THE REPUBLICAN CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY HOKNINO, JUNK 10, 1874. Terms of Subscription. If paid lnadvano,or within three month! ...ft 00 If paid after thro Mil btfora tlx months..... 1 60 If paid after tbo eiiil ration of tlx montlii... 00 ItEMCIOUS NOT1CEH. Method lit Episcopal Church Rev. A. D. Yocim, Pastor. Publlo Borvlo evarjp Sabbath at iu. A. M., ana T I. M. Sabbath Sohool at a A. M. Prayer Meotiog every Thuridav. at 74 P. II Communion borvloe, flrst Sabbath of every month, nt lot A. M. Preebyterlnn JhiircliRcr. II. 8. Boti.i. Sabhatb, aervlocs morning and evening Sab hath Bohool at S I. M. I'ray.r Mooting Wednes- u.r vtbuiiik. Ht. Fraud"' Churrhrntlinllrtl. P J. Hhsbiiiah. Man at 101 o'olock A. M., on tin second and fourth 8nndayi of each month. Lutheran Church. Key. A. J. IUhtsoc i-reaoning every Babunth, morning and ovening. Sahhath School at 9 a. in, prayer mooting evory Tho discount on county and Stnto i.aes closes wu uunoauay, July lit. Mr. J. O. Hums, of Roynolikvillo, lias puiohaiod tho stag Hue routs between this pl&o and lteynoldavlllo from Joseph Evans. ; Look llavon had to muuli "inm" Intel; that it il not dependent upon tho next fruit and berry crop. His Honor. J udoo Mayor, when last heard from, waa ipending hia tinra among the mountains , of Switsorland, and hia, health was much improved. ' - - ; a . According to tbo lieporter, Contra jiall wouio do ine place to obtain cheap rlotuali. The priro of oggi li 12 ocnti, butter 11, and the price for killing potato bugs li J oenti per 100. s Tlia Contre Hall lieporter snys thoy hail a thermometer at Spring Milli I ait week which itood 00 in tbo ihadc. We ahould lay that wai a pretty good itand. This ia tho sooond week of court with is, and a busy time we havo bad. Tbo at tendance both wooki hai been comparatively suiali, but considerable legal butinoai baa been done, novertheleia. On Hand Again. After "four weeks eompulaory euapeniion," I)r. Hrown'i Utlii uaM HrpublicaH appear! again, re-animated and nererto suspend again, although threatened with cremation. Drown'i plucky. ' t i p rmnpsnuna and Morrisdalk. Then of our roadera who "locomoto" between Kylrrtown and Phillpiburg, ihould benr in mind that train! now leave Fhilipsburg for Morrladale at 7:45 and 11:40, in the morning. ' Pay Up. But twonty days remain In which the County Trcaiuror il authorliod to dlsoount tax-bille. Thoie tax -payer who with to avoid paying 10 per cent, premium will of couna embrace the opportunity and pay their taxea on or before the lit of July next. A now schedule wont into ofToet on Monday of laat week on the Pennsylvania rail road, and on the Bald Eagle Valley and Tyrone 4 Clearfield branohei. We believe the only change at thii atation la, that the Express leavoi In the morning at 5:15, inatead of 5:45. Eov. B. F. Taylor, of Lawroncovillo, Tioga county, Pa., ipent aeveral wocki In our town, eupplying the Episcopal pulpit. Ilia min istrations, we learn, were very acceptable, and be lea ui very much impreared with the beauty of Clearfield and the Intelligence and enterprlie of our people. AVe had rather a busy court lust week. The proceedingi were well loaked with whiikcy and beer. ' Brady, Clearfield and Oiceola acera to be very much dcmoroliaed In their appe tltoi, if what woe related In the court room il an index of the general taite of the citiacni In tho above named looalitiei. "Broke Jail." The warm weather has revived this motto. Nearly every exchange wc pick up gives an account of the escape of a lot of prisoners from the jails of their respective counties. The excellence of our prison and the vigilence of Sheriff McPherson and Superintend ent MoClellon, seals the fate of boarders In our Institution. " ' . Kiixf.d by LioiiTNiNO. Last Friday evening Mr. Joseph Dunn, an old man living near Corsica, was strack by lightning and instantly killed, - He had been engaged in hia corn-field during the day and a storm coming up, took shelter under a tree, where he was found several hours afterwarda dead, still retaining tho handle of the hoe In his hands. On bia hair, side, and in the torn boot on one foot, tho evidence of the unmistakable effcots of lightning wore left. JlrookvilU Rtpublican. Another Gone. Simon Stanloy.ono or the first settlers of Gulich township, died on the 2 1 at of May, aged 74 years. He came to thi county In 1837, and was what may be called a clever old gontlemcn, beloved by hi! neighbor! and thoso with whom he associated. He was the father of sixteen children, six daughters and three sons surviving him. He had but one fault always voting against the Democratic party, no difference whether the opposition was called Fed eral, Anti-Mason, Whig, Know-Notbing, Repub lican, or Abolitionist. Si Plenty. The potato bug is noAum- bug, but does IU work effectually In this com munity.. They look like miniature snapping turtles, and are making sad havoc with the pota to and tomato crops. Like the currant worm, they seem determined to destroy everything in the potato and tomato line, until they starve themselves out. The currant worm, after preying upon the currant and gooseberry bushes for throe years, soems to bar become extinot, and wo have no doubt these garden bushel will be loft to thrive and floorish again If replanted. Tug Pardon Board. The St a to Board of Pardon held a session at Harrlshurg last week, for the purpose of hearing and rocotr ing petitions for pardons. Fody-Ava oases for Executive clemency were laid before the board. Eight were favorably considered, (even were re jected, and tho balance held under advisement Among the former, we understand, was the ease of James A. Lnkens, of Phillpiburg, whom our readers will reoolleot was eonrloted of voluntary manslaughter, In causing Ibe death of Richard Atherton. Mutton Chops. Boll township seems to be the paradise of blooded sheep. We noticed Mr. Tate's lamb a few week! ago, Now a correspondent Informs os that Henry Brctb has a Cotswold lamb which weighed 28 pounds when it was twenty-one days old, and that bo clipped wool twelve lnohei long oft a yearling, three weeks ago. Wo understand that aeveral bead of blooded oattlo bave also found their way to Bell township this spring. It Is Just ai easy to raise a seven hundred pound beef as a four hundred pounder, and we are astonished that farmers pay so little attention, when by a little effort they can make one hundred per cent. In raising stock of tb right kind. A New Bridge. Partial lustico baa at length been awarded the lower end of the county In the brldga line. Tb action of the Court, Grand Jury and County Commissioners, In appro priating $4,000 out of tb county treasury toward the building of a brldga at Deer Creek, la what honld bar been don years ago, Wt presume that If the citlaens In that vlelulty subscribe a similar aura for that purpose, It will not be long until tb Commissioners will put the structure tender contract. There are also bridges needed across the river at Bhawivllle, Gallows Harbor, and Sandy, which we bop to see completed within th nut five years. When, thia Is don, tb lower and of th county need not complain, Next to a good mb Itentlal Court Bona and prison, nothing Is so seful to the public as a good bridge aver a large stream, and no nubile money can b elpendsd lor a batter purpose. " Communicated. THAT MAN TRAP, . OaoioLA, Hay 85th, 1874. Eoiroa RarviLirai I respectfully request a little room In your paper for the purpoa of call ing attention to a very moan iqulb which appeared Il the Oiceola ilmilU of the 30th of May, and readi ai follow! i "We with It clearly nnderatood that no one be longing to thli offloe haa anything to do with or li in euy way connected with the straggling acton who are performing, or trying to perform a play called "The Man-Trap," In different placet. Any one with them, no representing hlmielf, ia a fraud. We are forced to thia declaration from havinr aeen noticei in leveral of our exebaugoa that might lead thoie who do not know ni, to inppoae we had aomething to do with It." I wlih to add my testimony to that of the writer of the above, and I do nioit emphatically aaacrt that the writer of the piece in queitiou will not (well I will net intimate that oouipllinonta rlci wore not acceptable aud appreciated at home), but he, iln or it waa nut traveling with tho ooui pany playing "The Man-Trap," and I offer a eiVeuni.faaliul evidence thia fact, via i That all connocted with the troupe wore, unquestionably, gentlemen, aud law-abiding and peaoe-lovlng oltiioni, who do not full Into "inan-trapi," nor encourage open and flagrant violation! of the law. If more evldenoe wire neceenary, I oould luuimon a boat of witnesses, but I deem thii suf ficient. And in eoncluilon, I would advlie all perion who aro io unfortunate ai to be afflicted with "Tbo Man-Trap," to form new aaioelatiom, labor Tor the reitoration of fallen humanity, and If tempted to write again, lay "Get thee behind me, Satan 1" and my word for it, your ilumhera will not bo diiturbed by auch ungentlomauly thought! ai lecin to he gathered from "our exchanges." I defy the author of that iqulb to produce a Ingle exohange that contain! anything but praiie in relation to the performance In question. Maw-Tnap. TllK 1'g-UNION OF TUB RESERVES. Uelkfonto wai In a blaae of glory on Thuraday lait, being the oocaaion of a grand re-uulon of the Pennsylvania Reserve at that villugo. Ex-Qov. Curtin waa president or the meeting, Ucn. James A. Beaver delivered the address of wolcomo, and Hon. R. A. M'Coy delivered the annual oration. Specohos were alio made by Colonel Forney, Col. Mann, and other officers. Over thirteen hundred soldiers were in line at the parade In the evening. Band! of musio were present from Curwensville, Look Karen, Wllllamsport, Boalsburg, Kcbors burg and Philadelphia. We notice that General Hartshorn, Col. E. A. and Col. John Irvin, Capt McUaughey, together with a number of other ex loldicrs from this county, were present at the re union. The H'alclwaa aays i "To sum the whole tbina- un. the re-union here waa the wreatect latherine of Pennsylvania aol- diers siuoe the war, if we except the turning in of iu nags airniiaueipmaonino4inorjmy,itMM. The Mountain Echo Band, of Curwensville, dis coursed some One musio along our streets on their way over and on their return from the re-union. Though young in experience, they seem to be veteran! from the way they "toot their horns." A Narrow Escape. The riiilips- nurg roaraai relates toe jotioning : "An aooident happened at Stelner's llation one day last week of a dangerous kind, but which re lulted in no injury of a permanent character to any of the parties endangered. Mr. J. F. Klein er's hersea and wagon had just been driven np to his house, with oue of his daughters, about twelve years or age, Howard Uarnhert and tho colored driver oeoupyinc the waaon. when the driver jumped out and preparatory to unhitching the horses, threw down tho reins, one on each side of the team, wnicn he had no sooner done than the horses started to run, knookina? over the driver and circling around the yard with llarnhart and the girl clinging to the wagon. Howard was loon thrown out, but the girl elung to the seat until a cioioes-uue, unaer wnien iney were pass ing, caught bar and threw her outside of the wagon, but not on tho ground. In some mlracu loua way ibe caught on the brake, between the wheels, and there kept her hold until the horses wore stopped." List of letters remaining unclaimed In the PostoAlce at Clearfield, for the week ending' June 8tb, 1874 t Bevior, S. W. Mel, ire, Jerome Burgoon, Frank McNaul, It. W. Butler, Miss Nellie Maise, Ellen Crowe, Edward McFaddcn, Charles Cavlll, Anna Meryfield, George B. Dixon, Andron Moraity, Jamca Faokenthall, A. J. Nalgbt, Blair Goggan, J. II. Piper, Daniel L. , Ualiman, Chase Bpaokuian, R. I). Krise, Hugh G. Bellinger, Mrs. Annie Lecse, Anna Besolt, William Maguire, beott P. A. GACLIN, P. M. Confirmed. The Court and Grand Jury, last week, endorsod the action of the County Commissioners, who had appropriated $4,000 to ward the erection of a bridge across the river at Doer Creek, and $400 toward the completion of the Bloom-Hilo bridge across the river, midway between Curwensville and Lumber City. It ap pears that no action was taken with referenoe to the Curwensville and Union township bridgos. Spteiali. Flegal has Hats to suit all, In price and quality. Conklln Wacona and Fredonla Buggies for sale by R. Newton Shaw, at the Shaw House. JelO. Flegal has a large lot of Children's Slipper!. - . (00,000 Pouina o Wool Warn r.u for which the hiiihest market price will be paid, either in cash or trade. (jelO-t) Ja. kann A Co. R. Nowton Shaw -has tho eolobratod Conklln Wagon and Fredonla Buggios for sole. Call at the Sbaw House and examine them. Flegal is filling up with New Goods. The celebrated Conklln Wagon and Fredonla Buggy for sale by R. Newton Shaw, at tho Shaw House. Fleral has just returned from the city with a large stock of Goods ia bis line, at prioei that will latiify all. JelO-lt Bnooixa Fon Sals. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Piatlorm Wagona for sale. To be seen at the Shaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may la-tr. Hoi'si run Halt A now house, containing alx rooms, with good cellar underneath. Apply to the undersigned at his furniture wareroonis. my JOHN OUL1C1I. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions fur sale by 11. r. lligier Co. , Alas. Soventv-fire dosen Clearfield Wood chopper Axel at V:Za;7Z;. Ji. r. lilULCK uo 1. RiAn Tnis I Person! who contemplate building will do well to eall and examine our stock of BUILDING MATERIALS. We have in stock a full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Calcined Plaster, Ao. my2S 73 11. r. uioLtn a eo. A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Ac, lor aal by 11. V. liigior Co. BoAunias WiTn. Two or three day board- era can be eoeommodated In a private family. Uoardlnc rood and charges reasonable. For further information apply at this office. Nortel to Waoov aso Cabbiao Mannas. We have juat received a f eneral assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs and Axles, which we offer cheep for eaah. 11. r. a co. Bird Cares a large assortment at II, F. Blg ler A Co.'. Saws. Dlitan'a Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Boynton'i Lightning Saw, at V-2S-72 I. F. 1 Co'. II. F. Bitter A Co. hav been making extensive addition to their stock of Hardware the !ast few days. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Fanners' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be soon at their iter. May 22. R. R. Wheelbarrows, Bahy Carrlagee, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wbeelharrowa, al myzo i a ii. r. iiiulbk uo a. Just received, a large lot of non-explosive Lamp! and Lantern! at U-2.-72 II. F. A Co'l. Paint, Oil! and Varnlih! for sal by II, V Blgltr A Co. , ; PaiRTa awn Paihthr' Fianwo. Our stock of Paints and Painters' Materials is nouiplett, in cluding 1. T. Lewis' Pur White Lead. John Lu cas A Co'a Pur Whit Lead, F. R. A Co'l Buck Lead, and a number ofeheaner brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes of all kind, a full line of Bruihes, and a full Un of colors, ary ana in VII. OJ387J H. F, Bioli. A Co, "' " RECAPITULATION.' " ' ' Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware Household Ooods. - ' ' , .All kinds of Hardware. .. - : Jnpanned Ware, ' v - Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Calcined Plaator. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for aale at the mammoth Hard ware Btora of II. F. Biglor 4k Co., Beoond street, Clearfield, Pa. St Bare Time! Bave Labor! Bave Money! Save Clothes ! The Novelty Wringer " it the belt In the market. Buy II try It. " ' For sale by il. F. Biona A Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Blgler A Co- 1 Fnial Fma I Fncil Among tho many prepa rations that we have for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any throat or lung difficulty, none of them are equal to Dr. Morris' Byrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and llorehound. If you are afttiotod. call at our store and we will give you a samplo bottle res of tuargt i Agents : nartswiek Irwin, C'lcarneia : Holt, Woodiide A Holt, Wallacoton i II. E. Wil liams, William's Urove. Maroh Il ly. INFLATION I INFLATION I James Korr A Co., regardless of the action of the President, are inflating, and bar lnflatvd their already large stork of Clothing, until it now embraces the flnost assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Goods in any retail store in Pennsyl vania. Below please find reduoed prloe list of a) fow of the articles ombraccd in their stock: MEN'S COTTOXADE 61'ITS, ONLY tO 00 MEN'S CASSIMKKB Sl'ITB, ONLV 8 00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL CASS. SUITS, 10 00 MEN'S FINK BLl'B DIAIi. BUUri, 18 00 YOUTHS' SUITS, M. to 20 00 CIULO S FINE BLUB CLOTH BU1TS, 8 00 CHILD'S FANCY DIAG. BUITS, 10 00 CHILDREN'S BUITS, all prices, fr 1.60 to 11 00 Umbrellas. Silk, Gingham, Cotton a large and fine assortment. ' Hosiery. Fifty doicns Lisle Thread, Bilk, Cotton and English super-stout hose, which will be sold at from 6 cents up. Shirts. Our stock of shirts Is large and eom plete, embracing the Universal, French Peroale, Cotton, Cassimere and oolorcd Shirts, in great variety. We would say to our customers that having bought goods at IS per oont. lass than heretofore, Wtt aro prepared to soil them at prions that will really astonish everybody. Call early and see for youmelvs. - JAMErl KEltlt A CO. Old Western Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Pa. 20 FROM DRUUOISTS. . There ia no ease of Dyspepsia that Oreen's August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of O. D. Watson, Clearflold, Pa., and in quire about it. U you suffer from Cosiivonets, Hick Headache, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Livor Complaint, or derangement of the system. Try ii. iwo or mree uoses will reliere you. Doecboe's German Byrup Is now sold la every town and city in the United Ktntoe. We hare not leaa tnan tire hundred letters from Druircists. saying it is the best medicine thoy ever sold for Consumption, Throat or Lunf disease. Reaular size i o cents. .aueZ0 Montour Slat Paints, f"r painting honsoa In Ide and ontlido Cotlace. Fiirra Buililinirs. An lieautilul, durable and economical. Ground In pure Jiinsecd Oil. my2873 . , II. F. DioLan A Co. On Tuesday. June Sd. 1874. hv Kev. Wu 11 Dm.l, Mr. AARON PKTKH8 and Mis BKLLK ROSS, both of Bradford township. t At Pbilipsburg, on Tuesdav, June zd, 1874. by Rov. T. II. Switzir, Mr. DANIKL COLBAUGU and Miss KKTIIbi LAIRD, both of Osceola, this county. sua. In Lawrence townnhin, on Mondav morning June 1st, 1874, KATK, daughter of Kcilanr and bBxonA itAWSKan, aged 14 years and 9 months, $,ar6ftj. Clearfield Markets. CLnanrmLn, Pa., June, 0, 1574. Apples,green,00 1 25, Hogs, dressed 8 uneu, ft t2j Hides, green.. Applebuttor,fgal, 75 Hams 0(i( 1(1 Butter...,...00Co) 40. Shoulders lofty II Beans $0 00(g) 1 00 Sides..... OOftu 12) Buckwheat 1 00 Lara 12($ li Buckwheat dour lb, Mess pork, bhl.,,20 00 Beef, dried. 14 Oats i Beef, fresh It (4 10 Onions 2 00 Boards, M l00(t$14 00 Potatoea 00 (j$ liO Corn, shelled.. 1 111 Peaches, dried, Ih.. 15 Corn, ear 00 "0 Plaster, bbl I 00 Corn meal, sack, (i Rye. Ill) Chop, $ owt 200(o) 10 Rags, $ Ih 2 Clorersead 7 to Salt, W sack.23ift I li Cheese. 22 Shingles, 18 in.$4(d)t 00 Cherries, Ih. 10(a) 18 Shingles,! !nl6( 1 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, 12) Timothy seed....... i 00 Rggi - 2" Tallow., 1 Flaxseed. 2 00 Wheat. 1 7i Floor 00(a) t 00 Wool . 40 llay.....00 OOfttlO 00 Wood, k cord.. 4 50 Pennsylvania ICnllrond TYRONE i CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, NOV ad, 1873, th Passenger Trains will run daily (exoept Sun daya) betwoen Tyrone and Clearfield, a follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 8.40, r.n Philipibarg.....4.S5, " Osceola 4.60, Tyron 8.00, " Tyrone . O.SO.a.n. Osceola 10.40," Philipsburg.,.10.5i, " Clearnold ...... 11.60," CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. leave BOUTU. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 8.19 A. a). Tyrone 7.00 r.n. Intersection....!! " Osceola 8.10 " Phllipsharg...8.1i " Clearfield, ar... 0.20 ' Pbilipsburg.. 8..18 " Osceola 8.50 Intersection.. 7.48 " Tyrone. 8.00 ' FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa $3 05 Middletown $i 00 Marietta 8 50 Lancaster 8 85 PHILADELPHIA 7 Hi Altoona...H 1 85 Johnstown.. 2 80 Look Haven 1 70 Williamanort 8 80 Huntingdon 1 80 Lewiatown. 1 00 Marysville 4 iO HARR1SBURO... 4 7i PITTHBUItll 8 It Close connections made by all train at Tyrone ana Ijock naven. B. 8. BLAIR, mylP-tf. Superintendent. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY COVERT'S PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Marie of the fast Mallea ble Iron, tod ii attached to th Hames by the bent Snap ever ffirentrd. It It eailly and quickly put on, and provonta the whipping of tho horiva i . , ' hj the pul. Not liable to get out of repair. Will lait for Teara. All we nk ii a fair trial, to convince all partici us ing thorn that they are nniurpaued in valuator tho pnrpoM for which they are intended. 8ACKKTT HCMRYYKR. Clearfield, ApriU6, 1874. - JQANIKL GOOBLANDER, LUTHKHSDURO, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Orocerles and Fish, Nails, Hardware, tjueenswnre and Hlassware, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Drugs, Paints, Oils, School Books, a large lot of, Patent Medicines, Candles, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack, ers, Rock and RiOe Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, v Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Bindings and Thread, Shoemakers' Tooli and Bhoe Findings. No greater variety of goods In any store In the county. All for sal very low for cash or country produce at th Cheep Corner. Aug. 27, 1873, poRTAGE Nail works. DCNCANSVILLB, BLAIR Co., Pi., ' NAILS! Th above works being again operated by the undersigned, offer to the trade a full supply of their Justly celebrated Nails at the lowest price. JOHN MUBSELMAN. Dunonusvlile, Marsh 18, W4.-8ia , , ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN . .GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEAKFIELD, PA., ' Ha Just opened, at the old stand, In Graham's now, a complete stock or jr b ir a o o s, of evory description. tax ooods,'1 7ri : i ; l ; GKOCEumS, ! ' HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SLIOF.S, CLOTUINO, f-c.,fo., . IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, :' ! " MEAT, SALT, ' ., ,,, , ,, . RYE, ; , . ' ' OATS. " CORN, ALWA YS ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR. Received by tho car load, and sold st a small . advance. ( A supply of ROPE constantly on hand. ' , Spoolul Inducement! offered to those getting out Square Timber nd Logs, as w deal largely In Lumbermen's Supplies, and are pro-.. ' , pared at all times to purchase tlm ' ' ' ' ber and lumber. i: ! W (! It A II A M , , Markot Hlroet, CLKAKFJELD, PA. Oct 23, 1S72. j. m. kkatzer; IN PIE'S BUILDING, . DEALER IN Dry Goods, Press Goods, Carpets, Wall Papers, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, &c., Is just reeelvinf a complete assortment of goods, bought at latest and lowest prices. GOOD miNTS, AT TEN CENTS TKU YARD, GOOD YD-WIDB BLEAC1IED MUS- . UN'S. TEN CENTS. UEAVY YARD-WIDE UNREACHED MUSLINS, 12 CENTS. ATPLKTON'S A MUSLINS, I2J CTS. FER YARD BY THE TIECE. AND ALL DRY OOODS AT LOWER RATES THAN HERETOFORE. DRESS GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPKTS BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, TAPESTRY, -INGRAIN, and al llowcr CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPKTS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPKTS CARPETS CARPETS CAHPET9 CARPETS CARPETS ' CARPKTS CARPETS grades. PARASOLS OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. GROCERIES, BY ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ' - . ON COST. ; FISU, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, Ac, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED, Clearfield, May 17, 1874. Notice to Taxpayers I T N accordance with an Act of the Qeneral A Aa the1 ecmbly of tbia Commonwealth, approved rli day or March, A. D. 1K70, and the supple I ment approved the Id day of April, A. D. 1872, "relating to the oolleetlon of taxos in the county of Clearfield," notloe is therefore hereby given In the taxpayers residing in the districts below named, that the County Treaiurer, in eooordanec witn me second section or said Act, will attend at the places of holding the borough and town ship elections on th following named daya, for the purpose of receiving the County and State taxoi assessed ror tne year 1874 1 For Wallaceton, Saturday, June 13th. For Woodward, Tuesday, June lfltb. For Oullch, Wednesday, June 17th. For Beooarla, Thursday, June 18th. For Knox, Friday, June 10th. For Jordon, Saturday, June 20th. For Cheat, Tnoaday, June 2:ird. !4tbj iw'il For New Washington, Wednesday, June 24t rot llurnalde, Thursday, June lilh. For Bell, Friday, June 2Uh. Upon all taxes paid to the Treasurer there be a reduction of r peroral., while fivep cent, will be added nfltr tkofint day oJuly ee.-f, to all nnpald taxes, making a difference of TEN per oent. to prompt taxpayers. Partioi ean psy their taxea at the Treasurer's office at any tlmo.i DAVID W. WISE, Treasurer. I Treasurer's Offiee, Clearfield, Pa., May 17, 1874-41 ( T. A. FLECK & CO., Agent! In Clearfield county for th lale of 13. nUTTERICK CO.'i i Fashionable Patterns of Garments, ALL ITTLBI Ann 111X1, tilt Market Street Clearflld, Pa. " of tiieI cheat REDUCTION OF PRICES I V H. POHTEH SHAW, I). I). St. IMPORTANT TRUTHS! Hi fine luoeeeded In arettina a liabtor lurlffoL mattvlal, hence the low and MoaVraf eharge for aartiil and full set! ol ieein. 1 me tne neat mantfaetur of tooth and other material. All o fiortlions registered and warranted to give ser vice and satisfaction, i , . . . , . ,, Prands, retteot that my charges forvlha inser- tlun if artifleial and tho saving of the natural teetl kre now the most reasonable in Pennsylvania, l'rcs.fve your teeth and you preserve your health. Puling of th natural teeth In a healthy, pre servidiro and useful oondition is mad a specialty, isisevos aua maiioiuiMtiuuavuuiiuou iu iuo inuuiii, aw und associate parts, ere treated and corrected with (air suooess. Hxainlnations and eonsulla tionHrnna. i . It would be well for patients from a distnno to let la know by mail a few daft before onaslng to tie office. . r J f t It b very imnortant that children between the agea.f six and twelve years should hare their teetnzamtnd. . Anesthetic art administered and Teeth ra- movit without naln. , Dispositions and eharaetor are Judwed by all the vorld by th expressions (f the. -faon, hri now very diaastrou may It therefore he for per. sonslo indulge an exprruioa of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natifal (not artificial) eomforti and pleasures, rcsot and oboy naturaraimplif Ities and Instinot. ! 1 , 8. PORTKlt BHAW, D. V. S. Oflee In New Mason io Building, Second street. uioa-noia, ra. , . , may la 73 rENTALCARD. 1( Dr. A. M. UILLS NVould say to bis natlenta and the nuh ie gi iiiiially, thnt, liavlng dissolved partnership rllii Dr. Bsaw. he is now dolner the entire work of his office aimself, so that patients need not fear neing put unvr the hands or any other operator. , CloarSold, Kerch 20, 1878 pdKOuiohTH J. M. STEWART, D. D. S. over Irwin's Drug Store, CirRWENBVILl.R. PA. All AiIiIhI nn.r.rln.. &tik. ,1 I " .-.."hb, cimn in ,nv nici-UMiiirBi or operative branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction vnaranlnml un.lal .t.n,tnH to the treatment of diseases of the natural teeth, gums aou mouia. irregularity of the teeth aue ceesfully eorrecled. Teeth extracted without pain bV tho USe Of Hthnr. mnA aWifinlul tj..(h of the best material and warranted to render sat- isiiAiiion. anr 26'71:lv "iHisrfUancous. E A D THIS! - FLOUR & . FEED DEPOT I The attention nf the nt riAPa.u vicinity Is directed to the fnet that tloodfellow A Son are the avntifa nt 14 Mi. a nA . I 1 just recei ved a half dosen ear loads of Klour and wuicu iney onor ai tne lowest possible g. uros. A large stock of . FLO UK, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ac. Particular attention It called to -HI. Niece A Co.' brand of Family Flour, which is th best In th market. Flour and Ann IU 1.. ...14 -1 than It can be obtained elsewhere In Clearfield county. -8tore on Market atrect, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin's residence. UOODFELLOW i BON, JanlOtf Agents for M. Niece A Co. II. F. BIGLER & CO., , DI1LIKI II . HAIIDWAB E, Alio, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 'OLIARFIILD, PA. - P ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all v kinds for sale by II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. JAILROAD WHEELBARROWS for lale fcy ' '' ' ' H. F. BIQLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., foi sale by ' ' II. F. BIGLER 1 CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Findings, for sal. by II. F. BIQLER CO. QUNS.riSTOLS SWORD CANES ' For sal bj . U. F, BIQLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SOflTS AND Sites, for aale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. JUON! IRON I IRON I. IRON I For lale by - H. F. BIGLER A CO. JJORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE SAILS, for tale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. )ULLEY ULOCKS, ALL SIZES And belt Manufacture, for sale by II. F. BIQLER A CO. T niMULE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sals by II. F. BIQLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for anlo by cn30-70 n. F. BIGLER A CO. T. M. ROBINSON, Manufacturer and deitloT In Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Collars, Whips, Brushes, Fly Nell, Trimmings. Horse Blankets, Ac. Vacuum, Frank Millar's and Noetafoot Oils, Agent for Bailey and Wilson'! Buggies. Order! and repairing promptly attended to, Shop on Market street, Cleartaid, Pa., in room formerly ooeupied by Jaa. Alexander. 13:474 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Th undersigned offers for lale a valua ble town property, In the borough of Clearnold. Lot 611x172, situate on Pine street, with a good two-story plank House thereon erected. House finished complete good cellar and good water. Price reasonable and payments easy. For fur ther particulars Inquire of the subscriber. Pos session given un short notice after sale. 1. 0. 1IARGER, Clearfield, March 29, 1874. , FIRST CLASS BAKERY! NOTICE TO UAFTMEN. The subscriber hai fitted upa first-elais Bakery, and wishes to Inform raftmrn that he will mpply them with BREAD, PIES, CAKES, Ac, on reasonable terms. Bakery cast end of bridge, near the "Lick," Clearfield, Pa. marls-Sot JOHN CUTLER, THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA,, naKi'rAcTi nxns or 'FimvinticK, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &c. Chimney Tops, Window Cops, All kinds of Architectural Adornments, ORIGINAL DESIGNS IN TERRA COTTA MADE TO ORDER. a With 1 iui roved match. nerr, first elan mat rial and i killed workmen, we can warrant all our manufacture to be equal to if out luparlor to any in ue roarxei. I Article! of our manufacture can be mcd at the Work i, near Railroad Depot, or at the Hardware more or u. Uigier to, All orderi from a diitance, addreised to the Qennral Superintendent, will receive prompt aU leniiou. J. IIARTHHK K. JOHN FERGUHUN. Uen'l Bupt. of Hci.tlif.rld, Uarukirk, Hootlaml, JSujit. Manufacturing Dept. moy207S fro THK CITIZENS OK CLKAR- X FIELD AND VICINITVi I would eipress my sincere thanks for your kind natronaire. so far catended, and would ark fur a eontinunnee of the same. . A. UlJlNZlllJBtl. CHEAP AXD 0LY 0XE PRICE! A. GUINZBURG, One door below tho First National Bank, Clear field, haa Just received a full supply of NKW AND FASHIONABLE SPRING CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS. Gent's Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CArs, THtWKS, t(C. all of which will he sold at the towest cash prices, without abatement. enl2W-lm nv Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. . v THE undersigned, harins: leafed rooms for the manufacture of all kinds of BADDLKS, 1IAR NESH, and all the latest improvement! in Horse Furnishing Goods, are now prepared to fill all orders at prloes and quality that will larprtse air who faror as with a call for the inspection of our work. We are determined to pleaee and our ex perience and obserratlon In ea'tern and western cities enables us to DEFY COMPETITION In the manufacture of Hold, Bileer, Oreide, Rubber Covered and Ullt-Lined Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS! Also Fine . . RLPI.NQ 4SD RACING SADDLES. . Our rents and expenses beinf light, w shall sell the same grades of work 20 per eent cheaper than tbey een be bought in the eastern cities. Repairing and adjusting Ruddles, Harness, ic, neatly done, at reasonable prices. I'artionlar attention paid to all orders by mail or otherwise. Call and see our work before buying elsewhere. AeT Rooms In Irwin's Htore, next dnorto Key stone Rt.ire. CRAIN A MITTON. ClearDehlM'a., May 13, 1874. ' BANTZ & BUCK, General Insurance Agents and Real Estate Brokers, Represent the following reliable Insurauce Co'a: North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. $16,oft0.00g Washington Life Insurance Co 4.000,000 Flra Association Inauranoe Co. I,o00,0i)0 Atnaeon Fir Insurance Co 8,078,148 Watortown Fire, insures dwellings and farm buildings only... 675.000 Tork, l'a., Flock Insurance Co. Horses Insured against death and theft. P. 8. Parties in th country desiring insurance on their lirea or tironertv nan have it nmmntlv attended to by addreasing us hy letter, or calling in person ai our omce, in 1'ie a upera House, Room No. 4, Clearfield, Pa. may;'T4 . jRarfltt-arf, iTiuunrt, tt. 1 RO.N81DK3 STORK. G. S. FLEGAL. ' DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, II A NOES, HOLLO VV-WAUE, TAINTS. OILS cV YARN IB II, PUTTY & 0 LASS, ' ROPES, t 8TEP-LADDEHS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Th eolchrutcd Toledo Anll-Freeslng Oalvanlied IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No hotter Pnmpi in the market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, of all kinds, LAMP FIXTURES, A. All at loweat prices. 1-1474 Prquelle Wreet, Pblllpabnrg, Pa. 51! ooflj, vSramiw, tr. 1874. 1871. UNDER FULL -SAIL! THE KEYSTONE TO THE FRONT! Headquarters for Dry Goods! " Am opening my Meond Urire tprlng nd lata raer iiocr or foreign und Uotneitio DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, LADIES' 4 CHILDREN'S SHOES, , t-c, etc., fc The prices will be such as will nut be excelled y any other place in the Wale. Call and see for yourselves. WM. KKKD, njarSi Second street, Clearfield, Pa. c IIANCiED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY Would iTFpMtfullr notify the nohlle ronormltr that b hu purehiied J. fi. Shower't Orooery Htore, In Hhaw'i How, where ho intendi kopinf ft full lint of GBOCEBIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. ' SUGARS and Si RUP8, of all grades. TEAS, Green and Black. COFFEE, Roasted and Urecn. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, . CJV'i:i FIlt iTS, All kinds in the market. PICKLES, in jars and barrels. SPICES, In everyform and variety. FAMILY, FLOUR, A IX KINDS OF CRACKERS. . SOAPS, MATCHES, PRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil aai Lamp CMmneys. And a food assortment of those things usually kept In a grocery store, which he will exchange lor marketing at tne market prioca. Will atll for cash as cheaply as any other on. Pleaae call and ee hi stock and iadn for yowroelf. JOHN McOAUOHEV. Clearfield, May 17, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opposite Post Office, New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINE OP TEAS. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, voua HYSON. , ENGLISH BREAKFAST Purest in Market. v. IHJTTEH AND VAiUH , Will be kent and sold at first enat. Cash naid for Country Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEAR8, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. ' l'IKII. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ac. ' PICKLES. Barrel Pickles aad English Pickles. FLOUR A HI) PEED. Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Moal, Ac fehli'74 LTTLE A MITCHELL. KRATZER & LYTLR Turpentine, f Nalle, I Glass, I 1'nUy, I'alnta, Oils, WILL SELL .YOU French. Richards & Cos Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Immense atock on hand. Clearfield, Pa., April 1, 1874.4m JEAD THIS 1 House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. The undersigned, having started to swing his own brush, respectfully oilers his service to the citiseni of Clearfield and vicinity as a Hoaae, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Paper Banging and Glaaing done on tha ahort eat notloe, with neatnea and despatch. All work done with care, and at price to suit the time. Shop en Market street, opposite the Alle gheny House. J. L. K RAGLE. April 1, 1874. 6m. ' OKSKS FOK SALE. A r-'r well matched brown mares, yeee desirable farm er draught team, with complete. Also two Mitchell P easy. WKAVa. . may If It. ' DMINIMTR ATOM'S MC I h.reby given thntlett on th estate of JACOB t Graham township, Clearfield e having been duly granted te -person Indebted to eald -immediate naymeaOt aad t demanda will present them ' for settlement without a May (, 18T.-lt i9rflUneou. . QLEARFIELD ACADEMY.1 t ' MALK DEPARTMENT. THE SUMMER TERM or fourteen weeks will commence MONDAY, MA If llth, 1874. Term of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Meat.! and Written Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and "'"7 - tt o Natural Philosophy, Phyliology, and Sin- n uuu.-neepiDg, or euuer, witn . Ihe thnv. " For In.truoiiun. in niki. v -.... u''.Z' II 00 koeping and Commercial Arithmetic, ape. f term! to he arranged."ulu ""I'Mting the eoliool apply to aug27'7Jtf H. il. HCUftaLLx. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA.. . rpHI WINTER AND SPRINU TERMS will J. close May IVth, 1874. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Ol.Ject Les sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography 7 00 lliatory, Looal and deaeriptir Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic 0 00 Algebra and the Sciences H IS 00 Instruction In Instrumental masie 10 00 Oil painting, 14 lessons u 11 00 Wax work 8 00 For full particular send for Circular. Clearfield, March 11, 1874. 0:7:l0-y The Bell s Run Woolen Factory, Pnn township, Clearfield Ce., Fa. BURNED OUTI. vr MOT BURNED UP! The subscribers have, at great expense, rebuilt a neighborhood necessity, ia the erection of a ltrst eiass Woolen .Manufactory, with all the modern improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Cassimeres, Hatinetta, Blan kets, Flannels, Ac. Plenty of good! en hand to lupply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom we ask to come and examine our stock. The business of CARDINO AND FULLING will receive onr especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to nusiness we nope to reauxe a iioerai snare of public patronage. HMMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTEDI We will pay the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods aa low as similar goods ean be bought in the county, and whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we can alway be found at bom ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, epriUHtr Bower P.O. JF. ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, BUY YOUR C LOTUIN O, Furnishing Ooods, &c, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. - They keep a full lino of Men's, Youths' & Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrellas, Rutohella, Overall lints, Shirts, Undershirts, and Draworo, io., Which they will sell at most reasonable prices. ' Call and examine their good! before purchasing elsewhere. Room in Mansioo Building, Clearfield, l'a., April 1, 1874. pjEW STORE A.ND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW 6i SON Hart) juat opened New Stohi, on Main St., CLtaariiLB, Pa. lately occupied by Wm. T. IBWIN. Their lock comiiU of Gkocikiu of the beat quality, Qdeensware. Boots and Shoes, and every article neeenarr for one'i comfort. Call aud examine our otock before pur- chaaing eluwbere. May 9, 18C0-lf. MITCHELL WAGONS. - The Best is the Cheapest I Thomas Reilly haa received another Urge lot of "Mitchell Wagons," whieh are among the very best manufactured, and which be will sell at tho most reasonable rates. His stock ineludes almost all descriptions of wagois large and small, wide and narrow track. Call and see them. apr8'74 THOMAM REILLY. ADMINISTRATOR'! NOTICED Notice ia hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN W. WRIGHT, deceased, late of Clearfield borough, Clearfield county. Pa., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all fiersons Indebted to said eita'. iill please make mmediate payment, and those having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. WILLIAM PORTER, mayH-dt. Administrator. HOUSE AND LOT FOJi SALEI The House and Lot on the corner of Mar ket and Fifth streets, Clearfield, Pa., ii for sale. The lot contain! nearly in acre of ground. Tho house ii a large double fram, containing nin roomi. For terma and ether information apply to the subscriber, at th Post Office, nor 13 P. A. OA CLIN. CHEAP GROCERIES I LUMBER CITY, PA. Th undersigned announce! to hit old friends and patrons that he has opened a good line of GROCERIES A PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk A Spencer, for which he solicits a liberal patronage. II. W. BPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., March 10-tf. J. 11. M'MURRAY WILL SUPPLY YOU WITn ANY ARTICLE OF MERCHANDISE AT THK VERY LOWEST PRICE. COMB AND SEE. (I) NEW WASHINGTON. IIMEl LIME) 1 The undersigned Is now prepared to' th public with aa excellent quality of Bellefonte Wood-Burned I ' for plastering purpose, by the I quantity. Can he fonnd for t new building, on Market s eetl-tf L. Itessntxtn r