ' Square Timber, ' Boards, . Shingles. OR COUNTRY PROHUCR. . , r'Adraooea made to tboaa engaged in get ting out aqnara timber on tb. most advantageous terms. pdtlJanTS T. A. FLECK & CO. (Two doors aasl of the Shaw House,) 1 ( I.HARHKM), PA. Millinery and Funey Goods AND NOTIONS. NECK RUFFLINO. LAMES' I'NDERWEAR. , OLOVES, all kinds and . Inc.. COTTON STOCKINGS, ansarpaaaed both in quality and ehaapneaa. WHITE AND SWISS IMMIDS, all varieties. CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS, of tho latest pattern and lower than the lowoau HAIR QOODS.ofall varieties . Call and examina our stock Wfore yoq buy elsewhere. Ulad to show nur goods on all oc casions Our motto is "SMALL PROFITS Si QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Remember the place opposite Mossop's, in Wm. Reed', old stand. T. A. FLECK, aprilli'Tt . A. M. HILLS. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET STREET, rlEARPIELII, PA. . Ilealcra in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware ami Qok.enswarf., Hoots, Shoes, IlaU, Cnpfi, Ac. JHr-Shoemakara supplied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINI18 at reduced rates. 8 ALT I SALT! SALT! at wholesale aad retail very cheap. PALNTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ac. A liberal discount to builders. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS la large qnantiti... FIST!, FLOITR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, always on hand, r-A!l of th. above goods ara purchased exclusively for cash, and therefore can and wi" ba (old as cheap aa tha cheapest. - aprill-74 p F, A C R 11) EUKOPEI our GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLEI The blood? eon teat between F ranee and T mi ii at an end frr tie present, ao far ai tho ilautrh terln( of mpn and the destruction of property i eoneorncd. The RoTal Jajrgli-n no doaM fri themielret and rejoice over the malt, but bow iniicntflcaat ia their work when oompartd . the humane and christian effort! of ! L. M. COUDRIET, who hai nndcrtaken to mpplj all the (HiiMitta the rower end of the ennntT with food and ratmrnl j at exeeedinir low rntoa from bit an ant moth .tore la , HrLHOMUlRO, when he n aiwuyi be fonnH readj to wait npon callers and aapplj them will Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such as Cloths, Satlnetta, Cassimerea, Muslins, ' Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clolhlng, Boots and Shoes, Hats and k Cap. all of tbe beet material and made to order , Hons, Socks, (I lores, Miltena, Laca., Ribbons, Ac GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Siisar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, frett, Pork, Lineerd Oil, Fish Oil, Carlion Oil. Hardware, Queen. ware. Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Kails, Spikes, Corn Cultira tors, Cider Presses, aad all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and a geaeeel assortment of Stationery, a 0 01) F LOU It, Of different brands, alwaya on hand, and will at , aoiu at tue lowual pussible figures. LIQl'ORS, snrh aa Brandy, Wine, Uln, Wbiity. jaynea ateuicines, itustettcrs ana Xnotland'S Bitter.. rl)0t nounds of Wool wanted for which tas hlrheat price will ba paid. Cknrersecd oa uses' and for sale at the lowest market prloa. Also, Agent for Straltonvlll. aad Curwenmw Threshing Machine., and see for yourselves. Ton will sl i everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIKT. Frenrhrlll. P. 0., March 1, 171. QTOKEK KKl'HHS, ATTENTION! KJ Wo desire lo callyourattentloa toour eitroln Commissioa busineaa and to our facilities for ate nosina of suek ntniluM . our eonsianars aelld al llavtm a lare. trado with olty stores, we an t .I.I.J . . . 1 - i . L. ... - . 1 f..l ...... T Storokeeper. having Cbioken., Butter, Eff or otaar produce, win ao well to five as "'- n nero urocaries aro vastea in aaenange, no 1 misstoa iiill bo charged. a). L. KIRK. RON A C0 Wholosalo Oroeera and C.mmisaion M.rchs.1. No. I AO N. Third at root, Pailad a. aprty JIIHTICEM As .tTABI.K!4' KKt We hava printed a largo number of the FEB BILL, and will aa too receipt of tweatrj WTW aeJIIU, eale 11 e uaaj V aWT UUIVeWI