Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 27, 1874, Image 1

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    Sheriff's Sale. '
TJT lrtuof wrltaof KiuliMm Krponai, laaii.d
1 J out or In. Court oi uorainon neat of Clour.
Hold count?, mt to wo dirottoil, than will
ho oipoaod to public aal, ( tot Court, lUrum,
In Ibo borough of Clearflolil, on Monday, tho
at uay ui .juiiu, ioi i, t o oiook, p
tho following doaerlbid roitl date, to wit:
A oerUIn tract of land iltuoto In tho borough
of HouUdole. Cleornold county, Pa., known a.
lot No. AO, bounded on the north by Clara itrtot
1 00 toot, on ino can ojr uond llroot SO feet, on
tho tooth by lot Mo. 69 and on tho wont by l'lno
alloy. Soiled, taken in oiacutlnn and to bo told
at too pro inn j oi inrmniinor llillory.
Alto, two otrtaltloU of land tltuato in Oaoeola
norougn, uoarn.iii county, I'a., tituula in tin
touth tidt of Llngla ttroot, and known and dii.
iirnaltd at Iota Mo. 84 and 85 in tho plan
of taid borough. Selted, takon in otocutiou and
iu um auiu at m. properly or John Davit,
Altn, a otrtain traot of land tltuato in lloutt-
aaie oorougn, Olaarn.ld oounty, Pa., on tho north
oatt oorner of Uood and Kim n,i rr,.i
Ing on Uood atroot tlfty dot aud running ettt ono
nunurcu ami uuy tool to Hpruct alley, and known
at kit No. 47 In Ibo gi noral plan of aaid borough
and having a tvoatory frame dwelling houn and
amor improrcaionia tnnraon.. boitrd, taken i
elocution anil to ho aolil aa tho property of Jainot
Alao, a etrlam traot of Inml tltuato In Iloeon
ria townthlp, Cleardeld county, Pa., boundod
mum uy innii oi citnon Mofarland and Dillrn,
wcat by land of Samuel llagerly, north by land
of L. I). Wold and oatt by land of J. II. Dillon,
oontalning olghty-IWo aoroa, more or lota, having
" J "nMoipinmanai largo bear,
ing OMbard, log honao and lotf barn n,,.,.
Hoitod, takei In oxooutlon and to lit anlil at the
property oi ttaitnow Cowan.
Alio, a oortaln lot of lnml llliiale in rtuuibar-
ger, nrauy townanip, ulcarfli'M oounly, Pa.,
bounded touth iy lot of John Itcnd, onat by town
thlp road, north by lot of 0. Wolf and wett by
alley, and having; a dwelling- houa rt,.,i
thornon. Seiacd, tnkon In merntion and to In
torn aa me property or J. M. Hoover.
Alao, a ecrlaln lot of land iltiiato In Dooatur
lowntbip, Clearncld county, Pa., in the villago
of Choatervllle, boundod eat by John llnatcn,
woat by lot or Win. Maya, north by an alley anil
touth by ttrcot, containing about one-fourth
of an aero and having a plank frame dwelling
honao, frnint ttnlile and other uut'oulldinga tlioro
on erected. Helied, taken In execution and to be
told aa the property of 13, d. Uonrlmrt.
Alao, two certain tract! of land ailnnt. In tlm
town of Punnflold, Clcarlield county, I'a., ono of
aaiu iuib iniDimg uu icoi on woodward atreot and
being JUO feet doep, bounded enat by a atrcet laid
out but nol opened, north by land of Win. Pbilipt,
weat by another lot of tald defendant and here
after doaoribed, and having a good frame dwell
ing honae, atable and amith shop thereon erected.
Tho other lot thereof fronting 60 feet on Wood
ward itroet, being 2110 feet, bounded on tho eaat
by the drat deaeribed lot of the aaid defendant,
on tbe north by land of Vm. Philipt and wcat by
lot of A. 11. Mitton, and having a good frame
dwelling honao and bearing orchard thereon.
8eited, taken In elocution and to be told at the
property of Joaoph U. llilcbtr.
Alio, a certain tract of land tltuato In Cheat
townahip, Cleardeld oounty, Pa., boundod on tbe
aouth-eaat by landa of Joilah Lomborn, on the
north-mat by Tobiaa Weatover and on the north
and wett by being part of larger traot In
name of Jouathan Woatovor, and having a amal!
log houae and atahlo with other improvement
thereon. Beitcd, taken in execution and to be
told at the property of Daniel Scllridgo.
Alao, a eertain traot of land litaato In Pike
townahip, Clearfield oounty, i'a., bounded toutll
by land of Adam Smith, weat by townahip road,
nortb by public road and land of L. I. llloum
and taal by land of Michael Wiao'l helra, con
taining about two aeret and having a large two
atory frame houae and atable thereon erected.
Seiaed, taken in execution and to be told aa the
property of Joteph Uoon.
Thus or Bali. Tho prlco or mm at which
the property thall be ttruck off mutt be pnid at
tho time of tala,or tuch other arrangement!
made at will bo approved, otherwite the proper
ty will bo Immediately put up and told again at
the expentt and rlak of tho peraon to whom it
wat ttruok off, and who, in oaao of deloienoy at
tueh re-talt, thall make good the tawie, and in
no inatanee will the Deed be preaented in Court
for confirmation nnlett the money it actually
paid to the Sheriff. W. K. Mi l'UKltNON,
Sninirr'i Omen, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., May 13, 1874.1
Sheriffs Sale.
BY T.rtua of wrlti of Fieri Faciu; Indued
out of tbtj Court of Common Ploai cf Cloar
.Id oountT, and to mo directed, there will be
expoied to PUBLIC SALE, at tbe Court lloune,
in the borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the
1st day of 'June, 1474, at 1 o'clock, p. id,,
the following Ileal Estate, to wit.
All that eertain lot of ground situate In the
borough of Of ceo la, Clearftold count, I'a., bound
ed and described aa follows : On the fouth bj
Curttn itreet, on the east and north by an alley,
on the west by lot No. SHU in plan f laid bo'r
'oord, and known an lot No. 107, with a two-ntory
plank hoone and other outbuilding thereon erect
ed. He i ted, taken In elocution and to be no Id as
tbe proper! of Jerry Wagoner.
. Alio, all the rig lit, title, interact and cUim of
uVt'ondant of, In and to all tboae three certain
tract or ptcoea of land lituate in the township!
of Huitonand Urady, in the county of Clearfield
and State of Pennsylvania, boundod aud deseribed
an follows i Tbe unit thereof beginning at an old
hemlock eorner on line of warrant 4ttlhS; thence
along tract line eoutb 8U degree! east 42b pcrchei
to a maple; tbenoe along traot line of warrant
touth one-half degree wont 420 perchea to a
poit; thenoe along lino of warrant 1938 north 8UJ
degrees west 4'M 310 perches to a beech on line
of warrant 4399 ; thence along line of said war
rant north throe-fourths degreo eaat 814 perches
to a blocked hemlock ; thence north S degrees 25
minutes east 108 perches to hemlock, the place of
beginning, containing l,l.'i2 acres, and known as
warrant 3691. The second thereof beginning at
a beech corner of traot 8592, above described ;
thence south Hl'l degrees east 4.'t3 5 10 perches to
a post eorner of tracts MWf 3&0,384 and 1V8;
thenoe along line of tract .3684 south three-fourths
degree went 172 perches to post corn of j thence
along lin of tract 2009 north 89 dt-grees west
434 ft-10 perches to a post; thence north 1) de
grees east 171 1-10 perches to beech, the place Of
beginning, containing 4 (14 AH. HHi acres, and known
as warrant 19.H8. The third thereof beginning at
a post oorner of tract 1188, a bo to described;
thence along tho same south 89 degrees east
434 6-10 perches to a post on line of traot 3fH4 ;
thence along tract 3684 and balance of tract 2009,
south three-fourths degree west 3U9 perchea to a
poat on line-of traot 27 ; thenoe north 41 degrees
si minutes west 42 perches to a hemlock j thenoe
north 8!i degrees west 206 perches to an elm j
thence north i2 degrees west 67 perchea to pine
eorner of tract 13 j thence aioog same north 38
degrees 60 minutes west 227 perches to a hickory ;
thence north degree 6 minutes west 87 perches
to a maple; thence north 46j degrees west .'U 6-10
perches to a beech; thence north I degree east 83
perches to post, tb place of beginning, contain
ing 818 66-100 acreo and being part or warrant
2iu9, and being tbe same tracts or pieces of land
eonrced to Hubert Osburn, A. V. bautn and Juhn
farrier bj John Dubois, by deed dated Mnruh 30,
168, and recorded In the count (if Clearfield, In
Deed Book Vol. V. Jf. pages 00, 01, Aa. Also, all
that certain tract or piece of land adjneent to the
tracts last above described, situate in Urady town
ship, in the count aforesaid, bounded on tbe oast
by tract No. 13, warranted In Ibo name of Chris
tian Lowers, on tbe south by other land of the
said Osburn, llauni A Carrier, on the west by tbe
Clearfield and Jcflnriton eounty lino and on the
north by lend of Hell, containing 20 acres, more
or less, being the fame land warranted In the
name of Ueorge Mason, Also, all that eertain
tract or piece of land adjacent to lands aboredo-
scribed, and bounded as follows, vis t Hoginnlng
it ft matile (o. e.) on line of traot 2m)9, heroin be
lore described; thence by same sowth 86 perches
to hickory (o. e,); thenoe by same sooth 40 degrees
east 210 perches to pine (o. c); thenee by lnnd of
John Dubois south XO degrees west H'2 perches to
nine (o. e.l: tlience by land of Bell north 46 de-
! grees west i)20 pe rebel (o birch f thenee south r6
! ' aasjaal 'AO nawnliai In ninaa I a It ttmnna 11 V
laod of Hell south 40 degruos west 140 perches to
pine (o. s.)i tbeneo by saoie south 72 perches to
hemlock (o. e.)( thence south 86 degrees west 10S
porches to ash ; tbenoe north by land of Pe, wi
dow Osburn and other land of OAhurn. Haum A
Carrier hereinafter next described, 200 perches to
Dine lo. e.)i thtnea by land of Uarrlson east 82
perches to maple to. e.)t thenee north (16 dogreoa
16 minutes east 282 perches to sugar (o.e.) thenoe
wuth 46li degrees east V 0-10 porchne to manle,
he plaoe of beginning, containing 621 acres and
llowanee, being the same tract granted and con
eyed to A. P. Haum and John Carrier within
ttned by heirs of Bart or IT. H plied", taken In
vocation and to be sold as the property of Hob'
.10, all defendant's interest In all that certain
ne of timber land situate in Uoshon township,
r(leld county, Pa., bounded and descrtlied as
wa: Heginning at a eueamber 219 nere lies
st of the northeast corner (hemlock) of tract
1326 ; thenno eitending south 179 perches to
ost t the west boundary bexlnnint at a hemlock
er W4 perehes et of the northwest eorner of
1 tract ISe. 6.126, and thenoe extending south
Mrenes to a nemincK, btng part of Irani No,
w ana containing iwo nana red acre and allow
Sand known as tbe Peter htder" traot, be
the same piece of land conveyed by T. He
L Paris (i rah am and James Urahatn to Hon-
i. Ptnwart, whe sold the seme to C. T. Kobt rts,
i defendant In the within writ. Heitcd, takon
execution and lo be sold as the property of 0,
, Huberts.
Also, all defendant's right, lille and Interest li
eertain house and lot situated in West Clearfield,
awreneo township, Clenrfield oounty, Pa , bound
I on the north by aa alley, south by Nichols
(rest, west by Weaver street and east by properly
M Ueorge H a toon, with a goou two-atory boose,
well Aaiihed, ft stable and other necessary ont-
buildings. Seised, taken In execution aid to be
sold as tbe property of William 11. Hadtoaagh.
: I'M
VOL 48--WHOLE NO. 2372.
gronl (U'frtijSftnfntj.
Also, No. 1. A eertatn nirn af .lt.mtl In
Jonlan township, Clearflold oounty, Pn., bounded
miiuws ; Un north by lands of P. A A. P lynn.
tho east by lnnds of Jatnea Forre.L nn Itie
toulll bv lauiia lit I'luova aud on the wl l,
f Wllherow, obntaining about 6tl2 .orra, mure or
u'". n. j. Alao, I lie intoreat or laid Mwan In
certain piece of land tlluato In Uoeearia timnaliii
nomiileil aa rollout: On tho nortb lij Innda of V.
H. Du'koy and Withcrow, on the eaat lijr lunda of
n m. luaoy, en me ami in by Joaliua t'omalock
and on I lie weat by land of It. M, Arthur, con
taining about HID .,. No. S. Alao, internal of
ffniu owan in a oerlain triiiit or Lin,l . Iiiiil,.,! in
Jordan townahip, bounded aifbllowti North by
... u, unxiia aua lilcKcy 1:0., on die enat hy
(Irooni and Ulcker. on tho aouth by land of Tho..
I) room anil on tho weat be land or B II. Tit.lor
and Hnilth, oonlainlnR about IM arret, more or
eat. no. i. Alao, a traot of land aitnnle in Jor
dan townahip, beginning at a poat at northeual
eorner or Hichnrd Martin turvey ; thonee norlh
W dlgrrM wett lo'.' porchoe to a port i thewee
norlh li decreet eaat 111 i ll) pon-hca lo pine
aiumpi nience tonin an acgreei 1112 perchea to
poat; theneo aouth ii Uegroea wcat 111(13 10
porch.a to a poat and plaoo of beginning, con
taining 1 10 acrot and 122 nercllee, hiivinr tliurcon
erected no iinprovcmcuta, and bcingpreiniaeaeou
veyed to defondant by Kainuel Mitchell. (Hoc
Deed Uoolc II. U). No. b. Alao, all that eertain
tract of land in Jordan township, beginning at a
poat eorner ofM. Uibaon; thenco north l2 de
gree, eaat 120 perchea, more or Icaa, to poat on
land of O. W. Witc. John Swan and Thot. rltorv :
thonca touth 38 degree, eaat 1 08 porchea, more or
leatj thenee touth 62 degrcca woat 1211 percbet
more or leat; thonco by traot of 1). M. Levy north
3H dagreoa weat 1(18 perchea toplaee of beginning,
containing 124 aerea and 61) perchea and allow -anec,
(aoo Deed Hook M. U. page 107), and hav
ing thereon erected a bro-atory fraoie honae aud
barn, a tmall orchard and about 100 aeret cleared.
No. 0. Alao, all that oortain piece of land aituatc
in Jordan townahip, in villago of Aneonville, be
ginning at.corner of Catharine atroet thence
aiong an alley nortn ay degrcea wcat nil feet to lot
No. 13: thence touth 4y deirroea eaht 180 feet to
Catharine itreet j thenee north 41 drgreet eaat AO
feet to place of beginning, and known aa Iota No.
S aud 4, and having thereon erected a laro-o two-
atory atore houae, with wareroom attached. No.
7. Alao, loti No. S and , having a large two
atory dwelling Willi liable, brick awoke houa. and
other outbuildinga. No. 8. Alao, lot No. with
two-atory houao and alablo erected llicrcun.
rlelied, taken in elocution and to be told aa tho
property of Henry B)ran.
Alao, a eertain bona and lotaituated in Hualon
townahip, Clearfield county, I'a., boundod aa fol
lowa : Beglnuing at a poat on the aouth aido of tho
tuhlio road leading from Hickory Kingdom to
riftwood; thenoe tenth 3:1 degrocicnat 2011 root
to a poat; thenee aculh 68) degree! weat lot feet
to a poat; thenoe norlh 33 degroca weat 200 feef
to a punllo read ; thenoa north 6O7 degroca enat
100 teet to a pott, the plaoe of betrinuinff. boiniz
part of the pruperty known aa tbeUould lluyt
property. The improvement! eonaial of a large
rame dwelling houae, two bnrna, ono ttore room
with dwelling overhead and neceasary outbuild
inga. Soiled, taken in execution and to be told
aa the property or L. W. Kick.r.
Alao, a bouio aud lot In the borouch of Clear
field, facing Loeuat itreet, and bounded norlbeaat
by alley, woat by property of J. W. Hhugart,
and aouth by alley, being S0xIT2 rent, and having
thereon erected a good twu-atorv plnuk houae.
18x30 and kitchen and other neceaaarv outbuild
inga. Heiaed, taken in execution and to be aold
the property of Uonry Kibling.
Alao. all that lot of (round near PeotlebL in
(luaton townahip, Cleardeld oounty, I'a.. deaeribed
aafollowt: beginning at a poat In the public
nignway or atreot paaaing I'enticbl westerly in the
line betweon land or aaid Woodward, occupied by
Koacnkrana, and land or Frederick Lixneld,
I 7-1 reel from a butternut wilueaa trot: Ibenoo
along centre of highway touth 27 degree, wot
4 24-101) percbet 70 feet to a poat I tbnlice norlh
&0) degree! eaat .12 8-li) perchea to a poat in the
ahore named form line; tbenoe loulh 21 degree!
enat f,7 4-10 perchea to the beginning, containing
D 1-10 acre, more or lean, having erected thereon
a large two-atory dwelling hoaae.agnnd barn and
other neceaaary outbuildinga. Heiaed, taken In
execution and to be 10IJ aa the properly oHIcnrge
n.. vt ooawaru.
Trrmh or Sai.a. The price or autn at which
the property ihall ba itruck off nuat be palil at
the time of tale, or inch other arrangmenta
made at will be approved, otherwise the property
will ba immediately put up and told again at
the cxpenat and riak of tha peraon to whom it
wat itrnek off, and who, la etieof doftoieney at
uch re-ial,, thtll make good the lame, and in
no inatanct will the Deed be preaented In Court
for confirmation unlet! the money li actually
paid to the Sheriff. W. II. M, I'll Kits .N,
rJiiamrr s urrici, I menu.
Clearfield, I'a., May 13, 1871. J
SherifT's Sale.
T)Y virtue of writs of Levari Faring is
1 1 sued out of the Court of Common Plea of
Clearfield county, and to me directed, tlicro will
be exposod to Pi: KMC BALK, at tho Court Hon,
in tbe borough of Uearneiu, on Mommy, tne in
day of June, 1874, at 1 o'clock, p. in., tbe follow-
ng Heal Mi Lute, lo wit:
-A certain frame dwelling honse situate In tbe
village of Sterling, Clearlietd county, Pa., on lot
No, 74, with lot and nurtillaffe appurtenant there
to, and lot bounded south by St. James street,
front fifty feet and running one hundred and fifty
feet lo oak alley, noised, taken in execution and ,
to be luld as the property of U. W, Itnndolph,
ownor, and Joseph Dew alt, contractor. I
Also, all that oortaln dwelling bouse with lot
and curtillage appurtenant thereto, situate on lot
bounded south by St. James strtct flftr feat and
running back one hundred and fifty feet to oak
alley, aud known as lot No. 7A In the general
Ian or the village oi sterling, uioArnoin ouumy,
Heued, taken In execution and to be sold an
the property of James Smith and Margaret h.
mllii, owners or rcputrd owners, and Joseph De-
all, contractor
Also, three certain pieces of land situate In
Bucoaria townnhip. Clearfield county, Pa, No. 1
hrghining at a post corner of Isaac lUrkcts;
thence west 1 ! perrhei to Iho a It eorner of tho
said Kiokots In 11. l'illon line, thenoe north, by
land of II. l'illon, 43 iterchos to a cheMnutt
thence cant 10.1 porches to stone heap In line of
Gill's survey j thenee south 42 porches to pi tire of
beginning, containing 2ft acres and 71 perches,
mora or less. No. 2, adjoining tbe abovo on tbv
nrtli thereof and bounded on the rant by lands
of John Lita, norlh by land of J. It. Oil) and
st by lands of Pat. frlynn, oontalning VI acres
and .17 perches, more or less. No. S being part
of tract warranted in the name of John Mails
and bounded aud described as follows, to wit :
Iteginnliir at ft post: thence west by lands of Jan.
(Jill, late deooased, 40 nercbes to post thinco
south by land of u. w. Weld zu perches lo poll
thence east by land of John Lit 411 perehos to a
post; thenoe north by other lands of John Lit
tv perches to post an a place oi negimniig, con
taining ft acres, and being the said lands being
the same al conveyed by J. Philip Lusher and
Barah A., his wife, by deed dated 7lh April, IH00,
to said W. M. Kinitb. Seised, taken In execution
and to be sold as the property of William M.
Also, a certain dwelling house, eighteen by
twentv foar feet and two stories, with lot and our
tillage annartenant thereto, situate in II tie ton
townihip, uirarneid oounty, ra., on me nirm oi
tne said Ibomas Hewitt. Heised, taken in execu
tion and to be sold as tbe property of 1 hour
Hewitt and Kiokial Hewitt.
AIo. all that oortain two-story dwelling house
situate at Inglcr station, Clearfield eounty, ra.,
on lot No. 1, block no, 1, bounded eant lv ulley
south by Clearflold street, went bv lot No, I and
orih by alley, and being six ly feot front and two
hundred and fire feet deep, oeiwd, taken In ex
ecution and to be cold ai the property of L. W.
Berry and Kerry, his wife.
Also, all that certain mesmnge or tenement of
land situate In tne borough of lloutidale, Clear-
fluid county, Pa,, on the south east corner of Urls
bin and duo streets and minting on south side o
Sue street fifty font to hlk alley, and known an
designated as lot No. It", in tbe general plan of
said borough, Kciied, taken in exeeution and to
be sold as the nronrtv of John T. Col.
Tan mi or Hai.. The price or sum at which
Ilia property shall be struck H must bo paid a
the time of sale, or such other arrangement!
made as will be approved, otherwise the property
will be immediately pot up and sold again at the
expense and risk of tho person to whom It was
struck on, ana wno, in raso oi neiicioney a. mien
re-sale, shall make good tho same, and In no In
stance will the Heed be presented in Court for
confirmation unless the money is aeiuniiy pai
the Hheriff. W. It. Mrm I.KKUN,
Fnitnirr'a Oraim, 1 Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., May 13, 174-1
CAUTION All persons are herefy cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with two
ertain Mules (one bay and one cream-color) and
one set of Double-Harness, now in tbe possession
of Psrry II. and John 11. Uelnett, of Union town
ship, as the same belong to me and are left With
them subject to my order,
Rockton, May 13th. 1S74-31
rgl gnwrtlsfmnw.:
J Term, 1874, commencing on the 6rat Mon-
uy, 1110 lai :
K. B. Wcllel Uoll
Scott Klrgtl Uoali.o
A. 8. lloldcn illoom
John llult .Uraham
Alox. MeMurray..tlnlloh
S. 1. Wilaon...llradrord
I,. U. Carlilo Ilrad
1 not, Hewitt. ...iiuiton
R. Kennedy.,. karthaua.
I). J. Calhcart.,.Knol
(1. II. Hall..,. .Lawrence
I,. Uowlet
L. Jordan. .Lumber City
Jnna. Kuieigh Morril
.1. W. Hamerlr-Oaoeola
H. M. Hoover. Pcnn
Jna. Htcvenaon.Uumaide;
J. I.. Allison...
L. Killian. Cheat
A. Ilirgueny,.Coringlnn
Win. iligler.,..Clrartield
(1. W. (learhart "
K. A. llipple..Cnrwna'lle
Jaa. tllenn r'erguaon
Martin Flcgal Bogga
i. A. Wntaun...IJradrurd
II. A. Hall
W. Ucnrhart.Jr "
lloo, Jordan....Clearfleld
J.R.Cullingwerth " .
Jna. l'araona Deoatur
l'mory Owcna.. Ferguson
K. L. Vt il.on..Uo.ha
Jaoob Uinter Ouiioh
lloorgo Uliae....)IuaUn
D. F. Htraw Jordan
Dan'l Moore.. .Kartbaut
.lona. Walker Knox
Jno. 1'attcrton..... "
M. Ilurat Lawrence
.1. II. Lytic
J. A. U. White.., Osocole
Heubon Wall IV nn
Thoi. Hill Pike
Harvey Bloom
C. 0. Bhotr....W'oodward
rl. U. Kouota Urady
J. F. OawalU
II. llartil'clt
I), l'oallethwailo.. "
Isaac Lae. llurnaide
J. W. Nugent.. "
C. l'atrlek...... .
Thomas lliinl Cheat
H. Couderct... Covington
tl. Krataor... "
las. Adiitna Clonrficld
C. D. Wut.on.. " j
Frank Smith.. "
II. A. Kratzcr. "
mti'oRn wi:rk.
J. Hindtnnn Boccnrla
J. W. I la vis "
Jeff, fiundorlln Bell
J. E. Oralitrt Ooshen
Fred Shaw "
I. Hothrook Uraham
Jero. Kyler "
Win. Boott Oulich
Fetor Hecd...Houladule
Jacob Arnold Knox
H. J. Bloppy.
Eli Curriek Lawrence
J.W.Tbompaon "
R. Danieli
8. II. Fulton... '
Jordan Road... 11
tl. M. Wation..
Wm. Maya Oaceola
Klljah Weaton....
John Koee..,.Wallaceton
A. Kline Woodward
Ueorge llcsa Bogga
Val. Flegal "
Jaoob learoe...llrn.lford
Thoa. Wayne Brady
J. I: Wcavor '
lleo. Hubwem "
Kobt. Connor.-.Uurnaide
0. D. Ni'lT. "
K. Wilaon... "
II. K. 8nyder..Clenrneld
lno. Irwin..,.. "
Kich. Shirk.. ,. "
Jot. Patterson. Ferguaon
II. Ilulihan '
0. Leonard tlirard
T IT OF CAimiM tet down
for trial 1
J June Term.
rillHT WKKK.
va. Joy.
va. t'bainbera.
va. Hpaokman.
vt. Thompaon.
vt. llallaglier.
vt. Heiaor A Jlilcmtn.
vt. Finney.
vi. Colwell.
va. Corlev.
va. Munaon. ''
, va, Pa.amoie.
vt. MeKec.
Board va. Wm. Lather.
va. A I bet A Broi.
vi. Lewla.
Iloasler ,.
Albert A Bros.
De Beck
tl laagow
Whiteside ,
Oulich Hchuol
TS. Hraith.
Axticnfeltor .
I Mini an
vs. Corley.
vs. Chase.
Uuii ,
vs. Hteint-r.
vs. Caiiipbell.
vs. Krhnrd.
vs. 1st Nnt'1 Il'k Cnr'll.
vs. Kcins.
vs. Dlckcrman.
vs. Hoover.
vs. Lightner. .
vs. Kame.
vs. Ityers.
vs. Caldwell.
vt. I.iftbuer. I
vs. Woulridge.
vs. UaKer.
vs. Jlindle,
, vs. Arthurs.
, vs. King ot al.
vs. Hand et al.
vs. Forest.
, vs. Wurrall,
.vs. Tate.
Hlooto ,
McFarland use ,
Hume ,
rivnn......... ,
la an -(berry.,
lmn.o , ,
ate .,,, ,
Itaiwuw ,
Arthurs ,
vs. Kecd,
l'unoy, Jones A Co vs. Heed.
Holgnr vs. Morrison A Co. .
Ilrisbln vs. Day. .
limmerly vs. Day.
Joy vs. Illoom, .
ffiven that the following accounts have been
xamined and panned by nic. and remain filed of
rocurd in tins office for the' inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors. and all others in anyother way
iiit'jrcjtcd, and will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court et Clearfield county, to be held at the
court Jiousc, in trie borough or uicarneid, com
mencing on the lt Monday (being the 1st day)
of Jnno, A. D. 1874 :
Final account of John McDowell and Mary Col-
grove, Administrators of Henry Colgrore, deo'd.
Final account of J. F. B twiner and Andrew
Ocarhart, Execufon. of John Uearheart, deceased,
late of Decatur township.
Distribution account of J, F. fitciner and An
drew .learhart, Kxecutors of John Liearhartf de
ceased, late ol ueoatur townsnip.
Final account of Hamunl (i. Hunts, A dm Itera
tor of Jacob Mungold, deceased, late of Urady
Final account of James r lynn. Administrator
of A. 8. rlturtcvant, deceased, late of llulloh twp.
Final account of A. u. lale. Administrator or
Wm. Lumadne, deceased, Into of ltoggs township.
Account of Mrs. Kmlly right. Administratrix
of A. K. Wright, deo'd, into of Clearfield borough.
Final account of (icn. V. MoCully, surviving
Executor of Juhn Whiteside, deceased, late of
(lulicb towmhln.
final ancount ot James morgsn ana iavia
Rmeal, Administrators of (Icorgo Morgan, doc d,
late ol uraham township.
Final account of Patrick Daley, Uuardian ot
M net in Mrrler.
Final account of I'ntrick Haley, Uuardian or
James Myrter.
Also, account of A. C. Tnte, (.uardlan or Mar
garet Elite HIoss, minor child of John Hloss, late
of John Hloss, dcRnnrcd, which will be presented
at second week or June court.
IUiiistrh's OrrtrR, I A. W. LEK,
Clearfield, Pa., May ft, 1H71 to. J Hog inter.
A1TI1EIIEAS, Hon. 0. A. MATER, President
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the Twenly-flfth Judicial District, eomposed of
the counties of Clearflold, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. William 0. Fulky and Hon. Jons J.
Rkad, Associate Judges of Clearfield eounty.
hare i.isuod their precept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Torminer, and Court of Ueneral Jail Dellv- the Court House at Clearfield, in and for tbe
county of Clearfield, commencing on the II rat
Monday, lite mt any oi June, ihti, and to
continue two weeks.
NOTICH let, therefore, hereby given, to tho
Coroner, Justices of the reaee, and Uons tables,
In and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, with their Record , Hons,
Inquisitions, examinations, and other nemem
bronoes, to do those things which to their offices,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
GIVEN nnder my hand at Clearfield, this 131b
day of May. in the year of onr Lord ono
thousand lght hundred and seventy-four.
W. II. MrPJIKHHuN, Sheriff
AlIJ 1) N. All persons are hereby cautioned
j against purchasing or meddnng in any man
ner with one Wagon, two Cows, one Haw, Log.
chain. Fanning mill, Cant-hook, and tbe Pine,
Oitk and Hemlock timber now in possession of
(loorge Mirndge, an the same belong to me and
are lel with the said Belfrldge subject to my
or OCT. vmi n iiAibinvi
may IS Sto
0 FRIDAY, MVV l.illl, 1871
Will return fro in the East with the finest selection
of choice Millinery, Htraw, 11 raid, and Leg.
horn Hummer style Hals, Hon nets, Ac.,
bought direct from ItallUnore, New
York and Philadelphia than
has ever been brought to
v town. The styles will be en
tirely new, novo! and different from
any brought early in the season, as May
Is the lime to get best Hummer fashions. I
will also have a full line of Notions, (J lores. Silk
Ties, Ruffling, Jewelry, Hair goods, and ft
gsneral Assortment of Ladles'and M Isms'
variety goods, and hying strictly
for eauh can sell them 10 percent. cheap
er, and belter styles and handsomer goods
than this market has evor had. French trimmed
pattern Hats and bonnets a specially.
maylS-at MRS. WATSON.
fj tlon neatly executed ftt this office, .
i !
Btnnd up erectl Thou but tho form
And likeness of thj God who more?
A soul as dauntless amid tbe storm
Of daily life a heart as warm
And pure, as breast 'ro wore.
What then J Tbov art as true a man
As mores tbe human mass among;
As much a nari of tbe great plan
That with (.(ration's dawn began.
- ,y As an of tun, , n .,r,.,
Who Is thine enomy f The high
In station, or in wealth tbe chief?
The great who coldly pass thee by
With proud steps and averted eye t
Nay t nurse nut auoh belief.
If true nnto thyself thou wast. '
What were the proud one's soorn to thee?
A foather which tnon mighttstoast
Aside as Idly as tbe blast
The light f from tbe tree.
No! nncurb'd passions, low desires,
Absence of nuble self-respect
Death, In the breast's consuming urei,
To that high nature wbioh aspires ,
For ever, till thus cheek 'd.
These are thine enemies thy worst:
Thoy chain thee to thy lonely lot;
Thy labor and thy life accursed.
0, stand erect, and from them burst,
And longor sutler not.
Thou art thyself thine enetny ;
Tbe great I what better they than thoa?
As theirs, is not thy will as free t
Jlas (Jod with equal favors tbee
Neglected to endow I
True wesltb thoa bast not 'tis but dustl
Nor place uncertain ai the wind I
But that thou hast, which, with thy crust
And water, may despise the lust
Of both a noble ailndl
With this, and passions nnder ban,
True faith, and holy trust in Uod,
Thou art tbe peer of any man ,
Look up, then) that thy little span
Of life may well be trod I
What Happened the Dewberry a.
Mr. Dowbcrry, wife of James Dew
berry, is nn exceedingly absont minded
woman, to absont minded tbut she
soniotimos forgets to sow on hor hus-
sanUi buttons and mond tussocks;
though, as Mr. Dewberry savagely ro-
mams, luruto mat he is n she novor
sooma to forget when she ought to
have a now bonnet or gown, or thinks
biio ought whon bo don t, lor Air. J). is
man who docs not anprovo ot too
much dross for woman.
They would get alone splendidly.
howover, were it not for Mrs. Dow
berry's little habit of forgollulncss,
and the additional fact that she ih
somowhat deaf.
But just lot ma toll vou what linn.
pencd at tho residence of the Dewber
ry's the othor night, and I foci sure
you will sympathize not only with
Air. J'ewberry, bat tho untorlunato
Mrs. Dowborry herself.
Ijiko all partially deaf porsons, Mrs.
Dewberry is forevor laboring under
the delusion that she hoars all descrip
tion of noises, and happening to wake
up last Thursday night about twelve
o olook, became conviocod, from son
dry imaginary sounds, that some ono
was breaking into tbehouso. - she sat
up in bed and listened with both ber
ears, ono of which was a little more
deaf than the otbor, and wassuro that
some one was lorcinjr an cnlranco
through the basemont window. Sho
wns dreadfully frightened ; visions of
manked robbers passed through ber
bead. So, seizing ber slocping spouso
by the arm she shook him violently,
screaming :
"James 1 James I wake up, .1 say.
There's robbors breaking in I"
"What's that r exclaimod Mr. Dew
berry starting op And robbing bis a
toninhed eyes.
"iboro s band ot masked robbers
gotting in at tho basement window !"
unsworod Mrs. Dowbcrry in groat ex
citement. "Masked robbors I" shouted her hus
band; "Thunder I" and with that ho
sprang out of bed, and snatching tho
night lamp, aashoa down stairs, olad
only in his robe de nute. Whereupon
Mrs. V. instead ot hanging ovor tbe
baluster to look after bor husband, as
any other woman would have dono,
lockod tho door, covered heraolf bead
and all in the blunkots ; and as her
husband did not come back as she ex
poctod, lorgot all about him and foil
asleep. Meanwhile Mr. Dowborry, in
search of tho robbors, having armed
himself with bis cano,cropt softly down
the basomont stairs and peeped cau
tiously through tho keyhole of tho din
ing room filled with masked men mak
ing off with tho silver. Hut no, tbe
apartraont was empty ; and though
be searched every room and listened
at every window and door he oould
find no trace of robbors. 1 hoy might
be down stairs feasting on the con
tents ot the lardor ; lie bad hoard ol
such things, and aoting on this sug
gestion lie explored the collar also
notwithstanding the cold bricks froze
his bare foot. Hut thoro was no ono
in tho collar either, unless thoy were
socroted in the coal bin, and Mr. Dew
berry, who, whon be did a thing al
ways did it woll, mounted up on tho
edgo of the coal bin, and lamp in band,
pooped down into its grim depths.
just as ne nau ueciaou mat more was
naught but coal In tho bin, a gust ol
wind from tho cellar window blow out
his light, and at tho samo instant Mr.
Dowborry lost his balance and fell
lieau urst into llio coal bin, Jt is un-
necessary to state wbAt ho sold when
ha litmsafilr AIlKAiu nn !n
, ' 7 , lk ., TVL 'Tl was too poor to provido for
"beastly con bin," he called it, but boiTllis i,Uvcr, was not tho
certainly did look rather peculiar whon, fttrco. As Boo; tll0y wor(
a tor procuring notnor iignttrom the
K.wnen, ne gained hi. bed room door
win. hi. n.gin siiiri, laco loci nna
"I , . . wiin cooi oust-
To bis surprise ho found tho door
... .. ... .. .
knuoklos, and pounded on it with his
foot, but Mrs. Dowborry had eono to
sleep with her doaf eamppormost.and
- . 1 .1 ' , I I A I
iu, n buuiiu uiBiuroou ner poacciui
"Confonnd tbo woman I what am I
to do?" growled tbe viotlmir.ed Dew
berry, shivering with cold. He'd not
stay thero All night that he was do
tormined on. Bo ba thooted and
banged and shook the door until Mrs.
DAY, MAY 27, 1871.
Dow be ry was aroused at last, and
called mt inasloopy voico, "Who's
there?' i
"Wli i thcrif; indeed t shouted the
irate llr. D. "Why your busbund, wo
man.:' nd why in tho name of good
nois doi't you unlock tho door 1
"I hijvon't lockod the door, no such
a ibingl" vociferated Mrs. Dowborry,
who bid of courso entirely forgotten
tho cirtumntanco ; "and you ain't my
husbanU cilhor," sho continued; "1
don't Uliovo a word of it."
'Nol your liuabntid ?" cried Mr.
Defb'fry. "What next I wonder?
I sin wur husband. Didn't you Bond
mo 10 look lor robbors that wcro not
thorojjeonfound it alt V
f'Ob;! yes, yes" answered Mrs. D.,
suddi'My romonibvrliig all nbouti it.
"Wait a moment, Jnmos, and I'll lot
you in ;" und Mrs. Dewberry got out
of bed and began groping her way
across tho floor. Thoro being no light
in the room, sho hud not gono half a
yard bofors she put hor foot into a
smull bath tub thut Mr. D. Ijad vory
carolcssly lcrt full of water boforo re
tiring. "liloss mo!" cried Mrs. Dowborry,
"what is thut f" und sho turned sud
denly around only to cntch bor foot in
tho drugget, and como down splashing
both bunds in the water.
"What in the thundor aro you al f"
demanded Mr. Dewberry oulsido tho
door. "Do you mean to lot mo in to
night ?"
"Do bo paliont," gasped Mrs. D.
"I'm coming as soon ns 1 got out of
this sea of water."
"Soa of water! why the woman
must bo dreaming yet. Will you
wake up " and bo begun pounding and
knocking again, with redoubled vigor.
"I'm coming, I tell yon," (creamed
Mrs. D., and fooling around tho wall
sho soon put hor hund on tho handle
of the closet door, which, supposing it
to bo the room door, she unlocked and
opened wiJo. Hut ns Mr. Dewberry
wus not in tho closet bo did not como
out of it, and Mrs. D. porcoivod nothing
but inky blackness. Whereupon sho
slammod tho door to, and uttering a
fearful scream, she jumped under the
bed and wont into hysterics.
By this timo Mr. Dowborry had
como to tho conclusion thnt tho rob
bers wore in his wife's bod chamber ; so
rushing down stairs, ho tore open the
front door, and ran out on the pavo
mont screaming murder, tiro, thieves 1
and everything else bo could think of,
at tbe top of bis voico. A policeman
bappening along, Mr. J). collared him
at unco, and telling him an incoherent
story of robbers killing his wifo, lrnn-
lically led llio way to Ins bedroom
door, where the hysterical sobs of Mrs.
i). wero pitiful to honr. .
A ffltr wall rlirnnlr-il htriwfl from Ihn
policeman's club soon broko open the
aoor, ana jur. Dewberry rushed in,
n uere are you, Kusan r he do
nmndod, staring around Iho room,
"llore, James," answerod Mrs. D.,
poking her nigbtcapped head from nn
dor tbe bod, and diving back with a
scream as soon as sho caught sight of
tno policeman and sool-bcgrimmcd
"Well, woll," said the policeman, in
disgust, "I don't soo your robber
iou nau better como down and lock
your door," and once more tho shiver
ing Dowbcrry desconded tho stairs.
lly this timo his cries of "Firo" hod
brouiht two eni-ines to tho spot, and
when Mr. Dowbcrry nppearod at tho
door with his light, tho foreman, mis
taking it for tho flames, instantly
turned tho full force of his hoso direct
ly at the porson of poor Mr. D.. and
boforo tho policeman could explain Mr.
li. mas swept oil. Ins teet and doused
Ironthcad to loot.
In pity I will draw tho curtain over
tho fest of that wretched night; but
tho last 1 hoard ot Mr. James Dow
bony, he was sick abed with an awful
cokl, and 1 don t wonder at it.
The Extraction of Indigo.
Tlo Tour da monde cives so mo do-
tniltjrolativo to tho proceedings om-
piovra in tne extraction ot indigo in
Indii: "Tho vulunblo tinctorial mut
ter is furnished by tho Tounc shoots
and not by tho flower, as is irencrallv
believed. Tho cathorinir of them is a
dclitato operation, as, when they have
attained the desired growth, they must
no fomovou at onco und in tho night,
for tho sun would wither the little
branches and deprivo them of their
quclilios. Consequently many hands
aro required, and all tho villagers on
the domain aro called into rcnuisilion
Tlo laborers aro dispersed in tho liolds
at about midnight, and in tho morning
tin prod u co is placed in stono troughs,
previously Ollod with walor. Thon
llie sun is, ir, its turn, called out to do
its work, and under tho influonco of Its
rays tlioao mnttors enter into A sort of
fermentation ; the water becomes irri
descent and turns blue rapidly. After
tno lupseot about lorty-oight hours tho
liquid is drawn ott into smaller roccp
inclos It then gives offa slightly am
tioniacal smell, and is almost black in
lolor. It is allowed to ovaporato still
iioro, then placed in motnlia vats,
tanned hy steam, and in which whon
li o evaporation is terminated, it forms
f deposit of pure indigo. A II that has
4) be turther dono is to pack it up and
lend it to tnu Calcutta market.
fact in South Carolina economies has
i i
lilafc nnmn in li,l.l, DAn
:.n;i. i, i' ..,i,i, ,.r
Ul0 penitentiary bocauso tho Stale
. .
etui of tho
no unpn rnlnnaml
from duranco vile Ihev marchod in a
body t0 tll0 (iovornor nnJ ftkod for
pconiory rolinf from tho impovoiinlioiJ
treasury of tho Commonwealth
W bother they got it or not is not
Two nerro men of ilownrd countv
Md., caught a negro boy named James
IT it- , I . . . I , ,
uonry n oouiy, llio oincr uay, nna
without Any provocation branded him
with a red-hot Iron, and tbon pourod
spirits of turpcnllno over his naked
body and sot it ou firo. Tho boy is
now in a liultlmoro infirmary, and i
not expected to rooovor. His tormon
tors have not boon arrested
; Tho Beat in the World.
The crisp ono dollar bill. is hs a
work of art simply beautiful. Fresh
from the press, with tho promise to
pay unbroken by a ( reuse, its pictures
unsoilcdnnd iinwrinkled, und its crink
ly sound as significant of wealth ns
was tho jinglo of coin in tho barbarous
times when promiso had contingent
relations with performance, tho dollar
bill is an object of admiration and do
light. Fow things aro superior lo it
in naluro or in urt. On tho upper
left-hand corner C'hristophor Columbus
is discovering tho Land of Promiso;'
in tho ccntro is tho promiso to pay of
tho land he discovered, and on the
lower richt-hand corner tho siuniituro
of Treasurer fllihinci, u
whosa Integrity Is' ns Itnmun as the
noso of tho Father of His (,'ountry,
whoso portrait adorns tho middle of
tho bill, bocauso ho never told a lie.
Thoro may bo citizens who hnvo never
Boon this work of urt and symbol of
wealth in Us crisp condition. Possi
bly to thoso to whom the dollar bill
has como limp, creased, and measly,
tho statement that tho portrait which
adorns it is of tho Father of His Coun
try, nnd thnt ho woro a Itoman noso
wlioo in life, and is so represented in
tho engravings and thut ho never told
a lie, may seem incredible. It is not
mpossiblo that it may bo doubted,
and that men moio men of whom
tho poot beautifully says, "Men may
como, and men may go, but tho ono
dullur bill flows on lorevcr" may as
sert that this is not tho portrait of
any man who never told a lio, and
that he does not wear a Itoman noso
either. It is tho misfortune of such
porsons not to have scon a dollar bill
whon it was Iresh und crisp; when
tho promise and Ilomnn noso wero
both unbroken by repeated foldini's
and wrinklings, and the faro of the
rather of Jus Country bad not boon
pinched and punched und "wuzzlcd
up" into a counterfeit presentment of
juiius ucanut.
But tho one dollar bill is not only
beautiful as a work of art; it is an
emblem of. Domocrucy, a medium of
oxchungo, a vehicle of contagion, nnd
it "moves the crops." Jt passes
from hiirb to low. from rich to poor.
from the Phurisco to tho publican,
from tho weak to tha wicked. It
travcrsos all tho strata of society, lev
els all distinctions, and dilfiises all
manner of contagious diseases. Con
sider lor a moment what ttirrcut work
the ono dollar bill and, lor that mat-
tor, the any other dollar bill, or the
half dollar stamp, or tho new and
beaulilul ten cent piece does in dif
fusing thoso blossed diseases, the small
pox, tho mumps and the measles
I.. .i i . ..
r.vmry ni ner siivoioa oi norinuie twrw
vrty that goco Into iho poet-houso is
destroyed; mo curronry ot tho realm
comes out and passes from hand to
hand, bearing contagion in its folds
and tho aroma of tbe hospital in its
creases, vt nat a boon is such a cur
rency. Witness tho flight of Iho flut
tcring ten-cent pioce, gathering up
tho measles on its wings and carrying
thorn lo firesidoi that might otherwise
never huvo rejoicod in them, or behold
tho swift courso of thut joy of tho
couniorioit nnd terror oi the nnplo
woman,, tho fifty-cent piece, as it cur-
rios tho small-pox from cily to city,
and Keeps up tuo uemnnd in all well
regulated municipalities lor puro vac
oino matter; or reflect upon tho wide
diffusion through tho medium of the
one dollar bill of thnt cxhilernting cpi
domio of which tho Duko of Argylo is
tno patron saint and mo M'oleu lidcllo
tho accompaniment. Thoro was novcr
medium ot exchange that went
abroad on so ninny errands and per
formed thorn all so well. It is well
named "tho best currency in tho
world." Mr. Morton Biirim its praises.
Mr. Logan chants its wonderful works,
a thousand lyres reverberate in the
chorus, and Mr. Carpenter sheds it on
tho just nnd tho unjust. Whoever
undertakes to handlo it without gloves
gels tho worst of it.
And yot thero aro peon o who i?o
about making a fuss because this, liio
oesi curroncy in llio world, bears the
promise of tho United Slutes to pay a
.i-n i .i i - ..... 1 J
uunur, nun ino v nitod Slates never
pay a dollur, and will not eav whon
or if ovor, they will pay tho dollur.
now uiiroaBonaUlo to slop tho diffusion
oi i'einocialio diseases in this way.
iv is a neat ana pretty curroncy, and
uy vuo lima u gots to tno Jlississipp
rivor is as sweet and puro as tho noli
tics of Iho country of which it is tho
emblem. .What a pity it would be to
substitute coin for it, or do anything
iu iiivuriura Willi us mission,
Nooesity the MntW of Tnvmit.inn.
Many most valuable documents wero
burnt by the Parisian Communists. It
is statod by tho Petit Journal that Iho
contents ot about sovenly thousand
oeeas, ournt quito black nnd apparent
iy niegioio, win oo recovered. 1 ho
registers found nmonc tho ruins of tl
rulaco ot Juslico proved to havo pro
served '.boir original shupo, but thoy
wuro uurni ihw appuroniiy lionioi'eiio
ous blocks, from which a singlo leal
could not bo detached without instant
ly falling into dust. Tho means of
making thoso unpromising remains do
liver up their secrets aro thoso : Tin
back of tho register is cut off, so that
it bocomcs A boon of seporalo loaves
woidou logomor Dy tuo names. Thu
linnn ia thntl llinnnil InlA wnlnn nn.l
whilo dump, placed boforo tho mouth
of a stove. The water ovaporating
raisos tho shoots so that they can bo
separated, though, of courso, rcmiinn
groat caro in bundling. Tho writing
now stands out In shining black, upon
dull black, liko tho silkon flowers upon
velvet brocado. It is easily decipher
ed and copiod, with A nolo stnling that
ii is reproduced lroin tho cnrbonizod
Iavino tiikir Laos. James tior
don Bennett, Jr.. proprietor of tl
Now Yoik Herald, and John Whippl
two Now x orkors, endowed aliko with
monoy, brains, and legs, wnlkod ton
milos for a stake of Sti.OUd iho othor da v.
liennott come in six minutes aIioaJ of
his competitor. Timei 1 hoar, 40
minutes, 65 sooonds. It is said. I.'iO..
000 eliAngod bands on tho result.
TERMS $2 per annum .in Advance .
SE1UES - V0L. 1 5, NO. 22.
- , ..The Advent of Raiuey. .
The Chicago Timet mun don't liko
lo henr of a eolored individual in tho
spender's chair in Washington and
says : ' - v
Tho African is froo all ovor tho south.
Ho is free to lio'in tho sun; froo to or
ganize predatory excursions on his
whito neighbor's ' chickon-roost and
smoko-house; froo to run for Congress
nnd tho legislature; froe to occupy Ihe
chair of tho bouso of representatives.
In fact and truth, he is free of all moral
restraint, of all logal restraint, of all
responsibility, taxution, vexation and
dillicuitv. lie is tho most
frco ercatui o in existence, free of soap,
decent garments, ot education,
"fcntT, uroirroan, tuIuo of - human
Irind, 'if intcltipmico, cure ftit- his own
uturo, or tho rights of others. Such
notiicr case (it ecstatic lreodom exists
o whore outsido tho south or of Par
diso. On tho othor lianil, ilicio lire some
ttlo drawbacks. To confer this incs-
imablo blessing, to cuablo him to sit
n tho speaker's .chair at Washington,
ennljio liim to progress from a
.Scnegamhiun to a legislator, we have
ncurreu somo expenses. Actubly a
cbt of several thousands of millions.
Notably, also, the loss of somo two or
three hundred thousand lives. We
must also chalk up as an olTset against
utting ituincy in the speakor s chair
tanner as a president, with lien. JJut-
or n his right bower, Morton as bis
eft bower, and LoL'an, Farwcll, and
company for trumps, ban born, Jayno,
ount J'cbco, lioss Shepherd, Jvirtland,
.cot, btocking, JNorthorn l'acilio ruil-
ay bonds, monies, tho whiskey steal,
ivors and sundry del'alrations on the
part of post-masters and collectors, an
rreduemablo curronoy, tho late panic,
ign tarill, and a !uw thousand other
imilnr thincs, inoludin'? Kullor;, Dur-
rcll, Baxter und il rooks, must also be
charged up against the pleasing spec-
icio ol seeing tlio-diisKV member troin
South Carolina occupying the chair of
llio speaker.
Some white scalawags esteem it a
ol;e to see or learn thnt au ex-slave bus
been hoisted into the speaker's chair.
But it has been very exponsivo. Jt
cost hundreds of thousands of lives and
millions of money, and Iho loss in
morals, during nnd since the war, is
nculculublo. ho can tuthom the
en mo r
Simon's Wife'B Mother.
The following bit ot pleasantry will
wo think, bear resuscitation and be
read with pleasure. It will also be
now to a great many. Aoountryman
wus in JNcw lork on an August bun
day. and crossed tho Brooklyn ferry
in me morning, lor mo purposo ol
hearing Becclier. But lo! tho Ply-
mourn puinn was occupied by a stran
ger, who delivered a tedious, common
o seynon from tho text : "And be
hold Simon's wife's mother lay sick of
lever." .Mr. JJeechor was awoy
taking hi- vacation.
In tho afternoon tho man sought to
console himself lor his morning s dis.ii
lointmcni by listening lo tu. XL. Chop-
n. lie was shown to a tront seat by
tho sexton of K. If. Cbapin's church
and in duo timo was horn tied to soo
tho minister ol tho morninernppoar in
tho pulpit. Tho poor victim heard for
tho second timo, Iho sermon from the
text: "And behold Simon s wifo lay
sicic oi lover, and went out ot tbo sa
crcd placo very discouratred. Mr.
Iiapin was taking his summer vaca
In tho evening tho man thinkine- to
rodocm in a monsuro tho defeat of the
day accopted n choico sitting in tho
icolormea Dutch church lor tho sake
of hearing tho gonial, oloqucnt nnd
scholarly Uethuno. Jlut his heart was
quito broken when tho evil spirit thnt
mid possessed mm all day got up and
gave out a hymn. And when tho text
was announced : "And behold Simon's
wifu's mother lay sick of a fever," tho
party, who know all about tho subject,
I I .1 r
rusiieu wuuiy irom mo ovcraose, and
ran lo his hotel. Dr. Dcthuno was
taking his Summer vacation.
I ho next morning tbo man look tbo
oarly train for bomo.and stopping into
the ear, thero wus his ministerial friond
of tho day boforo, with his sermon un
der his urm. Iho row lork bells
were ringing a firo alarm, and says
tho minister to his lay brother
"Friond, do you know what Ihoso bells
aro tolling for V
.'-'ays tho countryman, looknm hard
al tho sermon, "1 don't know: but I
shouldn't wonder if Simon's wife's
mother was dead. I heard throo times
yesterday thut she was down with tho
tnvol "
Tiik Hacks Bi.knihnii Tho Cam.
bria Freeman savs : "Sovon buck no
grocs and Iwo whilo women (white
imisiiie; woro arrested m Aitoona, on
luesdny tilirht week, whilo narticioat-
ng In u regular built lnmborco nt a
iiaway-nouso, kept by ono of the wo
men, .sirs. Jcnnio Komnson. They
wcro all marched to tho lockup is mili
tary order, four policemen with drawn
pisioiB acting as commanding otli
ccrs, nnd whon nboul to bo separated
iui uiu iMgiii inu winio (i) woman
named threw her arms around tho nock
of ono of tho negroes nnd culling him
by namo gnvo him a hearty smack I
It was A trying ordeal no doubt to
CulTco, but ho stood her disgusting
niwuuv-l wivil .III illU lOI IIIUUU pOBSI-
blo under tho circuhistnncos." How
olevatingf But then thoso creatures
arc just )irxctieinij what Garrison, Sow
ard A Co. preached and theorized about
tor forty yours. In tho "reconstruct
ed" States thoro aro thousands of such
instances, besides wbioh they aro
murdering nnd robbing each oihor,and
in open rebellion ngainut tho govern
ment. l i.ANKiNd IIomk. Sicklcs.formcrly
Minister to Spain ; Jny, now Minister
to Austria, und Bancroft, accredited
to Prussia, Are all ooiuing homo. We
liopo thoro will bo no revolution In
Kurope in consoquonco. Schonok,
from London ia already here And it
is said Washburno, from PaHs, is
GOminr to tnkll efinrn-n nflhn Tpah...
It is nuits nos.ililn ihtr nnrH
! Abroad will not snffor.
- ; Cabinet Timber,
..... i -
The indication, are that within iha ;
next too or fifteen yoars tbo curled and '
bird's-eye moplo timber of the West
will bo in aclivo demand throughout .
the Kustcrn, Middle, and Southern
States for cabinet ware and cabinet
'Jwenty years ago mahogany was '
used for cabinoi purposes throughout
the Fast, but either tho demand-so fur
excoeduii the" supply or the taslo
changed, and at present timo walnut
Is fAe stylo. The aupply of walnut,
mainly obtainod from Indiana, is do-. ; .
creasing. Indianapolis and Toledo are
now the great business centres for
walnut lumbor. The northern half of
Indiana has boon already stripped of
its walnut timber, and the taw. mills
huvo been removed to the sodthorn "
portion of the Stale to consume what ,
is left standing. Musical instruments, ' .
furniture sets, sowing machines, and
nonrly overy articlo of fashionable con
struction now in uso, including fashion
able coffins, all over tbe East and
South, are made of walnot. Annually
tbe price of tbu lumber rises, and as .
it grows dearer and scarcer it Is begin
uinir to be quoted in European markets.
Last year New England alone used '
20,000,000 foot of walnut lumber In'-"
furnituro, musical instruments, sewing .
machines, house trimmings, decora
tions, and coffin s. The present rate of
consumption of this timber will, with
in from ten to nlleon years, com poi -tho
adoption of some substitute, and ,
curled and bird's-eye maple of which
there aro large quantities In the forests 'J
of Michigan, W isconsin, Iowa, and in
portions ot Canada must be utilizod.
Thero will be no alternative, Europe, '
for tbe past, has been depending more
and more largely npon Amorican for- ;
csts for timber and lumbor, especially
hard-wood varieties, as wilnoss the
shipments of large quantities of oak w
wuinscoiing ior lue uiverpoui marsei.
For many purposes it is superior in
quality to any varieties that grow .
thoro. The consumption ot various
kinds of bard wood lumber io tbo ,
United Stales annually for furniture
alono, is on immense business, and
amounts to-more than many people
aro aware of. In fact there is little
if any limbor of any kind now grow-
ingorstandinganywheroin theLnited v
States that is not valuable and worth
monoy. Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and Michigan are four States a princi- '
pal source of wIiobo health consists in '
tho timbor and lumbor business, in tor- -csts
and industries.
TnE Texas Constbuotioh Company. ;
It is reported that an Arrangment
has boon effected between Col. Thomas
A. Scolt, of tbe Pennsylvania .Railroad
Company, and Judge Asa Packer,
President of the Lehigh Valley Kail
road Company, so that tbe means
nocoesary to construct tbo lexas
Pucifio Iiailroad will . be furnished at
An early date. It is also understood
that J udgo I acker will purchase, with
the assistance of otbor large capitalists,
all interest in the so-called "Construc
tion Compsny." It has been apparent, :
says the New York Times, ever since .
the Lehigh Valley Iiailroad Company
loaBod tbe old 1'ennsylvania uailroad
office, in Philadelphia, which immedi
ately adjoins Colonel Scott's head
quarters, that the two companies wero
assisting each other in some way or
other, And the Above report confirms to
some extent the rumor that has pre
vailed here for some time, that tbe two
corporations would eventually become
connected, directly or indirectly.
A Capital Uint. Commenting up
on the Sanborn report the New YorK
Tribune says : In any other country
but our own, a report like this could
lend to only one result. The incul
pated officials would be removed. We
do not imagine for a moment that
General Grant' will turn out A Secre
tary who happens to suit him person
ally, merely because he has boon proved
unfit for tho place. Whon a poblio
officer fulls into disgrace, Genoral
Grant's custom is either to promote
him or give bim a recommendation.
Unless tho llouso of KcprcsentAlives
should dissent from the report, how
ever, it is sorely not unreasonable to
think that "these three persons" may
judge it propor to resign. If they do
not, a resolution of tbe House will bo
in order.
The Washington organ of tbe Ad
ministration thus pays its respects to
Mr. Colfax's financial loiter:
Schuyler Colfax has written a lottcr
on resumption. Presumption is tbo
word that should be used to charaotor
izo it. Faithful and discreet friends
of the Republican party will earefully '
avoid giving it Any publicity, as Sohuy-
lor s Attempt to resume bis plaoe as a
loador will not add to tbe good name
of the organization. Let him be sat
isfied with a back seat, lie may feel
lonely just now, but let bim be patient;
Ihe pooplo are gotting tired of frauds,
and the party is purging itself ot thenr
with such rapidity that bo will soon
havo plonty of company. Already bo
may find congenial spirits among tho
ranks of unemployed statesmen,
Philip Clapton, of Georgia, who was
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
of tho United States undor President
Buchanan, and afterwards Assistant
Socrotary of tbo Treasury of the Con
federate States under Jofforson Davis,
has been confirmed by the Senate as
consul at Valparaiso. lie voted for
Grant, and that washod All the sins of
tho rebol away and made him white
and spotless in the eyes of a Republi
can President and Senate. It is out
of order for us to ask whether thero
Aro no crippled union soldiers who
would have been glad to take tho hon
orable and lucrative position,
IDs Pupils. Butlor and hisoronios
seem to have had an almost complete
monopoly of tho Sanborn contracts.
It is a singular coincidence that San
born, Simmons, Ilawley, Bliss, Fay,
De-Kay, and A number of others, who
enjoyed this rich plunder of tbo gov
ernment, all wero subordinates of
Bailor whon that great chieftain con
ducted his famous military operations
At Fortoss Monroe, New Orleans, and
oincr quarters ot the field. It was ia
tbis service tbal thoy got their first
taste ot plunder, ibo old man knows
how to train up his boys. They do
honor to tho principles of thoir pre
The Vonango Spectator was able to
"make a raise" of the following on tha
toinperanee movement : "Just as tho
court on Monday was considering an
application for license, an old fentlo.
man from Gates Corners earn In.
lie saw tbo sptondUf array of ! '-,
almost filling tho atdienoe r , r
hs asked a bystap-"-. .
now!"' When-' it -plication
Tor a r
sAid, "Khy I