rrsnMXXrx.nrrv : GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, OITUB AMD rROPMKTOn. CLEARFIELD, l'A. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JI NK 3, 1874. OFFICE HEMOVEI). The offloa of tb Ci.nmriii.D Ripi ju.ica will hereafter bo in Pie's Opera Houso, on .Market trust, between Seoond end Third. The business offio. will b. found to tb. left of I ho main en. trance, on (lie second floor, where ell our old tnd now patrons are Invited to oall. The press and composing roomi are on the third floor. Washington flunkoyism lias not got over tbo Grant wedding yot. Somo of tbo fumily are still on a drunk, al though a fortnight has olapsod. Freb Again. The editor of tho Huntingdon Globe, aflcr Buffering an impriBonmont of forty days and forty nights, for tolling tho truth about a Doctor, was released on "Decoration day." It would indeed bo a great joke on Eodicalism, as represented by Morion, Cameron & Co., if it had caught a sec ond Andy Johnson, in tho person oi "the government," on tho currency and civil rights question. It look so. Rather Cool. For Secrolary Rich ardson to ask his subordinate lianficld to resign his post in tho Treasury at Washington, when tbo worthy Socro tary is proven to be tho most incom petent, if not the most corrupt, man about tho department. Too Bad. It is no wonder we havo "tight timos," when Congressmen tell us that such political snoak Ihicvos ns Ben Butlcr'b man Friday Sauborn pocketed (213,000 in thrco years, for discharging tho duties of an office an known to the law, and through the Connivance of the Secretary of tho Treasury. Tho death of Mr. Thomson, Tresi dont of the Pennsylvania railroad, has caused quite, a commotion among the officials and stock-holders of that road, as to who should be eloctcd bis suc cessor. Wo hope tho personal policy of tho road.will bo abandoned for the public good, whoever may succeed to the position indicatod. Wx Hope it's True. Although tho Civil Bights bill passed tho Sonato on "high tido," It scorns that Gen. Grant has hinted to somebody, that if tho bill was pressed upon the IIouso and passed in its present shape, that bo would be compelled to treat it as be had the currency bill veto it. This information, whether true or fulse.lms Staggered all loyaldom. A Fair "Beast." Bon Butler, on Thursday last, reported acd bad a bill passed through Congress romoving the disabilities of Baphaol Sommcs, the commander of tho Confederatosteamcr Alabama. Next to Jefferson Davis, no man in tho Confederate eorvico did more real harm than "Commodore" Semmes. Yet he is pardoned to-dsy by the same men who sought to gib bet him a few years ago I "Gone Up." Two negroes and ono white follow composed tho Board of County, Commissioners of Barnwell county, South Carolina. Tho genllo men (!) wore arrested, about thrco months ago, for applying the public funds of the district to their privato use. Last weok they wore convicted of evorj chargo, and aro now in the ponitentiary. When tho Governor Moses gots there, ho will have his duos, too, and four-fifths of all tho officers in that awfully robbed .State should bo in tho same quarters. Overthrow. Tho negroes, carpet baggors and scaliwags have beld su preme control of tho cities of Rich mond and Petersburg, Virginia, ever since tho Confederate troops aban doned their works. But a chango seems to have como over tho minds of tho tax-poycrson the 20th ult. Tho election for Mayor and othor municipal officers came off on that day, and re sulted in a tromondous Democratic victory in both cities. Tho corrup tionists elected less than one-third of thoir ticket, while the taxpayers Lava over a two-thirds vote in tbe city coun cils, and will of course hoist tho rob bers in short meter stylo. A Godless Court. A fortnight ago, a number of female and malo crusaders wore arrostcd by tho municipal au thorities of Pittsburgh, for disturbing tho public peace Tho valorous ladies and modest goniluincn refused to give bail, and wero consequently trans formed ir.to martyrs, by allowing them selves to bo imprisoned. Tho result was a habeas corpus, and tho parties woro taken into Court and a hearing was bad before J udgo fitowo, who, for tho sake of tbe ladies, released tho prisoners. This greatly elated tho crusadors, and thoy at onco proposed to hold a prayer meeting in tho court room, returning thanks to God and tho court for their deliverance. His honor, being informod of what was contomplatcd, informed tho partlos that if they opened a prayer mooting in the court room be would have every ono of them sent to prison for "Con tempt of Court." This hint from his honor nonplused tho ladius and thoir mole allies, who at onco gathered thomsolvcs up and made for the Moth ddist churoh Whore they organieod a monstor prayer mooting, and ettvo tho municipal authorities and the liquor intnrost "particular josso. , District and County Election. Thoro is to bo oleotod this fall a Mombor of Congross, a Sonator for two years, a Boprcsontntivo, u District Judgo (additional), a County Auditor for one year and a County Commis sioner for one year. Tho county Is ontitlod to a Representative, wboso torm la for two years. Thoro aro somo of tho opinion that tho Commissioner Is to bo choson for two years. This is rt mistake. Soo- lion twenty-eight of tho Bchodulo of tho Constitution provides that tuo terra of tlx County Commissioners and County Auditors, chosen prior to 187G, "which shall not havo expirod before tbo first -Monday of 1870, shall expiro on that day." Ilonoo, tho term of tho Commissioner oleotod this fall will, with all others then in ofllco, ex piro on tho first of January, 1870, and in tho full of 1875 thrco Commissioners and threo Auditors will imvo to bo elocted. It will bo scon that tho county elec tion partakes of tho samo vory impor tant features that characterize tho State eloction, and incites to tho high est aim and most cnergotio efforts. Whilo domanding tho best men on tho Stato tickot, let us bo careful, follow cilizons, that wo make our actions at borne correspond with what wo nek of tho Stato convention, and sco to it that our tickot is made up of the best men wo can got. Tho success of tho Stato tickot rests greatly upon tho harmony that provails in tho rospeo tivo counties, and if wo do our duty as woll as wo would havo thorn do theirs there will bo no reason to complain. JTeutral lletrs. Tho editor of tbo Ronovo Record publishes a noutrol paper, but remarks as thoro is no "turkey" for tho Ro publicans, in tho way our districts have boon formed, it would bo just and proper to designate whom the Demo crats should nominate, and ho hopes that his suggcstions'will not provo of fensive to the Democrats, as ho will propose none but first class men for tho sov oral positions, viz : "For CongrcM, Hon. L. A. Mackoy, of Lock Haven, who will very likely be the choice of all the oountiei In this Congressional district, with out opposition. For Associate Law Judge, Judge Orris, of Centre county, will be tbe ehoice. Clear field will eome in then for State Senator and Hon. Win. A. Wallace, our present representative, will likolj reoeire a renomination. Tho third section of this ticket we accept without hesitation. What Mr. Wallace's foclings aro npon tho sub ject, wo know not. But wo have it from tho lips of threo-fourths of his Democratic colleagues in tho Senate, besides numbors of leading Democrats all over the Stato that his roturn to the Senate for at least tho fractional term of two years is very dosirablo, so as to onablo him to complete tbo huge work he undertook last session, of ad justing tho corporate and business in terests of the State to tho now Con stitution. Even Radical Senators, who love tho Stato moro than thoir party, and prefer general to special legislation and nro opposod to corruption, ask for Mr. Wallaco's roturn, and wo aro groatly mistaken if a large majority of both parlies in this Senatorial dis trict aro not In favor of returning him to bis scat, which ho has so ably and honorably fillod for tbo past twolvo years. Our Democratic frionds in Centre and Clinton cannot entrust their legislation to an abler or moro willing and upright representative than Mr. Wallace. One Sensible Negro. Should Con gross imitate the folly of the United States Senalo and pass tbo "Civil Rights Bill," tho common school sys tem will receive its death blow in many of tho States. Tbe colorod pas tor of a Methodist church in Rich mond lately said to his congrogntion, before the passage by the Senato of tbe Civil Bights bill : "The momont such an enactment appears on tho statuto books tho public school system in tho South will receive a blow that will canso its death, and no power this side of heaven can diffuso lifo into its dead carcass. Tbon who will be tho losers, the blacks or tho whites ? In Virginia there aro 80,000 colored childron attending tbo public schools. What will become of them ?'' Again, the rich whites will not pat ronize tho mixed schools, but will sond tboir childron elsewhero, whilo tho poor whites are compollod to go un educated, or herd with tho African bloods, whoso parents do not con tribute ono penny of tbo taxes to dol lars given by tho parents of the ex- oludod whiles. Evidently a Blunder Tho Pitts burgh Dispatch, ono of tho leading Radical organs, recently contained the following: The amount of corruption in office which hss been oxposed in this eountry within the last 'fow years, is astonishing, and every Jay seems lo add to the scandalous aggregate. Almost every department of the goreral government Is involved tn the exposure wmcn has ocen maue, me mw department being the most recent. This wholesale impeachment of its party friends, on tho part of tho editor of the journal in quoslion, should either result in much good to tho govern ment dr a retraction by tho writor. That what be says is truo, every voter, except partizan bigots and Radical officials, admit but it Is highly impo litio in a political sense, for a news paper liko tho Dispatch to pormlt so much truth to appear in its columns in ono issue. Attornoy-Gonoral Wil liams should sond his card to this Pittsburgh editor, and demand "satis faction," bccaiiBO this wholosalo modo ol tolling tho truth must woik tho downfall of the Radical party, i Congressman D. P. Molish, of New York, died in a luuatic nssylum at Washington, on tho 25th ultimo. e ess e : Goon. The Worocstor Pros says : Prof. Scbnoidor composed a grand march for Miss Nollio. Would it bo asking too much to request him to composo ono for Richardson. "UiW to ran." Grant's mouth organ, tho Now York Times, takes most omphalic oxcoplion to tho policy pursued by its party leaders toward tho Southern Stales and tho "colorod brothron." Tho od- itor snys t "Tho pooplo will not con sont lo soo olthor an Iroland or a Po land created on our free soil." "Look utSoulh Carolina tho vory Governor of tho Stuto is a thiof, and tho Legis lature is a gang of thieves." "Is this a Republican form of Govornmont, suoh as tho Constitution gunrnntocsto all tho Stales?" "Wo venture to say that it is not." Tho sumo must be said of Louisiana, Mississippi and Ar kansas." Such aro tho truths, uttered by tho leading administration organ, aftor smothering them for five years. Dom ocratio journalists have often made similar doclurutions, but thoy wero in variably scoffed at and pronounced "copperhead lies." This is not nil. "Tho govornmont" organ nho gives "Sambo" a whack on his froo back : Last weok wo all wltucssed the I'nited Status Senato engaged for about twenty-four bouts at a stretch In passing a bill for the boncllt of the ne aro. roorclv out of a sentimental sort ef dofercnoo to the wishes of a deceased Senator, Respect for the dead is inoumbcut on us all but lrgirlntion should be based on a careful and wlso regard for the welfare of tho living, not upon "mandates," real or fictitious, of the dead. The negro has had a very fair amount of protection. It is important before going any further to And out what use he haa made of the freedom given to him i in what way he has exercised the vast political powers with which he has been endowed : what sort of a government he has helped to set up in the Stales where he Is most powerful; whether, In short, he at this moment stands In need of protection from the white man, or the wbito man stands tn need of protection from him. If Mr. Katon Intends to raise these questions, depend upon it he will ob tain an audience, and he cannot be suppressed by howls and groans, and we, for our part, shall not join in any such attempts at suppression. We should like to see tno question taaen up oy ne nublioans. Mr. Camenter made a great begin ninii in reference to Louisiana. Such a Work would be far more conducive to the prosperity of the party, and to tho cause of good government now and hereafter, than the bead-long passage of senliinrntnl bills in favor or the negro. , Uoubly Itmnnahlr. Probably tho most damaging crimo lh.il can be la I a statesman is to as sumo tho duties of a Ropresentativo, either in Congress or a Stato Legisla '.nro, and at tho samo time accept tho agency or'atlorncyship of somo soul loss corporation, wboso interests nro exactly tho reverso of those of his constituents. Tho editor of tho liar- risburg Patriot cites a caso in point : "Hon. Lyman Tremeine, member of Congress from the Flats of Now York, we observe is also attorney for the Illinois Central railroad com pany. In our judgmont the two occupations in volve such otioosite courses of action that it will be Terr difficult at times to sink the attorney ii the statesman. A high sense of the duly of a representative in Congross would Induce tbe at torney of the Illinois Central eilher to resign his office or throw up his brier. It In just ns impossible now to servo two masters as it was eighteen bun- drod years ago, when tho Groat Moral Lawgiver said "yo cannot servo God and Mammon." A man cannot bo a Congressman for a populur conslitu oncy and a hired attorney for a cor norution whose intorcsts covor tho samo field. Death of a Noble Man. John Edgar Thomson, Prosident of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, died at Ills rreiilono. in Pbiluuolphia on Wednesday night, in bis 60th year, The State has lost an ciniocnt and useful citizen and tbo railroad its chief and safest officer. All tho stations along tho lino tjf tho road and tho cars worodrnped in mourningon Thursday Tho financial ombarrassmcnt which overhangs tho wholo country no doubt hastened Mr. Thomson's death. Tho Sepletnbor crash is doing bIow but sure work, and by tho time one year rolls around "tho Christian Dnnkors can count thoir innocont victims by scores. while not a single one of the leading financial conspirators has dono tho country good service by going into a stato of cremation. Hut on Hie con trory, ovory Cook, Clows & Co., seom to enjoy good health and often thrust thomsulves impudontly before those whose interest thoy have tietroyou Constitutional Revision. Tho last Legislature passed an act author izing tho Governor to appoint a com mission composed of seven persons who should prcparo, by the assembling of tho next Legislature, such umond ments to tho now Constitution ns a majority of tho committee deemod ox pedicnt. Gov. llartranft has appoint cd the following committee: Chief Justice Agnew, Judge Willism., of Tioga: W.A.Wallace, of 1'lenrScld l A. T. M'Clintm-k of Luiernei W. II. Plavford: of Fayettei B. U Hrewitnr. of Philadclnliin. and Atlorney.aeneral Diromick. All the gentlemen named havo a Stato rcputntion, except Mr. McMin took, and wo havo no doubt he is the peer of his colleagues or ho would not havo been chosen. If this committoo cannot find onvthinir to mend abou our now Constitution, wo will set it down as a first class job. One of Whitb's .Ions The Clarion Democrat says: "Harry White got n clause inserted In the judicial appor tionment bill.nuthorizinc Judgo Logan tn continue to hold court in that countv which is now a separate din trict until a iudio is choson at tho next election. Tho Messenger says this was one of Harry's tricks in order to enublo A. W. Taylor, J'.q.,to remain in Congress, until elected judgo, whon the windy trator expects to stop into Taylor's congressional shoes. In all tho other snpnratfl districts tho Gov ernor has appointed judges) but In diana is merely a thoatro In which Whito plays "that harmloss litllo gamo." North Adams has a tailor long known for his kcon, pungent wit. Not lone sinco a woll-known clergy man called at his shop with a pair of pantaloons, and asked bun it thoy could bo ropairod. Tho knight of the shears unrolled them, held thorn up in tho most nrtistio manner, carefully examined thorn, and replied, "Yos, yos; tho kne.es are tho best part of thorn." The ruvrond gentleman saw tho joko. smiled blnndly and gracefully bowed himself out. A young lady of Lyon, Iowa, ro contly said i "Somo mon nro nlwitys talking about pntroniiiing tboir own town nlwnv liurpinit on Clint duty and yot tlicy go u brand to got mar ried, whilo licro wo all aUnd waiting 1 I tlo hopo that Rome of those mon who marry Eastern women will got chortled 1" jaflltfrt.SMfl.tJl. J. I. I It V IN. -AT TMK CORNER STOKE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., WILL SUM. CHEAP FOll CASH, AND REASONABLE ON TIME, II 1 rilonmo Bluett of STAPLE DRY-0OO!)S, DRESS HOODS, NOTION'S, CLOTHING, 11 ATS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, WHAT. FISH, CANNKD FBI' ITS, I HOOTS AND filKiKC, WOoIiKS-WARE, lil.ASS AND QI'EKKKWARK, HARDWARE, ROPE, TOBACCO, e Ac. FLOIK, SALT AN) MASTER HY TIIK CAM LOAD. Cottnnrt'St'ts nnd otlirr Furniture, LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. ;f ft" Lumber and Country Produm taken In exchange for goods at the highest imirket prico, Curwrnsnlle, l'a., June 3, 1K74. rpiN-WAHi:, STOVKS, AND. HARDWARE! WATSON, NICHOLS & CO., CTItWKXSVIT.LK, PA. Having bought the Hardware Store and Tin Shon formerly belonging to W. A. IUIe, we Intend keeping for eale everything belunging to the business, and will endeavor to evil as low for oash as oan be bought this side of Philadelphia. At oar establishment may be found at all times a full supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, SIIEET-ll!ON AND TIN-AVARE, Cook and Heating Stoves, SITOJS VIXIUNGB, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Farming Implements of all Kinds, BCYTIIK8, ' SCYTHE. SNATHES, GRAIN CIIAIiLES, KAKKS, lo. 8.1 tr .Tin,, jpi.rui.rcss, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, HORSESHOES, HOUSE SHOE MAILS, , BOLTS, Ae. Wood and Willow-Ware, Oil Cloths, &c !TIN fiPOt'TINO done low and hnsl of material useu. WATSON, NICHOLS A CO. Cnrwensvllle, Pa., June ., 1874. j OO If OUT FOR TIIK BIO SIGN . T. J. HUBBARD & CO., IlRALEItS IN STOVES & RANGES, AND MANrFACTl'BF.HS OK 1 in. Shcfit-iron topper Wire, PLUMBERS & GAS FITTElk Nrar Market Hired, (irarllcld, Will kern on band all the best Cook Slives, Ranges, Heating Motes and Furnaces Inilhe market, among which we mention the Arprnd Itange, Victor Cook, Diamond Slate and Kclf.se, all of which for beauty of design and cheaptesa oannot be surpassed in the market. All of tur Stoves we warrant to give entire sati.raotion, or the Store can be returned in tsn days, vld stoves taken In part pay for new ones. We leep on hand all of tne latest and best HEATING STOVES AND RANGES." Particular attention paid to the repairing tf all kinds ol Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, Ti.r iivire, n.r tr.iiu:, J Of our own manufacture, of all kinds, whloli which will be Bold cheap for onsb, by wholesale or retail. All oar ware is made out or one a 1 two cross tin, and warranted to be just as represent it. n.v RnoFinn A.n srorrr.so done at short notice and on most reasonalfc terms, and repairing neatly and promptly e: euted. PLUMBINO ft (IAS FITTING done and all Jobs warranted perfect, Will kef on hand lias Flxlures, of all kinds, and fit if houses with llanges, Bath Hollers, Bath Tul Shower Hatha, Wash Stands, Sinks and Wal.l Closets. Parlies wishing anything dono in our line wll do well to give us a pall, as wo aro determined t. please all in regard to prioe and style of work rnanship. T. J. Hubbard will personally super; intend all work entrusted In our care. june.1 T. 1. Ill IIIIAItl) A CO. j ATOTICK. Tho Pnrlc lain condition 1" for horse training and pleasure driving af. ternoone, and oan be used for such nurnnsci un til Ihe 21st of June, when pleasure driving will oense until aner ine races. Shooting, gainii.g and racing are strictly for bidden In the Park. Also, entering by climbing the fences, and pulling off nalings, bnarda, sta ples, Ac. Parties discovered in any of the above acts win no i.unisneu aocuming to law, fly or dor of the Omoers of the Park Association. JoneJ lit QUO. X. KOBACKKH, Prrs't. CAUTHIMr-All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase or In any way ineddls with one Sorrel Horse, one Black Horse, (wo Cows anil one Heifer, left by me in Ihe possession of my son, Joseph B. Rothroek, of Morris township, at thoy remain my properly and are left with hire suhloel lo my order. . s JOSEPH IIOTHHOCK. I . J3-IK ..... $iv ilmliSfnifntiJ. T X) FARMERS ! And all Persons who wish to do the Labor of Ton Men Iljr one man and the Invcf tment of lew dollars In machinery, wo oifcr Woods' & The Iiiu-keyc Mowers, which bare slood the (est of twenty Yeara, In which time there haa been more of those ma ohines made and euld than of all other marhines ootuhinod, In the I'nited States. Tbe Woods' machine took the Qrst iiriso at . ienna, Austria, in competition with all the machines of the world. We also sell the Illiioo, llngorstown and Cowley H.af..V, all warranted to be made of the best material and If tliov do not do their work right, we will take lhiin kick and refund tho money. We also sell HI-ROUT'S I'llKAU AND MEI.LIS' HARPOON FORKS, l'ULLll.K, o. Tlllll'.NIIIKri mac him:, of all kinds, but mostly Ellis 4 IlofTuian's one- borso troad. BI CKKYE GRAIN DRILLS, CIDER MILLS, FANNINtl MILLS, .nd all oilier machines In our line. Two ear loads of inacbinos Just re-eivcd. Do not rail to call. M. U. 1IHOWN 1 BKO. At Moat Markot, on Market street, Clearfield, a. June.l: s TORK T02 SALK We oflcr to a resumisilile tmrty our Ft ore at Woodland, ClearAeld eouuty, l'a., on the Tytone A Clearfield Kailroad, sil utiles east of Clearfield borough. Terms, easy ) business done, large and profitable. The Uealh of David . Uobrou, a loemlter of tho Qrm. Is the reason for selling. Any nelson desiring a firat-elusa paying business will find this an opportunity, and by culling upon the unilerstgnrd will be satisfied, upon examination of the books of the firm, that what we represent is correct. This is a thriving village, eontnining two large Kire Uric k M urks, Hleam Haw Mill and heavy lumber Interest, and is in a good farming community. For further information apply by letter or otherwise to KKSSI.KK A DUIIHKK, I'hilipsburR, Pa. .lllll.V M. M AI II, or WM. A1.1IKKT A MtOft., Woodlnud, Pa. We will sell In connection with the above, a ne fourth interest In the W Hand Kire llrlck Company, situate on railroad above named, and one mile from tlie More, J ne woras are in opera lion and doing a good paying business. r. r.rM,r.it a im nnr.r., jc3.!t I'hilipiburg, l'a. JKATZI'.U & LYTI-H, AUKNTfl IN CLKARFIRM) COINTY FOB MmilJLAItD'N Celebrated Brands of Smoking: & (lieuing Tobaccos. We are enabled to wholesale lo dealers through out I lie county at cify prices. KHAl.r.n I.l IbB, jt-3:T-tr ClearDeld, l'a. N JOTICK TO TAY PAYERS! The nndrrslgnrd. Collector of Poor Tales In Lawrcuco township, hereby notifies the tax payers of said township that they will save & per cent, on tboir taxos by paying them on or before the 4th day of July neiu I will be at the Court House, in Clearfield, every Saturday until the above date. JOSKI'll OWBNS. jc.1 3t District Treasurer. BOROUGH STATEMENT. Re. port of the Audilors of Clearfield Borough for the year 1X71. IIOKOUOII FIND. A. W. I.Kit, Borough Treasurer, in account with the funds of said borougn : TtKBTOR. To amount of duplicate of 1H73 (3,271) SS To amount realised from bonds 600 00 To amount realised from boro licenses . H 0b line Treasurer to balance 361 43 rRKMTOft. Tt, eiawuut due A. W. Lee, Traaa. 1872. SOS 84 By orders of 1471 redeemed...... 6 Si By " 171 " . 4H 74 By 1H78 " 1,163 71 lly " 1174 . 48 45 By coupons on $l4n0 borough bonds redeemed 04 00 By exoneration order 30 30 By 6 tnr cent, allowed taxpayers to Treasurer on $1118.33 30 00 Ry percent, allowed collector on tltio 83 00 By percent, allowed treasurer, 8 per et. 86 76 .1,i.S3 76 lUniMTIRS. To outstanding orders: 170, No. I, Boynton 211 00 1S7I 3 00 1872. 262 60 1873 a 66 174 -. 175 10 To borough bonds improvement loan 3,100 00 To amount due treaa. at settlement a7 43 (4,807 78 118 4.1 4,0.111 33 nasoraris. By accounts doe from cilisens Kxeess of liabilities $1,807 78 POOH FI ND. A. W. Lrt, Treaenrer of Clearfield borough, In account with Ihe Poor Fund of said borough for 18; J: nraron. To amount from J. U. Orahaie, over seer for 1972 S3 43 To amount from duplicate for 1873 Vn 46 tl.2.14 80 rRKturoR. By orders rvdorniod 4A8 35 llv exoneration order,.., ' i v ne nereentaire allowed taxfarers who naid treasurer,! 43 3:1 at o ner eent. II 17 Bv nereentare allowed collector Hade. 'bauirh on fl.60.13 at i ner rent A3 80 llv treasurer's norcentftlro at 3 per ct... 37 04 Bslnnee In treasurer's hands- 6SA 76 $1,234 80 SCHOOL FIND. A, V, Lai, Treasurer of Clearfield borough, lo account Willi the School Fund of said borough for HT3: titaroR. To ami from t. Johnston, trees. 18,2.. $2r,7 !'' To amt from M m. lladebaugh, coU..., 2,124 is To amt of Stato appropriation 216 00 To ami of county appropriation V0 00 $2,78 18 CRKMTOU. By aeliool orders redeemed $2,417 40 By treasurer s percentage at 8 ner cl... 81 84 Balance In trea.urcr'e hands...;.... 2J6 89 $2,728 IS We, the undersigned Auditors, having exam ined the accounts of A. W. Leo, Kpq., Treasurer of the borough of Clearfield, certify that we And tnem correct as anove staieii. To Iht oroess anil Ttmn (hmtril o Cltnrjirttl fYoroM7A . We, the Auditor! of Clearfield Borough, would respectfully refer your attonlion to the aceounte due by oitisons to the Uorougli, and reccommead the fmiuedinto collection ot toe snine, II. L. 1IKKI1, . It. Mi'PIIKItSON, OKO. 1IAOKKTY, Mny 2H, 1874. Audilors, Notice lo Taxpayers I IN accordance with an Act of the (Jenorel As sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 2ti day of Mnrch, A. I. 1870, and the supple merit approved the 3d day of April, A. I. 1872, "relctliig to the collection of taxes In the county of Clcarllrld," notice It therefore hereby given to the taxpayers residing in the districts below named, tlmt tho County Treasurer, in accordance with the remind section of said Act, will attend at the places of holding the borough and town ship elections on tho following named days, for the purposo of rtceiving tho County and State taxes assessed for tne year I8i4 1 For Wallaoeton, Saturday, June 13th. For Woodward, Tuesday, June KUh. For fliilloh, Wednesday, Juue 1 7th. For Heeoerle, Thursday, June 18th. For Knox, Friday, June lUlb. . For Jordon, Saturday, June 20th. For Chest, Tuesday, June 2.1rd. For New Washington, Wednesday, June 24 1 h. For Biirnsido, Thursday, June loth. For Bell. Friday, Jane !6lh. I'pon all taxes psid to Ihe Tronsurer there will be a reduction of yles ner eeet,, while Ive per oent, will he nrfrfed otsr tAf tint rfoy o July rt, lo all anpaid taxes, nuking a differenoe of TKN per eent. to prompt taxpayers. Partiee ean pay (heir taxes at the Treasurer's" office at any time. . . DAVID W.WISE, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, 1 , , Clearfield, Pa., May 27, W4-4I 2Jfur &vtttlttmntt. J. M. KRATZER, IN v PIE'S BUILDING, DRALKR IN Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Carpets, Wall Papers, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, &c., Is Just receiving a complete assortment of goods, bought at latest and lowest prices. GOOD HUNTS, AT TEN CENTS PKtl YAK I). GOOD YD-WIDK IiLEACIIKI) MUS LINS, TEN CENTS. HEAVY YARD-WIDE UNNLEAC'HED , MUSLINS, 121 CENTS,, AI'Pi.KrON'rt A MUSLINS, Mi CIS. I'ER YARD PY TIIK HECK. A Nil ALL DRY tltloDS AT LOW Kit RATH THAN UKRKTOr'ORK. DlttiSS liOOUS, IN (MEAT VARIETY. BRUSSELS, cUhpkts three-ply, CAKPKTS TAPESTRY, CARPETS CAKPKTrt IVf.RAIV CARI'KTS slViKAiri, CAUPKTH , , .. cakpbth nnd nl llowcr CAKPBT8 CAKPF.TM 1 , CARPET. grades. CARPETS CAKPETS CARPETS CARPKTrt CAKPKTfl CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAItl'ETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAItl'ETS PARASOLS OF AM. INSCRIPTIONS GROCEIJIF-S, BY ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, FLOUR, ' BACON, SALT, Ac, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WOOL AND OTHER PRODVCB WANTED, Clearfield, May 27, 1874. QLOniOUS FOURTH! CLEARFIELD PARK RACES I CLEARFIELI, PA, tifrsuBiiisr.- - July 2d, 3d and 4th, 1874. lr'iiiliiiiiN, . $2,e00 PIRMT PAV-JI I.V Id PURSE No. 1, $150.For '3.14 Race. lile teals, best 1 In a. foD to 1st 3 10 to 3d ; f iO to .lit Jl'IMn lib PI'RSR Ne. !, t SO. Running race. Rest 3 lu 3, half mile, till) to 1st; 340 to id; $30 tn ail no to 4t n. Pl'RSR No. 3.1276.-For J:.'i0raee. Mileheatl. best 3 In 3. $123 to 1st : $70 to 3d; .0 to 3d ; KI0 to 4th. PI'RSB N. , IliO.-Ilotel. keepers' purse, for borsei that never ran in any race. Half mile, best .1 In 3. tl'.O to 1st) tld to id; $:lt lo .Id ; 320 to 4th. KF.rONI) IiAV-Jtri.Y 3d. , PI'HSK No. 4, 22.V-For three minute race. Mile heals, best 3 in 3. JUKI to 1st) (no to 2d HI) to Id ) HO to 4th. Pl'RSR No. 3, 1160 Merchants' purse, for nurses mat never irotien in any race, vnu to ist I ipso to lit; 131 to not ; III to 4th PntSK No. 7, 3.100.-For 511) race. Mile heats. 1S0 to lit j fVO to Id fi0 to 3d. Pl'RSR No. 11. 7J. Foot race. Rest 1 In 3, fourth mile. (.Ill lo 1st; tlO to Id: 315 to 3d ; 310 to 4th. " THIRD DA Y- JliLY 4(11. Pl'RSR No.lO,J,'.0.-Forl:i.'irsee. Mile heals, best I in t. 3100 to 1st! 37 i to 3d ; I'll to 3d) 'Jito4lh. PURSE No. 4,3240. Running race. Half mile. best I in 4. 3I2SI0 1st 0 to 3d j $40 to 3d ; $:io to 4th, Pl'RSR No. 3, $..'.. Free lo alt trotting horsea. Mile heats, best 3 in 4. $..'100 to 1st; $U0 to 3d ; $74 lo 3d. National Association and American Jockey Club rules to govern. Katranoo fee 10 per cent, which must accom pany all entries. Any horse distaneing the field, or any part of li, shall only be entitled to first premium. Kntries close Saturday, Juue 37th, at 0 o'clock, P. M, Entries addressed to (lio. K. Koarana, OlearAeld, Pa. N. II. llrookrllle races June ITih, IRIh and 10th, 1.174, and the Osceola races the woek follow ing Clearfield racee. . K. A. IIIOI.KK, lec'y A Trees r. I1EO. K.JtOUACKER, Presid't. Clearfield, Pa., May 13, 1874. UKCJIXTKH'H lsOTI('H.-Nollce Is hereby given that tho following account has been examined and passed by me, and remains filed of record in this office for the Inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others Interested, and will he presented on the Id week of the next Or phans' Court el Clearfield oounty, to he held al the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, eoia menolng on the ls4 Monday (being the 1st day) of June, A. V. 18.4 i Acoenunt of A. C. Tate, Guardian of Mar garet HfHe Sloss, minor child of John Sloss, late of John Sloss, deeeased. Rao nisTxa's Orrirt, 1 A. W. I.ER, d, Pa., May 3, In 7 4 to. J Register. Clearfield, ADMIMMTHATOHN' NOTICE. Notice It hereby given that letters of administration on the estate ef HKO. J, YOAS, deeeased, late of llrady township, Clearfield county, Penn'a, having been duly granted to the anderslgned, all persons Indebted It said estate will please Bake Immediate payment, and those having aletml or demands will present them properly authenticated ror eiuement witnnni delay. j. r. ONWALT, MARGARET YOAS, Jane 3, 187431 Administrators. 8rw g.wt.srmiit$. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. Cr.KARFIELP, PA., HANI' CACTI' UK Rfl Of FUCK Jilt U K, Furnace Blocks, (ins Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, 4.0. Chimney Topi, Window Capn, and Vase. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIMXAL DKKK1NS IN TF.UIM COTTA MADB TO ORDER. Wilh Improved machinery, first class material and skilled workmen, we can warrant all our manufactures to he equnl In If not euporlor to any in the market. Articles of our inamif.ieture,ean be seen al the Works, near Kailroad Depot, or at the Hardware Store of II. F, Iligler A t o. All orders from a distance, addressed In the General Superintendent, will receive prompt at. tent ion. J. IIAHTsm iC R. JOHN FERdl'SON, Uen'l Supl. of llealhfield, tlorukirk, Scotland, Supl. Manufacturing Dipt. may20'73 TVO TIIK CITIZENS OF CLEAR- .1. FIELD AND VICINITY I would express hit sincere thanks for your kind patronage, so far extended, and would ark for a continuance of tbe same. A. UUN.lll'HH (1IKAP AM)0l,Y 0K .'KITE. A. GU INBURG, One door below the First National Rank, Clear field, has jurt received a full supply of NEW ANI FASHIONABLE SPRING CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND HOYS. Gent's Furnishing Goods, II ATS AND CAPS, TM'.MS, A T. all of which will be sold al the lowest eash prices, without abatement. ap!2V-li ew Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. THR undtignMi, having lenieil room for thej manufacture or mil kin 4a of tSADfrLKS, H AH NESS, and all tht lata it improvement ia Horat Furnitbinf (Joodi, are now prepared to til all orderi at prioe and quality that will larprtw all who farnr m with a call fur tht fnitptioii of our work. We are drtrmlntid to plrane and ear ex perience and obftenration In eaftrrn and western citiei enahlei ui in IKKV COMPETITION in the manufacture of Oold, Silver, Oroide, Rubber Covered and Hilt-Lined Moan ted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS I AImo Fino IE I t I NO AND RACINU PADDLKfl. Our rent and expcnue Wing light, we ahall oil tho tain grade of work 20 per cent, cheaper than thejr can be bought In the eastern cities. Repairing and adjusting Saddles. Harness, Ac., noatlj done, at reatmnable prices. .'articular al ten I Ion paid to all orders by nail or otherwise. Call and tee aur work before buying elsewhere. JtV Rooms In Irwin's Htore, neat door In Key stone flora. CHAIN A M1TTON. Clearfield, Pa., May H, 1H74. BANTZ Sl BUCK, General Insurance Agents and Real Estate Brokers, lie present the following reliable Insurance t'o's North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. I2r.,000.000 Washington Life Insurance Co. 1.0011,000 Fir. Association Insurance Co.-. 3,300,000 Atnaaon Fir. Insurance Co S,ll7.1,H8 Watertown Fire, Insures dwellings and farm buildings enly. 375,000 York, Pa., Hlock Insurance Co. llorses Insured egalnst death and theft. P. H. Parties in the country desiring insurance on their lives or property ean bare it promptly attended tn by addressing us by letter, or calling in person at our office, in Pie's Opera llonse, Hoora No. 4, Clearfield, l'a. u,sT2?7t UKflirarr, trtotrarr, ?tf. UO.N.?llES STORK. G. S. FLEGAL, DRALKR IN HARDWARE, STOVES, , I1EATEBS, ' ' " ' ' '' -n A NOES, ' HOM.OW-WAKE, PAINTS. OM.SA VAUNISII, " ' . . TUTTY A (I LASS, ROPES, step ladheiis, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE I The celebrated Toledo Anil Freeilng Galvanised IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No hotlcr Pumps In Ihe market. LAMPS, 0IIANDM.IKR8, LANTKRNP, LAMP FLUKS, of all kinds, LAMP FIXTI'REH, At. All al lowest prloes. ' ' 1-1174 Prcaqttrialr Hirerl, Phlllpebni-a;, p. Statute ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I IV ft. PORTER Ml AW, II. 1. (4. IMPORTANT TROTHS! ir.vln succeeded In aettinc lighter tariff oa material, bence the lots and e.eder(s charge for partial and full eats or Teeth. I nee the best manufacture of toeth and other material. All e parationa registered and warranted to (ire ser. vloe and satisfaction. Friends, refloet that mjr charges for the loser, tion of artificial and tbe sarlng of th. natural teeth are now tbe most reasonanie in rennsjirania. Preserve jour teeth and Toe preserre Tour health. I.nin of the natural teeth In a health, pre- serratlra and useful condition la made a specialtjr. Diseases and maliormaiionseommonio tne moutti, law and associate parts, are treated and corrected with foir success, hiamlnatlons and consulta tions THKK. It would be well for pationta from a distance to let me know bj mall a few dajs before coining i. !. office. It ia eery important that children between the ages of six anil twelve jroeri should bar. their teeth exemineu. Anesthetic! are administered and Teeth re moved without pnin. .... Dispositions and character are judged by all the world by I be expressions of Ihe face, hence how very disastrous may It therefore be for per to indule-e an einressioa of distorted features. even apart from a hygienie view. Now, to enjoy natural (not aruuoiaii eomiuris mu pleasures, re.noct and obey natnral simplicities and instinct. V a 11..UTUU elf. U7 tk I. a p. rviw ..ii.. " . f. ... ... Office In New Masonic Building, Heeond street, Cleartild, Pa. meyM'jl DENTAL CAED. Dti. A. M. HILLS VI.' I.l .a,.. In IsIb isf inla anil Ik .... lie Koiiernlly, that, having dissolved partnership wiib Dr. Hbaw, he Is now doing the ontira wort Of till Oince nimseii, mat iniivnp iktwju uui trmr being put nndnr tho hands or any otnir operator. J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Office over Irwin'i Drug Stor, CURWEXSVrLLE, PA. All dental operation!, either In the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to and atisfaotion guaranteed. (Special attention paid to the treatment of diseasea of the natural teeth, gam and mouth. Irregularity of tbe teetb suc ccBf fully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of the best itiittcrial and warranted to render sat liffecHon. april26"71:lyi yiNKG-AR HITTEIJS. . PI RKLV VKOKTABLK. FKEK FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA V I N K (i A P. r TJI?-P q Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made ehieBy from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of tbe Sierra Nevada mountains of California, th. medicinal proportiea of which art extracted t herefrom without tbe us. of Alcohol. The ques tion is almost daily asked, "What la the eause of the unparalleled success of Y'lxioia Birraasf" Oar answer Is, that they remove the eans. of dis- mm end the nftliont recovers his health. TheV are the great blood porider and a life-firing principle, a perfect Renovator aad Invigorator of the system. Never before is) the history of the world has a mediein. been eompounded pos sessing the remarkable qualities of Virioai Bit. rsna in healing the sick of every disease man Is heir to. They are a gentle Purgatlv. as well as a Tonle, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis eases. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit ters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Na tricioua, Laiatira, Diuretic, Bedativa, Counter irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. R. II. MrDONAI.D A CO , Druggisti and Gen. Apt.., Fan Francisco, Cali fornia, and corner of Washington and Charlton streets, New York. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. ootla'i-ly. gTONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We have received tbe agency for the above and will sell them at manufacturer's prices. Cell and examine them. They are tbe best. jel 71 JI. F. BIOLKR A CfX t. a. ri.ii s. A. . an ts. T. A. FLECK & CO., Agents ia Clearfield county for the rale of K. IUTTF.R1C k A fV". Fashionablo Patterns of Garments, AM. STILE. ISO SIIK. 3:18 Market Hrert t'leartlld. Pa. OUT AND SHOE MAKING. J08KP1I II. DKKRINO. oa Market street, in f lisw's Row, Clearleld. Pa., has Just received Ine lot of French Calf Skint and Kips, th. beat in the market, and is bow prepared toman nfectura everything In hit liat. Ut will war rant hit work te be at represented. Th. eltisens of Clearfield and vicinity are respectfully invited to give him call. Work done at short nolle. . rl'7Sy QRIST MI LL T N OTI CK ! 1 toke this method of informing the public that I have purchased the Cadwallader Uri.l Mill, had it thoroughly repaired, and am now ready to grind any kind of grain on short notice, in the best manner. A share of yonr patronage if so licited. Yours Respectfully, O. H. FLEOAL. Gilbert W. Fmaat, Miller. Philipsbnrg, Pa., Dee. Iv-nat. HOITSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -Tho undersigned offer, for sale a valua ble town property, In the borongh of Clearfield. Lot 60x173, siti ate on Pine street, with a good two story plank House thereon erected. Huns, finished complete good eellar and good water. Price reasonable and payments easy. For fur ther particulars Inquire of Ihe subscriber. Pos session given on short notice after sole. I. G.BAHUER. Clearfield, March IS, 1871. FIRST CLASS BAKERY! NOTICE TO JUFTMEN. The subscriber hat fitted up a Irst-class Bskery. and wishes to inform raftmen lhat he will supply them wilh I1RKAD, FIKS, CAKK.4, Ac, en reesonablo terms. Bakery east end of bridge, near the "Lick," Clearfield, Pa. marl8 . 1m JOHN CI'TLKR. The Lightning Tamer. TUB anderslgned are Ihe tol. Agent. In this ennnty forthe"North American Oalvanited LIGHTNING RODS." These are the ly safe rods now In nse, and ar. endorsed by all tht scientific men In the country. W. hereby notify th. .itlsens r th. county that we will pat them np a batter red, and for lest money, than It charged by the foreign agents who annnally traverse the (ounty and carry of onr little task, nevsr to return, ENCOURAGE nOMK LABOR. Thost wishing Lightning Rods erected en their buildings need but address as by letter, er call in person. Wt will pal thsm ap anywhere In theeounty, and warrant them. Tht Hodiand futures tan n. eesa nt nay time ty tailing as our store. H. T, BlttLKsl I'U. Clearfield, March It, l7t-tf JAMES E. WATSON & CO., RHAL KPTATR BROKERS, i CLKAnrlbUU, l-anna. II.,,,... and Officee to leL Collections nromtply made, and first-olass Coal and Flre-Cley Lands and Town property for tale. Oliloe la Western Hotel Building (Id Hoot), Second ft, t;t J'r7