grotiutry. ANNOUNCEMENT OF HIE GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES! BY S. PORTUH Ml AW. ! IMPORTANT TKUTlIBi Having luoooodcd in gottlug a IiKhter tariff on material, be noe (lie Ion ami moderat. oharg. for partial and full iota of Teeth. I uta tho best manufacture of tooth and other material. All o porolloni roglaterod and warranted to give i.r vice and latlalaolion. Friendi, reflect that my charge! fur the Inaer tlon of artificial and the laving of the natural teeth ore now the ino!treaonabloln Penniylvanla. Froiorve your tooth and you preiorvo your health. Putting of the natural teeth In a healthy, pre servative and ueoful condition li made a ipooielty. l)i!ea!ei and niallormationaoommon to the mouth, Jaw and aiioolat. parti, are treated and eorreeted with fair lucoeii. Examination! and ooniulU tioni rnaa. It would be well for patlentt from a diitane to let me know by mail a few day! beforo coming to the office. It li very Important thai children between the age. of itx and twelve year! ihuuld have their teoth examined. Annithetioe are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. Diapoaitioni and character are judged by all the world by the .xpreaaioni of the face, henoe how very diiaitroui may It therefore be for per oni to indulge an expreeiion of diatorted feature!, even apart from a hygienio view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) comfort! and ploaiurei, reapoct and oboy natural liruplioitteR and lnatinet. 8. PORTEK SHAW, D. D. 8. Office in New Maionlc Building, Beoond a (root, Clearfleld, Pa. mayina DENT AL CARD. Dr. a. m. ii ills Would tay to hie patient! and the pub lic generally, that, having diaaolvcd partnerahip with Dr. Shaw, he ii now doing tha entire work of hie oOice himaelf, so that patientf need not fear being put under the handa of any other operator. Cloarueld, March 20, 1872-pd20moh73 J. M. STEWAKT, D. D. S., Office over Irwin'! Drug Store, Cl'RWENSVILLE, PA. All dental operation!, either in the inechanloal or operative branch, promptly attended to and latiafaotion guaranteed. Special attentlou paid to the troatuient of diaeaaea of the natural teeth, gumi and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth luo oeaafully oorrcctcd. Teeth extraotod without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth inaerted of the beat matorial and warranted to render Bat lifaotlon. epri!201:ly yiNE INEGAR BITTERS. PURELY VEGETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Br. tT. Walker! California Vinegar Bitter are a pure I j Vfici'tftMe preparation, mado chietly fruiu (be native hcrta fuutid on the lower tange., of the Sierra McTada mountain of California, the mudicinal proper'iei tt which are extiacted thcrtr m wit hunt ttie use if Alcohol. 'fheqtioi ttoa ii aliuoxt daily asked, ''What it the oauie of the unparalleled BiiCfuea of Viseoar Hitthk ?" Our aiiKwnr is, that thoy remove the cause of d li en mj, and iho patient reoovi-if his health. The; are the great blood puriner and a life-giring principle, a perfect iU-novator and Inrtgrator ot tho tjrxteia. Never before in tbo history of the world hai a medicine been eiiinpounded poe essiiig the remarkable quahtiei ot VixaaaR Bit tiki in healing the tick ot every diaeaae man it heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well a a Ton io( relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and ViiooraL Org mi, in Bilious Dis ease!. The properties of Dr. Walker! Vinegar Bit ten are Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu triciout, Laxative. Ltiuretio. 0edativer Counter Irritant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Antl-JBilions. h. h. McDonald a co.( Druggist and Ocn. Agta., San Franoisco, Cali fornia, and corner of Washington and Charlton streets, New York. Bold bj all Druggist! and Dealeri. ootUTS-ly. S" TONE'S SAW GUJIMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We have received the agency for the above and will sell them at manufacturer! prices. Call and examine thorn. They aro the best. jeU-72 H. F. 31IULKR A CO. T. A. FLICK. T. A. FLECK & CO., Agonti in Clearflold eounty for the lale of E. IIUTTERICK CO.'S Fashionable Patterns' of Garments, ALL STYLES A!D II2KI. 3:18 Market Htreet ClearUld, Pa. TOOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOPEPII II. DEERINO, on Market it reel, in Shaw'i Row, Clearfield, Pa., baa juat reoeiv.d a line lot of French Calf Skim and Klpa, the beat in the market, and ii now prepared to man ufacture everything in hla line, lie will war rant hif work to bo ai ropreaented. The cltiiem of Clearfield and vicinity are respectfully invited to give him a call. Work done at abort notloe. 7:lo'T.1y QRIST MILL! N'OTICE! 1 take thii method of Informing thopulillcthat T have purrh.acd the Cadw.llader Orlil Mill, had it thoroughly repaired, and am now ready to grind any kind of grain on abort notice, in the beat manner. A ahare of yonr patronage ii fo ndled. . Youri Riapoclfully, 0. 8. FLEQAL. Om.bxkt W. Flioal, Miller. Phlllpahurg, Pa., Dee. IO-6m. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offeri for aale a valua ble town properly, in Ihe borough of Clearfield. Lot 60x172, alti .te on Pine elrert, with a good twn-atnry plank llooio thereon erected, lluuae flni.bed complete good cellar and good water. Price reaaonahlo and payment, ea.y. For fur ther particular, inquire of the mihioriher. Poe leaiiun given on abort notice alter (nle. 1. . UAROKR. Clcarllcld, March 14, l74. Clearfield nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. fpllH underalgned, haTlng eetabliabed a Nul JL lery on the 'Pilie, about half way between Cie.rtield and Curwenavtlle, la prepared te fur nish all kind! of FRUIT TKEKtt, f atandard and dwarf,) Rrergr.ena, Shrubbery, Urape Vinee, Quo.chomoi, l.awton lllacltherry, Strawberry, and llwberry Vinea. Alio, Hlberian Crab Treea, Quinoe. and early aoirlot Rhubarb, An. Ordera promptly attended to. Aaureia, i. to. WRKJHT. leplO.nH-y Curwennille, Pa III1HI11.I TIOM OF I'AH T.NMhHII. In Clearfleld County. The Irm uf Wia. H. Mekey A Pun la thii day dlaeolffHl hv mutunl eonaent, or the nnal with drawal of Wm. 8. Dlrkey. The buaineaa will be continued by Jnmee Iliekeyin fntnre Our book. and other aceoonta will be aettled by either of the partner!, at the hnuie farm of Wm. H. Dickey or at the omoe or n. v. t'atcnen,, where per tiei are requoatr-d txi oall and aettle and rare fur ther eoat and trouble. WM. R. DlfkEY, JAMES DICKKY. (Thii diaaolutlon la for Clearfleld oounty only. ne muat continue a wniie longer in Cambria. Ulen Hope, April U, lt7. aplll lm FIRST CLASS BAKERY! NOTICE TO RAFT MEN. Theaubaeriber haa tilled una flrit-ola! Bekerr. and wiahea to Inform raflimn that he will anpply them with lllUIAD, PIES, CAKES, c, on rcnniuie wrme. Uakery mat end of bridge, near the "Llek Clearlii-M, p. marls. 3m J01IK Cl'TLER. LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the lUllroad Depot,) CLEAKhlKLD, I'A. A ihare of public patronage la reapectfully to- llolted. 4:1674 B. B. ROW, Prop r. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front atrectl,) CLEARFIELD, PA. ffk ....l..alnit liavlni Inknn nttkrtfn of tllll Hotel, would reapectfully eollelt nubile patronage. OOlt 70 . xieilion ni.rt,,. WASHINGTON HOUSE, HSW WASHINGTON, PA. Thii new and well furniahod hour haa been taken br tho underalgned. llo feela oontldent of being able to render uUiafaotlon ro thoae who may favor him with a call. May 8, 187J. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jyJ-ONTOUH II IID 8 13, Opposite the Court Ilouao, LOCK HAVEN, PK.NN'A. JcU'71 HAl'REAL A KHOM, Prop'i. TIHOCKIJRHOI-'P IIOU8C:, BELLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON SONS, Proprietor!. oct25'71 LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, rillLIPftUURtl. PENN'A. Table alwavi aunnlied with the beat the market auorue. a ue irareiinir nuono ii inrnea 10 oaii, novl,'73. ROBERT LOYD, THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Sooondand Market Streets, CLCARI'ILI), PA. fWMl IS old aad eomtnodloai Hotel ba!. duilng tne nasi year noon eniarcea to double lu former capacity for the entertainment of itran- freri ani rueiur. Tbo wbole buildinsr bai boea refurnished, and the proprietor wilt spare no pains to render hit guests ooinforuble whllo slaying with him. t-rThe 'Maniion Ho use" Omnibus runs to and from tht Dopot on the arrival and doparturs oi oacn train. JUiiiN uuuuiiaKiX. aprO-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY-HOTEL, (Market St., but. Heoond and Third.) cm:aui il:m, pa. Tho subscriber having beooiue proprietor of tnn noiei, wouia respeettuuy ask a liberal mart ei punnc patronage. apl2'7S (1E0RGB LKIPOLDT, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, " CUKWENSVILLE, Cloarllold county. Penn'a. This old and well establilhed llutol, beautifully situated on tha banks of the Busqnehanna, in tha borough of Curwemyille. has been leased for a term ot years by tha undersigned. It has been entirely refitted, and Is now open to tha publio generally ana tns traveling community tn par ticular. No pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample o tatumg room for the accommodation ol teams. t barges moderate. Bept. 28, 1870-tf. ELI BLUOM. HCEY C UK 1ST. Suooessors to K RYDER k CO, rpo T1T0PB INTERESTED IN TIIE PCR- X CHASE OP A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, For Modicinal Purposes we offer Priee $2 to f 6 per gallon, and will shin in pack' ago to suit purckanur. Wo alo handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $1.30 to $1.73. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And arc also manufacturers of DR. STCEVERS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for price list. 1IUEY& CHRIST, apr.22 6ml 121 North Third Su. lhilaiieliikia. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COURSE THE CHEAPEST A Proclamation against High Prices WE ara now opening up a lot of the best and most seasonable Goods and Wares oyer offered In this market, and at prices that remind on of the good old days of cheap thingi. Those who lack faith upon this point, ur deem our aU gations superfluous, need but liLL tfT Olil HTOHE, Corner Front and Market street. Whore tber ean see, feel, bear and know for them selves. To fully understand what are cheap goodsi this must be done. We do not doom it necessary to enumerate and itemise our stock. It is enough for us to state that We have Everything that is Needed aodoonsumed In this market, and at prices that antonish botn old and ynung. doo20 . JOSEPH KUAW A BON, JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALER IN FU11NITURE, MATTRESSISH, AND Improved Spring Beds, maTikkt btreet, neak p. 0. The nnilcraiirned dps;. Icare to inform th eiti- noa of (Jloarfl.ld, and th. pohllo gnnorallj, that b. haa on hand a tine aaaortmnnt of Furniture, raoh a Walnut, Chealnut and Fainted Chamber Hultoa, Parlor Suite!, Hf-clinlng and Entenaion Chaira, Ladmr and Uinta l-.o.r 1 hain, the for fnralcd I)inin(and Parlor Chaira, Cane Frnt.and Wtndaur Chaira, Clothe! Para, Htop and Kxten ainn Ladderi, 11 hI lUcki, Bcnihhlnf Ilru.bra, K MOUI.DINQ AND PICTI KK FRAMES, Lookint Olaatea, Cbromol, lo., which would b auitahte fur llolieaj prtaenla. due 111 711 JUI1N XKUtlT.MA.I. MARBLE AM) ST0G YARD Mns. S. S. LIDDKLI., Having engngrd In tho M.irblo buaineaa, dnairoi to inform her friendi and the publio thai ihe hai now and will krrp constantly on band a large and wclUelocted atook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MAHIlLK, and ia pmpared to furni.h to order TOMUSTON K8, BOX AND CRADI.K TOMBS, . MONUMENTS, Curhi and Poat. for Cemetery Lola, Window Bill! and Cap!, alao, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac. AYard on Reed atreet, near the R, R. Dopot, Cliiartleld, Pa. Jk7,7J I. BOt.LOWailHR n. Darn cht HOUOWBUSH St CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATION TS, 41 .tlarktl 81., Philadelphia. 4uPftper Flour Sacki and Baga, Foolarap, tetter, Note, Wrapping, Curtain and Walt Paperi. ... , foli2i.7l) lypd. IJ'OH HAI.K. The nndoraigaed nfferi for ale a valuable town property in th. borough of Clearfleld. Lot BOilHt feet, with a good two Mory plank home theraoa ereoted, with thro, roomi down Main and four bed room! up atalra. Alao, arwing room and bath room on neond floor. Ilouae flnlahed eompl.t. from oellar to atlio. (lood double poroh and good water. Price rea lonahia and paymenta eaar J0.ug7J WM. M. McCl'LLOt'QII. BAD TniS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Th. attention of tha eltlaeni of Clearfleld and riclnllj Ii direoted to Ihe fant that Uoodfrllow A Sua ar. th. atenta of M. Nirae A Co., and have juat reoeired a half duwn ear load! of Flour and reed, wriieh iney oner at in. poaaiui. ug- ur.i. A large llooa ot FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potato.!, Shell. d Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ao. Particular allantlon It called to M. Men. A Co. 'a brand of Family Flour, which ii th. bolt In th. market. Flour and Feed ean and will b. aold cheaper than it can be obtained aliewh.r. in Clearfield eounty. sVRtorc on Market itreet, net! door to lion. Alexander Irvin a nuiiiieno.. U00DFKLL0W a RON, janlOtf A genu for M. Niece Co. Jt A. & W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CUKWENSVILLE, FA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT , BY CAR LOAD, And boII at mull advance. hope BY TIIE COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHEAP. Antt 1S 7:1:7 0. I. c. TirnERI to buy my DRY O00DS, ORO Mriee, Queenawere, Ulaaaware, Drag! and Notions, Confectionerlu, Ac, cheap lor eaab. Th. lubecriber begi leave to inform hia old and new ouitomera that he baa opened A VARIETY BTORB IN QLEN HOPE, PA And will aell goodi at prion to iuit the timei, liberal reduction will be mad. to cuatomen buj' iog at wbolcaale. Call and examine my Hoc k before purchasing alMwhere. A liberal a.iare of public patronage ii lolioitod. C. J. KKAUY. Olen Hop.,- Pa., June 14, 1)71. II. F. BIGLEB A CO.'S SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' J1ARDWARE, LUMBIIUIEN'S HARDWARE, FARMINO UTENSILS, HILL RGPr-LIKS, IRON NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER.' May IS, 1873. JNDEflTAKING. The nnderilgned are now fully prepared o carry oo tbo buaineia of llM)i:itTAKI4. AT REASONABLE RATE., And retpectlnlly aoliclt tb. patronag. of thai, needing auch icrricea JOUN TKOTITMAN, JAMES L. LEAVY. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 18, 1874. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! DIHTAN'8 CROSS CUT, MILL, IlRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'a Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For aale by oetI2,70 H. F. BIOLER k CO. IO LUMBERMEN! PERFECTION IN CAMTHOOKSI Th. Cleanleld Rieelelor Canthook will not wear ot or break, being conitructed with sue olid band froua clip to point It li pronovneed by all practical lumbermen who har. examined It to b. th. moat perfect Cantkook inr In rented. Amos Ktmnard, Patentee. Manufactured by -Auoa KaaaiaD A Co., at OLRARa"IBLD, PA. "AII ordert prompvtly attended to. ill'll 11 Wc tlcsira to cnll the nttmtion MUSIC Where we intend to constantly keep PIANOS, ORGANS Our GEORGE STIXK & CO I t Wo are prennred at all times lavorauioicrms as 10 prices aiimenns oi jjbjiiiuui. . . Our 6tock of ORGANS will KYNDER ORGAN, (with Ityndor's Kneo Tremolo and downwnrd Th SMITH NEW HAVEN MKUODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Resides these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wc sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the i i , a dij in a ki POrULAU AND EASY Ij&AaUa ILiftll. On our easy terms every ono ... ' i mat amount will tend so mucn 10 DCT'We shall Iw glad to hoye oc(23-'72-ly rtUanfous. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE I IN CilHARI) TOWNSHIP. The undoraigned offi ra for lale th. farm on which he now reaidel, lituate in Uirardtownabip, Clearfleld conntr, Pa., former! y owned bj Ju.tln J. Pi.. Th. farm contain! 120 acre, and la Terr dealrablr located. The buildinga are all new, and eonalat of a large frame bona., baring good teller, and good water convenient; iare frame barn, blaukaiuith abop, wagon ihed, ipring home, Ac. The bnildinga an thia farm are aa good, if not belter, than on an; farm In Clearneld oounty. The lnd la of luperior quality and in a good ftate of cnlliration. Poaieaaion will be giren In the aprlng, er at any time moit eonvenient to the porchaMr. The ferine will be rraaonnble. Perano. dealroaa of norrbaaing can adilreaa Ihe iulicriber at Leconte'i Hi ill! I". O., Clearneld county, I'a., or apply in peraon on the premiaea. Any poriona wanting any information in regard lo the quality of the luud, the kind of buildinga thereon, Ac, Ac., ean got the information by call ing on Sheriff I'll, in Clearfield, el he owned tb. farm for a nunibor of reera, and of enure, know. II about It. WKNIlEl.L KMIKKS, Leronte'l Milla, Clearfleld Co., Pa. January 21, 1S74. FAIRBANKS' 8TANDARD N (j A Ii 1: H . syv""' or ib Baggage Barrowi, Warehouat Truck a, Copying Preaaea, Improved Money Drawer, Ac. ro ALa er II. F. BIGLER & CO., ' Dealer. In Hardware, mch30:70:tf Second Street, Clearfleld, Pa. -JOOK AND READ! SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING! JOHN C. HAR WICK, . Market St., CLKAUFIKLD, Ta. I i. ii.- ,. to o to If you want a let of new II A KN KHS or a new SAKULK, or anything ele in that line. He turni oui ai guu w.,r don. in any ihnp In Pennaylrania, and hli pruei are e.ry reanonahle. Conatantly on hand a full line or T HOTTING GOODS, Buck ai Trotting fcailillca, nuaner ana onio ., Trotting Kollera, Whipa, Fine Ilruahea and Comhi, . . . . . . ! tTHt. llnaiaiA ITjlVaHM .... Liti. n..i. Ac. A On. aaaonrntiiii m Kne. Blanket!, buffalo Kobol, Ac., Ac, kept In lemon, in tact anyining .UIrau..u ...... need of is alwaya on hand. All of which will b IOIU at waoicaaie orre.ui at the rery faireat ratei. ' Kepairing promptly aiienoeu w. guaranteed, siiop in ruui . --r"-y l'oat Oflioc. "I'r" TIIE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE Manufactured oipecially for THR CLEARFIELD TRADE, ro ia ir angVTO II. t. DI0I.KR A CO. F OK SALE! i u... .n,l w.ll.flniahed Drick DwelllnT, atti- lie on the river hank, in the borough of Clai Held, containing eleren roomi, with good cellar. m t in h. .n.-nen. inn ell tnw muuani w..- niencra. Panlrkl. llalh-room, Clo'be-preaiiea, Ac. i a .;.i r..Mi frnnt and two hundred and thirty feelbaok, with a twenty foul alley on the eaat line. Baid building, witn all tn. appunenaner will h. aold olirap, with payment! to iuit pureha aer. Application can ba made to th. nnder ilgned, or to A. C. Tale, Kq., who will glre all neceiaarv information lo who dealr. to In- apoct the property. TIIOS. J. McCULLOUOH. May Slot, 1873, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (LATB PO WBLL'g,) For all dlaeaiei Incident to 11 onei, Cattle, and . Human Pliab, req'lrlng tha aa. of an external application. Thla Embrocation waa .xteniively und kj the Oovernment during th. war. For lale by Uartawlok A Irwin, Clearfleld Joeeph R. Irwin, Curwonivilla. Daniel Uood. under. Lutheraburg. if. Attention, Lumbermen I WR are now manulacturlng onr IMPROVED STEEL. BKCKKT DR1V1NU CANT IIOOKR, enperlor to any other In uae. W. have al.o In itock a large quantity of Canthooki luitn ble for railing purpoeee, which we ar. a.lling nhmp fr ca.h. AMOH 4 H. KKNNAHD. Clearfleld, Pa., March 1ft, 1871. riUNSMITniNG. G. W. WOLFE. WtACTICAL, GUNSMITH. Pbnp on Third afreet, over Rlley'i blackamllh jhop, CLKAHPIKLI), PA. All klndi of little, and Phot Onni on hand. Repairing done in a flrat-eleea manner and at fair prlci. Irlt'tl 2nnn ,,,w nv woi, wanted. . VUU Hy Arnold, Ilartrhorn A Hippie, for which they will pay Man, at their factory, near Curwen.vllle, or at tha it ore of Arnold A llarla- horn, In Curwenevlll.. fi l.4 dm ARNOLD, HARTSHORN A HIPPLR. MARKET-STREET, AltriELl), PENN'A. of tho citizens of Clnnrfiold liavo opened a STORE IN CLEARFIELD, on hand a full supply of AND MUSICAL stock of PIANOS will consist of ANOS, STEIN WAY &i SONS' PIANOS, to furnish any of iho cheaper ninkes of Pianos to order on the most consist of tho now and popular AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S MASON & can have a good instrument, fTi ti- rw rv a nmr iViAivu iiuMti iiAiri. you call and see us, whethcr-you desiro to purchnso or not. v ttYNBEirH MUSIC STORE. WiSffUanrous. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TUB nnderiigned, lueceaior. to RKRI) A POWKLL, har. purchued the CI.KAR HELD PLANINM MILL, and netted It for doing an exteniife buainen. All the machinery will b added neceeaary to make it on. of th. moat eomplet.'elfab iahmenti ot tb. kind In th. Stat.. They ar. now prepared to receive ordera for any work in tbat lina. They will gireapecial attention to all material! for houa. building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, .ffOf .lf.Vfi, f. OP ALL STYLUS, alwaya on band. WORKED BOARDS, and all article, neoea.a ry for building, will ba exchanged for DRV LUMBER, o that petions at n diaUno. may bring their lumbar, .xebang. It for, and return aom. with tb. manufactured article.. The Company will alwayi har. on band a bug. itoen or dry lumber, eo aa to be aole to nil an order on the ihorteat nolle Only tha beet and moit ikillful band! will b. employed, is tbat tb. public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or Mild ai low aa It ean b. purchaaed anywbar., and warranted to gir. aatlafaetion. Aa tb. will be don. upon tb. cih principle w. ean afford to work for email pronta. DRY LUMBER WANTED! Rapeclally one and a half and two Inrk panel aion, tor wnicn a liberal price will be paid. Th. bualuwi will be eoodncted under the nam. of th. "CIcarHeld Tinning Mill Co." 0. B. Merr.ll will perionally tuperlntend tb. OroWi rp.ctfulty lolicited. ' 0. II. MKRRRLL. R. I). TAYLOR. DAVID MoOAIIOnKY. M. 0. IIROWN A IIRO. Clearfleld, Pa., January I, 1874. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS A STA T10NER Y. - Market it., Clearfleld, (at the Poat Office.) TUB anderalgned begi leave to annonnc. to of Clearfleld and vicinity, that b. kai (tted up n room and ha. Juat returned front th. ally wltk n larg. amount of r.ading atur, conititing tn part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Account and Paia Book! of everv de Mriptioa i Paper and Envelnnei. Frenck nreiied and plain Pena and P.noili Blank, Legal Pperi, Deedi, Mortgigeat Judgment, tlon and Promliiory not.! I White and Parch) meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap , Sheet, Muilcfor either Piano, Klut. or Violin constantly an hand. Any book, or atatlonere deaired tbat I may not bar. on hand, will ba or. ordered by Ant .xpren, and lold at wkolual. or retail to anlt onitnBor.. 1 will alio k.op periodical literature, men ai Magaiinea, New. p.p.ra, Ae. P. A. UAUL1M. Clearfleld May T, ATOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C I) H P A N a. OSCEOLA tTEAM MILLS, MAIIIirACTVIIlf I Lumber, lath, and pickets an Sawed fc ratent Ribbed Shingles. II. II. BHILLINOPORD, Prealdcnt, Offloe Foreat Place, No. 125 S. lh It., Phil'i JOHN LAWSHK, Oeneral Sup't., Oiceola Mill', Clearflold oounty, Pa, 1 Alio TOWN LOTS for lale In the borough t uireoia. Alio Keep the LARtlKST ASSORTMENT of (looda in tlearfleld county at their Mammoth Dior, in uaceoia. Jans 74 j Lime for Sale I TUB nDdenlftntxI. rldln(( nr th rl"ul hu mad eompleU rrnfmeiiti MU Lltnt Ilurntn mi! of th maantftin, w hereby h li ana b)t iv kwvp ooBcaUotlj) wb hnvn4 a larga qnanUtjr of rURli LIME! which he often to farmer! and bttttderi at n trifle above coit. Thoi. In need of th. article would do well to give me a call, or addrmi me hy letter, ba ler, negotiating tueir nme. UHII. V. l'ASSMORR. Clearfleld, Pa., June I, 18119. B ARGAIN8 IN MUSICAL IN both new and eoond hand, at th. Mail. Htora, oppoalt. Ilulldi'a r urn liar. nun. All pereoni mt waited ar. Invl ted to call and examine a new ilyle of Ormn now an exhibition. Sheet Mull, nod Mull. Itnnkt loniteatly on hand. aplld-Tllf county to the fact tlint wo MERCHANDISE. ' HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. Octave Coupler,) OUGANS, HAMLIN'S - ORGANS, and the and no other investment of like County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maionlc Building, one door nortk ol C. D. Wation'i Drug Store. Paaaage Ticketa to and from Liverpool, Queenl town, Ol.agow, London, Peril and Copenhagen. Alao, Draffa for lale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAM&a l. liJUiNAKU, l rea t, W. M. SHAW, Caahier. tl.l:74 J. D. M'Oirk. Edward Perki. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Suocetfori to Foster, Pcrki, k Co., v PMllpiburg, CcHtr Couuty, Pi. "1T1IKKK all th builnem of Banking Hou Tf wil' o transacted promptly and upon ttw roon laroraoit tenna mar-u DREXEL & CO., No, 31 ftoutb Third Street, PhHa.leliilUa And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reeair prompt attan tlon, and all liifurmation ohtorfully furniibcd Ordera aolioted. April 11 If. T MIR LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF - KTOVEK ! STOVES ! CTer brought to the eountt, are being recelrrd at thellardwareEaUbliahmentofll. F. IIKil.KK 4b CO., tha following Cook tltoree: RrEAH'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, KEUuLATOM, NOPLK. EXCELSIOR, TRIUMPH, GOV PENN. KEADIN.0. NATIONAL RANGE, AC. id. Aleo, th. following Heating Storoi : SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S TARLORCOOK, MORN I NO LIGHT, HON TON, t OirSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM. RU3Y DAUriUN EGG, CHESTER EGG. . VOLCANO, TUOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, iC. Clearfleld, Sept. Ii, 1871. . . fJO TIIE r F 11 0 NT ! (iRT.AT I.XCITKMKNT AT TIIE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND " ICE CREAM SALOON I Th. underalgned baring Juat tiled up new, large and eouifortahle rooina on Market ilrect, near Third, rrapcctlull Inform! tb. public that he now lo accommodate them with ererTihing in hi! line on abort notice and at all houn of the da, lie kerpi on band ERESH DREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKS, all kind,. ICE CUE AM, . and a general ;aaiortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac, All of which willbedelirered to auitonteriat their reaidcncei, wben requoated to do no. ICE CREAM, by tbe dlah, ecrrod in a n.aUr fur nlahed room. Thankful for th. gen.roui patronage beitowed in the paat, he hopci to merit and receive a con- ! of th. wm. from ki. old euaU. ... tn.n, and other.. i JOHN STADLKR. Jun.ll.l.'tf. Ilvcry Stnblc. rpilE underalgned bega learato Inform thepuh- ie now iuiij prepared lo aoonmmo. date all in the way of furntahlng llnnea, Ruggiea, Saddlea and H.rneei, on th. ihorteat notle and on reaionable term., Healdenc. on Locnit atreet, between Third and Fourth. URU. VT. OKARI1ART. Ilearfleld, Feb. 4, 18T4. I-)INK, WDITl A ROAN LININd SKINB Juat received and for aale b April In, 1ST. U. t. BIOLER k 00. SUKETT & SCIIKWER, id HARDWARE, and tnanufaolurera of Tiii,CopMr& Sheet Iron M ure, Second Street, V tli A H VI HI. I, PA. Having larffolr Innrriurd our ktck f llarl war, w Invite tho publio to examine our itock and pricei. Ctriintcn am) norioni who oontciniilato ballJ- log wilt do well to examine our TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWARE, which li new and of tht beat manufacture, and will bo luld low for eah. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ULUE, LOCKS, LATCH ES. HINGES, All It in J i of Dech IManoii, Haw. Cbiitli, 8uaroB, liammTii, llftlltti, I'linulia aiul LevclR, M'irtlitud A Thumb (.tingi, Itcveln. JlrnM-a k ItitU, Wood and Iron Brnrli HcrewH.and the bcrt Ho ring .Machine In tho market. Double and Siuglo Bitt Axes, - POCKET CUTI.KUY, lo. Agents for llumvlV Iron Corn ShelU r w:trrntiici. AIpo, agent fur Ilichaidi ;otiiic i ixi; tops. 1 wblch rtTortuallj turn fiuioky Flues. Fa i men' Impltmentf and lnnlrn Tool t,f ever; Ucacription. A largo rarlcty uf COOK STOVES, which we warrant to gire ai!ifoctiiin. Portable Mtttngrs and furnaces. au Hoofing, Spouting and Job Work done on reaiouaMe tcrma. All ordera will receive prompt attention. Juno ll, is,.i. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Suoecieon to Boruton k Yonng,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street!. tn.ARI II I 11,4, HAVING engaged in Ihe minufactura of Grit clan MACHINERY, we reapectfullj Inform th. public tbat we are now prepared to fill all orderl aa cheaply and ai promptly aa ean be done in any of the citiea. W. manufacture and deal Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills- Head r.lockl, Wator Wheel., Shafting Pullrya, (litTord'l Injector, Stf ara Oaugri, Steam Wbiatlei, Oiler., Tallow Cupi, Oil Cupa, fJauge Cocks, Air Cocke, Globe Valve, Check Vatvra, wrought iron Pipea, S'.cam Pumpi, Doiler Food Putnpa, Antl Friction Molrei, Soap Stone Packing, flora Pack thg, and all kind! of MILL WORK; together with I' low a, Sled Sulci, COOK AM) l'ARLOR STOWS, and other CASTI.VIS of all kindi. e 0rdera lolicited and filled at city price! All Ictlcn of inquiry with reforence to machinery of our manufacture promptly an.wered, by aildroa. ing ui at Clearneld, Pa. Janl'74-tf BKlLEllJ YOUNO i ltKKI), f ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining nntl Fire Brick, kept conatantly on hnnd. STOXK AXD EAUTHEX - WARE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! roTS! chocks KMier'a Patent Airtight Krlf I'Yult Cntial Sealing IIUTTKR CROCKS, with lid., CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, AFl'I.K-nUTTKU CKUOKH, l'K'KI.K CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW PUTS, And a great many other thlnga too nnmeroua to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE rOTTEUY. Corner ot Cherrv and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. . aug) FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALB BY II. F. It!-lor V Co. IRON DOUDLE-SHOVKl, PLOWS. (; "WOOD DOUUI.E S110VKL PLOWS, WOOD SINdLE -SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA k IRON UK AM PLOWrt. PITTSHURfl STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'8 BKLLKKONTK PLOWS. ' ROIlKSON fl and THOMPSON (S PLOWS. .ar-vv-fuare! inr an ot in. aooro Pluwa con iianiiy on nan.i. mj'3H-73 II. " LtCJLKU li CO. bY for CARRIAGE & WAG0' WOODS, SlfATTS AND roi.KH,' . HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, &o. Carrlae. and Waifnii Makcri ihould mak. not. of thii and pall and .lamln. them. Th. will be (old at fair prion. mayJJ 71 51J tiot&t, 6rori, tf. i. r. wvu w. tti. WI2A YKlt 1IETTJH CLKAIi FIELD, l'A., A the old itnnd of 0. L. Reed A Co., their itock of goedi, eoniiattfig of-. " DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTH k fiUOKA, HATS k CATS, IIAtlbWAKIi, QUEEN8WARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, dco., &o., At th. moat rcnwnabl. rale! for CASH or In exchange for 1 Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. .O'Advancci mad. to thoae engaged ia get ting out aunre tituher on the moat advantagcoui tcrmi. pdlljan73 tTaTieck & co. (Tiro doora enat of tho Shaw llouru,) t 1,1'AIII 11 1 I). I'A. MilHurry and Fancy Goods AXU NOTIONS. NECK RUFFLINM. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. OLOVKS, all kinda an.) titer. COTTON STOCK1NUS, unturpaiwd both In qnolity and chenpneafl. WHITE AND SWISS (100DS,all varietica. CORSETS AND HOOP fjKIRTS, of the lateat pattern and lower than the lowort. HAIR liOOD3,of all variclica. - Ciill and examine our itock before yon buy eleea-bore. Glad to ihow our gnodt on all oc caion -Our mollo ii "SMALL PROFITS 4t QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Ill nicinUcr tbe pUct opposite Mui&op'f, in Win. Kecdii old it an J. T. A. FLE' K, 1 aril1V?4 " A. M. Ill LM. KRATZER & LYTLE, MAtlKKT 8TRKKT, V I. K A H V I 11 I. 1. I A. Dealcra in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES,- IIaRUWARE AND QUEENSWARE, Bool", Sliocs, Hats, Cups, kc. a-She.maken rnpplled wllh LEATHER and 8II0K FINDINI18 at reduced ratei. SALT I SALT I SALT! retail very cheap. at whojeaal. and PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ac." A liberal diacount to buildera. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARTET, WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTHS-ln larg. quantilica. ' FISH, FLOUR, RACON, CC11N WEAL and CHOP, alway. on hand. Jt-AH of tha abov. goodi arc purchaaud exclusively for tub, and th.r.for. roa and will be told a. cheap ai tbe ehoapeit. aprill-74 I ) A C V. IN F.URflPE' ORE AT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLEI The Mfxitly contmt between France unA TruMU ii t n end for tl.e present, to fr m the tUtByh tori nt of men and the Heptrut'tton of pnpertT if oDorrneJ. The Rovl Juggler no duulit pride UiPrnfehTi nnd rpj"Ke over tho rvrult, but htiir infipnittrant Ir their work when compared wlin the humane antl rhrirtian elTnrU of L. M. COUDRIET, who lias undertaken to mpplj all the cttitt-iuta the lower end of the enmity i t h food and raiment at exroeding low rate from hi mammoth ttore In Ml:l,H-N Hl'Mil, whom ba eon alwevii he tovai rtny to wtit upun caltom aud aupply them wila Dry Goods or all Klmlv 8uch at Cloth", Batinrttjt, Cauimrrr. Mut.nn, I)elriine i, Linen, Prillingt, Calicoes, Trimming, Kihbon. I.acc, Rofiili'-mttdo Clothing, Boots and Shorn, Hats nnf Cftpf nil of the bom .notorial and made to order Hopc. Socks, tJlorei, Mittcnn, l.aces, ltihbon. OKOCKRIK.S OF A!.t KTKHS. Coffee. Teis Punar, ttice, M.itrWfef. Fth. .''It I'ork, litimerd Oil. Fih Oil. Carhon Oil. Hardware', Quran ware, 1 in ware. Castings !'! and- Plow Castinpn, NalU, fjkrn, Corn Cultiva tor, Cider Free?, and all kind of Are. Perfumery, Paints Yarnith, fllw, and a gt-neril ,2 fcaaurtineut of 8uttoucrjr, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brindii, alwaya on hand, and will " mid at the Kiwoat poanihlv fiuroa. LIQUORS, inch aa Wine, Uin, W hiaty, Jnyno'l Medlcinea, lloatcltcr'l and liiiiillnnd'i llillera. 6000 pnunda of Wool wanted for whirh ! hlRhc.t price will be paid. l lovcrHd on band and for tnle at the loweal niarkol pric. Alao, Ajrcnt fur Strnttonvllle end Ciirwrcvil Thmliliijr Maohlnci. St -Cll and are fur youraeleei. You will everything uaually kept in a retail afore. I,. M. COUDRIET. Fronehrille P. 0., March 1, 1871. TOltKKKKlM'.U.sV ATTKN'l'IOSt We dealre to callyeuraltenlion toouretcnii Cominlt.lon bnaincal and to our faoilltiel for dii- pi'.lnR of auch produce aa our ennaignora aon'l a' llarlnit a Inrgc trndo wllh cirtPrlorra.we an er- ablrd to make nnlrk returni. at full i.rlrea. Slorokecpen harii( Cbickcni, Huller, V-lft or other produce, will do well lo k'ito ui a Where flroreri.i are taken in exchange, no com miirion will h. charged. H. L. KIRK, SON k CO., Whol.iel. (Irnrerl and Commiaaion WcrchanlS No. I.KI N. Third atreet, Ptiilnd a. aprly H'HTIC Ktt' ONnTAIII.I' VtV (I W. har. printed a larfe nuiulier of Ui. new FEK HILL, and will on th. receipt of twenijr Ir. eenli, nail a copy to any addraai. '