GEOKGE B. GOODLANDER, niton and pRorniRTOR. ,. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, MAY 27, 1874. OFFICE REMOVED. The offioo of th CLiAnriitiJ) Rki'IKUIuaii will hereafter bo In Ple'e Opera Home, on Market itreot, between Second end Third. The buiineu offloe will be found to the loft of the main en trance, on (he looond floor, whore ell our old and new patrons are Inrlted lo coll. The iuom end omposlng roomi ere on the third 8oor. Tbo Jtodicnl war in Arkansas is at on ond, for tho proBont. Tho two chiefs, 13axtor and Brooks, nro now nursing tboir animosities for inline a so. Tbe fomalo orusadors havo boon do ing rittsbnrgh tho past wook. Somo of tho ladies bohavod so badly at tbe curb stono praycr-moetings that tbo civil authorities had to orrooe nnd im prison them. - Rov. Henry Ward Bocchor, being interrogated by a westorn mnlocrusad er in rolation to tho present totnper- anoo movemont, replied in substance that "it's too thin'and that "stringont legislation would fail of its end, and bo be worse than usoloss. , . .. . Going toMovk. Gon. Sherman has become disgustod with things at the National Capital, and is preparing to romovo tho Army Head Quartors from Washington to St. Jjouis. The royal imitations ond flunkeyism which is springing op and boing cultivated in Wbito House circles, oro too disgust ing, for tho old hero, who novor was educated down to that foreign stan dard. - Wholly Adsorbed. Tho wodding at the Whito House has been tho all absorbing topio in "government" cir- cles tbe past week. Everything else was dead for the limo boinc. Mies Xollio Grant aged 19, daugbtor of tho Presidont, was married to Mr. A. C F. Sartoris, need 23, on the 21st. , Tbo groom is a royal blooded Englishman, and this affair is ono of those boo ml occurrences wbero eztremos moot.. Tho birth, education and social stand ing of the twain aro ns diverso as it is posssiblo for thorn to bo. IUther Indifferent. Tbo Now York Sun wants llichardson turned out of the Treasury Department and sombody put in who possesses ordi nary integrity ana somo common sense. ' Tbe editor in question con tinuos: "However, nobody feels snri. th.t ihf will be ant marked improrcmont If Richardson li turned out. Bo far all official change! made by Grant bare cone from bad to woree, until he now nas the weakeat and rottenest Cabiuet that eror ear- rounded a Presidont. The fountain head of the eril tl Grant himself. lie tain naturally to email men. and he seems not to be rent particu lar whether tbey are knaves or foolt, provided they will do hit bidding and follow bis fortunes. There is only one remedy for this and that le to rid the White House of 11 rant at tbe earlioat day which the Constitution permits." Sumner's Idol. Tho United States Senate, aftor remaining in session all of Friday night, on Saturday morning passed Sumnor'B Civil Eights Bill, by a vote of 29 to 1U. This body has plenty of timo to talk about and vote for regulating common school and other questions of a local and State character, but scorns to bo soroly pressed for timo to dobato or vote for Bomothing relating to the currency and business of tbe nation. What a blessing it would bo, if Congressmen would attend to thoir legitimate basi- noss and lot that of otbor people alono Gen. Porter. Aftor much unneces sary delay it looks now ai though this brave soldier would ere long be granted another trial. At tho meeting of tbo 6th army corps at Harrisburg on Tuos- day week, resolutions woro adopted, and a strong momorial drawn to the President, asking a ro-oponing of the caso of General Fits John Porter. The memorial will bo extensively signed and forwarded at an early day. .To resist those strong appeals any longer will argue that tho Presidont ia fillod with vengeance toward Gen eral Portor. To refuse to one of the most meritorious officers of tho army tho boon that is granted to a thicken thiof a new trial on tbo discovery of important testimony Is not credits. bio to tbo good senso of tho Executive. Death of Gem. Hartsuff. Major Goneral Goorgo L. Ilartsun died in Now York, on Friday, of pneumonia, aged 44. IIo arrivod at Now York on tbe 9th Inst., on his way to attend the Army ro-union at Harrisburg, when be was strickon by the discaso which caused bis death. Gen. Ilart Bnff, was born in Sonoca county, N. Y., on May 28, 1830, He graduated at West Point, and then sorvod as Lientonant in the Texas and Florida wars. In tho latter he was wounded in the lung, and the bullet remained in bis cbHt until ho died, lie served with distinction in tho early part of the war for tbe Union,until the wounds he rocoived at Antietarn compolled his temporary retirmont from active ser vice. He was roturnod to active duly in Tonnossoo in 180.1, but his Infirmi ties, tbo result of his wounds, again causod bis retirement, and ho was sub sequently employed in bureau service On the surrender of Petersburg be was appointed commandor of tbo De partment of the Nottoway, and when be was retired from this command the citizens of Petersburg presentod him with resolutions exprossivo of thoir es teem. Goneral Hartsuff s services were rowarded by rapid promotion In tbe regular army during tho latlor years of his life. Hia promotion to a full Major Generalship took place in 1871. The American pilgrims to Home take with them $300,000 to give the Pope. mtrkanm, South Carolina, Low tmana. Tho following cxcollont article on modern statesmanship wo clip from tho Philadelphia Press, ond it, ah woli as an articlo In the Tribune, roads a littlo like rovolution in tho "loyal" oamp. This thing of Radical journal ists tolling tho truth about Southorn affairs, is beginning to nttruot somo atlontion, and will ultimately result in somo good to tho country. Tho editor of tbe Tress romarks : Great crises demand groat brains. Ordinary rules, ovon aoeoptod systoins, and sometimes constitutions, ofton nrovo woak before novel crimos. S'ostorday it was South Caroliua that onmo to Washington with a flagrant case of corruption on tho ono hand and suffering on tho otbor. But tho caso was sol asido because thoro was no romody. Tho mniority was loyal tho minority disloyal ; and tho lattor had no right to growl if thoir own crood of State rights turnod thorn out of court. To-day it is Arkansas, wlicro to use tho norvous Innguago of the Now York Tribune, this picturo is tho truth Brooks and Baiter scum tu be almost equally unworthy or the nlae for which tho vicissitudes of an inorodibly eorruptand disgraceful condition of polities have made them the rival oln'imants. There was at one time a general leaning of de cent pouplo toward Mr. Brooke not because he was a better man than hie adversary, but because ho hannoncd to have been eloeted, which wo be lieve was thu only llilug lu him fevor. As tho diinnU went on it beeame clear that Brooks had attempted to enforce his claims by unlawful, if not disnonost, use or tne interior oouris, wniio Baxter bad law on his side, though he might not have equity, and so all tho country turned against Mr. Brooks just as it had previously turnod against bis rival. The Legielature cannot bo trustod to repair tbe mischief wrought by the Ex ecutive; for the Legislature committed a gross fraud for the purpose of putting Mr. Baxtor into power. And finally there is no hope In the courts, for they have proved tbemsolves aa bad as the oilier branches ot toe government. A Philadelphia eontloman, a lio- Sublicnn of high standing, just in from ow Orleans, gives a deplorablo ao- count ot tbo condition ot tilings Louisiana. Thoro sooms to bo no srovornmont worthy of rosnect, no con ndonce among tho pooplo, no harmony, and no business, and now, to crown all, come the floods to intensify tho political and financial situation. Tho partisan excuso for all those misfortunos, except tho last, is doublo edgod it cuts both ways. Ono side charges it to tho rebellion, and to tho obduracy ot the Uonteclorato leaders. The other, to tho icooraoco of the blacks, and to the incapacity, and worse of tho carpct-bncp-ors. "Let tho rebels suffor, is tho cry of tho last. "They mado all this troublo,and now thoy must swallow tneir own poison." Moanwhilo tbo "rebels" gather sympathy for ovils that aro hardly defended by anybody, and modoro statesmanship folds its bands and can find no remedy for increasing ruin. Tho caso is onethatdomandsspcody action. It is pitiful to see it postponed because Bomobody must be punisbod that has been in the robellion, and somebody must be protected that was acainstthe robolllon. Meanwhile the whole country surTors, not as tho plun dered people of both races in the South aro suffering, in person and ostato, but in a crushing sense of evils without euro, of wrongs that defy all law. boon that which atlocts our own coun try must inevitably dam ago us before tbe civilized world Hon. ?... Wallace, With tho adjournment of the Logis laluro, tho senatorial term of lion William A. Wullaco, of Clearfield, cx nircd. Mr. Wallaco has been tfinem Lor of tho Senate for twelve years and one of tho nblost and safest Senators in that body. He has, in fact, been loader for tbo creator portion of lb timo, and in bis retirement tho State will lose the services of ono of bcr best men. On the last day of tho session of the Sonato, Mr. Wallaco dolivercd tbe following dignified and appropri a to little speech "1'ersoual lrlendships ana party as sociations of the strongest character clustor around the retrospect of my twolvo years In tho 1'cnnsyivania ben ato. "Coming to this body in tbo yoars of my early manhood, atan hour in which the passions of men were turbulont and stormy, when blood flowed like wator and the powers ot tbo people woro Bircicnou iu iuuir inmost tension ,0 furnish tho sinews of war, represent ing a pooplo whoso homes are a mong your mountains, whore tbe jealousy ol oncroaenmonts oi power is always found most intense and where liberality is born and nurtured and In disaster always finds a rofugo; with personal passions strong and decided untamed by the sobornoss of years; with polit ical convictions that wore and are part of my boing, it would be strango indeed if 1 wore not fonnd occasionally aronseu to tuo oxpressiuii ui inu senti . il. : .r.i . ments of my fooling possibly with bitterness. "As tho nussions of men havo cooled as tho days of comparative youth have elided into thoso ot maturo ago as broader and I trust noblor views of my duty to my pooplo, to my Stato and to myscit have como to mo 1 havo, with teal tomporcd with discre tion, sought to perform my duty as a Senator. If in all theso years I havo said or dono that which has wounded any 1 most sincoroly rocrot it. "Too social ana personal tics that bind mo to tboso who boar me aro of tbe dooposl and tbe pnrost, tho rocol loctions of companionship with thoso who havo passed to other avocations in tbo busy world, aro gratoful and re freshing, and tho momorioB of thoso who have passod from earth are cher ished with tondornoss, lovo and ro spoct." Bclleonte Watchman. Fatal Accident. Mr. John Komick and brothor were at work in a field on a sido hill noar Milllinburir on Friday afternoon lost. They had gone thoro with A two horso loam with tho waeon loadod with potatoes and had locked tbo wagon, unhitched tho horses and woro working thorn. A six year old daugtber of John Jiornlck, a baby, and two boys of his brother, commenced playing in tho wagon. Aftor some timo, the lock of the wagon bcramo loosened, and the wagon started down, tho bill. Tho boys mnnngod to jump out without injury ; but tho others ro- mainod in. Tho wagon in its down ward cotirso struck a Btump and a fence, which turnod it upsido down by which tho littlo girl was struck on tho tomplo bo soveroly as to leave her insonsiblo and from which she died in a few minutes aftor ward. Tho baby was Bovoroly injured and at ono timo it was thought fatally ; but at last ao counts it was recovering. Lcwitburg Journal. Logan and Morton weronotinvitod to Nellie Grant's wedding. Thurman was. The Presidont ia bringing the financial quostion down to a fine point. Sllml Schools Evon Parson Brownlow, than whom thoso days of liadiculism havo soon no more blgotod partisan, protestsagainst thoso features of tbo Civil Eights Hill which abolish all distinctions of color in public schools. In a roeontly pub lished loiter bo gives his views on this subject nt length. Ho says: lly position on this quostion is tho result of mnturo deliberation. ItboB tbo approval of my judgment and con science, nnd sooner than apologia lor it or rooedo from it I would soo evory political organization in the land "go tbo way of Ward's ducks," and ovory politician buriod without hope or ros surrcction. My only hopo for tho future pros pority of tho colorod people of Tonnes- soo consists in tho behalf that tho mass of thorn will ropudiato tho abominablo programmo so insolently put forth at Naslivillo, Let them rcmombcr that thoy now havo, in soparato schools, equal oducationul facilities wilh tho whites. Let them remember that the taxes with which thoso schools aro supported aro contributed almost ex clusively by tho whito pooplo of tho State that tho money does not como from tho Federal Government ot n ash inglon. Let thorn rcmombcr that thousands of tho proporty-holdors of tho Stnto, ot tho political parly lo which thoy nro in opposition, luivo aid ed in establishing our present school system, and without tho support of this cIubs, in co-oporation with thoir wuite political associates, it could not havo boon established. Let them also remember that it not a question as to whether wo will havo mixed schools, but whothor we shall havo any system of public in struction at nil. lor it is not In tbo powor of party Congrosso lo establish this mixed school system in ienncs- soo. If tho Civil flights Bill should pass without tuo mixed school lcaturcs bo ing stricken out, tho wholo school fab rio in Tennessee will at onco full to tho ground, ns it will deservo to do. Then tho expenses of tho education of their children, it they aro educated at all, will bo'borno by tbomsolvos, and not by tho white pcoplo, as thoy now nro An Ex-Secretary Prevaricates. Senator lioutwcll has at last appeared before tho Ways and .Means Uommlt too. As might havo been expected ho pload not guilty. Ho makes a qus- tion ol veracity with banborn and ro pudiates tho alleged conversations with referenco to tho contracts. IIo relied upon tho Solicitor of tho Treasury, ho says, and pleads ignornnco of tho char acter of tho contincts. To a largo majority ol tho pcoplo who nro ae customod to weigh testimony this ex planation will not bo satisfactory. Much of tho ovidonco which boars hard against tho cx-Socrelary conies from parties who could havo no motivo In implicating him. Ho, on tho other band, can not bo considered a disin terested witness. Ho has tho most powerful motivos for exonerating him self, and if thoso motivos swayed his iudgmont, clouded his memory and involved hi in in some moral confusion in regard to what is truo and what is not truo, it is not tho first iustunco of tbe kind on record. AVo aro not dis posed to pass final judgment on the caso, but wo must slinro the opinion which will likely obtain, among sensi ble pooplo, that tho cx-Socrotary has by no moans cleared himself of the cimii'u uf crlininnl nouliminco or n cur rupt connivance in a shameful trans action. Tub Political Tide. Tho Now York World publishes a carefully prepared tablo showing tho losses of tho jcaclical party sinco mo presiuen tial election ol IHi. runt Imd popular mniority of 702,271 voles. It thon gives tho votes in 1872 and 1873 in the states ol l nlilorma, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maino, Maryland Massachusetts, Minnesota, .Uississipi Now York, Now Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon. Pennsylvania, Khodo Island Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin, and the total voto shows nn opposition mniority of K8,!Mif votes, a net gain of G5S,.'i5(i, or within votes of roversing in theso eighteen Stnlos (.rant s mnionly in tho wholo country Tho World appropriately adds : "It is almost unnecessary to add tliatll'J per ccnt.of theso opposition gains are Lem- ocratio gains, und equally unnecessary to state what tho election oi tno pasi few months havo demonstrated with absolute ccrtainty,lhat tho Democratic party must eventually and speedily at tract to Us ranks an tno siingg:ing op poncnts of Radicalism who, undor ono nnmo or another, oro attempting to wol'o a sort of guerrilla warfare oguinst, tho Radical party." Lkoiblativk Astuteness Proba bly tho "worst that was over soon" was tho dodgo by which tho luto Lcgis laturo of Pennsylvania passed special laws for Philadelphia. Doing pro hibited by tho now Constitution from finBsing "spocial laws," they passed aws for "cities of over 300,000 inhab itants," and as thoro is only ono of this class Philadelphia they woro in effect special acU of legislation, though not coming within constltn tional prohibition. c have yet to hoar of a body of men surpassing tho Inst Ijogislaluro in that son ot astulo noss which is not to bo distinguished from knuvory. Some Difference. A Naples lax colloctor was recently arrested nnd tried for absconding wilh $200,(100, and was acquitted cn thogrounds that tho monoy belonged to tho pcoplo, nnd as ho was ono of tho people ho was part owner ol it, nnd it would be ab surd to punish a man for stealing what belonged to him. hen a lax eollec tor in this country steals such an amount ho goes unpunished for the simpto reason that n man with 1200 000 in his pocket is too much of c gcntlomnn to bo annoyed and fotlerod by legal absurdities intended lor small thieves only. Absurdities. Tho Louisville Cour ier, says ! bixloon or eighteen j'enrs ago two embryo Blntcsmen woro can didates for tho o 111 co of county sur veyor at St. Louis a position scarcely wormy tno aspiration ol truo great ness. Jo-dny tho successful candi date is a St. Louis alderman, while tho other, through tho most remarks bio chapter of absurd accidents the world over saw, is President of tho United Slates. Tho Republican Klnlo Comniitlco bad resolved to hold thoir Stato Con vention on tho 2d of September, but tbis programme did not suit tbo "ring" and thoy upset the proceedings, fixing tho lilth of August for the ovont. Gocrge W. Childs, of Philadelphia. has bocomo tho ownor of the original manuscript of Dickons' "Uur mutual Friond." gnu amtisttiwnw. piE'S OPERA HOUSE. . Tuesday, June 2d, 1871 CAHNCROSS & DIXEY. OA'K .rii.HT O.VLl'. This unrlvnlcd troupo of Mlustroli will lire one of their recherche entertainments, in Opera House, on tho night of Juno Id. Programme full of ploaslng and emalns; Faroes, OiMitirs an J llurlosuues, rendered aionlv Cameron Dlxojr ean render mora. " Don't fail lo sco I hem. Rcservod seats can ho procured at Shaw's I Store and at J. M. Kratiur'i Store, from this until uight uf pcrfnruience. Reserved scats, 1. 1'nrquct, 60 ocntl. - Wny J7, 1871.-H rug lime QlIANCiED HANDS. JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rospcctrullv notify tho puMlc gencilljr I hut he has purchased J. 8. Miowor s uneery titore, In Hi's How, whore he Intends kening a full line or a it o i: it 1 12 s. UAMS, DItlKD M2EF1 nnd LARD. SUUAlia and MMI'I'S, or all grades. TEAS, Croon and lllack. COFFEE, Roasted and (I roin. All kinds in the market. . PICKLES, in Jers and barrels. SPICES, In every form and varlolj. A 1. 1. KINDS 1)1' C RA'kl US. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Cool Oil and Lamp Chimneys. And a good assortment of those things usually kept in a grocery storo, which he will exchoogo for marketing at the market prloes. Will sell for cash ae oheaply as any other one dare to do. Please call and ice his stock and Jndge for yourself. , JOHN MrUAUUUKV. Clcirficld, May 37, 1874. Notice lo Taxpayers I IN with an Aoi of tba General Ai ftOiiiM of this t'oinmonwoftltl), apiiroTod the 22d day of March, A. D. 1870, and the luiiplc m out approTcd the 8ii day or April, A. D. 1872, "relating to the collection of taxei ia the oounty of Clearfield," notice ii thereforo hcrohy glren to the taipayrn reiiding in the dintricU bolow named, that the County Treaturcr, fn accordance with the eeoond eectloa of laid Act, will attend at the placet of holding tbe borough and town ship clcctioDi on the following named dayi. for the purpoie of receiving the Oounty and State taxea aMeiied for the year 1874 : For Wallaoeton. Saturday. June 13th. For Woodward, Tuciday. June Ititb. For Oulich, Wcdnceday, June 17th. For Heccaria. Thursday, June 18th. For Knox, Friday, June lilth. For Jordon, Saturday, June 20th, For ChoAt, Tuesday, June 23rd. For New Washington, Wednesday, June 24th. For Burniido, Thursday, June 2Mb. For BaII, b'riday, June 26lh. jpvu etll pit lit lb TiMUriri iu4retiii he a reduction of fit pr cent., while Are per cent, will he added after tht firat day of July next, to all unpaid taxes, making a difference of TKN per cent, to prompt taxpayers. Perties ean pay thoir taxes at the Treasurer' office at any time. IMVllJ W. WISE, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, Fa., May 27, W4 4t J BANTZ Sl BUCK, General Insurance Agents and Real Estate Brokers, Krprcscnt the following reliable Insurance Co's: North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. $26,00 OM Washington Life Insurance Co 4,000,000 Fire Association Insurance Co 20(1,000 Amaion Fire Insurance Co .' 3,071, 148 Water town Fire, insures dwellings and farm buildings only.- ,. i"3.(H)0 York, Pa., Htock Insurance Co. Jlorsca fostered agalnrt duath and theft. P. S. Parties in the country desiring Insurance on their Hres or property can hare it promptly attended to by addres xing us by letter, or calling in person at our office, in Pie's Opera Mouse, Koom No. 4, Clearfield, Pa. tnay27'7( GJlOCEllIESi NEW STORE, Opposite Post Office. New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE I.INF. OI' TI3AS, OOLONGS, J ATAN?, l.M PORTED, YOUNG DYSON, ENOLIrlH RREAKFAfT Purest In Market. I IIUTTICK A Nil VAUiH j Will he kopt and sold at Irst coil, Cash paid for Country l'roduoe. t GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, ntKSKRVKD PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS, Mackerel, Lnke Herring, Cod, Ae, I ICR 1. 1 '.H. Parrel Pickles and English Pickles. 1 I.Ol It AM) M.ICl). Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. fel.25'71 LYTLE A MITCHELL. Ikad THIS I House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. The undersigned, having started to swlnsr his own brush, respectfully offers his services to the eitisrns of ClearOeld and vicinity s a House, Htgn and Ornamental Painter. Paper Hanging and (liming done on the short. et notice, with neatness and despatch. All work done with eare, and at prices lo suit VIIO IIIUCS. Shun on Market street, eminilie tl, Atu. gneny House. J. L. K R AtlLK. April 1, lH74.-flm. nORSKS FOR SALE. A puir ol well matched brown mares, y.ung.good else, desirable farm er drauaht team, with nn h..-..' oompleto. Also two Jilllehell VTsgom. Terms ' WEAVER A HETTH. may 27 3t. $T AME.S K. WATSON A CO.. REAL ESTATR RROKRRS, ui.KAKflKLI), PKNN'A. IlousM and OffliM. in 1ml flnllu.i... . made, and trst-elas. Coal and Fira-Clay Lands .fid Town mrnttMrt tnm mm I. n l Hotel Unildini (2d loor), Second St. (ayl374y J. MeyKllATZER, .1 IN pie'8 building; . r. ., ..'-MDKALERp Dry Goods, Dress Goods, " ' i ..."I M .'!!''(; Carpets, Wnll Papers, Ladies Shoes) ; Children's Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, &c., .! ,'U.i I i s.i Is Just reooivlng a complete assortment of goods, hough! at latest and lowoet prioes. ' H Ml f t IT GOOD miNTS, AT TEN CENTS FEU YAIID. , GOOD YD-WIDE BLEACHED MUS LINS, TEN CENTS. !, , . HEAVY YARD-WIDB tWIU.EAOI!ED MUSLINS, 12J CENTS. AITLETON'S A MUSLINS, 12 CTS. TER YARD BYJUE PIECE. , AND ALL DRY GOODS AT LOWER RATES THAN UERKTOFOKB. DllESS (JOOIJS, IN GREAT VARIETY. OARPETH CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS BRUSSELS, THKEE-PLY, TAPESTRY, INGRAIN, nnd nil lower grades. CARPETS CARPETS CARPBT8 CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CAHPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPET CARPETS PARASOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, GROCERIES, IlY ORIGINAL PACK AGE, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, , SALT, 4c, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WUOli AND OTHER PRODUCE WANTED. ClearAcId, May 37, Wi. 170 ROUGH STATEMKN T. 4to. X I port of Iho Auditor of Clearfield Borough fur tbe year 173. BOROUGH FUND. A. W. I.rr, Ihirongh Treasurer, in account with the funte or said borougn: tiiaToit. To amount of duplicate of 1X7.1 92,274 M To amount realised front bonds (ton 00 To amount realised from bom lioensei . ' 14 Ot, Due Treasurer to balance 901 43 :i,r,S To r-RKMTOl. Tly amount due A. W. Lee, Trees. 1872. 1 200 M Ry orders of 1H71 redeemed... ( ftl Ry " 1H72 m 7 Ry " , I.H7J . " . i.m 71 liy " 1S74 " 48 4i lly coupons on $1400 borouich bonds redeemed '. 9)4 00 Ry exoneration order HO (0 lly 6 per cent, alluwed taxpayers to Treasurer en flilK.S.1 .10 9 Ry percent, allowed collector on SlOtii H 00 Ry percent, allowed treasurer, 3 per et. 80 71 3,J.'.3 7 MABIMTIK. To outstanding orders i 117U, No. 2, Uoynton . 211 00 1 H7 1 8 00 1872 - 2f2 00 1873 H'4 60 174 174 1 To borough bonds Improrcment loan... 8,11)0 00 io amount uua treat, at settlement 3t)7 49 4,807 78 RKNornrn. ' Uy aeeonnts due from eitisensH . Kxooas of liabilities.... 148 46 4,0i 33 ' 4,S07 78 T00R FUND. " " A. W. Lkr, Treasurer of Clearfield borough, In account with tho Poor Fund of said borough for 1873 : nanron. To amount from J. R. Graham, orer- eeerfor 1972...., 823 43 To amount from duplieatt for 1873.... - V 40 1,24 K CIIEIIITOR. Ry orders redeemed lly exoneration order.. : Ry percentage allowed taxpayers who paid tnasuror,2 13 83 at e per cent. Dy perocntnge allowed oollcotor Rado- baujrh on fiKlft.18 at 6 per eent, . Dy treasurer's peroentaga at 8 per ot.. Dolanoo in treasurer's hands. 4M 33 13 07 13 17 83 30 87 04 ti It ' $1,234 , SCHOOL Fl'ND. A. W. Lit I, Treurer of Clearfield borough, In account with the School Fund of said borongh for 1878 i VILBTUII. o aint from I. Johnston, trees. 1S72.. $2117 S3 lo amt from nn. Radibnurh, eol.... 2,124 68 o amt of Stato appropriation 218 00 i'o amt of oounty appropriation 110 00 $2,72 13 CRKIUTOR. ly school ardors redeemed $2,417 40 ly treasurer l percentage at 8 per et.. 81 84 uaiance in treasurer a nands z.m v $2,728 IS ' We, the undersigned Audilors, having exam Bed the accounts of A. VY. Leo, Esq., Treasurer 4 the borough of ClearOeld, eertlfy that we Ond vein oorreot as alrove slated. Ai f flnrgnt nnd Torn Coa.cif o ClrarfiM 1 Inrowgk : i We, the Audilort of CloarDeld Rorough, would spectfully refer your attention to the accounts lue bycilisens to the Borough, and recooraincnd ;he Imineillata eolleetion of the eame. (I. L. RKED, R. MrPllKllHON, UEO. 1IAI1KRTT, May 20, 1874. Auditors. 'OTIC IV-Persons Indebted to the snhscrlb- er for services rendered will le aolin aa beriff of ClearOeld eounty, are renuested to call I my office, la Pia's Opera House, and make payment. In my absenca from lha oOiee, Mr. k. 0. Kramer will have charge of my books and m authorised to receipt forme. Persons knowing ilemselre. Indebted, by snaking prompt ferment lll greatly oblige. J. J. l'IB. april l-2m rtlTICKR' eh CONSTABLES' FEES tl We have printed a large number of the new 'BR RILL, and will on the reeeint nf twentv. In aenU, Ball eoey to anv address. aiy20 gnu di'fitisrmntts. New Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, PA. THE undorslgnod, having leased rooms for the manufacture of all kinds of SADDLES, HAR NESS, and all the latest Improvements in Horse Furnishing Goods, are now prepared to fill all orders at prioes and quality that will surprise all who favor us with oall for the Inspection of our work, i We are determined to please and our ex perience and observation In aastern and western oltiel euehlea us tu DEFY COMPETITION In the manufacture of Oold, Silver, Oreido, Rubber Covered and Ullt-bined Mounted CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS! -: Also Flna ' 1 RIDINa AND RACING SADDLES. Our rents and expense! being light, wo shall sell the same grades of work 20 per cent, oheapor than tbey oan be bought in the eastern cities. Repairing and adjusting Saddles, Uarness, Ae., neatly done, at reasonable prioes. Particular attention paid to all orders by mail or otherwise. Call and see eur work before buying olsowhore. pf Rooms In Irwin's Store, next door to Key stone Store. CRAIN A HlTTON. ClearOeld, Pa., May 1.1, 1H74. REPORT OP TUB AUDITORS of Lawrence township for 1873 : ROAD FUND. Supervisors of Lawrence Township. In account jrilh the Road Fund fur 1873 1 DattTuM To amount of tax, ae per duplicate $3,340 40 To amount of orders drawn to Super visors on District Treasurer 170 00 Tu amount due Supervisors 300 03 Total ..$3,880 OS Cnxnir. By amount of work dona on roads $3,183 28 lly amount of exonerations 40 03 lly amount of Supervisor's wages 004 60 lly amount of plank M 10 10 By amount paid on T. Lanich order.... 22 00 Uy amount of Attorney's fees 0 00 Ry amount making duplloatos 10 10 Total ...$3,880 03 POOR FOND. Overseers of the Poor of Lawrenee Township In account with the Poor Fund for 1878: Cbstob. To amount ree'd from Overseers of 1872 $ 220 84 To amount Ux assessed for 1873 1,330 80 Total ..$1,600 04 Crruit. Ry amount paid for boarding paupers..$ 070 61 By amount paid for elothlng paupers... 114 72 By amount paid for printing . 10 00 By amount paid for medicine and medi- oal attendance .17 20 By amount paid Attornoy fees 22 00 Bv amount naid Justioe fees 4 75 By amount paid for tobacco 4 60 By amount paid exonerations 82 10 Hy amount paid percentage 83 87 By amount paid Oversecre' wages 60 00 By amount paid for making duplicates 0 00 By balance due fund.... 624 00 Total ..$1.500 84 W't. the vndcrsigned. Auditors of Lawrence township, having examined the accounts of James Brown, J. K. Parks, i. U. Kline and Nathaniel Hishel. Supervisors, and M. F. Wallace and W. A. Read, Overseers of the Poor, of said fowosbip for 1873, Ond them aa above stated. JAMES SPACEMAN, R. J. CON KLIN, Attest: A. II. Snaw, Clerk. . Auditors. Lawrence township, May 13, 1874-91. G LORIOUS FOURTH ! CLEARFIELD PARK RACES! CLEARFIELD, PA, July 2d, 3d and 4th, 1874. l'rcmiimiH, $2,.?00 FIRST DAY JULY 8d. PURSE No. 1, $160. For 3:li Race. Mile heats, best 3 in 0. $00 to 1st ; $10 to 2d ; $:;0 iv eu ; io fin. PURSE Ne. I, $160. Running race. Vest 2 in 8, half mile. $00 to 1st) $40 to 2d; $30 to eu i tifu io e tn. Pl'RSK No.$,$27.-For8:i0raee. Mile heats, best list, $126 to 1st; $70 to 2d; $M to aa t .iv to tin. PPRSE No. , $160. Hotel keepers' parse, for horses that never rnn In any race. Half mile, pent a in e. aov 10 1st f S40 to 3d: f JO to 3d : $20 to 4th. SECOND DAY-JULY 3d. Pl'RRE No. 4. $226 For three minute race. Mils heals, best 3 in 0. $100 to 1st; $110 to j nu io en ; r to 4tn. 1'IKHK No. 0, $160. Merchants' purse, for horses that never trotted in any race. $00 to nt I m" to 2u; 3U to 3d ; JO to 4tb. PURSE No. 7, $.100. For 2:40 race. Mile heats. (160 to 1st ; $00 to 2d : $00 to 3d. PURSE No. II, $76. Footrace. Best 2 In 3, fourth mile. $30 to 1st: $20 to 2d: $16 to 8d; $10 to 4th. THIRD DAY JULY 1th. PURSE No.l0.$260 For 2:66 r.w. Mll.b.l. beat 8 In 0. $100 to 1st; $76 to 2d ; $..0 to oa t io eia. Pl'RSK No. J, $?60. Running race. Half mile, neat 3 in 6. (120 to 1st j $00 to 2d ; $10 to 3d; io em. PURSE No. 8, $625. Free to all Iroltina horses Mile hoats, best $ in 6. $300 te 1st; $160 to 2d ; $76 to 3d. National Association and American Jockey viu. ruioe to govern. Eatrano fee 10 ner oenL. which m nanv all entries. Any norse aistaneing the Oeld, or any part of it, shall only be entitled to first premium. Entries atos. fialuhlaw 07k . S . , l. P. M. Entries addressed to Uo. k'. HoaacKRnj iioarnoiu, s a. N. II. Brook ii lie races June 17th, 18th and iviu. in., ana iu mh i,um hM..b cm. ing ClearOeld races. h. A. 1I1ULKR, See'y t Treas'r. tIKO. E. ROBACKER, Presid't. ClearOeld, Pa., May 13, 1874. KRITZER & lTLE Turpentine. 1 f Nails, i'OU (llass, I Putty, ratnts, v WILL SELL Y oils, ; French, Richards Sl Co.'i Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Immense atock on hand. ClearOeld, Pa,, April 1, 1874. -3m rpURNHKE ELECTION. The Stockholders of lha Phillpsbnrg and Fusqnehanna Tarnplke Company will take notice that an l,l- 1 n l - l . . . . . . .... ,,VH w n(,ta wm (lv a1v(n o, May. lMt4, at the house of Kit Bloom, between .... ...... vi . ana a o oiocr, r. ., lo elect five Managers for said road fur theensuing year. Uy order of the Board, B. HARTSHORN, Pres't, Cnrwensvllle, May 13 , 187 4-1 1. I OB PRINTI NO OF BVKRY DKSCRIP. t Hob neatly axecated at this pffio. 2Jw gtAwtistrafutu. tTi1:learfield FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., V UAKi rAl'll'RKRS Of . ruti: it hick, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &o. Chimney Top, Witnlote Cap, and tae. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIOINAL DESIGNS IN TERRA COTTA MADE TO ORDER. With imtirovcd machlnerv. first class material and skilled workmen, wo oan warrant all our manufactures to bo equal to Jf not superior to any in tbe market. Artlclos of our manufacture ean be seen at tbe Works, near Railroad Depot, or at the Hardware Store of II. F. Blgler A Co. All orders from a distance, addressed to lha (Jeneral Superintendent, will receive prompt at tention. J. (i. HARTS" IX H, JOHN FERfll'rJON. Oen'l Supt. of Ileathflold, (larnkirk, Scotland, Supt. Manufacturing Dept. mayzu 7a qO THE CITIZENS OF CLEAR- X FIELD AND VICINITY: I would express my sinoere thanks lor your kind patronage, so far exleuded. and would ask for a eontinuauce of tbe same. A. OU1NZBURO. CHEAP AM) OXLYlrtE PRICE! A. GUINZBUltG, One door below the First Notional Bank, Clear field, has Just received a full supply of SEW AND FASIIfOXABLE SPRING CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS. Cent's Furnishing Goods, 11 ATS AND CATS, TnC.rKU, 9iC. all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prici without abatement. apl20-lsg 1874. 1874. UNDER- FULL SAIL! the KEYSTONE TO THE FRONT! Headquarters for Dry Goods! Aw opening my toouuil Urgw tpriiiaj; auj mm iiier tuck ot roreigo tod Uomeftio DItY GOODS, - Carpels, Oil Cloths, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES, Sc., etc., itc. The priros will be such as will not be excelled oy any otner place in the state. Call and a for yoursolves. YYM. REED, marJS Beeond street, Clearfleld, Pa. Siaraorr, Hiouarr, tt. JRONSIDES STORK. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN II A It D WARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, 110LLOW-WARE, TAINTS. OILS A VAKNI8II, rUTTY A (ILAS3. ROrES. STEr-LAl)DERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! The celebrated Toledo Anil ('reeling (lalranlied IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No belter Pumps In the market. LAMP, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, of all kinds, LAMP FIXTURES, Ao. All at lowest prion. 1-1474 Pr..qtil.. street, Phlllp.bnrf, Pa, ANNOUNCEMENT i ? OF TIIK GREAT a wa twtr aksowa A m oaal oWo At fSf REOULTION Uf fKllbbl BY H. PORTER SHAW, I). D. B. IMPORTANT TRUTIISi ' Ravine suooeeded In lettinc a lighter tariff oa material, hence the ton and Medsrarc eharaa for partial and full seta of Teeth. I use tbe best manufaetura of teeth and other Jnaterial. All o Derations registered and warranted to flv ser vice and satisfaction. Friends, relleot that my charges for the Inser tlon of artincial and the saving of the natural teeth are now tbe most reasonable in Pennsylvania. Preserve your teem and yon preserve your health. Putting of tba natural taotb in a healtbr. lire. aervativeand useful condition is made a specialty. Diseases and mallormationsoommowtotne anoatb, aw and aaaooiata parts, ara treated and eorreetad with fair success. Examinations and eonsuita- It would be well for patients from a distance to let ma know by mall a few days before coming to the office. It is very Important that children between tbe ages of six and twelve years should have their teetn axaminea. Ansssthetics are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. Dispositions and cnaraoter ara Judged ny all the world by the expressions of the face, bene how very disastrous may it therefore be for per sons to indulge an expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. New, to enjoy natural (not artincial) comforts and pleasures, respect and obey natural simplicities and instinct. o. runisn oiiArr , v. v. o. Office in New alaaonie Building, Eeoond street, Cleardold, Pa. mayle'7 DENTAL CARD. Dr. A. M. HILLS Would lay to hit ptUientJ und th pub lic Eenorallr, that, having ditaolred partnerihip with Dr. Hbaw, ha li now doing tba entire work of hii office bimielf, ao that patianti need not fear being put under the bandi of any other operator. I'learBelii, March ZU, ltS7Z-pd..Uncb79 J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., Offloe over Irwln'a prog Store, CCRWEK8YILLE, PA. All dental oporationi, either In the mechanical or operatire branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Hpecial attention paid to tbe treatment of diieasea of the natural teeth, gum i and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth iue oennfully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the uie of lit her, and artificial teeth inierted of the best material and warranted to render eat faction. april2ft'71:ly iUi$rcUattrou$. v IN EG AH BITTERS. PURELY TIMETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitten ire a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the natire herbs found oa tbe lower ranges the medicinal properties of which art extracted therefrom without tbe use) of Alcohol. Tba ques tion is almest daily asked, "What is the eause of the unparalleled success of Vihboab Bittibs?" Our aniwer is, that they remote the eause of dis ease, and tbe patient recovers his health. They are tbe great blood purifier mod a life-giving principle, a perfect Renorator and Inrigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded poi soning the remarkable qualities of VnraoAa Bit tibs in healing the sick of every disease man Is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of ne isiiYcr sou imwrai vrgaui, in duiudi iiv Tbe propertiei of Sr. Walker's Vinegar Bit ters are Aperient, Diaphoretic. Carminative, Ko trieinus, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter irritant, Budoriflo, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious, r. ii. McDonald a co., Druggists and Gen. Agts., Pan Tranclsco, Cali fornia, and corner of Washington and Charlton streets, New York. Sold by all DruggiMs and DoaJers. octl6'7My. gTONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We have received the agency for the above and will sell them at manufacturer's prices. Call and examine them. They are the best. JellMJ H. F. BIGLER A CO. r. A. FLICK. A. M. BllXi. T. A. FLECK & CO., Agents la Clearfield county for the sale of E. IIUTTERICK CO.'S Fashionable Patterns of Garments, all srrLts in snas. .1:18 Market Street Clearfild, Pa. TOOT AND SHOE JUAKIXG. It JOSEPH II. DEKRINO, on Market street ia Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., baa Juit reeeired a fin. lot of Freaok Calf Skins and Kips, lha best ia the market, and ia now prepared toman afaotnre ererythlaf ia kis line, lie will war rant his work to be aa represented. The eitisens of Clearfield and vicinity arc respectfully inrlted te glee bias oall. Work done at short notice. T:16'T3y QKISTM1LL! NOTICE t I take this method of Informing the public that I hare parrhased the Cadwallader Uriel Mill, bsd it thoroughly repaired, and am now ready to grind any kind of grain on short notice, in tbe best manner. A share of your patronage is so licited. Tours Respectfully, U. 8. FLROAL. On sst W. Plioil, Killer. Phillpsbnrg, Fa., Dec. KMirn. HOUSE AND LOT FOK SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a rslna hle town property, ia the borough of Clearfield. Lot 60x172, sin ate on Pine street, with a good1 two-story plank House thereon erected, llense finished oompletc -good cellar and good water. Price reasonable and payments easy. For fur ther particulars inquire of the subscriber. Pos session given on short notice after sale. I. 0. 11A110KR. Clearfield, March IS, l7t. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TIIK undersigned, baring established a Nat aery on tbe 'Pike, about kalfway betweea Clearfield and Cnrwensellle, Is prepared le fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TREKS. standard and dwarf,) Krergreeaa, Shrubbery, drape Viess, Gooseberries, Lewtoa Blackberry, Strawbtrry, and Raabarry Via.a. Also, Siberia! Crab Tress Quince, and early soviet Rhubarb, ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address, I, D. WRIGHT, sepli. i-y Cnrwenseills, Pa DISSOLUTION Ol' PARTNF.II!-IIIP. Ia Clearfield County. The firm of Wm. 8. Dicker A Son la this day dissolved by mutual consent, hy the final with drawal of Wm. 8. Dicker. The business will bs continued by Jamea Uioaey In future. Oar books sea omer aoeounta will be settled byeitbsrei the partners, at tb. home farm of Wm. 8. Diekey or at the office ef 8. C. Patehen, Esq., where psr lles are requested to call and settle and sars fsr thor cost and trouble. WM. S. rtlCKKV, JAMKS tJlCKKY. (This dissolution Is fur nnn(rotlr. We mast continue a while loneer ia Cambria. Olen Hop., April 14, 1874. apl2I I" FIRST CLASS BAKERY! NOTICE TO BAFTMEN. The subscriber bos fitted nn a lrot-elaas BskerT, and wishes to Inform raftmen that he will sapply them with 11RKAD, PIB8, CAKES, Ae, oa reasnnabl terms. Ilakerr aaat and of brldea lui tba "Llok, Clearfield, Pa. Barlv-fia J0IIH CCILKIl.