THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 10, 1174. , . HIDOt NOT I Sow do wi know what heart! have vlltit tin f IIow d know r Many, like sopulohree, are foul within. Whoie outward garb It spotless m the mow, And man; may he pun wo think not io. IIow noar to Uod the iouIi of luob hart been, Whit mercy iceret penltonoe may win , . llow do w know? , , IIow can we toll who sinuod more than wo t ' llow oaa we tell? We think oar brother walked guiltily, Judging bin ia eelf-rtghteousnesi. Ah, well ! Perhaps bad we boon driven through the hell Of Mi untold temptation, we might be Lew upright In our daily walk than he , IIow oan we tell f Dare wo condemn the ilia that othera do t ' - Dare w oondomn f Their strength. It email, their trialt not a few, The tide of wrong la difficult to item. And if to ut mora eloarly than to them It given knowledge of the good and true, More do they need our help nod pity, too Dare we oondt-un f Ood help ut all, and lead ut day by day, Uod help ut all I We eannot walk alone the perfect way, Evil allurei u, tetuptt ut, and we fall. We are but human and our power U tmall ; Not one of ut may boast, and not a day Bulla o'er our head but each hath aoed to tay, Ood bleat ut all I The Constitutional Commission. If tboro was any justification for the ploa that the proposal to appoint a commission to roviso the now con stitution was concoived in a spirit of noswiiy 10 mat document, the tooling ongm 10 do romovea oy me announco moot of the names of the distineuiahod eitiuons who have boon selected by the Govornor for the work of rovision. Of the four Republican members of tho commission, Chief Justice Agnow, Attorney Genoral Dimmiok and ex Attornoy Goncral B. II. Brewster, TOtod for the new constitution. Con corning the position of Judge II. II. Williams, the fourth Republican mem ber of the board, we are not informed. Senator Wallace voted for tho now constitution, though opposed to tho judiciary clause and some otbor por tions of tho work. So also did Sena tor Playford. Mr. McClintock, of Wilkesbarre, tho othor Democratic member ot tho board, voted against tho constitution, we beliovo, but took no active part in tho discussion of the quostion. lie is one of the most dis tinguished lawyers of northorn Penn sylvania, and will bring to the dis charge of tho duties imposed on bim a ripe logal experience. Tho commis sion cannot, thoroforo, be justly ac cused of entortaining any hostility to the work which they arecallod upon to roviso. None of the members wore in the convention except Attornoy Gener al Dimmick, who resigned his seat soon after its first moeting to ontor upon the duties of his present position. There will thus be, on tho other hand, no undue partiality in the commission for the constitution on the score of paternity. None of them had any share in raising the commission. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Playford both voted against tho bill when it was bofore the Senate. The members, thon, are removed from all partisan or personal .considerations in tho performance of their work. So muoh for tho composition of the commission. Those who belioved tho attempt to revise the constitution so soon after its adoption by a large ma jority of tbo people of Pennsylvania, would be premature and unwise bavo an ample guaranty that there will be no hasty or inconsidorate action. While it would be extremely injudi cious to touch at this time tboso new parts of the constitution which bavo not yet bad a fair trial, it cannot bo denied that there are errors and con tradictions which should bo promptly romoved. Tho work of the commit tee on revision was in many rospects hastily and crudely porformcd in con soquonce of the shortness of time that was given it for deliberation. It will be the task of the commission to cor rect the errors in this portion of tbo work for tho satisfactory operation of the instrument itsolf. But this will require time. Tbo changos to bo pro posed by tbe commission must bo adopted at two successive sessions of the legislature, and thon ratified by the people at the ballot box. Thus no chango can be effected until 1878.. Io the meantime the people will becomo familiar with tbe working of tbe con stitution and better propared to pass judgment on tho changes that shall be presented to them lor adoption, Ilarrisburg ratriol. ' A Slight Mistake. Chubb's clock got out of order one day about Christmas time, and began to strike wrong. That was the cause of the fearful exoitement in his house one night. They were all in bed aonnd aaleoD at mienielit. when tho clock suddonly struck five. The new hired girl, happening to wake just as it began, heard it, and bounced out of bed, under the Impression that morn ing bad come ; and as it is dark at five A. m. just at that season as at mid night, she did not porcoive bor mis take, but went down into the kitchen and began to get breakfast. ' Whilo she was bustling about in a pretty lively mannor, Cbubb happonod to wake, and be hoard the noise. He openod his room door cautiously, and crept softly to tho head of tbe stairs to liston. Ho could distinctly hoar some one moving about tho kitchen and dining room, and apparently pack ing up the china. Accordingly he wont back to his room and woke Mrs. Chubb, and gave bor ordors to spring tbe rattlo out of the front window tbe moment she board his gun go off. Thon Chubb seised bis fowling piece, and, going down to tbe dining room door, whoro be could hear tho burglars at work, he cocked tbe gun, aimed it. pushed the door open with muzilo and fired. Instantly Mrs. Chubb sprang the rattle and before Chubb could pick up the lacoratcd birod girl tho door was burst open by two policomon.who camo into tbo dining room. Seeing Chubb with a pun, and a blooding woman on tbe floor, tboy imagined that a murder bad boon committed, and one of thorn trotted Chubb off to the station bouse while the other re mained to investigate things.. Just then the clock struck six. An expla nation ensued from tho girl, who bad only a lew bird shot in bor leg and the poliooman left to bring Cbubb homo. Ho arrivod at about three in the morning, just as the dock was striking oight. Whon the situation was unfolded to him. his first aolion was to jam the butt of his gun through the clock, whereupon it immediately struck two hundred and forty-tbreo, and Chubb pitched it over tbe fenco. lie has a new clock now, and things are working bottor Max Adder. 3rtrl. LEONARD HOUSE, . , , (Near the Railroad DepoL) , , . : Iff-' CLEARFIELD. PA. , ,' ( I , ' A than of public patronage It reincotiulle an lieited. i:yU 8. D. 110 W, Prop'r. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front ttreolt,) CLEARFIELD, PA. The undortigned haring taken charge of thlt Hold, would retpoctl'ully aullelt nubile patronage. 00117a - ' . . u.nAnua pan YHTASniNUTON HOUSE, - tf NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Thlt new and well furnished house hat beon taken by tho ttndorelirned. lie feele confident of being able to rondor saiiiiucuon io tnoie woo may favor bim wltn a call. May 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIS, Trop'r. JONTOUH HOUSE, Opposlto tho Court Homo, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. joM'71 IIAUSEAL A KROM, Prop't, JHOCKEMIOFK HOUSE, BKLLEFOKTK, PA., D. JOHNSTON A BONS, OotXtll ( ,: ' j , " Proprietor!. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPS 1IUR0. PENN'A. Table alwayt supplied with the bett the market nurds. Tbe traveling public It invited to call. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market Streett, CLEARF1LU, FA. THIS old and commodious Hotel bat, during the pait year, been enlarged to double lu former eapaelty for the entertainment of ttran gert and guettt. The whole building hat beea refurniihed, and the proprietor will tpare no paint to render hit guettt comfortable while itayiag with him. WIb 'Mantlon Home" umnlbut runt to and from the Depot on the errlral and departure of each train. JOHN DOUOHBRTT, aprS-70-tf Proprietor. A LLEGHENY. HOTEL, XX. (Market St, bet. Second and Third,) ILEAHriULU, FA. The tubtcriber haring beeoma proprietor of tnienotei, would retpoeuuliy ask a liberal there or puwic patronage. apU7l USOliUE LEII'ULDT, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWBNSVILLE, Clearfield eounty, Pcnn a. Thlt old and well ettablilhed Hotel, beautifully tituated on the bankt of the Susquehanna, in the borough of Curwensvlllo, haa been leased for a term of yean by the undortigned. It hat been entirely refitted, and It now open to the publio generally and the traveling community in par ticular. No paint will be epared to render guettt comfortable while tarrying at thil house. Ample Stabling room for tbe accommodation of teaiua. Cbargci modorate. Bept,28, 1870-tf. . . ELI BLDOM. IIUEY & CHRIST, Successor! to K RYDER A CO. TO THOSE INTERESTED. IN THE PUR CHASE OF A STRICTLY PURE It YE WHISKY,, For Medicinal Purpoici offer Itai!tky9s Pure Jlye, Price $2 to $0 per gallon, and wilt ihin ia pack aga to wit purchaaeri. W alio handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from tl .80 to $1.75. ' We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And arc aJio manufacturer! of DR. SKEYER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for price lilt. IIUEY & CHRIST, epr.H-oni 121 North Third St., Philadelphia. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices? Tf TB art now opening np a lot of the bett and TV most teaaonable Uoodt and Wares ever offered in thil market, and at prices that remind one of the rood old dayi of cheap things. Ihoee who lack faith upon thie paint, or deem our alle gation! superfluous, need but JIT Ollt STORE, Comer Front and Market streets. Where they can tee, feel, bear and know for thetn- telret. To fully undrrstand what are cheap goodl, this must be done. We do not deem it necessary to enumerate and itemite our stock. It it enough for ui to ttate that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed in thil market, and at pricet that attonlib bota old and young. deo20 JUMfcl'II Mi AW a bun. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, . AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. The undersigned boi. ' 'care to inform the eltl- sens of Clearfield, and tbe public generally, that be hat on hand a One atiortment or furniture, tuch as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Suitei, I'arlor Kuilrt, Reclining and Extension Chairs, Ladlei and Uoate' Easy Chain, the Per forated Dining and I'arlor Chain, Cane Seats and Windsor Chairs, Clothe! Hart, Step and Exten sion Ladders, Hat Recks, Scrubbing Urushet, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, Looking Olnsset, Chremoe, e., wbfeh would be suitable for Uolieay prcirnti. decl07 JOHK TROUTMAN. MARBLE AD STO.E YARD! Mbb. s. s. liddell, Hating engaged In the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and the publio that she hai bow and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and it propared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLB TOMBS, i MONUMENTS, Curbt and Pottt for Cemetery Lota, Window Sillt and Cops, alto, BUREAU, TABLI AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac. VYni on Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. Je7,7l 1. aoLLOWiuii . , . . . a. nirn canur HOLLOWBUSH dt CARET, . , ., , BOOKSELLERS, , , , Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 314 Market St., PhUadelpMa. fe.Paner Flnnr Sacks and Bagi, Foolscap, Letter, Note, Wrapping, Curtnin and Wall Papen. febJ.70-lyi.d FOR BALE The undersigned offen for tale a raluablo Iowa properly in tbe borough of Clearfield. Lot MxlHt f,ct, with a good two etsry plank home thereon erected, with three roomi dowa stain and four bed rooms up itairi. Alto, tewing room and bath room on eoeond floor. Uoate Intshed oomplete from collar to attie (J ood double porch and good water. Price rea aonable and payments easy. 10aui7 WM. M. MoCULLOUOH. , $M5reUatu qui. T 1 II G I. it T lil T MOVBI 1.0 ) '.;, THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWIck ft IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, " To their new building on Second Street, nearly oppotito the store of Wearer A Belts, CLEARFIELD, PA., When titty will contlau to -apply thtlr old tid u many now cuitumen u nay oornt, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALSI PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all lew remedlw,) Patent Mediclnet, Palntt and Ollt, Glass and Puffy, School Books, Stationery, Paper, ao.) also, a full line of Drug gisti' Sundries, Hair ' Tonici, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Article!, Brushei, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Ac, all of - the best quality. PURE WIXES AND LIQUORS, for medical A incremental purpotet only, Pure White Lead, Colon of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpeo tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring KxtraeU, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spice, ground and unground, of all kinds. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Importod and Do- 1 meelie Cigart, Snuff and Flne-eut to be of tho very beat brands in the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All klttdt oT GLASS WARS GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Mutical Trimming! of every variety. ' Having a long experience In the business, and an extensive and well selected ttoek of medieinea, we are enabled to All Physlciana' preacriptioat at the shortest notice and on tbe moil reaaonablo tcrmt, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May 11, 1871-tf. O. I. c. WHERE to buy my DRV GOODS, ORO eeriea, (jueentware, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneriet, Ac, cheap for oath. The subscriber bags leave to inform hil old and now customer tba be baa opened A VARIETY 6T0R8 IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will tell goodl at prices to tuit the timet. A liberal reduction will be made to euitoraert buy ing at wholesale. . Call and eismlne my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A libarai share of public patronage It aoiicitca. , . 0. J. KEAOY, Qlcn Hope, Pa., June 14, 1871. JJ F. BIGLEK 1 CO.'S SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' IIAKDW&K, , LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARI, FARMING UTENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, - IRON 4k NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, - CALCINED PLASTER. May 19, 1S7S. u NDEUTAKING. The andenigned are bow fully prepared to earry on the businett of UNDERTAKING. AT REASONABLE RATES, And respectfully solicit tbe patronage of those noeding such tervioet. JAMES L. LB AW. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 18, 1874. SAWS! SAWS ! SAW8! DISTAN'B CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'B Lightning Cross-cut Saw. also, , patent perforated a electric saws, For tale by eetU,70 II. F. BIGLER A CO. IO LUMBERMEN! PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI The Clearfield Exeeitior Culhovk will nut wear oat ot break, being constructed with oaa solid band from clip to point It ti pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hare examined It to be tbo most perfect Centhook over Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Auot Kxnaaan A Co, at CLEARFIELD, PA. JWAll order! promptly attended to. IIlY QTODGO CLE It We dc8ir to call tho attftition 0 MUSIC Where we intend to constantly . ii ... j -) . PIANOS," ORGANS AND MUSICAL GEX3KGEBTECK & GO'S 1 ' Wft ro prepared at all timp to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorabio terms as to prices and terms of paymont. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular . . - : i i i . 1 f . " RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndcr's Knee Tremolo and downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S .NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE,. TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANSv Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known POPULAR AND EAST LLAbb 1LAIN. , , On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to MA Mi humu HAITI. DCTWe shall be glad to have you call and sec us, whether you oct23-'72-ly . UtttSfrUaufous. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! IN GIRARD TOWNSHIP. The undersigned offer! for tale tho farm on which he now resides, situate in Uirard township, Ciearleld eounty, Pa., formerly owned by Justin J. Pie. Tho farm contains 120 acres, and it very desirably located. The buildings are all new, and consist of a large frame houee, having goodoellar underneath, and good waler convenient; large frame barn, blacksmith shop, wagon shed, spring house, e. The building! on thlt farm are as good, If not better, than on any farm in Clearfield eounty. The land la of superior quality and In a good state of cultivation. Possession will be given In tho spring, or at any time molt convenient to the purchaser. The term! will be reasonable. Persons dc. irons of purchasing oan addreei tbe tubscriber at Leeonte't Mlllt P, 0., Clearfield eounty, Pa or apply in person oa tba premises. Any persons wanting any information In regard to the quality of tho land, the kind of building! thereon, Ac, Ac , can get the Information by call ing on Sheriff Pit, In Clearfield, at he owned the farm for a Bomber of yea re, and of court knowt all about It. WENDELL ENDUES, Leeoate'i Mills, Clearfield Co., Pa. January II, 1874. FAIRBANKS' t STANDARD NCALEN, or all in OS J Baggage B arrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. roa lata it , II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealer fat Hardware, '. '' mehSt:7t:tf Second Street, Ciearleld, Pa. OOK AND" READ ! SADDLE & HARNESS MAkIG! . JOHN 0. HAS WICK, ; Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., It tho man to go U If you want a act of new UAKNEKS or a new SADDLE, or anything rise la that lino. He turns out at good work as is done ia aay shop la Pennsylvania, and bis pricet are very reasonable. Constantly oa baad a full line of TROTTING GOODS, tuck at Trotting Rrfdl.e. Quarter and Shin Trolling Rollers, Whips, Fine Brushei and Combs, de. A In assortment of Nets, Hon Covert, Knee Blankets, BufTalo Robes, o., c, kept ia eaaon. In fact anything that boraemen eland in aeed of It alwayt on baud. All of which will be told at wholesale or retail at lb very fairest ratal. ItepairiBg aroapuy swienuea io. ah wwi fuaranteed. Shop la room formerly occupied as est one. April , 11)71. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa ialb it augST H. F, BIGLER A CO. F OK S A L El . i ..J 11 a.l.hxl rMnli I) wallin V. ilia. ate on the river bank, la the borough of Clear . i , .Miai. with rood eellar. uoiu, . . W r waUr ia the hiteben, and all th modern oonvo- aiencee. Pantries, iiata-room, viouioa-preue., Lot tlity fet front and tw hundred and thirty .... i i. tnt -.lln n. the seat tide. Bald buildlag, with all lb appurtenance!, Will D toiei vntmp, - t . ser. Application oan be made to tho under .i j v.. A A r Ti. Can.. ko will elve all aeceasary Information to those who detlr to In- ipttb. property. May lilt, 1871, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (LAX I POWELL'S,) For all dlseaies Inoldent to Hones, Cattle, and Mamaa Ilesk, retjilriag ia at l aa eiternal applieatioa. Thil Bmkteeatle Wat iMntlvely and by Ik Qererament during U war. fee aula bv Haruwlek A Irwin, Ciearleld Jeeeph R. Irwla, Ourwensvllle. Daniel Oood- aaaer, Luinennurg . u. Attention, Lnmbcrmen! WI are now manufacturing our IMPROVED BTBBL SOCKET DK1VINU CANT HOOKS, superior t ay other la ase. We bar la ta itoet a larg ouaauiy oi uantnooat sella ble for raAing parpoaoe, which we are lelllag cheap for eask. AMOS A R. KENNARD. Clearueia, ra., marca n, ion. QTJNSMITIIINO. a. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Show c Third street, over Rllev'l Uaaksmllh ihop, CLEARFIELD, PA. All ninai oi nines ana nnoi uunl on tana. Rewelrlag doae la a first -class aaanar and at fair prteee. , 11171 2 AAA LIW. OF WOOL WANTED, ,UVV By Araola, Ilartshora A Hippie, for wbicb they will pay cash, at their fat tore, aear Carvnanrlla, r at the More el Arnold A If arte bora, la Curw.nsvllle. febt lm AttnULD, UABTBllUHN UIl'PLK. MAR K E T S TIE E T, it r i e l i), PEarsr'A. ion of tho citizens of Clearfield novo opened a STORE IN CLEARFIELD, keep on hand a full supply of Our slock of PIANOS will consist of ANOS, STEIN WAY & SONS' TIANOS, - HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR can have a good instrument, grUjaltonroM. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL t : . . COMPANY. TUB nnderiigned, successors to REED A POWELL, hare purchased the CLEAR HELD PLAMNti MILL, and reBtted it for eoing an eitensive busineea. All the maohinery mi a aauea neceesary u maae it out of the most oomplete oetabiishuentt of th kind in the (.fate. Tney are now prepared to receive orders fr any work in that line. They will give special attention to all materials for bouse building. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, brackets, .no I LM.rG, f. OP ALL STYLES, always on hand. wortKKn no i una. ...i .n .rii.i.i ry for buildiug, will be icbanged for DRY LUMBER, to that persona at a distance may bring their lumber, exchange it for, aad retura home with the manufactured article!. The Company will alwayt have oa band a large lock of dry lumber, so as to be able to 111 aa order on th ahorteet nolle. Only the beet and most skillful fcandi will be employed, n that the puuiie may rely upon goon work. Lumber will be worked or told at low at it eaa be purcbaaed anywhere, and warranted to give satiafaotloa. At lb batinea wilt be don upon th cash principle we ean afford to work for small pronta. DRY LUMBER WANTED I Especially one and a half and two Inrh panel .leu, ior woicu a ueerai pnoe wiu oe paia. Th holiness will be oondueted under the asme , of the "Clearfield Nanlng Mill Co.' 0. B. Merrell will personal, tunerlntend the Dusiaesa. Orders respectfully solicited. 0. B. MKRRKLL. R. B. TAYLOR. M. U. BROWN A BRO. Ciearleld, Pa., January 8, 187. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS tt- STATIONERY. Market Ht., Clearfield, fat tha Port Office.) npilR andenigned begi leav to announce to I tbeeltlient of Ciearleld aad vicinity, that he bat Ittta up a room ana bat Just returned from the elty with a larg amount of reading matter, eonilsung ia pari oi Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aeeount and Pail Bookt of every de tcrlption Paper aad Envelopes, French pressed and plain Pent and Pencils Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mertgagea i Judgment, Exemp tion and Promissory notot I White and Parch) ment Brier, Legal Cap, Heeord Cap, aad Bill Cap, Sheet, Mmlo for either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on hand. Any book! or stationery desire tnat i may not nave on Band, will n er. ordered by Int express, and lold at wholesale or retail to lull customers. I will alto leea periodical literature, inch at Magaslnei, Niwt. report, 4. r. A. UAULla. ClearOela May T, 18Cll.ll OSHANNON LAND AND.LUMBER COMPANY. OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, MAniiracTVRii LUMBEK, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed t ratcnt Ribbed Shingki. n. B. S1IILLTNOF0RD, Pretident, Office Forest Placa, No. 12S S. 4th St., Phil'a. JOHN LAWS II It, General Sup't., Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS for sale In lb borough f Otcmla. Alto-Keen th LARGEST ASSORTMENT if Uooda In Clearfield county at their Mammoth lor i Osceola. 1 Janl-tt Lime for Sale I HE undersigned, residing near th depot hat made oouinlel arrangement with Lime urnen east of the mountain, whereby he It ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large quantity of PURE LIMEJ ihlch be offers to farmers and builder! at a trifle) shove cost. Those in need of tho article would do well lo fir me a call, er address me by latter, he ft r aegotlating their lime. i. OK0.0. PASSMORI. ' Ciearleld, Pa., June 1, 18(11. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN STRUM ENTS I Organs, both aew aad eeond hand, at tho Music Stor, opposite Uulieh 'I furniture Htm. All nereons Interfiled are lavl ted to call aad eiamiae a new ttyle of Organ aow en exhibition. Sheet Mutio aad Musio Rnoki coaitenllyoa hand. epIH-tltf county to tho fact that wo MERCHANDISE. Octavo Couplor,) ORGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like desire to purchase or not. UYNDEIt'H IHlJglC STOKE. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Building, one door north 01 C. D. Watson's Drug Store. I'aaeara Tlnkata In nil frnn MmmmI A town, Hlaagow, London, Pari and Copenhagen. Also, Draftt for tale oa th Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. J A KB T. LtSUNAHD, Pree't, W. M. 8I1AW, Cashier. thl:74 1 n af'ai.L .i i b BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE .. or McGIRK & PERKS. Suoeeaaora to Faster, Perks, t Co., Phlllpeburr. Centra Couutr. Pa. " TITIIERE all the buainaei of Banking Bouat v T will oo transacted promptly aad upon the most favoraol terms. marT-lf DREXEL & CO., No. 34 Boatk Third Ktrcet, PbUadelphl B1JTKERS. And Dealers in Government Securities, Applieatioa by mail will reoelv prompt atten tion, aad all information oheorfully furnished, Order tolieteeL April U tf. rpnE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOTES I STOVES t ever brought to th county, an being reoaired at the Herdxan Establishment of H. V. BlULtR dk CO., comprising th following Cook Stoves i 8VKAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA. 9 REGULATOR, NOBLE. EXCELSIOR, TRIUMPH, GOV. PENN. READING, NATIONAL RANGE, 4C. iC. Alto, th folkwing Heating Stove i SPEAR'S ANTI CLINK EH, SrEAR'S ANTI DUST. STEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, GIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY DAUPHIN EGO, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, PHOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, etC. Ciearleld, Sept IS, 1BT9. ro THE F ll 0 NT! CiREAT EXCITEMENT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Th andenigned having just fitted up new, larg and eomfortabl rooms oa Market itreet, aear Third, respectfully Informs th public that he aow drepand to aeeommodat them with everything la hit line on short notice and it all hour! of th day. II keeps oa band ERESII BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kindi. ICE CliEAM, aad a general Assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac, All of whisk w 111 bo delivered to eustomen at their residence!, wbea requested ta d to. ICECREAM, by the dlsb, eerred la a neatly fur alihed room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestowed In tho past, he hop la merit aad receive a ooa tinueao of th tame from his old cutto miri, aad others. JOHN STABLER Junell.'Tl tf. Idlrery Stable. TH undersigned begt leave ta Inform the pub lie that kali aow fully prepared to aeeommo dat all la tbe aay of famishing Hon, Bugglta, Saddle aad Harness, na tbe shortest aotiee and oa reeeoneble termi. Reeldeaee oa Locust street, bctweca Third aad Fourth. URO. W. QBARHART. ThaarliM, Peb. d, HH. ob prihtino or evert desorip- ' Hoi iMtly ictd at tall ofBc. SxrdWeire, Eltwarr, to. 8ACKETT & SCIIRYYER, HAIlDWAltE, and manufacturer! of TIn.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Having largely Increnicd nur stock of Hard ware, we Invite the publio to eiainln our ttock and pricet. Carpentcri and persons who contemplate build ing will do well to examine our TOOLS 4 BUILDING HAEDWAHE, which it new and of tho bett manufacture, and will b lold low for cash. NAILS, GLASS, TUTTY, CLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All blade of Bench Plaaea, Saws, Chisels, Square, Hammers, iian neu, numbs ana Levels, Mortised A Thumb Quages, Bevels, Braces A Mitt, Wood and Iron Bench Screws, and the best Boring Machine la th market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Aa. Agents for BurneU's Iron Corn Sheller, warranted. Also, agouti for Kichardt' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Flues. e Farmers' Implement and Garden Tooli of crtry description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to givo satisfaction. Portable Jlanre and lurnatt, Vo-Roofing, Snouting and Job Work done oa reawnable tcrmt. All orders will receive prompt attention. June 11, 1873, BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSacceiion to Doyntoa 4 Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streett, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged In the manufacture of first class MACIlLNERT.we respectfully Inform th public that w ara aow prepared to fill all ordert at cheaply and as promptly at (an be don In any of th cities. W manufacture and deal ia Mnlay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleyi, QifTord't Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilen, Tallow Cups, OH Cups, Gauga Cockt, Air Cocks, Glob Valves, Check Valvei, wrought iron Pipes, Sleam Pumps, Boiler Feed Fumpl, Antl Frictioa Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WOEKj together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOTES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. T-Orders solicited and llled at city pricet Ail Icttcn of Inquiry with reference tu machinery of our menufaetun promptly answered, by addret- ing at at Clearfield, Pa. - . JanHt-tf BIGLER, YOUNG A REED. "JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on band. STO.XE AMrmTHEX-WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! TOTSI CROCKS! Flalier'a Patent Airtight Self. Sealing; Fruit t a in I BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE-BUTTER CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER TOTS, PIE DISnES, STEW POTS, And a gnat many other things loo numerout to mention, to be had a FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Chernr and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. angl FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It. F. lliglcr A Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL TLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL f LOWS. WOOD SINGLK-SIIOVKL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. GOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. 1IAUPTS BELLEFONTB TLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S TLOWS. T'Sharet for all ol th abova Plowt con stantly on baad. my3S-fl JJ P. KIGLEIi & CO. have for tale CARRIAGE & mm MOODS, SHAFTS AND TOLEB, HUBS, STOKES, FELLOES, Ac' aoto of thli aad call and aiamlaa them. Th.w UI b lold at fair prioet. ayll-Il i, r. wirn ,., w. tim. WEAVER "a BETTS CLEAEFlELr, PA., Are offering, at th old tUnd o 0. t. Reed A Co., their stock of goeds, orUting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 6II0B1, nATS A CAPS, UABDWARK, QUEENSWARB, FLODE, FEED, SALT, 4c, to., At th tnott reatonabl rain for CASH or in exchange fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCB. "Advance! mada to thoa engaged In get ting out tquara timber on the most advanlageou terms. adtllaaTi T.A.ELECKiScCO. (Two doort east of the Shaw House,) CI.1JAH tIEI.I, PA. Millinery and Fancy Goods AND NOTIONS. NKCK RUFILINO. ' LADIES' UNDERWEAR. GLOVES, all kinds and lite. COTTON STOCKINGS, unsurpassed both In quality and eheapneit. 1 i WHITE AND SWISS GOODS, all TarieUet. CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS, of the latest pattern and lower thaa th lowest. HAIR GOODS, of all variolic. Call and examine our ttock before yon buy elsewbero. Glad to thow our goodl on all oc caiiont Our motto it "SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Remember tha placa oppoiit Mouop'it irt Wa, Heed'i old itud. T. A. FLECK. ..prill 57 A. M. HILLS. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA. Dealer hi DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OKOCER1ES, Hardware and Qurcnsw are, Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Cops, 4c T-ShoemakeT lupplied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduced rates. SALT I 8ALT1 SALT! at wholesale aad retail very cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, A. A liberal discount to builder. HOUSEUOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTHS-ia larg quantities. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MIAI. aal CHOP, always aa baad. -AU of lb above goods are purchased exclusively for aaab, aad therefor eae aad will b told aa cheap at lb eheapeek aprill-td pEACE IN BIIROPBI int GRBAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLEI Th bloody oontett between Franc and rralit It at an end for th present, to far at the laag al tering of men and the destractioa af proparty I concerned. Th Royal Jugglers no doubt prid tbemselvet and rejoice over th result, bat bow Insignificant it their work when compared witb the humane aad ohrittiaa effort! of L. M. COUDRIET, who baa undertaken to uppty all th eltliea ta th lower end of the county with food and rmianat at exceeding low rate from hil mammoth store ia MULSONIIURG, where he eaa alwayt be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such Cloths, Batlncttt, Cent mores, MasHat, Deleloee, Linen, Drilling, Calio, Trimminge, Ribbons, Lao, Ready-made Clothing, Boot aad Shoes, Hat aaa Cape all of the best material and made to order Hose, Socks, (Hovel, Mittent, Laces, Ribbon, A. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlc, Molaaaea, Fish, fcerl. Pork, Lineeed Oil, Fish OU, Carbon OIL Hardware, Queeniwere, Tinware, Castlag, Plewa and Plow Casting,, Nails, Spikes, Cora Cultiva tors, Cider Preitee, and all kinds ot Axel. Perfumery, Painta, Varnish, Glue, and a general assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR," Of different brands, always on band, and will w old at th lowest possible Igarea. LIQUORS, inch at Brandy, Win, Gia, Whisky, Jayn Mdlcinee, Hoatatter'l aad Uoolland'l Bitter. 1001 ponndt of Wool wanted for which tba bigheet price will be paid. Clovereeed oa hand and for tele at the lowest market price. Alto, Agent for Strattonvlll aad Carwaatvllla Threshing Machine. fc.Call and see for youreelves. To will lad very thing usually kept la a null store. L. M. COUDRIET. Fnnchvlll P. 0., March 1, 1ST1. gTOUEKEEl'EKS, ATTENTION I W dekir to call your attention to our extensive Commlstloa businesi and to our facilities for dls poslng of meb produce at oar conslgnore send at. Having a larg trad with elty itora,we are aa. ahled to make quick return e, at fall price. Storekeeper! having Chickeas, Butter, Egg, nr other produce, will d well Io gin ai a trial.' Where (Irocerles are take la eiebaare, aa aom mlssioa will be charged. B. L. KIRK, PON A CO., Wholesale flmeere and Ccmmltsioa Merebaat, No. 131 N. Third street, Phlmd'a. aprly JUHTIC1UI dk CONSTABLE!. Bm W hav printed a larg aumber f th new FEB BILL, and wlU aa tba receipt af tvreaty Iva arata, mail a copy l aav addr. tay II