THE ) REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa WEDNESDAY MORNINQ, MAT 17. 1874. Terms of Subscription. If paid in advance, or within three months ...1 00 If paid after three aad before six monthly... 1 (,i II paid illw tnaoxpiralion of tix mnnthi... I 0 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Method lat F.plnropnl Church Rev. A. D, Voonu, Pastor. Puhllo Sorrioe every Sabbath m ivj a. in., ana t r. m . Sabbath School at A. M. '.' Prayer Meetiog every Thursday, at 74 P. H Communion Servioo, first Sabbath of every month, at 10) A. M. Presbyteriau Church Iter. II. 8. Butli. Sabbath services morning and even Inn Bab bath School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wodnee- uav evening. ttt. Cliurcll (aHloHc Rev. P, J. 8nnamAit. Mass at 10) o'clock A. M., on tha leoond and foarlh Sundays of each month. Lutheran Church. Rov. A. J. lliHTsoeK Preaeh in r every Sabbath, morning and eveninr. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayor meeting every rr eunesuay evening. Tbo most celebrated Minstrol troupo In the world will appear at Pio't Opera Homo on Tuesday evening next. lov. B. F. Tajlor, of Lawrcncovillo, , Pa., will preach in the Episcopal church next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and in the even ing at 7) o'clock. Keating township, Clinton county, adjoining Karlhaus township, thii county, In to be divided. Too large already, and the new railroad only located I NEWS ITEMS. Apple and pear treet promlio to yield well thU year. -Another Fanners' Orange haa been organised In Centra eounty. John II. White, a negro, has bees appointed on Die Williamiport polioe fe,". Peraona whoeall at the Treasurer's office be fore tha lit day of July pay their county taxei, will lave ten per cent. ' One ihould be temperate In eating as will ai in drinking. Our Bret parents ate themselves out oi a good houie and home. Unbeatkd I'oor Tax. Heretofore; unieated land hare escaped the payment of Poor tax In tail mate. The Legislature at the lut seulon palled aa act to authorlte the eotleclloo of Poor lax, from unicalcd landi, which readi aa followi t "lit it tnattri, ttt , That It li the true Intent and meaning of the loveral ilatutei of the Gener al Aiicmbly culborliing tha assessment of Poor lax upon property that unseated landi ihall and may be assessed thorewiih in the manner provided for the tiicMinent of Poor tax unon other real eslato, and whenever thereafter any Poor tax to aucMed on any unieated landi In tlili Comnion- woaltn shall not be voluntarily paid by the own- Katie Z. Shaw, aged only 14 Venn, delivered ' or ",ll"r, thereof, the collector or Overseers of a temperance lecture In the U. B. Church, at " X , ,,V .,p 1 " . , ' n , -B.. v. . vvuiuut.ioucra aa ii now Ulrocleu by law tn the Col. Abraham Kopelin, a prominent member aMe of lt""1 "l Hchool taxoi, and the Uonimia. of the Cambria eounty bar. died at hia reiluVnna ,iuI"lr "all enforce the collection thereof with the taxei anoncd on unieated landi for eounty pnrpoaei, and when lo ooliected, laid tax iball be paid to the Overmen of the Poor of the proper diitriet by orderi drawn by the County Commit lioneri on the County Treasurer." Clearfield Coal Trade. Stuto- ent of coal and othor freigbti sent over the Ty- rono and CloarOuld Diriilon, Penmylvania Rail road for the week .ending May loth, 1874, and i t i i t TONS. 12,481 18,164 oss 752,348 174,445 "r'f'V" The Carncross & Dixey Min6trel Troupe wai organ iiod In 18(12 twelve years ago and lince that time hat travoled all over Ku rope and throe or four timet ovor tho whole of (hit Union. T. AI. RobiDSon'a Harness nnd Sud- dle office it In Qraham't llow, on Market itreot, Clearfield, Pa., one door eait of Sbaw't Drug ihop, and one door weet of YYaltcr'i Law ftand. Don't forget the place. ' We rogrot to learn that Urndy town ihip hat, by the tndden dcmiie of Geo. J. Yott, loit one of Its moat entorprituig aud active oiti icnt, who expired on the 22d init., aged about 48 yean. A wife and a large family of children turvive him. aa "Decoration Ihiy" has been mado a holiday, lo far at the Legislature ii able to make Sundayi. Whether the 30th it to bo properly celebrated in thii place wo know not, but it looks to ui ai though very little diiplay will be made on that day hereabouts. A Present. We learn that Hon A. C. Finney hat presented the Clearfield Park Association with a pair of deer, which bare been roaming In tbo Park for several yean. Theie "peti" are highly prised by the frequenters of the Park, and we have no doubt the Association It pleated with tbem, too. , Next week and tho week following our June term of eourt will be in teuton. Th new Judge Orvit will Instruct jurori, oombat attorneys and atiign them their true potition at the bar, and with the ataiitanoe of Judge! Foley aud Read will conduct the eont in the Intcrettt of the people. Attention ia called to the advertise ments, in the "ipeoiaT' notice column, of Crain A Mitton. Farmert aud hortcmen in attendance at court next week, or in town at any time, are in vited to visit their establishment on Second street, next door to the Keystone Store, and examine their stock of harness, saddles, whips, and all kinds of hone furniihing goodi. Music. We understand that a mu sical entertainment will be given by the M. K. Church Choir of Curwenirille, in Arnoldi Ilall, in that place, on Friday evening, the 29th. The proceed! of the Concert will be used in enlarging and adding to the Sunday School Library of the Church at that place. The reputation of this Choir is not wholly loeal, and therefore desorvei to be liberally patronised by the surrounding vicinity and all who ean make It convenient to at. tend. Call In. The Board of County Com- minioneri art in session the present week in view of the fact that a large amount of publio businen must neoenarily be transacted on court week. Those therefore who have any business to lay be fore the Board and can make it suit lo attond thii week cull have it disposed of with certainty. But if postponed antil court week when thing! will be considerably mixed all parties may fail to accomplish what might be desirable under other circumstances. " We understand that tho Moshannon Valley, east of Kylertown and Morrisdale, la be ing pretty well trampped over by railroad engineen thii spring. Eastern capitalists have discovered that Morrii townibip oontainf tome "rloh plaoert," and they are now making efforts to dorelop that lection of the county. A railroad down the creek, or across to Snow Shoe, Is of course the first thing in order. A ftor that is under headway, It will not bo long until the "black diamonds" will be wheeled out by the thousand tons. IIiohlt Honored. We notico by our tichangct that Senator Wallace bat been In vited by the Truiteea and Faculty of the Uni veriity of Pennsylvania, lo deliver the dedicatory address on tho occation of Inaugurating the msgnitcent new Hospital building in Weil Phila delphia. We understand that Mr. Wallace hit accepted, and that the 4th of June next la the time died. Oor. Ilartranft ii to prctide on the occuion. The Senator gett along pretty well among lawyers and legiilatort. Ilow he will de port himself among the M. D.'s we are not pre pared to say, but suspect that he will acquit hiin eelf with his usual ability. The Carncross & Pixcy minstrel troupe must oertainly be deteriorating. Tbey are hilled for an entertainment at Clearfield. AtooM Tribal. If the editor of the above journal was ai imart ai he would have people- think him, he would never have attempted to convey the idea expressed in the above Item. We would have him know that the very best tronpea traveling visit thii town, to plsy in our new Opera House, which takos the bine out of anything Alloona can boait of in that line, and they are well supported, too. Mr. Pie pays Carnoroii A Dixey (400 for one night's per formance here, and expects to roalite that turn and a little to spare. Can Alloona do better f I A Lotto Chain of Sheriffs. But ;fcw eountiet we presume ean refer to such a long Jlioa of living ex-Hherifri at Clearfield. Not a link hat fallen out of the chain within the last twenty-Use yeas s Alexander Caldwell, elected from Pike town lnp, in 1849, it residing on his homestead, well nd hearty. William Powell, elected from this borough, in 18il, still tarriet among us. Josiah R. Read, elected In 1855, resides on his homestead la Lawrence township. Frederick 0. Miller, who racoeeded Mr. Bead in 1858, resided in Bell town ibip at the time of his eleetlon. He is now en aiged tn lumbering and merchandising in this erough. In 1801, Edward Perks, of Decatur iwnihlp, was elected, who toon after the expire. en of bit term removed to Philipsburg, where he 11 residri. Jacob A. Faust, of Curwensrille, tt elected In 1884, who at the clou of his term tied in thii borough. In 187,Oyrenlus Howe, ueotiur lownahip, wai elevated to the Rherllf- , and at the elone of hit term was eleoted tee or the Peace Tor this borough. His two In 187S, wai Juitln J. Pie, ot Ulrard town A er rather of "Bald llllli," who hai loct.a 4eg at, and at the close of his term, besld ding to the duliei of hit offloe, completed his miBeent Opera Home. He Is tied In our tt. Hi! (ocoesaor In 1873, wai Wra. Ross Pherton, of Clearfield, by far the youngctt ever e lee led to the offlci. It will be noticed It during all thii time, he and Mr. Powell an I only partial elected from this borough. Of those who served previous to 1849, we be ne Ellis Irwin Is the only survivor. Long llfs and prosperity to nil of them. in Johnstown on Tuesday evening oflait woek. tlai must hereafter be of the Illuminating power oi nueen candles to comply with the re- quiremonts of a law passed by the last lexlslature. The Duquesne Hreys, of Pittsburgh, have selel,l ll..,lf....l ... . . .. . ... v. 1. E. A 11 1 -w.w.v M lining niaoe lor tue noidinir M.nrnr.n.i a . . ,. - .. w. wM auu uiuur ireiguia som ovor IUB IJ Ol their Summer ft... ... . m .. i i . 0 J vu.jh.i,, uvuiuru la lo ecstacics. . M...A. I : .. . ... uoiiiigsion, oariusnccioraiuioonv o ...... n.... i.. i Station ... .1 ...'.. . . .. I . , ,ucu lu XXau nana creea, near coal. ..... wnne naming, on Tbursdav afternoon. For the week. .. the I4th IniL He was a resident of Indiana "n '' fc" eounty. I The I..nV..n. v .r.., . Deorease Scranton, .uspended work on Saturday, ib. loth 2 .lstgaf.":.: mat., ax an ifi.i. n..j.iti ... ... I .. j.Huuuug luruaces, rolling mills and mines, thereby throwing about seven hundred men out of work. The Warren oounly neonle are nciilln il,. '"-" caicmioo or the Warren and Dunkirk neiiroad through to Rcynoldiville, Jeirenon coun Work haa been or toon will be bco-nn tn i. tend the road a part of the distanoe. A daughter of Mr. Qeorire Bridm. of Lewis. our, biM pin which she swallowed about three years go. uuring lint time she suDbred from a pain iu me oroaii, nut experienced no other Inconv ience from the pin. The Philadelphia Star aoeina to expeot a dirty orowa -n me uontennial." It tayt that when "tbo million!" of the world arrive, in 187(1, they Will .L- 0l. . ' u."u tue pcouyiaiu ana me iielaware those two noble riven and immediately ask "Where are your bath houses V Considerable effort haa been made at Tyrone thia season to erect gas works, but the oitisens of that burg will neither subscribe stock, nor prom ise to use gas, should the neoessary stock be raised outside to erect the works. Tboy lore darkness rather than light, because, etc. Tho Campbell family eelebrated their centen nial, in Mifflin oounly, on the Oth lust. Onehun Increase Total in 1874. .....J ! Same tiuie last year ..., ' ... Increase ;, ...i..'....',..,. OTitKH riiKinnrR. Lumber Miscellaneous freights 47,225 ..179 cars. ..109 rg, Union oounly, recently coughed up a large . , R 1 AVm 'X. It Will DO a mat- . . i, . . .. . r ' ter of eonralulll.m Is ill nf ... ,.!.. k. lore to loo enterprise rewarded, to know that the exteniive paper mill, erected by Mr. 0. F. Batch, elor A Co., last summer, and pot in operation somu two months siuco, it now running eight and day to Oil order! for their manufacture. We were told when It wai being erected that it would be one of the best arranged and equipped mills in the State, and since it has been put In operation manufacturers who bare visitod it Inform us it is one of the most complete establishments of the kind in the country. That It is In every way a su'.-oess and promise! to pay largely from the start, is a matter that every one will be pleased to lenrn. Belhumt HnlcUna. Meek on Shad. Tho editor of tho Bellefonle HnirAMoa thus emails brother Urier "TIia ful line nt tl.n fT.ilun.1.1. I7...1.f 1. ..II -f J.i - . ... . - lUt, VI uixu jean ago, llODerl lampoon settled in Kisha- "rg. because Ihey happen to have a few shad in ooquillat Big Valley. A dinner was served for "10 i!im "K'IX Bul 'lri"T w,u,,, " i""1 about one hundred and flfty persons on the occa- "U"h n' ''h'''l J,lw":T,' "k" 10 Inn .1 It.. -1J . , V C0m" "P h"n' by mni W " ,h0W J lion, at the old atone mansion on the original riprlng crock Irout that will knock the spots off cstaie. any 'dam snau you ve KOt.1 A few days ago an entire train of oil ears was INFLATION 1 INFLATION I Jamas Kerr A Co., regardloii of the action of the President, are Inflating, and have Inflated their already large stock of Clothing, antil it now einuraeee tee nnesl assortment or uioinmg ana Furnishing Goods in any retail store in Pennsyl vania, Bilow please And reduced prioa Hat of a few of the artioles embraced In their stock t MEN'S COTTONADB SUITS, ONLY 00 MEN'S CA8HIMER1 BUITS, ONLY 8 00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL CASS. SUITS, 10 00 MEN'S FINK BLUB DUG. SUITH, IS 00 YOUTHS' SUITS, to 20 00 CHILD'S FINK BLUB CLOTH SUITS, 8 00 CHILD'S FANCY DUG. SUITS, 10 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, all prices, fr t.iO to 11 00 Umbrellae Silk, Ulngham, Cotton a large and One assortment. Hosiers. Fin v dosena Llalo Thread, Silk, Cotton and English aunor-siout hoae. which will be told at from 5 centt up. Hlilrta. Our stock of shirts is large and com plete, embracing the Universal, French Percale, Cotton, Ctsslmere and eolored Shirts, in great .variety. . We would lay to our euitomera that having nought goodi at It per cent, ten than heretofore, we are prepared to tell them at pricea that will really aatonith everybody. Call early and aee for yourielvet. JAMES K Kit It A CO. Ulo) Western Hotel Corner, Cloarnold, 1'a. 29 ' Save Timet Save Labor! Sara Moneyl Save uiotnea ! rue " novelty w ringer la tha beat In the market. Buy it try it. For tale by II. F. Bioi.xa t Co. Paints, Oils and Varnlshoa for tale by II. F. Blgler A Co. Fnia I Fail I Fna I Among the many preps rationa that we have for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any inroat or lung aimcuity, none or mem are equal to Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry aud Horehound. If yon aru afflicted, call at our store and we will give yon a sample bottle res of canrye Agents t ilartswick A Irwin, tlearneld Holt, Woodside A Holt, Wallaoeton j II. E. Wil liams, Willitm'a drove. Morcb Il ly, jraau ouio, The wonien'a temperance war now raging tn different parte of the oountry, particularly in the weal, with luch unparalleled auooeaa, reoommenda for peraont who olaim whiaky a neeenity for me dicinal purpoiei, to vae Greeo'a August Flower, which cenialm no Intoxicating ipiriti and li a gentle laxitive and a oertain euro ror Dyipepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigeition, Costiveness, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, coming np of the food after eating, purine! tbt Blood and System. Just wnat Is needed in tbe spring or the year by every. body. Try it. Sold by 0. D. Watson. Clear neld, Pa. aug20'73y and jWrs. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN Clearfield County, Pa., for I8T9 aud 1811 Notice I J hereby given, in nunuanoe of aa let of Assemblr approved tbe lllth day of June, A. D. 1845, eetitled "An Act to amend an Act dl rectleg IW mode of selling Unsealed Lands la Clearneld lounty," and tho several supplements thento, there will be exposed to sale or outcry, at tha Cout House, In the borough of Clearneld, on the 81COND MONDAY, 8th day of JUNK, Ittie following tracts or piecea or nn s ia aald county, for laxee due and A. D. 1874. seated lar. unpaid, vli thrown from the track on tbo Allegheny Valley Railroad, near Stewart'i Run, by coming in con tact with cow. All the eara and tbo oil they contained were eonsumcd by the 8re, and the Sreman, James Tyrell, was burned beyond rccog. nition. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania hat. rulod that a demand for tbe payment of a note must be made at a reasonable time of day, if at a private residence, not at an hour when it may be presumed that tbe family is in bed; and if at a place of business, within business hours. The aquirrel law, approved April 17th, 1874, aa follows : "No person shall kill, or expose ror sale, or hare unlawfully in his or her pos- List of I ft tors remaining unelaimod in the Postoffloe at Clearfield, for the week ending .11 a v um, i n 1 4 . . Urchman, W. P. Mauine. Samue4 J. Beaver A Co. Mcripaden, William Uoggan, J. II. Hettinger, John Looker, James A. Tompkins, Jennie (2) MoLollen, Geo. II. Wiser. Miss M. E. P. A. GAILIN, P. M. The croat Star Troupo of tho world Carnoross A Dixey will exhibit at Pio's Opera House on Tuesday evening, June 2d, for one night only. Specials. Hare yon seen the line Harness at Ilia New Saddlery of Crain A Mitton, next door to the Keystone Store r If yon really want a cheap, lint elate set of session, alter tbe tame hat been killed, any grey, a""" or tauuie, go lo uoninson t. M..k f. I 1 t. .L . . . ,.. ... , ,Q. , 0ay o, Trimmed Hati and Bonneti, a large aisortment, J.nit.rv .nil Ik. 1., .1 - u , a . I ! 1 I ' ' ,j HH j vi ocpieiuovr, id eacu at a. A. S leek (.0.1. year, under a penalty of lire dollari for each and every tqnlrrel 10 killed or had in poiscssion. The Exemption Statute. Amon- the important laws paased by the recent Leniila- New Hats and Bonnets lust received at T. A. turo is the one relating to the exemption of prop- ' t0, ' eny from levy and aale on executiona and diitress If you want a good saddle, or an extra set of ior rent, aeciarlng tbe waiver thereof by a debtor, harness, or in loot any harness flxin s, Tom Rob except in certain cases, void. We give the bill '.n,on '" 10 ia ih ,nin wltl 1. ft.11.. 1. a 1...1. ,, Just try him on. " i.i:u uwiu xiuuaea. si reaus 1 1 t ... "Bt it naetsa, de., That on and after the fourth A good selection of beautiful Flowers Just re- uny 01 juiy next, no waiver except as nereinaiter coived at T. A. Fleck A Co.'a. my20-Jt provided, by any debtor, a resident of thia Com-1 monweaith, who it the head of a family, of tbe The best Harnesi In thlt country Ii made at benet or right to claim exemption of property Crain A Mitton '1 New Saddlery, and iold cheaper '" upwM fwuuvn anu uiavroaa man il can no oougni in ine city, for rent that is now or may hereafter be allowed m or exempted by tbe lawt of this Commonwealth, Buooim Fon Balk. K. Newton Sbaw keeps a shall be valid, any debtor making such waiver or ru ,up,,y of Fredonia Buggiet and Platform any agreement therefor or any member of tbe Wagoni for sale. To be seen at tho Shaw House einiiy 01 sucn acoior may claim snj aemana ann Trd. Call on or address blm at Cltarbeld Penn. snau no enmiea to sucn exemption tne same as ir sylrania. may 13-tf. no KM nil w.Ivm n . , K.-.T. I...I t.n.n I - naile, PmidriL Thi thii .t iii.ii nn , T. M. Robinson will sell you tba beat and apply to any waiver or agreement therefor made eheepeat bridle, saddle, harness or anything else prior to me rourtn day or July next, nor shall " " m ui;, thii act affect or annlv to anv oblie-ation. adrree. I ' m m mentor Indebtedness entered into or contracted Uot'sn ron II kit. A new bouse, containing for tha purchase of real estate 1 and tmrndtd " rooms, with good cellar underneath. Apply rurucr, jnai tnis act mail not aneot or apply to noraiueia v uu ioi "!. ot 0 On Wednesday, May 20th, 1874, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. II. S. lli'Ti.iR, C Vlll'8 GORDON, Esq., and MARY R. WEAV ER, both of L'lesr.leld, fa. May prosperity aud peace ever dwell in their habitation, is tbe earnest wish of tbe printers, On Friday, December tOlh, 1873. by Wn.tuu Bmisk, En., Mr. CLARENCE II. GILLEHPIE. of Punxsutawney, Joflereon county, and Miss CLARA i OUTS, formerly ofCurwensville, Clear neld eounty. At Punxsutawney, on Tuesday, May 6th, 1874 by Rev. M., JOHN ST. CLAIR, Kin., of Punxsutawney, Jotferson eounty, and Miss KATE FOUTS, formerly of Curwensrille, this eounty. In Brady township. Clearfield county, on Sat urday, May Vth, 1874, MARY ELLA, daughter or ansa and brnia Al kisbil, aged 4 years, I monuis ana to aayh. In Curwensville, this eounlv, on Thunday May - 141b, of consumption, BKNJ. S. BHOOMi in the 41st year or nis age. In Houtsdale, Clearfield eouuty, on Saturday, May lth, 1874, RKilECCA G., daughter of Thou ai and MaaoAaaT Glaioow, aged 7 years, 11 uiomns ana 11 days. In Bndy township, Clearfield eounlv. on Sun day, May 17th, 1H74, HENRY SWOPE, aged 35 years, v montnt and days. In Becnaria township, Clearfield oounty, on Sunday, May 171b, 1874. WILLIE OSCAR, ton of Joax A. and Conxtua Cuaav, aged 7 yean, 11 montnt ana 11 days. In Bradford township, on Saturday, May l.ld, ion, juii.i auwHai, aged es yean and II months. A'o. Ac. Pir. 4288 1UO0 5020 600 6784 1000 ' 6020 600 4287 110 U 6819 102 1O0 6819 100 5819 110 6018 101 4287 79 120 MM 1000 4286 606 4289 6110 6918 806 6919 97 4287 ' 9.1 97 58I9 101 98 51108 102 82 6019 109 118 4284 H'O 4287 4110 4287 100 4287 203 6818 60 6619 132 5019 241 90 Clearfield Markets. CLnAeritLO, Pa., May 19. 1874. nqu demnation of real estate made by any defendant Is provided by 'An act relating to exeen inayA JOHN OULICU. If you need Harnett of any kind, don't fall to lions,' approved June 10th, Anno Domini 1880." " L"7" T .. a u ' 1 t I dlery of Crain A Mitton, where you ean buy war- The Fire-Clay Company. The ad vertisement of the Clearfield Fire-Ciay Company will be found elsewhere in thlt tsiut. Thii cor poration li now completely organised and luper- intended by gentlemen of energy and experience. ranted work at wholesale prices. Don't fail to see tbe line Flowers received yet- terday at T. A. Fleck A Co.'l. Competition defied at home or abroid in the prieui and quality of Gold, Silvor or Robber eov- The location of the worki on the raiiread and In ered Mounted Harness, at Crain A Milton's New the Immediate riolnlty of the fire-clay and coal Saddlery, jiexl door to Keystone Store., ...e. .u.u. ,n. . uc..r.u,. in uic . . .. . -ntrinlnl.d II.!. ,nd Donnel. united Btatei, and are, laererore, able to compete received at T. A. Flock A Co.'l. Pricea low, with rival organisations for tbt trade of the Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for salt by 11. F. Biglcr A Co. oountry. A perusal of their advertisement will bring tba fact to tha notioe of tbe reader that this Company is prepared to manufacture everything now in nse and which ean be produced from fire clay, a mineral first in importance aftor coal aod iron ore, and which is found In inexhaustible ouantlties throughout our connty and is now be ing utilised for many purposei. When any 0f coun y, w,,i wnoic..i. 10 ue.i.r. ...7 pr.o, our readers ooino to town, we hope they will take j 1 ' time and go and see these works, and learn and Rrad Tnis I Penonswhoconteniplatebulldlng aee for thcmselret how easily gold and greenbacks will do well to call and eiamine our stuck of Axes. Seventy-five dosen Clearfield Wood- ehoppen Axes at 9:20.'7I. II. F. lSIMb&K 10 a. Lorillard's oelebratod Smoking and Chewing Tobaeoos. Kralter A Lytle, agents for Clearfield are made out of flfirf. .Resolutions of Kespect. Tho fol lowing preamble and resolutions were adopted by Bethesda Lodge, No. 821, 1. 0. 0. F.,on May 18th : Whsrkas, It haa pleased an All Wise Provi dence to remove from our midst our beloved brother, Benj. S. Broom. Thcnfore, HtiolHti, That in the death of brother Broom, our Lodge hat loit a good, aotive and effioient member, aod tbe community a eonsiitent, honest, ohristian gentleman. ttimltid. That, In token of our esteem for our much loved brother, the Lodge room be draped in mourning and that the members wear the usual bulge of mourning for the space of thirty dayt. Hnohtd, That we extend to tho widow and family of our departed brother our warmest sym pathy in their tad bereavement. Hfoltti, Tbat, a copy of these resolution! be given to the widow of our deceased brother and that they be published in the eounty papers. Jat. M. Stewart,) J. E. Kratsor, Com. 8. F. McClosky.j full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, (tines, Putty, Calcined Plaiter, Ac. my28 73 it. r. lliotcn a to. A full tine of Household Goods, Japaonod Ware, Ac, for sale by II. F. Biglcr A Co. . Bosnnam Wtxrxn. Two or three day board era can be accommodated in a private family. Boarding good and charges reasonable. For further information apply at this offloe. Norira to Waoox ad CAnnuoa Missus. We hare just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs and Axles, which we oDer eneap ror easn. II. F. Bioixt A Co. More .Railroading. AVe learn that the employes on the Low Grade Railroad bare tnken possession of the rosd from the eastern side of the tunnel to Reynoldsvllle. Tboy suc ceeded in having all the looomotlves, usod on the road, moored at or near the tunnel on Thursday last, and then removed the track in their rear and propose to keep them then until the offloen of the road pay them their wagel. We understand that the line of the road It picketed between the point! indicated, and tht authority of the compa ny Is wholly ignored. Thii It greatly to be de plored, and can work no good to the employes or to the company. Beiidet, It is at illegal as horse stealing In the eyes or the law. Tho company has acted foolishly, bat the employoi hare behaved ee better. Such proceedings are alike unlawful and disgraceful to employer and employee, and should never occur. All good eltltena matt die eeuntentnee euch outbreaka and aigni of violence. t-o.- Tho twenty-two distinguished ar tists who compose Carncrost A Dixcy'i Mlnitrol 1 roups have no rl vali on thii Continent. New York, Philadelphia, Bolton, Baltimore, and, In fact, every leading city la the Union, hai patron ised thii troupe from twenty to one hundred nights In tneeeaslon. Death on Cattle. Tho rhllipn- burg Jowrwal, of Saturday, says t "A tow belonging to Mr. Alex. Duke wai kilted by tba evening train north on Monday. Thii if the third 00 w killed on the railroad at thii place within a few weeke." Montour Slnto Paints, for painting hnusea In side and outsido Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Beautiful, durable and economical. Ground in pure Linseed Oil. my28'73 H. F. Diulrr A Co. Bird Cages a large asiortment at H. t. Blg ler A Co.'s. Saws. Dislan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Boynton'a Lightning Raw, at 9-25-72 II. F. BioLan A Ce'a. II. t. Blgler A Co. have boon making exteniive additions to their stock of Hardware the last few dsvs. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farraerl' Hardware, Duildere' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinda,ean beseei at their store. May 22. R. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex. press Wagont and Wheelbarrows, at my28'73 II. F. Biolkr A Co'a. Just received, a large Lamps and Lanterns at lot of non-txploilre II. F. IJiol.ia A Co'l. 9-26-72 Calcined Plaster Tor sale by U. F. Blgler A Co. Paikm inn I'aiktsbs' FtxnixDs. Our stock of Paints and Paintors' Materials la complete, in cluding J. T. Lewis' Pure Wbite Lead. John Lu cas A Co'a Pure White Lead, F. R. A Co'a Buck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of Wbite Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, a full line of Druahes, and a full line of colors, dry and in Oil. my28'73 II. F. Biouaa A Co, RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Waeon and Carriers Makers' supplies. All of the above for aale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. Blgler A Co., Second street, Clearlela, J't, ot Apples. green, 90 1 25.Hoga, dressed Dried, nh m', green.. Apple butter,gal, 75 llama 00 To) Butler. OOfa) 40 Shouldera....10($ Beana $0 09(a) t 00 Sidee.. 00(al Buckwheat 1 00 Lard 12$ Hnonwheat Hour n, Men pork.v bbl Beef, dried. 6Oatl Beef, fresh..... 9 (at 10 Onions. 8 t 18 II lit 16 20 00 86 1 00 Boards, M 11 00(u14 0 Potatoet 00$ 160 Corn.ihilled.. 1 10 Peaches, dried, Bt.. 16 Corn, ear 00 80 Plaster, V tsbl 1 0 Corn meal, V seek, 65 Rye 1 10 Chop, Vcwt!00($ 1 10 Rags, $ lb S Cloversaid 7 60 Salt, ieck.H5(5) 1 15 Cheet 12 Shinglei,18in. $Uo)6 0 Cherries, lb. 10(a) 18 Shingles,16!nl6(l 0 Chickens, drsd, lb, 12) Timothy teed....... t 0 Kgg J" Tallow .. 1ZI Flaxteed 1 00 Wheat........ 1 7' Flonr 0 00(3 00 Wool ,. 4 Hay 00 00(o)20 OO Wood, t eord...... 4 60 l'ciui.Hy 1 vnnlft Railroad TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, NOV Id, 1373, the Passenger Trains will run daily (exoept Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, at follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. . LEAVB SOUTH. Clearfield 3.40, r.n. Philipsburg 4.36, " Osoeola 4.60, " Tyrone e.89, " LEAVE NORTH. Tyrone 9.J0.A.W. Osceola.. 10.40," Philipsburg. ..10. 66, Clearfield .....11.60," CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. Clearfield 6.40 a. n. Philipsburg.. (.86 Osceola (.60 ' Intersection.. 7.49 1 Tyrone.. 8.(10 LEAVB NORTH. Tyrone 7.00 p. at. Intersection. ..7. 11 " Osceola 8. 10 " Philipsburg ...8.15 " Clearfield, ar...19 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefcnte, Pa.. Lock Haven.. Wllllamsport. Huntingdon . Lewistown. .. Marysvillem.. HARRISBURG .! 95 ... 1 70 .. I 80 .. 1 80 .. 1 90 ... 4 69 4 76 Close connections 1 and Lock Haven, myll-tf. Mlddletawn $6 00 Marietta. 6 60 Laneaeter I 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 96 Altoona I 86 Johnstown.. S 80 PITTSBURG I 16 lade by all trtlnt at Tyrone 8. 8. BLAIR, Superintendent. pUBLIC SALE. There will be exposed to public sale at tbe late residence of Jacob Wlllbelm, deceased, la Graham township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., on 9tat iirday, the I3lb day of June, IW74, the fol lowing property, to witi One hone, one eow, three bead of young eattle, two hogs, sixteen sheep, one bnggy, one set of harness, one bob sled, one cider mill (lllekok't), two act of chairs, two tablee, one etaud, cook ateve, parlor atovt, bureau, clock, bedsteads aod bsdding, dishes, carpet, crocks, cant, Jars, Ac., with a lot of house hold and kitchen furnttun not neoessary to man tlet. Salt to commence at I o'clock, a. m., ea told day, when terma will be made known by mylO-it W. U. WILLHELM, Adm'r. Ilcccarla. c. Pr. Warranln. 60 Frederick Hubley fll 40 81 John Mailer 19 00 99 Frederick llowman 21 80 111 Philip Myaeneop 61 81 86 80 Michael Mutter 19 88 410 John Bndy 68 62 180 ' William Brady 11 80 691 J. Blair and B. Blair.. 84 199 John Whitmer . 61 00 849 Henry Whiimer 61 68 181 William Wilton 16 84 184 Jacob King 80 40 104 John Gibson 24 82 216 71 Robert Wilson 49 02 4X1 158 Willism Gray 98 80 483 13 j John Miller 98 80 80 80 John Retland 4 84 101 116 Peter Gels IS 14 94 91 Jeremiah Moaher 10 64 4.13 16: David Barton 49 40 300 Jacob King : 61 60 174 Adam Mysenoope 39 52 176 4' Jeremiah Mosher 89 90 1110 Keaggy 22 80 140 ' Wm. d John Brown 26 10 4.13 153 Frederick Beales 68 62 186 37 Thomas Blllington. 91 91 89 John Bean 10 26 330 163 Martin Fouts 9:1 86 Jao.b Mussersmitb 28 11 1.10 L. 11. Wold 11 7S 60 Jaoob Fauta 1 1 40 118 Thouai Groom 19 64 ganti Ja3lf. Hell. rTarraHfee. Henry Beck..,.,, Nicklin A Griffith i Henry Beck.. 11 14 Nicklin A Griffith""!! Henry Beck. JVo. 3810 999 361 1 1999 2004 6926 6926 5951 4030 3611 3596 1618 3611 At. 93 804 90 79 386 93 19 821 63 478 111 11105 100 307 83 60 120 80 Ptr. 99 Illoonj. , Warrantee. Roberta A Fox " " 09 00 159 Nichlin A Orimth W I, J. W. Smith A. K.Wright. W. 8. Roberta Roberta A Fox ii Jacob Bilger. David Inrm (eat.)... John P. Hale. Roberta A Fox.. A. L. Toiler. Milton L. McClure Bogga. (.178 60 816 90 378 90 176 40 30 14 41 69 30 14 43 68 60 90 69 64 161 90 193 20 1113 40 136 91 11 06 28 14 it 68 81 08 29 40 80 14 161 20 80 14 78 44 t io 15 1! 91 14 , $24 84 , 73 44 , 14 80 , 21 60 , 124 20 , 16 20 , 48 60 , 16 82 , 19 98 , 17 00 1 10 81 00 I 10 1.19 11 86 61 8 10 108 09 29 00 Ac Par. Vrarromlee. 408 76 n. 8. Drinker $59 64 443 William MoCormick 61 08 440 Nancy Bogg 66 44 429 41 Nathaniel McDonald- 63 76 429 41 John Byera 53 76 1110 Barbara Snyder 16 80 1.11 George Hortman II 84 1.14 76 Joseph Drinker........ ......... 89 06 en ee ai..h..i vuku .... 69 Ti 70 Henry Fanner 6 19 427 Feorge Ayen 63 76 427 31 William Trontman 63 76 96 146 Richard Thomas. 16 96 49 Barbara Bnyder I 40 265 Thomas Smith.. 34 40 100 John KepharU. 10 6 404 Blair McLanahaa. 67 20 427 Jones Steinbeiser... 71 40 100 John Hoiler. 11 60 96 167 Richard Waple. 16 96 118 Watson A Muaon. 86 11 400 John Kean 69 49 Bradford. At. Ptf Hfrmlee. 124 101 159 175 100 15 109 48 30 100 193 64 160 60 85 4 132 80 iVo. 498 6:16 6861 6877 6879 6681 6886 150 823 195 196 1909 13 994 20 19 3680 2009 27 166 176 91 110 218 SKIS 8618 3814 19117 199 Hugh Ely. 85 John Campbell. Hall A Buok. John Vaugbn Martin Huston I Blair McLanahaa. Andrew Petit Matthias Blaymaker Isaae Wilson. Franoil West. Jamea Duncan.. David Meana .' Joseph Powell Horatio L. Hale John Hanna. John G. Gray David Askey Andrew Petit Itrady. Ptr. Warrwalee. William Kirkpatrick- Conrad Long Jonathan B. Smith... Henry Wycoff Robert Curry.,.. John Dunlap.. Casper Btever ,1 M Roberta A Fox 108 116 44 it 20 :il oo 77 1 171 166 604 99J sill 356 jl.15 (471 1 8.1 178 I 65 115 60 109 100 106 650 67 260 183 240 148 94 61 Benjamin Henry.. Casper Stever..., Casper Stever, Sr George Shaffer. J. W. Smith, w. part.., Charles H. Prescotk.... Cbristiaa Lower.. Adam Wearer.. Josiah W. Smith. Holopeter A Brubaker. Kelly A Co Wright A Darling Roberts dV Fox.......... LEATI1ER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY COVERT'H PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the best Halloa, ble Iron, and Is attached to the Hamas by the best Bnap ever Invented. It ia easily and quickly put on, and prevents the whipping of the horses . by the pole. Vol liable io get out of repair. Will laat for yean. All we ask la a fair trial, to oonvlnoe all parties us ing them that they are unsurpassed In value for the purpose for which they are intended. 8ACKETT A 8CHRTVER. Clearfield, April 16, 1874. NOTICED Notice la hereby given that an application will be made to the Court of Quarter Beaelon of Clearfield eounty, to be held on the flni Monday of Jane next, for a eharter to Incorporate the village of Burntldt, In aald county, Into a borough, with all the powers and nrlvileget conferred by the varloaa Aeti of Aa- ssmbly relative to boroughs In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. WM. M. apl29le . McCULLOUOH. Att'y for Petltloaore. TINK, WHITE A ROAN LINING SKINS X Js reetlvid and ror sals e April M. 1879. B,r.fiISLM ACO. JVo 6612 6613 6614 At. 100 114 3:16 ' 79 81 114 160 414 103 847 621 300 824 811 298 100 816 14 Ptr. Burn tide. Warrantee. John Nicholson.. John Mailer Abraham Whitmer.... Casper Shaffer Jr Daniel Whitmer John Hubley Mary Roberts John Tressler Casper Shaffer Jeremiah Williamson. Mary Crawford 194 40 Towniend Bpackmaa. Ill 88 Rebecca Brown 114 66 Leonard llollia. 60 00 Fred Kuhn 89 99 Henry Roper, (Hugh Riddle tract) 41 76 Graham. $28 10 41 30 16 80 98 70 14 10 61 70 19 61 19 74 6 46 14 1 86 13 15 60 14 10 10 14 11 76 11 69 18 03 89 48 $68 04 49 414 157 41 196 60 76 16 57 86 17 34 11 68 177 46 84 31 1.19 40 129 84 l:i8 61 69 16 80 94 108 80 19 04 41 14 13 01 26 84 8 69 IT 84 29 90 24 14 130 66 9 62 44 10 30 94 40 60 41 48 (66 76 74 88 231 76 88 40 88 40 76 16 171 86 178 84 67 68 128 96 111 68 180 90 A: 183 416 109 100 4.11 161 483 69 100 2110 100 483 433 4.13 4.S3 886 140 88 271 411 2.14 180 87 88 246 12 290 411 100 160 74 116 (12 ChOBta Ptr. Warrant. 168 Martha Woriagtoa. 10 Jamea Page. William Baseman.. 163 John Boyd 163 Thomas Hamilton.. Jamea Rom ,. 163 John Cunningham. Charles Gobin- , Robert Fleming Isaac Rlobardson... Jonathan Walktr... 16d John Cook. 168 Jasper Ewlng.. 161 William Cook 163 Alex. Hunter Isaae Kirk A Co.. Mot'ord tract Joseph Piper ....... George Page. , Henry Page.. Jamea Noble. 164 Chrittlan Rohnn John A. MoPherron P. Blancbard. Miller A Christ. 7 JVo. 6.168 6373 6.174 6408 6369 6370 6410 6407 6378 6404 1891 6377 1893 At. 78 106 891 404 111 201 404 100 60 406 141 69 90 159 60 11)9 146 400 200 100 76 891 264 109 47 At. 1.18 433 74 100 86 146 60 4.13 No. mi 6365 5.161 6379 6371 6369 6368 6364 6359 6355 6.166 6376 6.171 1914 6351 637 6.151 6367 1819 1648 1899 1924 At. 1083 1190 1100 1100 1048 1100 1100 1000 483 826 283 1100 690 isr. 115 169 Mehaffy A Mitchell... Matthias Slough John Brenemaa Joseph MoMurray Patrick Noble.. Hugh BanUy Josiah Haynes. Covington. Ptr. Warranltt. George Mead... Morrla A Stewart. George Mead. Morria A Stewart...... Decatur. Warranttt. Thomas Edmundsen Joaeph Hamilton Thomas Blllington.. unarm tint. Patrick Moore. Mary M'Lenahaa. " Ann M'Lanaban Stacy W. Thompson Mary M'Laoaban. Robert Rainey. 21 William Kvau Thomas Stewardaon John Drinker Joaeph Matloek Robert Haltiiager Daniel Kay 147 Thomas Edmundson Samuel llambtinton Casper Haines. William Hoover David Stewart Thomas P. Cope. Thomaa Edmundaon John Holliday. Daniel W. McCurdy Ferguson. Ptr. Warrant. 169 John Hambrlght. 153 George Ross. Lewis Jordan A bran Ogdtn ... John Steiner. Daniel Frank John Graff. Benjamin Gibbt ClrnrtU At. Ptr. Warra.fee. George Mea4... ,.$101 76 ,. 99 84 ,, 76 60 . 14 00 . 166 OS . 14 40 . 114 80 , 14 40 , 67 00 67 00 67 60 149 60 149 80 149 60 149 0 96 90 13 60 43 24 104 16 104 16 104 16 109 44 14 60 21 60 99 84 I 84 76 80 149 60 14 00 36 00 18 80 14 40 110 24 ....$186 60 .... 173 26 178 15 .... 178 15 166 10 .... 134 76 .... 173 25 167 60 .... 76 95 ... 61 10 ... 64 96 ire ... 17 86 $.18 90 66 00 176 00 181 60 04 00 60 00 120 09 SO 00 16 00 180 09 145 00 .10 09 62 60 93 60 17 60 45 00 91 65 100 00 120 00 60 00 29 60 146 60 99 99 14 60 28 00 $75 36 , 287 10 , 19 20 24 00 7 68 , 45 12 9 06 , 187 20 10f,4 751 1199 641 1983 1100 1048 1008 1009 1109 1100 11181 1100 498 798 110 110 1100 161 1S1 187 U0 100 Morris A Stewart..., George Meeva.. Morrla Stewart ., .$108 46 . 76 60 . 112 20 . 65 18 . 110 16 . 112 20 . 110 84 . 103 36 . 102 00 . Ill 20 . Ill 20 . 110 16 . Ill 10 , 41 48 . 161 61 . 224 40 . 224 40 . 224 49 . 80 . 11 90 . 88 08 . 16 98 AV 6119 atiT 6318 6.11 6.12 6331 6323 6314 6.116 631 6128 6.134 6314 1911 1909 1884 1916 6.114 1211 At. eat 1069 1099 1999 110 1008 IIO 760 1000 100 110 110 300 438 170 430 Ptr. Ptr. ai 143 M0 1U 110 81 110 II 115 Ai. 48 149 114 1S 119 18 116 lit 118 746 !A0 72 181 10 75 in Jr. 114 Warrantee. Thomaa P. Cope., John Skyron Joaeph Simons...... Bernard Grata....... ii Joaeph Henry Chariet Hull 0. J. Allport. Israel Cope , Oullch. Warrantee. Oeorgt Moon , Philip Glamlnger. John MeCahan.,.. Lampblack Benjamin Wilton John Whitmer, Plgolt Shaw George Baker Daniel Fulkerson...M,..-.... Plgott Shaw Ed. Hand- Benjamin Wilton .......'Ml.1 Richard Runniel Richard Athcrton ) $60 00 1 60 17 09 101 69 81 99 131 09 6 90 16 66 It 60 $3t 86 11 16 10 10 lit 16 146 It 61 tt It It tO 90 19 It 67 19 4-96 94 96 61 It U 90 t 10 It 94 6.126 6.127 6.129 6.130 6335 923 1911 JVo. 4901 667 1 6674 6676 6066 607 423 4225 4.199 4899 42.16 ' 422 4229 42.10 6061 4899 4889 4902 4897 6061 6069 42.11 4334 4119 6064 4113 413 4:98 4265 687 67 1 6671 67 677 678 677 6671 667 6677 8589 1000 1001 3591 198 4183 4163 4264 4199 4261 8593 1601 8600 3678 867 8694 3697 3607 1684 1686 394 606. 419t 426At 42641 6A7U lit, tr II: ' Hi:: I I 16. 4 168 7 Francis Bertbo... Jnstin Plubeli Gosaeav. Warrant. George Mead ,41 ' " 148 61 - ..... lit 03 - " la 03 " ... 168 60 . 1.16 86 158 60 " " ........... 107 I ' " ........... 141 00 " 141 0 Sit It 110 10 2 70 61 13 19 tt iVa. 6419 6411 6411 641.1 640 1414 6405 14.111 1097 1665 3662 17 At. Ptr, 1100 1100 W , 1043 . . 1100 lint 167 1.19 89 160 121 0 127 700 68 ' 74 Rl 167 146 700 Kartliaua. WarrAhlet. . Georgo Mead.. William Smith Cbarlee Willing Myen A Fisber William Smith. Hugh MoUonigal..,.?. Kiuericb A Reiter... ' Kdwant MeMarvoy.. William V. Koatlng. John Mcdarvey Will lam Mapee. Morria A Stewart....... 43 144 141 It 1100 111 1100 1100 100 611 100 At, Ptr. 42 1041 1041 1041 99 878 490 74 87 124 98 99 9 607 lilt 19 95 151 90 104 105 91 86 91 91 100 990 65 110 990 990 1.18 62 923 110 876 101 lit 60 II 889- 1041 1941 847 647 147 1941 400' 847 600' 1020 1089 900 429 99 495 990' 1021 ef.T It T13 t8 1 O10 886 86 1029 102 891 197 927 888 927 1041 lot too 96 0 196 4 1 111 See caw Mead... Wilhelm Willink... aamea Wilton "William Powen .Hammond A Jonear.... .Reynolds sub. Nicklin IR0 86 17 81 tl 81 17 18 St 161 lot 81 86 tt 64 4 13 115 IA 81 , It 76 343 10 lit 10 lit It , 119 10 " tit It - - 61 70 Morria A 8lewart...... 70 tt - " ...... 14 10 W. A. Wallaoe.......... 4 ft Huttota. fTarrawlee. "Wllbelm Winrne-.......$I37 7 Moore A Delaaey...... 841 61 " " 141 63 . 141 63 William rowere. 814 71 - 8 2.1 James Wilson........... let 71 164 16 114 17 40 61 323 Ot 124 72 lit 61 166 06 S44 99 12 80 81 16 29 62 34 44 29 62 27 88 80 34 29 61 31 89 124 71 18 04 36 08 324 72 824 72 20 10 171 20 .. 801 68 .. 807 60 113 00 ... 8.1 II .. 81 00 ., 14 00 .. 70 93 .. 141 10 .. 16 60 .. 841 66 ,. 99 8.1 ... 17 17 - 63 8 ... 371 86 .. 180 95 ... 68 U ,. 84 09 ... 84 00 ,.. 18 96 ... 8.14 66 ,.. 867 II ... 195 10 ... 160 63 ,.. 81 01 ,.. 168 4t ,.. 168 40 ,.. 71 10 324 72 8.14 tt 141 60 195 10 141 It 297 66 134 66 191 19 124 ta 884 66 1.14 tt 198 97 97 17 103 II 291 It 103 tl 141 61 7 6 164 09 II 1 t 84 14 44 1 II I 06 It 18 Wil elm Willink 4. M William Powen....... 11 M Jamea Wilson .u Williasa Powers... E. Shoemaker...... James Wtltoa ... Moore A Jlehusey. Roberta A Pox.,.., Moore A Demney. 32 Roberta A Fox. Jamea Wilton,, .Hoberta A Fox. "William Powen Acmes Wllson- Mowrtds Delaaey, Jena naaalap DulloisA Low Keynoldl Bub-Nlokolel At. 483 433 17.1 433 1C0 84 -98 60 483 lit 186 12 Ptr. 163 163 168 163 163 163 Wlllard Knox. Warrant. ' Benjamin Poultney .... Israel Morris. Martin Psrrle. Isabella Jordan. Henry Trout John Perrie John Bogle ,....,.., Susanna Ward William Hunter John Dorar Bonjamin Poultney...... Nancy Robison Lawrence. ..$226 60 .. 226 60 .. Ibt 76 :. 213 61 .. 326 60 .. 226 60 .. 34 0.1 ,. 38 95 .. 4 10 ,. II 30 ,. 16 17 ,. 12 8(1 ,. 15 80 ,. , 21 7.1 ,. I 06 15 17 . 12 71 , 34 15 . 30 75 . 42 00 $143 26 luo 08 172 H4 1?6 V8 ...... 84 M 211 12 87 98 100 34 77 14 ..... 127 02 2 82 Jr"o, At. Ptr, Warrant. 6299 1100 George Mead $181 60 6300 1100 " , 181 60 6301 1100 ' " 181 60 5.101 1100 . " 181 60 6803 1100 " " 181 60 6.104 1100 ' " 181 60 6305 1100 " " 181 60 630 1100 i -. " 181 60 637 110 " " 181 60 6:108 1100 " " 181 60 6309 1IO0 " ' - 181 60 5310 1100 - 181 60 5311 1100 : " 181 69 691 1100 " 484 00 6294 1100 u 4(i4 no 6296 1100 " ' 484 00 6298 110 ' " " 4S4 00 6293 874 " " 60 60 6289 330 " - 64 45 1995 88 80 Roberts A Fox, e. part 20 90 2003 .1020 60 " " 111 10 6293 720 George Mead 819 00 629 1167 " " 613 15 6297 1213 " " 633 60 231 Hugh Jordan 18 15 113 John Resd 17 60 62 114 Rudolph Lltt 6 40 ' 285 Wm. Montgomery 89 05 4 John B. Garrison. 60 6290 488 George Mead 268 40 6291 11 110 " " 605 09 1905 74 Ellis Irwin 8 25 19118 176 ' 19 15 1907 141 20 40 1911 37 " " 4 40 At. 401 JOt 127 371 411 440 440 340 411 Slit 4.13 438 433 158 4.18 4.11 438 488 4.18 438 438 433 4.13 183 433 85 1.10 198 407 217 131 126 196 19 137 400 38 97 T 269 t tt 136 61 440 490 sat 4 M tt 171 A'e. 5961 6961 1951 Ka. 426 4269 4266 4361 577 6777 6779 677 677 4250 6777 4250 6777 Morrla. Ptr. Warrantee. George WetseL..,.. William Went..... Christian Werta.... David Lanich...... Jesse YarnaL Joaeph Turner..., C6 109 30 183 163 163 153 103 151 163 163 163 163 163 153 163 163 163 139 tl 143 George Uobacker Peter Yarn el Clem Striker 'John Vaughn........... Jonathan Neebit. Tbomat Morrfi William Morrii Samuel Meredith William Miller.......... Hetty Morria...... .. Thomal Fitssimmons... George Clymer. Robert Gray. Patrick Moore Mary Morri Magnus Miller. Nalbua Fresey...., Blair MoLanaban Jaeoh Graff William Stewart......... Richard K.Smith Walter Stewart Chriatopher Baker George Gatea Conrad Swarta. John Graff........ ...... N. Reidenauer. Fred Hubley. Matthias Slough ...... H Henry Drinker. Joaeph Hubley Jacob Graff. 4 one ura Jratf......... Joaeph Potter Traneia Johnston...,. " " ...... Joseph Turner. George Uaybaker,... ti Robert Carton 1 ...... 117 j N. Reidenauer John Hnstoa........... Patrick Hays It Robert Glenn.. At. Ptr. 641 14 It ! 135 tot 439 135 jle. Ptr, 298 99 323 957 17 41 It 150 27 440 101 15 17 175 92 11 41 Pens. Warrantee. Joan aisobolton... Greenwood Bell... Elijah Heath.. Nicklin A Griffith.. II H Joaeph Boon........ Pike. , Warrantee. James Wilson John Nicholson John P. Hoyt..... Joseph Bailey...'.. John Nicholson.., James Wilton John Nicholson..... Jamea Wilton.. John Nicholson Pine. ..$206 .12 .. 1.15 90 .. 1117 91 .. 24 18 .. 138 9.1 .. 146 20 .. 145 20 .. 112 20 .. 139 65 .. 99 00 .. t5 80 . 85 80 .. 85 ell .. 72 60 .. 86 80 .. 66 80 .. 85 80 .. 85 80 .. 85 80 .. 86 80 ,. 85 80 .. 85 80 .. 85 60 .. 6 10 . 85 80 .. 21 44 .. 2H 05 .. 195 69 .. 62 80 .. 36 64 .. 80 36 .. 12 11 . 84 98 .. 8 63 .. 22 44 .. 79 10 7 20 . 1 60 .. 1 83 ,. 63 13 20 40 ,. 1 98 .. 15 84 .. 17 82 .. 1 96 .. 66 00 .. 115 17 " 80 19 79 20 .. 17 82 .. 89 7 ...$257 20 . 07 20 .. 25 20 64 00 . 136 40 .,. 168 00 $17 1 66 00 14 08 41 17 4 4 66 88 . 21 00 22 00 , 14 20 18 71 62 80 , 2 40 , 33 44 46 70 , 24 62 II 0 All. Ac. Jr. Warrantee. 4254 ' 977 28 Jamea Wilaon. ..$198 80 4250 183 115 " " 207 48 67 1041 81 Moore A Delaaey 1:13 14 421 8941 Jamet Wilton. 221 76 426 5 889 " " - 199 08 6670 1041 80 Moore A Delaney 2.13 24 324 990 Jamet Wilton. 221 7 4263 Ot'O " - 221 7 4199 495 " " 110 88 4199 496 " " . 110 88 425t 298 ' II 84 4259 991 - - 70 0 4260 121 - - ..... II 48 Union. JVo. Ac. Ptr. Warraafee. 860.1 109 J60 Roberts A Fox ...$427 23 3699 0 tt " .......... 184 81 1582 799 10 ' ......... 176 63 8681 lit 68 75 4251 84 1 6T Jamet Wilson. 39 48 4261 957 66 " 60 49 At I 4831 18 II 49 ltf 10 t !(! .far. 161 111 Jordan. IvetJffPaarlMnaete Tbomae Martin. Robert Martin. Philip Loaat..... William Johnston. Jonathan Joaee..,., Rtnhera Martin Da nlel Smite. ftlAkars Pttenu HIIH,. It lilt At 161 II II II 'It 47 or is tt it 16 tt tl 71 H ft Woodward. At. lit 4S( 433 100 411 42 140 433 0 J69 aO 479 401 to 811 100 121 111 114 lot 433 43 433 lot 16 40 100 16 100 11 91 71 17 66 444 10 147 10 10 88 lit 17 101 Ptr. 16t lit 151 Warrants. John Vaught Jonathan WeUe John Holl William Wilson John Cannon Henry Drinker William Drinker. Iiaao Wbeeler. Kit Hootman Mary Noel Benjamin Johnston llagerty Matthias Barton Nary Neal... John MoCachtn Roland Bvaaot.......,,.. Kli Hootman Channcty Rioketta Joaeph Clark John MoClellan Philip Loaat. Jacob R. Howell William Johnston George Brockham Samuel Kmlea. William Wilson Mary Shaffer John Low. Isaae Goss John MoCaohen Jamea Alexander. Roland Evans,. Peter Louder Charles Louder John Hanson. Benjamin Johnston...... B. J. Prnner... ...,,., Thomaa M anion.. William Sharp.. 8 a senna Ward. William Parker.. Charles Louder... Man Sandwich.. I). W WISE, Treasurer, Clearfield, April 1, 1874.-91 QLEARFI ELD ACADEMY. , MALE l)EPAHTME4T. THE SUMMKIl TKKM of fourteen Weeks will commence MONDAY, MAY nth, 1874. Tcruit or Tuition. Reading, Writing, Menial tad Written Arithmetic, Grammar, Geogruphy tod ' "''lory , to no Natural Philomphy. Phvsioloiv. aud Sin. gle Entry Book-keeping, or either, with I III. .IIUTB For- Instructions In Double Enlrv Book. keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, ape- , , eial terma to be arranged. For partloulari reapeoting the ichool apply to aug27'7,1tf It. M, McKNALLt. . MISS H, S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. , THE WINTER AND HI' HI Ml TERMS will oloie May 19lb, 1874. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writluii.ObJeglLcs. ions, miliary Aritumctic sua s rimary Goograrhv $7 tt History, Lnoal and descrititivo UeoG;:ipl.) With Map Drawing, Grammar, ttentai and Written Arithmetic t 00 Algebra and the Sciences 11 00 Instruction In Instrumental music 10 01 Oil painting, 14 lessont 11 00 Wax work 8 00 For full particulars send for Circultr. Clearfield, March 11, 1874. 9:7:70-y Tbe Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn towntbip, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURKED OUTI BURNED UP! The subscribers have, at great expense, rebuilt a neie-hborhood necesiily, in the ereetlon of a first- elass Woolen Manufactory, with alt tbe modern improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Cassimores, Satinetts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ac. Plenty of goods on hsnd to supply all ourold and a thousand new customers, whom we ask to come and examine ear stock. The business of CARDING AND FULLING ill recoive our especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notioe, and by ttriet atten; tion to buiinen we hope to realise a liberal hare of public patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will ptv the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods can be bought in the oounty, end whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we can always be found at borne ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. jAno jujinovn a ovno, aprM26tf Bower P. O. "fecoxomy js an object, BUT TOUR CLOTHING, Furnishing GoodB, &c., AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTniG STORE. Tlioy keep a full line of Men's, Youths' k Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrella, Satcbells, Overall lists, Shirts, Undershirt, and Drawers, &a, Which they will Bell at most reasonable prleee... Call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. Room in Mansion Building. OWuteld, Pa., April 1, 1874. phTEW BTOIiE A-ND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON , Hire juat opened a Ntw Stork, on Main St., Cliarhild, Pa, lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Tbeir a lock contiit of UQIHT CE5-I3 CD ED SEj Gaocitixe of tbe beat quality, QtiEENswARE, Boots and Shoes, and ever article neceaaarv for one'i comfort. Call and examine our ttock before pur chasing elaewhere. Hay 9, 1866-tf. 41 120 141 144 101 161 168 ts tt 11 ..20 80 ... tvl 80 ... till 4 ,.. 2 00 ... 428 48 ... 218 40 ... 124 80 ... 125 1 ... 1 11 ... 11 tt ... 1 40 ... Ill 1 .. 118 78 ... 72 80 ,.. 141 81 ... It 40 ... 11 40 ... 44 H ... 17 It ... 10 40 ... 225 18 ... 8: tt ... 124 18 ... 7 00 ... 10 80 ... 1 08 ... 41 00 ... 15 tt ... 10 40 ... 188 48 ... It 10 ... 84 ... 17 88 ... 11 00 19T 80 ... 104 00 .. 70 44 ... tl 00 lot 00 1 08 I 20 t 00 41 10 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notioe It hereby given that letten of administration oa the aetata of JACOB WILHBLM, late ot lrabam lownahip, uieartem eownty, Pa., dee d, having been duly granted to the nnderaltned, all persons Indebted to aald estate will pleaee make Immediate payment, and those having claims or eemanaa will present them properly authenticated ior ewsuemont wiiaewt oetay, W. H. WILHKLM, eta ts Hi 4.-M Administrator, MITCHELL WAGONS. The Best is the Cheapest ! Thomas Reilly baa received another large lot of "Mitchell Wagona," which are among the Terr best manufactured, and which he will sell at tha most reasonable rates. His stock includes almost all descriptions of wagons large and small, wide ana narrow track, lau en see inem. apr874 T110MAS REILLY. ADMINIHTRATOH'S NOTICE. Notioe ts herebv eiven tbat letters of administration on tht estate of JOUN W. WRIGHT, deceased, late of Clearneld borough, Clearfield connty, Pa., havinf been duly (ranted to tbe undersigned, ait persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or domands will present them properly authenticated ror settlement wltooul oeiay. WILLIAM rORTBR, mayl3-(t. jA4mlnistrator. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! The House and Lot on the corner of Mar ket and Fifth streets, Clearneld, Pa., ia for aale. The lot eontaina nearly an acre of ground. The house la a large double frame, containing nine rooms. For terma and other information apply to the subscriber, at the Post Office. novlt r. A. QAlulfl. CMEAP GROCERIES! ; LUMBER CITT, PA. The nndersixned announoes to his old friende and patrons that be has opened a good line of GHOCKRIKS A PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk A Spencer, for which he solicit! a liberal patronage. H. W. 61'KNCEh, L.umoer my, ra., atarca xu-u. J. K. M'MUHRAY WILL SITPLT TOU WITtl ANT ARTICT.B OF MERCHANDISE AT T II K VERY LOWEST PRICK. COME AND SEE. (l:t:73:y) NEW WASHINGTON. ' IMEI LIME! J The undersigned la now prepare! to famish. the public with aa excellent quality of Bellcfonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plastering purposes, by the large er tmaH quantity. Can be found for tho preaent ai Fie'f new building, on Market street. oett-tr I,, n,. MctULbUUUM. Mountain Echo Cornet Band, CURWENSVILLK, PA. MUSIC furnished for Picoloa, Festival, Co, oorts, Lectures, Ac, on reasonable ternta. Address, B. B. BROKER, See', mayfl-tm Curwensville, Pa, Miss E. A. P. Rynder, leaa? roa ilekerlng'a, Btelawey'a and Emerson's Plant Smith's, Maaoa A Hamlin' and PeloaWl Orgaaa and Melodaona, and Oreret Baker's Sewing Maeklaee. also tnaonnn ot Plane, Qaltar. Organ, Harmony aad Voeal Ma. alt. No pupil taken for lose than half a term. Jstr-Rooms opposll Online' Fernllere Store. JSleerteld, May t, 1889-tf. CAUTION. All persoas are hereby eaitlea ed not to purchase or In any way meddle with two bay maree, now la pottetilen George Hill, at thty belong to mo and are subject to tay order. Madera, March i, T4-la R. WAJLUSO. :