THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING, J0NB 17. ISM. Terms of Subscription. If paid In adrauoe.or within throe months.,.! 00 If paid ftor three nil before ill month 1 .0 N If paid ftor the expiration oi sn monms... v RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. A. D. yooim, Pastor. Publio Sorvlo. every Sabbath at 10, A. M., and 7 P. M. , -. Sabbath School it V A. M. ' ' : Prayer Meeting evory Thursday, at TJ P. M. Communion Borvioo, Srit Sabbath of .very month, at lul A. M. Presbyterian t'liiirrh Ror. H. 3. Hiiti.eii. Sabbath services Wrnlng and evoulng Hub bath School at i P. M.l'ruj'or Mooting Wednes day evening. Kt. Krncl 'liurclit'atlnillc Rov. P. J. SuitRinAft. Man at 10J o'clock A. M., onjho second and fourth Sundays of oaoh month. Lutheran Cliiirclu Kav. A. J. JIabtbook Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening. Sabheth Bohool at t a. to. Prayer mooting every Wednesday evening. i i i 11 The nnnunl Btotoraont of tho Audit on of Brady township for 1873 will bo found In thli Issuo. Mr, Mooro's card, in rotation to tlio - Senator question, will bo found olsowhere In this BioiiT. A curd in this issuo indi cate, that all places of bu.loe.. in thli borough will bo closed on the approaching Fourth of July. Adjourned. An adjourned Treas- uror'l.alo will tako place on Saturday, July 1Kb, , 1874, at which time all unseated land on which the taxes are not paid will be sold. i Admitted. John K. Coxson, Eho., a member of the Jcffonon county bar, waa on Friday last, on notion of Judge Barrett, admit ted to praotice in the luveral court, of thitf county lion. A. II. Dill, Slate Senator, of Lowi.burg, sojourned in our town for a few day. la.t wock with hi. brother, Ror. W. II. Dill. The Senator would mako an excellent Congressmen The first oil train passed over the Bonnelt'a Branch railroad on Monday laat, con dition of twenty-lve can. Thli U the lowed grade road oro.iing the mountain., and It will, Id all probability, receiro the major portion of the oil trado. CarnoroHB& Dixey's minstrel troupe oloae tip their traveling season on tho loth, when they will return to Philadelphia, and will not ap pear again uutll tho opening of their now fclev- enth Street Opera Home, on the Slat of Augu.t next. Not Complimentary. Tho fruits of the June term of our court of Quarter Se.ilon. was the furnishing of the Wcitorn Ponittntlsry with three member., the Danville Asylum with two, and the House of Refuge with one. Such quarterly return, we do not like. Not CoRrtEcr. We published an item last week, stating that J. C. Burns had pur chaied the lino of ilage. running botween this place and Rcynold.rille, from Mr. Jo.eph Evan.. We hare 11000 learned from a more reliable aouroe that It i. not true, and that Mr. Evan, still own. ' the route in que. lion. m Confirmed. The Unitod Statos Senate, on Friday la.t, In executive sei.ion, unani mously eondrmcd tho re-appolntment of Petor A. Geulin, a. Poitma.ter for Clearfield. Mr. Q.iulin : 1. without doubt one of the be.t offioers in the postal errieo, and, -therefore, de.orrei thli eon tinned reeognition by the department. The Fourtu. Ample arrangoments are being made at Janetville for a flrst-cls.s Fourth of July eelcbration. Manager! and com mittee! of arrangement! have been appointed and ' everything will, of course, be "in apple-pie order." , Good music, and refreshment. In abnndanoe, will be on the ground. August Court. Wo understand that the Judge! and attorney! hare agreed to hold an adjourned court, for the trial of eivll oausei, commencing on the third Monday of Au gust (the 17th). Wo rejoice to know that an effort i. being made to clear the docket! at as early a day ai passible. To Educators. A very rare oppor tunity ii now offered to practical teacher., who desire new quarter! and ipaclous apartment!. Our new High School building Ii now about com pleted and the Director! are now looking around for competent tcachen to take charge of the lo atitutlon. See the Directors' card in our advertis ing column!. . f By reference to our advertising col li umni, it will be noticed that Vnitcd State. Mar ; thai Hall will .ell in the city of Pittsburgh, on ; the 14th day of July next, all the Intereit of Kobort Osborn, in and to several tracts of very t; valuable timber and coal lands in Brady and V Huston township, thli county. A Hare Chance. It will be noticed ; by an advertisement in this Issue that the School - Dirocton of tbii borough propose to sell three ' lots tho "Town Hall" and "old M, E. Church" properties, which hsvo been used for school pur j poses. The lot. are) de.irably located and will no doubt command a good price, i m m I EditorialHreatness. Several gen tlemen from Lock Haven vi.ited the editor of the Bellcfonte H'aicasian last week ; the Bauman waa troubled by two Union township oelebrllres, and several Philadelphlana annoyed the RmilU an, while some ti.s-ear plugged tho "mug. it the scribe of the 77ks. "How wo apples iwlin!" 1 e m Tho Philipsburg Journal statos that irglars entered the residence of E. Perks, Esq., a Friday night of laat week, making their en anoe through the kitchen. The drawers of the treau In Mr. Perks' sleeping apartment were tnrbed but nothing was taken. They were obably after money, but Mr. Perks was away m home, and they were disappointed. Rather Sensible. Wo notico by r Jefferson eounty exchanges that the Commie- vero of that eounty some time ago oontracted build a wooden bridge over the Mahoning k, near Punxsotawney. A largo number of -payers in the southern end of the eounty have tioned the Commissioners to rescind the con- t, and ask tho board to erect an Iron bridge, wing It to be the cheapest bridge in the end. 'xcuRsioNiSTS. 11. II. Shillingford ulelphia, Preiidcat of tbo Kittanniug Coal any, near Oallititn, and the Mo.hannon 1, Land and Lumber Company, of 0 areola, to w with a number of other Philadelphlana, had a special train at tholr command, paid town a on Their stay was short, and eourt being In session at the time, 'tre unable to Interview the party. NOTHEit Municipality. Tho vil of Burnside, located on the river, eight miles I the Cherry Tree, and sil miles west of New Ington, la Burnside township, by order ol last wetk, was erooted into a borough. An on for municipal offlcen will bo held some after the September court, when a day will led and proper persons appointed by the ft to conduct and make return of tho same. In the month of September Inst, iters rs. Thomas McCauley and James Lowther, this oily, purchased th half of a tract of land aontalalug M00 acre, located in Clearfield oounty 'md known al a part of the Flynn tract, for which key paid ths sum of $275,000. Last week, Mr. Thomas McCauley purchased th additional half f tho tract, paying a Ilk sum of 1 276,000 for It. This land contains almost Inexhaustible supplies sTcoal and Umber, It being underlaid wlth a al hot vein of bituminous oeal, known as the Mo. kannoa oeal, and covered with the finest quality sf pint timber of tho first growth. It Is well sup lied with water for logging, and will bo devel ped as rapidly as possible. 4omi zrwuas. Gommuoloalod. ' ' ABOUT FACTS. Mn, EniToai In transferring to your oolumns last week an article from tho Altoeaa Sun, nam Ing me as a candidate for the State Senate, you tako oocaslon to assumo two "facts" one that Mr. Wallace Is not eaudldate, and the othor that am. That article, I have since ascertained, was written by an old and anient friend, without any suggestion from, or consultation with mc and I am quite sure without any dosin to dictate to the Demooraoy of this dlitrlot what thoy should or should not do. According to toy Idea, and the Idoa I have always tried to Impress upon ether., a public office and particularly a reprcicntativo offloi should seek the man, and not the man the elBoc, If a fair proportion of the people of the district, or even of CloarHeld county, had manifested, or ihould manifest a desire, that I should be a onndl date, the on "fool" might be as you stato It. But thli they have no, done, and while I have been urged by quite a number of warm penonnl friend., not only In Clearfield, but in tho other countl of the distrlot, to ask for the nomination, the "oo.ll" bus not been so lod that I am the man tho people want. Even If I was satl.Qed that auoh was the ease, and the oall was unmistakable, the Itate of my health, though happily giving prom ise of Improvement, would of Itself bo fufflclcnt cause for declining the honor proposed.'. So far, thcroforo, ai I am concerned, your "fucti" hare no foundation, for I am not, nor hare I been a oandidato for tho Stato Senato linoe and whether or not I will be again, depends upon three contingencies 1 First, tho veriOcatlon of your btltcr faot; second, the manifestation of the people 1 and third, the slate ol my health. Very Respectfully, D. W. Moonu. Clearfield, June 15th, 1874. m .... Awful, Indeed 1 Tho numerous and destructive Oros that have recently destroyed so much valuable property In Wllliam.port have been traced to a gang of young Incendiaries, who have been oaptured and held In $10,01)0 ball. Their names are William Bhults, Elijuh Bcal, James Parker, Robert Tinsman, James Byerlioch, Warren W. Meginneis, Alonso Johnson, alias Parker, and Joseph Kalkloesch (or William Calla clush, alias Vinegar, one of the papers calls him.) Thoy would sometimes tako a box, put a eandle In It, and pack the candle around with cotton waste saturated with some inflammable liquid. They had plenty of time to get out of the way bo fore the candle in the barn or lumber pill would burn down so as to Ignite the cotton. Meginnets oonfciscd to being one of the parties engaged in setting the Watson barn on drej also the P. t E. car shop, Seminary barn, and as being a party in the attempt on the barn of Mr. Rowley ; Sbults admitted being eoncernod with Meglnness at the P. 4 E. Shops also Parker and Callaclu.h ; Tini man's boy and Meginnes. flred the Tlmman barn , Tiniman alio admitted being with Mcginnesi at the Wation bam. The excitement In Williams port upon the announcement of the arrest of the partlos named was even gnater than during the riot laat summon Six of the parties are under twenty years of age and an members of the lire department. The arrangements made for firing numerous othor buildings, a few days after their arrest, were of an extensive character. It is well that but fow great orlminals are found wearing such yo uitg tloihitt. : ; Sad Accident. On Friday last a little four-year old son of Mr. Forsyth, at the Snow Shoe mines, waa burnt to death, under the following circumstances : A neighboring lady had gone to Snow Shoe on some business, leaving her house In ahargo of a Utile girl, with whom Mr. Forsyth's boy was in the habit of playing. To wards evening the little girl attempted to make a fin lo tho stove, as many older people foolishly do, by pouring coal oil on the fuel. The ean coming In eontaot with the . flame, exploded, and Mrs. Forsyth hearing the screams of the children, ran In to find her son envelopod In flames. With wondorfu preience of mind ihe threw herself up on the child and imothored the lire with her own clothing, but the njurtoi be had already received wen too much for the little fellow, and after luf- fering Intensely fot a few boun be died. UciVe- onte rKatcAmaa. Time is Money. We understand that Judge Orvii eomputei the hourly expenie of our court, while in lession, at $23 per hour, and Hues defaulting juron and witnesses accordingly. If either of the parties Indicated detain tho oourt fifteen minutes, the fine will be $5, and In propor tion for any longer time. A similar schedule will be fixed for attorneys, plaintiff! and defendant. at tho next term, oxoept upon a higher scale. This timely and financial arrangement will, no doubt, result In much good. It will keep all In the oourt-room during the teuton, and expedite business amaslngly If enforced. A Good Idea. An oxchango says : "Licentiousness, rowdyism, aod profanity dis turb tbo orderly citixens of Washington, Pa., to such an extent that some of them seriously advo cate tho enaotment of a local law providing that the Cosrt H" bH be rung at a eertain hour every evening, after which every persou found on the streets except pny.ician. .nail De subject to arrest, and, if arrested twice, shall be sentenced to Imprisonment It Is asserted that a similar law in Washington borough a quarter of a centu ry ago did mueb to promote morality." There are a number of other boroughs In this 8tate open to an Improvement of this kind. IIousk Burned. Tho l'hilipsbura Journal, of Saturday, says : "About half-past eight o'clock on Monday even ing a very bright light was visible about a mile and a half to tho south-east of town, and the flames were seen to rise to a great height, but nobody supposed that It was anything but a burn ing log-hoap until it was too lata to be of any assistance. It waa the bou.e built and occupied by F. P. Smith, and owned by Wagner k Brother. Mr. Smith was la Wallaoeton at the time, and none of ths family, excepting a little girl, were In the house. 1 be Ore broke out In tbo scoond storr, but burned so rapidly, and assistanoe was so re mote, tnat notning was sarea to tbo family. Sudden Death. On Thursday even ing last, Christopher Fogle, an old and highly respected citison of Brookvillo, died very suddenly. He bad been unwell for a few days before, but nothing serious was anticipated, as be had been working in his lot during the early part of the evening. Ins funeral took place on (saluruay forenoon last, under direction or the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member. firooi- eiis Jefferaontan. Mr. Fogle was well known to many of the el ii - sens In the western portion of thii oounty. Sudden Death. On Saturday last, Abraham Lits, of Lawnnoe township, went to tho grave-yard to lovel up the grave of a member of his family and trim up the grounds. After com pleting kli work he lat down to rest himself, and while so seated he took a chill. On arriving at his borne he took hie bed, and died on Monday. He was one of the moat bale and vigorous men In bis neighborhood. Tug Circus. Our roadora will not forget that on Friday next, the lOlli, the Great Southern Clrcua and Menagerio will exhibit li our town, for one day only. This shew Is favora bly spoken of by our exchanges, and as It Is the first of the season In these parts, wo have no doubt It will bo largely attended. A serious uccident bofull a son of Win. W. Worrell, who was employed at the Clear- field Fire-Brick Works, one day last week. 11 had one of hia foot badly eroshed and mangled by being eaoght In some of the machinery. It was a miracle that he was not killed. He Is now get- ting along as well ai ean be expootcd. In noticing the living Shoring of our eounty, some lime slnee, ws omitted the names o Robert Ross and Georgo Leech, who, for their age, enjoy excellent health. List of loiters remaining unclaimod in uio roiuimce at viearneia, lur tno WOCK endinj Jane 13th, 18,4 i Anderson, A. Buchor, Adam Brown, I. J. Brown, Miss Anna Dollean, John . -Claren, Patrick Oonpil, Jeaehln Horan, Martin Hall, R. Hendereon, E. A. James, H. L. Lease, W. II. Main, Wm. MoPadden, Charles Millar, Milton Mason, Ellis ; Powell, Fred. Paine, Charles Pennington, James W. Uosenblume, L, (2) Read, t, B. Seibert, M. T. Suter, Bamnel Smith, John Trimble, W. J. Van Blanberg, E. Wagnor, William Wilson, Mn. Jans W. Wiseganer, Laura P. A.' OAULIN, P, M Tin Kkatinq & Earthaub Kail noD. It It with pleasure that wo lay bofore our roaden this week, a detailed report of this cob toinplated railway, which ll to pierce tho lower end of this county for the purpose of developing Its resources. The millions of buried wealth In Karthaus township, amply let forth In this report must ba indeed gratifying to the elllsens of tba portion of our county. It will bo notleed that the engineers predict Just what we hare often stated In these columns that the Mosbaanon Valley, eia Karthaus, would yet be made the great outlet for tho mlueral deposits of that section. Heavy freight, suoh as coal, iron and lumber, oannot ba profitably hauled over a grade from Dlnty lo one hundred and twenty feet lo tho mile j henoe, com mon sense and euuiinerelol enterprise will seek othor avenues fur the tranaportatiou of these com modities. The aotual loss to shippers and rail road owners In ten yoars, over suoh grades as are enoountercd on the Tyrone road, will build a road from Philipsburg to Blnncmahonlng. Wo liavo beon roquostod to stato that llov. Chaplain C. C MoCabo will preach In tho Clearfield M. E. Church, on the erening of Sunday, Juaojsth, all oelock, and will also giro a lorvJoe of Christian song. The publio la cor dlally invitod to attend. For JIackey. The Elk Democrat very elaborately reoommends L. A. Mackey, Esq., of Lock Haven, for Congress, In thli district. On the Fourth. Wo, tho undor- signed, merchant! and builueii men of Clearfield. hcrolty agree to olose our rosneotlve ploous of I'uniiic. vi in niuna ui tiuiy, jot, uoiug a na tional holiday. We not only wish to enjoy it ourselves, but to giro our employe, the same kratsor A Lytle, Jas. Kerr A Co., A. Ouinslsurg, Uoodfellow A Son, T. A. Fleck A Co., E. W. Oraliain, D. Stewart A Hon, Lever Flegal, Sackelt A Schryror, Wearer A Bells, T. E. Watson, : ' Lylle oi- Mitchell, J. M. Kratser, II. F. Nauglo, Harn'l I. Snvder, privilege John Moiiaughoy, Wm. Reed, Uulich A Jaekloa, tl. A. Jordan, John.ton A Sons, ; II. Bridge, 1 11. F. Bigler A Co., Deering A Co., J, C. ilarwiek, T. M. Itobin.on, ' ' Darid Adams, ; . ; Ri.hel A Boers, It. Mossop, . John Troutinan. jnnalT-at . Specials. , , t I'll gnl has II lit. to suit all, in price and quality. Fli-gal has a largo lot of Children's Slippers. - - , -- - : - ! . 500,000 Poimiis or Wool Wahvi.d for which the highest market price will be paid, either in cash or trade. (jel0-4t) , Jis. KanR A Co. Flegal is filling up with New Goods. Flogol bas just returned from the city with a large stock of Goods in hia lino, at prices that win satiny all. , Jelu-It lluuoir.s For Rata. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagons for sale To bo seen at the Shaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may 13-tf. Uousi roa A new heme, eontalnlnr six rooms, witu good eellar underneatn. Apply to me unuer.lgned at uis lurpllure warerooms. mayO JOHN OULICU. ' Wood and Willow Ware of all desorintlons for mo oy is. g. uigier a io. Axis. Soventr-five dosen Clearfield Wood ohnppere Axes at :2i:72. II. F. BIGLElt A Co's. INFLATION I INFLATION I James Kerr A Co., regardless of tho action of the President, aro Inflating, and have inflated their already large stock of Clothing, until it now embraocs the finest assortment oi Clothing and Furnishing Hoods in any retail store in Pennayl rania. Below please find reduced prioe list of a lew oi ine articios embraced in tbelr stock! MEN'S COTTONADE SPITS, ONLY to 00 MKN'S CASSIMliRE SUITS, ONLY 8 00 MKN'S ALL-WOOL CASS. SIIT8. 10 00 MEN'S FINK BLUE DIAO. SUITS. . lo 00 YOUTHS' SUITS, . to 20 00 CHILD'S FINK BLUE CLOTn SUITS, 8 00 CHILD'S FANCY DIAO. SUITS, 10 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, all J.SO to 12 00 Umbrellas. Silk, (lint-ham. Cotton a lam and line assortment. Hosiery. Fiftv dosens Llalo Thread. Bilk. Cotton and English super-stout hose, which will bo sold at from 6 cents up. 8tilrts Our stock of shirts Is lara-e and com plete, embracing the Universal, French Peroale, Cotton, Cassimara aod Colored Shirts, in great -riety. We would ear to our oustomcre that harinsr bought goods at IS for cent less than heretofore, wo are prepared to sell them at prices that will really astonish everybody. Call early and see for yourselves. JAMKS KKKR A CO. Old Western Hotel Corner, Cloarfleld, Pa. it RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Wan. Household Ooods. , All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. : Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F. Bigler A Co., Second street. Clearfield, Pa. it Saro Timet Save Labor! Save Money! Save Clothes I The" Novelty Wringer" is the best In the market. Buy It) try It. For sale by II. F. BiOLia A Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co Frbh I Fati ! tun 1 Among the many prepa rations that we bars for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any throat or lung difficulty, none of them are inual to Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and HorohounJ. If yon an afflicted, eall at our store and we will give you a sample bottle ree e earo Agents : nart.wirk A Irwin, Clearfield; Holt, Wooilside A Holt, Wallaoeton I II. E. W II liams, William's drove. March Il ly. FROM OHIO. The women! temperance war now riglng In fiorcnt narta of the country, narlieularlv In lh west, wild luch unparalleled suooess, reoommends for persons who olaim whisky a necessity for me dicinal purposes, to use Oreen's August Flower, wuicn eontains no intoxicating spirits and Is a r ritle laxltive and a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Ivor Complaint, Indigestion, Costiveness, Sour Stomach, Sick llcadaobe, coming up of tho food after eating, purifies the Ulood and System. Just wnai is needed in tne spring or tbeyoar by every body. Try it. Sold by O. D. Wateon, Clear field, Pa. ang20'7a, Paints isn Pjuirrr.ns' Vixnixos Our stock or Paints ana raintcrs' Materials la complete, In. eluding J. T. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Ln. cas A Co's Pure White Lead, F. R. A Co's Ruck Lead, and a number of cboanor brands of White Lead) also, Linseed Oil, Tumontlne, Varnishes of II kinds, a full line of Urusbos, and a full line of eoiors, dry and in un. myZ8'73 H. F. Bintxa A Co Montour Slate Paints, for nainttne- houses In side and outside Cottages, FarntBuildings, Ac. Beautiful, durablo and economical. Ground In pure Linseed Oil. ; myan ll. r uiotxa A Co, SttarrUfl. Al 11, AMnn -1 U. V...... n t- Oullch township, by J. L. Snaw, Esq., Mr. KAUiiAitiAU ai. iH'.miuK, of Hullch tonnsbin. Clearfield county, and Miss MARY J, HART, of uamona ooiimy. SUA. In Clearfield, Pa., on Saturday evening, June i un, mis, airs. Buttnn M, riMYtl,, wife Ki-Sheriff WittiAU Powxt, aged t0 years. Clearfield Markets. Conaacran Wnr.xt.Y by Kratser A I.vlle. Whole sale and Retail deaien In Dry Goods, Groceries, - riour, roea, eio aisraei street, tlearneld, l'a, Ctaaitrixtn, Pa., June, Id, 1874. Apples,green,00(9 1 K Hogs, dressed.... Dried, V lb 13) Hides, green... Applebutter,fgal, 71 Ham 00 1 nutur iiii(a) . Bboulders.....lO(o) 1 leans no oo(g l so Biaes.. ,. outre Buckwheat 1 00 Lara Ilirt Buckwheat lour lb, t Mess pork,1A bbl...0 00 Beof, dried lBfd) ii Oat 5 Beef, fresh ($ 10 Onions lot Boards, M 12 00tjW0 Potatoes.. ao uo uorn,.ueiieu.M a v reaenes, aried, n Corn, ear 00(a) . 0 Plaster, V bbl...... 1 (is) Corn meal, fl sack, fi5 Rye. ... 1 10 Chon. W owl 200(a) 1 10 Hers. t lb Cloverseed. I 0 Salt, 11 saek.22i(a I If, Cheese 22 ShingIes,lSln.t4(a)s 00 Cherries, lb. lOfn) lH Shlngles,2o lnl(aj l 00 tnicaens, arsd, to, wiimotny teea t uo Egg li Tallow Ill Flaxseed. I OO heaU................ I 7 Flour ..... OOfo) 00 Wool 44 Bay ....00 ,0(d)20 (O.Wood, -f eord t U ED. W; GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENEEAL MERCHANDISE, ! SQUARE TIMBER & UMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has just opened, at the old stand, In Graham's now, a complete slock 01 . DH' COOUt, of erery description. : A ... O 7 -J DRY GOODS, , i.-.-- GROCERIES, 1 '" HAUDWAHE, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' j t 1 ) y , CLOTUINO, d-c., efc., ' ' IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, . , SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWA YS ON HAND AND FOR 1 SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. , F L O.U R Received by the car load, and sold st a small . advance. , , , A supply of ROPE constantly on hand. Special Inducements offered to those gottlsg out Square Timber and Logs, as wa deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, and are pre pared at all times to purchaso tim ber and lumber. P. I), W. G It A 11 A M, ' ' Marks! Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. '; Oet 23, 1872. J. M. KRATZER, lit PIE'S BUILDING, DEALER IN '.- : , Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Carpets, Wall Topers, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, &c, la Juat reoeirlog a oomplete assortment of goods, oougut at soicei ana lowest pnoes. GOOD MINTS, AT TEN CENTS TMl ; ' YARD. GOOD YD-WIDE BLEACHED MUS- ' LINS, TEN CENTS. ' HEAVY YARD-WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, 12 CENTS. ATPLETON'S . MUSLINS, 12 CTS. rE YARD BY THE PIECE. AND ALL DRT OOODS AT LOWER RATES THAN HERETOFORE. DRESS GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTRY, INGRAIN, and nl llowcr grades. CARPETS CARPETS CARPET8 CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAKPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS PARASOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. GROCERIES, BY ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, Ac, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, May 27, 167. Mice to Taxpayers I TN accordance with an Act of tho General As 1 semblr of this Commonwealth, anprored the Tli dar of March. A. D. 1870. and the ii un fo ment approred the 8d day of April, A. D. 1871, "relating to tne collection or taiei tn the eonnty of Clear Held," notioe it therefore hereby given to the taipayera reiiding In the diitrloti below named, that the Connty Treaaurer, in accordance with the aeeond eectloa of laid Act, will attend at the placet of holding the borough and town- hip election! on the following named day a, for tbo purpote of receiving the County and Btate taxea aumied for the year 1874 1 For Wallaoeton. Saturday, June 13th. For Woodward, Tueiday, June 10th, For (luliob, Wmlneiday, June 17th. For Ileoearia, Thariday, June 18th. For Knoi, Friday, June lUlh. For Jordon, Saturday. June 20th. For Cheat, Tueiday, June 2.1rd. For New Washington, Wed nod ay, June Htb. For Barn aide, Thuraday, June 26th. For Bell. Fridar. June 2flth. Upon all la mi paid to tho Treaenrer there wilt ne a reaaouon oijim ptr eeei., wniie are pen ont, Will be nddtd after thtJtrH rfy tfJuly ntu to all anpatd taxei, making a difference of TEN pr tni. tn prompt taxpayer!. Partial ean pal moir uxei at me i rcaaurer i omoe ai any time. DAVID W.W1BK. Treaenrer. Tmurarer'i Office, ) Clearfleld, l'a., May 37, 187 41 J T. A. FLECK & CO., Agents In Clearfield oounty for th tale of E. BUTTBRICK k CO,'8 ( Fashionable Patterns of Garments, all Svtlbs awn tltas. t:U Mu-ket 8tr( CUarfil4, Pa. ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY H. PORTF.n HII AW, D. P. 8. IMPORTANT TRUTHSi Haying auooeaded in getting a lighter tariff on mateital, henoe the loss and Moaerar charge for pertitl and full sets of Toeth. I nse the best manilacture of teeth and other material. All operations registered and warranted to giro ser. rioe ana sausiaotion. Frinda, reflect that my oharges for the Inter Hon k artificial and the earing of the natural teetl are now the moit reasonable ln Pennaylvania. rresirre your teetu ana yon preserve your health. ruling or the natural toetb In a healthy, serralireand uaeful oondition la made a specialty. Dlaoii eiioti malformation! oommon to the mouth, law ittkd Miooiatt) nitrti, irt treated and corrected with (Tair iuoooii. Examination and ooniulta- tlonr rssi. It fould be wtt for patient.? from a diltanne to let Dfe know by mall ft fow dayi before eotuini to the office. It Tory Important that children between the ag-eatf ili and twelr yean ihould bare tbetr teetn fexamined. Atifpithetioi are aduiinifterod and Tueth re- morid without pain. ? ' Dinitionf and character are jodsred br all the vftrld by the expreniom of the face, hence now fnrr dliMtroue mar It therefore be for par- ton o indulge an exnrouion of diitorted featuroi. evenlinart Irum a hyiiiento rlew. Mow. to enjoy natuiaJ (not art. Dotal) eomforti and p)eaurei. recprl ana: obey natural limpllcitiei aod Instinat. H. l'UHTKH nil AW. It. It K. 69oe In New Ma to mo Building. 6 coon d ttreef, yieiirneia, ra. may 14 7s DENTAL CARD. :- Dr. A. M. TJILLS Woe Id lay to hit patienti and the cub Ho geuiirally, that, having diiiolved partnembir. with Dr. Shaw, he U now doing the entire work of nil office himlf, eothat patienti need not fear being put undrr the hand or any ether operator Clearfield. March 20, 1872-pd20mcb73 " J. M. STEWART, D. D, S., Office over Irwin's Drug Store, Cl'RWENSVILLE, PA. All dental operations, either In the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. bDoclal attention naid to the treatment of diseases of the natural teeth, gums ana moutu. irregularity ol the teeth suc cessfully oorrecled. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of the best material and warranted to render sat isfaction. april2'71:ly srtUsrrtlanrrjuiS. E A D T fl I S I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the citiicrti of Clearfield and vicinity ii directed to the fact that Uoodfellow A Nun or Ik st a nf U Nia A n. 1 -jvu" .iw vv. aauu ut a just reoeired a half doaen ear loadi of flour and Feed, which they offer at the lowoat ponible fir- FLO UK, COBX MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ac Particular attention Is called to M. Nieeo A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is tho best In tha market. Flour and Feed can and will be sold cbeaner than it can be obtained elsewhere la Clearfield eounty. nrStore on Market street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irrin's residence. UOODFELLOW A PON, JanlOtf Agents for M. Niece A Co. H. F. BIGLER & CO., DUAiaua ia HAIIDWARE, Also, Manufacturers of - Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. OLIARf IBLD, FA. pARMIKG IMPLEMENTS of all kinds for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. JAILKOAD WUEELBARKOWS for sale by If. F. BIOLER A CO. Q1L, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for aalo by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE ' Findings, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. QUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For salt by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Sites, for sale by U. F. BIGLER ft CO. JRON1 IRON1 IRON! IRON! For tale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. J JORSE SHOES &. 1IORSE SHOE NAILS, for aalo by , II. F. BIGLER ft CO. . pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Man u fee tare, for eale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO, IIIMBLK SKEINS AND VIVK BOXES, for aalo by II. F, BIGLER k CO. RODDER CUTTEUS-for sale by mch30-70 II. F. B1QLER k CO. T. M." ROBINSON, Manufaotnrer and dealer In Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Collar. Wbtni. llruibci. Fly Nell. Trlmtniniri. jinrae jtianaciti, trc. Vacuum, Frank Miller'i and Noatefnot Oil. Agrnt for Bailey and Wilaon'i Boggle. Order and rrpairlng promptly attended to, rbop on Market itreet, Ulearflnhl, l'a., In room formerly oocuptea by Jai. Alexander. 3: 74 FIRST CLASS BAKERY -NOTICE TO KAFTMEN. The subscriber has filled on a nrst-class Daltery, and wl?!. t" teform vartmen that he Will supply them with ItltEAD, PIKS, CAKKS, Ac, on reasonable terms. . Ilakery east and of bridge, near the "Lick," Clearfield, Fa. marlS .lm JOHN CTTLKIt pOIlTAGE NAIL WORKS. DUNCANSVILLK, BLAIR Co., Fa., NAILS! ..). Th. alior. works belni asaln operated hj ths sadenigned, offer lo the trade a full supple of their Justly MlebraUd Kails at to. loirest prieas. JU1IH Jt l BB1jX All, Haneaasrllle, Uarei la, 18t.-lm tnv ' drfrttrafats. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEAK FIELD, PA., . r AitirAuTtiaHS or ' ' ;" j ' ( i iiti: iimcK, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &c. i'Mmnry Top; Wiudotv Capi, and I Vise. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DESIGNS IN TERRA COTTA MADE TO ORDER. With Improved machinery, fir it elaai material and ekilled workmen, we can warrant all our manufacture! to be equal to If not iu per for to any in mo marKot, Article! of our mnniifitcture ran beacen at the Worka. m r Railroad Dupot, er at the Hardware Store ol 11. r. Uigier A Co. All ordcra from a diatanoe, addreaaed to Ihe General Superintendent, will reoeiva prompt at oiion. I. CI, IIARTSWICK, JOHN FERGl'KON. . (Jen 'I Hunt. of HealliflcM, (larnkirk, ficotUnd, aupt. uanuiiioturing vvpu may lit) 73 Xew Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. THE underaigned, having leaaed rooma for the manulaotora of all hi ml a of dADDLaS, HAH NhhS, and all Uio lateat Improrementa in Horse Forniahing tloodi, are now prepared to fill all orderi at prtcoa anu quality tuat will tarprlae all who favor ua with a call for the Inspection of our work. We are determined to pleaae and our ex perience and obaervation In eastern and weatera citiea enablea ua to DKFY COMPETITION in the manufacture of Gold, Silver, Oreido, Kubber Uorerad and Uilt-Ltned Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS! Also Fine , RIDING AND RACING SADDLES. Our rent i and expenaea being light, we afaall aell the lame gradoa of work 20 per cent, cheaper than they ean be bought In the eastern eitiea. Kcpainog and adjuating Baddies, Uarnesa. o.. neatly done, at reasonable prloea. Particular attention paid to all orderi by mail or otherwise. Call and tea eur work before bnyina; elsewhere JT Rooma in Irwin's 8 to re, next door to Key- atone Store. CHAIN & MITTON. Clearfleld, Pa., May 13, 1874. BANTZ 4, BUCK, General Insurance Agents and Real Estate Brokers, Represent the following reliable Insures oe Co'i : North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. 120,000,000 Waabington Life Insurance Co- 4,000,000 Fire Association Inauranoe Co.H 2,0" 00,000 Amaion Fire Insurance Co 8,078,148 Watcrtown Fire, insure dwellinga and farm baildina-a on!y. 675.000 York, Pa., Stock Insurance Co. ltorseg insared against death and theft. P. H. Parties in the country dealrlng insurance on their lives or property ean have it promptly attended to by adureaaing us hy letter, or calling in person at our office, in Pic'a Opera House, Room No. 4, Clearfleld, Pa. may 2774 ROXS1DK3 STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW-WARE, TAINTS. OILS A VARNISH, PUTTY A GLASS, ROrES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Th. eelebrated Toledo Anti-Freetlng Qalranlied IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Ko bettor Piimpi la th. market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, of all kinds, LAMP FIXTURES, Ao. All at lowest prlecs. 1-1474 Preaque Islo Street, Philipsburg, Pa. jQANIEL GOODLANDEK, Ll'TUKRSDURU, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, UOS1ERT & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaeeo, Groceries and Fish, Nails, Hardware, (jutwiiswer. anu uiasswaro, Mon t and llurs' Cluthlns;, Drus;s, Paints, Oils, Hchool Hooks, a Isrge lot of Patent Medlotncs, Candles, Nule A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack- ers, Itook and moo rowuer, Flour, Grain and Polatoeg, Cloror and Timoth Seed, Sole Leather, Mnroooos, Linings, Ttindings and 1 bread, hboemakers luols and Shoe Finding.. No greater rarietr of goods In any store in the eonnly. All Tor sale rery low for easn or eountry produoo at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27, ln7a. LEATHER BKEA.ST-STItvrS 8UPKRSRDED HY - COVEKT'S PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madeof the best Mallea blo Iron, and tsattaehed to the Homes bj the best Fnep ever Invented. It ts easily and qnlrkly put on, aod prevents tho whipping of tho horses hy the pole. Vol liable In get out of repair. Will last for years. All we ask Is a fair trial, to convince all parties us ing them -that they are unsurpassed in value for tho purpose for which thoy aro Intended. SACKKTT A SCHRYVER. Clearfleld, April IS, UH. ' 1 OB PRINTING OF EVERY DK8CRIJ. Xt uoi neatly ti scute, at this slot. Hry (Boottj, (&twxt, 6tt. 1871. 1874. UNDER FULL SAIL THE . KEYSTONE TO THE FRONT! Headquarters for Dry Goods! Am opening my leeond large spring and turn ner noca oi foreign ana UomeMta DRY GOODS, Carpels, Oil Cloths, LADIES' k CHILDREN'S SHOES, The prices will be such ss will not be excelled by any other place in the Btate. Call and see lur yourselves. WM. REED, mar25 . Second street, CIcarDeld, Pa. C HANGED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the nubile venerallv thai he has purchased J. S. Shower's Grocery Store, in Shaw's Row, when he Intends k.enlng a full line of o n O C E It I E H. HAMS, DRIED DEEF and LARD. SUGARS and SV RI PS, of all gradet. TEAS, Green and Black. COFFEE, Roasted and Green. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CiJTjrED FHVITS, All kinds la the market. PICKLES, in Jars and barrels. SPICES, in every form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OF CRACKERS. 80AP8, . MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil aai Lamp CMmaoys. And a maaA aianrtmMit a? tltna Ihinu ...... 1 1 kept tn a grocery store, which ho will .zchange r. .. ..L.:.. i. . .v. wimu m hi. m.raei prices Will sell for cash at cheaply at any other one. Pleas, eall and tea his stock r yourself. JOHN McGACGUEY. Clearfield, May 17, 1874. . GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opposite Post Ofilce. New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINE OF TEAS. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, tocng nrsoN. ENGLISH BREAKFAST Purest ia Market BUTTER AHD E(;(iS Will be kept and sold at first coat. r..h nmlti n . 11 i I GERMAN CHERRIES, TUBKKT PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS K1SU. Mackerel, Lak. Herring, Cod, Ac. PICKLES. Barrel Pickles and English PicVlot. FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, Cora Meal, Oat Meal, Ao. febii';. LYTLE A MITCHELL. KRATZER & LYTLE Turpentine, ) f NalU, Paints, I WILL SELL YOU Ulass, Oils, J Putty, French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Tremens, stock oa hand. Clearfleld, Pa., April 1, 1874. -Bin JEAD THIS I House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, The undersigned, having started to awing his own brush, respectfully oners his sorvioes to th. oitisens of Clsarfleld and vlotnity aa a llouso, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Paper Hanging and Ulaslng don. on th. short st notice, with neatness and despatch. All work don. with care, and at prioe. to nit th. timet. Shop oa Market street, opposite th. Alle gheny nous. J. L. KRAQLK. April 1, 1974.-.m. s TONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Ws have received the agency for th. above and will sell thsm at manufacturer's prices. Call and eiamine them. They are the best. Jel-Jl U. F. BIULER A CO. CAUTION. All persoat are hereby cautioned not to purchase or ia any way meddle with two horses, harness and oa. wagon, aow la th. possession of 11. T. Farensworth, a. they are my propwty and left with him, sahject to my order. J..1 It. O. L. RKED. PINK, WHIM ROAN LINING 8KINS Jast received and for sal. by April IS, 18TS. H. V. Bit) LB a 00. QLEARFIELD ACADEMY. ' , MALE DEPARTMENT. . ' TUB SUMMER TERM of fourteen weeks will ooumano. MONDAY, MAY Lite., 1874. . Term, of Tultiou. ; Reading, Writing, Menial asd Writtea Arlthtustlo, (Jrammar, Geography and History...... , t t Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin gle Entry Uook-keeplog, or either, with ths abovs It II For Instructions In Double Entry Book- , keening and Comineratal Arith metis, spe elal tvrms to be arranged. For particulars respecting th. school apply to aug27' R. , tl. JaoKn AL1.T. MISS H. S. SWAN'S ' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. TIIE WINTER AND SPRING TERMS will elos. May I'Jth, 1874. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, OWect Ls- tons, Primary Arithm.ti. and rnmary Gtorranhy - V (I History, Local and descriptive Geography witb map Drawing, Urammar, Menial and Written Aritbmetio Algebra and tho Sciences 13 09 Instrnotion'tn instrumental saosl. 14 Oil painting, 24 lesson 11 M was work I For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, March 11, 1874. 9:T:i0.y The Bell s Run Woolen Factory, Penn township, Clearfleld Co., Pa. IIUHNEU OUTI at'T HOT BURNED UP! The aubaoriben haYO, at great eipenM. rebuilt neijrhborbood ntoenlty, in the ereotion of a firat- olaii Woolen MaoufaotorT, with all the modern improvemeDti attached, aod are prepared to make all Kindi of Clothe, Caaiimerea, fiatinetta, Blan keta, Flanneli. Ao. Plenty of gooda oa faaad to tuppl all oar old and a thooiand bow enatomert, whom we aak to oome and eiamine our itook. The baiineu of CARDING AND FULLING will receire our eipeelal . attention. Proper arrangementi will be made to reoelTa and delirer Wool, to luit enatooeri. Ail work warranted and done upon the ehorteat notioe, aod by itriot atten tion to bunnesa we nope to realise a uoerai ihare of publio patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will par the hiffheat market prioe for Woo and aell our manufactured goods at low aa similar gooda eaa be bought lo the eonnty, and whenerer we fail to render reasonable saiiaiaotioa wa eaa always be found at homo ready to make proper uiplanation, either In person or by letter. .i a musts JUUPtDun ouno, pri!26tf Bower P. O. JF ECONOMY 18 AN OBJECT, BUT TOUR C Id O THING, Furnishing Goods. &o,, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. They keep a fall line of Men's, Youths' & Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrollas, Satchells, Overalls llats, Shirts, Undorahirts, and Drawers, ko., Which they will aell at moat reasonable pries. Call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. Room ia Mansioa Building. Clearfield, Fa., April 1, 1874. ' ' JTEW STORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a Niw Btosi, on Main8t..CLEAtmu, fa. lately ocoupied bj Wm. F. IBWIM. Their stock oontiits of Oaoctsits of ths best quality, Qdf.ensware, Bpots and Shoes, and erery article necetjaarr for one's eomfort. Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsswhere. May 9, 1866-tf. MITCHELL WAGONS. The Best is the Cheapest! Thomas Reilly has received another largo lot of "Mitchell Wagons," which are among the Tory best manufactured, and which h. will tell at the most roasooabl. rates. His stook include, almost all descriptions of wagons larg. and small, wide and narrow track. Call and see them. aprS'74 THOMAS REILLY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICED Netle. la hereby .Wen that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN W. WRIGHT, deceasW, lat of Cleardeld borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., having been duly granted to th. undersigned, all persons Indebted to said eatet. will pleas, make immediate payment, and thos. baring claims or demands will present them properly authenticated (or aeULcment without delay. WILLIAM PORTER, aaaylS-Sc Administrator. H OUSE AND LOT F,OB SALE1 Th. Hons, and Lot oa th. corner of Mar ket and Fifth stmts, Clearfleld, Pa., 1. for sale. Th. lot eontains nearly aa acre of ground. Th hous Is a larg. double frne, Containing nln. rooms. For terms and other Information apply to the subscriber, at th. Post Offie. aoTlS P. A. 9AULIK. CHEAP GROCERIES I LUMBER CITY, PA. Th. undersigned announce, to hit old friends and patrons that he has opened a good Ho of GROCERIES A PROVISIONS at tk. old stand of Kirk A Bpenoor, for which he solicits a lUwrad patronage. H. W. SPENCER. Lumber City, P.., March -tt. J. II. M'MURRAY WILL SUPPLY TOD WITH ANY ARTICL1 OF MKRC11ANDI8R AT TUB VERY LOWEST PH1CE. COME AND SEE. (M:7S:y) NEW WASHINGTON. J IMEI LIME! Th. undersigned Is stow prepare tofiartiltk th. nublio with an sxoellent fuailtj; o Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plastering purposes, by th. larg. r smaR quantity. Can be found for th. present at Pi', a.w building, on Market street. L. K. McCULLOUOel. Mountain Echo Cornet Band, CUKWENSVILLR, PA. MUSIC furnish ror Pleatoa, Feetlrak, Coa certs, Lectors, Ae, .a reasoaabte term. Address, B. B. SBGNBR, See'y, inayfl-Sm Cnrweatvllla, pa. Clearfleld Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TBI aaderstgaed, having astabllsksd a Hai. wry .a U. 'Plk., abcal halfway between Clearfleld aad Carweaavllle, I. ar.DatwA t fat. alsk all kladt.f FRUIT TRIES, (staadardaae Awarf.) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Orap. Vla, Sooseberries, Lawtoa Blackberry, atnwkwrs. end Rubarry Viae. Ais.. Blaariaa Orah tras. Qulooe, and early scarlet Rhnbwb, A. Order, promptly atUaded to. Address, i. D. WBIOHT. saf tS-SS-f Oarw.aTUle, U